Renewable Sources Of Energy And The Role Of Electrolube Renewable energy is energy collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale and are projected to account for more than 50% of global electricity production by 2035. Put another way, this is energy harnessed from the earth’s infinite or non-exhaustible natural resources rather than our traditional reliance upon finite resources of fossil fuels. According to *Allied Market Research, the renewable energy market is predicted to grow to more than $1.5 trillion by 2025 with biomass representing the leading form of energy within this market. From looking into the applications in more detail, a much wider potential use for all forms of renewable energy sources can be demonstrated. Our discussion commences with a traditional source of renewable energy, water. Water-based power sources, hydropower, tidal power and wave power all rely on hydrokinetic potential; that is, the energy carried by bodies of water. Water-based power is sustainable and has a low carbon footprint. The energy generated by falling or fast moving water is typically known as hydropower and has been used for centuries for a variety of mechanical applications. In the late 19th century, hydropower was first used for the generation of electricity and has since continued to develop as an important
source of renewable power. Hydroelectricity is produced by passing the flowing water through turbine generators which consist of a number of electronic parts; simply Jade Bridges Technical Manager, identified as alternators, Electrolube inverters, control panels and power switches or breakers. This type of power is incredibly versatile and examples of its application can be seen around the world, one of the most famous being the Hoover Dam in USA. Run-in-river applications can also be utilised to harness the power from flowing water, rather than falling water as seen in a reservoir-dam facility. Whilst the emissions from these plants may be low, they are not totally emission free and their effect on the environment also has to be considered; protection of fish from turbines, appropriate use of the land and evaluation of surrounding wildlife, are just some criteria that must be addressed when developing new sites. The two remaining water based renewable energy sources sound similar but in fact are very different. Tidal pattern is continuous therefore the energy generation from this is
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