Publication Report Card
By Our Staff
At the end of every year, Binghamton Review looks at all the student publications and the content they provide before giving a grade on the quality of the writing. Unfortunately, this year was quite different for school publications, considering all publications ceased printed publication. Well, almost everyone. Anyway, most content being moved online anyway, we decided to review all the student publications, so you don’t have to! Presenting: Binghamton Review’s Publication Report Card for 2020-2021! Free Press/Asian Outlook/Ellipsis: F Little to no content produced this year. Kind of hard to give an actual grade and feedback when there is nothing to give feedback on. We’d blame it on the pandemic; however most of these publications have been ghosting us and all Binghamton students, long before the pandemic even existed. Sorry, guys. Pipe Dream: DSTOP WRITING ABOUT TIKTOK, GOD DAMMIT! -Matt Gagliano Another year of disappointing articles from Pipe Dream. As someone who has been working on Press Watch almost every issue, I have to say, there is nothing that pains me more than reading whatever garbage Pipe Dream published each week. Whether they’re writing their fifteenth article on why TikTok is great, or writing about why we need to wear masks even after the pandemic, or why we should abolish the Senate, or why BU should institute a marriage pact program, or about how guys are apparently measuring the diameter of their penis, it gets more and more painful the more you read. Even after pleading with them for years, Pipe Dream still refuses to use the Oxford Comma in their articles. It’s annoying, painful to read, and hurts me physically. You see what I did there? I used a fucking OXFORD COMMA! Take notes, Pipe Dream, it’s really not that hard! They also still haven’t responded to our diss track. We would give them an F, but they are one of the only other publications to actually publish content consistently this year, albeit online only, so we bumped them up to a D-. The BUTT: D You would think that a publication called The BUTT would actually be funny...and produce articles consistently...or produce any articles for the semester at all. While solely an online publication, they stopped publishing articles after the fall semester. What a twist! The few articles that they did publish were subpar at best. Their funniest article, “The University Hand Sanitizer is Delicious, No Sign Will Stop Me”, was shockingly boring for satire. Their only saving grace this year was a photoshop parody of a Pipe Dream article advocating for the abolition of the Senate ala Emperor Palapatine, which genuinely gave most of us a hearty chuckle. For this reason, the BUTT gets the D. Binghamton Review: A++ I mean, really, was there any doubt that we would be at the top of the class? Not only has Binghamton Review printed in spite of the pandemic, not only has Binghamton Review maintained a strong online presence via our website and Twitter, but we didn’t even have an office to begin with! Great job, SA, on the space allocation! We’re sure getting kicked out of our office in favor of other publications that have not produced a single printed issue was worthwhile this year, huh? You would think that so many difficulties, from a world-wide pandemic to administrative incompetence, would cause Binghamton Review to stop printing, but apparently not! Regardless, an ever-expanding list of contributors, fun and creative articles, and a dedicated staff easily earn Binghamton Review its high grade.