Laurence King Publishing - Catalogus F22

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Info September 2022 ISBN€20.2112Flexibindpagina’sx12.6cm18.00978949293 859 6 Engelse editie How to plant a room And grow a happy home ISBN 978 08 5782 906 1 Hoe je een ISBNgrootbrengtplant978949293 835 0 Hoe je een brood laat ISBNrijzen 978 94 9293 835 0 Hoe kweek je je eigen ISBNmaaltijd978 94 9293 841 1 NIEUWE TITELS Wil jij een gelukkiger thuis creëren? Haal de natuur in huis! Kamerplanten geven geluk en licht aan elke kamer. En ze hoeven niet alleen op de vensterbank of boekenplank te staan. Stel je groene doelen wat hoger met inspirerende, toegankelijke en leuke projecten zoals kokedama, terrariums en makkelijke hangende tuinen. Je groene vrienden bieden je de kans om zo creatief te zijn als je maar wilt. Dus: vergroen je huis! Hoe je je huis vergroent en een gelukkig thuis creëert GerelateerdAuteurs Morgan Doane uit Tampa, Florida, en Erin Harding uit Portland, Oregon delen hun liefde voor het kweken van planten over een lange afstand. Samen begonnen ze het Instagram account @houseplantclub in 2015. Deze pagina groeide met 20.000 volgers per maand en heeft nu meer dan 508.000 volgers. • Vierde boek in de goedlopende serie • Prachtige foto’s • Tutorials 3

Sluit aan bij de moderne spirituele en orakelkaarttrends, inclusief 60 kaarten met originele illustraties, een boekje van acht bladzij den en een poster, in een fraaie cadeaubox 60 recepten met originele illustraties en foto’s in mooie, moderne verpakking. Volgens hetzelfde format als onze bestsellers Hoe kweek je je eigen eten zonder je huis te verlaten en Hoe je een brood laat rijzen en verliefd wordt op zuurdesem Sluit aan bij de wereldwijde duurzaamheidsbeweging. Elke dag een vegetarische lunch is een effectievere manier om je voetaf druk te verkleinen dan minder autorijden en vliegen (Oxford University, 2019)

4 RECENT UITGEGEVEN lunchboxgroeneDeAlexanderBecky Red de aarde in je lunchpauze Bespaar tijd en geld en zorg voor minder afval met deze zestig heerlijke, gezonde, vegetarische en vegan lunches. Ontdek eenvoudige en verrassende recepten voor een warme lunch, soepen, salades, wraps en snacks, die je bereidt met goed verkrijgbare verse groenten en fruit en met producten uit je keukenkastjes. De(H)eerlijkelunchboxgroenereceptendiegoedzijnvoorjouendeaardeBeckyAlexander Illustraties door Sally Caulwell 9 789492 938718 ISBN 978-94-929-3871-8 METHONDDEOPSTAPSAMENPUZZELEN voor kleine handjes Kleine stukjes voor grote handen SAMEN PUZZELEN DOOR MELISSA LEESAMENJOHNSONPUZZELEN DOORMELISSALEEJOHNSON 48132 KAK IN DE ZAK Februari 2022 | 9789492938794 | Doosje | 60 kaarten | 13.2 x 10.7 cm | € 18.00 Januari 2022 | 9789492938718 | Hardback | 144 pagina’s | 20.5 x 16 cm | € 18.00 • Plezier voor het hele gezin: één grote puzzel met stukjes in twee verschillende groottes waardoor puzzelaars van verschillende leeftijden samen aan dezelfde puzzel kunnen werken • De illlustratie van Lisk Feng benadrukt de voordelen van samenwerken Mind & Bowl • Mindful eten is een krachtige gezondheidstrend die mensen aanspreekt die meer bewustzijn zoeken • De titel sluit aan bij thema’s als Buddha bowls (gezond powerd ieet), ook gezondheidstrendeen • Leuk format, perfect voor cadeauwinkels en als cadeautje voor jezelf Met de hond op stap Maart 2022 | 9789492938756 | Puzzel | 180 stukjes | 27 x 18 x 5 cm | € 18.00 Februari 2022 | 9789492938824 | Hardback | 160 pagina’s | 18.5 x 13.5 cm | € 18.00 • Het ideale cadeau voor iemand die wel wat extra geluk kan gebruiken, bij huwelijken, examens, verjaardagen, sollici tatiegesprekken, eerste dates, verhuizingen en allerlei andere gelegenheden. •

