Pop-Up City

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P O P - U P C I T Y City-Making in a Fluid World

City-Making in a Fluid World


Pop-Up City

BIS Publishers Building Het Sieraad Postjesweg 1 1057 DT Amsterdam the Netherlands T +31 (0)20 515 02 30 F +31 (0)20 515 02 39 bis@bispublishers.nl www.bispublishers.nl ISBN 978 90 6369 354 1 Copyright Š 2014 Jeroen Beekmans, Joop de Boer, and BIS Publishers Design by Vruchtvlees | vruchtvlees.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owners. Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify owners of copyright. Any errors or omissions brought to the publisher's attention will be corrected in subsequent editions.

Pop-Up City City-Making in a Fluid World

Jeroen Beekmans Joop de Boer Jeroen Beekmans


the city they live in. Starchitects play a role in transforming the concrete jungle into a cohe-

After covering temporary urbanism at Pop-Up City for six years, we knew that the time was right to reflect on how far pop-up thinking has travelled over the years and the manifold ways in which pop-up is revamping cities the world over. The chapters that follow are not just a collection of cool concepts and interesting initiatives; they are proof of a paradigm shift in how city-making happens, leading to changes in how cities are conceived, designed, and built.

sive city skyline, but they do not make cities — food truck owners, street artists, app makers, and rooftop farmers are the real city-makers. Even without knowing it, these city-makers eat, sleep, and breathe flexibility more than any brick and mortar structure ever could, and they are better able to cope with an environment of permanent change. Our passion for the theme moved us to experiment with temporary city-making at Golfstromen, our creative agency. Pop-Up City's first headquarters was located in an empty building in the centre of Amsterdam that we

On an ordinary weekday in April 2008, we spent

transformed into a hyper-temporary art gal-

at least fifteen minutes in front of a shop win-

lery and co-working space for three months

dow in Berlin, taking photos of it from all sorts

over the summer. Our second office was a self-

of angles. We were fascinated by the thick black

made, inflatable plastic bubble. In that same

letters in the window: ‘Temporary Showroom.’

period, we turned an empty house into a psy-

The previous day, we had decided to start a

chedelic pop-up hotel, and we built the world’s

small blog at popupcity.net about flexible, vola-

first one-person cinema inside of a cupboard

tile, and temporary forms of architecture and

in a residential building. Moreover, we have

urbanism, and we were eager to find any ex-

travelled extensively to cover events and un-

pressions of pop-up culture. Pop-up urbanism

cover secrets in cities both near and far to see

was not as pervasive in 2008 as it is today, and

how people everywhere are doing pop-up city-

Pop-Up City was not the international platform

making while meeting amazing individuals in

with thousands of daily readers that it is today.

the process. All of these efforts have resulted

At the time that we began writing on popupcity.

in a valuable collection of over 1,700 articles

net, urban planning and architecture were still

about the ideas that make the city of today and

the sole domains of the almighty architects and

tomorrow, ranging from houses on wheels and

planners. The reason we started blogging in the

playful urban space hacks to next-generation

first place was that we refused to think of cities

retail concepts and plug-in restaurants.

as the product of master plans and fixed frameworks any longer. From the very beginning, we

Our blog’s content is as volatile as the themes

wanted to highlight the softer elements of city-

that we write about; articles are easily lost in

making; the elements that have seen citizen-led

the ever-growing stack of blog posts and, al-

initiatives provide small-scale improvements to

though the subjects covered could appear to

have a timeless quality, the Web remains hype-

a popular international design platform. There,

oriented. For this reason, we began to consider

our work was described as “refreshingly free of

presenting Pop-Up City in more durable and

any slickness, recognisable form, or even coher-

memorable ways. In 2013, we were approached

ence.” While our look may be somewhat slicker

by Museon, a Dutch museum located in The

than before and we like to think of ourselves as

Hague, to co-curate an exhibition on future

coherent individuals, Yanko Design’s glowing

urbanism, and translate Pop-Up City into a

review of Pop-Up City in its infancy gave us a

tangible physical format that you could walk

second wind and a renewed confidence in why

around, touch, and explore in a way that digital

we wanted to cover the temporary elements of

publishing cannot offer. In that same year, we

the modern city. The visitor explosion that re-

were given the chance to host a live urbanist

sulted from Smith’s post made us realise that

variety show in a theatre in Amsterdam that

blogging is not only about choosing the right

brought the blog’s content to life on stage with

angle — it is also about keeping yourself moti-

interviews, panel discussions, and even some

vated and inspired to write.

