The HBS News Issue Three

Page 1


in this issue

HBS Estates develop CUH oncology unit: Page 12

HBS HR Pension Improvement Programme: Page 20

ONLINE PAYSLIPS Five great reasons to register today: Page 3 Contact: @HBS_Health

A message from the Deputy Director of Health Business Services


Message from the editor

am delighted to welcome you to our HBS news. We are

current and future strategies. This edition of the HBS news

Hello and welcome to the HBS news! This edition carries a

really pleased to bring you another insight into the world of

shines the spotlight on some of these initiatives. Page 4

particularly significant digital thread throughout many of our

HBS and I am sure the stories featured will help keep you up to

defines how we are setting the digital blueprint for HBS, while

stories. We start off by introducing our very own HBS Digital

date on news from right across our Business Units.

on page 7 we see how digital development within HBS HR is

Community who are tapping into synergies across our business

This edition outlines many areas of activity underway

offering a different and more efficient way of doing our

units, setting the HBS digital blueprint. HBS Finance have a big

throughout our business division, giving you a sense of the

business. Our Estates Department provide us with an update

question to ask of you and give really good reasons why you

varied programmes of work as well as an insight into our HBS

on progress on their significant digital transformation project –

should register for online payslips today. The message from the

people delivering these.

the National Estates Information System, and within Finance

National Health Sustainability Office is to think before you ink

Our people are central to all that we do and that is why we are

we can find out how technology is playing a part in increasing

and help save our trees. On a similar trail of thought, the

presently working on refreshing our People Plan which is

efficiency in invoice processing. You can also learn how you

e­invoicing project led by HBS Finance is saving paper too,

aligned to the HSE People Strategy. I look forward to sharing

can contribute significantly to the HBS digital agenda by

whilst increasing efficiencies in invoice processing.

further updates with you as this plan evolves.

following our feature about accessing your payslip on­line.

A specific feature within the HBS news, and one which I am

Our current Strategy for the period 2017­2019 will end in

Meet our fabulous colleague, Breda Murphy, in the Staff

proud to acknowledge, is the retirement of our HBS

December this year. Again, we are on track to achieve over

Management Team colleague, Kevin McConville, Head of HR

85% of the strategic agenda we outlined, which has been

Payroll Systems and Analytics (HPSA).

supported by a detailed set of transformational, delivery and

Kevin will be truly missed in HBS for his leadership and

internal HBS Actions.

development of HPSA which has made an enormous impact on

Collaborative working and meaningful engagement between

the many services and solutions offered through the HPSA

our business areas and business partners has been

Centre of Excellence, and has made a significant contribution

fundamental to this journey. We are actively developing our

to the realisation of our Strategy Actions.

strategic plans for the period 2020 onwards.

Healthy Ireland Champion. We have a special retirement tribute for a very special colleague as Kevin McConville, Head of HR Payroll Systems and Analytics (HPSA) recently retired. We wish Kevin the very best in his retirement. Speaking about retirement you might be interested to read up on pensions and the work underway within Pensions Improvement Programme. It was really lovely to get feedback from many of our readers on the last issue and I hope you all enjoy this edition of our HBS

I would like to thank Kevin sincerely for

Finally, many of you may be aware that John Swords, Head of

his sterling efforts and wish him well in his

Procurement, has recently taken up the position of Interim



Director of HBS.

Special thanks to all our contributors, we couldn’t

Maximising the power of digital continues

We extend warm congratulations to John and look forward to

do this without you! As always, don’t hesitate to

to be a central theme of the HBS journey.

continuing to work closely with him in further developing and

get in touch and let us know what you might like

The use of digital will transform the

delivering high quality business services and solutions globally

to see featured in future editions. You can

manner in which we do business.

across the health sector.

contact us by emailing

A number of significant initiatives that

With similar sentiment, we send our best get well wishes to our

seek to exploit digital opportunity are

friend and colleague Jane Carolan, Director of HBS, at this

already underway and will contribute to


the future shape and potential of the HBS service offering over the course of our


Spotlight who happens to be a very active Values in Action and

Until next time! All the best,

John Smith


Deputy Director, Health Business Services

the HBS news // Vol. III


1 Five great reasons why you should register today


View your payslip anytime and anywhere

2 3 4

Instant access to historical payslips

Environmentally Friendly

Stored in a single secure place

Cost Reduction


nline payslips allow you to access your pay details 24 hours a day and to keep a record of them in a safe and secure pthe lace . Renews gister//toVol. dayIIIby clicking here. HBS


Setting the digital blueprint for HBS Health Business Services (HBS) has embraced the concept that digital business really is part of everyone’s business. This is particularly evident with the creation of the HBS Digital Community, the genesis for which came about as far back as 2016. Around this time, it was becoming apparent that each HBS Business Units was experiencing an increasing dependence on technology to support business activities and change programmes. There was a real requirement within HBS to establish a co­ordinated digital view to ensure: 1. Visibility of all digital projects in order to recognise co­dependencies. 2. Digital resource capabilities would be identified and optimised. 3. Opportunities for digital enablement could be recognised and encouraged in order to support the delivery of business excellence through HBS’s customer centric business model. 4. Co­ordinated engagement with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OoCIO) for consistent, compliant and secure technology delivery. To support these aims, Digital Innovation Business Manager, Kevin Kelly within HBS Business Excellence and Innovation saw it as essential that the organisation enabled, fostered and supported the flow and synchronisation of ideas, knowledge sharing and mutual support between HBS employees across all business units. Staff participation and engagement would be key if HBS was to shift from ‘doing digital’ to ‘being digital’.


