BC TECH 2020

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PRESIDENT: Alvin Brouwer PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER; VICE-PRESIDENT, GLACIER MEDIA: Kirk LaPointe EDITOR: Hayley Woodin DESIGN: Petra Kaksonen PRODUCTION: Rob Benac CONTRIBUTORS: Tyler Orton, Albert Van Santvoort, Hayley Woodin RESEARCHERS: Anna Liczmanska, Arthur Xie DIRECTOR, SALES AND MARKETING: Pia Huynh SALES MANAGER: Laura Torrance ADVERTISING SALES: Betty Jin, Blair Johnston, Corinne Tkachuk, Chris Wilson ADMINISTRATOR: Katherine Butler BIV Magazine: BC Tech is published by BIV Magazines, a division of BIV Media Group, 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6, 604-688-2398, fax 604-688-1963, biv.com.


Copyright 2020 Business in Vancouver Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without permission of BIV Magazines. The publishers are not responsible in whole or in part for any errors or omissions in this publication. ISSN 1205-5662 Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40069240. Registration No.: 8876. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Department: 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Email: subscribe@biv.com Cover: koto_feja/Getty Images

FEATURES 8 TIPPING: SCALING TO MEET CHALLENGES A new way forward for growing B.C. companies 10 TELEHEALTH RISES How the pandemic has spurred tech acceptance 12-19 MEET OUR CTO/CIO WINNERS Q&As with three B.C. technology leaders 20 PAISH: ADVANCING VIRTUAL CARE The Digital Technology Supercluster’s role


24 GOING VIRAL Accelerating virus-focused drug development 27 ASK THE 40 Award winners share lessons learned

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36 TOP 100 TECH COMPANIES B.C.’s largest companies by employee base 49 TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORY A comprehensive list of B.C. tech companies

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THE COVID-19 ERA IS THE ERA FOR DIGITAL HEALTH At the time of writing, the World Health Organization is reporting more than 39 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 – a virus that has now touched 235 countries and territories, wracked economies around the world and forced us to consider health risks and health care in a globalized and connected world. The ability of workplaces, institutions and families to respond and adapt to what is at once a health, social and economic crisis has been powered in large part by technology. Pre-pandemic innovation in digital health services has proven invaluable. Significant investments over the past six months have contributed to new and exciting developments in telehealth and health care accessibility – advancements that will remain useful in a post-pandemic

era. Private-sector pivots and partnerships continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Beyond the health sector, technology has kept businesses online, remote workers connected and access to data flowing. It’s hard to imagine how such a pandemic would have unfolded without Zoom or Netflix; without the many technologies we easily took for granted in 2019, and the many new technologies that are emerging to fight COVID-19 and its far-reaching impacts. In this issue of BIV Magazine, you will hear from BC Tech Association CEO Jill Tipping on a new path forward for scaling up B.C. tech companies (p. 8) and from Digital Technology Supercluster CEO Sue Paish on some significant investments being made in digital health

(p. 20). The rise of telehealth (p. 10), a new approach to drug development (p. 24) and a column on the promise and potential of remote patient monitoring (p. 28) round out this magazine’s coronavirus coverage. Readers can learn about an angel investor’s tips for raising seed capital (p. 22), and reflect on some of the lessons learned by Forty under 40 winners during the tumultuous 2020 year (p. 27). Interviews with BIV’s three CTO/CIO Award winners can be found on pages 12-19, and can be listened to or watched online at biv.com. Insight-filled, technology-related lists begin on page 36. Hayley Woodin Editor, BIV Magazine hwoodin@biv.com

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SCALING UP TO MEET THE CHALLENGE We know why B.C. companies struggle to scale and we have a new way forward


At BC Tech we believe that technology is a tool for good in our lives, in our communities and in our province. Increasingly the line between tech companies and tech-enabled companies is blurring as we realize the crucial importance of deploying tech talent and tech innovation in every company to drive growth and resilience. It’s clear that B.C. won’t be returning to the same pre-COVID world. Before COVID-19, times were changing at a rapid pace due to technological innovation. Now, this is catalyzed even further by the human need for new services, solutions and ways of doing business when in-person contact is limited. COVID-19 has accelerated everything. I joined BC Tech as CEO three years ago because I saw a tech ecosystem with incredible potential that nonetheless seemed unable to fully realize it. Logically, B.C. should be one of the best places in the world to build a tech business. We have the talent, the academic institutions and capital is increasingly available, and yet our companies persistently stay small and don’t scale up. WE ASKED WHY

The majority of B.C.’s tech companies have 10 or fewer employees, and between the 2016 and 2018 BC Tech report cards, KPMG found no growth at all in the number of tech companies with 50+ employees. We asked ourselves why B.C. companies seemed to stay small not only compared to other global ecosystems but compared to other parts of Canada. As data-driven people we looked to the evidence and found a clear answer. What B.C. lacks is sustained, multiyear public investment to provide the kind of programs that help companies grow from small to medium-sized, and from medium-sized to large. These accelerator programs

provide access to leadership training, market access, subject matter experts, mentors and advisors that are beyond the resources of startups to access or fund themselves. Without the right programs and sufficient funding, ecosystems over time get hollowed out so that only the very smallest and the very largest survive. With funding for these programs, companies can successfully navigate a path around the ‘valley of death’ that otherwise challenges tech startups. A NEW WAY FORWARD

In January 2020, organizations representing the tech and innovation industries and ecosystems of Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland, Interior B.C. and Northern B.C. – collectively the ScaleUp BC partners – came together to propose a new way forward for B.C.: a plan to build B.C.’s next generation of diverse technology-based, globally relevant businesses. We leveraged the experience of comparable organizations in Ontario who launched the ScaleUp Ontario initiative in April 2019, backed by a $52 million investment from the federal government. The Scale-Up Platform is a collaboration of Invest Ottawa, Communitech and MaRS Discovery District, designed to help hundreds of high-growth firms attract more customers, talent, sales and capital, and increase their potential to become $100 million anchor companies. One year in, the results are impressive – it is clear that the ScaleUp model is a blueprint that works. We know that ScaleUp companies are more likely to create jobs, attract investment capital, invest in R&D, remain in the community and create economic prosperity. We know that targeted programs and activities, delivered by credible and experienced organizations, is the path to more ScaleUp success. The ScaleUp BC Platform is the path to realize the full potential of B.C.’s tech ecosystem. É

Jill Tipping is president and CEO of the BC Tech Association.

B.C.’S BIGGEST TECH COMPANIES ARE SMALL The threshold to be one of the largest 10% of tech companies in B.C. is an employee count of 50. The comparable threshold for Canada is 100, which trails Germany, Israel and California.


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TELE HEALTH RISES Experts say the pandemic has spurred acceptance of tech

Sonia Brodie, vice-president of services, Surrey Neuroplasticity Clinic • ROB KRUYT



ven if the COVID-19 crisis ends in a relative return to normalcy, Aaron Brady doesn’t anticipate British Columbians drifting back to how they accessed medical services pre-pandemic.

“COVID, and the pandemic and people’s response to it, has really driven massive acceleration of adoption around digital health technologies,” says the director of product and innovation at Pacific Blue Cross, the province’s largest provider of health benefits. “It’s filling that gap of: ‘How do I access care? How do I do this safely? How do I do this while maintaining social distance? How do I actually get answers to some of the questions that I would normally just go to a walk-in clinic for?’” A total of 88% of Pacific Blue Cross claims are now submitted electronically. The provider has experienced a 36% increase of

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mobile app downloads since last year and a 42% increase in overall digital interactions with members. But rather than a mass adoption of new technologies, Brady says members are now accepting technologies that already existed – albeit on a much larger scale. “We were progressing all those of conversations [about] technologies and services. What we’ve really just seen is a landslide of people coming in and adopting them,” he says. One Vancouver-based partner, Medimap Systems Inc., had been working with Pacific Blue Cross on providing wait-time estimates

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for walk-in clinics. But as Pacific Blue Cross observed fewer members looking up that data – a result of a reluctance to visit such clinics during the pandemic – the company shifted, and ramped up its virtual healthcare offerings. In May, the provider began offering free access to virtual healthcare services for members via partner EQ Care (Equinoxe Virtual Clinic Corp.). “We decided to just really accelerate that progression of where we think we were probably marching anyways when it came to virtual care,” Brady says. In the coming months and years he anticipates greater adoption of tools related to COVID-19 “stressors” – the mental health issues arising from dealing with the pandemic. “[Mental health] is going to drive a ton of utilization,” he says. “It already makes up 25% of new LTD [long-term disability] claims annually. We expect that to somewhat rise as a result of COVID.” On a smaller scale, Vancouver-based Peak Resilience Counselling Inc. had to completely rethink the way it offered mental health services from the very outset of the pandemic. Mere months before, Peak Resilience had moved its private counselling practice from a 400-square-foot office to a 4,000-square-foot office in downtown Vancouver, where registered counsellors interacted with patients in one-on-one settings and group sessions. Video counselling and phone sessions previously accounted for 2% to 5% of the business, but founder and clinical director Jennifer Hollinshead says her clinic had to swiftly expand telehealth options. “People who struggle with mental health issues – anxiety, depression, trauma or anything like that – with all of this added stress, mental health symptoms that might have been present before can sometimes get worse,” Hollinshead says. “So a lot of people are making their video and phone sessions work no matter what because they really need it.… I’m feeling extremely grateful that this is forcing us to get better online services.” Meanwhile, south of the Fraser River, Sonia Brodie says she can at least take some solace in the timing of the pandemic. “It’s really good that this happened in 2020 when we have so many digital platforms to work with,” says the vice-president of services at Surrey Neuroplasticity Clinic. The clinic specializes in treatments ranging from concussion symptom management to cognitive remediation. It began deploying tele-rehabilitation options, such as video consultations, upon launching a year ago. But Brodie says the clinic’s telehealth offerings have kicked into high gear now that the pandemic has patients staying at home. “We had the infrastructure in place and all of our therapists were comfortable doing it,” she says. “I know a lot of clinics are facing the reality of just learning how to do it.” Surrey Neuroplasticity also specializes in portable neuromodulation stimulator (PoNS) treatment – a medical device that stimulates brain activity through the surface of the tongue for patients with traumatic brain injuries or multiple sclerosis. PoNS is available only in Canada, so the clinic has a fair share of international clients who are no long able to enter the country for initial instructions on how to operate the portable medical device.

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IT’S REALLY GOOD THAT THIS HAPPENED IN 2020 WHEN WE HAVE SO MANY DIGITAL PLATFORMS TO WORK WITH j Sonia Brodie Vice-president of services Surrey Neuroplasticity Clinic

Brodie says that’s also spurring patients to embrace telehealth even if they were reluctant to do so prior to the pandemic. “Obviously it’s a terrible pandemic and lot of people have been hurt by it. The silver lining is that healthcare has lagged behind in terms of digitization and modernization for a while. And I think it’s nice to see at least a by-product of this terrible matter is resulting in an increased focused of digitization in healthcare,” says Hamed Shahbazi, CEO of Well Health Technologies Inc. The Vancouver-based company is the country’s third-largest supplier of electronic medical records (EMR), serving more than 1,900 medical clinics. It also owns and operates 20 primary healthcare medical clinics. In July, Well Health paid $2.55 million to acquire all assets related to Ontario-based Cycura Inc.’s services division. The division specializes in penetration and vulnerability testing, security-focused code reviews, incident response services, cybersecurity training and cybersecurity mergers and aquisition advisory services. “We’ve existed to invest in the future of healthcare and in our view, the protection of health data is a very important part of that,” Shahbazi says. “It’s our expectation and interest to broadly make these services available to a class of customer that didn’t necessarily have access to these services, like normal clinic owners, and hopefully take them to the next level as far as security.” Since the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, Well Health has been involved in initiatives such as partnering with McMaster University and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to help monitor the spread of influenza and flu-like illnesses within a community. The flu automated surveillance tool (FAST) helps collect anonymized data in real time from doctors as they determine if patients are exhibiting flu-like symptoms. From there, PHAC will be able to respond more quickly to manage the risk of outbreaks. Shahbazi, whose company is configuring FAST for the EMRs used in this partnership, says the tool could easily be applied to collect questions relevant to COVID-19 without putting any additional strain on resources. “I do think that there is a fundamental reframing of service delivery in the marketplace,” says Shahbazi, pointing out that many people would have to use half their day to visit a doctor for a five-minute conversation. “That’s not where we’re at in terms of productivity levels that other industries enjoy. This was a use case that needed to be solved.” É

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BIV AWARD WINNERS This year, Business in Vancouver awarded three B.C. technology and innovation leaders with B.C. CTO/ CIO Awards. Their accomplishments range from carbon capture, to virtual reality simulations for surgeons, to the development of digital identities for British Columbians.


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What follows are excerpts from conversations with each of this year’s award winners. The interviews originally aired on BIV Today, and have been condensed and edited here for length and clarity.



CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, CARBON ENGINEERING BIV: WHAT DREW YOU INTO WORKING WITH CARBON ENGINEERING? David St. Angelo: I’m very passionate about the environment, so it’s complimentary to my interests outside of work. [I] started off way back when working in photovoltaics, did some of the early foundational research in photovoltaics, and then had a chance along the way to work on lithium ion batteries for motive applications. I was part of the project that did the first battery for the Segway, so that was pretty cool. And then also was the first employee of a company that was doing CO2 capture of anthropogenic emissions. Just before coming to Carbon Engineering [I] was working on synthetic biology for fuel production. I have the benefit of having seen many of the different approaches toward clean technology and Carbon Engineering was just very much in line with that for me personally.

BIV: WHAT IS YOUR DAY-TO-DAY LIKE? St. Angelo: Being a chief technology officer for me is really two areas. One is you’re looking at the present. And you’re trying to manage day-to-day activities with more tactical development of the technology and keeping progress moving forward on today’s ideas. But also, you have to look toward the future and what opportunities exist in terms of increasing the performance of the technology. In the role, you spend quite a bit of time working on execution, working with project teams, advising project teams, mentoring individuals, and then you also spend a lot of time trying to keep your pulse on the industry and what is going on there technologically, so that you can bring new ideas and don’t get comfortable with your current situation. You always, always, always have to be learning. And you always, always, have to be innovating. BIV: YOU STARTED YOUR CAREER IN THE U.S.







St. Angelo: Recently a big, big uptick in interest. People are now starting to become keenly aware of the impacts of climate crisis, with mega storms that are appearing, fires that are appearing, ocean acidification and some of the more dramatic impacts. I think there’s a big exclamation point on the need for addressing climate crisis. What is now becoming a rapidly escalating problem is now becoming very apparent to people. So I think there is a strong awareness now than there was, say, 25 years ago when I first started.

St. Angelo: It really didn’t take a lot of arm twisting. I love outdoor activities. I’m a skier. I’m a mountain biker. I love to hike. My wife and I go out on hikes routinely here in Squamish. For me it was as much a lifestyle choice and as a career choice, combining clean technology with the lifestyle. We like to say we won the lottery, literally, to come here to Squamish and to be able to work on such a wonderful project.

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BIV: TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE CARBON CAPTURE PROCESS? St. Angelo: There are three things that we really consider doing with the carbon. One is sequestering it, which puts it in in the ground permanently and stores it. The second is in the project in Texas – we’ll do enhanced store recovery. And then the third option is where we can actually take that carbon and beneficially use it to produce either fuels or low-carbon chemicals. There are commercially available processes that can take Co2 and combine it with hydrogen and actually make hydrocarbons for fuels and chemical feedstocks. We do that at our pilot facility here in Squamish and we will likely do that at the innovation centre that we have here. BIV: WHAT PART OF YOUR JOB DO YOU LIKE THE MOST: ANSWERING QUESTIONS OR ASKING QUESTIONS THAT YOU NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF? St. Angelo: [Laughs] I guess I like answering questions. Inherently engineers are problem solvers. Any engineer gravitates toward wanting to be involved in the solution of a problem, especially technical problems. So I think I lean more toward the actual solving of the problem, and I especially enjoy working with the team in trying to address that problem. It just makes it that more much more satisfying when you see progress and you advance the solution. BIV: WHAT WAS YOUR JOURNEY TO BECOMING AN ENGINEER? David St. Angelo, chief technology officer of Carbon Engineering •

St. Angelo: I had an advisor that asked me what I liked, and I had to check a box on an application. And I told him I do like chemistry and physics, and he said, ‘Oh, you should be a chemical engineer.’ That was sort of the beginning of the journey. [I] just grew to love the profession as I went through my training in school, and then got into the field and worked in a number of


industries. BIV: WHAT CAREER HIGHLIGHTS STAND OUT TO YOU? St. Angelo: I’ll share a story. I had a coach at one point that told me [that] you won’t remember particular events of games or matches that you’ve had, but you’ll remember all the people that you’ve worked with. And I think that’s true in technology. It’s really hard to, for me, to look back and say, ‘Boy, that was really a pivotal point for me. And that was something that I really enjoyed.’ What you do remember is the collaboration that you’ve had with your teammates, and you remember all those teammates, surprisingly, even the ones that I worked with very early in my career. As an accomplishment, what I what I like to think about is the people that I still know, and the people that are still in this area, and they’re all working forward. As an engineer, I can’t think of a better place to be than being in clean tech.

