Education 2022

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reconciliation training for professionals mba profiles options at eight B.C. institutions studies abroad how schools are adapting

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Master of Business Administration CUSTOMIZED LEARNING FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS FOUR SPECIALIZATIONS: Executive MBA Management of the Growing Enterprise Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations International Business Transform your business career and the world around you.

Visit our website to learn more:

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2022-01-12 10:13 AM

— MORE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Advance to the next level in your business career through learning. BCIT School of Business + Media is one of the largest business and media schools in Western Canada, with over 100 programs offered full time and part time. Our graduate certificates in Business Administration and Global Leadership have MBA and master’s pathway opportunities. There are also many Part-time Studies programs to upskill at your own pace, from Accounting to Broadcast, Technical Arts to Financial Planning. Learn more at



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PRESIDENT: Alvin Brouwer PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, BUSINESS IN VANCOUVER; VICE-PRESIDENT, GLACIER MEDIA: Kirk LaPointe EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Hayley Woodin DESIGN: Petra Kaksonen PRODUCTION: Rob Benac CONTRIBUTORS: Chuck Chiang, Glen Korstrom, Albert Van Santvoort RESEARCHERS: Anna Liczmanska Sales Manager: Laura Torrance ADVERTISING SALES: Blair Johnston, Corinne Tkachuk, Chris Wilson ADMINISTRATOR: Katherine Butler BIV Magazine: The Education Issue is published by BIV Magazines, a division of BIV Media Group, 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6, 604-688-2398, fax 604-688-1963,



9 TEACHING TRUTH Indigenous training for professional groups 11 STUDIES ABROAD MBA programs adjust to COVID complications 13 MICRO-CREDENTIALS A new frontier for B.C.’s education sector 15-22 PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS B.C. designations and how to earn them

Copyright 2022 Business in Vancouver Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without permission of BIV Magazines. The publishers are not responsible in whole or in part for any errors or omissions in this publication. ISSN 1205-5662 Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40069240. Registration No.: 8876. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Department: 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Email: Cover: Nuthawut Somsuk/ Shutterstock

23 LIST: PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Biggest professional organizations in B.C. 24-31 B.C. MBA OPTIONS The MBA offerings of eight B.C. institutions


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THE LANDSCAPE FOR LEARNING HAS CHANGED For several post-secondary institutions, last year ended with online exams and cancelled social events on campus. And as this issue of BIV Magazine was going to press, multiple B.C. institutions began their spring semesters remotely. At the time of writing, public officials in B.C. and beyond continue to issue warnings about the extraordinary transmissibility of COVID-19’s Omicron variant. The new year has begun with familiar challenges and restrictions, making it hard not to wonder how, when and if this perpetual state of emergency will end. Two editions ago, our education issue bore no mention of coronavirus. Two years later, we can’t help but examine, explore and seek to understand the impact COVID-19 continues to have on all

aspects of our lives. As the virus evolves, so too does BIV Magazine’s coverage of what this unprecedented time means for technology, philanthropy, life sciences, women in business and, of course, education. One of our lead features in this publication looks at how a sustained pandemic environment is affecting international study plans and demand for global learning experiences. Omicron reminds us that we must remain flexible, and flexibility is at the heart of another of our features on the rise of micro-credentials. We also dedicate space in this issue to the matter of truth and reconciliation in Canada. More professional associations in B.C. will now require lawyers, geoscientists and engineers to take some form of Indigenous training

as part of their mandatory professional development. In the back half of the magazine, you will find our annual directory of professional designations, as well as eight MBA profiles submitted by B.C. post-secondary institutions. We are at the start of a third year that will — like both 2020 and 2021 — be characterized by COVID. Unlike two years ago, we know more about what we’re facing, and we have tools that can help us keep others and ourselves safe. This is cause for hope amid continued challenges and uncertainty.

Hayley Woodin Editor, BIV Magazine

OWN YOUR FUTURE UBC Diploma in Accounting Program If you are a degree graduate aspiring to become a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) but lack an applicable background and the prerequisites, the UBC Diploma in Accounting Program (DAP) bridges the gap and prepares you for a career in business.

UBC DAP equips graduates with the foundation for success in the CPA Professional Education Program. Widely recognized by the accounting industry, UBC DAP can be completed in as few as 16 months or as many as 24 months while working full-time or part-time.

Find out how to put your career aspirations into action visit

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TEACHING TRUTH Lawyers, engineers and geoscientists get new education mandates as professional associations increase Indigenous training



raining related to truth, reconciliation and understanding Indigenous issues has increased in the past year, and in some cases, the training has been made mandatory for members of professional associations in B.C.

