September 1987 - Binghamton Review

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'J Will Decide ·What Beer You Can Drink!' ~ il

Nevett Bans Sale Of Coors At Campus Pub

t l l l l l l t

Allegations Against Heritage Foundation False



SA Prez likes what he sees.

60 Minutes' Report Vindicates Coors


by John R. Guardiano, Jr. Dana Barooshian, a leading . member of the Democratic Investigative report by Mike · r f A · · d Wallace which vindicates Coors of Socia ISts o menca praise any recent wrongdoing. Nevett for his ban on the sale of . Explained Wallace, "While Coors in the campus pub charging that Coors is the practicioner of Coors was accused several years racist and sexist employment back of discrimination, a charge pol:cies which discriminate against that was settled out of court, the Woa1en, Blacks, homosexuals, and EEOC (the Equal Employment other minorities. Opportunity Commission) now Ba:·ooshian also alleges that considers Coors one of the leading Coors harrasses its employees with Affirmative Action employers in polygraph witch hunts and Colorado." "uncm1stitutional ·searches of In the past five years alone employee lockers, purses, and Coors has been honored as cars." He cited a signed affidavit employer of the year by such civil by form'!r Coors employee A. rights groups as the Urban League, David Sickler as proof that such the NAACP, and Operation Push. allegations were true. R eview Staffers point out that Members of The Binghamton 17.5 percent of Coors employees Review strongly disputed are minority members, Black, Bamoshian's charges, insisting Hispanic, Indian, etc ... while 22 such allegations to be a complete percent are women. Wallace found fabrication of the truth. They many. minoriti~s ser~ing in referred to a 1982 Sixty Minute's superv1sory and other leadmg roles.

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from engaging in any type of lobbying activity. "The Herjtage Foundation is a body of nationally and internationally renowned scholars SA President Jon Nevett has who conduct research on the banned the sale of Coors in the pressing issues of our day. The campus pub. Nevett cited Coors' Foundation publishes reports support of the Heritage Foundation reflecting the research of these scholars. However, Heritage as justification for his ban. reports carry a disclaimer saying Said Nevett, "Coors is a leading financial supporter of the Heritage that the views expressed in reports Foundation, a con servative issued by the Foundation do not lobbying organization that lobbies necessarily reflect the views of the for student financial aid cuts. And Heritage Foundation. So contrary if their proposals were enacted mto to what some [Nevett ] may think, law the results would be Heritage supports no specific devastating. Friends of ours would program or policy," explained be unable to return to Binghamton." Feulner. Review Editorial Board member However, Nevett's ban on the sale of Coors in the campus pub Billy Schor insisted that in the has stirred controversy at the interests of academic freedom must be given complete usually tranquil Binf!hamton "scholars 1 ibeny to is~t'e reports 'h·it .d1 :'+ Cw.l_ti-U~ Sophomore Ying Lew their own findings, whether we articulated the view of many agree ·or disagree with such students in saying, "Even if what findings. Since Heritage doesn't John Nevett is insisting were true, lobby and only contributes that still does not give him the right thoughtful, new ideas to the public to decide what beer I can or cannot policy arena, the only conclusion I drink in the campus Pub. College can draw from Nevett's boycott is· students should be given the choice that he is attempting to censor of Coors. We're all mature enough thoughtful, new ideas merely to decide for ourselves what beer because he disagree with such And that's wrong. we should or should not drink." ideas. Attempts, to censor ideas at Editors of The Binghamton variance with ones own, especially Review insist Neveu is creating a on a college campus, are just false issue to pacify the extreme left wingers who, they claim, dominate wrong." Continue<t On Page 8 many campus governing bodies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~ • Rare Are 1 hose Happy -: such as the Student Association. Said one Review staffer, "I : Times When You May : think it's pretty clear that Nevett Think What You Will, feels he has to play to the loony liberals who run the Binghamton : And Say What You Think : student circus. If he doesn't satisfy t Tacitus1Historv 1., 1. : th d' 1 th 'll d h h d'd era 1ca s ey ow at t ey 1 to DeCaprio. Using Pipe Dream, ~·········-~----····~ Looking Left, and the SA meetings, they'll slander him and try to make him leave office in disgrace." Editors of the Review were iNSIDE... particularly distressed that Nevett acted unilaterally rather than waiting judge SA......... p3 to get the approval of the Student 0Students inions on Pipe Dream.. p3 Association. 'Cork Bashing.............. pi "Personally, we like Jon," said Homophobia............... p5 iC Yan Rusanovsky. "But in OCC wastes $$$.......... p5 \ unilaterally banning the sale of A Social room question .. ¢ Coors at the campus pub he acted Prison of the week........ ¢ irresponsibly." · Ralphy's Club............. p7 ic Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.; Memoirs of a Madman .... p7 ~ President of the Heritage Communist Condoms ..... p7 Foundation said Nevett is mistaken as to the nature and role of the Heritage Foundation. Feulner cited section 50l(c) of the Internal Revenue Code which prohibits public policy research institutes _.



