In loving memory of Jojo Jodie Jones.
It’s time we enjoy chocolate
Combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, Heart is an all-natural option for women’s health.
Letter from
The Publisher Sarah Lyons Glabman
When you’re put up against a wall, you have to fight. Your brain goes in to survival ’s “fight or flight” mode and you have to make decisions in order to survive. You’re forced to act upon situations that may be difficult or scary, but no matter what, you have to do what you need to get out of that bad place and survive-not only survive, but THRIVE. This is the story of our wonderful cover model, Rattanaphone Ryan, aka Renee Ryan. Let me just preface this by letting our readers know that when Renee showed up to shoot on the Epic Destination Shoot in Miami, I was blown away by her beauty. She’s petite with a fit physique and apparently did no pre-training or nutrition plan to prepare for this shoot. She is just genetically blessed! So obviously she is gorgeous, and is awesome in front of the camera. In fact, she had never done a photo shoot before- EVER! Renee knows that BodyScape Magazine has always been a great platform for women to tell their stories via the pen of our beloved Celebrity Profile Writer Kerrie Lee Brown, but on my side, I never knew how DEEP that story went until long after the photo shoot. When Kerrie turned in her interview to me, I was blown away by Renee’s honesty about her past. {I won’t give too much away here but dive in to her story and have a read- it’s magnificent.} Stories like this that are so honest and from the heart inspire people to not ever give up. If Renee can rise, no-soar above such immense hardship, believe it or not, so can we. BodyScape Magazine is also featuring articles from one of our most recent contributors- Dr. Sean Drake, who is also my beloved chiropractor, and he knows first hand about how the body itself can react to, and be affected by trauma. He is actually helping me with some internal trauma that caused my body some hardship late last year…I may divulge in to that in a later issue. Although there is some intense sadness in some of these cover model articles, there is always a huge light at the end of the tunnel of each of these awesome women that share their stories with us. They have faith, first and foremost, and they’ve never ever considered themselves victims. They could mentally forecast where it is they saw themselves in the future, and they never let anything hold them back from getting to where God knew they were supposed to be. Do you have a tunnel? Are you currently in a tunnel and you’re looking for the light? I will tell you from first hand, personal experience that if you have FAITH, and trust in the Lord, you will eventually see the light shining so bright at the end of your tunnel that it will blow you away! Faith is what gets me through my days, especially in the trying times that we are living in today. Don’t ever give up, use your mental forecaster to see yourself where you want to be, and you will get there! Stay tuned for some incredible news from the BodyScape Magazine team in the next issue- BodyScape Magazine is having a baby! (Not a human baby- but a new publication under the BodyScape umbrella!) I am so excited to share with you the new adventure that BodyScape Magazine has allowed the team to take you on, and believe me- it is EPIC. Just like our Epic Destination Shoot coming up January 27- Feb 2, 2022! Join us there with celebrity fitness host Monica Brant as we travel in to the unknown for some of your most Epic photos (and publishing opportunities) to date! Visit us at EpicDestinationShoot.com to find out more!
Warm regards, Sarah Lyons Glabman BodyScape Magazine Lead Photographer and Publisher EpicDestinationShoot.com BodyScapeMag.com picturegroove.com
Letter from the
Associate Editor Monica Brant
They say you should never judge a book by its cover- and as an avid reader, I can attest to this. I am one of those readers who adores a good book! One that I get to turn the pages and bend the top corner down to save my place, not a tablet or audio. And I NEVER judge a cover. I will glance over it and read the back. It is truth and imperative that we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Just like that book cover that I would never judge, I never judge our models. Everyone shows up to the shoots that Sarah and I do with a different experience that day, and sometimes travel can make nerves fire up. Then you add the ‘stress’ about being in front of a camera — especially if our model has not been photographed before, or at least not with a professional photographer. As I recall meeting lovely Renee in person for the first time, I would never, in a million years connect her with growing up in a concentration camp. Her ‘cover’ is one of confidence and energy! She entered our condo at the Epic Destination Shoot the afternoon prior to her shoot, with a bounce in her step and a giant smile on her beautiful face. If there were any uncomfortable thoughts in her mind, she hid them well and we felt like long lost friends, not like people who just met in person for the first time. Part of why I appreciate what we offer through BodyScape Magazine is because I enjoy reading and learning the journey our cover models have been on leading up to their feature. Since Sarah and I spend time on ZOOM and phone calls with our models, etching out how the cover should come across to best accentuate them, we tend to learn a lot of their stories prior to the release featured. However, with Renee, she never let on that she had such a devastating childhood. It shows what a gracious, strong woman she has developed into. I appreciate the fact that Renee has learned to share her story in a way that inspires others to be grateful for all- good and bad, and to take advantage of all the blessings God brings. As for Renee’s cover, this just might be my favorite. I love the colors, style and scenery and Renee POPS off the page, glowing and curving from her pronounced cheekbones down to her toes and that ORANGE suit could not have been more perfect for her! I do look forward to working with her again, she was so willing to try anything Sarah and I had in mind as we worked with her during her set. I feel like I am still in shock from this heartbreaking story, to think that this is happening everyday to people all over the world. May God protect those in need and strengthen them with the same spirit he blessed Renee with.
Publisher and Photographer: Sarah Lyons Glabman
Art director & BodyScape Designer RAJPOOT TALIB
Associate Editor: MONICA BRANT
Videographer: KONA KAMIA
Celebrity Profile Writer KERRIE LEE BROWN
Contributing writers
As always, Stay fit and Love Life! Monica Brant International Fitness Athlete, Model & Entrepreneur IFBB Fitness Olympia 1998 www.monicabrant.com www.themonicabrantshow.com @officialmonicabrant
@monicabrantfanpage @monica_brant
Table of Contents Page 13: “Fitness Re-vamped” by BodyScape Magazine contributing writer, Micki Lynn Fisher. Home gyms? Boutique one-on-one training? What works best for YOU in today’s world?
Page 19: “Sleep, Heavenly Sleep” by BodyScape Magazine publisher, Sarah Lyons Glabman. The benefits of sleep, and what you can do to grab more of it.
Page 23: “The Fab Five Spotlight” featuring five amazing ladies who are spreading light and inspiration in everything they do
Page 33: “Exercise and Adversity” How working out helps us, when we aren’t certain what’s next By BodyScape Magazine contributing writer, Scott Keppel
Page 37: “The Cover Model Feature” with Rattanaphone “Renee” Ryan. Cover story and interview by BodyScape Magazine Celebrity Profile Writer, Kerrie Lee Brown
Page 61: “Home Made Food” The ultimate spinach dip recipe from fitness icon Monica Brant!
