The mission of Bishop Gorman High School is to: • Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ • Prepare students for higher education • Create a community where service is valued and celebrated
The vision of Bishop Gorman High School is to be a national leader in college preparatory education in an environment distinguished by Catholic values.
The values of Bishop Gorman High School can be found in the acronym GAELS: • G – God • A – Accountability • E – Excellence • L – Leadership • S – Stewardship The goals of Bishop Gorman High School are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Provide a Catholic and religious learning experience. Assure excellence and high standards in all academics. Offer a distinguished and wide variety of co-curricular activities. Foster a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment. Involve students, parents, alumni and the community in school life. Attract, retain and develop outstanding faculty and staff. Provide strong administrative and fiscal leadership.
School Expected Student Learning Results
Bishop Gorman High School has the following Expected Student Learning Results (ESLRs):
1. Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ a. Know and apply the basic principles of Christianity as taught by the Catholic Church. b. Develop in their respect for themselves and others and in their appreciation for cultural diversity c. Develop the awareness and skills necessary to live in a global society as a person for and with others 2. Strive for Higher Education a. Be able to communicate effectively through the development of skills in reading, writing and speaking. b. Be individuals who are able to think critically. c. Demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in the curricular areas they have studied. d. Use technology as a tool to complement learning. 3. Value Service a. Demonstrate social responsibility and community service. b. Serve others through their gifts and talents in their daily lives. c. Demonstrate knowledge and application of the inherent connection between lived faith and works of charity, service as well as social justice. d. Promote the common good through positive involvement in the larger community and demonstrate civic responsibility.
Bishop Gorman High School
5959 S. Hualapai Way Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.732.1945 phone | 702.732.2856 fax www.bishopgorman.org Chapter 1: The Gael Tradition ............................................. 1 Welcome Chapter 2: Catholic Identity & Spiritual Formation ......... 1 Formation of the Heart Sacraments | Community and Personal Prayer Retreat Program Formation of the Hands Formation of the Minds Chapter 3: Parents as Primary Educators ................... 3 Commitment from Parents to Bishop Gorman - Parental Responsibilities Communications and Concerns The Chain of Responsibility Exception to the Chain of Responsibility Media Release Chapter 4: The Academic Program ................................ 5 Admissions General Entrance Requirements for: Freshmen | Transfer | International Students Tuition Assistance Academic Program Graduation Requirements |Transfer Students Required Credits | Credit Requirements to Remain at BGHS | Summer Enrichment Program Grades and Grade Points | Incomplete Grades Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) Honor Roll | Valedictorian and Salutatorian | Edline Semester Exams | Academic Honor Code Academic Integrity | Mandatory Homework Session Academic Contract | Academic Dismissal | Course Change Procedure | Standardized Testing Program Information Media & Educational Technology (IMET) Center Library lMET Policies | Use of Multimedia in Class GAELS Period Chapter 5: Regulations for Student Conduct ................ 12 Attendance Policies Validating Absences | General Absence Policies Tardiness | Part Day Absence and Effect on Co-Curricular Activities | Excessive Absence / Irregular Attendance | Denial of Credit Appeal Planned Absences | Testing | Assignments after Absences | Obtaining Assignments for Absences
Dress Code Policies
Overall Appearance | General Dress Code | Mass
Uniform | Spirit Friday | Co-Curricular Dress-up
Spirit Weeks and “Free Dress� Day Student Regulations and Discipline Responses
Serious Infractions
Other Infractions
Gum Policy |Tardy Policy | Public Displays of
Affection | Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Driving and Parking Policies
Disciplinary Response Definitions | Levels of Disciplinary Response
Privacy and Searches Drug and Alcohol Policy
Assistance for Drug/Alcohol Abuse | Random/Behavior
Drug/Alcohol Test | Consequences for Positive Test
Results | Tobacco
Chapter 6: Student Support Services .......................... 22 Student Support Team Campus Ministry Guidance Counseling BGHS Teen Help Line The Learning Center: Eligibility Health Services Requirement for Parents | Medication Policy | Medication Administered by School Personnel Allergies | Injury and Transportation Policy Student Pregnancy | Child Abuse/Neglect Legal Issues | FERPA / HIPAA Chapter 7: Guideline for Acceptable Technology Use ..... 24 Specific Policies Chapter 8: Other General Information ....................... 27
Advancement Office | Athletic Training Center
Bell Schedules | Cafeteria Service | Campus Hours
Campus Store | Clubs & Organizations | Dance
Policy Emergency Response Plan | Financial
Obligations Flower/Gift Deliveries | ID Cards
Insurance | Lockers Non Discriminatory Policy
School sponsored Trips Security Cameras
Solicitation | Tax Exempt Status | Transportation
Policy | Visitor Check-In
Chapter 1: The Gael Tradition Welcome For 59 years Bishop Gorman has been building a tradition of excellence. The administration, faculty, students and parents are integral contributors to that tradition. In order to continue with excellence there are principles that a student must observe in order to obtain the most out of the educational experience. The following principles will increase your opportunities for success and help make Bishop Gorman an excellent school. • Believe in God, yourself and others. • Accept responsibility for your education, decisions, words, and actions. • Act in a way that best represents your school, parents, community and self to promote a safe, healthy environment in which to learn. • Be a leader or a good follower. • Be active in the school and community. • Maintain a balance between academics, co-curricular activities, and community projects, continually giving your best effort to each. • Support your fellow students and their activities. • Respect the faculty, staff and fellow students. Respect the rights of others. • Communicate with others in a respectful way These principles are the cornerstone of a student’s success at Bishop Gorman. Follow these principles and success will be yours during your four high school years. The classroom is the heart of the Bishop Gorman campus. Certain expectations of behavior are required in the classroom. By following these expectations, the learning environment will be enhanced: • Arrive on time to all your classes. • Be prepared for class by doing your homework and by bringing all books and supplies necessary for the day’s activities. • Be respectful of your teachers and fellow students. • Work diligently throughout the entire class period. • Respect all property of Bishop Gorman. Bishop Gorman High School is a four-year, Catholic college preparatory high school operated under the auspices of the Diocese of Las Vegas. The regulations and procedures are determined by the administration under the guidance of a President and a Principal. The operating principles are consistent with the policies of the Diocese of Las Vegas. All policies and rules apply to the entire student body, including those who have reached 18 years of age. In order to serve the needs of the Bishop Gorman community, the administration reserves the right to amend regulations and procedures in this handbook at any time with reasonable notice to the families of students enrolled at Bishop Gorman High School. If changes are made, written and/or electronic notification will be provided. Furthermore, the Administration reserves the right to rule on the propriety of individual situations of student behavior that are explicitly or implicitly implied in this handbook.
Chapter 2: Catholic Identity and Spiritual Formation “He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 Bishop Gorman takes pride in its primary mission, which is the education of young people in the Catholic faith in the context of a college preparatory program. The religious and spiritual formation of the students (and faculty) is of paramount importance. Teachers, coaches, and moderators are instructed to make clear and explicit connections to the lived faith of the Church in their courses, sports, and co-curricular activities. 1
Formation of the Heart
Students are formed in their personal relationship with God through the Sacraments, Community and Personal Prayer, and the Retreat Program. Sacraments The school celebrates the Eucharist as a community on a monthly basis. All students are required to attend; reverence, respect, and participation are expected from all students. Additionally, the school typically has a Mass on Friday mornings before school during the academic year. The school offers a communal Penance service with a chance for individual confession at least once a year, usually during Advent or Lent. Students are encouraged to partake of the Sacrament of Reconciliation more frequently throughout the year in their own parishes. Bishop Gorman offers students a broad spectrum of liturgical participation opportunities. Students may assume responsibility for planning a Mass or serve as: • Lectors • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion • Ushers • Altar servers • Worship Choir members Community and Personal Prayer The Chapel is open to all for personal prayer and reflection. The Blessed Sacrament is present and a respectful attitude is expected from those entering the Chapel. The Chapel is typically open from 6:45am until 3:30pm for those who wish to pray. Students are encouraged to stop by the Chapel before school, during lunch, or after school to spend a few moments with the Lord. The Liturgy of the Hours is prayed before school for those who wish to pray in community. The Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto is also open to all for personal prayer and reflection. Those wishing to do so may light a candle for a particular prayer intention, pray the rosary, or simply sit and listen to the contemplative music while meditating or praying. The Grotto is open whenever the school is open, including evening events. A weekly Rosary will be held for those who wish to pray in community. Retreat Program The retreat program serves to provide a spiritual presence at Bishop Gorman through prayer and worship. Retreats Available: Day Long Retreats: Overnight Retreats: Freshman Retreat Quest – Freshmen and Sophomores Sophomore Retreat Kairos – Juniors and Seniors Junior Retreat Senior Retreat
Formation of the Hands
The letter of James clearly indicates that our faith must be lived and demonstrated: “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,’ but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:14-17) The hallmark of a caring community is service to one another. Bishop Gorman strongly emphasizes the Catholic commitment to outreach: • Matthew 25 Board – Overseen by students, Campus Minister/Administration to raise and allocate funds to aid families in financial distress. Students contribute to this fund through the weekly Mite Box collection. • Matthew’s Closet –On Thursdays, students work directly with homeless and families in need by distributing clothes and toiletries. 2
Because of the Gospel mandate to love and serve our neighbors, Bishop Gorman requires its students to participate in acts of service to the community. The following Christian Service requirements are for all students. 1. All students are required to complete 100 hours of Christian Service in order to graduate. A minimum of 25 hours per year is required. Students who are deficient in service hours may be denied re-enrollment for the following school year. Service hours earned that exceed the 25 per year count toward the 100 hour cumulative total. It is expected that all 100 service hours will be completed by the end of first semester of senior year. 2. All Christian Service hours must be approved by Campus Ministry in advance. Campus Ministry maintains a list of pre-approved opportunities/locations on the website. Students must sign in and sign out at these locations. 3. Students must engage in at least two different Christian Service experiences to accumulate their 100 hours. There is no longer a limit of 20 hours per experience. Bishop Gorman still expects all students to serve at Matthew’s Closet at least once during their four years.
Formation of the Mind
Students are formed in mental and academic pursuits of God through their Theology courses. Bishop Gorman requires all students to take Theology while they are enrolled at the school. The aim of Bishop Gorman Theology courses is to impart to every student the message of salvation through Jesus Christ who perfectly reveals to us the love and plan of God the Father. Our task is to deliver intact to each student the truths of the Catholic Faith that have been handed on to us. By our teaching we hope to develop student understanding of the Christian faith and bring it to maturity. The handing on of truths of the faith is a stage in the process of evangelization, so our goal is not only to bring clarity to student understanding of doctrine, but also to encourage an active life of faith. It is our conviction that we are teaching the person of Jesus Christ, with whom we are invited to share a relationship. Theology courses at Bishop Gorman should be regarded as fully academic and college preparatory. The statement of Saint Peter, “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you,” (1 Peter 3:15) requires both fervent prayer and scholarly study. The school has implemented the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) revised curriculum based upon the document “Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.” This new curriculum has been designed to be more explicitly Christocentric in its approach.
