Tidbits of Bismarck, Volume 2, Issue 37

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of Bismarck September 9, 2015





Volume 2, Issue 37

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Advertising is the fine art of making you think you have longed for something all your life that you never heard of before.




All companies know the importance of advertising and product recognition. This week, Tidbits investigates some clever slogans that have caught our attention over the years.

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• Who hasn’t sung along to the “Rice-ARoni, the San Francisco Treat” jingle? The first commercial featuring the clang of a cable car aired in 1959, launching the success of the small Golden Grain Macaroni Company. The product was based on the family recipe of the founders, the Domenico’s. There were not many packaged side dishes available in the late 1950s and RiceA-Roni was an immediate hit. It became so successful that when Golden Grain sold out to the Quaker Oats Company in 1986, the price tag was $275 million. • The Clairol company was started up in 1931 by two Americans who had been traveling in France and observed hair-coloring preparations there. Sold strictly to salons for 25 years, in 1956, an at-home product was introduced with its slogan “Does she or doesn’t she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.” Within 6 years, 70% of American women were coloring their hair. The company has had several catchy phrases over the years, including 1965’s “The closer he gets, the better you look” and the 1960s slogan, “Is it true blondes have more fun?” Turn the page for more!

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• “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is” is one of the most recognizable ad slogans of all time. The effervescent antacid AlkaSeltzer made its debut in 1931 as a remedy for aches, pains, inflammation, fever, heartburn, indigestion, and a number of other maladies. The character “Speedy” (signifying speedy relief) was introduced in 1951 and was used until the mid-1960s. The company had another successful catchphrase in 1971 when a man suffering from severe indigestion said, “Try it, you’ll like it,” followed in 1972 with “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” Alka-Seltzer’s competition Rolaids countered with “How do you spell relief?”

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• Credit card companies are well-known for reminding us how much we need them. In 1975, American Express introduced its “Don’t leave home without it” campaign, featuring OscarAward-winning actor Karl Malden. Various celebrities asked TV viewers, “Do you know me?” in another American Express ad. In 2004, the company updated its slogan to “My life. My card.” Visa’s catchphrase was, “It’s everywhere you want to be,” initiated in 1985. (Visa spends about $500 million each year on advertising around the world!) MasterCard was not to be left out, and in 1997 originated, “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.” Capital One followed up with, “What’s in your wallet?”


NUGGET OF KNOWLEDGE John Gilchrist, Jr. shot a commercial in October of 1971 with his two real-life brothers for Life cereal that ran from 1972 to 1986. The picky eater “Mikey” who “hates everything” was the only one who would try the healthy cereal and the slogan “Hey Mikey… He likes it!” was born.

• What’s the best part of waking up? According to Folgers, it’s their coffee in your cup! The company, in business since 1850, featured the Swedish neighbor Mrs. Olson in their ads from 1965 to 1986, who told us that Folgers was “mountain grown, the richest kind of coffee.” Another coffee vendor, Maxwell House, has one of the longest-used slogans, “Good to the Last Drop,” created in 1917. • Founded in 1922 by a retired farmer turned insurance salesman, State Farm is currently #41 on the Fortune 500 list of largest companies. They process almost 35,000 claims per day. Pop star Barry Manilow composed their “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” jingle in 1971. • Barry Manilow also composed the familiar “I am stuck on Band-aids, cuz Band-Aid’s stuck on me” jingle in the mid-1970s. Earle Dickson, the inventor of the Band-Aid in 1920, came up with the idea when his wife Josephine regularly injured herself while performing housekeeping and cooking tasks. Dickson, who worked for Johnson & Johnson, was looking for an easier way to bandage up her wounds than cotton and wrapping. Sales were just $3,000 that first year, but in 1961, the year of Dickson’s death, sales of Band-Aids were $30,000,000. See the next page for more!

1. GEOGRAPHY: Guadalcanal is part of which island group in the Pacific Ocean? 2. TELEVISION: What was Norm’s last name in the sitcom series “Cheers”? 3. MOVIES: Which actors voiced the two main characters, Woody and Buzz, in the “Toy Story” movies? 4. ARTS: What country holds a festival of music, literature and performing arts called an eisteddfod? 5. INVENTIONS: Who is credited with inventing the Hula Hoop? 6. HISTORY: Who was known as “The Iron Chancellor”? 7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What kind of creature does the Australian bandicoot most resemble? 8. RADIO: When did the soap opera “The Guiding Light” begin as a serial show on radio? 9. MEASUREMENTS: The term “vicennial” refers to a period of how many years? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the symbol for the zodiac sign Capricorn? (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

GOES LONG...........

