Education 2020

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Masters of Business Administration Three Specializations Growing Enterprise Non-Profit International Business TWU’s MBA program played a significant role in the direction of my career path. It increased my ability to transition successfully from the non-profit arena to the start-up of my own small business. Chris Wiens Masters of Business Administration


GO.TWU.CA/BUSINESS Offered in two locations: Langley and Richmond

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PRESIDENT: Alvin Brouwer PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER; VICE-PRESIDENT, GLACIER MEDIA: Kirk LaPointe EDITORS: Hayley Woodin, Meg Yamamoto DESIGN: Petra Kaksonen PRODUCTION: Rob Benac CONTRIBUTORS: Tyler Orton, Albert Van Santvoort, Hayley Woodin RESEARCHERS: Anna Liczmanska, Arthur Xie DIRECTOR, SALES AND MARKETING: Pia Huynh SALES MANAGER: Laura Torrance ADVERTISING SALES: Blair Johnston, Corinne Tkachuk, Chris Wilson ADMINISTRATOR: Katherine Butler BIV Magazine: The Education Issue is published by BIV Magazines, a division of BIV Media Group, 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6, 604-688-2398, fax 604-688-1963, Copyright 2020 Business in Vancouver Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without permission of BIV Magazines. The publishers are not responsible in whole or in part for any errors or omissions in this publication. ISSN 1205-5662



8 SHOW ME THE MBA Is the degree worth it? It depends 10 LEADING IN THE DIGITAL AGE A new era for digital-skills training

Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40069240. Registration No.: 8876. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Department: 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Email:

22 TRADES TALK Q&A with ITA CEO Shelley Gray 28-36 MBA OPTIONS A look at the programs offered in B.C.

Cover: HappyAprilBoy/Shutterstock

BIV MAGAZINE 13 BIV PROFILE: Jack Newton 18 INFOGRAPHIC: Education 26 AROUND TOWN: February 38 5 QUESTIONS: Jill Tipping 39 ASK THE 40


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UVic MBA IN SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION Sustainability and innovation are a requirement for business, and they should be required in an MBA. Unlike other MBA programs that oer a sustainability “optionâ€?, we are wholly committed to an MBA in sustainable innovation. That’s why the UVic MBA In Sustainable Innovation is the only MBA we oer. Come and talk to us about the future, and how you can help build it.


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EDUCATION IN AN EVOLVING WORLD Automation, artificial intelligence and the advancement of technology are notably shaping communities, cultures and companies. One of the questions we explore in this issue of BIV Magazine is what that means for skills learning and education. Basic digital literacy is a required competency for a wide range of existing roles, but educational institutions are now exploring how best to equip students with the skills they need to thrive in the digital economy. Even with a rise in demand for such digital skills, we’ve seen a continued emphasis on the need for soft skills: critical thinking, communication and teamwork are a few examples often cited by employers. Strength in those areas

can be honed by higher education, and our education issue dedicates multiple pages to the value of a master of business administration (MBA) and the MBA options available in B.C. This month’s infographic takes a look at education as an economic driver, and some of the numbers are staggering. We collected data from several sources to illustrate how international students impact the communities in which they live and study. And on the topic of staggering numbers: our monthly BIV Profile features Jack New ton, co-founder and CEO of Clio, on tackling a trillion-dollar opportunity. Throughout this issue, you will find resources related to skills training and

online education options, information on B.C.’s largest professional organizations and post-secondary institutions, insight from BC Tech CEO Jill Tipping on negotiation, a Q&A with the CEO of the Industry Training Authority of B.C. and some of the most valuable lessons BIV Forty under 40 winners have learned in their careers. Whatever your technological savvy or your number of advanced degrees, BIV Magazine’s education issue should have a lesson, a learning, an insight for everyone.

Hayley Woodin Editor, BIV Magazine


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2020-02-05 2:33 PM

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SHOW ME THE MBA Is the degree worth it? Yes, no and maybe




t may be surprising, but the value of a master of business administration (MBA) degree can be quite controversial.

A Google search on the subject will bring up pages of articles both extolling the virtues and condemning the frivolousness of an MBA degree. So what is an MBA worth? The answer, as with most things, is “It depends.” Opponents argue that the degree is useless, with some citing an early-2000s Stanford Graduate School of Business study that concluded there was little evidence that MBA credentials or the grades earned, particularly from non-elite schools, are related to salary or position. Anecdotally at least, an MBA degree isn’t the right tool for everyone, according to Dorothy Keenan, president and owner of FutureWorks, a career training company. Keenan says that whether an MBA is beneficial ultimately depends

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on individuals’ career trajectory and what they hope to get out of the MBA program. When generally assessing the benefit of an MBA degree, Keenan typically sees two types of students: those who have just recently graduated from their business undergraduate degree program who want to further focus their studies on business, and those coming from the workforce looking to expand on their practical knowledge. “If you’ve just gone straight from university with a BA and then into an MBA, it can be challenging to find work,” Keenan says. “Often employers also want the individual to have some type of work experience, unless they’ve done co-op.” Blair Hutchinson, who received her MBA from Brock

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University in St. Catharines, Ontario, shares this assessment. Both she and Keenan say that from their experiences, students who return from the workforce to get their MBA tend to have greater success with the initials than those hoping to bolster their resumé for the first job hunt of their career. Combining work experience with your MBA not only can help your employment prospects but also can create a better learning experience during your MBA schooling. Hutchinson says that by working in industry before obtaining her MBA, she was able to apply the abstract concepts to her job and understand how they could be used in other real-world scenarios. Many students and career planners are convinced that the most immediate and obvious benefit of obtaining an MBA is the networking that comes with it. However, not all business schools provide the same opportunities for professional interaction. Blair Reeves, author of a 2018 blog post titled “Should I Get an MBA,” tells Business in Vancouver that the value of a person’s MBA is almost entirely based on the institutional brand it’s affiliated with. “Obviously the group of people you meet at Harvard Business School are meaningfully different than the group of people you meet at [the University of Toronto’s] business school,” Reeves says. An MBA program’s prestige also affects the return on investment. Regardless of whether you go to the best MBA school on the continent or you get your MBA from Podunk University, you can expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars for that degree. Reeves and Keenan agree that if your MBA goal is to raise your starting salary, significant thought needs to go into a strategy to ensure you see that return. Both agree that admission to a top-tier business school is required for a meaningful financial return. While some focus on the fringe benefits that participating in an MBA program may have, proponents of the degree see value in the education itself. Iqbal Kassam, president of the private equity firm Zynik Capital Corp., looks at professional degrees in two

We drive career advancement so you can succeed. UBC Continuing Business Studies

ways. Some, such as accounting designations, are microscopes, good for taking an in-depth look into the details of a project or problem. The MBA, on the other hand, is a telescope, Kassam says, empowering people to take a broader, strategic look at projects and problems. Just as science would be unable to unravel the mysteries of the universe relying solely on telescopes or solely on microscopes, it is difficult for a business to succeed without these diametric skill sets working together toward the same goal. Kassam is a fan of MBAs, and when hiring company presidents who don’t have the designation, he invests in comparable training programs. However, Kassam argues that not every business executive needs an MBA degree. For technical positions like vice-president of finance or engineering, being a telescope is less important that having a microscopic understanding of the details. However, an MBA becomes much more valuable in a CEO or operations manager position, where one has to look at the business as a whole and not miss the forest for the trees. Despite being a supporter of the MBA degree, Kassam says that, for him, a sense of intellectual curiosity is the most important characteristic in potential hires. A good candidate can always go out and earn an MBA, but having a professional degree doesn’t necessarily mean a person has the intellectual curiosity or desire to learn needed to be successful. So is an MBA worth it? Well, after four interviews and 800 words, the answer still seems to be “It depends.” Its value depends on the school you attend, the networking opportunities students take advantage of and a student’s own personal education and work history. Ultimately, Hutchinson says, it’s all about attitude, and if students go into school ready to learn new things and take advantage of the opportunities offered outside of the classroom, they will have what it takes to be successful. If students approach an MBA as a quick way to raise their starting salary, however, it may be a more difficult path than they expect. É


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LEADING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Business schools, corporate training firms, corporations ready to take on new era of digital-skills training



itting around boardrooms for going on two decades, Blaize Horner Reich has witnessed a marked shift in the ways companies approach technology.