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The Binghamton Review :

* * * * * * •• * • * * * * *. * •• * * * * • * • * * * 1i * • * • * • * ••~

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Editor in Chief

John R. Guardiano Jr. :


Publishing Editor

Billy Shor


Feature Editor

Yan Rusanovsky




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Ken Hoover

Production Editor


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Kathryn M. Doherty

Art Editor

Stuart Symons

•r •• ••••• • ••* • * • * * • * * * * • * • • * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • ~ ..

Contributing Editors

Alex Lanzman


Sue Blake David Fishkin

f! •'!f!'!f* 'i1!1f*·

Michael Nishi

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Contributing Staff



Paul Scolese, Sarah Yoo, Edward Wnght, Ezra Shaprro, •


Tim Snyder, Jennifer Yantosh, Noah Schwalb,



Michael Goldberg



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~ w:,;~~~~~:P~ ~~~~ J:gte at Pipe Dream And to all those vampires who stayed up nights working on this paper, and made it happen:

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Subscribe $30 One Full Year!

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1tbc .htgbamtol\ 1ct>tctD

Binghamton-State University p 0 B 2000

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Binghamton, N.Y. 13901

Thank you for your support! .


-- With apologies to Rudyard Kipling





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The 'publican 'e up an' sez, "You'll get no 'elp from me." The Democrats be'ind the bar they laughed an' gtggled fit to die 1 outs into the street again and to myself sez I: 0 it's Ollie this, an' Ollie that, an' "Ollie, go away"; But it's "Pleased to 'ave you on our side," when the band begins to play --

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I went on up to Congress Hill to get an amnesty.

-CI •


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*Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that The Binghamton Review may be too intense for some loony liberals. Sensitivity Training is advised.

Copy Editor





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Come to our meeting Thursday, Sept. 17 UU room 201 at 9:00 PM.



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no inscrutable Pipe Dream ; this i;... : -m:ij¢ r.!iltngbamtott lt¢1>i¢W




:Remember, this is



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Be tired and bored no more. Learn the facts and get the truth.

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Bored with The Susquehana's Current batch! : of loony liberal nonsense?


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Are you tired of reading propaganda that's way


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I looked into the newspapers, an' watched what's on TV, For Ortega they 'ave compassion, but they 'adn't none for me; They call me thief an scoundrel, an' renegade an' all, But when it comes to fightin', Lord! They'll shove me in the



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an"' Ollie, wait outside";· -!< For it's Ollie this, 'an trooper's \ But it's "Special flight for ·d North" when the th Col. on e t1 e -Yes makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep Is ~heaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap; An' hustlin' naval men an' so~~ers when they're goin' large a Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit. Then it's Ollie this, an' Ollie that, an' "Ollie, 'ow's yer soul?'' But it's "thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to


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~ We aren't no politicians, nor we aren't no lawyers too, But simple men in uniform, with duty still to do; ie An' if sometimes our conduct isn't all your fancy pants, Handlin' Commissars and Ayatollahs ain't no job for plaster saints, Ollie that, an' "Ollie, fall be'ind," ..-_ an' this, While it's Ollie But it's "Please to walk in front, sir," when there's trouble ~ in the wind--


~. You talk o' laws, an' honesty, an' your 'igh principles; All we ask's a policy that's half-way rational; Don't gripe about Grenada, but prove It to our face To serve our country proudly is not a soldier-man's disgrace. . _ For it's Ollie this, an' Ollie that, an' "Chuck him out, the B.~ ~ brute!" But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when. the guns begin to ~ shoot! ·


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Join Ralphy's Club Be A Pirgy Student Activist • It's Your F_TU E Quetion :What's Missing Answer: The Truth Don't be surprised boys and girls, why of course we can't tell you the ·ruth! 'Cause if we told you the ~eal story about NYPIRG then you might do what those nasty bourgeoise students at Albany did · last year-kick us out. So be a student activist! Yes sir, boys and girl; this is your chance to join Ralphy's club! You know, Ralph Nadar, that saintly man who's made a living fighting the big bad, evil corporation? So what that most of Ralphy's charges have been a little off the mark? And so what that a few ·capitalist pigs lost millions of dollars as a result of Ralphy's diversions? That's actually good! You see boys and girls, business is bad. Oooh, they're real bad! We have to stop them. And with Ralphy as our leader we can do it! Those scoundrels won't pollute the environment anymore, no way! And we won't let the big bad business man horde all that money he stole from his exploited workers. Oooh, those bastards! Oooh with Ralphy we'l l give it to them good, real good. So what that Japanese businesses don't have zealous Japanese PIRGites crippling them with unnecessary and excessive regulations? You see boys and girls, the Japanese are the Japanese and the Americans are the Amencans! Ana anytnmg mars foreign is pure and proper and anything that's American is big, bad and evil. Oooh those big bad, evil businessmen. I get angry just thinking about them! So boys and girls, be a student activist! Be active in exporting American jobs overseas. That way we'll really punish the big bad, evil businessman! And don't be worried about losing your jobs to the Japanese. You see boys and girls, Ralphy and NYPIRG will give you a job! That's right; upon graduation you too can work full-time for Ralphy! We already have a staff of full-time professionals and a PIRGY combined total budget of millions of dollars. As a full -time PIRGY professional you can really make the big bad evil American businessman pay! Oooh, those schoundrels! They'll ~'ay. Ralphy will make sure of that! Especially, the big bad evil military -industrial complex! You see boys and girls, Ralphy wanted us to hit Congress for a nuclear freeze. And since Ralphy is

