BKHS 2022-23 Annual Report

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2022-23 | ANNUAL REPORT Tradition. Excellence. Faith.


Rooted in Catholic values and traditions, our mission is to partner with parents in the education and formation of their children by providing a culture of faith, a rigorous curriculum, and personal enrichment opportunities through which all students can achieve and excel as they prepare for college and for life.

TABLE of CONTENTS Some of the illustrations included have been provided by student artists Sina Fee Wegerer-Jones ‘24 and Madeline Claire O’Neill ‘24. 2 Welcome 6 Advisory Boards 8 Financial Overview 10 Avenues of Giving 12 The Echoes of Kingman Avenue 14 Walk with Us 16 Founding Fathers 18 Pioneering Spirit 20 Memories of Our Mentors 22 Harmonizing Generosity 24 All-Star Athletics 26 Forming the Faithful 28 A Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign 30 Building a Bright Future 38 Campaign Milestones 40 Campaign Leadership 44 Joining the Mission 46 The Fund for BKHS 56 BK Boosters Auction 62 New Look, Same Spirit

A Letter from Our Principal

Dear BK family,

I am pleased to present you with our 2022-23 Annual Report, which highlights the forward progress and growth of our school during the past year. As we reflect on our successes, I am also excited to share important news about the future of Bishop Kenny.

In the spirit of continuous improvement and recognizing that we are perpetually building the legacy of our school, we have launched a capital campaign to fund critical enhancements to our athletic facilities and to build our school endowment. This campaign will support our efforts to provide state-of-the-art facilities for our students, as well as to invest in the future goals and financial stability of our school.

A thoughtful and strategic look forward would not be complete without a careful look back. In doing so, we are abundantly reminded of the graces upon which our community was founded. As you read through this report, join me in celebrating the men and women, who over the 72 years of Bishop Kenny’s history, have shared a determination to grow, the courage and fearlessness to innovate, and conviction in our mission as a Catholic school. We are the beneficiaries of their vision and passion. As you meet the incredible leaders who are guiding our new campaign, you will see these same foundational characteristics inspiring their vision and passion, as they continue to strengthen the path into the future for current and future BK students through our Legacy of Faith Campaign.

I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to the success of our capital campaign. Your support, whether through financial contributions, volunteerism, or advocacy, will be instrumental in helping us achieve our goals.

I am proud of what Bishop Kenny is today, but even more proud of what it continues to become.

Our legacy is academics. Our legacy is athletics. Our legacy is arts. Our legacy is Catholic.

The shoulders we stand on charge us with the duty to not only preserve our cherished legacy, but also to enrich it and elevate it, ensuring a strong and faithful future for the generations that follow. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, and the entire Bishop Kenny community, thank you for your support - yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Tradition. Excellence. Faith.

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A Letter from the Office of Advancement

Dear BK friends,

It is my pleasure to report on the Department of Advancement. I believe I bring a unique perspective to this task. In 1987, when BK was just 35 years old, I was hired to launch a development program, as it was known at the time. How appropriate that I have been asked to submit this update at another pivotal moment in the history of our school.

The program, including its name, now the Advancement Department, has grown by leaps and bounds since those early days. In 1987, our 55-acre campus was comprised of the 100 and 200 Buildings, a library, cafeteria, gymnasium, and outdoor athletic facilities. There was no established annual giving program and no database of alumni names and addresses available. Much has changed since 1987 thanks to the vision of our school’s leaders and the hard work of a growing and dedicated staff, and countless volunteers, all of whom believed that moving BK forward was not only the right thing to do, it was the only thing to do. While much has been accomplished, there is still much that lies ahead.

Today, as Bishop Kenny prepares for its 75th anniversary in three years, our advancement team is working in eager collaboration with administrators, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and the BK community at large to ensure that the vision that has been laid out in our ambitious five-year strategic plan is fully realized.

The spiritual and academic programs, two core elements of the Bishop Kenny experience, have been at the forefront of campus improvement and program development in recent years. The total renovation of 70 classrooms, featuring the addition of modern student and teacher furniture, custom cabinetry, LED lighting, enhanced security, and the installation of Promethean Boards, is scheduled for completion by the end of next year. Careful budgeting and the generosity of donors have resulted in these multi-million-dollar projects, all designed to ensure that the quality and caliber of our academic facilities and programs are second to none.

This has brought us to the current Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign. This undertaking will address the needs of another core element of the Bishop Kenny experience, the Crusader athletic program, as well as the long-term financial security of the school. A three-year planning process identified critical needs for the campaign; they include a new athletic training center, a new practice gymnasium, and the continued development of the BKHS Endowment. I encourage all members of the Bishop Kenny community to stay tuned in the coming months to learn more about these exciting projects. I am confident that with the support of our alumni, parents, and friends, we will celebrate a successful Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign and the 75th anniversary of our beloved school.

Go Crusaders!

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1940s - Shipyard land that would go on to become B ishop Kenny High School’s riverfront campus

“Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.”

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1956 - Crusader Football Team 1967 - BK students in the library
1981 - Homecoming 2019 - Chemistry class 2005
1974 - JV Cheerleading - Girls Track & Field - JV Football
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”












Vice Principal & Director of Mission Integration


Superintendent of Catholic Schools


Director of Advancement


Executive Coordinator








Director of Major Gifts & Events


Director of Advancement



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Executive Coordinator





Business Manager

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$1,323,086 (scholarships/financial aid, endowments, and gifts to the capital campaign)

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$18,124,513 TUITION & FEES
(transportation, EANS grant, summer school) TUITION RATES $10,180 $18,687 $25,189 $13,257 1 CATHOLIC STUDENT 2 CATHOLIC STUDENTS 3+ CATHOLIC STUDENTS NON-CATHOLIC STUDENT

TOTAL EXPENSES | $18,124,513





(technology, professional development, teaching supplies, safety/security, transportation)


$5,194,142 (includes athletics facilities)






$952,696 (utilities, office supplies, etc)



ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 9 FINANCIAL Overview


The Fund for BKHS is critical to the fiscal health of the school and helps support Bishop Kenny’s educational mission and vision. There are four arms of The Fund that donors can support, offering donors the ability to target specific programs or needs or to allow the school to apply their gift to the area of greatest need.


Capital and special project funds are raised specifically for new construction or the restoration of existing areas.


Endowments are permanent, self-sustaining sources of funding that provide current and future revenue streams to support the donor’s choice of annual scholarship or program. Endowment assets are invested, and each year a portion is used to support the scholarship or program’s named purpose. Endowments can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000, and can have a pledge period spread over multiple years.

The BK Endowment program was established in 2021 and has received more than $2 million in gifts and commitments. There are currently eleven endowed scholarships and three endowed programs.


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of Giving

The work of The Fund includes bridging the gap between tuition and the annual cost of educating students, making capital improvements and special projects on campus a reality, providing resources that benefit students and staff, and, in times of need, providing a lifeline for families that require tuition assistance.


Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, 27% of Bishop Kenny families that depend on tuition assistance can give their children a BK education.

Scholarships and tuition assistance are awarded on demonstrated financial need and merit.


Unrestricted gifts to The Fund for BKHS allow donors to provide important flexible funds that support the school’s greatest needs and top priorities.

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SIREEN BATEH ‘90 Alumni Engagement Coordinator MARY HARMS ‘93 Advancement Database Coordinator

The Echoes of Kingman Avenue

If the past could talk … what would it tell us about Bishop Kenny? More importantly, who would it tell us about? There are leaders and mentors, teachers and students, artists and athletes. Walk with us as we revisit some of their stories and remember that we stand proudly as a Crusader family today thanks to the Crusaders who came before us.

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Walk with Us

Take a stroll through the Bishop Kenny campus of today and listen for a moment to the whispers of the past. If you are new to Kingman Avenue, those voices might speak of a legacy - one built long ago with plans for something greater than the moment of its making. If you or your children attended BK once upon a time, nostalgia might overflow as memories of the sounds and experiences of life on campus long ago flood back. You may feel that sweet breeze from the St. Johns River, smell the coffee grounds waft through the early morning air, hear a proud roar from under the Friday night lights, or see the red lockers, buildings, and statues that define your BK memories. Without question, a walk on campus will cause you to appreciate how the spirit of Bishop Kenny remains an enduring stronghold, and you will sense the gentle presence that makes Crusaders of all ages feel forever at home.

A stroll through campus today also reveals a school community dedicated to Christ’s love and mission. Evidence of this faithfulness is campus-wide. You see it everywhere, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus shrine behind the Demetree Learning Commons to the St. Francis shrine outside the Paul F. Tanner Chapel. It’s alive and well at the statue of St. Katharine Drexel, a gift from the Diocese of St. Augustine on Bishop Kenny’s fiftieth anniversary, and at the statue of St. Paul at the main entrance to the school. The permanent cross by the riverfront reassures athletes and passersby on the river daily that they are eternally championed and defended.

“Our campus is a beautiful tapestry of buildings, facilities, and spaces developed over time by a loving, dedicated group of people who generously support the community and want the best for its students,” says Principal Todd Orlando. “And this masterpiece continues to evolve as Crusaders from all walks of life support the school and further its mission with their special gifts of time, talent, and treasure.”

Tucked away throughout campus, in classrooms, below statues, and in tidy and picturesque landscaping are plaques commemorating students, alumni, leaders, and teachers. These plaques are a small yet essential part of BK’s story, telling of the people who have shaped our beautiful campus and school history. Chances are you’ve walked right by them many times. Take a minute to look next time you are on campus, and as you give a quick read, listen closely for what their stories, sacrifices, and hard work teach.

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The Most Reverend Paul Francis Tanner, D.D., 7th Bishop of St. Augustine

Founding Fathers

Laying the framework for Bishop Kenny’s renowned academic rigor and culture of faith was the work of many individuals. While many hands make light work, the leadership of three men cannot be overlooked when we recall how Bishop Kenny grew to become the school it is today. Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley, Bishop William J. Kenny, and Monsignor Mortimer Danaher influenced and inspired the commitment to tradition, excellence, and faith that has become the hallmark of a Bishop Kenny education. We are proud that their legacy continues to grow as our school maintains its place as the largest high school in the Diocese of St. Augustine and the premier Catholic college preparatory school in Jacksonville.

The school’s namesake, known for his merciful service and indomitable courage, valiantly served the diocese and the City of Jacksonville through several historical events. Ordained a priest in 1879, William John Kenny was appointed by Bishop John Moore as the pastor of Immaculate Conception. Bishop Kenny worked tirelessly to build his parish into a thriving faith community. In 1888, a Yellow Fever epidemic decimated Jacksonville. More than 5,000 people became seriously ill, and hundreds of others died. Bishop Kenny, the only Catholic priest in the only Catholic parish in the city, comforted those suffering at home and in hospitals. Despite the risk to himself, he brought the sacraments to those in need and was a constant presence at the cemetery, where he presided over countless funeral rites for victims of the epidemic.

Bishop Kenny was also instrumental in the local efforts to rebuild Jacksonville after the Great Fire of 1901, which left the city, including Immaculate Conception’s rectory, convent, parish hall, and St. Mary’s orphanage, in ruins. Two months later, on March 25, 1902, Bishop Kenny was appointed by Pope Leo XIII to be the third bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine. He was the first American-born priest to hold that position. Bishop Kenny established Assumption Parish in Jacksonville, a mission church at Jacksonville Beach, and a school in Fort Pierce.

After consolidating three Catholic high schools in 1952 to form one diocesan high school, first known as Central Catholic High School, Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley announced that he would rename the school in honor of Bishop William J. Kenny. The announcement was made on the anniversary of Bishop Kenny’s ordination to the priesthood 74 years earlier.

Archbishop Hurley’s 27-year leadership over the diocese had just as many notable achievements. He started or fostered 74 parishes, 100 schools, four Catholic hospitals, and Catholic Charities, and purchased the land for St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary. He was also a Vatican diplomat, traveling to India, Japan, and Rome during the tense years leading up to World War II and after the war to Yugoslavia during the rise of communism. Archbishop Hurley attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. During the Florida land boom of the 1950s and ’60s, Hurley scouted acreage from the bird’s eye view of an airplane to acquire land to grow the diocese, including

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Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley

the iconic 55-acre riverfront property, formerly the Merrill-Stevens Shipbuilding Company property, on which Bishop Kenny now sits. At the blessing and dedication of the school, Archbishop Hurley said, “You have honored Almighty God by erecting this building for your children.”

