Influential Women in Business 2022

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Christine Bergeron

Shahrzad Rafati

BIV celebrates the 2022 Influential Women in Business Awards on March 8, 2022. The event can be viewed

Jennifer Twiner McCarron

Aisha Yang

Elizabeth Model

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february 21–27, 2022


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Today’s changing business climate demands leaders with a powerful capacity for strategic and innovative thinking. The five women recognized as part of Business in Vancouver’s Influential Women in Business Awards exemplify these qualities, driving the success of their organizations. Innovation, strategic leadership, and adaptability are the same qualities upheld by over 38,000 professionally designated accountants represented by the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC). CPAs employ strategic thinking and new technologies to help their organizations manage change. At CPABC, we are training tomorrow’s business leaders to anticipate the unexpected, make sense of complexity, and analyze data to make business decisions that drive success. CPABC is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s Influential Women in Business Awards. The honourees all demonstrate outstanding leadership and serve as inspiration for business leaders, both present and future. We wish them all continued success.

BIV recognizes five influential B.C. leaders


IV is pleased to recognize five outstanding leaders with 2022 Influential Women in Business (IWIB) Awards. This year’s recipients have achieved remarkable success in their respective careers. They are recognized by their peers for their contributions to community, and they are advocates and champions of women in business. Elizabeth Model, CEO of the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association, is the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Her extensive 35-year career includes management of a large land development firm, owning and operating a Vernon hotel and leadership of the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce. In her current role, Model has been a major influence on the growth of B.C.’s second largest city. Christine Bergeron is CEO of Vancity, the largest community-based credit union in Canada. She chairs the board of InBC Investment Corp. and the board of the Women’s Enterprise Centre.

Shahrzad Rafati is CEO and chair of BBTV, the largest Toronto Stock Exchange-listed firm with a sole female founder and CEO at its helm. She is vicechair of Invest in Canada and co-chair of G20 Empower. Je n n i fe r T w i n e r M c C a r r o n i s a n a w a rd-w i n n i n g p ro d u c e r, C E O of Thunderbird Entertainment Group and president of Atomic Cartoons. She has led Thunderbird through its public listing and the expansion of its studios. Aisha Yang is co-founder and CEO of Herbaland, Canada’s largest vitamin g ummies company. She is an active member of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and a board director of the non-profit Help Change My City. Former IWIB recipients Carol Liao and Valerie Mann joined BIV executive editor Hayley Woodin on this year’s judging panel. Recipients will be celebrated on March 8 at the Terminal City Club. The event will be livestreamed at •


february 21–27, 2022

Christine Bergeron CEO, Vancity What career highlight are you most proud of? I am most proud of all the little moments. It isn’t about one highlight but rather the consistent focus and demonstration throughout my career that together we can allocate capital for better outcomes. What gets financed and who gets financed today determines the society we will have in the future. Your toughest professional challenge as a woman in business? I’m not sure if this is solely due to being a woman, or rather part of my own personality, but pushing through self-doubt along the way. It’s not enough for women to have a seat at the table. It’s not enough for us just to lean in. We have to lean in, speak up and work to challenge old assumptions and biases. Greatest advice ever received? Don’t self-select out. Take the work seriously, not yourself. Never dismiss a red flag. Stay true to you. Focus on the work, not the title. You never know what is going on in someone’s life, so be kind. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out? I always knew that mistakes, or tough days, can make you better at what you do. But I wish I had better understood how important it is to carve out time after the mistake to reflect, to write down my thoughts and really truly think about what I would do differently going forward. And to share that with others. What does it take to be a leader in 2022? Trust, and ability to communicate effectively, listen attentively and empathize with others — so a lot of compassion. Acknowledging that you do not have all the

Christine Bergeron leads Vancity, Canada’s largest community credit union |

answers. Arguably these have always been important for good leadership. Something that is different today is this ability to sit in two different mindsets, and be okay with that; you can feel uncertain and anxious in the short term, while also feeling confident that the long-term path is the right one.