delicious live cooking. After having manifested Pop-Up City in the form of events, it became

Many people have contributed, directly or in-

time to explore other platforms with a longer

directly, to this book. The articles written by us

shelf life. The next logical step in metamor-

and our contributors over the past years have

phosing Pop-Up City was to write a book. For

formed the basis for everything that is in the

us, writing the Pop-Up City book was a way to

following chapters. In addition, there are plenty

reflect upon years of hard work, to get inspired

of wonderful people who have expressed their

once more by the greatest ideas we have show-

faith in the project during our crowdfunding

cased in the past, and to distill useful strategies

campaign on Kickstarter, which helped us turn

for flexibility-oriented urban development in a

this ambition into a reality. Without this sup-

fluid world.

port, the book simply would not exist.

There are numerous people worthy of our

We would like to mention here in particular

gratitude for this process. First of all, we have

the names of the people who have supported

to spend some words on Chad Smith, a New

us over the past year to make this book hap-

York-based architect and blogger who has

pen. First of all, we would like to thank our

played a crucial role in Pop-Up City’s exist-

editor Adam Nowek for writing this book to-

ence. The funny thing is that he (probably) has

gether with us, and helping us take its content

no idea. In December 2008, we thought about

to a higher level. His extensive knowledge of

ending our little blogging project, considering

city-making (and ice hockey), the English lan-

it to be a failed experiment with little regular

guage, and great sense of humour have made

readership. That month, Smith published a

the process of making this book a true pleasure.

brief article about our design agency, Golf-

Hannah Cook, Rebekka Keuss, and Melody

stromen, and our fresh blog on Yanko Design,

Moon have done a great job collecting photo

material as well as writing and editing the texts of the numerous inspiring examples showcased throughout the book.Without Stijn Hupkes and Rebekka, there would have been no Kickstarter campaign. Stijn created the amazing project video, and Rebekka’s great sense of copywriting has helped us a lot in launching the project online.We also owe graphic design studio Vruchtvlees our gratitude. Without their immense talents, the book would not have looked this great. Finally, we want to thank the people we started this journey for in the first place: our readers. We thank you for coming back each and every day, for reading our articles, and for sharing your inspiration with us. You keep us going! Jeroen Beekmans and Joop de Boer Amsterdam April 2014

An Introduction p—12

Living in the Pop-Up City Work Life in the Pop-Up City



Food in the Pop-Up City p—94

Shopping in the Pop-Up City p—138

Public Space in the Pop-Up City p—180 Urbanism in the Pop-Up City p—226

Conclusion p—262

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World

Flexible Cities with Fluid Citizens An Introduction Our cities are growing and changing faster and more drastically than at any other point in human history. Cities are gaining more influence over their internal affairs, allowing them to be major players in global societal, cultural, technological, and economic transformation processes. In order to better weather the winds of change, cities must be adaptable to unexpected needs, a state that the majority of cities have yet to achieve. Under the gleaming surface of urban planning rhetoric, an entire culture of inspiring and refreshing bottomup initiatives and pop-up design projects are helping urbanites change the way they use and make the city of tomorrow.



