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Bishop Kenny High School Volume 67 | Issue 2 | Jacksonville, Fla.

Family First



The Shield is a member of FSPA. It is published six times a year by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728 The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; names can be withheld upon request. Editor-in-Chief Rita Albert Copy Editor Rachel Lechwar Managing Editor Dailey Jackson Business Manager Katie Loberger Web Manager Emily Yalch News Editor Destiny Tran Features Editor Kaitlyn Bateh Opinion Editor Tara Shear A & E Editor Reilly Nance Sports Editor Mary Shoemaker Staff Reporters Ilaria Georgi Alyssa Hampton Abigail Parker Sarah Roberts Ethan Sapp Meghan Williamson Adviser Jessica Durbin

NEWS 3 5


FEATURES 8 11 12 13 14


A&E 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


OPINION 24 25 26





New slogan paints Bishop Kenny as a family Katie Loberger • Business Manager


new marketing slogan advertises “We Are Bishop Kenny” on the school’s newly redesigned website. Marketing and Advancement Coordinator Carla Chin met with alumni two years ago to create the slogan. The creative group, “The Beehive Foundry,” had marketers Mariana Kallivayalil and Lesley Harvey handle the advertising. They intended to create a slogan for rebranding the school in a new light on social media. “There is an overwhelming sense of family in the branding ‘We Are Bishop Kenny,’” Chin said. “That was intentional from the early planning stage, and we are going to strengthen that as we continue to move forward.” When Chin takes prospective families on tours

around campus, it is the “family” aspect that they intend to display and the slogan makes it easier to talk about BK as a family. The school involved various teams of faculty and staff in developing this brand, including Admissions, Advancement, Academics, the Office of School Counseling, Athletics and Campus Ministry. They are still developing all the notes from the meetings into digital and printed versions. “We ultimately chose ‘We Are Bishop Kenny’ because it connected our alumni and current student body, along with our faculty and staff,” Chin said. “We wanted to brand BK for marketing and advertising for years to come and this really captures who we are as a Catholic high school.”




Pro-Life group raises awareness, funds in support of unborn babies Emily Yalch • Web Manager


he Pro-Life ministry is a new group on campus that aims to spread awareness of abortion and the importance of all life. This ministry was created by senior Almar Ghanem and junior Ethan Sapp with faculty sponsor Deacon Robert DeLuca. “I always believed that since we are a Catholic school, a pro-life ministry would have already been created,” Ghanem said. “When I started talking to people about my idea, they said that they would be interested in joining.” Ghanem was inspired by her friend who started a similar ministry at Creekside

High School. When she told Deacon DeLuca about her idea, he immediately took the initiative to lead this movement at BK. “I started this club because many people were not supporting Creekside’s pro-life movement and I wanted to do something about it at Kenny,” Sapp said. In addition, students from BK participated in the 40 Days for Life campaign last year. “40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach and a peaceful allday vigil in front of abortion

businesses,” according to the 40 Days for Life website.

“When I started talking to people about my idea, they said that they would be interested in joining.” Almar Ghanem To support their cause, Pro-Life ministry members are making and selling sacrifice beads and plan to donate all profts to a local women’s

health center. Students can purchase the sacrifice beads in Campus Ministry or from any Pro-Life member. “I feel like this ministry will have a safe space to talk about their beliefs no matter what and we can help in any way we can,” Ghanem said. This year, the ministry will lead the school to The March for Life in Washington D.C. to its seventh pilgrimage to the annual event. The ministry is open to all students and the only requirement is to attend the meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month in Room 110.

Members of the Pro-Life ministry create and sell sacrifice beads with the intention of sending the proceeds to a local women’s health center.