You can feel uncertain and anxious in the short term, while also feeling confident that the longterm path is the right one

Your top takeaway from leading during the pandemic? To prioritize purpose and culture. When times are uncertain, teams need to be reminded of the organization’s ‘why’: Why do we exist? Why would anyone want to work here? Why should they care? Leading with values and making decisions that transcend the more pragmatic, transactional ones — like bottom-line growth — to ones that serve the needs of people living through a challenging time, and provide employees

CEO, Vancity

[] Christine Bergeron

2022 Influential Women in Business Awards •


with purpose when they show up to work. It’s crucial to always reinforce people’s worth by highlighting the challenges they’ve overcome, what they’ve achieved and the skills they’ve shown to achieve them. Strike a balance between reality and hope, and communicate this to your organization. Pragmatic optimism has helped Vancity problem-solve and imagine a brighter future. What is your best habit? I am physically active every single day. A book you would recommend? I’ve been reading much more fiction recently. Some I’ve enjoyed recently are: Katherena Vermette’s The Strangers and The Break, Mira T. Lee’s Everything Here is Beautiful and Kristin Hannah’s The Great Alone. I’m also fascinated

Hosted on March 8

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by books on behavioural economics; people and how we make decisions. A surprising or improbable fact about yourself? I’m not sure there is anything. Really, what you see is what you get. What are you looking forward to personally and professionally this year? Professionally, I look forward to seeing how our organization embraces our strategy and continues the relentless focus on people and planet we’ve had over the last 18 months. So, ultimately, the outcomes we can have in community, and the influence we can have on the economy. That’s what I’m looking forward to. Personally, I am hoping to travel with my family, and see family members that live overseas. Here’s hoping. •

The New Equation is a community of solvers coming together in unexpected ways. We’ve all been told what one plus one adds up to. But if you bring together the right combinations of people and technology in unexpected ways then it can be something greater. At PwC, it all adds up to The New Equation. ©2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.


february 21–27, 2022

Shahrzad Rafati Chair and CEO, BBTV What career highlight are you most proud of? My goal has always been to build a quadruple bottom line business, in which the company measures success not just based on financial performance but also through people, social and environmental key performance indicators. I’m incredibly proud that BBTV is exactly that. We’ve had a 0% pay gap over the past five years, we have 40% femaleidentifying employees and managers across the business and we operate a fully carbon neutral business. Not enough companies in our space can say that. Your toughest professional challenge as a woman in business? When I look back to when I first started BBTV, I feel as though I had to really prove myself, especially when we were looking for early investment. Our business is very technical and I think a lot of the discussions we had in the earlier days highlighted the need for me to really highlight my expertise. The advice I give all young entrepreneurs, whether male or female, is to work harder than everyone else and show that you understand your space and the business opportunity inside out. If you show the commitment and the level of intelligence needed to get ahead, people can’t ignore you. I want young women to think: “She’s done it, so I can do it too.” Greatest advice ever received? One piece of advice that stands out to me is: always do the right thing — personally and professionally, it may not be easy, but you will never regret it. I use that at all levels of the business, and it’s helped guide many of my decisions over the years. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting

This year is going to be a big year for BBTV, says company chair and CEO Shahrzad Rafati |

out? I wish I knew better that when you do things for the first time, you need to be open to failure, but you need to fail fast and you need to learn from your mistakes quickly. That’s why our mantra at BBTV has been quick failures. Even now, 17 years later, the space has so much room to grow and it’s still evolving very quickly. Quick failures are such a core part of our DNA, and have helped us achieve market leadership and so many amazing milestones.

Work harder than everyone else and show that you understand your space and the business opportunity inside out

[] Shahrzad Rafati Chair and CEO, BBTV

What does it take to be a leader in 2022? Someone who is passionate, has a vision and perseverance, and puts in hard work. A great leader or entrepreneur won’t succeed if they don’t have a passion for what they do. Perseverance is important as there will be bumps and roadblocks and times that

2022 Influential Women in Business Awards •


a leader needs to push through when times get tough. They also need to constantly think about the long-term vision and not lose it. I think the best leaders avoid “shiny object syndrome” — they don’t get distracted by shortterm gains. Your top takeaway from leading during the pandemic? Empathy is really one thing that the best leaders have in common. Great leadership is at the heart of positive change in the world, from accountability to equality and justice. The solutions to the world’s problems still lie in great leadership. What is your best habit? I take the time to exercise five times per week. A book you would recommend? 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by