int r o ducti o n

The Crisis Years

less willingness to contribute funds for urban

Few could have imagined that 2008 would be a

is the looming threat of peak oil, forcing the

watershed year in the trajectory of the world’s

creators of our built environments to rethink

cities and their inhabitants, but here we are. A

the energy sources for our architecture and

highly complex and undoubtedly corrupt eco-

our infrastructure. Creative solutions to con-

nomic system began to show the weaknesses in

tinue building liveable cities had to be sought

its armour and, whether unconsciously or not,

for. Urban planning, a field formerly known for

prompted world citizens to behave in a differ-

wholesale neighbourhood development, sud-

ent way. At the same time, a growing sense of

denly began using a new vocabulary awash with

mistrust between governments, citizens, and

buzzwords: placemakers interested in the DNA

the private sector has emerged, due largely to a

of the city applied urban acupuncture to solve

host of troubling developments such as terrorist

new problems. Empty lots and vacant buildings

activity, natural disaster mismanagement, and

became the breeding grounds for the creative

general dissent within the polity. Governments

class, giving place to shipping container vil-

began to be seen as obstacles to progress, rather

lages for temporary housing, urban farms and

than the forces that prompt positive change. As

trendy pop-up nightclubs. People started doing

regeneration. Complicating things even further

We view Pop-Up City as an inspiring series of snapshots showing innovation and passion from individuals in cities across the globe an alternative, citizens had to start thinking and

it themselves, crowdfunding their 3-D printed

doing in new ways, taking ideas from bottom-

projects with aplomb. New money had to be

up governance strategies. New structures for

found and companies and wealthy philanthro-

decision-making, financing, governing, manag-

pists were interested in stepping in.

ing, and producing had to be thought of in order to prevent western society as a whole from

Almost purely by chance, we joined the search

driving over the edge of a cliff.

for alternative ways to make the contemporary city by featuring them on our blog, Pop-Up

The way that cities were built and managed

City. In that sense, Pop-Up City could be con-

was also changing. Buildings, whichever type,

sidered a crisis blog, finding unique strategies

could no longer be constructed with the same

in an era of widespread uncertainty. You can, if

ease and levels of investment as before, with

you prefer, read this book as a guide to crisis ur-

governments and other institutions showing

banism, but that glosses over a significant part

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World


of the story. Pop-Up City was already around

connected to the Internet, be they laptops,

before the crisis, so it would be somewhat re-

smartphones, alarm clocks, cars, cows, televi-

ductive to say that we are only focussed on

sions, or our own bodies. 39% of the world’s

cataclysmic urban initiatives. We prefer to view

population in 2013 is able to use the Internet,

the extensive archives of Pop-Up City as an in-

and in the world’s highly developed countries

spiring series of snapshots showing innovation

that proportion sits at 77%. On the surface this

and passion from individuals in cities across the

is a victory for efficiency: perpetual connectiv-

globe, regardless of whatever obstacles may be

ity offers us the opportunity to better organ-


ise a busy schedule or perform tasks that were once using slower methods involving now-antiquated technologies (paper, for instance). The

The Internet of Cities

mobile phones of yesteryear have evolved from

This new perspective of city life, one not based

ductivity-oriented smart devices of today and

upon being in a fixed space but based upon a


simplistic communication devices into the pro-

psychogeographical perspective that ‘the city’ consists of a worldwide network of disparate

A connected world is a socially enhanced world

yet connected urban centres, comes from a

as well. While we might bemoan the person that

very real sense of hyper-connectivity. One only

just cannot put their phone down at the din-

needs to look at a network map for a reasonably

ner table, it is easier than ever before to interact

sized airline or the traffic analytics reports for

with people in faraway places, both in social

a website with impressive global reach to get a

and productive ways, as large swathes of the

sense of how no stone remains unturned in the

population invest more time interacting with

Internet age. We can be anywhere we want at

their online contacts rather than those that they

any time (or, at the very least, a relatively short

can engage in a face-to-face conversation with.

amount of time), a thought that barely crosses

Setting up a date for a group dinner or a protest

our minds when we board a Delhi-bound flight

can happen through a few flicks of the thumb.

