Newsletter july dec 2014

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ISSN 2348-6287-02

July-December 2014

CWRDM Newsletter Centre for Water Resources Development and Management MAJOR RESEARCH & CONSULTANCY HIGHLIGHTS Monitoring Mapping and Mitigation of Fluoride in Palakkad including Attappdy of Kerala Fluoride contamination is one of the main problems in Palakkad. UNICEF has sanctioned a project to investigate fluoride and other water quality issues in Palakkad district including Attappady region and also to map the details. As a part of the study, Physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis was done for 245 samples in Palakkad and 117 samples in Attappady as per the standard procedure (APHA 2012). The results show that the Fluoride concentration ranged from 0.02 ppm to 3.3 ppm in the study area. Of the samples analysed, 22% of samples reported fluoride concentration above the limit of 1 mg/l.

Correlation map showing fluoride concentration with depth of wells The depth of the well is found to be negatively correlated with fluoride concentration.

A view of Attappady

The results of the detai-led study carried out in Attappady region shows that the highest fluoride value was reported in Sholayur (3.1 ppm).In Attappady also fluoride concentration decreases with increase in well depth. Sholayur pancha-yath is having campara-tively high concentration of fluoride compared to other two panchayaths.

Between earth and earth's atmosphere, the amount of water remains constant; there is never a drop more, never a drop less. This is a story of circular infinity, of a planet birthing itself. - Linda Hogan

Executive Director’s Message Greetings to all from CWRDM. I am happy to present before you this News Letter of CWRDM for the period July to December 2014, with immense satisfaction. The Centre has carried out commendable work related to research and developmental works in water management issues with lot of commitment. At present about 100 projects with a total budget of Rs. 20 crore are being implemented. CWRDM could get many more projects. The 3 most significant projects got sanctioned during the reported period are those funded by UNDP; World Bank and IWMP. World Bank assisted Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP), with a grant of Rs. 90 lakhs, is for Capacity building of Institutes. This project is coordinated at the National level by the Central Water Commission, Govt. of India. CWRDM is identified as a consultant on Hydrological aspects to States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. IWMP (Integrated Watershed Management Programme) of Commissionerate of Rural Development (SLNA), Govt. of Kerala, has sanctioned a project worth of Rs. 63 lakhs, for the Evaluation of preparatory phase of projects in 53 watersheds in Idukki, Malappuram,Kottayam and Ernakulam Districts. UNDP has sanctioned a project with a grant of Rs. 35 lakhs, under the programme; India High Range Landscape Project, Munnar, Kerala, to carry out Hydrological Investigation in the Munnar High Range Mountain Landscape. During the period, as per the instruction by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala, a concept paper entitled ‘Strategies for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Kerala’ was prepared by CWRDM and submitted to Govt. of Kerala. CWRDM functioned as a host institute to train DST sponsored Sir CV Raman scholarship awardee, Prof. Hassan from Faculty of Agriculture, Alzaeim Alazhari University, Sudan. I am also happy to inform that the Department of Agriculture & Food Production, Govt. of Odisha, has sanctioned a training project to train its Officers on ‘Agricultural Water Management’ at CWRDM. Already 3 batches of 20 officers each have been trained. Another 3 batches will be trained in the coming months. I take this opportunity in expressing my gratitude to all those who have directly or indirectly responsible for all the progress CWRDM has achieved during the reported period. I am sure that with the sincere efforts and whole hearted cooperation of the staff, CWRDM can achieve many more landmarks in the future. WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR - 2015 With Best Wishes

Dr. N B Narasimha Prasad


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Map of Palakkad district showing the area contaminated with E-coli bacteria found in 20% of the sample and the E-Coliis found in 19% of the sample. High values of total coliform were observed in A t t a p p a d y, N e n m a r a a n d Palakkad blocks. Except in some areas of Ottappalam, Pattambi Correlation map showing fluoride concentration with and Kongad, all other areas are contaminated with total depth of wells in Attappady coliform. Malampuzha, The results of bacteriological analysis shows that the Thrithala, Pattambi, Tharur and Chittur areas are highly Coliform bacteria is present in 79% of the sample; Total contaminated with E-Coli. coliform count of 2400 MPN/100ml (gross contaminate) is

Map of Palakkad district showing the contamination with total coliform

Map showing the distribution of coliform bacteria in Attappady region


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Bacteriological contamination of ground water in open wells is observed as the major water quality problem in Attappady block. Drinking water samples were collected from the sources causing Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children. A total number of 40 such samples used by 57 SAM children were collected. The results show that the Coliform is present in 95% of the sample; Total coliform of e�2400 MPN/100ml is found in 60% of the samples; E-Coli is found in 33% of the samples; Fluoride value of one sample reported to be above the limit(1.8ppm) in Sholayur.

Map of Attappady showing distribution of coliform bacteria in SAM samples The work on fluoride monitoring was continued in some schools inAttappady. A dental fluorosis survey was also conducted. In Elappully School around 75% of children were found to have dental fluorosis. It is proposed to install a drinking water filter with RO technology in two schools of Palakkad district as a pilot model. The process of defluoridation work is in progress.

Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for various Padasekharams in Moodadi Grama Panchayat of Panthalayani Block Va r i o u s P a d a s e k h a r a m s n a m e l y ; C h a k k a r a , Manolithazham, Kottayakaththazha and Kovilakathpadi

Kappil, spread out in 290 ha, is located in Moodadi Grama Panchayat of Panthalayani Block in Kozhikode District. Except Kovilakathpadi Kappil, all other padasekharams forms a part of 11.896 sq km of Moodadi watershed. The main drainage channel of Moodadi watershed flows through the middle of padasekharam and drains out the flood water in to the Akalappuzha, a tributary of Korappuzha. Kovilakathpadi Kappil forms a part of 1.621 sq km of Kovilakathpadi watershed. The main drainage channel of the Kovilakathpadi watershed flows through the middle of padasekharam and drains out the flood water in to the Akalappuzha. During the Virippu (May to August) and Mundakan (September to December) seasons, a major part of the paddy field waterlogged, making paddy cultivation impossible. Leakage from the Kuttiyadi irrigation canal is also creating waterlogged conditions in Moodadi Padasekharams during the Mundakan/ Punja seasons. During the Punja (January to May) season, if monsoon commences early in May or if there is plenty of summer showers, the whole crop nearing harvest will be damaged by water logging. Due to the improper maintenance and non operation of the salinity control VCB/Bund’s at Achanvettu Nada and Thiruvolthazha, saline water propagates from Akalappuzha into the padasekharam s resulting in crop damage during the Mundakan / Punja seasons (nonmonsoon periods). The analysis of primary data generated from the field and the secondary data collected from various agencies reveals that the reduction in the flood holding capacity and obstruction in flood flows in the existing drainage system due to siltation, bank erosion, excessive growth of vegetation on channel banks and channels, etc, creates the water logged conditions in the Moodadi Padasekharams during the monsoon period. During most of the time period in monsoon, late May to November, the water level in the drainage outlet is below the water level in the Akalappuzha. Hence, the natural drainage of the catchment run off is not possible, creating water logged conditions in the padasekharams. Lack of proper maintenance of Kuttiyadi irrigation canals passing nearby creating leakage and waterlogged conditions in Moodadi Padasekharams during the Mundakan/ Punja seasons.The change in land use pattern in the upper catchments also aggravates the drainage problems in the study area. Due to the lack of drainage in the Moodadi Padasekharams, rice cultivation in the 290 ha of paddy field is a highly risky task. Adequate quantity of water is not made available in these padasekharam from Kuttyadi Irrigation Project. Hence, the paddy cultivation practiced here is reduced to a gross of 38 ha, that too at risk. The study reveals that, with proper drainage system there is scope to increase the cultivated area both during second crop and third crop seasons. With scientific water management practices it is possible to greatly increase the productivity of rice further, which will make the region self sufficient in rice


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

production. The proposed integrated drainage improvement plan for facilitating sustainable farming activities in Moodadi Padasekharams consists of (i) improvement in the cross section of the existing drainage channels, (ii) construction/ extension of the sub-drains, (iii) repair works of the existing salinity control VCB/Bund’s at Achanvettu Nada and Thiruvolthazha, (iv) construction of three new water diversion / storage structures (VCBs), (v) maintenance of the existing VCB at Payathalakkadavu, (vi) installation of pumping system (240 HP) at Achanveettu Nada for dewatering the excess water, (vii) installation of 5HP pumping system near to the VCB’s (4nos), and (viii) conservation and protection of Kadakkuzhi Chira. A tractor way/ farm road of 2.4m wide is also proposed for transporting the farming machineries/materials/ produces. With the proposed interventions the annual cultivable area of paddy in Moodadi Padasekharams can be increased from 38 ha to 294 ha. This will result in an additional production of 768tons of rice. Local level employment generation can also be achieved in this process. Beneficiary participation during the implementation, operation and maintenance of the above intervention has to be ensured for the sustainability of this drainage project. The estimated project cost for all the proposed interventions in Moodadi Padasekharam is about Rs 523.476 lakhs. All the proposed interventions in Moodadi can be completed in 18 months.

A View of Waterlogged Padasekharams at Moodadi

Investigation of Nutrient fluxes and Organic Dynamics in a Mangrove Ecosystem of Northern Kerala Bio-organic compounds were characterized in the water and sediment samples of the Kadalundi River, mangrove and estuary. In the dissolved phase, carbohydrates were found to be present in highest concentration without any regular pattern in seasonal variation. Proteins were found to be significantly high during monsoon, whereas the premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons recorded very low concentration. The lipids and Tannin & lignin were high

during the premonsoon period at all locations. In the mangrove sediments tannin & lignin were found to have highest concentration followed by carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.

Seasonal variation of total dissolved carbohydrate in the Kadalundi River, Mangroves and estuary

Study to investigate the biocontrol potential of wetland Microbes on cultivated plants Though Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) and its impact on plants have been well studied, studies on the different species of bacteria existing in wetland / mangroves have been less attempted. The aim of the present project is to isolate, characterize and culture those microbes with Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria(PGPB) potential from selected wetlands, and study their biocontrol characteristics on cultivated plants. The PGPB or rhizosphere microbes are beneficial for plant growth. These microbes facilitate the degradation of debris, uptake of nutrients as well as provide compounds synthesized by the bacteria for promoting growth and control the damage to plants by phytopathogens. Biological control is slow but canbe long lasting, inexpensive and harmless to living organisms and the ecosystem. Rhizobium, Bacillus megaterium, Arthobacter and PseudomonasSp were isolated using standard bacteriological procedures and DNA sequencing (16s rDNA sequence).Application of Bacillus megaterium and Arthobacter promoted plant growth by the production of metabolites and growth hormones which indicates that it will definitely serve as a growth promoter in the agricultural sector. Further Plant growth promoting bacteria Bacillus megaterium and Arthrobacter were screened invitro for their potential against Fusarium oxysporum on vegetable plants tomato and brinjal. PGPB treated plant infected with pathogen showed significant positive change in morphology and biochemical constituents than the fungus treated plants, which indicates the potential of Arthrobacter and Bacillus suppressing Fusariumattack. Results suggest that the effective PGPB strains Bacillus megaterium and Arthrobacter tested in this study have a potential to be formulated and used as inoculants to replace chemical fertilizer and Arthrobacter is a better biocontrol agent to control disease incidence in tomato plant and brinjal.


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Decontamination of solid and liquid waste using effective Microbes for development of an appropriate technology Effective Microorganisms(EM), a culture of co-existing beneficial microorganisms predominantly consisting of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Photosynthetic bacteria, Yeast, Fermenting Fungi and Actinomycetes, are known to enhance microbial turn over in soil thus increasing soil macronutrients and enhancing plant growth. It can also be used effectively in the treatment of sewage and effluents. EM is capable of positively influencing decomposition of organic matter such that it reverts into life promoting process. Use of EM can be an efficient and environment safe method of waste disposal since it can degrade organic matter without producing odour and unwanted elements. Soil samples were collected from Njeliyanparambuand CWRDM canteen waste disposal site. Water sample was collected from Cannoly canal. Bacterial and fungal species were isolated from water and soil samples. Morphological and biochemical characterization was carried out as per the methods mentioned in Bergey’s Manual of Preparative Biochemistry. The isolates were identified to be Streptomyces Sp., Lactobacillus and Bacillus Sp.Fungal species was identified to be Aspergillussp as per the technique of Lactophenol cotton blue mounting. The efficiency of the isolates in degrading solid kitchen waste and in treatment of synthetic waste water was analyzed. Meanwhile EM solution commercially available in the market was used for studying its potential in solid and liquid waste management.