It’s in that building that yet another founding father of Bishop Kenny made his mark after establishing a friendship with Hurley years earlier. Irish-born Monsignor Mortimer Danaher was educated in Limerick and hoped to be posted to the missions in Africa when his seminary was visited by Archbishop Hurley, who was looking for young priests to help build his diocese. Convinced by the archbishop that Florida offered the same mission opportunities as Africa, Monsignor Danaher completed his studies at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland. Eventually, he became Archbishop Hurley’s right-hand man and even served as his driver at the Second Vatican Council. Upon his ordination in 1953, Monsignor Danaher became pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish in Fort Lauderdale. He received a master’s degree in education from Catholic University in 1956. Later that year, he was named president of Bishop Kenny High School, where he led the school until 1967. That’s where Father Mike Williams, the first graduate of Bishop Kenny to become a priest, initially met Monsignor. “Monsignor Danaher had been reared in the days of Archbishop Hurley, and he was old school in the sense that things were strict. He made sure we kept in line,” explained Father Williams, who attended Bishop Kenny in its infancy from 1953 to 1957. “He was very influential in my vocation to the priesthood.”


good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.”

Monsignor Danaher went on to serve the diocese as the superintendent of Catholic schools for 17 years. During that time, he was appointed as the founding pastor of San Jose Parish, building a church, school, and parish hall. He also served as the pastor of Christ the King Parish for 20 years until he retired in 1997. After spending his entire priesthood in the Diocese of St. Augustine, he celebrated his 70th anniversary just before he passed away in March of 2023. Perhaps the priest with the charming Irish brogue is best known for his compassion. “He had a deep priestly heart,” says Father Williams. “He was a down-to-earth, loving person.”

Father Williams, whom Archbishop Hurley ordained, credits the inspiration from these men and his experience as a student of Bishop Kenny High School for shaping his life. “I loved my time at Bishop Kenny. It was a great influence on my life. There were great administrators, nuns, and wonderful lay people who taught us.”

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Bishop William J. Kenny Monsignor Mortimer Danaher – POPE BENEDICT XVI


In 1866, the Sisters of St. Joseph emigrated from France to Florida on a mission to educate and evangelize. Their pioneering spirit is as integral to Bishop Kenny’s identity today as it was when the Sisters first helped open the school in 1952.

Since Bishop Kenny’s inception, the influence of the Sisters of St. Joseph has left an indelible mark on the school and its students. The school opened under the leadership of Sister Marie de Lourdes, principal of Bishop Kenny, from 1952 to 1958. Several other Sisters were part of the inaugural faculty, beginning the rich legacy of faith, which remains the cornerstone and foundation of daily life on campus today.

Within just a few years of arriving in Florida in 1866 to teach literacy to newly freed slaves, the Sisters of St. Joseph had set up several schools in Jacksonville and St. Augustine. By 1952, they were the hallmark teaching order in Florida. Given the notoriety of their teaching, Archbishop Joseph Hurley asked several Sisters to help open Bishop Kenny.

Throughout the school’s 72-year history, more than 75 sisters have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to excellence for countless students. The last Sister to teach at BK was Sister Edith Paschall, whom many remember fondly for using George Lucas’ Star Wars films to teach junior religion. Lara Campbell Patangan ’90 recalls Sister Edith’s influence on her in high school and years after her BK days. She used the same films to help convert a friend to Catholicism and wrote about the experience in her book, Simple Mercies: How the Works of Mercy Bring Peace and Fulfillment. “A good friend of mine was trying to convert her husband to the faith and asked for my help,” explained Patangan. “He was a huge Star Wars fan, and I told him how Sister Edith used the movies to teach us about God. From there, most of our conversations veered away from the Death Star and toward God. Eventually, he asked me to be his RCIA sponsor. Sister Edith’s legacy didn’t just end with her deepening my faith; it helped inspire his conversion. She always talked about ‘The Force,’ and in her own way, she was a special kind of force.”

According to Sister Suzan Foster, a teacher and administrator at Bishop Kenny from 1975 to 1994, the founder of their order, Jean Pierre Medaille from Le Puy France, best sums up their mission: “Do whatever a woman is capable of doing.” That certainly holds true for Sister Suzan and many of the Sisters of St. Joseph, whose mission was met with robust zeal.

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1964 - The Sisters of St. Joseph in front of the newly-constructed convent

“I so enjoyed my 20 years at BK. After 50 years of teaching, I retired in June 2022,” says Sister Suzan. “I am now involved in the program part of our new mission, with educational and holistic programs for single moms just above the poverty line.”

Recognizing their impact and influence, Bishop Kenny installed a memorial to the Sisters on campus in 2013. It is in the north inside courtyard between the 200 and 300 Buildings, next to a statue of St. Joseph. Perhaps the Sisters of St. Joseph’s legacy is best stated in a letter that then President of Bishop Kenny, Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle wrote in the fall 1994 edition of The Avenue, upon announcing Sister Suzan’s retirement from Bishop Kenny. “The caliber of her professionalism and commitment to Catholic education are unequated. We extend to her abiding gratitude.”

For more than three generations, that unmatched commitment and pioneering spirit instilled by the Sisters of Saint Joseph are evident in communities nationwide as students, faculty, and alumni build on the Sister’s legacy, which has become incarnate in the Crusader spirit.

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1989 - Sr. Suzan with Capt. James W. Farley 1983 - Sister Suzan Foster 1968 - Sister Suzan Foster (3rd from left) in her first year of teaching at St. Mary’s Cathedral School, Miami, a school operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sister Edith Paschall with her trademark lightsaber

Memories of our Mentors

If the walls on Kingman Avenue could talk, they would have plenty to say about the more than 17,000 students who have attended the school. Yet ultimately, it’s what was taught and by whom that years later still speaks to the hearts of Bishop Kenny students. Whether you were a student before the school had air conditioning or after chalkboards and erasers were replaced by Smart Boards and iPads, BK students have been taught by legendary teachers who are remembered as much for their knowledge, love, and dedication to their subject, as for their compassion. Continue to walk with us as we recall a handful of those who stand tall in the memories of their students.

Valerie Doner taught English and Speech at Bishop Kenny for 41 years. She has the distinction of being the longest-tenured faculty member in the school’s history. Marie Fazio ’15 had Mrs. Doner for Speech, Debate, and AP English Language and Composition. Now a published writer for New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, Fazio says, “Mrs. Doner instilled in me a reverence for the power of words,” a sentiment widely echoed by most of Mrs. Doner’s students.

Teaching almost as long as Ms. Doner was Maria Randle, a member of the Bishop Kenny Mathematics Department, who taught at the school for 40 years, served as department chair, and was recruited by the The College Board and Educational Testing Service (ETS) to lend her expertise to the development of curriculum and testing. Filled with energy and excitement for the subject matter, joy and encouragement for her students, and a great sense of humor to keep class moving along, she stands as a favorite for countless students who had the privilege of learning from her. Shawn Kallivayalil ’97 says, “I was lucky to be in Mrs. Randle’s pre-calculus and AP calculus classes. Despite never learning to draw perfect circles like her, the math foundation she gave me set the tone for my career as an engineer. She remains the best teacher I have had, both through undergrad and master’s degrees. Thanks to her, I never received less than an A in any math course beyond her classroom. She made math feel easy.”

“Maria Randle was the epitome of a dedicated stellar teacher. Many of us strive to be like her!”

Valerie Doner and Maria Randle are both recipients of the prestigious Gladys Prior Award for Career Teaching Excellence, which is awarded annually to only four local teachers through UNF. It is a competitive process to be considered for this award, among the most significant monetary awards for teachers nationwide. Bishop Kenny is proud of this recognition for their outstanding teaching contributions.

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- VICKI SCHMITT, BKHS FACULTY 1982 - Maria Randle 2011 Gladys Pryor Award winner Vicki Schmitt with 2007 winner Maria Randle

Another perennial favorite was Frank Smyth, who served the school 39 years, long enough to teach multiple generations of students, including Mike Rogero, a 1990 graduate. Rogero tells the story of the first time he met Mr. Smyth during roll call on the first day of school. “I replied ‘here,’ and without even lifting his head, he looked over his glasses right at me and said, ‘I taught your father,’ and then went right back to the rest of roll call,” said Rogero. “I remember asking myself what kind of student was my dad. Should I panic or not?” It turns out that he didn’t have any reason to panic as Mr. Smyth went on to become one of his favorite teachers. “I still remember him for his quick wit, dry humor, and kind disposition. It really is amazing to think of the lives he touched as a teacher at BK for so many years.”

Over the years, Bishop Kenny teachers have also recognized and appreciated teaching at a school that values education and faith. Patrick Herbert ’89 acknowledged how much this meant to his mom, Diane Herbert, who taught Spanish at the school for 28 years. “Her legacy is her love for the Catholic faith,” said Herbert. “She truly felt blessed to teach in a Catholic environment.”

Currently, 31 faculty and staff members were once students at Bishop Kenny, including Jon Pichardo ’90, who has taught social studies for 26 years. His father, Joe Pichardo, a beloved Physical Education teacher and basketball coach, taught at the school for 36 years

1992 - Frank Smyth 1989 - Diane Herbert

Harmonizing Generosity

Renowned Bishop Kenny alumna Carla Harris ’80 is an author of several books and a Wall Street industry leader who also performs to sold-out crowds at Carnegie Hall. Somehow, she still manages to hit all the high notes when it comes to supporting her Jacksonville alma mater. Through a relentless application of passion, generosity, and dedication to the school’s mission, Harris has made a tremendous difference in the lives of Bishop Kenny students over the years. It’s a sweet harmony that continues to resonate.

Carla Harris is known to say, We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others “Since 1989, Carla has shared her blessings with many Bishop Kenny students through her generous gifts and support”, said Principal Todd Orlando. “When we talk about people to whom we are grateful for making positive changes at our school Carla is at the very top of the list.”

Harris is an international public speaker and a Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley. In her more than thirty-year investment banker career, Harris has been highly regarded as a motivator, executor, and leader. In August 2013, she was appointed by President Barack Obama to chair the National Women’s Business Council and was named one of the Top 40 Female Speakers in the World in 2020. Her most recent book, Lead to Win, shares her pearls of intentional leadership. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Fast Money, Barrons, and many other publications.

In her other life, Harris is a singer who has sold out concerts at Carnegie Hall and the Apollo Theatre and has released four gospel albums, including: “O This is Christmas” (2021); “Unceasing Praise” (2011); “Joy Is Waiting”(2005); and “Carla’s First Christmas”(2000). These concerts are often fundraisers for the scholarships she has helped establish at Bishop Kenny and two other schools. Harris has funded a permanent scholarship for academically gifted Black students at Bishop Kenny for more than thirty years. Her support of our school has been so prolific that in 2011, the new $1.5 million Performing Arts Center was named in her honor.

In a recent school publication, Harris described why she has felt compelled to support Bishop Kenny over the years. “I feel strongly that my education at St. Pius V Catholic School and, in particular, Bishop Kenny, gave me an excellent foundation to excel at Harvard and on Wall Street,” she said in the magazine. “I contribute my profits to Bishop Kenny because I want to help other students of color get access to Kenny’s stellar academic program, an educational program that could be instrumental in transforming their lives.

Harris is a harmonious example of the good that unfolds when alumni, friends, and supporters of the school dedicate their passion to the community in such a generous way.

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All-Star Athletics

Outside of the classroom, Bishop Kenny has shaped many students’ athletic success over the years. From the 1957 Class A state champion boys’ basketball team to the 2022 FHSAA 2A state championship swimmers, the Crusaders’ 23-team, 16-sport athletic program has staying power and continues to reach further.

“We are so proud of the determination and skill development our athletes demonstrate on and off the field, season after season. Their hard work and talent are inspiring and bear out the spirit of this institution, its facilities, and Bishop Kenny’s winning legacy,” said Todd Orlando. “We are very excited about the program’s future – we have the energy, drive, and momentum to move the athletic bar at Bishop Kenny even higher.”

The Crusader varsity athletic program has earned more than 32 state championships during the school’s 72-year history. It is a rich legacy. In the early years, Bishop Kenny’s athletic leaderboard included Carter Williams, the 1983 440-yard dash state champion; Jenna Dunn, the 1985 two-mile run state champion; the 1989-90, 1990-91, and 1991-92 girls’ basketball 2-A state champions; Antwain Tomlin, the 1994 shotput state champion; as well as the talented 1996 girls’ cross country team, 4-A state champions who went on to win four titles back-to-back.

In more recent years, Bishop Kenny has turned out winners with noticeable frequency including the 2012 boys cross country state champions; David Yarborough, the 2013 Class 2A 1600-meter state champion; the 2014 Class 5A volleyball state champions; Josiah McCallum, 2017 wrestling state champion; the 2020 4A girls’ soccer state champions; the 2020 volleyball 4A state champions; the 2021 and 2022 boys’ swimming 2A state champions; and Barrie Snyder ’23, the FHSAA 2A boys’ 50 freestyle state champion, among many others.