Kevin Kelly on stage during one of the Digital Community events earlier this year. Below, one of the events in action.

When a new HBS Digital Community group Kevin created on Yammer attracted unexpected levels of membership and social interaction, he knew he had tapped into something. And so, the idea of a HBS Digital Community was born, a network that would bring together staff members engaged in digital or technology related activities and initiatives, whether it be maintaining locally developed databases through to managing multi­million euro projects to deliver enterprise scale technology solutions. The only pre­requisite was that community members would share a common passion to deploy innovative digital solutions to support business initiatives that would benefit HBS’ business partners and ultimately, HSE service users.

Virtual becomes a Reality During December 2018, virtual became a reality when a one­day networking event, organised by Kevin and his Digital Innovation team was attended by over 50 HBS staff members. Opening the day, HBS National Director, Jane Carolan in her keynote address challenged the community to help define HBS’s hugely important digital agenda for the coming years. The inaugural event sought to deliver two outcomes (1) to introduce attendees to their colleagues across HBS and provide an insight into respective activities outside of their own business unit and (2) to use the knowledge in the room to help drive forward HBS plans in a collaborative and open forum.

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If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Following a series of updates and introductions from all HBS business units and the OoCIO, the attendees were then invited to break out into groups to discuss and brainstorm on three specific themes: (1) Delivering Services for the Digital Age (2) Deploying Automation, BOTS and IoT (3) Connecting and Visualising Data. A second networking day was held in May 2019. As well as showcasing three innovative digital solutions from within the community, attendees were invited to expand on the output from the first day across the same three themes. The result proved to be remarkable.

the HBS news // Vol. III

As each group deliberated over and documented a set of actions, their respective proposals were projected in real­ time onto a large screen. By the end of the one hour session, a digital framework had literally surfaced from within the room and the community had delivered a digital blueprint for HBS. Continuing the Journey In order to continue harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the community to further deliver insights and recommendations these events will become regular sessions. New relationships have been established, there is a better appreciation of each other’s challenges and already the green shoots from mutual understanding and

knowledge sharing are beginning to emerge in the form of collaborative working. Membership of the community is fluid, so as people move between roles and indeed in and out of the organisation, so too will ideas and opinions change. To quote Margaret J. Wheatley, “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” The HBS Digital Community has discovered its common bond, the power and benefit of this diverse community has now been realised and so it will continue as HBS and the broader HSE continues to adapt and change. A further Digital Community Networking session will be scheduled in 2020


Roll out of HSE Payroll Stabilisation Programme Following a successful go live in the North East in November 2018, the West Phase of the HBS Payroll Stabilisation Programme has now been completed. Commencing in January 2019, the West project was delivered over 7 months, with all payroll groups live by the end of July. Over 13,000 employees and pensioners migrated from the existing Unipay payroll system, to the ResourceLink Payroll Software solution. Sean Molloy, Payroll Manager West, attributes the successful go­live to his team, by saying: "The commitment and attention shown to the project by the payroll team was crucial in the successful implementation of this project." As the existing Unipay Payroll solution will no longer be supported after December 2019, it was agreed with the HBS Governance Committee in 2018 that as an interim measure the stabilisation programme would migrate two HSE Areas, North East and West to ResourceLink. The


Members of the ResourceLink payroll system implementation team working on go live in the West, part of the Payroll Stabilisation Programme.

programme remit was further extended to include the South. All three areas will subsequently transition to the HBS NiSRP programme provided SAP solution at a later stage. As well as the primary objective of the programme ensuring the continued delivery of payroll services, the

programme endeavours to limit as much as possible the change and impact on the non­payroll staff involved in the end to end process. The next programme deliverable is to migrate the South to ResourceLink. This project commenced in March 2019 and the planned go­live is this winter.