American Express started out in 1850 as an express mail service in Buffalo, New York. It was part of a merger of companies owned by Henry Wells, William Fargo, and John Warren Butterfield.

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GOES GREEN What should you know about the recycling of fluorescent light tubes? They all contain a small amount of potentially hazardous mercury, which means you cannot just put them in your curbside dumpster. You will need to locate a special facility that takes them back. If a tube gets broken, you should immediately shut off central air or heating and leave the room. Appropriate cleaning supplies include sticky tape, damp paper towels, and an airtight container for the broken pieces.

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• In 1973, as the feminist movement was gaining momentum, a young 23-year-old copywriter named Ilon Specht came up with the phrase “Because I’m worth it” for the L’Oreal cosmetics company. Still in use today, it’s recognized by 80% of women. • The first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise opened in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1952. Harlan Sanders had been selling chicken since the Great Depression when he peddled it from a Kentucky roadside restaurant. The “finger lickin’ good” slogan was initiated in 1956, and a second slogan “We fix Sunday dinner seven nights a week” was added in 1957. In 2011, KFC, wanting to focus on its shift to a healthier menu, made a switch to “Nobody does chicken like KFC” and “So good.” KFC is the second largest restaurant chain in the world, with close to 19,000 outlets in 118 countries, with China leading the pack with nearly 4,600 locations. • Where did our favorite candy M&Ms get its name? The little chocolates with a candy shell were introduced by the Mars Company in 1941 as a treat that allowed soldiers to carry chocolate without it melting. The two “M”s stand for Forrest Mars, son of the Mars founder, and Bruce Murrie, who was the son of the Hershey Chocolate president, who owned a 20% share in the product. M&Ms famous “melts in your mouth, not in your hand” slogan was trademarked in 1954.

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Laughs! Steve: I can’t understand why you failed in business. John: Too much advertising. Steve: What do you mean too much advertising? You never spent a dime on advertising. John: That’s true. But my competitors did!

• After decades of using “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking” to describe the durability of their watches, Timex replaced the phrase with one they felt updated their image. The 1950s phrase was updated in 2003 to “Timex. Life is ticking.” • Frito-Lay challenged our self-control when they released their advertising slogan for Lay’s potato chips of “Betcha can’t eat just one” in 1963. They were the first snack food manufacturer to release television commercials, using actor Bert Lahr of The Wizard of Oz fame as their spokesman. Herman Lay started up the company in 1932 selling potato chips out of the trunk of his car. He merged his venture with the Frito Company in 1961.

1. When was the last time before 2014 that St. Louis Cardinals pitchers combined to record at least 23 shutouts in a season? 2. Who has the best career regular-season winning percentage among these three majorleague managers: Sparky Anderson, Davey Johnson and Earl Weaver? 3. In 2014, running back Todd Gurley set a record at the University of Georgia for most all-purpose yards in a game (293). Whose mark did he break? 4. The Spurs’ Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker set a record in 2014 for most NBA postseason wins of any trio. Who had held the record? 5. Name the last team before the Los Angeles Kings in 2015 to miss the NHL playoffs a season after winning the Stanley Cup. 6. Who holds the men’s soccer record for most appearances as a captain in the World Cup? 7. In 2015, Lindsey Vonn set a World Cup skiing record for most career wins (63). Who had held the mark? (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• The name of Paul Marcarelli is probably not familiar, but it’s almost certain that his face is. Paul was the actor who traveled the country for Verizon Wireless beginning in 2002 asking, “Can you hear me now?” The campaign was a huge success because most people are familiar with having to move to a place with better cell phone reception. The first year Verizon ran the ad, their sales improved by 10%, and numbers grew by another 15% the following year. Today, Verizon’s slogan is “Never settle.”