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n the hit Broadway musical HamiltonTM Aaron Burr gives Alexander Hamilton some free advice: “Talk less. Smile more. Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.” From theater stages to trade show exhibitions, Aaron Burr’s statements are sage advice for any business considering pursuing patent protection. Publicly disclosing a newly developed technology too early can destroy any prospects for obtaining a patent for the technology. Developing any technology, whether it is a new circuit, x-ray machine, drug, chemical process, etc. is an exciting time. Hard work culminates in a valuable asset for the business. Exciting times inherently make people want to share. The business also likely wants to protect the value of its newly developed asset. A granted patent provides the exclusive right to make, sell or use a technology covered by the patent for a set amount of time. A patent application must be filed in each country for which protection is sought. A patent will be granted only if a patent office examiner is satisfied that the covered technology is patentable. “Novelty” is one key requirement for patentability.

Technologies are “novel” if there has been no prior public disclosure (which could include commercial use and offers for sale in some cases) of the technologies anywhere in the world by anyone. In limited circumstances, some disclosures made by developers of the technology are not considered to be novelty destroying in some countries. For example, Canada and the United States exclude disclosures made by developers of the technology that occurred up to one year before a patent application describing the technology is filed in those countries. Many countries/regions (e.g. Europe, India, etc.) do not exclude such disclosures. Accordingly, if you want to obtain a patent for a technology you should ideally arrange for a patent application to be filed before the technology is disclosed to anyone outside of your business. In some cases, a technology must be disclosed to certain parties before a business decision to pursue patent protection can be made. For example, a technology may need to be disclosed to a partner (e.g. a manufacturer, retailer, etc.) or an investor before it is known if commercializing the technology is a viable option. In such cases, work with your IP

advisor to create a strategy which minimizes risk for your business. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are frequently used to allow discussion of a technology without creating public disclosures of the technology. Under an NDA, a party which receives confidential information agrees to maintain the information confidential. Disclosures made under an NDA are not public disclosures. However, NDAs are not perfect. NDAs are reliant on parties actually doing what they agreed to do. If an NDA is breached, the breach could amount to a novelty destroying public disclosure. Court proceedings may be commenced against the breaching party for relief but patentability may be destroyed permanently. If a potential disclosure has occurred, promptly reach out to your IP advisor to discuss what may still be done to salvage your particular situation. Like Alexander Hamilton, don’t throw away your shot!

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BIV: WHAT WAS ONE OF YOUR TOP PRIORITIES WHEN YOU ASSUMED THE ROLE OF CIO? CJ Ritchie: This is a job actually that I’d been interested in for a very long time. People who know me know that I quite often say things like, ‘I’ve been auditioning for this job for about 10 years.’ One of the priorities for me was really to take an all-of-government approach to the transformation of government. I have had a bit of a mantra for a long time about wanting to leave the public service better than I found it. And I’ve been a believer in digital government and digital transformation for a long time and really saw an opportunity with taking this role to be able to push the envelope for B.C. on the work we do inside the government, and being a bit more of a modern government and delivering services in a modern way. BIV: CAN YOU TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ESTABLISHING THAT DIGITAL FRAMEWORK AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS THAT HAD TO GO INTO THAT? Ritchie: We first launched the digital framework a little over a year ago in May of 2019. One of the priorities coming in was really to develop a framework that government could use as a blueprint for its transformation. The digital framework, and the premise of it, is really that we create an environment inside government where innovation and modernizing and digitizing becomes easier. If you look over the last 10 years, there’s been lots of small places where ministries and program areas have done a digital transformation for themselves. And what we found was that many times that happened despite the system. They did it anyway. And despite the system, they were able to do some very innovative things. In the digital framework, we wanted to change the levers that we have that support that work, so that that type of innovation became much more ubiquitous across the system.

CJ Ritchie, chief information officer, Government of British Columbia • SUBMITTED

BIV: WHAT IS ORGBOOK AND HOW DOES IT CAPITALIZE ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY? Ritchie: OrgBook allows businesses to replicate their transactions between themselves and other businesses, or themselves and government, in a very secure way using blockchain technology and some of the digital ID components that are resident in our BC Services Card and the corporate registries. If you’re a small business owner looking to start up a bakery, rather than running around in real life, getting health certificates and your corporate registration and opening a business bank account

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and bringing papers all over the place, you can now do that securely online. That’s been a real game changer in terms of how B.C. is approaching digital ID and digital identity. We now have about four million businesses registered in corporate registries and in OrgBook.

private sector, responsibility in this particular job that I don’t think I could replicate anywhere. BIV: IS THERE A PARTICULAR CAREER HIGHLIGHT THAT STANDS OUT? Ritchie: When I think about the things I’m most proud of, I’d say one of the things I’m most proud of is the people you develop along the way. In the role I’m in now I get to be sort of the conductor of this really great, high-performing orchestra. If I have to pick one accomplishment, I’d say there are people I’ve worked with through a number of iterations in my career, they come and work with me in one ministry, and then I’m on to a next job, and they come back and they work for me again. To me, that’s a sign of success when the people you invest in and develop and spend time with are willing to come back and work for you and another iteration of your career. It’s a sign you’re doing something right. BIV: WHAT DO YOU ANTICIPATE THIS PANDEMIC WILL MEAN FOR THE DIGITAL ADOPTION WE’VE SEEN IN B.C.?

BIV: WHAT DREW YOU TO PUBLIC SERVICE? Ritchie: I started in the public service in 1995, but in a very different place – I didn’t start in the land of technology. I started as a child protection investigator, and spent about six years on the frontline in child protective work. [I] then took a job in headquarters, being a policy analyst initially, and then started getting more into project management. One stepping stone led to another over the course of a 23-year career. I left a couple of times and went to the private sector as a consultant and came back. I was always drawn back to the public service. In the private sector, you’re filling the potholes on Main Street. And at this point in my career, I want to build the Sea to Sky highway. In the public sector, and in public service, you get a scope of responsibility that just doesn’t exist really in the

Ritchie: There is a bit of a joke in the IT community right now: ‘What’s driving your digital transformation – is it the CTO, the CIO or COVID?’ And so there is a bit of that with the pandemic. There is a huge opportunity for digital transformation and the change we’ve seen in the last six months is two years worth of work –the network upgrades alone that were done to support remote work, some of the ministerial orders and the legislative amendments that have been put in that support the work that we’re doing, the speed with which we’re executing, standing up the COVID-19 virtual assistant chatbot for the health line. There’s been hundreds of thousands of calls to the chatbot. The very speed at which we’re putting things out in the world and implementing is really driving our digital transformation in a way I could have only dreamed of two years ago.

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BIV: WHAT IS IT ABOUT VIRTUAL REALITY THAT YOU THINK IS JUST SO VITAL RIGHT NOW? Colin O’Connor: I think it is a great way to be connecting people. And remote collaboration is a key component of some of the learning that’s going on right now. I think there’s been a big push for different multiplayer initiatives and different ways to train and educate various users across the landscape. BIV: WHAT HAS UPTAKE BEEN LIKE – ESPECIALLY WHEN WE THINK OF THE IMPACTS THE PANDEMIC HAS HAD ON THE WAY WE WORK AND LEARN? O’Connor: It was a bit tough to begin with. We work in the orthopedic medical space. And with a lot of the elective surgeries closed down, that side of the business really slowed down. The medical device companies that we work very closely with had a hard time getting our VR headsets out into the field and training surgeons. But then, as the landscape evolved, it became important that the residents and the fellows continue to learn and evolve. So that’s where the multiplayer initiative really came on board. We managed to get our headsets into quite a few different universities across North America, and they’re being used to do remote collaboration and remote training now.

Colin O’Connor, chief technology officer, Precision OS • SUBMITTED

BIV: ONE OF YOUR CO-FOUNDERS IS A SURGEON BY TRADE. YOU HAVE THE TECHNICAL EXPERTISE – HOW DO YOU MELD THE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES AND MAKE SURE THAT IT WORKS FROM A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE? O’Connor: That’s a very good question. Education and training are the killer app for VR and AR, as far as I’m concerned. But quite often, there might be a product-market fit, but then how do you monetize that? How do you bring that to market? We’ve been working very closely with medical device companies, and those are the companies that make the implants that go into the body. They have unique procedures around arthroplasty, arthroscopy – which is which is joint replacement – and various things. So, working with

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[CEO Danny Goel] who is a practising orthopedic surgeon and is in the OR a lot, we knew how to approach the medical device companies, and we’re lucky that some of these medical device companies are at the forefront of VR and training and see it as the future. A few of us have shadowed surgeons in the OR to look at their workflows to see what are the critical parts of their steps and how we can mimic that in VR. It’s been very rewarding.

make the shift into something that had a bit more purpose. I wanted to stay interactive graphics. AR and VR lent itself well to that. But then a fortuitous chance encounter with Danny [Goel] led us to brainstorming around education. He’s a world-class educator; he loves his education. I introduced him to VR, and it blew his mind. And he said this is the future of education. BIV: HOW IS THE GAMING SECTOR A GOOD FOUNDATION

BIV: WHAT IS THE EXPERIENCE LIKE ONCE SOMEBODY GOES IN FOR TRAINING IN THIS VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT? O’Connor: We use game engines, effectively, for VR. There’s Unity and Unreal out there, and we’ve gone Unreal because it has a very high fidelity. Then we’ve layered in a medical grade simulation on top of that Unreal Engine to procedurally manipulate bone and meshes so that a surgeon or a trainee can go in there with a saw, and they can cut anywhere and ream anywhere. When you go into VR, we’ll take you through the steps of a procedure. And more importantly, they can make mistakes. We’re one of the only companies with VR training out there in the orthopedic industry that allows you to fail. The ability to fail and repeat and learn has been coined double-loop simulation, and it’s one of the key differentiators in the company.

FOR SOMEBODY NOW WORKING IN VIRTUAL REALITY? O’Connor: We use a lot of the same technology. How we lay out and build an orthopedic module is very similar to how we might build a mini game: there are steps, there’s a design, we have to figure out how they’re going to interact with the tools in VR. VR is unique in that it needs to run very, very fast – 60 frames a second, two cameras. So the hardware has to be very good, you have to be wary about stability and optimizations. A lot of the tools, technologies and workflows we use to make games we can make VR education software with as well. BIV: AS YOU MADE THE TRANSITION TO VR, WAS THERE SOMETHING THAT YOU LEARNED THAT SURPRISED YOU?

BIV: WHAT IS THE EXPERIENCE LIKE AS A NON-SURGEON? O’Connor: We have the shoulder completely open up or the hip open up. So as a non-surgeon, it can be a little bit overwhelming to see the parts of the body – what’s called the approach into that area – all opened up. But then we have step-by-step instructions. It’s a little bit daunting, there’s a lot of medical terms flying around. So for the layman, it can be a little bit hard. But we are training nurses on the software as well – nurses, surgical nurses that want to make sure that they are a couple of steps ahead of the surgeon.

O’Connor: The thing that surprised me the most was developing the user experience around picking up a tool. You’re holding controller and you have a tool in your hand, maybe it’s a saw, or maybe it’s a different type of instrument. There’s no way to give you haptic feedback on that as they go with the bone, so we have to use other tricks. Using different audio, vibration and other senses – visual senses as well – to try and feedback what you’re doing, because we’re designing around the limitations of VR, and there’s no actual force on your hand. That’s been one of the biggest challenges. BIV: WHAT WOULD BE A CAREER HIGHLIGHT?

BIV: WHAT DREW YOU INTO PURSUING SOMETHING INVOLVING VR SURGERY? O’Connor: I’ve worked in the video game industry for about 24 to 25 years and worked with interactive with graphics. I’ve had various startup companies. The last one closed down in 2016 and I wanted to

O’Connor: The software we’re working on right now is to me the perfect culmination of all my experience up to date, including the business experience, and the interactive experience and leading a team, and then targeting towards a market that is ripe for innovation. The medical industry moves very, very slow. And that’s one of the things that kind of took a while to adapt to. É

Earn your AACSB accredited M.B.A. Do. Make. Innovate. Reinvent the Future.

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LEARNING FROM THE PANDEMIC TO ADVANCE VIRTUAL CARE The Digital Technology Supercluster is driving innovation in the health sector


In a country as vast and sparsely populated as Canada, delivering high-quality and efficient healthcare to all citizens is difficult at the best of times. The COVID-19 pandemic amplified the imperative of providing Canadians with fast, accessible, reliable healthcare – no matter where they live. With millions of Canadians unable to access medical care quickly and easily, the pandemic galvanized our country’s health, innovation, regulatory, academic and technology communities to collaborate like never before – especially in respect of developing, delivering and scaling digital solutions to health issues created or exacerbated by the pandemic. Before the pandemic, only 4% of patient visits in Canada were done virtually (by phone, video, text or app) – well below globally leading countries such as Sweden and Denmark. According to Canada Health Infoway, over half of patient visits with Canadian healthcare providers have been conducted virtually since the onset of the pandemic. A survey conducted by the Canadian Medical Association in June confirmed this shift, reporting that 47% of Canadians received virtual care in recent months. Of these, 91% said they were very satisfied with the experience. This is a remarkable testament to the power of collaborative innovation, the caliber of technologies that Canadians develop and the ability and willingness of citizens, physicians, healthcare providers and health systems to adopt and embrace virtual healthcare options. For the past two years, the Digital Technology Supercluster has been driving collaborative innovation across the health system with the goal of propelling Canada’s global standing in digital solutions in the health and bioscience sector. LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY TO HELP THOSE WHO NEED IT MOST

The supercluster recognizes the tremendous potential of digital innovations across the entire health system and indeed across our entire economy. We are investing in new projects that will help Canada be a leader in digital health solutions. Here are but a few examples of these technology solutions. On top of the ongoing opioid epidemic, COVID-19

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has presented a second public health emergency that impacts Canadian doctors, nurses and frontline providers. In response, the supercluster and our partners are investing $1.2 million in a project that will soon provide healthcare workers with access to confidential virtual care and evidence-based treatment options for substance use, regardless of where they live or work. We are investing an additional $2.5 million on a complementary project to deliver personalized mental healthcare to workers through accessible, interactive and digital tools. EXTENDING THE BENEFITS OF ULTRASOUNDS TO REMOTE COMMUNITIES

Another digital supercluster project involves ultrasound services for remote communities. Ultrasound is a key clinical tool that helps provide an early diagnosis for many medical conditions, from urgent heart conditions to the progress of a pregnancy. However, access to the life-saving diagnoses made possible with ultrasound is limited by the availability of machines and the ability to analyze their results. In B.C., only 5% of physicians are trained to interpret scans. As a result, up to 40% of patients are unable to access specialized diagnostic tests, and face long wait times. Led by Providence Health Care in partnership with the University of British Columbia and Clarius Mobile Health, among others, our $2.6 million project is a bedside tool for doctors that combines machine learning, handheld ultrasound devices and a cloudbased platform to create an integrated and intelligent point-of-care ultrasound network that delivers faster, more accurate diagnoses to patients. Since the launch of this project earlier this year, 75 ultrasound scanners have been delivered across the province, mostly to rural and remote communities. We are proud of the progress over the past two years and especially over the past six months. We know there is so much more we can and will do to build a brighter future for all Canadians – across the health sector and in every other corner of our economy. We are excited to build on our momentum and the power of collaborative innovation to accelerate both Canada’s return to economic prosperity and to realize our potential for global leadership in digital solutions. Together, we can advance digital health and digital technologies across our economy. É Sue Paish is CEO of the Digital Technology Supercluster.

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YOUR BUSINESS IS CHANGING. SO SHOULD YOUR APPROACH TO CYBER SECURITY. As Canadian businesses across all sectors expand their virtual footprint in response to COVID-19, the threat of a cyber attack or data breach has never been so serious. At Gowling WLG, we pair sophisticated technical knowledge with award-winning legal acumen to help you manage risk and pivot your business with confidence. Learn more at gowlingwlg.com/cybersecurity

Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP is a member of Gowling WLG, an international law firm which consists of independent and autonomous entities providing services around the world. Our structure is explained in more detail at gowlingwlg.com/legal

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RAISING SEED CAPITAL Five things entrepreneurs need to know


Access to capital is key to scaling up a business. However, most first-time entrepreneurs lack knowledge around how to raise to seed capital. Angels – high net-worth individuals investing their own money – tend to be the gatekeepers of the venture capital ecosystem. They’re the only people who will invest in a venture before it’s a scalable, predictable business. They do it for a return on investment, but mostly they do it as most of them are founders themselves, so they get it. They also love it: they love sensing future winners, they love working with founders and paying it forward. What follows are five things that entrepreneurs need to know about raising seed capital. First, know that seed-stage risk assessment consists of three main areas: ■Team and product: are you credible, and can you do what you say you can do at a viable cost? ■Market: assuming you can do what you say you can do, would someone pay for this? ■Financial runway: can you survive long enough to prove the model? Second, make sure that you qualify for angel investment. You need to be a ‘venture suitable business’ – a candidate for future venture capital – which means that once you figure out your product-market fit, you should be able to double revenue every quarter – 32 times year-over-year (or more). This is explosive growth potential. Positive EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) and breaking even are not relevant for angels. Ability to scale matters, and that is high profit margins combined with low-cost customer acquisition and massive addressable market. Third, due diligence is very difficult at the early stage.