the HBS news // Vol. III

Supporting the digital developments of HBS HR


he HR Digital Systems Team and the National Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Project Team (Therefore™) have merged to become HBS HR Digital. System users will benefit from the combined support and experience of both teams. The team will be operating under the leadership of Wendy McDonald, General Manager, HBS HR Operations & Business Development. The teams are located in Merchant's Quay, Dublin, and Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim. Development work throughout 2019 includes: Employee Self Service – Manager Self Service (ESS/MSS) National Integrated Staff Records and Pay Programme (NiSRP) introduced an Employee/Manager Self­Service app which allows staff apply for leave, travel and subsistence, view payslips and change personal information. This was successfully implemented in the East in May 2019 and will continue its national roll­ out over the coming months. This app will be available on any smart phone, PC or internet­enabled device. One of the major developments as part of this programme was the introduction of the SAP Connector which allows information to be submitted via the app to SAP and then

the HBS news // Vol. III

Members of the HBS HR Digital Team ­ Eoin McDonagh, Lisa Toolin, Gerry Molumby, Tom O’Connor, Wendy McDonnell (GM HBS HR Ops), Eithne Fox (AND HBS HR), Dave Armstrong, and Philo McCabe.

securely stored on employee’s digital file in Therefore. The role of the HBS HR Digital (Therefore) team in configuring Therefore to become the central repository for ESS/ MSS has been instrumental in the successful implementation of the ESS/ MSS project. Digital Enablers for Pensions

Manorhamilton Kells Galway Merchant's Quay Tullamore Limerick Cork

Improvement Programme, colleagues from OoCIO and HBS Digital, to assist in identifying potential opportunities for a Pension Enterprise Solution as well as looking to expand on the functionality of existing systems. Other projects: HBS HR Recruit & Garda Vetting Liaison Office The HBS HR Digital team is providing assistance to HBS HR Recruit to ensure the functionality of available digital enablers is maximised to achieve best practice in local and national recruitment practices. The governance committee are reviewing a comprehensive business plan in relation to digital enablers which will assist the Garda Vetting Liaison Office to deliver their broad range of services. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Garda Vetting and National Personnel Records have been identified as pilot sites for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This project is now at funding approval stage. Contact Details

The ongoing development and roll­out of the National Pension Management System is part of the remit of the team. This system is currently live in 7 out of 8 pension sites nationally:

The remaining pension site, Kilkenny, is scheduled to go live in Q4 of 2019 which will achieve 100% system coverage nationally. The team continues to work collaboratively with the Pensions


HBS increasing efficiencies in invoice processing

Brian Lunney, Head of Payment Services and Sean Thorton, Payment Services Training Manager at the kick­off meeting of the CEF eInvoicing project in September.


BS Finance is on track to significantly increase efficiencies with invoice processing whilst reducing the use of paper in the payment process. This exciting initiative is associated with a European eInvoicing Directive which requires all Public Sector Bodies to receive and process electronic invoices in compliance with the European Standard. The Payment Services unit within HBS


Finance have successfully applied for EU funding for the implementation of the European eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/ EU. This was a Pan­European application in conjunction with partners in IT Sligo and a number of Sicilian public sector bodies. The project is funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which is a building block supporting public administrations in complying with the

European eInvoicing Standard. The first meeting of this ‘Cross­border uptake of eInvoicing and innovation’ partnership took place during September. The HSE will acquire an eInvoicing processing solution to enable it receive invoices electronically*(via EDI). This will include a Pan­European Public Procurement On­Line (PEPPOL) Access Point and a Service Metadata Publisher

(SMP). The European Standard compliant eInvoicing service will be available to all health care authorities in Ireland. Once implemented, the HSE will be in a position to receive electronic invoices from Irish and European suppliers that comply with the new European standard. The project activities will be completed by December 2020.

the HBS news // Vol. III

Game, set and match to our Values In Action champions W

ell done to our HSE colleagues who took part or supported the first Eccentric Picnic Values In Action South East event which took place in the grounds of St Canice’s Hospital, Kilkenny. This was a collaborative event to bring the old tennis courts back to a playable condition, so that they could be used by staff and the wider Kilkenny community. The event had thrills and spills, fancy dress, music and a bit of networking on the day, with more than 65 staff from all departments attending. Thanks to HBS Estates, our mental health staff, the St Canice’s maintenance team, and all involved in making the day possible. A big shout out to Breda Murphy for the great concept and the VIA cluster to bring it all together.

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It was a healthy event thanks to the Health And Wellbeing staff who provided amazing fruit platters and refreshments. Thanks also to Broderick's Music Warehouse and Woodies for some contributions towards the event, and finally congrats to our four colleagues in public health, who took part in the final to win the overall VIA perpetual tennis cup, which, along with all the trophies and medals, were donated for our event. Feedback from the event was amazing and led to the inaugural 2019 St Canice’s Campus September Tennis League. There will be updates in next issue of the HBS news.


