PR Newswire WebMaxPlus

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WebMaxPLUS Broad online distribution, lasting SEO benefits. Gain traction in search engines, capture online audiences, create valuable SEO backlinks and drive top line results with WebMaxPLUS. WebMaxPLUS is a powerful combination of search-optimized press release hosting and potent distribution via PR Newswire’s online syndication network of more than 5,000 Web sites. Your news will be seen on the Internet’s largest news sites (such as Yahoo!, MSN and AOL), niche and localized Web sites and news engines including Yahoo! News and Google News. Long-lasting visibility and backlinks will be delivered via PR Newswire’s high-traffic, authoritative Web site and through syndication across our wide network of news Web sites. WebMaxPLUS is the best of both worlds, offering immediate, broad communication of your message and lasting SEO benefits.

WebMaxPLUS Features: PR Newswire helps you connect and engage with your target audiences worldwide. Through our multi-channel distribution network, audience intelligence, targeting, and measurement services, PR Newswire can customize a solution that meets your unique communications needs, while remaining within your budget.

Posting of your release to, where it will be pulled into Yahoo! News, Google News and made available to search engines indefinitely.

Display of an accompanying image of your choice.

Use of embedded links is included (and encouraged) at no extra charge.

Syndication on PR Newswire’s online network which consists of thousands of Web sites.

Inclusion in RSS feeds and site search.

Full reporting of online views, search engine details and ReleaseWatch™ – showing links to your news online.

Distribution within 4 hours.

Price: $425 Flat Fee Contact us at for more information. | Hong Kong/ APAC (852) 2572-8228 | Singapore (65) 6223-8355 | Sydney (61) 4-8830-4949 | Taipei (886) 2-2577-3601 Copyright © 2011 PR Newswire Asia Limited. All Rights Reserved. 08042011

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