Birkenhead Scouts Contact magazine June 2016

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June 2016

n i g n i Scout

This month: St George’s Day on Bidston Hill Challenge Weekend Gang Show News

d a e h n e k r i B


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T ranspo rta pro b l e m?

Transport a problem? T h e nw h yno th iret h e6 4 t hBirk e nh e ad' s1 7 se at e r minib us.

Then why not hire the 64th Birkenhead’s 17 seater minibus? I nsure df o r anyL e ade ro rO c c asio nalH e l pe r,w h oh as D 1o nt h e ir driv ing

Insured l ic e nc e .for any leader who has D1 on their driving licence. 1 7 se at s,al lw it hse at b e l t s.

Full andav availabile dates are onw our website. Ful ldetails de t ail s and ail ab l edat e s areo no ur e b sit e . 2016 just£35 £35pe per day, £15 an evening. 2 0 1 6rates, rat e s,just r day ,£1 5 f o rfor an e v e ning.

64th Birkenhead Sea Scout Group 6 4 t hBirk e nh e ad Se a Sc o utGro up Oxton Village O x t o nV il l age Call Jane Richards in 07811362462 C al l J aneR ic h ards o n0 781 1 36 2 4 6 2 or o remail e L jane ric h ards@ ao l . c o m

w w w . b irk e nh e adse asc o ut s. o rg. uk / b ush ire

Please send your group news and photos to: by 24th July for inclusion in the August edition

© Copyright 2012 The Scout Association Registered Charity number 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland)


Hello and thank you for reading June’s edition of

Contact. Once again time has flown by and I find myself gathering in news and pictures from across the District. We’ve had some major events in the past two months. The St George’s Day event on Bidston Hill was a great success with more than 200 young people and adults on the hill. The second big event of the month was the District Challenge Weekend which this year included a competition between the two Explorer Units. Well done to all of the Scouts and Explorers who took part.


You can see reports and pictures from these events in this months edition. There is more news this month about the upcoming Gang Show auditions in July. Please keep sending pictures and stories for ‘Contact’. I’m pleased to say that there are lots of pictures this month taken by young people from the District. Daniel Richards did a great job on St George’s Day and Annabel Lee-Ellis at the Challenge Hike. I’d really like more young people to get involved with producing content for the magazine.

Please get in touch with me if you or someone in your group would like to contribute something. Looking forward I’m sure that lots of groups will be taking part in their summer camps over the coming months. I look forward to hearing all about them soon. Please encourage your young people to write something when they get back and send us a few pictures too! Please make the most of having a District Magazine and help spread the word about what we do! Please feel free to forward the link to your family and friends. Have a great summer! Paul Ellis


is published by

Birkenhead District Scout Council 15 Balls Road, Oxton, Wirral CH43 5RF Compiled by: Paul Ellis Tel: 07720 555885 Please email content to : SMO-MediaTeam@

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at 20th Birkenhead HQ, McAllester Field, Bidston Road, Prenton CH43 6fUJ On Thursday 30th June 2016 at 8.00 p.m.


Pages 4 - 5 District Commissioner Pages 6 - 7 Gang Show 2017 Pages 8 - 9 St George’s Day Pages 10 - 11 Cubs News Page 12 Beavers

Pages 13 -15 Challenge Hike Page 17 Group News Pages 18 - 19 Explorers Page 20 Scout Shop

The DC’s Ramblings Summer greetings to you all, as we dive into what is usually the busiest time of the Scouting Year, the weather being far more suitable for camping, wide games, outdoor activities etc. I hope that you all get the chance to use our scouting skills and perhaps learn some new ones? I attended the County Adult Skills weekend along with Rory from Viking, Paula from the 21st and Julie from the 1st Beechwood. It was a great weekend at Tawd, with a large number of activities available, from spoon whittling, fire lighting, cooking using Dutch Ovens, to knife making and wild walks. Everyone there learnt loads and I would recommend the weekend to any leaders wanting to learn some skills which I am sure all of our young people will love to learn!! I was very pleased by the turnout and the feedback from our slightly different St Georges celebration this year. We had in excess of 200 members, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and leaders attending, re-affirming their promises and getting stuck into some serious work! Our litter pick resulted in a skip full of plastic bags of rubbish, all cleared from the beautiful natural area which is right on our doorsteps. The ‘Friends of Bidston Hill’, the Park Rangers and their volunteer team and members of the public were all very complimentary of our efforts as were the local authority. All in all we had fun, did some valuable work and showed everyone just what Scouting can do to make an impact in our local community! My thanks go out to everyone who turned up to help. YOU DID BIRKENHEAD SCOUTS PROUD!!

