Not only is Hinduism and Sikhism, according to the Australia Bureau of Statistics, the fasting growing religions over the other traditional religious stronghold, in Australia. Now, witnessed in the upper echelon of power the ancient Hindu Scriptures, The Bhagavad Gita is relied upon to be the holy book of choice by some elected members of the varied Australian Parliaments in States and Territories.
The Bhagavad Gita was the Holy Book of choice by the Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC, the first Indian Australian Treasurer of Australia’s largest State Government, New South Wales. The state, which has land area larger than 104 sovereign countries around the world with a mega budget in revenue alone stand at over $100billion in 2023. Comparatively the NSW State Economy under Hon
Mookhey is way larger that many Countries in Europe, Africa, America and of course our region where some of their Prime Ministers are also Treasurers.
In focus also are the brave Australian Indians, members of varied political parties or independents contesting the varied States and Territories Elections, and soon to be the Federal Elections. CoNtd. oN pg 4
The CLP's Tanzil Rahman, Khoda Patel and Jinson Charls were all elected to Darwin-based seats. (ABC News: Andie Smith)
Source: @ChrisMinnsMP on X
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From the Publisher
JD Media Corp timely response to the intergenerational and cross cultural Global Indian diaspora community in modernity
yoUR editorial team; under the guidance of our Managing Editor Shanjeshni Deo and oversight of our CEO Jitendra Deo; are together humbled by the overwhelming response of encouragement and accolades from our Australia wide readers of our previous Brisbane publication available in e-copies and hard copies. We appreciate the credit for the exponential growth and positive changes of our cross-media entities in just six months, credit to you our readers
About six months ago my family and
I entered the media Industry and onto the cross-media sphere with vigor and raw determination while contemplating the challengers we would face in this new journey as the fourth estate.
Responding to the intergenerational and cross cultural Global Indian diaspora community in modernity need careful thought in ensuring they are informed and entertained and reached wherever they are in their adopted culture and country around the globe.
The reservoirs of varied experiences each of our team garner from cross
media programming research to editorials to compliances while appreciating a good cross section of feedback have been invaluable moving forward toward meeting our purposes.
Thus far, JD Media Corp could fairly say our public service as a multicultural media source has an indelible and highly demanded position in Australian and Global Indian diaspora media landscape.
We are here to stay, and more determined to grow from strength to stretch in expanding our reach and cross media services. Amongst other honorable objectives, are JD Media commitment to ensure our Indianness as members of the Global Indian diaspora is accepted as equal proud citizens in our respective adopted country of residence. As Citizens with Indian ancestry, we have nothing to apologize for, be they our precious linguist accent, divine given color of our skin, culinary preference, and normally academic brilliance and entrepreneurship. Just so happen that is who we are.
Due to this demand in our now growing global reach we have made a few executive decisions in line with our projected growth as a Media conglomerate.
We are pleased to bring to your hands and screens the inaugural copy of the new tabloid “AUStRALIAN INdIAN tIMES”
We welcome our hardcopy distribution hubs Nationwide while our digital edition has been created for our Global readers and audiences.
Newspapers and magazines remain important part of the media landscape. Now, we are assured by our distributors that our national tabloid will be well accepted and cherished as many will warm towards the endeared advocacy spirit of JD Media Corp of all things Indian.
We are the fourth estate, impartial, apolitical while giving equal opportunity to all religions Indian globally are members of and subscribe to.
AUStRALIAN INdIAN tIMES –Australian and Indian through and through.
Australia's International Student enrolments Capped at 270,000: Implications for the Sector
A S a leading immigration lawyer at Migration Guru, a firm with over 90 years of collective experience in Australian migration law, I understand the complexities and challenges that come with changes in policy. The recent announcement of a cap on international student enrolments, set at 270,000 new commencements for 2025, has sent ripples across the education sector. This decision, while aimed at managing migration numbers, has been met with significant concern from industry stakeholders who fear it may stifle growth and impact Australia’s position as a leading destination for international education.
The New Cap and Its Breakdown
The government's national planning level for 2025 establishes a total cap of 270,000 new international student commencements. This cap makes a clear distinction between higher education and vocational education and training (VET) sectors:
1. Higher Education:
4Publicly funded universities are allocated 145,000 new international student commencements for 2025, which aligns with the levels seen in 2023.
4Private universities and non-university higher education providers will be capped at 30,000 commencements, a figure reminiscent of 2019 levels.
2. Vocational Education and Training (VET):
4VET providers face a cap of 95,000 new international student commencements. The government has indicated that providers with a higher ratio of international students will receive a lower allocation, pushing these institutions to diversify their student base.
It is important to note that students enrolling in stand-alone English language courses will not be affected by the cap, providing some relief to this segment of the sector.
The Impact on the Sector
The imposition of this cap has been met with strong opposition from various industry bodies, who argue that it disproportionately affects certain education providers, particularly private universities and VET providers, which have historically recruited higher numbers of international students. The cap is viewed as a "handbrake" on growth, particularly in a sector that is Australia's second-largest export industry, contributing AUD $48 billion annually.
Universities Australia's Chair, David Lloyd, expressed concern that the cap would hinder the sector’s growth and compromise the nation’s ability to deliver on key national priorities. Similarly,
Vicki Thomson, CEO of the Group of Eight, criticized the lack of economic modelling behind the cap and warned of the potential long-term damage to the sector and the country.
The cap is also seen as favoring public universities, potentially leading to a less competitive environment and limiting opportunities for students who might prefer alternative education pathways.
New Student Commencements and CourseHopping
The government has clarified that "new" student commencements are counted the first time a student starts a course with each provider. However, international students switching courses within the same institution will not be counted as new enrolments. Despite this, the government has vowed to crack down on "course-hopping," a practice where students switch courses to extend their stay in Australia, by implementing stricter Genuine Student Tests.
Looking Ahead: What This Means for International Education in Australia
The cap on international enrolments is a clear signal of the government’s intent to regulate the flow of students into Australia more tightly. While the goal is to ensure sustainable growth and maintain the integrity of the migration system, it raises questions about the future of Australia’s international education sector, particularly in terms of its global competitiveness and economic contribution.
For education providers, this cap will necessitate strategic planning and a focus on diversifying student bases. For international students, the changes could mean fewer opportunities to study in Australia, particularly in non-traditional and vocational pathways.
As these new policies take effect, it is crucial for all stakeholders—students, education providers, and industry leaders—to stay informed and adapt to the evolving landscape of international education in Australia. At Migration Guru, we are dedicated to providing expert guidance to help navigate these changes effectively. Our extensive experience in Australian migration law allows us to offer the support you need during this period of transition.
For more detailed advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Migration Guru. We are here to help you achieve your educational and migration goals within the framework of the latest policy updates.
ACS Professional Year
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JD Media Corp Noble intent
opERAtINg a Tabloid, let alone the mammoth challenges of operating a cross-media conglomerate, is of course new for all of us here at your JD Media Corp.
What is not new however is the dedicated team. The Publisher, Management and staff continue their eternal commitment to be humble and worthy citizens of our global village and deliver noticeable contributions to society at large.
These are virtuous traits, we believe, our team brings into the media space, if nothing else but Nobel intent!
To all our commercial advertisers JD Media Corp, say thank you.
In response to your decision and in expression of our gratitude JD Media Corp offers each advertiser until November 30th, 2024, unchanged rates in Australia Indian Times, and free advertising in the Australian Indian Radio and Australian Global Indian TV.
We encourage national advertisers to send to our office a copy of a good quality 30 second video file
for TV advertising and 30 second audio file for Radio advertising. The costs of both productions are at your costs. Though we may have video and audio recording equipment, we encourage each of you to produce the ads from a credible production house. You may change your advertisement video and Radio jingle twice a month.
To each advertisers in the Australia Indian Times, JD Media Corp offers 4 advertising spots per day, free of charge, till November 30th, 2024 on both Australian Indian Radio and Global Indian TV.
Now, our management’s goodwill is still coming as we’re not finished with freebies yet.
In the spirit of connectiveness, even now during the launch of the inaugural edition of the Australia Indian Times, we saw it prudent to be interconnected as a community. In our first edition we request you to take the journey with us. As a breath of fresh air within the media landscape, we seek ongoing support to foster our growth and
Is our Multicultural
In the sp I r I t of connect I veness, even now dur I ng the launch of the I naugural ed I t I on of the austral I a Ind I an tI mes, we saw I t prudent to be I nterconnected as a commun I ty. In our f I rst ed I t I on we requested you to take the journey w I th us. a s a breath of fresh a I r w I th I n the med I a landscape, we seek ongo I ng support to foster our growth and establ I sh a last I ng presence w I th I n the I ndustry.
establish a lasting presence within the industry.
For the next six months, until further notice of possible extension, your
Australia Indian Times will publish free your Obituary Notice, Marriage/ Births, Notice Board for announcement and employment vacancies you wish to post in your Newspaper.
JD Media Corp intend to create interaction platform as we come into your home avoiding locked in a monologue we crave to hear from you too.
Write to us via “Letters to the Editor”, even if you pen a very constructive opinion and suggestion to improve your newspaper, we do not mind at all. After all we at “The Australia Indian Times” like to think we are a big Indian diaspora family!
You will have notice as you continue reading your Australia Indian Times of the mountainous wealth of news materials prepared by our editorial team just for you.
For Fiji Indian, the frightening war within Fiji and the region against drugs. This has been described by the Fijian Minister for Home Affairs, Hon Pio Tikoduadua, as a threat to the fabric of Fijian society. A war that requires
a multi-front offensive and requests for unity from all Fijians. Sadly, the devastating effect has seen heart wrenching real life episodes of teenagers contracting Aids from sexual activity; Fiji’s vulnerable youngsters dragged into prostitution and few parents, probably for financial reasons, become dealers of this evil. We have uncovered corrupt practices amidst those entrusted with safeguarding our well-being during the pandemic, revealing a disturbing betrayal of trust. These reprehensible actions not only endanger lives but also exploit the crisis for personal gain, highlighting the presence of such individuals within our midst.
God help, Fiji!
As a very religious community, The Australia Indian Times carries very enriching religious articles faithfully presented by various religious scholars and lay religious contributors.
With respect, we propose you read these contributions from other faiths. In reading them,
you may be surprised to discover, like in your own faith, advocacies for respect of human life, love for one another, dedication, hard work, shunning of evil and embracing of the truth, and other virtues that are sure to be the linking thread across all these religious contributions in your The Australia Indian Times. You will note in all editions we intermittently pay our respects to the Girmityas and their descendants in Girmityas destination in the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific. We reverence and stand in awe of the deep tolerance and noble choices made by our ancestors; surviving together in the belly of slow-moving marine vessels for months long journey to an unknown destination for an ambiguous destiny is no small feat.
Let’s look after each other and define and accept one another not by what they worship, colour of their skin, linguistic differences, economic social caste, but by the expressed content of one’s character.
That’s Noble!
Australia ready for an Indo-Australian State Premier or even Prime Minister in this decade?
CoNtd. fRoM pg 1
Up in the Northern Territory, the dust of the celebration has yet to settle in last month’s Country Liberal Party landslide victory at the polls. It was cause for celebrations in our Australia Indian Diaspora community that 4 of our members successfully won seats to the Northern Territory Legislature. Pictured above are 3 of the successful members of the Country Liberal Party, Tanzil Rahman, Khoda Patel and Jinson Charls. Khoda Patel, born in Gujarat India, Post Graduate degree in Hospitality, lived in Cyprus before migrating to Australia. Born in Kerala, India, Jinson Charls obtained his Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery before migrating to Australia in 2011. Tanzil Rahman PhD, Oxford graduate and Canberra born has lived in Darwin since he was 2 years old.
Even taking a peek at the increased in MPs of Indian origin in British Parliament now have 12 Sikh MPs with record 25 Muslim MPs with 18 Labour, four independents, two Conservatives and one Liberal Democrat. Those holding Ministering positions asked to swear on the Quran. Some of the Sikh MPs chose to swear allegiance
to the King without holding a sacred Sikh text. One UK MP however chose the Gutka prayer book, while Labour’s Sojan Joseph, a Catholic originally from Kerala, chose to swear on the New Testament only. Priti Patel, former home secretary who was raised a Hindu, opted for the Christian Bible.
These new surge in Indians the world over ascending to places of political and economic power is a far cry for just more than half a century ago, motherland India then under the oppressive dominion of colonial rulers was given the opportunity for self-determination to appoint a Prime Minister.
Notably as widely known, the Congress under Ghandi’s political manoeuvres may have been cajoled to vote for Jawahar Lal Nehru over the more popular Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. Netherless, an Indian Prime Minister at independence in 1947. It was barely 20 years after that Prime Ministers of Indian origin started the tsunami increase of heads of state and heads of government of the sovereign countries of over 30 countries starting in 1968 with Mr Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Prime Minister of Mauritius for 14 years 110 days, lately UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to Ireland
In a mov I ng but capt I vat I ng ma I den speech on m ay 13th, 2015, the h onourable m ookhey aff I rmed h I s fam I ly’s connect I on w I th austral I a I s attr I buted to the format I ve foundat I on h I s maternal grandfather formed w I th fellow members of the m ontgomery a rmy I n the n orth a fr I can desert, now forever revered at “r ats of tobruk”. s uff I ce to ment I on h on m ookhey’s comm I tment I n honour of h I s maternal grandfather’s memory took the pledge of loyalty hold I ng a copy of the c hal I sa and the b hagavad. In awe we read I n h I s ma I den speech h I s grandfather real l I fe exper I ence as the sole surv I vor wonder I ng I n the desert. h on m ookhey sa I d as recorded I n the nsw h ansard“.
Prime Minister Leo Varadkar whose father is from Mumbai, India to incumbent President of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms Christine Kangaloo.
Deep articulate political appraisals and partypolitical manoeuvring and arithmetic aside, it would be an acceptable proposition that destiny would favour the imminent ascension of an Australia Indian as Prime Minister of this great South Land, Australia, soon, even in this decade!
The NSW Treasurer Hon. Daniel Mookhey MLC picture above signing before the NSW Governor soon after administrating
the Oaths of office over the Hindu Scriptures, The Bhagavad Gita.
In a moving but captivating maiden speech on May 13th, 2015, the Honourable Mookhey affirmed his family’s connection with Australia is attributed to the formative foundation his maternal grandfather formed with fellow members of the Montgomery Army in the North African desert, now forever revered at “Rats of Tobruk”. Suffice to mention Hon Mookhey’s commitment in honour of his maternal grandfather’s memory took the pledge of loyalty holding a copy
of the Chalisa and the Bhagavad. In awe we read in his maiden speech his grandfather real life experience as the sole survivor wondering in the desert. Hon Mookhey said as recorded in the NSW Hansard“. His grandfather experienced incredible heat and thirst, and he saw visions of a monkey—a monkey shaped like Lord Hanuman, the Monkey God from Hindu folklore.” “
“So, for the rest of his life he would start each day by reciting the 40 verses of the Hanuman Chalisa, a hymn that tells Lord Hanuman's story, one of the most important hymns in Hinduism. Yesterday, in honour of my grandfather's memory, I took my pledge of loyalty holding a copy of the Chalisa and the Bhagavad Gita in my hand. “
Is it a mere coincidence that Hon Mookhey delivered his maiden speech on May 13th, 2015?
Of historic significance to both Australia and India is May 13th. For Australia, May 13th, 1787 – The First Fleet leaves Portsmouth, England, for New South Wales, with the intention of establishing the first European settlement in Australia. For India, May 13th, 1952, was the date of the first sitting ever of Indian Upper House, the Rajya Sabha.
Is the cosmos shifting favouring descendants of
Is I t a mere co I nc I dence that h on m ookhey del I vered h I s ma I den speech on m ay 13th, 2015? o f h I stor I c s I gn I f I cance to both austral I a and Ind I a I s m ay 13th. f or austral I a, m ay 13th, 1787 – t he fI rst f leet leaves p ortsmouth, e ngland, for n ew s outh wales, w I th the I ntent I on of establ I sh I ng the f I rst e uropean settlement I n austral I a. f or Ind I a, m ay 13th, 1952, was the date of the f I rst s I tt I ng ever of Ind I an u pper h ouse, the r ajya s abha.
Australians whose family lineage does not include those whose descendants sailed in those 11 ships convict ships of the First fleet to assume State and Federal Executive Leadership as equal beneficiary of a fair go afforded to all Australian? We are Australians and we are Indians.
Our Youth, the leaders of today and tomorrow“The Australia India Youth Dialogue”
Jd Media Corp has very young executives and fully support this most worthy visionary incentive.
It is our pleasure to share to you young reader and parents alike the extensive work the “The Australia India Youth Dialogue (AIYD” has faithfully engage in for over a decade.
“The Australia India Youth Dialogue (AIYD) is the pre-eminent track-two young leaders’ dialogue between Australia and India. Held in India and Australia in alternate years, the AIYD hosts 15 of the best and brightest young minds from each country at an annual conference.
The AIYD brings outstanding young leaders in Australia and India together to create enduring relationships and to collaborate on initiatives that create sustainable outcomes for both countries. It enables a rich exchange of ideas between emerging leaders to think creatively about how the AustraliaIndia relationship may be strengthened through their own work and efforts.
Australia and India are globally recognised as the closest of bilateral partners, working collaboratively and equitably across a range of
The AIYD is grateful to the
t he austral I a Ind I a youth dI alogue ( a Iyd ) I s the pre-em I nent track-two young leaders’ d I alogue between austral I a and Ind I a. h eld I n Ind I a and austral I a I n alternate years, the a Iyd hosts 15 of the best and br I ghtest young m I nds from each country at an annual conference.
and advisory board. Partners include founding partner, Global Victoria (State Government of Victoria); distinguished partners, Deakin University, Monash University and University of Sydney; and associate partners, Bluescope Steel and Western Sydney University. The AIYD acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia and pays its respects to the Traditional Owners upon whose lands we meet.”
Adopted from the https://
Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese picture here in Parliament House in Canberra with member of the Australia India Youth Dialogue
Australian Indian Times Connects with Readers: Highlighting Community Concerns and Celebrating Cultural events
Welcome to the September edition of the Australian Indian Times! I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you for your continued feedback and support. Your insights on the content we feature and the issues that matter most to you enrich our communityfocused, family-owned publication. As we approach the end of the year and the upcoming elections, it has been heartening to engage with many of you, whether through conversations or surveys. Tell us what policies you feel we need or need amending.
Based on our latest survey, it's evident that our readers are deeply concerned about pressing matters such as domestic and family violence, as well as the rising cost of living. An overwhelming 100% of respondents identified these as their top priorities.
During my recent volunteer activities, I've heard firsthand from residents grappling with increasing expenses for essential items such as food and electricity, alongside distressing stories of those affected by domestic violence. Additionally, 50% of our readers indicated that mental health issues,
homelessness, housing shortages, and crime are also significant concerns, particularly regarding personal safety in our community. I am grateful to each individual who has shared their perspectives, as addressing these critical issues is vital for finding meaningful solutions.
