How to earn money online by writing a novel

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How to Earn Money Online by Writing a Novel A mere ten years ago, writing was an art that cost more money than it made, at least for most writers. There were the lucky few who made it big – Stephen King, John Grisham, and Anne McCaffrey – and were practically household names, but they were only a handful compared to the hundreds of thousands of writers who slaved away behind computers and hardly ever got paid for their efforts. But all that has changed thanks to the combination of online shopping, online marketing, and self-publishing. The big difference between publishing then and now is that you have all the tools to publish your novel yourself. Termed self-publishing by online netizens, writers are now making full use of the power of Amazon and other similar online bookstores to publish their work as electronic books or eBooks. They need very little capital to get this done and, most importantly, they don’t need a publishing house to do it. In fact, learning how to earn money online by writing a novel is one of the best ways to support yourself while practicing your craft. But how can you succeed in writing and selling your book? 1. Writing your novel It goes without saying that to make money from writing a novel, you’ll need to actually write one. If you’ve already tried your hand at writing a full-length fiction book, you would already know that it isn’t as easy as it sounds. The first thing to do is to get a first draft done. You don’t have to slave away behind your computer for days straight. Set aside an hour a day for writing but that hour has to be for actual writing and not dreaming up ideas. After the first draft is done, ask a friend who also writes to read through it and place notes and corrections. Review the corrections, fix them, then have your friend go over the book again before publishing your final draft. 2. The length, the cover, the audience Studies show that an eBook has to at least be 10 000 words long to get market attention, but that doesn’t mean that 10 000 words needs to be your ceiling for word count. Those same studies also show that the longer books – as long as 100 000 words or more – sell more than their shorter counterparts.

Also, invest time in your book cover art or image. A good novel can be ruined by an amateurish cover. There are a lot of free or affordable images out there that are good enough to be the face of your novel. Finally, know your audience. Don’t be above doing a few market studies and checking out the competition. Find out what sells, what doesn’t, and why. 3. Marketing your novel There are a lot of well-written books out there but most of them fail due to lack of marketing. Simply uploading your novel in Amazon and crossing your fingers won’t be enough. You should start marketing long before you actually make your book available to the public, beginning by making a social media presence and by making snippets of your novel available in other websites. There’s a lot to learn when you’ve just started learning how to earn money online with self-publishing, but the great thing is that you don’t need any money to get started. In fact, you can get started today, by writing that first page or the first chapter. If you want to learn more about self-publishing and online marketing, you can learn how to earn money online from those who have already succeeded.

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