Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
1st MOUNTSORREL Brownies awarded their first Gold award to Chloe Brown (10) on February 27, 2023.
The gold award is the highest award a girl can achieve as a Brownie, and is the culmination of hard work, regular attendance and the completion of six themed topics designed to develop and grow a better understanding of themselves and the community around them.
Chloe proved her commitment to Brownies by attending online meetings during the Covid-19 lockdown and displayed her leadership qualities as a
Brownie sixer.
Chloe said: “The most challenging part of the gold award was thinking of something special to do for the other girls on my last night of being a brownie.
“I enjoyed seeing my friends and doing lots of different activities at Brownies. It was lots of fun and I am going to miss it, but look forward to Girl Guides now.”
Brownie Owl said: “We're delighted that Chloe is continuing her Guiding journey by joining 1st Mountsorrel Guides and we wish her the very best for the future.”
Pic: District Commissioner Kathryn Barwell presents the Gold Award to Chloe Brown
Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews provided funding worth £10,000 from his Safety Fund to Mountsorrel Parish Council in support of an initiative to increase security in the village and make local people safer.
The funding will be used to install a new state-of-the-art CCTV system to monitor isolated sites within the village. The cameras will be linked to a central control room at Charnwood Borough Council which is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Once the CCTV system is in place, the parish council will be able to assess the impact of the cameras by reviewing historical data relating to reports of anti-social behaviour or crimes.
Cllr Kate Walker, Chair of Mountsorrel Parish Council, said: “Mountsorrel is proud of the excellent relationship we have with our community police colleagues and believe that installation of CCTV will further enhance the help they already give to our residents.
“We have several known areas that are targets for anti-social and criminal behaviour, and installing CCTV in these areas, I believe, will have a positive impact for our population by improving
A POPULAR week of fun-filled summer activities in Mountsorrel returns this year.
There are 2000 free tickets ready to be given away for the week of August 14-20.
The week is being organised by the Mountsorrel churches Christ Church and St Peter’s Church.
“Last year, we organised our first ever Summer Activities week offering free activities to the community,” said priest in charge Colin Resch.
“We gave away well over a thousand tickets to children, young people and adults. The activities included, to name just a few, are film mornings, a quiz, cream tea and a under 5’s soft play session. There was even a pub walk –which we did on the only day of the week that had lots of rain. We can organise the events, but the weather is beyond our control. Many of our events were made especially suitable for the whole family to join in together, and nearly two hundred attended Mountsorrel-by-the-Sea.
“This year we are planning again and will have over 2000 tickets to give away free of charge to a whole variety of different events and activities taking place from August 14-20. The pub walk will be back, as will Mountsorrel-by-the-Sea. Some of the other events being planned include a family barbecue, curry night, under 5’s soft play, youth events, music for a summer’s evening, children’s cinema, quiz night, afternoon tea and, new for this year, Chips & Bingo. Each event will have limited tickets available, and we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.”
community safety, reducing the fear of crime and catching offenders.
“We are very grateful to have been awarded this grant to help us combat antisocial and criminal behaviour.”
The project is being showcased in a new video on the Commissioner's website as part of his commitment to keeping the public updated on the work and funding he is investing in the community to keep people safe.
Mr Matthews said: "Anti-social behaviour causes misery and stress for the communities it impacts and remains the most common issue raised with me by the public.
"My Safety Fund takes a two-pronged approach to these problems, delivering much-needed investment in diversionary programmes to prevent issues arising in the first place and enabling our young people to use their time productively as well as boosting funding for vital security measures that both act as a deterrent and help us to build evidence to bring perpetrators to justice.
"I am really impressed with the passion and motivation behind this project and the desire to take positive action against these issues. This project is an excellent example of how people power and partnership working can really make a difference to the wellbeing and safety of our communities."
Full information and details of how to book the free tickets are available on the website: mountsorrelchurch.org/summer23
MOUNTSORREL REVIVAL is the annual, free-to-visit, village festival of fun and it's back again for 2023 on Sunday August 13.
With a parade, fun run, stalls, food, village competitions, dog show, attractions and activities for all ages, themed areas, lots of music everywhere and much more, there’s something for all the family.
