Email marketing tips part 2

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Email Marketing Tips Part 2 Hello my fellow Internet entrepreneurs. This is Bishop Stewart again with the Ultimate Entrepreneur Academy and we’re just going to go ahead and continue our conversation that we’ve been having about email marketing. And the reason for this and why I’m so passionate about it is because it is so vital to your success as an entrepreneur. You really gotta hone in on list building, building a big list and more importantly, getting that engagement from your list. It’s an asset that can pay you over and over again for years and years to come. So the last time we were kind of talking about using videos. Now using videos within your email campaign is a seriously, seriously necessary strategy and I say that because think about it. We, as human beings, are naturally visually oriented and stimulated individuals. The more visual stimulation you can give your audience, the more they’re going to engage with you, but more than that, the more information they’re going to retain. Studies have proven that when people see something visual, they can retain that information more than if it’s just text. Tip # 5 So with that said, one of the strategies that I use with my email marketing is I would take a screen capture of a video, whether it’s on YouTube or my blog or whatever and I will implement that and put that in my email. So as you can see right here, this is a recent email I just did and here is my screen capture of one of my videos. So when people see that, one it’s branding myself even more but it’s more appealing. It’s going to get more engagement. People are going to want to click on that and it’s going to get them to my blog or my YouTube page where I’m hosting this video and of course also click on the link. So you want to implement that within your emails. It’s a great way to start programming your audience’s mind of you and your brand.Now, with that, talking about programming them for your brand, you’ll also notice that up at the top, I have a professional banner that I use within every single email. Why do I do that? Because again, its programming them to know who I am when they hear Bishop Stewart or the Ultimate Entrepreneur Academy, immediately, images pop into their minds and when they think about – “oh wow I need some help building my business online or something”, all of a sudden their brain is going to send them that subconscious message about my brand. So make sure you utilize in this in your email marketing. Tip # 6 Now, not only can you use screen captures of your videos, but another effective thing to use are pictures. And you’ll notice that you can embed pictures within your emails. It’s very, very effective, but what I wanted to talk to you about is what type of pictures. Now, you’ll notice when I send out emails, I often use pictures of me selling around the world in different countries, me flying all over the world internationally. I’ll send out pictures of me speaking on stage, me in the cage with a tiger or bungee jumping or me with some other kids that we take care of with our orphanage that my wife and I have. Now, why am I doing that? Well, subconsciously, I’m sending out two messages to my audience. I’m reinforcing two subconscious messages here. Number 1 – that I’m an expert, that I’m an expert in my field and my craft and I’m growing and learning and honing them on my skill set. And Number 2 is that if you follow some of my advice and strategies that I’m sharing with you, you have more freedom and more fun in life which is exactly what everyone wants. So when they see my images, they’re thinking

and subconsciously in their mind I’m programming them to understand that this is what I’ve created with my life and I can help you create the same with yours. So what I want you to do right now is take a moment to write down what messages do you want to communicate with your emails to your audience. What messages do you want to program in their minds with your emails. Okay, take a moment to do that. That is very important. Tip # 7 Now, the other thing I want to talk about is the use of power words within your emails. Now you’ll see here that I’m about to reveal, which is a power word, to use some secret strategies, another power word, guaranteed, another power word to increase the engagement with your audience. Those are power words that will help your reader. It’s going to grab their attention and it’s going to make your copy more compelling for them to continue reading the rest of your email. They are very stimulating words. Now, to continue with some of the power words, I’ve put some map here for you guys for you to check out real quick. So some additional power words are proven, sure-fire, take advantage, dramatically. Turbo charge are really, really strong ones. Skyrocket, secret weapon, attract, step by step, no additional charge, and so on and so forth. But using these keywords will help engage your audience and your reader and have them continue to read the rest of your email. Tip # 8 Now, the last thing I want to talk about very quickly is, when you put in links in your emails, one, make sure they’re clickable. I see a lot of people send out emails that are not clickable. See, you want to make sure your blue clickable link is above the fold. This is very, very important. It must be above the fold. What do I mean by above the fold? Meaning, that your reader does not have to scroll down to get to your link. You don’t want them to have to read the whole email before they see your link. So make sure the first link is above the fold so they don’t have to scroll down. It’s going to increase your click-through rate dramatically. The other thing that’s going to increase your click-through rate dramatically is putting your link at least 3 to 4 times within that email. Marketing studies have shown that people need to see something 4 to 5 times before they take action. So every time I have an email that has that link, you’re going to see that link at least 3 to 4 times within that email. That’s very, very, very important. So the more money you want to make, the more emails you need to send out. I send out emails twice a day. Once in the morning I’ll send out a newsletter with a lot of great value and content. Later in the evening, I’ll send out an email that has an offer because again, we are a business. We are trying to sell, whether it’s our info products or affiliate products or whatever it is. Okay, so make sure you guys follow these quick tips and again, this is Bishop Stewart. Above all my friends, always enjoy the journey and I look forward to you guys becoming the ultimate entrepreneur with me and I’ll talk to you guys in the next video. Take care. Visit for more information about Email Marketing Tips

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