PUBLISHER’S LETTER Epic Growth and Evolution Growth. As I sit here writing my very first publisher’s letter for Epic Fit Magazine, the word GROWTH is the first word that comes to mind. After producing 18 issues of BodyScape Magazine over a three year time span, I can’t help but feel honored, humbled, and happy that my clients have allowed their stories to be told in such a unique way. Growth and evolution play an equal role in this process of creating magazines. Last fall, when I got the wild idea to create an entirely new magazine, I asked God for guidance, and also for His grace. I like to double check with Him on ideas I have to ensure that they are actually good or great ideas, and not just a thought that shouldn’t be applied to my life. What can I say? He is the boss! The idea behind Epic Fit Magazine is to showcase women that have very fit physiques. The kind of physiques that are being trained with heavy weights, elite nutrition plans, and complete dedication to their physiques. These very fit women have also attended the Epic Destination Shoots that I hold a few times a year with Monica Brant. Hence the name Epic Fit. Similar to BodyScape Magazine, Epic Fit also offers an incredible and unique platform to ‘tell your story’. Some of the stories that are told in BodyScape are very intimate and deep, just like this premier issue of Epic Fit featuring our cover model Selina Hinojosa. Rather than featuring multiple models with the cover model as we do in BodyScape Magazine, Epic Fit is all about that ONE model that has decided to take the leap and talk about her life events. It has become her magazine.
@Bodyscapemagazine Bodyscapemagazine.com
Kerrie Lee Brown has also come on as the official Editor-in-Chief for Epic Fit, allowing the stories of the models to be told in a graceful and beautiful way. It’s not just an interview, but so much more. We are releasing two issues of Epic Fit Magazine per year for starters, but my husband thinks that this publication will be a huge success, and that more people will want to be involved. Yet time will tell! I will only release magazines that have depth, real meaning, and also real value to them, for the models involved. After all, the models featured in both BodyScape and Epic Fit Magazine can use their platforms as a major marketing tool, especially if they are trying to grow their brands or their businesses. Nothing up-levels a business more than a magazine cover! (Or a billboard in Times Square, but we will touch on that later!) I hope you enjoy this inaugural issue of Epic Fit Magazine, as you get to know our amazing cover girl Selina Hinojosa a bit more!
Location for the shoot: Sedona, Arizona Posing and detail assistance by:
Monica Brant
Hair and makeup: Leiah Scheibel Gear used for the cover shot:
Canon R5 camera with a 70- 200MM Lens and a 4x6’ California Sunbounce
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Excited to be onboard The amazing thing about life is that it’s constantly in motion. Just like our goals and aspirations continue to evolve—the opportunity to be a part of something bigger is always an exciting option. Having worked in media over the last two decades, most notably as the editor-in-chief of Oxygen Magazine and American Health & Fitness Magazine, I’m certainly no stranger to meeting new people and taking on compelling new projects. With all that I’ve been able to pursue in my journalism career, I have always strived to make an impact in some way. After all, progress is impossible without change. I’m a journalist by trade, but an authentic storyteller at heart. I also run my own consulting company called RedLily® Media where women come to share their stories, heal and grow. So, when publisher and lead photographer Sarah Lyons approached me to be the editor-in-chief of Epic Fit Magazine, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spread my wings once again. Sarah is extremely talented and her ideas to expand her photography business into a more glamorous, experiential package for women is nothing short of genius. This new role is a natural extension to my Celebrity Profile Writer duties over at her first publication, BodyScape Magazine; where I write all of the cover stories.
@KerrieLeeBrown KerrieLeeBrown.com
It’s no secret that I have a passion for the creative process. I’ve done it for many, many years. From planning editorial calendars and themes of issues to writing, editing, interviewing and brainstorming cover blurbs— every part of putting a magazine together fills my heart with joy. So you can feel confident that our premier issue and every issue moving forward not only marks a pertinent milestone in my career—but also in Picture Groove Photography’s portfolio of media brands. Fortunately, my previous EIC roles have given me the chance to work with various award-winning editorial teams north and south of the border. I’ve also interviewed hundreds of top fitness models, trainers, medical professionals, nutritionists, elite athletes and Hollywood celebrities. That’s why Epic Fit Magazine feels like home to me. Because we only profile the best of the best and that’s why we are EPIC! So, without further ado, I am honored to introduce Epic Fit Magazine— your new health, fitness and beauty bible. As your editor-in-chief, I hope to inspire each one of you to reach your goals while you make your own life truly EPIC.