The event is organised by volunteers from the Mountsorrel Community Team (MCT).
Spokeswoman Caroline Moss said: “REVIVAL
2022 was the best attended, and some said the best yet! With thousands of visitors from Mountsorrel and surrounding areas, it’s one of the highlights of the village calendar. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive for 2022, and this year we’re working hard to make REVIVAL 2023 even better.
“The REVIVAL festival brings Mountsorrel alive. The fun is spread along the centre of the village on the Memorial Cricket Field, the Leisure Centre car park, in the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre, the Village
Green, the Buttermarket and all along the streets to the Waterside pub and The Swan.”
Entertainment already confirmed include burlesque dancers, Bhangra dancers, brass band, model railways, children climbing wall, steel band, dog show, Sambando drums, Quorn Ukulele, children’s funfair rides, face painting, laser quest, donkey rides, archery and much more.
Caroline said: “REVIVAL starts with the parade, a spectacle of music, dancers, vintage vehicles and community groups. Would your group like to be part of the parade? Get in touch. This year we are working closely with the Mountsorrel Community Craft Project to create banners for the parade. We want to build on each year, helping grow our
parade with banners to represent all parts of Mountsorrel. Do you want to make a banner for your group? Would you like to help make a banner? There’s lots more information on the Mountsorrel Community Craft Project Facebook page, or you can get in touch with the Mountsorrel Community Team.”
If you would like to be a part of the Mountsorrel REVIVAL, there are so many ways to join in.
Caroline said:
“You can be an event sponsor or just place an advert in our event programme. You could be a volunteer on the day – there are lots of jobs, and you can give as little as an hour of your time. You could be in the parade or help make parade banners. You can enter our competitions on the day, or you can just come along and join in the fun.”
To keep in touch with all things REVIVAL, or for more information on REVIVAL, follow the Mountsorrel REVIVAL Facebook page, or take a look at the website www.the–mct.co.uk/revival2023
THE SKIES around Mountsorrel were lit up for a spectacular firework display in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III.
The event, at 9pm on Saturday May 6, was provided free of charge by Mountsorrel Parish Council and organised with the help of the Mountsorrel Community Team (MCT).
The bunting was out, the flags were flying, and despite the slight drizzle of rain, hundreds of people turned up at the Memorial Cricket Field to join in the celebrations, with many more enjoying the view from Castle Hill and from their homes.
The free flags handed out on the night were waving, and families took tables and chairs to enjoy a picnic on the field while others sheltered around
the pavilion for refreshments or just stood to enjoy the show.
Caroline Moss from the MCT said: “It was great to see so many children enter the Royal Fancy dress competition and parade from the pavilion. The outfits were fabulous, with a lot of hard work put into so many of them.
Cllr Kate Walker had the difficult job of choosing the winner and decided
on two winners – Kai, age 3 who was the cutest lion you will ever see, and Isabella Wright, age 8, one of the many lovely princesses of the day.”
All children who entered received a limited edition Mountsorrel Coronation Medallion as a keepsake to remember
commemorative small trophy and a gift voucher and are now invited to lead the Mountsorrel REVIVAL parade, riding in the REVIVAL and Redbull soapbox carts.
Ian Shonk, armed with a microphone, led all the children to give a very noisy countdown to signal the start of the fireworks, and they truly were spectacular – children and fireworks!
“Thank you to everyone who made the event possible – Mountsorrel Parish Council, Mountsorrel Community Team, Charnwood First Responders, Mountsorrel Castle Cricket Club, Celestial Firework Displays and most of all everyone who turned up to enjoy the celebrations!” said Caroline.
Maybe at St Peter’s, St Michael and All Angels, Claremont Street Methodist Church, in a temple or tabernacle?
Belgrave Heritage Trust is displaying a collection of photographs of Belgrave weddings. The display is entitled ‘I Were Married There’ and presents pictures of ‘The Big Day’, generously lent to us by the trust’s friends and members. The photos record weddings from as early as 1897 up to the present day. The display will be open in the Old Laundry at Belgrave Hall every Wednesday from May 31 to June 28 and the weekend of June 3/4. Admission is free, but a donation to the trust’s funds would be appreciated. For more information, contact the Secretary at belgraveheritagetrust@gmail.com
PC Culverwell reported that crime figures are much lower than in the same reporting period 12 months ago. Members thanked the police for their regular attendance at meetings.
