Bryce Swaney:Block B
June 5, 2017
WWII France's Involvement
By: Bryce Swaney
Lexicon Leaflets: They are dropped by planes and they have notes in them. Minefield: It is a large field filled/planted with explosives that are triggered by weight. Artillery: They are large calipered guns used for warfare on land. Shelling: Heavily bombing/ attacking from sky or land. Surrender: To give up/turn yourself in. Bitte: It means hello? Or what did you say? in German. Grenade: A small hand held explosive that explodes and shoots of tiny bits of metal everywhere. Allies: Teammates/Helpers to become stronger. Map: A diagrammatic representation of a place in a smaller, birds eye view. Genocide: The killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
France invaded through the beach and lost while killing many. No matter what, it was a scary time for everyone. In the time 1944, there was a very bad person, named hitler, and he wanted only only people like him in the world. So he put in motion the biggest genocide the world has ever seen. Many people went after hitler/the germans, but then their allies helped them, creating world war II. World War II was a time period with a impact, many jobs for woman were made, more technological advancements were made, and many lives were lost, it impacted everyone everywhere, it definitely wasn’t a positive time period, but it wasn’t terrible time for some places either. The French wanted to stop Germany and Hitler in its tracks, and they would work with anyone for help. They would do anything to stop Germany. They loose men, and work with the U.S. When the invaded the beach at the beginning of the war. It was terrifying because wherever you looked, there was either a person trying to kill someone, someone that's dead, or a person that is badly wounded. A good thing is, is that France had all of their allies behind them to help and fight with. Some of their strong allies were the Soviet Union, the United States, China. They all worked very well together. If I were in world war II and I were a country leader, I would most definitely want to be with France. I say that because France and all of
June 5, 2017 their close allies are so powerful. In the book, at the beginning, the french invaded one of Germany’s beaches. They lost a lot of men, but they did everything that they could to stop the germans as well. They went into the beach with brute force and with everything they had, and pulled it off. That just shows how they did everything that they could to win. That shows how everyone wanted to have the germans gone as soon as possible. Why the french got involved in World War 2.
Graph of military losses in the war
Works cited http:// France.html
We Were Heroes, The Journal of Scott Pedlenton Collins, A World War II Soldier, Normandy, France, 1944 in/France.html q=graph+of+lives+lost+in
The french got involved in World War 2 because Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. During the phony war, from 1939 to 1940, there was very little fighting. A couple attacks here and there. It didn’t last long until Germany defeated France. After they beat the french, they pushed great Britain off the continent. When the war between Germany and France had a battle in Poland, Germany easily won. ( It says how it was barely even a war and how Germany took over this area. The reliable website that I showed helped because it showed the true facts. Germany was very strong and won over a lot. Working with other countries Nearly every country worked together to stop Germany. Germany had barely any to no allies at all. Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States, and China were France's allies. Everybody agreed that the germans were doing terrible things, and it wasn’t acceptable. In my book it said how everybody helped each other, and how the germans were alone. The evidence shows that nobody agreed in anyway with what the germans were doing was right. Germany was a terrible power that had to be stopped. World War II was absolutely terrible with many tragedies and bad things that happened.
From true and reliable sources, it showed that Germany was a place where nobody want to help or do anything for. They were terrible. We need to keep doing everything we can, working with people we hate, so this cannot happen again.