Page 67: “Feature Model Interview” with Min Kim Renda, interviewed by BodyScape Magazine publisher, Sarah Lyons Glabman
Page 73: “Healthy Scottsdale Eats” by BodyScape Magazine’s very own ‘fitness connection’, Karen Mullarkey
Page 77: “Pain to Purpose” Part IV of the Whole Body Wellness Series by Dr. Sean Drake
By BodyScape Magazine contributing writer
Micki Lynn Fisher In case you hadn’t noticed, there are small studio gyms and boutiques replacing mega franchises. This is in large part due to the shut downs we experienced during the initial Covid – 19 restrictions. Many personal trainers and instructors had to find alternatives to make a living. Some fitness professionals resorted to online classes and sessions - others had to train out of their home gyms or client’s home gyms. During this transition, small gyms and studios were less impacted. In fact, many of these franchises flourished. With a smaller space, there are less people per foot; thus, the 6 foot mandate was attainable. The popularity of these specialty gyms began with spinning and yoga studios. Now, there is no limit to what fitness formats you can find. I am bombarded by monthly trial studio promotions every time I log onto Instagram or Facebook. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to try it first. Offering a much more intimate experience, the studios appeal to students looking for personal attention. Smaller classes offer a private training feel at a fraction of the cost. The great thing is, tryouts are free. You don’t have to get stuck in a contract or commitment if you don’t like it. Have you heard of the term, “boutique hopper ?” I recently heard this term from another fitness professional friend of mine. She met a student who was signing up for free trials and not ever joining. So, weather you are looking for a place to call home or just the experience, you have unlimited options. Personally, I like to change my routine up regularly; so, I still prefer more traditional options. That’s why I love my home gym.
Is your home gym the future of fitness? I think there are more and more fitness enthusiasts buying home gym equipment or expanding their existing home gyms. There are currently several popular programs that include a personal touch- through technology- for a monthly fee. You don’t have to go to a gym to get your personal trainer or your instructor. The interactive programs give you coaching and motivation. But for those of you needing the social interactions of a gym, the home gym may not get you the results you are looking for. Discipline is hard to achieve without camaraderie for many fitness enthusiasts. Another stride in the world of fitness is the expansion of meal prep programs for home delivery. This phenomenon has gained more popularity with the new work from home culture. It’s a great way to manage your diet without having to spend the time creating it. These services are not cheap, but can be used to fill in the blanks or create a daily menu. I have invested in monthly services that included family meals, but my children were not huge fans. I loved it, so I just opted for my own meals. There are feasible options for individual needs. It’s no surprise that home delivery from most grocery stores has its perks, too. I use a popular app to grocery shop weekly. In some cases, I just re-order my last grocery list. This is a great benefit for more restrictive diets, or for working moms and dads. God bless the personal shoppers who save me the struggle!
Do you want to get noticed by the media or publishers? Are you looking for someone to help spruce up your brand’s story? Have you ever wanted to write a book but didn’t know where to start? With 20+ years as a professional journalist and magazine editor, Kerrie-Lee Brown has been helping entrepreneurs and executives shape their brand messaging through expert writing and storytelling.
Define your audience
Finesse your brand message
Re-write your corporate story
Develop website & display copy
Get noticed by media & publishers
Describe what you do in a professional and authentic way
“Having worked in media for years, I know the secret to getting the attention of editors, publishers, and target audiences . Let me help you develop the perfect brand message for you and your business.” – Kerrie Lee Brown, Global Journalist, Author, and Celebrity Profile Writer for BodyScape Magazine
Kerrie Lee Brown is the former editor-in-chief of Oxygen Women’s Fitness Magazine and American Health & Fitness. She is a sought-after editorial consultant and contributor to various health and lifestyle publications; and is the founder/publisher of redlilylife.com. To find out more about her editorial services, email info@kerrieleebrown.com and connect on social @KerrieLeeBrown @redlilylife
Sleep, Heavenly Sleep By Sarah Lyons Glabman BodyScape Magazine publisher Ahhhh sleep. Good, heavy, quality, restful sleep is one of my favorite things. For years I have struggled to get that deep, restful sleep that sets me up for the rest of the day. There are so many key benefits from getting good sleep. Here are 10 reasons why we need quality sleep. (courtesy of www.verywell.com).
Researchers believe light exposure reduces melatonin levels. Melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, is thought to protect against cancer as it appears to suppress the growth of tumors. Be sure that your bedroom is dark and avoid using electronics before bed in order to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.
1 - Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy
3 - Sleep Reduces Stress
Heart attacks and strokes are more likely to occur early in the morning. It could be due to the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, which are risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.
When your body is deprived of sleep, it goes into a state of stress. The body’s functions are put on high alert, which causes high blood pressure and the production of stress hormones. High blood pressure increases your risk for heart attack and stroke, and the stress hormones make it harder to fall asleep.
2 - Sleep May Help Prevent Cancer Did you know that people who work the late shift have a higher risk of developing breast and colon cancer?
4 - Sleep Reduces Inflammation Increased stress hormones caused by lack of sleep raises the level of inflammation in your body. This creates a greater risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. Inflammation is thought to cause the body to deteriorate as we age.
5 - Sleep Makes You More Alert A good night’s sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and active not only feels great but increases your chances for another good night’s sleep. When you wake up feeling refreshed, you have more energy to conquer the world, which tires your mind and body and promotes a good night’s sleep the next night. Win/win!
6 - Sleep Improves Your Memory Researchers do not fully understand why we sleep and dream, but they have found that sleep plays an important role in a process called memory consolidation. During sleep, your body may be resting, but your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Deep sleep is a very important time for your brain to make memories and links, and getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.
7 - Sleep May Help You Lose Weight Researchers have found that people who sleep fewer than 7 hours a night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that a lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. The hormones ghrelin and leptin, which regulate appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep. If you want to maintain or lose weight, don’t forget that getting adequate sleep on a regular basis is a huge part of the equation.
8 - Napping Makes You “Smarter” Nighttime isn’t the only time to catch z’s. Napping during the day is an effective, refreshing alternative to caffeine that is good for your overall health and can make you more productive. A study of 24,000 Greek adults showed that people who napped several times a week had a lower risk of dying from heart disease. People who nap at work show much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
9 - Sleep May Reduce Your Risk of Depression Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with serotonin deficiencies are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep: between 7 and 9 hours each night.
10 - Sleep Helps the Body Repair Itself Sleep is a time to relax, but it’s also a time during which the body is hard at work repairing damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays, and other harmful exposure. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair the damage. Amazing what sleep does for us! In today’s busy world, where we live with screens constantly in our faces. Our minds are always going and going and going. It’s no wonder that a lot of people don’t get the sleep they need. Stress, life, relationships, work, are part of our existence; yet they’re also responsible for why we don’t sleep the way we should. So, how do we get the sleep we need? It’s a complex question, and the answer is based on my own personal experience, and if you have suffered like me, I hope this helps you. As a busy, self-employed photographer, I’m sure you can imagine the layers and layers of things to do that go into my job. Planning, scheduling, shooting, communicating, editing, submitting is exhausting at times. One thing I have learned to do is to TURN OFF THE SCREEN. Yes. I know, call me crazy, but social media, work and even the TV should go bye bye at least two to three hours before you go to bed. No visual distraction allows the mind to get off of what you have been doing all day, and get into a more relaxed state. Next, is to find some relaxation techniques that you don’t have to force. Number one for me is working out.
