Don't Eat The Yellow Snow

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A nything is h a rd to find  W hen you will not open your eyes  W hen will you accept you rself?  – The Smiths 6

I don’t need no luxu ries ’Long as you a r e u ndersta ndin’ I’m not difficu lt to please Act nice a nd gentle to me  – The Bl ack Keys 8

Ther e ain’t no drink, no drug, a h tell them, a ngels Ther e’s nothing pu r e enough to be a cu r e for lov e  – Leona r d Cohen 10

You ca n’t touch it see it br eathe it Feel - it’s a ll you ca n  – Ster eophonics 140

Find you rself a nother gir l   who will lov e you true true true Find you rself a nother gir l   sav e a ll her lov e a nd kisses j ust for you – The hiv es 144

Befor e you ca n r ea d me you got TO  Lea r n how to see me, I said  Fr ee you r mind a nd the r est will follow  Be color blind, don’t be so sh a llow  – En Vogue 148

You don’t a lways h av e to fuck her h a rd In fact sometimes th at’s not right to do Sometimes you’v e got to m a ke some lov e  A nd fucking giv e her some smooches too  – Tenacious D 150

Get a h aircut a nd get a r ea l job Clea n you r act up a nd don’t be a slob  – George Thorogood 154

So to those who wa n na r a p, I’m pertainin’ to you  Befor e you pick up a mic, you gotta pay dues, wor d  – Snoop Dogg 318

You say ther e’s a lesson th at you wa nt to teach  W ell her e I a m ba by, pr actice wh at you pr each  – Ba r ry W hite 320

First things first m a n you’r e fucking with the worst I’ll be sticking pins in your hea d like a fucking nu rse  – W U-TANG CLAN 322

Hey now, a ll you sin ners Put you r lights on, put your lights on Hey now, a ll you childr en Leav e you r lights on, you better leav e you r lights on  – Sa nta na (Feat. Ev er l ast) 326

Que Ser a, Ser a W h atev er will be, will be The futu r e’s not ou rs to see Que Ser a, Ser a W h at will be, will be  – Doris Day 328

Reach out a nd touch Somebody’s h a nd M a ke this wor ld a better pl ace If you ca n – Dia na Ross 330


A-h a 428 A BBA 400 Aerosmith 120, 260 AIR 484 A rchiv e 46 A l Gr een 392 A l Stewa rt 208 A l a nis Morissette 482 A r eth a Fr a nk lin 404 Audiosl av e 22 Ba r ry W hite 262, 274, 320 Baz Lu r hm a n 130 Beastie Boys 142 Beck 132 Bee Gees 490 Belle & Sebastia n 118 Billy Ta lent 424 Bing Crosby 50 Björ k 402 Bl ack Rebel Motorcycle Club 362 Blink 182 348 Blues Brothers 126 Bob Dyl a n 108, 196, 222, 412 Bob M a r ley 176, 314 Bob Seger 430 Bobby Brow n 62 Bobby McFer rin 110 Bon Jovi 242 Br av e Combo 60 Brya n Fer ry 280 Buddy Holly 406 Ca r ly Simon 502 Ca role King 504 Cat stev ens 390 Ceasa rs 358 Chris De Bu rgh 88 Christopher Cross 332

Coldpl ay 86 Cr aig David 476 Cy ndi L auper 180 David Bowie 272 Dea n M a rtin 380, 500 Depeche Mode 112, 122 Desmond Dekker 206, 462 Devo 456 Dia na Ross 330 Dido 78 DORIS Day 328 Dr. Feelgood 492 Duke Ellington 220 Ea rth, Wind a nd Fir e 350 Ell a Fitzger a ld 408 Elvis Pr esley 42, 228 Eminem 294 En Vogue 80, 148 Eric Cl a pton 382 Eric Idle 12 Eu rythmics 302 Faith No Mor e 172 Fatboy Slim 114 Feist 256 Fleet wood M ac 192 Foo Fighters 252 Fou r Seasons 440 Fr a nk Sinatr a 386 Fr a nk Za ppa 68 Fr a nz Ferdina nd 286 Fugazi 346 Ga r bage 398 George Thorogood 154 Georgia Satellites 246 Ger ry & The Pacem a kers 498 Gorill az 72, 414 Gossip 296 Gu ns’n’Roses 66, 472