our leader we do what he says. So what that the Russians don't have zealous PIRGites pressuring them to freeze their defense? Didn't you listen to Professor Forcey boys and girls? The Russian communists are really peace-loving defenders of humanity! They mean no hann. Oooh, the big bad evil military industrial complex, oooh those schoundrels! See boys and girls how they've provoked the Russians into · invading places like Afghanistan. But ·we'll get them. Oooh, those facist scoundrels! They'll get it this time. With Ralphy on our side we'll give it to them good, real good! So like I said boys and . . girls; join Ralphy's club and be a student activist!

Memoirs Of A Madman The Continuing Saga Of The Confused And Bewildered by '(an Rusanovsky

One day, walking down the rue I discovered that I was completely insane, and had been for some time. I had attribbuted this conclusion to the immediate facts on hand. I had absolutely no idea where I was or what I was doing there, where ever that may have been.

I decided to ask some friendly, if somewhat peculiarly dressed passerby, where I was. Well, I believe that I had misjud;~ed the stranger. He did not turn O'lt to be friendly at all. He did no.~ even consent to speak English to me. But perhaps he did speak English and I just did not understand him. Surely that would be ample proof of my insanity. Yes that was it, he was speaking English and I was going crazy. After all this is the United States of America, where En glish is the mother tongue. I was happy, I had it all figured out. But wait, maybe he wasn't speaking English and maybe I was more lost than I thought.

Well I walked further down the street. About a mile down I saw a stairwell leading underground. I presumed it was a New York Subway station, and my happiness had returned. When I got on the train I was more confused than ever. I had expected to see signs on the train telling me where I was. Well I did see signs but I could not understand what they said. Again I asked myself: was I unable to read English after receiving a fomal education? I was determined to get to the bottom of this! I looked at. the signs again. The letters looked the same but were somehow different. Memories of high school . Spanish with Ms. Garcia came back to me, and I concluded that the signs were in Spanish. Could it be? Was I really perfectly normal? Last I could ... Impossible! remember, Engli;sh was what we spoke in this country. I placed my last hope upon the many passengers on the train. Upon addressing them, all I got in return were confused faces and some nasty glares. After a long time my determination for true knowledge wearing down to nil. By some miracle I stumbled upon an elderly woman who . actually spoke English. With tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat I asked to help me. She informed me that I was in the United States and the signs were in Spanish. "But how could that be?", I begged for an answer, knowing that I was close to the truth. She thought for a while and then proposed an answer:"To accomodate the Spanish speaking population." "But what about the people who speak French, Italian or Russian, do they not deserve to be accomodated by similar signs in their languages?" Well the woman just slm1gged and asked me to stop pestering her. Since she did not know the answer to such an important question either I had concluded that she was insane, just like me. I left the woman and I left the train, and wanderted through the crowded streets. It turned dark and it started raining. I started to think again, damn it I hate when that happens. I decided that it was unfair to accomodate any, or for that matter all language groups. Everyone who lives here should learn English. And laws should be passed making English the official language of this country, in all fairness to everyone.

AIDS And The Socialist Prophylactics by Alex Lanzman In a recent issue of "The Economist" there was an article that stated that the poor quality of the Communist condom was hampering efforts to combat AIDS in the Eastern Bloc. Hungary, with its relative openness to the West and fairly relaxed attitude towards homosexuals, now admits to having 114 · persons who are carriers of the AIDS virus . According to the article the government is trying to limit the spread of the disease by urging the population to take precautions in their sex life. But the campaign is being "wrecked" by the Communist industry's inability to produce satisfactory condoms. In a recent television program on AIDS a Hungarian doctor admitted that the East German and Czechoslovak condoms sold in Hungary were "too thick", and that this made them almost useless. Doctor Endre Czeizel, the pioneer of famlly planning in Hungary suggested to import condoms from the West. However trade officials protested, saying that given the country's economic problems precious hard currency cannot be wasted on such "luxury" goods. Though they may complain · about the quality of their condoms, the Hungarians are at least better supplied than their comrades in other parts of Eastern Europe. In Romania condoms are not available at all due to President Ceausescu's campaign to increase the birth rate. In the Soviet Union they are not only of poor quality, but also in short supply, with the result that abortion has become a common method of birth control. But according to Dr. Czeizel not everything made in the capitalist world is perfect. A recently conducted study using Japanese contraceptives, found that these too fell short of Hungarian standards. Most of the men thought the condoms were too small.

most the is Tl1is magnificent movement of all! There is a dignity, a majesty, a sublimity, in this last effort of the patriots tha_t I greatly admire. The people should never rise without doing something to be remembered -something notable and striking. John Adams

Bork Bashing: Simple Minded Arrogance "The Senate Must Reject Bark... Because He Does Not Understand What We Need A High·Court For" Pipe Dream 9(11 /87