Study in the characteristics of the driving beach at Muzhuppilangad, Kerala Beach driving is a fascinating recreational activity in a few special beaches in the world. Management plans are formulated for these beaches to overcome the adverse impact of beach driving on the overall coastal ecosystem and to ensure the safety of both the passengers and others who frequent the beach. The management plans for drive-in beaches often deal with the vehicle conditions such as tyre pressure, number of driving wheels and their dimensions and also the environmental conditions of the beach such as wave conditions, storms and stages of tide. However, such a management plan has not been formulated for the Muzhappilangad drive in beach of Kerala on the southwest coast of India. Generally, this beach experiences only normal changes during the monsoon; however, during the year 2013, a portion of the beach underwent severe recession which leads to the ban of vehicles to the eroded part of the beach. The portion of the beach subsequently reformed became unfit for vehicle driving. Erosion brought changes to the wave breaking pattern; plunging waves are observed at some stretches of the eroded beach; spilling breakers continued on either sides of this portion. After reformation, spilling breakers are observed in the entire length of the beach. Samples extracted from three depths by core cutter prior to erosion and after reformation revealed that the mean diameter and standard deviation of the particle size changed significantly at the severely eroded portion. The sediment sampled from the reformed beach had higher particle diameter and standard deviation than that from the beach prior to the erosion.

Benchmarking of Kuttiyadi Irrigation Project In case of solid waste, total organic carbon, total organic matter, sodium and potassium content was analyzed before and after treatment with EM. Subsequently efficiency of EM in wastewater treatment was analyzed by preparing synthetic wastewater. Physicochemical parameters like DO, BOD, COD, pH, temperature, Conductivity, TSS, TDS, Sulphate and Nitrate was analyzed before and after treatment with EM. It was observed that the quality of wastewater was found to improve and significant decrease in values of BOD, COD, TSS, and TDS was noted after treatment with EM. If the EM treated wastewater can be used as an alternative water source for irrigation, the dual problem of negative environmental effects and huge water demand for irrigation would be solved. Hence, a comparative study was initiated to examine the variation in growth potential of brinjal plant irrigated with tap water, wastewater and EM treated wastewater. Plant irrigated with EM treated wastewater showed improved growth. Increased amount of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid content was observed in these plants compared to those irrigated with EM untreated wastewater and normal tap water.

The Kuttiyadi Irrigation Project in Kozhikode District with a gravity masonry dam built across Kuttiyadi river at Peruvannamuzhi to provide irrigation facilities for paddy cultivation in an area of 14,569 ha (net) in Kozhikode, Koyilandi and Vadakara Taluks . It was taken up for execution in 1962 and was partially commissioned in 1973.For power generation Kuttiyadi Hydroelectric Project [125 MW (including augmentation scheme)], in the upper reaches of the same river was commissioned during 1972. The Kuttiyadi Tailrace Scheme (3.5 MW) and Kuttiyadi Additional Tailrace Scheme (100 MW) are also implemented to augment power generation. A reservoir (Banasurasagar) in the adjacent east-flowing Kabbini basin with a diversion tunnel to the Kuttiadi hydel reservoir whose storage capacity is quite inadequate, is designed to irrigate 4,740 ha (gross) in Kabbani basin in Wayanad district during 1999.Supply of additional drinking water (174 MLD) to Calicut city and adjacent 10 Panchayaths from the irrigation reservoir, is in the final stages of commissioning. The performance of Kakkodi Branch Canal having an ayacut of 3,141 ha command was analyzed using performance


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

indicators and socio-economic survey. Various indicators to assess the system performance, agricultural productivity and financial aspects were derived for head, mid and tail sections separately during the last season. The Velom branch of Right Bank Canal, having an ayacut of 994 ha and 4.2 km length, has been selected for benchmarking exercise this season. Physical survey using Global Poisoning System (GPS) has been completed and mapping of the same is in progress.

Demonstration of Precision Farming in poly house Farmers/individuals from various surrounding panchayaths have visited the poly house and had an exposure on poly house precision farming. During the period, a variety of crops such as tomato, marrow, salad cucumber, Indian palak, Chinees palak, brinjal and lettuce were cultivated with drip fertigation which were performed well in the poly house. Bed preparation for the next crop has been completed.

Validation of the Farmer Participatory Action Research on Precision Farming and Micro Irrigation Innovative wick irrigation techniques on different vegetables like Brinjal, Bhindi and Amarathus are practiced

in the campus. Some trials of stem planting of tomato are in progress in the campus.

IWMP-Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of the Project-Batch III The objectives of the evaluation project are i)To obtain essential benchmark data related to the project and incorporating the same in DPRs. ii) To identify phasewise tangible outputs and behavioural outcomes that can be used in the long term impact evaluation of the project and iii) To suggest improvement and initiate timely actions. An MoU has been signed between the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) & CWRDM for taking up the evaluation study of IWMP. At present evaluation of preparatory phase of Batch III are being taken up which are implemented in Malappuram, Ernakulam, Kottayam and Idukki Districts by the Rural Development Department, Govt. of Kerala. The watershed areas taken are Areacode, Kuttippuram (Malappuram), Mulanthurthy in Ernakulam, Uzhavoor in Kottayam and Azhutha 1V, Azhutha V Azhutha V1 and Kattappana in Idukki district. Basic details of these watersheds have been collected from the respective Block Panchayaths which are the PIAs of these projects.

Wick Irrigation

A view of the renovated VCB in Kadungad thodu as entry point activity

Stem planting of Tomato

Verification of records and books


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Soil moisture recorded after 48 hrs of channel irrigation Discussions have been held and records and books have been verified. Field visits also have been made to the watershed area to see the entry point activities taken up in all the watersheds.

Farmer participatory demonstration and evaluation of drip fertigation technique in Kerala Green house experiment showed that 100 % of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers through surface drip irrigation registered the highest yield of Bhendi, followed by 100 % of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers through sub surface drip irrigation. The yield under drip fertigation is 142 % more, when compared to channel irrigation, and is statistically significant. Compared to daily drip irrigation, soil moisture content is low under channel irrigation, which is done once in 3 days. More variation in moisture is also observed within the root zone under channel irrigation. However, under drip irrigation, moisture is uniformly distributed 45 cm vertically and horizontally from the crop. Seminars were organized for farmers and Agriculture Dept. officials in the drip fertigation demonstration plots in Alappuzha, Thrissur and Kozhikode districts. Field visits for farmers were arranged to the demonstration plot of arecanut in Malappuram district and green house in CWRDM campus. While about 60% of farmers only were aware of drip fertigation before participating in the seminars/field visits, after observing the system, more than 70% farmers expressed positive opinion about the technique and showed interest in adopting the technique using subsidy provided by the Agriculture Dept. A similar trend was observed earlier among farmers during the inauguration/seminars organized under the project in different districts.

Modeling of Soil Nutrient Assessment Program: Developing a Decision Support System for Sustenance of soil fertility in humid tropics of Kerala The nutrient budgeting study carried out using NUTMON model for 2 farms in Palakkad district by adopting the standard procedures and calculations (viz.,1. Organic2. Integrated nutrient management) were presented below. The farms selected for the study are located at Perumatty and Melarkode area in Palakkad district of Kerala. Among the two farms in one farm, the nutrient management is exclusively organic and devoid of any chemical fertilizers, hereafter referred as organic farm (OF). In other farm, the nutrient management is by integrating both organic manures and chemical fertilizers, hereafter referred as integrated nutrient management farm (INMF).

The nutrient balances generated using -1 NUTMON Toolbox (kg ha ) at Crop activity (PPU) levels of the Organic farm (OF) The nutrient balances generated using NUTMON –Toolbox for OF are presented in Table.

The nutrient balances generated using NUTMON Toolbox Crop activity (PPU) PPU 1 Coconut PPU 2 Banana PPU 3 Areca (betel) nut PPU 4Coconut PPU 5 Paddy /Rice


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

N balance P balance K balance -123.0 13.0 -9.8 -269.4 -128.6

-16.4 5.7 -0.8 -41.6 -65.7

-161.5 -1.2 -18.1 -328.5 -545.4

All the crop activities (PPUs) showed a negative balance of N and P except banana (PPU 2), where the N and P balance (13.4 ; 5.7 kg ha-1) was positive respectively. With respect to K, all the crop activities showed negative balance. The highest negative K balance was observed with paddy (PPU 5) (–545.2 kg ha-1). In nutshell none of the crop activities exhibited a positive balance for all the three nutrients. With respect to INMF, the nutrient balances at crop activities showed a mixed trend of results. In all the coconut and banana fields (PPU 1 to 8) the N balances were negative indicating the N management is not sufficient under this INMF. The results revealed that the nutrient management practices are not appropriate and sustainable. The management options to mitigate this mining by manipulating all inputs and outputs in a judicious way with an integrated system approach are suggested.

at CWRDM campus. The following parameters are being monitored viz., Nutrient movement in soil, Growth and yield parameters in Pepper, Nutrient uptake by plant parts, Quality parameters, Dripper discharge and its distribution uniformity, Soil moisture content and Wetting pattern respectively. Drip fertigation as per the treatment schedule is under progress. In collaboration with Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR) two field experiments are being carried out on drip fertigation in grown-up as well as recently planted pepper vines at IISR Farm, Peruvannamuzhi. Crop biometric and yield parameters also showed the significant impact of drip fertigation. The results showed that 125 % of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers (RDIF) through drip fertigation registered the highest average dry berry yield of 98.4 g / plant in first year and it is statistically significant over the other treatments. Possible reasons for the higher crop productivity under this treatment are that the soil moisture content and nutrient level was maintained, since water and nutrients are supplied continuously at regular intervals compared to soil application of nutrients. The soil fertility data showed that there is an improvement in soil fertility parameters after 1 year of drip fertigation.

Drip Fertigation Package for higher Productivity in Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Field experiment and pot culture experiment have been initiated with Bush pepper for different levels of fertigation

Parameters monitored during field experiment and plot culture experiments in Bush Pepper for different levels of fertigation Treatments

Plant height (cm)

No. of branches

Leaf area index (cm)

Inter node No. of spikes length Harvested Existing (cm)

Length of spikes (cm)

No. of berries per spike
















































































SEd ¹ CD (Pd�0.05)


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Carbon sequestration in soils under major land use systems in humid tropical Western Ghats region of Kerala The main objective of the project is to assess the carbon stock, different fractions of carbon pools and carbon sequestration potential in selected cropping systems of lowland, midland and highland regions of Kerala. Various cropping systems perennial and annual crops with mono crop and mixed cropping systems are being considered for the assessment. Soil sampling in different system has been done in four districts viz., Palakkad, Kozhikode, Kannur and Malappuram district and the soil analysis is under progress. Farm selection for Wayand district is under progress.

both forest and lateritic soil. The possible reason for this might be the faster mineralization of carbon from the soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers as a direct source of feed to soil microbes. The least CO2 evolved was with lime and vermi compost applied treatment.

Evaluation of soil nutrient budgets at field, farm and regional level in humid tropics of Kerala and development of a model for management of soil health

Details about the land use selected in three districts of Kerala No. of No. of No. of Area Land Use / districts AEUs farmers Covered Cropping system covered (ha) 4




Paddy, Coconut based, Banana, Arecanut based, Rubber, Vegetables etc.,

A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to examine the rate of decomposition of the different organic amendment sources in two soil types (forest and lateritic) to assess the potential of Carbon evolution from soils. There are seven treatments with different organic manure / amendments. Carbon was supplied @ 0.5 % depending on the carbon content of the organic manures /amendments. Soil sampling is being done during fixed days interval (1,2,4,8,16,32 64,128 and 256 days). Six stage of soil sampling completed and analysis is under progress. The results of the first set of sampling revealed that at one day interval CO2 evolved from the soil was significantly influenced by the addition of organic amendments. Similarly it showed significant variation with respect to soil types. The addition of fertilizers recorded the highest CO2, in

The objectives of this project are to develop a suitable methodology for monitoring nutrient balance and budgeting, calibrate and validate the model at different spatial scales in Kerala soils and to construct a decision support system (DSS) linked with Geographic Information System (GIS) for ensuring sustenance of soil fertility and successful transfer of agro technology. Second field experiment was conducted with cow pea as the test crop during south west monsoon season. For calibration and validation of NUTMON model and also to develop a soil test crop response equation different levels of NPK were tried. They are 75, 100 and 125 % of N, P and K of recommended fertilizers in different combinations of organic and inorganic sources. Besides as a management strategies two treatments were included as 1. Contour trenches of 50*50*50 cm across the slope and 2. Growing pineapple as strip cropping across the slope. For regional level studies, Kozhikode district has been chosen and initiated the process for regional level data collection. 20 farms have been selected in 4 Agro ecological units covering marginal, small, medium and large farmers with crops like paddy, coconut, banana, arecanut, pepper, vegetables etc. Soil health cards have been distributed to these farmers with fertilizer recommendation for several crops. The thematic maps of soil attributes viz., soil depth, texture, drainage and slope were prepared from soil type map derived from NBSSLUP and KSREC. These derived parameters will be superimposed over agro ecological zone maps for targeting the fertilizer and nutrient recommendations.


