November contact 2015

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The newsletter of Birkenhead District Scouts

November 2015 In this month’s edition: From Mark

Page 2

District Diary

Page 3

DC’S Ramblings

Pages 4-5

2016 Membership Fees

Pages 6-7

ADC Scouts

Pages 8-9

Beavan Challenge

Pages 10-11

Halloween Party

Pages 12-13

JOTA 2015

Pages 14-15

Winter Warmer Update

Page 16

Bear’s Grill

Page 17

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From Mark Hi everyone, welcome to your November edition of Contact! I must start with a big thank you to our mystery editor for standing in for October’s edition. I didn’t make the job any easier by forgetting to leave the template and the distribution list behind before I went off on honeymoon– so much for “be prepared”. It has been decided following some feedback that the template that was used last month, will be new the format of Contact in the new year. The December/January decision will be my last as editor. Please ensure that all articles for Contact going forward are sent by the 24th of each month to

I am sure most of you heard of the terrible news that the 1st Beechwood Scout hut was recently broken into. I would like to pass my sympathies onto all at the Group for the damage done and for the equipment that was stolen. The list of items stolen includes 3 computer monitors, DJ mixer sound lab, 2 DJ speakers Skytronic, 2 felling axes black and yellow, 2 blue vango tents 1 red Berghaus tent, 2 vango force 10 tents orange, 1 Wi-Fi box , 2 tranger sets, 1 =8 man vango tent blue, 2 HP laptops, 1 HP base computer, 200 plus Wii games, 30 PlayStation 2 games, PlayStation 2 console, a Wii console and a 3 man urban escape tent . If anyone here’s any information about the break in or gets offered any of the equipment above or feels they can make a donation to the group please get in touch with Kev Jones The story was covered by both the Liverpool Echo and The Wirral Globe please find links to the stories below: Wirral Globe Story Liverpool Echo Story That’s it for this edition, happy reading, Mark Mark Easdown Editor

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 3

District Diary





12th Nov

Scout 10 Pin Bowling

New Brighton


14th Nov

County Ball 2015

Athenaeum Club, Liverpool

21st Nov

Young People’s Awards Day

St Peter & Paul Church, Crosby

27th Nov

Scout Leaders Meeting & Social

Basset Hound, Thingwall

CONTACT is Published by Birkenhead District Scout Council 15 Balls Road, Oxton, Wirral CH43 5RF All Content to be supplied by the 24th of the previous month Compiled by: Mark Easdown tel: 0773 983 2324



DC’S Ramblings Hello all and here we are in the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!! Autumn is with us and the clocks have gone back and apparently winter is coming! This doesn’t mean that we have to stop our adventurous outdoor scouting and all retreat inside the hut every evening until the spring comes, far from it! All it means is it’s time to wrap up warmer, dig out our wellies and ‘Be Prepared’ for the weather! This last month I have been lucky enough to attend some amazing events, run in our own District and further afield. The Beavan Challenge was the best attended in its long history, in no small part due to the fact that we had more teams from Birkenhead than in any other year. The 20th, 25th, 2nd Thingwall, 64th and the 1st Beechwood all entered Scout Teams and Viking Explorers entered the Explorer competition. It was a really good weekend at Sandiway, the weather was extra kind and all those competing had a fantastic time doing Hiking, Archery, Shooting, Kayaking, Mountain Biking, a First Aid Challenge and a very wet challenge. In all it was a very busy weekend, but there was still time to mix with other groups from Birkenhead, West Wirral and Crosby. A big ‘Well Done’ to all who took part as well as a ‘Thank You’ to the organising team for a great weekend. Full results will be made available soon.

I attended both the 64th and 25th’s AGM and presentation evenings where I was able to both invest new leaders and present Chief Scouts awards. It was great to see so many parents attending these celebrations of the brilliant Scouting that is going on in these two groups in Birkenhead.

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 5

DC’S Ramblings

The 64th Presentation Night was the same night as the Big Sleepout in Liverpool City Centre which was being supported again by Merseyside Scouts. This year I took part and slept out in the churchyard of St Nicks Church on the Strand in Liverpool. I would like to thank anyone who supported this fantastic project which raises money for the Whitechapel centre, but also raises awareness of Homeless Issues in Merseyside. Not only were there a number of the County Team sleeping out in Liverpool, but also, at a fringe event, 150 Scouts slept out at Tawd Vale, also raising money and awareness of the cause. Thanks to everyone who donated, but if you haven’t, and you would still like to donate to the Whitechapel Centre, you can visit the Just Giving Page at I called into Jamboree on The Air and Jamboree on The Internet, which were being held at Irby Cricket Club. Simon and his team were busy chatting to Scouts in America and Germany with a group of Brownies. The event lasted all weekend and whilst attendance from Scouts wasn’t great, those who did attend managed to make contact with Scouts from around the world! At the last District Executive meeting, the Executive approved the District portion of the Membership Subscription payable to Headquarters, County and District in 2016. I have decided that the best way to explain the changes to the way we collect our subscriptions and the massive changes to the way in which we finance Scouting at a National, County and District Level, is to include here the letter which was sent out to all Group Scout Leaders in Birkenhead.