Sorry Fred. I hate to disagree with such noted constitutional scholars like yourself and Dana Barooshian, but we think judge Bork "understands what we need a high court for. " He does after all have a law-degree from the University of Chicago and has served as a distinguished profesor of law at Yale University. Apparently, the entire Senate Judiciary Committee also thinks Judge Bork "understands what we need a high court for" since they unanimously approved his nomination to the District Court of Appeals, the second highest court in the land. Similarly, it seems that the present Supreme Court also thinks Judge Bork "understands what we need a high court for" since they have upheld every one of his judicial opinions reviewed by the Supreme Court. Finally, it appears the American Bar Association also thinks Professor Botk ''understands what we need a high court for" since they distinguished him as "most qualified" to serve on the nation's highest court, the highest possible honour any court nominee can receive from the bar. Let's face the facts Fred. Surely, any law student unable to arrive at a fair and intellectually honest answer to the question, "What does the United States need a high court for," would not be given a law degree from Chicago or . a proffesorship at Yale. Surely, years of study at such prestigious universities would enable a brilliant individual like Robert Bork to understand what we need a high court for.

At least that's what the vast majority of academics and scholars think. They hold·a law degree from Chicago and a professor at Yale in high esteem. But perhaps you know something they don't know? Perhaps Fred, you know of some as of yet unheard of degradations in the Chicago or Yale law curriculums? I suggest that if indeed you do know of any relaxing of the standards for graduation at these allegedly superior institutions of higher learning you rush to The New York Times immediately. It would be quite a jomalistic scoop Fred, and would probably vaunt you and Binghamton-State into national prominence. Who knows; you might even get to be on Night Line. And Fred: that would be a big boon to your emerging career in journalism. You say that Bork's "concept of what the court's role should be is radically different from the established norms of the last century." What norms Fred? The so-called "norms" of the liberal activist court of the Warren era? If the Warren court had been such allegedly sacred court "norms:' then Black school children would still be confined to unequal, second rate schools in the ghettos. If the New Deal court had bowed down to such "norms" there would be no federal welfare system to aid the impoverished. Sorry Fred, as history clearly shows, forever binding court "norms" don't exist. You correctly state, "Bork believes in the original intent school of thought. This means that he believes the constitution means

what it says -and nothing more... But for some strange reason you seem to find such a belief about Constitutional interpretation to be "reactionary" and held only by "right-wing ze~lots." Well Fred, once again I have to ask you: Do you know something we don't know? Does the t~onstitution have hidden, .cryptic meaning that only you and your liberal buddies are privy to? I mean, come on Fred. Of " course the Constitution means what it says and nothing more! If everyone decided_ the Constitution had extra meanings above and beyond what the Constitution says, we would have at least 2000 different Constitutions as every prominent scholar added his own personal ideas into that document called "The Meaning of The Constitution." And indeed this is exactly what liberal activist Supreme Court Justices have been doing to the Constitution for the past 40 years. The result has been chaotic, as not a day goes bv that some judge somewhere doesn't find a new "right," hitherto unknown, in the Constitution. No Fred, you won't find the Constitution to be a document with dozens· upon dozens of different and bizarre "rights." And a strong, imparitial, intellectually honest judge will put aside his personal preferences and vote to uphold the legitimacy of that one sacred document called the Constitution of the United States. Fortunately, Robert Bork is such a man. We should be thankful that Judge Bork believes in Judicial Restraint and · will not add his own personal beliefs to the meaning of the Constitution. For in the U.S. there's a legal and democratic way to change the Constitution; its by means of amendment, not judicial decree. The Anti-Bork coalition, brilliant legal scholars that they are, insist Bork is against freedom of speech. Perhaps they should study the cases Bork has ruled on a bit more before making broad, sweeping legal

judgements. Despite what the "progressives" may wish to believe, the Constitution does not protect free speech all the time. There are a great many factors affecting one's freedom of speech. For example, no one has h "right" to yell fire in a crowdecl movie theatre when there is no fire. Similarly, the cases Judge Bork has ruled and written on are extremely complex in nature, involving a great many mitigating and extra-legal circumstances. To simplify his intellectually brilliant rulings into one or two sentences is to show the utmost in arrogance and simple mindedness. by John R. Guardiano, Jr.

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The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep th~t right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Thomas Jefferson