Working out helps to release endorphins in the body, which can cause stress. Getting a good sweat session is healthy for the mind and soul, and undoubtedly, good for the body too. Plus, it helps keep us looking great! Get in the hot tub or the steam room. For me, this goes hand-in-hand when working out. I try my best, each time I work out, to follow it up with a visit to the steam room or hot tub. For me, the benefits are huge! The steam room really helps to relax the body and mind..especially the body after a hard workout. The hot tub is equally beneficial, it’s like taking a bath and getting a massage at the same time, helping to relax the body. Taking a hot bath with lavender essential oils before bed is a great way to wind down the day. Play some soft jazz, light some candles and practice deep breathing techniques in the tub before you go to bed. You will be amazed at what deep breathing through your belly does for your mind and soul. It clears my mind and puts me in a relaxed state. Getting regular massages is key in my life. Being a photographer requires me to be in some weird positions that are not natural. I usually wind up with one leg socket up in my hip somewhere, my shoulders up Four inches too high, the list goes on! For me in particular, my body being in a “normal” physical state is huge for being able to relax. Otherwise, I am walking around off-kilter most of the time. I have become a serious fan of the Yogi Tea line. Yes, I have a preference. The Yogi Tea Honey Lavender Stress Relief Tea and Bedtime Tea are my favorites. When I have a cup of tea, it tells me that it’ s time to put the day away. I have also been known to have a cup or two of the Stress Relief tea in the middle of the day if I have a heavy workload. It doesn’t mean I am stressed, but I do like it’s ability to calm my nerves if I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Take 15 seconds and DO NOTHING. Sit still, and let your mind clear. It’s important that you don’t think. This takes practice! Once you can get there, take big deep breaths through your nose from your belly, not your chest. Exhale through your mouth. Try it out for 15 seconds to start, and see how you feel. Add a bit more time on each time you do this, and you will be surprised at the difference in how you feel. This may come as a surprise, but I am not a fan of melatonin or Ambien. Both put me into a very weird state. I dream weird things and wake up with nightmares, and, it’s just not a good answer for me. I have, however, found a drink called NeuroSleep. I don’t suggest drinking it every night. I drank it three nights in a row, and the fourth morning, I woke up in a serious neuro-fog, and it took me the day to come out of it. This drink does have some great amino acids in it, as well as a bit of melatonin, so it doesn’t make my sleep weird. I got it at Target in the refrigerated section. My last tip is CBD oil. I have recently started taking CBD oil and the benefits are amazing. One benefit to me in particular was that my hands were starting to hurt. It felt like I had some pre-arthritic stuff going on, and once I started taking the CBD oil, the pain in my hands was gone. Here are some benefits of CBD oil: Anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, antiinflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, antinausea, anti-acne, bone stimulant, and analgesic. It also helps your serotonin levels, so you can get more restful sleep. This stuff is good for you! It is great to consume on a daily basis, and I like to take mine with my multi-vitamin each day. I get mine at www.primemybody.com I’d like to reiterate, that the information in this article is based on my experiences only. Everyone is different, so what I have listed here may or may not work for you. I hope that I have shed some light on the importance of getting a good night’s rest, and if you have any sleep tips of your own, please email them to us at BodyScapeMag@gmail.com
EXERCISE & ADVERSITY By BodyScape Magazine Contributing Writer
Scott Keppel Scottstrainingsystems.com
One characteristic that a number of highly successful people have is: how to overcome a failure and get back on track sooner than later. We all have this within ourselves, however many will quit rather than find a way to adjust and overcome. The Marine Corps motto “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome’’ is one of my favorite mottos to aspire to live on a daily basis. Life can be difficult, as many of us have experienced, and some of us are still struggling with, due to the pandemic. We lost 80% of our business overnight. We had a choice, either to quit, or adapt, improvise and overcome. We choose the latter. There are a number of different adversities ranging from physical, mental and emotional. Physical adversity is being born with a physical disability (born blind or deaf) and/or obtaining one (obesity, career ending injury). A mental problem or mental illness are examples of mental adversity. Emotional adversity includes us having a low sense of self worth and/or poor body image. With adversity often comes stress. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) there are 3 types of stress. • Acute Stress. This is usually brief. Oftentimes it is reactive and is associated with a negative thought about a situation or event that recently occurred or an upcoming one. Covid-19 is a current example of this stress.
• Episodic Acute Stress. This stress usually occurs with those that live a life of uncertainty, poor planning, chaos and crisis. Several people I know did not have plans in place when the pandemic first started. To be honest, how could you? That being said, many still don’t have a plan and are waiting for things to be back to the way they were. The reality is life as we know it will most likely not be the same. • Chronic Stress. Examples include long term abuse, poverty, a poor work and/or home The negative effects of each type of stress are countless and can lead to irreversible damage to our brain and/or body. Now that we have an understanding of the different types of adversity and stress, let’s discuss how exercise can help us overcome them. Keep in mind, there is no way to eliminate all stress from our lives, rather we need to learn how to face the adversity in our life and have the tools to overcome it to live our best life. A study in 2003 by Renee D. Goodwin PhD showed that a consistent workout positively correlated with a decrease in anxiety disorders. Another study showed that “after a period of 1020 weeks, participants who had anxiety disorders showed an increase in energy and a reduction in the overall manifestations of their anxiety”. (O’Connor & Puetz 2005).
Exercise not only releases chemicals in our brain that make us feel better “endorphins”, knowing you said you were going to exercise and you doing so creates a sense of self worth and accomplishment. Exercising also allows us to push our body and mind to its limit and then some, by running just a little faster or further, getting an extra repetition, erforming one more set, etc… The following strategies can be implemented into your daily life to help you overcome the different types of adversity and stress that comes your way. Please note these are not cures for mental illness and/or certain health conditions and you should consult with your physician before starting any type of exercise/nutrition plan. Create a commitment plan and evaluate it weekly. Long term goals are great, but oftentimes we do not feel a sense of accomplishment until they are achieved, which can create more stress. Creating a plan for the week allows you to evaluate it, adapt and improvise if need be. If you want to lose
weight, what can you do this week to create a lifestyle that is conducive to this goal? If you are not happy with your current work environment, what options can you create to have the environment that will allow you to thrive? Having a plan will help you to not stress daily on what you may need to do and will give you a sense of achievement as you accomplish your tasks. Start small and then create more challenging tasks as you master each one. Depending on where you live and your comfort level with today’s situation you may not wish to join a gym, and thus may need to do more workouts at home. No problem. You just need to commit, possibly purchase exercise equipment/ tools for home and get started and stay on track. Practice breathing. Try to fill the lower area of your lungs then imagine your breath moving up into your chest allowing your rib cage to rise. Fill the upper area of your lungs and hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale and repeat. Once you have mastered this, try the reverse order.