Professionalising procurement in the Irish health service The HSE and its Section 38 and Section 39­funded agencies purchase circa

this into a comprehensive Competency Framework for the development and

€3.2 billion each year of goods and services ­ that’s a staggering €8.8 million for each day of the year, more than €6,000 each minute, or more than €100 per second. Every single time a purchasing decision is made in the public health service, public procurement considerations apply. This means there are rules and regulations that must be complied with to ensure that the health service procures correctly and achieves best value for money. These include EU Procurement Directives, Irish Statutory Instruments (S.I.), Public Procurement Policies, Government Circulars, Procurement Guidelines and HSE National Financial Regulations (NFR). Non­compliant purchasing can result in poor value for money resulting in reduced patient care and service delivery somewhere in the public health system. The EU Commission views public procurement as an instrument to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, which could have significant economic impact in contributing to jobs and cross­ border trade. Public procurement can also make a strategic contribution to horizontal policy

professionalisation of all participants in the Irish health service’s procurement function. A key strategic objective for HBS Procurement is to support health service delivery by providing continuity of supply; ensuring availability of appropriate quality goods and services where needed, when needed, and to achieve greater value for money. In this regard, a compelling vision has now been set to build a sustainable architecture for the professionalisation of HBS procurement. Development and implementation of a robust, agile learning and development educational model is currently in focus which will raise progressively the levels of capability across the public health service procurement function by embracing, aligning and operationalising; – The Customer (Patient & Service Provider) at the center of everything we do; – Best in class public service innovation competencies – Best in class lean, business excellence – Core behaviours that drive HSE Values in Action


Some of the HBS Procurement team undertaking the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accredited bespoke

Public Procurement Supply Chain Excellence Level 7 Certificate programme and Level 7 Diploma programme in University of Limerick. objectives and societal values such as innovation, social inclusion and economic and environmental sustainability. Therefore, the most efficient use of public funds needs to be ensured and public buyers need to be in a position to procure according to the highest standards of professionalism. Enhancing and supporting professionalism among public procurement practitioners can help foster the impact of public procurement in the whole economy. Commission Recommendation (EU) 2017/1805 of 3 October 2017 on the

professionalisation of public procurement — Building an architecture for the professionalisation of public procurement; encourages the development and implementation of professionalisation policies in Member States to help to increase the profile, influence, impact and reputation of procurement in delivering public objectives. The EU Commission has also commissioned the development of a European Competency Framework for Public Buyers, which is nearing completion. HBS Procurement has been to the forefront in regards to translating

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Above, a cohort of students undertaking the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accredited bespoke

Public Procurement Supply Chain Excellence Level 7 Certificate programme and Level 7 Diploma programme in University of Limerick.

HBS Procurement collaborates with University of Limerick Back row, left to right: Damian Walsh, Capacity Development Officer, HBS Procurement; John Swords, Interim Head of HBS; Dr Philip O ’Regan Dean of The Kemmy Business School, UL; Brendan White, Head of Corporate Procurement Planning & Capacity Development, HBS; Michael Hennessy School of Science and Engineering, UL. Front, Yvonne Delaney, Programme Director, Management Development Unit, Kemmy Business School, UL, and Julie Ryan, Head of Business Excellence and Innovation, HBS.

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Working in collaboration with HBS Business Excellence and Innovation, and the University of Limerick (UL), HBS Procurement has developed a comprehensive syllabus to deliver a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) accredited bespoke Public Procurement Supply Chain Excellence Level 7 Certificate programme and Level 7 Diploma programme. In excess of 100 procurement practitioners from across HBS Procurement, HSE, Section 38 and Section 39 health agencies have enrolled and are currently participating in these programmes which combine Public Procurement, Supply Chain and Business Excellence modules. HBS and UL are also collaborating to

develop a QQI accredited, bespoke Level 8 Degree and Level 9 Masters in Public Procurement Supply Chain Excellence. Work is also underway – On a bespoke Apprenticeship in Supply Chain programme for public service procurement. – A ‘Procurement for Non­ Procurement Managers Programme’, which will be delivered in­house with formal accreditation from UL. HBS Procurement intends that all persons involved in the procurement of goods and services in the health service will be in a position to procure according to the highest standards of professionalism to ensure we achieve best value for money.



newly constructed radiation oncology unit, The Glandore Centre, was recently opened in Cork University Hospital (CUH) by An Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade Simon Coveney. CUH provides cancer care to approximately 2,000 patients every year and is the centre of excellence for cancer treatment for the entire south west region. HBS Estates managed the delivery of the new 8,800m2 centre, which comprises seven radiotherapy treatment rooms, diagnostic imaging, brachytherapy, superficial treatment, consultation/ examination facilities and clinical trials accommodation. The project was successfully delivered on time and within budget. The Glandore Centre will be home to 120 staff and, thanks to the generosity of Cork based charity Aid Cancer Treatment (ACT), it will be the first public hospital in the country to use Surface Guided Radiation Treatment (SGRT) which improves speed and accuracy and reduces the need for immobilisation of patients during their treatment. With the installation of new linear accelerators, treatment times for patients will reduce from some 12 ­ 15 minutes to just 2.5 minutes which will improve patient’s experience of treatments. The three­storey building commenced construction in May 2017 and