Help yourself by helping investors: provide studies or research that support your business thesis; provide third-party, independent experts to talk to; and allow them to talk to key customers. During the raise, reduce friction by using non-disclosure agreements sparingly, back-up projections with facts, know your valuation and have a rationale for it. To increase your chances of success, avoid the pitfalls of messy cap tables, inadequate employee contracts, unfavourable vendor contracts and unclear intellectual property allocation. Fourth, know that investors benchmark and compare you to others, and therefore, being part of an industry trend matters. When building a new product, ask yourself: are you building a vitamin or a painkiller? Are you solving a pain, or making something non-urgent better? Painkillers get preference in funding over vitamins. Finally, the two basic skills of fundraising are storytelling and spreadsheets. Know your numbers and craft your narrative. Good brand story is absolutely crucial for business-to-consumer products. If you are an under-represented founder, make sure your pitch includes a strong business case on why you are a good investment. Data beats opinion, and revenue and customer adoption are key factors. Every $1 in revenue you close will add $5 to $20 in valuation for your company. No matter how prepared you are, you will still make mistakes, and the best thing to do is listen, be humble (despite being stubborn enough to be a founder) and accept feedback with humility. Remember, angels want you to succeed. They are on your side. There’s a reason they are called angel investors. É Maninder Dhaliwal (@dhaliwalmk) is the chair of TiE Angels Vancouver, a not-for-profit angel investment forum that supports Canadian entrepreneurs through connections to investors and advisors across 72 TiE global chapters, including TiE Silicon Valley.


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Vancouver’s booming tech sector needs seasoned leaders


espite the economic turmoil caused by COVID-19, the technology sector continues to grow, especially in Vancouver, contributing to the whole country’s recovery. Amazon’s recent announcement that the company will be hiring 3,000 people for its new Vancouver offices has solidified the city’s reputation as a technology and entrepreneurial hub. And in British Columbia, the tech industry employs 100,000 tech professionals, with roughly 75,000 working in Metro Vancouver. As the world moves quickly in the direction of data analytics and technology, insiders agree that a Master of Business Administration degree is a valuable asset in the tech field for career growth. University of British Columbia (UBC) Sauder School of Business MBA graduate George Psiharis credits his degree with providing him with the connections and knowledge to succeed in the technology sector. Psiharis is now the Chief Operating Office of Clio, a Vancouver-based company that offers cloud-based software for the legal sector. Clio’s success is unprecedented in Canada: In 2019, it received the largest Series D financing round in Canadian history at $330 million. “The applied, interdisciplinary focus was so helpful for me because it taught me how to interact with a lot of different functions that I use in my role at Clio,” Psiharis says. “My e-commerce courses were really influential in my career and brought out a lot of curiosity and skills to focus on

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UBC Sauder MBA graduate George Psiharis, Chief Operating Officer of Clio.

that area of opportunity. In addition, courses on go-to market strategy, business plans, raising money, a lot of the things I rely on to be successful at Clio, I learned during my MBA.” The value of an MBA will continue to grow along with Vancouver’s emergence as a technology hub, Psiharis says. Clio has played a large part in that growth, opting to keep its company based in Vancouver even when investors were urging them to relocate to Silicon Valley. “We decided to invest in building the ecosystem around us,” Psiharis says. “Early on we made a decision to hire and develop talent, and to work on levelling people up and developing their skills as they joined the team.” Psiharis sees the UBC MBA’s new Technology and Analytics Leadership Track (TAL), which combines an academic approach to emerging technology and business analytics with real-world applications, as playing a key role in fostering the tech industry’s growth in Vancouver.

“The technology industry is maturing and one thing we’ll need is seasoned leaders. There will be a lot of demand for leaders with a technology focus,” Psiharis says. “COVID-19 has really accelerated the uptake of remote work, and what that means is that the number of tech employers available to MBA graduates is going to be far broader than it’s ever been. Not to mention that Vancouver is a very desirable place to hire out of.” “With the UBC MBA Technology and Analytics Leadership track, students can expect to learn and discuss the most contemporary issues that business will be encountering in the next five years,” says Rodrigo Porto, director of recruitment and admissions at UBC’s Sauder School of Business. Part of the value of an MBA is learning resilience, a quality Psiharis has leaned on throughout the pandemic. “In my personal experience, doing the MBA part-time required a lot of balance in terms of work and coursework, and has definitely helped to prepare me for the rigours and pressures of dealing with a rapidly evolving pandemic,” Psiharis says. “Having experience studying an array of case-studies helped me to apply a level of construal to what’s going on, to take a step back and see the big picture instead of getting lost in the weeds.” To learn how UBC Sauder offers progressive programs taught by world-class faculty and enhancing career opportunities tailored to the needs of today’s workforce, visit sauder.ubc.ca.

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Sriram Subramaniam, a professor in UBC’s department of biochemistry and molecular biology, is working with a team focused on removing the guesswork from drug development • CHUNG CHOW


How one partnership is accelerating the process of virus-focused drug development

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lot has changed in the more than 100 years since the last global pandemic, and the world is better equipped to deal with such a crisis. Part of that is due to the role played by advanced technology in the fight against COVID-19.

Various players in B.C. are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to completely reinvent how drugs are developed. At least two separate projects in British Columbia are developing means of testing drugs in a manner much more focused than the traditional trial-and-error approach. One of those projects is being conducted by a University of British Columbia (UBC) research team led by Sriram Subramaniam, a professor in UBC’s department of biochemistry and molecular biology. Instead of simply trying different chemical compounds and testing the results, Subramaniam and his team are mapping out the properties of the coronavirus so that they can later use machine learning to quickly test multiple chemical compounds to determine which would best fight the virus. “Our discoveries enable pharmaceutical companies to do the development,” says Subramaniam. “The intersection between what we do and what pharmaceutical companies do, is we accelerate the process. We get them to a point where they can actually develop something, do the clinical trials, take it forward.” Increasing healthcare needs aren’t only spurring innovation in pharmaceutical product development – they are also driving the evolution of research processes and the discovery of cures. Before Subramaniam and his team can start using artificial intelligence to determine possible COVID-19 cures, they must first understand the physical and chemical properties of the virus. To do that, UBC has invested in 13-foot microscopes – microscopes as tall as a double-decker bus – in order to

best understand the virus. There are only four of these multimillion dollar machines in the country, and two are now located on UBC endowment lands. What makes these microscopes so special, other than their size, is their use of robotics, image processing and cryogenics. Typically, researchers would examine a virus by looking at slides under a microscope – similar to those used in high school science labs. Instead, these large-scale microscopes can determine the virus’s structure with the kind of detail and precision needed for drug discovery. While not originally developed to find cures for viruses, the microscopes were instead used to investigate materials to use in transistors and semiconductors. Subramaniam first proved that these 13-foot microscopes could be used for drug discovery when working with the U.S.-based National Institutes of Health. He then brought to Vancouver the idea to expand their use to drug development. “My intention in coming to UBC was to take the next step,” says Subramaniam, “which is to go beyond demonstrating that it can be done, to figuring out how to use it to develop drugs.” The dire issue of COVID-19 is Subramaniam’s and his team’s primary focus right now. However, the process for making drug discovery more intentional and with less guesswork is important for the treatment and cures of various illnesses and can be used to better understand diseases such as cancer, and neurological disorders. Subramaniam says there are multiple ways to


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commercialize the research he and his team is doing. Right now, they are in the drug discovery phase. Later, their findings could be licensed to pharmaceutical production companies; there is also the potential for startups to spin out of the research. The latter could help accelerate the development, testing and distribution of drugs – something Subramaniam says can really only happen in the commercial sector, and rarely happens in academia. “We want to engage in the local economy, we definitely see spinoff companies that begin to translate our discoveries into having impact locally, nationally and internationally,” says Subramaniam. “Our and UBC’s intention is to begin to translate these discoveries into spinout startups, which is the way we see having ourselves having an impact beyond the lab.” While his team will disseminate any discoveries related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible, Subramaniam says that when it comes to drug discoveries for other diseases, he sees licensing deals and start-ups coming out of this research as soon as next year. É

“The intersection between what we do and what pharmaceutical companies do, is we accelerate the process,” explains UBC professor Sriram Subramaniam • CHUNG CHOW

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ASK THE 40 BIV Magazine asked Forty under 40 winners for one thing they’ve learned, tried or prioritized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional responses and insights are available at biv.com.

I am learning – and trying – to convey a smile while wearing a mask Miranda Lam Partner, litigation McCarthy Tétrault LLP

That when the chips are down, some people can be really mean; I’m not always my own best company; and the freedom to step outdoors and wander is one of life’s great pleasures

The future office culture is staff flexibility and choice

Laura Ballance

Karn Manhas

Laura Ballance Media Group Inc.


Founder and CEO

Having to have a bigger capacity for adaptability and demonstrating care

I’ve learned how to be a better work-fromhome parent – balancing business priorities with toddler demands

Robert Coard

Brent Charleton

Partner, assurance

President and CEO

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Enwave Corp.

Terramera, Inc.

Businesses of all sizes need to fast track innovation – and that doesn’t only mean digital transformation

Reflection Dan Burgar President, Vancouver VR/ AR Association

Anita Huberman

Managing Partner, Shape

President and CEO

Surrey Board of Trade

Communication is key Kerry Corlett

Prioritize compassion. We are all in this together and compassion is a two-way street Graham Collings Executive vice-president, investments ACM Advisors Ltd.

Founder and CEO Annex Pro

Embrace the forced slowdown and really notice and appreciate the little special moments that often got missed Kylie McMullan

Business is resilient to change

Principal Finch Media

Jamie Garratt

When safety is the No. 1 priority, the solutions tend to be simple, although sometimes hard to source. Adaptability is key to keep organizations working

I took this as an opportunity to simplify my life and focus on the thing that matters most: my family Founder and CEO

I’ve discovered that working from home has as many upsides as downsides

Bob Wells

LNG Studios

Will Gaherty

Leon Ng

Founder and CEO Idea Rebel

Owner, My Tech Guys


That people have very Vice-president, The Wells Family different thresholds of comfort and safety during I got out of my comfort zone this uncertain time and that being patient, open and and hopped on the virtual open house bandwagon to understanding is essential to normalize and add exposure leading a team successfully to the new method of Andrea Mestrovic marketing and selling homes Partner and vice-president, brand

PGL Environmental Consultants

We redesigned our workday to accommodate meetings, childcare and personal responsibilities without pretending that the traditional workday model was sustainable

Ashley Smith

Genesa Greening

Mayor, City of Courtenay

Very Polite Agency

Co-founder, Vancouver Avenue

It is paramount to put people first. Once you have that in place, you can execute on strategy Juanita Lohmeyer

President and CEO

Clarifying our key business practices with the goal of being as lean, mean and efficient as possible Lisa von Sturmer Founder and CEO Growing City

President JT Insurance

BC Women’s Foundation

During times of crisis there is huge value to signal the potential for major changes wherever possible before making the changes

Implemented a daily huddle of 10 minutes (online video) with the management team Joe Geluch President Naikoon Contracting Ltd.

We’ve doubled down on investments in technology and our people Matt Lewis President Braidy Corp.

Zoom meetings, Zoom conferences, Zoom marketing, Zoom drinks, Zoom holidays. Getting pretty sick of Zoom but it, and other apps like it, has been a life-saver Greg Smith President Equinox Gold Corp.

Patrick Haney

There really is nothing we can’t do – problems we can’t overcome when we need to

President Keir Surgical Ltd.

Kristan Ash Executive director Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice

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THE POTENTIAL OF REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING RPM innovation, adoption can help manage the global aging crisis


The onset of sheltering in place due to the rise of COVID-19 created healthcare challenges, for both patients and physicians, unlike any we have experienced in our lifetime. Staying at home, in our insular bubbles, did not change the fact that individuals with chronic conditions and many seniors still required regular care and physician follow-ups. Physicians needed to find ways to keep tabs on non-critical COVID-19 patients without bringing them out of quarantine. Doctors of BC issued a press release in April urging patients to call first if they needed care during the height of the pandemic, rather than show up at a clinic. It took a global crisis for standard public practice to release the clutch, and shift into first gear for system-wide virtual care with phone and video appointments. While some infrastructure was in place in B.C., it took this global pandemic to garner sufficient trust, or perhaps cautious acceptance, for a meaningful number of patients to use technology to connect with care teams. The evidence speaks for itself: prior to COVID-19, there was an average of 1,800 virtual health visits per week across British Columbia. By mid-June 2020, the number of visits grew to more than 19,000 per week, as reported by Canada Health Infowave. I consider remote patient monitoring, a subset of telehealth and virtual care, as essential to addressing our collective future healthcare needs. While intuitive by name, remote patient monitoring (RPM) generally meets the following criteria:

1 . Data on patients is collected remotely;

2 . The data collected is transmitted to a healthcare provider in a different location; 3 . The data is evaluated and care providers are notified, as needed; 4 . Care providers communicate relevant data-driven insights and interventions to patients. Why should we care about the potential and ongoing development of RPM? Over the next 10 years, 25% of the global population will be comprised of people aged 65 and over, and will be closing in on 30% in some countries. Compare these forecasts to the senior population representing a mere 3% of the global population prior to the industrial revolution. The derivative increase in aging-related non-communicable diseases and their economic burden requires new strategies; RPM has massive potential to create efficiencies of care. And bringing it back to the pandemic, the pre-existing conditions of heart disease and diabetes are two of the greatest risks for poor outcomes following contraction of the virus. These same two chronic conditions are the most common non-communicable diseases developed with age, with risk factors that can be addressed with RPM. Imagine: diabetic patients at risk of developing foot ulcers will be empowered knowing their real-time data is being sent to doctors; and for individuals with cardiovascular disease, we can expect the new standard of care to include real-time monitoring of heart function. Emerging technology businesses are ready to build on the advances made during the peak of the pandemic. RPM innovation and adoption will increase the odds of healthy and productive longevity.  É Brenda Irwin is the managing partner of Relentless Venture Fund.


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The 2020 Technology Impact Awards celebrates the people, leaders, and companies that are the very best of BC’s tech community.







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THE ORR IGIN STOO RY The work begins with purpose and a desire to change the world. It leads to innovation, the creation of the new product, a new company, or the introduction of new technology to a traditional industry. In the following awards, we celebrate those who are powered by purpose and break new ground, embracing what it means to ‘think different’.



WINNER | SKYHIVE SkyHive are leaders in labour market transformation, inventing a unique methodology called Quantum Labour Analysis to make it easier for employers to source quality candidates and help those on the hunt to find a job that utilizes their unique skill set.

AQUATIC INFORMAT TIC CS Aquatic Informatics’ data management and analytics solutions address critical water maintenance challenges, including making clean drinking water more accessible. With only two percent of the world’s water fit for human consumption, they help solve complex water issues.

THRIVE HEALTH Thrive Health develops and implements apps and technologies that make health care attainable and accessible to all. In response to COVID-19, Thrive Health developed an intake screening software, allowing medical practitioners to screen patients for COVID-19 and gather health history online in advance of clinical visits.



WINNER | TERRAME E RA A By fusing science, nature and artificial intelligence, Terramera is working to transform how food is grown and the economics of agriculture in the next decade with more than 200 patents in its IP portfolio. Its revolutionary agtech platform, Actigate, aims to reduce the global synthetic pesticide load by 80 percent by 2030.

DAMON MOTORCYCL LES S Damon is redefining the motorcycle industry by making the riding and commuting experience safer and smarter. The company’s Hypersport electric two wheeled vehicles employ radical innovations in sensor fusion, robotics and AI to prevent accidents by collecting and analysing rider, traffic and vehicle data.

FATIGUE SCIENCE Fatigue Science measures, predicts, analyses, and forecasts human fatigue and its impact on performance, safety, health and wellness. Companies like Caterpillar and Newmont, and pro sports teams like the Seattle Seahawks and Toronto Raptors are using it to enhance performance and create safer and healthier work environments.



WINNER | NZ TECHN NOL LOG IE ES NZTech’s TIPSO products enable surgeons, for the first time, to interact with operating room equipment and radiology imaging through unique and practical touchless interfaces. TIPSO products mitigate the risk of infection, increase procedural efficiency, reduce operative time, and help maintain a surgeon’s cognitive focus.

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APOLLO EXCHANGE Canada’s largest online insurance marketplace is also the first of its kind to offer multiple insurance companies on one integrated online platform. The Apollo Exchange allows for immediate quoting, policy transaction, and document issuance, giving small businesses the ability to get their insurance in five minutes rather than days or weeks.

CARBONET By using chemical nanoparticles to remove contaminants from wastewater, Carbonet’s unique treatment method helps oil and gas firms reduce costs, increase recycling and minimize safety risks. The cleantech company has gone from a UBC lab with no product to being fully commercialized in a downtown Vancouver office.



