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Media Day

Dakota Media Access hosted the Leadership class for Media Day. Director Mary Van Sickle welcomed the class with information on Dakota Media Access and a tour of their new facility. Three news directors participated in a panel: Amy Dalrymple, Bismarck Tribune; Steph Malloy, KX News; and Dave Thompson, Prairie Public Radio. Alexander Mabin Co-Founder of InnovatAR spoke on “Innovative Strategies to Connect with your Audience Through Technology.” Officer Lynn Wanner presented on the Bismarck Police Department’s success with social media. The class traveled to downtown Bismarck where they toured MOJO Radio and KFYR TV.



University of Mary hosted the Leadership BismarckMandan class for Faith, Values, & Ethics (FaVE) Day. The class kicked off the day with a values exercise during which they identified their core values. For the faith portion of the day, the class welcomed a panel on Diversity in the Faith Community. Two panelists were Cheryl Kary, Sacred Pipe Resource Center and Nick Thueson, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Muslim panelist was unable to join the class on FaVE Day. The day concluded with a panel of ethicists. Mary Beth Johnson, University of Mary, spoke on medical ethics. Tracy Porter, NISC, represented business ethics. Dr. Becky Pitkin, National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, spoke on education ethics.

OUR MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsor:

Scholarship Sponsors:

Program Sponsors: Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, KLJ Engineering

Media Day co-chairs:

Trish Helgeson – NISC

Tammy Langerud – MDU Resources Group

Faith, Values and Ethics co-chairs:

Mary Dockter – University of Mary

Sarah Rooney – Ameriprise Financial

Ellie Shockley – N.D. University System

Lunch Sponsor:

MDU Resources - Media Day

Dakota Media Access - Media Day

David Wald with Securian Financial Advisors - FaVE Day

Legacy Financial Partners - FaVE Day

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