Popped Passion




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SHATTERING SLOWLY Anaje Austin A bond that begins as friendship Until matured into a very different sort Of love. It would be like the seasons Of spring and summer, blossoming, blooming. Growing Warmer and brighter, our world seen through rose-colored glass. How vivid, how burning, so unexplainably sweet are these matters of the heart. The fire has cooled some, the love holding steadfast in my heart, But yours? I wonder sometimes if you miss our friendship, As I do, and the ease with which we once loved. Now, it is fragile at times, like glass, That makes up precious vases and trinkets, the sort That sits precariously, cracks and fissures growing As it grows more fragile in the frozen seasons. Our love is like the coldest of winter seasons, Stiff, unyielding, ice to the touch, as icicles like glass. Longer and longer, colder and colder, sharper and sharper, they are always growing. As the trees lose their color, becoming barren and gnarled, with emptiness I’ve found friendship. Loneliness, uncertainty, silence and solitude are companions of a newer, more lingering sort, As they war furiously, torment endlessly, the dying embers of hope in this winter of my heart It cuts into my hand, splinters my soul, litters the floor, this shattered glass Of what was once a symbol of our love. Seasons Don’t change so suddenly. Yet now, there is a different sort Of spring in your eyes, but it doesn’t warm—it chills— my heart Because I know—as certainly as I once knew your friendship— That it is for another that the warmth and life in your eyes—that the pain in mine—is growing The distance is growing To worlds apart, as I try to see into your soul through this wall of ice like glass. Only I can’t see you, because the glass is warped and uneven, damaged and broken. Friendship Cannot thrive here, in this winter of mine, while you are in seasons Of life and love, again. Your smile at her does not thaw—it burns— my heart. My wretched soul should know damnation, but this hell is of an unknown sort. I was never of the replaceable stock; our love never the sort To be stifled, choked, and felled by weeds growing In our midst. Our love was a rose, perfumed and beautiful, like the young girl whose heart You now hold—or is it your heart she holds? I wonder if she knows you are like glass In your cool, hard way. Will you treat her like fragile glass, until she chills and breaks in the seasons Harsher and colder? When she shatters, will you look upon her and say, “I’ll always value our friendship?” Of a parasitic sort is your affection; a poisonous thing, your friendship. The damage, the attack, growing within your loving victim, through every season’s Turn. You’ll steal the life’s blood from her heart, as you did mine, until empty and hollow, You’ll throw her aside Stepping around her splintered remains Like shards of glass.

Art by Vivian Tran





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Morning Duty 7:30 - 8:00

Human Resources Webinar

Directs cars heading into Kenny for morning drop off while making sure students cross Kingman Avenue safely. “I love seeing the students in the morning.”

Learns new policies that will be in effect for the coming school year.

9:00 - 9:30

Discovery Day Meeting 9:40 - 10:15

“...provides an opportunity for 8th graders to be on campus,” according to Principal Orlando. “We begin in the Chapel, the center of all things here... our Catholic Identity.”

Lunch 12:05 - 12:35 Purchases lunch and eats with Mr. Broach, Mr. Saladino, Deacon DeLuca, Mr. and Mrs. Yocum.

Administration Meeting 4:10 - 5:00 Meets with each department; this cycles so that every week Principal Orlando meets with one.

Parent Meeting 3:30 - 4:00

Between Meetings 2:00 - 3:00

Academic Meeting 12:40 - 2:00

Organizes meetings with parents, such as inviting and showing a prospective BK family around campus.

The time fluctuates based on meetings, but two hours each day are set aside to respond to emails, answer phone calls or meet with teachers.

Meets with members of Academic Team to discuss the future of Bishop Kenny in regards to new classes, for example AP Seminar and AP Research.

Fund for BK 6:00-8:45 Makes phone calls in Learning Commons to raise money for the Fund for BK alongside other volunteers.

Day in the Life of Principal Orlando Ethan Sapp • Staff Reporter “What does Principal Orlando even do?” If you have ever asked yourself this question… it probably hasn’t been answered until now.



Getting to know the voices of ‘Scott and Nick Live’ Mary Shoemaker • Sports Editor


okes are exchanged with moments of bright laughter. The mix of a more reserved, yet humorous, personality with the bold confidence of friend creates a lively conversation, perfect for the internet. Over the summer, seniors Scott Miller and Nick Patin created their own podcast, “Scott and Nick Live.” The two were on their way back from a Twenty One Pilots concert when Miller’s parents commented that the boys’ conversation was entertaining. Later that night, the idea of creating a podcast came up. Originally, the podcast was a fun summer project for the two, but the idea came to fruition after the two had several discussions about the show. “The first one [episode] we didn’t really expect much; we kind of just put it out there to see what would happen,” Miller said. Both boys were pleased with the amount of support they received. “We actually got really good feedback, so that encouraged us to keep

going.” Patin included “We expected just our parents and a few friends to listen to it but it kind of took off.” The two each had different inspirations for their project. Patin, who frequently listens to podcasts, expressed that he had always thought about making one. When he and Miller started to throw around the idea, he became motivated. Miller, on the other hand, had never actually listened to a podcast before. He was inspired by his interest in talking, business and radio broadcasting. He combined these ideas, ultimately creating the podcast. Each episode has different segments such as “Florida Man News,” “Q&A,” “Sports” and “Special Guests.” Special guests can either call in or make a physical appearance on the show. “Special guests is always fun,” Patin said. “We can bring on another person and hear their opinions on the topic and get to have a conversation with them.” Before the episode can be recorded, they must have a topic selected, as well as multiple articles to go along