Photo of:
Kerrie Lee Brown
Sarah L. Glabman
Makeup and Hair:
Leiah Scheibel
Monica Brant
Kerrie Lee Brown
Monica Brant
Fitness Celebrity
Kerrie Lee Brown is a globally recognized magazine editor, author and women’s health advocate. She has worked in media for 20+ years, most notably as the editor-in-chief of Oxygen Magazine. Kerrie is also the founder of RedLily® lifestyle brand and offers professional content services.
Monica Brant is considered by millions as “The original fitness pioneer for women.” She has landed 130+ magazine covers from 1994-2020, and has had her fair share of time in front of the camera with some of the most popular photographers in the world.
Dr. Sean Drake
Rajpoot Talib
Epic Fit Contributor
Art Director
Dr. Drake is the team doctor to multiple professional teams, professor and faculty member at multiple universities, and consults for a variety of professional and amateur teams and athletes. He is also an Advisory Board Member for multiple brands and education platforms in sports medicine.
Raj is the Art Director for BodyScape Magazine as well as BodyScapeMag.com. Raj is a success-driven designer with his client’s goals at the forefront of his mission. He generates design projects from inception to creation and, and he translates business requirements into effective advertising campaigns.
CONTENTS Page 10: Sensational Selina Hinojosa
and her incredible story of recovery
Page 42: Dr. Sean Drake “The athlete’s doctor” wants you to be EPIC and is laying the foundation to show you how.
Page 44: Radiant Living with Monica Brant
Monica Brant knows a thing or two about wellness, and sleep is at the top of her list in this special article. SleepRest-Reset, and feel great!
Page 46: Listen to your Heart!
Heart attack survivor Kerrie Lee Brown talks about heart health and the signs that we need to pay attention to
ensational elina
This beautiful feature is the result of many inspirational discussions with the lovely Selina Lopez Hinojosa. We hope you enjoy her story!
Cover model:
Selina Lopez Hinojosa Cover story written by Epic Fit Editor-in-Chief Kerrie Lee Brown
hen founder, publisher, and photographer extraordinaire Sarah Lyons asked me to be the Editor-inChief for BodyScape Magazine’s sister publication Epic Fit Magazine, I knew this project was going to take storytelling to a whole new level. Not only has Sarah created an incredibly beautiful way for women to share their journey (and awe-dropping results) through epic destination photo shoots in amazing places — she has engaged me to tell their stories through my experience in writing. And you know what they say: The pen is mightier than the sword! So, when I found out that my first Epic interview was going to be with Selina Lopez Hinojosa, I knew this was the perfect assignment for me. Thank you, Sarah, for allowing me to do what I love and continue to bring your cover stories to life through the written word. Kerrie Lee Brown xo
Selina’s Story There’s no doubt that the inaugural issue of Epic Fit Magazine has to feature an outstanding woman. After all, THIS is the issue that we will all proudly hold onto for years and years to come. Selina Lopez Hinojosa is one of those women who not only has a fascinating, truly humbling story, but she also has an endearing personality too. She has literally been to hell and back—and yet she’s the first to admit that her actions over a span of 17 years are not admirable by any means. The first time Selina told her story in public was at Church. It’s a deep, personal tale that takes her back to her childhood, but that she realizes now how so much meaning—not only to her but to those who hear it. Selina grew up in a lower-to-middle class, predominantly Hispanic neighborhood called Los Encinos in Corpus Christi, TX. Her parents were both amazing and took very good care of her and her three siblings—two older sisters and a brother.
She was raised Catholic and always knew and loved who God was from a young age. Selina was a very good student all through elementary school to middle school. “I always loved learning and took my academics very seriously,” she explains. However, things started to change in middle school and into her high school years when she started getting bullied. “When I got into high school, I really wanted to be accepted and be a part of the crowd.” Her story takes a horrible turn at a Homecoming party. Selina feels that her first-ever taste of alcohol at the tender age of 16 is what started her addiction. “I remember getting drunk and I truly think that I got addicted to alcohol that fateful night.” She just fell in love with drinking. Through high school and then into college, she started to drink on her own and what started out as a social pastime became a big problem. By graduation, Selina was drinking a lot more on her own and the importance of her grades declined.