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INVENTIONS OF THE ‘70s The 1970s were a time of great innovation in many areas. Take a look at a few ground-breaking inventions introduced during that decade. • In 1974, a patent was granted to Dr. Raymond Damadian for an “Apparatus and Method for Detecting Cancer in Tissue,” the world’s first MRI machine. Dr. Damadian completed construction of the first whole-body scanner three years later. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and is a means of looking inside the body without surgery or X-rays. The scanner uses magnetism and radio waves to take internal pictures. Dr. Damadian discovered that different types of tissue emit signals of varying lengths, and that cancerous tissue’s signals last much longer than non-cancerous. • The food processor came to North America in 1973, when American inventor Carl Sonthemier improved on the 1971 French machine, the Le Magi-Max. This new appliance hit U.S. shelves using the name Cuisinart. • The 1970s were an exciting time in the electronics world. The floppy disk was invented in 1970, an invention that revolutionized the storage of computer data. In 1973, the first word processor that used floppy disks for storage was introduced by Vydec, a media system capable of holding 80 to 100 pages of text. Early printers included the LA30 dot matrix printer and the daisy-wheel printer, named such because of its resemblance to the flower. Both were introduced in 1970 and were able to print 30 characters per second. IBM debuted its Model 4640 ink-jet printer in 1976, followed up by its 3800 laser printer, able to print 20,000 lines (215 pages) per minute in 1979. Continued on the next page!

133 South Bell Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Phone: 701-751-5002 Fax: 701-751-5003 www.bellpawn.com https://www.facebook.com/BellPawn







“Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine.” -- David Ogilvy


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by Samantha Weaver • It was 20th-century Hungarian author and psychiatrist Thomas Szasz who made the following sage observation: “The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic, and to some extent even antibiotic -in short, the closest thing to a genuine panacea known to medical science -- is work.” • The story that’s been adapted to film more than any other is the fairy tale “Cinderella.” • While it’s true that paying to use transportation routes is nothing new, you might be surprised to learn the extent of some early pay-for-travel routes. In England in the early 1800s, there already were 30,000 miles of toll roads -- not to mention 8,000 toll gates. • During World War II, money was smuggled into German POW camps using Monopoly games -- the real stuff was stashed in among the fake cash. • Twerking may be a modern phenomenon, but in the 16th century, it was not unusual for a gentleman to be caught twirking (with an “i,” not an “e”) in public. Of course, twirling the hairs of one’s mustache generally didn’t raise an eyebrow in polite society. • If you see a group of ducks in the water, you can call them, collectively, a “paddling” of ducks. In the air, however, the correct collective term is a “team.” • Before he became famous in his eponymous sitcom, Jerry Seinfeld appeared on the TV show “Benson” -- he played the governor’s speechwriter. He didn’t last long, though; he was fired after just three episodes. *** Thought for the Day: “By the age of 6 the average child will have completed the basic American education. ... From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white, and kill people with a variety of sophisticated armaments.” -- Russell Baker (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

For Advertising Call: (701) 391-2076 INVENTIONS OF THE ‘70s (continued):

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• We’ve been “flicking our BIC” since 1973 when BIC introduced its disposable lighter with an adjustable flame. The BIC lighter could provide 3,000 lights before wearing out. Today, BIC produces about 6 million lighters daily worldwide. There have been more than 30 billion lighters sold in 160 countries. Entertainment Weekly has named the “Flick Your BIC” advertising campaign as one of the 50 best campaigns of all time. • In 1974, two Italian doctors, father and son Arpad and Giorgio Fischer, were responsible for the invention of a blunt, hollow surgical instrument called a cannula that enabled the creation of tunnels between major blood vessels of the body. Adding a suction device known as an aspirator, the pair were able to suck out body fat, creating the cosmetic surgery operation known as liposuction. • Are you familiar with the term “timeshifting”? It’s the word used to refer to recording a television program to play back at a more convenient time, a process facilitated by the invention of the VCR in 1971. The first VCR for home use was the Phillips Model 1500, introduced in 1972. It was an expensive item and for many years, most consumers chose to rent rather than purchase this pricey technology.