Focusing on your breath will help keep your mind off the stress/adversity you are facing and help you control your heart rate so when you are under pressure your heart, lungs and mind are better prepared. Move daily. As previously noted, exercise will reduce endorphins which make us feel better. Start off with 5 minutes a day. This small amount of time will make it easy enough for you to do, thus creating a sense of self worth and achievement, as well as creating the habit of moving. From here you can add more time as you are able, working up to a minimum of 30 minutes a day. If you are more advanced and currently exercising regularly, choose a fitness goal that is conducive to your life. You may want to do a weight loss challenge, determine your one rep max and work on getting stronger, compete in an aesthetic competition, powerlifting and/or photoshoot.
Eat more veggies, drink more water and eat more protein. For a number of us, we do not get enough veggies in a day (men should eat 6-8 servings and women 4-6). A serving size = size of your fist. Water, we should drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, ideally an ounce per lb you weigh. Protein should be consumed with each meal and a serving = size of your palm. For women 4-6 savings, men 6-8. Whether you are looking to start working out again, you want to take your routine to the next level or you feel you need to work on your nutrition, just start. Start with at least 5 minutes of exercise a day and go from there. Start with eating at least 1 more serving of protein and veggies if you are not eating enough. Start with finding time to focus on your breath. Start with the end in mind, but take the first step towards it. Adversity can be overcome, stress can be relieved, but YOU must make the conscious decision to live your life!
R at ta n a p h on e Rya n Generational strength, especially among female family members, is something that typically doesn’t come easy. However, it’s something you should hold onto forever. In other words, when you go through trauma and turmoil at a very young age, you learn over time that the strength your entire being can muster from within is what you should pass along to your kids, and their kids, & their kids. This month’s beautiful cover model Rattanaphone Ryan (aka Renee) knows first-hand what it takes to inspire others to look for the good in every situation. After all, her mom is the one who showed her and her sisters what true determination and strength were back when their entire family was thrown into a concentration camp. Renee’s incredible story of pain to purpose has flourished from a long lineage of female warriors who never gave up, Renee being one of them. After all, strong women come in all shapes and sizes—and while her perseverance to acclimatize, learn a new language, and fit into a new culture after moving to the United States proved to be one of the toughest transitions of her life—Renee’s drive to make things happen for her (instead of “to her” as an adult) is what impressed me the most during our interview. Along with her mom’s never-ending love and devotion to her family’s quest for survival, Renee pushed through the hard times — but not without struggle. But through it all, she has become one of the most inspiring human beings this side of the globe. Where it began... Growing up poor with only the clothes on her back has ultimately taught Renee that you can’t take anything for granted. She has also learned that embracing the love and support of God, her faith, and her family has helped in times of need. This is
what Renee instills in her children today — to be hopeful, grateful, and have tenacity. Despite the hardships, this 47- year-old bombshell knows her background does not define who she is. Renee is originally from Laos, which is far, far away from the land of opportunity: America. “Laos is a landlocked country of northeast-central mainland Southeast Asia. It consists of an irregularly round portion in the north that narrows into a peninsulalike region stretching to the southeast. Overall, the country extends about 650 miles (1,050 km) from northwest to southeast.”
had to find a way to get us girls to her side of the family in Wisconsin. This is where we lived for many years.” Renee has been to hell and back, literally. But through it all she has tried to remain calm. With her mom’s strength and faith by her side, Renee had to grow up fast. Being teased for not being able to communicate well in English is what ultimately motivated her to learn very quickly. On top of it all, Renee took on summer jobs to help mom and dad pay the bills. She also helped raise her siblings as a second mom.
Her father was sent to a concentration camp when she was two years old — and from that day forward, her life changed forever. As a result, she experienced many hardships including deprivation, torture, and poverty. It wasn’t until she was 11 years old that her family managed to escape the camp when her grandmother became ill. “The camp allowed us girls to leave for a bit to visit my grandmother because she was dying.”
Nonetheless, Renee missed out on her entire childhood.
“My dad escaped the concentration camp and headed to Thailand to a refugee camp,” explains Renee. “Eventually we met back up at the refugee camp and then came to the U.S. together. We crossed the Mekong river on a motorboat to come to Thailand. When we were there, we had to get arrested to be claimed by my father who had already made it to Thailand before us.”
She got teased for not having anything; but out of it all she learned to be strong physically & mentally. Nonetheless, these impactful life skills have served her well up until this day.
Renee described the conditions of the camps: “They were horrible. We had to sleep on dirt floors and fend for ourselves. You can imagine the extreme conditions we grew up in and that’s why I feel it’s important to get my story out there.” Moving to America... With the sponsorship of her aunt and uncle, Renee and her family ended up in Amarillo, Texas with just the clothes on her back. Although still very poor once in the U.S., they lived in a trailer with family. “Life was still harsh, and dad was dealing with PTSD, which had trauma effects on the family. Mom had to be the strength for all of us, and she
Her Desire to Change... Renee worked at several jobs to make money, including a ginsing farm, which was tough as a teen. She graduated high school at 19 and now more than ever, she was determined to turn her life around.
Today, Renee lives in Wellington, Florida and owns a gym with her loving husband—where this dynamic couple is on a mission to give back to those less fortunate. “I know what it feels like to have nothing and feel like there’s no hope for a stable future,” she says. “So, we want to give families the opportunity to experience things like health and wellness that I didn’t have growing up.” As a mother of three with a 19-year-old son and sixyear-old twin girls, these days Renee is thriving-not just surviving. She is in full control of her destiny and making all of her dreams come true. Now that you’ve heard a little bit about this amazing woman and cover model, here’s how my interview went with this stunning motivational maven who continues to inspire others with her story every single day...
Q&A KB: What or who are you passionate about in life? RR: “I am passionate about keeping my family together and raising my children. I aim to help them succeed in their future and I know that it takes both my husband and I to raise our children in such a way. We are a team!”
KB: What are your personal aspirations? In other words, what’s on your bucket list? RR: “I hope to be the best person I can be. Best mom, best wife, and best friend. I have Jesus on my side to help and a whole church community to get me though it all.”
KB: You speak very highly of your husband. How did you two meet? RR: “My husband and I are very close. He is my partner for life. When we first met in 2010, he had a landscape and snowplow company and grew from four crews to sixty trucks in total; and then we started an industrial real estate business, and I ran the books. We’ve done very well, considering I came from nothing.”
KB: Are you both just as ambitious as each other? RR: “We are both very ambitious, but I think my husband is even more than me. He always wants more and knows we can succeed at anything we put our minds to. He is the public-facing business person, and I help more on the backend. Eventually, we sold our landscape company and went into industrial real estate which has been very profitable for us.”
KB: How did you learn his business? RR: “I am a quick learner because I’ve had to be all of my life. From my childhood to today, I’ve just had to learn skills and other things quickly. My mom was a huge help in those areas because she just told me that I had to do it to survive in a new country without any education or knowledge of the land. I watched and learned and used those skills until I met my husband — and then he has taught me a lot.”
KB: How are you giving back to your community today? RR: “We opened a gym two years ago and called it Palm Beach Athletic Complex so we could give back to the community we love so much. We offer a variety of CrossFit classes, Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, and Gymnastics for kids in the area who may not be able to afford it.”