Members considered the budget and precept proposals for 2023/2024. It was agreed to increase the council tax precept by 5% and to meet the shortfall in the budget from reserves. The precept for the forthcoming year will be £554,926, with a deficit of £31,725 being met from the council’s general reserves.
A meeting of the projects and amenities committee was held on January 23, 2023.
It was agreed to recruit a Mountsorrel library volunteer coordinator to be employed for 20 hours per week with a preferred start date of April 1, 2023.
Members were reminded that there were available section 106 money and earmarked reserves set aside for the purpose of the new play area off Halstead Road recreation ground. Members were frustrated that the Halstead Road improvements had been slow to progress due to the deeds of variation, and this had been flagged by the parish manager with the chief executive of Charnwood Borough Council. A new play area at Halstead Road was a chance to move part of the project forward. It was agreed to commission Sports & Play consulting to the value of £2500 to support the Parish Council through the procurement process for the delivery of a new play area at Halstead Road.
Members considered quotations for extending the floral displays around the village. It was agreed to spend £3549 for the provision of 17 window boxes
and the associated watering requirements to be located on the railings of Castle Gardens, the Parish Rooms and the Peace Gardens.
A meeting of the planning and policy committee was held on February 6, 2023.
The crime figures from January 1 –28 were provided. Three reports of criminal damage, three reports of burglary, four reports of theft, five reports of vehicle crime, and no reports of antisocial behaviour.
A site visit with officers from the County Council has been undertaken, to discuss the potential siting of vehicleactivated speed signs.
A meeting of the finance and general purpose committee was held on February 13, 2023.
It was agreed to increase allotment rents to the following: full plots, £50, half plots £25, smaller plots in proportion to previous charges to £35, and a concession of one-third to be applied for those on means-tested benefits.
It was agreed to increase the cost of pitch hire to sports clubs by 20%. The charge to hire the parish room will not change for charities and other organisations within the parish. There will be a 20% increase for organisations outside the parish and for commercial use. Cemetery charges will increase by 10%.
It was agreed to allocate a budget of £2000 for the celebrations of the coronation of King Charles III.
It was agreed to spend £3250 on tree work on Castle Hill and £1999 on the refurbishment of the toilets in the Parish Room.
A meeting of the planning and policy committee was held on March 6, 2023.
The crime figures for February 1 – 28 were provided. Three vehicle crimes, two thefts, two burglaries, three criminal damage and one report of antisocial
A meeting of the full council was held on March 20, 2023.
It was reported that the bus shelter near the library had been modified in consultation with the parish council to help prevent antisocial behaviour.
It was agreed to award a certificate of commendation to George Overton for his years of dedication as a trustee of the Mountsorrel United Charities/Mountsorrel Community Support Fund.
A meeting of the projects and amenities committee was held on March 27, 2023.
It was agreed to continue to support the Mountsorrel branch of the Royal British Legion by organising the Remembrance Sunday parade in the village for 2023.
A decision to purchase a veteranmade Tommy statue to be located at the Peace Gardens at a cost of £200 has been deferred, pending discussions with the Mountsorrel branch of the Royal British Legion.
It was agreed to request a site visit at the Loughborough Road playing field with the dog control manager at Charnwood Borough Council and review the relevant dog control signage at all council-run parks to ensure that it was fit for purpose.
A meeting of the planning and policy committee was held on April 3, 2023.
In public participation, concern was expressed regarding the amount of dust being generated by Mountsorrel quarry.
Crime figures for March 1 – 31 were provided. Two vehicle crimes, two theft, one burglary, three criminal damage and one report of antisocial behaviour.
A meeting of the finance and general purposes committee was held on April 17, 2023.
The council agreed to make a grant of £500 to the Save Mountsorrel Woods residents’ action group and to offer, at no charge, the use of rooms at the li-
brary and at the Parish Rooms for meetings. It was noted that this resolution was not to be seen as necessarily supporting the views of the residents’ group.