Over time, Selina became very good at hiding things from her friends and parents. She admits that she doesn’t think at that time she understood how big of a problem it was becoming and what it could lead to. Selina ended up going to a local college in Corpus Christi, and went from a straight A student in grade school to failing courses. It was an unbelievable difference. While she still loved to learn at college and enjoyed listening to the professors, she started to not care and eventually dropped out. “My parents just saw the outside of me. They had no idea how hard I was struggling on the inside and how much my life was being taken over by my addiction,” she says. “At age 20, I just told them one day that I wasn’t going to continue [my schooling].” Selina knew, however, that she’d have to do something so she decided to become a personal trainer under the encouragement of Skie Molinar (who would play a major role in Selina’s career). “I got a job so everyone would think I was still okay, but what I didn’t know then was that I had also developed a personality disorder.” At the time, Selina didn’t know that her mental diagnosis was causing her to act out; and as a result, her unruly behavior and emotions became pretty radical. Unfortunately, her bad reality soon became a vicious cycle—and she went from drinking to also smoking marijuana. Then she got married and had a son at age 23. Not that she regrets having her baby; she just didn’t realize the poor decisions that she had been making would now impact another precious life. “My life just went from bad to worse.”
As mentioned previously, Selina went through a rehabilitation program for 12 days. It was almost like a little bit of freedom she says because she was around people her age. “But I was not into getting better. It just didn’t occur to me. I was there because I was sent there.” After the strict, 12-day program was over, she was released. Her son was about three years old at this time—and shortly after she got out, she relapsed.
Selina’s poor choices and behavior became indescribable. She says she was “out of her mind” literally. She was making irrational, reckless decisions—and was putting herself in very dangerous situations and to this day she still doesn’t know how she survived. During the divorce proceedings, she ended up volunteering her son’s custody to her ex-husband. As much as she loved him and wanted to be with him, she knew it was the right choice for her son as she was not in any shape emotionally, physically, and financially. “Luckily, I am a very different person today, but it has taken a lot of healing and growth.”
A year later, she finally got to the point where she needed medical intervention. She went to a two-week rehabilitation program that catered to substance and psychotic disorders, and stayed 12 days. The psychologist officially diagnosed her with Borderline Personality Disorder.
The prescription drugs really messed with her physically and mentally. Along with drinking and drugs, she started cutting her arms and got very depressed. She ended up in rehab because her husband at the time took her to the emergency room after cutting herself badly. “I had to be sedated and remember waking up in a psychiatric ward, which as you can imagine is very traumatic, especially coming from a great family and having so much hope for my future.”
The biggest thing for Selina, however, was that she never wanted to convey to anyone that she was a victim. She always took full responsibility for her actions—despite how awful they may have been—and she knew deep down that she needed help. She just didn’t trust herself enough to get it. Selina started to doubt her ability to get better altogether. Through all of this she made some very poor choices; and realizes today that addiction is a severe illness. “I now take responsibility for my actions.” The divorce and custody trial turned out to be the hardest season of her life. She felt very ashamed—and since her ex-husband had a very public career, the news of their broken marriage and addiction problems made headlines in Corpus Christi. Selina, who had always been a very private person, was now having her dirty laundry aired in her hometown, which made things even worse for her and her family.
Change is Inevitable Selina’s friend Skie was the one who took her under her wing and encouraged her to get a personal training certification out of college. She worked for a few years as her assistant in Skie’s private studio—despite her demons still looming. Her addiction was still quite evident and her mental state was in so much turmoil; and at the end of the trial, she didn’t have anything. “My ex-husband took everything, so I moved back in with my parents. It was a very difficult time for everyone.”
itting ock ottom After the divorce and not seeing her son every day, Selina’s life spiraled again. She turned to harder drugs such as cocaine—and soon realized that drugs plus drinking plus a mental illness is like a hurricane.
Selina met her second husband Reggie in 2008. She was living at her parents’ house and she knew she had to get a job. So, she started working at Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center as a consultant. “I was not sober but I wasn’t in such a destructive state. I was able to at least hold a job.” Three months after meeting her current husband, Selina found out that she was pregnant. But this time she wanted to bring the child up in a more stable household. She got married when she was nine months pregnant and Mossimo was born in 2009. However, it was not long after his birth that she started her reckless behavior again. A lot of the mental anguish came back and by 2014 she had fallen into a deep depression. As a result, Selina started talking to her husband about how she wished that she wasn’t even alive. She was literally preparing herself for the worst because she didn’t think she was going to survive. She had given up hope—and she could see what she was doing to her 18-year-old who was only 11 at the time. He was getting anxiety because he knew how his mother was going to black out on the couch the next time she had a drink. Selina was at a loss and asked herself, “Why aren’t I able to stop?”