Miller and Patin record episodes weekly, with breaks between seasons.

with the “Florida Man” segment. Questions must be filtered for the “Q and A” portion and they must perform a dry run of the episode before anything can be recorded. Each episode has a different topic that is the focal point of the conversation. “It’s mainly stuff from our lives that has been really influential,” Patin said. “Then we brainstorm different ideas.” Miller’s inspiration for episode topics and discussions comes in a different way— through an idea notebook. “If someone suggests a topic to me or something interesting comes up

throughout the day, I will write it down.” Miller said. “I am not going to give any of it away, though. That is valuable content that you’ll have to watch the podcast to find out.” The two set goals for the future of their podcast, such as making an appearance in the 2019-2020 yearbook. “We would also love to have 10,000 views by the end of the year,” Patin added. Those interested can follow the podcast on iTunes and Youtube, as well as on Instagram @SNL_podcast where you can find their website linked in their bio to listen to more of their content.


Meeting identical, fraternal twins on campus Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor


ou wake, brush your teeth and eat breakfast with the same person every single day. When you were younger, you celebrated joint birthdays and wore matching clothes. You shared everything from toys to your parents’ attention. Often times, it feels as if you are looking in a mirror, only to find your best friend staring back. Moments like this make you realize, “This is my twin.”

On average, one in every 30 babies born is a twin. This statistic has steadily grown over the years, up from one in every 50 births in 1980, according to the Center for Disease Control. Currently, there are close to 100,000 sets of twins living in the entire world. Here at Bishop Kenny, according to a student survey, there are at least 22 sets of twins that roam the halls every day.

Ava and Evan Larson

Alexis and Bailey Chin

Marie and Anna Albertelli

Max and Sophie Hefner



Tracing longstanding family histories at BK Rachel Lechwar • Copy Editor


here are students who have known they would attend Bishop Kenny and carry on the family legacy since the day they were born. From the first graduating class of 1953 to the classes to come, generations of past students pass on the title, ‘Bishop Kenny Alumni’ to their children and grandchildren. Some students on campus can trace their family name to the first graduating class. Freshman Juliana Namen stepped onto campus this year, carrying on the legacy of both her father John Namen, class of 1985, and his mother Victoria Ossi Namen, class of 1953. “It was just an assumed thing,” Juliana Namen said. “I could have definitely said I wanted to go somewhere else, but I like the school.” Namen’s ties to the school are shared by her cousins who also descend from the Ossi family, Victoria Ossi and her sister Margaret Ossi Helow. “It’s almost like it’s my second home,” Juliana Namen said. “When I come here, I know that everywhere I look, one of my family works here or is in one of my classes.” Namen had a close bond with her grandmother, who passed away earlier this year, and continues to carry on her legacy. “I’d say it’s the same experience,” Juliana Namen said. “They all enjoyed it. They liked the people and the atmosphere.” From the addition of the 300 through 600 buildings, to the addition of AP courses, BK has grown in both structure and academics. Still, the BK community mirrors its origins by upholding elements of Catholic faith and preparation for college.

“It still has a strong foundation in faith and academics, and it still continues to serve that to this day,” Juliana Namen said. “It may have changed externally, but it hasn’t changed as a foundation.” BK continues to influence students beyond their time at the school, serving as a connector for families. Susan Kulik Heekin met her husband when they were classmates at BK, but they did not start dating until college. Even with Susan Heekin attending FSU and her husband David Heekin at UF, they maintained a relationship from their time at BK to this day. “Knowing each other at BK was a foundation for our marriage,” Susan Heekin said. “We have so much trust in one another because Bishop Kenny is really a family.” Susan Heekin recalls seven other couples in her graduating class of 1992 with similar stories. She links the connection between this trend to the atmosphere of BK, especially to the common ground of faith. “If you marry someone that’s Catholic, your married life is a lot easier when you have children,” Susan Heekin said. “If you know the person that you are marrying has the same values and you’ve known them from when they were thirteen to seventeen, you’re growing up together.” Their two oldest children, senior Ben Heekin and freshman Nate Heekin, followed the same path through Assumption and now carry on the legacy at BK. The experiences continue into this generation as well, as Ben Heekin joined the golf team like his mother. “There’s a connection that will be generationally


FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Victoria Ossi Namen graduated in the first graduating class of BK in 1953; John Namen participated in The Shield while he attended BK in 1985; Freshman Juliana Namen is involved on campus through the cross-country and tennis teams. Photos courtesy of Juliana Namen

cyclical,” Susan Heekin said. “There will always be this connection because people always come back.” The Heekin family is rooted in BK, with four rising nieces and nephews entering BK next year. Other families follow a similar path, and Susan Heekin encounters some of her friends’ children when substitute teaching at Assumption. She does not waver in her decision to return to BK for her children, not only because of the community but also the trust in BK’s education. “We are happy to have stayed on a certain path for life and that path does lead you to success, not just financially but morally,” Susan Heekin said. “There aren’t many places that you can say that, especially in this day and age.” While BK has changed as a campus since the Heekin

family began attending the school, it is still the same BK that united the family. “Honestly, I think a lot of is so anchored in this tradition and I think that’s what makes it so special,” Susan Heekin said. “They keep that tradition, and they keep that anchor in the ground so they can grow.” Susan Heekin’s graduating class holds reunions every five years and her mother-in-law’s class of 1969 meets every year. Even before her children attended BK, she maintained steady involvement by attending football games and participating in the annual auction. “You could be gone from Kenny for 10 years and go back to a football game and it’s easy and comfortable,” Susan Heekin said. “It’s like going home.”

CLOCKWISE, from left: David and Susan Heekin celebrated New Year’s Eve at Matthew’s in San Marco in 2018; David Heekin and Susan Kulik Heekin, class of 1993, formed a friendship that fostered into a relationship and persists in their marriage today; The Heekins carry on their legacy at BK with senior Ben Heekin, freshman Nate Heekin and their younger siblings who will attend the school. Photos courtesy of Susan Heekin


First, let me start by saying that I have contemplated this fact for awhile, and I have come to the conclusion that I am truly in love. This is not some small, immature crush. I am in love with my older brother’s best friend, and it may seem a bit messy, but I know it can work. Now, you may be asking, “Does this boy even know your name?” Well, I can’t really tell. He usually avoids mentioning my name whenever he stops by the house. He does wave at me,

though, which always makes my heart melt. His eyes are so blue that staring into them reminds me of a clear sky on a perfect day. Sadly, we hardly actually talk since he is a senior and I am a freshman, not to mention the fact he is my brother’s best friend and is meant to be off limits. What should I do? Should I plan my next move? Should I wait until prom season comes around to really insert myself into his life? Please help.


It seems like you have gotten yourself into the most undesirable relationship dynamic. I want you to truly consider something: are you actually in love with this boy? What do you know about him other than the color of his eyes and the fact that he is the dreamiest senior? These feelings of yours may be shortlived, and you should consider if this situation is worth possible embarrassment. We have to consider you, your brother and his best friend in this equation. Your brother may simply seem like a barrier, but it is probably better that your love is “forbidden.” You are a freshman, while your love interest is seventeen or maybe even a legal adult. You are both in two completely different stages of life. If you plan to pursue this person, remember that you should wait… a long time. Next, how will your brother feel if you choose to go after his best friend? It is common knowledge that this

type of thing is not cool. How would you feel if your brother, a senior, were to chase after your best friend? It would be gross, right? I know you’re trying to say, “But if they love each other, I should let them be happy,” which seems reasonable theoretically, but there is little to no chance that you will actually have that mindset. Consider your brother’s feelings as you would want him to consider yours. Here are your next moves: first, you are going to remember that you are in different phases of life; second, remember that your brother is family, and family comes first; and third, perhaps try to find other boys in your grade if you insist on having a crush. Do not ask him to prom, especially since you are a freshman and cannot attend without being invited by a junior or senior. Enjoy being young and in high school, and maybe you’ll end up forgetting about the intensity of your love.

Find your red Kaitlyn Bateh • Features Editor


ed is the signature color of Christmas, evoking images of the season, like holly berries and candy canes. One trendy yet elegant way to incorporate the season in your holiday look and stand out at Christmas celebrations is by finding the shade of red lipstick that complements you best. Even if you are hesitant to try, since red can be a bold color, the holidays are a great time to bring out the lipstick. You could always consult a beauty advisor at Sephora or Ulta for help finding the “right” red, but considering your skin’s shade and undertones will make the process easier. Those with fair skin tend to have a pink undertone. If you have fair skin, try to complement your undertone with a cool-toned red lipstick that can brighten fair skin and whiten teeth as well. This type of lipstick has hints of blue and purple, rather than a warmtone with an orange hue. If you have a medium skin tone, orange-red hues work well with your complexion. A warm-toned red lipstick can also cancel out any “sallowness” or yellow or pale brown colors in your skin. A deep, bright red complements those with a dark complexion. For example, a candy-apple red flatters dark skin tones because this shade does not have a white base, so it will not make your lips look ashy or chalky. A chocolate-cherry color would also work since this color brings out the depth of a deeper complexion.

