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The Shield is a student news magazine, published quarterly by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, FL. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728

The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email newspaper@ for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; submit to room 224. Names can be withheld upon request. The Shield is a member of FSPA.


Abby Milkes, Cate Dudley

Mikaela Georgi

Samaan, Ava Liuzzo




Anna Bass, Giovanna Feitoza, Jared Carrillo, Gloria Gjuraj, Olivia Lacy, Claudia Laos, Gabby Nuñez, William Schmidt, Rheece Singletary,


Copy Editor
Design and Layout Editors Haley
Business Manager Parker
Public Relations Manager Stella Shaw Staff Relations Manager Grace Hayag Web
Editor in Chief Noah
Web - Copy Editor Audrey Moody Staff Reporters

Pop Culture Icons

President Jimmy

Top Trends

Toys: Cabbage

Rubik’s Cubes

Movie: Star Wars


Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger Actress Brooke Shields


Muhammad Ali

Song: “Another

Grace Hayag
| Staff Relations ManagerMonday, October 27, 1980 Since 1953
Sports Coffee: $0.94 Gas: $1.19/gal
Phillies win the 1980 National League Championship Series.
Patch dolls and
Episode V
Empire Strikes Back
One Bites the Dust” by Queen Burger: $0.34
loses final world heavyweight title fight.

Bishop Kenny celebrates week of history, culture

National Hispanic Heritage Month occurs annually from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. This U.S. holiday places emphasis on the traditions and culture of Hispanic people.

The Spanish Club at BK celebrates the week of Oct. 3.

“I love spending time with [Spanish Club] and learning more about each individual’s culture,” senior Antonio Alicea said.

This year, Spanish Club members passed out candy from Hispanic countries

during the lunches all week. On Wednesday, Guanabana Artisan Ice Pops, a local Hispanic owned business, sold several flavors of popsicles through the Spanish Club.

“We’re going to have a potluck,” Spanish Club sponsor Janalene Phillips said. “We’re going to be selling hallacas from Venezuela, and we’re going to play games like pin the sombrero on the llama!”

National Hispanic Heritage Month was also celebrated in the classroom.

Spanish language teachers assigned presentation projects based on aspects of Hispanic culture. Spanish 4 students reported on key landmarks in Hispanic countries while Spanish 3 students focused on the nations themselves overall. The country presentations included facts about each nation, highlighting similarities and differences in the individual cultures.

The observation of this week at BK is meant to expand the knowledge and

understanding of students about traditions they might not usually have the opportunity to experience and to serve as a reminder to those who do.

“I want them to be more aware of the Hispanic community,” Phillips said. “And for my Hispanic [students], I like for them to feel special that week and be able to celebrate what they have.”

Clockwise from bottom left: Sra. Phillips serves up student-provided dishes during the Spanish Club potluck; Students sample different Hispanic candies during lunch through the week; Seniors Morgan Manuel and Antonio Alicea pose with their food at the potluck; Spanish Club members sell ice pops on Wednesday and Thursday.

Issue 1 | News | 5

AP: Bogus or

Evaluating benefits, struggles of AP classes

Abby Milkes | Editor-in-Chief

crucial for developing skills that are needed for college.

“AP courses are usually comparable to first-year college courses, so your student will be prepared for the workload and develop college-level academic skills,” an admissions counselor from ASU said.

Florida, the researchers noticed an increase in stress among students taking AP classes. Students decide not to take classes that they have a passion for, such as band, in order to elevate their academics.

becoming more competitive, and students feel pressure to take these advanced classes in order to gain admission.

But the question is: are these classes worth the extra stress and commitment?

There are many benefits to taking these college-level courses.

A huge plus to many students is that AP classes give them the opportunity to earn college credit by passing a national exam in May.

“I take AP classes because they are generally interesting and because they boost my GPA,” junior Mary Clare Stinneford said. “[That] will help with college acceptance.”

Although not everyone earns college credit, AP classes are a way to utilize higher level thinking, learn study habits and refine organizational skills.

According to Arizona State University, AP classes are

Although AP classes have academic benefits, they also have limitations, specifically emotionally and mentally for students.

According to Stanford University, AP classes limit students’ availability for other activities they are interested in and can take a toll on students’ mental health.

AP classes are a serious obligation; students commit to multiple hours of homework a night, challenging tests and quizzes that take hours to study for and even additional time outside of normal school hours to complete all work. This time spent on material from the class cuts into critical time such as clubs, extracurricular activities and family time, a reporter from the Atlanta JournalConstitution said.