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OCCT was founded in 1971. Each student on this campus contributes $6.00 per semester to use their services. There is no 0~ additional charges to ride the buses by Yan Rusanovsky occr is run by coordinators which are chosen by OCCT bus drivers. The coordinators make sure the buses run smoothly and that their W~at is Ho~ophob~a?. The others and call everyone who maintainance is kept up. Yet, there Am.encan. Herlt~~e Dictionary disagrees with them a homophobe have been problems this year. defmes lt . as The fear o~ And to those who have been called OCCT has employed five a homophobe and feel that they non-matriculated homosexualtt:>: or homosexuals. drivers. T.he GPU clrums that everyon~, were wrongly accused: you are not According to OCC they are not either late!ltly or blatently. IS alone in your bewilderment!!! We hiring non-students. They are They pubhsh at the Review are just as shocked as hiring individuals who have homophcbtc. outrageous "~ewspapers" .with you are. But we are no longer dropped their full time status . that they can take one' obscene matena~ that would disgust bewildered The course of action is . meanmg even the most hberal readers. ~nd crystal clear. We will fight the vile, course per semester and be when someone speaks out agai~st slanderous and simply offensive .employed by OCCT. For one full them, they sc~eam homop.hobia. jounalism o(~he Other Voice~' year, their constitution allows these What I wo~ld like .to know ts who Looking Left and similar such rags individuals to drive the buses. This really considers him or herself a that have plagued this campus with has been a major source of financial homo;>hobe? Perhaps ther~ are the best way possible: with the loss for OCCT. som.e people who are genm~ely ~ccurate, informative and enjoyable The state has. a fringe benefit afratd of h<;>mosexuals. I certatnly JOurnalism of our Newspaper, account called the IRF (Income ar:n not. Like most stu.dents, I am "THE BINGHAMTON REVIEW." Replacement Fund) which handles disgusted by the gay hterature on insurance, etc. All state employees this campus, though I certainly must contribute a set percentage understand and support their right from their income to it. Students to express their opinion in text. are exempt from this contribution. This is after all, the United States of Since these five OCCT bus drivers America. In this country, we are "non-students", by state of respect everyone's right definition they must pay into the existence, worship and even bizarre IRF. Yet, they are not getting this sexual practices. But coupled with OCC Wastes money deducted out of their these rights, which are inherently salari~s. So, who is footing their Thousands: ours under the Constituition, there IRF bill? The OCCT budget is. is a responsibility; we have to According to OCCT, the IRF Fall Training respect the rights of others and not account to only 1.02% of all their impose our beliefs upon them. Program drivers's salaries. Assuming that Unfortunately the GPU does the average driver is making base Would End Waste not seem to understand this. They pay ($5.70/hr) and driving 20 "demand" special privileges and hours per week the a111ount 1s recognition such as radio disk negligible, a mere $1.16 per week. by Sue Blake jockey "sensitivity training" attuned The "non-student" drivers recieve to their special needs. And if hours due to the fact Everyday hundreds of students this amount ofare someone doesn't acceed to their in classes while students that pack themselves into buses that they ar~ driving the buses. When demands they'll engage in acts of deliver them to the far reaches of physical violence such as the this figure was checked with Binghamton. Admittedly, most knocking down of ceiling tiles and Personnel at the Adminisration students do not care about the bus the slanderous name calling of SA building a shocking discrepency situation if their bus arrives on and University officials. occured- the figure was actually time. And for this OCCT (Off Of course, the GPU is a very When asked, an 26.81%. College Campus Transportation) small minority on this campus administrator said that occr was and BCT (Broome Community though their voice is very loud. In paying the IRF percentage for Transportation) should be the face of GPU arrogance the their "non-student" drivers. commended. Due to these two students and administration of this Furthermore, the drivers may be services the vast majority of University simply stand by and do contributing a small fee for health students who live off campus arrive insurance from their salaries, but it nothing as they have for years in safely to their destination. But So while other the past. had nothing to do with the IRF. are problems that should be there their organizations have to prove Over the course of the semester an addr~sc;ed. worthiness through membership quotas and fundraising, the GPU is exempt from these regulations. It is high time that the students tell the GPU they will not be afforded special privileges. I am 1_10t in any way suggesting censorship of their publications but rather, that a sane and alternative voice be heard. When I arrived on this campus as a Freshman, I was immediately boi?barded by many gay and other radica! left "publications". They were s1mply appalling rags, with no re~ value except to discourage and drive away many prospective new students. Oh, they did have some 路 value. These fabled publications were vital in the starting of bonfires and necessary to supplement the rather scanty supply of bathroom tiss?e on this campus. But then ag~m, .who would want to wipe therr pnvate parts with garbage like that? I want people to know that this campus is not made up solely of homosexuals and other radical li~era~s. They are a very small mmonty who have every right to exist and to publish. However, they do not have a right to slander

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estimated $1,300 is blatantly wasted and that is assuming base pay. In other words, it amounts to 228 driving hours or 26 student activity fees being wasted. OCCT said there was no plans to replace the "non-student" drivers Furthermore1 OCCT has not budgeted for a Fall training program. They claim they get the same number of applicants in both the summer and fall semesters. However, many students see OCCT as a viable form of student employment, but cannot afford to stay up here in the summer to train. ~~CT should start up a Fall trammg program now (the estimated cost being $2200) and require that any new driver be a full-time student. By doing this, they could replace the OCCT "non-student" drivers in six to eight weeks since it only takes about 40 hours to train a new driver. As of now OCCT only hires two instructors to train new drivers. With a Fall training program OCCT would eliminate the $1300 wasted in IRF costs over the course of a semester. Such a program would also give needed employment to students financially strapped for funds. In a year, the Fall training program would pay for itself due to the fact that there would be no IRF money going out. Furthermore, if OCCT used Harpur's Ferry in order to give their drivers First Aid certification instead of the Red Cross, an an additional $500 would be saved.