At the India Day Fair 2024, hosted by GOPIO QLD, many expressed their appreciation for this free annual event that fosters community
spirit. A heartfelt thank you goes to President Aprit Singh, Usha Chandra, Umesh Chandra, and their team for creating such enriching experiences for all attendees. It was wonderful to see the JD Media supporting the event and actively engaging with community members. This month, I also had the privilege of volunteering with the Australia Indian Theatre. Attendees praised Anu Sharma and her team for their outstanding efforts
in bringing Indian theatre to our local stage. Additionally, I had insightful discussions with Manish Saini, Siddharth Nagpukar, and Pushpinder Oberoi, who are relentlessly working on the Queensland Multicultural Festival of Lights – Diwali at Dreamworld. This promises to be an incredible celebration filled with colour and joy; for more details, please contact Manish at 0450569896. The support from JD Media and the
owners of JD Media, Deo family for these events exemplifies the true spirit of community engagement. Actions speak louder than words, and it's heartening to see how our united community continues to spread joy and raise awareness about critical issues, even in challenging times.
Our readers have said promoting culture, mental health and supporting our youth is important. That is why I would also like to extend a special recognition to Sargam Music's Bondita Chakraborty and Mithun Chakraborty, who tirelessly promote the culture, language, and arts within our community. Their dedication ensures that the next generation, both of Indian heritage and beyond, can connect with their roots while fostering an appreciation for the arts. Music is a universal healer, and its benefits for mental well-being cannot be overstated. Recent feedback indicates that our readers are also concerned about immigration issues affecting them and their families, alongside cost of living and domestic violence. I've emphasized the importance of diversity and culture and the impact of our shared
history on our collective future.
As a young person, I see more clearly the daily struggles that many face, and it’s evident that our readers share these sentiments. If you need assistance or wish to share what matters most to you, please feel free to reach out or participate in my surveys. We all have a voice, and I encourage everyone to make it heard. At the Rawandan Independence Day celebration, I reflected on the significance of language and culture, honouring those who have sacrificed for our present. Let us remember their dedication and strive to make our world a better place for everyone. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please participate in my September survey available via the link or by scanning the barcode.
IN this inaugural issue of Australian Indian Times, we delve into the significance of history and its impact on our contemporary postmodern societies. History, with its spectrum of events, from the deeply sorrowful to the uplifting, shapes our world in ways both profound and enduring. It is a testament to humanity’s resilience and our ability to both learn from and overcome our past challenges.
This exploration of historical moments is not intended to emphasize the economic recessions or catastrophic conflicts of the past. Rather, it offers a respectful glimpse into significant events that have marked September through the ages. The events listed below are presented not in order of importance or severity, but as a selection of noteworthy moments that have influenced our world.
History reveals that, despite our rapid digital advancements, fundamental aspects of human nature remain constant. Themes of family, love, compassion, as well as hate, greed, and self-interest, have persisted through the ages. Our various faiths and belief systems, rooted in ancient traditions and rituals, continue to shape our contemporary practices and personal development.
A wise observer once said that history represents a series of events that could
have been avoided. While pessimists might see this as an undeniable truth, optimists might argue that history is less grim than it is often portrayed. Realists recognize that "the truth is always somewhere in between."
Notable September Events.
September, originally the seventh month of the Roman calendar (hence its name), became the ninth month after January and February were added. When the British switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar in 1752, they adjusted the calendar by removing 11 days from September, effectively making September 3rd leap to the 14th.
• September 6, 1492:
Columbus embarked on his first voyage to the New World.
• September 2, 1666: The Great Fire of London began, destroying over 13,000 houses but causing only a handful of casualties.
• September 3, 1884: The Wulwulam Massacre in Northern Australia resulted in the tragic loss of entire tribes.
• September 1, 1939: Hitler's invasion of Poland marked the beginning of World War II in Europe, with Britain and France declaring war two days later.
• September 5-6, 1972: The Black September group attacked the Munich Olympic Village, killing 11 Israeli athletes.
• September 1, 1983: Korean Air Flight 007 was shot down by a Soviet fighter jet after straying off course, resulting in the loss of 269 lives.
• September 11, 2001: The
tragic terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon resulted in nearly 3,000 deaths.
• September 15, 1947: Indian Standard Time was adopted, creating a unified
time zone across the country.
• September 26, 1983: Australia II won the America's Cup, ending the New York Yacht Club's 132year dominance.
• September 6, 2018: The Supreme Court of India decriminalized homosexuality.
• September 23, 1848: The first commercial chewing
gum was produced. As we navigate through September and beyond, let us remember the lessons of history and look forward to a future shaped by both reflection and progress. We hope you enjoy this issue of Australian Indian Times and find inspiration in the stories and events it highlights.
September 11 Memorial in New York. Wikipedia
Prime Minister Nehru with Ghandi
Germany invading Polland. National WWII Museum
Indianness: A Celebration of Global Achievements
Jitendra Deo Chief Executive Officer Jd group Australia
It'S always deeply inspiring to read about the remarkable achievements of Indians around the globe. Their success stories weave a vibrant tapestry that highlights the profound impact of Indian heritage on the world stage. Let's explore the global footprint of Indian success through some standout examples.
Across the Atlantic in London, Aisha Singh is making waves in the realm of biotechnology. Growing up in a family of doctors in Delhi, Aisha's relentless dedication to research led her to develop a groundbreaking drug that has significantly advanced cancer treatment. Her company, BioGenix, stands at the forefront of medical innovation, with her achievements earning her prestigious accolades, including the esteemed Lasker Award.
Our cultural richness is profoundly celebrated through individuals like Priya Mehta, whose name
In the heart of Silicon Valley, where technological innovation reigns supreme, Arjun Patel shines as a paragon of visionary leadership. Hailing from a small town in Gujarat, Arjun's fascination with computers began with dismantling and reassembling old machines. Today, he leads a pioneering tech company that creates cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions, transforming industries ranging from healthcare to finance. His rise from humble beginnings to helming a billion-dollar enterprise serves as a beacon of how passion and perseverance can truly shape destinies.
resonates with cinematic excellence in Hollywood. From her early struggles as an actress in Mumbai, Priya's talent and resilience propelled her to star in and produce award-winning films that delve into diverse cultures and human experiences. Her work not only garners Oscars but also fosters greater cross-cultural understanding and appreciation in the global film industry.
In Paris, Ravi Kumar has emerged as a celebrated fashion designer known for melding traditional Indian textiles with contemporary European styles. His haute couture collections, renowned for their intricate embroidery and vivid colours, have adorned runways worldwide. Ravi’s designs honour the rich heritage of Indian craftsmanship while pushing the boundaries of modern fashion.
India has also nurtured many social visionaries who have made significant impacts beyond its borders. In Nairobi, Kenya, Anjali Rao is transforming lives
In par I s, r av I k umar has emerged as a celebrated fash I on des I gner known for meld I ng trad I t I onal Ind I an text I les w I th contemporary e uropean styles. hI s haute couture collect I ons, renowned for the I r I ntr I cate embro I dery and v I v I d colours, have adorned runways worldw I de.
through her non-profit organization, Educate Africa. Originating from a small village in Rajasthan, Anjali’s commitment to education has led her to establish schools and vocational training centres across East Africa. Her efforts have provided thousands of children with quality education and empowered young women to pursue careers in previously unattainable fields.
In New York, Vikram Patel is revolutionizing mental health care
through his organization, MindWell. Growing up in Chennai, Vikram's personal experiences with mental health stigma inspired him to develop accessible and culturally sensitive mental health services. His innovative approaches and advocacy work have profoundly influenced mental health practices and policies in the U.S. and beyond.
Entrepreneurial spirit shines brightly through individuals like Meera Desai in Sydney, Australia. Leading a thriving startup focused on sustainable energy solutions, Meera’s company, GreenWave, is at the forefront of developing eco-friendly and economically viable renewable energy technologies. Her commitment to sustainability reflects her upbringing in Maharashtra, where she witnessed the challenges of environmental degradation firsthand.
The stories of Arjun, Aisha, Priya, Ravi, Anjali, Vikram, Meera, and Anil are more than individual achievements; they represent the collective spirit and resilience of the Indian diaspora. Their successes highlight that the pursuit of excellence knows no boundaries and that the threads of triumph are intricately woven across cultures and continents. As we celebrate their accomplishments, we are reminded of the unbreakable spirit and relentless pursuit of dreams that define us. These stories not only inspire future generations but also affirm the global impact of Indian heritage and the promise of continued success in the modern world.
In Dubai, Anil Sharma has redefined the luxury real estate landscape. From a single construction project, Anil’s company, Sharma Estates, now oversees some of the most iconic developments in the Middle East. His impeccable design sense and unwavering dedication to quality have set new industry standards, earning him acclaim as a visionary developer.
Now On SaleDaughters of Durga National News watch
Dowries, Gender violence and family
pRofESSoR Manjula Datta O’Connor is a psychiatrist in private practice with clinical and research interest in migrant women’s mental health, family violence and complex trauma and trauma therapy. She is Hon Clinical A/ Professor at the Department of Psychiatry University of Melbourne, and Adjunct Professor University of New South Wales Department of Social Sciences.
Professor Manjula Datta O’Connor is the Chair of the Royal Australian New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Family Violence Psychiatry Network. She is the author of bestselling book Daughters of Durga. Manjula co-founded the Australasian Centre for human rights and health (ACHRH) in 2012.
She successfully led the dowry abuse campaign in Australia culminating in law change in Victoria, triggered Senate Hearing in dowry abuse and related practices in Australia in 2017, and currently advocating to change Federal Laws to ensure dowry gifts are
in Australia
quarantined in Family Property disputes. Manjula’s work is cited in Victorian and Federal Australian Parliaments.
She is the recipient of Victorian Government multicultural award ‘Excellence In Service Delivery in Women Health’
, Australia India Business and Community Excellence Award , recognised as Top 20 Indians of Australia. She is also a distinguished recipient of the RANZCP 2023 Victorian Branch Meritorious Award, from an illustrious list of 15 nominees.
tHIS page of Australian Indian Times is dedicated to pertinent topics and issues of National public interest and concern to all of us, Australians.
Domestic Violence has now become the scourge of our contemporary Australia societies, sadly Australia States and Territories.
Worth reading the Book by clinical psychiatrist Professor Manjula Datta O’Connor , the author of Daughter of DrugaDowries, Gender Violence and Family in Australia. Please see the information provided.
Well known Australia Journalist and author Ms Alicia Vrajlal in “draw your box” in a Conference in June 2024 expounded on this scourge within our community.
Please take time to read her article on https:// global-empower-herdomestic-violence-indiaaustralia
It is not surprising therefore the Australia National Cabinet pledged $4.7 billion plan for frontline family violence services to address genderbased violence
To be made available from July 2025, the money will provide ongoing funding for legal and support services, lift legal aid worker pay, and go towards intervention
t he p r I me mI n I ster asked "o n so many occas I ons when one of these traged I es occurs the perpetrator w I ll be someone who has exper I enced I t I n the I r own fam I ly s I tuat I on when they were younger. h ow do we I ntervene to change that? h ow do we I ntervene to change the culture so that I t I s unacceptable?"
programs for high-risk perpetrators.
This fund will be allocated to these services as determined by the states and territories.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese assured the funding will cover a "funding cliff" as many present funded services will cease by July next year and taken on to continue the good work done by this projected injection.
The funding package will also pay for "innovative" approaches to identify and respond to highrisk perpetrators to stop violence escalating and address the role harmful
industries like alcohol and gambling in exacerbating violence.
The Prime Minister asked "On so many occasions when one of these tragedies occurs the perpetrator will be someone who has experienced it in their own family situation when they were younger. How do we intervene to change that? How do we intervene to change the culture so that it is unacceptable?"
National cabinet's commitment comes after the domestic and sexual violence commissioner's rapid review pointed the finger at alcohol, gambling and porn companies for not addressing the roles their products played in causing violence.
Family violence review calls for harsher alcohol and gambling laws.
An expert panel examining how to best prevent violence against women and children has called on alcohol, gambling and porn companies to be more proactive in tackling the crisis.
The federal government is continuing to "work through its position" on a ban on gambling advertising, and the states and territories have agreed to review their existing alcohol laws.
If you need help , please call: 1800 7377 328 /1800 respect or visit https://
Inflation and its Measurement
Inflation is an increase in the level of prices of the goods and services that households buy. It is measured as the rate of change of those prices. Typically, prices rise over time, but prices can also fall (a situation called deflation).
Inflation and its Measurement
of items a consumer buys in one transaction. For other items, the ABS records prices either monthly, quarterly or annually. In total, the ABS collects around 100 000 prices each quarter.
How is Inflation Measured?
The most well-known indicator of inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the percentage change in the price of a basket of goods and services consumed by households.
Inflation is an increase in the level of prices of the goods and services that households buy. It is measured as the rate of change of those prices. Typically, prices rise over time, but prices can also fall (a situation called deflation).
The most well-known indicator of inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the percentage change in the price of a basket of goods and services consumed by households.
Cyclone Larry destroyed banana crops in Queensland. As a result of this significant reduction in supply, the price of bananas temporarily increased by 400 per cent.
In Australia, the CPI is calculated by the
Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and published once a quarter.1 To calculate the
In deciding which goods and services to include in the CPI basket and what their weights should be, the ABS uses information about how much – and on what –households in Australia spend their income. If households
the ABS collects prices for thousands of items, which are grouped into 87 categories (or expenditure classes) and 11 groups. Every quarter, the ABS calculates the price changes of each item from the previous quarter and aggregates them to work out the inflation rate for the entire CPI basket.
• Infrequent changes in tax regulations: For example, the introduction of the 10 per cent goods and services tax (GST) in mid 2000 caused the prices of many items to increase (the Reserve Bank typically shows headline CPI inflation excluding the effects of these tax changes).
In contrast, price changes for a broad range of items may
Groups in the CPI basket and their weights in 2024*
In Australia, the CPI is calculated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and published once a quarter.1
To calculate the CPI, the ABS collects prices for thousands of items, which are grouped into 87 categories (or expenditure classes) and 11 groups. Every quarter, the ABS calculates the price changes of each item from the previous quarter and aggregates them to work out the inflation rate for the entire CPI basket.
The ABS collects prices from a wide range of sources, such as retailers, supermarkets, department stores and websites where households shop. It also collects prices from government authorities, energy providers and real estate agents. For some items, the ABS has access to data that allows it to record prices frequently. For example, scanner data from supermarkets give information about the price and number
spend more of their income on one item, that item will have a larger weight in the CPI. For example, the ABS included smart phones in the CPI to reflect consumers taking advantage of advances in technology. Data on household spending across all items is only available approximately every five years or so.
While Australia’s inflation target is expressed in terms of CPI inflation – known as ‘headline inflation’ – it can also be useful to look at indicators of ‘underlying’ inflation. These indicators exclude items that have particularly large price changes (either frequently or in a given period). Large price changes can often be due to temporary factors, which are sometimes unrelated to broad conditions in the economy. For example:
• Supply disruptions because of unusual weather: For example, in 2006 Tropical
indicate a shift in economic conditions. The Reserve Bank may decide to respond to this by changing interest rates (see Explainer: Australia’s Inflation Target). In Australia, the most important indicators of underlying inflation are the trimmed mean and the weighted median (see Box: Calculating the Trimmed Mean and the Weighted Median).
The ABS also calculates the CPI excluding volatile items, which is the average inflation rate of all items in the CPI basket except for fruit, vegetables and fuel. Prices of fruit, vegetables and fuel are usually very volatile because they are often affected by supply disruptions, such as unusual weather, or changes in how much oil is supplied to the world market. The CPI excluding volatile items always removes the same items, while the items that are removed from the trimmed mean and weighted median can change each quarter, depending on which items
Box: Calculating Inflation – An Example
To better understand how inflation is calculated we can use an example. In this example we calculate inflation for a basket that has two items in it – books and childcare. The formula for calculating inflation for a single item is below. The price of a book was $20 in 2016 (year 1) and the price increased to $20.50 in 2017 (year 2). The price of an hour of childcare was $30 in 2016, and this increased to $31.41 in 2017.
had particularly large price changes.
Using the formula, inflation for each of the individual items can be calculated.
• For books, annual inflation was 2.5 per cent
• For childcare, annual inflation was 4.7 per cent
To calculate inflation for a basket that includes books and childcare, we need to use the CPI weights that are based on how much households spend on these items. Because households spend more on childcare than books, childcare has a greater weight in the basket. In this example, childcare accounts for 73 per cent of the basket and books account for the remaining 27 per cent. Using these weights, and the change in prices of the items, annual inflation for this basket was 4.1 per cent –calculated as (0.73 x 4.7) + (0.27 x 2.5).
can improve if its camera is upgraded.
The CPI measures the rate of price changes in the economy, but not the price level. If the price index of bread is 140 and the price index of eggs is 180, it does not mean that eggs are more expensive than bread. It only means that the price of eggs has increased by more than the price of bread from a particular point in time.
Underlying Inflation
While Australia’s inflation target is expressed in terms of CPI inflation – known as ‘headline inflation’ – it can also be useful to look at indicators of ‘underlying’ inflation. These indicators exclude items that have particularly large price changes (either frequently or in a given period). Large price changes can often be due to temporary factors, which are sometimes unrelated to broad conditions in the economy. For example:
For practical reasons, the CPI measures price changes of items in the metropolitan areas of Australia’s eight capital cities (where around two-thirds of Australian households live). It does not measure price changes in regional, rural or remote areas. The CPI also does not take into account the differences in spending patterns between individual households. Households are very different and some
Supply disruptions because of unusual weather: For example, in 2006 Tropical Cyclone Larry destroyed banana crops in Queensland. As a result of this significant reduction in supply, the price of bananas temporarily increased by 400 per cent.
Infrequent changes in tax regulations: For example, the introduction of the 10 per cent goods and services tax (GST) in mid 2000 caused the prices of many items to increase (the Reserve Bank typically shows headline CPI inflation excluding the effects of these tax changes).
The ABS tries to remove any price changes that result from changes in quality or the mix of items that households buy. Continuing with the previous examples, the ABS would calculate the price of the pasta assuming that the weight remained the same, and compare it with the price in the previous quarter. Calculating the increase in the price of a mobile phone due to the improved camera is more difficult, because there is often limited information about how much the price of the phone has changed because of the better camera. In this case, the ABS would need to estimate the price impact of the improved camera and adjust the mobile phone price. Because the adjustment is only an estimate, it can result in under or overestimation of the pure price change. Services are particularly difficult to quality-adjust because changes often occur slowly and it is hard to measure by how much the service has
In contrast, price changes for a broad range of items may indicate a shift in economic conditions. The Reserve Bank may decide to respond to this by changing interest rates (see Explainer: Australia’s Inflation Target). In Australia, the most important indicators of underlying inflation are the trimmed mean and the weighted median (see Box: Calculating the Trimmed Mean and the Weighted Median).
The ABS also calculates the CPI excluding volatile items, which is the average inflation rate of all items in the CPI basket except for fruit, vegetables and fuel. Prices of fruit, vegetables and fuel are usually very volatile because they are often affected by supply disruptions, such as unusual weather, or changes in how much oil is supplied to the world market. The CPI excluding volatile items always removes the same items, while the items that are removed from the trimmed mean and weighted median can change each quarter, depending on which items had particularly large price changes.
is a major undertaking). In reality, households frequently change the amounts they spend on items. For example, if lamb prices rise by more than beef prices, households might adapt and buy more beef and less lamb. Not accounting for this type of substitution in expenditure results in too much weight being given to lamb in the CPI basket and too little weight given to beef. This increases (or biases) the CPI compared with an index that accounts for households substituting from relatively more expensive items to relatively cheaper ones. In the past, updates to the CPI basket have taken place every 5 or 6 years, and from late 2017 onwards, the ABS started updating the CPI weights on an annual basis, which will help reduce the substitution bias in the CPI.
may spend a lot more on a certain items than others. For example, cars have a weight of almost 3 per cent in the CPI basket, but not every household owns a car. Quality changes
The CPI intends to only calculate pure price changes. This means the CPI should ignore price changes that result from variations in the quality of items. The quality of items in the basket can vary and new products can be introduced. For example, a bag of pasta can become smaller in weight, or the quality of a mobile phone
improved. For example, better x-ray technology at a hospital could better detect injuries, but it is difficult to calculate how much the improvement in detecting injuries is worth. In those cases, it can lead to quality being only partly accounted for or not at all.
