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HSE HR Shared Services

Ways of Working

Guidance and Support Framework

Background and Context

A ‘Reflections on Remote Working’ survey issued to HR SS staff during 2021

The objective of the survey was to understand the impact that working from home had on staff over the course of the COVID­19 pandemic along with identifying key enablers for working remotely.

The survey feedback demonstrated a number of thematic areas that HR SS staff considered as key enablers for new ways of working.

This framework has been developed in response to these areas in order to signpost staff towards the

available tools and resources providing guidance and support on new ways of working in a hybrid environment

The HR SS operating model requires delivery of a broad range of diverse services across the HSE in a cohesive manner which supports colleagues in delivering services and patient care

It is intended that this framework will expand and enhance the current mechanism for both onsite and remote working. A strong framework which supports HR SS in Ways of Working is essential

Framework Overview

2 HSE HR Shared Services Ways of Working Guidance and Support Framework
The thematic areas identified as key enablers to support new ways of working in a hybrid environment include, but are not limited, to the following: Communication and Engagement Fostering Learning and Professional Development Staff Health and Wellbeing Peer Support – Less formal catch ups Nurturing/Embedding new behaviours and ways of working Awareness of the right to disconnect Anything else to incorporate…..

““SSttaafff f a arre e e ennggaaggeed d w whheen n tthheey y ffeeeel l v vaalluueedd, , a arre e e emmoottiioonnaalllly y c coonnnneecctteedd, , ffuulllly y iinnvvoollvveedd, , e enntthhuussiiaassttiic c a annd d c coommmmiitttteed d tto o p prroovviiddiinng g a a g gooood d sseerrvviiccee……wwhheen n e eaacch h p peerrssoon n k knnoowws s tthhaat t w whhaat t tthheey y d do o a annd d ssaay y m maatttteerrs s a annd d m maakkees s a a d diiffffeerreennccee” ” ((NNaattiioonnaal l S Sttaafff f E Ennggaaggeemmeennt t FFoorruum m 2 2001166) )

Communication and Engagement

Communication and Engagement is a key enabler for successful hybrid working

When communication is not well managed it can result in poor information flow, knowledge gaps, barriers to effective team working and exclusion of team members who are not in the office.

Communication within hybrid teams needs to be more intentional as casual or ad­hoc conversations may be reduced.

Effective communication needs to be seen as the responsibility of everyone in the team

The HR SS Staff survey (2021) identified that management and staff believed there was a requirement to support staff engagement through effective communications, staff management practices, meeting formats and practices, opportunities to feel connected/network/ understand what’s happening within and outside own sphere of work.

Everyone can make a difference

Continuous consideration should be given by all team members as to how staff working on­site and remotely in a hybrid model can be kept up to speed on work related matters

There is a requirement of embedding a culture whereby:

All teams are kept up to date on what’s happening within the team, across teams and more broadly in maintaining a sense of connection with the organisation.

Ensuring that individuals understand how their role and contribution fits into the ‘bigger picture’

There is an emphasis on the importance of frequent team meetings, where minutes are made available afterwards for those that aren’t in attendance Considering a ‘remote first’ approach to meetings will help to ensure that each attendee has a consistent experience of the meeting. When colocated employees have a face to face meeting but colleagues attend remotely this can lead to ‘presence disparity’, where people experience the meeting differently and communication can be disrupted.

Employee engagement and team building is supported by building in regular social and human connection opportunities

4 HSE HR Shared Services Ways of Working Guidance and Support Framework
❏ ❏
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5 HSE HR Shared Services Ways of Working Guidance and Support Framework
Support You Health Service News Update Circulated to all HSE Staff from HSE Internal Communications on Tuesdays and Thursdays Example accessible here Staff News on HSE Staff Website Get up to date information about what’s happening in our services across the country and catch up on the latest campaigns ­ click here HSE Brand / Visual Identity Guidelines This includes template memo, letterhead, powerpoints, HSE logo and more ­ click here Communicating Clearly HSE Guidelines Our guidelines for communicating clearly with patients and service users ­ click here.
Toolkit for HSE Managers and Staff This includes managing and chairing meetings, managing your time and more ­ click here. Managing a team working from different locations Safety arrangements for returning to work, healthcare workers and PPE, getting your vaccine, and testing for healthcare workers ­ click here.
Teams for HSE Staff
guide to using MS Teams for HSE staff ­ click here MS Teams Top Tips and Tricks for HSE Staff Some top tips and tricks to get the best out of MS Teams ­ click here.
Communication and Engagement
a right to disconnect from work outside of your normal working hours or scheduled roster. This includes not responding immediately to emails, telephone calls or text messages Click here for more info
Right to Disconnect: You have

Fostering Learning and Professional Development

Training has always been essential to a thriving workforce.