A & E | ISSUE 2 17


Gift ideas for every budget this Christmas Destiny Tran • News Editor


s Christmas approaches, shopping centers will be filled to the brim with shoppers frantically purchasing lastminute gifts and searching for the perfect present for their loved ones. The stores tend to get crowded and stressful.

Here are some options at various price points, from budgetfriendly to expensive indulgences, that will help relieve that stress and generate ideas for everyone’s wish list.


on o An gram yth m ing ed

There’s no denying that adding one’s initials to clothing is a uniquely Southern trend, but personalization helps people identify belongings faster and gives a sense of style to items such as notebooks or even suitcases. Monogrammed initials are a useful and budget-friendly touch to any gift for a price as low as $0.11. Personalization Mall offers countless sales on monogrammed items.

These are a necessity for the cold season but can also be used year-long whether you don’t have a boo for Valentine’s Day or you’re not going out trick-or-treating. Benefits include reducing insomnia and anxiety to improve sleep. Target sells a 12-pound weighted blanket for $70.



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As Apple continues to update products, consumers want the newest phone models. The most popular and recent model is the iPhone 11. It is considered pricey, ranging from $699 to $849, depending on desired storage space. Several features on the iPhone 11 include 4K videos, long lasting battery life and water resistance up to two meters for 30 minutes. The iPhone Pro ranges from $999 to $1349, and the iPhone Pro Max ranges from $1099 to $1449. Some new features on the iPhone Pro and Pro Max are the triple-camera system, long battery life and shatter resistant glass.


W e Bla ighte nk d ets

MEET THE FAMILY ‘Tis the season for typical characters to expect at every holiday gathering Sarah Roberts • Staff Reporter


FUNCLE The Funcle, or Fun Uncle, can brighten anyone’s boring life. This is the one relative that can make writing a college essay seem easy (and even fun). You never know what is coming next with him. The best part: there are always new stories for him to share at dinner.

She gives the best gifts, even if they are over the top. Sure, they might not be what you want, but she does put thought into each present. Don’t tell anyone, but that new car you have been wanting might be why you have one less present under the Christmas tree.

Normally the youngest, they get whatever they want, whether it be piggyback rides or to play board games. They are usually the subject of every conversation. You can expect this cousin to fight with the Bragger constantly for the attention of the whole family.



She will feed you the best Southern dishes until you are blue in the face. She can also be the craziest person in your family when it comes to Christmas traditions. She goes overboard with the ugly sweaters (handmade, of course) and the annual picture-perfect family portrait in front of the Christmas tree.



He still thinks you are 10 years old, so know he does not remember your current grade level. You also end up swapping gifts later because he mislabeled everyone’s gift, but you never tell him that.

These vary every year. One year it might be your second cousins and the next it will be your great-greatgrandmother twice removed. They tend to give you little knick knacks they think you will like such as key chains, rubber wristbands and cash. Their awkwardness is the pinnacle of every Christmas dinner. Though your grandfather mixes up most things, these family members mix up everyone. You are lucky if they can match you to your parents in one guess.

Graphics by Rita Albert

A & E | ISSUE 2 19

RITA RECOMMENDS Night at Alhambra Theatre & Dining Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief


went to see “Jekyll and Hyde,” a Halloween production. Naturally, the menu had warmer fall flavors.

The server escorted us to the table with mood lighting set by quaint lamps. There were three courses with various

choices, beginning with an appetizer: soft, doughy bread that the servers delivered to the table with salted butter.


FIRST COURSE For my first course, I decided on the pumpkin bisque. A beautiful warm orange color, the thick and creamy soup

was delightful. The pumpkin soup had swirls of creme fraiche that added a pleasant salty contrast compared to

the savory sweet soup, and pumpkin seeds were mixed in for a nice crunch.

too much fat for my liking. Though a smaller portion, the star of the plate was the herb and cheese polenta which had a texture like grits but more coarse. I wished it would have been the main part of the dish because it contained such delicious

flavor. A small flavorful medley of green beans and tomatoes decorated the side of the plate, though I did not particularly enjoy them. They did, however, balance the plate with some healthy vegetables.

By this point, I had already started to feel full. But, I still did not stop there because there is always room for dessert. I selected the toffee

chocolate cream pie. The pie had a mousse-like texture with chocolate drizzle and toffee crunch bits that were just what it needed. Accompanied by a

dollop of whipped cream, the pie was not overly sweet and gave a nice close to the meal.

