National Estates Information System Bulletin III

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A Message from Anna Boch, Estates Manager, Business Change Welcome to the 3rd NEIS Bulletin, which features articles from different perspectives of those involved in the NEIS project to date. I would like to acknowledge the support and commitment by all those involved in the roll out of the NEIS project to date.






Despite the challenges that Covid19 continues to present, our training sessions are being well attended and we are “live” on the Aconex system. This includes not just our own teams, but also our delivery partners – Design Teams and contractors such as Mulcahy’s who feature on page 5. Whilst the implementation of the first module continues, Phase 1B has commenced and we are looking forward to the O&M module being ready for rollout in a number of pilot locations in April 2022. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers a very Happy Christmas, and hope that you have the opportunity to have a well earned break over the holiday period.

Next Steps – Phase 1B: Operations & Maintenance incl. Medical Equipment Shane Campbell

Equipment. The official start

Medical Equipment module,

Estate Manager,

date for Phase 1B was the 11th

which will enable HSE Capital

Business Change

October 2021, however a lot

& Estates to manage the

of preparation work was

Equipment Replacement

The successful deployment of

carried out by the NEIS team

Programme and to monitor

Phase1A Capital Projects &

in advance, led by product

the maintenance and

Construction Management

owner Aidan Cullinane.

performance of certain

modules of NEIS enabled the

modalities of Medical

approval to proceed to the

This meant that we hit the

Equipment throughout the HSE

next phase (1B) of the project,

ground running with our IBM

on one central database.

namely Operations &

Partners. This phase of the NEIS

Maintenance incl. Medical

project also includes the

NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes

● Continued on Page 2.


Siemens CT, Somatom Definition Edge

Next Steps – Phase 1B: Operations & Maintenance incl. Medical Equipment use by all HSE and HSE funded

● Continued from Page 1.

Maintenance Departments.

● Greater access to current technical, safety & quality knowledge

The Operations & Maintenance module will allow the HSE to manage traditional maintenance activities through the IBM Tririga platform.

Key benefits of the new system are:

● Real time work task information / updates

● Replace paper based processes

These activities include planned and

and outdated technology.

reactive maintenance tasks required to

● Support the national standardisation

The rollout of the Operations & Maintenance module of Tririga will be carried out on a phased basis with initial Pilot sites going live on the system in March 2022. The NEIS team is committed to supporting all end users

keep HSE Facilities and Equipment

of work processes and

of the new system and will provide all

operating at optimum levels for front


training before, during and after

line service delivery.

● Provide detailed real time reporting


for maintenance activities

The system has been procured by HSE

● Easily accessible information for

Capital & Estates, and is available for

audit and research purposes

For further information please email with any queries.

Check out NEIS presenting at "CiTA Regional Week" You’ll find us at 46:00 2

NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes


Our data team has already carried

NEIS Data Product Owner and Data Lead

out an “ETL” process on our core property data and capital projects planning data so far.

I’ve been with HSE Capital & Estates

ETL is short for “extract, transform

for nearly three years now, and

and load” and really involved

before that I worked for a number of

tidying up all records found on the

years with data, with Irish food and

old systems and preparing them to

drinks companies such as C&C

be loaded onto our new TRIRIGA

Group, Bulmers Cider and Britvic Soft


NEIS TIMELINE Phase 1A: Capital Projects and Construction Management, October 2021

Aconex Project Common Data Environment (CDE), Contract and Cost Management

Tririga “Projects” i.e. Capital Programme Management

Drinks. We want to have our data looking I started in early 2019 as Database Projects Manager within

as well as possible when users from around HSE Capital & Estates

Corporate Property. I was

begin to interact with the

delighted to be then

system. Throughout the

appointed as Data

project so far, we have

Product Owner and Data

taken the opportunity to

Lead on the NEIS Project in

reach out and cooperate

February 2021.

Phase 1B: Tririga “Operations” i.e. Maintenance incl. Medical Equipment, March 2022

Phase 2: Tririga "Real Estate" i.e. Property Management, October 2022

with other groups and initiatives within HSE Capital &

The data migration mission is a vast

Estates and the wider HSE

area within our NEIS Project, and will

organisation, ranging from the

interact with all NEIS project phases,

Digital Health initiatives at one end,

including Portfolio, Capital Projects,

to the IFMS project coming down

Operations &

the tracks at the other

Maintenance (including

end, and many others

Medical Equipment)

in between.

Facilities Management, Property, and

There are plenty of

Environment &

meetings to attend,

Sustainability, along with

between ourselves and

Business Administration.

