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Our concept for this space began by embracing a french country landscape design style that utilized features found in its predecessor, the English cottage garden. A french country garden is both breezy and sophisticated. Typically, romantic fragrances of colorful flowers and lush green Mediterranean foliage are partnered with the traditional soft curves and natural materials of English gardens; thus creating an outdoor space that is simple and functional, yet refined and elegant. Straight lines and sharp angles are integrated into walkways and patios for a formal look and feel; while sweeping edges of planting beds emphasize a more informal style. This approach is a beautiful way to blend natural charm with the elegance of associated hardscape features. The finishing touch for an authentic french country landscape design is the inclusion of an expansive lawn area, which is intended to offer the client large amounts of space to freely use for events, activities or leisure. The overall design is intended to provide the client with a beautiful outdoor extension of their original living space; by incorporating elements that reflect the relaxed elegance of the Mediterranean, the rustic charm of old world Europe and the simple beauty of nature. Our goal as designers was to create a landscape that was overflowing with an array of plant material, that encircled both the residence and proposed outdoor living space. By planning a unique and elegant landscape design, we were able to create graceful transitions from one area to the next. All of the suggested plants exhibit various forms, colors and textures. Their austere beauty create interest and drama from early spring through the climax of summer, as well the fall and winter. Additional materials, such as paving textures were recommended based upon those that are typical of many European country landscape designs. They add an elegant touch to the hardscape, which suits the residence’s architectural style. Cobblestone, flagstone, weathered bricks and field stone are all sophisticated options for a charming and romantic atmosphere. Throughout the landscape, our design meshes airy ornamental perennials, sculptural woody plants and naturalistic paving materials for a strong visual impact.


Our intentions behind your landscape design project were to create a tranquil outdoor space that offered fourseason interest, beauty, intimacy and functionality. For this particular landscape, we strived to capture the essence of the location by incorporating existing elements such as architecture, foundation plant material, hardscape and significant viewsheds. By understanding and calculating existing elements, we were able to weave together a french-influenced country landscape that showcased your residence’s most noteworthy features.

master plan

Front Yard Trees & Shrubs Botanical Name Amalanchier x grandiflora Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Hydrangea quercifolia Myrica pensylvanica Syringa vulgaris

Common Name Apple Serviceberry Lawson's Cypress Oakleaf Hydrangea Northern Bayberry Lilac

Cultivar Autumn Brilliance Columnaris Pee Wee Sensation

Height 15Ͳ20' 15Ͳ20' 4' 4Ͳ5' 10'

Comments Blooms starͲshaped white flowers from March to April; berryͲlike fruit persists from fall into winter. Columnar evergreen; blueͲgreen foliage; Italian Cypress alternative. Blooms large plumes of white flowers from July to September; crimsonͲmaroon fall color. BroadͲleaf evergreen; dark blueͲgreen foliage. Blooms purple flowers trimmed in white in May.






Plant List Ag Cl

Planting Plan

Amalanchier x grandfolia Shadblow Serviceberry Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Lawson’s Cypress


Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea


Myrica pensylvanica Northern Bayberry


Syringa vulgaris Lilac

Sv Mp





Hq +

Perennial Mix




Sv Mp







+ +



Front Yard Perennials Botanical Name Alchillea spp. Agastache spp. Alchemilla mollis Anemone hybrida Aquilegia spp. Aster x frikartii Astilbe spp. Baptisia spp. Campanula punctata Coreopsis spp. Dicentra spp. Echinacea purpurea Helleborus x hybridus Hemerocallis spp. Heuchera spp. Iris germanica Iris sibirica Matteuccia struthiopteris Pulmonaria spp. Salvia x sylvestris

Common Name Yarrow Hummingbird Mint Lady's Mantle Japanese Anemone Columbine Frikart's Aster Astilbe False Indigo Bellflower Tickseed Bleeding Heart Coral Reef Lenten Rose Daylily Coral Bells Tall Bearded Iris Siberian Iris Ostrich Fern Lungwort Sage

Cultivar Pretty Belinda Blue Fortune Thriller Queen Charlotte Black Barlow Monch Ostrich Plume Twilite Prarieblues Cherry Bells Sienna Sunset Burning Hearts Coneflower Royal Heritage Hush Little Baby Mocha Fashion Queen Blue Moon Raspberry Splash May Night