The show followed shortly after and the acting and singing were phenomenal. Some professional actors fly in from New York to be a part of the Alhambra productions,

and they are definitely rising stars. The servers were attentive and friendly; they made me smile and created a pleasant atmosphere as they discussed the show

with my family and me. This event helped me bond with my family over the show, the food and the experience we shared.

SECOND COURSE I chose braised pork shank with herb and cheese polenta and pole beans as my entree. The servers brought a large portion of tender pork, but the flavor was just standard. Savory gravy topped the meat and added more flavor to the dish. It contained a little



TOP CHRISTMAS MOVIES & SONGS Abigail Parker • Staff Reporter Ilaria Georgi • Staff Reporter ELF


“Elf” takes the throne by over 10 percent with its comedic take on a human, Buddy, who was accidentally sent to the North Pole and raised as one of Santa’s elves. He travels to New York to find his father and attempts to redeem him to Santa’s nice list.

Written and performed by Mariah Carey, this song at the number one spot was released on Oct. 29, 1994. Since then, it has been a fanfavorite every holiday season.


This was written by Johnny Marks who, ironically, was Jewish and originally recorded by Brenda Lee in 1958. This version has been heard on both radio and screen, including an appearance in one scene of “Home Alone.”

Taking second place is “Home Alone.” This holiday comedy goes through eight-year-old Kevin McCallister’s adventure of being left at home during Christmas break and his clever struggle to protect his house from robbers.

THE POLAR EXPRESS In third place is “The Polar Express,” released in 2004. This movie tells of a young boy who takes a whimsical train ride to the North Pole and discovers the value of believing in Christmas along the way.

HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” places number four with the story from Dr. Seuss about the Grinch’s attempt to take Christmas away from the people of Whoville because of his deep hatred for the holiday season.

A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS Taking fifth place is “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” This cartoon follows Charlie Brown’s sadness despite the Christmas season, and his attempts and failures to find Christmas cheer.



BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE Written in 1944 by Frank Loesser, this Academy Award-winning song gained popularity from the 1949 movie, “Neptune’s Daughter.” Recently, this song has been criticized for its suggestive lyrics, and some radio stations even refuse to play it.

IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS This song in the fourth was written in 1951 by Meredith Wilson. There are many popular covers of this song, including ones by Johnny Mathis, Perry Como and Michael Bublé.

LAST CHRISTMAS Taking fifth place, “Last Christmas” was written in 1984 by George Michael, onehalf of the English band, Wham!. This song peaked at the number two spot on the UK charts.


This 1989 comedy explores the life of Clark Griswold and his hope for a perfect family Christmas, but things do not go as planned.

This song, written in 1963 by Edward Pola and George Wyla and recorded by Andy Williams, takes the sixth spot. This song has been used for humorous purposes, including Staples’s yearly back-to-school ad campaign.



“The Nightmare Before Christmas” is ranked at number seven. This Tim Burton animated film follows Jack Skellington, King of Halloweentown, and his accidental stumble into Christmastown, where he plans to take over as Santa Claus.

At number seven, “Jingle Bells” was written in 1857 by James Lord Pierpoint and is the first song to be played in space. This simple song is popular for caroling.

Photos courtesy of

*survey of 391 students Photos courtesy of

A & E | ISSUE 2 21


Places to visit with family or friends during Christmas break Meghan Williamson • Staff Reporter


hether you are walking through the historic city of St. Augustine or traveling abroad to visit family, the holidays are a great time to sightsee on family trips that build lasting memories. Here are some ideas for activities to do with your loved ones this holiday season.

A tradition for more than four decades, The Nutcracker Ballet provides a memorable experience for the entire family. With music provided by the Jacksonville Symphony, the show is designed to delight audiences of all ages. The seat prices range from $21 to $57.

First Coast Nutcracker

Held at Adventure Landing in Jacksonville Beach, this event provides plenty of fun winter activities for families, from ice skating to a 130foot ice slide. WinterFEST allows Floridians to experience a Christmas environment in 70° weather. The ice skating ticket is $10.99 per person and pricing for activity tickets can be found online.


Page design by Tara Shear and Destiny Tran


Enjoy costumed characters, themed entertainment and performances, visits from Saint Nick and seasonal vendors during the fifth annual Dickens on Centre festival. Inspired by Charles Dickens’ novel “A Christmas Carol,” this event is held in downtown Fernandina Beach. Admission is free.