It was agreed to award certificates of commendation to Andy Crossley for his volunteer work for the Charnwood First Responders, and to Nick Canham for his volunteer work for Leicestershire Search & Rescue organisation and the Charnwood First Responders.
It was agreed to accept the tender from ADT in the sum of a maximum of £15,000 for the installation of CCTV in the village.
It was agreed to spend £2250 on a feasibility study to explore the potential for a 3G area as part of the Halstead Road scheme.
“GROUP FITNESS sessions can really help with motivation,” says fitness instructor and personal trainer Hayley Phillips from Mountsorrel.
Lots of people struggle to find the motivation to exercise regularly; however exercising in a group could be all the motivation you need to commit to your fitness, says Hayley.
“Group fitness sessions can drive you to work harder & get a better workout. When you’re exercising on your own, it
can be so easy to take it easy and finish your session early, but exercising with others could encourage you to push on through & keep going.”
She added: “One of the biggest benefits of joining a group fitness session is the social aspect. When you see people regularly, you start to get friendly with those people, chatting and making new friends.
“My fabulous little community are on
the same fitness journey, this can help to support and guide you and keep you motivated. I have an amazing group of ladies & gents of varying fitness levels who come along to train, have fun, switch off and burn some calories.”
Message Hayley or call for more information on 07715 642079 https://www.facebook.com/hayleyphilli
THE CONSERVATIVE Party has lost control of Charnwood Borough Council after the local elections in May.
The Conservatives lost 14 seats, Labour gained 8, and the Green Party gained 7, giving it 8 councillors.
Charnwood Borough Council has 52 councillors across 24 wards, and all seats were up for election on Thursday May 4.
Following the count, the political makeup of the Council is as follows:
23 Conservative
20 Labour
8 Green
1 Independent
No political group has overall control
Continued on page 7
of the Council, but an agreement has been reached between the Labour Group with Green Party councillors to support a minority Labour administration.
Cllr Miah is the Leader of the Labour Group on Charnwood Borough Council and is the new leader of the Council.
Mountsorrel has two wards represented by two councillors in each ward.
Before the May election, all four were Conservative councillors. The successful candidates in May 2023 were:
Mountsorrel Ward, two candidates elected:
Liz Blackshaw, Labour and Co-Operative Party (Elected)853
Leigh Emmins, Conservatives (Elected) - 637
Marianne Gilbert, Liberal Democrats - 139
Paul Masters, Green Party216
Simon Oates, Conservatives567
Sebastian Russell-Smith, Labour and Co-Operative Party633
Turnout: 28.39%
Quorn & Mountsorrel Castle
Ward, two candidates elected:
Steven Bellamy, Green Party317
Josh Clayton, Labour - 712
Sarah Fox, Conservatives933 (Elected)
Chris Hughes, Labour - 662
Andy McWilliam, Reform UK228
Carolyn Thornborow, Liberal Democrats - 113
Lee Westley, Conservatives892 (Elected)
Turnout: 35.87%
At Mountsorrel Parish Council, a poll was not necessary on May 4 as there were fewer candidates than there were seats. In these circumstances, all the candidates nominated are automatically elected.
At Charnwood, all councillors receive a basic allowance of £5610 a year. At parish councils, councillors do not receive any allowance.
Election of Parish Councillors for Mountsorrel:
BERRY, Chris
HARRIS, Paul Albert
KENDRICK, James Mark
LEMON, Michael William
O`NEILL, Chris
PHILLIPS, Kelly Jacqueline
Election of a Parish Councillor for Mountsorrel North End:
PIRT, Megan
There are two Councillor vacancies at Mountsorrel Parish Council. Should you be interested in joining Mountsorrel Parish Council, you can make contact with the Office to find out more and to register your interest in being co-opted.
‘MOUNTSORREL HEDGEHOGS and Wildlife’ is a new Facebook page.
“It is not a rescue, but a way to share ideas of how we can help these beautiful creatures, to promote all good practices for hedgehogs and wildlife and for you to share any stories, tips, photos, and videos with others in our community,” said organiser Caroline Moss.