WINNER | FINNING INTERNATIO ONA AL For over 85 years, Finning has been a leader in heavy-equipment sales, service and support and now, technology-driven solutions. Finning has incorporated a robust array of business and technical solutions including digitally connecting their machines that have helped them better serve their customers—helping them become more productive.

BGC BGC is an applied earth sciences company that builds and implements unique software tools to support geohazard risk management. The BGC Engineering team set an internal goal of reducing the global rate of pipeline failures caused by geohazards by more than 10% by 2025 and is on track to do so.

CITY OF VANCOUVER R The City of Vancouver was the first in North America to implement a robust digital strategy. This has modernized how the city delivers services, including the creation of one of North America’s largest public wifi networks and the building of an online site that collects donations of vital items to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

THE GRR OW W TH S T ORY The story continues with a hero’s journey of growth and challenge. These are the exciting times when we build companies to scale, establish cultures that sustain us and share our innovation with the world. In the following awards, we celebrate those who persevere with ambition to build something exceptional, right here in BC.



WINNER | KLUE Built by product marketers to give organizations the advantage in every competitive environment, Klue’s AI-powered Competitive Intelligence platform enables enterprise sales teams to win more business by providing dynamic insights about rivals anywhere at any time.

ASPECT BIOSYSTEMS Aspect is working to save lives and make people healthier by using their microfluidic and 3D bioprinting technology to create living, human tissues for medical research, therapeutic discovery, and regenerative medicine products.

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FREIGHTERA By giving manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers instant access to exclusive fixed-cost rates from hundreds of SmartWay-certified lower-emission carriers, Freightera’s online freight marketplace is making freight shipping easier, faster, less costly, and more transparent and environmentally friendly than ever.

LUMEN5 In 2019 over a million videos were created using the unique Lumen5 drag-and-drop platform, which uses artificial intelligence to convert static blog posts and other text into videos optimized for content marketing. More than 100,000 videos are being created each month by 500,000-plus users.



WINNER | TRULIOO Through a single API, Trulioo’s global identity verification solution enables businesses to instantly verify more than five billion people in over 195 countries to help build trust and safety online. Through its global identity network, Trulioo is keeping the Internet safe from fraud, bad actors, and financial crime.

EBCO Ebco provides heavy machining, heavy fabrication, light metal precision machining and precision sheet metal services to the clean and traditional energy, mining, pulp and paper, and aerospace sectors. ACSI’s cyclotrons also create medical isotopes that help diagnose cancer and other diseases.

GOBAKU Co-founded in 2016, Gokabu initially developed a social app on the WeChat social media platform but noticed that users were using the platform for carpooling. Then the company pivoted its business plan and launched Kabu, a ride-hailing app, which is now operating in the Greater Vancouver area, Kamloops, Kelowna, and Victoria.

SEMIOS Semios’s crop management platform uses big data and machine learning to help growers of high-value crops make critical management decisions. Semios’ analytics engine draws from over one million wireless in-canopy sensors measuring climate, soil and insect pest activity, to monitor and predict insect, disease, water, and frost risk.



WINNER | COPPERLEA AF Copperleaf applied a unique approach when building their culture, removing the power structure and involving every employee, leveraging the power of co-creation. This co-creation is integral to their success, and part of the reason why CEO Judi Hess spends time onboarding each new employee.

ABSOLUTE SOFTWARE E Absolute’s culture rallies employees around the values of passion, innovation and trust to address challenging and urgent issues involving endpoint security. These values inform Absolute’s global initiatives and recognition programs such as employee awards, social impact programs, ongoing training opportunities and culture-building activities.

AMAZON The famous “Day 1” approach on thinking scrappy and remaining true to their mission in the early days still applies here. Amazonians’ culture is guided by its 14 leadership principles including customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking.

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THINKIFIC Learning is ingrained in Thinkific’s cultural DNA. From sharing books and articles to cross-team collaboration to internal leadership development programs, the company constantly pushes its employees to strive for growth and improvement as they pursue a mission of revolutionizing the way people learn.



WINNER | ABCELLER RA AbCellera’s drug discovery platform searches and analyzes natural immune systems to find antibodies that can be used to prevent and treat disease. In March, it entered into an agreement with global pharma giant Eli Lilly to create antibody therapeutics for the possible prevention and treatment of COVID-19. nose cancer and other diseases.

CORVUS ENERGY Corvus’ large-scale energy storage systems (ESS) use advanced lithium-ion technology to provide economical, safe, and reliable battery systems for hybrid and electric marine vessels such as ferries, cruise ships, offshore supply vessels, and tugboats, as well as in hybrid port cranes and offshore equipment.

DELTA-Q More than three million vehicles and machines use Delta-Q’s battery charging solutions to meet the evolving needs of electric vehicles and industrial equipment. Delta-Q’s battery charger portfolio is enabling the transition from internal combustion to electrification across multiple market applications.

VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Vancouver International Airport’s ITS is the airport industry’s largest provider of kiosk-based border control solutions globally. To date, it has helped more than 250 million passengers safely clear borders. Since first installing its kiosks at YVR in 2009, the airport has been able to reduce passenger wait times by more than 60 per cent.

THE LEE GAA CY STT ORY The work’s not done until we build a legacy of who we are and what we stand for as leaders and as a community. In the following awards, we celebrate those who have gone above and beyond, changing the game on Diversity and Inclusion, leading in a way that inspires not only their teams but our whole community and building BC anchor companies that are the foundation of BC’s future economy.



WINNER | UNBOUNC CE Unbounce is a drag-and-drop site builder to empower marketers to create landing pages quickly and easily without any technical expertise. With the company’s investment in AI, Unbounce is helping marketers to not only create content but to become conversion intelligent and make marketing easy for even the newest of users.

CI DIRECT INVESTING (FORMERLY WEALTHBAR) CI Direct Investing is an investment platform designed to give Canadians control of their financial future with access to professionally managed investments and financial advice. CI Direct Investing takes a long-term approach to investing, and offers all-weather portfolios designed to withstand even the toughest storms.

VIRTRO Virtro develops competency-based immersive training simulations for Virtual Reality and PC platforms. Offering unparalleled levels of engagement, their proprietary conversion engine delivers faster and more focused learning experiences. Virtro offers training simulations in a variety of industries, from healthcare, to language skills, to the trades.

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WINNER | JACK NEW W TO N As Co-Founder and CEO of Clio, Jack was instrumental in helping the cloud-based legal tech firm raise US$250 million in funding, the largest growth equity investment in Canadian history. Through the years, Jack and the team at Clio have been working toward achieving their long-term mission of fundamentally transforming the practice of law, for good.

CATHERINE DAHL Catherine Dahl is the CEO and co-founder of Beanworks, which delivers a cloud-based accounts payable automation solution that helps organizations streamline their invoice-to-payment strategies by eliminating paperwork and reducing invoice processing costs. Catherine has been instrumental in bringing a good-spirited, lighthearted tone to her goal of designing and delivering disruptive SaaS solutions to the world of finance.

JOSH NILSON The fact that East Side Games was a “Tech Culture of the Year” finalist in both 2018 and 2019 speaks volumes about the company’s CEO and co-founder. Josh has grown East Side Games from 14 to 125+ team members over nine years while maintaining the unique culture that makes the proudly independent game studio “the best place to work and play.”

RYAN PETERSON Now the VP of Solutions for Unity Technologies after its acquisition of Finger Food ATG, Ryan is proud to have transformed Finger Food from a small basement startup to a multi-million dollar company. Based in Port Coquitlam and with 200+ employees, they are proud to have clients and partners including Enbridge, Lululemon, Microsoft, and Softbank.



WINNER | TELUS TELUS is a Vancouver-based national telecommunications company that provides a wide range of telecommunications products and services including internet access, voice, entertainment, healthcare, video, and IPTV television. TELUS believes in the power of technology, innovation and human ingenuity to drive positive outcomes in the communities they serve.

ABSOLUTE SOFTWA ARE E Absolute empowers organizations to build an enterprise security approach that is intelligent, adaptive and self-healing. Whether a data breach occurs or critical security applications are turned off, Absolute’s Persistence software can turn those applications back on and recover the critical data and information.

S LMI TECHNOLOGIES LMI is the global leader in 3D scanning and inspection, meeting the demands of their clients by conceptualizing and inventing new technologies. Their latest advancement, the Gocator 2530, is being rolled out worldwide to remotely inspect batteries, railways, tires, and various other products.

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Ellie Gartell, Muhammad Rayyan Siddiqui and Jax Bailey. Bottom row, left to right: Mona Yu, Philip David Vargas and

Tiffany Quon. Bottom row, left to right: Mona Yu, Philip David Vargas and Tiffany Quon. • SUBMITTED

2020 TIAs Scholarship Recipients This marks the 15th year that BC Tech has supported high-school and post-secondary students in pursuing careers in technology and innovation. Given the “Purpose” theme of this year’s TIAs, and the key role tech is playing in the fight against COVID-19, providing scholarship grants to students who are passionate about technology and having an impact on their communities is particularly meaningful. The 2020 scholarship winners are: UNIVERSITY RECIPIENTS Tiffany Quon Jax Bailey

Spirit of BC Tech – Purpose Winner Jax is a second-year British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) student who aims to become a shop teacher so he can incorporate both trade work and technology into his classes for his students. He wants to help future students like him who are torn between passions explore opportunities to leverage technology in any industry.

Tiffany is an Engineering Physics student specializing in Computer Sciences at the University of British Columbia who is interested in the impact of technology on human emotions and how tech can be used for good. Tiffany wants to explore and resolve friction between people and technology and utilize tech to better people’s lives.

Bachelor of Science program at the University of British Columbia in the fall. Philip David Vargas

Phillip is a future architecture student entering his first year at the University of British Columbia in the fall. He sees architecture and housing as forces for good, and wants to combine architecture and tech to help families’ livelihoods.


Ellie Gartell

Daphne Liu

Ellie is a third-year Civil Engineering student at UBC Okanagan who is passionate about using her engineering degree to improve communities through technology. Upon graduation she would like to work with cities to develop technological solutions to combat water issues in B.C.

Spirit of BC Tech – Purpose Winner Muhammad first became enamoured by tech at the age of nine when he began teaching himself Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash. He later learned programming and used his self-taught skills to support the B.C. Muslim Association to provide innovative mobile app solutions that foster community engagement. Muhammad will be entering the

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Mona is passionate about using innovation and cutting-edge technology to solve global problems and make a practical difference in people’s lives. Bound for the University of British Columbia in the fall, she will be majoring in Integrated Engineering with the goal of becoming a Humanitarian Engineer, using technology to improve the quality of life in developing countries.

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Top 100 tech companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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| 37

Top 100 tech companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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38 |


Top 100 tech companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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| 39

Top 100 tech companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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2020-10-20 4:39 PM



Top 100 tech companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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| 41

Biggest digital and media agencies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of full-time employees in B.C.

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2020-10-21 10:07 AM


42 |


Biggest B.C.-based tech companies RANKED BY | 2019 revenue


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2020-10-20 4:39 PM


| 43

Biggest digital arts companies RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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44 |


Biggest software companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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2020-10-20 4:39 PM


| 45

Biggest communication technology firms in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.


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2020-10-20 4:39 PM



Biggest alternative energy companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Total number of employees in B.C.

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2020-10-20 4:39 PM


| 47

Biggest life sciences companies in B.C. RANKED BY | Number of R&D employees in 2019


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Helping to bridge the gap between innovation and commercialization

BIV_Tech2020_56Rob.indd 47

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2020-10-21 10:41 AM


48 |



Accelerate Okanagan Technology Association (AOTA) Brea Lake, CEO 460 Doyle Ave Suite 201 Kelowna, BC, V1Y OC2 t: 250-870-9028 e: contact@accelerateokanagan. com accelerateokanagan.com Aerospace Industries Association of Canada - AIAC Pacific 999 Canada Pl Suite 404 Vancouver, BC, V6C 3E2 t: 604-652-3324 aiacpacific.ca Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) Theresa McCurry, CEO 10767 148 St, Surrey , BC, V3R 0S4 t: 604-585-2788 f: 604-585-2790 e: techinfo@asttbc.org asttbc.org

BC Tech Association Jill Tipping, Presient and CEO 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101 Vancouver, BC, V5T 4T5 t: 604-683-6159 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com

HR Tech Group Stephanie Hollingshead, CEO PO Box 38024 Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4L9 t: 604-874-2653 f: 604-874-2654 e: hrtechgroup.com

BCNET 555 Seymour St Suite 750 Vancouver, BC, V6B 3H6 t: 604-822-1348 f: 604-822-9887 e: info@bc.net bc.net

Innovate BC 1188 Georgia St W Suite 900 Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A2 t: 604-952-5035 e: info@innovatebc.ca innovatebc.ca

Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association Mark Kirby, President and CEO 475 Georgia St W Suite 660 Vancouver, BC, V6B 4M9 t: 604-283-1040 f: 604-683-6345 e: info@chfca.ca chfca.ca

BC Bioenergy Network Executive Director 666 Burrard St Suite 500 Vancouver, BC, V6C 3P6 t: 604-889-4549 bcbioenergy.ca

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters - British Columbia PO Box 36570 Seafair Richmond, BC, V7C 5M4 t: 604-713-7800 f: 604-713-7801 e: bc@cme-mec.ca cme-mec.ca

BC Environment Industry Association (BCEIA) Kate MacDonald Membership Administrator 1130 Pender St W Suite 305 Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A4 t: 604-683-2751 f: 604-677-5960 e: info@bceia.com bceia.com

DigiBC -The Interactive & Digital Media Industry Association of BC 577 Great Northern Way Suite 210 Vancouver, BC, V5T 1E1 t: 604-602-5237 e: exec@digibc.org digibc.org

BC Sustainable Energy Association 1631 Oakland Ave Victoria, BC, V8T 2L3 t: 604-332-0025 e: info@bcsea.org bcsea.org

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Ann English, CEO and Registrar 4010 Regent St Suite 200 Burnaby, BC, V5C 6N2 t: 604-430-8035 f: 604-430-8085 e: info@egbc.ca egbc.ca

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Innovation Island Technology Association (IITA) Executive Director 327 Prideaux St Suite 13 Nanaimo, BC, V9R 2N4 t: 250-753-8324 e: info@innovationisland.ca innovationisland.ca

LifeSciences British Columbia Wendy Hurlburt, President 1285 Broadway W Suite 580 Vancouver, BC, V6H 3X8 t: 604-669-9909 f: 604-669-9912 e: admin@lifesciencesbc.ca lifesciencesbc.ca Technical Safety BC 2889 12th Ave E Suite 600 Vancouver, BC, V5M 4T5 t: 866-566-7233 e: contact@technicalsafetybc.ca technicalsafetybc.ca T-Net British Columbia 1207 Pacific Blvd Suite 300 Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2R6 t: 604-210-5034 bctechnology.com

Kamloops Innovation Centre Society 348 Tranquille Rd Kamloops, BC, V2B 3G6 t: 250-434-0200 e: info@kamloopsinnovation.ca kamloopsinnovation.ca

Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology & Entrepreneurship Council (VIATeC) Dan Gunn, CEO 777 Fort St Victoria, BC, V8W 1G0 t: 250-483-3214 e: info@viatec.ca viatec.ca

Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) Executive Director 91-D Baker St Nelson, BC, V1L 4G8Â t: 236-527-2121 e: info@kast.com kast.com

VR/AR Association Vancouver Chapter Dan Burgar, Chapter President 128 Hastings St W Suite 300 Vancouver, BC V6B 1G8 t: 604-880-8983 thevrara.com

Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) PO Box 453 Stn Main Cranbrook, BC, V1C 4H0 t: 250-426-6388 e: info@kric.ca kric.silkstart.com

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Maintenance ......................................................... 49 Manufacturing...................................................... 49 Training.................................................................... 49 Other ........................................................................ 49


Medical Devices & Diagnostics ................... 49 Pharmaceuticals ................................................. 49 Research & Scientific Services.................... 49 Other ........................................................................ 49

ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES 2005 2010 2020 2030 2070

Alternative Energy ............................................. 49 Alternative Engine Fuels..................................50 Biofuels, Biomass & Waste-to-Energy ....50 Fuel Cells .................................................................50 Power & Energy Efficiency Technologies ......................................................................................50 2000 Other .........................................................................50

INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY 3010 Electronics ..............................................................50 3015 Engineering, Analytical & Design Services ......................................................................................50 3020 Hardware .................................................................50 3022 Internet Providers ...............................................50 3025 Internet Services .................................................50 3030 Software & Services ..........................................50 3040 Telecommunications .........................................52 3050 Videoconferencing/Webcasting .................52 3000 Other .........................................................................52

NEW MEDIA 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060

Animation/Digital Film .....................................52 E-Learning ..............................................................53 Interactive Design & Communications ....53 Interactive Entertainment/Games .............53 Software ..................................................................53 Web Development/Marketing/Commerce ......................................................................................53 4000 Other .........................................................................53

SERVICES 7010 7013 7015 7020 7030 7050 7075 7000

Accounting..............................................................53 Audiovisual..............................................................53 Consultants ............................................................53 Financial Services................................................54 Legal Services .......................................................54 Professional Services ........................................54 Recruiting ................................................................54 Other .........................................................................55

SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES 5005 Electric Vehicle Technologies.......................55 5030 Environmental Monitoring & Instrumentation ...................................................55 5040 Green Building & Sustainable Planning Services ....................................................................55 5050 Hazardous/Solid Waste Management .....55 5060 Information Systems for Sustainable Resource Management ....................................55 5090 Site Remediation .................................................55 5100 Water & Waste-water Treatment: Water Conservation Equipment ................................55 5000 Other .........................................................................55

WIRELESS 6010 6020 6030 6000

Components, Infrastructure & Devices ...55 Enabling Software ..............................................55 Wireless Applications........................................55 Other .........................................................................55

BIV_Tech2020_56Rob.indd 49

A comprehensive listing of technology companies in British Columbia, organized by industry sector. How companies get listed in BC Tech BC Tech is the most complete and comprehensive guide to the province’s high-tech industries, and we at Business in Vancouver pride ourselves on providing the most up-to-date information available at press time. We gather company information by searching online resources and business publications, making initial contact by email and verifying specific company information by phone. In all, BIV makes a minimum of three attempts to verify each company’s information.