Chapter 3: Parents as Primary Educators “This responsibility applies chiefly to Christian parents who confide their children to the school. Having chosen it does not relieve them of a personal duty to give their children a Christian upbringing. They are bound to cooperate actively with the school – which means supporting the educational efforts of the school and utilizing the structures offered for parental involvement, in order to make certain that the school remains faithful to Christian principles of education.” The Catholic School, 73. As is evident in Scripture, Church teaching, and common sense, parents are an important, and in fact, irreplaceable component of a child’s successful education. The most successful students tend to be those whose parents are actively involved in their children’s education. Bishop Gorman expects the cooperation and assistance of the parents to provide the best possible educational experience for each student.
Commitments from Bishop Gorman to Parents – Parental Expectations Because parents are the primary educators of their children, they are entitled to certain rights. The school recognizes the following rights of parents and expectations they should have of Bishop Gorman. Bishop Gorman will: • Provide authentic and Catholic religious and spiritual formation for the students • Provide the best possible Catholic, college-preparatory education to each enrolled student • Provide guidance and counseling about the college admissions process and will provide assistance regarding collegiate financial aid where possible • Communicate with parents in a timely fashion if a student is experiencing academic challenges, personal difficulties, or serious disciplinary sanctions • Keep parents apprised of school happenings through G-Blasts, Sharing the Pride, Edline, the school website, the school Facebook page, and other forms of communication • Respond to parent emails/phone calls within one business day Commitments from Parents to Bishop Gorman – Parental Responsibilities In order for the school to function effectively and efficiently, parents are charged with the following responsibilities. Bishop Gorman expects the full cooperation of parents in all of these areas. Parents of Bishop Gorman students will: • Cooperate with and publicly support the school’s mission, vision, policies, and regulations • Support the moral, ethical, and spiritual formation of their child, which includes monitoring of behavior both in and out of school to ensure alignment with moral and legal principles • Assist in teaching their children professional behavior by supporting the policies of the school on attendance, punctuality, dress code, and work ethic • Actively participate in the educational process of their child by monitoring academic progress on Edline and communicating with teachers as necessary • Use the chain of responsibility (see below) when they have a concern that they would like to address • Keep current and updated all demographic and contact information with both the registrar and Edline • Submit all required forms and paperwork in a timely fashion • Pay tuition and any other financial obligations in a timely fashion • Participate in the school community by attending mandatory parent meetings, reading school publications, and attending school functions where possible Communication and Concerns Bishop Gorman High School encourages open and positive communication between the home and the school. From time to time, parents may have a concern regarding their student’s progress in an academic course or co-curricular activity. When this happens, parents are asked to address their concern to the appropriate person respecting the chain of responsibility
The Chain of Responsibility This is the expected procedure to address concerns. Student self-advocacy is an important skill that must be learned and practiced; therefore, it is always the first level of addressing a concern. Academic Concern
Disciplinary Concern Co-Curricular Concern
Athletic Concern
Student addresses concern with teacher
Student addresses concern with teacher
Student addresses concern with moderator
Student addresses concern with coach
Second Level Parent addresses concern
Parent addresses concern with teacher
Parent addresses concern with moderator
Parent addresses concern with coach
Third Level
Parent addresses concern with Department Chairperson
Parent addresses concern with Dean of Students
Parent addresses concern with Director of Student Activities
Parent addresses concern with Head Coach (where applicable)
Fourth Level
Parent addresses concern with Guidance Counselor
Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Student Services
Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Student Services
Parent addresses concern with Athletic Director
Fifth Level
Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Academics
Parent addresses concern with Principal
Parent addresses concern with Principal
Parent addresses concern with President
Sixth Level
Parent addresses concern with Principal
First Level
with teacher
Exception to the Chain of Responsibility: it is always appropriate to call any administrator when there is a concern regarding student safety, abuse, neglect, or any imminent threat to student or school safety. The audio or video recording of conversations either in person, by telephone, or by other electronic means by or among students, parents, teachers, or school administrators on school property or involving the use of school communication devices is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the school Administration.
Media Release
There are many opportunities and occasions before, during and after, our school year to photograph, videotape or otherwise capture students’ images and/or opinions, both inside and outside of our school. Bishop Gorman reserves the right to use such images in publications including, but not limited to, the school yearbook, newspapers, websites and promotional materials. Bishop Gorman may also provide such images to community newspapers, media contacts, etc. Parents must submit to the Administration, in writing, any objection to the use of their student’s image for such purposes.
Chapter 4: The Academic Program Admissions
All students are accepted into Bishop Gorman High School on a probationary status. Space is limited. Please submit application, documents and fees in a timely manner. Prospective parents and students are expected to be honest and forthright in their admission application, disclosing all relevant and pertinent information to the school. This includes information on any special needs or learning services received or expected. It also includes explaining any difficulties with the law requiring involvement in the Juvenile Court System. Withholding any relevant information may lead to immediate dismissal of the student. General Entrance Requirements for Freshmen Students 1. Completed application with nonrefundable application fee 2. 2.00 GPA or better in the previous school year 3. Stanine level of 4 or above on the placement exam or any national exam 5
4. Good disciplinary record and good attendance record; may not have been expelled or in the process of expulsion from their present school 5. Entering freshmen may be required to take a departmental exam to enter upper level courses Students who do not meet admissions requirements are referred to the Admissions Committee. They will be evaluated based upon a review of the student’s records and available space. Students taking the Placement Exams in December or January will be given first consideration for acceptance into 9th grade of the coming school year. The placement test is necessary for placement in Honors and Scholar level courses. Students accepted are prioritized by: 1. Catholic grade school graduates 2. Feeder school graduates 3. Families in which either the parents or siblings of the prospective student have been, or are, in attendance at Bishop Gorman. 4. Catholic families who participate in a parish and who have children in public schools. 5. Non-Catholic and non-active Catholic families with no previous connection to Bishop Gorman. General Entrance Requirements for Transfer Students Transfer students to Bishop Gorman will provide an official transcript from an accredited school or accredited home school of grades, health records and discipline reports from their present school. Entrance requirements for transferring students are the following: 1. 2.75 GPA in core subjects (English, Foreign Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, Theology if coming from a Catholic school) 2. Good disciplinary record and good attendance record 3. May not have been expelled or in the process of expulsion from their present school 4. Transfers from local high schools are not ordinarily admitted for the senior year. Students transferring from Catholic high schools outside of Las Vegas may be admitted as seniors. The application will be reviewed once all information is compiled and notification of status of admission is given shortly thereafter. Students who do not meet admissions requirements are referred to the Admissions Committee. They will be evaluated based upon a review of the student’s records and available space. Students who are expelled from Bishop Gorman High School or withdraw for disciplinary reasons may not be considered for re-acceptance to Bishop Gorman. General Entrance Requirements for International Students A high school student coming from another country, who wants to be accepted at Bishop Gorman High School, must provide the following information: • A notarized copy of the student’s current high school transcript, translated into English • A telephone number and website address for the high school in their country. • Information on the length of the classes (how many minutes in duration). • Information on how many times a week each class met. • The length of the school day, including the start time and the finish time. • The length of the school year. • A copy of the student’s immunization or health records. • A student must have a good understanding of English and the ability to speak the language. The Admissions Committee will make a determination as to whether or not an international candidate will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Tuition Assistance Information regarding tuition assistance is posted on the website at www.bishopgorman.org under the Admissions/Financial information tab. All families who feel they need assistance to afford the cost of education are strongly encouraged to apply. 6
Academic Program
A student’s registered status in a given school year does not automatically entitle one to continue as a student in subsequent years. Every school year implies mutual agreement to a new contract. At its discretion, the Administration may refuse to accept a student’s registration for the following year. Bishop Gorman challenges students to meet the demands of a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. All students, including seniors, must take 6 courses every semester during regular school hours. The Course Guide contains a detailed synopsis of all the courses in the curriculum. The Course Guide is published on the Bishop Gorman website and Edline. Graduation Requirements Seniors must meet all Bishop Gorman requirements in order to receive a diploma and final transcript. The following is a check list of obligations that every senior must fulfill. Seniors must: • Pass all courses necessary for graduation and not be credit deficient • Fulfill attendance requirements and disciplinary obligations • Return all library materials and sports equipment/uniforms • Pay all fines and tuition • Fulfill Service Hour requirements • Once enrolled, all core graduation requirements must be taken at Bishop Gorman High School unless prior approval is granted by the Assistant Principal for Academics. Required courses and number of credit hours for graduation follow below: Disciplines
College Prep Program (required credits)
Honors Program (required credits)
Scholars Program (required credits)
Social Studies
World Languages
Fine Arts
Physical Education
Total Credits
* 4 years of mathematics required for the millennium scholarship To graduate with an Honors Program Diploma, students must successfully complete 8 Honors, Scholars, and/or AP courses during their four years. To graduate with a Scholars Program Diploma, students must successfully complete 12 Honors, Scholars, and/or AP courses during their four years. Four of the 12 courses must be from the freshman and sophomore Scholar listed courses in the Course Guide. For more information and detail about the courses, please see the Bishop Gorman High School Course Guide. Students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA to graduate with an Honors or Scholars diploma. Beginning with the Class of 2015, students must have a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA to graduate with an Honors or Scholars diploma.
Transfer Students Required Credits for Graduation Along with the regular senior graduation requirements: • Transfer students are responsible for any credit deficiencies. • Transfer students must take 0.5 credits of Theology for every semester in attendance at Bishop Gorman. The transcripts of all transfer students will be evaluated on an individual basis. The GPA will be recalculated based upon BGHS course offerings and weightings. 7
Credit Requirements to Remain at Bishop Gorman Bishop Gorman is a college preparatory school with high academic expectations for our students. Students must remain on track for graduation in order to maintain enrollment. Students who fail a required course, including Theology, must make up that required course in the summer or have a “remediation plan” approved by both the Guidance Department and the Administration within two weeks of the end of the semester. All course failures must be made up at Bishop Gorman prior to returning for the fall semester. Students who do not have the following minimum number of earned credits as listed below may be denied re-enrollment for the fall semester. August of Sophomore Year
August of Junior Year
August of Senior Year
Summer Enrichment Program Students can select from a wide range of academic disciplines that challenge and stimulate academic curiosity while fulfilling graduation requirements. The Summer Enrichment Course Guide is published on the Bishop Gorman website and Edline at the end of February.