“You could sit at the table and there wasn’t much technology talk at all by management or the board. They carried on with business, doing business the best way they could, and technology would come up every so often as a topic where somebody needed money or we got into trouble on a project, but there wasn’t time spent on it in board books,” says the RBC professor of technology and innovation at Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Beedie School of Business, where she served as dean from 2014 to 2015. “And that’s really changed a lot now because we’re talking about digital disruption.” After departing from those first two corporate boards she served on, Reich now sits on the advisory boards of Central 1 Credit Union and the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA). She says the speed at which technology is shifting business models has put those conversations about innovation front and centre for executives. Reich recalls how BCAA’s travel business evaporated rather quickly earlier this decade as consumers migrated to booking their own holidays online. So, in a bid not to be outdone with changing trends in transportation brought on by technology, BCAA launched its own car-sharing service, Evo, in 2015. “Even in an old-line business like BCAA, we think of disruption all the time and we even have disrupted [ourselves],” she says. Despite this swing towards embracing technology, she

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says business schools vary wildly in their approach to training future managers and executives. “You’ll find some organizations are just sticking to the knitting and saying, ‘You need marketing, you need finance, you need HR, you need org theory, and … you’ll figure out the rest when you get there,” says Reich. “And then others are disrupting, putting a lot of courses online. And so they are the disruptors trying to show us that you can run an MBA with 1,000 people in it and people will sign up and we’re still in business.” She says the Beedie School of Business is taking a “more mixed” approach to the next generation of business professionals. The business school offers an innovation and entrepreneurship certificate – open to any undergrad student at SFU – that contains courses from Beedie, health sciences, art and technology and other disciplines in what the university describes as an effort to prepare students for a rapidly changing employment landscape. Beedie, along with other business schools across the province, is participating this year in the annual B.C. MBA Games. The latest theme is Industry 4.0: The Future or Business, which is asking participants to compete in tasks focused on the challenges businesses face stemming from rapid growth in technology. Among the supporting partners is the Vancouver campus of BrainStation Inc., a digital-skills training firm aimed at

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working professionals. The company, which launched in 2012, has trained 70,000 professionals in new digital skills needed for everything from data to marketing. “Buy-in comes from the top,” says Kyle Treleaven, BrainStation vice-president and general manager of the Vancouver campus. “Depending on if the managers are coming from organizations where the CEO or the executive level is phasing [lifelong learning] into their company culture … they understand how they want to be competitive and stay competitive within their markets.” He says organizations must focus on ensuring they make digital-skills training available and actively consider how that fits into the annual budget. Broadly speaking, Treleaven says Vancouver businesses have been performing well in this regard. “We have a lot of different organizations that are promoting and talking through what is needed on the global scale,” he says. But Jeremy Sha ki, co-fou nder of Va ncouver-based coding boot camp Lighthouse Labs Inc., says one of the challenges is that most companies haven’t assigned someone to advance a workforce’s training for skill sets that haven’t materialized into the mainstream. “Their [human resources’] ability to understand why the value is there is hard, and then they also have to do a lot of convincing of a CEO or someone

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Lighthouse Labs co-founder Jeremy Shaki says companies must ensure they’ve assigned someone to pursue company-wide training initiatives • SUBMITTED

else, which is challenging,” he says. “You see a lot of professional development being done at the manager level ad hoc in companies, so not as a company-wide initiative. So I think companies are going to have to start thinking about how their workforce is going to have to change, and it’s going to be very hard to find people who have both skill sets and domain knowledge.” Shaki also points out there is a significant generational divide in terms of who is pursuing additional education for digital skills. From his experience, those over the age of 35 often attend the boot camps with some reluctance and can often feel anxiety at the prospect of developing new skills focused on technology. Shaki says it’s important for organizations undertaking these efforts to up-skill workers in the most empathetic way possible. “And unfortunately adult learning, and adult schools in general, generally in the past had a stigma, and we’re only now just starting to see more interesting education opportunities going towards adults, and ones that don’t come with a night college course,” he says.É

EVEN IN AN OLDLINE BUSINESS LIKE BCAA, WE THINK OF DISRUPTION ALL THE TIME j Blaize Horner Reich RBC professor of technology and innovation, SFU Beedie School of Business, and advisory board member, BCAA

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JACK NEWTON On tackling a trillion-dollar opportunity


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ike many culture-focused technology companies, Clio has its values plastered on the walls of its Burnaby-based headquarters.

Live a learning mindset. No doors, only windows. Play to win. And draw the owl. “Point of correction, it’s actually draw the fucking owl. You need the profanity in there,” explains Jack Newton, CEO and co-founder of Themis Solutions Inc., a legal technology company better known as Clio. For the uninitiated, drawing an owl is a two-step process, as popularized by a viral internet meme. The first step is to draw a small circle that overlaps with a larger oval. Step 2 is a beautifully realized owl with immaculate plumage. “It looks like it’s a drawing out of an encyclopedia, and Step 2 just says: draw the rest of the fucking owl,” laughs Newton. “It was a great encapsulation of what we’re looking for in people that work in Clio,” he explains. “We’re not going to micromanage you. We’re not going to step you through every little detail. We need people that are comfortable with that ambiguity and the open-endedness of some of the problems you’ll be set against at the company.” The line made its way into Clio’s values. And despite some internal controversy about it, the profanity was ultimately included – as it is in this article – because it’s an important part of it. “My position has always been: if you’re too easily offended by a little bit of profanity, it’s probably a good indication that Clio might not be the best place for you.” A DECADE OF GROWTH

Back in the nuclear winter of finance – when capital froze in the fallout of the U.S. financial crisis – Newton and his co-founder, Rian Gauvreau, were pitching their newly minted startup to angel investors throughout Western Canada. There was interest in their idea – software to help lawyers manage their practice – but no funding. That is, except for one expression of interest from investment angel and venture capitalist Christoph Janz, founder of Berlin-based Point Nine Capital. His email sat unanswered in Clio’s spam folder for two weeks. It only increased Janz’s interest. Fast-forward one decade later, and a much bigger and savvier Clio secured the largest growth-stage transaction in Canadian history with a US$250 million investment (approximately C$330 million) from U.S. investment

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Clio co-founder and CEO Jack Newton speaks at the company’s 2019 Clio Cloud Conference, which attracted more than 2,000 attendees from around the world • SUBMITTED

firms TCV and JMI Equity, which have served as investment partners to companies including Airbnb, Expedia, Netflix and Spotify. TCV has invested more than $12 billion in software and technology companies, including, OpenText and LegalZoom. It has also guided chief executives through more than 120 initial public offerings (IPOs) and acquisitions. JMI has invested in more than 145 businesses and completed more than 95 exits. Clio’s US$250 million Series D round was nearly 10 times what the company had previously raised from investors in its first 10 years – US$26 million across two funding rounds. Not needing outside capital – and not seeking it out – only increased investors’ interest in the legal tech company, which today offers a suite of software services for law firms of all sizes. “We didn’t need the money,” says Newton. The company was on solid financial footing, had lots of cash on the balance sheet, was growing nicely and “simply didn’t have use for external capital,” he says. But Clio’s vision evolved. And with a mission to transform the practice of law for good, Newton realized that the company actually could put that kind of capital to

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work. So after an “unbelievable” amount of inbound interest, Clio chose two strategic partners that Newton believes will help the company shape the future of the legal industry. “We want Clio to be the operating system for legal. We want Clio to be the technology that finally fundamentally transforms how lawyers work,” he says. And even with a historic capital raise under its belt and in its coffers, Newton wants the nearly 500-employee company to tackle the challenge of transforming an industry with the hungry, draw-the-owl work ethic of a scrappy startup. “I often caution the team that the thing that would be fatal for us as a company would be becoming complacent and feeling like we’ve won in any sense,” he explains. “There’s a sense of urgency and a sense that the stakes are high and our mission isn’t accomplished yet. We don’t get to rest on our laurels. We haven’t accomplished our mission to transform the practice of law for good.” TACKLING A TRILLION-DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY

“There’s really the practice of law and the business of law,” explains Newton, who holds a master of science in computing science from the University of Alberta.