Gu ru 448 H a ns H a rtz 334 Huey Lewis & The News 226 India A ri 166 Iron M aiden 34 Jack Johnson 366 Jackie DeSh a n nom 452 Ja nis Joplin 168 Jethro Tu ll 316 Jewel 454 Jimmy Cliff 310 Jimmy Sou l 212 Joe Jackson 292 Joe South 438 John Len non 186, 216 John ny Cash 102 Justin Timber l a ke 450 K athry n Willia ms 384 KC & The Su nshine Ba nd 342 Kiss 194, 340 Kool A nd The Ga ng 160 L au ry n Hill 136 Le Tigr e 170 Led Zeppelin 496 Len ny K r avitz 146, 218 Leona r d Cohen 10, 76 Lou Reed 444 Louis Prim a 232 M ac Davis 224 M a don na 138, 164 M a nowa r 36 M assiv e Attack 20 M a ximo Pa r k 14 MC H a mmer 436 Mich a el Jackson 24, 100 Mills Brothers 460 Moloko 352, 396 Morcheeba 258

Mötley Crüe 410 Naughty By Natu r e 198 Na ncy Sinatr a 488 Naza r eth 298 New R a dica ls 478 Nirva na 44 Oasis 82, 288, 370 Oleta Ada ms 162 Ozzy Osbour ne 18 Pat Benata r 300 Pau l McCa rtney & Wings 290 Pea r l Ja m 234 Pet Shop Boys 188 Peter Ga briel 74 Petu l a Cl a r k 94 Phoenix 468 Pink Floyd 202, 240 Pl acebo 16 Queen 84, 394, 416 Queens Of The Stone Age 190 R a diohea d 420 R age Against The M achine 248, 378 R a ndy Cr aw for d 486 R a ndy Newm a n 464 Red Hot Chili Peppers 184, 338 R.E.M. 124 Rick Springfield 106 Right Said Fr ed 104 Roger A l a n Wa de 214 Roger Miller 474 Roy Or bison 480 Ru n-DMC 494 Sa lt’n’Peppa 324 Sa nta na (feat. Ev er l ast) 326 Scor pions 276

Sheryl Crow 134 Simple Minds 266, 336 Sister H azel 38 Sl a pstick 40 Sm ashing Pumpkins 426 SMOKEY ROBINSON AND THE MIRACLES 344 Snoop Dogg 318 Snowwhite & The Sev en Dwa r fs 458 Sou ndga rden 26 Spencer Davis Group 238 Ster eophonics 140 Stephen Stills 306 Sting 210, 268 Supertr a mp 182 Sweet 304 System Of A Dow n 152 Ta lk Ta lk 284 Ta mmy W y nette 364 Tea rs For Fea rs 128 Tenacious D 150 The 5th Dimension 264 The Ba ngles 442 The Beach Boys 54 The Beatles 48, 156, 254, 506 The Bl ack Keys 8 The Byr ds 432 The Chemica l Brothers 52 The Cl ash 250, 368 The Cu r e 30, 236 The Doors 32 The Fascinations 178 The H a nk Wa ngford Ba nd 312 The Hiv es 144 The Isley Brothers 434 The Killers 354 The Kinks 422

The Libertines 64 The Police 96 The R a mones 28, 374 The Rolling   Stones 98, 278, 466 The Rooftop Singers 446 The Smiths 6 The Str eets 116 The Strokes 376 The Supr emes 372, 470 The Verv e 388 The You ng Gods 360 THE You ngbloods 174 The Zutons 70 Thiev ery Cor por ation 58 Tom Petty & The Hea rtbr ea kers 270 Tom Waits 158, 200 Toto 204 Tupac Sh a ku r 244, 418 U2 90, 356 Va n H a len 230 Velv et Revolv er 56 W een 92 W hite H assle 282 Willie Nelson 308 W U-TANG Cl a n 322