Puur gelukDe groene lunchbox

5 RECENT UITGEGEVEN WERELD50BOMEN STUKJES1000 DE WERELD ROND IN 50 BOMEN Tekst door Jonathan Drori DEWERELDRONDIN 50BOMEN • Een vervolg op het succes van het oorspronkelijke boek en onderdeel van onze legpuzzelserie • Bomen zijn een populair thema in ons cadeau-assortiment • Spreekt puzzelaars en natuurliefhebbers aan memoryspelBabydierenGethingsGerrard memoryspelBabydieren GethingsGerrardZoek enbabydierendehunoudersbijelkaar Babydierenmemoryspel Maart 2022 | 9789492938640 | Doosje met kaarten | 50 kaarten | 12.4 x 10 cm | € 15.50 Maart 2022 | 9789492938787 | Spel | 50 kaarten | 10 x 14.4 x 4.7 cm | € 18.00 • Een originele benadering van kunst beoefenen, met een toegankelijke formule die de lezer in staat stelt de belangrijkste concepten snel en gemakkelijk te begrijpen • Met werk van de beste eigentijdse illustratoren en kunstenaars uit de hele wereld • Potlood is een medium waarmee iedereen uit de voeten kan De wereld rond in 50 bomenDo More Art: Potlood April 2022 | 9789492938848 | Puzzel | 1000 stukjes | 31.5 x 22.5 x 5 cm | € 20.50 April 2022 | 9789492938725 | Hardback | 128 pagina’s | 21.6 x 16.8 cm | € 18.00 • Test je geheugen en zoek de ouders en hun baby’s bij elkaar • Fraaie foto’s van de succesvolle fotograaf Gerrard Gethings van babydieren op hun allerschattigst • Het perfecte cadeau voor dierenvrienden • Ervaar kunst vanuit nieuwe perspectieven • 50 aanleidingen om op een nieuwe manier naar de wereld om je heen te kijken – van de schone kunsten tot straatkunst • Handig formaat dat gemakkelijk meegenomen kan worden Manieren om naar kunst te kijkenBabydieren memoryspel

Een puzzel die net even anders is: alle stukjes zijn uniek en elk stukje is een prachtig zeewezen  vol gekmakende lol! Aantrekkelijke tekeningen van Léa Maupetit Kleurrijke, nauwkeurige illustraties met 25 dieren die je in je directe omgeving kunt tegenkomen! te spelen – een leuk en eenvoudig spel voor het hele gezin en een geweldige manier voor kinderen om over dieren te leren – op de kaartjes met reliëf kunnen kinderen de sporen voelen, zodat ze zich echte spoorzoekers wanen Wie loopt hier? 299 vissen en één duiker

Het begeleidende boekwerkje legt uit op welke manieren je de kaar ten kunt gebruiken om je leven te verrijken

Een set engelenkaarten, divers en fraai ontworpen, brengt de wijsheid van de engelen naar een nieuw publiek Theresa Cheung is een gerespecteerde autoriteit op dit gebied en een succesvolle auteur van engelenboeken

• Snel te leren, absoluut verslavend! • Vind als eerste de dieren van de kaart • Betoverende tekeningen van die illustratrice die ook Dino Bingo, Jungle Bingo en Ik zie je wel! maakte Reddende engelenWie verstopt zich in de oceaan? Juni 2022 | 9789492938732 | Puzzel | 300 stukjes | 26.7 x 26.7 x 4.9 cm | € 24.00 Mei 2022 | 9789492938749 | Spel | 50 kaarten | 10 x 14.4 x 4.7 cm | € 18.00 Mei 2022 | 9789492938770 | 44 kaarten | 15.9 x 11.9 x 5 cm | € 18.00 Mei 2022 | 9789492938763 | Spel | 11.4 x 22.5 x 3.8 cm | € 16.90

• Gemakkelijk

• Uren

• Tactiel

• Leerzaam–


7 RECENT UITGEGEVEN • Legpuzzel met 1000 stukjes in onze succesvolle De wereld van...-serie, met de wereldberoemde misdaadverhalen van Agatha Christie • Ontdek tijdens het puzzelen bekende personages, aanwijzingen om de misdaden op te lossen en historische figuren • Inclusief een uitvouwbare poster met leuke weetjes over de koningin van de whodunnit en haar creaties • Cadeau-artikelen met een oceaan zijn populair in ons assorti ment • Duik helemaal naar de bodem van de Marianentrog (het diepste punt van alle oceanen) en ontdek welke wezens je onderweg tegen kunt komen • Eenvoudig te spelen, met veel leerzame feiten over alle getoonde zeewezens, voor 6 jaar en ouder De wereld van Agatha ChristieOntdek de diepzee Juni 2022 | 9789492938817 | Puzzel | 1000 stukjes | 26.7 x 26.7 x 4.8 cm | € 18.00 Juni 2022 | 9789492938800 | Spel | 50 kaarten | 9 x 15 cm | € 15.50