Athletes today continue to advance this legacy of hard work and sportsmanship, dedicating themselves to competitive excellence, teamwork, and training in campus facilities that have borne witness to much of the school’s history. These spaces “down by the river” include the John A. Baldwin Athletic Center, completed and later renamed in 1962; the J. Joseph Parete Field at the William H. Johnston Sr. Stadium, which opened in 1973; the Bob West Baseball Stadium, which was initially completed in 1986 and renamed and expanded in 2020; the Abbie Lenahan Tennis Complex, built in 1978 and renamed recently; the Bishop Kenny Softball Complex, completed in 1986; and the David D. Williams Beach Volleyball Courts, which opened in 2019. Many of these facilities were dedicated to or named

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1971 - John Baldwin

for longtime supporters, alumni, friends, or luminaries of the school, including the families of John Baldwin, Dave Williams, Bob West, William Johnston, J. Joseph Parete, and Abbie Lenahan. “The legacy my father left behind is, without a doubt, one-of-akind. He was remarkable, caring, loving, passionate, funny, and, most importantly, a dedicated man. Growth is what Dave Williams wanted to be a part of at Bishop Kenny, so it is special for the beach volleyball courts to be named in his honor. My dad would have wanted to witness the upcoming renovations at BK. I know he is so proud of his BK family and smiling down on them as they continue to support and develop cutting-edge facilities on the campus that became his home,” said Nadine Williams ’15.

“My dad would have wanted to witness the upcoming renovations at BK. I know he is so proud of his BK family and smiling down on them as they continue to support and develop cutting-edge facilities on the campus that became his home.”

As the school community grows, Crusaders look forward to new athletic opportunities. “Our number one goal is to provide the resources, facilities, and instruction our student-athletes deserve, and our school’s winning legacy supports it,” said Mark Thorson, Director of Athletics. “We are so grateful for the community support our teams have enjoyed over the years and look forward to taking our program to new heights.”

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1993 - Dave Williams - NADINE WILLIAMS ‘15

Forming the Faithful

While scholarship, athletics, and the fine and performing arts form the trinity of student development at Bishop Kenny High School, its faith foundation has inspired a handful of the school’s 17,000 graduates to pursue another calling: living a consecrated life as a priest or sister in the Catholic Church.

According to school records, nearly 60 alumni students became sisters, brothers, deacons, or clergy in the church following their graduation from Bishop Kenny. Father Mike Williams ’57 was the school’s first graduate to become a priest. Crusaders through and through, these men and women profess the spirit of faith and service that bridges the space between academia and our heavenly pursuits.

Many students have followed in Father Williams’ footsteps. Bishop Kenny alumnae who have served as religious sisters include Mary C. Barry ’89, Rita A. Baum ’59, Madeline Beverly ’07, Florence Bryan ’58, Marilyn Dingman ’56, Agnes Holtz ’95, Therese M. Iglesias ’93, Susan T. Joost ’08, M. Elise Kennedy ’62, Mary Kristin ’83, Ann E. Kuhn ’60, Nancy J. Marsh ’66, Louise T. McEachern ’66, Josephine M. Melican ’54, Judith A. Plumb ’65, Justine Praxedes ’05, Carol Stovall ’67, Charlotte A. Tremoulet ’62, Mary Waller ’62, Sherryl White ’70 and Elizbeth Worley ’63.

Bishop Kenny alumni who have joined the priesthood or serve the church include Rev. Fr. Gabriel Bakkar ’93, Rev. Msgr. James Boddie ’70, Rev. Fr. Charles Bowes ’62, Rev. Fr. Timothy J. Cusick ’83, Rev. Fr. John H. Dux ’59, Deacon Michael J. Elison ’71, Rev. Fr. Gregory J. Fay ’67, Rev. Fr. Thomas M. Ford ’66, Rev. Fr. Guy Fregeau ’72, Rev. Fr. C. Edwin Graves ’58, Rev. Fr. Michael E. Hartley ’06, Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Haut ’60, Rev. Fr. Thomas Hidding ’68, Rev. Fr. Mackenzie J. Hill ’10, Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ’71, Rev. Fr. Clay Bl Ludwig ’11, Daniel Q. Maher ’20, Mason A. McGovern ’20, Rev. Dr. Robert P. McNamara ’62, Rev. Msgr. Michael Morgan ’64, Rev. Fr. D. Terrence Morgan ’67, Clay Moulder ’23, Stephen Parker ’12, Nicholas Patin ’20, Rev. Fr. W. Michael Pendergraft ’71, Rev. Fr. Wayne W. Price ’76, Rev. Fr. John R. Reynolds ’72, Rev. Fr. Anthony G. Sebra ’62, Brother Raymond I. Smith ’81, Rev. Fr. Paul E. Stewart ’65, Rev. Fr. John H. Tetlow ’72, Rev. Fr. Merwyn J. Thomas ’58, Rev. Fr. Jason C. Trull ’92, Rev. Fr. Michael S. Williams ’57, Deacon David Yazdiya ’81, Brother Raymond I. Smith ’81 and Rev. Fr. Dennis M. Young ’72.

These compassionate and dedicated Crusaders have been busy changing the world through their vocations. We invite you to meet a few of the men and women who’ve accepted this most righteous path from the halls of Bishop Kenny High School.

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Msgr. Boddie, ordained by Bishop Paul Tanner in May 1978 at his home parish of St. Pius V in Jacksonville, is the first Black man from any diocese in Florida to enter a Florida seminary and also the first to be ordained for the Diocese of St. Augustine. After serving as an associate pastor at St. Paul’s in Jacksonville, St. Catherine of Siena in Orange Park, and Sacred Heart in Green Cove Springs, Monsignor Boddie was appointed pastor of his early alma mater, St. Pius V. He has served in several leadership positions for the diocese locally and nationally, including as pastor of Christ the King in Jacksonville and director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministry for the diocese.


Msgr. Michael R. Houle ’71, a former faculty member at Bishop Kenny and its president from 1989 to 2015, created the school’s financial assistance program in 1989. He considers this one of his most meaningful contributions. Ordained a priest by Bishop Paul Tanner at St. Patrick Parish in Jacksonville, Monsignor Houle has served parishes across the diocese, including Assumption, Holy Family, Mary Queen of Heaven, Blessed Trinity, Holy Rosary, and Our Lady Star of the Sea. He currently serves as pastor of St. Paul’s parish in Jacksonville Beach and Episcopal Vicar for the Diocese of St. Augustine.


Fr. Tim Cusick ’83 serves at the St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida. After BK, he earned his degree in engineering and business administration from Georgia Tech. He served as the pastor of Holy Family in Jacksonville for more than seven years before earning a licentiate in moral theology at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He is currently working on a doctorate in moral theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.



Fr. Jason Trull ’92 and his family attended Assumption Catholic Church since its earliest days, and he graduated from its school in 1988. Following his Bishop Kenny graduation in 1992, Father Trull entered the ministry and was named pastor of Assumption Catholic Church in July 2019. He has been a priest for 17 years and a pastor for more than 14 years. He also serves the Diocese of St. Augustine as its Vicar General.



Sister Thérèse Marie (Iglesias) ’93 attended the Franciscan University of Steubenville following her graduation from Bishop Kenny. She later transferred to Florida State University, where she became inspired by the Brothers of Hope while active in the Catholic Student Union. It was during college that she was moved toward her vocation.

After her FSU graduation, she worked part-time with a law firm. She worked in campus ministry at FSU before joining the Franciscan Sisters of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother in Toronto, Ohio in 1998 and making her final vows in 2006.


Sister Agnes Holtz ’95 (Sister Agnes Mary of the Holy Eucharist) grew up in Assumption parish, attending Assumption Catholic School and graduating from Bishop Kenny in 1995. While at Bishop Kenny, Holtz was an avid tennis player and attended the University of North

Florida nursing program on a tennis scholarship before a knee injury took her out of the sport. She worked as a pediatric oncology nurse for a year and later followed a calling to her special mission. She has been Sister Agnes Mary of the Holy Eucharist with the Bronx, New York-based Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal for more than 20 years.


Mac Hill ’10, a football player, weightlifter, and Eagle Scout during his time at Kenny, was ordained Rev. Mac Hill on May 15, 2021. He graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in economics in 2014 and entered St. John Vianney College Seminary. He later attended St. Vincent de Paul and graduated with a Master of Divinity in May 2021. His time in seminary included a pastoral year at San Juan del Rio parish under Fr. John Tetlow ’72 and later at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine. He serves as Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral Basilica in St. Augustine and as a chaplain at St. Joseph’s Academy.


Following his BK graduation in, Clay Ludwig attended St. John Vianney College Seminary, receiving a degree in Philosophy with a minor in Theology in 2015. His path has taken him all over the world: first to the Pontifical North American College in Rome to continue his seminarian studies, then back to the U.S. for his pastoral year, and eventually to Italy again to the Pontifical Gregorian University to complete a Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree and his license in Dogmatic Theology. In 2021, Ludwig said he was looking forward to being a full-time Diocesan priest and “bringing a continual joyful presence of the priesthood and bearing witness of Christ’s love for us to everyone.” He serves as Parochial Vicar of San Juan del Rio parish and is the Vocational Director for the diocese.

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Legacy of Faith

While exciting change is on the horizon at Kenny, today’s campus still echoes its humble beginnings as Central Catholic High School in 1952. The school entrance still looks familiar, and the original academic buildings have aged gracefully. Growth has been ongoing since the 1960s when the girls’ school wings were completed. Two of the first projects completed were the John Baldwin Athletic Center and the William Johnston Football Stadium. The library and its addition, named the Demetree Library following significant renovations in 1986 and then the Demetree Learning Commons after another modernizing renovation in 2014, continue to be the hub of student learning and research. Over the years, Bishop Kenny facilities have grown to accommodate an expanding and diverse student population, served by an expanded curriculum and academic, art, and athletic opportunities of the highest order. The school has invested a great deal of time and resources to ensure the school campus has the technology and academic support needed to keep up with today’s educational demands.

Peer into any academic building on campus, and you’ll see tradition and progress in action. While improvements to classrooms have been ongoing over the decades at Bishop Kenny, enhancements in recent years have included a complete renovation of the 100 Building, including classrooms, labs, and hallways. The 2022-23 school year saw the dedications of the new Morales Physics Lab, the Cascone Center for Family & Consumer Science, and the Larmoyeux Anatomy & Physiology Lab, where anatomy students now learn with the aid of a state-of-the-art Anatomage Table. The school is also benefiting from the new Science Lab 408 and an NJROTC Training Facility built on the southeastern part of campus.

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Bishop Kenny has maintained its commitment to academic excellence and invested accordingly to benefit its students. Thanks to the generosity of donors, stadium renovations, including a new press box, restroom, concession, and gathering facilities, which were completed in 2014, the Dave Williams Outdoor Volleyball Courts opened on the riverfront in 2019, and enclosed batting cages were added to the renamed Bob West Baseball Complex three years ago. Still, Crusader athletes continue to hone their sporting skills on baseball and softball fields added in the mid-1980s, in the Roger Strickland Field House built in 2003 and on the J. Joseph Parete Field, which has been in its location since the school’s founding.

Bishop Kenny athletes are excelling in new and exciting ways. “From its earliest days, Bishop Kenny was designed to be a place where students could thrive, be fulfilled, and discover their special purpose – this momentum continues today thanks to the generous support of people who understand and appreciate our school’s important mission,” said Principal Todd Orlando. “We are thrilled to see the passion these donors and friends of the school have for its mission to turn its focus to our endowment and athletics.”

The Bishop Kenny you know and remember continues to be grounded in tradition, excellence, and faith in the classroom, but the path does not end here. A glorious new day is upon us as we prepare Bishop Kenny for future generations. We invite you to be part of the journey.

Since our founding, we have grown and expanded our facilities through the generosity of individual donors who prioritized Catholic education in their gifts. Thanks to their generosity, it has been more than 30 years since Bishop Kenny embarked on a major public fundraising effort. In 2019, Bishop Kenny began a 10-year master campus planning process to reflect on the future and legacy of the school while identifying, prioritizing, and accommodating infrastructure needs. Through a comprehensive three-year work group, BK prioritized three goals as the most critical projects for the next five years to keep pace with our own standards, remain competitive with our peers, and invest in the people and places that make our campus home to all of the Crusader family.

With these goals in mind, we are thrilled to launch the Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign and invite you to discover our vision for the future. When complete, it will be the largest campaign our community has ever achieved. As you read about the campaign, you will learn how it will impact and enrich the complete, faith-based education that each student experiences on our campus.

In our 72 years, BK has always been a place of legacy – where multiple generations of brothers and sisters, mothers and daughters, fathers, sons, and grandchildren have built a shared foundation of faith, education, service, and values. This foundation encompasses the Legacy of Faith Capital Campaign. Together, we are honoring those who came before us, continuing to build their legacy, and making a way for the generations that follow.

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Building a Bright Future



Located at the entrance to the William H. Johnston Sr. Football Stadium, this new training center will give BK studentathletes access to the most current strength training equipment, workout space, and technology to scout opponents and review their own performances. It will allow them to reach new heights in an environment that celebrates the Crusader spirit. Designed by kasper architects + associates, we broke ground on this facility in January 2024 with an anticipated opening during the 2024-25 school year.

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This facility will support our students’ overall health and wellness activities. It will include physical education locker rooms, classrooms, and weight rooms to be used by all students, and space for practices, games, tournaments, schoolwide Mass, and assemblies. This project will begin after the Athletic Training Center is completed.



