Taman Nasional Indonesia

Page 1

Graphic Standard Manual

Table of Contents i. Introduction 01 - 02

ii. About

05 - 06

iii. Logo(s)

09 - 32

iv. Application(s) 35 - 64

i. Introduction To understand the whole idea

about graphic standard manual of Taman Nasional Indonesia.


Preface The purpose of this book is to explain the new visual identity brand of Taman Nasional Indonesia inlcuding the other thirteen subsidiary brands. By creating this book, the readers are expected to understand the aesthetic value of Taman Nasional Indonesia as well as the rest subsidiary brands. This book helps to create a visual identity behind each designs and helps everyone who wants to use the material of it by understanding its rules. The book contains from philosophy, rules of the logo until the applied design on every day’s objects. The identity rules are very important if someone wants to apply the logo in a surface. In order to recieve the consistency of Taman Nasional Indonesia new re-branding, all the rules that stated in this book must be followed. If the rules are ignored, there will be slight problems with the new identity and it might lose the design aesthetic of the new Taman Nasional Indonesia’s identity.


Taman Nasional Indonesia

Guide of Using the Book All informations about the new identity that is stated in this book must be obeyed by all internal and external users as well as media companies that are partners of Taman Nasional Indonesia in term of printing or using the identity, All regulations concerning the application or usage is contained in this book, no matter how small it is written in this book, the rules should be obeyed because it concerns about the identity of the Taman Nasional Indonesia, if it is violated, it can lead to brand activation that do not run perfectly and can also lead to confusion about existence and consistency in the eyes of consumers. By reading this book, the users agreed to make use of the identity and follow every guideline stated in this graphic standard manual of Taman Nasional Indonesia.

Graphic Standard Manual


ii. About To know briefly and to understand the description about Taman Nasional Indonesia.



Taman Nasional Indonesia

Taman Nasional Indonesia Taman Nasional (National Park) is defined as a nature conservation area which has original ecosystem, managed by the zoning system which is utilized for research, science, education, support aquaculture, tourism, and recreation. Taman Nasional Indonesia consists of fifty national parks throughout Indonesia. All of them is managed under the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. From Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser to Taman Nasional Lorentz (more informations regarding the subsidiary brands, go to page 17). Six of them are considered as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, which are Taman Nasional Komodo, Taman Nasional Lorentz, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, and Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan. Thirteen out of fifty national parks in Indonesia are selected to be re-designed its identity. Each of the national parks has different elements and based on its each characteristics and preserved flora or fauna. Taman Nasional Indonesia will be the main logo and it will remain as the master logo when using one of the subsidiary brand logo.

Graphic Standard Manual


iii. Logo To understand the new logo,

usage guidelines, and the philosophy behind the design.


The Logo Indonesia is known for its “Garuda” and it also represents as the national symbol. Garuda is a large bird-like creature, where it depicts a Javanese eagle (being much larger than a kite). SInce 1950 until now, Garuda remains as Indonesia’s Symbol of strength and power. As for the main logo of national parks in Indonesia, Garuda is chosen to be the main elements that will be added to the Taman Nasional Indonesia logo. The “I” in “Indonesia” will have the Garuda form with the simplified head and wing. The eye of the Garuda in the “I” has its “glare” that the National Symbol already has. Basically, the Garuda’s eye shape/form in the logo of Taman Nasional Indonesia still has the strong glare like the National Symbol Garuda. It doesn’t lose its strength. And both its head also turns to left side like the National Symbol. As for the wing, it has a simplified Batik pattern inside it, this represents the traditional fabric that comes from Indonesia which is called Batik. The Batik pattern inside the wing was inspired by “Batik Kawung” that is famous in Java. Batik Kawung consists of intersecting circles. It has been suggested that the intersecting circles might represent flora such as the fruit of the kapok (silk cotton) tree or the aren (sugar palm), which is why this pattern was chosen because it has the flora value that will be added to the main logo.