Capture a reflection, play with layers, blatantly blur, or just try and ‘shoot nothing’. The Street Photography Challenge is a boxed set of 50 cards, each giving keen photographers a simple prompt or idea for snapping great images in everyday environments. Flip the card over for an example image, and turn to the enclosed booklet when you need more detail. Also includes 10 bonus cards of inspirational quotes and key tips from some of the legends of street photography, from Daido Moriyama to Joel Meye rowitz. Forget about lenses, shutter speeds and apertures - just grab your camera or phone, pull a card, and get out there!

A fun family card game for ages 3+

But these are some fussy monster customers: not everybody loves sewer spinach or elephant ear wax! Can you be the first to satisfy your customer and achieve the title of Monster Chef?!

Creative kids will love making their own mix-and-match combinations. What does a croco-phant look like? How many legs does a peng-ypus have? Can a rab-lebee fly? Anything goes in Find My Behind! Find My Behind Perfect for ages 5 to 9: and great fun for older chefs, too.

July 2022 | ISBN 9780857829184 | Board Game | 26.6 x 26.4 x 6.6 cm | € 30.00 September 2022 | ISBN 9780857829177 | Boxed Set: 50 cards | 15.9 x 11.9 x 3.5 cm | € 18.00 July 2022 | ISBN 9780857829160 | Boxed Game: 50 cards | 10.6 x 14.6 x 4.6 cm | € 18.00 Monster Chef October 2022 | ISBN 9780857829085 | Boxed card game | 13.3 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm | € 15.90 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

A card game in which children play short-order cooks competing to be the first to complete a revolting sandwich for their monster customers. Each sandwich needs two pieces of ‘bread’ and five ingredients to be finished, from crispy fried ants to toenail clippings and belly button lint!

Play and Learn: learn Shakespeare as you play this new board game for all the Journeyfamily.from Stratford to London in the footsteps of the world’s best loved playwright, collect characters and race round London’s theatres to put on as many plays as you can before other playwrights steal your ideas, burn down your theatres or spread the plague! In this fun family board game, you will absorb details of Elizabethan England as well as learn loads of references to Shakespeare’s plays. The winner is the player whose plays take the most money at the box office, and the fastest in the race to fame and glory.

The Street Photography Challenge The Shakespeare Game


The perfect gift for book lovers (or anyone) in uncertain times, from biblio therapist and co-author of the bestselling The Novel Cure.

Screen-free fun for 3-6 players.

Playing Cards Fiction Prescriptions July 2022 | ISBN 9780857829368 | Boxed card game | 100 x 12.7 x 3.5 cm | € 15.90 September 2022 | ISBN 9780857829351 | Board Game | 26.7 x 26.7 x 6.5 cm | € 36.00 September 2022 | ISBN 9780857829344 | Boxed Set: 120 cards | 17.0 x 11.0 x 4.4 cm | € 20.00 July 2022 | ISBN 9780857829214 | Boxed Game: 54 cards | 11.5 x 9.0 x 3.6 cm | € 14.90 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

Fun, colourful illustrations of the characters, places and objects important to super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes appear on every single card. Play your card games with Holmes and Watson, and other well-known characters from Arthur Conan-Doyle’s thrilling series. Discover more about the great detective’s comrades, clients and adversaries in a booklet packed with expert notes.

In times of trouble, worry or strife, a fiction prescription is just what the doctor ordered. Discover over 120 reading recommendations for great literature to soothe your soul and offer a cure for modern life, from Ageing through to Boredom via Hangovers and Procrastination.

The President has been assassinated and you, the Senators, must vote on the issues facing your fictional state - while keeping one eye on the presi dency, of course! Wrestle with political dilemmas of the past, present and future and navigate the election without damaging your image. As you get closer to the top spot, you’ll find out how well you really know your friends and discover what you’ll do for power. When the monsters declare a Monster War, start a Monster Race or mix up their order in the Monster Line... can you play by the rules and sort them out? Develop maths skills as you play 10 fun games in 1 with Monster Maths.


Sherlock Holmes

You Are the President Monster Maths

A fun and engaging way for kids and adults to talk about their emotions. The gameboard features 48 emotions as characters, illustrated by Bee Grandinetti whose warm and sensitive illustrations have been featured by Headspace and Airbnb. Each player gets a card with 16 emotions. An accompanying booklet by developmental psychologist Dr Emily Midouhas explains each emotion in child-friendly language and gives tips on learning to express emotions and allow them to be felt in healthy ways.