Phase 3: Tririga "Environmental" i.e. Environment & Substitutability,April 2023

the IBM team, or with internal stakeholders. My favourite meetings

In my day­to­day role as Data Lead,

are the ones where everyone wants

I head up our team of NEIS Data

to focus on the nub of the issues,

Analysts. As there are four of us and

and get those issues dealt with.


Phase 4: Tririga “Facilities” incl. Space Management, October 2023

one is named John, we’ve become known as “the Beatles” on the NEIS

My aspiration for this NEIS project –

project! But our real names are

good quality and reliable

Aidan, Jarek, Imtiaz and John, and

information, so that the various

just like the Beatles, we work

groups and offices can start using

extremely well as a team within the

the system into the future with 100%

overall NEIS structure.


NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes



Senior Managing Consultant: Business Transformation

solution. The Capital Projects module

counterparts were some of the best

was delivered over the course of 7

clients I have worked with, and whilst

iterations, each having discrete

we did have the odd difference of

Design, Build and Test stages.

opinion, professionalism prevailed and

I´ve been with IBM for over 10 years,

spirits remained high!

with most of my time spent delivering

The main mode of engagement

This meant that we were able to

major TRIRIGA projects, much like the

between IBM and the HSE was through

deliver the right solution for the HSE

NEIS. My role on the NEIS project was to

workshops, which were primarily used

and negotiate ourselves around some

act as the IBM Workstream Lead

to design the optimum solution

for Capital Projects, which

complex challenges.

and then validate the

would be one of the first

evolving build.

It was a privilege to work on a

modules to be delivered.

project with such a huge The workshops needed

It´s always exciting to start a

amount of experience and

to be focussed for us to

new project; I love the process of

keep with the programme. One of

professionalism, supported by a strong team ethos between IBM and

meeting clients and getting to know

my biggest challenges was balancing

their business. In the case of the HSE, I

the need to crack on, the enthusiasm

found a refreshingly motivated team

to explore different avenues, which

Everyone was clearly very motivated

who genuinely wanted to get the best

could sometimes lead us to deviate

and willing to go the extra mile to get

out of the NEIS and find the optimum

from our scope! I must say that my HSE

things right.



Oracle Aconex would be able to

workshops. Transparency and trust

support NEIS and HSE Capital &

really were key to gathering the

Estates. As the result of the workshops

required information and obtaining the

The line of business within Oracle

we were tasked with delivering four

necessary feedback in order to agree

working with IBM in support of the NEIS

Aconex templates, including:

the configuration of Oracle Aconex

initiative is the Construction and

Connected Cost, Model Coordination,

which would be optimal for HSE. I was

Engineering Global Business Unit

Field, Supplier Documents and

also impressed with how well the

(CEGBU); our mission is to help owners

Packages. We agreed the purpose of

teams at HSE, IBM and Oracle have

and their delivery teams, such as HSE

each template, two for construction

worked together and the combined

to plan, build, and operate

projects (Public Work Contract

critical assets. As part of the

Form & Public Private

effort has been a leading factor in the success of the implementation.

NEIS solution, we are

Partnership), one to

Over the coming months

leveraging our Aconex

help facilitate the

Aconex will be rolled out on

solution to provide a

project initiation

selected projects where you

centralised common data

process and the final template

environment (CDE) helping to

reserved for the knowledge

drive efficiency in design and

will start to reap the benefits of the Aconex platform.


construction coordination, project

We look forward to a long term

controls and cost management, and

The Oracle Implementation team

partnership with IBM and HSE to drive

field management.

appointed to the NEIS project consist

continuous improvement within the

of myself ­ Alan Collins ­ along with our

NEIS solution. As part of our strategy to

We began working on the NEIS project

senior consultants Alexander Thomas

drive continuous improvement, we

in early 2021 and started the

and Thomas Walsh. I am both the

have invested in the Oracle Industries

engagement with the most fun and

project manager and the

Innovation Lab which helps

collaborative activity in the process –

implementation lead for the delivery

organisations experiment, learn, and

the workshops – to collect and

of Connected Cost. We are very

stay on the leading edge.

understand all of the requirements and

pleased with the high level of

to provide an understanding of how

attendance and participation in the


Click here to see the Lab in action.

NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes

Contractor Testimonial


e were appointed as the main

contractor and Project Supervisor

We are looking forward to

As with any new processes, getting

implementing the use of this software

up to speed on the software has its

throughout the project as

challenges, however we feel that the

collaboration with all parties including

training we have received and

the design team, client, etc. is crucial

working with the HSE representatives

to a successful project delivery.

to date has been a great help.