In a study conducted by the University of South

However, senior Maya Balolong, despite taking four AP courses, continues to make time for what she loves: ROTC and drumline.

“Because I take these two classes, I always have at least one mod each day where I can forget about getting perfect grades,” Balolong said. “I see the progress of my work more tangibly compared to other classes, and this feeling is much more gratifying than getting a higher grade in other classes.”

Because some students choose to take advanced classes instead of keeping with their interests, students’ mental health is put at the end of the checklist. As a result, they suffer through the classes and never really enjoy them.

More than 30 percent of BK students who responded to a recent survey say that they regretted taking an AP class, and more than half said this was because there was too

much assigned work.

Gamel feels that while AP classes are important, they must be taken with caution as mental health is just as important.

“In theory, it looks great to have 12 APs on your transcript, but realistically, it’s about balance,’’ Gamel said. “You do not want to bite off more than you can chew.”

According to these testimonies, it seems essential that before loading up on AP classes, students step back and realize what you want for yourself. Some students need this higher level of thinking to challenge themselves, while others choose an easier course to satisfy their needs.

It’s all about balancing your academic schedule with your activities and home life. Just be careful and don’t wave goodbye to your passions and mental health.

“Only take AP classes that you can connect strongly with,” Balolong said. “If you can see a way to invest your passions into such a high-level class, you will be more likely to enjoy the rigorous coursework.”

I am interested in the subject.

I want the credit for college.

I want a GPA boost.

It has to do with a degree I want in college.

The teacher is really good.

is your primary reason for taking AP classes?
8 | The Shield | Oct. 2022
or Excellent? Favorite Least Favorite *Based on a survey of 130 responses Do you feel pressured totake AP classes? Have you ever regrettedtaking an AP class? 88 42 YesNo 87 43 NoYes AP Computer SciencePrinciples AP Human GeographyAP World HistoryAP Seminar AP Psychology AP Research AP World HistoryAP English Language AP US HistoryAP Chemistry 24 AP classes offered How does BK measure up? AP exams given this year 974 3/4 AP students earned a passingscore in at least one class Issue 1 | Features | 9

Birth, evolution of Dungeons & Dragons franchise

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. It is an elaborate game that incorporates dice, chance and imagination.

With the game growing in popularity after its cameo in the Netflix hit series “Stranger Things,” more players are enjoying the game that is full of mystery, fun and adventure.

1974: Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. (TSR) published the first Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game (rpg) board game. It is commonly recognized as the kickstarter of the modern role-playing genre.

1977: The split of Basic Dungeons & Dragons to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons allowed for more diversity in ways to play the game. Basic Dungeons & Dragons held a more straightforward version for beginning players. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons allowed for a more organized and rule-based version for more in-depth gameplay.

1981: A revision was made to both Basic and Advanced. Basic became a separate product from the original, and Advanced remained geared toward the actual gameplay and gained more mechanics.

1991: The Rules Cyclopedia was published. It was an addition to both Basic and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The Rules Cyclopedia contained the major rules that every player should know, along with rules for the Dungeon Master and the introduction of the player classes Druid and Mystic. Skills were introduced in the addition of the new classes. The skills were specific to the class and assisted in making characters unique.

12 | The Shield | Oct. 2022

With the recent addition of One Dungeons & Dragons, which is a complete redo of the over 50-year-old rules, the Dungeons & Dragons evolution is evergrowing.

2014: The Fifth Edition was published. Six core values were introduced to the d20 System, along with the reintroduction of armor classes and the traditional saving throw. Advantages and disadvantages were introduced to give more diversity to the gameplay. The advantages allowed for assistance in certain roles while the disadvantages gave players a lower possibility of succeeding in their wish of the player.

2008: The Fourth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons was published. A class and race system was introduced, coming out in a group of multiple Player Handbooks. There was also a major change in the use of spells and a change in skills. Players could train in skills and gain bonus points through upgrading their skill sets.

2000: The Third Edition of Dungeons & Dragons was introduced. The Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide and the Monster Manual were upgraded, and the introduction of a 20-sided die allowed for a greater unified mechanic. The new modifiers and the saving throw were introduced to assist players in gameplay. The introduction of the new Sorcerer class, the thief being renamed the Rogue and the d20 System led to a more unique rules system and an easier marketing system.

Issue 1 | Features | 13

DSU leaders celebrate differences, discuss goals


of protestors line the streets. Slurs are being shouted.

Though silent, Kindergartener Ruby Bridges walks through the precarious situation escorted by four federal marshals, making history as the black child brave enough to attend an all white school. The year is 1959.