She added: “Hedgehog numbers are declining at an alarming rate and they are now ‘vulnerable to extinction’. Rough estimates put the current hedgehog population in England, Wales and Scotland at less than one million, compared to a staggering 30 million in the 1950s! We are lucky to have hedgehogs across Mountsorrel, but they need our help to survive.
“One of the most important things you can do today for hedgehogs and all wildlife is leave out a shallow bowl of water – add a few pebbles - and it also makes it a lifesaver for insects and bees too. Just last month, in three days in Mountsorrel, we had three hedgehogs from different locations in the village suffering from severe dehydration. Sadly, despite the best efforts of local residents, Barrow Hedgehog Rescue and Chine House vets, they did not make it. We want to see bowls of water on every street in Mountsorrel – it could be the
CERTIFICATES OF Commendation have been presented by Mountsorrel Parish Council for exceptional service to the community.
Canham, Andy Crossley, both for work which includes Charnwood Community
difference between life and death for a hedgehog or other wildlife.
“We have the fabulous Barrow Hedgehog Rescue nearby that regularly helps sick and injured hedgehogs from the village. There are stories of the work they do for our village hogs on the Facebook page and information on how you can help them with funding for the vital work they do.
“Please join our group to see how you can help and share your stories.”
WE CLOSED our successful Spring Exhibition about the Barrow Union Workhouse at the end of April and plan to re-open the museum in mid-June with an exhibition looking at the history of quarrying in and around the village over the centuries.
Supporting the group’s research for the exhibition, we have been fortunate to get on a long loan from the County Museum Service a number of quarrying tools and archaeological items that came to light during quarrying on Broad Hill, and these will be on display beside the information panels we have produced.
During Revival (August 13), we will also have for a very short period of time the “Mountsorrel Bucket”, which despite its rather mundane name, is in fact a rare Romano-British artefact dating from around c 200 AD. It was found, along with some other items, at the bottom of a well-shaft and exposed during blasting on Broad Hill in 1892. Due to its very fragile nature, we will only have it on display during the Revival weekend.
The museum is upstairs at the library, and we are normally open on Thursday and Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings when the library is open.
To coincide with the museum reopening, and our new exhibition, the last of our Winter/Spring talks is being
Cllr Jewel Miah was voted in at the Annual Council Meeting on Monday, May 22 as the Labour group, which he leads, became the Council’s ruling administration.
Cllr Miah said:
“It is an honour and privilege to lead Charnwood Borough Council. I can commit to residents that I will be doing my very best for the borough and its local communities.
“I would like to thank everyone for their support in recent weeks, but we must now focus
on the task at hand and that’s ensuring the Council delivers the services people want and need, and that they are making a positive difference to local communities.
“The Labour administration is committed to delivering its manifesto over the next four years including supporting residents through the cost of living crisis.
“Our priority now is to work with senior officers on how we deliver on those pledges. This is the start of the journey and will take time, but we are passionate and committed to making a positive difference.
“We will also be committed to working with councillors across the borough as this is very much about doing what is right for Charnwood. We will also be working with partners, residents, and local businesses because collaboration will be key to any success.”
At the meeting at Loughborough Town Hall, the vote to elect Cllr Miah as the new Council Leader was 28 in favour, 22 against and two abstained.
Cllr Miah has served on the Council since 2007. He lives in Loughborough, in the ward he serves – Loughborough East – and has a professional background in retail and hospitality. He is married with three children.
given by Peter Liddle, who will look at Archaeological finds made around the village and Soar Valley area. The talk will be at the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre on Tuesday June 13, starting at 7.30pm. Entrance for members is £3 and non-members £4.
To keep up to date with news from the museum, our Fortnightly Photo articles and other MHG activities, follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ mountsorrelarchive
From Mountsorrel Heritage Group
Pic: The Mountsorrel Bucket, dated 200AD
NEW DATA from The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) shows the impact NHS waiting lists are having on patients with Musculoskeletal issues (MSK).
MSK conditions impact joints, bones and muscles and sometimes associated tissue such as nerves.
According to the NHS, over 20 million people in the UK have an MSK condition, such as arthritis or back pain, and they account for up to 30% of GP consultations in England.