Height 24” 36”Ͳ48” 18” 36” 26” 24”Ͳ36” 40” 40” 12” 16” 10” 30” 15” 22” 12” 40” 36” 48” 12” 18”

Comments Blooms pink flattened flowerͲheads from June to September. Blooms powderͲblue flower spikes from July to October. Blooms attractive scalloped foliage; effective ground cover. Blooms semiͲdouble pink flowers from August to September. Blooms darkͲpurple double flowers from May to June. Blooms lavender daisyͲlike flowers from June to September. Blooms arching plumes of salmonͲpink flowers from June to July. Blooms purpleͲviolet flowers with a lemonͲyellow center from May to June. Blooms pendulous red tubes from June to July. Blooms sienna daisyͲlike flower that fades to salmonͲpink from June to Septemer. Blooms deep pink heartͲshaped flowers from May to September. Blooms coralͲred double flowers from July to September. Blooms creamyͲwhite to dusky maroon to pale green flowers from April to May. Blooms ruffled rose to glowing green flowers from July to August. Blooms spikes of delicate white flowers from June to July; glossy dark brown foliage. Blooms biͲcolor apricot to violet large flowers in June. Blooms large violetͲblue flowers trimmed with gold in June. Tall bright green fronds emerge in May; naturalizing. Blooms raspberryͲpink flowers from April to May. Blooms dark violetͲblue spikes from May to August.



Apb Af

Abb Cp Hh Abf Ds



Hs Ps





Bs Bs



Garage Trees & Shrubs Botanical Name Hydrangea arborescens Myrica pensylvanica Syringa vulgaris

Common Name Smooth Hydrangea Northern Bayberry Lilac

Cultivar Anabelle Sensation

Height Comments 4Ͳ5' Blooms large clusters of white flowers from June to August. 4Ͳ5' BroadͲleaf evergreen; dark blueͲgreen foliage. 10' Blooms purple flowers trimmed in white in May.

Sv Hq


Plant List Ha

Planting Plan

Hydrangea arborscens Smooth Hydrangea

Ha Mp

Myrica pensylvanica Northern Bayberry


Syringa vulgaris Lilac


Perennial Mix

+ Mp




Option 1:

As our preferred option, both the pool and fireplace are setup on a linear axis with the residence’s rear entry point. This creates a sense of balance within the space and coincides with the formal approach to the hardscape features. The client’s eye is automatically drawn to the fireplace, thus creating a focal point in the overall living space. The client can also enjoy the ambience created by the glowing fireplace from the expansive porch area. Along the residence and hardscape features, are proposed beds filled with a mixture of perennials and woody plants. Conceptual Parameters Pool Fireplace Area Plantings

Option 2: This option involves having the pool both visible from the large back porch area and the driveway. The view to the pool is selectively screen from the driveway to ensure a suitable amount of privacy for that outdoor living space. Additional planting beds are proposed along the residence. The fireplace is proposed to be placed on the existing concrete pad area by the side of the residence and driveway. We propose that the paving texture is changed in that existing location to tie both the pool area and fireplace together.

Conceptual Parameters Pool Fireplace Area Plantings

Option 3: This option is very similar to Option 1, but the orientation of the pool and fireplace are changed from being vertical to horizontal. Between the pool area and fireplace is a comfortable amount of circulation, which can be filled with supplemental seating and other outdoor accessories. Along the residence and hardscape features, are proposed beds filled with a mixture of perennials and woody plants. This will soften the areas around the sharp angles of the hardscape. Conceptual Parameters Pool Fireplace Area Plantings

Option 4: Similar to Option 3, but the orientation of the fireplace has changed to open the amount of free space surrounding the pool area. Along the residence and hardscape features, are proposed beds filled with a mixture of perennials and woody plants. This will soften the areas around the sharp angles of the hardscape.