in Los Angeles. The city is no longer in isola-

Digital connectivity fanned the flames of mas-

tion, but rather is part of an interconnected ma-

sive movements such as the Arab Spring, Eu-

trix that transcends space and time.

romaidan, and Occupy Wall Street, transforming them from small-scale demonstrations to

This connectivity has entrenched itself as a

globally connected movements using Facebook

natural element in our lives. It feels normal,

events and Twitter hashtags to relay important

even natural, for us to have access to a world of

information and even inspire satellite events

information in our pocket. Cisco, the American

in faraway places. At the governmental level,

networking technology corporation, estimated

militaries are using unmanned aerial vehicles

in 2013 that there are over 10 billion ‘things’

as security agencies battle attacks from activist


L ivin g in the P o p - U p C it y

It’s a Nap in a Box! — Design office Arch Group has developed the Sleepbox, capsules designed to give people the opportunity to take a nap inside of busy urban environments such as airports, train stations, and shopping malls. The capsules have also proven capable of regenerating derelict buildings. The four-storey Sleepbox Hotel in Moscow contains 46 sleeping units for up to two people on the second and third floor, and ten single-person boxes on the top floor.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Arch Group

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World


Tiny Pop-Up Modules for Students

Swedish architecture firm Tengbom has put together a sustainable, innovative, compact yet exciting response to the growing problem of student housing. Twenty-two pop-up modules are planned to appear on Lund University’s Campus offering a small home suitable for one student and comprising of a

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P hoto C ourtesy: T engb om

sleeping loft, kitchen, bathroom, and small garden patio. With an efficient and ecologically friendly design, the project challenges the prototypical designs for student accommodation that needs to be increasingly flexible for the different needs of a globalised student base.


L ivin g in the P o p - U p C it y

Parasite Cabin on the Side of a Hotel — The Manifest Destiny project by artist Mark Reigelman is a way of experimenting with space for building in city centres, wherein a parasite shelter is attached to the side of the Hotel des Arts in San Francisco. A small, rustic cabin is occupying one of the last unclaimed spaces in the city, between and above the buildings. The project plays with the idea of vertical territory in the city. Fitted with a wood-burning stove, the cabin has just enough space for one, offering a bird’s nest residency high above San Francisco.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Mark Reigelman

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World


192 countries, Airbnb has swiftly become the

all of the eccentric and unnecessary parts of ar-

worldwide leader in accommodation. Trust and

chitecture are stripped away in a manner that it

credibility are the main drivers of this massive

can be placed just about anywhere, offering the

success, pushing other types of conventional

intimacy of a private home in an efficient and

hospitality and accommodation in an unprec-

minimal design. Ideas such as these provide the

edented manner. Thanks to online develop-

flexible urbanite with a living space that need

ments, a reliable system of mutual trust and

not be spatially fixed.

credential payments has been created with the potential to change the way people find lodging. Civic governments around the world generally have no policy framework to respond to the peer-to-peer accommodation trend, with many cities such as Amsterdam and New York

The Dark Side of Flexible Housing

unsure of the legal positioning of those renting

Not everyone in the world can afford a life in

out a room.

hotels, Airbnb flats, and parasite apartments transported by helicopter. As attractive as a

Another option to live a flexible life without

more flexible lifestyle is to many individuals,

spending time in hotels alone is the mobile

it can be a costly endeavour that many are

apartment block. One example comes from

simply forced into. Those that cannot afford a

German designer Werner Aisslinger. Aissling-

more adaptive lifestyle, often migrant workers

er’s twenty square metre parasite apartment

or refugees, depend on flexible shelters, illegal

Hong Kong’s informal housing market is a very real manifestation of the downside to living in a highly globalised alpha world city known as The Loft Cube can be lifted by heli-

subletting, or squatting. These social groups

copter and lowered onto an existing building,

come up with rather creative solutions to their

enabling affluent urban nomads to combine a

acute housing issues, though often at great cost

flexible lifestyle with the domesticity of home

to personal safety, hygiene, and well-being.

