Why facebook is essential for marketing your business online

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Why Facebook is Essential for Marketing Your Business Online A few years ago, I ate at this small, hole in the wall Japanese restaurant that was in a terrible location. It was hidden in the back of street stalls, cigarette stores, and a shoe repair shop. If not for a friend who had insisted on taking me there, I never would have found it and would have never bothered to visit it either. But she had insisted because she had heard about it because everyone was saying how great the food was online and the pictures looked really good too. I asked her where she had seen all that, and she answered ‘Facebook.’ When we finally did make our way to the restaurant, the food was excellent and the place itself was warm and cosy, but we never would have gone out of our way to eat there if not for the word-of-mouth recommendations it had gotten on Facebook. This is a testament to how important learning how to earn money through Facebook is for businesses, both big and small. And while they can’t directly sell on Facebook, they can certainly market their company and products by creating a face that people can relate to and even respond to which will eventually convert to sales and, more importantly, brand loyalty. With a Facebook page, you’ll not only encourage people to talk about you online, you will also encourage them to tag you which is a great way for letting people know who you are simply because you’re having other people talk about you instead of selling yourself. And even if there are sometimes bad press, the structure of Facebook allows you not only to respond directly with an apology, you can also let them feel that they are heard and that you do care about giving them better service. In this aspect, Facebook is a PR godsend. And with a few well-placed links, you can direct your Facebook community as traffic to your website. That’s high quality traffic that is more likely to opt-in to your newsletter and make a purchase (as opposed to bad traffic which means high volumes but has no real interest in what you’ve got to offer). The Japanese restaurant I mentioned earlier seemed to have mastered the art of Facebook marketing. Their fan page is friendly and helpful and polite in a very Japanese way. When diners take pictures of their food and themselves, they sometimes repost, featuring the diners for the night. They would also post fun facts about Japan and its culture, especially about the food. Essentially, they created a community of people who would be willing to go out of their way to dine at a restaurant that they felt was ‘there’s’ and were also willing to tell people about it. It’s the best kind of marketing there is. When it comes to learning how to make money through Facebook, we can all learn a lot from this small Japanese restaurant hidden in some back alley behind a bunch of random shops. Do you want to learn more about online marketing and how to make money through Facebook? Learn from other online entrepreneurs and find out their tips and strategies to convert traffic into sales!

Visit http://bishopstewart.com/why-facebook-is-essential-for-marketing-yourbusiness-online/ for more information about Why Facebook is Essential for Marketing Your Business Online Other articles you will find interesting: Email Marketing Tips Part 1 Email Marketing Tips Part 2 A Mind for Success Creating A Killer E-book Title Part-1 This Could be Be Killing Your Business Growth List Building Strategies Part 1

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