New findings from the BCA have revealed that 56% of British people feel put off seeing their GP because of NHS waiting list times.
As a consequence, 48% of British people are using over-the-counter (OTC) medication to treat their MSK issues. Whilst OTC medication has its place in helping patients to resume physical activity, these medications are best used in the short term. Along with side effects, they do little to address potential functional issues which have led to the MSK condition.
The research also found that:
A third of British people (33%) haven't seen a GP to treat their MSK issue as they struggled to get an appointment
Nearly half of British people (43%) have avoided seeing their GP when dealing with an MSK health issue
Over half (53%) of British people are considering turning to private healthcare for MSK to help manage pain
38% of British people thought their MSK issue would go away on its own, without seeing a GP
Over half (52%) of British people have lived with an MSK issue for longer than 12 months
Chiropractors can provide those suffering with MSK conditions an alternative solution, giving patients choice when faced with long waiting lists. They offer patients a wide-ranging package of care which is patient-centred, supported by evidence and results in great patient-
reported outcomes. More people are turning to chiropractors to manage poor mobility, pain and wider health concerns arising from MSK issues before they worsen.
Speaking about the recent research findings, Chiropractor, Thomas Jeppesen from Health on Hand on Loughborough Road, Leicester said: “Our role is supporting patients on their road to recovery, not only with treatment but also advising on lifestyle and self-care is the ethos of our clinics”
“Chiropractors are well established in their local communities as part of the regulated healthcare team, and it is encouraging to see an increasing number of GPs and FCPs suggesting that patients seek care privately for these common MSK complaints. There is more that can be done though to raise further awareness and confidence in the option for patients to see a chiropractor or other healthcare provider privately.
“NHS England has found over 30 million working days are lost due to MSK conditions every year in the UK. Integrated healthcare is essential to ensure more people receive treatment, and both the economy and NHS are better supported.”
For further information please contact Health on Hand on 0116 2101619
Or visit www.healthonhand.co.uk
WREAKE VALLEY Rotary Club is holding its annual Watermead Charity Challenge Run on Tuesday, July 4.
There will be a 5K electronic chiptimed run and a 3K fun run which will not be an electronic chip-timed event.
The 5K run entry fee for affiliated running club members is £15, and for non-affiliated running club members is £17 until May 31.
After that date, the entry fees will be increased to £18 and £20 respectively.
The 3K fun run entry fee is a flat rate of £10.
Online entry is via the event entry website www.evententry.co.uk. Scroll down for Watermead Challenge Run where full details and how to enter can be found. The event is open for entry from March 1.
Watermead Park currently charges their usual fee of £2.50 per car, which would be payable on the night.
Over the past ten years, our increasingly popular charity run has raised over £30,000. Charities to benefit over this time include the following:
Birstall BAGs (Cancer support)
Alex's Wish (Mountsorrel based charity Supporting Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
MDNA (Motor Neurone Disease)
Leicester Children's Holiday Homes
Dementia UK
Jade's Retreat (Birstall Cancer support)
Rainbows Hospice for children and young people
Soar Valley Food Bank
Defibrillator for Watermead Park
Sunday morning Park Runs
Mosaic 1898 (support for disabled people). We helped provide a lift for their canal narrowboat, based at Birstall.
Shelter Box (providing essential items to support families in various disaster areas around the world - war in Ukraine, earthquakes in Turkey and Syria).
Rotary International is a truly worldwide charitable organisation, and supports people in need around the world, so when humanitarian situations arise, individual clubs and our central organisation will invariably offer financial and/or practical support where possible.
We look forward to welcoming you to our event and helping us to once again raise as much money as we can to enable us to distribute to various charities so get your running gear out and sign up for what promises to be a great event once again.
If anyone has a close connection with a charity or knows someone who has and would like to enquire as to whether we might be able to offer our support, then please contact us via our club website www.wreakevalleyrotary.org.uk
Also, if there is a local company that would like to sponsor this annual event, then we would be delighted to talk to you. Again, contact can be made via our website.