Encountering God Then one day after the kids had gone to school and her husband was at work; she picked up a Bible and haphazardly read a verse. “It said something along the lines of the person that overconsumes alcohol in the end will be bit by a poisonous snake.” Selina said something physically happened to her body as she read that scripture. She felt an energy of sorts. A current or a warm sensation rush through her soul—and despite how far-fetched this might sound; she felt a presence. Her heart rate increased dramatically, but she also felt an overwhelming sense of inner peace.
Ever since that day back in 2015, she stopped drugs and drinking. It was truly a miracle, but the journey of healing had only begun. “I felt that I had been redeemed and forgiven,” she says. “God gave me the grace and mercy to get sober. It’s about getting strong and healthy in your body again so I had to do a lot of recovery to get where I am today.” Reggie said he would follow Him with me, so we joined a Church together. “I joined a women’s leadership group and started learning about who He is and who I was once again. I had to get psychological help and began psychotherapy—and I learned multiple strategies on how to live my life sober. I didn’t even know how to manage my emotions sober. I had to get under medical care because I had done regular checkups and prescribed antidepressives. I was also overweight but I was malnourished. This shows how much my body was deprived of everything good.” Selina turned to fitness not only as an outlet, but as a way to get hydrated again, feed her muscles, and help her posture. She needed a total rehabilitation of mind, body, and soul; as well as recondition her cardiovascular system and regain cognitive function.
Keeping the Faith Selina has always had a love for God and an understanding for who He was. Even when she was in that deep state of addiction, depression, mental illness, and substance abuse. She describes her life experiences as though she was under water drowning and could only hear people mumbling. In other words, she knew God was near but couldn’t hear His voice clearly.
The good news is that Selina’s story ends with hope. Today, she is a thriving entrepreneur, Medical Exercise Specialist, wife, and a mom. If anyone reads this who is struggling with drug abuse, sexual abuse, depression, or alcoholism— we want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Selina’s story is about grit and grace. It’s a real-life vicious cycle that many people go through; especially if you’re suffering from a mental illness. And, now that she’s decided to share her story in a public manner, she wants to make sure that you understand the importance of God’s presence in our lives. He designs us to love Him and depend on Him—and that was the big, constant void in Selina’s life all along. In the end, Selina’s deeply personal journey is long from over but provides a starting point for others to take a good look at their own addictions. The ultimate goal here is to give someone else a sense of hope and inspiration. Selina will continue to learn and grow long beyond this article, but there’s no doubt that she is a messenger of God now. All of THIS is what makes Selina a force to be reckoned with—no matter how you look at it. Now, here’s your chance to get to know Selina a little more…
KLB: Where are you from?
KLB: What gets you up in the morning?
SLH: “I was born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas where I currently live with my husband Reggie and three sons: Fabian (22), George (18), and Mossimo (12).”
SLH: “The love that I have for my family and my clients is what gets me up in the morning.”
KLB: What drives you to live positively today? SLH: “I’m passionate about my relationship with Jesus and sharing His love with others. I live positively, so I can do all the things He’s called me to do. The well-being of my husband and sons, my ongoing medical exercise training, helping my clients function better, and building my medical exercise practice; all of these things keep me positive and focused.”
KLB: What is your mission in life? SLH: “My mission in life is to continue striving to be the best version of myself; the woman God designed me to be. I want to inspire positive change in others through my work and by sharing my story of how God broke my chains of addiction and brought me to freedom. As a wife and mother, I will be an example of God’s unconditional love.”
KLB: How has your faith saved you? SLH: “Jesus literally saved my life many times when I had given up on my life. He saved me from my own self destruction. Today, my faith is stronger than ever.”
Shooting for Epic Fit Magazine KLB: Why did you decide to shoot for our very first issue of Epic Fit Magazine? SLH: ““Thank you for the opportunity! I decided to shoot for Epic Fit Magazine because I wanted this platform to tell my story and to celebrate being almost seven years sober in February. I also wanted to use this opportunity to get beautiful pictures that I could use for business marketing.”