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Law school, he says, does a great job of preparing lawyers to practise law, but does little to nothing to prepare lawyers for the realities of running a business. “Some lawyers even take offence to the concept that their law practice is a business. That it’s this kind of higher institution. But the reality is, every law office is a business and every lawyer needs to be equipped to run a successful business,” he says. At an access-to-justice-focused event last summer, Newton used a basic business school concept to describe the challenge lawyers face in attracting business, and the issues consumers face in accessing legal services. “I do think it is as simple as thinking about a product-market fit problem,” he explained, adding that in the United States alone, some $350 billion is spent on legal services annually. “This data is telling us that only represents 23% of the opportunity that’s out there. There’s essentially a trillion-dollar opportunity sitting out there for lawyers to figure out, if they can figure out: how do we better build product-market fit?” In a boardroom at Clio’s head offices in in Burnaby, Newton told BIV Magazine that research in Clio’s annual Legal Trends Report has found that 77% of legal needs go

Clio’s mission and vision have evolved, and CEO Jack Newton has his sights set on transforming the legal industry with technology • SUBMITTED

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unmet by lawyers. At the same time, he says, more than 80% of lawyers say the No. 1 thing they need to run a successful law firm is more clients. “There’s this really almost paradoxical asymmetry in the market right now where you have this enormous amount of demand and this enormous amount of supply,” explains Newton, who was named one of Business in Vancouver’s top Forty under 40 in 2017. “I think technology is a huge part of how we’re going to connect those two halves and allow lawyers to better meet the needs of consumers.” THE NEXT 10 YEARS

“One of the disheartening things to see in the startup ecosystem is this bias to only talking about success stories,” reflects Newton. He talks a lot about helping entrepreneurs and startup-scale founders navigate “avoidable scar tissue.” After all, there’s no single startup playbook, and society often lauds the “overnight success story” that skips over near failures, full failures, tough decisions and painful – scarring – lessons. “There’s a lot of lessons you accumulate over 10-plus years that I’ve been trying to engage with some of these earlier-stage founders and convey some of that hard-earned knowledge. There’s no course at school that teaches you this stuff,” says Newton.

B.C. Minister Bruce Ralston (left) with Clio CEO Jack Newton • SUBMITTED

Deal terms – what you want, what you don’t, what bad terms look like – have been a big area of learning for Newton, who does what he can to offer insight to founders raising their first round from investors who have made dozens of such deals. Newton’s also adjusting to the realities of leading a nearly 500-person company with multiple offices around the world. It comes with an element of ambiguity. “I meet somebody for the first time in the lunchroom and I may not know if they’re a new employee or here for an interview,” he says. “The company’s only going to survive and thrive if you get comfortable with being uncomfortable about a lot of things being done without you being directly connected to them.” Fuelled by its recent massive funding round, Clio is on the trajectory to get to a level of IPO revenue scale, profitability and growth. Newton is careful with his words. The caveat, he says, is that level of scale could come at a time when an IPO is not the right decision for the company. “I look at 2019 as a really pivotal year for Clio. There are so many things to celebrate. I think a really exciting bookend to our first 10 years, and a really exciting platform for the next 10 years of growth.” É

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2020-02-05 2:34 PM



ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION Education is a multibillion-dollar industry that pays excellent economic dividends. This becomes evident when tallying up the direct impact international students have on the communities in which they live and study. This month’s infographic reveals just how far international student dollars can go and what that means for B.C.’s economy.


$21.6 BILLION Estimated contribution by international students to Canada’s GDP in 2018

$147.9 MILLION The amount the federal government will commit over five years to its new international education strategy



from public postsecondary international student spending

Direct GDP impact of international student spending in B.C.’s Mainland-Southwest

$1.2 BILLION from private postsecondary international student spending

$309 MILLION from K-12 international student spending

721,205 International students studying in Canada in 2018 – the largest number ever


155,455 International students studying in B.C. in 2017

35,539 Jobs created directly from international student spending in B.C. in 2017

26,213 Jobs created in B.C.’s Mainland-Southwest region

students from India



students from China

Jobs created in the Southern Interior



International students studying in B.C. in 2017

Jobs created in Northern B.C.

$245 MILLION Direct tax revenue from international student spending in B.C. in 2017

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 18

In British Columbia, international students from kindergarten to post-secondary studies generated


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| 19

EXPORTING EDUCATION The following figures show the dollar value of B.C.’s exports of international education services by country and the value of those services as a percentage of B.C.’s exports in goods to a particular country CHINA










21% 86% 13%




SOURCES: Government of Canada, Building on Success: International Education Strategy 2019-2024, 2019; Roslyn, Kunin & Associates, Inc., An Assessment of the Economic Impact of International Education in British Columbia: An Update in 2017, May 2019

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 19

2020-02-05 4:11 PM

We set you up for success. You redefine it. An MBA from UBC Sauder can help you take the next step in your career. Learn more at

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 20

2020-02-05 2:34 PM

The UBC Part-time MBA* program gave Jane Sun, a clinical psychologist, the edge she needed to take on a director-level role in health care.

Jane Sun Director, Interprofessional Practice for Adult Mental Health and Substance Use Services at Provincial Health Services Authority Vancouver, Canada UBC Part-time MBA, Class of 2018

*Now known as the UBC Professional MBA program

With the help of the UBC Full-time MBA program, Matt Colphon went from an entry-level position in university recruitment to a senior position at RBC.

Matthew Colphon Senior Manager, Strategy & Transformation at RBC Toronto, Canada UBC MBA, Class of 2015

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 21

2020-02-05 2:34 PM



TRADES TALK A Q&A with Industry Training Authority CEO Shelley Gray



helley Gray was named CEO of the Industry Training Authority (ITA) – the provincial government agency charged with facilitating trades and industry job training in B.C. – in March 2019, after starting out as director of customer experience in 2013 and being promoted to chief operating officer in 2017. Gray spoke with BIV Magazine about the skilled trades shortage, making the ITA a more performance-oriented organization and promoting inclusion in the trades. Q: WHAT HAS DEFINED YOUR FIRST YEAR IN THE ROLE?

A: A lot of my focus is around continuing to pivot the organization to be very performance driven – to ensure that we’re delivering the best trades training and apprenticeship system to the province. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done around inclusion. It’s something that is really close to my heart personally in terms of making sure we’re advancing and sustaining a trades training system that’s inclusive and welcoming for all. Q: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE BARRIERS TO GREATER INCLUSION? A: I think in some cases there’s a lot of “You don’t know what you don’t know.” In some cases, there’s an environment that has just existed in one way for a very long time where people don’t necessarily recognize the barriers that do exist. In other cases, there’s just some overt prejudice and behaviours that should not be tolerated in this day and age. You’ve got both sides of things that you’re trying to bring awareness to and help move forward.


BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 22

A: We have come a long way; there’s still a long way to go. But I think for many people in B.C., they see the potential in terms of earnings. They see the fact that you can have a career that you can tailor once you get your credential. Once you’ve finished and you’re a journey professional, you can make six figures easily in an electrical career for the rest of your life. That’s a lot more than some post-secondary careers come out and make. I think that the awareness of that is really growing. Q: THAT MAKES ME PICTURE THE STEREOTYPE OF THE PHD STUDENT WORKING AT STARBUCKS. A: Exactly. All education’s a good thing, but I think some people are starting to look at it and say to their own kids the return on investment of some degrees is probably not there in the same way than if you go and pursue a skilled trade. We’re doing a lot more work with institutions to allow people to get some credit toward a business degree. You can go on and own your own business from that. Q: WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS AROUND BECOMING A MORE PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED ORGANIZATION? A: It’s still early days but it’s about making sure everybody who is going into the apprenticeship system is set up for the best chance of success, and every dollar that we’re spending from taxpayers’ money is being best spent to get us the best outcomes. In a labour market that’s at full employment, it’s really key that we’re continuing to innovate and develop

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| 23

the system in a way that allows people to be attracted to jobs and skilled trades. Q: HOW SIGNIFICANT IS B.C.’S SKILLED TRADES SHORTAGE? A: There certainly is a skilled trades shortage – when you look at the 10-year outlook, that certainly isn’t going away. You have a lot of retiring baby boomers. We’ve got a lot of significant projects in the province – LNG [liquefied natural gas], Site C, investments around YVR [Vancouver International Airport], hospital projects, infrastructure development. The skilled trades shortage exists and will continue to exist. Q: WHAT DO YOU HEAR FROM INDUSTRY MOST FREQUENTLY IN TERMS OF THE CHALLENGES THEY’RE FACING? A: It’s really around the shortage of workers. And I think that’s also why it’s so important – an economic imperative – that we’re casting a wider net into where there are people who may want to pursue skilled trades careers. Q: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE NEWER WAYS THE ITA REACHES OUT TO GROUPS THAT MAY NOT

Shelley Gray, CEO of the Industry Training Authority since last March, says she is focused on “continuing to pivot the organization to be very performance driven” • CHUNG CHOW

TRADITIONALLY HAVE SEEN THEMSELVES IN A CAREER IN TRADES? A: We have very strong youth-in-trades programs, and our numbers have doubled over the years. We just recently hired a director for women in trades who will really be able to champion that. We’ve got a whole bunch of initiatives that will come out in 2020 around that piece. On the Indigenous front, we’re doing a lot of MOUs [memorandums of understanding] with various nations and are really trying to understand what they need: to bring training to the local area, to have remote-based learning and to pace it out tailored to the needs of the community. Some of those things … we see as being innovative, of really trying to change the way we deliver trades training to the province.