Grades and Grade Points Grade A+
Percentage 97-100
Awarded 4.0
Grade C+
Percentage 77-79
Awarded 2.0
Below 60
Incomplete Grades Incomplete grades (INC) must be made up within 10 school days after the end of the quarter (10 summer business days for the fourth quarter). Incomplete grades may revert to a grade of F after 10 days. Exceptions may be granted only by the Administration.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) Cumulative GPA is computed on all courses that receive high school credit toward graduation taken during the 8-12 grade levels. • GPA is computed only at the semester grading period. • Quarter grades are not computed in the cumulative GPA. • GPA is weighted by credit. • Honors courses receive an extra .125 points per year, and AP/ Scholars courses receive .25 points per year to determine the weighted GPA and class rank.
Honor Roll
Principal’s List First Honors Second Honors
4.0 weighted GPA 3.5 weighted GPA 3.0 weighted GPA
Valedictorian and Salutatorian The Valedictorian is the student with the highest weighted GPA (to the fourth decimal point) at the end of the 7th semester. The Salutatorian is the student with the second highest weighted GPA (to the fourth decimal point) at the end of the 7th semester.
The GPA calculation will include all courses with the exception of: • Weight Training • Any Physical Education • Office Aid • Class Assistants • Computer Applications/Microsoft Suite • Drivers Education • Principles of Leadership • Academic Seminar In the event of a GPA tie at the Valedictorian/Salutatorian level, a tiebreaking procedure will be progressively applied to determine a higher ranking candidate: • The highest number of AP courses taken through six semesters of high school. The student with the higher number of AP courses will be the ranking candidate. • If a tie still exists, the scores of the AP exams will be averaged through the six semesters. The student with the higher average will be the ranking candidate. • If a tie still exists, there will be co-Valedictorians (or possibly co-Salutatorians) The Valedictorian will give the Valedictory Address at Commencement. The Salutatorian will give the Salutatory Address during senior awards night. In the event of ties, the administration reserves the right to determine speaking responsibilities and privileges.
Edline Bishop Gorman has a paperless system of grade reporting. Each student and parent is given access to Edline. Parents can monitor their student’s weekly progress. Teachers update every Monday by 2:30 p.m. Edline is a vital communications link. The school regularly sends e-mails through Edline to keep parents and students up-to-date regarding school news. Parents and students are expected to immediately activate their accounts and provide an active e-mail address. Edline is a computer program that provides: • Assignments • Progress Reports • Attendance/Discipline Reports
• •
Up to Date Grades Report Cards
Semester Exams To prepare our students for the experience of final exams in college, Bishop Gorman requires that instructors give a comprehensive performance assessment at the end of each semester, most often a final exam. The instructor is required to provide for adequate preparation and review for this assessment. Students who are absent and miss the review are responsible for taking the assessment at the assigned time unless other arrangements are made with the administration. This assessment constitutes 20% of the student’s semester grade. Each quarter constitutes 40% of the student’s final semester grade.
Academic Honor Code It is expected that all Bishop Gorman students conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the philosophy of the Catholic Church. We encourage our students to meet their individual potential and, upon graduation, become citizens who incorporate high ethical standards and Christian values into their daily lives. Adherence to the Academic Honor Code promotes the level of academic integrity required within the school and assures that student work is judged fairly when evaluated against curricular standards. The Honor Code reminds students of their obligation to pursue honesty and academic integrity in the learning process. Violations of the Academic Honor Code may be reported on college application forms Students who violate the Academic Honor Code are also subject to disciplinary sanctions, including the possibility of dismissal from the school.
Academic Integrity Academic integrity is a fundamental value upon which education is built. Acts of academic dishonesty compromise these core values and undermine the process by which knowledge is created, shared and evaluated. Repeated offenses cast suspicion not only upon the integrity of individuals, but also damage the reputation of Bishop Gorman High School. 9
Academic dishonesty or cheating includes acts of plagiarism, forgery, fabrication or misrepresentation, such as the following: • claiming the work or thoughts of others as your own • copying the writing of others into your written work without appropriate attribution • writing papers for other students or allowing them to submit your work as their own • buying papers and turning them in as your own • having someone else write or create all or part of the content of your assignments • submitting the same paper for more than one class without explicit permission from the faculty members • making up or changing data for a research project • fabricating and/or altering documents and /or information • violating test taking procedures or test security • possession of a teacher edition of any school textbook or resource Note: Turnitin.com is a web-based plagiarism prevention system used for detecting plagiarized work in term papers and essays. It is currently in use by the faculty to ensure that students learn to use sources as educational tools appropriately while promoting adherence to the Academic Honor Code.
Mandatory Homework Session Bishop Gorman students are expected to complete their assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Students are not permitted to abuse late work policies or simply not complete the assigned work. As such, a teacher may assign a student to a Mandatory Homework Session, which occurs after school on the next school day (Monday-Thursday) and is a 45 minute session (2:00-2:45pm). Students who are assigned to the MHS will complete the missing assignment or alternatively, should they have completed the assignment in the interim, they will work on current homework assignments. Only an administrator may reschedule the MHS should a student have a legitimate conflict. Failure to appear for a Mandatory Homework Session is treated in a similar manner to skipping a class with the commensurate disciplinary response.
Academic Contract A student who receives 2 F’s or 1 F and 2 D’s in one semester will be placed on Academic Contract. This contract means that the student may not receive an F or D- the following semester. If the student fails to adhere to the contract, he/she may be dismissed from school.
Academic Dismissal Bishop Gorman has high academic standards and expectations for its students. Attending our school is a privilege, and any student who attends Bishop Gorman High School is expected to achieve academically based upon the student’s willingness to learn. A student may be academically dismissed from Bishop Gorman for poor academic performance if: • Student has failed to fulfill the conditions of an academic contract. • Student has accumulated 3 F’s in one semester. • Student has failed to earn the required total credits needed to move to the next grade level. Academic Dismissal occurs when a student is performing well below ability and shows no indication of improvement
Course Change Procedures Courses changes will be limited. All students speak with their counselors regarding course selections. Students then bring home a carbon copy of the selections for parent review and signature. The master schedule is built and teachers are hired based on the course selections of the student. Changes thereafter may not be possible. There will be no changes made for teacher preference.
Standardized Testing Program • The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered to all sophomores and juniors The PSAT/NMSQT is designed to identify academically talented eleventh-grade students as well as give them exposure to a test similar to the SAT. • We encourage all juniors and seniors to take either the SAT or the ACT twice. Juniors should take the exam in the spring of their junior year. The same students should take the exam again in the fall of their senior year. • The Nevada State Proficiency Exam (NSPE) is administered during Junior and Senior year, for as long as the state ties these score results to the Millennium Scholarship. • Advanced Placement (AP) Exams are administered in May.
Information Media & Educational Technology (IMET) Center Library: The Bishop Gorman IMET Center Library supports all aspects of the instructional goals of Bishop Gorman. The IMET Center houses books and provides access to electronic resources. The Library subscribes to more than 40 online databases for access to reference material, as well as magazine, journal and newspaper articles; students have access to this material wherever they are connected to the internet. The library catalog is also accessible online. Students may use the IMET Center before and after school, and during their lunch periods, for research and studying. Students may use the Center during class time when classroom objectives and activity warrant such use, with a valid library pass from the teacher. During the academic year, the operating hours for the IMET are from 7:00am to 3:30pm. Hours may be adjusted as necessary (e.g. extended hours prior to final exams).
IMET Policies The following policies are in place during ALL IMET Center Library hours, including students’ free or study periods, and before and after school hours: • All students must sign in when entering the IMET Center and sign out when leaving. • Students must be engaged in study, research, or school-related computer activity when in the IMET Center Library. • Use of personal electronic devices and accessories is limited to school-related use, and subject to approval by the Librarian. • Cell phone use is NEVER permitted in the Center. Phones must be turned off before and during the school day; phones must be set to vibrate or silent after school, and students must exit the library to use their phones. • Food and drink are not permitted in the Center. The IMET Center closes occasionally for special events and meetings. If possible, announcements will be made about such closures.
Use of Multimedia Presentations in Class: In principle and as a rule of procedure, it is against the policy of Bishop Gorman to use any presentation that contains or promotes profane language, violence, promiscuity or values which are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church and the values it embraces. Generally, only films rated PG and PG-13 will be shown and only with administrative approval. Only those films that have educational value within the approved curriculum will be acceptable for classroom use.
GAELS Period Bishop Gorman High School is committed to the meeting the needs of all of our students. In order to meet students where they are academically, it is vital that we have opportunities to meet on occasions outside of regularly scheduled instructional time. Too often, because of the demands of a comprehensive high school and the commitments of our students, we are not able to use before or after school time effectively. Therefore, we have developed the GAELS (God, Activities, and Enhanced Learning Sessions) Period that provides students and teachers extra opportunities to meet and extend their experiences beyond what they may have already received during the regular instructional time while still in school. The GAELS Period allows for remediation, intervention, enrichment, study time, makeup work, club and Campus Ministry meetings, and other school programs. 11
Chapter 5: Regulations for Student Conduct Attendance Policies
Bishop Gorman High School is required by the state of Nevada and the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC)/AdvancED to provide the appropriate number of instructional days. Students are expected to be present and punctual for assigned classes and all other required events. It is virtually impossible for the faculty to work with or give credit to students who are excessively absent.
Validating Absences Parent must notify Student Services for each day of absence via a phone call, email, or fax. Phone: (702) 476-4049 E-Mail: attendance@bishopgorman.org Fax: (702) 732-2856
General Absence Policies • • • • •
Students will be allowed to make up all class work missed during an excused absence. Students who are 18 years old are still required to have a parent verify all absences. If call/note/fax etc. is not received within 3 school days after the absence, the absence will be considered a truancy. Truancy is a non-validated (by parent) absence for all day or part of a day and it is subject to disciplinary action. Students will be allowed to make up class work assignments for full credit for most absences. One notable exception is that if students are truant, then the work will be scored at 80% of its actual earned value.
Tardiness Punctuality is an essential characteristic of a responsible person. Any student not in an assigned room when the bell rings to begin class is tardy. Students who are more than 5 minutes late to class will not be admitted without an admit slip. Students who are more than 5 minutes late to class will be counted as absent.