KLB: How has your faith saved you? SLH: “Jesus literally saved my life many times when I had given up on my life. He saved me from my own self destruction. Today, my faith is stronger than ever.”
KLB: Tell us about your experience on set with the Epic Fit Magazine team. SLH: “The atmosphere on the set was very easygoing and friendly but it was also very organized and professional. Sarah Lyons, Monica Brant, and Leiah Scheibel [makeup artist] all made me feel very welcome. I really felt a connection to each of them. They were also very kind to my husband which I appreciated so much.”
KLB: Have you done any modeling before? SLH: “My modeling experience has been very limited. My first taste of modeling was in second grade when I did a runway walk to represent my elementary school… lol. When I was about 20 years old, I competed in a pageant called Féria de las Flores which is a Hispanic culture beauty pageant. Most recently, in the summer of 2018, I did a local fashion show. I’ve also done some fitness and swimwear pictures with professional photographers.”
Selina’s incredible journey KLB: What would you like to get across to our readers? SLH: “I would like to share my story for several reasons… I want those who may be struggling with addiction or mental illness to know that their situation is NOT hopeless. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help and take advantage of the resources in your community. I am a completely different person than who I was seven years ago. I’m living my life to the fullest and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Jesus saved me and He wants to do the same thing for anyone who opens their hearts to Him.”
KLB: Do you have a positive message you’d like to share now that you’re sober? SLH: “YESSS! My message is to encourage people to run after their destiny and chase their dreams! Now that I’m sober, I have a whole NEW perspective on life. I love this quote by Steven Furtick: ‘Your perspective can either become your prison or your passport.’”
KLB: What’s really important to bring to peoples’ attention? SLH: “I feel like there’s a misconception around mental illness and addiction. In so many instances, there is a direct link between substance abuse and mental health; called a co-occurring disorder. In my case, my mental health problem went undiagnosed for a long time, so my substance abuse problem got worse. And when my alcohol and drug abuse increased, my mental health problems increased, too. It’s a vicious cycle.”
What’s next for Selina
KLB: What are your aspirations in life? SLH: “My aspiration is to build a successful medical exercise practice. My goal is to transition my business from fitness to a Medical Exercise Center.”
KLB: What exactly is Medical Exercise Training? SLH: “Medical Exercise Training (MET) is the development and implementation of safe, effective, structured, protocol-based exercise programming for clients with medical conditions. We use Medical Exercise Assessments along with strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility training to manage clients’ medical conditions.”
Fitness and well-being KLB: On that note, tell us a little bit about your own fitness regimen. How many times do you work out a week? SLH: “Throughout most of the year, my fitness regimen consists primarily of weight training about 3-4 days a week. If I have an occasion or photoshoot coming up, I definitely step it up a notch. I may increase to weight training five days. I’ll also add more cardiovascular training if I’m training for something special. And I always take time for flexibility training year-round.”
KLB: Can you share a few tips for getting (and staying) in great shape? SLH: “The first tip I would give to someone wanting to get into shape is to GET STARTED. Don’t overthink it… Just GO! Start with something simple, like walking two or three times a week. Challenge yourself but don’t overwhelm yourself. As your cardiovascular capacity increases, and your endurance improves, you can increase the intensity and type of exercise. To stay in shape, the key is to stay as consistent as possible. I find that having a workout partner helps me stay accountable and pushes me to challenge myself.”
KLB: Do you have a favorite fitness personality that you look up to? SLH: “Funny you ask… I started taking an interest in fitness around 1998. We didn’t have full access to the Internet back then, so magazines were the thing. Monica Brant was the fitness It Girl! I totally admired her strength and beauty. Things seemed to come full circle when I learned that Monica was part of the Epic Fit Magazine team. Meeting her and getting to know her on a personal level has been really something special.”
KLB: What about your nutrition plan? SLH: “I’m pretty mindful of what I eat year-round. I’m definitely more relaxed if I’m not training for something in particular. But for this photoshoot in particular, I incorporated a balanced diet with lean proteins and lots of colorful vegetables. I did have some low-fat dairy from time to time such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I cooked extra virgin olive oil for healthy fats. The hardest part for me was keeping the carb intake relatively low. I love granola… lol!”