The CPI is affected by ‘substitution bias’. This is because the CPI does not adjust for changes in household spending patterns very often (as identifying such changes for all households
The CPI does not include new products as soon as they appear on the market. It can often take some time until the ABS includes them in the CPI basket. This typically occurs once a product has reached a high enough market share and is available to most households.
CoSt of LIVINg
The CPI is often used to measure changes in the cost of living, but it is not an ideal indicator of this. While the CPI measures price changes, cost-of-living inflation is the change in spending by households required to maintain a given standard of living. The ABS publishes other indexes that aim to provide a better indicator of the cost of living.
Box: Calculating the Trimmed Mean and the Weighted Median
To calculate the trimmed mean and the weighted median, all 87 items are ordered by their quarterly, seasonally adjusted price change. (Seasonal adjustment means that price changes have been adjusted for increases or decreases that always occur at a particular time of year; for example, high school fees typically increase in the March quarter, so an adjustment is made to spread this out over the year.)2
Trimmed mean is the average rate of inflation after ‘trimming’ away the items with the largest price changes (positive or negative). It is the weighted average of the middle 70 per cent of items.
Limitations of the CPI CPI is not an indicator of the price level The CPI measures the rate of price changes in the
Unlocking financial Mastery: The Key to True wealth and freedom
IN today’s fast-paced and uncertain world, financial mastery has become more critical than ever. The global economic landscape is rapidly changing, and with that comes a unique opportunity for those who are prepared to navigate it.
Pushpa's Financial Mastery monthly article is dedicated to equipping individuals with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to achieve financial freedom and live life on their terms. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to elevate your existing financial knowledge, this informative writing offers a transformative experience for anyone who wants to take control of their financial future.
Many people talk about improving their lives, but few take the steps necessary to do so. By engaging in Financial Mastery, you are one of the select few taking action to attain the knowledge and understanding needed to apply financial principles effectively. And as you grow in your financial wisdom, you can share this valuable knowledge with others, furthering the ripple effect of financial education in your community.
Through the monthly Financial Mastery articles, you are committing to improving the quality of your life, no matter where you stand financially. This knowledge is not just about accumulating wealth; it's about achieving true financial freedom and living a life of abundance and peace of mind. When the pressure of finances is lifted, life feels different— more empowering and full of possibilities.
One of the core messages
of Financial Mastery is that financial freedom is within everyone’s reach. But it requires knowledge, planning, and the right mindset. We live in uncharted territory—where economic, political, and social landscapes are shifting at an unprecedented rate. Regardless of your financial status or location, these global changes affect us all. But while the world presents new challenges, it also presents exponential opportunities for those who are prepared.
The foundation of Financial Mastery lies in creating yourself a customised financial plan tailored to your unique goals and circumstances. We will guide you through with our articles and the many ways to build wealth in any environment. By learning what to look for and, equally importantly, what to avoid, you can create the financial protection you need. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your finances; sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option. These articles will bring together the best knowledge from top financial minds globally, giving you access to proven strategies that work.
However, success in any area of life—including financial freedom—is not just about knowledge or strategies. It’s 80% psychology and only 20% mechanics. The key is developing an unshakeable mindset, one where you have confidence regardless of external circumstances.
The Financial Mastery information, generated from my wealth programs, helps you cultivate this
mindset, offering you the tools to experience unwavering confidence in
your financial decisions and the gratitude and joy that come from financial
peace. To truly benefit from Financial Mastery, you
must make a commitment right now. Stay focused, grow in confidence and manage your mindset. Resources alone don’t create change—you do. We will provide the guide, but it’s your determination and action that will bring lasting transformation. As you go through the articles, you’ll see how shifts in your financial understanding can positively impact other areas of your life.
At its core, Financial Mastery is about more than just wealth creation— it’s about designing an extraordinary life on your terms. By consistently improving every area that matters to you, you’ll create a life that feels rich in every sense. Each lesson your read here in financial mastery affects all aspects of life, from relationships to personal fulfillment.
We hope this series of articles will not only educate you about finances but also transform who you become in the process. Your journey toward financial freedom is just beginning, and there is so much to look forward to.
DISCLAIMER: Before investing, carefully consider the objectives, risks, charges, and expenses involved. All investments carry risks, including the loss of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. We are not licensed investment advisors, and the opinions shared here are not to be taken as professional investment advice. Always consult with a licensed financial expert before making any investment decisions. pushpa Vaghela Mobile: 0497998829
Indian Independence Day celebrations in Carseldine Park by IndoAustralian Seniors Creative Sanatan Sanstha Pty ltd
Creative Sanatan Sanstha
Pty Ltd is a Not for Profit Sanstha (Corporate) that provides Seniors various opportunities for socialising and cultural enhancement.
Our members include seniors who are Australian citizens or PR holders.
We have organised picnics and sightseeing trips to various Australian heritage sites of importance. This helps Seniors appreciate Australia and adapt to the Australian lifestyle while maintaining their Hindu culture.
One of our future programs is to build a Golden Age Carer’s housing facilities for Seniors with special dietary requirements such as vegetarianism and Vaishnav diets. This will also help, to some extent, Queensland and Federal Governments’ in meeting the shortages in housing for Seniors.
On 15 August, we all celebrated Indian Independence Day celebrations and chanted Bharat Mata ki Jai.
Once a week, we have a get together in Carsaldine Park, during which the members showcase their talents in music, poetry and singing, share recipes for adapting traditional foods using vegetables that are available in Australia, participate in yoga and meditation for physical and mental well-being, and sharing ideas on how to pass on their traditional knowledge and values with their grandchildren. We also organise cultural programs for Sanatan religious festivals.
Historic 'Raghava Maadhav' elevates bharatanatyam in brisbane
LALItHAkALALAyA School of Bharatanatyam proudly presented a groundbreaking performance, "Raghava Maadhav," marking a historic first in Brisbane's cultural scene. The thematic margam, curated and choreographed by the esteemed Smt. Padmalakshmi Sriram, offered a unique blend of artistry, spirituality, and storytelling through Bharatanatyam, an ancient Indian classical dance form.
A margam, in Bharatanatyam, represents a systematic progression of pure dance (nritta) and expressive storytelling (abhinaya), blending rhythm, footwork, and intricate expressions. Traditionally, it is performed by dancers who have completed their arangetram, a debut solo performance marking their readiness for advanced presentations. However, in her pursuit
to nurture her students' artistic development, Smt. Padmalakshmi Sriram envisioned this as a dream project, providing her senior students with the rare opportunity to perform alongside a live orchestra. The ambitious production featured 43 dedicated performers, all at varying stages of their Bharatanatyam journey, coming together to deliver an unforgettable evening. Smt. Padmalakshmi Sriram, known for her creative choreography, philosophy of inclusiveness and ability to bring out the best in her students while fostering an environment of growth and learning ,was evident throughout the evening. Each dancer's commitment to excellence was evident as they brought life to the stage with vibrant costumes, energy, and grace, creating
an immersive experience for the audience.
"Raghava Maadhav" was a thematic margam like no other, celebrating the duality of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna—representatives of the Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) dynasties, respectively. By highlighting both avatars of Maha Vishnu, the cosmic preserver, the performance beautifully juxtaposed the qualities of the Sun and Moon. This exploration of two of Hinduism’s most revered deities was a spiritual and artistic journey that connected the audience to stories from the Ramayana and the playful leelas of Krishna.
The varnam, the most challenging and elaborate component of the performance, took center stage as the dancers depicted key moments
"r aghava m aadhav" was a themat I c margam l I ke no other, celebrat I ng the dual I ty of lord r ama and lord k r I shna— representat I ves of the s urya ( s un) and c handra ( m oon) dynast I es, respect I vely. by h I ghl I ght I ng both avatars of m aha vI shnu, the cosm I c preserver, the performance beaut I fully juxtaposed the qual I t I es of the s un and m oon.
from Lord Krishna’s birth and divine playfulness, and Lord Rama's heroic life. The narrative resonated deeply, particularly for the younger
audience members, who gained insights into these sacred epics.
Smt. Padmalakshmi Sriram, known for her creative choreography and dedication to inclusiveness, received well-deserved accolades from the audience, who rose to their feet in appreciation. Her ability to bring out the best in her students while fostering an environment of growth and learning was evident throughout the evening.
The live orchestra accompanying the dancers added a rich layer of authenticity to the performance. The talented musicians were:
Nattuvangam: Guru Padmalakshmi Sriram and Shivani Sriram
Vocal: Smt.: Priya Swaminathan
Mridangam: Shri Harish Ravindran
Smt. Padmalakshmi Sriram's dedication to her students and her passion for enriching Brisbane's cultural fabric through the ancient art of Bharatanatyam are truly inspiring. Despite the tireless effort it took to stage such a large-scale production, she expressed her desire to continue these performances in the future, ensuring that more dancers have the chance to shine. As the evening concluded with a standing ovation, it was clear that "Raghava Maadhav" left an indelible mark on both the performers and the audience. The School of Bharatanatyam has undoubtedly raised the bar for classical dance performances in Brisbane, and we eagerly await future productions from this School.
The leadership Kingdom: Monthly Devotional
In a world filled with constant change and growing challenges, it is easy to fall into the trap of settling for what we have accomplished and become. However, The Leadership Kingdom encourages us to not settle for our current success, because success, while a worthy achievement, is only a phase in the journey of growth. One of the greatest obstacles to unlocking our full potential is the illusion that we’ve arrived when, in reality, there’s so much more within us waiting to be revealed.
As 2 Corinthians 4:18 reminds us, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” This profound scripture calls us to look beyond the surface of our achievements and instead focus on the infinite possibilities
that lie within us. What we have done may be impressive, but it’s far from the ultimate expression of our capabilities. In the same way that God sees beyond the visible, we too must learn to look inward, tapping into the dormant potential waiting to be unleashed.
“Potential is always present, waiting to be exposed.” It calls us to realise that the accomplishments of today are not the limit of what we can achieve; they are simply milestones along the journey. Settling for past successes robs us of future opportunities. Many people, unfortunately, stop their growth after experiencing a certain level of success, content with what they have done. But this mindset stifles the full expression of their gifts and abilities.
The Leadership Kingdom teaches us that success should never become a lifestyle; our potential, in essence, is what remains untapped within us: hidden
talents, unused abilities, and unexposed capabilities. If we embrace this truth,
we realise that settling is not an option. God created each of us with tremendous
potential. As His creation, we are filled with layers of abilities and strengths that are meant to be explored and used for His purpose. However, far too often, we settle for what is on the surface, never delving into the vast storehouses of potential within us. This is the real tragedy of life: to die without having explored the full extent of our gifts and to leave our potential untapped and wasted.
Potential is defined as dormant ability, untapped strength, and unused success. It is all that we can be but have not yet become, all that we can do but have not yet done. Potential is not measured by what you have already accomplished but by what you have yet to achieve. In other words, what you have done is no longer your potential. To grow and evolve, we must constantly challenge ourselves to reach beyond what we’ve already done.
The Leadership
Kingdom emphasises that potential has no retirement plan. It is a lifelong journey that demands continuous growth, learning, and effort. It’s about realising that each accomplishment is merely a stepping stone toward something greater. By adopting this mindset, we open ourselves to new possibilities, new achievements, and new ways of impacting the world around us. In conclusion, the journey of unlocking your full potential is an ongoing process. It’s a commitment to never settling, to always seeking more, and to continuously striving for the greatness that lies within. Remember that success, and true fulfillment comes from the pursuit of all that you are capable of achieving. As part of The Leadership Kingdom, we invite you to be inspired for your greatest accomplishments as read our articles for your journey toward true leadership.
Pushpa V
Violin: Shri Ashwin Narayanan
Smt. Vishni
The Brookwater 5 min Neighbourhood
- 12 Schools supported by the University of Southern Queensland and TAFE Queensland Springfield campuses. - 22 Childcare Centres
- Mater Private Hospital Springfield & Health City Mater Public Hospital opening 2026
- Orion Springfield Central including Event Cinemas
- Robelle Domain Parklands with swimming lagoon
Brookwater is a distinct blend of living, golf and leisure, with design at the centre of everything we do. From inception, Brookwater has collaborated with leading design organisations to shape a living environment where home design, stunning landscape architecture and amenities come together to create spaces where people feel at home and part of a master design for luxurious living.
Premium homesites offering excellent amenities and lifestyle options are still available. Live your best life at Brookwater.
Find Your Community at Brookwater
We found our dream home in Brookwater
WelcOme tO Springtime
Have you recently moved to Queensland? Are
you living
SpRINgtIME is a time of new beginnings, making changes, decluttering and putting things in order. Moving can be a time of competing priorities – new house, new job, new schools with many things to organise.
This should also include your health. For people living with chronic hepatitis B, it is very important to ensure that you prioritise your health and wellbeing and ensure that you keep up to date with monitoring including bloods tests, ultrasounds and fibrosis assessments.
Most people living with chronic hepatitis B, generally feel well and have no symptoms. This does not mean that they do not require monitoring. If you are
taking treatment for chronic hepatitis B it is important not to stop – therefore you should find a GP/specialist that can prescribe your medications –before you run out.
If you are living with chronic hepatitis B you need to be engaged with a GP or a specialist to make sure any changes to your liver can be identified early - you may not feel sick, but tests may indicate changes that need attention. If you have moved you may need to find a new GP – all GPs can manage and monitor hepatitis B, with some having a special interest and advanced training and can prescribe hepatitis B medications – these can be found at this website: https://
with chronic hepatitis b?
programs/find-a-prescriber/ b-referred-prescriber-map/ for most people living with chronic hepatitis B the minimum requirements for monitoring include:
• Every 6 months:
4 Liver function tests (LFTs) and possible AFP test
4 If person is living with HbeAg positive chronic hepatitis B will also need HbeAg and HbeAb testing (6-12 monthly until HbeAg negative and HbeAb positive).
4 If taking treatment for chronic hepatitis B and have cirrhosis will also need Full Blood Count (FBC) and INR (checks for blood clotting factors).
4 Liver ultrasound –for people in the following groups:
4 Africans over 20 years old
4 Asian, Maori and Pacific Islander born males over 40, and females over 50
4 Anyone over 40 with a family history of liver cancer (first degree relative)
4 Anyone with cirrhosis
4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders over 50 (over 40 if high risk).
• Every 12 months:
4 Hepatitis B DNA testing– to know the amount of hepatitis B virus (or viral load) in your blood
4 Liver Fibrosis Assessment (Fibroscan)
Talk to your doctor about what testing you need. If you are seeing a new GP, it is helpful to take any medical records you have If you do not
have any, they can get them from your previous doctor –with your written permission. Not all doctors remind people of upcoming testingit is important that you know when you are due for testing. It is also very important to make sure you keep your contact/address details up to date with your doctor, as they will not know unless you tell them.
If you would like any
further details or any support in this, please contact us at ECCQ – Love Health Program on (Add your details) or visit our website at au/bbv
If you live in Cairns, please contact: Faith Bassett
Phone: 07 42264769 or mobile 0405123691
Email: faith.bassett@health.
Part 3 - Parenting, if only there was a manual!
The chaos parenting can be and why it is essential to have a solid foundation.
W HEN we reflect and look at where we are and who we have become, we can see that we are product of our experiences lived. We often parent the way we have been parented, at least this the default we go to when we are stressed. There are also some who consciously, were aware of what they did not want to bring into their parenting when started to have children. The reality though is that when we are stressed, we drop to a default under lying state. This default state is based on habits and lived experiences (adverse ones like trauma or good experiences). This default state is what we know, and it is influenced by how were parented and our lives lived so far. No where in our education system are we taught how to parent, in fact, even how to manage emotions and stress to optimize life and living. But the ancient Rishis contemplated on such things and had a system.
Pantanjali Yoga sutras has a beautiful vision on habit formation. This is a corner stone of leading a balanced, healthy life as a parent, while raising a family. The following sutra is about habit formation.
Sa tu dirgha kala nairantarya satkara sevito drudha bhumihi
“This becomes firmly grounded or firmly established in you when you attend to it for a long time, without interruption and with devotion.” - Patanjali Yoga Sutra #14
What this sutra is expressing is that, when one takes a set of actions, thought patterns, ways of being and practices it daily, for a long time without interruption and with a feeling of respect, love and honour this becomes our default state or a habit. A habit is an action we do without thinking, or that action that results when we are unable to think clearly, and because it is well practised it takes no effort to execute.
When we invest in daily
practice or daily sadhana that supports our nervous system, we give ourselves the gift of parenting from a space of calmness and clarity. I don’t want to paint an unrealistic or idealistic picture. Parenting is about getting down in into the mud pit with our kids. We are going to get dirty and sling mud! There is no one right way. We learn and grow together with our children. In fact, our little ones are pure beings full of wisdom. We can learn so much from children.
When I say sadhana, I don’t mean necessarily mean sitting to meditate. This can be actions you take to make your body stronger through exercise or doing breath work, it could be spending time in nature, doing art work with your kids, singing in the shower, it can be activities you undertake to keep your mind clutter free or it could be self-study that you take to understand your self better. There are so many ways to interpret the Yamas and Niyamas to our lives.
Having said this, I am a strong advocate of meditation and taking time to allow the mind to defrag and just be is a wonderful way to reset. Once the kids no longer needed me around constantly, I through the support my husband was able to participate in short meditation retreats. I came back fresher, stronger and ready to lead my home and family.
Of course we will make mistakes, we are work in progress, however, through daily practice of good habits or sadhana I have learned to be a little bit kinder and more patient with myself. Failing does not mean, we did not succeed, it means we get to start anew and fresh. Best advice I was given as a new mum was “this to shall pass” and “they will grow up so quickly!” Both are true when I look back.
There is no greater guilt for
many a working mummas –mummy’s guilt! As mothers we angist about how we want to be with our children and yet there is a drive to strive in our careers or we cannot afford to due to financial commitments. It is a real mental struggle of mothers today, and perhaps for some fathers too. While the purpose of this article is not about this parenting guilt, I wanted to acknowledge and create space that often this is the space we might start at, and it is an incredibly heavy daily burden working mothers carry. It is my hope that having a framework like the Patanjali Yogas Sutra Yama and Niyama can support our parenting the next generation. After all we are bringing up the future of our world!
This is the third and final article in the trilogy. Let’s explore how the Niyama’s can support and help reframe some ways we present as parent. Niyama’s are activities that practical and can be undertaken daily to support happiness, wellbeing and selfconfidence in parents and children.
Parting words, by adopting the Yama and Niyama parents bring stability in themselves which also give rise to a stable home. Our inner world reflects our outer world, in fact vice versa is true also. Another aspect that really inspires me about this approach is that, it is human nature to evolve and become better and more than who we are, in career, material wealth, knowledge and education or in parenting. When parent role models a quest for self-betterment it also serves as role modelling for the future generations. The are are many parts of the Yama and Niyama that suggest habits and practices that support a healthy physical body and mind. This is a goal that we all aspire for, don’t we? Health really is true wealth. I hope that these three
Parent Young child Teens
Niyama Personal Practices Commitments of a parent to themselves and to their children Values that parents inculcate in their children
Purity or cleanliness
• My body allows me to move and exist in this world. I will look after it.