Hosted on March 8

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Yuval Noah Harari. A surprising or improbable fact about yourself? I represent Canada as co-chair of G20 Empower, which advocates for the advancement of women’s representation in leadership around the world. What are you looking forward to personally and professionally this year? This is going to be a big year for us, not only because there’s so much ahead for us, but because it’s set to be a transformative year for the way people interact and engage in the digital world. We are really at the onset of something monumental. BBTV is uniquely positioned to drive the creator economy into Web3, from creators themselves to the fans they captivate. It’s incredibly exciting! •

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february 21–27, 2022

Jennifer Twiner McCarron CEO, Thunderbird Entertainment Group; president, Atomic Cartoons What career highlight are you most proud of? I am very proud of having a role in building Atomic Cartoons to what it is today. I joined the company in 2011, when we had 14 artists. Today, we have over 1,200 amazing Atomic team members who I feel so lucky to work with each and every day. Your toughest professional challenge as a woman in business? I am a people-person by nature, and I work for my team. However, when running a company of more than 1,400 people, it’s hard to please everyone. While I accept this, it is an ongoing challenge for me. Greatest advice ever received? Two pieces of advice I live by: you will get out of something what you put into it, and the harder you work, the more rewarding it will be. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out? I believe that leading with kindness is paramount, but you also need to be kind to yourself. To be an effective leader and do the best possible job for everyone, you have to accept within yourself that mistakes will happen. When they do, do not beat yourself up. Instead, see it as a learning opportunity. What does it take to be a leader in 2022? I prioritize leading with patience and kindness. The last two years have been so hard on everyone. As a leader, I work for my team, find ways to lift them up and

Jennifer Twiner McCarron is CEO of Thunderbird Entertainment Group and president of Atomic Cartoons |

facilitate more conversations. Also, it is important to have compassion for yourself, and make sure you put your own oxygen mask on so you can continue to be there for everyone else. Your top takeaway from leading during the pandemic? Remote working has caused a loss in face-to-face interactions, and there is a human element missing when you can’t interact in-person. The key to any company’s success is creating a supportive culture. People are our greatest assets, now more than ever. We need to work for

The key to any company’s success is creating a supportive culture. People are our greatest assets, now more than ever

[] Jennifer Twiner McCarron CEO, Thunderbird Entertainment

2022 Influential Women in Business Awards •

Chung Chow

our teams so that they always feel seen and supported.

in” and it helped shape my view of the world.

What is your best habit? I am an early riser. Part of my daily routine is getting ahead of the day to be proactive, not reactive.

What are you looking forward to personally and professionally this year? Professionally, continuing to build a major global studio, honing my skills as a CEO as we grow and to pivot as the needs of the company evolve. Also, to do the best possible job for the people I am working for. Personally, spending quality time with my family brings me immense joy. We finally have some family trips planned that will fill my cup if restrictions ease. •

A book you would recommend? The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company. A surprising or improbable fact about yourself? I was over six feet tall at 11 years old. It allowed me to understand what it is literally like not to “fit

Hosted on March 8

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Empowering women by prioritizing economic equality. The Scotiabank Women Initiative® is a signature program designed to increase economic opportunity for women-led businesses. This unique offering helps women pursue their best professional and financial futures with access to capital and tailored solutions, specialized education, mentorship and advice. To access our resources and tools, go to the Digital Hub at

Participation in The Scotiabank Women Initiative® or any program-related event does not constitute advice or an offer or commitment by Scotiabank to provide any financial products or services. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under license.


february 21–27, 2022

Aisha Yang Co-founder and CEO, Herbaland What career highlight are you most proud of? I founded Herbaland alongside my husband in 2009, after the birth of my youngest son. I still remember holding a onemonth-old baby and beginning my entrepreneur journey. Today we support more than 200 team members with opportunities to support their families, and encourage women to take a step in workplace leadership. Your toughest professional challenge as a woman in business? The truth about the immigrant experience is that oftentimes, people underestimate you and your ability. As an Asian immigrant, many mainstream clients didn’t give me an equal opportunity to review Herbaland’s products. I found that breaking the stereotypes and stigmas surrounding my identity were more than barriers for Herbaland’s growth — they were obstacles in my personal life as well. Especially as a young company, it can be extremely difficult to combat this, which is why female representation in business is so important to me, and why it’s crucial for each and every one of us to continue paving a path for each of our own communities.

Herbaland co-founder and CEO Aisha Yang at the company’s headquarters in Richmond |

Greatest advice ever received? My father (who was also an entrepreneur) always reminded me to be grateful, be humble and focus on my goals. Resilience and gratitude are the essences of success.