The use of slurs surrounds the dorm room. Freshman Timesha Bailey remains silent, hearing her white roommate describe that Bailey’s race was the only bad part of the dorm room. The year is 2016.

Spanning across years of history, miles of land and between genders, the need for understanding diversity is a staple concept in human society.

It is valuable to recognize all differences because diversity is a propeller that pushes us toward a common understanding of the human experience. Though we are all - at our cores - human beings, it would be imprudent to say that “human being” is all of what we are.

Bishop Kenny is no stranger to the significance that diversity poses. Following the Black Lives Matter movement in June and July of 2020, the Diversity Student Union was inaugurated as a club headed by faculty sponsor Carlos GonzalezChavez and president Winston Peele.

Current president Renee Albert hopes the DSU will be a safe place for minorities during the upcoming school



“[Our goal is] uniting the school and making sure that people can come and celebrate their different cultures,” Albert said.

Albert, who grew up with parents from Syria, regularly faces the effects of her heritage. Because of this, ideas of diversity have been ingrained in her mind ever since she was young.

The struggle of being a child of immigrants has never been lost on Albert.

“It can be isolating at times,” Albert explained.

Growing up hearing the harsh words that people have used about her and her family fuels Albert’s actions today in the DSU and otherwise.

It can be difficult navigating a school as a minority because it is clear that you may be different from the person sitting next to you. When everyone has a different background, it can be hard to identify if there is a certain place to which each person


Vice President Celine Torres has a similar story, which propelled her to want to lead the diverse community at BK.

“My parents are Cuban,” Torres said. “Not a lot of people… know about my home country, so… I wanted to inform [the student body] on the difficulties of being a minority.”

As part of her personal goal, Torres believes that her classmates should be educated on other cultures - a belief that she and Albert have attempted to implement to the DSU.

“We’re trying to have a new and improved BK United Week where we are going to have fundraisers that… give people a hands-on experience with the different cultures,” Albert said. “Not just food or music, but activities.”

Albert mentioned that she was considering cultural dance as an activity that other students could participate

in, like the Chinese Dragon Dance and the Hawaiian Hula.

Albert also plans to include European culturesincluding those with Scottish, Polish, and Irish descent - in the week.

There is always going to be a minority that needs a voice, and there is always going to be one person who has yet to experience real diversity for all that it is. To change the situations for people like this is the end goal of the DSU.

In context, Albert and Torres are just two people who have been able to share their stories, but there is a multitude of students waiting to be heard. The pair hope that the DSU will serve as a section of BK where diversity is not just welcomed, but encouraged.

“[I want to] ensure that every other minority student at this school feels like they are represented,’’ Albert said. “Because they do have a voice here in the DSU.”

Issue 1 | Features | 15

Esports encourages camaraderie, new way to afford college

Pew Pew!” Crudely rendered spaceships zoom past each other as they battle it out in the 1961 game, “Spacewar.”

According to ISPO, “The first official video game competition took place on Oct. 19, 1972. The participants competed in a game called ‘Spacewar.’”

Around 2012, the High School Esports League announced they would take these games and run competitions where high schools competed against one another in their favorite games. The company itself also provides machinery and equipment to underprivileged schools so that they can get their foot in the door.

Bishop Kenny started the Varsity Esports team in April 2019 by sponsor Brandon

Allen and senior Christian Flores. At the time, BK had the best team.

“Out of 83 teams in the league Bishop Kenny holds a No.1 seed,” said news4jax in an article about BK’s program.

Currently, BK’s Rocket League team is split up into three teams with the first team being the best and the second and third following suit..

In PlayVs’ Florida Athlete’s Scholarship Association tournament - with 12 teams all over the state - the first and third team ended up placing 2nd and 4th respectively.

But why is high school esports important and what makes it more than a game?

Sophomore Ben Ross has been a part of the Varsity Esports team since last year.

“Esports are different from other things,” Ross said.

“Participating in the programs helps you learn how to work with a team, communicate with others and control your emotions.”

Emily Montvilas has been the coach for the Rocket League team for about a year. She provided insight as an observer for how the team interacts with one another.

“Esports are not what they appear,” Montvilas said.

“There is a lot of camaraderie and troubleshooting by the team when things don’t work out. Some teammates even go as far as offering help outside of school to help their peers improve.”

Despite starting as a niche, Esports at BK has become a family where students interact with and grow through this program.

There are also benefits to

participating in high school Esports.

“A lot of money and opportunities are from Esports in major colleges,” said Montvilas.

And Esports does not appear to fade anytime soon.