• On Sept. 10, 1608, English adventurer John Smith is elected council president of Jamestown, Virginia -- the first permanent English settlement in North America. Smith had won popularity in the colony because of his organizational abilities and effectiveness in dealing with local Native American groups. • On Sept. 7, 1813, the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a New York meat packer who supplied barrels of beef to the Army during the War of 1812. Wilson stamped the barrels with “U.S.” for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as “Uncle Sam’s.” • On Sept. 9, 1939, audiences at the Fox Theater in Riverside, California, get a surprise showing of “Gone With the Wind” as a second feature. Producer David O. Selznick sat in the back and observed the audience reaction to his highly anticipated film. • On Sept. 12, 1940, near Montignac, France, a collection of prehistoric cave paintings is discovered by four teenagers. The roughly 16,000-year-old paintings, mostly of animals, are among the finest examples of art from the Upper Paleolithic period. • On Sept. 11, 1965, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) begins to arrive in South Vietnam, bringing U.S. troop strength to more than 125,000. The unit was the first full U.S. Army division deployed to Vietnam. • On Sept. 8, 1974, in a controversial executive action, President Gerald Ford pardons his disgraced predecessor Richard Nixon for crimes committed while in office involving the Watergate scandal. • On Sept. 13, 1990, the drama series “Law & Order” premieres on NBC. It would go on to become one of the longest-running primetime dramas in TV history -- 20 seasons. The “Law & Order” franchise was created by Dick Wolf, who began his TV career as a writer for “Miami Vice.” (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• In 1979, Sony introduced an item that changed the way people listened to music. Sony’s co-founder Masaru Ibuka loved opera music and wanted to listen to it while traveling by air. He approached a company engineer with his idea of a portable audio cassette player. The engineer designed it, adding lightweight headphones and the Walkman was born! By 1995, sales of Walkman units had reached 150 million. Improvements over the years have resulted in 300 different Walkman models produced to date.

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1. Who wrote and recorded “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry”? 2. Name the one big hit by James & Bobby Purify. 3. Who were Fred Hellerman, Pete Seeger, Ronnie Gilbert and Lee Hays? 4. How did Ernie K-Doe (of “Mother-inLaw” fame) get his name? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “She had a place in his life. He never made her think twice. As he rises to her apology, anybody else would surely know he’s watching her go.” (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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MORE AD SLOGANS • “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t” was the jingle originated in the 1970s by Peter Paul to advertise its chocolate and coconut candy bars Mounds and Almond Joy. The original slogan of Mounds, a confection created in 1920, was “indescribably delicious.” It was the result of a contest that challenged entrants to come up with the best two words to sell a candy. The winner took home $10. Almond Joy (for when you feel like a nut!) came along in 1946. • How long have we been in good hands with Allstate? The company was founded in 1931 as part of Sears, Roebuck, & Company, but the familiar slogan didn’t come along until 1956. A company sales executive came up with the idea based on his comforting words to his wife when a doctor was caring for their child. It’s now ranked as one of the most recognizable slogans in America. • Nothing outlasts the Energizer. It keeps going, and going…” The pink bunny in the sunglasses and sandals beating on his bass drum has proven the effectiveness of this slogan time and time again. Appearing in commercials since 1989, the term “Energizer Bunny” has become part of our vocabulary referring to anything or anyone that continues endlessly. • Plenty of exhausted young mothers have uttered the phrase, “Calgon, take me away” since that catchphrase was introduced in the 1970s. A quiet, relaxing bath in Calgon bath products was the solution to the stress of everyday life. The product takes its name from “calcium gone,” referring to its ability to prevent the formation of unwanted elements in the water. Continued on the next page!

EDITOR’S NOTE: DVDs reviewed in this column will be available in stores the week of September 7, 2015. PICKS OF THE WEEK The Age of Adaline (PG-13) -- Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) survives a strange car accident while driving one night in 1938. A Very Authoritative Narrator tells us that due to some science-magic whatever, Adaline stopped aging, preserving her elegant blond 29-year-old form for all time. Tragic, I know. After some years, Addy’s unaging beauty draws suspicion, so she changes identities every decade to keep her immortality a secret -- she’s kinda selfish. This keeps her from getting too close to anyone, or falling in love, until she falls in love with a guy whose father (Harrison Ford) recognizes her as the lost love of his youth. The film goes for that dreamy, timeless, starlit moody look, and achieves it across different time periods. It all looks good, but the story feels undercooked. Things limp along at times, and the ending feels a little off-kilter.

