The Photographer - Issue One 2021

Page 51

Aircraftman Emily Muir © UK Ministry of Defence CROWN COPYRIGHT, 2021


Emily she said: ‘Photography is something that I’ve always wanted to do – I went to college in Manchester taking photography which is very different to the course here at DSOP. At college it was more about the artist’s work and the emotion behind imagery whilst at DSOP we learn the in-depth camera techniques needed to produce that same photography.’ Corporal Kristian Dawson, below, is an Army Photo­ grapher in training, also enrolled on the 5300 course at DSOP. The 5300 course is a tri-service course which means members of the Army, RAF and Royal Navy are integrated on their photographic journey to meet the operational requirements of all three services. The course is run by a mixture of civilian and military instructors with unfettered photographic knowledge and experience taking their students from camera basics to fully operational professional photographers at the culmination of the course.


Corporal Kristian Dawson © UK Ministry of Defence CROWN COPYRIGHT, 2021

London for two years. Originally from Bournemouth, she said that although she enjoyed her job she wished to be able to be more creative with her work and leave her office-style job. Aspiring to go to RAF Lossiemouth when she graduates, Amber wishes to take all her new-found skills and push herself to be more outgoing and experience all the RAF has to offer. Speaking to those wishing to join the RAF as a photographer Amber says: ‘If you want to do something creative with exciting experiences then don’t hesitate, just go for it.’ Aircraftman Emily Muir (26), above, is originally from Glossop near Manchester and is currently in the fourth week of training at DSOP where the aspiring military photographers attend the intensive nine-month course where they learn the basics of camera handling, how to capture and document crime scenes and through to creative lighting for portraiture, group images and how to handle them. Talking with


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