HBS Estates develop CUH oncology unit construction was completed in March 2019 in time to take delivery of the five linear accelerators that have now been installed and are currently being commissioned in advance of patients being treated in the new centre in mid­ October. The facility will open on a phased basis as it will take a number of months to commission the newly installed

equipment. In addition, CUH has formed a collaborative partnership with The Christie in Manchester, which is a leading cancer treatment and research centre that treats more than 44,000 patients a year. This partnership will allow patients at the new facility access to participation in clinical trials and therapies.

the HBS news // Vol. III

Update on digital transformation for HBS Estates


BS Estates has identified the requirement for a National Estates Information System (NEIS). The NEIS will provide a digital solution to support HBS Estates staff and the numerous external professionals (architects, engineers, etc.) and contractors (building, mechanical, electrical etc.) who work with HBS Estates annually in delivering the capital programme and manage the HSE Estate. The governance structure for the project includes the steering group consisting of National/HSE Senior Leadership representatives and external stakeholders with representatives from the Department of Health (DoH) Capital Finance Unit, Community Health Organisations, Hospital Groups and the OPW. In addition, a project working group has been established, and implementation groups for each of the different modules of the NEIS are currently being formed, with initial meetings held in September 2019. The tender process for the new proposed NEIS is on­going, and contract award is subject to Digital

the HBS news // Vol. III

Government Oversight Unit (DGOU) and HSE board approval. As part of this transformation, the NEIS team are supporting HBS Estates staff to move from traditional paper methods of procurement to digital. This involves making best use of the full functionality of existing digital tendering platforms eTenders and SupplyGov for all competitions for construction works and related services. This project is following the People’s Needs Defining Change – Health Services Change Guide, a step by step guide that helps people to lead and bring about change. Through this, a process of engagement is on­ going with HBS Estates staff using surveys, focus group interviews and workshops to understand the current processes and agree better outcomes. Many of the regional HBS Estates offices are already involved in a pilot phase of using eTenders for receipt of tender’s online and also online evaluation. The NEIS team would like to take the opportunity to express their sincere thanks to all the HBS Estates staff that have taken a leap of faith with us and are testing

the new systems in practice – with your help we have been able to test and refine our processes before we roll out across all offices. Initial feedback from both staff and suppliers on the pilot project has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are looking forward to it becoming the new way of doing our business by the end of the year. All this feedback is being taken into consideration in designing the implementation plan which will be presented at local staff meetings in the coming months.

Above, from top ­ Cork University Maternity Hospital, University Hospital Galways, and the National Maternity Hospital at Holles Street.



hildren’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Temple Street, in conjunction with HBS Estates, recently completed the redevelopment of the St Philomena’s Ward area of the hospital. This redevelopment delivers eight single­ patient rooms, each with its own en suite. Comprising of an entire footprint of 440 square metres, including the new extension to the ward, this new space houses a number of dedicated ancillary rooms required to serve the new St Philomena’s Unit. The redevelopment of the area included the construction of a new link bridge corridor at first­floor level above the emergency department laneway. This connects to a new lift, which provides full access to the ward for all patients, their families and staff. Prior to the redevelopment, the space in the old section of the hospital was only accessible via two staircases and had limitations of use. In addition, the new space will allow the hospital to address the many challenges around infection control management of inpatients. Mona Baker, CEO, CHI at Temple Street, said “We are very grateful to the Hospital Foundation and the HSE, as this is a state­of­the­art facility that will significantly improve the experience of children and their families that attend CHI at Temple Street.” Works were carried out in a live hospital


St Phil's Ward upgrade to help infection control Above and right, the revamped St Philomena's Unit at Temple Street.

environment by Temple Street Hospital Projects Office, headed up by Kieran Downes. An investment of €1.5 million, including equipment, was provided by the Hospital Foundation fund­raising department and the HSE.

the HBS news // Vol. III

T H IN K BEFORE YO U IN K A Healthcare Sustainability Seminar titled BEYOND 2020: The Pathway For Change is being held on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019, in Athlone Institute of Technology. To express your interest in attending please email the National Health Sustainability Office:

the HBS news // Vol. III


reen printing is a good way to reduce waste, prevent the cutting of trees, and minimise

the quantity of printer ink used ­ reducing our impact on the environment and saving money. The National Health Sustainability Offices tips for improving sustainability in relation to printing: Do not print unless necessary Think before you print and consider areas where you could reduce printing. Does everyone attending a meeting need a copy of the agenda? Do you really need to print that email? Are there areas where you could digitise records instead of having hard copy files? Order environmentally responsible paper (FSC certified & recycled) This is not only the most sustainable option but also creates a market for the product, reducing cost and increasing availability of these products on future national frameworks. Recycled paper can be ordered from Antalis via the OGP Framework for the Provision of Multi­Purpose Office Paper for Printing and Photocopying. All other paper on the contract is FSC certified. If you have any queries in relation to this contract or framework and how to buy from it, please contact the OGP's Client Service Team at Recycle used toner and printer cartridges The current OGP Framework Agreement for the