What does it take to be a leader in 2022? Being a leader is so much more than knowing how to make a plan for your team. From my experiences, being an effective leader means that you have the ability to share your vision and inspire those around you. Selfmotivation comes with a desire to transform your dreams into reality, and patience gifts you the opportunity to lead your team with intention and watch them grow.

What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out? I really wish I realized earlier on that the challenges and obstacles that came my way were not the end of the world. Instead, these challenges are essential to helping you grow and develop better strategies in your business structure.

Your top takeaway from leading during the pandemic? The pandemic has reminded me not to take things for granted. Appreciate the people who surround you, and those who support you. In terms of business, having a ‘plan B’ has proven itself helpful during times of persistent and unprecedented change.

I really wish I realized earlier on that the challenges and obstacles that came my way were not the end of the world

[] Aisha Yang Co-founder and CEO, Herbaland

2022 Influential Women in Business Awards •

Rob Kruyt

What is your best habit? My best habit is my ability to resist procrastination and complaining. Even if it costs me a few hours of sleep, completing my priorities has allowed me to keep moving forward every day and be as productive as possible. A book you would recommend? The book I am currently reading is called The Way of Ultimate Leadership, which is inspiring a lot of my current leadership methods. We’re all curious people. Whether it’s a podcast, reading a short article or having a chat with people with different life experiences, we’re always blessed with the opportunity to learn. I feel that as company leaders, we should always keep an open mind and keep embracing inspiring new ideas. A surprising or improbable fact about yourself?

Hosted on March 8

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My most surprising fact is that despite my day-to-day responsibilities as a company leader, I am also a wife and mother of three. I’ve definitely learned the importance of time management and can now cook a meal really fast and have it still taste good. What are you looking forward to personally and professionally this year? Professionally, I would like to continue leading my team to make Herbaland into an iconic Canadian lifestyle brand, and to make a positive impact on other businesses to prioritize sustainability, while emphasizing giving back to the community and inclusivity. As for my personal goals, I hope to take my family to travel to some new countries and to keep supporting people who may be less fortunate by providing opportunities for them. •

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february 21–27, 2022

Indigenous students receive leadership awards

T Empowering women by prioritizing economic equality. The Scotiabank Women Initiative® is a signature program designed to increase economic opportunity for women-led businesses. To join, go to We proudly support the 2022 BIV Influential Women in Business Awards.

Participation in The Scotiabank Women Initiative® or any program-related event does not constitute advice or an offer or commitment by Scotiabank to provide any financial products or services. ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under license.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2022 BIV INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN BUSINESS AWARDS NOMINEES AND RECIPIENTS The 2020-21 years were unlike any in our history, every sphere of human activity has been affected. These influential leaders navigated a myriad of challenges, found paths to move forward with new and innovative normals, and different ways to connect as a community. On behalf of all of us at Seaspan Shipyards in Vancouver and Victoria, we are proud to be a sponsor of this important event. While the world has changed, what has not changed is our commitment to delivering world-class ships built by the talented people in our shipyards.

hree Indigenous mothers pursuing advanced education have been recognized with 2022 Michelle Pockey Leadership Awards, presented in partnership by Minerva BC and BIV, with support from Vancity. Melissa McKay, a si ngle mother to identical twin girls, is the recipient of a $5,000 award established in memory of 2016 Influential Women in Business (IWIB) Award honouree Michelle Pockey, a prominent lawyer, business leader and community activist who was committed to making a positive difference in the world by advancing women in business, law and non-traditional sectors. Pockey passed away from cancer in June 2016. McKay is currently completing a fouryear program through the Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). She will receive certificates in First Nations studies and Nisga’a studies in May, before beginning her bachelor of commerce at UNBC this fall.

Christina Pierre and Cora McIntosh will each receive $1,000 awards. Pierre, who is supporting her daughter on her own, wants to break the “intergenerational trauma chain” by taking courses at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, and eventually pursuing an associate arts degree in criminology. McIntosh, a single mother of four, recently completed her undergraduate degree in environmental planning at UNBC, and is working toward acquiring her professional designation. Presented annually alongside BIV’s IWIB Awards, Michelle Pockey Leadership Awards financially support the education goals of bright, community-minded leaders. Priority is given to Indigenous women and single parents who are pursuing studies in business, law, justice, Indigenous issues or the environment. Minerva BC CEO Tina Strehlke, Minerva board member Aanu Adeleye and BIV executive editor Hayley Woodin served on this year’s awards committee. •

The New Equation is a community of solvers coming together in unexpected ways. We’ve all been told what one plus one adds up to. But if you bring together the right combinations of people and technology in unexpected ways then it can be something greater. At PwC, it all adds up to The New Equation.