5 Work continues to grow both the 2nd and the 9th Birkenhead Groups and to start Scout troops in both of these groups. We now have a start date of Wednesday 8th June for the 2nd Troop. Anyone who wishes to help build a brand new section with a fantastically vibrant and enthusiastic group of young people and their parents, please don’t hesitate to contact me, it could be just the challenge YOU are looking for!!

We will be providing more information in the form of a toolkit for each group with some examples of tried and tested ways to engage and recruit adults as well as some more modern things to try, such as Social Media. Enjoy your Scouting over the summer and I look forward to seeing you all out and about, at camp or at other activities.

I was lucky enough to visit the 64th Birkenhead at their Family camp at Tatton at the end of April. Although the weather Don’t forget the AGM on 30th June wasn’t brilliant, they managed to have a and Gang Show Auditions on 16th fantastic time, with over a hundred on camp, and 17th July all smiling and having fun, a great taste of Paul scouting for all those parents who hadn’t tried it before!

Shelter Box

This leads nicely on to our current theme of Adult Recruitment. I have been meeting on an individual basis with all GSL’s looking at the general health of groups, but the common thread running through scouting in Birkenhead (and also at County, Regional and Nationally!) is our need to attract more adult volunteers.

A good representation of teams from Birkenhead entered this years Shelterbox Challenge, the 20th, 265th and the 25th entered the Scout Competition, with the 20th Cubs also entering. A great day was had by all, with teams from across the Region taking part and raising both money and awareness for this fantastic charity which exists to help families and individuals in disaster areas.

This isn’t something which is just done by me as a DC, by the District Team, but by everybody! I would like to think that each leader feels that they are responsible, in some way, for the future of our movement. We can all play our part, by talking up scouting, by telling our friends and work colA Huge well done to the team from the 25th leagues how much fun we have Birkenhead Scouts who won the competition doing our hobby! Don’t forget that’s what it at their first attempt! is, also don’t forget to have fun, because if we have fun, I can guarantee the young people Check out : in our care will also be having fun!!


Audition for Birkenhead Gang Show 2017...

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July 2016 1.30pm to 4.30pm There are two sessions each day for Scouts and older, either at 1.30 or 3.30pm and one session at2.30pm for cubs (cubs must be invested by start of rehearsals in September). In order to take part you MUST pre register, email visit to download an audition form.

Auditions are at Trinity with Palm Grove Church, Alton Road, Birkenhead, CH43 1UZ. email

Our 2017 show auditions will take place over the weekend of July 16th & 17th at Trinity & Palm Grove Church in Oxton. Auditions will run as workshops at; Main Cast sessions 1.30pm or 3.30pm Cub Cast sessions 2.30pm If you were part of our 2015 show then you should have received an audition form by email earlier this month, if you haven’t received it or weren’t a cast member in 2015 then please email us for a form.

On the opposite page is an audition poster, if you haven’t already can you please display this for your sections to see to promote the show. It would be great to see new people auditioning for the show this year, so please do your best to promote it. If you would like either myself or one of the production team to come along and briefly talk about the show briefly to one of your section nights, then please do get in touch and we can look at available dates.

As I’m sure everyone is well aware by now, our 2017 If you can complete and show will celebrate our trip print the audition form and to the Isle Of Man back in bring it with you over the 1967, so we’ll also be peraudition weekend. forming our show at the Gaiety Theatre the followWe are again also asking you ing week with cast members to register for auditions to from Scouting from the help us with managing the island joining us for our numbers over the weekend, performances there which you simply need to drop us will be a fantastic and an emailing confirming your memorable show. name, day and time, these are above and can also be Sadly due to ill health, our found on the form. Show Chairman, Brian Hazlehurst who has been This year we are also on the with the show for 20 years look out for some budding has made the decision to musicians who will be step down,. Brian has been included in some of our the backbone of the show musical items on stage, so if and has certainly kept me in you can play please do bring line these past 20 years and along your instrument to ensured that we are solvent show us just how good you he has been an absolute are! legend and has seen us move homes several times We will have scripts for a performing at the Glenda read through but we do Jackson Theatre, Pacific Road encourageyou to sing a song and to our current home at that you are comfortable, The Gladstone Theatre. happy and relaxed to sing.