A: I didn’t have any background in skilled trades prior to coming to work for ITA. I have been completely touched over the years by seeing how much these careers have impacted people. I’ve met so many people who have gone on to have such bright futures because of these careers. That’s really, personally, highly motivating. Now as we move into this area around inclusion, that to me is also really, really a big motivator. Because I believe we need to live in a world where anyone has an opportunity to pursue any career that they choose, full stop.






A: For us, the future of work involves a lot more technology, in training and the workplace. We’re working a lot with the post-secondary system to do more blended learning, with more VR [virtual reality], AR [augmented reality] and technology overall. For training, a lot of it’s done through simulators now. There’s going to continue to be a bigger blend of how trades and tech fit together.

A: It is around this inclusion piece and really moving the needle. This past year has been the foundational year, about reorienting the organization and becoming more performance driven. This year, as we move forward, I want us to be that long-term meaningful work that allows B.C. to be a leader in inclusion and see really high numbers of women in trades. É

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 23


2020-02-05 2:34 PM



ONLINE & DISTANCE LEARNING Athabasca University 1 University Dr, Athabasca, AB T9S 3A3 Contact: Contact through website Phone: 800-788-9041 Areas of study: Accounting, administration,

arts and sciences, communications, economics, English, finance, human resources management, computer science, information systems, legal studies, management science, marketing, languages, taxation. Full programs available in arts (master, post-baccalaureate), business (DBA, MBA), counselling (master, baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate), distance education (doctor, master, post-baccalaureate), health/nursing (master, post-master), science and technology. See website for undergraduate programs. Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

British Columbia Institute of Technology

lectures, online course tutors and study groups. Costs: $299 for four-week short module, $425 for 12-week module, CPP course fees vary between $745 and $862 per course

Dalhousie University

services or email Phone: 604-434-1610 Areas of study: Financial management, business communications, business law, business administration, management studies, human resources management, business systems, computing, media communications, geographic information systems, engineering, health management, specialty nursing, occupational health and safety, venture development Prerequisites: Vary Costs: $400 to $500 for three-credit course in academic studies, computing and business; costs vary for trades, technology and health sciences

College of the Rockies 2700 College Way, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5L7 Contact: Apply online at

or email Phone: 877-489-2687, ext. 3737 Areas of study: Accounting, marketing, general

management, Aboriginal financial management, bachelor of business administration in sustainable business practices Prerequisites: Grade 12 graduation with C or better in Math 11 and English 12 Costs: Vary

Credit Institute of Canada Description: Continual professional

development and work-life balance through flexible learning options. All programs and courses are designed for independent study and online delivery. Web-based technology provides wide range of support, including multimedia

BIV_Education 2020_40.indd 24

715 McBride Blvd, New Westminster, BC V3L 5T4 Phone: 888-865-7764 Areas of study: Certificates, diplomas and

Centre for Learning and Teaching – Distance Education Halifax, NS B3H 3J5 Contact: Phone: 902-494-1622 Areas of study: Social work (bachelor and

degrees in intelligence analysis, emergency management, public safety, workplace bullying and online human resources and liberal studies courses Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

master), business administration, public administration, information management, science, health services (diploma). Distance courses listed in the Dalhousie timetable are generally restricted to students enrolled in those specific programs. Contact the course department for further information about program-specific online courses. Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Part-time studies 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 Contact: Student information and enrolment

Justice Institute of British Columbia

eConcordia 1250 Guy St Suite 700, Montreal, QC H3H 2T4 Contact: Customer service, helpdesk@ Phone: 888-361-4949 or 514-848-8770 Areas of study: Arts and science, business, fine arts, international trade, management Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary (credit-course costs are same as Concordia tuition fees)

Emily Carr University of Art + Design 520 1st Ave E, Vancouver, BC V5T 0H2 Contact: Phone: 604-844-3897 Areas of study: Design, media arts, visual arts

(resident master of applied arts or the lowresidency master of applied arts programs) Prerequisites: Four-year bachelor in design, media arts or visual arts from an accredited college or university with an overall grade-point average of 3.0 (B) or higher Costs: See website for details

Human Resources Professionals Association Contact: Description: Live and on-demand webinars,

online courses available Costs: Vary (membership discount)

12666 72 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 2M8 Phone: 604-599-2100 Areas of study: Business, arts, social sciences,

humanities, design, horticulture, community and health studies, science, mathematics and applied sciences, trades and technology, continuing studies, academic and career advancement Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

Langara College 100 49th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6 Contact: Janet Ready, recreation management;

Serenia Tam, library and information technology; Kim Lam, computer studies and information systems; Rob Clark, project management (continuing studies online and in class) Phone: 604-323-5511 Areas of study: Project management, recreation management (bachelor’s degree may require a residency), photography, computer studies and information systems, library and information technology Costs: Vary

McGill School of Continuing Studies 688 Sherbrooke St W Suite 1100, Montreal, QC H3A 3R1 Contact: Distance education co-ordinator, info. Phone: 514-398-6200 Areas of study: Business management and entrepreneurship for Indigenous people, aviation management, project management, computers and information technology, property management, languages, psychology Prerequisites: Vary

diploma), education (master, various), maritime studies (bachelor), nursing (post-RN bachelor, master), technology (bachelor), various academic credit courses Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

Okanagan College Distance education 1000 KLO Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8 Contact: Phone: 888-638-0058 Areas of study: Over 80 academic courses in the

areas of arts and sciences, business and office administration, health and social development; certificate programs in bookkeeping, health and safety, project management Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

Open Acadia Rhodes Hall, Acadia University, 21 University Ave, Wolfville, NS V4P 2R6 Contact: Phone: 902-585-1434 Areas of study: Accounting, education,

economics, management, marketing, arts and science Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary; for details see online/registration.html

Queen’s Smith School of Business National executive MBA program Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Goodes Hall, Queen’s University, 143 Union St, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Contact: Phone: 888-393-2622 or 613-533-6811 Areas of study: Executive MBA (national), a

16-month program delivered nationally through on-campus sessions and interactive videoconference sessions. These are broadcast to boardroom learning centres in seven Canadian cities (including Vancouver) and to virtual learning teams in other communities connected via their own computers. This team-based program also offers team, personal, career and lifestyle coaching services. Prerequisites: Criteria considered are management experience, letters of reference, previous academic experience, responses to essay questions and personal interview Costs: $104,000 (all-inclusive)

Memorial University of Newfoundland iTunes U For information about Canadian universities on iTunes U, visit

Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning G.A. Hickman Building (Education) Room ED-1032, St. John’s, NL A1B 3X8 Phone: 709-864-8700 or toll-free 866-435-1396 Areas of study: Arts (bachelor, various),

business administration (bachelor, certificate,

Queen’s University 94 University Ave, First Floor, Dunning Hall Hall, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Contact: Phone: 613-533-3322 Areas of study: Undergraduate degree-credit

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courses in social sciences, humanities, sciences, commerce; certificate in global development studies for professionals, media and pop culture, digital media, effective writing, and global political economy of development. More than 125 fully online courses available. Prerequisites: Application required; no documentation required to take distance degree-credit courses as an interest student. Course prerequisites vary. Costs: $618.31 for one-term, three-unit course; $1,246.62 for two-term, six-unit course

Royal Roads University 2005 Sooke Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 5Y2 Contact: Phone: 877-778-6227 Areas of study: Business and management

(MBA, B.Comm., MGM), communication (BA, MA, graduate certificate), conflict and disaster management (BA, BA justice studies, MA, graduate certificate, graduate diploma), environment and sustainability (B.Sc., M.Sc., MA), leadership (MA, graduate certificate), tourism and hospitality (BA, MA, graduate certificate), education studies (MA, graduate certificate), doctor of social sciences, continuing education/executive programs (various) Prerequisites: Vary (flexible) Costs: See

Ryerson University G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education 350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Contact: Phone: 416-979-5035 Areas of study: Business management and

economics, communication and media, community health and well-being, computer and information technology, design, gateway for international professionals, languages, law and government, programs for 50-plus, science and engineering. Approximately 400 courses delivered online and 15 fully online career-related certificate programs (see website for details). Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

Simon Fraser University Centre for Online and Distance Education 1300 West Mall Complex, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Phone: 778-782-3524 Areas of study: Archeology, biological

sciences, communication, computing science, criminology, education, English, First Nations studies, fine and performing arts, gender

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and women’s studies, geography, German, gerontology, history, humanities, Japanese, kinesiology, mathematics, political science, psychology, publishing, sociology and anthropology, Spanish, statistics, sustainable community development Prerequisites: Admission to SFU Costs: Vary

including civil engineering, English, fine arts, law, earth sciences, library sciences, life sciences and social sciences Prerequisites: Vary (candidate must be enrolled as UBC student) Costs: Vary