ownership in a unique location that is impermanent. A similarly minimalist living concept

Hong Kong is an apt example of the dark

comes from Japanese architects Jo Nagasaka

side of living flexibility. The city’s high-rises

and Schemata Architecture Office. The con-

are awash with informal rooftop communities

cept, called PACO, is a box for living wherein

built by migrants with questionable legality.

c o ntinued o n pa g e 31

Co-Working in a Nightclub Work Life in the Pop-Up City Two hundred years ago, much of mankind worked in the fields; one hundred years ago, the majority of labour took place in dusky factories; and fifty years ago, people worked in office buildings. Now, people work everywhere. Only hunter-gatherer societies were more flexible in their working lives than the contemporary urbanite. Ever since the rise of agriculture thousands of years ago, however, people have tended to stick to their place — a place that required them to plough the land, to operate machinery, and to answer the landline phone. But those days are coming to a close as agriculture and heavy industry become self-operating and our communication devices shrink. People now change their job as easily as they replace their toothbrush, while business people travel the world to find new clients and employees, and cities adapt to more flexible work styles.


w o r k life in the P o p - U p C it y

The Birth of the

coffee can be one of them. For many urbanites,

Nomadic Worker

besides earning a living in a footloose economy.

In 2008, The Economist dedicated an entire is-

being replaced by inspiring new public urban

sue to the emerging phenomenon of urban no-

arenas and living rooms. These can be classified

mads. A series of articles describes an emergent

as third places, a term coined by urban sociolo-

tribe, roaming the world’s cities, looking for a

gist Ray Oldenburg to define the social places

table to work at, outlets to recharge laptop and

that are separate from the conventional envi-

smartphone batteries, and social places to con-

ronments of home and work. Third places are

nect with other professionals. Sitting behind her

multifunctional and offer an attractive option

laptop in a coffee bar, the Wi-Fi-hunting urban

for the flexible individual, regardless of whether

nomad is a new type of person on the streets of

or not she is looking to relax or finish that proj-

the global metropolis in the early twenty-first

ect. These types of spaces are not competing to

century, a person that provokes us to think of

be the place of a specific function, but, rather,

work less as a series of tasks requiring comple-

on their coolness, even prompting the world’s

tion and more as a process of creating some-

most prominent Internet startups to turn a

thing useful or interesting. This new approach

massive campus-style headquarters into a play-

to work habits results in a highly flexible work

ground. In each of these places, work blends

style, putting its mark on many aspects of ur-

with lifestyle.

working means hanging out and showing off, The restraining environment of the office is

ban life. Work is perceived in a completely new way, and, more importantly, it asserts a new

The third places that are popular among flex-

position in urban space, leading to new urban

ible workers are hybrids between coffee bars

functions and forms.

and offices. While offices increasingly tend to look like bars with high-top tables and designer

Nobody could have missed the impressive re-

chairs, more and more bars tend to look like

naissance of the coffee bar over the past decade.

offices with shareable tables and ubiquitous

Coffee bars have gradually become the new of-

power outlets. Co-working spaces are the most

fice for young urban professionals; individuals

prevalent new concept that suit the needs of

who not only want to escape the confines of

the urban nomads seeking these multifunc-

the cubicle, but also wish to make their flex-

tional spaces. Some co-working chains, such as

ible working habits an important part of their

NextSpace, The Hub, and Urban Station, have

increasingly nomadic lifestyle. The swift rise in

expanded to multiple cities, while others, such

appreciation of high-quality coffee in that sense

as Betahaus in Berlin, are focussed on serving

could be a direct result of this drastic change

the needs of their own communities. By design-

in work styles: these workers want there to be

ing places that have a hybrid form, co-working

perks for being at work, and an enjoyable cup of

spaces provide an alternative working area that

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World

is both formal and casual, allowing users to


jobs in the cloud.

create high-quality work within a constantly changing workplace with a loose professional

