Tropic Of Unicorn - A Treatise on the highland Lilt

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Or, A Treatise On Old Fettercairn's Brand-New Brand


t’s a strange thing to witness the birth of a brand. Icons like Glenlivet,

to myth, spring from the same well there are only seven tales that we tell;

Macallan and Glenmorangie evolved over time rather than coming to the world

Overcoming the Monster.

fully formed. What would they look like if

Rags to Riches.

they did - would their organic evolution

The Quest.

over time have brought them to a

Voyage and Return.

different place than where they now lie?


Colours, fonts, identity - how would they




I am not a whisky anorak, and I never

The story of Fettercairn has elements of

will be - I like the science of it all, but

all seven. Triumph, failure, humour,

mostly I love whisky branding. You might

tragedy, and most of all, persistence. As

say that this means I am all surface no

they launch out on their own, it is time

depth; I would say that I just like stories.

for those stories to become known, and

But while I really don’t want to talk about

it’s not my job to tell them, or at least not

yeast, but I am interested in brands that

here. But I do have some random,

do. I am interested in how some whisky

incoherent thoughts as I sit here in

brands have shifted the conversation

Edinburgh Airport waiting to fly home

from the late stage development - stills,

after spending two days at the distillery.

casks, location - back to things like fermentation, yeast, grain, soil, the

This is their year zero - there have been

glimmer in a farmer’s eye. Whisky lovers

indie bottlings over the years; that line is

thirst for information about it all - why

now closed off - but the vast majority of

here, why this way, why any of this at all?

their stock went into Whyte & Mackay blends. Until now. So you have this

In whisky branding there is a lot of almost

beautiful little distillery, with cute little

ritualistic retelling of the same stories. All

warehouses full of interesting, funky, old,

great narratives, those which truly aspire

old stock. But Scotland has a lot of places

like that, so how do you say, well,

distillery with a great backstory and a

Fettercairn is different. For me, a total

unicorn as its emblem. Plenty to build on -

non-anorak, who knows very little about

and the branding draws on that. The

whisky, it has to be this:

teal-green of the oxidized copper on the still, the modern, fresh white of a brand unburdened by heritage labels, that jazz age glass, a modern font that eschews the copperplate of yore. All very slick. But I just came through travel retail and it is a cornucopia of beautiful whisky, stunning works of art before you even get the cork off - it takes a lot to catch consumers’ eye.

I’m not going to go into it here as I’m

Seeing a scotch whisky brand coming to

doing a piece for print, but that yoke is

market with so much great history and

the one thing I desperately wanted to see

still fretting that it may not be enough is

when I was invited. What a curiosity -

incredible when you consider Irish whiskey

what madness was it that drove them to

and where it is going to be in 10, 20, 50

do it? But it is key to their identity now -

years from now.

this insane fountain of cold burn water

Every trip to Caledonia teaches me more

makes this highland malt a decidedly

about where we need to be heading, and

fruity affair, specifically tropical fruits; I

it’s not about where we should be in five

tried a 1964 that was like a glass of fresh

or ten years time, but in 50 or 100.

squeezed papaya, mango, pineapple, just

Anyone interested in whisky branding,

this juicy wildness that had somehow

here, there, or anywhere, should visit

retained that spirit identity despite a

some Scottish distilleries and see how

relative eternity in wood. So you have

they do it. We have much to learn.

this crazed steampunk addition to the

But in the meantime, here are a million

stills, a fruity highland malt, a pretty


Some of us look for the Way in opium and so in God, some of us in whisky and some in lov is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.

- W. Somerset Mau

The Paint

ome ve. It


ted Veil

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