Dickens on Centre

This South Carolina town is famous for the Crystal Coast Christmas Flotilla, a light boat parade only viewable by water. You can typically still kayak or go boating until January, so take advantage of the fun to be had outdoors. Admission is free.


Visiting New York City during the holidays is a thrill for all ages. Whether you’re seeing a Broadway show or the Rockettes’ Radio City Christmas Spectacular, the city is vibrant with activity every night, making it a quintessential holiday experience.

New York City

A & E | ISSUE 2 23

SHE SAID, SHE SAID Should companies remain open on Christmas and Thanksgiving? Reilly Nance • Arts & Enterainment Editor Photos by Tara Shear

Alyssa Hampton • Staff Reporter



ost of us can recall a time when we have forgotten a crucial item on our Christmas shopping list. Whether it be an important ingredient to your famous holiday dish or a last-minute present for a friend, it’s easy for tasks to be left behind during this hectic time of year. The reality is this: last-minute shopping trips are unavoidable. No matter how many times you double check your holiday to-do list, you’ll manage to forget something important. If stores close on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, then desperate shoppers cannot take advantage of last-minute time to shop on the biggest holidays of the year. While some believe making employees work on holidays is insensitive, let us put emotions aside for a moment. Stores that remain open are able to provide for last-minute holiday shoppers and, as a result, turn a profit. Walmart reported 22 million shoppers came to its store on Thanksgiving Day 2015, according to CNBC. Staying open helps control large crowds on the days before and after the holiday. Also, not all employees celebrate Christmas. Those who do have the option to take time off if they wish, or they can sign up for a shift at their discretion. Employees working on Thanksgiving or Christmas will not only bring bargains to a grateful public, but will also have an excuse to leave for their shift before the inevitable family quarrel.




t’s Christmas morning and you’re waking up ready to enjoy this special day with your family. As you’re making breakfast, you get a call from your boss: you need to come into work. Imagine all the delicious food you won’t get to eat because you are stuck at work. No one should have to work on a major holiday, especially not Christmas or Thanksgiving. Everyone has family and friends to spend time with and shouldn’t have to deal with stressed out strangers trying to gather the last-minute supplies they need. The holidays are already stressful enough. Also, schools are dismissed on holidays. If the future citizens of this nation don’t work on such days, then neither should the adults of this nation. Instead of rushing to get supplies at the last minute, which keeps workers away from their homes and families, be proactive and shop the day before the holiday. Make a list of all the items you need for recipes or gifts and buy them beforehand. Going to work on a holiday is like watching a party through a window. You can see and imagine all the fun, but you can’t participate because you’re stuck on the outside. Holidays are not meant for work, and they never should be. Everyone deserves to take time to celebrate the true meaning of the holidays with their loved ones.


How to make 2020 your year Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief


ollege scandals. Scientific advancements. Hurricanes. Pop culture feuds. So many global events have captured our attention. While it’s easy to focus on the world around us, we must remember to take care of ourselves at the same time. Here are some ways to maintain a healthy mindset and continue to grow as the new decade dawns.

Care About Mental Health Although seemingly less significant when compared with physical health, your mental health is vital; if one’s mental health is unwell, physical health will decline as a result. Give yourself breaks from working, including homework. Try to manage your time wisely and not cram it all on Sunday nights; give yourself time on Sunday to rest. It can be hard sometimes, choosing not to hang out with friends, but your body will thank you later. Taking care of yourself also includes ensuring that you eat a healthy amount, drink at least eight glasses of water a day

and take care of your skin. Taking a little time to focus on your well-being will maximize your capabilities.

Worry Less About The Opinions of Others When I began to disregard what others thought of me in eighth grade, it started my journey towards loving myself. I focused on the person I wanted to be and stopped worrying if people thought I was too weird or loud. even though some may still hold that opinion of me, I love the part of myself that showcases my energy and excitement about life. Once I left the opinions of others behind, I started to become the best version of myself. It is freeing when you are not limited to what those around you want. It is easier said than done in the beginning, but after getting through the process, I could never go back to the mindset in which others dictate my actions. I decided to take charge of what I wanted my life to be, and you should too.

Life is Short You do not have enough time on earth to do everything that you love. Be proactive in situations and take the path you want without letting fear hold you back. You do not want to sit there in the future, thinking about what could have been if you had just jumped at the opportunity. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year for, let’s say 90 years, will never be enough time. And the next day is not promised to us, so we have to make the most of today. Carpe diem! Next time you are nervous about doing something, go for it. Remember to be gentle with yourself when mistakes happen because it is all a part of the learning and growing process, and it helps shape you into a better version of yourself. In order to get better, we need to make sure to live for ourselves and not for others. To live out the best of the time you have, take charge of how you want to live and strive towards your goals.