Conceptual Parameters Pool Fireplace Area Plantings

Option 5: In this option, we propose to locate the pool area off to the side of the residence. The pool area can still be viewed from the large porch found on the rear side of the residence. The fireplace will be located at the far end of the proposed hardscape. It will provide a more intimate setting for anyone enjoying the fireplace’s ambiance. Along the residence and hardscape features, are proposed beds filled with a mixture of perennials and woody plants. This will soften the areas around the sharp angles of the hardscape. Conceptual Parameters Pool Fireplace Area Plantings




Asclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed) Aster prenanthoides (Symphyotrichum p.) (Zigzag Aster) Aster puniceus (Symphyotrichum puniceum) (Purple Stemmed Aster) Aster umbellatus (Doellingeria umbellata) (Flat Topped White Aster) Bidens cernua (Nodding Bur Marigold) Carex comosa (Cosmos (Bristly) Sedge) Carex lupulina (Hop Sedge) Carex lurida (Lurid (Shallow) Sedge) Carex scoparia (Blunt Broom Sedge) Carex stipata (Awl Sedge) Carex vulpinoidea (Fox Sedge) Elymus virginicus (Virginia Wild Rye) Eupatorium fistulosum (Joe Pye Weed) Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset) Euthamia graminifolia (Solidago g.) (Grass Leaved Goldenrod) Geum laciniatum (Rough Avens) Glyceria canadensis (Rattlesnake Grass) Glyceria grandis (American Mannagrass) Helenium autumnale (Common Sneezeweed) Heliopsis helianthoides (Ox Eye Sunflower) Juncus effusus (Soft Rush) Juncus tenuis (Path Rush) Ludwigia alternifolia (Seedbox) Mimulus ringens (Square Stemmed Monkey Flower) Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern) Scirpus polyphyllus (Many Leaved Bulrush) Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain) Vernonia gigantea (V. altissima) (Giant Ironweed) Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders)

Chamaecrista fasciculata (Cassia f.) (Partridge Pea) Desmodium canadense (Showy Tick Trefoil) Penstemon laevigatus (Appalachian Beard Tongue) Senna hebecarpa (Cassia h.) (Wild Senna) Senna marilandica (Cassia m.) (Maryland Senna) Tradescantia ohiensis (Ohio Spiderwort) Verbena hastata (Blue Vervain) Penstemon digitalis (Tall White Beard tongue) Rudbeckia hirta (Black Eyed Susan) Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion) Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo) Heliopsis helianthoides (Ox Eye Sunflower) Liatris spicata (Marsh (Dense) blazing Star (Spiked Gayfeather)) Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot) Eupatorium fistulosum (Joe Pye Weed) Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset) Hypericum pyramidatum (Great St. John’s Wort) Vernonia gigantea (V. altissima) (Giant Ironweed) Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders)

Trees & Shrubs





Cornus C rnus racemosa

Gray Dogwood


Hydrangea quercifolia

Oakleaf Hydrangea


Myrica pensylvanica

Northern Bayberry


Stewartia pseudocamellia

Japanese Stewartia





Perennial Mix



Cr Cr




Hq +


Perennial Mix Achillea Summerwine


Anemone sylvestris

Snowdrop Anemone

Aquilegia Dorthy Rose

Dorthy Rose Columbine

Geranium cinereum Purple Pillow

Purple Pillow Cranesbill

Heuchera Rave On

Rave On Coral Bells

Leucanthemum x superbum Ice Star

Ice Star Shasta Daisy

Monarda Petite Wonder

Petite Wonder Bee Balm

Iris Jennifer Rebecca

Reblooming Jennifer Rebecca Iris

plant catalogue

Plant Schedule Trees & Shrubs Botanical Name Cornus racemosa Hydrangea quercifolia Myrica pensylvanica Syringa

Common Name Gray Dogwood Oakleaf Hydrangea Northern Bayberry Prince Charming Lilac


Height 2Ͳ3' 3Ͳ4' 4' 4Ͳ5'

Spread 4' 3Ͳ4' 4' 4Ͳ5'


Height 24" 18" 24" 8" 6" 24" 12" 30"

Spread 18Ͳ24" 18" 18" 12" 18" 18" 18" 18Ͳ24"

Slavinii' Pee Wee' Bailming'

Perennials Botanical Name Achillea spp. Anemone sylverstris Aquilegia spp. Geranium cinereum Heuchera spp. Leucanthemum x superbum Monarda spp. Iris spp.

Common Name Summerwine Yarrow Snowdrop Anemone Dorthy Rose Columbine Purple Pillow Cranesbill Rave On Coral Bells Ice Star Shasta Daisy Petite Wonder Bee Balm Reblooming Jennifer Rebecca Iris

Summerwine' Pee Wee' Dorthy Rose' Purple Pillow' Rave On' Ice Star' Petite Wonder' Jennifer Rebecca'






Ms Hq

Ls Ax

Mp Gc

Ijr Cr

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