Part Day Absence and Effect of Absence on Co-Curricular Activities Please do not make appointments during school hours, such as: medical, dental, driving tests. Students on campus who leave for a class period or more are responsible for turning in assignments to their teacher before they leave for the day. Bishop Gorman High School has a closed campus. Students may not leave campus for any reason without approval from Student Services or the Nurse’s Office. Permits to leave campus are only given with a valid note from a parent - note must be turned in before school. Generally, phone calls will not be accepted as calls into the classroom disturb/undermine the teaching/learning environment. Students may not leave campus during school hours with persons other than parents/guardians or police officers with the proper warrants and with the permission of the Administration. Divorced or separated parents must file a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with Student Services. Bishop Gorman High School will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known. Students participating in co-curricular activities must: • Be present at the start of the school day / all day. • May not be absent from school or leave school due to illness. • May not be allowed to try out or audition on the day of an absence or the day of leaving school. • Exceptions to the above policy are: o Written medical appointment o Funeral o Court Appearance
Excessive Absence/Irregular Attendance Students who are absent from individual classes for more than ten (10) days in a given semester, even with a medical excuse, may lose credit for the classes missed. These ten days include excused absences and unexcused absences; however, school events (field trips, sports contests, etc.) do not count toward the accumulated absence total. 12
When credit is to be denied, the following procedures will be followed: • Student with an “F” in a class and 11 days of absence: The “F” is computed in the student’s GPA and posted on the transcript. • Student with a passing grade and 11 days of absence may receive a WA (withdrawn due to attendance) and will not be computed in the student’s GPA.
Denial of Credit Appeal When credit is to be denied to a student as a result of excessive absences, the student and parents may appeal by appearing before the Administration. The primary reason for granting an appeal is a student’s verifiable medical illness. Family emergencies or other situations are evaluated on an individual basis. The student’s parent must notify Student Services immediately of an extended illness or hospitalization. Factors that will contribute to the denial of the appeal are: • Student is considerably over the limit of 10 absences. • Student has made appeals previously. • Student is appealing truancies acquired during the semester. The school reserves the right to deny credit due to excessive absences/irregular attendance. Administrative decisions on credit appeals are final.
Planned Absences Parent must notify Student Services in writing at least two school days prior to a planned absence. The student will receive a form from Student Services to take to his/her teachers regarding this absence. Students must make up missed assignments.
Testing after Absences Excused absences for test/quiz: The student has as many days to make up the test/quiz as he/she had absences. Students absent for the period(s) and returning the same day must make arrangement with teacher on the same day to take test otherwise full credit may not be given. Students who are habitually absent on test days (defined as more than two times for any class) may receive an academic penalty for makeup exams in that class for the remainder of the semester.
Assignments after Absences • Daily homework assignments: The student has as many days to make up the assignments as he/she had absences. Failure to make up the work in that time frame will result in a lower grade. • Long-term assignments (2 or more weeks of notification) must be submitted on day of return from an absence. This includes planned absences (family vacations, school trips, retreats and field trips) as well as illnesses. • Students are expected to check Edline daily. Obtaining Assignments for Absences Students are encouraged to have contact information of at least two students in each of their classes. Class assignments are available on Edline.
Dress Code Policies
The appearance of Bishop Gorman students rests on the philosophy that as members of a Catholic School, students show respect for themselves and their school by being appropriately dressed. Bishop Gorman requires that all students dress appropriately while on campus and during all school sponsored activities and events. Attire should demonstrate that the student has a sense of personal dignity, modesty, and decorum. The administration reserves the right to make individual judgments as to the appropriateness of dress and grooming. Special note: Hooded sweatshirts (hoodies) are NEVER permitted during the school day, whether under dress code or “free dress” days. 13
Overall Appearance Expectations The overall appearance of students at Bishop Gorman should be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate for learning. The following are guidelines that must be observed: • Nothing in a student’s appearance will be permitted that is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. • Tattoos must be covered. • Men must shave all facial hair – sideburns length may not exceed earlobes. Men with facial hair must see nurse to shave and pay the fee or go home. $25.00 first offense; $50.00 second offense; $75.00 third and subsequent offenses. • No extreme hairstyles or extreme combination of contrasting colors as judged by the Administration. • No shaved heads – (no less than a #2 blade). • Haircuts may not have numerals/designs. • Men’s hair may be no longer than the top of the shirt collar and may not cover the eyebrows. Men’s hair not meeting dress code – student will be given a deadline to cut the hair – after deadline student will be sent home until hair is cut. • Only the ears may be pierced (piercing may not be larger than the diameter of a needle.) All body piercing jewelry will be confiscated by the Deans. Men may wear stud earrings only. • No excessive jewelry or ear piercings. • Backpacks or binders may not display liquor logos or obscene, vulgar, distasteful phrases or pictures. • Sunglasses may not be worn inside buildings. • Clothing that distracts the learning/teaching environment as judged by the Administration must be changed prior to the student resuming classes. • No caps, hats or head coverings are permitted. • Slacks may not be frayed, torn, ripped or altered.
General Dress Code Expectations The dress code is designed to reflect a business casual appearance. All clothing line items are to be purchased in the Campus Store. Daily attire consists of: • Dickies khaki slacks, knee-length shorts • Polo Shirts and zippered shirts (Men must tuck their shirts in) • All undershirts must be Bishop Gorman white, royal blue, orange or gray and must be tucked in. • All men must wear a belt and the belt must be visible at all times. Men without a belt must rent one from Student Services for $5.00 and return it at end of day. • Socks, knee socks must be solid colors – (no patterns) • Closed toe shoes with heel – boots are acceptable with slacks but not with shorts; slippers or flip flops are prohibited. • Jackets purchased in Campus Store may be worn during the day as well as Bishop Gorman approved full zip team jackets and Letterman Jackets in school colors only. • Other jackets may be worn to and from school but must be placed in the locker prior to the start of 1st period – and they may not be carried throughout the school day. • Bishop Gorman approved appropriately fitting sweatshirts sold in the Campus Store. NOTE: If a student is out of dress code, the student is required to change inappropriate clothing by getting it from home or purchasing it from the Campus Store. Repeated violations of the dress code will incur further disciplinary action.
Mass Uniform Expectations When students participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, the expectation changes and requires appropriate clothing to reflect the occasion. The Mass Uniform is also worn for special school occasions as determined by the Administration. The attire consists of: • White Oxford Shirt with Bishop Gorman logo • Royal Blue Vest with Bishop Gorman logo • Dickies Khaki slacks/shorts 14
Students not in Mass attire will be required to have parent bring proper dress attire or purchase missing components of attire from the Campus Store. Students who are unable to meet these requirements will be issued a detention.
Spirit Friday Dress Code Expectations Unless explicitly stated by the administration to the contrary, all Fridays during the academic year are designated as Spirit Fridays that permit a relaxed dress code. The attire consists of: • T- shirts in Bishop Gorman white, royal blue, orange and gray with the Bishop Gorman logo - no other colors are acceptable. • Bishop Gorman sport/club/organization jackets, fleeces and parkas may be worn but only in the school colors of white, royal blue, orange or gray. • Dress code slacks/shorts must be worn. • Only Bishop Gorman approved appropriately fitting sweatshirts sold in the Campus Store may be worn. • Students participating in a Friday game or extracurricular activity may wear their team jerseys or shirts on that Friday.
Co-curricular Dress-up Expectations All students must have permission from the coach/moderator and Administration to participate in the co-curricular dress up days. This means that students should look better than the normal dress code. At no time are any sweatshirts, hoodies, or anything made out of sweatshirt material or denim allowed. The attire consists of: • Men: Dress shirts and ties are a must. Men should wear dress pants and shoes. • Women: Any choice of dress slacks, blouses, and/or skirts may be worn provided that they are modest as determined by the Administration. For safety reasons, shoes must be closed toe, closed heel, flat shoes. High heels are not permitted.
Spirit Weeks and “Free Dress” Day Expectations On occasion, special dress days are permitted. Dress is according to the themes dictated by the special day or week. During Spirit Weeks, students are required to wear the appropriate themed attire; students who choose not to participate in the theme are expected to wear their regular dress code attire. There may also be “free dress” days determined by the administration. In all cases, students are expected to be neat and well-groomed, following the standards of safety, modesty, and good taste. Specific requirements: • No sleeveless attire or spaghetti straps • Slacks may not be frayed, baggy, or made out of spandex • Pajama bottoms may not be substituted for slacks • Slacks may not be form fitting, including but not limited to yoga pants and “jeggings” • No bare midriffs • Jewelry must be neat and not excessive • Shoes with closed heel and toe (no slippers) • Tattoos must not be visible • Hair color/length, etc., must meet daily dress code requirements • Men must be clean shaven • No caps, hats or head coverings are permitted
Student Regulations and Discipline Responses
Students at Bishop Gorman are expected to adhere to the Roman Catholic principles of moral conduct whether in school or in the community. The following section details a list of student infractions as well as consequences for failure to adhere to the expectations of the school. However, any violation of these infractions is taken in context, and disciplinary action can range from a warning to dismissal at the discretion of the Administration. Disciplinary action may vary at times due to a previous negative disciplinary report or other mitigating circumstances. Bishop Gorman High School has a concern with students who engage in behavior which is in opposition to our Catholic philosophy and moral standards. Engaging in such behavior on or off campus, school-sanctioned events, or non-school events may result in a disciplinary sanction up to dismissal from the school. Action that occurs on or off campus that brings scandal to the school may result in a disciplinary sanction up to dismissal from the school. Such incidents will be dealt with on an individual basis as discerned by the Administration. 15
SERIOUS INFRACTIONS: Serious infractions are those offenses that affect the good order of Bishop Gorman High School that warrant an immediate action, resulting in Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Contract, Suspension or Dismissal. This includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Possession / knowledge / of weapon or facsimile and/or accessories on campus or at a school event 2. Gang membership / gang-like activity / criminal activity 3. Violation of State or Federal laws 4. Insubordination, verbal or physical abuse towards a Bishop Gorman faculty/staff member/volunteer 5. Possession, use, or distribution of drugs/alcohol or any substance represented to be a drug / drug paraphernalia on campus or at a school event or off campus on a school sponsored trip. The Metropolitan Police Department will be consulted (see page 21). 6. Physical assault / battery or threat of endangerment of another student/faculty/staff/volunteer 7. Theft - Factors considered include: collusion, planning and forethought, selling the item for personal gain, entering and stealing from the locker rooms and restrooms where video surveillance is not allowed. Consideration will also be given to the value of the stolen item and the truthfulness regarding the incident. 8. Trespassing 9. Vandalism 10. Knowledge, possession, setting off / planting or ignition of bombs / fused devices or incendiary devices such as fireworks, stink bombs, etc. 11. Initiating a food fight and/or causing its continuance 12. Conduct and/or inappropriate materials, whether inside or outside school, that is in violation of the philosophy and standards of Bishop Gorman High School 13. Fighting 14. Hate Crime 15. Disrespect for Academic Integrity 16. Truancy 17. Harassment / Bullying: Conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment is prohibited. a. Harassment can be either electronic, verbal, visual, physical or sexual. The use of social media to engage in harassment/bullying, whether on or off campus is a serious offense. b. Harassment is considered from the point of view of the recipient of the unwanted attention 18. Sexual Misconduct: Any sexual behavior that contradicts the teachings of the Catholic Church is prohibited and in some instances it may be against the State/Federal laws. Examples are as follows: a. Sexting – Sexting is the sending/receiving of unsuitable text/pictures with explicit sexual language/pictures. All electronic devices that contain inappropriate subject matter will be confiscated by the Administration and parents will be notified. b. Bathrooms and Locker rooms – Bathrooms and locker rooms are gender specific designated areas. Students may not enter in the opposite sex bathroom/locker rooms. OTHER INFRACTIONS:
Gum Policy Gum is banned due to the destruction it causes on campus. Gum removal takes many hours and is damaging to desks, floors and sidewalks. The following is a schedule of fines which will be collected from students who violate the “No Gum” rule. • 1st violation $10.00 • 3rd violation $50.00 • 2nd violation $20.00 • 4th violation $100.00 • 5th violation $200.00
Tardy Policy
Students under 5 minutes late to any class are considered tardy. An accumulation of five unexcused tardies to any combination of classes is a set that results in the following actions:
• First set – Referral • Second set – One hour detention and Dean’s phone call to the parent • Third set – One hour detention • Fourth – Two hour detention and phone call to the parent • Fifth set – Saturday School and meeting with the Assistant Principal of Student Services Note: The cumulative tardy count resets at the beginning of each semester; furthermore, referrals for tardies do not contribute to the overall referral count listed below. On occasion, there is a need to remind students of the necessity of punctuality. After the bell rings, the faculty locks all classroom doors. Students who are tardy during a tardy sweep will receive a one hour detention.
