Biosphere Expeditions Look Ahead presentation

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Inspiring Conservation

The Biosphere? Defined in 1929 by Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky as “the part of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere occupied by living things”.

For us successful conservation is the collective effort of individuals So we invite everyone to join us on our wildlife and wilderness projects all over the world The foundation of our work is science and local need


WHAT DO WE NEED TO MAKE AN EXPEDITION? 1. Inspiring species 2. Meaningful tasks 3. Decent logistics 4. Money

Charismatic megafauna

Panthera tigirs Tiger Tigre

Panthera onca Jaguar

Panthera pardus pardus African leopard Afrikanischer Leopard LĂŠopard d'Afrique

Panthera uncia Snow leopard Schneeleopard L'Once

Panthera onca Jaguar

Leopardus pardalis Ocelot Ozelot Ocelot

Lynx lynx Lynx Luchs Lynx

Felis silvestris gordoni Gordon’s wildcat Oman-Falbkatze Chat sauvage de Gordon

Canis lupus Wolf

Alouatta seniculus Red howler monkey Roter BrĂźllaffe Hurleur roux

Saimiri sciureus Squirrel monkey Totenkopfaffe SaĂŻmiri commun

Eira barbara Tyra (type of marten / mustelid) Tyra oder Hyrare (Wieselart) Tyra

Tree frog, unknown species Baumforsch, unbekannte Art Grenouille arboricole, espèce inconnue

Oryx leucoryx Arabian oryx Arabischer oryx Oryx d'Arabie

Ovis ammon Argali sheep Argali oder Riesenwildschaf Mouflon de Corse

Antidorcas marsupialis Springbok

Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater kudu GroĂ&#x;es Kudu Grand koudou

Caretta caretta Loggerhead turtle Unechte Karettschildkrรถte Caouanne

Dermochelys coriacea Loggerhead turtle LederrĂźcken-SchildkrĂśte Caouanne

Rhincodon typus Whale shark Walhai Requin-baleine

Sea sponge Seeschwamm Éponge de mer

Octocoral Achterkoralle Octocoral

Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle Echte KarettschildkrĂśte Tortue imbriquĂŠe

Reef life, Maldives

Gymnothorax funebris Green moray Grüne Muräne Murène verte

Up close & personal Malaysia

Tursiops truncatus Bottlenose dolphin GroĂ&#x;er TĂźmmler Grand dauphin

Physeter catodon Sperm whale Pottwal Cachalot

Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Buckelwal Baleine Ă bosse

The work Looking for tracks Interviews / training (Camera) trapping Patrolling Hatchery guarding Data Entry Record behaviour Inventories Photo ID Education Telemetry

Getting there Atlantic Rainforest

Getting there Africa

Getting there – or not Arabia

Getting there Amazonia

Getting there Costa Rica

Getting there Musandam

Making ze plan ;) Altai

Making ze plan ;) Slovakia

Observation Tien Shan

Observation Amazonia

Observation Azores

Observation Arabia

Observation and ID photography (or not!)

Transect work Tien Shan

Transect work Musandam

Transect work Sumatra

Transect work Slovakia

Patrolling Costa Rica

Using technical stuff Amazonia

Using technical stuff UK

Using technical stuff Sumatra

Using technical stuff Slovakia

Using technical stuff Amazonia

Using technical stuff Arabia

Using technical stuff Musandam

Using technical stuff Azores

Using technical stuff Africa

Trapping & tracking Amazonia

Trapping & tracking Oman

Trapping & tracking Africa

Trapping & tracking Western Australia

Trapping & tracking Arabia

Up close & personal Azores

Up close & personal Costa Rica

Up close & personal Costa Rica

Up close & personal Maldives

Up close & personal Costa Rica

Education & capacity-building Oman

Education & capacity-building Brazil

Placement programme Worldwide

Benefitting from and recording local knowledge Tien Shan

Benefitting from and recording local knowledge Tien Shan

Data entry & analysis Western Australia

Data entry & analysis Tien Shan

Data entry & analysis Scotland

Data entry & analysis Honduras

Data entry & analysis South Africa

Bases & habitats

Jungle Amazonia & Sumatra

Research station Peru

Research station Sumatra

Marine / beach Azores, Costa Rica, Musandam, Maldives, Malaysia

Research station Costa Rica

Liveaboard research vessel Musandam

Liveaboard research vessel Malaysia

Liveaboard research vessel Maldives

Manor house base Azores

Forests & mountains Tien Shan, Slovakia

Base camp Tien Shan

Mountain lodge Slovakia

Desert Arabia

Base camp Arabia

Fynbos South Africa

Former farmstead South Africa

Funding streams

BIOSPHERE EXPEDITIONS Not-for-profit Wildlife research & conservation organisation




Private donations = expedition contributions

Government co-operations


In-kind support

Sponsorship (financial & in-kind)


Employee support

Donations/ legacies

Corporate teams CSR But NOT oil, gas, tobacco, alcohol etc.


An active role in saving 50 wolves from being declared legitimate hunting targets in the Bieszczady mountains in Poland. This was achieved by providing accurate information on the predator numbers and by influencing the local authorities who reversed their decision to cull wolves.

Helping reserve managers to manage and protect rare desert species. In Arabia food supplies for oryx have been increased and a Gordon’s wildcat reintroduction programme was initiated by reserve managers as a direct result of expedition findings.

Declaration of protected areas in the Altai Republic, Central Asia (snow leopard), Ukraine (wolves & birds), Southern Africa (KAZA TFCA), Australia (marine park with emphasis on turtles) and Musandam, Oman (coral reefs).


Wilderness and wildlife protected in Peru (no dam) and Namibia (fewer big cats killed in farmer-wildlife conflict)

Expedition report recommendations accepted in Peru (macaws), Brazil (national and state-wide jaguar action plans), Honduras (MPA management plan), Spain (carcass availability for bears & vultures).



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