An endowment is an essential part of the long-term stability of a first-class school. All gifts are invested, and annual income from those investments supports the school in perpetuity while the principal is never touched. Established in 2021, the BKHS Endowment will provide substantial long-term funds that continue to support the educational excellence we have provided since our founding.

Gifts to the endowment have both immediate and long-term benefits. They provide unrestricted funds for the greatest needs as determined by the administration, allowing BK to respond quickly to challenges and opportunities as they arise. Over the next five to ten years, BK plans to increase tuition assistance, as generated from this endowment, to $250,000 per year. We will also boost funding for academic and athletic programs.

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The future Athletic Training Center, as seen from the football stadium looking towards main campus. Located across from the existing Roger Strickland Field House, the two buildings will be joined by a brick canopy, providing a shelter for the new ticket booth.

Building features include:

• Iconic and inspirational entrance to welcome students, coaches, trainers, and guests.

• Wrestling room featuring specialty floor and wall mats.

• Locker rooms to accommodate wrestling, baseball, girls’ soccer, cross country, track & field.

• Strength training room designed and outfitted by Sorinex, the leading provider of custom athletic solutions for professional and college programs across the nation, including the Jacksonville Jaguars.

• A high-tech, dedicated film room where coaches and athletes can review individual and team performance and prepare for opponents.

• The Roberts Spirit Shop, made possible through the generosity of the family of Clay Roberts ’07.

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The second floor will be a comprehensive strength training facility, complete with ten weight racks, resistance equipment, and acceleration and speed training. Floor-to-ceiling windows will offer athletes views of the St. Johns River and EverBank Stadium as they work out.

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The future practice gymnasium, as seen from Kingman Avenue and the front lawn. Located adjacent to the John A. Baldwin Athletic Center, this new facility will be constructed after the Athletic Training Center is complete and will house new locker rooms for the student body to replace the original 1962 locker rooms. The facility will also include new classrooms and offices, in addition to the added gym space to provide more availability for teams, assemblies, and student activities.

Practice Gymnasium Features include:

• Girls’ and boys’ locker rooms

• Two athletic offices

• All-student fitness center and weight room

• Faculty and staff fitness space and locker rooms

• Two classrooms with Node desks and 85” touchscreen Promethean Smart Boards

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“My time at Bishop Kenny was transformative. It laid the foundation for my work ethic, resilience, and morals, both on the field and in the business world. Every challenge I’ve faced, be it at Wake Forest, in the cutthroat nature of the NFL, or in starting a new business, was approached with the values and principles I began developing at BK. I am thankful and appreciative for all of the coaches, teachers, and friends who invested in me over those four years and look back with nothing but nostalgia when thinking of my high school experience.”

Campaign Milestones


Campaign kick-off and goal announcement

Athletic Training Center groundbreaking

All members of our Crusader family will be invited to join the campaign


Active fundraising stage ends

Athletic Training Center construction continues


Athletic Training Center opens

Final plans and preparations for construction of the new practice gym

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• • • • • • •
The back of the new practice gymnasium looking towards the football stadium and new Demetree Athletic Training Center. The new facilities will be connected by a beautiful walkway.



Every single student will use the gym and locker rooms during their years at BK for physical education, assemblies, and events; more than 50% of our student body participates in extracurricular athletic activities. The buildings will be heavily used nearly every day of the year, even during the summer months when we conduct summer school and student-athletes are continuously training. Because it serves so many purposes, our gym is in high demand. Gym and weight room time is fully booked, with some teams practicing as early as 5:30 a.m. or late into the night. Our new space will complement our existing facilities, allowing teams to practice and train concurrently and better enabling Bishop Kenny to host tournaments and events.


Academics is always our first priority at BK. We have made significant capital improvements to our academic buildings to maintain a standard of academic excellence in our class offerings and support services. With our academic renovations nearing completion, we need to improve our athletic facilities to match the quality of our academic buildings. Additionally, an important part of this campaign is support for the BKHS Endowment, a program that will provide substantial long-term funds to support educational excellence.


The Athletic Training Center broke ground in Winter 2024, with a planned opening in the 2024-25 school year. Upon completion of this facility, the construction of the practice gymnasium will begin.


Bishop Kenny is a self-supporting 501(c)3 organization dedicated to being a conscientious steward of the funds received through tuition and fundraising endeavors. BK is an important part of the Diocese of St. Augustine Catholic School System and receives important support from it through resources, counsel, collaborative projects, and more. The diocese does not currently provide funding to Bishop Kenny.

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Leading the Way



Michael Cascone, Jr. ’61

Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ’64

Michael J. Cascone ’85

Steven D. Cascone ’86

Elizabeth C. Higgs ’88

Brian J. Cascone ’91

Juliette C. Gredenhag ’95

Kathleen D. Cascone ’98

“My family is grateful to be a part of this historic moment at Bishop Kenny. My wife, Elizabeth Belyea ‘64, and our six children are all proud alumni of Bishop Kenny. In addition to supporting an already topquality education, we see this campaign as an opportunity to invest in ensuring that the school’s facilities will be competitive well into the future. No matter what you choose to invest, this is an opportunity for all of us to join together and contribute to a project that will pay dividends for generations.”

- Michael Cascone, Jr. ‘61

“As alumni and now parents of current BK students, our heart is here. We would not be who and where we are today in business or in life without our Bishop Kenny community. We know we have a faith-filled network of support and a soft place to land whenever we need it. We couldn’t think of a more fitting way to give back to BK than to help lead this effort at such a pivotal time for our alma mater.”

- SEAN & BETHANY RAY REICHARD, ‘92, ‘92, P’24, P’26

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BK high school sweethearts Sean and Beth are married and have raised four children: Lauren ’24, Kate ’26, and future Crusaders Sean and Luke. A proud player on the 1991 and 1992 Lady Crusader Basketball State Championship teams under Coach Todd Orlando, Beth graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Arts and earned a law degree from Samford University in 1999. She is a partner at Lippes Mathias LLP and a past president of the Catholic Lawyers Guild.

Sean is the youngest of nine Bishop Kenny graduates. He founded Alluvion Staffing, which was acquired by Vaco Jacksonville, a leading national talent solutions company, in 2021. He is now Managing Partner at Vaco, and very active in the Jacksonville business community. He uses his 25 years of market knowledge to consult on branding, hiring, and retention strategies, as well as on market insights on the local job market for organizations including the Federal Reserve Bank, Jacksonville Chamber and Business Journal. Sean cares deeply about Jacksonville and serves/has served on many community boards, including St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rotary Club of Deerwood, Boselli Foundation, and Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship through Florida State University.

The decision to assume a leadership role in this campaign was easy for Sean and Beth. They are both enthusiastic supporters of Catholic education and know the value firsthand. As both alumni and parents, the foundation of faith formed on campus, complemented by excellent academics, is important to their family. They hope their support of this campaign will greatly impact the future of all Crusaders.



Janet Olinto ’82, was a BK cheerleader and a member of the Red & White Girls for the baseball team. She married alumnus Damon Olinto ’79, who was a baseball player and came back to BK to teach math and coach baseball before embarking on a 35year career in banking.

Damon and Janet have three children who also attended BK –Damon, Jr. ’02, Kate ’07, and Sean ’16. Janet returned to Bishop Kenny and the school’s Executive Coordinator, Compliance Officer, and RenWeb Administrator. Damon is the Market Executive of the Northeast Florida division of Synovus Bank.

Damon and Janet decided to chair this capital campaign because of the impact Bishop Kenny makes on our community and has made on their lives.

“We have been a part of Catholic education for most of our lives, and we have been a part of the BK community in every way possible – as students, alumni, employees, and parents. We have so many wonderful memories and lifelong friendships from BK, so it was easy to say yes to helping with this campaign. BK has been a part of our hearts and souls for many years, shaping who we are, who our children are, and deepening our faith. We hope everyone fondly remembers their experiences here and will contribute to this campaign to strengthen the school and give present and future Crusaders the facilities that they need to be successful.”

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“The one principle that surrounds everything else is that of stewardship; that we are the managers of everything that God has given us.”

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Our volunteer campaign cabinet is diligently leading us to success while visiting with our community on behalf of our campaign. Service is at the heart of our school and the Crusader experience, and these individuals are leading by example in their commitment to our mission. We are grateful and humbled to partner with these volunteers as they continue to give of their time, talent, and treasure to support the future of our students, campus, and the entire BK community.


Sean Reichard ‘92

Bethany Ray Reichard ’92


The Cascone Family

Michael Cascone, Jr. ’61

Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ’64

Michael J. Cascone ’85

Steven D. Cascone ’86

Elizabeth C. Higgs ’88

Brian J. Cascone ’91

Juliette C. Gredenhag ’95

Kathleen D. Cascone ’98


Damon Olinto ‘79

Janet Shalley Olinto ’82


Peter Corrigan ’78

Bert Costa

Juliette Cascone Gredenhag ’95

Cristina Mussallem Haddad ’99

Robert Heekin ‘68

Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ’68

Paul Helow ’10

William G. Hillegass ’68

Beeb Lanahan Johnson ’93


Steier Group

Edward Leonard ‘84

Kara Citrano Leonard ’90

Anthony and Kathy Parete ’80

Chuck Parliment ’69

Ashley Robinson

Brian Sexton

Colleen Kulik Sutter ’97

Lou V. Walsh, IV, CFA

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Joining theMission

We invite the Bishop Kenny community to join us in supporting this historic moment. Achieving our goal will take the full participation of our Crusader community, though support for the campaign may look different for everyone. Your support can take the form of a one-time gift, a pledge to be fulfilled over up to three years, or a gift of time and skill through volunteering.




Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds offer special tax advantages and can be a great way to provide a significant gift to Bishop Kenny. Donors aged 72 ½ and older can realize tax savings by directing their retirement accounts’ annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to BK.


Donations of appreciated homes and other real property receive an income tax deduction equal to the full market value of the property with no tax on any capital gain. Check with Bishop Kenny’s Advancement Team about its gift acceptance policies.


Naming Bishop Kenny as primary contingent beneficiary of a life insurance property is a unique way to fulfill a commitment. Gifts of life insurance are tax deductible, as are the future premium payments.


A matching gift program provided through your employer or board membership may allow you to increase the value of your gift. Many companies match charitable gifts of employees, retirees, or board members. For information and required forms, check with your company’s human resources department.


We are looking for volunteers to serve as alumni and team captains February-June 2024. Captains will advocate and communicate with our community about this exciting project.

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Note: This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consider consulting with a qualified professional adviser for specific recommendations.
Questions? Contact Us. Kristin Azzarello Hall ‘99, Advancement Officer 904-398-7545 x289 • hallk@bishopkenny.net
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Investing in Dreams

The DuBow Famiy Foundation has made an endowed gift that will help support the Campus Ministry Department in perpetuity. The gift will permanently honor the life and memory of Mr. James Meehan, whose family has a long history at Bishop Kenny.

On March 31, 2023, 50 members of the Meehan and DuBow families, along with representatives of the school gathered in the Bishop Paul. F. Tanner Chapel as Rev. Clay Ludwig ’11 offered Mass in memory of Mr. James Meehan, parent and grandparent of two generations of Crusaders. After Mass, Father Clay blessed and dedicated a plaque installed in commemoration of the establishment of the endowed gift.

We are very grateful to the DuBow family for this important and significant gift that will impact the work of the Department of Campus Ministry for years to come.

We also extend our gratitude to the Heekin family. Mike Heekin ’71 and his wife Jeanne made a generous gift towards the addition of four classrooms in the 100 Building. They dedicated one of the classrooms in honor of his brother David and his wife Claire Boozer Heekin, both members of the Class of 1972. Former BK President, Monsignor Michael Houle ’71, said Mass and blessed the permanent plaque outside of classroom 129 on June 17, 2023.

The Inaugural Bishop Kenny High School Endowment Luncheon was held on July 20, 2023 in the Carla Harris Performing Arts Center. Donors who have established permanent endowed scholarships and gifts to BK were invited to attend the event and be honored for their generosity. To date, $1.7 million dollars has been committed to this important new program that will provide resources to Bishop Kenny in perpetuity. We celebrate out endowment donors and thank them for answering the call to support our school.