Indigenous training organizations, such as Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., have been around for years, but there has been a surge in interest in education around Indigenous issues throughout 2021, particularly after the preliminary discovery in May of an estimated 215 unmarked graves on the grounds of a former residential school in Kamloops. Diane Smylie, senior director of San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Learning Programs at the Provincial Health Services Authority, told BIV Magazine that her organization trains around 35,000 students per year, and that this volume is increasing. Since her organization’s inception in 2010, it has trained around 160,000 students, she says, with some of them in professional associations, and others in private companies or the public sector. San’yas includes 10 courses — all centred on anti-racism training. “The curriculum is based on what we call an anti-racist, decolonizing pedagogy,” she says. “The pedagogy is very similar in lots of ways across the courses, but what is different is we’ve partnered with Indigenous Peoples in different sectors or jurisdictions.” Kerry Simmons, executive director of the Canadian Bar Association British Columbia Branch (CBABC) says her organization’s members are increasingly asking for Indigenous-related training courses. “We’re seeing more people attend each one of these courses,” she says. “In one that we did this fall with Indigenous Corporate Training, we had so many people interested that we had to offer it three times.” CBABC is one of many organizations that offer lawyers a range of continuing education and professional development training. The Law Society of British Columbia (LSBC) is the regulator

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for B.C.’s legal profession, and it requ i res practisi ng law yers to ta ke profession a l development courses annually. Lawyers are then free to choose which courses they take, a nd from wh ich organization. One new development, however, is t h a t t h e L S B C ’s b enchers i n 202 1 CPABC CEO Lori Mathison has been d e te r m i n e d t h a t trying to increase Indigenous training I nd igenous i ntercultural competency and recruitment at her association • and understanding is so important that, ROB KRUYT starting in 2022, all lawyers in B.C. must take a six-hour, LSBC-designed course that outlines the history of Crown relations with Aboriginal Peoples. The course delves into the history and legacy of residential schools, and how legislation regarding Indigenous Peoples created the issues reconciliation seeks to address. Lawyers must complete this course within two years. The rationale for the legal profession to heighten the importance of Indigenous education stems from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report’s recommendations, Simmons explains. “The TRC observed that our legal systems and lawyers have

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historically played, and continue to play, a role in the inequality of Indigenous people,” she says. “We need to correct that, and we can do that by learning about the history, learning about the changes in the laws, and thinking about how lawyers practise and interact differently.” Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) is also mandating that members take a specific course on Indigenous truth and reconciliation. “We have one mandatory course that everyone has to take per year, which we develop, and next year, the mandatory course that everyone is going to have to take is going to be focused on truth and reconciliation,” says Ailene Lim, EGBC’s acting director of programs and professional development. “That’s something we’re working on developing now, and which will be available in 2022.” Having a mandatory course for its members is new for EGBC, and its plan is to have a rotation of mandatory courses in future years. That means that the mandatory course for EGBC members in 2023 will be something unrelated to Indigenous issues. EGBC usually offers approximately 130 events and courses through a calendar year, although that count was down a bit in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those courses cover a range of topics, although between one dozen to two dozen offerings usually relate to equity, diversity and inclusion, Lim says. Professional associations have also made it a goal to recruit more Indigenous people into their ranks. Sometimes professional recruitment and engagement can be a challenge, because Indigenous youth in small communities don’t necessarily have access to role models who are members of

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a profession, such as accounting. Like other professions, accounting requires that aspiring chartered professional accountants (CPAs) have university degrees before they are granted admission to start the CPA education program. This can also be an obstacle for Indigenous youth, who are statistically less likely to have university degrees. “We certainly need and want more Indigenous students in the CPA program, and to become CPAs,” says Lori Mathison, president and CEO of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC). “We’ve been really focused on this. We have a funded strategic plan, and we spent a lot of effort on it.” Mathison says CPABC conducted a poll and discovered that while Indigenous Peoples represent almost 6% of B.C.’s population, less than 0.5% of CPABC’s membership, and slightly more than 1% of candidates and students, self-declared as Indigenous. Some CPABC events have been held in conjunction with the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association British Columbia, Mathison says. One CPABC event, on October 14, was billed as being an Indigenous gathering on pathways in business. “We held it in partnership with 10 other organizations, and we led the organization of the event,” Mathison says. “We’re really quite proud of it.” The gathering included Indigenous organizations, post-secondary institutions and some CPA firms. Its purpose was to provide a forum for sharing knowledge about careers in business, finance and accounting, Mathison says. It was created for Indigenous students, but also for members of Indigenous communities, as an opportunity to collectively learn. “I’m proud that all of the presenters were Indigenous, and they were able to speak about their own experiences, and really have that close dialogue,” Mathison says. “Some parts of the events were only for Indigenous Peoples, so they could really closely connect. We were guided on that with a traditional council of elders and knowledge keepers. They gave us so much guidance in terms of how to make sure that this event was going to be meaningful for the Indigenous students, and to really make a positive impact.” É

Kerry Simmons leads the Canadian Bar Association British Columbia Branch as executive director • SUBMITTED

Ailene Lim is the acting director of programs and professional development with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia • SUBMITTED

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STUDIES ABROAD Pandemic creates complications, but Canadian MBA programs are adjusting


BA programs have long touted accessibility to the global marketplace as a key selling point to potential students, but has the COVID-19 pandemic dampened demand for such programs?