Cloud-based data storage removes the need for

network. These spaces minimise overhead costs

physical presence at the office, leading to new

for workers and place individuals from a wide

types of entrepreneurship, based on online con-

variety of disciplines at the same table.

nections as well as an immense expansion of international travel networks. CEOs of worldleading companies are now not the only ones

Jobs in the Cloud

travelling the globe to increase their business

The decline of the traditional office and the

and-file employees to entrepreneurial freelanc-

lively appreciation of the public sphere to work

ers, are expanding their professional foraging

is a consequence of technological develop-

area in their hunt for knowledge, networks,

ments that unfolded during the past few de-

and income. Technological advancements have

cades. Over the past twenty years, the Internet

resulted in the compartmentalisation of work,

has transformed itself from a parallel world

creating the microjob. Microjobs are where a

into a system that is embedded into our daily

project’s tasks are broken down into the small-

reach — millions of other workers, from rank-

Offices increasingly tend to look like bars and more and more bars tend to look like offices lives. Not only have personal communication

est possible components and distributed to a

devices become crucial tools for productivity

considerable number of workers. In a sense,

and social interaction, they are more mobile

microwork is part of a virtual assembly line for

and powerful than ever before. Laptops are no

knowledge-based work that requires human in-

longer expensive, state-of-the art innovations

telligence as opposed to well-oiled machinery.

and the rise of high-capacity mobile Internet networks, smartphones, and tablets have made

More workers and employers are turning to-

it possible to work anywhere. In 2005, laptops

wards flexible employment arrangements, as

outsold desktop computers for the first time in

they have become more attractive in various

the United States. Work could subsequently be

fields of work. As an example, 39% of people

siphoned from the office tower, resulting not

between the ages of 15 and 24 in the Nether-

only in many workers performing their tasks

lands had a flexible labour contract in 2012,

from a different location than the typical office

compared to 25% in 2002. In this case, flex-

space but also in radically new ways of delegat-

ible contracts have begun to unseat the tradi-

ing tasks, paving the way for all kinds of new

tional dominance of permanent contracts. The

c o ntinued o n pa g e 7 1


w o r k life in the P o p - U p C it y

C to the Office — Located in Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighbourhood, Betahaus is a mixture between a ‘regular’ coworking space and a social community. The place is a hybrid form, somewhere between a Viennese coffee bar and a library that is open to everybody, providing for the needs of hardcore writers, but also for those who enjoy a social working environment. Members can rent a flexible desk or become a more structural part of the concept and join collaborative projects. The basic philosophy of Betahaus is that workers benefit from using an ever-changing workplace.

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P hoto C ourtesy: S tefano B orghi



w o r k life in the P o p - U p C it y

It’s Not a Bar, It’s Not an Office: It’s an Urban Station — One innovative new workspace popping up in a country near you is Urban Station. Operating franchises in five different countries, Urban Stations are warmly-designed member’s clubs for mobile workers. The spaces offer workers flexibility in that they need not permanently rent a desk or office but only purchase the ability to access the bright, homey space. Urban Station makes mobile work more casual.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Urban S tation



w o r k life in the P o p - U p C it y

Co-Working in Think-Tank for a Nightclub Modern Office Solutions In case you think that Sweden just isn’t dark enough, Stockholm Nightowls provided an interesting service between 2010 and 2012: a space to work late into the evening. Stockholm Nightowls offered an open space late at night in order to encourage nattuglor (literally, night owls) to hunch their shoulders over their laptops and get some work done while the city sleeps.

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PROOFF is a platform created by Dutch designer Jurgen Bey which does not merely come up with better solutions for current workplace environments but also poses new questions. By actively observing and researching contemporary working habits, PROOFF, which is short for Progressive Office, explores what can be improved, and — thanks to a large repertoire of designers — immediately turns their new insights into useful interior designs.