Paul District Commissioner


2016 Membership Fees Important changes to UKHQ and County Membership fee calculation in 2016 Recently you will have received notification from UKHQ with regard to the changes in the membership fee calculation for 2016. Here on Merseyside the County Executive Trustees fully support this change in policy and the idea that volunteering is more attractive to future and current adults when they are not charged a membership fee. The new UKHQ fee will be charged, based on the on numbers of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts only. Adults and members of the Scout Network will not be charged. The UKHQ membership fee for all members under 18 will be standardised at £25.50 (£25 for prompt payment) for 2016. Following a review of the Headquarters Policy, Merseyside Scouts will be applying the same conditions to the County membership fee. The County membership fee for all members under 18 will be standardised at £13 for 2016. As a District we have also considered this policy and have agreed that all adults over 18 will not be charged our District levy, The District membership fee for all members under 18 will be standardised at £11 for 2016. Therefore the Membership Subscriptions for every Youth Member in 2016 is £49.00 Cost neutral effect of new fee structure. It is important to note that the new calculation has been designed so that the total amount of membership income that UKHQ, Merseyside County and Birkenhead District receive should not change (based on 2015 census data). We are already aware that many groups across the District manage membership fees on the basis that adult fees are collected via youth fee adjustment or fundraising and these arrangements can continue. It is hoped that all Group Executives will be able to implement the same policy for membership fees and consider how the youth membership fee can cover the costs of those members over 18. Although the local membership fee element still remains the decision of Groups, there is an expectation that you will review your current arrangements and consider how your youth membership fees can cover members over 18. There may need to be a review of your Group budgeting processes in order to prepare for this new calculation with the overall effect being ‘cost neutral’ to the total amount of money collected by Groups. It is recognised that there may be some small differences from the 2015 total costs with this new policy. You will be aware that UKHQ are making ‘Transitional Grants’ available to Groups and Units if their UKHQ membership costs rise by more than £200 in total. These will not be available until the census collection process is complete in 2016 and the final invoices have been raised.

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 7

It is understood that in the near future UKHQ will be launching an online calculator for all Groups and Units to understand the effects of the new HQ membership fee for 2016. We understand that this change may require some careful planning and may raise some local discussion points. Should you feel you need support and require help or support please do not hesitate to contact either of us in the usual way. Once again thank you for your support with this important aspect of our future. Paul Coleman District Commissioner

Joan Quaile District Chairman

Farm to Fork During Jamboree On The Air, a Mum who had brought her daughters along to visit spoke to me. She works at Tesco in Heswall and is the co-ordinator of their ‘Farm to Fork’ campaign which is all about making young people aware of where their food comes from and what goes in to getting it to your plate. They run evening sessions targeted mainly at Beaver Scout and Cub Scout age where they show you around the store, the bakery Etc and do a brief cookery session and a few other activities. Tesco supply all the necessary ingredients, a goody bag and the appropriate Beaver / Cub badges, all at NO COST to the cub pack. All you have to do is get yourself there. Rather than publicise the lady’s phone number to all and sundry, if anyone wants the details, contact me and I will pass her phone number on. Details of the scheme are at Simon Assistant District Commissioner


ADC Scouts– Jordan What a busy few weeks I’ve had within the Scout Section. Firstly I had the aviation camp, based at Barton airfield in Manchester. This was a special camp where there were only 2 Scouts from each District around the county allowed . This meant a total number of 22 Scouts were allowed to enter, unfortunately only 1 from Birkenhead attended. Nirmal from 2nd Thingwall went to represent Birkenhead, I've had great feedback from Nirmal saying how brilliant the camp was. The aviation camp for me personally was an amazing experience, it has to be the best camp I've ever been given the chance to attend. This was made by getting a flight in a 4 seater plane on the final day. I have to thank our ACC Paul Culshaw for such a brilliant weekend. Then it was time for troop visits, I've visited every troop over the past couple of weeks and it was to my delight that I and my team were welcomed so well. Whilst we were visiting we have been handing out booklets to the Scouts, firstly for the Golf Competition and then the Bowling Competition. The golf competition took place and we had a brilliant turn out. Most groups attended the event which meant we had 48 scouts participating. This was organised by DSL Mark Currums to which he did a brilliant job, Thanks Mark. Please find the results on the page 9 The next competition will be the Bowling which will be in New Brighton on Thursday 12th November 7:00 - 9:30 at riverside bowl. Have a great month and see you all at the Bowling...