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John A. Baldwin Scholarship

Bishop Kenny Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship

Angie Obi Bloom Memorial Scholarship

Julie Joseph Burke ’88 Memorial Scholarship

Katie Caples ’99 Memorial Scholarship

Michael John Lanahan, Jr.’87 Memorial Scholarship

David Livaudais ‘59 Memorial Scholarship

Jo Madden ’17 Friendship Scholarship



Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

James & Patricia Ryan Gosa ’66 Scholarship

Carla Harris ‘80 Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71 Scholarship

Kauffman Family Scholarship

Lea & Rabon Families Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan Scholarship

David & Sheila Marovich Scholarship

James F. Meehan Memorial Gift

Jorge & Marjorie Morales Scholarship

Michael Murray ’59 Memorial Scholarship

Obringer Family Scholarship

Clay Roberts ’07 Memorial Scholarship

Clay Roberts ’07 Memorial Gift

The President’s Award

J.P. Thornton Family Scholarship

William & Patricia Tierney Scholarship

John J. Will Memorial Scholarship

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship


$10,000 and above



Alfred I. duPont Foundation

BK Boosters

Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71 Scholarship

Rev. Msgr. Daniel B. Logan Scholarship

The Burton Foundation - Robert & Joanna Gray

The Cascone Family Foundation

Michael Cascone Jr. ‘61

Elizabeth Belyea Cascone ‘64

Michael J. Cascone ‘85

Steven D. Cascone ‘86

Elizabeth Cascone Higgs ‘88

Brian J. Cascone ‘91

Juliette Cascone Gredenhag ‘95

Kathleen D. Cascone ’98

Catholic Foundation Donors to BK

Joe & Kelly Cusick *

Gaston & Marie “Mimi” Lauwaert Daumy ‘63

Jack & Betty Demetree Family Foundation

The DuBow Family Foundation - James F. Meehan Memorial Gift

Dick Erickson – NJROTC

James & Patricia Ryan Gosa ‘66

Carla Harris ‘80 Scholarship

In River or Ocean - Clay Roberts ’07 Memorial Gift

Louis E. & Genevieve C. Joos Trust

Charlie & Donna Kauffman

Kenneth A. Kelly ’83

Lou & Stacy Wilkinson Larmoyeux ‘89 *

David & Sheila Marovich

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

In memory of J.P. Thornton, III ‘23

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Jorge & Margie Morales ‘65

Mike & Lisa Obringer ’67

Gayle Tischer Thornton ‘56

Lou & Jan Walsh

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$7,500 to $9,999

The Folded Flag Foundation


$5,000 to $7,499

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous


Mary Jo Antone

Wayne H. Brunetti ’60

Jim & Silvia Denkler

Jack & Camille Larmoyeux Herbst

Christopher & Leigh Larmoyeux

Louis & Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ‘62, ‘64

Matthew & Samantha Larmoyeux

James O’Brien & Melissa Larmoyeux

Dr. Michael C. & Ellen Larmoyeux

David Livaudais ‘59 Memorial Scholarship

Greg & Karen Montana

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Navy League of the United States

Jacksonville Council

Chip & Ann Larmoyeux Reamy

Frank N. Stanley III ‘60

Patricia A. Tierney

Lark A. Will ‘77


$2,500 to $4,999

Katie Caples Foundation

Mike & Kelli Capra*

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Jackie Tischer Conners ‘55

Scott J. Cristian ‘64

Mike & Daisy Davidson - NJROTC

Matt & Carrie Driscoll

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Michael & Reneè Favo

Timothy & Seran Fee

Dr. Antonio Gordon ’61

Michael A. Granuzzo

Robert & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68,’68 +

In memory of Tina Rasmussen Nevitt ‘68

In memory of Betty Masters

In memory of Frances Ossi Zebouni

In memory of Pat Mickler ‘55

In memory of Rodney Williamson ‘63

In memory of Hugh Kelley ‘68

In memory of Emma Duncan

In memory of John A. Tucker, III

In memory of Michael Bohnstengel ‘67

In memory of J.P. Thornton, III ‘23

In memory of Virginia “Jenny” Sullivan ‘68

In memory of Rick LaFountain ‘68

In memory of Gloria Reiley

In memory of Linda Mussallem Herro ‘76

In memory of Jim Hillegass ‘59

In memory of Barbara Shaar Alexander ‘69

In memory of Msgr. Mortimer Danaher

In memory of John F. Corrigan

In memory of Katie Ward Van Zile ‘71

In memory of Sharon Smith Bennett’64

In memory of Linda Hillyard Davis

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Mr. & Mrs. C. Jason Kujala ‘94

Stephen & Susan Madden

Jo Madden ’17 Friendship Scholarship

Patrick & Sandra Madigan - NJROTC

Kathryn Miller

Dom Allmond ‘20 Memorial Scholarship

Notre Dame Club of Greater Jacksonville

Brendon P. Olinto ‘77 *

Steve & Diane Helow Parker ‘82

Rathbun K. Rhodes ‘70

John T. Rivers ‘84

Jay & Ashley Robinson

Matthew & Brandi Salomone

David & Marieta Seale

St. Paul Catholic Church - Jacksonville Beach

Patricia Harvey Tubel ‘55


$1,500 to $2,499

Anonymous Donors through the United Way of NE Florida

Bishop Kenny Class of 1977 – 45th Reunion

Amaury “AC” Carrasco ‘90

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Max & Denise Clark

EastGroup Properties

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

James & Pamela Gibson ‘64

Michelle Gilmore

Butch Hofstetter ‘82

Matthew P. Hushek ‘98

Robert & Louise Christian Johnson ‘65, ‘65

Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Kuhnel

Michael John Lanahan, Jr.’87 Memorial Scholarship

Michael Larmoyeux & Jennifer Dougherty

Ellen Smalling Miller ’69 *

The Mary & Victor Monfort Family Foundation

Rev. Msgr. Michael P. Morgan ‘64

Keith Ed Munsch ’68 +

Patrick & Melissa O’Connor ‘97

Damon & Janet Shalley Olinto ‘79,’82

Rene Pulido ‘93

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Timothy H. Stutz ‘98

Thomas & Patty Taggart

Mari F. Terbrueggen ‘56

Scott & Aurea Thompson

Brian & Carol Whitmire ‘78

Dennis & Dolores Corn Williamson ‘68,’68 +


$1,000 to $1,499

Robert T. Atwood ‘57

Bernard J. Bagley ‘68 +

Thomas D. Bianchi ‘70

Meri C. Bloom ’82

Angie Obi Bloom Memorial Scholarship

Lt. Col. Dennis E. Brown, USAF (Ret) ‘59

Trip & Christina Toney Caldwell ‘87

The Cascone & Gredenhag Families

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23 & Pat Thornton ‘53

Nailah J. Coleman, M.D. ‘92

JJ & Sarah Conners ‘88

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Timothy & Marcia Evans Cox ’82, ‘82

Charles L. Cromer ‘80

In memory of Mary Flynn Cromer ‘54

James M. Crotty ’68 +

Jay & Tammra Demetree ’76

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

48 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23

Doris Denno ’67

Craig A. Dewhurst ‘84

Sharon B. Dover

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Bob & Laura Ebener ‘93

Mike & Kate Faggella-Luby

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Jorge & Isela Fiterre ’68 + Joe L. Foster, Jr. ‘85

Mark & Ellen Gould - NJROTC

Daniel R. Hancock ‘96

In memory of his father, Bobby Lane Hancock

Terry & Natalie Hashey

Joseph & Julie Helow

Mrs. Margaret O. Helow

Helow Family Foundation

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

William G. Hillegass ’68 + Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hurdle

Linda Bohnstengel Ireland ’68 +

Dennis & Kristin Kata Kelly ‘92

Dennis J. Lanahan ’58

Jane Richeson Lanier ‘67

The Hon. E McRae & Karen Mathis

Howard & Karen Mayfield

Henry & Bernadette McGuire-Rivera ‘68 +

K. Michael Munsch ‘65

Michael P. O’Brien

Christopher & Cathy Edmonds O’Shea ‘69,‘70

Perret & Associates, Inc. Land Surveyors

Fred B. Power ‘53

Billy & Gabrielle Quillen

Jay & Ashley Robinson

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Christopher & Fina Russell

Johnny & Kristen Sandhu

David & Jennifer Schoening

Gail Bussian Schwalm ‘79

John P. Sheesley ’94

Thomas & Mary Stewart Sherrill ’07 * Mark Shurett ‘71

Denzel M. Smith ‘68 +

Brett & Tracy Staples

Dick & Vicki Stewart

Leticia Garcia Stropes ‘90

Sharon Joseph Suggs ‘71

Autumn Federico Toumbis ‘05

Lou & Betty Nackashi Trad ’57


$500 to $999

Cesar & Charmaine Aguirre

Christopher N. Ames ‘71

Dr. John S. Anderson ‘86

Mike & Kathy Azzarello

Charleen Flynn Bearup ’94

Benjamin Bendetti, Jr. ‘59

David H. Benton Jr. ‘81

Michael V. Berry ‘75

Bishop Kenny Class of 1990 - 30 Year Reunion

Thomas & Sheila Citrano Bontempo ‘85

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Thomas & Joy Brandvold ‘79

George & Julie Brodeur Brookshire ‘70

Jorge A. Carrillo ‘86

The Cascone Family

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Carol McKaba Chinn ‘76

James & Eileen Citrano

Capt. & Mrs. Gus Clark III, USN, Ret.

Nicole Krestalude Clifford ‘95*

Mary Pat Corrigan ‘80

Peter & Laurie Dunnington Corrigan ‘78,‘76

Tim & Nancy Mead Corrigan ‘74, ‘74

Philip T. Cratem II ‘78

George C. Cross ‘81

Gerald B. Curington ’68 +

Michael & Julie Deschenes ‘80

Devry E. Dewan ’78

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Kim & Derek E. Dewan ‘73

Louis & Jill Howell Dunbar ’73

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Steve & Bonny Dunn

Edgar J. Ejercito ‘90

Chad & Kristie Evans

Betty S. Farley

Matthew & Aimee Fennell

Edward J. Fleming III ‘04

The Golden Girls ‘65

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Christopher Goodwyn ‘08 *

Dr. T. Michael & Cecily Hardin ‘68 + W. Michael Heekin ‘71

Daniel C. Hillegass ‘70

Patrick S. Hillegass ‘73

Chris & Ana Johnson

Samuel & Constance Satterlee Kaleel ‘64,’64

Rita Karadsheh *

Eric & Lori Kirsch

Ms. Natalie Kohn

John & Theresa Solomon Lawlor ‘68 ‘73 +

Ernest & Carmel Brodeur Lea ‘71

Paul D. Lewis Jr. ‘54 *

Gunnar & Elizabeth Miller

NJROTC Project

David & Carolyn Hillegass Moore ‘76

Frank & Tammy Morreale

Edward & Celia Nass

Cheryl O’Connor

Thomas R. Pennington ‘61

Bill & Joy Pujadas ‘69

John J. Rahaim ‘53

Simmie A. Raiford ‘78

Andrew & Theresa Helow Ryan ‘87

Kirk M. Sandifer ‘82

Jennifer Schriver

Michael L. Shelton ‘99

Maureen Neustadter Sheridan ‘75

Richard & Dorothy Sollee

Doug & Clarinda Solomon ‘65

John & Kristina Sprik

Allen & Amy Stevens

Brian & Teresa Stokes ‘87

Janet R. Studley ’68 +

Tom & Glory Maloney Sullivan ‘58

Fritz, Ellen, Christopher, Stephanie, Drew, & Susan Taylor

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Mary Arceneaux Toomey ‘75

David R. Vlaming ‘54

James & Susan Vohr

Paul Waitrovich & Amy Mergen

Dale & Eileen Buckles Wendell ‘70

Mark A. Werner ‘61

Rev. Fr. Michael S. Williams ‘57

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wolf

Directed to Theater

Brian & Susan Ullmann Woods ‘70,’70 *


$250 to $499

Kenneth V. Adams, M.D. ‘65

Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Adams*

John W. Alexander ‘66

Mr. Sidney F. Ansbacher

Rosemary Anania Arnold ‘66

Barry & Valery Averitt

Ken & Michelle Grippi Baker ‘92 *

Thomas F. Barzyk ’68 +

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 49

Jason G. Becht ‘93

Joseph P. Berley, MD ‘79

Rev. Msgr. James R. Boddie ‘70

Harlan & Patricia Quinn Bost ‘77

Brett & Karen Bosworth

In memory of Bruce Kujawa ‘76

Johnathan & Ashleigh Ghioto Bradley ‘96

Michael & Amanda Broach ‘99

Modesto W. Burgos ’63

In memory of Joseph T. Foy ‘63

Juan & Annette Chaluja

Jeff & Lee Ann Clements

Clifton & Perselphone Coleman

Peter & Louise Conlin ‘63

Jeffrey A. Conn

James & Teresa Connolly

Lillian Morales Corbin ‘85

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Paul E. Corbley ’68 + Michael P. Corrigan ‘75

David & Debra Abraham Cratem ‘81,‘88

Michael & Jennifer Cratem ‘87

Richard & Pamela Cratem ’83

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Linda Cunningham

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Rev. Fr. Timothy J. Cusick ‘83

James & Anne Helow Darling ‘80

Deacon Bob & Betty DeLuca

Joe & Mary DeSalvo

Daniel & Sharon Dillon ‘63

Michael M. Doherty ‘77

Kathryn O’Brien Dolbir ‘15*

William & Debra Dunn

Joseph & Susan Eichler

Jason & Alana Eldrige

Kevin & Debbie Bullock English ‘90

Greg M. Estes ‘90

Bishop Felipe J. Estévez, S.T.D.