Enter the world of the Brontës with this 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Travel across the blustery Yorkshire moors and into the dark, gloomy schoolrooms and weathered stone buildings of nineteenth-century England to spot Cathy and Heathcliff at Wuthering Heights, Jane and Mr Rochester getting married, and a host of other fictional and real-life charac ters while you build the puzzle. Includes a fold-out poster that highlights characters, locations and key moments.

The World of the Brontës My Feelings Bingo


A 1000-piece puzzle inspired by the life and works of the Brontë family. The perfect challenge for book lovers - or anyone who loves a good jigsaw.

A jigsaw with a twist - No two shapes are the same, and each piece is a fish (or other sea creature, plus one that’s a diver! See if you can spot it!)

Have you got what it takes to corral all 299 sea creatures into a perfect puzzle? In this cunning cluster puzzle, there are no regular jigsaw shapes: each piece takes the outline of the creature itself. And there are 299 of them! Can you fit them all together?

1000-piece puzzle: Frankenstein’s monster is a character who has transcended the novel to become part of the cultural consciousness. Even if you’ve never read the book you will still enjoy this puzzle which is is both challenging and richly rewarding, with visual interest on every single Packedpiece.with characters from the story, the illustration covers all the key scenes in incredible detail so that every piece has something to capture the imagination. This richly rewarding puzzle is accompanied by an illus trated poster and explanatory text detailing who’s who in the grisly world of Victor Frankenstein and his monster.

September 2022 | ISBN 9781399600781 | Board Game | 22.2 x 22.2 x 5.7 cm | € 22.00 October 2022 | ISBN 9781399600118 | Puzzle | 26.7 x 26.7 x 5.1cm | € 20.00 July 2022 | ISBN 9780857829535 | Puzzle | 26.7 x 26.7 x 4.9 cm | € 22.00 October 2022 | ISBN 9780857829443 | Puzzle | 26.7 x 26.7 x 5.1 cm | € 20.00 The World of Frankenstein 299 Fish (and a diver) NEW ENGLISH TITLES


Matchmaking: The Jane Austen Memory Game August 2022 | ISBN 9781399601665 | Puzzle | 31.5 x 22.5 x 5.0 cm | € 20.00 September 2022 | ISBN 9781399601269 | Puzzle | 22.2 x 22.2 x 4.8 cm | € 18.00 September 2022 | ISBN 9781399601252 | Boxed Game: 50 cards | 10.0 x 14.4 x 4.7 cm | € 18.00 October 2022 | ISBN 9781399601245 | Boxed Set | 12.2 x 16.2 x 5.2 cm | € 18.00 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

JoinVeganuary.theVegan revolution! Going vegan and staying vegan is simple with the Vegan Kit. Inside you’ll find everything you need to plan the weekly shop, navigate dinners out, make informed nutritional decisions and more. Start your vegan challenge today! Put your memory skills to the test as you pair up Austen’s most famous couples. ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife’! Help Jane Austen’s most eligible characters find their perfect partners in this matchmaking memory game. With all the cards face down, you must turn over two at a time in hopes of pairing up Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy, Emma Woodhouse and Mr Knightley, and many more couples besides. Put your literary knowledge and memory skills to the test as you piece together romantic courtships, rash, ill-advised matches, long, comfortable marriages and everything in between.

18 1000-piece puzzle featuring the women of Greek mythology as you’ve never seen them before. A large fold-out poster of the artwork accompanies the jigsaw and also includes an original essay from the author, expanding on the stories, rela tionships and context surrounding these infamous women. Featuring mortals and goddesses alike, from Medusa and Medea to Helen, Euridice, Aphrodite, Phaedra, Artemis and more, uncover the truth about the women of the classics.

There are 49 unique puzzle pieces, each in the shape of an entire dinosaur, clustered together along with an asteroid. Build the frame to hold the pieces together and then assemble the dinos into one big group. A super challenge for dinosaur lovers and keen puzzlers!

Start your vegan challenge today with the help of the Vegan Kit from

Unique puzzle experience: Each piece takes the shape of an entire dino saur, and no two shapes are alike! Plus they don’t lock together like regular jigsaw pieces do for a whole new puzzling experience.