Stallion Manufacturing Inc 1125 15th St W, North Vancouver V7P 1M7 Noorez Devraj.............................p: 604-990-0988 e: sales@stallionmfg.com stallionmfg.com Testforce Systems Inc 34255 Larch St, Abbotsford V2S 2P7 Chris Sztuhar ... p: 604-557-0715 f: 514-856-6983 e: chris@testforce.com testforce.com MANUFACTURING


Metal Action Machining Ltd 12448 82nd Ave Suite 207, Surrey V3W 3E9 .......... p: 604-543-7378 f: 604-592-7372 e: sales@metalactionmachining.com metalactionmachining.com TRAINING


BCIT Aerospace Technology Campus 3800 Cessna Dr, Richmond V7B 0A1 ........p: 604-419-3777 bcit.ca/aerospace OTHER


BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com Pro Wings Aviation Ltd 8678 Sunburst Pl, Chilliwack V2R 3J1 R Grace Rouch ............................p: 604-795-1221 e: rouch@prowings.bc.ca prowings.bc.ca

If we do not receive written or verbal confirmation that the data is correct, then we have no choice but to delete that company from the database. If your company is not listed in the directory, and the services that you provide fit into one of the categories listed in the category index, you can either call BIV at 604-688-2398 and ask for Anna Liczmanska or email the pertinent information to annamae@biv.com. To ensure your listing, please contact a BIV Magazines representative and pay the guarantee of $35.

LivaNova Canada Corp 5005 North Fraser Way, Burnaby V5J 5M1 Jennifer Arntorp .........................p: 604-412-5650 f: 604-412-5690 livanova.com Mindful Garden Digital Health Inc Vancouver Catherine Winckler ..p: 604-309-7530 e: cwinckler@mindfulgarden.com mindfulgarden.com Neovasc Inc 13562 Maycrest Way Suite 5138, Richmond V6V 2J7............ p: 604-270-4344 f: 604-270-4384 e: info@neovasc.com neovasc.com ReFlex Wireless Inc 1055 Hastings St W Suite 300, Vancouver V6E 2E9 Andy Tsai ....................................p: 778-800-0841 e: info@reflexwireless.com reflexwireless.com Response Biomedical Corp 1781 75th Ave W, Vancouver V6P 6P2 ............ p: 604-456-6010 f: 604-456-6066 e: customersupport@responsebio.com responsebio.com StarFish Medical 455 Boleskine Rd, Victoria V8Z 1E7 David Dobson .. p: 250-388-3537 f: 250-483-1975 e: info@starfishmedical.com starfishmedical.com Verathon Medical Canada ULC 2227 Douglas Rd, Burnaby V5C 5A9 ........... p: 604-439-3009 f: 604-439-3039 e: canadasales@verathon.com verathon.com PHARMACEUTICALS


UrtheCast 1055 Canada Pl Suite 33 Vancouver V6C 0C3 ..............p: 604-669-1788 urthecast.com

AbCellera 2215 Yukon St, Vancouver V5Y 0A1 ......................................p: 604-559-9005 e: info@abcellera.com abcellera.com


Amgen British Columbia Inc 7990 Enterprise St, Burnaby V5A 1V7 ........... p: 604-415-1800 f: 604-676-8349 e: natashab@amgen.com amgen.ca



Artron BioResearch Inc 3938 North Fraser Way, Burnaby V5J 5H6 ........... p: 604-415-9757 f: 604-415-9795 e: info@artronbio.com artronbio.com bioLytical Laboratories 13251 Delf Pl Suite 406, Richmond V6V 2A2 ........... p: 604-204-6784 f: 604-244-8399 e: info@biolytical.com biolytical.com/insti.com Datrend Systems Inc 4020 Viking Way Suite 130, Richmond V6V 2L4 Jon Strong ....... p: 604-291-7747 f: 604-294-2355 e: jon.strong@datrend.com datrend.com GenomeMe Canada 3691 Viking Way Unit 1, Richmond V6V 2J6.......................................p: 604-244-9962 e: info@genomeme.ca genomeme.ca

Alectos Therapeutics 8999 Nelson Way, Burnaby V5A 4B5 ........... p: 604-628-7129 f: 604-628-0137 e: info@alectos.com alectos.com Qu Biologics Inc 4475 Wayburne Dr Suite 305, Burnaby V5G 4X4 ........... p: 604-734-1450 f: 604-676-2235 e: info@qubiologics.com qubiologics.com RepliCel Life Sciences 570 Granville St Suite 900, Vancouver V6C 3P1 Lee Buckler .................................p: 604-248-8730 e: info@replicel.com replicel.com Zymeworks Inc 1385 8th Ave W Suite 540, Vancouver V6H 3V9 ........... p: 604-678-1388 f: 604-737-7077 e: info@zymeworks.com zymeworks.com



ABM Applied Biological Materials Inc 3671 Viking Way Unit 1, Richmond V6V 2J5............ p: 604-247-2416 f: 604-247-2414 e: info@abmgood.com abmgood.com Genome BC 575 8th Ave W Suite 400, Vancouver V5Z 0C4............ p: 604-738-8072 f: 604-738-8597 genomebc.ca Kinexus Bioinformatics Corp 8755 Ash St Suite 1, Vancouver V6P 6T3 Steven Pelech.. p: 604-323-2547 f: 604-323-2548 e: info@kinexus.ca kinexus.ca Stemcell Technologies Inc 1618 Station St, Vancouver V6A 1B6 ........... p: 604-877-0713 f: 800-567-2899 e: info@stemcell.com stemcell.com OTHER


Aspect Biosystems 1781 75th Ave W, Vancouver V6P 6P2 .......................................p: 604-263-0502 e: info@aspectbiosystems.com aspectbiosystems.com BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com BCIT School of Health Sciences Burnaby Campus 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H2 .............. p: 604-434-5734 bcit.ca/health



Analytic Systems Ware (1993) Ltd 8128 River Way Suite 101, Delta V4G IK5 Richard Hargrove........................p: 604-946-9981 f: 604-946-9983 e: sales@analyticsystems.com analyticsystems.com Chinook Power Corp 4388 Prospect Rd, North Vancouver V7N 3L7 Stephen Cheeseman ..................p: 604-924-4494 chinookpower.com Corvus Energy Inc 13155 Delf Pl Suite 220, Richmond V6V 2A2 ........... p: 604-227-0280 f: 604-227-0281 e: info@corvusenergy.com corvusenergy.com Delta-Q Technologies Corp 3755 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H3 ........... p: 604-327-8244 f: 604-327-8246 e: info@delta-q.com delta-q.com General Fusion Inc 3680 Bonneville Pl Suite 106, Burnaby V3N 4T5 ......................................p: 604-439-3003 e: info@generalfusion.com generalfusion.com

Kardium Inc 8518 Glenlyon Pky Suite 155, Burnaby V5J 0B6............ p: 604-248-8891 f: 604-304-3478 e: doug.goertzen@kardium.com kardium.com

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Energy technologies

Information & communications technology

Greenlight Innovation Corp 8339 Eastlake Dr, Burnaby V5A 4W2.......... p: 604-676-4012 f: 604-676-4111 e: info@greenlightinnovation.com greenlightinnovation.com Hydrogen in Motion 55 Cordova St E Suite 312, Vancouver V6A 0A5 Grace Quan...... p: 778-888-9590 f: 778-508-3552 e: info@hydrogeninmotion.com hydrogeninmotion.com Innergex Renewable Energy Inc 888 Dunsmuir St 11th Floor, Vancouver V6C 3K4 ........... p: 604-633-9990 f: 604-633-9991 e: info@innergex.com innergex.com Schneider Electric Canada 3700 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4M1 .....................................p: 604-422-8595 e: canadian.pss@schneider-electric.com se.com/ca Svante Inc 8528 Glenlyon Pky Unit 143, Burnaby V5J 0B6............ p: 604-456-0504 f: 604-435-7670 e: info@svanteinc.com svanteinc.com Testforce Systems Inc 34255 Larch St, Abbotsford V2S 2P7 Chris Sztuhar ... p: 604-557-0715 f: 514-856-6983 e: chris@testforce.com testforce.com VREC - Vancouver Renewable Energy 1245 Glen Dr, Vancouver V6A 1P3 Rob Baxter ....... p: 778-869-8333 f: 604-909-1988 e: main@vrec.ca vrec.ca Wellons Canada 19087 96 Ave, Surrey V4N 3P2 ........... p: 604-881-3229 f: 604-888-2959 e: pat.thornton@wellons.ca wellons.ca ALTERNATIVE ENGINE FUELS


Liquid Wind 7131 Stride Ave Suite 305, Burnaby V3N 0E3 Claes Fredriksson .......................p: 866-882-0088 e: info@liquidwind.se liquidwind.se Westport Fuel Systems Inc 1750 75th Ave W Suite 101, Vancouver V6P 6G2 ........... p: 604-718-2000 f: 604-718-2001 e: info@wfsinc.com wfsinc.com BIOFUELS, BIOMASS & WASTE-TO-ENERGY


Ausenco 855 Homer St, Vancouver V6B 2W2 .......... p: 604-684-9311 f: 604-688-5913 e: info.nam@ausenco.com ausenco.com FUEL CELLS



Ballard Power Systems Inc 9000 Glenlyon Pky, Burnaby V5J 5J8 Monique Dunn. p: 604-454-0900 f: 604-412-4700 e: marketing@ballard.com ballard.com

Coda Research Corp 195 21st St Suite 1201, West Vancouver V7V 4A4 Johan Dooyeweerd ....................p: 604-986-2004 e: sales@codaresearch.com codaresearch.com Delta-Q Technologies Corp 3755 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H3 ........... p: 604-327-8244 f: 604-327-8246 e: info@delta-q.com delta-q.com Lockhart Industries Ltd PO Box 784, Duncan V9L 3Y1 Doug Lockhart . p: 250-748-1731 f: 250-743-4570 e: sales@lockhart.ca lockhart.ca QMC Submetering Solutions 573 Sherling Pl Suite 1105, Port Coquitlam V3B 0J6 Mike Easton .... p: 604-526-5155 f: 604-526-7667 e: info@qmeters.com qmeters.com Rainforest Automation Inc 827 Cambie St, Vancouver V6G 4P5 Bill Richardson ...........................p: 604-630-4287 e: bill.richardson@rainforestautomation.com rainforestautomation.com OTHER


BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com BCIT School of Energy Burnaby Campus 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H2 ..............p: 604-434-5734 bcit.ca/energy



Ampco Manufacturers Inc 9 Burbidge St Suite 101, Coquitlam V3K 7B2 Dann Konkin .... p: 604-472-3800 f: 604-944-4068 e: sales@ampcomfg.com ampcomfg.com Cadex Electronics Inc 22000 Fraserwood Way, Richmond V6W 1J6 John Bradshaw p: 604-231-7777 f: 604-231-7750 e: info@cadex.com cadex.com

Creation Technologies 8999 Fraserton Crt , Burnaby V5J 5H8 .....................................p: 604-430-4336 e: info@creationtech.com creationtech.com Dorigo Systems Ltd 5085 North Fraser Way, Burnaby V5J 0J2 Beth Miller ...... p: 604-294-4600 f: 604-294-4609 e: bmiller@pillonholdings.com dorigo.com Enigma Interconnect 8070 Winston St, Burnaby V5A 2H5 Beth Miller ...... p: 604-420-3313 f: 604-420-7525 e: boards@enigmacorp.com enigmacorp.com Euro Solutions Ltd 19720 94A Ave Suite E104, Langley V1M 3B7 Lada Cervinek .. p: 604-513-8584 f: 604-513-2228 e: info@eurobc.com eurobc.com

BIV_Tech2020_56Rob.indd 50


Analytic Systems Ware (1993) Ltd 8128 River Way Suite 101, Delta V4G IK5 Richard Hargrove........................p: 604-946-9981 f: 604-946-9983 e: sales@analyticsystems.com analyticsystems.com

CCI Canadian Circuits Inc 13140 88 Ave Suite 12, Surrey V3W 3K3 Praveen Arya ... p: 604-599-8600 f: 604-599-8181 e: pam@canadiancircuits.com canadiancircuits.com

power to change the world®



Flir Integrated Imaging Solutions Inc 12051 Riverside Way, Richmond V6W 1K7 Darcie Cuthbert p: 604-242-9937 f: 604-242-9938 e: darcie.cuthbert@flir.com flir.com/mv Testforce Systems Inc 34255 Larch St, Abbotsford V2S 2P7 Chris Sztuhar ... p: 604-557-0715 f: 514-856-6983 e: chris@testforce.com testforce.com ENGINEERING, ANALYTICAL & DESIGN SERVICES


AnalysisWorks 1234 6th Ave W, Vancouver V6H 1A5 Jason Goto ...... p: 604-739-7363 f: 604-739-7364 e: info@analysisworks.com analysisworks.com

Novus Entertainment Inc 112 3rd Ave E Suite 300, Vancouver V5T 1C8............ p: 604-642-6688 f: 604-685-7832 e: callcenter@novusnow.ca novusnow.ca Stargate Connections Inc 6450 Roberts St Suite 347, Burnaby V5G 4E1 ........... p: 604-606-8999 f: 604-606-8998 e: info@stargate.ca stargate.ca INTERNET SERVICES


ABC Communications 970 Burrard St Suite 147 PO Box 358, Vancouver V6Z 2R4............ p: 888-235-1174 f: 250-992-3930 e: info@abccomm.com abccommunications.com

CMC Engineering & Management Ltd 1160 Douglas Rd Suite 300, Burnaby V5C 4Z6 Lucio Sacchetti p: 604-294-6483 f: 604-294-0457 e: info@cmcengineering.com cmcengineering.com

Webnames.ca Inc 333 Terminal Ave Suite 333, Vancouver V6A 4C1 ........... p: 604-633-1142 f: 604-633-3174 e: support@webnames.ca webnames.ca

Form3 Design Inc 365 Railway St Suite 201, Vancouver V6A 1A4 Alex Feldman..............................p: 604-709-3676 e: alexf@form3.com form3.com Contract industrial design and mechanical design services, including product graphics, interface, prototyping and transfer to manufacturing.