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Capacity Building under DRIP The Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India has decided to enhance the capabilities of various institutes of the country dealing with dam safety. The whole program will be under the World bank assisted ‘Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP). As a part of the project CWC proposes to enhance the capabilities of institutes/organizations working in this field. CWRDM had submitted a proposal for Rs 90 lakhs under this scheme to CWC. CWC has approved this proposal and the project has been initiated. CWRDM can now serve as technical consultant in areas identified (Flood Studies, Reservoir Sedimentation Studies and Seepage Analysis) to user departments (PWD/WRD) of the participating states (Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha). The proposed capacity building activities include scientific equipments and training of the concerned scientists in areas related to dam safety.

Integrated Mangrove-Aquaculture for the Environmental Management and SocioEconomic Upliftment of Rural People in Kerala The main objective of the project, is to introduce integrated mangrove aquaculture farming systems in the selected coastal brackish water area covering the nine coastal Districts of Kerala through local community participation and motivational activities.

Climate Change Fingerprints on Water Resources and Hydrometeorology ofAchencoil River Basin in Kerala Drainage map, contour map, land use map and soil map for Achencoil river basin has been prepared. Analysis of hydrometeorological data has been done for a period of thirteen years. The potential evapotranspiration is found to increase during this period. Figure shows the drainage map of Achencoil river basin with the rain gauges and stream gauges marked on it. Thematic maps for drainage, contour, soil and land is prepared and ASTER DEM for the area is downloaded from the USGS web site. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is executed for Kalleli watershed in Achencoil river basin. SWAT model is found to good to predict monthly flows in Kalleli watershed.

Sri.A.Baliq, President, Edava Grama Panchayath inaugurates Fish Harvest at Edava, Thiruvananthapuram District on 27-10-2014 At Thuravur site, Alapppuzha: 2000 mangrove seedlings were planted during July 2014; 5000 numbers of pearl spot and 5000 numbers of mullet fish seeds were released during July 2014. At Kodungalloor site, Thrissur: Harvesting of tiger prawn was conducted in one plot. At Nedungolam site, Kollam: 5000 numbers of pearl spot seeds are stocked. Mangrove saplings planted at the site shows good growth, though survival rate noticed is 40% to 50%. At Cheruvathur site, Kasaragod: Side bunds were strengthened and planted a few mangrove saplings collected by group members; 10,000 milk fish seeds were stocked; meeting was conducted and discussed the arrangements for the second crop. At Maniyoor site, Kozhikode: 1500 pearl spot seeds were released during October 2014. At Edava site, Thiruvananthapuram: Fish harvesting was inaugurated during October 2014 by the Edava Grama Panchayat President, in the presence of Vice President, ward members and group members; Second harvesting was conducted during December 2014

Observed and simulated streamflow at Kalleli (1985-2006)

At Chennam Pallipura site, Alappuzha: New activity group was formed for the implementation of the project; Removal of unwanted water


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

plants and strengthening of bunds were conducted. At Eranholi site, Kannur: Conducted the meeting of the activity group and discussed about the arrangements for second crop; 1500 numbers of pearl spot seedsi was released to one of the ponds. Arrangements are going on to start second crop of aquaculture at all sites. Water and sediment samples were collected from all the sites and analysis is going on for physico-chemical and biological parameters. Socioeconomic survey is also continuing.

Implementation of Management Action Plan at Ashtamudi Wetland The main objective of the project is to conserve and protect Ashtamudi wetland in Kollam district through the implementation of soil and water conservation measures, agro-forestry, pollution abatement of the Lake, conservation of flora and fauna, fixing an operation schedule for withdrawal of water from the Lake, weed control, freshwater fishery development, ensuring participation of local people and institutional arrangement. Soil and water conservation works at the wards 2, 19 and 20 of Perinad Panchayat in the catchment of Ashtamudi Wetland are under progress.

Stabilisation structure and checkdams constructed in the Ashtamudi Catchment area under MAP

Identification of bacterial strains and GISbased buffer analysis of Canoli canal, Kozhikode under Water Quality Monitoring Programme for Kerala State The work has been carried out to identify the potential bacterial contaminants in Canoli canal, a man made urban water way and the surrounding open wells of Kozhikode district, using three methods for taxonomical identification of bacterial strains. The methods used were: morphological, physiological and biochemical tests, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), and the sequencing of 16S rRNA gene.

Eight bacterial isolates from water samples; designated as S1- S8 and were identified to genus level only. Their important advantages include low cost and easy performance. Further all bacterial strains were subjected to whole-cell MALDI-TOF MS analysis. The software MALDI Biotyper (Bruker Daltonics) is used to compare the collected spectra of our eight bacterial strains with the reference database and to generate a numerical value (score) based on the similarities between the observed and stored datasets. All the nine spectra aligned with the MALDI Bio Typer database were correctly identified to the species level (scores e�2). The 16S rRNA gene sequencing supported the results from the mass spectrometry. The identification studies has clearly indicated that, the bacteria isolated from the collected samples were known to be present in all sorts of environment of human involvement, majority of them are human as well as animal pathogen. The bacterial species identified from various stations of the Canoli canal were represented in the GIS buffer zone map. The bacterial contamination was highly concentrated at all sites.Each buffer zone represents a set of bacterial species. Zone 1 consists of a set of 4 bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella variicola, Citrobacter braakii) which were isolated from the surface and groundwater ofMooriyad, Puthiyapalam, Swapnanagari, Kakkuzhipalam and Edakkade. Similarly zone 2 consists a set of 5 bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella variicola, Citrobacter braakii, Aeromonas jandaei) which were islolated from water samples collected from Kaluthankadavu Bridge and Karaparamba. Zone 3, 4 & 5 consists of a set of 6 bacteria (Escherichia coli, Aeromonas jandaei, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, B a c i l l u s c e re u s , C i t ro b a c t e r b r a a k i i ) f r o m Arayidathupalam, a set of 6 bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella variicola, Citrobacter braakii, Aeromonas jandaei, Klebsiella pneumonia) from Erajipalam and a set of 5 bacteria (Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella variicola, Citrobacter braakii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) from Kaipurathupalam and Eranhikkal respectively. Zone 3 & 4 were reported with more pathogenic bacteria, the reason can be attributed to the presence of hospitals and slaughter houses. The canal is receiving the waste water from these establishments. The data also revealed that, the highest proportion of Enterobacter species were noticed in the samples collected from Kaluthankadavu Bridge and Karaparamba sites (zone 2). When these sites were surveyed, it was found that sewage disposal practices in that area are very poor,as municipal drainage facilities are not provided. Low bacterial counts were observed in the samples collected from Kaipuarhupalam and Erajikkal area (zone 5) where well established municipal drainage system was present. Majority of the sampling stations came under zone 3 which were observed to have coliform bacteria than other pathogenic strains. This may be due to the controlled release of municipal waste water.


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

The wells situated within 1 km radius from the Canoli canal were also contaminated with various bacteria. All the samples tested positive for fecal coliforms and other pathogenic bacteria. Higher densities of indicator organisms during the study period can be attributed to the percolation, as well as seepage of domestic sewage through the soil.

Preparation of Management Action Plan for Kavvayi Wetland System of Northern Kerala The length of Kavvayi wetland is between 22.3 kilometres extended between Nileswaram in the north and Ezhimala in the south. The bathymetric survey reveals that the current maximum water spread area and the storage volume of KavvayiWetland at MSL is and 31.58 MCM respectively. The maximum and minimum depth of the Wetland body is between 8.9 m and 0.5m. The maximum depth of the wetland body is observed near to the estuarine. The long term mean water residence time in the Kavvayi wetland and turnover rate are estimated as 2.6 days and 138.7 times/year, respectively. The estimated turnover rate and residence time of water in Kavvayi wetland for the monsoon period is 130.3 times/year and 1.4days; during non monsoon period is 8.5 times/year and 21.6 days respectively. Kavvayi wetland is rich in biodiversity. A sacred grove viz. Edayilakkad island preserves many rare and endemic species. A total of 50 species of flora and fauna, identified in the Kavvayi Wetland system are included in IUCN Red Data Book. Nervilia species are endemic to Malabar region is also found in this region. The wetland area is rich in mangroves and mangrove associates. Kavvayi wetland acts as fertile ground for many migratory birds. The physico chemical and biological characteristic of the wetland is directly influenced by the rivers draining into the wetland system. Most of the sampling stations of the Kavvayi Lake show poor water quality according to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water quality Index. The various ionic concentration of the river reported comparatively high value in the downstream stations. The maximum value of BOD was observed for the surface water sample collected from Kokkinisseri of Peruvamba River. Bacteriological contamination is prevailing in most of the surface and groundwater samples of Kavvayi wetland system. Heavy metals such as iron, manganese and copper were present in most of the soil samples. According to Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines for soil quality, some of the samples collected from Kokkal, Thekkekkad and Edayilakkad were found to be contaminated with cadmium and lead. Cation Exchange Capacity of sample collected from Kokkal Island was also high which indicates that heavy metal concentration increases with Cation Exchange Capacity. Soil texture analysis reveals that most of the soil

samples are sandy and maximum clay content was found in samples collected from Kokkal Island. Physico-chemical analysis of surface sediment samples collected from Kavvayi wetland systems indicated that all the samples except one was alkaline. Concentrations of chloride, sulphate, exchangeable sodium, exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium were found to on the higher side in the sediment samples. Texture analysis indicated that all the samples were sandy type. Heavy metal analysis of the sediment samples indicated the presence of iron, manganese, copper, lead, cadmium, nickel and zinc in the surface sediments. As per USEPAsediment quality guideline, (KV-6) Ayittikadavu is heavily polluted with lead, nickel and copper. Mixing point of Kavvayi River in to lake (KV-2) was heavily polluted with nickel and lead. The degree of contamination (Cd) of three stations, KV2(mixing point of Kavvayi river into Lake), KV-6 (Ayittikadavu),and KV-11 (mixing point of Nileswar River into Kavvayi Lake) indicated considerable degree of heavy metal contamination in sediment samples. Sampling stations KV-1, KV-13, KVVP-1 and KVPB-2 were found to be moderately contaminated and all the other stations showed low degree of contamination. Sediment samples were found to be contaminated with organo chlorine pesticides. Aldrin, Endo-alpha and Endo-beta were detected in sediment samples. Pollution load index indicated that the sampling station taken for our present study was not polluted, but it was contaminated with lead and cadmium. The Kavvayi Wetland system has been facing a major threat from land reclamation and encroachment. The environmental problems identified in the catchment area of the wetland include: sand mining, laterite mining, unscientific development of tourism, over exploitation of minerals and resources, aquatic weeds which multiply very quickly and cover the water bodies, destruction of mangroves and unscientific construction of bunds that have been posing a threat to the biodiversity of the wetland which is home to some rare species of hydrophytic plants, birds and fishes, urbanization or anthropogenic pressure and community pressure for fuel, food and fodder. The other major threats include; dumping of wastes, coconut husk retting, sand and shell removal, weed choking, waste disposal by intensive aquaculture, agricultural practices along the catchment area. The impact ofclimate change in the wetland ecosystem has to be undertaken as long measure. This in turn is leading to shallow wetland areas to being swamped and some dwarf species of mangrove trees being submerged and drowned. The primary pollutants causing wetland degradation are fertilizers, human sewage, animal waste, pesticides, heavy metals etc. The management action plan is proposed along with the subcomponents, via land and water resources management, biodiversity conservation, ecotourism development, livelihood improvement and institutional development.