The answer is somewhat complex, say top Canadian education sector officials monitoring trends since the pandemic drastically changed people’s ability to travel freely from country to country. What is unmistakable, says industry veteran and seasoned educator Sheldon Levy, is that the existing travel restrictions and quarantine rules have definitely affected Canadian students’ ability and willingness to go abroad as part of their studies. “If it was difficult before the pandemic, it is unmistakably — and rightly — more difficult now,” says Levy, who

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is currently the interim president at University Canada West. “Health and safety is going to be more of a pull factor for students to stay in Canada more than ever before. The flow of students going abroad was already a trickle when compared with the intake of international students coming here, but this pandemic has made it as if the tap’s completely turned off.” As Levy notes, even for students in globally mobile MBA programs, getting Canadians to take up opportunities to go abroad was a challenge even before the pandemic. One such example can be seen in the demand for the working

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holiday programs that Canada has signed with a number of countries: where the inbound quota annually gets filled within minutes of registration opening every year, interest from outbound Canadians is tepid. “Putting the pandemic aside for a minute, Canada has for years tried to figure out strategies for more students to be able to see education opportunities outside of Canada as part of their program within Canada,” Levy says. “And in almost all cases, the following issues come up: one, language. Two, cost. And three, whether students’ time abroad is academically credited in Canada so that they don’t lose time towards graduation.” While an MBA program with an included global component addresses the third concern, it does not address the fundamental issue of cost and language barriers. Some schools, like the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Sauder School of Business, have been able to adapt. Alina Yukhymets, manager of global learning at the Robert H. Lee Graduate School at Sauder, says the school previously incorporated four pre-selected international destinations as part of its MBA program’s mandatory global immersion experience. With the pandemic now placing new complications on travel, Yukhymets says the program shifted again in 2022 to four North American destinations — Toronto, Montreal, San Francisco and San Diego. “Travel is still a part of the MBA program, this time with a North American focus,” she says. “We continue to innovate and ensure our MBA students get a global perspective either through travel, online engagement and through the diverse network that the school offers.” Yukhymets also notes that Sauder’s MBA program overall has been on par with previous, pre-pandemic years in terms of application and student numbers. Some of this stems from the school’s curriculum, but it’s also from international students who are willing to navigate travel restrictions to attend. “Many of our international students overcame considerable challenges with their study permits and arrival in Canada,” she says. “All of them demonstrated incredible strength, determination, flexibility and resiliency in meeting their objective to arrive in Vancouver on time for the start of their in-person studies.” Levy says that’s the flop side of the equation — that, despite the pandemic, the will for students coming to Canada for MBAs and other programs remains extremely high. “We’ve become the destination of choice,” he says. “The number of incoming students coming to Canada has reached a level not even imaginable 10 years ago.” For Levy, the key question now is how Canada will

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j u m p s t a r t i t s o u tgoi n g s t u d e n t f l o w post-COVID, because schools have to have the students’ well-being as their paramount concern — and encouraging outbound flow du ri ng a globa l pa ndemic isn’t a good idea. When the time comes, however, Levy says it is crucial for political leaders a nd pol icy makers to push and adUniversity Canada West interim dress the three issues he identified, because president Sheldon Levy says academia itself needs pandemic restrictions have a leading voice to effect change. impacted students’ willingness to T he d a n ger of not go abroad • SUBMITTED doing so, he adds, is a very realistic economic detriment to Canada. “On the one hand, it’s the human experience of someone who’s going abroad directly,” Levy says. “It’s the life experience — I can speak to how my studies took me to Kenya, and it changed my life forever for the better. Those experiences are about the growth and development of people, and you can’t put dollars to it. “On the other hand, as students gain more worldly experience, they become better employees. I’m sure that employers who see a candidate who picked up extra language skills or some other skills while abroad, they place a certain value on those experiences. So it’s the personal experience for an individual, but it also brings economic returns.” É


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‘HONEY, I SHRUNK THE CREDENTIALS’ Micro-credentials are a new frontier for B.C.’s education sector ALBERT VAN SANTVOORT

Professional and academic qualifications don’t necessarily carry as much weight with potential employers as they may have in the past. In an increasingly competitive job market, job candidates are consistently reskilling, upskilling and cross-skilling to help them gain a competitive advantage or access to new opportunities. The B.C. government recently committed $5 million toward the development of micro-credentials at public post-secondary institutions. Micro-credentials are short, flexible, competency-based programs designed with input from, and consideration of the needs of, both industry and community, according to Zoe MacLeod, associate vice-president of professional and continuing studies at Royal Roads University, a post-secondary institution with an applied and professional degree-granting focus. By engaging with these less traditional post-secondary education models, students can gain industry-specific training required or sought after by employers. In some ways, it’s the “polytechnicization” of post-secondary education. Rajiv Jhangiani, associate vice-president of teaching and learning at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), says that the demand for micro-credentials has in part come from a multi-decade trend in which businesses are investing less in the upskilling of their employees. Currently, British Columbia’s post-secondary institutions are developing their micro-credential policies with input from industry. Jhangiani says the provincial government has given significant enthusiastic support to micro-credentials, and has helped galvanize the interest of the post-secondary sector and broader business community. KPU was the first to pass its institutional micro-credential policy in late 2021. “With this focus on skills development, which are competency-based by definition, there are a lot of micro-credentials developed in partnership with industry,” says Jhangiani. Micro-credentials also provide the opportunity to teach students skills that might have been too niche for traditional post-secondary degree programs. Even if a skill is in high demand, it might not be broad or large enough to map over a two- or four-year degree. Instead, developing the skill might just need six weeks of detailed and intense focus. That is where the flexibility of micro-credential programs can help supplement larger post-secondary and professional degree programs. Job training, and learning industry-specific skills, are only one small part of a post-secondary education; let alone the broader post-secondary experience. That is why Jhangiani, who helped develop the province’s micro-credential program, says that it is meant to compliment traditional, post-secondary education and is not intended to replace it. Some micro-credentials even bear credits, meaning various micro-credential programs can be combined to ladder into a degree, according to Jhangiani.