If men are to be preclUded their offering from sentiments on a matter which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may e. taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington


Social Room: No Place For Proponents of Violence An Editorial by Billy Shor Every day many of us pass by or enter the social room in the University Union dedicated to Nelson Mandela, yet few of us recognize who this man is and what he stands for. The man who once led the African National Congress and who still is considered to be its official head has for the last twenty five years been confined to a South African jail. I, as well as millions of people around the world sypathize with the ideals that motivated Mandela, for South Africa is still torn apart by racial prejudice and social injustice. Yet,

many people who sympathize with - I do not wish to deny that many the majority), I find it even more the struggle of blacks for full injustices persist as blacks are disturbing to dance, listen to music equality cite that the very real denied their legal rights as citizens or attend meetings in a room positive changes that have occurred and humans in South Africa. Nor dedicated to a man who supports in South Africa in the last few years do I wish to offend the Americans the PLO's war against Israel and have been brought about not by who sympathize with the plight of Jews worldwide. In my opinion violent tactics advocated by blacks, and for whom the name of there are many individuals for Mandela and the ANC, but rather Nelson Mandela has become whom our social room should be through peaceful measures and synonymous with the struggle to named. One is Raul Wallenberg, a discussion. The black majority has end apartheid. To many of us, Swedish diplomat who at the risk been achieving significant gains in however, Mandela is a symbol of of his own life saved the lives of the economic, political and social violence and a stumbling block on 150 thousand (!) Jews from sectors.; trade unions have been the road to end the discriminatory German concentration camps only legalized, social and travel regime in South Africa. to have himself buried alive in the restrictions lifted, autonomy Furthermore, there is that nagging Siberian Gulag(Soviet granted to several homelands and question of MrJidela's connection concentration camps). Then there just recently, new ground was to the Commm Party and their is Abraham Lincoln, whose name is broken as blacks gained access to goals and tactk s. If in fact such a · held in reverence in the U.S. and the previously all white stock connection exhts, it seems to be around the world for eliminating exchange. These changes, as well improper to name our socia1 room slavery in America. The list of as many others were accomplished in honor of a mm who supports the people whose names would honor through peaceful debate and anti-democratic Communist our social room goes on, for there economic pressure and not violent dogma, for we live and study in an are many distinguished people attacks on the white minority. In environment which praises the (including some black South fact such attacks alienate potential democratic system, condemns Africans) whose names are allies and scare the white minority · violence and praises the peaceful associated with humanity and into actions detrimental to the long elimination of problems. As a Jew peace. But Nelson Mandela's name term goals of the black population attending a university, where Jews is not among them, for people who and the progress already constitute a large percentage (if not are associated with the murder of accomplished. innocent civilians, the communist ~rAI~~~......~~~,.....~~party, violence and terrorist tactics have no place in our democratic society or for that matter in our social room. he is a m~nument to all of us. And she stands proudly at America's gateway to let the entire world know we are a country of opportunity and a country of ideals. AtAdolph Coors Company we feel very strongly about the ideals of this country and have made a sincere commitment to share in their fulfillment We believe in the American dream of opportunity for everybody. And our hiring and advancement programs not only reflect that belief, but have set standards for our industry. we are a company that believes in putting security into the future Qf our employees. So we continually work to improve and refine our retirement programs. A healthy company is a happier company. Daily, our employees take advantage of the facilities of one of the fines~ most comprehensive wellness centers anywhere in the world. And nearly 1,600 female employees and the spouses of our male employees have already been screened for breast cancer through the Coorscreen mammography program. Which,we might mention,was the first corporate program of its kind in the nation. Whether it's producing the finest quality beers in the world, or answering the needs of our employees and the community, we've never ignored our ideals. And as all others who work and live in the grace of her shadow, we have never forgotten where those ideals came from


Getting together with

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@ 1987 Adolph Coors Company. Golden. ColoradO 8041)1

Brewer ol Fine Ouallly Beets Sonce 1873

:-:-:-: .; Prison of the Week by Alex Lanzman

Our Prison of the Week comes to us from the workers paradise kn th "D · R bl" own as e emocrauc epu lC of Afghanistan"· Speaking of their experiences in the infamous prison known as Puley-Charchy, are two former political prisoners who managed to make their way to neighboring Pakistan. According these individuals, among the populatjon were boys as as seven and men over the eighty five. bloc in which the prisoners confined consisted of three s, each housing some 1500 mates. Each level had two s and frequently the ,.IJJU"'""'"'" were denied the use of .the as a form of punishment. 198 3 five hundred 1 prisoners subjected to torture that usually employed shock therapy. This event contributed to a prison strike that left four dead and more than a hundred wounded. The chanting of anti-Soviet slogans was heard throughout the ordeal. One of the most horrifying of socialist justice ~ was itnessed one night in 1985. · officials announced the execution of three prisoners but stead some two hundred .political of the Kabul regime ~w·P.rP. put to death. During the span three years (1982-85) 2500 viduals were executed at PuleyIt seems . that the People's of Afghanistan does political dissent so long as those who are voicing their opinions are prepared to board the express shuttle destined for the kingdom of Allah.