Joe & Andrea Farhat

Musa & Gina Farmand ‘78

Jeffrey C. Felton ’68 + F. Larkin Fore, Esq. ‘65

Capt. Edward W. Froehlich, Jr. USN Ret.

Francisco & Maribel Gaudier

Kelley Borcher Gazdak ‘90

Phillip & Jeanette Ghioto ‘64

Joseph & Dorothy Grippi

J. Lee & Sharon Lewandowski Gutteridge ‘85 ‘83

Kristin Azzarello Hall ‘99

Valerie A. Hall ‘70

John P. Hartley ‘77

Kristine Herndon Hartley

Joe & Linda Bajalia Hassan ‘83

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Thomas & Lauren Streepy Heekin ‘08, ‘11

Ed & Carolyn Head Helquist ‘63

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Jose E. Hernandez ‘90

Robert S. Howell ‘76

Megan E. Hyde ‘03

Dan & Rosemary Jackson ‘90

Fredric C. Jansen ‘57

Monica Biggs Jordan ‘05

Ralph & Maura Kelly

Mrs. Rosemary G. Klemmt

Mark & Anne Tuerk Klinepeter ‘79

Donna Lewandowski Krusbe ‘82

In memory of Margaret Toney Lewandowski ‘57

Luis & Rosa Laos

Tom & Diane Bohnstengel Lawrence ‘73

Thomas & Judith Taylor Logue ‘69,‘69

Birgitta Sujdak Mackiewicz ‘94

Eva M. Manley ’78 *

Brian & Alex Maples

Patrick J. Mayhew ‘64

John T. McClure ‘66

James & Diana Meschia

Stephen & Sallie Middleton ‘71

Jason & Victoria Otero Miller ‘92

Gerry & Kathleen Miller

Matthew & Julie Denkler Moloney ‘03

Mark & Lora Tarle Monahan ‘87,’87

Jerry J. Mulvihill ’57

John A. Baldwin Scholarship

John & M. Bryan Brennan Nackashi ‘62,’62

Gene & Joan Jordan Nelson ‘57,‘57

Joseph & Lisa Obi ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Neill

Todd & Stacey Beehner Orlando ‘84

Jarrett & Brooke Pasko *

Benjamin & Luce Patterson ‘00

David & Christine Pellicer ‘81

Tom & Ruby Peters

Mary Linehan Peterson ‘57

Amy Ford Petz ‘64

Sean & Bethany Ray Reichard, ‘92,’92

Tim & Marsha Revenaugh ‘93

Tripp & Kristen Richland - NJROTC

Victor J. Salzer ‘63

San Jose Catholic Church

Kathryn E. Santilli ‘01

Geraldine D. Shank

Barbara Koperski Sieck ‘56

Riley & Megan Parete Skinner ‘05

Scott & Elizabeth Sloan

Amy Wilkerson Smith ‘92

Stephen & Francesca Sotomayor

Julie Miller Steffen ‘79

Stan & Peyton Suvoski

Mary Ellen Tischer Taylor ‘53

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Trey & Kimberely Taylor

David & Kathy Teichert

Don & Susan Thieman

Paul & Inge Thomas

J. Patrick & Mary Pauline Nasrallah Thornton ‘82,‘86 *

Frances Haut Towle ‘61

Edmund G. Tubel ‘65

In memory of Sharon Bauer Tubel ‘66

Brent & Kelly Unger

Joseph & Lauren Rautanen Valenzano ‘00

Patrice Sullivan Vincent ‘65

Roy & Kathleen Devenny Vollick ‘83

In memory of Chris Devenny ‘90

Earnest & Johnnyie Ferro Waller ‘68,’68 +

Judith Addison Wand ‘62

Rafi & Denise Trad Wartan ‘82,‘84

Sharon Tamargo Wilburn ‘65


$100 to $249

Fred & Theresa Eastwold Abood ‘59,‘59

Alice Shaar Akel ‘61

James & Alicia Aldridge

William & Barbara Alesi

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Joseph & Siham Alfred ‘66

Jason & Maria Aguilar Allen ‘01, ‘91

Patrick Andreu & Tonia Yazgi ‘65H ‘77

Susan Schweizer Andrews ‘79

Richard H. Anson, Ph.D. ‘63

In memory of Joe & Colleen Lanahan Foy ’63, ‘65

Eric K. Apple

Charles & Donnell Baer

David & Laura Ann Baranek ‘75

Regina Wadsworth Baranowski ‘65

Paula Moore Barnes ‘65

Martha E Barrett ‘68 +

Christine H. Barry ‘66

Drs. Steven & Susana Barsky

Bernard N. Bass ‘70

50 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23

Donald & Sireen Samaan Bateh ‘90

Renee A. Bateh ‘82

James M. Batteh ‘84

Joseph E. Begley ‘80

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Robert D. Bennett ‘81

Fred V. Berley ‘74

Joseph & Leslie Blunk ‘61

Catherine Yandoc Boda ‘99

Kelly Cromer Bomar ‘84

Elaina R. Bost ‘09

Kevin J. Bowles ‘73

Harriet Danese Braasch ‘58

James & Grace Nackashi Brasington ‘84

Barbara Bray

Rick & Susan Brodeur Jr. ’79

Bradley & Misty Brown

Monica M. Burke ’72 *

Ray & Marjorie Sara Burns ’55

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Paul & Phyllis Verchick Bush ‘80

Eric & Cherilyn Canavan

Paul & Dana Canto

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Susan Caples

Thomas & Melissa Carroll ‘68 +

Denise Wilkinson Carson ‘64

John & Susan Caruso

David & Emmie Chase

Christ the King Catholic Church

Patricia Tyler Ciccarello ‘65

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Hugh & Nancy Mynihan Comish ‘54

William T. Comstock ‘75

Ann-Marie C. Connolly ‘09

Eileen M. Connolly ‘98

Cathleen T. Connolly ‘95

Stephen & Suzanne Todd Cooper ‘69

William & Carole Menniger Cooper ‘67, ‘67

Roberto & Caroline Costa

Victoria Zambetti Coward ’56

Chip & Lori Parry Crabtree ’82

Thomas & Diana Cratem ‘79

Thomas & Monica Crisp ‘02

John & Sandy Cushen ‘61

James E. Cusick ‘82

James & Kim Cusick ‘85

Drs. Robert & Evangeline Dajac

Donald A. Dalton ‘82

Sarah I. Davis ‘10

Kay T. DeLoach & Kandie Bunch

James J. DePalma, Jr. ‘84

Dan & Robin Devenny ‘82

John E. Dieter III ‘66

John & Stacy Dominger

Doris Anne Arceneaux Doyle ‘76

H. Michael & Tamara Duclos

Brian & Michale Dudley

Bruce W. Dufresne ‘65

Elizabeth J. Elian ‘57

James & Elise Docster Enterkin ’05 *

Lee & Mary Ann L. Ervin

Joseph & Victoria Randle Fahrney ‘90

Brooks Faison ‘77

Thomas & Karen Modesky Fallin ‘77,‘77

Omar & Martha Farah

James & Kimberly Farmer

Alina Vinci Fernandez ‘12

Michael A. Ferrante ‘71

David & Antoinette “Toni” Harvey Ferrell ‘57

Jody Lamar Finklea ‘91

Charles & Nellie Flynn Jr. ‘56

Mr. W. Harold Ford

Sean P. Fore ‘69

Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

In memory of Joe T. Foy ‘63

Gene N. Francoeur ‘65

Robert J. Fritch ‘54

Hal, HB, Sophia, Zach, & Anna Galifianakis

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Theresa Boozer Galloucis ‘68 +

Grace Kelly Gambel ’83

Cynthia Curry Gonnering ‘57

Patrick & Deana Goodbread ‘62

Manuel Granados, II ‘79

Patrick R. Graney ‘91

R. Frank Gray ‘66

Andrew W. Greenwood ‘58

Joseph & Lea Grippi ‘96

Dennis & Neena Guidi

Gregory & Mary Guidos

Morgan S. Gurr ‘09

Drs. Charles & Judella Haddad

Michael & Peggy Haney

Col. Brendon G. Harper ‘90

Tim & Susan Harrison

Kevin C. Hart ‘00

Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Haut ‘60

F. Elizabeth Brown Haynes ‘58

E. J. Helow ‘69

Robert B. Hendry Jr. ‘65

Ms. Renée J. Hertz

In memory of George Tebbetts, Jr.

Capt. Maureen McMahon Hogan ‘72

Michael & Joan Hollack ‘73

Camille Crabtree Horn ‘77

R. Mark Horner ‘74

Patricia A. Howe ‘84

Charlene Moriarty Hubbard ‘71

Charles & Anne Hughes

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Mrs. Kellie Huttenlocher

Gary & Debbie Weite Hyde ‘82H

Ms. Juanita C. Ignacio

In memory of Jose P. Ignacio ‘84

Irish Pot of Gold

John E. Jackson III ‘73

William & Rhudine James

Clifford & Patricia Jeremiah

Robert C. Johnson Jr. ‘93

Casey Malone Johnston ‘91

Lorraine Lourcey Jolley ‘54

Richard & Pamela Jordan ‘77

Schamoun Joseph ’77

John & Ellen Joyce ‘69

E. Christopher & Sara Jubran ‘82

Stanley & Kathleen Kata

Judith M. Keegan ‘65

Preston & Melissa Keyes

Wendy Khan

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Donna Cerni Kibler ‘72

John A. King ‘76

Caleb & Heather Kitchings ‘00

Jeff & Lisa Knight

Adrienne Nagy Kozma ‘90

Mark W. Kropf ‘66

Kip & Barbara Kuhn

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 51

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Louis & Melinda LaGrande ‘65

Louis & Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ‘62, ‘64

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Marisol Ejercito Lauerman ‘89

Alexander S. Lawler ‘02

Russell S. Lawler ’68 +

Lewis & Maureen Lawrence

Peggy Lawrence

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Ben and Kimberly Parliment Lazo ‘02, ‘02

Norbert & Theresa Lechwar

George & Linda Leonard

Kathleen Brown Lester ‘70

Erik & Sherry Lightner

Frank & Mary McMahon Linn ‘65,‘73

W. Shannon “Sandy” Linning ’56

Della Allen Linton ‘58

Christian & Linda Lisowski

James J. Logue ‘67

Jordan & Debbie Howard Logue ‘71, ‘71

Mr. Hal Lynch

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Kathleen A. Lyons ’68 +

Dr. Diana & Mr. Marcus Maccario

James P. Manahan ‘00

The Manseau Family

Kevin & Jennifer Martin

M. Casey Martin ‘70

Chris & Jennifer Hagan Martin ‘88

Carol A. Masters ‘68 +

Anna DeSalvo Mayo ‘14

Robert & Macrina Mayotte

Robert & Malinda McCormick

Joseph H. McCoy ‘72

Phillip & Lorraine Bateh Meide ‘67

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Brian & Amy Milkes

Joseph and Patricia Zebouni Millan ‘74, ‘74

Brad & Cindy Miller

Gloria Estraviz Miller ‘69

Melanie Boutin Miller ‘94

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Steven R. Mock USMC, Ret.

James T. Monahan III ‘85

Wendy Monger

Fred & Mimi Monsour ‘69

Scott & Sherry Montgomery

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Kelli Ossi Moody ‘78

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23 from Fred & Addie Ossi girls

Sheila White Moore ‘61

Tim & Allison Moran *

Charles T. Morgan ‘76

Elisabeth Floyd Morley ‘67

Brian & Silvia Morrill

Edward K. Mruz Jr. ’68 +

James & Brenda Murphy

Mary Ann King Nabywaniec ‘67

James & Rafah Nackashi

John & Jeannette Namen ’85

Karen V. Nasrallah ‘80

Tony Nasrallah

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Scott & Ann Morrow Nelson ‘63

Lesley A. Newman ‘85 *

Paul & Shirley Newman ‘61

William “Bill” Norris ‘73

Barbara Meixell Nuernberger ‘65

Jack & Diane Obi ‘69

Therese Donelan Odell ‘75

Damon & Jamie Wathen Olinto ‘02,‘03

David & Denise Becht Oliveria ‘71,’72

Michael & Ann O’Loughlin ‘58

Raymond & Robyn Ossi ’77

Rosalie Ossi ‘60

Sandra A. Ossi ‘67

Duane & Susan Ottenstroer

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Eileen King Outen ‘71

Helen Montoto Oxford ‘67

Timothy & Diane Parker

Diane Howard Parliment ‘70

Patrick & Lara Campbell Patangan ‘90,‘90 *

JoAnn Barrett Paterson ‘59

Matt & Lee Paulus – Directed to Basketball

John E. Phelan ’68 +

Mary Alice Barrett Phelan ’60

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Michael & Lynda Phelan ‘77

Thomas S. Phelan ‘70

William & Patricia Brennan Phelan ‘61,‘63

Paul & Lori Porwoll ‘69

Mrs. Leslie K. Quaritius

Wilvin “Bill” W. Racca ‘64s

Thomas G. Raffo Jr. ’86

Elizabeth R. Rall ‘56

Tom & Sally Ray

Franklin Reinstine, Jr.