KLB: What’s your favorite body part to train? SLH: “My favorite body part to train is glutes. The gluteus maximus is the largest and heaviest muscle in the human body, so it can withstand heavy weight training. The glutes are also a very important muscle group to build and maintain strength because of their function in our everyday lives. They help us maintain an upright posture and they’re responsible for propelling our bodies forward. It doesn’t hurt that they’re aesthetically pleasing when well rounded.”
KLB: Do you have a personal trainer or coach? If so, who would you like to thank? SLH: “I would like to thank Skie Molinar who encouraged me to get my first Fitness Trainer Certification back in January 2000! She was the first person who saw my potential in this industry. Many thanks also to Dr. Michael Jones, founder of the Medical Exercise Training Institute in Katy, TX. He’s the one responsible for my Medical Exercise education and training. He and his wife are very special people to me and my family. And most recently, Dr. Angela Thrasher continues to reinforce what I learned through the institute. She pushes me to be my best.”
KLB: Anything else you’d like to share about your health and wellness routine? SLH: “I take care of my body through proper nutrition and regular exercise because my body is my vessel to carry out the things that God has assigned to me. I believe it’s equally important to nourish our mental and spiritual health as well. I find that this helps me stay balanced.”
Words of inspiration KLB: Why is it important for women to express themselves and be selfconfident? SLH: “God made us intelligent, pensive, passionate, spiritual beings. We all have thoughts and ideas to share. There are so many opportunities for educated, intellectual conversation among women. Positive self-expression is important because it helps us to relate to others and form healthy relationships.”
KLB: What message do you want to tell other women who are reading your cover story? SLH: “I want to tell these beautiful women: You’re Amazing! Stay healthy and strong! Live your BEST life!”
*To contact this month’s courageous cover model Selina Lopez Hinojosa about training help, or to learn more about her journey to sobriety, please connect here: liftbyselina@gmail.com @liftbyselina www.facebook.com/LIFTbySelina www.LIFTbySelina.com
About the Author: Kerrie Lee Brown is a recognized global journalist and women’s health advocate. She is the former editor-in-chief of Oxygen Women’s Fitness and American Health & Fitness—and has written articles for 150 magazines worldwide. Kerrie is also the founder of RedLily Media LLC, a media and communications company based in Denver, Colorado that helps executives, publishers, and entrepreneurs build their brands through heartfelt storytelling. For writing inquiries visit:
Follow on social media @KerrieLeeBrown
Health and Wellness By Epic Fit Magazine contributor, Dr. Sean Drake www.athletechiropractic.com
‘Epic’, as an adjective by definition is heroic or grand in scale or character. FIT’s definition is in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise. It would FIT as I play on the word for our premier issue of Epic Fit Magazine, that we show you a path towards this way of life. I am blessed to treat some of the most elite athletes and people in the world; however, each individual has the potential to reach their equivalent of status of life. Just because we do not play a sport, get paid millions to do a job, or we are physically/mentally the way we were when we were younger, doesn’t mean you do not have an opportunity to grow. As you read through the stories in EPIC FIT you may feel energized, influenced, or challenged to go after a goal or maybe make a change in your day-to-day. This is where we come together and help you answer questions, guide a path, and help you find the best strategies to gaining better health in all areas of your life. If we look at the United States right now here are some scary yet eye opening stats: -The U.S. adult obesity rate stands at 42.4 percent, the first time the national rate has passed the 40 percent mark. - More than 131 million people -66 percent of all adults in the United States use prescription drugs. - Depression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 2020 months of the global coronavirus pandemic—jumping from 8.5 percent before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8 percent.
Divorce is around 50% for first time marriages, 60% for second, and 73% for third. Just look at those 4 facts. How can someone live an EPICALLY FIT life if their mental, physical, and relational areas in life are falling apart? Today, look at your life right now and answer these 4 questions. 1. Are you EPIC? 2. Are you FIT? 3. Are you Happy? 4. How are your Relationships? Now write out what it would take to be:
EPIC Fit Happy Have Healthy Relationships This is the start of our EPIC FIT Journey together as we become heroic together. Stay tuned for more in our upcoming editions of Epic Fit Magazine. In Health, Dr. Sean Drake
New research from Boston University School of Public Health reveals that the elevated rate of depression persisted into 2021, and even worsened, climbing to 32.8 percent and affecting 1 in every 3 American adults.