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Calgary Continuing Education

Simon Fraser University

Main campus: Education Tower 202, 2500 Phone: 250-960-5980 or 866-843-8061 Areas of study: Digital media and graphic design, occupational health and safety (online certificate), environmental monitoring certificate, bear awareness and safety, custom training Prerequisites: None Costs: See website for details

Graduate diploma in business administration

University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

Segal Graduate Programs, Beedie School of Business 500 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6 Contact: Phone: 778-782-3552 Areas of study: Accounting, economics, Contact: Phone: 403-220-2866 or toll-free 1-866-

quantitative business methods, management systems, marketing, finance, human resources/organizational behaviour Prerequisites: Non-business undergraduate degree with minimum CGPA of 2.5 (3.0 preferred) Costs: $16,800 plus textbooks and student fees (GDBA)

Thompson Rivers University Open learning BC Centre for Open Learning, 805 TRU Way, Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8 Contact: Student services, Phone: 800-663-9711 Areas of study: Arts, business and

management studies, education, general studies, health and human services, science, technology, tourism and consortium distance programs with Simon Fraser University, the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

University Canada West 626 Pender St W Suite 100, Vancouver, BC V6B 1V9 Phone: 604-915-9607 or 800-360-7213 Areas of study: Arts media and

communications (BA), business administration (MBA), commerce, general studies (BA) Prerequisites: High school diploma (collegetransfer credits accepted, prior learning considered, scholarships available) Costs: See website for tuition fees

University of British Columbia Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology 1961 East Mall Suite 214, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Phone: 604-822-9836 (enrolment services) or

604-827-4494 Areas of study: 130 courses in 30 subjects

220-4992 Areas of study: Adult learning, business management, computer applications and technology, digital media design, health, safety and environment, human resources management, security management, teaching second languages, writing (business/ technical, marketing/public relations) Prerequisites: None Costs: Vary

University of Fredericton 371 Queen St Suite 101, Fredericton, NB E3B 1B1 Contact: Phone: 877-454-6232 Areas of study: Degree, certificate and

diploma programs in business administration, health and safety Prerequisites: Vary; contact each program Costs: Vary; contact admissions

University of Guelph Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support 160 Johnston Hall, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Contact: Learner services, info@opened.

Continuing Studies 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9 Contact: or

University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies 158 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 2V8 Contact: Phone: 416-978-2400 Areas of study: Accounting and finance;

advertising; career development; e-business and web marketing; human resources; innovation management; international professionals; leadership; marketing; merchandising; project management; publicity and public relations; quality and productivity management; risk management; sales; strategic leadership; website development, strategy and execution; various business courses in analysis, communication and writing; intelligence, law and insurance; management and strategy Prerequisites: None Costs: Vary

University of Victoria Division of Continuing Studies PO Box 1700 Stn CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 Contact: Phone: 250-472-4747 Areas of study: Business administration; Phone: 519-767-5000 Areas of study: More than 200 online degreecredit courses in arts, business, environment, equine, food science, horticulture, hospitality, human resource management, information management, MA (leadership), MBA Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

computing and technology; heritage, culture and museums; education, teaching and training; health and safety; public relations; sustainability and environment Prerequisites: Contact field of study Costs: Contact field of study

University of Manitoba

University of Waterloo

Extended Education

Centre for Extended Learning

185 Extended Education Complex, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Contact: Phone: 204-474-8800 Areas of study: Arts, social work (bachelor),

East Campus 3, 195 Columbia St W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Contact: Phone: 519-888-4002 Areas of study: Accounting, business analysis,

education (post-baccalaureate diploma) and 140 other courses

communication, human resources, leadership and management, productivity, project management, sales and marketing, writing Prerequisites: Vary Costs: Vary

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AROUND TOWN IN FEBRUARY Three February festivals and events HAYLEY WOODIN


Just For Laughs (JFL) NorthWest launches 12 days of standup, screenings and snickers on February 13. Last year, the comedy festival brought more than 110 shows and more than 200 artists to streets and stages throughout the region. This year’s lineup includes performances from Bill Burr, Margaret Cho, Jay Pharoah and Patton Oswalt.



Need a real estate professional?

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This month, the world visits Vancouver for one of the oldest wine events on the planet. The 41st annual Vancouver International Wine Festival kicks off nine days of seminars, tastings and events on February 22. For 25 years, the festival has chosen to highlight wines from a specific country or region. The inaugural theme featured wines from Bordeaux; this year, wines from France will take centre table.

A designated, educated, experienced, and connected real estate professional. Find one at

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A number of events throughout B.C. recognize Black History Month this February. They include the 19th annual Black History Market & Cultural Showcase, special musical performances throughout Greater Vancouver and films at The Greater Vancouver Film Festival Society’s Vancity Theatre. The theme of this year’s Black History Month in Canada is “Canadians of African Descent: Going forward, guided by the past.” blackhistorymontheventsvancouver. É

2020-02-06 9:52 AM

ignite your business Bring in the best and brightest emerging talent to ignite your business with new perspectives, energy and the latest skills. With access to 300+ work-integrated learning programs at 25 post-secondary institutions, ACE-WIL BC/Yukon is your ďŹ rst stop. Find funding and post a job at

The Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning BC/Yukon is committed to leading excellence in postsecondary experiential learning through Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning experiences.

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2020-02-05 2:34 PM




IT’S NO LONGER JUST ABOUT SHAREHOLDERS UVic launches MBA in sustainable innovation Business today needs to engage communities and work for the good of people and the planet. The University of Victoria has always believed that the fates of business, the planet and society are woven together. The Gill Graduate School at the University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business is launching a new MBA in sustainable innovation beginning in September 2020. The program is offered in daytime and weekend program streams. In addition, there is a unique master of global business program. In the UVic MBA in sustainable innovation, students will learn new ways of looking at innovation, management and leadership and will be ready to take on the wicked problems of the 21st century. Most of all, students will learn about themselves, and how to bring about change. They will be part of a community of creative thinkers who share a passion for sustainability and think far beyond the status quo. DAYTIME PROGRAM STREAM

UVic’s daytime MBA takes place over 16 months and is an immersive, full-time experience. It is delivered in a unique integrated block format. Each block consists of three integrated courses taught intensively over a five-to-six-week period. Students will collaborate intensely with peers from all over the world. Real-world projects, integrated across different business disciplines, will test their skills and decision-making. Daytime cohorts are up to 45 students with one intake per year, starting in September 2020. WEEKEND PROGRAM STREAM

The weekend MBA takes place over 24 months. Students take three integrated courses each term. The program is tailor-made to be manageable for working professionals. Regular classes – one weekend a month for two years – are blended with assignments and online teamwork between weekends. Weekend students are practising professionals: people from backgrounds in large and small businesses, from startups to multinationals, from private sector to public sector, from for-profit to notfor-profit. What they share is the drive and experience to make a real difference

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in the world. Weekend cohorts are up to 25 students with one intake per year, starting in September 2020. PROGRAM FEATURES

Courses are taught in integrated blocks of three courses at a time. Applied projects put the integrated learning from the courses into practice. Often, the applied projects involve live client organizations. One project has an international focus and culminates in an international trip, where students work with client organizations in the country being visited to explore business opportunities or help solve business problems. All students also complete a capstone project, either a team-based consulting project or an individual research project. Throughout the MBA, students participate actively in a professional development course. They develop their long-range life/career vision and actively work towards it while in the program. The UVic MBA in sustainable innovation is affordable: total cost (including tuition, program fees and travel costs for the international project) is approximately $35,000 for domestic students. Details are available at mba/index.php.