He has also believed in me as show producer to enable us all to take the show “On the road’ and perform at The Empire Theatre in Liverpool, The Bloomsbury Theatre in London’s West End and has for the past 12 months been working for us to take the show over to The Gaiety Theatre, none of this would have been possible without Brian’s enthusiasm, attention to detail, unique approach and passion for Gang Show and Scouting. Brian is staying with the show committee and together with Yvonne will be running our show ticket office. With a huge pair of shoes to fill I’m delighted to say that one of our existing committee members and cast members mum, Denise Durband has agreed to be Brian’s successor and take over as Show Chairperson. Denise comes with a vast amount of experience with chairing several committees she’s an amazing organiser as well as running her own business, If anyone has any questions regarding the show or auditions then please do just get in touch. Looking forward to seeing as many as possible at auditions in July. “Keep Smiling!” Graham Lysaght Sthow Producer

St George’s Day on Bidston Hill

More than two hundred members of the Scout Association in Birkenhead attended a community impact event and to re-affirm their promise as part of the District’s St George’s Day celebrations at Bidston Hill. After gathering around the windmill on the top of the hill to take part in a short service to remember the Patron Saint of Scouting, members of the Beavers, Cubs, Scout, Explorers and Network sections helped with a major clean-up of the woods and surrounding area. Birkenhead Scout’s District Commissioner Paul Coleman said of the event: “All Scouts should know the story of St. George. He was typical of what a Scout should be. “When he was faced by a difficulty or danger, however great it appeared, even in the shape of a dragon - he did not avoid it or fear it but went at it with all the power he could St George took part in a massive Community Impact Project!

“He killed the Dragon to protect his community! Whilst I am not suggesting that we all go out and kill dragons, I am suggesting we can all go out and make an impact on our communities.” Members of all of the groups in Birkenhead were invited to join in. The younger members helped with a litter sweep while others took part in a forestry project before taking part in some fun activities including a nature trail, scavenger trail and visiting Tam O’Shanter’s Farm. Mandy Pickles of the Friends of Bidston Hill said: “I think it is fantastic to see so many young people and helpers, who have come to help tidy up the area, and help there local community. “We did a ‘Clean for the Queen Event’ a few weeks ago, but only had about 30 people turn up, so as you can imagine, we only scratched the surface, so I think that it is fantastic that over 200 Scouts have come out for such a special day.”


Photographs by Daniel Richards, Viking ESSSU

This is my first Contact piece as your new ADC Cubs; well... it’s my first Contact piece ever! I can say I’ve been truly made to feel incredibly welcome in Birkenhead and have been really impressed by some of the amazing Everyday Adventure that I’ve seen so far! Throughout my first two months here I’ve been invited to numerous Cub events including the joint Cub Club with the 64th and 1st Beechwood as well as going to see the new Jungle Book - which was an incredible watch I must add! I’ve also been to the sleepover at the 20th and various different pack nights as well! So I’ve been able to see the amazing Everyday Adventure happening right on our doorstep! Feel free to invite me along to anything you’ve got going on at your groups whether it’s just another amazing pack night or a day trip or camp - if I’m available I’ll always be happy to come along and lend a hand. We’ve also been able to begin organising a District day trip to the take over day at Alton Towers in September! We’ve got a couple of groups attending and it looks set to be an amazing day! I’ve also started to organise our own District promise party for the end of the year to see off 100 years of Cubs in style! It will be on the date set by UK Scouting nationally and so it will take place on Friday 16th December 2016 - further details to follow...


I’ve also been heavily involved with the planning of #Wingdings100 this year and this also looks set to be a fabulous event to help us celebrate #Cubs100 - I know some groups were unable to book on and this has been noted by the County Team and it will be looked into for the next event. However I’ve heard of some other groups following some other fantastic adventures such as the Beaver and Cub Fun Days at National Activity Centres. So I hope that whichever events people book on to they have a fantastic time. If I’ve not made it down to see you at a pack night yet - don’t worry - I’m still trying to get round to everyone to be able to meet the teams and Cubs around the District. Hopefully I’ll make it round to meet you all soon! I’m also planning a coffee and cake night at District HQ for all the Cub Leaders to get together, enjoy some fab cake and discuss some ideas about where we would like Cubs in Birkenhead to be heading and what we would like to be doing in our District their support; the Programme, Pack Nights, County and National Events. Yours in Scouting Matt Jones ADC Cubs