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Coping with loss of loved ones during holidays Tara Shear • Opinion Editor


hen my father died last year, I made it a point to show as little negative emotion as possible in public because I did not want to receive pity. Others might not feel shame in expressing themselves, but there is no set of rules or guidelines to follow that guarantees a complete or quick recovery from grief. Learning to cope with loss is different for each individual. It can seem hopeless, but it does not have to be. There is a lingering emptiness in which we will cry over from time to time, maybe more often than we care to admit, and the holidays heighten this feeling as we yearn to fill the absence of our loved ones. Here are a few tips from my experience for getting through the holiday season.

Realize that it is never going to be the same again. If you are going through your first holiday season without a loved one, recognize that the dynamic of your family has permanently changed and finding a “new normal” is healthy. Instinctively, people try to preserve traditions and make things seem like they never changed, but it is actually better to acknowledge beforehand that the holidays

will be creating tradition, meal, will

different. Perhaps a new holiday such as a specific help this transition.

Try not to dwell on the missing pieces. People who are grieving will naturally feel sadness,

You should continue living and enjoy life as your loved one would have wanted. emptiness or maybe even anger, but if they spend the holidays constantly thinking about the people they have lost, the holidays will be harder to endure. You should continue living and enjoy life as your loved one would have wanted.

Find an outlet for your emotions. This can be difficult, especially for adolescents. Bottling up negativity causes one to create walls between himself and others. There are unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as suppressing one’s emotions or resorting to substance


abuse, that will prove no better. Consider talking about your feelings with a counselor or someone you trust. It may help to use a journal as an outlet for all the emptiness you feel. When you find a positive outlet, a weight will begin to lift off your shoulders, and you will be able to breathe.

Remember that it is okay to cry. Crying is sometimes perceived as a sign of weakness, but crying is a body’s built-in coping mechanism for grief. Use it if you feel like you have to release the bottled-up tears. Plus, a good nap after a long sob is especially refreshing. Lock yourself away if you feel like you cannot let others see you cry, but holding in your tears is only holding you back from your natural outlet. Everybody cries, and you have plenty of reasons to be sad, so let it out.

Do not feel guilty for finding joy. In the midst of all the sadness, you might find yourself having a ball with

your friends or family at a holiday event. After days, weeks, or months of dark days, the first time you laugh or seem to ‘forget’ about the dark days may be almost shocking. Feeling guilty for managing to be happy during this time of lingering sadness is quite simply unreasonable. Your loved one would want you to be happy, so enjoy these times. Watching the world go by after you have lost someone close to you is challenging. You will probably find yourself envious of families who seem as if they have never experienced your pain, but find joy in daily life and carry on appreciating the gift of life.


Senior wrestler displays determination Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor


he referee blows the whistle to start the period. Your heart beats faster as you watch your opponent carefully, preparing your muscles to withstand a sudden push or grab. Your teammates on the sidelines anxiously await your first move. Suddenly, the two of you collide, causing cheers to erupt throughout the crowd. After struggling for what seems like minutes, you pin your opponent against the mat, winning a point. Your teammates yell to encourage you to win the match. Senior Syrus Bakkar has been wrestling since second grade, but began to take it more seriously as he entered his freshman year of high school. Inspired by his father to pursue wrestling, Bakkar joined the BK wrestling team to put his previous skills to the test. Upon joining, he began to train with his teammates to improve his stance, strength and perseverance, among other skills. “The training is very intense,” Bakkar said. “It is one of the most difficult parts of the sport because you have to be able to use every muscle in your body to take people down.” The wrestling season lasts from November until March,

but wrestlers often train yearround to prepare for practices and official matches. Each match lasts six minutes and is broken into three equal periods. To win one of these matches the wrestler has to earn more points than his opponent. Points are earned in a variety of ways, commonly by taking down an opponent and forcing his back onto the mat. Coach Nick Tillem has coached wrestling for the past three years, but this is his first year as head coach for BK. Tillem says he values hard work and passion and sees these traits in Bakkar’s training. “Syrus is someone who wants to be better and who commits himself to growth,” Tillem said. “It’s about having a growth mindset, pushing yourself, being a leader on the team and having the biggest heart.” Bakkar believes that though wrestling is a team sport, individual wrestlers must be skilled in order for the team to succeed. “Wrestling as a whole develops a student’s character because you learn how important dedication is,” Bakkar said. “You get out how much you put in.”

SYRUS BAKKAR Graphic by Rita Albert


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