Currently there are “2100+partnered schools across the U.S. & Canada, and over 60,000 students. Colleges also offer $15 million dollars in scholarships annually for varsity esports,” said The High School Esports League. From niche to mainstream, high school Esports and Esports in general have become a mainstay across high schools and colleges alike.

© William Schmidt | Staff Reporter 16 | The Shield | Oct. 2022 Design art
by Mikaela Georgi

Guess which teachers are in these fly photos

Are they Generation X? Are they Millennials? Well, it depends on who you ask, but one thing’s for sure, they probably watched the original Full House on cable TV, called their classmates on phones with cords attached to the wall and got McDonald’s Happy Meal buckets at Halloween. Plus, they look really cute in these photos. Can you tell who’s who? 1 2 3 18 | The Shield | Oct. 2022
Issue 1 | Features | 19 6 4 5 7
1-LaurenMosley 3-KristenZumwalt5-PaulDiGeorgio7-MatthewCase 2-LaurenDoran4-AmandaCentorrino 6-MichaelBroach

Review of popular sweet treats from 80s

Heyy’all! I can’t begin to explain how excited I am to start this

Anyone remember the movie “The Sandlot”? When I saw this movie, Big League Chew was the first thing that came to mind. This is not your typical chewing gum. The original Big League Chew comes in a white pouch with an image of Portland Mavericks’ lefthander Rob Nelson on the right hand side. When you open the pouch, you find shredded gum. To no surprise, the

year’s reviews. When I started brainstorming for issue one, of course, the first thing that

founder of Big League Chew is, in fact, Rob Nelson. Sitting in the bullpen one summer night gave him the idea to create shredded gum. His teammate, Jim Bouton, founded a gum company to produce and manufacture Big League Chew and has been the No. 1- selling shredded bubble gum in the world ever since, according to Personally, I am not a fan of

came to mind was candy! And it just so happens that some of the best candies were popular

this gum. The consistency is softer than most bubble gums, and it only held its flavor for around three minutes. A pack of three pouches costs $12.95, which is roughly $4.36 per pouch. This gum is on the pricier side compared to other bubble gums on the market. For example, Bubble Yum is $1.19, which is much more reasonable. Although this is a cool concept, I probably won’t ever chew this gum again.

in the 80s.

Nik-L-Nip, also known as Nickel Nip, is fruit-flavored candy shaped into little wax bottles filled with fruity liquid. You eat it by biting off the top and drinking the liquid inside. This is where the name comes from: Nik stood for the nickel price, and the rest of the name came from the old fashioned way of opening other wax bottles where you “nipped” off the top, according to

Nik-L-Nip was created in the Prohibition Era. Although this candy seems like a novelty nowadays, it was a symbol of the lack of supply of alcohol in the United States during this time.

A package of Nik-LNip today comes with eight fruit-flavored candies and is priced around $3.49. I would say that this is on-par with the price of most candies in grocery stores. A bag of nerds

gummy clusters is around $3.19, which is comparative to Nip-L-Nip. I am not a fan of this candy. The liquid inside is super sweet and sugary. If I had to choose, though, my favorite flavor is Blazin’ Blue Raspberry. This was an interesting candy to sample, but I will probably not try it again.

Push Pop is a fidget toy that, when pushed up, has a thick lollipop inside. They are manufactured in five different fruit flavors: Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Berry Blast, Cotton Candy and Cherry Watermelon. The company, Topps, has also recently created Push Pops with multiple flavors inside. It was originally created

as a novelty toy that helps relieve stress, anxiety, ADHD or Autism, according to, but they are now used by all kinds of people.

I purchased the Blue Raspberry flavor, and it cost $1.28. This was personally my favorite candy out of the three. The lollipop flavor lasts a while, and the good thing is

that you can put the cap back on if you do not want to eat it all at once. It also has a clip on the side of the lid that you can attach to a shirt, bag or notebook to keep safe until you are ready to finish. I will definitely get more Push Pops in the future!

Push Pop

Issue 1 | A & E | 21
Big League Chew Nik-L-Nip

He had many movies in the 80s, including “E.T.”, and all three of the Indiana Jones movies. He also created the story “The Goonies,” directed by Richard Donner.

Famed Film Directors

With movies like “Batman,”“Beetlejuice” and “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure,” he started directing in the 80s with the short film, “Frankenweenie.”

Making movie after movie, including “The Breakfast Club” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” Hughes is also responsible for screenplays of “Sixteen Candles” and “National Lampoon’s Vacation.”