Beaver Scouts Badge Day On Sunday 8th May Beavers from 10 groups met at McAllester Field for day of learning and FUN. We had eight bases to get around. First we had to learn about Animals what they eat and their natural habitat. Then we had to learn how to put a tent up ready for camp, also learning how to set it out for sleeping in. The next base was to learn three knots. Base Four we made a design using natural products. Base Five was Welly Wang and a game to make up time. Base Six was first aid and how to treat someone who had hurt themselves, learning about the recovery position and how to put on bandages. Base Seven we made a bird feeder from an old tin can which was decorated with acrylic paint and a perch glued in for the birds to sit on. Base Eight learning to light a fire and cook marshmallows. The Beavers had a wonderful time the weather was kind, we had no rain at the end of the day we had a sing song with some campfire fun. 85 beavers all gained their Outdoor Challenge badge and made new friends.


This year’s Birkenhead Scouts Challenge Camp at Hadlow Fields was again a great success. Nearly every troop from the district camped for the whole weekend and entered in the three events. The first event of the weekend was the Backwoods Cooking competition, with ten patrols entered to compete for the trophy. The event was run by District Scout Leader Kelvin Britton, who really challenged the scouts with some fish and various other ingredients. There were some unique meals produced for our returning judge, District Chairman Joan Quaile, to taste. Thanks to Joan for judging the event and also to Kelvin for organising and running the event. The Results were: 1st Place - 25th Birkenhead 2nd Place - 64th Birkenhead 3rd Place - 20th Birkenhead

The next event of the weekend was the Challenge Hike, and what a day it was. The weather was brilliant which meant the scouts had a great day of walking ahead of them. The event consisted of a 15 mile trek and 8 skills base check points. These were all staffed by leaders, young leaders, Explorers and the SASU from the District. My thanks go to all those who helped. I would like to thank Cheshire Constabulary, Wirral Borough Council, Cheshire West and Chester Council event teams, Ranger services , British Transport Police and all of the Merseyrail staff. Without these great people, the eventwould not have been possible. Also, a new part of the competition this year was the “Hike Quiz”, which tested the participants knowledge and memory of the route that they had walked. All towards winning the new trophy.

Skills – Silver Axe & Log Trophy 1st Place – 25th Birkenhead Drop the Panda 2nd Place - 2nd Thingwall Noston Primary Jail 3rd Place – 20th Birkenhead Big Fluffy Unicorns Hike – Golden Boot Trophy 1st Place – 64th Birkenhead Moooooo 2nd Place – 25th Birkenhead Drop The Panda 3rd Place – 21st Birkenhead Team Bananas Overall – Scout Challenge Trophy 1st Place - 25th Birkenhead Drop the Panda 2nd Place- 64th Birkenhead Moooooo 3rd Place- 2nd Thingwall Noston Primary Jail Hike Quiz 1st Place- 64th Birkenhead 2nd Place- 265th 3rd Place- 5th Birkenhead

Following the hike, we had the usual camp fire and in Challenge Camp tradition there was no planned entertainment! Once the fire was built and lit by Richie Branch and the Explorers, it began to roar and so my attempt to get everybody singing began. Eventually I was successful and it was a great end to the day. My thanks also go to Matthew Jones for helping with the campfire songs. After a long hard day on the challenge hike Sunday brought us the pioneering competition. With six teams taking part in gadget scale and four in large, it was sure to be a fun morning. The challenge for gadget scale was to create a freestanding flagpole and something to carry a pot of water. After 2 1/2 hours the teams had came up with some brilliant designs. The results for gadget scale were: 1st place- 64th Birkenhead - K 2nd Place- 2nd Thingwall - J 3rd Place- 5th Birkenhead - F

Large scale challengers were faced with constructing a platform capable of supporting a leaders weight 50cm off the floor. The results for large scale were: 1st Place- 64th Birkenhead - A 2nd Place- 20th Birkenhead -B 3rd Place- 25th Birkenhead - D Thanks again to the leaders who helped the smooth running of the event and our County Youth commissioners who came to visit us to be our judges for the event. Big thanks go to Ian Penny for organising the Pioneering Challenges who sadly could not be at the event due to moving away for work, my thanks go to Ian for all the support and work he has done within the scout section, Ian will still be around and part of the district visiting when he can. A huge well done to all scouts that took part in the competition for the brilliant designs you came up with and pioneering skills you showed. Hopefully we will get another brilliant turn out next year.