Topic Index

AGGR ESSION   24, 26, 34, 36, 102, 142, 152,  248 ASSISTANCE  182, 356, 486, 498, 504 BEH AVIOUR  8, 38, 42, 60, 62, 64, 94, 112,   122, 186, 226, 254, 258, 354,   406, 474 COM MITM ENT  14, 54, 74, 98, 182, 394, 426 Commu nication  16, 18, 90, 170, 320, 448 CRYING  30, 66 DANCING  &  M usic  28, 194, 260, 262, 272, 276,   342, 350, 352, 434, 458, 490 DESIR E  100, 168, 466 DESTINY  134, 136, 190, 208, 268, 328,  374, 450, 472, 478  DYING   52, 256, 290, 416 Eating  &  Drinking  68, 92 ENCOU RAGEM ENT  12, 44, 50, 82, 84, 86, 114,  116, 148, 176, 192, 218, 234,   244, 282, 386, 390, 430,   480 FAITH  242, 328 FA MILY  34, 56, 206, 308 FOU L-MOUTHED  76, 92, 150, 152 48048

GIRLS  144, 178, 180, 212, 380 HOM E  76, 78, 380  HONESTY  40, 382, 384, 424, 454 INTOXICATION  46, 388 KISSING  104, 274 LIFE  12, 282, 288, 290, 402, 488 LONELINESS  286, 356, 498 LOV E  10, 80, 126, 210, 266, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, 312, 362, 372, 380, 500, 460, 506 LEARNING  132, 252, 482 M ARRIAGE  212, 312 MONEY  310, 120, 492 MOVing  48, 190, 192, 230, 498, 238, 174, 332, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446  ONE WORD  140, 216, 230, 404 OPTIMISTIC  12, 20, 74, 108, 110, 116, 216,  236, 264, 282, 340, 374, 386,  396, 408, 458, 462, 480, 504 PRIDE  224, 502 PROSPERITY  120, 310

SU N  130, 240, 264, 448 TALKING  106, 104, 260, 494 TIM E  356, 396, 410, 414, 496 YOU RSELF  6, 22, 246, 270, 294, 336


Concept, Editing &   design By   M a rcus K r a ft www.m a rcusk r a    BIS Publishers Building Het Sier a a d Postj esweg 1 1057 DT Amsterda m The Nether l a nds T (31) 020 515 02 30 F (31) 020 515 02 39   First Edition, 2012  ISBN 978-90-6369-288-9 Copyright © 2012 M a rcus K r a ft, BIS Publishers a nd a ll the individua l copyright ow ners of the song lyrics

A ll rights r eserv ed.   No pa rt of this publication m ay be r eproduced or tr a nsmitted in a ny for m or by a ny mea ns, electronic or mech a nica l, including photocopy, r ecording or a ny infor m ation stor age a nd r etrieva l system, without per mission in w riting   from the copyright ow ners. W hile ev ery effort h as been m a de to tr ace a ll pr esent copyright holders of the m ateria l in this book, a ny u nintentiona l omission is her eby a pologized for in a dva nce, a nd we shou ld of course be pleased to cor r ect a ny er rors in ack now ledgements in a ny futu r e editions of this book.

When times are particularly difficult, and   you are likely to slip into despair, some of the greatest pop songs can provide true comfort to help you make it through the pain. This book lists 250 of the best songs for   those times when solid advice is needed. The songs represent Popular music styles from   the last 50 Years, from rock to folk and from punk to hip hop. Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow   is a collection of fa mous songs, but there are many surprises as well: Let your soul be   your pilot, Walk on the Wild side, You can’t hurry love.


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