Cyber-Seniors (PG) -- How do you get a senior citizen from knowing nothing about the computers to deftly hustling Facebook friends to check out their latest Youtube video? Very patiently. That’s one lesson in this charming documentary about a group of retirees paired with teen volunteers who teach them how to use the Internet. When one senior posts her own cooking video to YouTube, it starts a contest among the old folks to see who can get the most “hits” online. While at first, the cluelessness of the old folks is played for laughs, the real focus of the story comes from the new connections made and possibilities opened up. It’s not meant to be an instructional film, but it does teach us a lot about the generational gap: It sure is deep, but not too wide to cross. Beyond the Mask (PG) -- An English mercenary, Will (Andrew Cheney), working for the British East India company, gets backstabbed by his employer and reinvents himself as a masked vigilante, seeking revenge against his enemies who have relocated to the American colonies just before the revolution. He teams up with an annoying Benjamin Franklin, who spouts popular Benjamin Franklin sayings because that’s how he talked, I guess. Will falls in love with a nice lady

(Kara Kilmer) and starts to learn that the key to redemption isn’t vengeance, but good faith and Christianity. He still gets his vengeance, though. American Heist (R) -- Frankie (Adrien Brody) served time for a crime that he and his younger brother, James (Hayden Christensen), messed up. A free man again, Frankie gets together with his old robbery pals (Tory Kittles and rapper Akon) and pulls James in as a driver on their next job. James is trying to make a real living and patch things up with his girl (Jordana Brewster), but Frankie reels him in with guilt, and James botches yet another robbery. The two brothers are then forced to help with an even bigger, heist-ier heist. Is this the One Last Job that leads to a better life? Getting the answer might not be as exciting as you think. TV RELEASES “Cartoon Network: Over the Garden Wall” “Barbie in Rock ‘N Royals” “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Monster Musical” “WWE: Monday Night War Vol. 2: Know Your Role” (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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See Your Ad Here! Call Tidbits® Today! Trivia Test Answers 1. Solomon Islands 2. Peterson 3. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen 4. Wales 5. Richard Knerr and Arthur “Spud” Melin 6. Otto von Bismarck, Germany 7. A large rat 8. 1937 9. 20 years 10. The goat

MORE AD SLOGANS (continued):

• In 1910, 18-year-old J.C. Hall had two shoeboxes of picture postcards to his name and nothing else. He peddled them on the streets of Kansas City, Missouri, then bought more, and soon had a good little business. His brother joined him and they became the Hall Brothers Company. By 1915, they were offering high-quality valentines and Christmas cards. In 1917, they started printing their own gift wrap. Knowing that goldsmiths used the word “hallmark” to denote a mark of quality, in 1928, the Hall brothers began printing the word Hallmark on the back of every card. The year 1944 brought the advertising phrase that most folks are familiar with – “When you care enough to send the very best.” The NBC network approached the company in 1951 about sponsoring a premiere television production and the Hallmark Hall of Fame program began. Over the years, the productions have garnered 80 Emmy Awards.

• One of the longest-running, most familiar ad slogans is Campbell’s “Mmm, mmm, good!”, which has been in use since 1935. Fruit merchant Joseph Campbell and icebox manufacturer Abraham Anderson teamed up in Camden, New Jersey, in 1869 to produce canned vegetables and jellies. The invention of condensed soup in 1897 by the nephew of the company’s general Sports Quiz manager cemented Campbell’s place in history. Answers The company began using the image of the 1. The Cardinals had 30 shutouts in 1968. round-faced Campbell kids in 1904 on the side 2. Weaver, with a .583 winning percentage in of trolley cars. 17 seasons, topped Johnson (.562 in 17 seasons) and Anderson (.545 in 26 seasons). 3. Rodney Hampton had 290 all-purpose yards in a game in 1987. 4. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Cooper and Magic Johnson had 110 playoff wins for the Los Angeles Lakers during the 1980s. 5. The Carolina Hurricanes, in 2007. 6. Diego Maradona, with 16 appearances for Argentina (1986-94). 7. Austria’s Annemarie Moser-Proell, with 62. Flash Back Trivia Answers 1. Country legend Hank Williams. He wrote the song to be spoken instead of sung, until he discovered it was due to be released. 2. “I’m Your Puppet,” in 1966. After Robert retired in 1971, James paired up with Ben Moore, who also took the stage name Bobby Purify. 3. The Weavers, a folk group that started in 1948. 4. He was born Ernest Kador, Jr. The 1961 song was his only No. 1 hit. 5. “What a Fool Believes,” written by Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins, in 1979, and recorded by The Doobie Brothers. Legend says that McDonald once fired his whole band because a backup singer hit a sour note during the chorus of the song during a 1979 show in Chicago.

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