The events over the Challenge Camp weekend were the last to count towards the Hatton Trophy which is awarded for year round attendance and achievement at our District events. The winners of the 2015-16 Hatton Trophy were 25th Birkenhead. Well done to them and to all those who took part in the Challenge weekend and all events throughout the year. The first District event to count towards the 2016-17 Hatton Trophy is the Scout Fishing Competition run by District Scout Leader Graham Lysaght. You should all have your participation packs by now. The Competition is run with the help of the Thornton Hough Angling Club on Friday 24th June. This year, they are meeting at the ponds (Willow Lane). You need to arrive by 6pm and the event should be finished by 9pm. Have fun within Scouting and don’t hesitate to invite me to come and visit your troop. Jordan


Photographs by Annabel Lee-Ellis 64th Birkenhead

Bear’s Grill Papeta Par Eeda (Parsi Style Potato and Eggs) In a large frying pan heat oil, season with cumin seeds peppercorns, and a little garam masala. Once seasoned add, a finely chopped onion let it saute for a couple of minutes and add a chopped tomato. Once the tomato has gone soft add coriander powder , Cumin powder a bit of chilli powder, or fresh chilli ( or both ) give a stir for a minute or so until the spices have cooked off. The dish can go another route here see the PS. ( I added cooked sausage at this stage ) par boil two medium potatoes and finely slice over the onions with the spuds in a layer and then put a lid on. The idea is the spuds will crispen a little bit After a few minutes remove the lid and crack four eggs over the potatoes, re apply the lid and cook until the eggs are done preferably still runny. Sprinkle with fresh coriander and tuck in . Although this is an Indian Parsi dish, The Parsis originate from Persia and there seem to be a lot of derivatives in the Middle East, Saudis having a similar version etc. PS. at this stage to go another direction add eggs and scramble instead. When the eggs are scrambled add the fresh coriander, serve with chappati or toasted bread. Brilliant brunch or breakfast I is called Akoori. Tip For the oil you can use a butter oil mix - the oil takes the heat without browning the butter

Happy eating! Will Redfearn


Wizard ESU Wizard ESU is going from strength to strength and we have had a busy few months. We have a regular attendance of about 15 Explorers and we’re running a varied and active programme spending as much time out and about as possible. Members of our Unit attended the county speak up event back in February when they came back with some fantastic ideas about how we can engage with our local community and raise awareness of dementia. Four members of the Unit are planning an event for the Younger Sections as part of our Million Hands project and their Chief Scout Platinum award. We have been getting lost in the dark geocaching up on Bidston Hill, had a go at being Beavers for a night, learning about health lifestyles, pioneering, wide games and a load of other things too. We’ve also done firefighting and brushing up on our map reading skills. We took part in the District St George’s Day celebrations on Bidston Hill where we played a wide game and helped to clear the hill of litter and continuing our aim of doing investitures in unusual places four members of our Unit were invested by our DC. Recently we attended the District Challenge Weekend along with Viking Unit where we ran one of the checkpoint bases assessing the Scouts first aid skills. The Explorers acted as casualties with some of them throwing themselves into the role with some Oscar worthy performances but they had to make do with and ice cream and fish and chips. On the Sunday both Units took part in the first ever Explorer Challenge in Willaston Village which saw teams racing around answering questions and completing challenges and the team from Wizard won the trophy. We are now well on the way to planning our Summer Camp in Old School Lodge, North Wales where Explorers will complete some more of their Platinum Award and take part in a variety of activities both inside and out. If you would like to know more about us or would like to join please email wizardexplorerscouts@ Richie


Viking Explorers take on Oxton Challenge!

Viking Explorers once again took part in the District Challenge Weekend running a base and as part of the cycle sweeper team. We enjoyed fish and chips at Parkgate and took part in the new District Explorer competition. The week after camp we took part in the annual Oxton Challenge. Six bases around the village with different tasks.


Explorers Challenge 2016

During this years District Challenge Weekend an Explorer Competition was introduced for the two Units. Viking entered three teams and Wizard one into the competition that saw them wandering around Willaston village on a bright Sunday morning. The tasks, set by DESC Heather O’Malley, were mostly based on observation, teamwork and skills against the clock. Congratulations go to Wizard for winning the inaugural competition.

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