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

George F. Revels Jr. ‘78

Randolph & Melje Reyes

Anthony Ricardo ‘77

John Richardson

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Linda T. Richo

Christine E. Risberg ‘06

Kenneth E. Risberg ‘04

Ken & Sherrie Risberg

Angela Rivera

John & Karen Lechwar Rowland ‘89,‘89

Timothy M. Rucci ‘74

John & Roberta Russell

Vincent F. Saladino ‘95

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Angela V. Schifanella ‘78

Richard & Ellen Schlinkmann ‘70

Daniel S. Schockling ‘82

Marie Cross Scidmore ‘58

Jim J. Sebesta ‘77

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Joseph L. Shaheen

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Jay D. Sherman ‘57

Michael & Lisa Sherman

Daniel J. Skelton ’79 *

Alejandra Alvarez Smith ‘96

Jeff & Nancy Dunham Smith ‘69

Martha V. Smyth, DMD ‘78

Jane Bellinger Sowerby ‘70

Javier & Lisa Sowers ‘83

Howard & Monica Stalls

Indoor Comfort Consulting, Inc.

Joshua & Sharon Stanley & Family

52 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Mary Jochum Starke ‘65

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Robert & Iolanta Starus

H. Charles Stichweh ‘55

Mr. Frank Subjinski and Mrs. Gleydiane Oliveira

Rev. Fr. Donal P. Sullivan

H. Ed Sullivan ‘68 +

Maureen Sullivan ’69

Natalie Montenayor Sumner ‘99

Kenneth & Margaret Schuchts Szortyka ‘79,‘83

Janet Horner Taylor ‘71

Valencia J. Thayer ‘77

Lorraine Saour Thomas ‘61

Ms. Janet M. Thomas

John T. Thornton ‘84

Katherine Sollee Todd ‘68 +

Ms. Joan Toney

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Richard & Claudia Toney ‘87

Laura Shapiro Torrey ‘72

H. Jim Towey ‘74

Ed & Marty Towey ‘71

Lou & Betty Nackashi Trad ’57

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Andrée Tremoulet, Ph.D. ’73

Justin & Shannon Henry Trull ‘98

The Tucci Family

Sister Claudia Vergara

Robert R. Vergnolle ‘61H

Daniel J. Viggiani ‘13

John & Meg Viggiani

John B. Walker ‘64

Brian & Stephanie Ward

John K. Weedon ‘99

Amelia M. Wilhelm ‘05

Ruth Williamson

In memory of Rodney Williamson ‘63

Jan Bodner Workman ‘73

Richard J. Wrigley ‘63

Alton W. Yates II ‘79

Michael J. Zambetti, Jr.

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23


$50 to $99

Michael A. Albert ‘73

Dean & Karen Aldrich

Maria K. Anderson ‘74

Tom & Charleene Atkins

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Richard B. Baccash ‘72

Michael & Sandra Bak

Dorothy Schill Barbarito ‘54

Mary Ann Sabbag Barenti ‘54

Thomas & Denise Beaudoin ‘74

Jean King Beckwith ‘65

Robert & Carolyn Bernath ‘57

Mark & Patricia Boleky

Edgar & Lisa Bracey

David L. Brown Jr. ‘98

Regina Barbarisi Brown ‘05

Bruce L. Buerkle ‘71

Anne-Marie Campbell

Sheila Mead Carter ‘80

Fred & Cindy Chambers

Jessica Norwood Chapman ‘61

Caroline H. Charbonnet

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Danny & Carla Chin

Mary Jean Wallis Coppedge ‘75

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Gary & Ruby Corless

Brian & Sara Brown Corrigan ’05,‘06

Thomas & Sarah Cotchaleovitch

Zach & Kayla Grant Crabtree ‘06,‘06

Daniel & Georgina Roces Crago ‘71

Stephen & Rhonda Czajkowski

Amy R. Davis

In memory of Nona Pearl Williams

In memory of Samir Salem

Mark C. Dawkins ’81

Susan McGovern Dean ‘67

Ronald J. DeBartolomeis ‘59

Mary Solomon DeSalvo ‘68

Carolyn Duclos

In memory of Rodney Williamson ‘63

Stephen & Bonnie Arnett Duncan ‘70,‘70

Teresita Edwards

Vicki Savage Evans ‘66

Stephen & Holly Faustini ‘83

Theresa Tassone Fitzsimmons ‘67

Bill & Carol Thenoils Florenz ‘69

Mr. John Flynn

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Lori A. Foskey

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Michael & Marina Gardner

Frances M. Gaudier ‘10

Gabriela I. Gaudier ‘13

Nicole A. Gaudier ‘08

Tom Germano ‘76

In memory of Ross Germano ’67 & Joni Germano Lawlor ‘68

Dick & Joyce Goodman

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Janet White Guarch ‘64

William & Linda Gurt

Shaughnessy & Mary Bullock Harms ‘93

Harold & Mary Anne Solomon Hashem ‘63

Mary Fritch Hautala ‘93

Jessica Zimmerman Hedrick ‘04

Jim & Marty MacNamara Heekin ‘66,‘69

Phil & Danielle Helow ‘75

Maria Ignacio Hemphill ‘87

Michael & Sharon Broderick Hench ‘73

Charles & Nancy Henley

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

John & Ann Hentz

Mary Linda Wood Hills ‘65

Gaby & Rania Hitti

Xavier R. Houle ‘98

Valerie Crocco Huelster ‘86

Ms. Bailey Johnson

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

James C. Johnson ‘78

Peter M. Johnston ‘73

Ralph & Barbara Joyce

Paul & Laura LeMoine Karabinis ‘65

F. Brad & Kathy Kennelly ‘81

Joan Luplow Kilgallon ‘62

Jay & Susan Grippi Koster ‘94

Ms. Claudia Kowkabany

Denise E. Kowkabany ‘71

Michael D. Kozak ‘73

Katherine Schramm Kroner ‘60

Louis & Patricia Stripling Larmoyeux ‘62, ‘64

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Mrs. Jeanne Lawson

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 53

Kenneth A. Lawson ‘60

Paul Liebert ‘79

Gary & Ellen Lindros

Michael & Lora Lohr

James F. Ludwig ‘66

Maltin & Albana Lufi

Gregory R. Martini III ‘83

Bob Meagher ‘62

Joseph W. Mehrtens III ‘60

Jonathan W. Meide ‘98

A. Brooks Callahan Mondares ‘91

Ms. Ann M. Mott

Maxwell S. Mull ‘08

Lynn Fowler Mullaney ‘73

William & JoAnn Abood Najem ‘53

Kathleen Chitko Naugle ‘82

Jon & Jill Nerf ‘81

Diana Romey NesSmith ‘57

Carolyn Ossi Nofal ’70

In memory of Christopher P. Nofal ‘01

James W. Obi ‘65

Sean F. O’Brien ‘75

Thomas & Jean Ossi ‘67

Steve & Barbara Parker

Gerald “Jay” H. Parks III ‘81

Charles G. Parsons ‘64

Bruce & Susan Pastorini

Robert J. Perry ‘78

Patricia Ostertag Phillips ‘83

Mr. Thomas P. Porwoll ‘73 & Ms. Nanette C. Rund ‘71

Antonio E. Puente ‘70

Janine McCarthy Radford ‘81

SMSgt Ronald G. Raizis USAF (Ret) ‘65

John & Barbara Toney Remich ‘55

Dale & Noreen Roan

David D. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Dennis & Kristi Stapf Roberge ‘73

Mary Frances King Ruddick ‘60

Mary Ann Bryant Russo ‘55

Thomas M. Ryan ‘72

Adam & Sharon Schwinn

Carla H. Shaw

William H. Sherman ‘16

Virginia M. Sherrill ’98

Paula Shields ‘76

In memory of Betty Jean Lewis

Michael T. Shine ‘07

Katherine Clark Silverglate ‘81

Gloria Bryant Simonds ‘57

Susie Pitman Slappey ‘79

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Elena Saladino Sorce ’98

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Robert & Jennifer Rizk Spinelli ‘95

Sharon Politowski Storey ‘76

Gail Johnson Thelen ‘67

Kathleen Thomas

Karen Huber Tracy ‘76

Mark & Missy Trednick

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Clay & Colleen Tucker ‘81

Linda A Uible

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

Andrew J. Waitrovich ’20

Jack T. Waitrovich ’17

Susan Jones Wallis ‘70

Daniel & Angela Walsh

Patricia Roebig Ware ‘57

John W. Wassmer ‘55

Jerry & Kathleen Watson ‘77

Greg & Pat Webster

Betty Mosley Weite ‘60

Ben & Nicole Bush White ‘01,’05

David M. Wiesenfeld ‘65

Dennis & Dolores Corn Williamson ‘68,’68

In memory of Colleen Lanahan Foy ‘65

Julie Wood ‘77

Susan E. Woods ‘66

Joan Rich Zoranski ‘58


Bonita Bon Alexander ‘64

Wayne & Nancy Collier Allyn ‘66,‘66

Lauren Anastase-Goodman ‘07

Marguerite J. Andreu ’60

Paul & Samara Austin

Jim Baas

Henry & Caroline Bachara

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

James & Donna Goubeaud Barrett ‘57

Patricia A. Bludworth ‘66

Kimberly Johnson Bradford ‘73

Michael P. Brennan ‘82

J. Scott Brogdon ‘61

Rosario R. & Maria Cartolano

Stephanie T. Castro ‘03

Peter J. Chitko ‘78

Carita Shuert Christiansen ‘74

Robert P. Clark ‘59

Mary Anne Ryan Connor ‘64

Lawrence “Skip” & Susan Edmonds Cooney ‘69,‘69

Chase A. Crabtree ’10

Ross W. Crabtree ’09

B. Gretchen Crutchfield ‘17

Patricia Burke Dagata ‘62 In memory of John Burke ‘65 & Chris Burke ‘67

Patricia A. Dearing ‘66

George D. Dewey ‘64

Karol Ann Mruz Dickinson ‘71

Tom & Carol Conlon Domville ‘60

Stephen M. Donelan ‘70

Richard & Wendy Elmore

Louis Tom Fritch, III ‘68

Randy & Allison Gallup

Paul & Hazel Boyle Ghiotto ‘66,’68 +

Glenn & Troi Grayson

Lauren Weedon Hopkins ’95

Harriet Cox Hrezo ‘58

Anna Simmons Jones ‘75

Ramon J. Jordan ‘73

Louis J. Larmoyeux IV ‘17 *

Charles S. Linning ’57

Myla Lucas

Scott & Heather Wilson Mark ‘93

Frank R. McCaffrey ‘61

Maripat Dunham Meide ‘71

Cdr. & Mrs. Kort J. Meyer

Elizabeth A. Moody ‘82

Doris (Bunni) Thornhill Moore ’54

John & Donna Murphy

Leah M. Ness

Daniel & Lorrie O’Byrne

Angelina Penso ‘82

Jeromy & Lorie Peters

Sandra McAlear Price ‘61

Paul & Suzanna Ramirez

Alberto M. Raphael ‘69

Penelope Roehrig

Ms. Janette Salem

Erik A. Sampayo ‘14

Maria T. Solaun ‘78

Christine J. Solomon ’73

Joseph F. Stazenski ‘66

Erin N. Terranella ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Terranella

Ric & Jackie Terry

Glyn B. Thornton

In memory of JP Thornton III ‘23

David & Magaly Tola

Richard & Katherine Trifiletti

John & Katherine Tuerk ‘75

54 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23

Laurel Booth Valley ‘98

S. Dustin Romans Van Antwerp ‘86

Dr. Michael J. Whitehouse ‘93

Richard & Grace Tassone Wilson ‘67

Mike & Mary Cameron Yarborough ‘82

Margaret “Peggy” Niegowski Zeiser ‘72

Larry & Kristen Zumwalt



American Express Foundation

Anheuser-Busch Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bank of the West

Delta Air Lines

Genentech US Drug Safety

Home Depot Foundation

Intel Foundation

Johnson & Johnson

Mary Pauline Dance Conservatory/ The Allegro Group, Inc.

Medtronic Foundation

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Pfizer Foundation

Phillips 66 Company

State Farm Companies Foundation

Voya Foundation

H Honorary Graduate

* Matching Gift Donor

** St. Pius Scholarship Fund Established by the Bishop Kenny Class of 1962

+ Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Fund


Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees and, in some cases, by retirees and/or spouses. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled.

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 55
Every effort has been made to provide an accurate report. If an error has been made, please accept our apology and notify the Office of Advancement. A correction will be made.

BK Boosters Auction

The 37th Annual BK Boosters Auction kicked off on April 20, 2023. During the 58-hour online auction, participants were invited to shop a virtual catalog of items donated by parents, alumni, and area businesses. At close, nearly 600 items, including gift baskets, bottles of wine, vacation packages, jewelry, art, household items, electronics, and sports memorabilia, were sold, and a net profit of $154,000 was realized.