Rheece Singletary | Staff Reporter
Steven Spielberg
80S 22 | The Shield | Oct. 2022

The Brat Pack

Timeless timeline


The tight knit gang, the Greasers, are in some trouble after two of the members, Johnny and Ponyboy, get into a fight with the Socs.


Ren MacCormack doesn’t like the strict rules in his new hometown, so he dances over the boundaries and into trouble.


Four guys come together to start a program where they catch ghosts in the Big Apple.


Josh wants to become an adult more than anything. He makes a wish on a fortune teller machine at the fair in town, and then realizes that being an adult is complicated.


Marty McFly finds a time machine made by a scientist, and is accidentally sent to the 50s. In order to get back to his time, he must make his parents fall in love.


At a boys preparatory school, a new English teacher arrives and starts teaching in ways the faculty doesn’t approve of.

Issue 1 | A & E | 23
Emilio Estevez Molly Ringwald Rob Lowe Anthony Michael Hall Tom Cruise John Cusack Matt Dillon Winona Ryder Honorable Mentions Ralph Macchio Ke Huy Quan Lea Thompson Michael J. Fox
Issue 1 | A & E | 23

Blasting to the past is blasting this relationship away

DearKenny Kupid, There’s something wrong with my boyfriend. I never realized it at first, but once someone opened my eyes to it, I realized that these red flags have been here all along.

It started with our first date. He showed up to my house with flowers, but when I opened the door, he totally blew past me. He gave the flowers to my mom and then - get this - asked my dad if he could take me out tonight with the promise that he’d keep me

safe and well cared for. What a creep!

When I asked him about it, he said that it was “shiv-ilree” and that it “wasn’t dead.” What does that even mean?

Regardless, I tried to forget about that weird start, and honestly, the date was kind of fun. He took me to disco night at the roller skating rink, and though it wouldn’t have been my first choice, we still had a pretty good night.

Oh, I almost forgot. You have to hear about his outfit.

He. Wore. A. Wig. It was this huge afro wig, and he had a shirt that was barely buttoned, and by God, it was just so loud. His pants were white and they were flared at the ends - right above his glitter high-heeled shoes.

I know. You’re probably thinking that I’m an idiot for even staying this long, but don’t worry, once yesterday happened, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is something severely wrong with my boyfriend. He picked me up from my house in his

Mercedes Benz and he was playing Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer.”

When I asked him what was up with the music choice, he said, “I was born in the wrong generation, baby.”

I immediately got out of the car and ran back inside my house. Anyway, that’s what’s been going on. I don’t really know what to do next.

Any ideas, Kenny Kupid? Sincerely, Stuck in the Future

DearStuck in the Future,

This is a rare situation, but not an unsolvable one. In case you were wondering why, it’s because you had the bright idea of asking The Kupid for advice, and believe me, I’m dancing in it.

I don’t have just one piece of advice - you’re probably going to need to do a bunch of steps in order to remediate this situation. Yes, they’re all necessary, and I solemnly wish you the best of luck.

Step One:

Does your boyfriend have a record player? I’m assuming he does. From what I could gather about this situation, he only has 80s records that he plays.

This is the first thing you

need to change. Completely destroy the records that he has already. In case you need ideas: treat the record like a shrinky dink (you know, those things you used to have as a kid) and heat it up until it shrinks. After that, buy a donut with neon sprinkles and cut it in half longways.

From there, you could fit the shrunken record into the middle of the donut, sandwich it in between the two donut pieces and feed it to your boyfriend. That way, it’ll be destroyed at his own hands.

Of course, he’ll mourn the loss of his records, but you can tell him that technically you weren’t the one destroying it.

That way, it isn’t your fault, and he can’t be mad at you. Now, buy him records from

today’s times - Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Shawn Mendeswhatever.

Step Two:

You have to change his wardrobe.

Break the heel off his shoes. Force him to button his shirt. Burn his wigs.

Replace his roller skates with ice skates. Roller skates are such an 80s thing, and I’m almost positive that just owning them is sending him back to the past. This is absolutely crucial: he can’t know that you’ve done it.

When he asks you about the change in shoe, pay no mind. Act completely surprised whenever he comments on them or says that they look different.

“What’s a roller skate, 80s


Step Three: Now you’re ready. You have to make the 80s disappear. Enable child protections on his phone and his computer and make sure that it’s impossible for a result about the 80s to even come up.

Rip out 80s pages from any textbooks that he can get near. Tell all of his friends that the 80s don’t exist. Take the shoulder pads out of his shirts.

Behold: Modern Boyfriend.

Hope this helps!