Radiant Living with
Over the last decade, I’ve fallen for the word ‘RADIANT’, and I have discovered some keys to living a life that is contagious because of radiance.
Some definitions of radiant are: a: radiating rays or reflecting beams of light b: vividly bright and shining, glowing c: marked by or expressions of love, confidence, or happiness; a radiant smile d: having or showing an attractive quality of happiness, love, vibrant health Based on these definitions above, I have enjoyed sharing ways to become radiant, and become vividly bright and glowing both internally and externally. This article on Radiant Living will discuss how sleep produces an attractive quality of happiness, love, and vibrant health. Much like laying the proper foundation for a home is extremely important, we must lay the proper foundation for our health. Current research proves that the #1 foundation layer that needs to be addressed for our health is proper sleep habits. Let’s take a dive into sleep and look at some of the main functions it serves. Most importantly, sleep regulates our hormones through the endocrine system. Your endocrine system is made up of several organs called glands. These glands, located all over your body, create, and secrete (release) hormones. Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles, and other tissue. Much like the battery on your cell phone, we must recharge our system overnight, every night. If we fail to sleep well, all the systems of our bodies (musculature, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, nervous) work on a lower performance. Similarly, when cell phones are not charged enough, they cannot perform all the functions we depend on them to perform. When we don’t receive adequate sleep, we miss out on certain functions. For instance, metabolizing nutrients that allow the body to metabolize FAT!
Three hormones released upon sleep: 1) Melatonin - is a hormone in your body that plays a role in sleep. The production and release of melatonin in the brain is connected to time of day, increasing when it’s dark and decreasing when it’s light. Not only does the hormone melatonin help regulate our sleep-wake cycle, but research found that it increases the presence of “beige” fat, which is like brown fat in its calorie-burning capabilities. Quickly, I’d like to make note of the 3 types of fat in the body, as this conversion is important to tap into. Types of Fat Cells There are 3 types of adipose, or fat, cells in your body. White, beige, and brown. Your body stores white adipose tissue but burns brown and beige fat cells for energy. Studies have found that melatonin can help with the conversion of white fat cells to beige cells for increased thermogenesis, or expenditure of energy- burning calories. This can be great news if you are working on losing some extra pounds. Now, back to two more hormones for sleep releases.
2) Growth Hormone - AKA the Youth Hormone (growth hormone) that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration.
Sadly, as with all hormones, growth hormone starts to decline around age 20. Proper sleep will allow for the release of growth hormone into the bloodstream, for muscle sparing, skin health, vitality, and energy. The higher quality our sleep is, the higher percentage of growth hormone our body can release.
3) Leptin - the very important hormone that tells your brain you are full after eating. • Leptin vs. Grehlin Without enough rest, your body will start producing ghrelin, a hormone produces in the stomach that alerts your body that you are hungry, and it won’t produce leptin. A recent study showed that people who didn’t get sufficient night sleep had about a 15 percent lower leptin level than those who had enough sleep, since leptin levels rise during the sleep cycle. • Not getting enough sleep means you’ll have a stronger appetite that is harder to satisfy the next day, and throws your whole body out of energy homeostasis, or the balance between energy input and expenditure, which is what leptin is trying to promote.
Three things that can help you master your sleep: 1) Screen/Light curfew - 30 minutes before bed, no tech- every hour on screen = 30 minutes less melatonin produced! Researchers have shown that switching on lights in the home switches off the hormone’s production. Spend time doing something that is equally gratifying/ fulfilling! For me, listening to a Pastors message or reading the WORD which sets the tone for my spirit to rest always helps, allowing more creativity and production the following day.
2) Morning Exercise - In my experience, this
sets the tone for the day by waking up the body and utilizing the hormone cortisol, that is most present in the mornings. Cortisol and melatonin off set one another. Morning exercise also enhances metabolic responses.
3) Create a sleep sanctuary - Minimize “light
pollution” to the best of your ability. Keep in mind the skin absorbs lights and sends signals to the brain causing a disruption for melatonin. Avoid intake of caffeine, sugars, alcohol, and some conversations either in person or online. Keep conversations light, if possible, to avoid causing extra stress. Wearing a proper fitting sleep mask on your eyes can help you to fall into a deeper sleep, and remain asleep. Knowledge is powerful! Understanding the role of sleep on the body is crucial to making sleep an important priority. As a faith-filled gal, I will incorporate God’s Word into my day and night. Many times before sleep, I enjoy reading verses that bring peace to my mind, and remind me that God has me in His sights whether I am awake or asleep. The following scriptures are some of my favorites:
Psalm 3:5 “I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me.”