From Wreake Valley Rotary Club
A VIEW down Danvers Road from Rothley Road around 1905, the postcard (Courtesy Mountsorrel Heritage Group) is stamped 11 July 1906.
A car-free scene and fewer houses constructed at that point than we see today.
Rothley Soke so that the men will know exactly what the land would cost. There would be few conditions imposed; no public houses would be allowed, and no obnoxious trade could be established.
37 - 39 Station Road
Cropston, Leicester 0116 2362363
RESEARCHERS AT the University of Nottingham are looking for people to take part in a new study about the benefits of community group singing for those who have been diagnosed with dementia.
The singing groups will take place in
Mountsorrel at the Memorial Centre on Tuesday mornings from 11am -12.30pm and will be relaxed, fun and informal.
You don't need to have any previous experience of singing to take part.
Do you have a diagnosis of dementia?
Do you have a carer who can attend the singing group with you?
Do you feel able to come to a weekly singing group for 10 weeks?
If the answer is yes, then you could be eligible to take part in the study.
Get in touch before June 30 for more information:
Email: Deborah.glancyl@nhs.net
Phone: 07771 843199 or 0115 7484315
Planning for what became Danvers Road is mentioned in the report of a dinner in June 1896, at which Mr Robert Frewen Martin, then the Managing Director of the Mountsorrel Granite Co, said that: “It was a source of pleasure to him to see working-men, erecting their own houses. It was his intention to form a land society of his own, and land for that purpose had been purchased at the south end of Mountsorrel. A new street would be made to connect Rothley Lane with the Leicester Road. The offers of the freeholds would be made to their own workmen at 1s. per yard, and no other charge would be made for the new road, sewer or transfer, and the land would be outside
It was one of the grandest things in the world to see working men living in their own houses, and it would conduce much to the prosperity of the country.”
A DONATION from Mountsorrel Quarry has resulted in the installation of new speed warning signs on two busy local roads.
Following an investment from Tarmac, permanent signs have been installed on
Wood Lane, Quorn, and Granite Way, Mountsorrel, in a bid to cut the number of speeding drivers and increase safety for local residents.
Rob Lees, senior operations manager for Mountsorrel Quarry –which has also committed to funding the signs’ ongoing maintenance – said: “Speeding, understandably, remains a concern for many members of our community and we’re really pleased to have worked alongside the local parish
councils to help provide a proactive solution.
“These traffic calming measures will greatly improve road safety for residents and road users on Wood Lane and Granite Way. We’re committed to doing what we can to support local residents and really hope that the community will see the benefit from both installations.”
Edna, born in April 1923, woke up on the morning of her 100th birthday to a special breakfast with her friends at Mountview, where she was adorned with a sash and tiara.
Receiving over 300 birthday cards, including one from King Charles III, Edna said she was ‘speechless’ at the number of birthday wishes she had received.
After breakfast, Edna visited the care home’s on-site salon to have her hair done before her birthday party.
Edna was delighted when she entered her party to find the lounge filled with family members, some coming from as far as Portsmouth, ready to celebrate her 100th birthday.
The room was buzzing with excitement as everyone sang, danced and told their favourite stories about the birthday girl. Edna said: “I was moved to tears by the effort everyone had gone to for my birthday. Since moving into Mountview, I feel as though I’ve gained even more daughters to love in the people who care for me. I can’t wait for my 101st birthday!”
As Edna’s birthday came to a close, Edna was asked what her secret was to living a long and happy life, to which she responded: “The secret is to make sure you live every day to the fullest and
to have a loving family around you. I don’t regret one thing - I’ve loved my life so far!”
Stacie Weaver, the Home Manager at Mountview, said: “We can’t thank everyone
enough for helping us to give Edna the 100th birthday she deserves. Edna is such a huge part of our home, everyone adores her, so to see her have such an amazing birthday is a memory we’ll all cherish.”
For more information about Mountview, call on 0116 303 3303, email mountview@idealcarehomes.co.uk, or visit www.idealcarehomes.co.uk
EDNA WEBB was ‘moved to tears’ when her care home, Mountview in Rothley, gave her a 100th birthday to remember.
A BUSINESS site is planned for land next to Watermead Country Park.