Supply of ICT Consumables includes a take back and recycling programme, whereby the supplier (Datapac) provides a toner cartridge collection and recycling service free of charge to the Client. Datapac can only collect empty toners that are in recycling boxes. If you have not yet received a recycling box, please request one by emailing for more information on this service. Set printer default to double sided and grayscale Start menu > "Control Panel" Choose "Devices and Printers" Right click your primary printer Choose "Printing Preferences" Set Print Type to 2­sided and Colour to Greyscale Click "apply? to set as the default Recycle all paper, using a print room paper bin or a recycling bins under each desk Ensure at a minimum that all printers have a paper recycling bin beside them which has clear signage. Make sure that cleaning staff are aware that you are segregating waste and understand what waste stream bins should be emptied into. Turn off printers at the end of the day Assign the responsibility of turning off printers to someone. In most cases the last person in the building is cleaning or security staff so ask that they switch off unessential equipment before leaving at night. Click here for more.



In this issue, our spotlight is on Breda Murphy from the Standards & Compliance Unit based at St Canice's Hospital in Kilkenny

How would you describe your job? I really enjoy my job and have a very interesting and motivating role within Health Business Services. I am involved with our team in ensuring that the Standards and Compliance Programme objectives are met. This programme reviews standards in place, evaluates compliance issues and is designed to assure management, stakeholders and customers that operations are performed in compliance with legislation, regulations, standards, government policies and best practices. The issue of compliance remains a critical topic. Compliance is a prevalent business concern because a non­ compliant action can put the HBS reputation at stake and its performance into question.

always pleasant to come to work in the productive atmosphere of our office. My extended roles include Values in Action Champion and Healthy Ireland Champion. These roles allow me to promote St Canice’s as a better place to work, and hopefully enrich the working lives of my colleagues. Where is your favourite place in the world and why? My garden is my favourite place in the world. I like to sow plants, trees, shrubs and flowers and watch the magic of what the ever­changing seasons bring. What are your hobbies or interests? I enjoy horseriding and tennis, and keep up to date with current affairs.

You are hosting a dinner party, who What aspect of your job do you enjoy are the three people whom you the most? would like to invite and why? I enjoy applying my previous private and I would like to invite my three best friends public healthcare experience to my new from college. We have similar interests, job in HBS and having a clear picture of which makes for fun and light­hearted how HBS supports core, frontline and conversation. other health and social care functions. This is a great opportunity for me to add If you had to pick a quote that has value in reducing risk, meeting our meaning for you, what would it be? objectives, as well as protecting the Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% organisation and our customers. It’s how I react to it ­ Charles R. Swindoll.


the HBS news // Vol. III

Healthy Ireland plan for HBS T

he Healthy Ireland Framework launched by Government provides the policy and a strategic vision for a ‘healthy Ireland’. The Healthy Ireland in the Health Services National Implementation Plan 2015 – 2017 recognised and acknowledged how we in the health service need to develop, value and promote the health and wellbeing of our staff and patients/service users alike in everything we do. It focuses on three strategic priorities, Health Service Reform, Reducing the Burden of Chronic Illness and Improving Staff Health and Wellbeing. The Health Business Services HI Implementation Plan 2019 – 2021 has been developed in the main ‘by our people, for our people’ under the guidance of the HBS HI Health and Wellbeing (H&W) Steering Group. This plan is an opportunity for HBS to embrace and build a lasting foundation to improve and enhance the health and wellbeing of our people and our communities. The message is now clear ­ we all

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have to take responsibility for our physical and mental health. This plan has been influenced by our people from all our business units' diverse areas of work, right across the country. There has been robust consultation in its development and it is clear there is a strong commitment on the ground to progress the health and wellbeing agenda within HBS. The successful implementation of this plan is dependent on each and every

one of us. HBS are committed to supporting and delivering on this implementation plan. HBS will provide assistance and encourage our people to live healthier lives. This three­year plan is an active working document sitting alongside the national Healthy Ireland Framework and other HI strategies. During its first year of implementation, a suite of HBS HI performance metrics will be developed as a way of demonstrating progress against the actions in the implementation plan. In line with its terms of reference, these metrics will be reviewed regularly by the HBS HI H&W Steering Group to monitor its overall implementation progress, with particular emphasis on our two pilot sites HBS Business Excellence & Innovation Unit and HBS staff within Merchant’s Quay. The HBS HI H&W Steering Group will report progress to both the Deputy Director HBS and also to the National Lead for Healthy Ireland. For further updates on the Healthy Ireland Plan for HBS click here.