Taman Nasional Indonesia



final logo

Graphic Standard Manual



42 px

42 px

35 px

35 px

Safe Area


Taman Nasional Indonesia

min. 41 px

min. 223 px

min. 1,2 cm

min. 5,2 cm

Minimum Size

Graphic Standard Manual





Color Variations


Taman Nasional Indonesia

primary color

R: 206 G: 39 B: 61

C: 13 M: 98 Y: 79 K: 3

R: 195 G: 48 B: 95

C: 19 M: 95 Y: 47 K: 3

R: 238 G: 51 B: 83

C: 0 M: 94 Y: 61 K: 0

R: 240 G: 91 B: 130

C: 0 M: 80 Y: 26 K: 0

R: 147 G: 149 B: 152

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 50

primary color

Color Scheme The color scheme of the main logo is mainly red with some slight of change, so it will become more a bit soft red or also pink. But, the primary color is still red because it represents the red in Indonesia’s flag. The main logo of Taman Nasional Indonesia only has two color variations. The first one is the red as its primary color with other red color as combination. And the second one is the grayscale. The color can not be replaced to other color, it needs to be exactly like in this book stated, both for the CMYK and grayscale.

Graphic Standard Manual

R: 102 G: 103 B: 106

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 73

R: 124 G: 126 B: 128

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 62



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !#$%^^&*()[]{}|\:;�<>,.? Cocogoose

Typeface The typography chosen for Taman Nasional Indonesia is Cocogoose, because of the boldness of it. This typeface is easily readable from far away, it suits perfectly for sign boards for each of the National Parks in Indonesia.


Taman Nasional Indonesia

Do not change the color

Do not change the color

Do not squeeze or condense

Do not rotate or misplace


Do not remove any elements

Do not change the typeface


Graphic Standard Manual



Subsidiary Brands Thirteen subsidiary brands is made to support the main logo. Each of them is created with the characteristics of each of the National Parks throughout Indonesia. 13 of the sub-brands was inspired by flora, fauna, or landscape that is located in each of the National Parks. The thirteen subsidiary brands consists of Taman Nasional Bali Barat, Taman Nasional Bunaken, Taman Nasional Lorentz, Taman Nasional Pulau Seribu, Taman Nasional Way Kambas, Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Taman Nasional Komodo, Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, Taman Nasional Wakatobi, and Taman Nasional Bentuang Karimun.


Sub Brands

Graphic Standard Manual



The Logo Taman Nasional Bali Barat is located on the north western side of Bali, Indonesia. Taman Nasional Bali Barat is famous for and also a home of the near extinct “Jalak Bali”. That’s why the element of “Jalak Bali” or also be called Bali Myna is used in the logo. The hair of Bali Myna is placed to “B” from “Bali”. The color scheme in this logo is all blue based on the characteristics of Bali Myna eyes which has all the blue color around it. The minimum size for this logo is width: 5 cm and height 2,2 cm.


Color Scheme primary color R: 54 G: 104 B: 176

C: 84 M: 61 Y: 1 K: 0

Sub Brands

The Logo Taman Nasional Bunaken is a marine park located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The park is located in the Coral Triangle, a habitat for 390 species of coral reef, and a home for species of fish, mollusks, reptiles and marine mammals. Taman Nasional Bunaken is representative of Indonesian marine ecosystems, including seagrass meadows, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems. The characteristics in this logo is the coral reef. It is placed in “B”, “n”, and “k”. This represents that in this national park it has various of coral reefs. The primary color in this logo is red but a little bit of orange. It’s the same color as the coral reefs. Minimum size: W: 5 cm & H: 2,2 cm. Graphic Standard Manual