The Gill Graduate School also offers a unique one-year master of global business (MGB) degree. A prospective MGB student can apply to the one-year, fulltime program right after completion of an undergraduate business degree. As with other Gustavson programs, the MGB is cohort-based and students attain an MGB after one year. The program structure includes an academic component with study modules in three countries and a global internship. (The program can be extended to 16 months to accommodate longer internships.) Students can join one of four paths for their MGB journey. Path 1 takes students from Victoria to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and ends in Linz, Austria. Path 2 takes students from Victoria to Montpellier, France; and Seoul, Korea. Path 3 includes Victoria; Linz, Austria; and Lima, Peru. Path 4 includes Victoria; Glasgow, Scotland; and Bangkok, Thailand. T he degree fin ishes w ith a global internship, providing each student with valuable cross-cultural study and work experience. Details are available at uvic. ca/gustavson/gill/mgb/index.php. SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA

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STUDENTS CREATE OWN DEMAND AT SFU BEEDIE Innovative MBA programs show how collaboration between academia, industry and prospective students can help elevate careers Is an MBA still relevant today? It is a question ma ny people consideri ng busi ness school options a re aski ng themselves. In short, at the Segal Graduate School at Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business, the answer is yes. The school continuously collaborates with industry leaders and prospective MBA students. This ensures the curriculums for its suite of innovative MBA programs reflect current market demands for skilled senior professionals and will help its graduates reach their career goals sooner. In addition, the school has successfully reached gender balance for many of its MBA programs. By comparison, at many other business schools, female participation in MBA programs falls well below 35%. SFU Beedie achieves this by recruiting more qualified women to apply through event sponsorships and referrals from alumni and corporate partners. SFU Beedie is home to those who believe in the power of business to spark new ideas, fuel social innovations and advance society. Through teaching and learning powered by world-class research, meaningful engagement and a global outlook, SFU Beedie takes business education beyond the walls of academia and empowers people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to reimagine the role of business in tackling society’s most significant issues. Its students learn by doing and have the freedom and space to explore their interests, discover their strengths and take risks in a collegial, supportive environment. Students collaborate within this diverse group on projects and inevitably learn from one another as they form a business network that will last a lifetime. SFU Beedie’s Segal Graduate School offers multiple options, each using a cohort model tailored to meet the demands of today’s professionals. FULL-TIME MBA IN DOWNTOWN VANCOUVER

With a small class and tight-knit cohort, the full-time MBA, which includes 12 months of academics and a four-month work term, helps students grow professionally and personally to realize their

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career potential. On average, 96% of its graduates have been able to find a job within three months after graduation. EXECUTIVE MBA – CANADA’S FIRST EMBA

can bring their learnings to the office and their work challenges to the classroom. Of the 2018 cohort, 48% received promotions within four months after graduation.

For those who have already accomplished a lot in their careers, the EMBA is the catalyst that will give them the executive-level support and knowledge to unlock their full leadership potential. Students develop the confidence and capabilities to drive business strategy at the senior management level.




Optimized for tech, the management of technology MBA is the first of its kind in Canada and gives students all the cutting-edge business best practices they expect from a top-tier MBA, plus tools and contacts that will help them step into a leadership role in the technology sector.


Completing a program at SFU Beedie gives alumni lifetime membership into an exceptional group of more than 25,000 leaders, innovators and gamechangers around the world. Many SFU Beedie alumni remain highly engaged with the school, sharing their experience and expertise and giving back to the community. They are shaping the next generation of student talent by volunteering in a wide range of roles: as mentors, case competition coaches or judges, panellists at events and classroom speakers. Visit to learn more or take the quiz to find out which program is right for you.

Because students don’t have to quit their job to pursue the part-time MBA, they


Traditional protocols. New kinds of leadership. The EMBA Indigenous business and leadership program – the only one of its kind in North America – combines the latest business best practices with ancient Indigenous knowledge to support Nation-building. The program includes the core concepts and knowledge covered in most MBA programs, combined with a recognition that traditional knowledge plays a significant role in decision-making in Indigenous communities.

2020-02-05 2:34 PM




LEADING THROUGH LEARNING Royal Roads’ doctor of business administration program the first of its kind in B.C. An MBA laid a great foundation for a career, but what’s next? Royal Roads University’s new doctor of business administration (DBA) is the first program of its kind in British Columbia. Launching in January 2020, the four-year blended online and on-campus program is designed for professionals who aspire to lead their field or sector. The Royal Roads DBA combines the academic research rigour of a traditional PhD with the applied focus of a professional doctorate. “The hybrid focus of the DBA offers learners a unique advantage,” says Royal Roads DBA program head Hassan Wafai. “While traditional doctorates prepare students to work in academic environments, the DBA responds to the changing Canadian labour market by preparing students to support industry as well.” Delivered in a blended format composed of short intensive residencies at the beautiful Royal Roads campus on Vancouver Island, the DBA program allows students to gain a doctoral degree while maintaining a professional career. “The DBA program will produce scholar-practitioners who will contribute to the academic community while producing actionable knowledge. That is a very powerful combination,” says Wafai. In this program, students tackle a real-life management issue and contribute to the advancement of management research and practice. They join a community of management researchers whose work will impact management learning and practice. Course concentrations may include research and development, management practice, the knowledge economy and globalization. “The cohort you’ll be working with is significantly different than what you would traditionally find in a doctoral program,” says William Holmes, dean of the faculty of management. “You are working with mature people, with significant business problems they want to address. Your student relationship with supervisors and faculty develops as much more of a peer-to-peer relationship than

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usually found in PhD programs.” The research options are broad. Students can contribute to advancement of the Canadian knowledge economy by

studying business innovation, technology and knowledge transfer, or bridge the gap between theory and practice with research into management practice and leadership. They can also approach research through an interdisciplinary lens and look at sustainability that incorporates economic prosperity, social advancement and environmental stewardship. “I think it’s exciting and it’s practical,” says Holmes. “People who engage in this particular degree are doing so because they have a passion for an issue or a problem that they want to address.” For more in formation about Royal Roads’ DBA program, to sign up for a free webinar or to check admission requ i rements a nd sta rt dates, v isit doctor-business-administration. SOURCE: ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY

2020-02-05 2:34 PM

Level up.

Top up. At Royal Roads University, you’ll be inspired and challenged to level up your career and life, without putting either on hold. Truly impact your professional world and maximize your leadership potential through our Doctor of Business Administration program. It’s your time to turn it up, so shake it up, make it up and step-it-up. Next up? Sign up and buckle up. Doctor of Business Administration | 1.877.778.6227 |

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2020-01-21 12:59 PM 2020-02-05 2:34 PM




DIFFERENT PROGRAMS FOR DIFFERENT GOALS TRU offers flexible, customizable programs with a global perspective Everyone’s goals are different. Thompson Rivers University’s business graduate programs are different too. Students can learn on campus or online, part time or full time, and make the program their own. FLEXIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE

Students can choose to complete the program on campus or online, or they can combine online courses with on-campus learning to suit their individual work and life commitments. Part-time study options are also available, making it possible for busy working professionals to advance their leadership skills without putting their careers on hold. With no minimum professional work experience requirements, the TRU MBA is also a great choice for recent graduates and those just beginning their professions who want to fast-track their careers. CHOICE

The TRU MBA is designed to meet the needs of students, who can customize their learning experience with maximum flexibility and choice. The core courses of the MBA provide students with competency in all the major functional management areas of an organization, preparing graduates to manage effectively in today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment. The program offers a choice of completion options: the graduate project and thesis completion options allow students to focus on an area of interest in depth, while the course-based completion option provides a generalist program in advanced management topics.


This series is an initiative designed to enhance the experience and knowledge gained in the classroom through experiential and executive learning opportunities while fostering collaborative relationships within the business community. Through Bridge to Business, graduate students will have the opportunity to learn, network and mentor with executives, professionals and community leaders. LEARN AND LIVE ON CAMPUS


It is critical for leaders to understand and embrace the international business environment. Global perspectives are incorporated throughout the curriculum, and the diversity of the students and faculty further enhances the development of intercultural understanding. Graduates leave the program with a high degree of understanding of the cultures and business practices found around the world and a true empathy for all participants in our rapidly globalizing economy.

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Situated in the centre of Kamloops, TRU is near all the amenities available in this city of more than 90,000 people, including a vibrant arts and culture scene, shopping and some of the best four-season recreational activities in Canada. For more information and to apply, visit MASTER’S DEGREES IN ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT

Now celebrating the programs’ first

graduates, TRU’s master’s degrees in environmental economics and management prepare students to become leaders in environmental and fiscal responsibility and grow their career opportunities in sustainability management. These programs are interdisciplinary, combining business education with the study of economic sustainability, producing managers with a unique perspective. The master in environmental economics and management is a course-based degree, while the master of science in environmental economics and management consists of both coursework and research. Students with a business education background may be eligible for direct entry into the second year of the program, completing a master’s degree in 12 months. Career prospects include environmental management and policy development in the private and public sectors. For more information and to apply, visit SOURCE: THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY

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SMALL CLASSES, WORLD-SIZED LESSONS TWU’s MBA teaches business students to effect positive change in the marketplace The MBA program of the Trinity Western University School of Business features small classes to facilitate interactive, dynamic learning. Professors have a wealth of experience and desire to see each student thrive in their studies and excel in the workforce. To meet the needs of working professionals, the program can be customized to achieve individual goals and accommodate busy schedules. But the MBA goes beyond providing an amazing business education. In addition to becoming skilled organizational leaders, students become agents of positive change. Professors believe that profit is critical to the success of organizations – but only when made and managed with integrity. Tom Spraggs, a 2013 MBA graduate who started his own law firm, says, “The reflections on ethical conduct in all aspects of business have been personally fulfilling and have provided a renewed appreciation that business can be both ethical and financially rewarding.” In fact, the TWU School of Business is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, which sets business education standards and believes in creating a generation of leaders who strive for global prosperity – a concept that is woven into the fabric of TWU’s MBA. MBA students at TWU also benefit from the university’s strong network of business alumni, with regular opportunities to be mentored and to glean from real-life experience. SPECIALIZATIONS AND DELIVERY