24 | The Shield | Oct. 2022

How 80s artist’s lives, works still impact music industry

Musicacross all genres in the late twentieth century paved the way for sonic revolutions in later years. The 80s in particular brought up trailblazing artists and bands that completely transformed the industry. Although elements of 80s music remain prevalent in today’s music, the classic songs that started it all never seem to go out of style.

The most characteristic element of popular 80s songs is the overall composition and unique sounds made by upcoming instruments, like the iconic synth. Characteristic sounds created by instruments like the synth, created a timeless and catchy melody for iconic bands that left a lasting legacy. No other band does that quite as well as the legendary ABBA. Their lasting hits such as “Dancing Queen” and “Mamma Mia” remain popular choices for today’s younger generations, according to popular streaming platforms like Spotify and the use of their songs in modern media. For example, the movie musical “Mamma Mia” (2008) is a popular film largely due to its recycled use of ABBA’s greatest hits.

“It’s so upbeat, and everybody knows it… it’s one of those songs that everyone will sing along to,” junior Mary Clare Stinneford said. Other 80s artists would also use the soulful choice of having a single instrument take control of the song to make it impactful and

recognizable. The Police’s popular ballad “Every Breath You Take” uses a repetition of the same four or five guitar chords and a simple drum beat. “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac utilizes the same use of a singular sound or instrument in order to create a distinct intro that sounds somewhat like a wind chime.

Popular artists will eventually reach a point in their careers where they

start to intrigue the public with more than just their works. Their personal lives are quickly pushed into the public arena. The attention puts them in a vulnerable but powerful position. As a listener, the artist’s vulnerability can serve to deepen the meaning and purpose of the artist’s music.

Junior Logan Ellzey touched on such vulnerability when speaking about one of his favorite bands: Queen. He

believes that on their own, the rhythm, beat, composition and lyrics of any Queen song make it shine. However, the context behind those musical choices can create a deeper dynamic for the music.

Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen, was infamous as the mastermind behind Queen’s exemplary lyrics.

“Whether it’s current events, or just [his] life in general,” Ellzey said, “Certain songs you can see where he’s kind of fighting himself over things,”

On one of Queen’s most popular albums, “A Night At The Opera,” the song “Love Of My Life” stands out as an acoustic classic. The lyrics are a subtle pour of Freddie’s heart and sentiments regarding his wife.

“It is such a vague song, and I think a lot of artists tend to do that on purpose,” Ellzy said. “They keep the meaning vague, so you can make of it what you will.”

As music progresses and trends come and go, songs and artists fade away with time. But like in any industry, inspiration comes through the past, leaving a lasting echo through generations of listeners and artists. Much of the recognizable elements that rose to popularity during the 80s can be traced in modern artists’ songs, from Harry Styles to Rex Orange County. No matter how much time passes, nobody can ever really beat the classics!

Issue 1 | A & E | 25
Junior Erica Charleus Senior Ethan Art AP Studio Art: 2D Design 26 | The Shield | Oct. 2022
Ethan Barron Art 3
Freshman Victor Taylor
Art 1
Design art by Mikaela Georgi

How gaming industry was saved from going under

Withthe rise of pop culture, it seemed like the 1980s were an unstoppable time for everyone; well, except for one “niche” group: gamers. The popularity of arcade machines had died down immensely, which left fans of video games stranded as manufacturers of arcade cabinets stopped producing them. Games like Pac-Man, Galaga and Space Invaders didn’t have the same kind of appeal as they once did, which made it seem that the gaming industry would just disappear and be considered a fad. That is, until Nintendo threw their hat in the ring.

The gaming powerhouse had humble beginnings when it was founded in 1889. The company originally made hanafuda cards, a Japanese card game where players try to make matches with cards that have colorful imagery. Nintendo transitioned in the 1960s from card making to other jobs such as making food, running a taxi service and creating toys.

Nintendo fully transitioned to digital games in 1980 with the release of “Game & Watch” in Japan only, which is considered today to be the first ever portable video game with a

microprocessor. While also working on the portable games, the company made “Donkey Kong,” an arcade game where a carpenter must save his girlfriend from an ape. When arcades received the new arcade cabinet, it quickly became the fastest selling individual machine that was purely coin-operated on the market.

Nintendo then set out to make game consoles usable at home. In 1984, the Family Computer (Famicom) was being sold on the Japanese market, and the consoles sold out fast. Nintendo saw the popularity of the console and renamed it to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and released it worldwide. With the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, it was clear that the video game industry was back on its feet. Other companies such as Sega, Sony and Microsoft wanted in on the new boom later down the road. This “feud” between the companies kept the gaming business afloat, and it is now considered to be one of the highest grossing industries in the world.

