r e v O e B r a W l e u r C Civil War s i 5 h 6 8 T 1 l l i 9th y W a n e 1-M h 6 8 1 W th 2 1 l i r Ap
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Civil War
When Will This Cruel War Be Over April 12th 1861- May 9th 1865
Would you treat someone like a slave for ther color? On April 12th 1861 to May 9th 1865 people fought to keep slavery and to ban slavery.The civil war was a cruel war about slavery that was an ongoing series of war from 1861-1865.The civil war was very important in America because it was the war that started to change america , the civil war was between the United states of america and the confederate states of america, the civil war killed many people.
The war Between America The war was between the Northern States of America and the Confederate States of America. It was between these places because in the northern states slavery was banned. In the southern states slavery was very common and they did not have a problem with slavery. The southern people would call the slaves there negroes and would call the northern states of america the “yankees”. The last war was May 9th 1865 and overall the northern armies won. In my book throughout different pages they said “supervise the negroes” “Our negroes are good”. Also throughout my book they would say “ we struggle with the yankees” “being at war with the yankees”. Because in my story it said my negroes or they have good negroes multiple times. Also people in my book called the northern united states citizens “yankees”. This shows the civil war was between the northern states of america and the confederate states of america.
How we Changed after the War The civil war changed america. The war changed america in plenty of ways. The first way was it ended slavery for good in america. America made the end of slavery stay that way by making the 13th amendment slavery is banned.The war also influenced families lives. The war influenced families day to day lives and impacted all lives in many different ways in america because in my book people were never as happy as before and didn’t celebrate holidays. The civil war was a cruel war that impacted all lives.
Our losses
Many people lost their lives and many were injured.In my story the main character Emma lost her brother and her father that were fighting in the war.Most of the men who fought ranged from ages 12 to 17 .About 179,000 african american men died by the end of the civil war and 40,000 of them were soldiers.620,000 soldiers died at war in the civil war. 50,000 civilians died in the civil war.Because overall 670,000 people died in the war and the amount of families that lost loved ones must be so hard having this has to be something to remember. This shows that many men risked their lives and many lost their lives trying to fight to make something right.
In Conclusion The civil war was very important in America because it was the war that started
the end slavery to black people, the civil war was between the United states of america and the confederate states of america. All of my evidence shows that the civil war was very important in america than and america now.When you think back to this time period what would you of done?