Proverbs 3:24 “If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message) “Are you tired? Worn
out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
By Kerrie Lee Brown Editor-in-Chief, Epic Fit Magazine Wellness Advocate, Mom and Heart Attack Survivor. To commemorate Heart Health Month, I’d like to share my personal story to help you realize that listening to your body at any age is imperative. You can find this excerpt and many more chapters about the importance of self-care in my book: “My Heart, My Self: A Heartfelt Guide for Women Who Do Too Much.”
For most people, February is all about candy hearts and Valentine’s Day, but for me it has another pivotal meaning… I have worked as a health advocate ever since I can remember. Particularly, during my time as the editor-inchief of Oxygen Women’s Fitness Magazine and American Health & Fitness. In other words, I have been around a lot of fitness and nutrition experts—and interviewed numerous models who know a thing or two about looking after their bodies.
(However, just because someone may look good on the outside doesn’t mean they are healthy on the inside.) Take me for example: I don’t smoke. I eat fairly well and go to the gym. I’m not overweight. I have no previous history of major health issues. The list goes on and on. And yet at 39 years old, I had a heart attack. It all started on Christmas morning in 2012. My family was eating breakfast together and I experienced a tightness across my chest that I had never felt before. It took my breath away.
This claustrophobic-like feeling lasted for two weeks. It was so foreign, but I was a busy mom with two young boys at the time, and a very demanding job, so I just shrugged it off as normal holiday stress.
“Thoughtful,Relevant and Real-Life!”
After our family returned from a trip to Florida a few weeks later, I started experiencing heavy heart-racing episodes three to four times a week. They would start and stop suddenly for no apparent reason—and it felt like I was running a marathon even at rest. I was also having more headaches than usual, aches and pains in my upper body, shortness of breath going up and down the stairs, and was tired all the time. This was not like me. One morning at work, I had a panic attack standing in line at the cafeteria. The next night, as I was putting the kids to bed, I had the most excruciating pain in my right shoulder that shot all the way down my arm. It felt as though someone had hit me really hard with a baseball bat. It stopped me in my tracks. The pain then migrated around my back. My arm started to go limp. I’ve since learned that women can experience different heart attack symptoms than men; such as pain in their right arm or shoulder, a feeling of indigestion, lower back aches, jaw pain, exhaustion etc. This is what was happening to me. I couldn’t believe it. I had no control over my body. Turns out, the problem was that I didn’t listen to my body a month earlier. I should have known that the tightness in my chest was not normal. I should have gone to my doctor then, but instead, I thought (like so many others) that I was a healthy person and there’s absolutely no way I could have a heart attack at such a young age. My second mistake was not going to the hospital that dreadful night. I was in denial and am sincerely lucky that I was able to make it through on my own and get to my doctor and then cardiologist the next week.
MY HEART, MY SELF KNOWING WHEN TO SLOW DOWN IS HALF THE BATTLE A Heartfelt Guide For Women Who Do Too Much – From A Woman Whose Wake-Up Call Changed It All
Kerrie Lee Brown
My kids had to go to bed, right?! And who wants to go to the hospital on Christmas? Note sarcastic tone.
This is why I share my heart health story today. To warn others that if it can happen to me, it can happen to you at The way I haphazardly reacted to my body literally any age. I sincerely hope my message resonates with you “showing me the signs” is quite typical of busy moms, and in some way or perhaps you can pass it along to someone in fact, women in general. We seldom put ourselves first or you know who is overdoing it and not stopping to evaluate make our health a priority. their daily stressors. I encourage you to always listen to your body and seek medical help if necessary. While I am certainly no doctor, I know now that listening to my body when I first experienced the signs and symptoms could have saved me from heart surgery. I look forward to sharing more of my journey and what happened next in upcoming issues. *Contact me if you’d like to learn more about my book “My Heart, My Self” which is available on Amazon. To buy Kerrie’s book visit: Follow on social media
www.amazon.com/redlily @KerrieLeeBrown
www.KerrieLeeBrown.com 47