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014


Plan Projects

Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator


Sedimentation Survey of Hydel Reservoirs

Dr. Anitha A B



Benchmarking of Kuttiyadi Irrigation Project

Dr. Anitha A B



Assessment of groundwater condition and Effect of Reservoirs on Groundwater Environment in Karamana River Basin

Dr. Arun P.R



Study on Impact in Water resources due to Construction of Vented Weir near CWRDM infiltration gallery at Punnurpuzha

Dr. Arun P.R



Evaluation of Ground Water Condition in Chandragiri River Basin Using Spatial Information Technology

Dr. Arun P.R



Climate change fingerprints on water resources and hydro meteorology of Acehncoil river basin in Kerala

Dr. Celine George



Regionalisation of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) for Highland catchments in Kerala

Dr. Celine George



Investigation on Climatic Change and assessment of its impact on water and land Resources in Wayand Districts, Western Ghat region of Kerala

Dr. Dinesan V P



Evolving Integrated River Basin Management Plan for Neyyar River in South Kerala

Dr. Dinesan V P


10 Streamflow data generation for ungauged sub-basins in a humid tropical region

Dr. George Abe


11 Water resources management using WEAP model in a humid tropical river basin

Dr. George Abe


12 Studies on water yield from high land catchments in humid tropics of the Western Ghat regions of Kerala State

Dr. George Abe


13 Preparation of Master plan for integrated management of Pamba river basin

Dr. George Chackacherry


14 Integrated Management of Ashtamudi Ramsar Wetland System, Kerala: Preparation of Action Plan

Dr. George Chackacherry



Local Area Network (LAN) Administration and CWRDM Project Information System (CPIS)

Dr. Girish Gopinath



A Reappraisal investigation on major Springs of Wayanad District

Dr. Girish Gopinath


17 Treatment of Contaminated Drinking Water and Industrial Waste water using Nanotechnology

Dr. Harikumar P S


18 Decontamination of solid and liquid waste using effective Microbes for development of an appropriate technology

Dr. Jalaja T K


19 Drip Fertigation Package for higher Productivity in Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

Dr. Joseph E J


20 Validation of FPARP on Precision Farming and Micro Irrigation

Dr. Kamalam Joseph


21 A pilot Project for Improving the Environmental Quality of Iruvazhinjipuzha River, Kozhikode District

Dr. Madhavan Komath



CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)

Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)

22 Development and Maintenance of Water Museum Complex with emphasis on establishing Science and Technology Display Centre on water for mass awareness 23 Recharge Estimation and Groundwater resources Assessment of Keecheri-Puzhakkal River basins, Central Kerala

Dr. Prasannakumar K R (Co-PI)


Dr. Priju C P


24 Modelling of Saltwater intrusion in the Shallow Coastal Aquifers of Ernakulam-Alappuzha Region

Dr. Priju C P


25 Investigation of Nutrient fluxes and Organic Dynamics in a Mangrove Ecosystem of Northern Kerala

Dr. Resmi T R


26 Elucidation of Carbon Sources of an Urban Environment

Dr. Resmi T R.


27 Study on stable and radio nuclides and associated metal chemistry of groundwater along Kollam coast

Dr. Shahul Hameed A


28 Evaluation of rainout pattern of monsoon precipitation in Kerala using stable isotope signatures

Dr. Unnikrishnan Warrier C


29 Geochemical and Isotopic characterization of groundwater from the coastal aquifers of Kannur district

Dr. Unnikrishnan Warrier C


30 Blue and Green water Availability and its Variability in Neyyar River Basin

Smt. Ambili G K


31 Water Balance Study of Karamana River basin using WEAP mode

Smt. Ambili G K


32 Study on Hydrological Characteristics of all River Basins of Kerala

Smt. Drissia T K


33 Assessment of Water Stress in Bharathapuzha River Basin

Smt. Drissia T K


34 Hydrodynamic Modelling of Karuvannur River

Smt. Drissia T K


35 Impact of Kuttiyadi Augmentation Scheme in the Command Areas of Kuttiyadi and Banasurasagar Irrigation Projects of Kerala

Sri. Dinil Sony C


36 Investigation on the Hydrology of Tanks and Ponds in Bharathapuzha River Basin of Kerala

Sri. Dinil Sony C


37 Study in the Characteristics of the Driving Beach at Muzhuppilangad, Kerala

Sri. Abdulla P K


38 Salinity Propagation and Mixing Characteristics of Kuppam-Valapattanam River

Sri. Abdulla P K


39 Studies On Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetlands Sri. Jayakumar P

12. 25

40 Post Project Impact Assessment of Malampuzha Irrigation Project

Sri. Jayakumar P


41 Study on the Environmental Status of Kozhikode City

Sri. Jayakumar P


ii. Externally funded Projects Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)


Development of GWIS for development and management Dr. Dinesan V P of groundwater in Palakkad, Wyanad and Alappuzha with special reference to Paddy Cultivation.




Hydrological Investigations in the Munnar High Range Mountain Landscape (UNDP)

Dr. George Abe




Implementation of Management Action Plan at Ashtamudi Ramsar Wetland

Dr. George Chackacherry MoEF,GoI



CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator


Implementation of Management Action Plan at Sasthamcotta Ramsar Wetland

Dr. George Chackacherry MoEF,GoI


Development of a space-enabled Drought Management Support System for the five drought-prone districts in Kerala state, in the wake of the global climate change and the projected impacts

Dr. Girish Gopinath




Sedimentation analysis of the high altitude wetlands in Kerala with special reference to Pookot lake

Dr. Girish Gopinath




Estimation of Recent rate and pattern of sedimentation using Cs isotopic systematics of a high altitude lake of Western Ghats

Dr. Girish Gopinath




Saline Water Intrusion studies along Tuticorin coast using Isotope Systematics

Dr. Girish Gopinath




Water Quality Monitoring Programme for Kerala State

Dr. Harikumar P S



10 Preparation of Management Action Plan for Kavvayi Wetland System of Northern Kerala

Dr. Harikumar P S



11 Monitoring, Mapping and Mitigation of Fluoride in Palakkad Region including Attappady of Kerala State

Dr. Harikumar P S



12 Various Programmes in Water and Sanitation under IYWC

Dr. Harikumar P S

Environment Department, Govt.of Kerala


13 Establishment of Mobile Laboratory for the quality assurance of drinking water source in Kerala

Dr. Harikumar P S

Water Resources Department, Govt.of Kerala


14 Preparation of Detailed Profile Report of Sasthamkotta and Vellayani Lakes

Dr. P.S Harikumar

DoECC,5.00 Govt.of Kerala

15 C V Raman Fellowship for African Researchers

Dr. Hassan Saad Mohammed Hilmi Dr. Girish Gopinath (Scientist Mentor)





16 Carbon sequestration in soils under major land use Dr. Joseph E J systems in humid tropical Western Ghats region of Kerala

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs) 307.00

17 Farmer participatory demonstration and evaluation of drip fertigation technique in Kerala

Dr. K. Madhava Chandran DST, ,GoI


18 Demonstration of Precision Farming in Poly house

Dr. Kamalam Joseph

State Horticulture Mission Kerala,GoK


19 Action Education of Scheduled Caste Youths on Water Resources Development and Management through Appropriate Scientific Technologies

Dr. Kamalam Joseph



20 IWMP-Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of the Project-Batch 111

Dr. Kamalam Joseph

Rural Development Department, GoK


21 Ecological Restoration of Mampuzha River

Dr. Madhavan Komath

Special Development Fund for MLA’s work



CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)

22 Delineation of Paleo-Channels of Periyar River basin using hydrogeological and geo-electrical methods

Dr. Priju C P


23 Stable Isotope Facility for Research in Basic and Applied Sciences(DST, GoI)

Dr. Shahul Hameed A



24 Spatial distribution of uranium and associated water quality parameters in the drinking water sources of northern districts of Kerala(DAE-BRNS)

Dr. Shahul Hameed A



25 Modeling of Soil Nutrient Assessment Program: Dr. U Surendran Developing a Decision Support System for Sustenance of soil fertility in humid tropics of Kerala



26 Environment and Climate Change Research Fellowship Programme -Paristhithiposhini

Ms. Bindhya Mol (Research Fellow) Dr. P.S Harikumar (Scientist Mentor)

Directorate of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC), Environment Dept, GOK


27 A Study on the Persistence of Endosulphan and its Degradation by Biotic and Abiotic Factors - Back to Lab Programme

Smt. Jesitha K (Research Fellow) Dr. P.S Harikumar (Scientist Mentor)


13. 75

28 Groundwater Response to Urbanization

Smt. Jesiya N P (Ph.D fellowship) Dr. Girish Gopinath (Guide)


29 Integrated Mangrove-Aquaculture for the Environmental Management and Socio-Economic Upliftment of Rural People in Kerala

Smt N Suvarnakumari


30 ‘Agricultural Water Management for’. Officers of Dept. of Agriculture and Food Production, Odisha

Sri. Sushanth C M

Dept. of Agriculture & Food production, Odisha


31 Capacity Building under Dam Rehabilitation and Investigation Project (DRIP)

Sri. Sushanth C M



32 Social audit of Kallada Irrigation Project

Sri. Sushanth C M



33 Water Use Efficiency Studies of Mangalam Irrigation Project

Sri. Babu Mathew



Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency


Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Vellayani kayals.

Dr. Dinesan V P

Environment Department, GoK



Study on Water Budget for Various Watersheds in Kalpetta Block.

Dr. Dinesan V P

Kalpetta Block



Preparation of Soil Fertility Map for Trichur District in GIS

Dr. Dinesan V P




—— 103.00

iii. Consultancy Projects Budget (Rs in Lakhs)


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)


Preparation of Panchayat level water security plan for Jalanidhi project phase-II: Technical Support for Implementation

Dr. Dinesan V P




Water Quality Monitoring Study at Marthandavarma Branch of Periyar River

Dr. Harikumar P S

BPCL, Kochi



Environmental monitoring of IISER construction site at Vidhura

Dr. Harikumar P S


04. 67


Water Quality Analysis under Various Consultancy Programmes

Dr. Harikumar P S




Investigations on the Seepage at d/s of Kulamavu saddle dam, Idukki Hydroelectric project using tracer technique

Dr. Shahul Hameed A




Social Audit of Kallada Irrigation Project

Sri. Sushanth C M



10 Identification of Command Area of Pazhassi Irrigation Project

Sri. Sushanth C M



11 Rapid Environmental Assessment of the Proposed KINFRA Park at Thrissur

Sri. Sushanth C M



12 Rapid EIA of the proposed Footwear Design Institute at Ramanattukara

Sri. Sushanth C M Sri. Jayakumar P



13 Environmental Reports for Soil Removal from various sites at Ernakulum Dist.

Sri. Sushanth C M Sri. Jayakumar P

Revenue Dept.


14 Water Management Plan for Comtrust Eye Hospital, Calicut

Sri. Sushanth C M Sri. Jayakumar P

Comtrust Eye Hospital, Calicut


15 Water Treatment Scheme for Kalady Plantations Estate of PCK Ltd

Sri. Sushanth C M Sri. Jayakumar P

Plantation Corporation Kerala


16 Feasibility study for restoration of land and rapid environmental impact assessment for the land at Thottipal - Kondipuram area, Nenmenikara village and in Parappukkara village in Thrissur District

Sri. Sushanth C M Sri. Jayakumar P



17 Assessment of Impact of Inland Vessels on the Water Quality in Vembanad Lake, Alappuzha

Sri. Dinil Sony C, Sri. Abdulla P K, Sri. Jayakumar P & Dr. ShahulHameed A

Port Department


18 Rapid EIA Due To Manual Dredging of Sand from the Port Limits ofMunambam /Kodungallur

Sri. Dinil Sony C & Sri. Abdulla P K

Port Department


19 Study on locating treated effluent disposal site for Kochi Refinery

Sri. Jayakumar P Dr. Shahul Hameed A Sri. Dinil Sony C, Sri. Abdulla P.K.