Public Displays of Affection Policy Public displays of affection (PDA) are not appropriate for the school’s teaching / learning environment. Such gestures include, but are not limited to, holding hands, kissing, and inappropriate touching. Students engaged in PDA may receive a range of consequences including but not limited to warning, parent contact, or Disciplinary referral.
Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices Students are permitted to use cell phones and other electronic devices before and after school, provided there is nothing illegal or immoral in the context of use. During the school day, students are only permitted to use cell phones and other electronic devices for educational or study purposes with the permission of and under the supervision of the teacher or Administration. During the school day, cell phones must be off unless in use as described above. No cell phones or electronic devices may be used in locker rooms, dressing rooms, or restrooms. Any use of cell phones or electronic devices that is in violation of the above policies or in violation of the technology Acceptable Use Policy is subject to the device(s) being confiscated and the following fines: • 1st Violation – $50.00 fine • 2nd Violation – $100.00 fine • 3rd Violation – $200.00 fine, student must leave the cell phone or electronic device in Student Services in the morning and get it after school for the duration of the school year At the end of the school day parent will be contacted prior to returning the cell phone or electronic device. The use of cell phones or other electronic devices to create hotspots, internet connections, or networks not managed by BGHS is strictly prohibited on campus.
Driving and Parking Policies Bishop Gorman is concerned for the safety of our students. Speeding, exhibition of power, reckless driving, distracted driving, and failing to yield to pedestrian traffic are not acceptable. Students violating and endangering others by the infractions will be assessed the following fines: • 1st Violation – $50.00 fine • 3rd Violation – $100.00 fine • 2nd Violation – $75.00 fine • 4th Violation – Will result in loss of parking privileges Students must obtain a parking information form during the first week of school. The form must be filled out and returned to Student Services prior to receiving a parking space on a first come, first serve basis. Students will receive one decal for their designated parking space and must park only in that space. The decal should be placed in the lower left corner of the windshield (driver’s side). Bishop Gorman enforces a closed campus policy. This applies to students and their vehicles. Vehicles must be parked on campus in their assigned parking space. We believe this policy protects the students as well as their vehicles. Violation of this policy will result in the following: • 1st Violation $25.00 fine • 3rd and all subsequent violations $100.00 fine • 2nd Violation $50.00 fine 17
Students are prohibited from parking off-campus, including adjacent neighborhoods. Students who choose to park off campus are subject to the fines above. Trading spaces between students will not be allowed. Any parking spaces that are not used on a regular basis, as determined by the administration, may be re-claimed by the school and assigned to another student. Vehicles parked on campus in violation of the policies may be towed at the owner’s expenses. NOTE: If there is reasonable suspicion that a vehicle driven by a Bishop Gorman student might contain materials that may endanger the safety of the school (weapons, facsimiles, drugs etc.), the vehicle will be searched in the presence of the student whenever possible and all of the above mentioned materials will be confiscated and turned over to Metropolitan Police Department when warranted. DISCIPLINARY RESPONSE
• Referral – a written statement of an infraction of school policy that is submitted to a Dean for action. • Disciplinary Fine – a monetary consequence for violation of school policy. All fines incurred for infractions must be paid/satisfied each semester. • Detention – a disciplinary action for inappropriate or habitual behavior. A detention may be one, two or four hours. All detentions are mandatory. Detentions must be served on the next scheduled detention day. If the student misses the detention, the student is not allowed to practice or participate in games/clubs/organizations until the detention has been served. A detention has priority over other activities, rehearsals, and practices. At the discretion of the Administration, students may be assigned a task such as cleaning the lunch room, scraping gum from beneath tables etc. During detention students must: o Be seated at desk at the given time o Be in dress code o Not bring anything in to the detention – reading material will be available and provided during detention o Not sleep, talk or disrupt the detention through unwarranted behavior o Not leave campus during breaks • Saturday School - a Saturday school is a four hour detention. o Saturday school is from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. o A student must pay a $25.00 fee to Student Services o Missing a four-hour Saturday school results in a day of In-School Suspension, however the student is still responsible for the $25.00 fee. • Peace Contract – a written agreement between students in conflict which identifies inappropriate behavior and by which students must agree to certain condition/actions, which rectify the behavior. A copy of the Peace Contract is sent to the parents which must be signed and returned to the Administration. • In-School Suspension (ISS) – is a corrective measure for inappropriate behavior that was not altered by previous disciplinary measures. In some instances a Serious Infraction may require the removal of the student from the student population for a designated time. For in-school suspension a student must: o Arrive in Student Services 30 minutes prior to start of school. o Be in dress code and have books and all materials necessary to do class work/homework for the entire day – failure to do school related work will incur additional discipline. o Not leave the in-house area for any reason without permission. o Be responsible for all assignments for the next school day. o Bring own lunch. o Give cell phone to Dean. o Students may not participate in/attend athletic events, school-sponsored or co-curricular activities on the day of the suspension. o Student must remain in Student Services for 30 minutes after the conclusion of the school day. • Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) – is the loss of the privilege of attending Bishop Gorman for a period of time of one day to five days depending on the severity of the infraction as discerned by the Administration. 18
Students are expected to complete all work and assignments that are due during the term of the suspension; however, the grade will be recorded at 80% of the actual earned grade. o Students on suspension may not participate in/attend athletic events, school sponsored or co-curricular activities for the days of suspension. o Students who are suspended and a parent must meet with a member of the Administration prior to being reinstated. • Discipline Board – a review panel that consists of the Principal, the two Assistant Principals, and two other administrative personnel (usually Deans). This board is convened to review all the situations that may result in dismissal. The student and his/her parent or guardian may appear before the Board to plead the case to remain at Bishop Gorman. All decisions of the Discipline Board are final and may not be appealed. • Dismissal – A student who does not live up to the standards of Bishop Gorman may be expelled from the school. A student who is expelled or has withdrawn from Bishop Gorman due to disciplinary infractions is barred from attendance at activities on campus as well as to home athletic events. The student may be noted as “trespassed,” in accordance with the policy of the Metropolitan Police Department.
Levels of Disciplinary Response The following levels of disciplinary response are to be considered normal response procedures. However, any violation of school rules and regulations is taken in context; disciplinary response can range from a warning to dismissal at the discretion of the Administration.
Level 1 Disciplinary Response The first level of disciplinary action is given for minor infractions that impede the educational process or the social order of our community. Students are expected to model proper behavior within the academic, social, and spiritual environment. Infractions range from violating the dress code policy to leaving class without permission. Corrective action - May result in a referral with warning, a one hour detention, or a disciplinary measure that corresponds to the infraction for inappropriate behavior.
Level 2 Disciplinary Response The second level of disciplinary action is given for inappropriate or habitual behavior that has previously resulted in a referral, a more serious first offense, or an accumulation of four referrals. Level 2 Response also includes Serious Infractions that are deemed less tolerable because they infringe on the rights of others. Infractions range from inappropriate classroom behavior to disrespect toward faculty/staff. Corrective action - A two hour detention.
Level 3 Disciplinary Response – Disciplinary Probation: Disciplinary Probation is the result of an accumulation of eight referrals or a single Serious Infraction. Included are Serious Infractions that violate the moral and ethical laws that govern good order and academic integrity. Infractions range from violation of the Academic Honor Code, fighting, or altering documents (including electronic documents and records). Corrective action • Student remains on Disciplinary Probation for 9 weeks after the infraction(s). • Student must attend a scheduled four hour Saturday School and pay $25.00. • When the 9 weeks of Disciplinary Probation ends during the school year, the student is removed from probation. However, all referrals accrued beyond Disciplinary Probation are retained. • Students on Disciplinary Probation at the conclusion of the second semester may be removed from probation in order to grant a fresh start for the new school year.
Level 4 Disciplinary Response – Disciplinary Contract Disciplinary Contract is the result of an accumulation of twelve referrals, a second Serious Infraction that merits Disciplinary Probation, or a Serious Infraction that is deemed so severe and/or premeditated that the first infraction merits serious and immediate consequences. Examples of such first infractions are violation of a Peace Contract, theft or vandalism. Corrective action • Depending upon the nature of the offense(s), the student must attend Saturday School and pay $25.00. OR serve In-School Suspension OR serve Out-of-School Suspension. 19
• Student remains on Disciplinary Contract for 18 weeks after the infraction(s). • In the event of a major violation that places the student on contract status, the dean contacts the parents. The parents and student must sign a contract and return it to Student Services • When the Disciplinary Contract ends during school year, the student is removed from status. However, all referrals accrued beyond Disciplinary Contract are retained. • Students on Disciplinary Contract at the conclusion of the second semester will not be removed over the summer. It will continue into the following school year, if applicable. The 18 week term must be fulfilled during the academic year only; Summer Enrichment does not fulfill these requirements. Additional Consequences for Being on Disciplinary Contract: • The student will not be allowed to run, be elected or remain in office, nor be a candidate for school honor. The student may not run for or participate in Homecoming Court or Prom Court. • Students involved in athletics, clubs or organizations must advise coach/moderator of the Disciplinary Contract. • Failure to live up to the specific terms of the contract may lead to suspension or the dismissal of the student from Bishop Gorman. • Students on Disciplinary Contract may have their financial aid revoked.
