Liam Thaxter

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The Holocuast

Liam Thaxter (C block)

Life After World War 2 1939-1949

From 1939-1949 World War 2 was going on and many Jewish families lost lives of friends and other relatives and about 6 million died. But Jews were not the only people affected. There were also a lot of German families affected to. After WW2 many of the Jewish families had lost friends and family so they had to recover. Sadly an event like this is not easy to recover from. Between 1945-1952 80,000 jews moved to the US. A lot of the Germans who were Nazis after the war moved to the US. A lot of the Nazis were forced to fight in the war. If you were intelligent and a nazi general found out he would take you away from your family and make you go train or fight in the war with the nazis. If this happened to you and you survived the war then you would probably want to go start a new life. Many of them did this by moving to a farm on the US and a lot of them would get a wife and have children. They would start a whole new family and leave their past behind them. As you can see there is two sides of the holocaust. Even though the nazis seem like the bad guys to many people they still wanted a life and many of them probably didn't want to fight in the war. If they survived the war they would go move to the US and wouldn't let anyone there really know about their past because it was a painful life. Bibliography"World War II." ​Wikipedia​. Wikimedia Foundation, 03 June 2017. Web. 04 June 2017. N.p., n.d. Web. Nazism Exposed - Flags and Symbols​. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 June 2017.

"World War II Photos." ​National Archives and Records Administration​. National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 04 June 2017.

This is a map of Germany during the holocaust.

​ Lexicon For The Holocaust ●

Quarantine Center- This was where Jews were kept so they were separated from other people.

Concentration Camp- ​Used to hold and torture political opponents and union organizers, the camps initially held around 45,000 prisoners.

Jew- A Jew is what jewish people were called during WW2.

Harry truman- He was the president of the UNited States when the Holocaust was happening

Nazi- Nazis were the name of people who followed Hitler

Atom Bomb- this is the name of the bomb that the US dropped during WW2

Pearl Harbor- During WW2 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor killing millions

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