This important fundraiser for the school helps meet the needs of Crusader athletic teams and academic and extracurricular clubs on campus. In a typical year, the BK Boosters satisfy requests including team uniforms, transportation for teams traveling to post-season competition, specialized computer and technology needs, entry fees for academic and club competitions, state-championship rings, and more.

SAVE THE DATE: the 38th Annual BK Boosters Auction will be held April 11-13, 2024. Thank you for always faithfully supporting the school through the BK Boosters!

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ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 57 Presented by: APRIL 20 - 22, 2023 SPONSORED BY

The auction wouldn’t be the success that it is each year without the generosity of the extended BK family. Thank you in particular to our 2023 auction donors:

121 Financial Credit Union

1st Place Sports

Stephen Cox ‘02

4Rivers Smokehouse

John Rivers ‘84

99.9 Gator Country

AC Panda Mechanical Contractors

All-Brite Sales Company

Mark & Michelle Allen

Byron & Gina Allmond

Amelia Island Clothing & Gifts

Amelia River Cruises & Charters

Vanessa Anderson

Jamie Heekin Andre ‘10


Auld & White Constructors, LLC

Russ & Mary Ausley

Mike & Kathy Azzarello

Baker’s Sporting Goods

Balfour Yearbooks

Max & Cleo Bass

M.C.Bass Electrical Contractor, Inc

Donald & Sireen Samaan Bateh ‘90

The Bearded Pig

Chad Munsey ‘89

Beau Outfitters

The Beehive Foundry

Lesley Canaday Yarborough ‘97 & Mariana Alvarez Kallivayalil ‘98

Bishop Kenny Athletics

Bitty & Beau’s Coffee

BKHS Anchor Club

BKHS Campus Ministry

BKHS Family & Consumer Science

BKHS Freshman Class

BKHS History Club

BKHS Kenny Angels

BKHS Latin Club

BKHS Learning Resource Program

BKHS National Honor Society


BKHS Office of School Counseling

BKHS Red & White Girls

BKHS Society of St. Vincent de Paul

BKHS Sophomore Class

BKHS Student Council

Jim Black

Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

Blue Bamboo

Bono’s Bar-B-Q

Danny Gardner

Bruce & Denise Bowenschulte

Joe & April Bradley ‘84

Breakthru Beverage

Bruster’s Ice Cream

The Devenny & Vollick Families

Coach Jerry Buckley

Mike & Mary Ellen Bullock

Burnt Glassworks

Andy Peters ‘01

Brian & Jennifer Cabrey

Cantwell Creative Media Inc.

Trevor Walsh & Michael Caruso ‘96

Susan Caples

Card My Yard - Angela Batteh ‘88

Carpet Concepts, Inc.

Mark Stone ‘79

John & Susan Caruso

Catty Shack Ranch

Fred & Cindy Chambers

Champion Cycle - Stan the Bike Man

Paul & Jill Chappano


Danny & Carla Chin

Clarity Graphic Design, Inc

Nancy Dunham Smith ‘69

Max & Denise Clark

Gus & Diane Clark

Coastal Cosmetic Center

Dr. Timothy & Seran Fee

Matt & Julia Heekin Cogburn ‘92

Complete Choice Framing

Warren & Debbie Cook

Chip & Lori Parry Crabtree ‘82

Cruisers Grill

Crumbl Cookie

Crusader Yearbook Staff

Culhane’s Irish Pub & Restaurant

Culver’s - Yulee

Cutco - Darren Gardner

Dana’s Limousine & Transportation

Amy Davis

Deercreek Country Club

Deerwood Country Club

Deacon Bob & Betty DeLuca

James & Silvia Denkler

Sharon Dover

Matt & Carrie Driscoll

Ray & Lisa Driver

Aimee duPont ‘93

Duval Acura - Andrew Caruso

E.F. Lea Electrical Contractor, Inc.

Eric Lea ‘91

Coach Tommy Edwards

Jason & Alana Eldrige

Musa & Gina Farmand ‘78

Mike & Renee Favo

The Feigenbaum Family

Jeff Felton ‘68

Julie C. Fetzer ART

First Coast Basketball

Coach William Mayer

The FISH Company

Florida Theater

Four Fathers Distillery

Tim Daniels

Four Points by Sheraton

Ofelia Barros Bush ‘69

Frank & Ceri Gamel ‘71

Tricia Gardner

Glen Kernan Golf & Country Club

The Golf Club at North Hampton

Joe & Dorothy Grippi

Hannah Harms ‘20

Tim & Susan Harrison

Msgr. Vincent Haut

Jack Heekin ‘00

Mary Lynn Heekin ‘05

Thomas & Lauren Streepy Heekin ‘08 ‘11

Rob & Mary Lynn MacNamara Heekin ‘68 ‘68

John Homa

Honey & Brie Grazing

Msgr. Michael R. Houle ‘71

I & C Cleaners, Inc.

iFLY Jacksonville

Intuition Ale Works

J. Alexander’s Restaurant

Jacksonville Clay Target Sports

Jacksonville Jaguars

Brian Sexton

Jacksonville Jaguars

Chris Sutton

Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

Jasmine Nail Spa

JAX Cooking Studio

Terri Heekin Davlantes ‘76

Jet Ski Amelia

JJ’s Bistros

Chris & Ana Johnson

Josephine Restaurant

J-Tech Institute

Greg & Tracy Jones

Ralph & Maura Kelly

Donna Cerni Kibler ‘72

Cyndi Koan

kp Custom Candles - Kathy Parete

Coach Tim Krause

Krystal Klean

Lanahan Family Foundation

Landmark Foundation

David Heekin ‘93

Fr. Michael Larkin

Trevor Lee

Leila’s Delicious Fashions

Leila Williams

Lindt Chocolatier

Paul Bradley

58 | ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23

Sandy Lugo

David & Sheila Marovich

Mary Kay

Connie Sandlin

Mack & Karen Mathis

Mike & Laura Meehan ‘94, 96

Coach Adriane Mendoza

Mercury Carpet & Flooring

John Namen ‘85

Michael’s Rug Studio

Michael Mussallem ‘03

Desmond & Bonnie Mullahy

James & Rafah Nackashi

Nana Teresa’s Bake Shop

Homer & Aida Navotas

Neff Company

The Ness Family

Nona Blue Modern Tavern

Nothing Bundt Cakes

Mary Middleton O’Brien ‘88

Cheryl O’Connor

Patrick & Melissa O’Connor ‘97

Devon O’Connor ‘00

Damon & Janet Shalley Olinto ‘79, ‘82

Todd & Stacey Beehner Orlando ‘84

Steve & Diane Helow Parker ‘82

Lara Campbell Patangan ‘90

Mimi Sherman Pearce ‘62

Pet Paradise Resort & Day Spa

Peterbrooke Chocolatier - San Marco


Chris & Christi Evans

Christine Pimentel-Pellicer

Pinnacle Roofing

Anthony Parete ‘80

PRP Wine International

Dee Thomas

Publix Aprons Cooking School

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Pussers Bar & Grille

John & Maria Randle

RC Uniforms

Sean & Beth Ray Reichard ‘92, ‘92

Rejen Retreats

Jennifer Schoening

The Resident News

RGS Rhodes Graduation Services, Inc.

Paul Riley Art

Susan Robinson

Sandra Roman

Fr. Edward Rooney

Roosters Men’s Grooming Center

Peter Helow ‘69

John & Tanya Rowe

Chris & Fina Russell

Ruth’s Chris Steak House

Vincent Saladino ‘95

Salt Life Food Shack

San Jose Country Club

San Juan del Rio Catholic Church

San Marco Books and More

Desiree Molyneaux Bailey ‘92

Doug Saunders

Nancy Schmidt

Jennifer Schriver

Shooters of Jacksonville

Sissine’s Office Systems, Inc.

Sam Sissine ‘88

Southern Coast Seafood

Louis Joseph ‘02

& Matt Joseph ‘04

The Spice & Tea Exchange of San Marco

Spotlight Apparel / Awards Unlimited

St. Augustine Alligator Farm

St. Matthew Catholic Church

Stanley Steemer

Lance Stoner ‘98

Stellers Gallery

Strike-Zone Fishing

Fr. Donal Sullivan

Coach Mandy Terbrueggen ‘10

Coach Mandy Terbrueggen ‘10

Ric & Jackie Terry

Test Prep 4 Success

Ralf Ingwersen

Total Wine & More

Jim Towey ‘74

TPC Sawgrass

Lou & Betty Nackashi Trad ‘57

Trad’s Pest Control

Denise Trad Wartan ‘84

Travelcamp of Jacksonville

Salem Hassan ‘92

Triad Financial Services

Tricor/Sonny’s BBQ

Ed Tubel ‘65

Underwood’s of San Marco

Teresa Thompson Van Woy ‘85

Terri Talley Venters

David & Terry Venters

John & Meg Viggiani

Anthony & Lynn Smith Villotti ‘68

VyStar Credit Union

W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor Inc.

Walsh Investment Consulting Group

The Wardroom Ltd.

Bob & Mary Bowler West ‘72

Wicked Barley Brewing Company

Williams Plant Nursery, Inc.

Wink’s Volleyball Camp

With the Wind Productions - Scott Stevens

Mary Wolford

Coach Laurie Wray

Wyatt Hyrne Private Wealth

ANNUAL REPORT 2022-23 | 59

“I speak for the entire student body when I say how thrilled we are to witness the addition of the Betty & Jack Demetree Family Athletic Training Center and also eagerly await the addition of a practice gym and new locker rooms to our campus. Along with the expansion to our endowment, this project is not just buildings to create additional space for students, but a tribute to those who started their Crusader Legacy in 1952, those who followed, and all future Crusaders.”


New Look Same Spirit

We are proud to share an update to the Bishop Kenny logos and brand identity. As of August 2023, a modernization of our brand can be seen on campus, online, on fan gear and sports uniforms, and on social media. This change was methodical and completed over an entire year with an intense commitment to honor our past as we step forward into the future and address current needs of visibility, usability, consistency, and professionalism.

Maintaining our iconic red color as the foundation of our brand, our logos also incorporate a palette of heritage colors that evoke the rich tradition and familiarity of our school uniforms. The updated look feels familiar but brings an elevated energy and excitement. “Bishop Kenny’s new brand standards will improve the many ways we present our school to the community and the families we serve. With them, we present ourselves proudly, consistently, and in one voice that honors our past as we embrace the future,” says Carla Chin, Director of Marketing & Communications.


Among the various new logos unveiled are an updated primary school logo and monogram, an updated school seal, new wordmarks, and a fresh new look for our beloved Crusader:

Our school seal features the Latin motto, Integritas Sapientiae, “Integrity of Wisdom”. “It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God- that is our righteousness, holiness and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30).”

Christ’s wisdom motivates us to know and obey God’s word, to listen to the wise counsel of others, to resist making hasty decisions, and to recognize that our plans can only move forward if they are in God’s purpose for our lives and others. When we walk in this wisdom, we become persons of integrity with a desire to honor God and others motivating our lives, giving life to our soul, and allowing us to find true satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.

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Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


The Crusader represents the strength, character, and faith of a Crusader athlete. Nicknamed Sebastian, in honor of St. Sebastian patron saint of athletes, his attributes are drawn from the Bible and are meant to inspire BK students to assume the true spirit of a Crusader in all they do, and as they “Armor Up” for competition.

The old Crusader mascot logo has been retired.


Cross: a tribute to the Great Cross in St. Augustine, which marks the site of the beginning of Christianity in the United States in 1565

Shield: the shield of faith reminds us of a Crusader’s true source of strength Heart: the pierced and burning heart is a symbol of St. Augustine of Hippo, patron of our diocese

Book: represents academia and the gospel values our school was founded on Hands: represent the importance of service at Bishop Kenny


Athletics also has a new secondary spirit mark, the Crusader shield of faith. It has versions with and without the BK monogram and will be a great addition to our athletics branding line up.


The offset monogram remains the primary logo of BK Athletics and will continue to be used predominantly in athletics, graphics, and fan gear. This logo is complemented by an updated suite of spirit marks, a mascot, and wordmarks. Athletics uses black as a secondary color.

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Bishop Kenny is doing great things, and as we reflect on legacy of the school, we know that legacy exists because of the generosity of families, alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and students who share a belief in our mission, vision, and values. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you can step up as we continue to build our legacy of faith.


Lord, we thank you for the gift of today and the gift of Catholic education. Continue to bless Bishop Kenny High School and our community. We are grateful, Lord, for all those who have passed through the doors of this beautiful campus and those who are still to come.

Please bless our mission of Catholic faith formation and high academic excellence. Help us be good stewards of the school campus and community and leave it stronger than before.

You have blessed Bishop Kenny abundantly over the years; we thank You for those gifts. Open the hearts and minds of the Bishop Kenny family to discern Your will for this campaign. Let us embrace new opportunities and challenges with courage and trust that Your will shall be done. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.


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