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WI news
BIRSTALL AND Wanlip WI met on April 3 at Birstall British Legion on Front Street.
We began the evening with the singing of Jerusalem. This was the first time we have sung it since the Covid lockdown, and the monthly competition was also reintroduced.
Votes were taken on the National Resolution to help clean our rivers.
We heard about various future Federation events, including the monthly ‘Which Craft’ social gathering and a croquet taster session in July.
Our walking group will meet again on April 24. We will have a craft stall at the annual Duck Race on May 1 and will host the Methodist Coffee shop on June 3, with our usual cakes, crafts and plants.
Our speaker was Pam Lenthall, who talked to us about the benefits of aromatherapy, and we practised the relaxing art of hand massage on each other.
Our next meeting is on May 2, when we celebrate our 105th birthday with a skittle and supper evening at the Royal Oak in Cossington. The competition is a ‘Coronation Hat’.
From Birstall & Wanlip WI stall Walking Group? We are a friendly group of people who do a circular walk on alternate Thursdays, starting from a pub at 10.15am and eating lunch at the pub afterwards. We currently get about 12-15 walkers and could accommodate more. Most of our walks are within 30 minutes drive of Birstall, though occa- sionally we go a little further into Rutland, South Derbyshire or South Notts. If you’re interested in joining us for a trial walk or two, or you would like more details, please phone Alan Bloor (Chairman) on 07580 421 764.
Pic: Birstall Walking Group