Color Scheme primary color R: 239 G: 65 B: 54

C: 0 M: 90 Y: 85 K: 0



Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Lorentz is a national park located in the province of Papua, Indonesia. It’s the biggest national park in south-east Asia. The characteristics of the logo is taken from one of the species of bird called “South Crowned Pigeon”. It has striking headdress of lacy feathers is the southern crowned-pigeon’s most prominent feature. The “L” and “r” has its headdress lacy feathers. The Color scheme was inspired by the bird itself, combined of blue and green, and soft yellow. Minimum size W: 5 cm and H: 2,2 cm. 21

R: 54 G: 104 B: 176

C: 84 M: 61 Y: 1 K: 0

secondary color R: 54 G: 104 B: 176

C: 84 M: 61 Y: 1 K: 0

Sub Brands

Color Scheme primary color R: 147 G: 149 B: 152

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 50

Secondary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Way Kambas is an elephant sanctuary national parklocated in Lampung precisely in the District of Labuhan Ratu, East Lampung, Indonesia. Because its well known for its species of elephants. The characteristics of an elephant is taken to be added to the logo, the trunk and ivory of an elephant. The “K” from “Kambas” is shaped to look like the trunk and ivory because it will look more natural if its placed in the “K” rather than other letter. The color scheme is inspired by the elephant, which is grey, either dark or light. Minimum size of the logo is width: 5 cm and height 2,2 cm. Graphic Standard Manual

R: 230 G: 231 B: 232

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 10

R: 188 G: 190 B: 192

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 30



Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Komodo is located in between the province of East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara. This national park was established to protect the Komodo dragon and its habitat. The characteristics of the logo is inspired by the Komodo dragon. In the letter “d” in “Komodo”, it has the tail of the Komodo dragon and its feet with the claw. This represents Komodo in a perfect way. The color combination in this logo is brown and darker brown, which was taken from the color of Komodo dragon itself. Minimum size of this logo width: 5 cm, and height: 2,2 cm. 23

R: 89 G: 74 B: 66

C: 55 M: 60 Y: 65 K: 40

secondary color R: 76 G: 64 B: 59

C: 58 M: 62 Y: 64 K: 48

Sub Brands

Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon is located in the western most part of the island of Java, Indonesia. Javanese Rhino is a rare species of rhino that’s been protected in this national park. The characteristics is none other than the one horn, which is why its taken to be the characteristics of the logo. Its placed in the letter “K” in “Kulon”, it represents the one horn of Javanese Rhino and its known for its strength. The color scheme is dark grey and light grey of Javanese Rhino. Minimum size of this logo is minimum of width: 5 cm and height: 2,2 cm. Graphic Standard Manual

R: 65 G: 64 B: 66

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 90

secondary color R: 167 G: 169 B: 172

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 40



Color Scheme primary color R: 77 G: 133 B: 62

C: 74 M: 100 Y: 27 K: 11

Secondary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Pulau Seribu is a marine nature conservation area in Indonesia located in the northern part of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Its well-known for various of islands, when counts it’s up to thousand islands to be specific. The logo is made with the characteristics of the thousand islands. The letter “P” and “S” is shaped like an island. Inside the letter “P”, there are islands visible to see, which represents the countless of islands. The color scheme is from the color of an island full of forest and grass. Minimum size of the width is 5 cm and the height is 2,2 cm. 25

R: 41 G: 74 B: 35

C: 79 M: 44 Y: 99 K: 48

R: 93 G: 194 B: 188

C: 60 M: 1 Y: 31 K: 0

Sub Brands

Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan is a national park that is intended to protect the tropical rain forests of Sumatra island along its natural wealth. And it’s also a home for Sumateran Tiger. The logo was inspired by the Sumateran Tiger that has the characteristics of it, which is the color of a tiger and the tail with its camouflage color. In the letter “K” and “n”, the tail is visible and looks natural because the way it hangs a little bit downwards. Minimum size of width: 5 cm and height 2,2 cm.