I know it’s hard to look passed the hard times, but trust me, it’s the best thing you can do for you and your family.
KB: How do you many to fulfill the need of lower income families?
KB: Describe your gym and the offerings again for families in the area.
RR: “When we took [the gym] over we knew we wanted to help other people and families who couldn’t afford the luxury of going to a gym, so we offer very good deals to their parents like six days a week for the month for only $125, and kids come for free. It’s the best thing we can do to help families live a healthy lifestyle.”
RR: “Palm Beach Athletic Complex offers training in Gymnastics, Kid’s Martial Arts, Boxing, Women’s Fitness Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Group Fitness (GroupFit). Whether you are looking to compete in the UFC, to get in shape, lose weight, relieve stress, or learn something new while having fun and meeting new friends, PBAC has rapidly developed a reputation of success.”
KB: I heard you’ve dabbled in fitness. Tell our readers about your experience and whether fitness is in your future? RR: “My husband introduced me to the fitness world and I work out with him a lot. But I’ve never felt that I was a true fitness competitor or anything. I just love the way it makes me feel and I try to set a good example for my family and those in our community that we help.”
KB: Sounds like a great place to join to feel like a part of the community. RR: “Yes, it is! Our gym has everything you need for an enjoyable workout with 10,000 square feet and separate areas for each class. It has a spacious room for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Grappling, Judo, and Wrestling; plus, a full boxing gym and ring; kickboxing and MMA mat area; dedicated fitness room with plenty of weights, kettlebells, Concept 2 Rowers, and a full rig; a full gymnastics gym; and two bathrooms.”
KB: Sounds fantastic! I’m sure your staff members enjoy the mission of giving back too. RR: “Absolutely. At PBAC, we pride ourselves on having a professional and impeccable facility. All of our instructors are top notch, educated, and supportive, and our members are equally as driven, committed, and inspired. Because of this, we attract only the best [staff]. It’s not just phenomenal fitness; it’s a family. It doesn’t get much better than PBAC!”
KB: Thank you for sharing, I know it’s extremely difficult but it’s important to be open about our stories so we can heal and help others who are going through something similar. RR: “I totally agree! I don’t mind sharing my story because it is a part of me and what has made me who I am today. I am a very positive person and feel that my message can help others in some way.”
KB: Anything else you’d like to share with our readers? Maybe something KB: On that note, is there that you’ve learned growing up? anything else you want to share? RR: “It’s a very long story—one that I definitely hope to share one day in a book. I grew up in a concentration camp.”
KB: Wow! Can you tell us a little bit about the experience? RR: “Long story short, I was born in Laos, and my dad was sent to a concentration camp during the Vietnam war. I was only two around that time. I had to learn to forge for food, grow food, and raise my own food. I’ve experienced all kinds of hardships as a child. Then at about 11 years old, my family managed to escape to a refugee camp. Somehow we all ended up here in America with just clothes in our back—we had to learn a new language and culture which was really difficult not knowing anything about the country.”
“I just loved shooting with the BodyScape team. They are all so amazing at what they do and made me feel so beautiful and comfortable in front of the camera.”
RR: “Just that my dad was working for the Americans, flying in and out of the war zone, when he was sent to a concentration camp. Our entire family ended up completely devastated because we were living unlike anything I had ever experienced before. We were taken out of the only life we knew with lavish things to only wearing the clothes on our backs. I had to grow up very fast and learn what was really important in life.”
KB: Wow, that is an incredible story. How did you get through it all? RR: “First and foremost, faith and family. During my childhood I had to learn how to survive. My mom had to learn how to cook, farm, raise animals, and survive. She’s a really tough woman. That’s just what we had to do. Sadly, my dad was made to de-mine the bombs and during these times we all had to go six feet underground. That’s just one of the realities of living in the camps that we experienced first-hand. It was a huge wakeup call for us, and ever since—my sisters, mom, dad, and I had to learn to pick up the pieces and become very resilient.”
KB: What is your big takeaway from your experiences? RR: “Just that this is what God intended for us. But I know now that it was all meant to happen for a reason. Without it, I wouldn’t have come to America and met my husband or be where I am today.”
KB: What are you currently working on that you’d like to share? “I’m currently trying to improve my marriage, and God knows that no one should stop working on their marriage. Also, my kids, family, and our businesses (which are in industrial real estate) all play an important role in my life.”
KB: Today, you seem to live life to the fullest. You seem very happy! What made you decide to KB: What is something you truly shoot for BodyScape Magazine? believe in? RR: “My hubby decided to introduce fitness to me a couple of years ago and got me into some fitness shows. I ended up doing three shows altogether and everything went really well. And by God’s grace, I met an amazing friend Min Renda, who I ended up sharing life experiences with.”
KB: Your friend Min sounds very important to you. Why is this friendship one that you’ve cherished over the years? RR: “We are like the same exact person. I often feel like she is my twin. I cannot thank God enough for bringing this woman into my life.”
KB: Why are friends important to have as women? RR: “I am so blessed to have Min as my friend. Min introduced me to Monica Brant and we hit it off right away. We all have the same spiritual beliefs, and we share similar interests. It’s the people behind the scenes that make me want to join BodyScape Magazine more and more. Everyone is so personable, and we have even stay connected after the photoshoot! I love how great everyone is, including Sarah Lyons Glabman, the publisher and head photographer.”
RR: “I am always trying to improve my family situation. It’s never-ending work. I [also] maintain my overall health. With God on my side, I believe everything is possible.”
KB: Is there anything you’re working on that is a little unusual? RR: “Yes! I am also working on getting my pilot’s license. That will take time, of course, but I’m on it. I’ve also been doing movie teasers with my newfound friends, Kona and Kai, and our whole crew. They are all amazing people. I can’t thank Sarah and Monica enough for their love and support —and professionalism at the photo shoot.”
KB: What message do you want to tell other women reading this magazine? RR: “I have put in serious dedication to get where I am today and in everything that I do. I’ve been though all kinds of tough times, but I tell myself daily that I will always succeed. And that positivity is what helps me though. You’ve got to have faith. I made it through it all with love and support of my friends and family.”
KB: Why is it important for women to express themselves and be selfconfident? RR: “It’s very sexy to be self-confident! I also think confident people are generally successful. Self-confidence plays a big part in leadership and executive presence as well. You create such presence by how you think, act (including how you carry your body) and use your voice.”
KB: What is your final message for anyone reading your story? RR: “Make sure that when you find happiness you keep working on it every day. Don’t stay complacent because you might lose yourself. And always remember self-care.”
KB: Any last words about working with BodyScape Magazine? RR: “The BodyScape shoot was amazing, I wasn’t dieting either and I wasn’t really ready for it, but I did it anyways. The team made me look so amazing — with professional makeup artist and everything. They’re all great! We shot in Miami and my husband came with us. It wasn’t like work, but rather, it was like a vacation. At the end of the day, we all went out for dinner like a family. I loved it!”