The core MBA courses are taught in class at both the Langley and Richmond campuses. Beyond this, students can choose one of three specializations: international business, management of the growing enterprise, and non-profit and charitable organization management. Depending on the specialization, the degree can be completed in 12 to 18 months full time or in 21 months using a blended format. The international business specialization, offered in both Richmond and Langley, is a 12-to-18-month full-time program. It explores the managerial skills and cultural intelligence that business

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leaders need to navigate the international market. Coursework includes global economic competitiveness, international business law, international finance and accounting, and cross-cultural leadership. Since students who enrol tend to come from all over the world, this specialization is known for being stimulating and insightful. Additionally, a two-and-a-half-week trip to an influential region of the world allows students to meet with company executives and receive a truly global education. The international business specialization is also offered in China, in partnership with Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, and takes about 18 months to complete. To specialize in management of a growing enterprise, students can finish their MBA in 21 months. This specialization helps students become creative, confident entrepreneurs who can skilfully bring their ideas to market. Students work through case studies and learn about startup positioning; marketing and financing; competitive strategies to attract venture capital; and navigating legal challenges. The non-profit and charitable organization management specialization is also delivered in a 21-month blended format. One of only two programs of its kind in Canada, this specialization prepares students to think innovatively as they

lead mission-driven organizations to greater impact, sustainability and social responsibility. “I’ve been able to use the skills I acquired to take my organization’s mission to a higher level,” attests Laura Lansink (MBA 2010). Students learn about formation and structure of non-profits and charities; management and leadership; legal issues for charities; financial management of non-profits; and grants, fundraising and non-profit marketing. COSTS AND APPLICATION DEADLINES

Tuition for the 12-to-18-month full-time MBA specializing in international business is $36,225 ($805 per semester hour), plus additional travel costs for the study trip. This specialization has a rolling entry throughout the year, allowing students to begin in any month. Tuition for the 21-month MBA specializing in either managing the growing enterprise or non-profit and charitable organization management is $34,200 ($760 per semester hour). Students can start the program at the beginning of each term. The most common entry point tends to be August. Scholarships are available. (Tuition rates typically increase in May for the following academic year.) SOURCE: TRINITY WESTERN UNIVERSITY

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AN EDUCATION THAT TRANSFORMS CAREERS UBC Sauder’s top-ranking, innovative programs equip students for professional success The University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business empowers students to transform their careers. Ranked the No. 25 university in the world for business and economics by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 and the No. 1 business program i n Ca nada by Maclean’s Un iversity Rankings 2019, UBC Sauder is the only Canadian member of the prestigious Global Network for Advanced Management, a collaboration of 30 top business schools spearheaded by the Yale School of Management. FULL-TIME MBA

The 16-month full-time MBA at UBC Sauder equips students to strategize like a CEO. Small class sizes and various mentorship programs allow students to focus on their career goals and to receive dedicated support to get there. Five career tracks are offered: technology analytics leadership; finance; product and service management; innovation and entrepreneurship; and a custom track tailored to individual career objectives. The innovative classroom curriculum offers hands-on experiences and opportunities to learn from senior business leaders, as well as courses in ethics and corporate responsibility. Each year students travel to destinations like Chile, Israel, China and Germany to consult on business opportunities with international organizations. Learn more at: sauder. PROFESSIONAL MBA

UBC Sauder’s part-time professional MBA propels careers without taking students away from work. The 24-month program is designed around a full-time work schedule: classes take place every two to three weekends, all exams are online, winter and summer breaks are included, and three separate eight-day professional residencies help students deepen their network. Through collaborative coursework and personalized career coaching, students develop an ethical leadership style, deepen their understanding of the inner workings of an organization and cultivate their strategic thinking skills. As a result, 90% of the students in the part-time MBA classes of the last three years have

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enhanced their careers by promotion or by changing companies or entire career paths. Learn more at: sauder.ubc. ca/pmba. MASTER OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS

The 12-month UBC master in business analytics (MBAN) is about much more than technical know-how; it captures the full analytics spectrum, including data management, data analytics and decision analytics. Students learn how to make strategically sound recommendations and data-driven business decisions – exactly what companies around the world need. UBC MBAN candidates acquire the professional skills to complement academic accomplishments. All candidates participate in a four-month internship to consult on an analytical challenge faced by a partner company or non-profit organization. Students can apply for two main internship streams: an analytics research project supervised by UBC Sauder’s renowned Centre for Operations Excellence or a traditional internship contributing to an analytics project on site at a partner company in Vancouver. Past industry partners include Telus, Boeing Vancouver and the Fraser Health Authority. With 91% of graduates achieving full-time employment within three months of graduation, the program offers an accelerated path to career success in the analytics field.


Full-time MBA: Runs August 2020 to December 2021. Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $49,419. Next application deadline: April 7, 2020. Professional MBA: Starts in January of an academic year; next intake is January 2021 to December 2022. Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $49,419. Applications for January 2021 entry will be accepted starting in early 2020. Master of business analytics: Runs August 2020 to August 2021. Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $40,326. Next application deadlines: March 17, 2020, and April 28, 2020. Master of management: Runs August 2020 to May 2021. Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $30,203. Next application deadline: March 31, 2020. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

UBC Sauder offers a number of financial aid and support options for exceptional students, as well as dedicated scholarships for Canadian candidates. All students are evaluated for scholarships upon admission. Visit to learn more. SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

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FINDING THE CONFIDENCE TO SUCCEED UNBC’s MBA prepares students for the complex business world A diverse learning model at the University of Northern British Columbia is providing MBA students the confidence to face their business challenges head-on. “The MBA at UNBC gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone,” says Shane Sienaert, a 2019 MBA graduate and wealth management director for Assante Wealth Management. “I now have the ability to create solutions to issues I might not have thought about before. After finishing the program, I am not intimidated by things I do not know.” UNBC’s MBA reflects the versatile skill set required of today’s business leaders, with the intent of preparing students for the complex business world. It covers a vast range of topics, including business and corporate strategy, managerial economics, accounting, corporate finance, organizational behaviour, marketing, operations management, strategy implementation, financial management and project management. The diverse range of courses gives students the essential knowledge and understanding to navigate the business environment they work in. “The knowledge that you gain you are able to immediately apply in the workforce,” says Andrea Born, an MBA alumna. “It makes you a better person. It makes you a better business person.” Beyond the various topics of study, students also find they benefit from being in a classroom with peers from diverse sectors. In fact, the MBA program places an emphasis on peer-to-peer learning through group work and is devoted to bringing together professionals from an assortment of fields. Graduates consistently state that being in a cohort with peers from different business backgrounds was the greatest advantage to them because they were able to experience new perspectives and acquire skills they would not have learned anywhere else. Being part of a unique cohort challenged them to think differently, try new things and connect what they learned to their own profession. “The MBA will help you in any business to do things smarter,” says Sylvain Godbout, a 2017 MBA graduate. “It is a safe environment to try your argumentative self, to come out of your shell, to do things you are not normally comfortable

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doing.” Students also have the option to conduct a capstone project with support from their instructors. This practical learning opportunity enables them to apply

relevant theory to an actual challenge in their own company that they will work to overcome during their degree. With the program offered in Prince George and Vancouver, students have the option to attend courses in either location, and those who travel for work are able to schedule class times around their career. Additionally, though it is a full-time degree, classes meet just one weekend a month, giving students even more flexibility to balance school with their personal and professional lives. “Being a new father when I started the program there were other individuals that had families, so you really got to share that challenge with your cohort,” says Sienaert. “You could step up and help each other, or just know that sometimes it is tough to have a balance of everything and you are not alone.” To learn more about the UNBC MBA, visit or contact a program representative via email at SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA

2020-02-05 2:34 PM




SETTING STUDENTS UP FOR SUCCESS VIU’s redesigned MBA emphasizes critical thinking, digital literacy and a growth mindset

The master in business administration program at Vancouver Island University is disrupting the traditional educational model. The recently redesigned MBA program draws heavily on active learning and boasts an integrated curriculum. Its goal is to ensure graduates can leverage the challenges of an increasingly complex, digital, interconnected world. The MBA at VIU equips students to act as global citizens by incorporating financial, social and environmental perspectives in organizational and business decisions. In addition to disciplinary knowledge around accounting, finance, management, economics and marketing, the program emphasizes critical thinking, ethical decision-making, technical/ digital literacy and developing a growth mindset. SETTING STUDENTS UP FOR SUCCESS

VIU’s faculty of management is defined by six fundamental values: teaching excellence, intimate class sizes, applied focus, faculty-student interaction, an international outlook and an unrelenting drive for academic and employment success. The MBA program begins with an introductory module that builds a strong learning cohort and a common foundation around intercultural and learning literacies. Students are given every opportunity to shine, empowered by career coaching, work-integrated learning, internships and hands-on experiences.