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Kwantlen Polytechnic University passed an institutional microcredential policy in late 2021 • KPU

“Whether we’re talking about soft skills or technical skills, those are all in really high demand,” says Jhangiani, “and so I think the nice thing about integrating this into our current offerings is it just allows you to articulate it much more easily.” Not only can students obtain a degree, but they can receive competency badges that provide employers verifiable evidence of the more job-specific skills prospective employees have learned. Employers will be able see the date and time the training was completed, as well as link to evidence of demonstrations of those competencies, according to Jhangiani. The benefits of these programs to employers are many. Not only is industry able to provide input and help shape various micro-credential programs, but doing so allows industry to more quickly respond to labour shortages and skill gaps. Industry can partner with post-secondary institutions to develop programs that meet their needs and outsource the training to education experts, rather than create their own internal training infrastructure. Job candidates are able to provide clearly articulated skill competencies that employers can easily identify, rely on and trust. One of the major benefits of micro-credentials goes to people traditionally forgotten and left behind by post-secondary institutions. These programs are more flexible and less expensive, allowing working adults with families to engage in higher education. “I think this is primarily a way to tap underserved populations and better service them just by giving them that flexibility,” says Jhangiani. “I do think there are those who may have never interacted with higher education in the first place, whether because of a cost barrier or the opportunity cost in terms of taking time away from work, who would be able to benefit from engaging in this form of training.” É

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Turn your degree into_ unlimited career growth

Become a CPA_

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PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS Credentials that boost your qualifications — and what it takes to earn them ACCOUNTING CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant) Description: Since 2015, the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC) is the only regulated professional accounting body in the province of British Columbia. With over 36,000 CPA members and 5,000 CPA students and candidates, CPABC is responsible for the regulation and professional development of more than 210,000 CPAs across Canada and the globe, as well as the training and certification of CPA candidates. Prerequisites: Four-year, 120-credit-hour university degree or equivalent, plus specific subject area coverage that can be met through approved programs in post-secondary institutions, or through the CPA Western School of Business. The prerequisite education required consists of 14 modules; students complete only those courses they require. Requirements: The CPA professional education program has six modules: two core modules, which focus on the development of competencies in management and financial accounting, and the integration of the six core technical competency areas – audit and assurance, finance, taxation, financial reporting, management accounting, and strategy and governance; two elective modules; and the final two courses, which include a capstone integrative module that focuses on the development of leadership and professional skills, and a capstone examination preparation module. At the conclusion of the six modules, students write a common final examination. All CPA candidates must also complete relevant, progressive, practical experience that is approved by the CPA profession. Experience can be gained in positions pre-approved by the CPA profession, or through the experience verification model, in which CPA candidates may work for an employer they choose. Administering organization: Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (

CAREER COUNSELLING CCDP (Certified Career Development Practitioner) Description: A CCDP knows career development, has

skills and expertise in assessment and referral and has interpersonal competence in career development. A CCDP has skills and expertise in at least three of: assessment, facilitated individual and group learning, career counselling, information and resource management, work development and community capacity-building. Requirements: Master’s degree in related field and at least one year’s related work experience; bachelor’s degree in related field and at least two years’ related work experience; diploma in career-development practice or related field and at least three years’ related work experience; certificate in career-development practice or related field, or equivalent post-secondary education and at least four years’ related work experience; evidence of all core competencies and three areas of specialization; evidence of completing course in ethics related to career development, counselling or adult education that includes at least 10 hours’ instructional time, as well as course in careerdevelopment theory that includes at least 20 hours’ instructional time. Administering organization: BC Career Development Association (

EDITING CPE (Certified Professional Editor) Description: Candidates can become CPEs or earn separate certifications in proofreading, copy editing, structural editing or stylistic editing.