“I had to learn to survive in the United States. I managed to get a regular job working for $200 a month, then miraculously got my accounting degree. I would think to myself, ‘how am I going to survive?’ I have no money, no friends, and nowhere to go. But, somehow it all came together.”
Contact information: Palm Beach Athletic Complex 4390 Westroads Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561.444.3841 Rattanaphoneryan@gmail.com For class schedules, visit: www.palmbeachathleticcomplex.com
About the Author: Kerrie Lee Brown is an editorial consultant and women’s health advocate with 20+ years in health, wellness, and fitness journalism. She is the former editor-in-chief of Oxygen Women’s Fitness Magazine and American Health & Fitness; as well as the founder/publisher of www.RedLilyLife.com – a global storytelling platform. Email
Connect on social @KerrieLeeBrown @redlilylife
For expert writing, editing, and ghostwriting services
Home Made Food The Best Spinach/Artichoke Dip Ever By FITNESS ICON MONICA BRANT Imagine bringing the BEST appetizer dish to the party. The ONE dish that gets devoured first and everyone wishes there was more. Or the ONE dish everyone complains about filling up on first, before the main course! Or the ONE dish that everyone always wants the recipe for but rarely gets because it’s too fun to be THE ONE that brings it! Well, look no further, this recipe is THE ONE and you are receiving it only because I love Sarah and her BodyScape Magazine viewers – YOU! Even my husband’s side of the family tries to get this recipe, but I won’t share it because I don’t want to show up to a function and they have already made it, plus, I am REALLY picky about how it’s made! I use the BEST ingredients and find ORGANIC options. And yes, you can taste the difference when it’s made with
cheaper ingredients versus organic. Post party, this dish is also very tasty cold on top of a fresh salad (no dressing is ever needed with this on top) and is excellent to reheat and enjoy alongside some lean protein. To be even healthier and less carb dominant you can enjoy it with all kinds of vegetables instead of eating with chips. My preference when serving this as an appetizer, is to grab some nonGMO and organic chips because not everyone likes veggies. As you can read, this dish has a variety of uses and is always the ‘belle of the ball’! These are estimates because I use more of each for a larger group or if I want more left overs. You almost can’t go wrong or use too much of one item.
Ingredients: 2-3 Bags of frozen chopped spinach 2 cans of Artichokes 2 cartons of Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 large container and 1 small or medium container sour cream Parmesan Cheese 1 full bag or medium block (will need to slice before adding if you buy a block) ½ stick butter (my favorite is unsalted KerryGold butter)
Directions: On the stovetop warm a large pot with butter, low-medium heat based off your stove temp. Remember too hot will burn the butter. Defrost spinach and chop up artichokes in very small chunks/bites. I prefer to squeeze as much moisture out of the spinach and artichokes as possible. This will keep your dip from being too liquidy -(is that even a word)? If you like more liquidy textures, then leave some moisture from the artichokes. This is just something you will have to determine after you have made it a few times. Sauté both spinach and artichokes in the large pot for 10 mins or so. Gradually add room temperature cream cheese one carton at a time and mix well. Then add the sour cream in, gradually mixing in and stirring well. You are free to add seasonings as you might like. I will use Celtic salt (mostly because of the great nutrient content) as well organic onion and garlic powder. Leave on low heat for maybe 20-25 mins stirring occasionally and take a taste test once mixed well. At that point add more salt or seasonings and then you can start mixing in Parmesan
cheese to your liking. The more cheese you add the gooier it gets. So start with a little and go from there till you like the consistency/taste. You might like to save a little of the Parmesan cheese for a decorative ‘topping’ layer. Once you are happy with it, remove from heat and pour into a nice glass serving container- I use one with a lid so an keep it covered. If you travel with it and need to reheat, you could leave it in the bowl you cooked it in and reheat on the stove once you arrive then transfer to the nice serving dish. I do not like to use the ‘microwave food killer’ to reheat my beautiful dip, it ruins it in my humble opinion. It is really that simple- use better quality products to produce the best flavor and nutrition. Choose some veggies and healthier option chips to offer with it. You and your loved ones will enjoy time and time again, and you will always be the one that everyone can’t wait for to arrive, since YOU will be bringing the BEST dish!
Enjoy! Xo Monica Brant
Min Kim- Renda Feature Interview BodyScape Magazine- Your skin is flawless! What nationality are you? Where did you grow up? MKR~ I am originally from Jeju-do Island which is a small island right off of the coast of South Korea. When I was 10 years old my parents moved our family to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At 27 years old I relocated to South Florida.
BodyScape Magazine- How did you wind up in front of Sarah’s lens at Epic Destination Shoot Miami 2021? MKR~ Monica Brant reached out to me & asked me if I would be interested having Sarah Lyon shoot me. Initially, I was hesistent because it’s been years since I’ve been in front of the lens. However, after seeing Sarah’s portfolio and all of Monica’s photo’s, I had to jump at the opportunity! Who could turn down a photo shoot in Miami Beach?
BodyScape Magazine- Tell our readers about a day in the life of Min Kim - Renda MKR~ My mornings beging with making breakfast and packing lunches for my children. After the very lengthy tasks of trying to get two children ready for school, I rush to drop them off before the morning bell. Once I finally make it back home, I start my morning routine of juicing wheatgrass and fresh pressed vegetable juice. I usually make enough vegetable juice to last at least three days because it’s very time consuming to make. Along with juicing vegetables, I also add apple cider vinegar to aid with fat burning and tumeric, which is an all natural anti inflammatory. Once all of my juicing is complete, I make myself a cup of green Macha tea, which is my “pre-workout” and head to the gym! I usually train for about an hour and a half, including cardio. Immediately after my workout I drink a serving of vegan protein. When time permits, I like to get fancy with my protein shakes. I like to blend ice, kale, frozen berries, and bananas along with my protein for a nice refreshing post workout shake. Once I’m back home- I switch back into mom mode. I begin dinner and pack togo snacks for the kids. Then, at around 3 pm we’re off to gymnastics. While my children train, I coach kids in gymnastics. 430 to 8:30 pm is strict training time. After 8:30pm, it’s back home to wind down and rest.
BodyScape Magazine- What is your favorite splurge meal? MKR~ While my eating habits are fairly clean, I must admit when I am around Korean food, my limits go right out the window. It’s very rare that I find Korean restaurants living in South Florida, so when I come across Korean food I tend to over endulge. Along with Korean food, my other guilty pleasure is anything salty! Most specifically, French fries and potato chips.