Mark Lamarre, CEO, Seaspan Shipyards

©2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.

Congratulations 2022 Influential Women in Business Award recipients.

We value and support the success of British Columbia’s leading women and celebrate this incredible achievement with you.


february 21–27, 2022

Elizabeth Model

Lifetime Achievement Award

CEO, Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association What career highlight are you most proud of? The most important highlights are the value of people I’ve had the opportunity to work with and the relationships fostered — my business friendships and connections.

way, and never make a quick “judgement” decision. My 24hour rule; think things through. 2. Get to know your community leaders and nurture those relationships. 3. Serve on community boards and volunteer.

Your toughest professional challenge as a woman in business? Acceptance of failures, knowing when to “pull the plug” and recognizing in retrospect, as a learning experience.

What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out? The real estate gains in Metro Vancouver. I would have purchased more properties.

Greatest advice ever received? 1. Always be open to explore new opportunities that are presented and come your

What does it take to be a leader in 2022? Adaptability. The ability to be very forward-thinking with ideas through education about the

Always be open to explore new opportunities that are presented and come your way

[] Elizabeth Model CEO, DSBIA

new realities surrounding our ever-changing environment. Look to the experts, fact finders and researchers for information and be innovative. Hire and surround yourself with people from diverse skillsets and with different points of view, but who also align with your values and ethics.

Your top takeaway from leading during the pandemic? Share your credit. Great success is all about team efforts. Value your volunteers and staff. What is your best habit? My early morning workout routine without distractions. It sets me up for the day as I work things through and is my best, most alert thinking time. My best ideas come to me during “my time.” A book you would recommend? My interests in reading are so diverse: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike; The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of Tour de

France; The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Favourite daily reading: The Economist and BIV. A surprising or improbable fact about yourself? I have finished 101 full Ironman Triathlons and 125 full marathons. I have raced on seven continents, and travelled to 50 countries and counting. What are you looking forward to personally and professionally this year? Professionally: in-person meetings and events. Personally: more international travel with my partner and “active lifestyle” friends. •

february 21–27, 2022


Leadership exemplified Celebrating the recipients of the 2022 BIV Influential Women in Business Awards. Even throughout a global pandemic, these exceptional women have made it their mission to excel in all they do. Their success and perseverance inspires us today and ignites the ambitions of the next generation of business leaders. As British Columbia’s largest law firm and a leader in business law and dispute resolution, Fasken has the honour of working alongside many of our province’s business leaders. We recognize and appreciate the significant value added to our community by the skills and dedication of Influential Women in Business award recipients, both past and present. Congratulations to the 2022 award winners who are leading the way for the future of business.

William Westeringh, Q.C. Managing Partner

BC Region

Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association CEO Elizabeth Model is the recipient of this year’s Influential Women in Business Lifetime Achievement Award | Rob Kruyt

2022 Influential Women in Business Awards •

Hosted on March 8

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Congratulations! The membership of the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association congratulates CEO Elizabeth Model on being honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award recognizing Women Business Leaders across British Columbia. “This award recognizes the passion, dedication and commitment Elizabeth brings to making Surrey downtown core the prosperous region is it. Surrey is currently

ELIZABETH MODEL, CEO Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association

undergoing a period of incredible growth and momentum, and businesses large and small would agree that Elizabeth Model is a big part of that.” – MIKE NIELSEN, CHAIR, DSBIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

CHANGING THE FACE OF SHIPBUILDING We celebrate the extraordinary women who lead, inspire and motivate — both here at Seaspan Shipyards, and those being recognized in the 2022 BIV Influential Women in Business Awards. Your contributions ignite change in workplaces, and communities. Your leadership journey challenges our future leaders to embrace a fearless spirit and challenge the norm. Seaspan Shipyards is proud to inspire intentional inclusion, and sponsor the 2022 BIV Influential Women in Business Awards. Congratulations to all the nominees and recipients.

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