1stDataRecovery.com 2981 Simpson Rd Suite 210, Richmond V6X 2R2 Ann An........................................p: 604-278-3776 e: info@1stdatarecovery.com 1stdatarecovery.com

LMI Technologies 9200 Glenlyon Pky, Burnaby V5J 5J8 Henry Lai ......... p: 604-636-1011 f: 604-516-8368 e: info@lmi3d.com lmi3d.com Powertech Labs Inc 12388 88 Ave, Surrey V3W 7R7 .......... p: 604-598-5116 f: 604-590-6656 e: monica.pineda@powertechlabs.com powertechlabs.com Synetic Inc 780 Kings Rd, 2nd floor, Victoria V8T 5A2 ......................................p: 250-475-3001 e: inquiry@synetic.ca synetic.ca HARDWARE


Cisco Systems Canada 595 Burrard St Suite 2123, Vancouver V7X 1J1............ p: 604-647-2300 f: 604-647-2399 cisco.com Foreseeson Technology Inc 11980 Hammersmith Way Suite 2105, Richmond V7A 0A4 ........... p: 604-233-0247 f: 604-233-0248 e: sumoon@foreseeson.com foreseeson.com i-worx Enterprises Inc 1520 Barrow St Unit 201, North Vancouver V7J 1B7 Andre Coetzee . p: 604-639-6300 f: 604-637-2019 e: info@i-worx.ca i-worx.ca



Absolute 1055 Dunsmuir St Suite 1400 PO Box 49211, Vancouver V7X 1K8 ........... p: 604-730-9851 f: 604-730-2621 e: info@absolute.com absolute.com Sage Software Canada 13888 Wireless Way, Richmond V6V 0A3 Nancy Harris......... p: 604-207-9480 sage.com/ca AccSys Solutions Inc 20486 64th Ave Unit 108, Langley V2Y 2V5 Douglas Dickie p: 604-534-4344 f: 604-534-4385 e: sales@accsyssolutions.com accsyssolutions.com ActiveState Software Inc 1177 Hastings St W Suite 1000, Vancouver V6E 2K3............ p: 778-786-1100 f: 778-786-1133 e: marketing@activestate.com activestate.com Advanced Computer Networking Systems Inc 7342 Winston St Suite 103, Burnaby V5A 2G9 Tom Carter ....... p: 604-473-9044 f: 604-473-9034 e: tcarter@adv-network.com adv-network.com Advisor Websites 1930 Pandora St Suite 311, Vancouver V5L 0C7 Alex Wingert ..............................p: 866-638-0273 e: marketing@advisorwebsites.com advisorwebsites.com Aequilibrium Software Inc 409 Granville St Suite 1300, Vancouver V6C 1T2 Adrian Moise..............................p: 877-231-9422 e: adrian.moise@aequilibrium.ca aequilibrium.com Allocadia Software Inc 200 Granville St Suite 400, Vancouver V6E 3X1.......................................p: 604-639-5736 e: hello@allocadia.com allocadia.com

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Information & communications technology

Andornot Consulting Inc 808 Nelson St Suite 1700, Vancouver V6Z 2H2 Kathy Bryce ................................p: 604-269-2525 e: info@andornot.com andornot.com

INETCO Systems Ltd 4664 Lougheed Hwy Suite 295, Burnaby V5C 5T5 Stacy Gorkoff... p: 604-451-1567 f: 604-451-1565 e: info@inetco.com inetco.com

Appazur Solutions Inc 1834C Oak Bay Ave Suite 140, Victoria V8R 0A4 Trevor Cox...................................p: 888-277-5705 e: hello@appazur.com appazur.com

Innovation Networks Inc 13955 Bridgeport Rd Suite 400, Richmond V6V 1J6............ p: 604-275-5100 f: 604-275-7978 e: info@innovationnetworks.com innovationnetworks.com

Aprio Inc 1090 Georgia St W Suite 1090, Vancouver V6E 3V7............ p: 604-684-9943 f: 604-689-7729 e: info@aprio.net aprio.net Aquatic Informatics Inc 1111 Georgia St W Suite 2400, Vancouver V6E 4M3 .......... p: 604-873-2782 f: 604-873-2750 e: info@aquaticinformatics.com aquaticinformatics.com Assembly Technologies Inc 1515 Douglas St Suite 520, Victoria V8W 2G4 Olivia Scholes.............................p: 855-342-2271 e: contact@assmb.ly assmb.ly Avocette Technologies Inc 422 Sixth St 2nd floor, New Westminster V3L 3B2 Mitchell Ngai .. p: 604-395-6000 f: 604-395-6004 e: marketing@avocette.com avocette.com Bench 545 Robson St Suite 200, Vancouver V6B 2B7 ................................................................ e: media@bench.co bench.co Binary Stream Software Inc 7300 Edmonds St Suite 800, Burnaby V5A 0C4 .....................................p: 604-522-6300 e: info@binarystream.com binarystream.com Boeing Vancouver 13575 Commerce Pky Suite 200, Richmond V6V 2L1 ............ p: 604-232-4200 f: 604-232-4201 e: rachel.kelly@boeing.com boeingvancouver.com Burli Software Inc 4664 Lougheed Hwy Suite 264, Burnaby V5C 5T5............ p: 604-684-3140 f: 604-684-4160 e: sales@burli.com burli.com CGI Group Inc 1175 Douglas St 6th floor, Victoria V8W 2E1 ......... p: 250-383-3934 f: 250-388-5018 e: info@cgi.com cgi.com Change Healthcare Imaging, Workflow & Care Solutions 10711 Cambie Rd Suite 130, Richmond V6X 3G5 ........... p: 604-279-5422 f: 604-279-0572 e: iwsmarketingcom@mckesson.com changehealthcare.com Clevest 13700 International Pl, Richmond V6V 2X8 Thomas Ligocki...........................p: 604-214-9700 e: info@clevest.com clevest.com Clio (Themis Solutions Inc) 4611 Canada Way Suite 300, Burnaby V5G 4X3 ......................................p: 888-858-2546 e: info@clio.com clio.com Collabware 1188 Georgia St W Suite 1050, Vancouver V6E 4A2 Graham Sibley ............................p: 778-724-1812 e: contact@collabware.com collabware.com Copperleaf 2920 Virtual Way Suite 140, Vancouver V5M 0C4 .......... p: 604-639-9700 f: 604-639-9699 e: info13@copperleaf.com copperleaf.com

CounterPath 505 Burrard St Suite 300, Vancouver V7X 1M3 Hanna Miller ... p: 604-320-3344 f: 604-320-3399 e: corporate@counterpath.com counterpath.com Award-winning VoIP solutions that enable teams to connect and collaborate across any device, on any platform and on any network. DataRecoveryBC.com 2981 Simpson Rd Suite 210, Richmond V6X 2R2 Ann An........................................p: 604-681-3770 e: help@datarecoverybc.com datarecoverybc.com

iQmetrix 250 Howe St Suite 1210, Vancouver V6C 3R8 ........... p: 866-476-3874 f: 604-568-0462 iqmetrix.com JDV Consulting 2870 Philip Ave, North Vancouver V7R 1B8 Jiri Dvorak ..................................p: 604-220-0529 e: jiri.dvorak@t4bi.com

Equicare Health 2020 Yukon St Suite 201, Vancouver V5Y 3N8 ........... p: 604-708-9075 f: 604-687-6942 e: info@equicarehealth.com equicarehealth.com

Jostle Corp 1090 Georgia St W Suite 1200, Vancouver V6E 3V7 Brad Palmer ................................p: 604-566-9520 e: info@jostle.me jostle.me

Essential Software Solutions Inc 3438 Lougheed Hwy Suite 200, Vancouver V5M 2A4 Ron Hepting..... p: 604-215-3200 f: 604-215-1115 e: ron@essoft.com essoft.com

Kobelt Development Inc 18525 53rd Ave Suite 231, Surrey V3S 7A4 Tom Kobelt ...... p: 604-574-7225 f: 604-574-7256 e: info@kdi.ca kdi.ca

Fatigue Science 409 Granville St Suite 1588, Vancouver V6C 1T2 David Trotter...............................p: 604-408-0085 e: info@fatiguescience.com fatiguescience.com FinancialCAD Corp (FINCAD) 13450 102 Ave Suite 1750 Central City, Surrey V3T 5X3............ p: 604-957-1200 f: 604-957-1201 e: info@fincad.com fincad.com Galvanize 980 Howe St Suite 1500, Vancouver V6Z 0C8............ p: 604-669-4225 f: 604-669-3557 wegalvanize.com Gens Software Ltd 4050 38th Ave W, Vancouver V6N 2Y9 Radik Gens ...... p: 604-266-5767 f: 604-266-5769 e: radikg@genssoft.com genssoft.com GenXys 322 Water St Suite 200, Vancouver V6B 1B6 ......................................p: 778-895-9325 e: info@genxys.com genxys.com GeoTalent by GeoMetrix (the Evolution of TrainingPartner) PO Box 53574 RPO Broadmead, Victoria V8X 5K2 Karla Willems.. p: 800-616-5409 f: 250-361-9362 e: info@geotalent.com geotalent.com

Maximizer Solutions 60 Smithe St Suite 260, Vancouver V6B 0P5............ p: 604-601-8000 f: 604-601-8001 e: info@maximizer.com maximizer.com Medinet Health Systems Inc 1755 Broadway W Suite 403, Vancouver V6J 4S5 Kate Culter ...... p: 604-737-1477 f: 604-742-8850 e: info@medinet.ca medi.net

PDFTron Systems Inc 838 Hastings St W Level 5, Vancouver V6C 0A6 ........... p: 604-730-8989 f: 604-676-2477 e: sales@pdftron.com pdftron.com Leading global provider of electronic document technologies, including cross-platform, highperformance software components for PDF viewing/editing, document conversion and universal document web viewing. TwoTonic Labs Inc 308 5th Ave E, Vancouver V5T 1H4 Robert Zalaudek .........................p: 604-771-8768 e: info@twotonic.net twotonic.net Progressa 1500 Georgia St W Suite 2000, Vancouver V6G 2Z6 ........... p: 855-723-5626 f: 855-477-1110 e: philipp.postrehovsky@progressa.com progressa.io QHR Technologies Inc 1620 Dickson Ave Suite 300, Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 ......................................p: 855-550-5004 e: inquiry@qhrtech.com qhrtechnologies.com Quartech 2889 12th Ave E Suite 650, Vancouver V5M 4T5 Michael Lagasse ........................p: 604-291-9686 f: 604-291-0243 e: communications@quartech.com quartech.com

Metasoft Systems Inc 353 Water St Suite 300, Vancouver V6B 1B8 ........... p: 604-683-6711 f: 604-683-6704 e: info@meta-soft.com meta-soft.com Micromine 999 Canada Pl Suite 532, Vancouver V6C 3E1 Derek Cooper... p: 604-646-8924 f: 604-696-0504 e: mabbaszadeh@micromine.com micromine.com Microsoft Canada Inc (Vancouver development centre) 725 Granville St Suite 700, Vancouver V7Y 1G5 ......................................p: 604-693-7726 e: mcecinfo@microsoft.com mcec.microsoft.ca Microzip Data Solutions Inc 851 Old Lillooet Rd, North Vancouver V7J 2H6 Axel Krieger..... p: 604-683-3711 f: 855-845-8903 e: info@microzip.com microzip.com

Global Relay 220 Cambie St 2nd floor, Vancouver V6B 2M9 Shannon Rogers .........................p: 604-484-6630 f: 604-608-2941 e: info@globalrelay.net globalrelay.com

Mojio Inc 808 Hastings St W Suite 1100, Vancouver V6C 2X4 Mersiha Musovic .......................p: 855-556-6546 e: info@moj.io moj.io

Globalme Localization Inc 1008 Homer St Suite 310, Vancouver V6B 2X1 Emre Akkas.................................p: 855-438-5106 e: info@globalme.net globalme.net

MRX Solutions Corp 470 Kingsway Ave Suite 103, Vancouver V5T 3J9 Sava Jurisic ..... p: 604-676-2362 f: 604-676-2362 e: info@mrxsolutions.com mrxsolutions.com

happier IT Inc 15670 Columbia Ave, White Rock V4B 1L1 Lee Van Iderstine........................p: 604-542-0616 e: lee.vaniderstine@happierit.com happierit.com

Oak Bay Softrends Inc 3230 31st Ave W, Vancouver V6L 2A7.......................................p: 604-739-9385 e: info@oakbaysoftrends.net oakbaysoftrends.net

Helm Operations 1208 Wharf St Suite 400, Victoria V8W 3B9 .......... p: 250-360-1991 f: 250-360-1359 e: info@helmoperations.com helmoperations.com

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Intense Technologies Inc 3731 Rees Rd, Richmond V6X 2S4 John Ens .....................................p: 604-270-2780 e: info@intense.ca intense.ca

OPUS Consulting Group Ltd 134 Abbott St Suite 404, Vancouver V6B 2K4 ........... p: 604-684-6787 f: 604-684-6789 e: info@ocgl.net ocgl.net

Realtor.com 10271 Shellbridge Way Suite 300, Richmond V6X 2W8 Klaus Salchner ...........................p: 800-444-8570 e: sales@topproducer.com careers.realtor.com Realtor.com, The Home of Home Search, is a leading online real estate destination. Offering the most MLS-listed for-sale properties in the U.S., and access to information, tools and professional expertise, realtor.com makes finding buying and selling your home easier and more rewarding. We pioneered the world of digital real estate more than 20 years ago, and today is the trusted resource for home buyers, sellers and dreamers. Realtor.com is operated by News Corp [NASDAQ: NWS, NWSA] [ASX: NWS, NWSLV] subsidiary Move, Inc. under a perpetual license from the National Association of Realtors. For more information, visit realtor. com Resonance Software Inc 335 Wesley St Suite 208, Nanaimo V9R 2T5 Ivan Eggers ...... p: 877-740-3800 f: 250-740-0169 e: sales@worksight.net worksight.net Rise People 3777 Kingsway, 10th floor, Burnaby V5H 3Z7 Faiz Abdulla ................................p: 604-336-2900 e: info@risepeople.com risepeople.com

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Information & communications technology

New media

SAP SE 910 Mainland St, Vancouver V6B 1A9 Kirsten Sutton . p: 604-647-8888 f: 604-681-2934 e: vancouver@sap.com sap.com

Unilogik Systems Inc 999 Broadway W Suite 620, Vancouver V5Z 1K5............ p: 604-739-8488 f: 604-739-7337 e: info@unilogik.com unilogik.com

Glentel Inc 8501 Commerce Crt, Burnaby V5A 4N3........... p: 604-415-6500 f: 604-415-6565 e: info@glentel.com glentel.com

Smart Hotel Software Inc 1975 Lonsdale Ave Suite 107, North Vancouver V7M 2K3 Douglas Ash ...............................p: 604-926-3215 e: sales@smarthotelsoftware.com smarthotelsoftware.com

Visier 858 Beatty St Suite 400, Vancouver V6B 1C1 Ryan Tessier .... p: 778-331-6950 f: 778-331-6951 e: ryan.tessier@visier.com visier.com

Mil-Sted Data Products Ltd Unit 2 19585 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C5 Michael Gould . p: 604-273-2877 f: 604-270-8534 e: michaelg@mil-sted.com milsteddataproducts.com

Sophos Inc 777 Dunsmuir St Suite 1400, Vancouver V7Y 1K4 ......................................p: 604-484-6400 e: careers-canada@sophos.com sophos.com SpeedLine Solutions Inc 3899 Mt Lehman Rd, Abbotsford V2T 5W5 .......... p: 888-400-9185 f: 866-850-9688 e: info@speedlinesolutions.com speedlinesolutions.com

Waterstreet Technologies Group Inc 375 Water St Suite 200, Vancouver V6B 0M9 Tim Chizik ........ p: 604-484-0148 f: 604-484-0149 e: tchizik@waterstreet.net waterstreet.net

StarGarden Corp 3665 Kingsway, Vancouver V5R 5W2 .......... p: 800-809-2880 f: 604-451-0578 e: support@stargarden.com stargarden.com STEMSOFT Software 1618 Station St, Vancouver V6A 1B6 Nicole Waidman ........................p: 604-668-0843 e: info@stemsoft.com stemsoft.com Tecnet Canada Inc 3214 Beta Ave, Burnaby V5G 4K4 Ed Life.............. p: 800-832-6381 f: 604-433-5552 e: ed.life@tecnet.ca tecnet.ca Teradici Corp 4621 Canada Way Suite 101, Burnaby V5G 4X8 ........... p: 604-451-5800 f: 604-451-5818 e: info@teradici.com teradici.com The Answer Company 233 Nelson’s Cres Suite 502, New Westminster V3L 0E4 Shawn Ostheimer.......................p: 604-473-9166 f: 604-473-9115 e: info@theanswerco.com theanswerco.com Thoughtexchange 1990 Columbia Ave Suite E PO Box 2260, Rossland V0G 1Y0 Alex Chapple ..............................p: 250-551-2492 e: alex.chapple@thoughtexchange.com thoughtexchange.com TLD Computers and CustomWorks - A Division of London Drugs Ltd 12251 Horseshoe Way Suite 100, Richmond V7A 4V4 ........... p: 888-933-9777 f: 604-272-6026 e: solutions@tld.com tld.com/customworks.ca We provide IT solutions and services along with custom audio-visual integration. From your server room to your boardroom, we offer professional consultation and services. We have over 30 years of history and experience supporting B.C. businesses. Call us today! Traction on Demand 2700 Production Way Suite 500, Burnaby V5A 0C2 ......................................p: 604-620-6040 e: dhailes@tractionondemand.com tractionondemand.com Trulioo 1055 Hastings St W Suite 1200, Vancouver V6E 2E9 Kim Hong ....................................p: 888-773-0179 e: kim@trulioo.com trulioo.com

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Novus Entertainment Inc 112 3rd Ave E Suite 300, Vancouver V5T 1C8............ p: 604-642-6688 f: 604-685-7832 e: callcenter@novusnow.ca novusnow.ca Rogers Communications 4710 Kingsway Suite 1900, Burnaby V5H 4W4.......... p: 604-214-2161 f: 604-431-1414 e: customer.service@rci.rogers.com rogers.com Xodo Technologies Inc 838 Hastings St W Level 5, Vancouver V6C 0A6 ........... p: 604-730-8989 f: 604-676-2477 e: info@xodo.com xodo.com Xodo Technologies is a provider of innovative, cross-platform business and productivity applications. Our goal is to reimagine how the world works with documents, and to bring the best-in-class in PDF and document technology to users everywhere. Xodo is the ultimate PDF app for viewing, annotating and collaborating on PDF files across platforms and devices. ZE PowerGroup Inc 5920 No 2 Rd Suite 130, Richmond V7C 4R9 ........... p: 604-244-1469 f: 604-244-1675 e: aiman@ze.com ze.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS


Algo Communication Products Ltd 4500 Beedie St, Burnaby V5J 5L2 ............ p: 604-454-3790 f: 604-437-5726 e: info@algosolutions.com algosolutions.com Bell Canada 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5 .....................................p: 800-667-0123 e: bcecomms@bell.ca bell.ca CanTech Telecom Inc 3070 Norland Ave Suite 101, Burnaby V5B 3A6 ........... p: 604-568-7247 f: 604-628-3322 e: info@cantechbca.ca cantechtelecom.ca Charter 1979 Impala Rd, Victoria V9C 4C1 ......................................p: 778-410-2502 e: Info@charter.ca charter.ca

Santel Communications 11880 Hammersmith Way Suite 197, Richmond V7A 5C8 Kevin Kondo .... p: 604-273-9062 f: 604-273-1983 e: kkondo@santel.ca santel.ca

BCIT School of Computing and Academic Studies Burnaby Campus 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H2 ........................p: 604-434-5734 bcit/cas

CuePath Innovation Inc 555 Hastings St W Suite 1200, Vancouver V6B 4N6 Bruce Nunn.................................p: 888-877-2848 e: info@cuepath.io cuepath.com Fortinet Inc 4190 Still Creek Dr Suite 400, Burnaby V5C 6C6 ........... p: 604-430-1297 f: 604-293-8885 e: communications@fortinet.com fortinet.com MDA 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond V6V 2J3.......................................p: 604-278-3411 e: info@mdacorporation.com mdacorporation.com

Shaw Communications Inc 1067 Cordova St W, Vancouver V6C 3T5.........................p: 888-472-2222 shaw.ca

Message Impact Systems Inc 1124 Lonsdale Ave Suite 1107, North Vancouver V7M 2H1 Dave Roitner.... p: 604-243-4442 f: 866-306-3140 e: info@messageimpact.com messageimpact.com

Telus Corp 510 Georgia St W 23rd floor, Vancouver V6B 0M3 .....................................p: 604-697-8044 e: ir@telus.com telus.com

Microserve 4400 Dominion St Suite 280, Burnaby V5G 4G3 Giulietta Mohr . p: 604-473-9883 f: 604-473-9887 e: giuliettam@microserve.ca microserve.ca

Uniserve Communications Corp 333 Terminal Ave Suite 330, Vancouver V6A 4C1 ........... p: 604-395-3900 f: 604-630-7194 uniserve.com

NATGisIT 1919 Sumas Way, Abbotsford V2S 4L5 Alan Muirhead p: 604-526-2129 f: 604-526-5972 e: service@natgisit.ca natgisit.ca

Vecima Networks Inc 771 Vanalman Ave, Victoria V8Z 3B8............ p: 250-881-1982 f: 250-881-1974 e: info@vecima.com vecima.com

Sierra Systems, an NTT DATA Company 1177 Hastings St W Suite 2500, Vancouver V6E 2K3............ p: 877-688-1371 f: 888-688-6482 e: contact@sierrasystems.com sierrasystems.com



4th Utility Inc 2526 Davies Ave, Port Coquitlam V3C 4T7 Jeff Lewis........ p: 604-941-4440 f: 604-941-4433 e: jlewis@fouru.com fouru.com CounterPath 505 Burrard St Suite 300, Vancouver V7X 1M3 Hanna Miller ... p: 604-320-3344 f: 604-320-3399 e: corporate@counterpath.com counterpath.com OTHER


CityWest Cable and Telephone Corp 248 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert V8J 1L1 .......................................p: 250-624-7001 e: donovan.dias@cwct.ca citywest.ca

TMC IT and Telecom Consulting 1500 Georgia St W Suite 1300, Vancouver V6G 2Z6 Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson ............p: 604-683-1103 e: ellen@tmcconsulting.ca tmcconsulting.ca



Atomic Cartoons, Thunderbird’s Kids and Family Division 123 7th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 1L8 .......................................p: 604-734-2866 e: info@atomiccartoons.com atomiccartoons.com Bardel Entertainment Inc 1523 3rd Ave W, Vancouver V6J 1J8 ............ p: 604-669-5589 f: 604-669-9079 e: info@bardel.ca bardel.ca

CounterPath 505 Burrard St Suite 300, Vancouver V7X 1M3 Hanna Miller ... p: 604-320-3344 f: 604-320-3399 e: corporate@counterpath.com counterpath.com Dali Wireless Canada Inc 8618 Commerce Crt, Burnaby V5A 4N6........... p: 604-420-7760 f: 604-420-7730 e: info@daliwireless.com daliwireless.com

BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com

Caltec Solutions PO Box 33035 Nordel, Delta V4C 8E6 Calen Slezash .............................p: 604-761-4342 e: info@caltecsolutions.com caltecsolutions.com

WoodPro Software Inc 2680 Shell Rd Suite 208, Richmond V6X 4C9 ........... p: 604-270-2595 f: 604-244-7966 e: marketing@woodprosoftware.com woodprosoftware.com

Squirrel Systems 8585 Baxter Pl, Burnaby V5A 4V7 ........... p: 604-412-3300 f: 604-412-3399 e: info@squirrelsystems.com squirrelsystems.com

Amazon (Vancouver) 510 Georgia St W, Vancouver V6B 2A3 ....................p: 604-697-2711 amazon.ca

4th Utility Inc 2526 Davies Ave, Port Coquitlam V3C 4T7 Jeff Lewis........ p: 604-941-4440 f: 604-941-4433 e: jlewis@fouru.com fouru.com

Cinesite 565 Great Northern Way Suite 500, Vancouver V5T 0H8 ......................................p: 604-216-2615 e: featureanimation@cinesite.com cinesite.com

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New media


Digital Domain 1618 8th Ave W, Vancouver V6J 1V4............ p: 778-783-6000 f: 778-783-6099 e: jlalani@d2.com digitaldomain.com DNEG 149 4th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 4A6 ......................................p: 778-372-9000 e: info@dneg.com dneg.com FuseFX 1168 Hamilton St Suite 300, Vancouver V6B 2S2 ......................................p: 604-637-3010 e: bcinfo@fusefx.com fusefx.com



A Thinking Ape Entertainment Ltd 1132 Alberni St Suite 200, Vancouver V6E 1A5 ......................................p: 604-682-7773 e: press@athinkingape.com athinkingape.com Blackbird Interactive 565 Great Northern Way Suite 400, Vancouver V5T 0H8 ......................................p: 604-424-4355 e: peter.greenwood@blackbirdinteractive.com blackbirdinteractive.com

Image Engine Design Inc 15 5th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 1H4 ........... p: 604-874-5634 f: 604-708-8433 e: vfx@image-engine.com image-engine.com

East Side Games 555 12th Ave W Suite 550, Vancouver V5Z 3X7............ p: 604-710-7721 f: 604-568-5051 e: info@eastsidegamestudio.com eastsidegames.com

Industrial Light & Magic Vancouver 21 Water St Suite 400, Vancouver V6B 1A1 ......................................p: 415-746-4700 e: contact-van@ilm.com ilm.com

Electronic Arts 4330 Sanderson Way, Burnaby V5G 4X1 ........... p: 604-456-3600 f: 604-456-5000 e: info@ea.com ea.com

Sony Pictures Imageworks 725 Granville St, Vancouver V7Y 1K4 ......... p: 604-673-2500 imageworks.com

Next Level Games 208 Robson St, Vancouver V6B 6A1 ........... p: 604-484-6111 f: 604-464-6112 e: info@nextlevelgames.com nextlevelgames.com

Titmouse 31 3rd Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 3T8.......................................p: 604-757-4203 e: sales@titmouse.net titmouse.net WildBrain Ltd 380 5th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 1J5............ p: 604-684-2363 f: 604-602-0208 e: studios@wildbrain.com wildbrain.com E-LEARNING


GigaLuma Technologies Inc PO Box 81173, Burnaby V5H 4K2 ......................................p: 604-568-7202 e: support@gigaluma.com gigaluma.com Ingenuity Works 325 Howe St Suite 407, Vancouver V6C 1Z7 Teresa Mew .... p: 604-484-8053 f: 888-786-6578 e: information@ingenuityworks.com ingenuityworks.com National Digital Academy 1231 Pacific Blvd Suite 256A, Vancouver V6Z 0E2 Brent Purves ...............................p: 604-484-6571 e: info@nationaldigitalacademy.com nationaldigitalacademy.com STIR Marketing 1231 Pacific Blvd Suite 256, Vancouver V6Z 0E2 .........p: 604-484-6571 stirmarketing.com Thinkific 369 Terminal Ave Suite 400, Vancouver V6A 4C4 ......................................p: 888-832-2409 e: info@thinkific.com thinkific.com INTERACTIVE DESIGN & COMMUNICATIONS


Appnovation Technologies 190 Alexander St Suite 600, Vancouver V6A 2S5 ........... p: 604-568-0313 f: 604-568-0314 e: info@appnovation.com appnovation.com Go2 Productions Inc 1930 Pandora St Suite 306, Vancouver V5R 4M2 Gemma Scott..............................p: 604-408-5844 e: gemma@go2productions.com go2productions.com KIMBO Design Inc 409 Granville St Suite 1251, Vancouver V6C 1T2 Kim Pickett .................................p: 604-562-8242 e: kim@kimbodesign.ca kimbodesign.ca

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Patrick Turner Studios 241 St Georges Ave Suite 103, North Vancouver V7L 4N2 Patrick Turner .............................p: 604-929-7158 e: pat@patrickturner.com patrickturner.com Relic Entertainment 285 5th Ave W Suite 500, Vancouver V5Y 1J3.......................................p: 604-801-6577 e: info@relic.com relic.com

CREW Marketing Partners 5446 152 St Suite 301, Surrey V3S 5J9.......................................p: 604-557-1488 e: sunger@crewmp.com crewmp.com Cryptek Labs 999 Canada Pl, Vancouver V6C 3E2 Kyle Barker .................................p: 877-239-3153 e: info@crypteklabs.com crypteklabs.com Engine Digital Inc 34 8th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 1M7 Stephen Beck .............................p: 604-684-3330 e: vancouver@enginedigital.com enginedigital.com Glacier Media Digital 303 5th Ave W, Vancouver V5Y 1J6.......................................p: 604-630-3501 e: abrouwer@glaciermedia.ca glaciermediadigital.ca Graphically Speaking Services Inc 1140 Pender St W Suite 840, Vancouver V6E 4G1 Darrell Hadden p: 604-682-5500 f: 604-682-1312 e: darrell@graphicallyspeaking.ca graphicallyspeaking.ca iamota 860 Homer St Suite 401, Vancouver V6B 2W5 Pete Smyth ........................................................... e: hello@iamota.com iamota.com We’re iamota - a digital agency with a focus on e-commerce. Idea Rebel 113 Water St, Vancouver V6B 1A7 Jamie Garratt .............................p: 604-569-2155 e: info@idearebel.com idearebel.com

Skybox Labs 4190 Lougheed Hwy Suite 200, Burnaby V5C 6A8 ......................................p: 604-558-4330 e: info@skyboxlabs.com skyboxlabs.com



Finger Food Advanced Technology Group 2755 Lougheed Hwy Suite 420, Port Coquitlam V3B 5Y9 ......................................p: 604-475-0350 e: nickm@fingerfoodatg.com fingerfoodatg.com PNI Digital Media 425 Carrall St Suite 100, Vancouver V6B 6E3............ p: 604-893-8955 f: 604-893-8966 e: pr@pnimedia.com pnimedia.com Unbounce 401 Georgia St W Suite 400, Vancouver V6B 5A1 ......................................p: 604-484-1354 e: sarah.gooding@unbounce.com unbounce.com WEB DEVELOPMENT/MARKETING/ COMMERCE 4060

All Inclusive Marketing 11180 Coppersmith Pl Suite 238, Richmond V7A 5G8 ......................................p: 866-215-1314 e: info@allinclusivemarketing.com allinclusivemarketing.com Bayleaf Software Inc 839 Cambie St Suite 200, Vancouver V6B 2P4 George Tomes . p: 604-683-1288 f: 604-683-1287 e: info@bayleaf.com bayleaf.com

World Exposure 5788 Birney Ave Suite 401, Vancouver V6S 0A2 Corinne Assayag ........................p: 604-221-1789 e: sales@worldexposure.com worldexposure.com Zapp Worx Design 318 Homer St Suite 205A, Vancouver V6B 2V2 Luie Zappacosta .........................p: 604-689-5531 f: 604-687-6272 e: info@zappworx.com zappworx.com OTHER


Backlot Media 422 Richards St Suite 170, Vancouver V6B 2Z4 John Durrant ..............................p: 604-916-1749 e: john@backlot.ca backlot.ca BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com BCIT School of Business Burnaby Campus 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H2 .......... p: 604-434-5734 bcit.ca/business BroadbandTV Corp 1205 Melville St, Vancouver V6E 0A6 ......................................p: 604-647-2288 e: pr@bbtv.com bbtv.com Hootsuite 5 8th Ave E, Vancouver V5T 1R6.......................................p: 604-681-4668 e: media@hootsuite.com hootsuite.com SendtoNews 56 Bastian Sq, Victoria V8W 1J2 Matthew Watson .......................p: 855-590-1991 f: 877-211-2946 e: info@sendtonews.com sendtonews.com

Smoking Gun Interactive Inc 900 Hastings St W Suite 1000, Vancouver V6C 0C4 ........... p: 604-689-7486 f: 866-250-7950 e: info@smokingguninc.com smokingguninc.com The Coalition 858 Beatty St Suite 600, Vancouver V6B 1C1 ........... p: 604-247-6000 f: 604-221-4400 thecoalitionstudio.com

Widerfunnel Marketing Inc 333 Seymour St Suite 1480, Vancouver V6B 5A6 Chris Goward..............................p: 604-800-6450 e: accounting@widerfunnel.com widerfunnel.com

SERVICES ideaLEVER Solutions Inc Vancouver Wilf Froese...............p: 604-738-0906 e: sales@idealever.com idealever.com Jelly Digital Marketing & PR 23189 Francis Ave Suite 212, Langley V1M 2R6 Darian Kovacs ............................p: 604-674-3559 e: darian@jellymarketing.com jellymarketing.ca Lara Spence Web Design + Business Writing 5293 St Catherines St, Vancouver V5W 3G2 Lara Spence................................p: 604-828-4249 e: lara@laraspence.com laraspence.com Major Tom Agency Inc 548 Beatty St, Vancouver V6B 2L3 .......................................p: 604-262-9083 e: van@majortom.com majortom.com Noise Digital Inc 856 Homer St Suite 200, Vancouver V6B 2W5 .....................................p: 604-689-9574 e: vancouver@noisedigital.com noisedigital.com OXD 12 Water St Suite 210, Vancouver V6B 1A5 Darren Gibbons ..........................p: 604-694-0554 e: marketing@oxd.com oxd.com POWERSHiFTER Digital 228 Georgia St E Suite 300, Vancouver V6A 1Z7 Trevor Westerlund ......................p: 778-866-0617 e: hello@powershifternew.biz powershifter.com



BDO Canada LLP 1055 Georgia St W Suite 1100, Vancouver V6E 3P3 Mark Zastre ..... p: 604-688-5421 f: 604-688-5132 e: info@bdo.ca bdo.ca MNP LLP 1021 Hastings St W Suite 2200, Vancouver V6E 0C3............ p: 604-685-8408 f: 604-685-8594 e: vancouver.reception@mnp.ca mnp.ca Procurify 455 Granville St Suite 300, Vancouver V6C 1T1 Dani Hao.....................................p: 888-463-5254 e: contact@procurify.com procurify.com Smythe LLP 475 Howe St Suite 1700, Vancouver V6C 2B3 ........... p: 604-687-1231 f: 604-688-4675 e: info@smythecpa.com smythecpa.com AUDIOVISUAL


4th Utility Inc 2526 Davies Ave, Port Coquitlam V3C 4T7 Jeff Lewis........ p: 604-941-4440 f: 604-941-4433 e: jlewis@fouru.com fouru.com Applied Electronics Ltd 8573 Commerce Crt, Burnaby V5A 4N5 Stephen Monteith ......................p: 604-439-7228 f: 604-439-7210 e: ael.vancouver@appliedelectronics.com appliedelectronics.com

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TLD Computers and CustomWorks - A Division of London Drugs Ltd 12251 Horseshoe Way Suite 100, Richmond V7A 4V4 ........... p: 888-933-9777 f: 604-272-6026 e: solutions@tld.com tld.com/customworks.ca CONSULTANTS


Atmoswater Research 2116 Grand Blvd, North Vancouver V7L 3Y7 Roland Wahlgren .......................p: 778-865-0530 e: atmoswater@shaw.ca atmoswater.com



Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP 700 Georgia St W Suite 2700, Vancouver V7Y 1B8 ........... p: 604-484-1700 f: 604-484-9700 e: info@ahbl.ca ahbl.ca Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP 595 Burrard St Suite 2600 PO Box 49314, Vancouver V7X 1L3 Sharon Murray ...........................p: 604-631-4233 e: sharon.murray@blakes.com blakes.com

Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP 550 Burrard St Suite 2900, Vancouver V6C 0A3 William Westeringh ...................p: 604-631-3131 f: 604-631-3232 e: vancouver@fasken.com fasken.com Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP 550 Burrard St Suite 2300, Vancouver V6C 2B5 Jenny Grimes .............................p: 604-891-2787 e: jenny.grimes@gowlingwlg.com gowlingwlg.com Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP 601 Cordova St W Suite 480, Vancouver V6B 1G1 ........... p: 604-669-3432 f: 604-681-4081 e: mail@patentable.com patentable.com

Campbell & Company Public Relations 23195 96 Ave Box 770, Fort Langley V1M 2S2 Steve Campbell ..........................p: 604-888-5267 e: tech@ccom-pr.com ccom-pr.com

Stikeman Elliott LLP 666 Burrard St Suite 1700, Vancouver V6C 2X8 Michael Urbani p: 604-631-1300 f: 604-681-1825 stikeman.com

Domain7 339 Railway St Suite 250, Vancouver V6A 1A4 Sarah Butterworth......................p: 604-855-3772 f: 604-854-3349 e: hello@domain7.com domain7.com Dominion Sales & Marketing Services Inc 4170 Still Creek Dr Suite 200, Burnaby V5C 6C6 Tyler Dawson.........p: 778-783-0689 talkisbs.com Inside Information Inc 1279 Nicola St Suite 306, Vancouver V6G 2E8 Lois Sperling...............................p: 604-684-6434 e: admin@insideinformation.com insideinformation.com ITS Consulting Inc 2323 Quebec St Suite 228, Vancouver V5T 4S7............ p: 604-484-4300 f: 604-484-4301 e: sales@itsmail.ca itsconsultinginc.ca


Borden Ladner Gervais LLP 200 Burrard St Suite 1200 PO Box 48600, Vancouver V7X 1T2............ p: 604-687-5744 f: 604-687-1415 e: info@blg.com blg.com Our national Technology Group of lawyers and patent agents provide legal expertise to technology developers and businesses from all sectors and sizes across AI, FinTech, MedTech, e-commerce and other fields.