• I will keep my body clean.
• I will only put food in my body and my family’s body that is whole, low processed and nourishing.
• I will not indulge in things that affect my mental purity (violent movies, rough music, pornography, fighting etc).
• I will keep my baby clean, bathed & massaged.
• I will keep a clean home.
• I will eat nutritious food.
• I will feed you pure food – breastfeeding as this is the most pure and nutritious food for babies.
• I am learning that things will be tough at times. I am new at this and I will get better. I will accept the moments and understand that I will not resist them, as they will pass.
• I feel contentment when I gaze into the eyes of my baby. I see the infinite in their innocent eyes.
• I experience the moments of joy, love and closeness with my children.
• My lack of sleep is tapas – it will not be like this forever.
• I will do my best, in whatever I can do as I am my children's role model. This inspires me to be the person I want them to grow up to be. My efforts are for me and them.
• It is not perfection that I aspire for, but to be purposeful, happy, healthy and kind to myself and my children.
Swadyaya Self-study
• I will commit to learning what my body, mind and spirit needs.
• I will review my parenting and how I am tracking.
• I will look outside and within to better understand myself.
• You are precious to me and I want to give you my best. I can only do this if I know what and who I am. Of course I will not get the whole answer – it's a journey – my gift to you is you witnessing this journey of self-study so that you my dear child are also inspired to do it.
• Surrendering to the Divine Mother in moments when it gets too hard. I will let Her carry me for a moment or two while I bring myself together.
• I will observe and accept the tough feelings parenting brings without letting it devour me. I let go as much as I can slowly the need for control. For I cannot control everything around and for my child.
• The universe will take care of me and my children.
• We are safe. We always will be safe. We are looked after….always.
articles have been informative and inspiring. I welcome the opportunity to converse with you. You can reach me via to
• My body is special and mine.
• I brush my teeth and wash my hands well.
• I listern to Mummy and Daddy about how to look after my body.
• My body is a temple it is sacred.
• I will shower daily and keep my body clean.
• I will dress in clean clothes.
• I will eat healthy and nourishing food.
• I will honour the laws of my country for public safety and wellbeing. For example: I follow the rules of COVID safety to keep myself and others safe. I will respect others and my body sexually. I will not harm others bodies or my body
• I am happy.
• I am loved.
• I am special. • I am good, perfect the way I am.
• I cannot have my way all the time.
• It is ok to go without – I will be ok.
• If I fail once, I will keep trying.
• Sometime I cannot get my way.
• You get what you get and you don’t get upset!
• I am God's child.
• I am nature's gift.
• I am special.
• I am curious about me and everything around me.
• Every day I can learn something about myself.
• I am whole, complete and perfect the way I am.
• How ever I am, I am enough.
• Whatever I have is enough.
• I am enough.
• If I want more I need to understand why and ask do I need more.
• Sometimes things in life are hard.
• I have to work hard to achieve things.
• I have to be disciplined.
• I have to keep trying.
• I might fail many times before I succeed.
• Failure is learning how to succeed.
• I seek to understand myself.
• Every day I can learn something about myself.
• Who am I?
• Why am I here?
• What is my purpose?
• Mummy and daddy are there to protect me.
• God/Nature loves me.
• I am looked after and protected by God/Nature and my parents.
learn more about the practise of yoga, SKY breath technique, and classes that I teach.
Written by Reema Naresh, Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic
• Sometimes I cannot do everything.
• I will ask for help.
• It is ok to ask for help.
• I am deeply loved.
• Nature/God loves me.
• I will be taken care of.
• I WILL be ok. ALL is OK.
Lifestyle Consultant. Reema, works at the University of Queensland at a research centre professionally. She is a keen holistic health enthusiast.
Hepatitis, HIV/AIdS and Sexual Health program Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)
Iswara Pranidhana Surrendering
something bigger
AryA SAmA j QueenSlAnd
Arya Samaj: A Comprehensive Overview
The Arya Samaj is a Hindu reform movement founded in 1875 by Swami Dayananda Saraswati. It emerged as a response to the social, religious, and cultural challenges faced by India during the British colonial period. With its emphasis on the Vedic tradition and rejection of ritualistic practices, the Arya Samaj sought to revitalize Hinduism and address the social issues prevalent in the society of that time. This essay delves into the origins, principles, impact, and contemporary relevance of the Arya Samaj.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, born as Mool Shankar Tiwari in 1824 in Gujarat, India, was the driving force behind the Arya Samaj. Raised in a traditional Hindu family, Dayananda was deeply influenced by the social and religious environment of his time, which was marked by widespread superstition, ritualism, and caste-based discrimination. His quest for religious reform began early in his life and was significantly shaped by his encounters with various religious philosophies and his own critical examination of Hindu scriptures.
In 1875, Dayananda Saraswati established the Arya Samaj in Bombay (now Mumbai). The movement was grounded in the belief that the Vedas, the oldest and most authoritative Hindu scriptures, contained the eternal truths and principles necessary for the spiritual and social upliftment of humanity. The Arya Samaj aimed to restore the purity of the Vedic teachings and eliminate practices deemed contrary to their essence.
the Arya Samaj is founded on several core principles that distinguish it from other Hindu traditions:
The Arya Samaj asserts the authority of the Vedas
as the ultimate source of spiritual and moral guidance. Unlike other Hindu sects that may emphasize various scriptures and traditions, the Arya Samaj holds the Vedas in supreme regard, believing that they provide a comprehensive understanding of reality and human purpose.
Swami Dayananda promoted the concept of one, formless, and omnipresent God, rejecting the polytheistic aspects of Hinduism that involve idol worship. The Arya Samaj advocates a belief in a single, transcendent deity who is beyond human comprehension and not confined to physical forms.
The Arya Samaj encourages rational inquiry and critical thinking. It rejects blind adherence to rituals and superstitions, advocating instead for a rational approach to religion and spirituality. This rationalist perspective extends to social reforms, with a focus on eradicating practices such as caste discrimination, child marriage, and dowry.
The Arya Samaj is committed to social reform and the upliftment of marginalized communities. It has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at improving the status of women, promoting education, and advancing social justice.
The movement promotes the idea of universal brotherhood and the unity of humanity. It rejects sectarianism and exclusivism, advocating for a sense of commonality and shared values among all people.
The Arya Samaj had a profound impact on Indian society, both in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its influence can be observed in several key areas:
The Arya Samaj established numerous educational institutions, including schools and colleges, that emphasized modern, scientific, and Vedic-based education. Institutions like the
what is Arya Samaj
The Arya Samaj movement
to promote the principles of truth (Satya),
righteousness (dharma) and the Vedas as the main source of Hindu religion. The word "Arya Samaj" translates to "Noble society". The first Hindu organization to preach religion was the Arya Samaj. The organization has worked since the 1800s to strengthen India's civil rights movement. The word “Arya “means a noble human being— one who is thoughtful and charitable, who thinks good thoughts and does good actions–he or she is an Arya. The universal Arya Samaj (Vishwa Arya Samaj) is a
gathering of such people.
The first reform movement to preach religion was the Arya Samaj. According to Arya Samaj, the Vedas are the great source of knowledge, and every Hindu should read and study them. They promoted women's equality, fought to end widow remarriage and banned child marriage and sati by teaching Hindus about the Vedas.
The movement's emphasis on universalism and rationalism has positioned it as a participant in interfaith dialogue and cooperation. The Arya Samaj's approach to religion and spirituality resonates with efforts to promote understanding and harmony among different religious communities.
The Arya Samaj's focus on Vedic teachings and cultural heritage continues to influence contemporary discussions on Hindu identity and cultural preservation. It plays a role in the broader conversation about the role of tradition and modernity in shaping religious and cultural practices.
Dayanand Anglo-Vedic (DAV) Schools and Colleges played a significant role in promoting education and intellectual development.
The Arya Samaj actively worked towards social reforms such as the abolition of untouchability and the promotion of inter-caste marriages. It supported the widow remarriage movement and worked to improve the status of women in society.
By emphasizing Vedic teachings and rejecting later ritualistic practices, the Arya Samaj contributed to a revival of interest in the ancient Hindu scriptures and cultural heritage. This revival helped shape the modern understanding of Hindu identity and spirituality.
The Arya Samaj had a notable influence on the political landscape of India. Its emphasis on social reform and education resonated with various leaders and reformers who sought to address the social challenges of the time. The movement's ideas also contributed to
the broader nationalist movement and the struggle for independence from British rule.
In contemporary India, the Arya Samaj continues to be an active and influential organization. It remains committed to its core principles while adapting to the changing social and cultural landscape. Some key aspects of its contemporary relevance include:
The Arya Samaj continues to run a network of educational institutions that provide quality education and uphold its values. These institutions are spread across India and abroad, contributing to the educational and intellectual development of students.
The Arya Samaj remains engaged in social advocacy, addressing issues such as caste discrimination, gender inequality, and social justice. It continues to work towards creating a more equitable and just society.
The Arya Samaj, founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati, represents a significant chapter in the history of Hindu reform movements. Its commitment to Vedic authority, rationalism, social reform, and universalism has left a lasting impact on Indian society. By addressing the social and religious challenges of its time, the Arya Samaj contributed to the modernization of Hinduism and the advancement of social justice. In the contemporary context, its legacy endures through its educational institutions, social advocacy, and continued relevance in discussions about religion and culture. The Arya Samaj's journey reflects the dynamic interplay between tradition and reform, and its principles continue to inspire and guide individuals and communities in their pursuit of a just and enlightened society.
foR fURtHER INfoRMAtIoN pLEASE CoNtACt: President- Jitendra Deo 04117980 012 or email, Treasurer- Sandeep Kumar, Purohit- Pt Laleen Jeet.
God is the primary cause of all true knowledge (science) and of all that can be known through it. God is existent, intelligent and blissful. He is formless, omniscient, just, merciful, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginning-less, unequalled, the support of all, the master of all, omnipresent, imminent, immortal, fearless, eternal and holy, and the Creator of all. He alone is worthy of
being worshiped.
The Vedas are scriptures of true knowledge. It is the duty of all Arya to read them, teach them, hear them being read and recite them to others. We should always be ready to accept the truth and give up the untruth. All action should be performed in conformity with Dharma, that is, after deliberating what is right and wrong.
The prime object of the Arya Samaj is benevolence of the world, that is, to promote physical, spiritual and social good of
everyone. Our conduct towards all should be guided by love, righteousness and justice. We should aim at dispelling ignorance and promoting knowledge.
One should not only be content with one’s own welfare but should look for it in the welfare of others also.
One should regard oneself under restriction to follow the rules of society calculated to promote the well-being of all, while in following the rules of individual welfare all should be free.
tHE Arya Samaj is a Hindu reform movement founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati on 10
1875 in Bombay, India.
Sandeep Kumar
The Iconic India Day
A Resounding Success Celebrating
oN August 17, 2024, Roma Street Parkland in Brisbane became a dynamic celebration of cultural richness and community spirit as thousands gathered for the much-anticipated Iconic India Day Fair, organized by GOPIO Queensland. This year’s event, marking India's 78th Independence Day and the 17th India Day Fair, was a resounding success and has become the talk of the town as the largest multicultural gathering in Brisbane.
Since its establishment in 2008, GOPIO Queensland has been celebrating India’s Independence Day with increasing enthusiasm. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the GOPIO Team and its members, the event has grown significantly. India Day Fair was recognized by the Queensland Government as an Iconic Event in 2015 and now it attracts thousands of attendees, including dignitaries, community leaders, performers, stall holders, and many multicultural groups and community leaders.
The day begins with devotional programs and vibrant dance performances, cultural items, music and songs, setting the tone for an exhilarating day. One of the most important parts of the celebration is the VIP Reception, where we welcome all our dignitaries, sponsors and community leaders with Garlands and Tikka. A special high tea display with variety of food - fruit platters, cakes, sweets, tea, coffee, and juice were provided to the VIP. This is followed by a grand parade, which was filled with color, energy, and pride with Indian Flags and individual group banners of participating organizations. The parade was announced by the MC as they moved in front of the stage. The dignitaries were seated in the VIP area and were welcomed and entertained by a Bollywood Dance number. Some of the Dignitaries were escorted on the stage for the lighting of the Lamp and was followed by the flag-
hoisting ceremony, where the Australian flag was raised by the Premier of Queensland, The Hon. Steven Miles MP and the Federal Treasurer Hon. Dr. Jim Chalmers. The Indian flag was hoisted by Indian Consul General Neetu Bhagotia together with Councillor Vicki Howard, representing the Lord Mayor. Their presence, alongside with other dignitaries, underscored the strong bonds between multicultural and the Indian community.
The participation of The Chief Guest, Hon. Premier Steven Miles MP, and Guest of Honors Federal Treasurer Hon. Dr Jim Chalmers, Senator Paul Scarr, Hon. Milton Dick Speaker of Federal Parliament, John Paul Langbroek MP representing the leader of Opposition, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Charis Mullen MP, Hon. Grace Grace MP, Hon. Corrine McMillan MP, Councillor Sandy Landers, Councillor Kim Marx, Councillor Charles Strunk, Representative of the Queensland Police, and other respected community leaders, added a prestigious touch to the celebrations. Throughout the day, attendees enjoyed a variety of captivating cultural performances, showcasing the rich heritage of India. Every year, GOPIO Queensland selects one person of Indian Origin, who has done tremendous
work for Community. This time the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Dr. Narendra Kewal for his outstanding work and contributions, he is a senior cardiologist at multiple hospitals. Dr. Kewal was the founding President of Federation of Indian Communities of Queensland established in 1998.
The afternoon was filled with mind blowing performances from local performers, which culminated with an unforgettable musical concert by Jiggra, all the way from Indian, which left the audience spellbound.
The fair also featured a fantastic array of stalls, showcasing the creativity and hard work of local business owners. From mouthwatering food to unique crafts and services, the stalls contributed to a lively marketplace atmosphere. The VIP and the artistic decoration was done by
Sam and Shabnam Abdul of Dreamstyle Decorators, who have been doing this tireless work since 2013, transformed the venue into a visual feast, enhancing the event’s magical ambiance.
The success of the Iconic India Day Fair was made possible by the tireless efforts and contributions of many. We extend our Heartfelt thanks and Gratitude to all our sponsors, The Major Sponsor the Queensland Government, whose support was instrumental. Gold Sponsors Brisbane City Council and AUSTEC Services for their continued support, and our Silver - Australian Technology & Agricultural College (ATAC), Cocoon SDA Homes, Dream Style Decorations, JD Media Corporation, Senator Paul Scar, and Southern Cross University. Our Bronze Sponsors- Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ), George Hartnett Metropolitan Funerals, Globenet Realty, Mahindra Automotives, Me Bank, Multicultural Australia, Nayda & Xavier Hernandez, Springfield City Group were invaluable in bringing this event to life. Our supporters: Asmi Classy Home & Temple
Décor, Chaat_pe_Chat,
Printing and Signage, Cornerstone Law Office, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan Australia (DJJS) , Indoz TV, MUMS United SEWA Project, Nationwide Migration and Education, Sant Nirankari
Hon. Steven Miles, The Premier of Queensland with Consul General Neeta Bhagotia, President Arpit Singh and Umesh Chandra OAM
India Day Fair Parade 2024
Hon. Steven Miles, The Premier of Queensland with Consul General Neeta Bhagotia, Trustees Vinita Khushal and Umesh Chandra OAM
Dr. Narendra Kewal, Mrs Meera Kewal, with Hon Grace Grace MP and Umesh Chandra OAM
Lighting of the Lamp
Flag Raising
Diversity and Unity fair 2024:
Mission and all community organizations that helped GOPIO Queensland in celebrating The Iconic India Day Fair 2024.
GOPIO Queensland presented all sponsors and supporters with awards for their dedication, contribution, and support.
A special note of appreciation goes to the stallholders, performers, volunteers, and the entire GOPIO Queensland team
– Arpit Singh President; Umesh Chandra OAM Founder President, Trustee, and Current International Vice President; Yousuf Ali Khan Trustee, Past President, Founder Treasurer, and Business Council Chairperson; Vinita Khushal Trustee, Past President, and Founder Secretary; Rakesh Sharma Past President; Usha Chandra Past President and First Vice President; Neelu Balgovind Second Vice President; Irene
Bayldon Joint Secretary; Rohani Prasad Treasurer; Rishi Bhardwaj Assistant Treasurer; Sidharth Malhotra Public Relations Officer; and Suman Dua Women’s Council and their entire families for their dedication and hard work, which made this event a Huge Success.
The Iconic India Day Fair 2024 was not just a celebration but a testament to the strength of diversity and the power of community.
We are deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to this incredible event and look forward to continuing this tradition of unity and celebration in the years to come.
Thank you for making this day truly iconic. Your support and contributions have made this event a beacon of multicultural harmony in Brisbane.
Thank you and Best Regards
Showstopper Jiggra performing
love Your Neighbour As You love Yourself
Pastor Suresh Dass Joseph
dEAR REAdER, it is with much joy that we bring you the word of God. How you feel about yourself is going to determine the kind of life you are going to have. God has a high opinion of you, and so should you. In the scriptures, we read that God made you in His image and likeness. God values you. So do not let what other people say about you hold you back. Some people go against themselves year after year. They are not happy with their height, looks, hairstyle, etc. They turn against themselves by comparing and competing with other people. Other people have strengths in certain areas, and you do, too. They may be successful in some places, and so are you. You will never rise higher than how you feel about yourself. You are good to others; you treat others well, give others the benefit of the doubt, and are gentle and kind to others; in the same way, you should be kind to yourself.
Jesus gave us two
commands. Number one is to love God, and the second is to love your neighbour as you love yourself. God did not stop at "love your neighbour," but He said that you are to love yourself too. That means you are always for yourself and not against you, and you love who God made you to be. Yes, you have some weaknesses, just like everyone else. You may have a different skin colour. You are from a different nationality. Yet you have to love yourself first before you can love other people. This is where some people struggle in their relationships with other people. Your selfimage will work for you. A positive self-image can help you achieve goals, be more social, find the love you deserve, and work to be as successful.
David says," For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." David chose to have a good picture of himself. He had people tell him about his mistakes and weaknesses. But he knew that to become everything God wanted him to be, he had to have a good picture of himself.
It is a trap when you constantly magnify your weaknesses, outlook, and failures. But having a positive self-image is a preparation for your success.
In the bible (Numbers
13), we read Moses sent 12 leaders from the 12 tribes of Israel to gather information about the promised land and its inhabitants, which God was going to give them. These were the choice men, the best of the best. When they left, they were like heroes, brave men, strong, fresh, and good-looking. But when they came back, ten reported on how strong the people who lived in the promised land were. The cities were mighty, significant, and fortified. Then, they told Moses and the people how they saw themselves. Compared to the giants who lived there, they were small and weak, like grasshoppers. Their self-image was weak and negative. Only Joshua and Caleb, the two other spies, had a positive outlook on themselves. They told Moses and the people that they
Key Scriptures:
WE are called to be Trustworthy Witnesses by our Creator God. A trustworthy witness will stand for truth, justice and peace. He will not compromise his character and yield to become a false witness. A reliable witness is willing to pay the highest price to bring justice and peace to mankind. Jesus is our Trustworthy witness. He came to redeem mankind from sin and eternal death. In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the importance of trust has never been more critical. Trust is the foundation of relationships, institutions, and societies. Yet, trust is often in short supply, eroded by scandals, corruption, and the spread of misinformation. Amid
this backdrop, the role of a trustworthy witness emerges as a beacon of hope, capable of transforming society through the sheer power of integrity and example.