“We have the ability to provide clean water for every man, woman and child on the Earth. What has been lacking is the collective will to accomplish this. What are we waiting for? This is the commitment we need to make to the world, now.” -- Jean-Michel Cousteau


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

2. COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECTS i. Plan Projects Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator


An integrated study on the Kavvayi wetland system of northern Kerala

Dr. Harikumar P S

28. 00


Study to investigate the bio control potential of wetland microbes on cultivated plants

Dr. Jalaja T K


Environmental attributes of sand mining areas in Kuttiyadi River

Sri. Jayakumar P



Budget (Rs in Lakhs)

ii. Externally funded Projects Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)


Soil Quality Monitoring of Cheruvannur-Nallalam Panchayath-Kozhikode district (KSCSTE)

Dr. P.S Harikumar




Use of Bacteriophages as Tracers for Predicting the Safe Distance between Contamination Source and Well Water in Different Soil Environments

Ms. Megha P U (Research Fellow) Dr. P.S Harikumar (Scientist Mentor)



Sl. Title of the Project No.

Principal Investigator

Funding Agency

Budget (Rs in Lakhs)


Dr. Dinesan V P

Panthalayani Block

iii Consultancy projects

Integrated drainage improvement plan for facilitating sustainable farming activities in the low lying paddy fields in Panthalayani Block, Kozhikode District. Panthalayani Block

TRAININGS / WORKSHOPS / AWA R E N E S S P R O G R A M M E S CONDUCTED Action Education of Scheduled Caste Youths on Water Resources Development and Management through Appropriate Scientific Technologies


oninstallation of micro irrigation system, fabrication of bush pumps, manufacturing of mayilpeeli sprinklers, setting up of wick irrigation, water filters, rainwater harvesting, construction of ferrocement tank, plant multiplication techniques etc. were given to the trainees. The pre test and post test shows a great improvement in knowledge base, skill level and overall attitude of the trainees in the above topics. The trainees were given certificates, training kits, miniature models of bush pump, filters, drip irrigation, RWH structure, wick irrigation, tool kit and training module

The primary objective of the project is to equip the scheduled caste youths as resource persons by providing skilled training on science and technology interventions in water resources management and development and to serve as skilled persons in the similiar activities of the local bodies and user departments in their respective districts. The first ‘Skill Development Training on Water Resources Development and Management’ was conducted at CWRDM during 1-17 December 2014. Twenty two SC youths from Kasargod, Kannur, Malappuram and Kozhikode districts attended the programme. The programme included participatory sessions, hands-on-training, case studies, examples and exercises, field visits etc. Hands on training

Trainees in the District Agricultural Farm, Koothali and studying plant multiplication techniques


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

and Dr. Biju Prabhakar IAS, District Collector, Dr. George Chackacherry etc. spoke on the occasion. Around 50 farmer leaders and officials of the Irrigation Department attended.

Workshop on the Management Action Plan of Kavvayi Wetland

Hands on training on preparation of organic manures and pesticides and stone pitched terrace wall

Training Programme on Water Quality Management A series of training programmes on “Water Quality Management” were conducted by CWRDM, Kozhikode, with the support of KSCSTE on 16-18 July, 2014, 11-13 August, 2014 and 4-6 December, 2014. Teachers from various Colleges, High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools of Kerala State attended the programme. The technical session included the classes of Dr. P.S.Harikumar, Dr. T.R Resmi, Dr. Girish Gopinath, Dr. MadhavanKomath and Dr. T Jayakrishnan. Field visit to Kottuli wetland was also done as part of the training programme. Physico-chemical, bacteriological and biological parameters of the water samples collected from Canoli Canal and Kottuli wetland were analysed by the participants in the NABL Accredited Laboratory of Water Quality Division of CWRDM.

CWRDM with the support of KSCSTE organized a workshop on discussing the draft report on “Management Action Plan of Kavvayi Wetland” at Payyannur on 28thAugust 2014.Shri C Krishnan, MLA, Payyannur inaugurated the workshop. Dr K K Ramachandran Member Secretary, KSCSTE presided over the function. Draft report on “MAP of Kavvayi Wetland” was released by Shri C Krishnan MLAby handing over a copy toDr K K Ramachandran Member Secretary, KSCSTE. Smt. Lathika K V (Chairperson, Payyannur Municipality), Shri. G D Nair (Former President, Payyannur Municipality), Shri. T P Padhmanabhan (SEEK) and Dr. Khaleel Chovva (Principal Sir Syed College, Thaliparamba) felicitated the function. Dr. P Harinarayanan, Coordinator, Wetland Technical Unit, KSCSTE, gave the key note address. Dr. P S Harikumar& Dr. V P Dinesan, Scientists, CWRDM, presented various aspects of the report in the workshop.

Release of draft report on “Management Action Plan of Kavvayi Wetland" Suggestions put forward by the participants of the workshop and discussion with the stakeholders and local people have been incorporated in the final report of “Management Action Plan of Kavvayi Wetland”.

Analysing the insitu parameters by the participants during the field visit

Seminar on Revamping Irrigation Management at Neyyar Irrigation Project Organised at the Sub Centre on 01 August 2014.Sri. Selvaraj MLA, Smt Jameela Prakasham MLA, Sri. A T George MLA,

Training cum Exposure Visit on Agricultural Water Managementfor Officials of Dept. of Agriculture and Food Production, Govt. of Odisha The Joint Director of Agriculture (Farm and Seed) from the Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production, Odisha had approached Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), Kozhikode, Kerala for taking up short term training programme for its officers in the field of


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

water management. CWRDM has accepted this proposal and has agreed to provide training on Agricultural Water Management for Officials of Dept. of Agriculture and Food Production, Govt. of Odisha. The training has already been initiated from September 2014 and includes 6 training programmes in the first phase. The participants include Middle and Senior level officers from Department of Agriculture & Food Production, Odisha. Each batch has participant strength of 20. The objective of this course is to educate the participants on some important aspects of water management and also to interact with the experts and famers in Kerala on the same. The progaramme includes class room lectures, discussions, field visits and Institutional visits (IISR, Kozhikode, ARS/KVK - Wayanad, KVASU, Wayanad etc.) and is having a duration of 5 days. The faculty for the course includes both CWRDM scientists’ and expert faculty from other institutions like Kerala Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and Water Resource Department of Government of Kerala.

October 2014. Adv. P.T.A Rahim, MLA, Kunnamangalam, inaugurated the meeting. Video Documentary on “Water Quality Monitoring” was released in the function.

National level workshop for Eco & WaSH Futures

Shri M K Raghavan M P inaugurating the National Level Workshop by lighting the lamp

One day workshop on “Water literacy programe for various schools of Kozhikode district panchayath” A view of the participants

One day workshop on “Water literacy programe for various schools of Kozhikode district panchayath” at CWRDM on 18th

CWRDM organised a National level ‘Learning Exchange and Youth Leadership Workshop for Eco & Wash Futures’ at CWRDM, on 20th October 2014. This was sponsored by National Council for Science and Technology Communication, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi. Sri M K Raghavan, M P, Kozhikode inaugurated the workshop. Dr N B Narasimha Prasad, Executive Director, CWRDM, presided over the inaugural function. Dr Latha Pillai, Director, Rajeev Gandhi Institute for Youth Development, Sriperumbathur, delivered the key note address.Dr Pamposh Kumar, Chief Coordinator of the workshop,Dr Afroz Ahammed, Director, Narmada Control Authority, felicitated the function. Dr Kamalam Joseph, Head, Training Education and Extension Division, CWRDM, welcomed the gathering and Sri, Babu Mathew scientist proposed vote of thanks. About 150 delegates including NCC cadets & officers, NSS volunteers & officers


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

and Kudumbasree leaders from Kerala, Karnataka, Andraprasesh and Tamilnadu participated in the program and shared their experiences In the technical session which followed, Dr Reena Anilkumar, Dr S K Shawney, Sri N Balagopal and Sri Kumarvel have presented papers. The delegates were also taken to water Resources Museum and laboratories for a visit, as part of the programme.

National Level Training on ‘Irrigation Water Management’ Organised a three day national level training course on ‘Irrigation Water Management’ for Water User Associations at CWRDM during 28-30 October 2014 under the sponsorship of National Water Mission, MoWR, New Delhi. Twenty five farmer leaders from Kozhikode, Palakkad, Thrissur and Malappuram districts representing various Water User Associations attended the programme. Field visit was arranged on 29-10-2014 to Thekkinkadu Lift Irrigation Scheme (farmer managed) at Elad and Muthukurissi Lift Irrigation Scheme (Minor Irrigation dept) at Muthukurissi, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram districts.

function. She interacted with the delegates and listened to the problems and prospects of irrigation sector/ functioning of the Water User Associations. Dr N B Narasimha Prasad, Executive Director, presided over the function. Smt. Tripathi had a detailed discussion with the Head, Scientist and Technical Officers of TEED and a draft MoU between MoWR and CWRDM was prepared for conducting training / awareness programme sponsored by National Water Mission, MoWR, New Delhi.

Workshop on Management Action Plan for Ramsar sites of Kerala Conducted at CWRDM, Kozhikode on 28th November 2014. The final project Report on “Management Action Plan for Kavvayi Wetland System of Northern Kerala” was released by Adv. P.T.A Rahim, MLA, Kunnamangalam by Handing over the copy to Dr. KK Ramachandran, Member Secretary, KSCSTE.

Smt Nidhi Tripathy, Director, National Water Mission, MoWR, New Delhi, was the chief guest for the valedictory

Sensitisation Workshop on ‘IWRM’ at Kollam Two day Sensitisation Workshop on ‘Integrated Water Resources Management’ was organized at Ashramam Government Guest house, Kollam, during 04-05 December 2014. Smt Jagadamma Teacher, Vice President, District Panchayath, Kollam, inaugurated the function. Dr. George Abe, Scientist & Head, CWRDM Sub Centre, Kottayam, Dr. A B Anitha, Scientist & Head, Surface Water Division, CWRDM and Er. G K Ambili, Scientist, CWRDM, presented various papers in the workshop.

Smt Nidhi Tripathy, Director, National Water Misson, New Delhi, the Chief Guest of the Valedictory Session interacting with the leaders of WUAs

Smt Jagadamma teacher, Vice President, District Panchayath inaugurates the workshop at Kollam


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Regional Workshop on Skill Development of youth

One day workshop on “Drinking Water QualityProblems and Solutions” was conducted at CWRDM on July 19th, 2014.

One day Regional Workshop on ‘Skill Development of Youth for Efficient Water Management and Sustainable Development’ was conducted on 27th December 2014 at CWRDM, Kozhikode, with an objective to apprise the officers of various departments, who are directly or indirectly dealing with the Water Resources Development and Management on the objectives, activities and expected outcome of the project which is being implemented by CWRDM. Dr N B Narasimhaprasad, Executive Director, CWRDM welcomed the gathering. Shri K C Joseph, Hon’ble Minister for Rural Development, Planning, NORKA and Culture, Govt. of Kerala inaugurated the workshop. Adv. PTA Rahim, MLA, Kunnamangalam presided over the function. Prof.(Dr) Rajendran, Associate Director, RARS, Ambalavayal and Prof. Damodharan Namboothiri, Executive Director, CREST, Kozhikode felicitated during the function. Dr Kamalam Joseph, Head, Training Education &Extension Division, CWRDM & Project Coordinator explained the objectives of the workshop in detail. In the technical session, Prof.(Dr.) Rajendran, RARS, Ambalavayal made presentation about the activities of Green army and Karshika Karma Sena. A total No of 150 officials representing various Departments/local bodies from Kasargod, Kannur, Malappuram, Kozhikode and wayanad and trainees were attended the workshop. In the workshop the possibility of deploying the skilled youth were discussed and the District officers of various departments have expressed their willingness to engage the skilled youth in the developmental activities of their respective areas.Sri. Babu Mathew, Scientist, CWRDM proposed vote of thanks.

A training programme on “Water Quality Monitoring Techniques” was conducted for the Health Inspectors of Kozhikode district on 23rd October 2014 & on 12th November 2014. An awareness programme on Water Quality and Sanitation and water card and water filter distribution to the beneficiaries was conducted at Olavanna Gramapanchayath on 21st August 2014. One day workshop on “Water Literacy Programme” was conducted at Olavanna Grama Panchayath on 26th October, 2014, in connection with the project on Ecological Restoration of Mampuzha River. An awareness class on Drinking water quality and Sanitation was given for the NSS volunteers of Thamarassery Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School on 23rd December 2014.