Jordan Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts)

NOVEMBER 2015 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Score 53 56 58 58 63 64 64 64 66 68 68 70 70 71 72 72 73 73 74 77 78 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 84 85 85 85 86 86 87 88 88 89 89 89 90 94 94 95 96 106 107

Name Rachel Blair Joseph Green Niall Wood Jamie Isaac Zack Maher Mackenzie Reynolds Annabel Lee Ellis Millie Gidman Anthony Lamb Jack Conlon Chris Matthew Jacob Adam Griffiths Will King Georgia Birch Jude George Chamberlain Daniel Finnegan Cheryn Byrne Lauren Neil Lucy Cavanagh Jonathan Light Liam Glegg Luey Reynolds Connor Roots Callum Ward Sam Morris Robert Meadows Noah Wood William Davie James Bussey Jason Mahoney Jay Currums John Edwards Harry Scarth James Douglas Milo Shipstone Daniel Gray Jonathon Roberts Tyler Hughes Luke Neil Ethan Lockley Jamie Lee Dylan Peterson Thomas Piercy Alex Thomas Emma Fildes Maya Clynch Alexander Gordon

Group 1st Beechwood 5th Birkenhead 265th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 1st Beechwood 1st Beechwood 64th Birkenhead 5th Birkenhead 5th Birkenhead 265th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 1st Beechwood 25th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 2nd Thingwall 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 1st Beechwood 25th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 265th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 1st Beechwood 5th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 64th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 265th Birkenhead 2nd Thingwall 10th Birkenhead 25th Birkenhead 5th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 1st Beechwood 265th Birkenhead 265th Birkenhead 64th Birkenhead 5th Birkenhead 265th Birkenhead

Page 9


The Beavan Challenge For the first time ever the Viking explorer unit entered the Beavan challenge, for those of you who haven’t heard about it, it is a County event run by West Wirral District and is a skills challenge compromising of; kayaking, hiking, shooting, archery and mountain biking. Also for the first time the Explorers were camping by themselves on an event passport which threw up new challenges for both them and me. After planning their menus and doing their own shopping. The Explorers arrived at the campsite and had to set up their own camp. In the true spirit of learning to fend for themselves. They didn’t know how to put up their tents and as I was stuck in traffic on the M53 they made do with a video on YouTube. After their evening meal, all had an early night ready for their early start the next morning. They were set up, fed and asleep long before some groups had even finished putting up their tents, another Explorer first. An early start on the Saturday meant the Explorers needed a little encouragement to get out of bed and cook their breakfast before going off on their hike. After getting back to the campsite after only getting lost once or twice, the rest of the day was filled with a rather challenging mountain bike course, shooting, archery and first aid (which came in handy after the mountain biking). It was soon time for dinner and I arrived back at the campsite to find that a certain Explorer had forgotten to bring the evening meal for the group. So, after a quick trip to a local popular fast food chain Matt Cowan and I returned triumphantly with meals for everyone. I’ll let the certain Explorer finish the story.

Sunday was a very lazy day having only the kayaking and presentations to do and the Explorers took advantage of having a well-deserved lie in (well in their eyes anyway). We didn’t win the event but came 2nd in the hike, 3rd in the archery, 3rd in the first aid, 3rd in the kayaking. I’m really proud of the Explorers for their efforts during the weekend especially as this was our first time. We will be entering next year and can definitely recommend it as a great event to be involved in.

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 11

The Beavan Challenge Here's what some of our Explorers thought: “The Beavan challenge was a new a new camp that we have never attended as a unit which we thoroughly enjoyed. Even though we were the only team that didn't score any points in the shooting and we got lost on the hike, we did pretty well in completing challenges considering they were difficult. Our team building improved through putting up tents and using people's different skills to our advantage. Some of us learnt new skills, like people that hadn't been kayaking before, were able to have a go, however they did not necessarily enjoy it. We would definitely be up for going again and trying to beat team 304 and give them a proper competition!” Holly Cook

“I believe that the Beavan challenge was fun and exciting this made me bond with others and make new friends with my own explorer group and other explorer groups across Merseyside. This also gave us a opportunity to do something that we have never done and might not have done ever had if it wasn't for this weekend event. We also encountered some issues with the unit and the event as I personality forgot our food which was chicken curry and our leaders Matt Cowan and Richard branch kindly went to McDonald's for our dinner unfortunately we found where the curry was kept on the trailer in the car park I found this out on the day we packed up so we had no use for it so I took it Home and everyone on the camp laughed and joked around at my misplacement. Another incident was at the mountain biking where one of the members of my team named Grace fell off the bike and injured her ankle but overall I found this entire weekend enjoyable experience.”

