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Trust’s 40 years

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Walk of witness

A LOCAL charity that provides therapeutic narrowboat trips for community groups has celebrated its 40th anniversary and is appealing for new volunteers.


Beedles Lake Golf Club played host to the Baldwin Trust's first social event of the year.

Almost 70 volunteers and their partners came together for an evening of fun to launch the anniversary celebrationsrope throwing, line dancing and a quiz based on the rich history of the Baldwin Trust were all included in the evening's entertainment.

The Baldwin Trust was set up in 1983 to provide respite for patients in the Baldwin ward at the former Leicester Frith Hospital. 40 years later, the trust is still going strong, providing crewed narrowboat cruises for community, friends and family groups in their fully wheelchair-accessible boats.

The Trust volunteers were addressed by Richard Jayes, acting Chair, who reminded all volunteers of the important role they play. “Without you, our volunteers, we would not be able to provide so many trips to such a wide variety of organisations - from the Ukrainian refugee group to groups of children with additional needs. So many members of our community benefit from time on the water.” www.thebaldwintrust.co.uk email: secretary@baldwintrust.co.uk

The Baldwin Trust welcomes new volunteers of all backgrounds, skills and abilities. In its 40th anniversary year, the trust is looking to increase the number of volunteers from around 70 to 100 or more. Demand for the service is high, with many members of the community looking to benefit from time on the tranquil waters of the local river and canal system. There are volunteer opportunities available in all aspects of the charity, from crewing or skippering the boats to management and trustee roles to assist in the running of the charity. If you have an interest in the waterways, would like to spend time outside, want to meet new people and learn new skills, then the trust would love to hear from you.

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