A trustworthy witness is someone who consistently acts in truth, honesty, and reliability, becoming a source of inspiration and guidance for others. They are not merely passive observers but active participants in the shaping of a more just and moral society. This article explores the profound impact a trustworthy witness can have on transforming society, offering insights into how their actions resonate far beyond their immediate circles, ultimately fostering a culture of trust and integrity.
A trustworthy witness embodies several key qualities that distinguish them from the crowd. These include:
Integrity: They are steadfast in their principles, even when faced with adversity. Their actions align with their words, and they are committed to truth, no matter the cost.
Honesty: A trustworthy witness does not manipulate or distort the truth for personal gain. They are transparent in their dealings, earning the confidence of others.
Reliability: Consistency is crucial. A trustworthy witness is someone others can depend on, knowing they will uphold their values and commitments in every situation.
Empathy: They understand and respect the perspectives of others, which allows them to build bridges and foster understanding in diverse settings.
He has called all true believers to become a trustworthy witness for His
could defeat the inhabitants and take possession of their promised land.
1. You are what you believe yourself to be. The ten who brought an unfavourable report made themselves like grasshoppers. Having a poor self-image often leads to a life of comparing yourself with other people. You compare it with other people's possessions, success, achievements, etc. It's a trap that portrays a poor self-image of yourself. Self-defeating words will not cause you to live a victorious life. A poor mouth will give you a poor life.
2. It's not who you are that holds you back; it's who you think you are not. For as a
person thinks, so shall they become. The ten spies did not believe they could take possession of the promised land. They thought they were too small and too weak. Sadly, they never made it. It is easy to look at your weaknesses and think you don't have it all together. No one does. Sometimes, on purpose, God will let a weakness remain in you, so you are continually dependent on Him. In the bible, Paul prayed for a particular weakness in his body to be removed. But God said to him, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." We never read where Paul disapproved of himself. On the contrary, he says, "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I
am weak, then I am strong."
3. Always be ready to believe in yourself a little more. God has given everyone a measure of faith. You must develop this faith to keep a step ahead from letting doubts and unbelief keep you from your destiny. The twelve spies had all seen the same city and its people. This caused the ten spies to get afraid to turn against themselves. But Joshua and Caleb chose not to be against themselves. The scripture says, "You are of God, … because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." You are bigger and more powerful than you think you are. They had great faith in God and themselves. Only Joshua and Caleb from this group made it to the promised land. They believed in a little more. If you're going to reach your highest potential, you have to see yourself as God's very own masterpiece. Jesus said, "Love your neighbour as you love yourself." You'll feel confident and stable by truly learning to love yourself, and your gifts and talents will come out whole. When you dwell on the fact that Almighty God breathed His life into you and accepted, equipped, and empowered you, then all those thoughts of insecurity, inferiority, and low self-esteem won't have a chance!
All this is possible through a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
God bless you.
Gospel of peace and love.
It is possible to become a true witness by having a personal relationship with Jesus. This relationship is established when we humble and seek God with all our hearts and minds. When we repent for our sins and turn to God. Repent means a change of mind. True change of mind produces a godly and holy reverence of God. The Bible says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom” This wisdom leads to hunger and thirst for the living God.
The transformation of society begins with individuals who are willing to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.
A trustworthy witness, through their commitment to integrity, honesty, and reliability, has the power to inspire others and create positive change on a broader scale.
Whether through individual actions or collective efforts, the influence of a trustworthy witness can ripple outwards, touching lives and reshaping communities.
In a world that often seems divided and disillusioned, the need for trustworthy witnesses has never been greater. Each of us has the potential to be that witness, to act with integrity in our own lives, and to inspire others to do the same. By answering this
call, we contribute to the transformation of society, building a world where trust, justice, and empathy prevail.
In the end, the legacy of a trustworthy witness is not just in the changes they directly bring about, but in the lives they touch and the values they instil in others. It is a legacy that endures, long after their actions are forgotten, through the continued transformation of society by the power of their example.
Dear God, I come to you and ask for your forgiveness. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of your Holy way of life. Therefore, forgive my many sins. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again for my salvation (Moksha). Give me a new mind and heart to know your word and your ways. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen Please email to us your encounter experience, so we can help you to grow in the understanding your Creator and Redeemer.
Shree vishnu Maya Mandir Celebrates Janmashtami
SHREE Vishnu Maya Mandir celebrated Krishna Janamastmi for seven nights. Program started with Bhajan Kirtans, Beginning Astuti by Guru Maa, Pravachan by Guruji Acharya Pt Ram Harsh Tripathi Jee. The program concluded with Bhog , Aarti and Mahaprasaad distribution to all devotees. It was a Grand celebration for seven nights. Krishna Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. It holds great significance for Hindus as Lord Krishna is one of the most revered deities, known for his wisdom, playfulness, and divine teachings in the Bhagavad Gita.
Janmashtami marks the birth of Lord Krishna in the Dwapar Yuga over 5,000 years ago. He was born in a prison in Mathura to Devaki and Vasudeva, under extremely difficult circumstances, as his life was threatened by his uncle, King Kansa. Krishna's birth
is celebrated as the moment when good triumphed over evil. Lord Krishna’s life is a symbol of love, compassion, and dharma (righteousness). His teachings, particularly those in the Bhagavad Gita, are timeless and continue to inspire millions of people around the world.
Krishna Janmashtami is a joyous and spiritually uplifting festival that brings together communities to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna and to reflect on his teachings.
Australian Indian Radio
(program schedule)
8 - 11 Pm
Guzarish -Sher O Shayarees With Ghazals Dharmen Shyam 11Pm-4 Am Repeat Pgms Humsafar And Ghar Pariwar Segements Devotion Continues
6 -8 Pm
Bollywood Naye Nagmon Ka Safar Blended With Gujrati Songs 8 Pm - 11 Pm Bollywood Ki Duniya Melody Songs Of 1990 With Bollywood Chit Chat 11 Pm- 4 Am
Repeat Pgms Humsafar And Ghar Pariwar Devotion Continues
6Pm- 8 Pm
6- 8 Pm Dil Dosti Duniya By Rj Saavi Tamil & Telgu
8 -11 Pm Bhojpuri Hindi Haryanvi Sitaron Ka Sangam 11 Pm- 4 Am Repeat Pgms Humsafar And Ghar Pariwar Show 4Am-6Am Devotion Continues
6 -8 Pm Baten Madhu Ke Saath Mixed With Punjabi Songs
Bengali Pgm Mixed With Bollywood Songs-Tapas Bhai
8 Pm -11 Pm Mehfil - Fiji / Trinidad / Surinam/ Local Album And Film Songs
11 Pm- 4 Am Repeat Pgms Humsafar And Ghar Pariwar Segements Devotion Continues
6 Pm - 8 Pm Geet Wahi Andaz Naya ---- [Old Remix Version Songs Only]
8 Pm - 11 Pm Masti Night [ Weekend Party Songs]
11Pm-4 Am Repeat Humsafar And Ghar Pariwar Segements Devotion Continues
6 Am- 11 Am Rangeen Nazaren ---Old And New Bollywood Songs Rj Dhirend 11- 2 Pm Bollywood Buzz-Filmy Stars Past And Upcomming Filmy Khabren
2 Pm - 6 Pm Khel Kood Ki Duniya Se --- Past And Upcomming Sports Updates Blended With Bollywood Song
6 Pm-11 Pm Party All Night ---- Hit Party Songs
11 Pm-4 Am Repeat Rangeen Nazaren Devotion Continues
6 Am -7 Am Masih Program [Christian Songs Pgm]
7 Am -9 Am Kal Aaj Aor Kal New And Old Songs [Hits 60S 70S 80S And New
9 Am-12Pm Kirtan Bhajan Sangam [Jitendra Shyam]
12-3 Pm Sunday Ke Sunday [Songs Blended With Jokes]
3 - 6 Pm Repeat Of Mehfil Pgm Played On Thursday Night
6 -9 Pm Toote Dil Ki Pukaar [Heart Breaking Bollywood Songs]
9 Pm-11 Pm Repeat Guzarish ---Ghazlon Ki Duniya [ Played On Tuesday Night]
11 Pm - 4 Am Repeat Kal Aaj Aor Kal Played In The Morning And Kirtan Bhajan Segement [ Recorded]
Devotional Ppgm As On The Schedule
Kavita ji
Vraja Krśńa and Párthasárathi Krśńa – 1 (Discourse 1)
Lord Krśńa’s role is divided into two main parts – one is Shrii Krśńa, Vraja Krśńa; and the other is Krśńa the king of Mathura. The natures and jurisdictions of the duties of the two aspects were different, hence the roles also were different. People in general could not become as easily intimate or familiar with the king Krśńa – Párthasárathi Krśńa – as they could be with Krśńa of Vrindavana. Vraja Krśńa was a sweet personality, and that sweetness was mixed with spirituality; whereas Krśńa the king was a tough personality, but that toughness was also mixed with spirituality. In both roles Krśńa set a unique example before the Indian people as well as the entire world, and the necessity to hold that example up before others is not yet over. Although the first part of Krśńa’s life was that of Vraja Krśńa, instead of first discussing Vraja Krśńa, I wish to discuss first Krśńa the king – Párthasárathi Krśńa.
I have already said many things about Krśńa. I gave a series of discourses on the Mahábhárata(1) in Ranchi stretching over a long period. But the main theme there was the Mahábhárata, and not Krśńa. In this series of discourses, however, I propose to focus more upon Krśńa as the central figure. The context of the Mahábhárata will come up only incidentally, because it does not cover the whole life of Krśńa. The Mahábhárata cannot stand if we remove Krśńa from it; while if we wish to remove the Mahábhárata and retain Krśńa, Krśńa will stand a bit diminished, though He will stand.
Let us come first to the context of Krśńa the king. He came to Mathura after leaving Gokula and Vrindavana.(2)
Although valour, intrepidity and all such virtues had been much evident in Krśńa during His early career in Gokula and Vrindavana, the element of sweetness was the most predominant quality in Him. To attract and draw people closer to Him by playing sweet and melodious tunes on His flute, to establish sweet relations of love and affection with all, and, in case of necessity, to take up arms in the interests of His favourite friends and followers –these were the deeds He used to do. Krśńa’s devotees felt that He was their own. They would say, “He is one of us. Of course, He is a great hero, far superior to us in all respects, but still He is ours.”
But that same Vraja Krśńa who did so much for His devotees,
remaining so close to them in prosperity and adversity, found that that role did not permit Him to render maximum service to the human society that was being unbearably persecuted, humiliated and neglected. Therefore He gave up that role and assumed the role of a king. And that role started with the annihilation of Kansa.(3)
What is the meaning of the term kaḿsa? It means “an entity that endangers the existence of others, that impedes their allround progress and welfare”. Krśńa, on the other hand, means “an entity who leads others towards fulfilment”. So the Entity who leads others towards perfect attainment, who cannot tolerate destructive ideas or destructive elements, was destined to annihilate Kansa and remove the thorns of sin from the physical, psychic and spiritual planes. This is dharma.
Those forces, those demoniacal forces which are the main obstacles on the path of social progress, must be removed. Mercy or compassion may intervene, requesting, “No, don’t do that,” but the circumstances compel it; and for this, an element of toughness is indispensable. This was not possible in the sweet and loving atmosphere of Vraja; the environment of Kurukśetra was the proper place for that purpose.(4)
Regarding the main role of Krśńa, I have already mentioned that although the Mahábhárata does not cover all aspects of Krśńa’s life and personality, it is nevertheless a fact that Krśńa’s main role [i.e., that which the Mahábhárata does cover] was that of Párthasárathi. First I shall analyse the origin of the word “Pártha”. “Pártha” is derived from “Prthá” or “Prthu”. Prthá is the name of a particular kingdom, a kingdom where the princess Kunti lived. The word “Pártha” is derived “Prthá” + suffix śńa (imparting the sense of “progeny”, or “offspring”). That is, “Pártha” means a son of Kunti (as does also “Kaonteya”).
In ancient India, before the arrival of the Aryans, the matriarchal system of inheritance as well as the matrilineal order of society was in vogue among the Austric and Dravidian communities. The people of those prehistoric times used to identify themselves in terms of their mother’s lineage, and as such used to take on the name of their mother, grandmother or great-grandmother. If one was asked, “Who are you?”
By Shrii Shrii Anandamur
one would have to give one’s mother’s, grandmother’s or great-grandmother’s name. Along with this matrilineal order, the matriarchal system of social inheritance, whereby the daughters would inherit the property from their mothers, was also in vogue. Two thousand years ago, the mother’s name was considered the most important factor in naming a child. For instance, Lord Buddha’s two main disciples were Sáriputta and Mahámaggallan Arhan. “Sáriputta” means “the son of Sári”. His mother’s full name (these people were all from Magadha, incidentally) was Rúpasári; and thus the son’s name became “Sáriputra” in old Sanskrit. In Prákrta, it was changed to “Sáriputta”, just as the Sanskrit word “Rájaputra” became changed to “Rájaputta” in Prákrta (and “Rajput” or “Rout” [common surnames] in modern languages). And in the second case, the mother’s name was Mahámaodgalii in Sanskrit, which became “Mahámaggali” in Pali. Her son was thus known as “Mahámaggallan” Arhan.
Here is another example: Once a merchant promised, as per the direction of Buddha, that he would build the new capital city of Magadha near the confluence of the Ganges and the Sone Rivers. The name of that merchant was Pátaliputra,(5) because his mother’s name was Pátali. This demonstrates that ancient Indian society followed the matrilineal order.
Thus Arjuna(6) was popularly known as Pártha [“the son of Prthá”]; he was also called Kaonteya [“the son of Kunti”].
And what was the role of Krśńa? The role of a sárathi. Now let me explain what sárathi means. Sárathi means one who looks upon a chariot as one’s own child. You may have come across some car drivers who take meticulous care of their motor cars. “Hey, don’t touch the paint job… don’t jump in like that… don’t sit down so hard… my car will be damaged… Hey, no, my car can’t carry six or seven people, it will be damaged…” They go to great lengths to ensure that their cars are not scratched or damaged in any way. In fact, they treat them as if they were their own children. One who similarly looks upon a ratha [chariot] as one’s own child is called a sárathi. Rathena saha saratha [“The one associated with a chariot is a charioteer”]. Saratha + i suffix (imparting the sense of
“child”) = sárathi. The sárathi of the chariot of Pártha (i.e., of Arjuna) was none other than Krśńa Himself [hence “Párthasárathi Krśńa”].
So Krśńa assumed the role of sárathi. The shástras [scriptures] say that the sárathi plays a very significant role in physical fight, in spiritual fight, in all-round fight. It is said in the Yajurveda: Atmánaḿ rathinaḿ viddhi shariiraḿ rathameva tu; Buddhintu sárathiḿ viddhi manah pragrahameva ca. [Know the átman, the soul, as the occupant of the chariot; the human body as the chariot; the buddhi, or intellect, as the charioteer; and the mind as the reins.]
Atmánaḿ rathinaḿ viddhi. There is a chariot. The átmá [self] is likened to the person seated in the chariot. That person is the master.
Shariiraḿ rathameva tu. The physical body is likened to a chariot (and is sometimes also compared to a temple). A chariot has to be kept neat and clean and fit to move. A temple is also to be kept neat and clean, jhakjhake taktake [clean and shiny], because it is the nucleus of all activities. And with a chariot as nucleus, one can move. Hence Shariiram dharmamandiram [“The human body is the temple of God”]. The human body has to be kept neat and clean. Cleanliness is a fundamental principle of every sádhaka [spiritual aspirant].
How should you maintain your body? In Bengali it is said, jhakjhake taktake. In Sanskrit tak means “sparkling white, dazzlingly clean”; hence the word taktake in Bengali.
There is a fruit which, when eaten, removes all diseases from the body. Hr + nini = hari, “that which steals”, and taki means “that which cleans and enhances the glow of the skin”: hence the fruit is called haritaki [myrobalan].
[Myrobalan is benevolent like a mother. A mother sometimes gets angry, but not myrobalan when it is eaten.]
Both a chariot and a human body have to be kept neat and clean. Buddhintu sárathiḿ viddhi. The buddhi that leads humanity, the pinnacled intellect that brings spiritual aspirants in close contact with Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness], is compared to the sárathi.
Manah pragrahameva ca.
While driving a chariot, the charioteer needs a rein (lágám in popular Bengali). The mana [mind] is likened to the rein.
Human existence is a composite of four factors: the unit self, the body, the intellect (which exercises control over your mind) and finally Parama Puruśa – the Supreme Controller of your unit existence. You must advance while developing each of the four – you cannot afford to loosen your hold on or neglect any one of the four. If one deviates a little from the right path, one may earn a lot of wealth, but one will surely invite one’s ruination as the occupant of the chariot-like body. Your chariot-like physical frame will be shattered, your rein-like mind will be loosened and snapped beyond repair, and your sárathi(7) will be virúpa [temporarily angry with you] and vimukha [turn His back on you]. One can bear it if He becomes virúpa, but not if He becomes vimukha.
There is a clear distinction between virúpa [displeased] and vimukha [permanently angry]. Let me illustrate. Suppose someone asks me a question that irritates me and I am displeased with that questioner. I may burst out, “You stupid fool. I won’t answer your silly question.” This is an example of virúpatá. After some time I may cool down, and will of course regain my usual composure. Then supposing the person says, “Bábá, please forgive me, who will help me if you don’t?” I may say, “Tell me what you want.” The previous displeasure is gone.
But vimukhatá is different: “Bábá, let me say just one word to you – just one word, Bábá.” “No, no talk. I won’t listen to you at all,” I may say. It means I have turned my face away.
Similarly, if your Charioteer is ever displeased with you for your mistakes, He will guide you back to the right path (after all, you are only human); but if He is permanently angry it will be highly painful, unbearably painful. You may happen to make your sárathi, Parama Puruśa, displeased due to your inadvertence, but you must never make Him permanently angry with you.
24 August 1980, Calcutta
(1) Mahábhárata literally means “Great India”. Hence Mahábhárata became the name both for the campaign led by Krśńa to unify India, and for the epic composition about that
campaign. Both the campaign and the narration of the epic begin at a point when Krśńa is already a king – Párthasárathi. After the author of the present book had spoken in Ranchi in 1968 on the two topics (the campaign and the epic), those speeches were collected in the book Discourses on the Mahábhárata. –Eds.
(2) Mathura was at that time the capital of the kingdom of Shurasena, and Gokula and Vrindavana were villages within the kingdom. Mathura was and still is an important city. The Gokula and Vrindavana of that time fall within what is now the larger town of Vrindavana. All lie in the modern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. –Eds.
(3) The cousin of Krśńa. He imprisoned King Ugrasena (Krśńa’s grandfather), usurped the throne, and, out of fear arising from a prophecy, imprisoned his cousin Devaki and her husband Vasudeva, killing each of their children as they were born. Two of the children, Krśńa and his brother Balarama, escaped destruction. Kansa spent years trying to find and assassinate the young Krśńa. –Eds.
(4) “Vraja” was a term for Gokula and Vrindavana (for further discussion of the term, see p. 47). Kurukśetra was the battlefield of the Mahábhárata war. –Eds.