BodyScape Magazine- Walk us through a day of training at the gym. What does that look like for you? MKR~ My husband and I train together every morning. We split our body parts into 5 days: 1- Chest/Triceps/Abs 2- Shoulders 3- legs/gluts/Abs 4- back/ Biceps 5- Abs 6- REST 7- REST
BodyScape Magazine- Where can readers find you on social media? MKR~ Facebook- Min Yung Kim-Renda Instagram- MinKim_Ageless
Healthy Scottsdale
Restaurant Choices By Karen Mullarkey
BodyScape Magazine’s ‘Fitness Connection’
For the past 15 years, I have prepped clients for the Physique, Figure and Bikini stage. Having almost 30 Figure and Bikini competitions under my belt, I like to get creative with my clean eating. Meal prep is the KEY to success, but let’s face it, sometimes I just don’t want to cook. I started to look for restaurants where I could get my food prepped just like I would at home. Here are my top 10 favorite healthy Scottsdale Restaurants and food choices… 10 - Starbucks-I love my morning cup of Joe. When I need a pick me up due to a long day of training clients, sometimes I make a Starbucks run. My favorite choices are a Skinny Vanilla Latte with the Sous Vide Egg White Bites. If I am doing a high carb day, I will get the Spinach Feta Wrap. 9 - Soul Cafe-I love a good brunch on the weekend! Give Soul Cafe a try! Not only is the food AMAZING, but it also has a great atmosphere. I almost always run into someone I know from the gym. Sheila’s Fitness Frittata is the bomb! Ask them to hold the mozzarella, but I highly recommend keeping the goat cheese on it. (They are also pet friendly for you dog lovers out there:) 8 - Salad and Go-I am not a fan of fast food, but I am a fan of a fast salad. You can build your own salad. Be sure and try the Greek Salad with chicken. You can always skip the cheese and sub a balsamic vinaigrette dressing for the creamy greek dressing. 7 - Blu Sushi-I am a sushi lover and I love trying out different sushi joints in town. Check out Blu Sushi in North Scottsdale. If going low carb, I like the tuna and salmon sashimi with a green salad. If you want carbs, give the Baja Roll and the Third Street Roll a shot. They are locally owned and could use your support post Covid lockdowns.
6 - Houston’s-For those of you near midtown Scottsdale, be sure and try Houston’s. The Smoked Salmon appetizer is out of this world, just steer clear of the bread. The Pan Seared Ahi Salad is a great lunch or dinner choice. If you are planning on a cheat meal, they have the best ribs in town! 5 - Grassroots-Looking for a fantastic spot in the McCormick Ranch area? Grassroots is my favorite. The Ahi Poke appetizer is super clean and light. You can also get a delicious salmon filet with a side of grilled asparagus. If you are looking for some carbs, this southern gal can’t get enough of their Jalapeño Grits! 4 - Roka Akor This restaurant has been around for years for a reason, the food is clean and yummy. The Butterfish Tataki and the Miso Black Cod will melt in your mouth. For those of you looking for red meat, be sure and try the Grade A5+ Wagyu which also melts in your mouth. You can’t go wrong! 3 - Spiga Cucina Italiana The Branzino (European Sea Bass) is just as delicious as the one I had in Italy. For you short rib lovers out there, don’t miss out on the Brasato di Manzo. If going low on carbs, ask for extra veggies in place of the polenta. 2 - Mastro’s Steakhouse-We all know it’s not cheap, but you get what you pay for. For the best steak in town, you can’t go wrong. If prepping for a competition ask for no butter and no salt on your steak. The sea scallops are out of this world, I ask for the sauce on the side. 1 - El Encanto-I saved the #1 slot for my favorite cheat meal. I have learned to love Mexican food since moving to Arizona in 2001. The Chicken Enchiladas in the Mole Sauce are so worth the calories. Don’t forget the chips, guacamole and a frozen margarita to wash it down! Just plan on balancing it out the next day with a solid workout! There you have it, my top ten favorite healthy restaurant choices in Scottsdale. This list goes to show that you can still eat clean while eating out. It’s all about balance so be sure and indulge in your favorite cheat once a week. A salty cheat is better than a sweet cheat. Remember…….”No Excuses and that’s No Mullarkey”!
Karen Mullarkey w w w.karen m ul l ark e y. com
PAIN TO PURPOSE Part IV of the whole body wellness series By BodyScape Magazine contributing writer
Dr. Sean Drake athletechiropractic.com
In our cover article this month “Renee’s incredible story of pain to purpose has flourished from a long lineage of female warriors who never gave up.” Now I may not be a female warrior, but I was raised by one. My mother was a single mom and a career military woman who made rank of Msgt in the Air Force before being forced to retire with Lyme Decease (key word “forced”). We moved constantly from base to base, home to home, and friendships- to finding new ones. This lifestyle was not easy for a young kid growing up. There were many times she couldn’t afford to get soccer shorts or a starter jacket that I really wanted, but she made many sacrifices. My mother taught me many leadership skills, comforted me when I was hurt, and more importantly showed me how to survive in any circumstance around the world.
Here’s a few lessons about being a warrior she would always remind me of.
1. Risk it and Go after it – I watched my mom advance very quickly in the militaryshe had something special- the willing to ask, risk, and not take no for an answer when she believed in something. If someone or something is showing up in your life as a no when you want a yes, then find another path. (Renee’s family showed this through many ways throughout her life).
The three things to accomplish this: 1. Show up on time 2. Speak up and smile 3. Follow through with what you say
Most of the time if you do those three things whether you have everything or nothing, you are on the way to your best life.
2. Checklist – Have a checklist for yourself and life. Each day make sure to check in with yourself. Were you honest? Did you do your best today with what you have? Can you look in the mirror with peace in your heart? Can you forgive yourself? What did you do good? And finally, what can you do better?
3. Reward yourself – many times we set goals and have ideas that we work so hard for, but then just jump to the next goal. Some of us are running from slowing down and feeling what we don’t want to acknowledge “trauma”. When you do something good or accomplish something- even if it’s a candy bar (healthy dark chocolate of course) you are taking care of yourself. Of course, you can make your reward big- like a trip or new watch. The key is to take time to appreciate the sacrifices you made to get to where you want to go. If you find yourself jumping to the next thing over and over, there may be underlying trauma. I believe just like Renee we all want to be a better wife, mom, sister, friend, and peer. Sometimes we just have to look back on our past (say thank you for the good and the bad) take a deep breath and look to the present while following the 3 lessons above. If you struggle with this, I suggest finding a life coach, phycologist, or pastor to speak with and set a plan for looking into the why. Because deep inside you is a warrior!
Dr. Sean Drake DrSeanDrake@AthleteChiropractic.com @Athletechiropractic AthleteChiropractic.com
ALOE VERA: Herbal Medicine Chest for Skin and Body Wellness By Karen Masterson Koch, CN President of Aloe Life
Herbal remedies really work! Traditionally, the most remarkable herbal plant of all time is Aloe Vera. It is great to apply to the skin and also to optimize health, when taken internally as an elixir. The ancients wrote about their use of the entire plant, including the whole leaf, inner gel and especially the yellow sap, without fear of harm. Aloe Vera was viewed as a “Gift from Nature” to use for any ailment, and for many it was taken daily with honey for regularity and as a preventative health measure (1).