The MBA learning pathway ref lects the increasingly integrated nature of management. A series of intensive modules are designed to build upon each other, incorporating critical elements of the business disciplines. The focus is student engagement with, and application of, knowledge to address the challenges of tomorrow’s business landscape. A two-week break at the conclusion of each semester ensures downtime to support knowledge retention, career exploration and optional field school opportunities. Upon successful completion of coursework, students undertake a four-month internship. Working with an industry mentor, they identify a significant organizational problem that will be used to

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write an applied business project under faculty supervision. DIGITAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL SAVVY

The VIU MBA is one of the most technologically integrated programs in Canada with data analytics embedded in research courses and four dedicated, technology-focused courses. Students graduate with specialized expertise on how the digital and technological landscape influences an organization’s entire value chain, exploring phenomena such as surveillance capitalism and digital media management.

MBA students at VIU experience a dynamic global setting with peers and faculty from all over the world. The diversity of the students and faculty provides a relevant global perspective for today’s business world. VIU faculty members bring a unique combination of industry-based expertise and international experience into the classroom, providing academic rigour to real-world examples and cases from their own experience. V IU MBA graduates are confident leaders with the ability to navigate the complex, integrated nature of demanding careers that require a growth mindset and creative and critical thinking as foundational skill sets. VIU offers the ideal MBA program for the adventurous, the ambitious and those wanting to embrace the digital age. If you’re seeking a non-traditional MBA in Canada to prepare you for success, VIU’s MBA is the program for you. SOURCE: VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIVERSITY

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LEAD AND SUCCEED in the digital age Join us at Vancouver Island University for MBA studies in one of Canada’s most technologically integrated programs. Our redesigned MBA sets you up for success as a global leader in our increasingly complex, digital interconnected world.

• • • • • •

Teaching excellence Intimate class sizes Applied focus International outlook Career coaching Hands-on learning

Apply now Master of Business Administration 22-12-1620

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WITH JILL TIPPING, CEO, BC TECH Have high expectations, ditch sunk costs and have a next-best option: three pieces of negotiating advice Jill Tipping shared at a recent BC Tech Women in Tech Series event. Tipping is the president and CEO of BC Tech, a diversity champion and a skilled negotiator. Here, she shares five insights on negotiation.

1. YOU AND BC TECH RECENTLY DELIVERED A WORKSHOP ON NEGOTIATION FOR WOMEN IN TECH. WHY IS NEGOTIATION A SKILL WORTH HONING? Negotiation is a key life skill. Sometimes people think about negotiation in simplistic terms – like how to get a great price when we buy a car – but in reality it is much broader than that. I like to define negotiation in terms of relationships and give and take. What is the purpose of the relationship – what are we hoping to create together? And once we are clear on that it can get much easier to identify who will give what and who will take what to deliver that. You really need to make sure you’ve spent time on both value creation and on value capture. You’ll lose out on creating something truly worthwhile if you just fight for your slice of the pie. But on the other hand, you don’t want to be the master of value creation, none of which you capture for yourself. It has to be fair. We’ve had feedback that women are especially prone to feeling insecurity or stress when negotiating. So we wanted to provide skills training to get rid of the fear and equip people with practical strategies.

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It’s important in business to get not just any deal, but the best deal available – for everyone. 2. WHAT ARE THREE VALUABLE THINGS YOU’VE LEARNED ABOUT NEGOTIATION? First, it’s important to have high expectations. You get the deal you think you deserve, so be sure to enter negotiations confident and secure in your abilities. Second, focusing on sunk costs will get you nowhere. Instead, focus on the opportunity costs you may be able to leverage in your negotiations. And last but not least, negotiation is not a zero-sum game. To get a good deal, we need optimal outcomes – there can be no good result if one side feels like they lost. 3. HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR A NEGOTIATION? I spend a lot of time getting clear about what I really need and want in the situation. But then I spend at least as much time

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thinking about what the other party needs and wants so we can start to see what a win-win situation looks like. The key to this is what the alternatives for each of us might be. If I can’t get to a negotiated agreement, what’s my next-best option? And what’s theirs? I think about what questions I might be able to ask to get more information. Finally, I try to reflect on my own ego, and how any overconfidence on my part could complicate my performance.

Learning doesn’t stop when we exit the classroom and it doesn’t stop when we reach a certain age. For our education issue, we decided to ask BIV Forty under 40 alumni for one of the most valuable things they’ve learned in their careers. Every person you encounter counts Sarah Bundy, CEO, All Inclusive Marketing Inc.

Be more patient. To achieve your vision, you must take baby steps

It’s important to chase opportunities that you feel stretch your skills and capabilities – it’s amazing how often you realize how capable you are Nat Cartwright, co-founder and COO,

Zeeshan Hayat, CEO and co-founder, Prizm Media

Free advice is seldom cheap Tea Nicola, CEO and cofounder, WealthBar

To truly become great at something, you have to never stop practising and learning your craft. Leadership is no different Amit Patel, vice-president

4. WHEN IS THE IDEAL TIME TO NEGOTIATE A RAISE, A PROMOTION, AN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY? When the other side is in a position to say yes if provided the right motivation. When they have both the means (budget, time of year) and the will (perhaps after you’ve nailed a big project or when your company is performing well). But before you open up negotiations, do the one thing most people completely neglect: research. Know the data on market salaries for your role, know when promotions are typically made, prepare the business case for what the return on the investment you’re asking for would be. Be forward looking and positive – assume that you have a shared interest in getting to yes and build the case that way. Then make your ask and make it clearly and calmly, being sure to leave the other party with time to think. If you don’t get an immediate yes, ask questions: “What more information would you need to have before you’d be comfortable moving ahead?” or “Would you be willing to reflect on my ask and have a further conversation next week?” If you are the one making the ask, you’re interested in keeping the dialogue open for as long as possible. Don’t close it down prematurely. 5. WHO OR WHAT HAS SIGNIFICANTLY SHAPED HOW YOU THINK ABOUT NEGOTIATION? The single biggest influence on me are two of my Stanford professors: Margaret Neale and Jeffrey Pfeffer. They wrote fantastic books I’d recommend to anyone: Negotiating Rationally and Power. And if you like books, here are some other classics: Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini; Women Don’t Ask by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever; and Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury. But I’d say that parenting my daughter Veronica (now seven) has given me more negotiation experience than anything else – she is great at value creation, always coming up with new ways we can get to win-win. É

Say what you do and do what you say Lori Pinkowski, senior vice-president and senior portfolio manager, Pinkowski Wealth Management at Raymond James Ltd.

Technical skills predict 10% of your outcomes at best. The greatest successes and difficulties in life will be people-related

Be humble and listen

Chris Goward, founder

Adrian Fluevog, CEO,

and CEO, Widerfunnel

John Fluevog Shoes

“Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it” – Sir Henry Royce

Be obsessive about caring for your customers. Always Dana Matheson, president and CEO, C&D Logistics

Will Granleese, director

Never stop learning

and portfolio manager,

Caitlinn Dunne, co-

Antrim Investments

director, Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine

Building the right culture requires daily effort Karina Hayat, president and co-founder, Prizm Media

There will never be a better time than now Dan Burgar, founder and president, VR/AR Association

Never stop learning. What got you here, won’t get you there

– Vancouver chapter

Cody Green, founder and

Change is inevitable. Learn to embrace it

co-CEO, Canada Drives

Andy Kokaji, director of

Work hard and know your worth. Don’t sell yourself short


immunology, Stemcell


Sarah Leamon, founder and

Kevin Mazzone, general

senior associate lawyer,

manager, The Lazy Gourmet

Sarah Leamon Law Group

Know that we tend to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intent. So ask lots of questions and keep an open mind Luke Aulin, CEO, RTown

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and general manager, Turner Construction Co.

Rather than trying to improve our weaknesses, it’s much more efficient and effective to lean into someone else who has those strengths Elizabeth Mah, founder and lawyer, Paperclip Law

2020-02-05 2:34 PM

The world



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