Developer Wanlip Holdings Ltd says the development, between Birstall and Thurmaston, will provide 70,600 m2 of employment space, including offices, service yards and parking, on almost 77 acres.
The site lies to the east of John Merrick’s Lake and would be accessed by the roundabout near the Hope & Anchor pub.
The developer says that 918 jobs
would be created and that the site would generate £1.1m in business rates per annum.
To the north of the A46, a new wetland is proposed to mitigate the loss of open water habitat on the site. The developer says: “This will not only secure a new area of wetland with associated structural planting measures, it will also secure the extension of the wetland habitats associated with this part of the Soar Valley, but also reinforce the landscape setting to the north of the A46 and provide accessible greenspace connected to the Grand Union Canal corridor.”
Objections to the plans are already
being submitted to Charnwood Borough Council. One stated: “This is a major intrusion into a valuable wetland habitat that supports a wide variety of interconnecting wetland and grassland species.”
Another said: “There are already land grabs with warehouses built in Thurmaston. A bit here, a bit there, and before we know it, nature is gone. Wildlife is depleted in the city, and taking their space and havens just has to stop. We are in a climate emergency and need to
like the air that we breathe and mental health.”
The planning application details can be read on the planning pages of Charnwood Bourofh Council, where you can submit comments. The reference is P/23/0668/2.
The Sept issue of the MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Sept 15. The copy deadline is Sept 1.
The Mountsorrel Educational Fund is part of the Mountsorrel United Charities and awards grants to young people up to the age of 25 living in the village to assist them in pursuing their education.
We are looking for someone who:
• Is empathetic, caring & considerate, respectful & non-judgemental
• Has experience of education or finance.
• Can commit to attending and participating in two meetings a year
Mountsorrel Educational Fund Trustee role description:
Trustees need to be willing and able to:
• Attend two meetings a year, usually in May & October
• Read and digest grant application information
• Understand basic financial information
• Challenge policy and procedure in a tactful manner
• Bring their skills, knowledge & experience as local residents to the table
• Maintain confidentiality
• Respect the views of others around the table
• Confirm they are not excluded from acting as a charity trustee
To apply, you should email your CV and covering letter to the Chair, Sandra Utteridge at sandra.utteridge@ntlworld.com
Closing date
is Friday 30th June 2023
ROTHLEY BOWLS Club has been able to upgrade its facilities, thanks to a £9,450 donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund.
With the fencing surrounding the club’s bowling green damaged during a storm and starting to rot, it had become inadequate in keeping out rabbits –causing further damage to the pristine lawn used to host matches.
As well as replacing the much-needed fencing, the donation allowed the club to improve access for disabled users by widening the gates and the path around the green, to make them more useable for wheelchair users and those with walking aids.
Trudi Porter, from Rothley Bowls Club, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund. The new fencing and disabled access have made a huge improvement to the club. We are now very proud of the look of our improved surrounds and look forward to attracting additional members and visitors.”
Rob Lees, senior operations manager at Mountsorrel Quarry, said: “We are delighted to have been able to help Rothley Bowls Club with this donation. It is great to see local groups doing their best to make activities more inclusive for existing members and those looking to get into the sport.”
Pics: the upgrades at Rothley Bowls Club
Age UK also visits housebound people, aiming to provide them with an important connection with friends, family and important services.
It’s a free service, and anyone can visit our sessions or request a home visit if necessary.
Volunteers are also welcome. No sophisticated IT knowledge is needed, just a basic knowledge of common smartphone and computer functions, and a willingness to help people.
No need to book - just drop in at:
Birstall Methodist Coffee Morning: 10am-12noon on the second Friday of each month.
Rothley Library: 2.30-4.30pm on the fourth Monday of each month.
For more information contact us on digitalchampions@ageukleics.org.uk or 01162 045117.
We increasingly book, check, navigate, watch, listen, shop, bank and communicate online, which is becoming the only way to access some services.
For many slightly older folk, this is uncharted territory, and Age UK Leicester Shire and Rutland is lending a helping hand to help build IT confidence amongst over 50’s.
It provides free “drop-in” sessions at community centres across Leicestershire, where people can turn up and get help with starting their online journey.