WRMTP Trainings l








Sri K C Joseph, Hon'ble Minister for Rural Development, Planning, NORKA and Culture, Govt. of Kerala delivering the inaugural address at CWRDM


Planning of Water Supply and Sanitation Projects for the Councilors, Presidents of Panchayats / Blocks/ Corporations and BDOs on 22 July 2014. Safe Water and Human Health, for BDOs Health Inspectors and VEOs of Panchayats/Blocks/ Corporations during 19-20 August 2014. Introduction to Coastal Erosion Problems and Protection Measures in Kerala conducted at CWRDM, Kozhikode from September 22ndto September25th 2014. 25 Officials from Water Resources Department, Harbour Engineering Department, LSGD and CWC were participated. Integrated Watershed Management - Monitoring & Evaluation at Thrissur during 24-26 September 2014 under WRMTP. Twenty four Officers from different departments attended the programme. Field visit was arranged to Attupuram watershed near Wadakkanchery to get an exposure to the participants. Bench Marking of Irrigation Projects during 07 – 10 October 2014 at the Sub Centre Neyyatinkara. Water Supply and Sanitation, for the Officers from LSGD, KWA, Jalanidhi, Municipalities/ Corporations during 07-09 October 2014. Integrated Water Resources Management with Special Reference to Pamba River Basin during 14 – 16, October 2014 at Government Guest House, Pathanamthitta. Adv. Haridas Edathitta, District Panchayat President, inaugurated the training programme. 30 senior/middle level officials attended. Advanced Techniques in Groundwater Development and Management, during 14-16 October 2014. Introduction to Advanced Mapping Techniques for Water Resources Management- 23-25 October 2014.


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014








Irrigation Management under during 4 to 6h November 2014. Management of Organisational Changeat Ernakulam during 5-7 November 2014. Twenty nine Officers from the Departments of Water Resources, Agriculture, Kerala Water Authority, Groundwater, Local Self Government were attended the programme. Groundwater Recharge and Management Strategies, during 11-13 November 2014. Environmental Impact Assessment Process, for the Engineers of Irrigation and Agriculture Departments, during 18 – 20 Nov. 2014. Management Skills for Officers in the Government Departments at Palakkad during 26 -28 November 2014. Thirty Officers from the Departments of Water Resources, Agriculture, Kerala Water Authority, Local Self Government were attended the programme. Application of Decision Support System in Irrigated Agriculture during 9 to 11h December 2014. Techniquesfor estimation of water potential of river basins at Eranakulamduring 9-11 December 2014.


study’ in 3rd International Conference of Hydrology and Meteorology held at Hyderabad during 15-17 September 2014. Attended the Workshop on ‘Management Plan for Ramsar Sites of Kerala (with special reference to Sasthamcotta and Ashtamudi) on 28th November 2014 at CWRDM, Calicut

Dr. Arun P R l Attended and presented a paper titled “Salinity Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones through Spatial Information Systems: A Case Study” in the 4th International conference on “Hydrology and Watershed Management”-ICHWAM 2014, held at Hyderabad during 29 Oct-1 Nov 2014 l Attended the training program on “Geophysical techniques in Groundwater Studies” held at Rajiv Gandhi National Groundwater Training and Research Institute (RGNGWT&RI), Raipur During 17-28 November 2014. Dr. Dinesan V P Participated in the Workshop on ‘Water Resources Management in Wayanad” organized by Karshaka Samithi Wayand, at Sulthan Battery on 16 September 2014 and presented a paper on “Water Resources Status of Wayand” l Participated in the Workshop on ‘Management Action Plan for Kavvai Wetland in Northern Kerala” organized by CWRDM, at Payyannur on 26 August 2014 and presented “Hydrological Characteristics of Kavvai Wetland System”. l

TRAINING PROGRAMMES / SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED Sri. Abdulla P K l Delivered a talk on ‘Effects of Ports on Shoreline’ at the Induction Training for the fresh Engineers, conducted by the Harbour Engineering Department during 25-28 August 2014. l Attended and presented the paper in Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2014) at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada during 18-20 December 2014. l Presented the progress of work at the Scientist meet organised by KSCSTE at Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, Trivandrum during 15-17th October 2014. Smt. Ambili G K l Workshop held at JNTU, Hyderabad during 29 October to 01 November 2014, and presented paper on ‘Opportunities for Improving performance of Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study in Vellanur Minor Irrigation Scheme, Kerala’ l Training on ‘Training need analysis’ at IMG, Thiruvananthapuram, during 02-12 December, 2014. Dr. Anitha A B l Attended the workshop to identify the R&D needs in the broad areas of Hydrology and Water Resources organised by DST-PAC on Civil and Environmental Engineering at IIT Guwahati, during July 17-18, 2014. l Attended and presented a paper ‘Integrated river basin management in Western ghat region through a case

Sri. Dinil Sony C l Attended District Level Expert Committee meeting held at Collectorate, Kozhikode on 22-8-2014. Smt. Drissia T K l Attended the training course on ‘MIKE 11 Introduction to river modelling’ at DHI, New Delhi during 25-8-2014 to 28-8-2014. l Attended and presented the papers in 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2014) at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 29-10-2014 to 01-11-2014. Smt. Digilarani M l Attended the national conference on “Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies” (AMI-EMMT 2014), 12-14Nov. 2014, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Dr. George Abe l

Attended the 19th Conference on Hydraulics, Water resources & Environmental Engineering (Hydro 2014, Dec. 18-20th, 2014) at MNIT, Bhopal


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Dr. George Chackacherry l Workshop on Watershed Management organized by the Environment Department at Thiruvananthapuram on 04 July 2014. Presented paper on ‘Veli-Akkulam Lake: Values and Threats’. l Stakeholder workshop on Kallada Irrigation Project at Kottarakkara on 07 October 2014. l International Workshop on Climate Change, Extreme Events and Environmental Resilience held at Institute of Management in Government, Thiruvananthapuram, during 15 – 16 December 2014. Presented paper entitled ‘Dealing with Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Water Sector’ in the workshop. Dr. Girish Gopinath l Attended and presented final report on project entitled ‘Saline Water Intrusion studies along Tuticorin coast using Isotope Systematics’, 9th meeting of Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) on -Water Technology Initiative, Department of Science and Technology (DST) on 25th -26th July 2014 in Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh. l Attended the ICHWAM-2014 pre- conference workshop on ‘Geospatial Applications in Water Resources’ on 29th October 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. l


Attended and presented a paper on 4thInternational Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management with a Focal Theme on Ecosystem Resilience - Rural and Urban Water Requirements Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad on 30th October – 1st November, 2014 Attended pre-symposium Tutorials of ISPRS Technical Commission VIII on “Operational Remote Sensing Applications: Opportunities, Progress and Challenges” on Hyperspectral Data Analysis and Applications, during 7-8 December, 2014 at National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad.

Dr. Jalaja T K Attended the national conference on “Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies” (AMI-EMMT 2014), 12-14Nov. 2014, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. l Attended the national conference on Harmony with Nature in context of Environmental Issues and challenges of the 21st century” Harmony 2014, Udaipur Rajasthan, 28 – 30 Nov. 2014. l

Sri. P Jayakumar Attended the national conference on Harmony with Nature in context of Environmental Issues and challenges of the 21st century” Harmony 2014, Udaipur Rajasthan, 28 – 30 Nov. 2014.

Dr. Kamalam Joseph l Attended the Expert Committee Meeting of DST at Bhopal during 2-07-2014 to 7-07-2014. Dr. Priju C P l Attended and presented a paper titled “Salinity Mapping in the Coastal Aquifers Using Geophysical Techniques – A Case Study” in the 4th International conference on “Hydrology and Watershed Management”-ICHWAM 2014, held at Hyderabad during 29 Oct-1 Nov 2014. Dr. Surendran U l Attended and presented the progress of the DST TIFAC funded project at the 3rd Study Steering Committee meeting on 7th July 2014 at TIFAC, Delhi l Attended an International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agro meteorology of Sustainable Agriculture and presented an oral paperduring 16 to 18th October, 2014 at GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar. l Attended and presented the progress of the DST TIFAC funded project at the Committee meeting on 12th December 2014 at TIFAC, Delhi l Completed Certificate course on Environmental Management conducted by CEDDECT, Spain in the program of Managing River Basins of South Asia. The scholarship of the course was sponsored by Asian Development Bank (ADB).

LECTURES OUTSIDE CWRDM Dr. Anitha A B l Delivered a talk on ‘Water Resources of Kerala’ to the final year students of KMCT College of Engineering for Women on 7th October 2014 Dr. Dinesan V P l Invited lecture on ‘Water Resources of Kerala-Problems and Prospects, Agri-Fest 2015, Thodupuzha, 31st December, 2014. l Invited lecture on ‘Interstate Water Transfers with Special Reference to Mullaperiyar’, KMCT, Manasseri, Kozhikode, 7th September, 2014. l Invited lecture on ‘Global Warming and Sea Level Rising’ in the One Day Workshop ‘World Environment Day’ Organized by Chavara Cultural Society, Kozhikode,5 June, 2014. Dr. George Chackacherry l Amal Jyothi Engineering College, Kanjirappally, Kottayam, on ‘Integrated Water Resources Management and its Relevance in Kerala’ on 27 August 2014.


Dr. Girish Gopinath l Invited talk on the topic ‘GIS and its applications in Geology’ for the M.Sc. Marine Geology & Marine


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

Geophysics students of in the Department of Marine Geology & Geophysics, CUAST, Kochi on 11th October, 2014 Dr. Harikumar P S Delivered a key note address on “Water Quality Status of Major Rivers of Kerala” in the technical programme conducted by KSCSTE as part of World Environment Day on 5/06/2014 at Trivandrum l Gave a lecture class on ‘Water Quality and Sanitation’ to the faculty and students of Mattannur Govt. College on 24/09/2014 l Presented an invited paper on Drinking Water and Sanitation Problems in Coastal Areas and Its Management in the India-EU Workshop on Coastal Zone Management and Impact on Society held on 6th -9th October 2014 at Alappuzha l Delivered a key note on “Safe Drinking Water “ in the seminar organized by Department of Food Safety, Govt of Kerala on 16th October 2014 at Trivandrum l Delivered a class in connection with an awareness programme and water quality monitoring carried out as part of Mobile Water Analysis Lab organized by Payyoli Gramapanchayath on 15/12/2014 l Dr. Harikumar P S was a panelist of the groupon “Industrial Water & Waste Water Treatment - Efficient management in water use, energy consumption and analytical monitoring” at the 2nd Indian-German Water Partnership-Day conducted at Kochi on 06/10/2014 l

Dr. Surendran U Handled two sessions on Soil Management for Environmental Sustainability in Refresher training program organized at Academic Staff College, Kannur University on 21st November 2014.


M E M B E R S H I P I N I M P O R TA N T COMMITTEES Sri. Dinil Sony C Member, Committee constituted by the Government for the implementation of Backward Region Grand Fund (BRGF) for Wayanad district l Continued to serve as a member, District Level Expert Committee, Kozhikode district l

Dr. George Abe l Member of the Technical Advisory Committee, District Planning Office, Kottayam Dr. George Chackacherry l State Expert Appraisal Committee, under the newly constituted State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority l Expert Committee of Karamana River Restoration Project


Technical Committee on the creative design of IEC campaign on various aspects of sanitation and waste management

Dr. Girish Gopinath Member, Passing Board of Examinations of Cochin University of Science and Technology for M.Sc. Marine Geology examinations 2014. l Member, Board for Doctoral Programme (Geology) in Kannur University. l Nominated as a doctoral committee member of Ms Remya, Research Scholar, Karunya University, Water Institute, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu. l Nominated as a doctoral committee member of Mr. Aneesh, Research Scholar, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Trivandrum, Kerala. l Hon’ble Fellow Member of “Scientific Society of Advanced Research and Social Change (SSARSC)”. l Technical Review Committee Member- International Conference on Water Resources, coastal and Ocean engineering (ICWRCOE’15) during 12-14 March, 2015, Organizing by Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India l

Coordinator for 13th Satellite based distance learning program on “Basics of RS, GIS & GNSS” conducted during August 04 – November 14, 2014, EDUSAT programme, Indian Institute of remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun. l Member of Special Technical Advisory Group in the Forest, Environment, Mining & Geology Sub-Group. District Planning Committee, Kozhikode – Preparation of Integrated District Development Plan & Local Level Development Plans for Kozhikode District. Served as a Peer Reviewer for the following Journals l Chemistry and Ecology, Taylor and Francis l International Journal of Advancement in Remote sensing, GIS and Geography l Water Quality, Exposure and Health (WQEH), Springer l CRGeoscience, Elsevier l Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer l International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering –IJEE l