Jumpstart Sales & Marketing Inc 4170 Still Creek Dr Suite 200, Burnaby V5C 6C6 Tyler Dawson..............................p: 778-783-0689 jumpstartcorp.com

CapriCMW Insurance Services Ltd 2025 Willingdon Ave Suite 700, Burnaby V5C 0J3 Richard Folkins p: 604-294-3301 f: 604-294-3003 e: info@capricmw.ca capricmw.ca

Koffman Kalef LLP 885 Georgia St W Suite 1900, Vancouver V6C 3H4 Mark E Wong .. p: 604-891-3688 f: 604-891-3788 e: info@kkbl.com kkbl.com

eBridge Marketing Solutions 4620 Teviot Pl, North Vancouver V7R 4M5 Hartland Ross .............................p: 604-731-5530 e: info@ebridgemarketingsolutions.com ebridgemarketingsolutions.com HUB International Insurance Brokers 505 Burrard St Suite 1900, Vancouver V7X 1M6 Derek May ....... p: 604-331-5464 f: 604-269-1001 e: derek.may@hubinternational.com hubtechnology.ca

Lead Generators International Sales & Marketing Group Inc 4170 Still Creek Dr Suite 200, Burnaby V5C 6C6 Tyler Dawson. p: 604-918-5078 clientfinders.com FINANCIAL SERVICES


Canada Drives 555 Burrard St Suite 600 Bentall Two, Vancouver V7X 1M8 ..........p: 888-865-6402 canadadrives.ca Chrysalix Venture Capital 1111 Hastings St W Suite 333, Vancouver V6E 2J3 ............ p: 604-659-5499 f: 604-659-5479 e: info@chrysalix.com chrysalix.com CI Direct Investing 1122 Mainland St Suite 490, Vancouver V6B 5L1 .......................................p: 778-386-4605 e: info@cidirectinvesting.com cidirectinvesting.com RSG Revenue Services Group 550 Robson St Suite 300, Vancouver V6B 2B7 Carla Elm ......... p: 604-800-4112 f: 888-817-0620 e: carla.elm@revenueservices.ca revenueservices.ca RSG Revenue Services Group is Western Canada’s premier SR&ED firm, offering full SR&ED claim development consulting and assessment of relevant funding initiatives. Customers include some of B.C.â ™s bestknown tech and manufacturing firms. RSG advises most mid-tier accounting firms on SR&ED, interacts closely with the CRA and has associated resources nationwide and throughout North America. Vanedge Capital 1333 Broadway W Suite 750, Vancouver V6H 4C1 ........... p: 604-569-3883 f: 604-569-3813 e: info@vanedgecapital.com vanedgecapital.com

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A-Z World Translation and Interpretation Inc 704 Maurelle Crt, North Vancouver V7R 2M1 Ana Maria Zuniga ......................p: 604-351-3615 e: am@a-zworld.ca a-zworld.ca

Harper Grey LLP 650 Georgia St W Suite 3200, Vancouver V6B 4P7 Prentice Durbin p: 604-895-2903 f: 604-669-9385 e: pdurbin@harpergrey.com harpergrey.com We team with start-ups, emerging and mature companies to help them achieve their objectives. We provide counsel, guidance and creative and practical solutions.

Clark Wilson LLP 885 Georgia St W Suite 900, Vancouver V6C 3H1 David Ford ..................................d: 604-891-7785 e: dford@cwilson.com cwilson.com Neil Melliship.............................d: 604-643-3154 e: nmelliship@cwilson.com cwilson.com Providing a full range of legal services to technology businesses: startup, M&A transactions, debt & equity financing including public markets, SaaS and online platform commercialization, intellectual property protection and enforcement, employment, privacy, tax and immigration. Dentons 250 Howe St Suite 2000, Vancouver V6C 3R8 Arik Broadbent p: 604-648-6524 f: 604-683-5214 e: arik.broadbent@dentons.com dentons.com/vancouver DLA Piper (Canada) LLP 666 Burrard St Suite 2800, Vancouver V6C 2Z7 Ryan Black ....... p: 604-687-9444 f: 604-687-1612 e: ryan.black@dlapiper.com dlapiper.com Legal services from startup through growth to exit for IP, traditional and emerging tech, outsourcing, video games/new media, B2B/B2C services, and renewable energy. Farris LLP 700 Georgia St W Suite 2500 Box 10026 Pacific Centre, Vancouver V7Y 1B3 ........... p: 604-684-9151 f: 604-661-9349 e: ssangha@farris.com farris.com

LabTest Certification Inc 8291 92 St Suite 205, Delta V4G 0A4 Kavinder Dhillon .........................p: 604-247-0444 f: 604-247-0442 e: info@labtestcert.com labtestcert.com Lawson Lundell LLP 925 Georgia St W Suite 1600, Vancouver V6C 3L2 Valerie Mann ... p: 604-408-5317 f: 604-641-2811 e: vcmann@lawsonlundell.com lawsonlundell.com Lawson Lundell’s Technology Group provides a wide range of legal services to technology companies at all stages. MBM Intellectual Property Law 555 Hastings St W Suite 2610, Vancouver V6B 4N6 Stuart Bristowe p: 604-669-4350 f: 604-669-4351 e: sbristowe@mbm.com mbm.com McCarthy Tétrault LLP 745 Thurlow St Suite 2400, Vancouver V6E 0C5 Selena Brown .. p: 604-643-7100 f: 604-643-7900 e: info@mccarthy.ca mccarthy.ca McMillan LLP 1055 Georgia St W Suite 1500 PO Box 11117, Vancouver V6E 4N7 Karl Gustafson. p: 604-689-9111 f: 604-685-7084 e: info@mcmillan.ca mcmillan.ca Norton Rose Fulbright LLP 510 Georgia St W Suite 1800, Vancouver V6B 0M3 .......... p: 604-687-6575 f: 604-641-4949 e: kieran.siddall@nortonrosefulbright.com nortonrosefulbright.com/ca/en

LingoStar Language Services 6491 12th Ave, Burnaby V3N 2J4 Lenka de Graafova .....................p: 604-629-8420 f: 866-714-3189 e: info@lingo-star.com lingo-star.com PwC Canada 250 Howe St Suite 1400, Vancouver V6C 3S7 Rajveer Hundal p: 604-806-7000 f: 604-806-7806 e: info@ca.pwc.com pwc.com/ca VenturePlus Partners 3806 33rd Ave W, Vancouver V6N 2H6 Garth Edgar ................................p: 604-727-3610 e: gedgar@ventureplus.ca ventureplus.ca RECRUITING


Annex Consulting Group Inc 555 Burrard St Suite 950, Vancouver V7X 1M9 Stacey Cerniuk ...........................p: 604-638-8878 e: scerniuk@annexgroup.com annexgroup.com Annex provides IT contractors, employees and project teams to companies in all industries across North America. 97% satisfaction since 1998! Corporate Recruiters Ltd 151 Hastings St W Suite 313, Vancouver V6B 1H4 ......................................p: 604-639-9560 e: careers@corporate.bc.ca corporate.bc.ca

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Elevate Search Group Ltd 777 Hornby St Suite 600, Vancouver V6Z 1S4 Allan Welyk ................................p: 604-678-5627 e: allan@elevatesearchgroup.com elevatesearchgroup.com

Binpal Engineering Ltd 8232 120 St Suite 215, Surrey V3W 3N4 Jas Binpal........ p: 604-596-3815 f: 604-596-5194 e: info@binpaleng.com binpaleng.com INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

Northeastern University – Vancouver 333 Seymour St, 8th Floor, Vancouver BC V6B 5A6 .....................................................p: 778-783-0609 e: vancouver@northeastern.edu northeastern.edu/vancouver GO Recruitment 601 Broadway W Suite 400, Vancouver V5Z 4C2 Raymond To ................................p: 778-869-9268 e: raymond@gorecruitment.com gorecruitment.com IT/IQ Tech Recruiters 1111 Georgia St W Suite 680, Vancouver V6E 4M3 .....................................p: 604-294-1200 e: info@it-iq.com it-iq.com Modis Canada Inc 505 Burrard St Suite 1150, Vancouver V7X 1M4 Sascha Pogor..............................p: 604-689-8717 e: sascha.pogor@modis.com modis.com MountainCrest Personnel Inc 1384 Haversley Ave, Coquitlam V3J 1V3.......................................p: 604-377-9055 e: harvey@peakpeople.ca mountaincrestpersonnel.com Odgers Berndtson 1066 Hastings St W Suite 1880, Vancouver V6E 3X1.......................................p: 604-676-0400 e: vancouver@odgersberndtson.com odgersberndtson.com Pearl Fisher Group 6595 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5H 4E5 Robert Zalaudek .........................p: 604-771-8768 e: robert@pearlfishers.it pearlfishergroup.com OTHER


BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters British Columbia PO Box 36570 Seafair, Richmond V7C 5M4 .......... p: 604-713-7800 f: 604-713-7801 e: bc@cme-mec.ca cme-mec.ca City of Coquitlam - Economic Development 3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam V3B 7N2 ......................................p: 604-927-3442 e: economicdevelopment@coquitlam.ca coquitlam.ca/economicdevelopment


AGO Environmental Electronics Ltd 626 Esquimalt Rd Suite 10, Victoria V9A 3L4 James C Harrington ...................p: 250-386-4015 f: 250-386-4016 e: info@agoenvironmental.com agoenvironmental.com/agofuelcells.com ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING & INSTRUMENTATION


CD Nova Ltd 19353 22 Ave Suite 110, Surrey V3Z 3S6 Bruce Fleming.. p: 604-430-5612 f: 604-437-1036 e: bfleming@cdnova.com cdnova.com Photon Control Inc 13500 Verdun Pl Suite 130, Richmond V6V 1V2 ......................................p: 604-900-3150 e: info@photon-control.com photon-control.com SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd 1620 8th Ave W Suite 200, Vancouver V6J 1V4.......................................p: 604-754-3874 e: sneville@slrconsulting.com slrconsulting.com SMT Research Ltd 1089 East Kent Ave N Suite 103, Vancouver V5X 4V9 Jason Teetaert ...........................p: 778-373-2070 e: info@smtresearch.ca smtresearch.ca GREEN BUILDING & SUSTAINABLE PLANNING SERVICES


Avid Consulting Group Ltd 610 Granville St Suite 3113, Vancouver V6C 3T3 Jo Anne Gin................................p: 778-317-8814 e: joanne.gin@avidconsulting.ca avidconsulting.ca


Envirochem Services Inc 267 Esplanade W Suite 206, North Vancouver V7M 1A5 .......... p: 604-986-0233 f: 604-986-8583 e: response@envirochem.com envirochem.com Fortig Inc 4363 Locarno Cres, Vancouver V6R 1G2 Gail Petersen ... p: 604-644-2121 f: 604-228-0414 e: gail.petersen@fortig.com fortig.com Hatch 1066 Hastings St W Suite 400, Vancouver V6E 3X2 Mellissa Winfield-Lesk ..............p: 604-689-5767 f: 604-689-3918 hatch.com SITE REMEDIATION


NEXT Environmental Inc 2550 Boundary Rd Suite 215, Burnaby V5M 3Z3 Harm Gross...... p: 604-419-3800 f: 604-419-3801 e: hgross@nextenvironmental.com nextenvironmental.com WATER & WASTE-WATER TREATMENT: WATER CONSERVATION EQUIPMENT 5100

BQE Water 900 Howe St Suite 250, Vancouver V6Z 2M4 Brent Baker...... p: 604-685-1243 f: 604-685-7778 e: info@bqewater.com bqewater.com ECO-TEK Ecological Technologies Inc PO Box 309 Stn Fort Langley, Langley V1M 2R6 Kimron Rink ................................p: 778-298-6835 e: kimron@ecotek.ca ecotek.ca OTHER


BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com BCIT School of Construction and the Environment Burnaby Campus 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby V5G 3H2 .....p: 604-434-5734 bcit.ca/construction


Norsat International Inc 4020 Viking Way Suite 110, Richmond V6V 2L4 ............ p: 604-821-2800 f: 604-821-2801 e: marcom@norsat.com norsat.com Samsung R&D Canada/Samsung Electronics Canada Ltd 565 Great Northern Way Suite 700, Vancouver V5T 0H8 ...............p: 604-484-1160 samsung.com Testforce Systems Inc 34255 Larch St, Abbotsford V2S 2P7 Chris Sztuhar ... p: 604-557-0715 f: 514-856-6983 e: chris@testforce.com testforce.com Valhalla Systems Inc 160 Bannister Rd, Bowen Island V0N 1G1 John Turner ................................p: 604-947-2196 e: johnt@valhalla-systems.com valhalla-systems.com ENABLING SOFTWARE


Colony Networks Inc 1501 Broadway W Suite 220, Vancouver V6J 4Z6 ............ p: 604-692-2850 f: 604-692-2851 e: info@colonynetworks.com colonynetworks.com Intrinsyc Technologies Corp 885 Dunsmuir St Suite 300, Vancouver V6C 1N5 ........... p: 604-801-6461 f: 604-801-6417 e: rwebb@intrinsyc.com intrinsyc.com WIRELESS APPLICATIONS


PayByPhone Technologies Inc 1168 Hamilton St Suite 403, Vancouver V6B 2S2 ......................................p: 778-953-2490 e: info@paybyphone.com paybyphone.com OTHER


BC Tech Association 887 Great Northern Way Suite 101, Vancouver V5T 4T5 ............ p: 604-683-6159 f: 604-683-3879 e: info@wearebctech.com wearebctech.com SST Wireless Inc 11120 Horseshoe Way Suite 150, Richmond V7A 4V5 Felipe Sieben... p: 604-946-0173 f: 604-946-0173 e: info@sstwireless.com sstwireless.com Star Solutions International Inc 4600 Jacombs Rd Suite 120, Richmond V6V 3B1 Myles Lu .....................................p: 604-276-0055 e: myles.lu@starsolutions.com starsolutions.com


Delta Controls Inc 17850 56 Ave, Surrey V3S 1C7 ........... p: 604-574-9444 f: 604-574-7630 e: marketing@deltacontrols.com deltacontrols.com MCW Consultants Ltd 1111 Georgia St W Suite 1400, Vancouver V6E 4M3 .......... p: 604-687-1821 f: 604-683-5681 e: mcw_van@mcw.com mcw.com Urban Systems Ltd 1090 Homer St Suite 550, Vancouver V6B 2W9 Ila Sutherland .............................p: 604-235-1701 e: vancouver@urbansystems.ca urbansystems.ca

HR Tech Group PO Box 38024, Vancouver V5Z 4L9 Stephanie Hollingshead .............p: 604-874-2653 e: shollingshead@hrtechgroup.com hrtechgroup.com

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Belkorp Environmental Services Inc 1508 Broadway W Suite 900, Vancouver V6J 1W8 .......... p: 604-688-8533 f: 604-688-3569 belkorp.com

4th Utility Inc 2526 Davies Ave, Port Coquitlam V3C 4T7 Jeff Lewis........ p: 604-941-4440 f: 604-941-4433 e: jlewis@fouru.com fouru.com Netcetera Consulting Inc 828 Harbourside Dr Suite 205, North Vancouver V7P 3R9 Steve Weeks ..............................p: 604-980-2700 e: steve@netcetera.ca netcetera.ca

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