Brickbaths to Pipe Dream made its ever present liberal bias painfully obvious in two recent editorials. In "Divided Policy" (9/8), groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America, the Latin American Student Union, the Southern Tier Against Militarism and For Peace, the Harpur Gay People's Union, and Looking Left are called "progressive" while the White House is said to be "in the hands of the right-wing of the Republican Party." And in "Out of Date Justice" (9/11), Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork is said to be Reagan's "most reactionary" nominee "yet," a "right-wing zealot. ..progressives" are oppossed to. Why must radical groups such as the DSA, LASU, STAMP, the GPU, and Looking Left be praised with names having such positive conotations as "progressive" while conservatives must be cheaply discredited with names having such negative conotations as "right-wing," "right-wing zealot" and "reactionary?" Please. Let's call a spade a spade. There is nothing at all "progressive" about the left at Binghamton. In fact, the DSA, LASU, STAMP, the GPU, and Looking Left are s_o radical that even most liberals disasociate themselves from these groups. All one needs to do is examine the positions these groups take to realize just how far off to the left they are. The so-called Pipe Dream "progressives" call for a new socialist order to replace the "decadent capitalist system" now in place, unilateral disarmament by the west, special legal privileges for homosexuals, and openly embrace the Sandinistas as "peace-loving Democrats." Even .many "liberal" Senators would never dare make · such radical and non-sensical proposals. Now as to the editorial content of those Pipe Dream editorials. We can first thank God the Pipe Dream editorial staff is not running U.S. Foreign Policy; and we can secondly ask, upon what basis do the seemly forever dreaming editors base their conclusions? In "Steaming To War" (9/4), they warn that "whatever we do we must not alienate the people any more than we have." But the only people Pipe Dream expresses worry about alienating are the fanatical Iranian Shiite Fundamentalists -an extremely small fraction of the entire Middle Eastern population. The moderate Arab states: Kuwait, Saudi- Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt would be far more disillusioned with the United States were we to withdraw our naval vessels from the Gulf. It is the people of those nations who are most fearful of the fanatical Iranian Shiite Fundamentalists. In fact, diplomats of those nations privately admit they would not be too upset at direct U.S. military intervention against Iran. In any event, U.S. foreign policy cannot be a futile quest to placate all peoples and nations. Appeasement didn't work for Chamberlain in 1939 and it certainly won't work for the United States, a superpower with worldly responsibilities unique to a superpower in 1987. One such responsibility is insuring the free and safe passage of oil vital to the

inherent in this "peace" plan it is unrealistic. It assumes th;t the Sandinistas can be pushed into The Dreamers Pipe Their Way To The Left instituting reforms that would put • • . them out of power. When the Would Appease lran1an Terronsts And Let Nicaraguan Somozan regime was overthrown Freedom Fighters Perish On The Vine and the Go~ernment of National . . ReconstructiOn (GRN) came to by John R. GL!ard1ano, Jr. power, the Sandinistas, only a small Marxist minority within the To Pipe Dream's credit they GRN, pledged themselves to security of the free world. Another did point out that the DSA, LAS U, is to limit to whatever degree. STAMP, the GPU, Looking Left democratic reform. However when it became clear to them that posible Soviet influence in the and other "progressive" iSroups the vast majority of Nicaraguans Middle East. As the Israelis and history have demonstrated all too disregarded such wide-:..~read would not support a Marxist documentation of SamHnista government, they reneged on their well, the only thing the Soviets terrorism as ''exaggerations. ' We'll pledge and ·resorted to what all and terrorists like the fanatical Iranian Shiite Fundamentalists tell you they did more than that. Marxist governments must Some "progressives" told us that ultLrnately resort to - the elimination understand is force and agression. these reports were "planteu by the The United States must show the CIA" and that we shouldn't be so of all internal opposition and the etablishment of the structures of a resolve to use both. "Divided Policy" ( 9 / 8 ), naive as to believe State Department totalitarian state. Now, seven years later the showed signs that the Pipe Dream "lies." Right. Tell that to the Contras have successfully Editors were waking up from their suffering Nicaraguan people. dream and beginning to see the And the dreamers did have pressured the Sandinistas into world as it really is. For the first ' enough sophistication to realize that seeking a peaceful deomcratic time, the dreamers admitted that · the Congress and the White House solution to the Nicaraguan problem. Nicaraguan "villagers are more must work together if the United To cut off aid to the Contras would afraid of the terrorism of the States is to have a coherent and be to cease any and all pressure on government than the Contras" and effective foreign policy. But as we the Sandinistas to institute true that "freedoms of speech, should have expected, the democratic reforms. Otherwise assembly, and the press are Dreamers slipped back into their what's to stop them from offering ~ systematically repressed" by the coma. They insisted we should few token reforms and then Sandinistas. But what Pipe Dream )?ir:t with ~he latest peace reneging on their pledge to didn't mention is the Sandinista llllanve... negotiated by the Central democracy as they did in 1980? The United States must repression of religious freedom, American" countries. Perhaps the specifically the persecution and dreamers should carefully examine encourage the Central American manipulation of the Catholic the Central American "Peace" Plan nations to find a peaceful solution Church in Nicaragua. Nor did they before coming to such eroneous to the violence that plagues that impovershed region. However even attempt to describe the conclusions. peace without freedom is no peac~ . shocking severity of Sandinista The Central American Peace at ~11. And as a superpower the repression and terrorism. The Plan says nothing about Soviet and experience of Teofilo Archibold, a other communist aid to the ~mted ~tates has vital strategic Nicaraguan Cerole who actively Sandinistas. Under this "peace" mterests m Central America it must opposed Somoza will suffice: plan the Soviets can continue to arm defend against Soviet proxies. Soon after coming to power the largest Central American Thus, for both moral and practical the Sandinistas jailed Archibold for military machine with 500 million reasons we must continue to arm protesting Cuban mistreatment of dollars worth of additional the 20,000 brave Nicaraguan young his fellow blacks. During his ten advanced military hardware. The men fighting for their freedom. months in a Sandinista prision Contras, on the other hand, can Archibold's fingernails were tom receive no aid from the United out by his Cuban guards and he States. Unlike, the Sandinistas was continually beaten. who will prosper; the Contras, Unfortunately, Archibold's case is 20,000 young men, mostly in their the rule and not the exception. late teen~ and early early twenties, Thousands of political prisioners in must pensh on the vine. Sandinista jails have experienced a Aside from the sheer similar such fate. inhumanity and cruelty clearly