The Real Women of Greek Myth Jigsaw Dino Dash

The Kit


This family matching and memory game is the perfect way to explore the world of The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents after enjoying the film. The games features 25 pairs of characters and objects from the film - can you be the first to remember where they are and match them up? But watch out! Just like in the film, there are traps everywhere: mind you don’t get caught! Includes an illustrated booklet with bios of all the characters. Fun for detective novel fans - the whole family will love this high-stakes game featuring 64 characters and clues from Agatha Christie’s novels. Follow the trail of murder, blackmail and mystery set by the Queen of Crime. Travel down the Nile, on the Orient Express and into the drawing rooms of quaint English country cottages hot on the heels of Poirot, Miss Marple and other famous characters while you play this fun new bingo game. Includes a booklet packed full of Agatha Christie trivia for discer ning crime fans.

The Amazing Maurice Matching Game

Agatha Christie Bingo Fun for the whole family - everyone will love this traditional game featu ring 64 of the world’s best loved and fascinating trees. Play bingo with 64 spectacular trees from around the world. Each player gets a game card with 25 trees: be the first to get all the trees on your card to win BINGO! The accompanying booklet notes the distinguishing features of each tree, along with fascinating nuggets of information about how humans and animals live alongside them.

150 quiz questions all about poo! This sturdy box contains 50 illustrated quiz cards, perfect for long journeys and wet afternoons. Do you know what bat poo has in common with fireworks? Ever wondered what you call a person who studies poo? Brush up on your toilet trivia with these family-friendly quiz cards all about the stinky stuff. Each card features an easy, medium and hard question guaranteed to challenge even the most knowledgeable poo-head.

Quiz October 2022 | ISBN 9781399604949 | Boxed Game: 25 cards | 13.8 x 9.8 x 3.4 cm | € 16.90 October 2022 | ISBN 9781399602983 | Board Game | 26.2 x 23.8 x 6.4 cm | € 30.00 July 2022 | ISBN 9781399602877 | Boxed Game: 50 cards | 13.4 x 10.6 x 3.6 cm | € 14.90 September 2022 | ISBN 9781399602778 | Board Game | 26.4 x 23.8 x 5.1 cm | € 30.00 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

The Big Poo

Tree Bingo

1000-piece puzzle: Piece together the world of James Bond in this exciting jigsaw inspired by the iconic films. The perfect challenge for dedicated James Bond fans, lovers of cinema - or anyone who enjoys a good puzzle.

August 2022 ISBN 9781399600125 20 | 14 x 11.5 x 4 cm € 15.90 jigsaw: piece together the world of 20th-century Harlem and fill the gaps in your knowledge as you go with a comprehensive poster guide. Step back in history to one of New York’s most vibrant moments in this jigsaw puzzle abuzz with the artists of the Harlem Renaissance. Set in Harlem in the first decades of the twentieth century, the puzzle includes fine artists and musicians to novelists, poets, and thinkers, The World of the Harlem Renaissance is a who’s who of people who laid the foundations of New York culture in the twentieth century.

| Postcards:


The World of the Harlem Renaissance

The World of James Bond


September 2022 | ISBN 9781913947811 | Puzzle | 26.8 x 26.8 x 5.0 cm | € 20.00 September 2022 | ISBN 9781913947057 | Puzzle | 26.7 x 26.7 x 5.1cm | € 20.00 October 2022 | ISBN 9781399604956 | Puzzle | 18.0 x 27.0 x 5.0 cm | € 20.00 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

The Amazing Maurice Jigsaw Puzzle

This family jigsaw puzzle is the perfect way to explore the world of Bad Blintz after enjoying the film, featuring the historic town in all its glory with the educated rodents in their very own town right in the centre. The ac companying poster gives behind-the-scenes info about the film, including “making of” highlights that adults can enjoy just as much as children.


Welcome to The World of James Bond, MI6’s most famous Secret Service agent. As you piece together this action-packed puzzle, spot some of the ground-breaking gadgets, death-defying stunts and eccentric adversaries that make Bond films so iconic. Find your way through the explosions with the help of a poster bursting with 007 knowledge. 20 notecards with envelopes featuring artwork from The Book of Cat Poems illustrated by Sarah Maycock. Features the feline friends inspired by the poems of John Keats, Margaret Atwood and Oscar Wilde among others, alongside short quotations from the works on the back. Beautifully packaged in a presentation box. The cards are blank inside for your personal message.


For the Love of Cats

21 For the Love of Dogs 20 notecards with envelopes featuring artwork from The Book of Dog Poems illustrated by Sarah Maycock. Features the canine companions inspired by the poems of William Wordsworth, Rudyard Kipling, Emily Dickinson and Thomas Hardy among others, alongside short quotations from the works on the back. Beautifully packaged in a presentation box. The cards are blank inside for your personal message. August 2022 | ISBN 9781399600149 | Postcards: 20 | 14 x 11.5 x 4 cm | € 15.90 NEW ENGLISH TITLES

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