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Requirements: Passing of required tests (four tests for CPE designation). No formal requirements, but at least five years’ extensive editing work experience is recommended. Administering organization: Editors’ Association of Canada (

EVENT PLANNING CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) Description: Helps people employed in meeting management pursue continuing education, increase involvement with industry and gain industry-wide recognition. Requirements: Three years’ work experience in the industry, having been employed within the last 12 months; a degree in meeting, event, exhibition or hospitality/tourism management and two years’ work experience; three years’ full-time instruction experience in a meeting/hospitality university program. Completion of 25 hours’ continuing education or completion of approved internship/apprenticeship in the industry with a minimum of 200 hours of work experience. Written exam. Administering organization: Events Industry Council (

CSEP (Certified Special Events Professional) Description: This designation recognizes event professionals who have successfully demonstrated the knowledge, skills and ability essential to perform all components of a special event. Requirements: To qualify for CSEP exam, a candidate must have minimum three years’ full-time professional employment in the special events industry. Documentation of work experience required. Exam is a 4.5-hour computer-based examination scored either pass or fail and consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions and a written portion, both based on the CSEP content outline at Administering organization: International Live Events Association (

DMCP (Destination Management Certified Professional) Requirements: To qualify as a candidate for the written exam, applicant must have minimum three years’ destination management experience or bachelor’s degree in hospitality-related major from accredited university; current employment in hospitality; responsibility and accountability for successful completion of destination management programs and minimum 90 points on the application. Administering organization: Association of Destination Management Executives International (

EXECUTIVE COACHING ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), MCC (Master Certified Coach) Description: The International Coach Federation (ICF)

establishes and administers minimum standards for credentialing professional coaches and coach-training agencies. A coach credentialed by the ICF has coachspecific training, has achieved a designated number of hours of experience and has been coached by a mentor coach. Requirements: Vary by designation; for details, see Administering organization: ICF (coachingfederation. org).

FAMILY ENTERPRISE ADVISING FEA (Family Enterprise Advisor) Description: The Family Enterprise Advisor designation demonstrates an advisor’s commitment to excellence in family enterprise advising. Granted to experienced lawyers, wealth managers, accountants, facilitators and family therapists, the designation represents a substantial opportunity in a marketplace where more than 80% of businesses are family-owned. Requirements: Completion of the Family Enterprise Advisor program, possession of a professional designation or equivalent, passing of the written and oral components of the designation exam. The multidisciplinary approach teaches advisors to integrate their own disciplines with others to provide collaborative and complementary advice to business family clients, all of whom must navigate the unique challenges of family dynamics, governance, communication and succession planning. Administering organization: Family Enterprise Canada (

FINANCE AND INSURANCE CAIB (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker), CPIB (Canadian Professional Insurance Broker), CCIB (Canadian Certified Insurance Broker) Description of CAIB: The Insurance Brokers Association of BC (IBABC) offers the CAIB program through provincial member associations. Designed for property and casualty insurance brokers, CAIB provides insurance knowledge to develop competence and enhance career opportunities. Four course modules constitute the program and cover personal and commercial lines of insurance plus brokerage management skills. Each course culminates in a national exam. Courses prepare students to meet B.C. licensing requirements. Requirements for CAIB: Completion of four course volumes and exams. Employment by insurance brokerage that is a member of a provincial brokers’ association that is, in turn, a member of Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC). Description of CPIB: The senior designation program developed by IBAC and its provincial member associations is specifically designed for property and casualty insurance brokers. The program has three distinct streams: personal lines, commercial lines and broker management. To earn the CPIB designation, students must complete the three mandatory courses and any three of the elective courses in the stream of their choice. Description of CCIB: CCIB is a senior designation designed for commercial insurance brokers who have already completed their CAIB. The CCIB program is a self-study program involving three exams, which are all practical and experience-based. Administering organization: IBABC (

CCP (Certified Credit Professional) Description: The CCP designation is recognized as a symbol of excellence in credit management. The program is delivered online. The credit basics program (also offered online) can be used as a stepping-stone to this certification. Requirements: Completion of required courses in financial accounting fundamentals, credit management, micro/macroeconomics, corporate finance fundamentals, business communications, managing credit with information technology, Canadian credit law and advanced credit management. Transfer credits applicable. Ongoing requirements: Continued membership and participation in a continuing professional development program.

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We set you up for success. You redefine it. A Professional MBA from UBC Sauder can help you take the next step in your career with a part-time format that works around your full-time schedule. Learn more at

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The UBC Part-time MBA* program gave Jane Sun, a clinical psychologist, the edge she needed to take on a director-level role in health care.

Jane Sun Director, Interprofessional Practice for Adult Mental Health and Substance Use Services Provincial Health Services Authority Vancouver, Canada UBC Part-time MBA, Class of 2018

*Now known as the UBC Professional MBA program

With the flexibility of the UBC Professional MBA program, Candice Madalena was able to juggle school, work and her personal life without losing momentum.