How Does Aloe Vera Work? Its popularity is unmatched today. A variety of quality products in juice, tablets, spray or gel form support, first aid, troubled skin and is a great addition to any beauty or health protocol for better results*. Over 200 Scientific Research Papers Highlight: ● Anti-inflammatory action ● Anti-bacterial action ● Anti-viral action
The plant contains valuable food nutrients, plus over 100 active constituents called phytonutrients. Together, they topically soothe, balance skin pH (4.5 – 5.7) and stimulate new cell growth in record time. Hundreds of repeatable research papers confirm Aloe Vera’s many actions (2).
● Calming injured, red and inflamed skin is a critical first step with salicylic acid, campesterol, B-sitosterol and lupeol. Next, the growth factor gibberellin is allowed to signal the repair of collagen. ● Immunity is also heightened on the skin as well. Polysaccharides support UV protection to minimize sun damage while heightening infection fighting. ● Transport plant actives work as carriers both topically and internally to infuse oils, herbs and nutrients much deeper into the cells. Great support for the body; evening skin tones, softening damage and even resolving injured tissue faster – almost miracle-like at times (3)! ● Internally, Aloe Vera (not over-processed) is classified as an herbal bitter. Human studies have shown it to increase digestion, especially of proteins and absorption up to 300% of important vitamins including C, E and B12. It is best to take the juice or tablet form before meals (or anytime), to support daily digestion, energy, immunity, allergies, and soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Research even supports collagen production for reducing allergies and youthful skin naturally (4).
Stronger Is Better! Most Aloe Vera products can soothe the skin a bit. However, to address deep itching, abrasions, burns, sunburns, scrapes, boils, ulcers, scars, broken skin, and severe acne, a stronger Aloe Vera product made from the whole leaf juice, a concentrated variety if possible, including its dark yellow sap works best. Stronger aloe is also more effective for support of chronic issues like diabetic ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, hemorrhoids, gums, mouth and scalp issues. Many people also find ingesting a quality Aloe Vera daily, plus applying one topically, to be a winning catalyst of support for healthy & vibrant skin, along with body wellness (5).
Highlights of Body Support
Skin and Allergies
Energy and Digestion
Soothing Muscles and Joints
Balance Immunity
Getting Started With Aloe Vera Look for quality products like Aloe Life because there are hundreds on the market, all made differently. This is why I encourage consumers to read labels. Use your own plant or look for products that are not over processed, still containing the dark golden yellow color, and stating “No Water Added.” You will then experience what the ancients discovered from this medicinal plant for kids, adults and even pets - Herbs Really Work! *Caution: Apply a small amount on skin first or call companies for sensitive individuals. Karen Masterson Koch is a certified nutritionist & the President of Aloe Life. She is also a health researcher, educator, & the author of Beyond Gluten Intolerance. For more information visit aloelife.com. Reference: 1
2015, New Scientist, pg. 41, Denmark research team, “Mysterious Healing Powers”, Nina Roustead. Revealed the image and importance of using the entire plant including the yellow sap in traditional herbal medicine, Denmark.
2011, Gift of Nature Whole Leaf aloe vera, Clinical Observation & Application with humans, K.A.Masterson Koch, CN, 39 health issues results with healthier diet suggestions, USA.
2000, Aloe Vera Natural Wonder Cure, Julia Lawless, Judith Allan, U.K.
2004, “Dietary aloe vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity”, Vivo study of 30 women drinking aloe vera, resulted in improvement of photo aged skin. Clinical Research Inst. Seoul National University Hospital, Korea.
2004, Ken Jones, PhD, NNFA Presentation of multiple aloe vera Studies, one “Blood Sugar Support of aloe vera for the BodyDiabetes”, Presented study of 5000 CVD with 3000 having diabetes, in two weeks reduced glucose Bangkok, Thailand.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Beauty Tips from the Pros!
Allison Pynn MAKEUP * HAIR STYLING * BODYPAINTING Celebrity makeup & hair artist ALLISON PYNN is an expert in the makeup industry. We at BodyScape Magazine are fortunate to have her as our Beauty expert! Look for tips from Allison in each issue.
A Fab face in 5 Minutes!
By Allison Pynn (www.makeupaz.com)
Something I’ve heard consistently from women wanting to look “put together” is, “I don’t have time to do my makeup”. Let’s face it, we have time for everything we MAKE time for, but that aside it inspired me to put together the Fab Face in 5 minutes! This really can be done in 5 minutes and the secret is using cream products that work double-duty. Creams blend easily into the skin (so you can apply with your fingers and skip fussing with brushes) and double-duty products mean you get multiple uses out of 1 product = super time savers!
1. Sunscreen- No matter what sunscreen should be your #1 makeup product! We all know it protects against skin
damaging sun rays, but if you use a tinted sunscreen then you’ve got coverage too! If you’ve got dark undereye circles or acne just spot-treat with a dab of concealer where needed. Favorite Tinted sunscreens - Image Tinted Moisturizer - Amore Pacific Color Cushion Compact - Natura Bisse Diamond White Oil-Free Brilliant Sun Protection CC cream
2. Cream Eyeshadow- YES you have time for eyeshadow! So many makeup lines have cream eyeshadows
that are fast and a cinch to use. My favorite are eyeshadow sticks! Run a cream stick along your lash line for a quick eyeliner effect or apply across your entire lid and smooth around with your ring finger. This is a fast pop of eye color (and if you use a longwear eyeshadow it’ll last all day)! Favorite cream eyeshadow
3. Mascara- Apply 1-2 coats of mascara to your lashes. Favorite mascaras
4. Blush- Nothing quickly wakes up a face and adds a youthful glow like blush! Work a cream blush onto the apples of your cheeks (smooth around in a circular motion with the pads of your fingers for the best blending). Now take that same blush and dab a bit on your lips = pop! Favorite cream blushes - Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks - La Prairie Cellular Radiance Cream Blush In these quick steps, you’ve accentuated every part of your face, you’re glowing and out the door!
www.BodyscapeMag.com BodyScape Magazine is for everyone who is in to a “health conscious lifestyle.” Founded by Sarah Lyons of PictureGroove Photography, the magazine showcases her work, and her extremely flexible style of shooting. In each issue we feature everything from how to monetize your brand in the fitness and other industries, to beauty tips from the pros. Our issues are geared towards everyone who wants to better themselves and live their best life, showcasing it all through Sarah’s lens.
Ordering copies - If you would like to order either a high end print copy, or a digital downloadable version of BodyScape Magazine, you may do so at www.BodyScapeMag.com Being published in BodyScape Magazine - Sarah is currently building her shoot schedule for 2021 for BodyScape Magazine. Please email PictureGrovePhotography@Gmail.com if you are interested in setting up a shoot, and possibly being featured in BodyScape Magazine. Editorial Features - If you are a business owner and wish to promote something, we would love to feature it in an article or advertisement in BodyScape Magazine. Please email us at BodyScapeMag@gmail.com on how to get started. FaceBook and Instagram Ads - We will promote your business online at our BodyScape Magazine FaceBook and Instagram pages to all of our fans. Splash pages - A full size ad on BodyScapeMag.com to advertise your business. Email blasts - Send your ads out to our readers with a growing list of subscribers