Dbm 265 week 1 summary

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What a week! I had a slight disadvantage this week due to the fact that I was severely sick so I had to play catch up on the material which was a lot to say the least. In previous DB classes where a database needed to be created I always found it difficult and knew for myself that this was a specialization within IT that was not for me. I do find the administration of the database very interesting and not as boring as my previous DB class. Since I work for a helpdesk within my organization I already have familiarity with administration for other purposes within the organization and administrating a database falls along the same lines as any other platform that requires to be administered. I am looking forward of the coming weeks material to grasp more information on database administration concepts. The only aspect of the class I am worried about is the team project because although I passed my previous database class I did not fair all that well with my grade, however I am optimistic.

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