Candice Madalena Associate Director, Business Operations Zymeworks Inc. Vancouver, Canada UBC Professional MBA, Class of 2015

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PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS Administering organization: Credit Institute of

Canada (

CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Requirements: : Completion of core curriculum

program approved by the Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC), agreement to abide by FPSC code of ethics and maintain registration in registered candidate program, passing of financial planning examination Level 1, at least one year full-time (or equivalent) financial planning work experience, completion of an FPSC-approved capstone course, passing of financial planning examination Level 2 and at least two additional years’ full-time (or equivalent) financial planning work experience. Total financial planning work experience must be at least three years. Candidates who qualify under approved prior credential policy (those who hold CA, CGA, CMA, CFA, CLU or FCIA designations, have PhDs in finance, economics or business or are members of provincial law society) must still complete both exams and successfully complete the capstone course. For all candidates, there is a maximum of four attempts on financial planning examinations. Candidates must meet other administrative requirements and abide by maintenance requirements. Ongoing requirements: Annual renewal of licence by 30 hours’ continuing education, continued agreement to abide by FPSC code of ethics and adhere to the Marks Use Guide for Canadian CFP Professionals. Administering organization: FP Canada Standards Council (

CIP (Chartered Insurance Professional), FCIP (Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional) Description of CIP: Comprehensive designation program for property and casualty insurance that integrates practical and theoretical knowledge and features concentrations for underwriters, brokers/ agents and adjusters. Requirements for CIP: Ten courses taken in class, online or by distance learning, five being mandatory, three applied-professional and two elective (chosen from more than 30 available courses). Costs for CIP: See Description of FCIP: Designed to promote leadership skills, the FCIP program provides a comprehensive business education with a specific property and casualty insurance focus. Requirements for FCIP: Prior completion of CIP course and work experience requirements; current Insurance Institute membership, current CIP membership (for CIP graduates) and an undergraduate degree from a Canadian university or equivalent. (An alternate route is available for those with a college diploma.) Completion of FCIP program consists of six courses (delivered online): Strategy in the P&C Insurance Sector, Leading in the Insurance World, Financial Management for Insurance Leaders, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in the Insurance Sector, Emerging Issues: Implications for the P&C Insurance Leader, and Integrative Learning for the P&C Insurance Sector (a work-based capstone project). Five years’ relevant work experience by completion of the program. Administering organizations: Insurance Institute of BC, Insurance Institute of Canada (insuranceinstitute. ca).

ECBA (Entry Certificate in Business Analysis), CCBA (Certification of Competency in Business Analysis), CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional), CBATL (Certified Business Analysis Thought Leader) Description: The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) has launched a global multi-level

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certification program. This competency-based program recognizes BA professionals’ knowledge and skills. For more information, visit Administering organization: IIBA (

GRAPHIC DESIGN CGD (Certified Graphic Designer) Description: Awarded to practising designer who has completed at least seven years of combined graphic design education and professional practice and whose work and professional integrity are of acceptable standards. Requirements: Applicants submit membership form and resumé, sign licensing agreement and undergo confidential case study/portfolio review. Practising web and new media designers are eligible to apply for CGD status. Also included in this category are professional design educators and design administrators. Three- or four-year course of studies in graphic design is recommended but not required. Administering organization: Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (

HOME INSPECTION Licensed Home Inspector Description: Home inspectors must be licensed

in British Columbia. Licensing and regulation are conducted by Consumer Protection BC. Requirements: Candidate must hold appropriate designation from the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC, Canadian National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, National Home Inspector Certification Council or Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors BC. As of September 1, 2016, membership in a home inspection association is no longer required. Disclosure of any criminal history, insurance coverage, peer recommendation letter and 50 hours of home inspection with an approved trainer also required. For a complete list of licensing requirements, visit Administering organization: Consumer Protection BC (

HUMAN RESOURCES CPHR (Chartered Professional in Human Resources) Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and successful

completion of National Knowledge Exam (NKE), plus a completed experience assessment validated by current employer. This assessment must prove: a minimum of three years working in an HR role within the last 10 years (at least one year must be within Canada), and experience gained using technical HR knowledge and a level of autonomy in the application of HR knowledge. It is not necessary to be a manager or supervisor. Experience covers at least two of the seven required professional capabilities. Membership in Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) required. Recertification required every three years by reassessment or with 100 points for professional development activities and experience from various categories. Administering organization: CPHR (

PHR (Professional in Human Resources), SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources), GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources) Requirements for PHR: One year’s demonstrated professional HR experience with master’s degree or higher; two years’ demonstrated professional HR experience with bachelor’s degree; or four years’ demonstrated professional HR experience with less than a bachelor’s degree. Three-hour, 175-question multiple-choice exam. Requirements for SPHR: Four years’ demonstrated professional HR experience with master’s degree

or higher; five years’ demonstrated professional HR experience with bachelor’s; or seven years’ demonstrated professional HR experience with less than a bachelor’s. Three-hour, 175-question multiplechoice exam. Requirements for GPHR: Two years’ demonstrated global professional HR experience with a master’s degree or higher; three years’ demonstrated professional HR experience (with two of the three being global HR experience) with bachelor’s; or four years’ demonstrated professional HR experience (with two of the four being global HR experience) with less than a bachelor’s. Three-hour, 165-question multiple-choice exam. Certification exams occur twice a year. Recertification required after three years by accumulation of 60 credit hours of HR-related continuing education activities prior to end of the three years or by retaking of exam. Administering organization: Human Resource Certification Institute (