Successful completion of the initial National integrated Staff Records and Pay Programme (NiSRP) took place in the HSE East during May 2019 and some 18,000 HSE staff members are seeing the benefits. The SAP HR/Integration ensures staff continue to be paid accurately and on time. The rollout of the NiSRP Self Service online tool for employees and managers means the previous reliance on paper will be replaced in time, improving processes to record HR actions and maintain accurate staff records. NiSRP Self Service is an important opportunity to deliver world­class business services across our health system and to give staff control of their own information. Self Service access is available through a website or a downloadable app. It is free, easy­to­use and available whenever needed. Since Go­Live in May current HSE East employees and pensioners are now being paid through the new system. In order to support implementation and roll out, the NiSRP team undertook a detailed programme of support. This incorporated a series of engagement sessions, the set­up of a Helpdesk along with a Support Information Hub on This support will continue until the system is fully embedded. Miriam Keegan, NiSRP Programme Director, said she was: “pleased with the


18, 000 s t af f i n E as t benefit from NiSRP The NiSRP team mark go­live in the HSE East region.

uptake of NiSRP Self Service and to see the high levels of staff logging in and using the system on a daily basis. "By working collaboratively with HSE East staff, we have successfully introduced NiSRP to the health system." Miriam further stated that the programme is next scheduled for implementation in HSE South East. (Area C under the new Sláintecare regions).

Click here for more.

* Figures as of 7/10/2019

the HBS news // Vol. III

HBS's digital journey takes centre stage at Future Health T

he Future Health Summit is the global gathering for healthcare in Ireland and provides a unique opportunity to promote, educate and network at Irelands largest Healthcare Conference. With over 400 healthcare leaders and decision makers, both international and domestic attending this established annual event, HBS were delighted to play a pivotal and influential role on the day. At this year’s summit Jane Carolan, HBS National Director opened the breakfast briefing by sharing the HBS Digital Transformation journey with attendees. The day featured an impressive line­up of keynote speakers across a selection of specialised healthcare­ related themes. There was significant interest on the HBS session jointly

Jane Carolan, HBS National Director, speaking at a breakfast briefing at the Future Health Summit earlier this year.

presented by Jane Carolan, HBS National Director, and

engagement, communications and climate as key

work and progress being made within our business

Maria O’Loughlin, HBS Assistant National Director,

enablers for organisational readiness for change.

division of the HSE.

Organisational Digital Change, on 'Collaborating to build

Speaking about the day Jane Carolan said “It was a great

"This event is particularly important in terms of

a culture to embrace Digital Transformation'.

honour to represent HBS at this year’s Future Health

collaborating with the expertise that exists across the

This session demonstrated the importance of

Summit and take the opportunity in showcasing the good

healthcare environment.”

the HBS news // Vol. III


Pension Improvement Programme – developing and enhancing our pension information The Pension Improvement Programme is a multi­year project relating to pension services covering compliance, legislation, digital development, resources, and supporting Section 38, voluntary and nominated health agencies. Phase one of the programme has focussed on compliance with the Single Public Service Scheme. HSE employees covered under the Single Public Service Pension Scheme (“Single Pension Scheme”) can expect to receive their first pension benefit statement over the next number of weeks. This statement will detail key pension details for the period 2013 – inclusive and provide information to each pension scheme member on their payments for that period. The Single Scheme applies to first­time entrants to the public service recruited to pensionable positions on or after 1 January 2013 (the commencement date of the Single Scheme). It also applies to former public servants returning to public service employment on new pensionable contracts, having previously ceased to be a public servant for more than 26 weeks. A spokesperson for Pensions said; “We


General Manager Martina O’Byrne, from the Pension Improvement Programme describes this “as the first initiative in the progression of our multi­year programme of work which encompasses developing and enhancing how Pension information is gathered, collated and communicated to our employees”. Project Manager Fiona Doohan has led the programme team on this significant work in data collation for the Single Scheme encompassing all payment areas nationally, resulting in approximately 35,000 pension benefit statements scheduled to issue to HSE employees. worked closely with our Health Business Services colleagues in Payroll, Digital and HR Payroll Systems and Analytics to ensure that relevant data has been collated for payment periods to enable a full historical statement to issue”. Benefit statements will reflect the period from 2013 ­2018 inclusive and following on from this year, will issue on a yearly basis. Further Single Scheme Pension

details are available on the HBS Intranet here. Information supports for Legacy Pension Schemes members continue to be available on profiling the following: • Interim Grade statements • Pension estimator • Local Pension Area contact details Please email for any further queries.

the HBS news // Vol. III

HBS Standards & Compliance supporting the Internal Control Review Process 2019


he HBS Standards & Compliance (S&C) Unit have initiated and developed an awareness programme to support HBS staff. The HBS Internal Control Review Process (ICRP) is there to assist staff with the completion of Controls Assurance Review Process (CARP) and promote awareness of the importance of HBS being compliant within its Internal Controls. The HSE Annual Review of Internal Controls Process is currently underway. The purpose of the annual review is to provide evidence­based assurance to the chief executive officer and the board on the effectiveness of the controls in place within the HSE, and that any weaknesses are being addressed. The assurance provided is relied upon by the chairman in writing to the Minister For Health on certain matters as set out in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies. The HSE 2019 CARP is for staff at Grade VIII (or equivalent salary grade) and above. What is Required? Grade VIII (or equivalent salary grade) and above are relied upon to be

the HBS news // Vol. III

ICRP Checklist You will be required to: 1. Complete the Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) online. 2. Complete and Sign the following Statements: ► Statement of Positions Held in a Charitable Body/Voluntary Fundraising Committee, if applicable and, ► Data Protection ­ It's Everyone's Responsibility Confirmation Form. 3. Complete and sign the Controls Assurance Statement (CAS).

