1 minute read


Goldman Sachs is now recruiting businesses across the state of North Dakota to participate in their 10,000 Small Businesses program. The 10,000 Small Businesses has helped entrepreneurs across the country grow their businesses for over a decade by offering a practical business training program, access to capital, and personalized support services. The 3-month program includes 10 sessions that assist in the growth of small businesses. Session topics include financial statements workshop, money and metrics, marketing and selling, and being bankable. The program is offered FREE of charge to the participants.

The application deadline for the program is June 29th and is available to business owners or co-owners that have been in operation for more than two years, have business revenues over $75,000 in the most recent fiscal year, and have more than two employees (including the owner).


If you are interested in applying, visit the website at www. goldmansachs.com/citizenship/10000-small-businesses/ US/growing-with-rural-america/index.html

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