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P/23/0564/2: 62 Sibson Road Birstall

Leicestershire LE4 4NA. Erection of single storey side extension and rear dormer roof extension


P/23/0499/2: Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall. Reserved matters application for 109 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Parcel 1 (P/22/0333/2 relates) hearing ringing or buzzing that comes from inside your ears, rather than from an outside source. Above all, someone who teaches us to lipread in classes that are stimulating, safe and full of interest and that encourages us to share our experiences with each other as she does, with calmness, kindness and good humour.

We are fortunate not just to have this particular tutor, but to have any tutor. We are in urgent need of new tutors to provide the service to future generations The Leslie Edwards Trust (a charity formed in Loughborough in 2009 to help the hard-of-hearing community learn lipreading) is offering the opportunity to train as a lipreading tutor by offering a professional qualification which involves a one-year distance

P/23/0609/2: 679 Loughborough Road

Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4NL. Erection of single storey extensions to front, side and rear, two storey extension to side of dwelling.

P/23/0570/2: 21 Beechfield Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DB. Erection of single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling.

P/23/0582/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Leicestershire Birstall. Discharge of Condition 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 16 i (development area), 16 ii (site accesses, internal infrastrucutre, pedestrian cycle crossings, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways), 16 v (off-site highways and infrastructure) 16 viii (updated badger and bat surveys), 16 xii (timing and sequencing of development), 28 (contamination) and 31 (Construction Environment Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2

P/23/0580/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire. Discharge of Conditions 24 (surface water drainage scheme), 25 (surface water management during construction), 27 (foul sewage drainage plans) and 39 (earthworks and site levels) of Planning Permis-

FACES ARTS, the well-established Performing Arts Company in Birstall, have performed a variety of shows over the past few months.

The Commercial Street dance show was a high energy, upbeat and fast-paced show, whilst the Theatre School students performed their all singing, dancing and acting musical productions ‘Sister Act’ & ‘High School Musical’.

For more information on Faces Arts Saturday Theatre School, Commercial Street Dance, Shake Up Parent & Toddler or Summer Schools, contact Jody@facesarts.co.uk, 07971423201 or visit the website www.facesarts.co.uk for further information.

P/23/0579/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire. Discharge of Conditions 29 (site wide landscape and biodiversity management strategy) and 30 (Phase Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2

P/23/0596/2: 432 Loughborough Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3EE. First floor

P/23/0587/2: 3 Russet Way Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4GX. Lawful Development Certificate for erection of rear dor-

P/23/0511/2: Leicester North Services Loughborough Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3BT. Installation of an Electric Vehicle Charging) (EVC) hub (8 bays), substation, reconfiguration of accessible car parking bays.and associated works.

P/23/0506/2: 70 Denegate Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3GG. Conversion of garage to habitable space, replacement of existing conservatory with single storey rear extension, changes to fenestration and increased rear patio area.

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