Dr. Kamalam Joseph Member, District Level Technical Advisory Committee (Sector Agriculture), Kozhikode l Member, Consultative panel for Farm & Home Programme of AIR, Calicut l Member, Training Planning Committee of Department of Agriculture, Kerala l


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014




Member, Steering Committee, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Wayanad Member, Programmes Monitoring Committee of AHADS, Palakkad Member, Expert Committee of Department of Science and Technology

Dr. N B Narasimha Prasad Member, Wetland International, South Asia. l Member, Central Wetland Regulatory Authority l Expert Member, Indian National Committee on Ground Water (INCGWB), constituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. l Member, Working Group of National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee. l Member, Irrigation Design and Research Board l Member, State Level Committee for Re-estimation of Ground Water Resources constituted by Water Resources Department, Government of Kerala. l Member, Expert committee constituted by Water Resources (Groundwater) Department to study the impact of groundwater extraction by the Pepsi Company on the groundwater condition of surrounding areas and adverse impacts on the public requirements of water l Member, Monitoring Committee for the study on Kuttanad Package constituted by Water Resources Department, Government of Kerala l Member, Governing body of Malabar Botanical Garden Society l Member, State Technical Agency for NRWDP, Kerala Water Authority l Member, Management Committee of KFRI l Member, Management Committee, KSOM l Member, Research Council for Engineering and Technology Programmes (RC-ETP) constituted by KSCSTE, Government of Kerala. l Editorial Board Member, ELSEVIER-Journal of Environmental Management l

Dr. Surendran U l Member, Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS)- New Delhi l Member, International Society for Agricultural Meteorology, Netherlands l Associate Editor, World Journal of Agricultural Science, IDOSI Publications l Editorial Board Member : Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Served as a Peer Reviewer for the following Journals l Agricultural Water Management, Elsevier Publications l Ecological Modeling, Elsevier Publications


l l


Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, Taylor and Francis Publishers Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, ICAR Publications Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University Publications

PUBLICATIONS Journal Papers: l







Abdulla P K and Dinil Sony C (2014). Lessons learnt from the manual dredging of a minor port in northern Kerala. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology ISSN:2227-1581, Issue Special December 2014, pp 22-27 George Abe and James E J (2014). Anthropogenic regulations of streamflow and its impacts- A case study from the humid tropical zone, Kerala, India International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2277-1581, Special Issue: pp 147151 Girish Gopinath et, al (2014). Sedimentation assessment in a multipurpose reservoir in Central Kerala, India, Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol 72 (11), pp 4441-4449, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3344-0 Kumar P.K.D, Girish Gopinath, Murali, R.M, and Muraleedharan, K.R., (2014). Geospatial analysis of long-term morphological changes in Cochin estuary, SW Coast of India. Journal of Coastal Research, Coconut Creek (Florida), Vol. 30 (6), pp. 1315-1320, DOI:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00244.1. Santhosh Kumar R, Girish Gopinathand Resmi T R (2014). Groundwater chemistry of an urban Coastal Aquifer- Kerala, India, Journal of Coastal science, Vol. 1 (2) pp 20-25, ISSN 2348-6740, DOI: Unnikrishnan Warrier, C. and Manjula, P (2014). Morphometric Analysis of Thuthapuzha Sub Basin, Kerala, India, International Research Journal of Sustainable Science and Engineering , v.2 (7), pp. 1-10 Unnikrishnan Warrier, C. and Manjula, P(2014). RiverGroundwater interaction of a tropical sub basin of Bharathapuzha, Kerala, India, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, v.2 (7), pp. 382-393

Conference Proceedings: l

Abdulla P K, Pravya Jayaraj C V, Aiswarya P and James E J (2014). Spatial variation of littoral materials between two minor ports on southwest coast of India. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014










2014) December 18-20, 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakkinada, pp 1437-1444 Abdulla P K, Priyalakshmy M T, Harshalatha V and Priyanka V V (2014).Grain size of beach sediments along the north Kerala coast. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2014) December 18-20, 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakkinada, pp 1445-1452 Adarsh P Cherugad, Jesiya N P and Girish Gopinath (2014).An integrated approach to demarcate groundwater prospect zones in an urban environment – A Case study of Kozhikode Corporation, Kerala, India, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (2014),Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd, Vol. 1., pp 182-188, ISBN: 978-81-8424-952-1 Ambili G.K, K.Madhava Chandran, K. T. Zabeera and K. K. Anju (2014).Opportunities for Improving Performance: A Case Study in Vellanur Minor Irrigation Scheme, Kerala. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2014), October 29-November 2, 2014. Anitha A B, Shahul Hameed A and Narasimha Prasad N B (2014). Integrated river basin management in Westernghat region through a case study. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Hydrology and Meteorology, 15-17 September 2014, Hyderabad, Volume 5, Issue 4 , ISSN: 2157-7587, Page 62. Arun P.R., M.S. Anish, V. Geethu Krishna, N.B. Narasimha Prasad (2014). Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones through Spatial Information Systems: A Case Study, Proceedings of the 4th International conference on “Hydrology and Watershed ManagementICHWAM 2014, 29 Oct-1 Nov 2014”, Vol. 1, pp. 164173, Allied publishers, New Delhi. Digilarani M, Ranjusha A, Lakshmi Murali, Sreevallabhan S and Jalaja TK(2014) Efficacy of effective microorganism(EM) in the decomposition of solid kitchen waste. Proc. of the National Conference on “Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies”(AMI-EMMT - 2014), 12-14Nov. 2014, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Dinesan V P (2014). ‘Water Resources Scenario of Wayanad District’, Workshop on ‘Water Resources Management in Wayanad’, 16-9-2014, Sulthan Battery, Wayanad. Drissia T K, Dinil Sony C and Anitha A B (2014). Variation of extreme rainfall events in Bharathapuzha river basin. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM2014), October 29- November 01, 2014, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Vol II, pp 1131-1137, ISBN 978-81-8424-952-1 Girish Gopinath, Ashitha M K and Jessiya N P (2014). A geospatial approach for the demarcation of Groundwater Prospect Zones in a Tropical River Basin, Kerala, India,










Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (2014),Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd, Vol. 1, pp 189-196, ISBN: 978-818424-952-1. Jalaja T K and Digilarani M (2014) Mechanism of stress tolerance in selected wetland plants and susceptible plant tomato exposed to salinity and fungal pathogen. National Conference on Harmony with Nature in context of Environmental Issues and challenges of the 21st century” Harmony 2014, Udaipur Rajasthan, 28 – 30 Nov. 2014 Jalaja T K, Lakshmi Murali, Ranjusha A, Digilarani M and Sreevallabhan S (2014) Variations in growth potential of Solanum melongena exposed to tap water, wastewater and Effective Microorganism treated wastewater - A comparative study. Proc. of the “National Conference on Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies” (AMI-EMMT - 2014), 12-14Nov. 2014, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Jayakumar P and Dinil Sony C (2014) Estimation of a safe level of mining of river sand – A case study in Maniyur grama panchayat. National Conference on Harmony with Nature in context of Environmental Issues and challenges of the 21st century” Harmony 2014, Udaipur Rajasthan, 28 – 30 Nov. 2014 Joseph E.J., Beeran M and Surendran U. (2014). Screening of different varieties of black pepper for tolerance to water stress.Proc. Of the International Symposium on Plantation crops (PLACROSYM XXI) IISR, Kozhikode, India 108. K. Madhava Chandran, A. P. Mohammed Koya, C. Vidhya, V. J. Deepa and Bina Jose (2014). Learning and dissemination of Science and Technology through Malayalam.Proceedings, 24 th Swadeshi Science Congress, Tirur, November 2014: 870-873. Mohammed Koya A. P. and K. Madhava Chandran (2014). Perceptions of farmers on drip fertigation: An analysis from Kerala State, India. Souvenir, National Seminar on Water Crisis, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, August 2014. p. 55 Resmi T R, Sudharma K V and Shahul Hameed, A. (2014) Chemical and Isotopic Signals of A Tropical River in Kerala. Proc. Of the 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM2014), JNTU, Hyderabad, 29thOctober- 1st November, 2014, pp. 560-567. Rishma C, Drissia T K, Vasudeo A D and Anitha A B (2014). Long term effects of land use change on discharge – a case study of Bharathapuzha river basin in Kerala. 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2014), October 29November 01, 2014, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, p 78, ICHWAM-2014 Priju C.P, P.K.Dasarathy, K.Karthik and N.B.Narasimha Prasad (2014). Salinity Mapping in the Coastal Aquifers


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014




Using Geophysical Techniques – A Case Study, Proceedings of the 4th International conference on “Hydrology and Watershed Management-ICHWAM 2014, 29 Oct-1 Nov 2014”, Vol. 1, pp. 508-515, Allied publishers, New Delhi. Shaheer Ihsan K, Simi John, Surendran U and Joseph E.J. (2014).Drip Fertigation with different nutrient levels for higher productivity in Bush Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)In. Proceedings of Water Crisis : The challenges Ahead of Global Governance organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, India p.44 Surendran U, Lintu Maria C, Sundararajan V and Joseph E.J. (2014).Modeling based fertilizer prescription using NUTMON –Toolbox and DSSIFER for soils of Humid Tropical Kerala, India.Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agro meteorology of Sustainable Agriculture (NASA 2014), GPAUAT, Pant Nagar, India. pp.131-133. Surendran U, Shaheer Ihsan K, Simi John and Joseph E.J. (2014). Effect of drip fertigation with different nutrient levels on productivity of Bush Pepper. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plantation crops (PLACROSYM XXI) IISR, Kozhikode, India. p 105



Books/Monographs/Popular articles etc. l




Research Reports: l








Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in various Padasekharams in Atholi Grama Panchayat’. Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in various Padasekharams in Chemancheri Grama Panchayat’. Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in various Padasekharams in Moodadi Grama Panchayat’. Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in various Padasekharams in Chengottukavu Grama Panchayat’. Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in various Padasekharams in Arikulam Grama Panchayat’. Dinesan V P and E J Joseph (2014).‘Integrated Drainage Improvement Plan for Facilitating Sustainable Farming Activities in Mavatt Padasekharam in Arikulam Grama Panchayat’. Environmental Screening study report for the proposed KINFRA advanced Technology Park site at Ramanattukara, submitted to KINFRA Madhava Chandran, K. and Ambili, G.K (2014).

Performance evaluation of selected minor irrigation projects in Kerala. Final Report of Plan funded project submitted to CWRDM, July 2014.76p. Report on ‘Water Treatment Scheme for Kalady Plantations Estate of Plantation Corporation Of Kerala Ltd’, submitted to Kalady Plantations. Singh R D, Thankamani R, Goel N K, George Abe and Govindan S(2014). Report on issues of reducing flows in Pamba and Periyar rivers in Kerala, Report submitted to MoWR, Government of India.






Abdul Hameed E (2014) ‘Jalavum Paristhithiyum’ (Water and Environment),Sasthra Keralam Science Monthly, vol 525, pp12-16 July 2014 Abdul Hameed E (2014) ‘KinarukaludeKatha’(Story of Wells) Centenary Souvenir page 57-59 GHS Nandiyodu, Palakkad. Abdul Hameed E (2014) ‘Thullinana, Thalinana, Thirinana,Kudam nana’ Eureka Fortnightly special issue, International year of Family Farming,vol 36 pp3839,September 2014 Abdul Hameed E(2014) ‘Pashchima Ghatta Mala Nirakal’ Eureka Science Fortnighly,Vol, 36,November 16,pp 28-32 Abdul Hameed E (2014) ‘Sassya swedanavum Anthareeksha Jalavum’(Transpiration and Atmospheric Water),Sasthra Keralam Science Monthly, vol 530, pp 08-11 December 2014 Dinesan V P (2014). “River Link an Impact Studies”. Kerala Calling, Published by Information and Public Relations Department on behalf of Govt. of Kerala , August 2014,Vol-34, No 10, pp 20 – 25. A training kit comprising of different models (bush pump, drip irrigation, wick irrigation, water filters etc.) also developed. Article on ‘Innovative Wick Irrigation Techniques for Vegetables’ which has come in the Malayala Manorama Daily dated 25 th December 2014. Training module was prepared in connection with training programme on ‘Skill Development on Water Resources Development and Management through Appropriate Scientific Technologies’

STAFF RECRUITMENT / RETIREMENT Name Date of Retirement 1. Smt. Jameela.K.P, Typist Selection Grade 30-06-2014 2. Smt.Pushpam.M, Office Attendant Gr.3 31-08-2014 3. Shri.Raveendran.K, Clerk Gr.4 30-09-2014 4. Dr.P.K.Pradeep Kumar, Scientist F 30-11-2014 5. Dr.S.Ushakumari, Scientist E1 30-11-2014 6. Shri. C.K.Gopinathan, Technical Assistant 30-11-2014


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

RECOGNITION Dr. Arun P R Selected as a committee member of the Ecologically Fragile Lands Tribunal of Kasaragod Forest Division, Kerala by Kerala Gazette dated 17.06.2014.