Level 5 Disciplinary Response – Discipline Board The Discipline Board is convened when a student faces the possibility of dismissal from the school. Students who accumulate sixteen referrals during an academic year, who further impede the learning process or violate the social/ spiritual order of Bishop Gorman while on Disciplinary Contract, who violate the terms of the Drug Policy, who commit such an egregious offense as to threaten the safety and well-being of the school community, or who commit such an egregious offense as to destroy the trust between the student and the school will face the Discipline Board. Corrective action • When it is determined that a Discipline Board hearing will be convened, the student will be suspended (OSS) through the complete day of the hearing. • The Discipline Board will review the complete performance of the student at Bishop Gorman. The family will appear before the board. The student will answer the questions of the Board. Parents may also comment and make statements. • The Discipline Board will reach a conclusion as to the final disciplinary response. Responses could include, but are not limited to, additional suspension, contractual obligations to remain at the school, counseling, professional support, or dismissal from the school. • As mentioned previously, all decisions of the Discipline Board are final and may not be appealed.
Privacy and Searches
No one has a right of privacy in lockers, bags, backpacks, computers, or in any property belonging to the Bishop Gorman High School/Diocese of Las Vegas, or that is brought onto the property of Bishop Gorman High School/Diocese of Las Vegas or at any Diocesan event. Property belonging to Bishop Gorman High School/The Diocese of Las Vegas includes, but is not limited to: lockers, desks, storage areas, computers, networks, and/or other work and educational space. Personal property brought onto the Diocesan/Bishop Gorman High School premises, includes, but is not limited to: backpacks, purses, bags, computers, iPods, iPads, tablets, game-boys, cellular telephones, other electronic devices, and vehicles. Bishop Gorman High School/The Diocese of Las Vegas reserves the right to search any and all such property at any time, without warning, to ensure compliance with our policies, including, without limitation, policies on safety, theft, drug and alcohol use/possession, etc. Accordingly, no student or other person on the Bishop Gorman High School/Diocese of Las Vegas premises should have an expectation of privacy while on Bishop Gorman High School/Diocesan property or while attending a school event at another location. Failure to cooperate in searches or inspection may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Bishop Gorman adamantly opposes the possession, use, abuse, sharing, distribution and sale of drugs/alcohol or any substance represented to be a drug (legal or illegal), drug paraphernalia or alcohol by students. The main goal of Bishop Gorman drug/alcohol screening program is to ensure that the school is a safe learning environment. Without announcing the dates in advance, a Metropolitan Police K-9 (dog) Unit may arrive and search the campus for drugs and firearms. Spot checks by the dogs may include but are not limited to: classrooms, backpacks, lockers, hallways and, if necessary, cars.
Student Seeking Assistance for Drug/Alcohol Abuse Before Detection It is the student’s responsibility to seek help for drug/alcohol-related problems and to assist other students to do the same. Any student (or any person on behalf of a student) who seeks assistance for, or who acknowledges a drug/alcohol problem to a school official prior to detection or before being randomly selected for testing, will not be dismissed from Bishop Gorman, but the student and parents must agree to the consequences imposed by the Administration. However, this problem cannot be used as an excuse for future infractions.
Random/Behavior – Drug/Alcohol Test During the school year, students will be screened for drug/alcohol use when warranted by behavior or knowledge of drug use is communicated to faculty/staff/administration as well as on a random basis, through a computer program designed for random selection. The collection process uses urine and/or hair samples. • Test will be done on site. • Student must take the test as prescribed by the collection agency. • Failure to comply with any portion of the test will result in suspension and a mandatory appearance before the Administration. • Student who has been tested is returned to the collective pool for further random selection, or when warranted by the Administration. • A student whose name has been called for the random drug test must be tested at that time and may not claim to have a drug/alcohol problem in order not to incur Disciplinary Status. NOTE: If an additional drug/alcohol test is required, the parents will assume the cost of the test. Any student in possession of any substance that will falsify the results of a Drug/Alcohol test may be immediately dismissed from Bishop Gorman High School. Any student who produces a sample that does not register at the appropriate temperature, as determined by the lab technician, will have one opportunity to immediately produce an additional sample for testing.
Consequences for Positive Test Results The following consequences will occur if a student tests positively: • Parents are notified with test results.
• Student is suspended pending a Discipline Board Hearing.
In the case of a positive drug test, we have no way of determining whether such activity occurred on campus (absent the discovery of the substance itself) or when the activity may have occurred. As a result, a report to the authorities would not be made in this instance (other than to the NIAA or other regulatory bodies as is required within the educational community.
Illegal Possesion, Use, Sale or Delivery State and federal law prohibit the possession, use, sale or delivery of alcohol to persons under 21 or of controlled substances to persons of any age, without a prescription. The school will consult law enforcement agencies when an alcoholic or controlled substance violation occurs on campus or comes to the attention of the school on school property or at a school event. In cases where sale or possession is verified, school administrators follow these procedures: • Confiscate all physical evidence obtained as a result of the investigation by sealing the evidence in a container bearing the date and the time of confiscation, the name of the student from whom it was confiscated, as well as the signature of the person(s) who confiscated it. • Consult with police. The degree of involvement by the police will be determined in each case by those authorities. If a student involved does not have a history of substance abuse or significant delinquent behavior, the police may determine that no further involvement by a law enforcement agency is necessary. 21
Tobacco The possession or use of tobacco products is prohibited at school and at school sponsored events.
Chapter 6: Student Support Services Student Support Team
The Student Support Team (SST) is comprised of administrative, disciplinary, guidance, wellness and ministerial personnel who meet every two weeks to discuss issues that impact student learning and participation in the Bishop Gorman community. Serving as a vehicle of communication, advocacy, and action, the SST develops intervention plans to help individual students succeed in school while working through the various challenges that emerge in the life of an adolescent. Parents or students who have any concerns may report them to any member of the SST, and the topic will be brought to the group for consideration.
Campus Ministry
The Office of Campus Ministry serves to support the spiritual formation of the students, faculty, staff, and parents. Students may speak with a Campus Minister to discuss spiritual matters or to request spiritual support. However, the Campus Ministers are not counselors, and will make referrals for any situation that requires more professional support and intervention to the guidance counselors or the wellness counselor.
Guidance and Counseling
The Guidance and Counseling Department works to assist students with their academic success at Bishop Gorman. Counselors are tasked to ensure that each student is achieving at expected levels and is enrolled in the most appropriate coursework possible. Furthermore, the department assists with the college planning and application process to ensure that education will continue beyond high school. The Guidance Counselors are not personal counselors. Serious student issues, family problems, or psychological issues will be referred to the school’s wellness counselor, who may also refer the student for outside professional assistance. In order to ensure accurate and full reporting to colleges and testing services, communications, whether electronic, written, or verbal between guidance personnel, the wellness counselor, the learning specialists, teachers, and school officials and colleges/universities and testing services is confidential and not subject to student or parent review.
Bishop Gorman Teen Help Line: 702-476-4055
All calls are confidential. In an emergency situation, call 911. The Help Line is for anyone who needs assistance in a nonemergency situation. Students and/or parents may leave a confidential voice message expressing fears or concerns for personal safety or for those on campus. Messages are monitored during school hours. Messages can be left during the weekends with the understanding that the message will be received and reviewed only when school is in session. The Help Line is not in operation during the summer, nor on holidays. Be sure to call if: • • • • • •
You are a concerned parent. Information that you have might in some way help another. You have heard rumors that concern you. Safety of our students is at risk. Drug use is suspected. Weapons are available or frequently mentioned in the context of harming another person.
The Learning Center
The Learning Center was created in response to a growing need to extend additional educational and support services to students with diagnosed learning disabilities and attention problems. The program is unique in that services are offered in a rigorous college preparatory setting, whereby students with learning difficulties are competing and succeeding with their non-learning disabled peers. 22
The Learning Center offers an adaptive, comfortable learning environment for individual/small group instruction, test taking, and quiet study. It also provides professional development for Bishop Gorman faculty and information for parents. In addition to support services for students formally enrolled in the program, the Learning Center administers and oversees special accommodations such as extended time tests, and makes recommendations relating to special needs and special services for all Bishop Gorman students.
Eligibility Services and classes available through the Learning Center will be extended only to students formally diagnosed with a learning difference and currently enrolled in the Learning Center program. In order to enroll in the Learning Center, an application should be completed with an attached documentation of the student’s learning problems. Enrollment in the Learning Center is limited. Documentation consists of a written report of assessment by a qualified licensed clinician/psychologist. The assessment should be two years current, and must specifically demonstrate the presence of a learning issue. This evaluation is the cornerstone to an effective plan of supportive education for the students as well as the operation of a focused, successful program.
Health Services
Health Services is staffed by a licensed nurse who evaluates students’ medical complaints as well as: • Keeps a daily account of student visits to Health Services • Contacts parents of student with frequent need of a nurse’s attention • Provides hygiene products for emergency use only • Provides visual and audiometer testing for all sophomores • Provides medication permission forms • Provides health literature and information Health Services is open during school hours. Students who do not feel well can obtain a pass from a teacher and go to Health Services. The student is marked absent for that period if he/she stays in Health Services for longer than 5 minutes. In the event that the student needs to be sent home, the nurse will call the parent or the emergency contact person.
Requirements for Parents • Complete Health Inventory Card. • Provide immunization record. Any updated current immunizations must be reported to the Health Office. Parents who exercise a religious right to not immunize must inform health services in writing of this decision. • Notify nurse regarding serious illnesses, accidents or changes in health status of students. • Failure to have updated information submitted in a timely fashion may result in disciplinary sanctions
Medication Policy Students must bring all medication (over-the-counter and prescription) to the School Nurse and the following conditions must be met: • Parent has signed student’s health card indicating permission to take the medication at school. • All medication is kept in its original labeled container. • Parent has read the Diocesan Liability Waiver (see below) regarding the administering of medication.
