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Emotionaly surviving through the Vietnam War Featured article: Difficulties of Mentally Surviving the Vietnam War - pg. 2

Difficulties of Mentally Surviving the Vietnam War

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In the vietnam war, 2 million vietnamese civilians were killed. The Vietnam War brought mental harm to many people from America who fought in the war. Some people were harmed by the sights that they saw, the secrets they discovered, or even the fact that they had to take another human's life that was in a similar situation as they were. In the vietnam war, people saw terrible things and it was sometimes emotionally damaging They saw people being exploded which is damaging because it is a very gory sight and can make you feel sick to your stomach that this happened to a human being.


They saw innocent people that were killed or forced into poverty which can cause mental damage because when you see the horrible things that are going on in the world, it can make you never think the same way again. You could get trust issues because when you are with the same people for 2 years, You're bound to make some friends. A lot of people in wars die, which can cause serious mental damage if one of your friends dies or is injured. 58, 220 Americans died in the vietnam war, so people's friends dieing was not uncommon. A lot of man in the war started to act differently and it made people feel like they needed to act the same way A lot of men become blood thirsty in war. They start acting odd and force other people to act the same way if they want to fit in and not be mocked. A lot of people become cold in the war and they become heartless, so they might do things to other people in the war and not care about what they think. Also, they might use vulgar terms and a lot of soldiers find themselves acting in ways that they hadn’t expected. The vietnam war is one of the most evil wars, and made many people change their personalities, which can be extremely damaging. It can be extremely difficult to be able to build up the courage to shoot someone, especially if they are in the same situation as you are. The people who they are supposed to kill are in the same situation as they are. They are both fighting in whatever war their country tells them to, without questioning it. They understand each other which makes it harder to kill each other. After you kill a couple people, some people become emotionless and can possibly lose the ability to be happy ever again. At war you are supposed to act like a man, and not get emotional. If you do get upset because you kill someone than you might be kicked off the army for being weak. A lot of soldiers actually shot himself in the foot so they wouldn’t have to kill people anymore and deal with the abuse. People who fought in the Vietnam war were extremely damaged and had a hard time living


with themselves after. Some people physically harmed themselves to escape from the trap they got themselves into. If people on both sides of the war were being damaged, and the war was harming civilians, than why did it start in the first place?


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