responsible for the tasks that are assigned to them and to carry out these tasks in compliance with relevant Policies, Procedures, Protocols & Guidelines (PPPGs) & Laws. There is a requirement to provide assurance to line managers in this regard on an on­going basis and

annually in this HSE CARP. In preparation for this, the HBS Standards & Compliance Unit have an ICRP Awareness Programme Library, on the S&C page of the HBS Site. There is a repository of relevant documentation and key information

available to support staff with the ICRP this November. We want staff to understand, be comfortable with and be well prepared for this process. ► Contact the unit if you have any queries:


Ambassadors for Future Health Skills Programme Driving Digital


ealth Business Services and the Office of the Chief Information Officer have collaborated with the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment to launch a programme for HSE staff. The aim of this foundational programme is to guide staff through utilising the digital tools they already have access to and build on their digital literacy skills. Within the Health Service environment, there is great advantage in networking in order to align change and service improvement at local and national level. A framework of support to managers and staff across the health and social care system is a key enabler for supporting these change initiatives. This programme: – Will inspire and encourage staff to become confident online by working on existing digital platforms and services along with fostering valuable partnerships in supporting digital transformation – Is part of the Government's Digital Skills for Citizen Scheme which will be hosted in Carlow, Cork, Dublin and Kerry


– Will be delivered over three half­day sessions in three consecutive weeks Foundational topics covered within this programme: – Introduction to the internet – HSE online services – Social Media – Search Engines – Email and more Click here to learn more about the programme. This initiative is sponsored by HBS National Director Jane Carolan and Fran Thompson, Interim Chief Information Officer, eHealth Ireland/ OoCIO.It is funded by The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The Ambassadors For Future Health Skills is in line with the National Digital Strategy, focused on encouraging and empowering employees and citizens to participate fully in Ireland's digital economy and society.

If you have any further queries, contact

the HBS news // Vol. III

HR Payroll Systems and Analytics unit launches Desktop Assistant The HR/Payroll Systems & Analytics (HPSA) Desktop Assistant was launched during September 2019. This application provides a pop­up assistant for new users within the SAP HR/Payroll System. Desktop Assistant offers 3 modes of support to our users ­ Demo, Concurrent and Practice mode. Demo: The Demo Mode plays the recorded process as demonstrations and displays explanations for the executed actions. Concurrent: The concurrent mode is based on the demo mode and is played back with an additional smaller browser window next to the live application. This supports the user by offering help during the live process. The user must execute the process in the live application and click to continue to the next step. Practice: Expects the user to act within the simulated environment in the same way as the live application. The mode will only move to the next step after the user has followed the instructions in the correct order shown. In the initial go­live stage the Desktop Assistant will be exclusively for use by Time Returning Officers/Time Administrators in the East. A roll out plan is currently underway in conjunction with our colleagues in Office of the

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Chief Information Officer (OoCIO). The Desktop Assistant will be of benefit to all new users of the SAP HR/Payroll System for all modules in due course. If you are a Time Returning Officer and you require access to this support tool please visit the link below to complete the Desktop Assistant access form. Desktop Assistant Access Form available here Please note it is a prerequisite that you log in to Citrix Storefront https:// to enable use of this facility.

Retirement Tribute: Kevin McConville, Head of HBS HR Payroll Systems & Analytics During October 2019, there were many heavy hearts in HBS as Kevin McConville, Head of HBS HR Payroll Systems & Analytics (HPSA), began his life of retirement. Kevin joined the HSE in 2001 as Head of Financial Services for Eastern Health Shared Services (EHSS) in Parkgate Street. Over the years, Kevin went on to reach many milestones throughout his career. He was part of the management team that steered the delivery of financial services to the Eastern Area Health Authority and three area health boards at a time of significant challenge and change. Kevin and his team also oversaw the introduction of programme services that facilitated the establishment of Tusla Child and Family Services. Following the establishment of the HSE and the associated restructuring programme Kevin went on to be appointed to Head of Enterprise Resource Planning Services (ERPS) which later became HPSA, SAP Centre of Excellence, as

we now know it today. More recently Kevin played a key role in the implementation of the migration of all HSE East employees to an integrated SAP HR and Payroll System and the roll out of the NiSRP self­service online tool otherwise known as ESS/MSS. These milestones are to name but a few that Kevin and his team have successfully reached over the years. It is safe to say that Kevin has paved the way for HPSA to continue the excellent work in contributing to and leading national projects over the coming years. We would like to thank Kevin for his consistent work ethic, leadership, support and friendship over the last number of years, and we wish him the very best of luck with this new chapter. Kevin McConville



the HBS news // Vol. III

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