Bisnode launches B2B marketing database EuroContactPool in Europe

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Stockkholm, 24 Jan nuary 2012

Bisn node la aunch hes B2 2B ma arketing g dataabase Euro oContactPo ool in E Europe e Bisnode h has now laun nched the B2B B database EuuroContactPo ool on the Eurropean markeet and can theereby meet risin ng demand frrom multinational corporaations for pan n-European market m informaation. By laun nching the produ uct across all of the Group p’s European ccountries, Bissnode can enh hance its totall offering by combinin ng local experrtise with its international i strength. EuroCon ntactPool, ECP, is one of Europe’s fastestt growing and d most comprrehensive B2B B databases, co ontaining 26 millioon companies and 22 millio on decision-m makers from 16 6 European co ountries. EurooContactPool has been previously managed an nd marketed by b the Swedishh Bisnode com mpany PAR and a is now levveraged by Bissnode p’s European countries, c makking it possible to offer local expertise inn combination n with the across all of the Group nternational strength. s group’s in “The deccision to expan nd our European offering ggives us the op pportunity to meet rising de demand from major m players foor pan-Europeean market information. EuuroContactPoool is a venturre that is fullyy in line with Bisnode’s B strategy. T The venture will w contribute to the comppanies’ growth h at the same time t that the companies will contributte to and beneefit from furth her improvem ment of the prooduct,” says Fredrik F Åkerm man, Acting Prresident and CEO O of Bisnode. EuroCon ntactPool was previously alrready operatioonal through local l subsidiarries or partnerrs in many Eu uropean countriess and is now being b launched d in Norway, Finland, Den nmark, Germaany, Austria aand Switzerlan nd. In the first half of 2012, the plan p is to laun nch ECP in ann additional four fo countries with local salles representattion. These aree Slovenia, Pooland, the Czeech Republic aand Croatia. “We are ppleased that Bisnode B has id dentified EurooContactPool as a future prroduct worth ffocusing on. This T gives us the oppportunity to offer o the mark ket the best off two worlds, namely local expertise com mbined with th he group’s internatioonal strength,” says Johan Lindqvist, L Bussiness Unit Manager M for Eu uroContactPoool. For additiional informatiion contact: Fredrik Å Åkerman, Actin ng President an nd CEO, Bisnode Tel: +46 7704 15 23 65 E-mail: frredrik.akerman m

About Bisn node:

Joohan Lindqvistt, Business Unnit Manager, Eu uroContactPool Teel: +46 705 90 0 70 05 E--mail: johan.lin om

Bisnode is o one of Europe’s lea ading providers of digital business annd decision support information, with h a complete offerinng of online servic ces for market, cred dit and business information. Bisnode e’s business inform mation services he elps companies to increase sales, redduce business risk ks and improve their daily business de ecisions. Bisnode was w founded in 19989 and has more than 3,000 employees in 17 Europeean countries. Bisn node is owned 70 pe er cent by Ratos and a 30 per cent byy Bonnier. For more re information visit m

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