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P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World


proportion of freelance workers has grown dra-

Other, more public spaces are quickly becom-

matically over the past decade, and it will con-

ing potential offices as well, in part due to the

tinue to grow even further, writes urbanist An-

strengthening of mobile phone networks. Cities

thony Flint in an article on The Atlantic Cities:

are technologising public parks, making them

“A study by Intuit predicted that the number of

an attractive option for sitting on a bench in the

‘contingent’ or freelance workers — those hired

sun and typing up that invoice, either because

more on the consultant model for two days a

of fast 4G connections or publicly-accessible

week, for example, and who work for multiple

wireless Internet. Athens, for instance, was one

masters — will rise from 20 million to 40 mil-

of the first cities to equip a park with wireless

lion [in the United States] by 2020.” Freelance

Internet in 2009. But what was once a novelty

workers are completely free in their choice for

has become business as usual. New York City

a place to work. Many work from home, where

has equipped sixty public parks with Wi-Fi as

they have no colleagues and thus limited pos-

of 2013 through a public-private partnership,

sibilities for networking and collaborating.

while Mexico City used an innovative campaign

Their desperate search for some company and

that provides complimentary wireless when you

a professional network brings them to public or

deposit your pet’s waste in the rubbish bin. In

semi-public places to work.

the private sector, a handful of multinational chains, including McDonald’s and Barclays, offer free Wi-Fi in their branches, while air-

The City Is an Office

ports and libraries have gained new functions

While the first generation of mobile workers is

a flight or borrow a book but also to increase

aware of the convenience of working in a café,

the productivity of patrons. As a result, the next

many are still discovering it as a new frontier

generation of urban nomads has an even more

of working in a relaxing, convivial atmosphere.

fragmented working relation with the city. They

Despite the unpleasant noise in many cafés

work from home, the park, the bus, a public

and the awkward choice between drinking too

bench, the coffee bar, and the launderette. At

much coffee or the embarrassment of consum-

all places, they use multiple devices that are

ing too little in the eyes of the baristas, working

connected to a single cloud-based profile. The

from this traditionally social space is nonethe-

new office is in the cloud and the desk is scat-

less quite popular. The ‘café’ where patrons

tered throughout the city.

as oases for urban nomads, not merely to catch

simply pay an entrance fee for the right to enjoy bottomless cups of coffee in an attractive

Apart from bringing Wi-Fi to public spaces, cit-

setting such as London’s Ziferblat is only one

ies have not yet fully adapted to the transform-

of many workplace typologies that provides a

ing labour market and flexible public working

social space for visitors.

arenas. The Economist’s special urban-themed issue noted a considerable drop in demand

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w o r k life in the P o p - U p C it y

SPARESPACE by Nieuwe Garde P hoto C ourtesy: S abina T heijs

Mobile Offices for the Masses Designers everywhere are striving to create unique new concepts for working spaces that are more adaptable and more transportable than the office furniture of the past. BEEBOX is a collapsible office that has acoustic wall panels to create a private workspace for a busy bee working at it. SPARESPACE is a high-tech foldable working space complete with walls that can be

turned into touchscreen displays. Koloro Desk is geared towards creating an aesthetically pleasing working environment that is green and organised. All of these concepts are proof that not only are working styles becoming ever more flexible but that they are boosting demand for furniture typologies that respond to these needs.

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World

BEEBOX by Buro Beehive and Fiction Factory P h o t o C o u r tes y: T h o mas B o r n

Koloro Desk by Torafu Architects P hoto C ourtesy: Tor afu Architects and Akihiro I to

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F OO D in the P o p - U p C it y

Urban Green on New York Rooftops — Thought to be the world’s largest urban rooftop farm, Brooklyn Grange has two acres of land in Brooklyn and Queens that cultivates produce for residents across The Big Apple. Not content with simply being a farm, Brooklyn Grange is a onestop shop for everything agricultural as they also keep egg-laying chickens and an apiary, in addition to operating a consultation and installation service for building owners who want to make their rooftop a little bit greener.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Kristine Paulus (kpaulus on Flickr)