Medication Administered by School Personnel For any over-the-counter or prescription medications to be administered by the school nurse or school personnel, there must be a signed by parent Authorization Form on file in Health Services. • Medical Injection Release and Waiver Form – In the event that a student needs medicine that must be injected, the form from the Diocese must be signed by a parent. • The Medical Injection Release and Waiver Form is located in Health Services
Allergies Some students may have severe, life threatening allergies, such as a peanut allergy. While the school will make reasonable efforts to prevent or minimize an allergic student’s contact with allergens, the school cannot promise an allergy-free environment. A Food Allergy Management Plan should be on file for every student with food allergies. This document outlines recommended treatment in case of an allergic reaction, includes emergency contact numbers and is signed by the student’s physician. 23
Because of the risk of students sharing medications, students may not carry medication of any kind to be self-administered at school. However, if a student is at serious risk without an immediate dose of medication, such as epinephrine, consideration will be given for a variance of this policy so the student may carry such life-saving medication on their person at all times. The parent or guardian must sign the Consent/Release Forms and other appropriate medication permission forms and return them to the school. Additional information from the student’s health care provider may be necessary. Students affected with such allergies may be required to demonstrate (to the school nurse) their own ability to not only detect the onset of an event, but the ability to self-administer medication.
Injury and Transportation Policy In the event of an injury / illness that needs immediate medical attention, this procedure is followed: • Call to 911 • Parents are notified by phone. If parents are not available, a decision by emergency personnel prevails. • Student is transported to the nearest medical facility accompanied by a member of the faculty / staff or Administration.
Student Pregnancy If a student becomes pregnant while attending Bishop Gorman, our policy is to encourage her to continue with the pregnancy, and to complete her course of studies. The following are notified in accordance with this policy: the Administration, student’s counselor and Health Services. The student, her parents, the Administration, the Guidance Counselor, and the Wellness Counselor will work out an academic plan for the student to follow during her pregnancy and after her baby is born. For the safety and well-being of the pregnant student, she may not remain on campus during the third trimester. The educational plan will include a program administered by Bishop Gorman, or administered by the Clark County School District Homebound Division.
Child Abuse/Neglect According to Nevada State Law, Bishop Gorman is required to notify the proper authorities if any case of child abuse and/or neglect is suspected. Parents will not be notified of this action.
Legal Issues – Rights of Parents to Access Information about Their Student Unless altered by the court, both parents have rights. Parents are required to furnish Bishop Gorman with a court-certified copy of the custody section of the separation agreement or divorce decree. In the absence of any of the above, the Administration assumes that both parents have custodial rights. A parent who wants the other parent to have no contact with the student must have a court-certified document stating that the other parent is not to be given access to the student and information concerning the student. The Buckley Amendment states that the non-custodial parent has access to information concerning the academic performance of their children. Unless a court has ruled otherwise, non-custodial parents have the right to copies of their students’ academic records, although addresses and other identifying information can be excluded.
FERPA / HIPAA The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act give parents certain rights with respect to their student’s educational and health records. Records are released in accordance with these policies.
Chapter 7: Guidelines for Acceptable Technology Use Students are informed of their rights and responsibilities by reading this Acceptable Use Policy prior to gaining access to computer networks or websites, or using technology, either as individual users or as members of a class or group. Students are responsible for proper conduct on the school’s computer networks; when using computers and equipment, including personal devices; and when using network and online information resources.
Due to continuous advancements in technology, additional restrictions and use guidelines may be instituted at any time and throughout the school year. If it becomes necessary to amend the Acceptable Use Policy, parents and students will be notified of the amendments via normal communication channels, such as Edline. Any amendment instituted will also be visibly posted in the IMET Center Library and on the school’s web site. Bishop Gorman students agree to abide by the rules and regulations listed regarding the use of computer networks, computers and equipment—including personal devices brought on campus—and access to Internet resources. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal from school, and the loss of the privilege of using computers, and other equipment or technology services, and/or accessing the Internet at Bishop Gorman.
Specific Policies Parents and students must be aware of the following:
Use of Technology as a Privilege • Access to computer labs/library labs and computer network information is a privilege, not a right, and is available to all students provided they comply with the rules and regulations established in this policy. • Bishop Gorman will deny technology and/or Internet access to students who use resources inappropriately or violate any local, state or federal laws or ordinances.
Legal/Ethical Considerations • Students must respect and adhere to the laws of the United States of America, concerning copyrighted material; threatening, violent or harassing material; obscene material; and material protected by trademark or trade secret. • Students must adhere to ethical and responsible behavior when using computer network information resources. • Students must adhere to Catholic principles when using technology.
No Expectation of Privacy/Search Protocols • All electronic devices brought on campus may be subject to search • The school maintains the right to monitor student use of all technology on campus, including personal devices. • Files stored by users on the school’s file servers are not private; system operators and administrators may review users’ files to maintain system integrity in accordance with this Acceptable Use Policy.
Networks/Wireless Internet/Filtering • The setup and use of personal internet cellular connections (“tethering”), personal cellular data connections (e.g. “3G” and “4G”), and peer-to-peer networks is strictly prohibited on campus. • Students will not attempt to circumvent the school’s security and filtering systems. • Students may not use the network in a way that hampers its use by others. • Students will not partake in video/audio streaming of any kind without specific permission from the school’s administration. • Students will not use the school’s network, computers, or their own devices to play any electronic games unless such game playing has educational purpose, and is specifically approved and directed by the supervising faculty member.
Appropriate School Use • Student use of school and personal computers, laptops, devices, printers, and all other equipment and related services is limited to school-related activities. Any use other than that related to, or designated by, the school is prohibited and enforced by the guidelines of the parent student handbook.
Email and Social Networking • •
Student use of e-mail at school is limited to school-related matters only and must be approved by school personnel. Instant messaging is prohibited. 25
Access to any blog (“web log”), forum, or “social network” web site of any kind is restricted to school-related use only, as approved by school personnel. “Social network” web sites include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, MySpace, Xanga, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
Problems/Issues With Technology • Students must report any problems with technology, computer networks, computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment or electronic resource immediately upon becoming aware of it to the IT staff or supervising faculty member • Students will not take apart or remove any school computer, laptop, device, or any other equipment without specific permission from the administration and IT staff, or their designated representative. • Students will not attempt to troubleshoot, reboot, or shut down school computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment without specific permission from the IT staff or the supervising faculty member.
Security • Students may not use others’ computer accounts or passwords under any circumstances. A student may not allow any other student to use his/her account or password under any circumstances. • Students may not impersonate another’s identity on the school’s computer networks, virtual networks, electronic resources, or websites. • Students will not make any changes to settings, programs, applications, or files on school computers, laptops, or equipment without consent of the supervising faculty member or IT personnel.
Damage/Disclaimers/Release of Liability for Inappropriate Use • Students or parents will reimburse the school or other individuals for any damage to school or other individuals’ computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment that occurs as a result of malicious or negligent actions. The school or its designee will carry out the necessary repair or replacement of equipment in such situations. • Students are responsible for improper care and handling of, or damage to, hardware, software, peripherals, or networks. Students will be liable for the cost of replacement or repair and will lose access privileges. • The IT personnel and/or administration have the authority to override a supervising faculty member if network integrity could be impaired or compromised by any action. • Access to resources that have not been reviewed and evaluated may be restricted or prohibited. • Content of online databases to which Bishop Gorman subscribes is determined and controlled by the publishers of those sites, and not by the school or its employees. • Efforts to monitor and regulate student Internet access do not guarantee full compliance with the school’s policies and standards; appropriate use is the student’s responsibility. • Parents and guardians of minors, in conjunction with Bishop Gorman, are responsible for setting and conveying the standards their children should follow when using media and information sources, including access to the Internet. • Bishop Gorman is not legally liable for a student’s inappropriate use of the Internet.
Violations of Technology Policy Users may be disciplined for improper use of technology on campus, regardless of whether or not the technology is school property or student property.
Unacceptable Use of Outside Technology The school expects students to use information technology (including but not limited to the Internet, email, instant messaging and text messaging) in a responsible and ethical fashion in compliance with all applicable laws and with Catholic moral principles, both in and out of the school setting. Accordingly, students may not post, place, upload, share, or communicate any images, photographs, statements or inferences relating to or including profanity, vulgarity, indecency, illegal use of drugs, illegal use of alcohol or other illicit activities. Additionally, students may not use information technology for the purpose of defaming, threatening, teasing or harassing any other student, staff member, parent, faculty member, or other person. This includes, but is not limited to, communications on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Students are responsible for all materials and communications made on personal websites and social networks and the materials and communications should be consistent with Catholic moral principles, including any materials or 26
communications posted on their sites by other individuals. Moreover, any unauthorized use of the school’s name (or common names associated with the school) or any likeness or image of the school or its employees is strictly prohibited. Users may be disciplined for improper use of technology.
Monitoring of Technology/Technology Resources The school and its authorized personnel may monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with this policy. The school reserves the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school’s information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline or security of any student or other person or to protect property. It may also use this information in disciplinary actions and may furnish evidence of a crime to law enforcement.
Chapter 8: Other General Information The following is a listing of other school information that is useful for parents and students to know.
Advancement Office
The office of Advancement works with our dedicated and generous parents, alumni and friends to advance the mission of Bishop Gorman High School and preserve our legacy. Advancement is responsible for fostering stewardship through the Gael Force annual appeal, capital campaigns and special events, including the Knight of the Gael, Passport and Bishop Gorman Golf Classic. Also included in the Advancement Team are Alumni and Parent Relations, Communications and Database Management. We strive to foster and cultivate a common bond of pride, affinity and connectivity among alumni, students, parents and friends of Bishop Gorman High School through quality programs, services and events. We encourage all parents and alumni to get involved, whether by attending events, volunteering, making a gift or participating with students in a service project. A strong community is one of the distinguishing qualities of Bishop Gorman High School. Make the most of your Bishop Gorman experience and get involved today! Contact the Advancement Office at (702) 476-4032 or advancement@bishopgorman.org for more information.
Athletic Training Center
The Athletic Training Center (ATC) is available for strength training and cardiovascular conditioning to in-season athletes first, out-of-season athletes second, and all students and faculty third. For more information about hours, policies and procedures, and safety expectations, please see the ATC coordinator.
Bell Schedules
Bell schedules are disseminated from the Assistant Principal for Student Services. Various schedules will be posted online.
Cafeteria Service
The Student Commons is on a card-based payment system. Methods of payment in the Student Commons are student ID card, credit card, debit card or a Lunch Card. A cash line is available for those who do not have a card on a given day. Parents/students can load money on the student ID card or temporary ID Card in the Student Commons utilizing the PHIL Station or online under the tab “Student ID Card.” The balance and summary of activity can be accessed online under the student’s account. Each student’s specific login has been provided at the beginning of the school year via mail to the home. The Campus Store can provide student’s access information, if needed.