(5) The city that the merchant built was also named Pataliputra, and is now a wellknown part of modern-day Patna, capital of the Indian state of Bihar. –Eds.
(6) Arjuna was the greatest warrior of that era and the closest friend and disciple of Lord Krśńa. During the war of the Mahábhárata, Krśńa agreed to be Arjuna’s charioteer. –Eds. (7) Buddhintu sárathiḿ viddhi. In the shloka the sárathi represents the buddhi, the discriminating faculty, or pinnacled intellect. But since it is the buddhi that brings spiritual aspirants in close contact with Parama Puruśa, the sárathi ultimately comes to represent Parama Puruśa. –Eds.
Published in: Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 6 [a compilation]
Namámi Krśńasundaram Shrii Shrii A'nandamu'rti founded many spiritual and social service organisations, including Ananda Marga. Acarya Krsnapremananda Avadhuta is a representative living in Brisbane. He can be contacted on the following number: 0422823341
Chinmaya Mission Yuva Kendra’s Nachale ve
Garba and Dandiya
MARk your calendars for a spectacular celebration at Chinmaya Mission Yuva Kendra’s (CHYK) 2024 Garba and Dandiya Night, set to take place on September 28th. Following the success of last year's Dance Pe Chance which drew an impressive crowd of 350
attendees, this year’s event promises to be even grander.
• Date: Saturday 28th September 2024
• Time: 6pm-9:30pm
• Venue: University of Queensland, ModWest Building (Free parking available) The evening will feature a lively garba and dandiya dance celebration, complemented by a diverse range of Indian street foods, a henna stall, and a variety of dance performances! Attendees can look forward to an array of cultural
experiences and delectable treats throughout the night.
Sponsorship Opportunities: This event provides a unique platform for businesses to showcase their services while supporting a communitycentric initiative. CHYK offers various sponsorship
packages designed to align with your marketing goals.
Contact Information: For sponsorship inquiries, ticket details, and more information about Chinmaya Mission Yuva Kendra, please visit our Instagram page @ chykbrisbane, email us at, or explore our website at au/.
Stay tuned to our social media pages for some fun surprises leading up to the event! We look forward to celebrating this vibrant cultural event with you!
GOPIO-GC Gala Raises funds for Charities
tHE Gold Coast Chapter of GOPIO (GOPIO-GC) held its Annual Gala Dinner on the 3rd August 2024 at the prestigious Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Gold Coast. This year, like past years, the dinner was aimed at raising funds to support various charities. The event was
graced by the Consul-General of India (Queensland) Ms Neetu Bhagotia, Hon. JohnPaul Langbroek, Surfers Paradise, Queensland MP and Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, and Hon. Rob Borbidge, ex-Premier of Queensland and Chairman of Experience Gold Coast.
The red carpet welcome led people into the main hall which was decorated exquisitely. The photo booth in the lobby allowed people to mingle as well as create special memories via numerous photos. The MC Zain Chams was, as always, engaging and ensured that
t he red carpet welcome led people I nto the ma I n hall wh I ch was decorated exqu I s I tely. t he photo booth I n the lobby allowed people to m I ngle as well as create spec I al memor I es v I a numerous photos. t he mc Za I n c hams was, as always, engag I ng and ensured that everyth I ng ran smoothly. t he attendees were enterta I ned by the tapor I s quad who da ZZ led w I th the I r dance moves and by m an I sh and s heker w I th the I r melod I ous s I ng I ng.
everything ran smoothly. The attendees were entertained by the Tapori Squad who dazzled with their dance moves and by Manish and Sheker with their melodious singing. If the dancing and singing were a treat to the eyes and ears respectively, the dinner was a heavenly treat for the taste
buds. The event concluded with the acknowledgement that there are many in our society who are doing it tough this year. Numerous items were auctioned and raffled to raise money for the charities Homeless in Gold Coast and Life Global Australia. Special thanks to our platinum sponsors Experience Gold
Coast, Silver sponsor Global Convenience, and media partners 7 Seas TV for their video coverage.
GOPIO-GC acknowledges the generous support from all the sponsors, auction and raffle prize donors, the special guests, and all the participants who made it a memorable event.
During this month, your career should expand your horizon of thinking. The impact of South Node will make this challenging for you. The success will be quite limited compared to the effort you put in. Coworkers might seem more annoying at times and needy than usual. It is time to act with caution if you are in business. Venus during the latter half of this month will boost your imagination and creativity. Work will be much easier for you during this phase, as long as you are able to keep yourself motivated and disciplined. There will be some demanding situations to face at financial front this month. You need to learn to adapt to such problems and turn them around it in making gains. It will be a favorable time to get positive response from your beloved one now. You will connect like crazy with your mate. The impact of South Node will bring ups and downs in the matters related to relationship and romance. But your integrity and unstoppable perseverance will pay off big time in the matters related to relationship and romance during this month. With regard to your health you will be very hopeful and optimistic. If you are waiting the results of some test reports, they may come out to normal and everything will be good. Mars suggests that you need to start exercising to make your health status grow stronger and also a good time to learn the art of keeping stress and anxiety at bay. You will have a positive impact on your education as well. The support system will be stronger however, Mercury may bring some disturbances which may hamper your progress.
As the month begins, you will have much better conditions at your work place. However, Mars may bring some stain in your relation with some associates. A wave of Jupiter’s positive energy might overwhelm you as the month advances. Your mind will stay sharp enough to get desired success particularly if you are doing your own business. Due to the favourable impact of Venus, your love life is set to be full of excitement and warmth. With the strong support from Mercury, you are likely to learn complicated subjects easily and hence will be able to perform effectively. Hectic schedules can drain your mental and physical energies faster. Around the mid of this month, the impact of North node may bring a small-scale conflict with some of associates that can only be resolved by someone letting go of something. Be wary of any important deals if you are doing your business. It is likely to help you remove some bottlenecks gradually and make your financial status stronger. Presence of malefic influences of shadow planets may keep you worried about your relationship. There will be some seasonal health issues as well. Jupiter will brighten your career prospects during the latter half. But North Node may make you ambitious and impulsive which may cause problems. There will be an opportunity for a new relationship, if you are currently not committed to anyone. If already in a relationship, it may be time to take your relationship to the next level. Jupiter may also bring some favorable results in your studies.
There may be some hurdles, on account of your superiors or bosses in the beginning of this month. Try not to buckle down under the pressure. Nothing spectacular is foreseen on the business front too and hence you may have to remain contended with the usual stuff. Some thrilling romantic moments may bring back fresh air of joy in your life. Personal matters may take up most of your time and attentions though. However, some uneasiness could lead to some fluctuations in your health. As the month progresses, you may not share an amiable relationship with your seniors. There may be some good earning opportunities around the mid of this month indicates the Mars but, some unexpected expenses may drain out your finances slightly. You may remain somewhat unhappy, owing to undue interference from your family and friends. The favourable impact of Mercury may help you to rely on your instincts and your own inner guidance. There shall be rewards for sustained effort in your studies and also you may start recovering from problems that you have dealt with, in the past. The influence of Mars may at times push you to assert your views more aggressively during the latter half of month. Not to be rigid like this or else you may not be able to take advantage of planetary favour. Steer clear of major purchases, and do not borrow or lend money. There may be surprise developments that may alter your course in positive direction in matters related to studies. Your immune system and vitality is likely to remain good. Around the month end, expect a good support of your luck in matters related to your career.
As the month begins, Mars will make you feel excited about some new opportunities and would feel fresh at your place of work. But, there will be some issues where you might indulge into arguments with peers and superiors and that might affect your progress. Venus is likely to provide you with good opportunity to strike some good financial deals. Now, be open to new lovely experiences in your love life. Mercury is likely to encourage you towards study and overseas opportunities and a broader horizon in your studies. You may have a good health status. As the month advances, Venus will help you to get some opportunities for progress. If you are doing business, you are likely to get some good opportunities to expand the foundation of business. Jupiter may help you to discover your inner strength and likely to bring some refreshing experiences in your love life. Mercury is going to favour your efforts, and likely to bring you some new opportunities for success and the widening horizons in your education. Mercury and Venus will be moving in your favour during the latter half but, there will be some pressure and constraints to face. Venus may bring some sweeping changes in your financial status. There may be some change; challenge and important events with regard to your educational matter. Around the month end, your position at your workplace will be secure due to the support of Venus and Mercury. The positive impact of Venus will give an upward push to your finances. This week the impact of transiting planets will work well in helping you maintain harmony in most of your relationships. General health awareness.
In the beginning of this month Mars will impact you hence watch out for sudden outbursts at your work place. Issues could come from anywhere. If you are in business, when it comes to wooing customers or investors, you will have to work. Constant work and lack of rest will begin to manifest itself in the form of fatigue and irritability. As the month advances, things shall start to fall in place gradually from around the mid of this month. An unexpected opportunity in your career will come your way. Mercury may bring some good news of financial gains which will enliven your spirits. Your love life is likely to be very rewarding and you are likely to receive gratification from all spheres of life. You will be blessed by Jupiter during the latter half of this month. So be sure to take initiative at your work place. If you are in business, your role as visionary will be well received. You will have steady financial growth. Now Saturn will demand to maintain your sense of equilibrium. The stars will remind strongly not to give up your exercise program in any case. At least make sure to go to nature and walk. This can be an important phase for your studies and future growth. Mars will make you able to take initiatives. It is possible that you will inherit some unexpected income around the month end. Venus will provoke you to spend money but, strictly avoid. There can be some disruptions in your love life and relationship matters so be sure to choose someone who is compatible with you at all levels. Intensive work, unrest, some or the other conflicts will undermine your strength around the month end. You will be full of confidence and that may help you to make progress in your studies.
Saturn will give you the fruits and benefits of your hard work after some delays and obstacles in the beginning of this month. At times, you may feel anxiety taking over you, but, you will experience positivity as the month progresses. However, Mars may also prompt you to take some ambitious decisions for quick gain which you must avoid in order to achieve your goals. Also, the matters related to your relationship should be dealt with carefully, especially if you are in committed relationship. You are likely to make good progress in your education and related endeavors. Due to the impact of North Node, your career and business matters shall look uncertain till mid of this month. Things shall start to fall in place, mid-month onwards, though. As the month progresses, you would see visible growth in your finance. Venus will calm you down gradually and thankfully some precious relations will be saved from irreparable damage. Uncertainty on business may come down gradually during the latter half of month, But Mercury warns you to be more cautious and calculative in your approach while making any major financial dealings. It will play a crucial role in deciding the fate of a relationship in your life. This can be a much better phase for your health and fitness. Do not take ambitious steps under the influence of Mars as your hasty or rash decisions may cause unnecessary problems. Saturn may make you aware about how to your use your energy in order to remain fit. Real time for action is likely to begin on the career front around the month end.
As the month begins, Mercury and Jupiter will help you for conceptualization of your innovative ideas related to the development of your career. Positive vibes will follow due to the support of Jupiter and, as a result you will be able to manage your money matters efficiently. There may be some disruptions in your love life in the beginning. Do not worry, you will have ample support of Venus. The love is very much there. Your interest in studies might wane as lethargy and indulgence in entertainment will be apparent. A dip in your performance is expected here. As the month advances, Mercury will bring the right time to highlight and exhibit your real skills and business related knowledge and tactics to gain. However, plan your finances well, and keep reserves for contingencies as the impact of South Node can be detrimental at times. You will be blessed by Venus hence just enjoy this time and the intense feeling with your beloved ones. Due to high interest in extracurricular activities, your performance may suffer to an extent around the mid of this month. However, your focus is bound to return back to your studies during the latter part of this month. Health will improve gradually, but routine health regime is of more than usual importance and can lead you to wider benefits. During the latter half, you could get support from Jupiter to improve efficiency related to your work. At times, you will not be able to make much headway in terms of financial gains as Saturn might delay the gains. This may make you feel dejected and uninspired at times. Gradually, it may bring clarity and improvement.
Saturn may bring many hurdles in your way and some sort of insecurity, and as a result, your mind will keep wandering off during the beginning of this month. Your clever move may bring encouraging results. You will be able to pushing ahead your financial prospects gradually. There will be some turbulence in your love life due to the impact of South Node. Some stray thoughts or wayward approach may distract your attention in studies. Saturn might make you feel somewhat uncomfortable with your health and energy levels. As the month advances, Mars indicates that hectic work schedules may raise the stress levels. Some constraints may bother you and can hold you from accelerating pace to achieve your financial goals. It will be a tricky phase hence you need to execute due caution while extending credit or making any important financial deals. If you are trying to get admission in some reputed collage, you are likely to get success around the mid of month. During the latter half, you would face fresh challenges in your profession due to the impact of North Node. If you are doing business, this could be more difficult and some hurdles would make you very anxious. Under the influence of Mars, there may be some heated arguments with your mate. Mercury will make you able to grasp new ideas with ease. The planetary influences may make you able to look for future planning of your education. The stars during the latter half will be favourable for you and it will be a delightful phase for health issues.
In the beginning of this month, Saturn indicates that you will continue to have very heavy work load and despite working far too hard, you may get a very little recognition. If you are in business, this could be more difficult and some hurdles would make him anxious. Mercury will be telling you never to substitute your long term financial goal for few easy short term gains. Venus indicates that the response from your partner may not go quite according to your desire. As the month advances, the North Node may bring some change at your work place. If you are in business, you may see some good deals coming your way during middle of this month. Money will keep flowing in your life if you continue to stick with your planning. The combined impact of Mars and Venus will help you to really enjoy the pleasures of your love life during the latter half of this month. Mercury suggests you to keep your relationship in balance and do not rush to plan for anything forward without taking into consideration your partner's opinion as well. Some old health issues may resurface and can affect your activities continuously during the latter part. Around the month end, Mercury will make your communication with your colleagues seamless. If you are in business, this phase will help you to reach your goals. Jupiter will bring some amazing possibilities when it comes to your career progression. Money matters will be excellent. However, the impact of South Node may bring some disruptions in your love life as there will be a lot of problems arising between you and your partner. Also, some stress and hectic work schedules may affect your energy level.
In the beginning of this month, you will be supported by Mercury and Venus and hence you are likely to make good progress at career front. But as the month advances, it seems a challenging time for you. Slowly and steadily, the favourable impact of planets may help you to achieve a good financial status this week. Be more adjusting and pliable in your relationship. This can be a promising phase for you to improve your health status. Also, there may be a good opportunity for you to make development of some news skills in your studies. As the month advances, there can be some new projects that might test the skills and patience. This can be equally challenging phase for you if you are doing business. Do not take ambitious steps under the influence of Mars as your hasty or rash decisions may cause unnecessary problems. If you are waiting to get a nod from your beloved, you may get so around the mid of this month thanks to Venus. The impact of South Node may not allow you to find easy ways to achieve your targets during the latter half of this month. If you are doing business negligence in business-related matters would not go down well in this phase. There may be peace and harmony in matters related to relationships. A new relationship may flourish. Your productivity and performance will be excellent and hence you can earn better place and appreciation in your studies. Around the month end, some emotional issues can disturb you balance and this can have an adverse effect on your education. The period around month end will steadily lead you towards the financial growth.
The favourable impact of Venus will help you to be highly creative as the month begins. This is a very good time to work in creative projects. The good part of this week is that you will remain balanced while making any important move, indicates Mercury. Be ready to manifest your emotions and feelings as you will be blessed by Venus. Mercury will be in your favour and you will also remain motivated to perform well in your studies. As the month advances, new professional relationships can be formed as you will have ample support of Mercury. If you are doing business, you may be able to clinch lucrative deal around the mid of this month. There will be enough planetary support to boost your financial status. Saturn will force you to find realistic understanding of yourself and your relation. You will be able to focus on your academics and you should fare well in your examination due to much better planetary support. Jupiter may bring some excellent opportunities for progress in your career during the latter half. A good time to prepare new strategies for business growth but, this is not the right time to start a new venture. Mercury will make you able to read moods of your partner efficiently. Therefore, it will be making easier for you to maintain harmony in your love life. Your health may remain mediocre, and there are possibilities that you may suffer from some seasonal diseases. As the month approaches its end, Saturn may be triggering some demanding situations at your workplace and with your colleagues. North Node may drain your energy unnecessarily.
North Node may bring some tough conditions at career front in the beginning of this month, so you need to remain very careful with your enemies. If you are in business, it will demand you to move ahead with a different strategy. You may have to be constantly focusing on your financial matters. You can expect financial gains as the month progresses. The help of guidance of mentors and friends will help you to understand some complicated subjects easily and also enhance your performance in studies. Your food habits may require changing else this may cause stomach upset or upset tummy during the first half of this month. As the month advances, Jupiter shall inspire you, bringing you some constructive ideas to boost your career prospects. If you are in business, you might get happy on bagging a new project or deal. But as the month advances, your mind will be fickle and perplexed. It will be better for you to maintain your financial status rather than making any ambitious move. Venus will bring many happy moments around the mid of this month and a ton of surprises in your relationship are also around the corner. But some personal and emotional problems can disturb you mentally and this can have an adverse effect on your education. The latter half will be good time to complete pending work. Plus, Mercury will help you to do some multitasking as well to handle the new responsibility successfully. Well-executed business plan will help you gain a competitive edge during this phase.
l eo ( 23rd j uly to 22nd august )
tHE terms Shraddha श्रद्धा and Shraddh श्रधाद् are derived from a common root in Sanskrit. The shraddha means devotion or faith, whereas shraddh refers to a ritual, which is performed with devotion and faith after the death of a person.
In Hinduism, shraddh is a part of the last rite of the dead body known as Antyesthi Sanskar or funeral rite. It is assumed that the shraddh helps the departed soul reach its final destination, which depends upon the Karma, a sum of all actions an individual performs while alive on earth.
Socially, the shraddh signifies an expression of gratitude to the deceased by descendants or relatives. It is a universal human practice, approved in religions and civilisations since ancient times. Its format varies depending on the time, place and status of the deceased.
Mortality – According to the Hindu tradition, a alive human is a combination of physical body and soul. The physical body comprises five basic elements that include earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The soul is the mystical component and nonmaterial essence of a person. It is commonly known as the source of consciousness, Jeev or Pran-vayu. When an individual dies, the soul leaves the body to realise the effects of karma.
Death of living things is a universal and inevitable occurrence and no one is immune to it. It is a painful experience for the loved ones left behind and causes them heartbreak and grief. Philosophical interpretations and platitudes such as death is ‘exchanging an old dress with a new one’, ‘liberation of a soul from its body’, ‘birth and death are a fact of life’, etc. generally do not console the griever.
Stirred by a sense of gratitude, the bereaved commonly pay homage and offer charity in the name of the deceased person. The dharma-shastras recommend elaborate rituals, which include prayers for the peace of the deceased and offering of material goods for use by the disembodied soul. These rituals are to be reasonable within the means of the family, to avoid a further increase in hardship following the death of the family member.
In a traditional rural environment in India and in orthodox Hindu families, when it becomes clear that death of the person is imminent, family members and friends gather near the dying individual. They offer Ganga-water and Tulasi leaf in the person’s mouth. Sacred verses from the Gita, the Ramayan or any other preferred texts relevant to the occasion are recited nearby to generate a peaceful and serene environment.
Once death has occurred, the preparation for cremation starts. Cremation of the dead body is done soon after the death, preferably on
Pitri Paksha Shraddh
the same day. The practice varies among different communities and sects. Usually the body is washed and wrapped in a white cloth if the dead person is a man or a widow. If it is a woman whose husband is still alive, her body is dressed as an adorned married woman. Grieving for the deceased is a natural response however, on the death of a extremely old person, it is generally discouraged.