Love them or hate them, Nintendo saved the video game industry from certain doom.

28 | The Shield | Oct. 2022

Inspiration board for 80s themed outfits


turn back time and get ready for a date in the 80s! We are going to the arcade and then dinner at Sonic.

What look should we go for? Denim, parachute pants or a miniskirt? Let’s check out our options!

These looks are professional and fashionable. The coat and pants look will never fail to make you look stylish, but they are probably not the perfect arcade outfit.

The preppy schoolgirl look was super popular in the 80s. These looks typically are pastel colors and give a spring vibe to your look! These looks contain collared shirts and pleated skirts.

For super formal occasions, a singular super pigmented color is the way to go. In 80’s prom dresses the material was typically bunched up and off the shoulder.

The 80’s workout outfit is super bright and colorful. Leg warmers and unitards on top of tights were all the rage!

Issue 1 | A & E | 29

Reviewing fashion trends from 80s

Thedecade that brought us iconic pieces like leotards and leg warmers left a permanent imprint on the fashion industry.

Here’s a look back on some of the most popular fashion trends during the 80s.

If your ‘rents still have some of their clothes from the 80s, and a windbreaker is definitely one of those items. In the TV show “Saved by the Bell,” these windbreakers were worn by the boys and girls. They were a staple accessory in everyone’s closets, and I think they still should be. The jackets are fun and bright and can add a pop of color to an outfit.

While this was a wicked trend in the 80s, it’s going to have to stay in the 80s. Denim on denim has been a “No” in my books for years. The look of it is tacky; it takes away from a good outfit. A cute way to wear a denim jacket would be paired with a sundress maybe. Denim jeans alone are timeless, but when paired with a denim jacket, the two clash.

Every betty at the fitness club wore a high-cut leotard with leggings underneath! This is no longer a fashion statement today if it is worn the way that it was in the 80s, which was with leg warmers and tights. However, if it is worn as a bodysuit, it can be cute.

Big yes to leather jackets! This look is starting to come back into the fashion industry, according to, and I am here for it. Most people wore leather jackets in the 80s did so with the sleeves rolled, but even unrolled, who doesn’t love a good leather jacket? It can be paired with almost any outfit to look more put together.

30 | The Shield | Oct. 2022

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Why I’d want to live in the 80’s

If you asked me if I could choose to live in the present or move back in time to the 80’s, obviously I would pick the latter. I mean, who hasn’t dreamed of living life like the kids in “Stranger Things”?

The 80s was clearly the best decade; there’s no question about it. Everything from the fashion to the music of this era is unique and vastly different from the age we’re living in now.

Think about it: wouldn’t it be fun to live in an age where the internet and social media didn’t even exist? Everything

was so much simpler. If you wanted to talk to a person, you would actually call them on the phone! And speaking of phones, who wouldn’t want to be able to have one of those cool vintage curly-cord phones at their house?

In the 80s, everything was more vibrant! From the way that people dressed to how they decorated their houses, it was brighter, bolder and more colorful. This ‘loud’ style and way of life became so popular that some trends are beginning to resurface in the present day. In fact, some of your personal favorite

fashion styles probably came straight from the 80s - like neon colors, Converse and oversized sweatshirts. I don’t think anyone can disagree that this decade had top tier entertainment, too.

MTV changed the world of music forever, and movies like “Footloose” and “Dirty Dancing” became pop culture memories. Singers like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elton John and Paul McCartney created some of the best songs known to man and helped shape the music world to be what it is today. All I’m saying is that if I had a time machine right now, I would transport myself back to the 80s because life there was truly the best.

Issue 1 | Opinions | 31
Issue 1 | A & E | 31

Comparing iconic 80s films with their reboots

TopGun” revolutionized summer blockbusters and created the king himself: Tom Cruise. With iconic quotes, stunning flights and never-before-seen action sequences, “Top Gun” is a unique and epic movie that will never get old. So you could say going to the theaters in the 80s to see Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer fly planes on the big screen was well worth it.

TheKarate Kid” is as iconic as it gets. Wax on, wax off. No mercy. Ralph Macchio plays the underdog who audiences always root for, giving us a triumphant tale that is an absolute staple in the coming of age genre. The action sequences are just as effective as the heartfelt character development between Danny and Mr. Miyagi. “The Karate Kid” is the reason why people went to theaters in the 80s and the reason why they went back to see the sequels.