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CITP (Certified International Trade Professional) Requirements: Minimum one year’s professional

international trade experience. Completion of Forum for International Trade Training program (FITTskills) or equivalent thereof. There are eight FITTskills courses, each requiring approximately 45 hours’ classroom instruction. Completion of all eight earns candidate the Forum for International Trade Training diploma in international trade. FITTskills courses are available at partner learning institutions from seasoned international trade professionals or online. Exemptions from course requirements available through prior learning assessment and recognition process, which provides credit for previous work experience and/ or education. Adherence to standards of ethical conduct. Designees must maintain membership in good standing. Members must engage in ongoing professional development. Administering organization: FITT (

LAW B.C. practising lawyer Description: Membership in the Law Society of British

Columbia (LSBC) required for eligibility to practise law. Eligible lawyers from other jurisdictions may practise in B.C. temporarily. Requirements: To become a lawyer for the first time, a person must complete a law degree from a Canadian common-law university or obtain a Certificate of Qualification from the National Committee on Accreditation if the law degree is not a Canadian common-law degree. Candidates must then complete the 12-month Law Society Admission Program, which includes nine months of articles and the Law Society’s 10-week Professional Legal Training Course. Lawyers from other jurisdictions can apply to transfer to B.C.; examinations may be required. Administering organization: LSBC (

MANAGEMENT CIM (Certified in Management), C.Mgr. (Chartered Manager) Requirements for CIM: Two years’ proven and

recognized Canadian management/administration experience. Completion of certificate in management and administration or graduation from accredited program. The certificate in management and administration program involves completion (minimum grade of 60%) of eight-subject study: six mandatory and two option courses. Requirements for C.Mgr.: There are three paths. (1) Graduate degree – master’s degree or doctorate in management, commerce or business administration from an Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) institution or CIM-approved non-AUCC institution; two years’ experience in senior managerial,

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academic or research position. (2) Undergraduate degree – bachelor’s degree in management, commerce or business administration from an AUCC institution or CIM-approved non-AUCC; submission of 25,000word graduate-level research paper on a managerial or business administration topic reflecting the applicant’s research or industry interests or submission of substantial portfolio of work demonstrating application of managerial principles; four years’ managerial, academic or research experience. (3) Non-degree – eight-course CIM certificate in management and administration studies or equivalent; 12 additional pre-approved non-introductory courses reflecting a continuation of the concepts covered by the CIM certificate in management and administration studies (or equivalent); submission of 25,000-word graduatelevel research paper on a managerial or business administration topic reflecting the applicant’s research or industry interests or submission of substantial portfolio of work demonstrating application of managerial principles; six years’ senior managerial, academic or research experience; comprehensive examination (at discretion of C.Mgr. committee). There are additional requirements for all paths, including reference letters, a detailed CV and official transcripts. Administering organization: Canadian Institute of Management (

CMC (Certified Management Consultant) Requirements: Minimum undergraduate degree or a

CA, CGA, CMA, CPA or P.Eng. designation. Membership in the Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC-Canada). Completion and signature of declaration serving as bond to abide by the association’s Uniform Code of Professional Conduct.

For entry stream, at least three years’ experience in management consulting. Candidates must each find two current CMCs in Canada to sponsor them and attest to their experience in management consulting. Completion of required courses of study, written descriptions of three consulting assignments and a structured interview, and references from three clients. Note: Qualifications are also available in experienced stream, executive stream and approved MBA and continuing education stream. Administering organization: CMC-Canada ( through affiliate institutes.

PAYROLL PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner) Description: The PCP certification is the foundation for a career in payroll. It provides candidates with the legislative content required to keep an organization compliant throughout the annual payroll cycle, effectively communicate payroll information to all stakeholders and understand the accounting function as it relates to payroll. Requirements: Four courses including Payroll Compliance Legislation, Payroll Fundamentals 1, Introduction to Accounting, and Payroll Fundamentals 2. Ongoing requirements: 14 hours of continuing professional education credits earned annually. Administering organization: CPA (

CPM (Certified Payroll Manager) Description: The CPM certification builds on the PCP knowledge and at least two years of payroll compliance experience to develop payroll management

skills. It provides the core management subjects and competencies required to manage a payroll department, such as decision-making, managing people, project management, organizational policy and strategy development. PCP certification is a prerequisite for this program. Requirements: Each student must submit an application form and receive approval from the CPA prior to enrolling in the Introduction to Payroll Management course. Students must have at least two years of experience being responsible for an organization’s payroll, which includes being accountable to management for the accuracy of employees’ pay and all government statutory remittances, or equivalent experience, obtained in the past five years. The CPM program involves five courses: Introduction to Payroll Management, Organizational Behaviour Management, Managerial Accounting, Compensation and Benefits Management, and Applied Payroll Management. Ongoing requirements: Membership in CPA, adherence to CPA’s code of professional conduct, 21 hours’ continuing professional education credits earned. Administering organization: CPA (

PROJECT MANAGEMENT PMP (Project Management Professional) Description: Recognizes demonstrated knowledge and skill in leading and directing project teams and delivering results within schedule, budget and resources. Requirements: For candidate with high school diploma or global equivalent, five years’ project management experience and 35 hours’ project management