Construction Stage (PSCS) for the

At Mulcahy Construction Ltd. we are

new 10 Bed Crisis & Respite House in

We feel this software will improve the

always looking to upskill and broaden

Clonmel and having commenced

flow of information as all teams will

our knowledge on construction

works, we have been selected as one

have access and will receive

management solutions, and we feel

of the pilot projects to implement the

notifications of any changes as the

that Aconex will be a great asset

use of the Aconex software system.

job progresses.

going forward, not only on this project, but all projects in the future.



he Training Programme for Phase 1A is in full swing and since September,

the in­house NEIS training team has delivered virtual sessions for a wide range of end users. The content is delivered depending on their role in delivering a project. Project Managers and those involved in the day to day management of

sessions to get to grips with how the HSE

The next dates of training are as follows:

construction projects are invited to

has configured Aconex in line with the

● 16th December: Aconex for Estate

attend a series of 2­hour sessions

Public Works Contract Forms and BIM

Managers / ANDs


● 8th – 9th February: Tririga for Estate

competent in using the Aconex system

We will also be making direct contact

● Mid­February: Aconex for Project

for Project Initiations, Project Reviews,

with members of the National Capital &

delivered across nine mornings. These sessions allow participants to become

Managers / ANDs

Document Management, Contract

Property Steering committee who will

Communications and navigating BIM

be reviewing projects submitted


through NEIS for a number of pilot


● 8th – 9th March: Aconex Connected Cost

● Mid­April: Aconex for Project Managers

projects to ensure they are fully familiar Operational Estate Managers have a

with the system as it is rolled out over

choice of attending three of these 2­hr

the next coming months.

sessions or a half­day focusing on the

● End­June: Aconex for Project Managers The best time to attend these CPD

Fundamentals, Project Initiations, Project

Finally, there is also training being

sessions is immediately before your


offered for all Senior Managers on the

project goes online, as you will benefit

Tririga Capital Projects platform, which

from being able to immediately put into

In parallel, Design Teams and

spans two 2­hour sessions and covers

practice what you have learned.

Contractors involved with the pilot

reporting functionality as well as

Contact for further

projects are able to avail of two 2­hr

approval process.


NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes



comparators, best practice guides,

compliance with the document is

codes, HBNs, HTMs, templates, forms,

mandatory or statutory or whether the

statutory documents, strategy

document is for guidance only. The

o matter what we work on, we

documents, technical data,

implementation plan will take 18 to 24

rely on the experience of our

Architectural Advisor


specifications, reports, circulars,

months due to the large number and

colleagues and others who have

regulations, and requirements. In

range of the documents – initially the

worked on a similar project or been in

broad terms, whatever is needed

focus will on core documents that are

a similar situation. At present, each

should be in the library.

used on a regular basis before adding

office has its own library and so what is

further documents on a phased basis.

done could vary from one office to

The process will allow individuals to

There will be a “How to” Guide


propose existing documents or identify


a need for a particular document. To One of the deliverables of Phase 1A of

date, the NE.I.S. Implementation

Over time it is expected that the

the NEIS Project was the configuration

Groups have identified the key

Knowledge Library will become a key

of a “Knowledge Library”. A working

documents that they consider

tool assisting in the improving what we

group consisting of representation

important. The Knowledge Library

do. Ensuring that all the core data is of

from each of the eight NEIS

team will review, where necessary

a high standard will improve efficiency

Implementation Groups worked

identify who is best placed to develop

and assist in decision making – being

together with Oracle Aconex to

a document and then approve for use

able to identify what the exemplars

design the structure of this resource

before uploading.

are for particular building types will

which will be available to all Capital

ensure better knowledge sharing

and Estates staff in the near future.

Once uploaded, documents will be

including the lessons learnt by others

available to all, with each document

and greater consistency across

The Knowledge Library will be the

having various tags to facilitate


single repository using the cloud based

searching – these range from

Aconex software system for managing

subject, N.E.I.S. pillar, publisher,

So the regularly used questions like “do

the documents and processes. The

category to name four of the twenty

you have a copy of….?” or where

Knowledge Library will include wide


would I find…...” will be heard less

range of documents including policies & protocols, exemplars &


often and if asked, the reply will be The status will also identify whether

“it’s in the Knowledge Library”.

NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes


Word search The first three people to send us back the completed word search will receive a box of Heroes! Please send your completed word search to P.S – this competition is not open to NEIS staff.

NEIS ­ Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes


Have any questions?

Contact us on our dedicated email address

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