The dead body is carried on a bier made of bamboos and transported to the cremation ground. It is placed on a specially arranged pile of wood, the legs facing south. South is believed to be the region of Yam, the god of death. He is also known as Dharmaraj, responsible for deciding the next stage for the departed soul.
Sandalwood and clarified butter are generously added to the woodpile to accelerate wood combustion. A priest recites Mantras for the occasion. The eldest son or the person authorised to perform the rite, known as fire-donor, walks around the woodpile with the body in an anti-clockwise direction. He carries a pitcher filled with water, which is allowed to trickle during circumambulation symbolically purifying the pyre. Now a days daughters and female relatives also perform the offering of fire and associated rituals.
Following the circumambulation, the fire donor lights the fire near the dead body’s mouth. Once the pyre is ablaze, the performer and closest relatives circumambulate the burning pyre one or more times. The Kapala-kriya or cracking of the skull is the last stage of combustion. The offering of body to the fire is considered to be a sacrifice. In the process, the physical elements of the body are returned to the nature.
Once the body has completely consumed, the fire is extinguished. The ash along with any bone particles is collected and the site is cleansed with water. The collected ash and bone remains are immersed into a river considered sacred such as the Ganga or any other flowing stream or sea, or scattered on a mountaintop or otherwise disbursed, in accordance with wishes of the dead person or family members. This process is called Ashthi Visarajan and must be completed before the tenth day after death.
The dead body is considered polluted. All those who attend the cremation or are exposed to cremation smoke must take a shower or dip themselves into a body of water as soon as possible, following the cremation.
Where electric crematorium is available, the ritual is performed before submitting the corpses to the furnace in a modified form. The process varies on many factors including the place, sect to which the family
adhere and the family’s social condition.
Nine days following the death and in some regions from the date of cremation are observed as a mourning period. During this time, the soul is believed to be floating around in limbo. The Pret Khand section of Garud Puran describes the status of the soul in detail during the grieving phase. Some families engage a priest to recite these sections to soothe their grieving.
The fire-donor lives an austere life during this time. He or she offers a Tarpan of water mixed with sesame seed and other items and lights a Diya, an earthen lamp in the name of the deceased every day until the tenth.
On the tenth day, the purification ceremony is performed. The main performer and other male family members shave their heads, beard, trim their nails and take a ritual bath. Women also perform a ritual bath. These practices are considered cleansing and vary among different groups, sects and regions. The house is cleaned and prepared for the next stage of activities.
Antyesthi Shraddh –Following the cleansing, the shraddh rituals are performed under the supervision of the presiding priest. The shraddh involves Pind-dan, offering of rice balls; Panch-bali, five propitiatory offerings; Pitrbali, offering to ancestors; and tarpans, offering of water along with barley, sesame seeds, rice, milk and flowers to deities, sages and ancestors.
On the tenth day, the pind-dan is performed to the deceased. On the eleventh day pitr-bali is offered to ancestors and panch-bali to five different beings that include the cow, the crow, the dog, the deities and the ant. The tarpans are tendered to deities, sages and ancestors. In the name of ancestors, the presiding priest and guests are offered food and donations.
On the twelfth day, pind-
dan and tarpans are offered to the deceased, ancestors, deities and sages. In addition, the materials that may be required in the afterlife of the deceased person are donated to the presiding priest. It is believed that charity offered to the priest will help the deceased maintain a dignified next life. Some sects and social groups have questioned and modified this part of the process.
On completion of the religious ritual, a Bhandara or feast is organised. Food is offered to the priests, guests and the poor to mark the completion of the ceremony.
These rituals grant the deceased a status of ancestral deity. He or she becomes a Pitr or ancestral deity and resides with other ancestors in the southern quarter of the sky and is worshipped together with them by his/ her family, especially during religious events.
In some families, the shraddh is repeated at the anniversary of the death, which becomes a remembrance day for the descendants. Others perform it every month for the first year and then yearly. In some communities, this day marks a day when the poor and needy are offered food in memory of the dead.
The dharma-shastras, grihya-sutras and pauranic texts have devoted many chapters on the shraddh. The process described in Purans practically follows the Grihya-sutra and Manu and Yagyavalkya smritis. The Purans describe a number of shraddh and recommend sacred places such as the banks of the River Ganga, Prayagraj, Varanasi, Gaya and other selected sites for their performance.
Gaya shraddh – The Garud Puran highly praises the performance of shraddh at Gaya during the pitripaksh, the dark fortnight in the Vikram Samvat month of Ashwin (SeptemberOctober). Stories from the Ramayan and the Mahabharat further enhance the importance of shraddh at
presiding deities Phalgu River, Vishnupad temple and Akshayvat respectively. After the ceremony, the priest is offered Dakshina or remuneration for the service. On returning home, donations in the form of food, cash or feast depending upon the choice of the family are made.
If the performer arrives at Gaya in the morning, then after completing the shraddh one can depart the same evening. A local priest is required for performing the ritual. The priest can be arranged in advance online or though contacts or other relevant agencies. It is believed that there is no need for further shraddh once it has been completed at Gaya.
It is believed that Lord Ram along with his brother Lakshman and wife Sita performed shraddh in Gaya for the salvation of his father. Karna of the Mahabharat performed shraddh at Gaya, after he was refused food in the heaven on the ground that he had never donated food to a deserving person. He subsequently regained his position in the abode of gods and deities.
The pind-dan and tarpan are main rituals at Gaya and hence the shraddh performed there is also called pinddan. Socially, when both parents have passed away, then performing shraddh at Gaya during the pitri-paksh is considered to be a duty of their progeny.
Gaya is a major pilgrimage site for Hindus, Buddhist and Jains. Especially for Hindus it is believed that ancestors expect their descendants to perform a shraddh for them in Gaya. During the pitri-paksh hundreds of thousands of Hindus from all over the world visit Gaya and perform the shraddh.
Generally, the process of shraddh is supposed to be held at numerous locations in Gaya over a period of a fortnight. However, it has been simplified and can be completed in a single day, to accommodate those who have limited time to perform it.
The one-day shraddh is performed at three locations that include the banks of the Phalgu River, in the courtyard of Vishnupad temple and near the Akshayvat tree.
At each spot the performer or Yajman sits on the floor facing south and the priest facing the performer. The performer makes pindballs of specific materials, which are procured before starting the ritual. The yajman performs the Puja as directed by the priest. The puja includes the offering of pinds and tarpans.
The procedure is repeated at each of the three locations. Pind at each location is also offered to
Adapted practiceThe death related rituals described above have an ancient origin. Many of the procedures have been modified and continue to be attuned to suit modern times and distant locations. Expatriate Hindus experience a social environment, which is quite different from India. Accordingly, they have modified rituals regarding death, cremation and shraddh.
For example, in Australia an old person in normal circumstances dies in a hospital or in an old person’s home. If the dying person or his/her family wish to recite sacred verses then a priest is arranged for recital.
After death, the corpse is stored in a mortuary and an arrangement is made with a funeral company, which provides the cremation facility.
On the cremation day, if the family decides to bring the body home then the dead body is brought home in a coffin and pre-cremation rituals are performed with the help of a priest. The body is then transported to the funeral house where family members and friends gather for a last visitation and goodbye.
Obituaries are read and sacred texts are recited. The pre-cremation ritual is performed. People offer flowers and walk around the coffin. After completing these rituals, the coffin is taken inside to the furnace area and finally delivered into the furnace.
If due to some reason the coffin is not brought home, and is delivered directly to the funeral house, then the rituals stated for home are performed there.
After a day or two, ashes are returned to the family. The shraddh including pind-dan and tarpan are performed at the home on the 11th or 12th day. It includes a feast for the family and friends. Some families organise a bhandara at a local temple and make donations to temples or charitable organisations. Usually, the deceased’s family makes the decisions regarding the format of the entire process.
—Awadhesh Sharma
SHUKR (tHanKfUlneSS, gRatItUDe)- Key to tRUe HaPPIneSS
A LL praise is due to Allah taa'la the cherisher and the sustainer of the universe and blessings and salutations upon our Beloved prophet Muhammad(Sallallahu alaihi wassalam), he is the mercy to the entire mankind and the final messenger.
In human life, we need certain qualities that allow us to be successful and achieve a true version of happiness. The qualities that have been emphasised in the Deen are the qualities Shukr (gratitude) and Sabr (patience). These qualities are especially essential in todays world which with its distractions invites us to always want things in excess and in urgency, robbing us from happiness and leaving us in a state of anxiety and worry. This short advice explains to us the importance of Shukr and Sabr in our daily lives and how we can incorporate it to allow us to better ourselves and attain true happiness.
As being a believer we must thank our lord(Alla Taa'la).In each state it is true that if you thank him he will increase in you bounties.
Quran: Nay, indeed it is Allah should you show ubudiyyah to, and show to Him gratitude.
- Quran: O you who believe, use of that which is good of what We have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah if you are truly ibaad.
- Quran: And if you show gratefulness, I will give you more.
- Quran: (shaytan says after being granted respite by Allah) I will come to them, from in front of them and from behind them, from their right and their left, and You will find most of them ungrateful.
- Hadeeth: O Mu'adh, Let me teach you something.. ( the duaa at end of salah) Allahumma a'innee ala dhikrikah, wa shukrukah, wa hussni ibadatik.. ( Ya Allah help me to remember You, to show shukr to You, and to make the most beautiful of ibdadah)
- Rasulullah (saws) used to stand up nights in qiyamul-layl every night to the extent his feet swelled. Aisha (ra) asked him, why do you do this when Allah has already forgiven you everything before and everything after? He (saws) said: Then shall I not be a grateful 'abd (servant)?
(1): Shukru bil qalb: shukr of the heart. achieved by harboring and intending good for all of Allah's creation. (khayr meaning something pleasing to Allah swt)
(2): Shukru bil leesan: shukr of the tongue. celebrate with the tongue the praises of Allah (swt), Alhamdulillah = showing the world I am pleased with my
Lord. Quran: As to the ni'mah of your Lord, celebrate it.
(3): Shukr bil jawaarih: shukr of the external senses. (amal, actions) everytime Allah gives us a ni'mah, we must use that ni'mah the way it was intended to be used by our Creator- and thus used in the way of His obedience, and not in the way of His disobedience.
- kuffr an- na'mah: rejection of Allah's ni'mah "There are divine words written on the pages of every ni'mah. But those words are not deciphered by everyone." ex. Using the tongue in a harmful way is kuffran of ni'matul leesan ex. Using the eyes to look at things that are haraam is kuffran of the ni'mah of the eyes. ex. dressing inappropriately is kufrran of the ni'mah of our body ex. Using the intellect for the wrong type of knowledge, is kuffran as well. Any ilm that does not bring us closer to Allah, is wrong. Rasulullah (saws) sought refuge in Allah from information that was not beneficial.
- Quran: If you were to count the ni'mah of Allah, you would not be able to ennumerate them. Verily Man is an ungrateful creature.
-showing sabr in the ni'mah of Allah is shukr (by not transgressing the bounds set down by Allah)
- In response to 'how are you?': "I celebrate the praises of my Lord to you and the rest of creation. Surely with my Lord I am pleased."
- In mornings and evenings: "Ya Allah whatever bounty has been my share and the bounty of the rest of creation has been from You and You alone; and I celebrate Your praise."
-For morning: "Ya Allah I woke up this morning having You, and the angels who carry Your throne, and all angels, and all of Your creation, witness that You are the One and Only God, and Muhammad is your messenger."
- Ni'mah is everything we like that happens to us, but there is one real ni'mah, the ni'mah of all ni'mahs: JANNAH Every other ni'mah are means to that end.
- Why is Jannah the only true, real ni'mah? Because of 4 things (all other ni'mah violate one of them):
1) eternal life without death - every other ni'mah is mortal
2) immortality with happiness - every happiness of dunyaa has moments of displeasure, grief, consequences.
3) ni'mah of knowlege
Prepared By Imam: Muhammad Aslam
- everyone, no matter how knowledgeable, has moments of ignorance, happiness of akhirah is ilm without jahil
4) wealth never tainted by moments of poverty and need.
We can't say, it is dependant upon what level of shukr or sabr it is. (ex. a man indulges in everything that is halaal, or one who uses that wealth in every way to get closer to Allah, the second is a higher level than the first)
- These are the keys to the treasure of happiness.
- Without these two wings of shukr and sabr, we cannot fly to happiness.
- Shukr is a fruit of being aware and conscious of Allah's bounty.
- Sabr is a fruit of being away of our own weaknesses, ignorance, transgressions, inadequacies and ugliness of the self.
The shortest path to Allah is the path of an 'abd. The thickest of veils between Allah and the 'abd is ad'daawaah (feeling of arrogance, deserving)
Ya Allah, make us of those who listen to the words of admonition and follow the best of them. Ya Allah, forgive us our sins, and grant us Your mercy.
Allahumma inne ala dhikrikah, wa shukrikah, wa hussni ibadaatik.
-an essential element in fulfilling our ubudiyyah to Allah (swt)
- Rasulullah (saws) said: Sabr is a source of light
- In the Quran it says: [And practice sabr, for you are under Our gaze] One of the early ulamah used to carry a parchment with this ayah on it in his pocket, and he looked at it constantly. .
The steadfastness of the religious call over the call to passion- if the deen overcomes the nafs, this is sabr
There are 2 kinds of sabr (or two ways we can perform sabr):
1) when something we desire happens to us, something we like, we exhibit sabr in controlling our selves, not going into excess, not transgressing the bounds set down for us by Allah(swt)
Abdur Rahmad ibn Auf said: We were tried by hard times and we showed sabr, but when we were tried in ease and excess, we failed.
Hadeeth: I do not fear for you poverty; I fear for you plentifulness of dunyaa, and it will destroy you as it had destroyed nations before you.
Quran: O you who believe, do not let your families and your wealth draw you away from the dhikr of Allah; and whosoever does that is indeed the loser.
2) Sabr in what we dislike. In 3 areas of life:
a.) sabru ala ta'aat: in obeying Allah (swt). sabr against our nafs who dislikes it, whether in spirituality or mundane, sabr before, during and after the act of obedience.
b.) sabru anil ma'asee: to show sabr against disobedience to Allah (swt). We are attracted to do injustice to others thinking we are doing justice to ourselves. We live in an environment that is dangerously attractive, we need to have patience, constancy, steadfastness = sabr.
c.) sabr andil ma'asid: to show sabr in times of calamity, adveristy, pain, whether physical or emotional. Everything that is in the capacity of an individual to change, he should- but have sabr in what you cannot. Not reciprocating harm is sabr.
Hadeeth: whenever a museebah (hardship) befalls you (and you show sabr) Allah (swt) atones for you some of your sins
Hadeeth: Allah (swt) atones some of our sins not only by physical endurance but by emotional ones as well
Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) asked the Prophet (saws)
no complaint, to show satisfaction with the balaa (hardship), because they have yaqeen (certainty) that Allah only does to the 'abd what is best for them
"Ya Rasulullah, who amongst people are the most tried (subject to hardships)?"
Rasulullah (saws) said: The Anbiyyah (messengers of Allah) and after them the Salihoon (righteous) and then in accordance to your eman, taqwaah etc, there will be more hardships, not less. Every mu'min will be tried by difficulties in accordance (proportion) to their deen. If in this person's deen is solidity (their deen is deeply rooted) the balaa' will increase, to purify, cleanse, strenghten, elevate the person. And if in the deen in this person there is riqaa (weakness, thinness), then that persons balaa will be weakened, until the person walks on the earth cleansed of sins until they meet Allah.
1- once the calamity befalls us, we must show sabr immediately without delay.
A woman was in the cemetary, crying, mourning her love, when Rasulullah (saws) said to her "show sabr". She said, not knowing who he was "thats easy for you to say, you have not lost a loved one". When the companions told her who he was, she asked for forgiveness and rasulullah (saws) said: Sabr is to be shown at the beginning of hardship.
2- al-itirjaa': to say immediately, sincerely, from the heart: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhee raji'uun" -Verily from Allah we come and to Him we return
3- the tongue and the senses do not act violentlyuse them correctly, don't get caught up in the pain of the moment
4- Hussnul sabr- sabrun jameel- the highest level, the most beautiful sabr
1- Tarkus sabraa: the lowest level- when one does not complain but inside dislikes what's happening to them
2- Ar-ridhaa-bil-beelah:
3- Ash-shukr-alal-beelah: to have ridhaa (satisfaction) and to be grateful to Allah for the hardship because that person has yaqeen that this is to elevate his spiritual status- looks at the consequence, not the immediate event we are taught sabrun jameel in the story of yaqub and yusuf (as) Ali (ra) said: Of the realization of the Majesty of Allah, and of knowledge of the right Allah (swt) has on His creation, is that when one is befallen with a calamity, one does not complain, does not even mention what has befallen him. An 'abd should feel ashamed to describe the pain, we are complaining about the Creator to the creation?
ibn Qays (a tabi') said: I lost my eyesite 40 years ago, I have never told anyone. an ulumah (didn't get the name): "Whosoever complains about a calamity that has befallen him to other than Allah, such an individual would never find the sweetness of ta'aa (obedience to Allah (swt)) in the heart"
The cure to any disease of the heart (arrogance, anger, lack of hayaa)
1- ILM: brings desire and want to change, use the ilm the teacher conveys to you! brings about hazm- energy, resolve to change
2- AMAL: take it into everyday life, in your actions Qat'al asbaab- severing the ways and avenues to bad deeds. example: lowering the gaze for zinnah. for every haraam avenue, there is a halaal alternative.
No pain, no gain- condition your nafs and your qalb, or they will condition you
Work hard on uprooting the weeds of passion, disobedience and sin. Sow the seeds in your heart of the will to change and sincerity. Let the rain be the mercy and forgiveness of Allah purifying the land, our hearts. The best door from which we can enter the majesty of Allah, is humility.
1- Always be conscious in our hearts and minds of Allah's nimaah
2- Always be conscious of our weaknesses, the sins we have committed. Have faqarthe opposite of pride, selfreliance, self-interest..
Qur'an: "InnaAllah ma'as sabireen: Verily Allah is WITH those who have sabr."
Ya Allah, make us of those who have sabr, and grant us Your mercy and Your forgiveness.
Ameen Ya Rabbal A’lameen
The South Asian Genes and Health in Australia (SAGHA) study
God undertakes your responsibility assuredly
tHE content of this article is taken from the satsang (spiritual discourse) of H.H. Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu. Swami Vivekananda addressed the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in September 1893. A hundred years after him, Pujya Bapu ji addressed the same Parliament in September 1993 and the whole parliament reverberated with the chanting of Hari Om. Both of these worldrenowned spiritual leaders addressed the audience for a much longer period than the given time and the audience were absorbed in listening to them.
To save the youth who are being ruined due to the lustful festivals like valentine’s day, in 2007 Pujya Bapu ji-initiated celebrations of Matri-Pitri Pujan Diwas (Parents’ worship day) on 14th February. Pujya Bapu ji felt that, due to the blind imitation of Western culture there has been a steep rise in the incidences of alcoholism, suicide, and other immoral activities, especially among the youth during the last week of December. To rescue the youth from this debauchery and denigration, Pujya Bapu ji came up with the idea of worshipping a sacred Tulsi plant (holy basil). So, with a view to awaken the cultural pride of India and to save the countrymen from mental slavery, in 2014, he initiated celebration of Tulsi pujan on 25th December. Pujya Bapu ji has always emphasized the necessity to follow rich Indian culture and always said that it is only the Indian culture and Sanatana dharma which can give the world true happiness & peace.