Graphic Standard Manual

R: 65 G: 64 B: 66

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 90

secondary color R: 167 G: 169 B: 172

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 40



Color Scheme primary color R: 173 G: 138 B: 72

C: 31 M: 43 Y: 71 K: 6

Secondary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang has a primary and secondary oldest forests and largest remaining on the island of Borneo and Southeast Asia. In this national park there are many hills with steep cliffs are very difficult to climb out by the people. The characteristics of the logo represents the hills in the letter “K” and “M”. It’s most likely to look like a rock but it also consider as hills. The color scheme follows the color of natural rocks and hills which are dark brown, and light brown. Minimum size of width is: 5 cm and height: 2,2 cm. 27

R: 130 G: 103 B: 93

C: 45 M: 55 Y: 58 K: 19

R: 217 G: 183 B: 144

C: 15 M: 27 Y: 46 K: 0

Sub Brands

Color Scheme primary color R: 193 G: 91 B: 47

C: 18 M: 75 Y: 93 K: 7

Secondary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat is the largest national park in Sumatra, Indonesia. The national park also has a variety of flora and fauna. Approximately 4,000 species of plants grow in the area of national parks including the largest flower in the world Rafflesia Arnoldi. The characteristics of the logo is taken from the shape of the flower of Rafflesia Arnlodi, it is placed as a upper dot in the letter of “i�. The color scheme is similar to the color of Rafflesia Arnoldi, which is dark orange, dark cream, and black. Minimum size of width is 5 cm and height is 2,2 cm. Graphic Standard Manual

R: 251 G: 217 B: 178

C: 1 M: 15 Y: 31 K: 0

R: 0 G: 0 B: 0

C: 75 M: 68 Y: 67 K: 90



Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser is a conservation areas in Indonesia that are located in the two administration of Aceh and North Sumatra province. It includes native ecosystems from the coast to the high mountains covered by dense forests typical of tropical rain. This national park is also a home for a bird called Great Hornbill. Its characteristics is a casque (helmet) on top of its bill. It’s seen in the letter “G” and last letter “r”, where the casque is a combination of 2 colors, orange and black. The minimum size of the width is 5 cm and height 2,2 cm. 29

R: 0 G: 0 B: 0

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

secondary color R: 251 G: 176 B: 64

C: 0 M: 35 Y: 85 K: 0

Sub Brands

Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Bentuang Karimun is a national park in the province of West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, Indonesia. The park is home to endangered Bornean Orangutan. The characteristics of this logo came from Bornean Orangutan, it’s seen in the letter “g” and “n”, where the hand and the leg of Bornean Orangutan is visible. The color scheme follow the color of an Bornean Orangutan, which is orange and the palm of the Orangutan, light brown. The minimum size of this logo is the width is 5 cm and height 2,2 cm. Graphic Standard Manual

R: 240 G: 78 B: 35

C: 0 M: 85 Y: 99 K: 0

Secondary color R: 140 G: 117 B: 106

C: 43 M: 50 Y: 54 K: 12



Color Scheme primary color

The Logo Taman Nasional Wakatobi is one of 50 parks nasoinal in Indonesia, located in the district of Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. In this park there is a panoramic view of the beauty of the underwater world that has 25 pieces of coral reef. Its known for the beauty of the underwater world. The characteristics of the logo is taken from the beauty of the water and waves shape in the letter “W” and also an addition of waves of an ocean in the “i”, its placed to replace the dot. The color inspiration is from the beauty of the ocean color which is light blue and even lighter. The minimum size of width is 5 cm and height 2,2 cm. 31

R: 45 G: 190 B: 194

C: 69 M: 0 Y: 28 K: 0

secondary color R: 114 G: 204 B: 207

C: 51 M: 0 Y: 21 K: 0

Sub Brands


Graphic Standard Manual


iv. Applications Examples of the logo when

applied into various objects.


Sign Board

Brand Identity




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag




T-shirt & Tote bag


Bimo Dwianugrah Š 2015

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