Campus Hours
If you are visiting, you must stop at the Reception Desk in the Administration Building to obtain a Visitor’s Badge. The Visitor’s Badge must be worn at all times while on campus. • The Reception Desk hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. On Fridays, the office closes at 2:45pm. • Classroom instruction begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 1:50 p.m. on Regular Schedule days. • On Tuesday/Wednesday Block Schedule days, class instruction begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 1:50 p.m. • On Thursdays, class instruction begins at 8:00am and ends at 1:50 pm. • On Faculty In-service days instruction begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. • Students who remain on campus after school must go to either the Commons or the IMET Center (Library). The Commons and IMET Center are closed on In-service afternoons. The Commons is open from 7am to 4pm. • IMET Center hours for study and research are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Campus Store
Serves the students with all the dress code apparel, spirit items and school related needs. Books may be purchased online through www.bishopgorman.org. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Friday 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The Campus Store is normally closed on the afternoons of faculty inservice.
Clubs and Organizations
There are several clubs and organizations available for student membership. Some clubs and organizations are open to all students; some are invitation only. A complete list can be obtained from the Director of Student Activities (DSA) or on the BGHS website. Students who wish to organize a new club or organization should complete the application process outlined by the DSA who will then present it to the administration for consideration of approval.
Dance Policy
Typically the school has a Homecoming Dance, a Sadie Hawkins Dance, and Prom. Additionally, the school sponsors aftergame social dances from time to time. The following policies are applicable to Bishop Gorman dances: • School dances are open to all Bishop Gorman students. A freshman or sophomore must be invited by a junior or senior to attend Prom. • Non-Bishop Gorman students are admitted only to dances for couples (with approval). Non-Bishop Gorman students are prohibited from attending the after-game socials. • Dances may not be held on nights before school days without Administrative approval. • Dances are chaperoned by faculty members, administrators, and police. • Students who are expelled or voluntarily withdrawn (with disciplinary issues) from Bishop Gorman may not attend any function sponsored by Bishop Gorman. • Student I.D. must be presented for entrance. • Students leaving the dance may not return. • A lock in is in effect for all dances. Students must arrive by a certain time and may not leave any earlier than a half hour before the dance ends. There are no exceptions, such as “show tickets” to this policy. • All students attending a dance, including non-Bishop Gorman students, are subject to security procedures that include, but are not limited to: o Wanding or other metal detectors o The use of a breathalyzer or passive alcohol sensor o Search of bags, backpacks, etc. • Bishop Gorman reserves the right to deny a student entrance (or to ask a student to leave) whose dress is deemed inappropriate.
Emergency Response Plan
Bishop Gorman maintains an Emergency Response Plan to respond to emergencies or disasters that occur when school is in session. The following guidelines are to be followed: • Go to our website at www.bishopgorman.org, or tune to local television/radio media for emergency announcements. The school’s Facebook page will also be updated when possible. • Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be used by emergency personnel. • Students will be released when any imminent danger has passed, the roads are passable and the streets in the Bishop Gorman area are open. • In the event that the roads accessing the school area are blocked by emergency personnel, please plan to meet your student in a previously designated area. • The media will be notified if a situation mandates the departure of all students/faculty/staff from the school. Bishop Gorman conducts emergency drills on a monthly basis both in conjunction with the Las Vegas Fire Department and independently as needed. These drills include evacuation, earthquake, shelter-in-place, and lockdown. If the Administration must cancel school or dismiss school early because of an emergency or bad weather, an announcement will be made on www.bishopgorman.org as well as through the local media. The school will also update Edline and Facebook.
Financial Obligations
By enrolling a student in Bishop Gorman, the parents/guardians of the student agree to complete and sign the Enrollment Agreement and the Tuition Fee Addendum. The financial commitments are explained below. • To receive the parishioner rate, a Parish Affidavit must be obtained by the parents/guardians from their pastor and turned in by September 1. Any received after this date will have the parishioner discount prorated. An affidavit must be submitted for each new student from a parish in the Diocese of Las Vegas. The criteria for qualification for the parishioner rate are set by each pastor. Bishop Gorman is not involved in the approval or denial of the Parish Affidavit nor will the parishioner rate be granted without the pastor’s approval. • It is the goal of Bishop Gorman to provide a quality Catholic education at a cost that is reasonable to all participating families. The major source of revenue for Bishop Gorman is generated through tuition. The first tuition payment is due on July 1st. Billing cycles cannot be changed after the July billing. For your convenience, payments can be made: o Semiannually in two (2) equal installments, o Quarterly in four (4) equal installments, or o In ten (10) equal installments. Tuition assistance is available for families that qualify. Awards are based on demonstrated need and the availability of funds. Information regarding tuition assistance is posted on the school website under the Admissions/Financial Information tab. At times, families experience financial difficulty. We encourage parents/guardians to contact the Finance Office immediately. The Tuition Assistance Committee assesses hardship cases on an individual basis. Parents/guardians of students who are dismissed, or leave during an academic school year are financially obligated to pay the amount of tuition and fees due up to and including the end of the month in which the student leaves. All financial obligations under the Enrollment Agreement and the Tuition Fee Addendum must be met prior to transferring to another school. Transcripts and grades will not be provided to the school until all of the financial obligations are met. In the case of graduating seniors, the diploma and final transcripts will also be withheld until all financial obligations are satisfied.
Flowers/Gifts Delivered to Campus
Because of the disruption to the academic setting, deliveries (flowers, gifts, etc.), must not be made to students on campus. The delivery may be refused.
ID Cards
Student ID cards must be carried at all times and presented for verification when requested by faculty/staff. • Students will not be allowed to attend a school trip without an ID • Student may be refused admittance to Bishop Gorman activities without a valid school ID • Student is responsible for the cost of replacement of a lost ID card ($20). • Student or parent is responsible for notifying the Campus Store when a card is lost/stolen to freeze the account until a new card can be issued. • Student withdrawing from Bishop Gorman must return school ID to Student Services. • The ID card is property of Bishop Gorman and must be surrendered upon request by a school official or their designee. Students are able to use their ID cards to purchase items in the Student Commons, Campus Store, at the concession stands and to purchase tickets at the games and drama events. Money can be loaded on the ID card in the Student Commons utilizing the PHIL Station or online under the tab “Student ID Card.” At the time of graduation or withdrawal, if the student ID Card has a balance, the graduating student or parent has until June 15th to request a refund in writing to the Finance Office (withdrawing student requests must be made in writing at the time of withdrawal). All unclaimed account balances will be donated to the Mite Box fund, which assists local families in need of support.
Bishop Gorman does not carry accident/liability insurance upon which a student may make a claim. Students participating in football must purchase additional coverage.
A locker is issued to every student at the beginning of the school year that is intended for the student’s use. • Students are responsible for assigned lockers, and must maintain it in a neat and clean manner inside and out. • No locker sharing • Students are not to access lockers during class time without permission. • Lockers in the locker room are made available for students taking PE • Lockers in the men’s and women’s locker rooms will be assigned by their respective team coaches based on availability. • Lockers intended for use by physical education students will by clearly marked DAY USE ONLY. The P.E. teacher will monitor the use of these lockers ensuring that all students have access to a locker. • If a locker does not have a lock built in to the door, then it is the responsibility of the student to provide their own lock. It is mandatory that the student secures their valuables in a locker with a lock. • Temporary decorations on the outside of the locker (birthday, sporting events, etc.) are permitted provided the decorations are affixed with blue “painter’s tape” and removed in a timely fashion. REMINDER: All lockers are the property of Bishop Gorman and are subject to search as noted in Chapter 5, under Privacy and Searches. Bishop Gorman and the Diocese of Las Vegas are not responsible for the safety, security, etc. of any personal instrument(s) or item(s) left on campus. This includes books, clothing, electronic items and other school materials, etc. This covers items left in lockers (locked or unlocked) or elsewhere on campus/parking lots. Bishop Gorman and the Diocese of Las Vegas are not responsible for replacement costs for any lost or stolen articles/items.
Non-Discrimination Policy
• The schools of the Diocese of Las Vegas operate in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the nondiscriminatory requirement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (P.L., 92-318). • The Diocese of Las Vegas does not discriminate on the basis of race or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarships and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs. • Coeducational schools of the Diocese do not discriminate against any applicant or student because of sex in educational policies, admissions, educational programs or activities of the school.
School Sponsored Trips/Field Trips
The faculty, moderators and the Administration, prior to a school trip, evaluate students regarding their Disciplinary History. Students on Disciplinary Probation or Disciplinary Contract may be restricted from attending a school sponsored trip. Students must: • Be current in all school work • Have a picture ID • Adhere to all rules and regulations pertaining to lodging and restaurants, as well as, all directives given by the moderators from the time the group departs, until its return. • Violation of Bishop Gorman policies regarding any aspect of a student’s safety is an issue of trust, and the student may be sent home and all expenses will be assumed by the parents. • Be present at the start of the school day and all day thereafter. • Not be absent from school or leave school due to illness.
Security Cameras
School cameras are monitored by the Administration and are the property of the Diocese of Las Vegas. The protection of student privacy/confidentiality mandates that the viewing of cameras be restricted to school officials.
Bishop Gorman has a policy of no solicitation. Fliers, etc. may not be distributed on campus property without the permission of the Administration. At times, fliers are dropped on campus/parking lots advertising parties, etc. These are Non-Bishop Gorman sponsored functions. Parents are always made aware of Bishop Gorman sanctioned activities.
Tax-Exempt Status
Bishop Gorman “is operated as an exempt school under the provision of NRS 394.211 and as such is exempt from the provisions of the Private Elementary and Secondary Education Authorization Act.”
Transportation Policy
Bishop Gorman does not ordinarily provide transportation to games, practice or any other events. • Students must arrange their own transportation without approval or guidance/supervision from employees of the Diocese of Las Vegas. • Parents picking up students are to do so immediately after the school event. • Exceptions to this policy are determined by the Administration of Bishop Gorman and are conveyed to parents/ guardians.
Visitor Check-In
All visitors to the campus must check in at reception to receive a visitor’s badge. The receptionist may ask the visitor for a valid form of picture identification. The visitor must wear a visitor’s badge which displays name, reason for visit and date and time. Entering the school grounds through any location other than the reception area is not allowed.
The Alma Mater and Fight Song Students should take pride in their school by learning the Alma Mater and Fight Song, which are sung at pep rallies, during many athletic contests, and Commencement.
Bishop Gorman Alma Mater By Brother Drolet, CSV, 1955
Here’s to our friendship ever so true Dear Alma Mater, here’s to you. Your noble spirit, may our hearts imbue While pledging faithfulness anew. Hail to you!
Bishop Gorman Fight Song Tune: The Notre Dame Victory March, Michael and John Shea, 1905
Cheer, cheer for old Gorman High, Stand up and cheer as our team goes by! Get together, hit ‘em hard. Come on and tackle, center and guard. We’ve got the spirit, we’ve got the fight; We’re gonna win with all of our might. We’re the team that’s always best The Gaels of BGHS. 32
5959 S. Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV 89148