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World



F OO D in the P o p - U p C it y

From Factories to Food in Kwun Tong — While many of the world’s alpha cities have been enthusiastic in developing rooftop agriculture, Hong Kong has lagged behind its peers, with many of the city’s supertall towers housing illegal rooftop settlements. One initiative is working hard to change the status quo in Hong Kong. HK Farm, located in the rapidly transforming Kwun Tong district, is an agricultural plot perched on a factory rooftop in a neighbourhood witnessing a transition from industry to commerce. Interestingly, HK Farm is led not by agricultural experts but by enthusiasts from the design sector, maintaining a relationship with HK Honey as well as a community-oriented art and design platform at Shanghai Street Studios.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Glenn Eu gen Ellingsen

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World



F OO D in the P o p - U p C it y

Sharing Seeds for a Greener City

Hawaii-based Eating in Public has created a design prototype for SeedSharing Stations, which offer urban farmers the opportunity to exchange fruit and vegetable seeds at no cost. The Seed-Sharing Stations, which are constructed using scrap metal, are a platform for knowledge

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exchange on all things agriculture. The prototype for building a SeedSharing Station is straightforward and freely accessible from the Eating in Public website, meaning that any agricultural enthusiast can build either a temporary installation or a more permanent place for sharing.

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World


A Marketplace for Backyard Farmers Locafora is a Dutch digital marketplace for exchanging homegrown produce that you grow in your backyard. The service aims to stimulate good eating habits as well as lessen the amount of wasted backyard produce by letting producers set up a virtual store that lists their agricultural offerings. Locafora is one initiative trying to inspire slow food principles and urban agricultural know-how in a country full of cities that are rarely intimately connected with the food production process.

A Salad for Your Vending Machine? In an attempt to change the way Chicagoans think about fast food and vending machine offerings, Farmer’s Fridge offers up leafy greens in a jar. The vending machine, which looks similar to conventional vending machines, is filled with glass jars that are lovingly filled by hand each morning with fresh salads from local farms. Jars are returned to the machine so that they can be washed and reused.

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P hoto C ourtesy: Farmer’s Frid ge


u r banism in the P o p - U p C it y

Sidewalk Billboards Double as Furnished Walls HomePro, one of the largest hardware store chains in Thailand, has come up with an innovative new advertising campaign: they designed sidewalk billboards that can double as walls for small homes. The campaign, called Other Side, builds upon the widespread phenomenon in Thai cities of urban dwellers recycling sidewalk billboards for the construction of their homes. HomePro designed the back of their billboards as prefabricated and pre-furnished walls on

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one side with a poster advertisement on the other, characterising a new trend in marketing-based urbanism.

P o p - U p C it y City-Making in a Fluid World

Rainbow City Media and Internet giant AOL has collaborated with Miami-based art collective FriendsWithYou and created an urban playground in New York City, in celebration of the opening of the second section of the High Line. Rainbow City, an environmental installation consisting

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of a variety of inflated sculptures, encourages both adults and children to explore the immense 16,000 square foot ‘happy city.’ Inspiring creativity amongst visitors of all ages, the installation was originally commissioned by Luminato Festival of the Arts in Toronto and is expected to host a number of educational programmes.

Colophon A Publication by Pop-Up City

Publisher BIS Publishers

Authors Jeroen Beekmans Joop de Boer

Find Us Online Web: popupcity.net E-mail: mail@popupcity.net

Editor Adam Nowek

Special Thanks to Tamar Barneveld, Daniel Cooper, Michael Danker, Vivian Doumpa, Rindor Golverdingen, Stijn Hupkes,

Contributing Editors Hannah Cook Melody Moon

Margot van der Kroon, Teresa Lee, Rachel Lissner, Marleen Rademaker, Sofie R책destad, Daniel Rotsztain, Roman Stikkelorum, Rudolf van Wezel, Bob Wiebes This publication was made possible through the generous support of

Image Researchers Hannah Cook Rebekka Keuss Melody Moon Graphic Design Vruchtvlees vruchtvlees.com

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