STUDENT OPINION IN REVIEW A random telephone survey of one hundred undergraduate students, supervised by Billy Shor

l.Do you know what the SA is and what it does? Yes No 58% 42% 2.Do you feel the SA is doing enough to foster school spirit? Yes No DNK (DNKstandsfordonotknow) 11% 63% 26% . 3.Do you feel that the SA pays too i:nuch attention to narrow special interest groups, and and not enough to broader issues that concern the student body as a whole? Yes 55%

No 23%

DNK 22%

4.Do you feel the SA is adequately responsive to student needs and demands? Yes NQ DNK 26% 70% 4% 5.Do you feel the SA could do a better job in responding to student needs? ~ NQ DNK n% 7% 1%

60 Minutes Vindicates Coors From Page 1 Said one Hispanic Wallace interviewe d, "I've been here 18 . years. I'm a supervisor.. .In fact Coors was hiring Hispanics before it was fashiona ble . " When路 asked to comment on AFL-CIO allegation s that "HispaniCs are just being bought off by Coors" that same worker responded, "Well, they bought me with a good job, good benefits, security for me and my family. If that's buying I'll take it." The average Coors assembly line worker earns $35,000 annually. 路 路 Wallace noted in his report that hundreds of Blacks, Women, Hispanics, etc...and other minority workers were waiting to tell him a story similar to the one told by the aforementioned Hispanic worker. Wallace also explained that "most of the anger aimed at Coors has more to do with how Joe and Bill Coors feel about unions." Coors has been staunchly against the unionizatio n of its Brewery, believing unions to be unnecessar y for Coors' workers and detrimen tal to the competiti veness of Coors' business. "The whole smear campaign against Coors is the work of Big Labor which is frustrated at their inability to unionize Coors workers," said Review staffer Alex Lansman. Lansman pointed out that in 1977 Coors workers voted out, by a margin of two to one, the Brewery's AFL-CIO Local. Maintaine d Lansman, "I vouldn't be surprised if Sickler was paid off by Big Labor to testify to some of these reckless allegations." He explained that Sickler was made coordinator of the AFL-CIO's Coors Boycott Committe e, a position that reaps its occupant handsom e financia l reimbursements. Added Lansman, "Big Labor's record is not too clean. Mob infiltratio n into unions is widespread and prevalent today." He referred to a 1983 article in a California newspape r, The S~ntinel, which exposed Howard Wallace as a recipient of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from the AFL-CIO for his leading role in organizin g "the gay/lesbia n community's effective and on going boycott against the. Coors Company." Interesting ly, Mike Wallace's Sixty Minutes Report showed that the one independe nt union not affiliated with the AFL-CIO, the Operating Engineers Union, strongly denied any wrong doing by Coors . "Coors recognizes the dignity of its employees, including all Local members. Coors does not force employees to take lie detector tests. Many Articles have appeared throughout the U.S. which contain outright fabricatio ns being presented as facts about the Coors Company," stated a spokesman for that Union.

Coors & Heritage From Page 1 Cathy Doherty, a Binghamton student who has studied various fmancial aid proposals, said that the real thrust of Heritage proposals is reform and that under proposals issued by the Foundatio n Binghamt on students would continue to receive financial aid. She referred to one Foundation report entitled, "A Seven-Poi nt Strategy For Federal Aid To Higher Education." It calls for a greatly simplified federal financial aid apparatus with the present seven program structure being simplified to one program . In a written statement released by the Review Nevett was criticized for using scare tactics. "Most of the Review staff is dependent upon financial aid. The truth is very few Binghamto n students would suffer much at all if any of the voluminou s and sometimes contradictory proposals issued by the the Heritage Foundation were enacted. The only ones who would really be hurting would be the uppity Ivy Lea~ snobs who should never ~路 . received financial aid in the 'firs'tt place by John R. Guardiano, Jr.

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