Dear readers, in this article, Pujya Bapu ji discusses about the divine wisdom from Bhagavad Gita verse 9.22 which promises divine care and protection for those who are devoted to the Supreme Being. Bapu ji emphasizes that by consistently thinking about and meditating on the divine, individuals can experience the divine's direct care, which ensures their well-being and fulfillment of their needs.
Bapu ji provides personal anecdotes to illustrate this principle, highlighting instances where material necessities were miraculously provided despite challenging circumstances. The key message is that unwavering
devotion and surrender to the divine can lead to a life free from anxiety and filled with divine grace.
“Those persons who, becoming non-different from Me and meditative, worship Me everywhere, for them who are ever attached (to Me), I arrange for securing what they lack and preserving what they have.” (The Gita: 9.22)
With the power of the Supreme Self your mind assumes the form of the thing it thinks about. The mind which thinks about Brahman, becomes Brahman (the Supreme Being); the mind which thinks of a jiva (an individual soul) becomes a jiva. By thinking about sorrow, the mind becomes sorrowful. Thinking about an enemy, the mind becomes more hostile. By thinking about friends, the mind becomes friendlier. Then it is not surprising that by thinking of the Divine, the mind becomes divine. I used to sit at such a place where no facility of any kind would be available, yet facilities like food and shelter would come to me without any effort. Once I threw away all the money I had and then boarded a train without any ticket just to check - “let me see what happens?” To make it worse 1 sat in 2-ticr/3-tier where a reservation was mandatory. The TTE (traveling ticket examiner) walked into the compartment and checked everyone’s tickets and then he looked at me, I looked at him. He greeted me and left. I said: Wow! ्तोगक्मं वहधाम्हम “I arrange for securing what they lack and preserving what they have).”
Then I thought, 'nobody insulted me here. Let me check whether or not my mind is hurt by insult and honour.’ So, I got up and sat in a second-class compartment. It was overcrowded. The TTE arrived and said, “Didn't you like sitting in Third class, Maharaj, so you are sitting in here?”
I said, “Yeah! I thought...” He asked, “Where are you going?”
I was coming from Haridwar and going to a place near the River Narmada. I could have purchased a ticket if I wanted. But I wasn't in the mood to beg, and whatever was with me, I decided to
give away and I thought I'd try this experiment.
He said, “How long are you going to travel like this?”
I said, “Up to Ahmedabad."
He said, “Ok! Good."
He appeared ferocious in the beginning, somewhat sarcastic as well, but after some time his behaviour changed.
“Those persons who, becoming non- different from Me and meditative, worship Me everywhere, for them who are ever attached (to Me), I arrange for securing what they lack and preserving what they have.”
Now it doesn’t mean that if a ticket checker doesn't ask you for a ticket and you complete the journey without a ticket and think you have mastered devotion. It is not so. It is not right to board and travel on a train without a ticket. I did it because I had such a thought and did that experiment, don’t you try it.
Once, I threw all the food I had into the River Narmada, I tried the same in another place too, I tried sitting in a secluded place. Each and every time it was arranged for me automatically. I have experienced such small instances many times.
Sit in one place, hungry and thirsty for three days and see for yourself how the samashti takes care of you. Your life force is microcosmic, and His life force is macrocosmic. Macrocosmic life force is all-pervading. It cannot do without serving, taking care of and assisting the microcosmic.
It is right for a seeker that once he/she takes a step on this path he/she should set out towards God with single-minded contemplation. Then thoughts such as ‘what will become of my family? What will become of my friends? What will become of my home and business?' When such base thoughts come, thoughts of retreating arise in the mind; they exhaust the sadhaka and make him stressed. That Supreme Lord will take care of you, definitely. If one says, “What will become of my wife if I renounce home?” Well, she is your better half so if you become emancipated then your wife will automatically become emancipated. If you set out on the journey to the Virât (cosmic form of the Self), you become one with Virât. Suppose you don’t complete your journey, then you will get the benefit of that much journey which you have completed and as a consequence, your family will also get elevated because the same Existence is working everywhere.
(Meaning: “Why do you waver, O mortal being? The Creator Lord Himself shall protect you. He who created you, will also give you nourishment. The One who created the world, takes care of it.”)
The physical body will be taken care of by nature and vyashti (an individual or microcosm) will be taken care of by Samashti (Collective or macrocosm).
“Once I complete this task; once I complete that work; then I shall attend satsang discourses, then I shall attend Shivir, then I shall do my sadhana (spiritual practice); I shall sit in meditation after I get some free time...” - if you think like this you are never going to get any free time for that. 'My son's exam is going on. Let me try to improve him and then come back...' Arre, you improve yourself; your son will get
improved automatically. God undertakes your responsibility assuredly. You trust an ordinary person when he undertakes your responsibility, but you do not pay attention to God who undertakes your responsibility. One can lead a life free from anxiety if one trusts the words of Lord Krishna.
(This means thousands of clever tricks and efforts will not succeed in the attainment of God.)
Finish what is absolutely necessary and surrender at the lotus feet of God, that which is less important or unnecessary. Even this is not the final word. The final word is - leave everything that is necessary or unnecessary in the care of God and become worriless, meditation will naturally ensue, deep meditation will happen. If it does not happen, I give you a time back guarantee.
There are two kinds of people. Those who win throughout their life - like Hitler, Ravana, Kamsathose who continued to win wars, one after another with shrewdness; but what did they attain finally? In the process of satisfying the lust of egotism they kept exploiting the poor, but finally they received fatal blows and suffered humiliating defeats and consequently fell in the cycle of metempsychosis to get defeated in 84,00,000 species.
The other kind of people are those who go to temples or a SatGuru. They begin to get defeated with thoughts like ‘I am nothing, I am a servant of God... It’s due to SatGuru’s grace...’ Thus, they keep losing their egotism and finally when the ego is effaced completely, they attain their true Self. They attain the realization “I am Brahman” and become Brahman; one with God. True victory is achieved only by those who are Lovers of God, selfless servants, Bhaktas and
Yogis. The victory attained by selfish people is fake. You mistakenly believe that a selfish person possessing wealth, money and arrogance is happy. It is his mistake if he believes himself happy; but if you believe him happy you are committing a double mistake. Happiness and unhappiness are not related much with external comforts and luxuries. Happiness and unhappiness are related to the inner state of mind. More a man grows in selfishness and egotism, more he becomes unhappy within. On the other hand, the more his life becomes desireless and innocent, the more he becomes happy.
To listen Vedic/ knowledge stories or to listen 24X7 live divine Satsang, please search “Mangalmay live” on google, visit http://www. or search “THE SBM STUDIO” on you tube. By the Divine Inspiration of Bapu ji, the weekly sessions of Bal Sanskar and yoga are held in Brisbane, Melbourne and in Sydney. The kids learn precious keys to develop intelligence and take advantage of chanting and meditation while playing and laughing. Please read more about our Vedic culture in the next issue of “The Brisbane Indian Times.”
To know more about His Divine Holiness Bapu ji, please watch this video.
For more info about Bal Sanskar and yoga sessions, to get a free copy of monthly spiritual magazine RishiPrasad in your mailbox in Australia or to get free online subscription of Rishi -Prasad, please contact by email at bskamd@gmail. com or by WhatsApp/ phone to Shri Yoga Vedanta Seva Samiti Australia & New Zealand at +61 426 834 434 & +61 405 277 802. Please read more about our Vedic culture in the next issue of “Brisbane Indian Times.”
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<I am looking for a bride for my son who 26 years old, very tall, 6'3, born in Canada, Health Care worker, working for a mental hospital and part time in College, must speak English, let me know if someone is possibly a match, email at sarasharmayvr@
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I am in Sydney and get the online copy. My elderly parents are not good with the computers and phones. I am just wondering if the print copies be sent to Sydney. We are happy to pay the courier costs.
We live in Calamvale and used to pick papers from the Sunnybank Hills shop and since November there has been no printed copy of newspapers available. Please can you talk to centre management at Sunny banks Hills shopping centre and ask them if you can place papers there so we can pick it while shopping. I can see other communities’ newspaper there but no Brisbane Indian Times.
My family has recently moved to Brisbane from Melbourne. It is great to see the Indian newspaper which has so much news and events in Brisbane. Thanks for keeping us informed. In Melbourne there used to be weekly magazines. Do you plan to publish those.
tHE EdItoR
I am bit disappointed that the newspaper was finished when I went to get a copy, may I ask how many copies are given to shops each
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<30yrs old boy single never married staying alone truck driver by profession looking for a suitable match age of 27 to 30yrs. Contact prod@
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<I’m Rita. I’m looking for a potential husband for myself. I’m in USA Washington State. I would prefer someone that is of Indian/ Fiji Indian nationality. I’m 55 and would like someone around the same age 55 to 60. Contact
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month. I usually get a copy no problem but this time I was told that its all taken. I live in Slacks Creek which is South of Brisbane.
I write to you to request the information on events which is advertised by flyers etc. I am aware that there are many events happening but your newspaper does not publish it and we miss out those. Why are those events missed out and is there any reason you do not publish them.
We would look forward to some Hindi poems and short stories in your newspaper. This will keep our language alive. Please feel free to call me and I will supply those if you wish.
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From right: Mr & Mrs Jitendra Deo, Mrs & Mr Saneil S. Chand, Sangeet M. Chand, Mohini Chand, Hon Joan Pease(MP) & Veena Goverdhan
CHIyAAN Vikram starrer Thangalaan, a distinct historical drama with a captivating fantasy twist seems to be making its way into the hearts of many. While fans of Chiyaan Vikram are finally thrilled to see the film release last month, it is now all set to hit theaters in the North to entertainer the Hindi audience on September 6. While it is a known fact that the film is based on true events as it revolves around the lives of mine workers in the Kolar Gold Fields in Karnataka, we hear that Director Pa. Ranjith drew inspiration from Naga mythology to create the fantasy part of the film.
Sources close to the film have revealed that Thangalaan is a story rooted in Naga mythology. For the unversed, the Nagas are a divine or semi-divine race of half-human, half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld. Inspired by this section of Indian mythology, several references were
used in the historical drama wherein the characters and other cast members also don costumes and adopt lifestyles reminiscent of the Nagas making this theme an integral backdrop of the film.
While it is a known
fact that India is rich in mythological stories as it is a country abundant in storytelling traditions, many films like Stree, Kalki 2898 AD, and Munjya have used this factor and started to bring these stories to the forefront. Joining them, Thangalaan is the first film to showcase mystic realism in such a powerful way.
Directed by Pa. Ranjith, Thangalaan also stars Malavika Mohanan and Parvathy Thiruvothu in prominent roles and the music of the film is composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar. While it was released worldwide on August 15, 2024, in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam, the Hindi version will hit the theatres on September 6.
Nani announces the third installment of HIT series; to play ‘less of a cop, more of a criminal’ Arjun Sarkaar
ACtoRS Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh are gearing up for the highly anticipated sequel to their 2019 hit De De Pyaar De, titled De De Pyaar De 2. While Tabu will not be returning for the sequel, Devgn and Singh are set to reprise their roles, with the addition of R Madhavan in a key part. The film’s next shooting schedule will commence in Punjab this September.
Following an initial shooting schedule in Mumbai, the team will now head to Punjab for a significant portion of the film's production. A report by Hindustan Times quoted a source saying, “The first shoot schedule was in Mumbai, but then Ajay had to leave for the Son of Sardar 2 shoot in the UK. R Madhavan, Rakul, and
Ajay will shoot in Punjab for some time and then return to Bombay for the next schedule in October.”
The Punjab schedule is expected to last 15-20 days, starting in mid-September.
In a notable casting update, R Madhavan will play a pivotal role as Rakul Preet Singh's father in De De Pyaar De 2. According to sources, his character
36 trailer
will have several humorous interactions with Ajay Devgn’s character, Ashish. The film will focus on family dynamics, with much of the Punjab shoot set in traditional, homely settings.
Details of De De Pyaar De 2’s Scenes in Punjab
“The scenes in Punjab will mostly take place inside a bungalow and
around the farms. The aim is to capture the beauty of the state while emphasizing the family scenes,” revealed the insider. The production team is working at full speed to ensure the film wraps up by the end of the year.
While the first film was directed by Akiv Ali, De De Pyaar De 2 will be helmed by Anshul Sharma. Sharma intends to retain the chemistry between Rakul Preet and Ajay Devgn from the original, while also bringing fresh elements to the story. The source also hinted at a surprise addition to the cast, possibly indicating a cameo that the makers are keeping under wraps.
The team aims to complete the shoot by yearend, with a planned release for May next year.
AftER being the man behind the camera for the HIT series, Nani is finally ready to come to the forefront as he announced HIT: The Third Case. Creating his own small franchise with a series of thrilling crimes, the actor announced the third instalment of the cop drama on social media on Thursday, September 5. The actor took to the platform to share a glimpse of his role along with a brief description of the kind of character he will essaying in this upcoming crime drama.
After Vishwak Sen and Adivi Sesh, it is time for Nani to take the reigns as the mysterious and brooding cop in this action thriller. Taking to social media, he described his role of a rogue cop as, “Less of a cop, More of a criminal”. Furthermore, he posted more details on the film including its release date which is scheduled in the first half of next year. “Arjun Sarkaar takes charge #Nani32 is #HITTheThirdCase Blood gates will open May 1st 2025”. While fan reactions started pouring in as soon as he shared this poster of him in a rugged look with black sunglasses behind the wheel, enjoying a smoke, many have also shared their
excitement to see what this third instalment has in store for them.
For the unversed, in the first installment HIT: The First Case (2020) Vishwak Sen played police officer Vikram Rudraraju of the Telangana state's Homicide Intervention Team (HIT) who is tasked with investigating the missing case of an 18-year-old girl. Meanwhile, in HIT: The Second Case (2022), the film featured Adivi Sesh as officer Krishna Dev aka KD who is in charge of a female bar worker’s brutal murder case. With Nani taking over as Arjun Sarkaar, the film is going to witness a new case that will unravel into something more than what meets the eye. Along with the poster, the makers have also unveiled a character video introducing Nani as Arjun Sarkaar.
Fans of the HIT series are excited about the franchise moving forward and in an earlier interview, Nani also left many intrigued when he revealed his plans of bringing together all the three hard-headed cops together for a case. While fans await the same, they are also thrilled to see the third instalment hit theatres on May 1, 2025.
“On my deathbed, if I realize that I was able to make a positive impact on even 4 people through my work, I’ll die peacefully” – Vikrant Massey
VIkRANt Massey and director Aditya Nimbalkar on Monday, September 2 showed two intriguing scenes from their upcoming film, Sector 36 to select members of the media. This was followed by a discussion on the film’s content and a lot more.
Vikrant plays a killer in this Netflix release. When asked why Aditya Nimbalkar chose an actor with a soft face to play this role, the director smiled and replied,
“That is the reason – he has a soft face! That is the idea of the film. Murderers don’t look like one. They walk amongst us. We have even given him (Vikrant) a moustache so that he looks like an average Indian male.”
He was also asked if the film was based on any real incident. The director clarified, “It is inspired by multiple events.” Vikrant Massey explained, “It pains me
when I say that Sector 36 is inspired by multiple events.
It won’t be right to say that we have based our film on a single incident.”
Talking about his prep, Vikrant revealed, “I had one reference. There’s a book which speaks of real-life serial killers. I get easily influenced by audio-visual medium. I even get bored by it! Hence, I prefer references on paper or case studies. But no matter how much
you research, you feel you have fallen short because no matter how unfit they are, they are still a part of the society.” He added, “We have also spoken about mental health. And let me make it very clear that at no point, do we want to glorify the mindset or childhood traumas (of the killer). It is an attempt to understand why this happens and how society is indirectly responsible for it.”
Australian Indian Times - Distribution Centres
The President of the Queensland fiji football association
(Qffa) Mr Jitendra Prasad have been nominated as the liberal National Party candidate to contest for the State seat of Algester
LNp Leader David Crisafulli praised Jitendra’s nomination, noting his deep connection to the community and his proven track record of service. “Jitendra Prasad is the embodiment of Queensland values—hard work, integrity, and a deep commitment to serving others. His extensive experience in both business and community service makes him an outstanding candidate for Algester. Jitendra will fight tirelessly for the people of Algester, ensuring their voices are heard in Parliament.”
An ardent sportsman and sport administrator, Jitendra was born in Fiji and has lived in Brisbane with his family since 1992. After earning a Bachelor
of Commerce and master’s in business administration (MBA) from the University of Queensland, Jitendra established a successful accounting practice in Browns Plains and has operated at the Johnson Road office since 2000.
Jitendra invests his time as honorary auditor for several local not-forprofit organizations, he has ensured financial transparency and accountability, helping these groups maximize their impact.
A Rotary Club District Governor, Jitendra embodies Rotary’s mantra of, “Service Above Self” initiating projects that address critical issues such as youth development, health, and education—
QffA- Our Youth is Our future
footBALL Queensland is thrilled to host the 2024 Pacific Championships on the beautiful Sunshine Coast this September. Hosted in partnership with the Sunshine Coast Council, the inaugural Pacific Championships will be staged at Maroochydore FC, providing unforgettable moments and a perfect spring getaway for participants and their families. The Championships will welcome players from across Australia and Overseas to compete.
A selected Under 16 team of Fiji players representing QFFA will be participating in this Pacific Championship, scheduled from 24th to 26h September at the Maroochydore FC grounds in Maroochydore.
The Academy Championships serve as a valuable opportunity for the best junior players from across Australia to compete and test
themselves against their Queensland FQ Academy counterparts.
Under the auspicious of Football Queensland representative teams from fellow Member Federations and clubs from across the country to participate in the 2024 Academy Championships.
The QFFA U16 team has been preparing for well Under the esteemed guidance of Head Coach Raj Oshen with legends Esala Masi ans Stewart Bola and team manager Aven Sharma forming a formidable team to guide our youngsters. Team Director is Nick Maharaj.
President Jitendra Prasad says We truly believe that the future of QFFA is in our youth QFFA is very grateful for this opportunity says President Jitendra Prasad who very quickly summarises amongst others the benefits of
participating as follows:
- CREATING PATHWAYS, and exposure of our young players to compete with elite players in same age group.
Mr Prasad also thanks the parents of the selected players for their dedication and passion to be part of the journey. The parents are the unsung heroes, says Jitendra, taking their kids from ground to ground, training as well as friendly matches.
Jitendra also thanks Raj Oshen and his team for
the dedication to prepare the team, spending lots of personal time and effort for this tournament. And Off course Big thanks to all the sponsors for supporting the football journey.
jI tendra I nvests h I s t I me as honorary aud I tor for several local not-for-prof I t organ IZ at I ons, he has ensured f I nanc I al transparency and accountab I l I ty, help I ng these groups max I m IZ e the I r I mpact.
issues that resonate deeply with the people of Algester.
Being President of a
major Sporting organisation Jitendra meet players and families from across every socio-economic circles. While personally assisting many of them in need and referring others to benevolent Charities, Jitendra deep concerns is obvious where he said “ It is heartbreaking to see our community worried about making ends meet because of cost-of-living pressures and to see so many living in fear about the safety of their homes and well-being caused by increased youth crime. These issues require urgent attention and action” Australian Indian Times wishes Jitendra Prasad and all Australian Indians from all political learning every success at the polls.