James Ward-Walker

Richie Branch AESL Viking ESSU


Explorers Halloween Party Our friends at Explorers had a very spooky Halloween Party‌..

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 13

Explorers Halloween Party


JOTA Last weekend saw our Annual participation in J.O.T.A. Jamboree On The Air, this year held at Irby Cricket Club, also the headquarters of Wirral And District Amateur Radio Club (WADARC). We were using our special event callsign GB2JAM. The weekend started around 2 P.M. on Friday 16th October to set up and test all the necessary kit and by the time it went dark we had two masts and antennas set up ready for testing.

The space available on the cricket out field meant that the masts were well separated from each other to avoid interference, meaning that two full stations could be operated at the same time, even running the full legal power. Our first contact was with a station in CALYPSO BAY on St KITTS. (I suspect it was warmer where he was than where we were). Fifteen minutes later our second contact was with a station in ARUBA. – Now, there’s two good tests of your geography knowledge. So, everything was working. Later in the evening we spoke with our first Scouting contact, Callsign WW2BSA (Boy Scouts of America). This was at the MOUNT ALLAMUCHY SCOUT RESERVATION in Northern NEW JERSEY and was possibly a slightly larger J.O.T.A. station than ours as they were expecting over 1000 Cub Scouts to arrive over the weekend.

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 15


The space available on the cricket out field meant that the masts were well separated from each other to avoid interference, meaning that two full stations could be operated at the same time, even During the weekend we made over 60 contacts, about 75 % of which were with other Scout Groups but most pleasing was the fact that ALL the Scouts, Explorer Scouts from BIRKENHEAD who attended went on the air and spoke to someone. From a Scouting point of view, some of our more interesting contacts that we made were with the stations at GILWELL PARK, the International Scout Bureau in GENEVA and a station in STOCKHOLM with the fabulous special event JOTA callsign of Sierra Charlie Zero Uniform Tango {SCOUT} It is always satisfying to speak to GILWELL PARK and the World Bureau and point out to them that we are in BIRKENHEAD, where Scouting actually started and that we were operating within just yards of the site of the 1929 Jamboree. From a radio point of view the interesting contacts were with the CARIBBEAN, the UNITED STATES, URUGUAY, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, and in another direction, a scout camp in NAMIBIA. Big thanks got to everyone from WADARC who were so generous with their time and equipment and to Irby Cricket Club who allowed us to put together such a great event for Birkenhead Scouts. See you all again at JOTA 2016 on 14th – 16th October.

Simon Assistant District Commissioner


Winter Warmer update 25th Birkenhead Scouts thought that you would like an update about our winter warmer appeal to help the homeless. So far people have been very generous donating coats, blankets, jumpers, gloves, scarves, boots, candlewick bedspreads and some duvets and pillows and we would like to thank you very much. We are however able to take more donations and its not too late. In particular we need sleeping bags and blankets/throws, warm coats and jumpers. If you could search lofts, wardrobes, blanket boxes and cupboards for any unwanted or forgotten items we can make sure that they go to keeping a homeless person warm this winter. We have also been in contacted by a charity that is helping refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan that are arriving in Austria and Czech Republic. Many families are sleeping in railway stations and suffering from extreme cold. The charity is running out of clothes to provide so help is urgently needed. In particular they are in need of children’s and smaller adult warm clothing and footwear as many of the refugees are rather thin. We can arrange transportation all we need are the items. Scouting is a world wide organisation and we would very much like to help. Please, please, please can you support us? No donation is too small and there are many who are suffering this winter that would benefit from your old clothes. You can contact Vicki Coleman our ASL on 07813489981 or She will arrange collection of donations.

Thank you 25th Birkenhead Scout Troop

NOVEMBER 2015 Page 17

Bear’s Grill– a quick and tasty snack

Ingredients: Minced Lamb or Beef, Onion, Mushrooms, Tomato puree, Curry paste, Clove of garlic, salad, raw cabbage, coleslaw, pitta bread Method: Fry some minced Lamb or beef (Lamb is best) Add some Onions and Mushrooms all finely chopped in a frying pan, Add some tomato puree, let the mix burn slightly (smell that ?) Add curry paste or powder to your taste and a clove of Garlic if you like, Stir as it cooks ,when cooked enough to your taste, set aside. Meanwhile make a mixed salad to your choice or use raw cabbage and coleslaw. Heat a pitta bread or toast one, slice the Pitta bread open and stuff with the curry mix and salad or cabbage mix, Sit back and enjoy, scrummy , quick and easy to make too


Uniform Badges Name Tapes Resource Materials

   

Souvenirs Neckerchiefs i. Scout Range New items now in stock




15 Balls Road, Birkenhead

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:30-8:30pm

CH43 5RF

Saturday 10am to 2pm

Tel: 0151 670 1329

(Closed Easter, August, Christmas)

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