Dr. Girish Gopinath Editorial Board of International Journal of Advancement in Remote Sensing, GIS, and Geography (IJARSGG)ISSN2321–8355 l Editorial Board of International Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoscience (IJRSG), ISSN 2319–3484, l Member of the editorial board-International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology (IJEST) l Editorial Board of “Scientific Society of Advanced Research and Social Change” l Editorial-cum-Advisory Board Member of - International Journal of Environment and Natural SciencesISSN: 2349-3763 l

Dr. Narasimha Prasad N B Presidential Address, Workshop on “Drinking Water Quality-Problems and Solutions” conducted at CWRDM and Dedication of NABL Lab, 19 July 2014 l Guest of Honour, Isotope Hydrology Workshop at Bangalore University, 20th - 23nd August 29, 2014, Bangalore l Chief Guest, Valedictory function,’Brahmam-2014,St Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Kozhikode, 29 August 2014 l Chief Guest, National Seminar on “Materials Chemistry” Organised by Department of Chemistry, Providence College, Calicut, 30th October 2014 l Panelist, Educational Panel Meet-”Research in Science and Technology-Role of Indian Universities” 24th Swedeshi Science Congress, Malayalam University, Thirur, 07 November 2014 l

Dr. Priju C P Attended as committee member in the District level meeting at Collectorate, Thrissur constituted for monitoring removal of sand bars by Traditional Local Communities in the CRZ zone of rivers/estuaries. l Attended the meeting on Ecologically Fragile Lands (EFL) as committee member at Marayur Sandal Division office, Kerala Forest Department and carried out site visit at Marayur and Kanthallur areas in Idukki district during 16-17 November 2013. l

Dr. Surendran U l Co-chaired a session titled Natural Resource Management for sustainable Agriculture at an International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agro meteorology of Sustainable Agriculture during 16 to 18th October, 2014 at GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar.

GUIDANCE IN DISSERTATIONS AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Dr. Arun P R l Ms. Ramsheeda P, M.Sc. Geology Student, Department of Geology, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga, for her one month internship. Dr. Dinesan V P Ms.Aswathi Anil P and Ms. Nafeesa E K, M.Tech (RS & GIS) Students of NIT Karnataka, Practical Training during the period between 19th May and 11th July 2014.


Smt. Drissia T K Ms Neethu Krishna, work entitled ‘Morphometric Analysis of Periyar River Basin in Kerala’ for her Industrial Training of M Tech degree by National Institute of Engineering, Mysore during August 2014 to October 2014.


Dr. Girish Gopinath l Dr. Hassan Saad Mohamed Hilmi, a Sudanese Researcher, for Senior Fellowship (one month duration26th October to 28th November, 2014 under the C.V. Raman Fellowships., Department of Science and Technology (DST), GoI. l Sunilkumar T C, Doctoral student, CSIR-800 Societal Programme, (Course: PHY (CMMACS): 4-001) Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research , CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute, Banglore, worked as an Internship Trainee, during 2nd December to 31st December 2014. Prepared a mini project on ‘Decadal Change in Groundwater Scenario of Kasargod District, Kerala’ Dr. Priju C P Mr.AnilkumarK S, M.Sc. Marine Geology student from Dept. of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Cochin University of Science and Technology for dissertation work entitled “Study on Saline Water Intrusion in Shallow Coastal Aquifers of Periyar River Basin Using Hydrochemical and Geophysical Methods” l Mr. Yousef Ali H, M.Sc. Marine Geophysics student from Dept. of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Cochin University of Science and Technology for dissertation work entitled “Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones in Midland hardrock Aquifers along Bharathapuzha River Basin Using geophysicsl Methods” l

Dr. Surendran U l Mr. Manuraj K and Mr. Jabir TV work entitled “Assessment and mapping of spatial variation of soil health in an experimental plot in humid tropical Kerala for the award of M.Sc Geology Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during July 2014 l Ms. Anusree N S work entitled “ Impact of different land uses on soil health in humid tropical Kerala” for the award of M.Sc for the award of Environmental Sciences


CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014

course at School of Energy, Earth and Environment, Central University of Kerala during June to July 2014


IMPORTANT MEETINGS ATTENDED Smt. Ambili G K l Review meeting on conservation of Sasthamcotta lake, on 17 october 2014, at the Secretariat l Working Group meeting on Plan Fund Projects of R&D institutions held at KSCSTE on 22 July 2014, chaired by the Principal Secretary, S&TD. l Meeting on Drinking Water Issues in Kerala held at the State Planning Board on 23 July 2014, chaired by the Vice Chairman of the Planning Board. Dr. Dinesan V P l Attended the Meeting Called by Shri. Mohanti, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to finalize the UNDP Project on ‘Hydrological Investigation in Munnar High Range Mountain Landscape’ 19/12/2014, at Govt. Secretariat, Trivandrum. l Attended the Sub Group of the Special TAG Meeting of ‘Watershed Management District’ on 26/10/2014, at District Soil Conservation Office, Collectorate, Kozhikode. l Attended the District Development Council Meeting on 25/10/2014, at District Collectorate, Kozhikode. l Attended the Sub Group of the Special TAG Meeting of ‘Watershed Management District’ on 7/9/2014, at District Soil Conservation Office, Collectorate, Kozhikode. l Attended the District Development Council Meeting on 27/9/2014, at District Collectorate, Kozhikode. l Attended the Board meeting of Irrigation Design & Research Board (IDRB) at Trivandrum on 23-7-2014. l Attended the District Development Council Meeting on 28/6/2014, at District Collectorate, Kozhikode. Dr. Girish Gopinath l Meeting to discuss on setting up electronic park in the catchment of Vembanad-kol Ramsar Site, held at the Legislature, chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 16 July 2014 Dr. George Chackacherry l Meeting at Suchitwa Mission on IEC held on 04 July 2014 l Meeting on Conservation of Sasthamcotta Lake held at the Legislature, chaired by the Hon’ble Minister for Environment, on 08 July 2014. Presented details of the activities carried out by CWRDM in the wetland. l Meeting to discuss on setting up electronic park in the catchment of Vembanad-kol Ramsar Site, held at the Legislature, chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister and attended by six Ministers, on 16 July 2014











Meeting on Conservation of Biodiversity of Sasthamcotta Wetland, held at the Secretariat, chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, on 21 July 2014. Presented the details of implementation Management Action Plan in the wetland by CWRDM, and of the proposal (with total outlay of Rs. 24.8 crore) submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Working Group meeting on Plan Fund Projects of R&D institutions held at KSCSTE on 22 July 2014. Presented the details of the proposals of CWRDM, chaired by the Principal Secretary, S&TD. Meeting on Drinking Water Issues in Kerala held at the State Planning Board on 23 July 2014, chaired by the Vice Chairman of the Planning Board. Meeting of the Command Area Development Authority held at the Secretariat on 30 July 2014, chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources Department. State Environmental Appraisal Committee meetings held on 12-13 August, 27 September, 18 October, 31 October 2014 Joint meeting of State Environment Impact Assessment Authority and SEAC held on 22 August 2014, 31 October 2014 Attended the Directors’ meeting at KSCSTE on 29 September 2014 representing the Executive Director Scientist meet conducted by KSCSTE at Thiruvananthapuram on 17 October 2014 Review meeting at the Secretariat on the implementation of conservation programmes at Sathamcottta Ramsar Wetland on 23 October 2014 Meeting on the Conservation and Management of Vellayani Freshwater Lake held at the Chamber of the Minister for Environment, on 18 November 2014 Discussion on the rejuvenation of the drainage channels of Pampa River Basin using NREGA held at the Pathanamthitta Collectorate under the chairmanship of the District Collector on 10 December 2014

Sri. Jayakumar P l Served as a member of the expert committee for technical evaluation of the tenders submitted for establishment of effluent treatment plant at Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery. l Made discussions with the officials of ANERT regarding the establishment of a Solar power plant in CWRDM. Dr. Priju C P Conducted investigation on mining of lime shell deposits from Anjarakandy river and its consequences, Dharmadam Grama panchayat, based on the request of GP to verify the facts in the Judgement of (No. 97/2013 dated 30/05/2014) Tribunal Court for Local Self Government institutions, Thiruvananthapuram.



CWRDM Newsletter July-December 2014


Visited Kannur University city campus for conducting geotechnical and ecological study forrenovation of pond inside the campus.

Smt. Suvarnakumari N l Sasthamcotta Wetland Conservation meeting regarding sanitary complex construction conducted at the Conference Hall of District Collector , Kollam on 22 December 2014




Dr. Anitha A B l Given a talk on ‘Need to increase water storage capacity of natural reservoirs’ at All India Radio (AIR), Calicut on 21st August 2014. Dr. Dinesan V P l Given a talk on ‘Pamba-Achankovil-Vaipar Link Project’, 29, November 2014, All India Radio Trivandrum. l Participated in the discussion on the ‘Hydro environmental Impact of Pamba-Achankovil-Vaipar Link Project in Kerala’, 12, July 2014, All India Radio Trivandrum.

Basin Authority, Water Resources Department, Government of Kerala, with effect from November 2014. Dr. George Abe participated in the discussion on “Climate Change-Changing Kerala” and presented the topic on “Fresh water sources, conservation and renovation” organized by Malayala Manorama on 1807-2014 at Kottayam. Smt. T K Drissia is selected for Ph.D programme in IIT Bombay under external registration programme. Fourteenth meeting of Research Council of CWRDM was conducted by the newly constituted members during 19th to 20th September 2014 at CWRDM, Kozhikode

TAC Meeting of NCSTC of DST l Conducted Technical Advisory Committee Meeting of National Council for Science and Technology Communication, DST, Govt. of India at CWRDM on 21-10 -2014.

Col (Rtd) Yohannan I Talk on the topic “Disaster Management-Ready to face Uncertain” All India Radio Calicut, 16 November 2014





George Abe was awarded Ph. D in Civil Engineering by Karunya University, Coimbatore for the study “Hydrologic alterations due to hydroelectric projects in the Periyar-Muvattupuzha river system, Kerala, India”. The research work was carried out under the guidance of Dr. E J James (Water Institute, Coimbatore) and Dr. Prince Arul Raj (SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore) Celine George was awarded Ph. D in Civil Engineering by Karunya University, Coimbatore Dr. George Chackacherry, Scientist and Head, Sub Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, was appointed as the Project Director (full additional charge), Pampa River

NEWLY CONSTITUTED RESEARCH COUNCIL, CWRDM Dr. E.J.James, Distinguished Professor, Karunya University, Coimbatore (Chairman) Dr. A.K.Bajaj, Former Chairman, Central Water Commission and Ex- officio Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Water Resources, New Delhi Prof. M.S.Mohan Kumar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

TAC Meeting of NCSTC of DST is in progress PIM Meeting l Review Meeting on the progress of implementing Participatory Irrigation Management in the Neyyar Irrigation Project was organized at the Sub Centre on 17 November 2014. Shri A T George MLA, Dr Biju Prabhakar IAS, District Collector, and Dr George Chackacherry took lead in the discussions. Dr. S.K.Kaul, Former Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Forests and presently Vice President, Wetlands International South Asia, New Delhi Prof. P.G.Sastry, Former Professor of Water Resources and Former Director General, Water and Land Management Training Institute, Hyderabad Chief Engineer, Irrigation & Administration, Water Resources Department, GoK Executive Director, CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala (Ex-Officio Convenor)

Editorial Board: Dr. N B Narasimha Prasad, Dr. T K Jalaja, Dr. Girish Gopinath, Dr. P R Arun, Mr. Abdul Hameed E Printed and Published by Dr. N B Narasimha Prasad, Executive Director i/c, CWRDM, Kozhikode - 673571 Kerala, India. Phone: +91 495 2351800, 01, 02. E-mail: Website: Designed and Printed by Frontline Communications, Jafferkhan Colony Jn., Kozhikode. Mob: 9847001365

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