All staff are actively encouraged to continue to develop their skills and capabilities with particular emphasis on their current role to allow them to optimise their contribution to the objectives of the health service.

One of the key priorities of the Health Services People Strategy 2019­2024 identifies ‘Capability and Talent’ in terms of a culture that prioritises learning and development to ensure we have the capability and capacity at individual and team levels

Fostering Learning and Professional Development improves morale of employees and helps employees to get job satisfaction

6 HSE HR Shared Services Ways of Working Guidance and Support Framework

Leadership and Management Development

Shared Learnings

Health Services Change Guide

7 HSE HR Shared Services Ways of Working Guidance and Support Framework
Team Meeting Agendas Rotate team
Sample discussion structure could
the team builds trust and the meeting is productive
impersonal or applicable to the whole team Everyone
feedback One
Consider incorporating ‘Shared Learnings’ within
members on a regular basis to share their learnings
include: Share learnings from a recent project or experience or Name three things you feel are going well Name three things you feel are not going well Name three processes you would change to address your answers to the previous question. Group Discussion/Feedback Set ground rules for this session to ensure everyone is heard,
Sample ground rules could include: Do not pass blame – the good and bad should be
gets an opportunity to speak or give
person speaks at a time
on topic and stick to the agenda
about change It features helpful and
service users and staff Click here HSeLanD An online learning portal containing over 200 eLearning programmes, resources, assessment and planning tools. Click here. Training and Development Section – HSE Staff Website Includes signposting to health and safety training, coaching, induction and more Click here Latest Training Opportunities released for HSE staff Updates released via Health Service News update circulated to all HSE Staff from HSE Internal Communications on Tuesdays and Thursdays Click here
A step by step guide that will help you to lead
practical advice from
To develop the capabilities of our workforce by designing, developing and delivering appropriate learning and development interventions. Click here for more info. Click here for Prospectus 2022.
and Professional Development Resources to Support You ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

““A A m meeaanniinnggffuul l a annd d ssaaffe e w woorrk k c cuullttuurre e e exxiisstts s w whheerre e tthhe e o orrggaanniissaattiioon n e ennaabbllees s h heeaalltthhy y b beehhaavviioouurrs s a ammoonng g ssttaaffff, , ssuuppppoorrttiinng g tthheem m tto o ttaakke e rreessppoonnssiibbiilliitty y ffoor r tthheeiir r o owwn n h heeaalltth h a annd d w weellllbbeeiinngg, , a annd d w whheerre e ssttaafff f ffeeeel l v vaalluueedd, , a arre e e emmoottiioonnaalllly y e ennggaaggeed d a annd d d deelliivveer r sseerrvviiccees s tthheey y a arre e p prroouud d o off” ”

((HHSSE E P Peeoopplle e S Sttrraatteeggy y 2 2001199­­22002244) )

Staff Health and Wellbeing

The HSE Staff Health and Wellbeing programme strives to improve the health and wellbeing of their workforce by supporting management in creating

Staff Health and Wellbeing on

a healthy workplace for all staff in addition to nurturing workplace champions.

The Staff Health and Wellbeing programme strives to improve the health and wellbeing of their workforce by supporting management in creating a healthy workplace for all staff ­ click here.

HSE Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit

This unit offers a range of support services and programme specifically tailored for healthcare staff to help support you physically and emotionally throughout your working life­ click here

Mental health supports and services during COVID­19 Getting used to life again may take some time. Take things at your own pace and reach out if you need support. Mental health support services are available if you or someone you know are struggling Click here for more


Useful HSE Links

Working from home during COVID­19

Working from home

Getting ready to work from home

Health and safety tips for setting up your work space at home

Working from home tips to protect your health and wellbeing

Managing a team working from different locations

Work Safely ­ arrangements for COVID­19

Staff: minding your mental health

Working from Home ­ Are you safely set up to work from home?

FAQs on working remotely and collaboration tools

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