After Bill Murray’s breakthrough with the comedy “Caddyshack” in 1980, he decided to break the world again with the iconic “Ghostbusters.” Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd carry the charm, while the original and engaging story does the rest. Sci-fi was not a very popular genre in the 80s, but director Ivan Reitman found a special way to enter the genre: comedy. While the graphics don’t hold up as well, the sentiment of this iconic gem surely does.

Amanonce said that you can’t repeat the past, but this is incorrect. “Top Gun: Maverick” is an excellent sequel, showing the film industry how little CGI is required to make a visually spectacular movie and how to properly execute a reboot. While this film does instill loads of nostalgia for fans of the original, it makes sure audiences know that “Top Gun: Maverick” isn’t just a nonsubstantive reboot, it’s a standalone film.

Ithink Netflix has some of the worst content, but “Cobra Kai” is an exception. It’s a field day for fans of the original and an entrance to the Karate Kid world for a new generation. It’s the epitome of nostalgia, and it has great individual qualities like new characters and creative concepts. However, “Cobra Kai” leans more toward the newer generation than the older; that’s where the comedy is weak. The action sequences are as good, or better, than the original trilogy. The show manages to bring back almost every character in TV form.


reboots try to do too much, and “Afterlife” perfectly displays this. With some of the biggest stars in the world, Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard, this movie begs for relevance with the constant use of modernization. The CGI works, but it almost makes you feel like the reason the original is special is because they didn’t need state of the art digital enhancement to carry the film. Without the impressive CGI, I don’t see any younger or older audiences finding this movie special.

32 | The Shield | Oct. 2022
Posters Provided by “The Movie Database”
Posters from “The Movie Database” 32 | The Shield | Oct. 2022


with the rebound, he passes to Magic. Magic races down the court and finds Cooper for the slam dunk!”

This is a common call from an announcer anyone watching the Los Angeles Lakers would hear almost every night in the 80s. Dubbed “Showtime” due to their flashy dunks and quick style of play, they won five NBA titles and 654 total wins, giving them a 0.72 win percentage.

The Lakers dominated the 80s and brought the NBA back to relevance after years of dwindling attendance.

In the 1979 NBA draft, the Lakers held the first overall pick and chose Michigan State’s flashy, 6’6” point guard Magic Johnson. Adding Johnson to a roster that included the NBA’s all time leading scorer Kareem AbdulJabar helped the Lakers win 60 games en route to their first championship of the 80s, Johnson’s first of three finals MVPs.

Following the firing of coach Paul Westhead at the beginning of the 1981 season, Pat Riley took charge and led the Lakers to their second championship in three seasons. They followed a championship up with two more consecutive appearances in the finals but lost both.

After two losses in back to back finals appearances, the Lakers won 60 or more games for the next four seasons. They won three more NBA championships while Magic racked up finals MVPs, regular season MVPs and All Star appearances.

The only other team to challenge the Lakers in the 80s was the Boston Celtics who won three championships compared to the Lakers’ five. Without Showtime’s dominance in the 80’s, the modern NBA may not be as exciting as it is now and will be for years to come.

A retrospective of Showtime’s dominance in 80s

Golfer Cody Tucker continues family legacy

Everyonehas something, whether that be an item, sport, art or activity that they have grown up with and has been ingrained into their daily life.

For senior Cody Tucker, that is golf.

Tucker has been playing golf since he was two years old, and, he says, he has his grandfather to thank for that.

grandfather was very big in golf, so he began making me and my brothers play it, starting at a very young age,” Tucker


Tucker’s two older brothers, Patrick Tucker (‘20) and Clay Tucker (‘21), also played golf for BK, and their dedication to the sport has been a motivating factor for Tucker.

“My brothers were always good so it always pushed me to get better to try to beat them,” Tucker said. “I never felt good when I played against them, but I kept

As Tucker approached high school, it was a nobrainer that he would join the golf team, and he says he enjoys the competitiveness that the sport brings and the opportunity to play with (and against) some of his

Varsity golf coach James Wray has watched Tucker’s advancement on the green.

“[Cody] doesn’t seem too stressed out,” Wray said. “[He’s] a player who’s not too hard on himself.”

Tucker was selected as the Greater Jacksonville’s Boys Golfer Of The Year for the 2021-2022 school year. He also has won matches such as the Fletcher Invitational.

Tucker hopes to attend either Florida Atlantic University, College of Charleston or the University of Tampa. Those universities have a spot for him to play golf, although he is not certain he wants to commit.

Regardless of whether or not Tucker goes D1, he acknowledges how the sport has helped shape his character.

“[Golf has taught me] how to be respectful,” Tucker said. “How to be honest with my score and honest to the people that I’m playing with.”

Issue 1 | Sports | 35

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