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education. For candidate with bachelor’s degree or global equivalent, three years’ project management experience and 35 hours’ project management education. For all candidates: four-hour, 200-question multiple-choice exam. Ongoing requirements: 60 professional development units (PDUs) within three-year cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) Description: Recognizes understanding of fundamental knowledge, processes and terminology, as defined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Requirements: For candidate with high school diploma or global equivalent, 1,500 hours’ project management experience or 23 hours’ project management education. Three-hour, 150-question multiple-choice exam. Ongoing requirements: PDUs not required for CAPM certification holders; instead, there is a re-exam before the end of the five-year certification cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

PMI-SP (PMI Scheduling Professional) Description: Recognizes demonstrated knowledge and advanced expertise in specialized area of developing and maintaining project schedules. Requirements: For candidate with high school diploma or global equivalent, 5,000 hours’ project scheduling experience and 40 hours’ project scheduling education. For candidate with bachelor’s degree or global equivalent, 3,500 hours’ project scheduling experience and 30 hours’ project scheduling education. For all candidates: 170-question multiple-choice exam. Ongoing requirements: 60 PDUs to be earned in three-year cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

PMI-RMP (PMI Risk Management Professional) Description: Recognizes demonstrated knowledge and expertise in specialized area of assessing and identifying project risks while mitigating threats and capitalizing on opportunities. Requirements: For candidate with high school diploma or global equivalent, 4,500 hours’ project risk management experience and 40 hours’ project risk management education. For candidate with bachelor’s degree or global equivalent, 3,000 hours’ project risk management experience and 30 hours’ project risk management education. For all candidates: 170-question multiple-choice exam. Ongoing requirements: 60 PDUs to be earned in three-year cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

PgMP (Program Management Professional) Description: Recognizes demonstrated experience, skill and performance in oversight of multiple, related projects aligned with an organizational strategy. Requirements: For candidate with high school diploma or global equivalent, four years’ project management experience, seven years’ program management experience. For candidate with bachelor’s degree or global equivalent, four years’ project management experience, four years’ program management experience. For all candidates: passing of panel review on application, multiple-choice exam, multi-rater assessment. Ongoing requirements: 60 PDUs, to be earned in three-year cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

PMI-ACP (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner) Description: Recognizes professionalism in agile practices of project management. Requirements: For general project experience, 2,000

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hours’ general project management experience earned within the last five years; for agile project experience, 1,500 hours’ agile project management experience earned within the last three years, in addition to the 2,000 general project experience hours; 21 hours’ education accrued in agile project management topics; 120-question exam. Holders of PMP and/or PgMP credentials are already verified to have exceeded the experience requirements. Ongoing requirements: 30 PDUs/three continuing education units every three years in agile project management. Administering organization: PMI (

PfMP (Portfolio Management Professional) Description: For portfolio managers looking to

demonstrate a proven ability to manage and align a portfolio of projects and programs to realize organizational strategy and objectives; increase their visibility and value with their organization; and separate themselves in the eyes of employers. Requirements: Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent) with at least seven years (10,500 hours) of portfolio management experience within the past 15 consecutive years; or four-year degree (bachelor’s degree or the global equivalent) with at least four years (6,000 hours) of portfolio management experience within the past 15 consecutive years. All applicants must possess a minimum of eight years (96 months) of professional business experience. Administering organization: PMI (

PMI-PBA (PMI Professional in Business Analysis) Description: Highlights and validates expertise in business analysis. Requirements: Secondary degree (high school diploma or global equivalent), up to five years (7,500 hours) of business analysis experience earned in the past eight years, 2,000 hours of experience working on project teams and 35 contact hours earned in business analysis practice. Ongoing requirements: At least 60 PDUs, to be earned in three-year cycle. Administering organization: PMI (

REAL ESTATE AACI (Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute), CRA (Canadian Residential Appraiser) Description: The Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) grants two designations. AACI designates fully accredited membership and may be used by the holder in connection with appraisal of a wide range of properties. CRA designates a member qualified in appraisal and valuation of individual undeveloped residential dwelling sites and dwellings containing not more than four self-contained family housing units. The designations identify highly qualified persons who have completed AIC’s rigorous education, experience and examination requirements. Requirements: Designation comprises a universitylevel program administered by the University of British Columbia as the partner of AIC BC; experience under mentorship of a member of the institute; a written exam; an oral exam; AIC’s mandatory professional practice seminar; and the introductory We Value Canada online workshop. See the “path to designation” section of Administering organization: AIC BC ( province-british-columbia/british-columbia).

RI (Real Estate Institute) Description: An RI designation recognizes the achievement of rigorous standards of education and experience that guarantee a high standard of real estate knowledge. Requirements: University of British Columbia – bachelor of commerce with a major in urban land

economics, urban land economics diploma, bachelor of business in real estate, postgraduate certificate in real property valuation. British Columbia Institute of Technology – marketing management (professional real estate option) diploma. University of Guelph – real estate and housing major in the bachelor of commerce program. Ryerson University – School of Business Management, real estate management major. Administering organization: Real Estate Institute of BC (

Real Property Administrator (RPA), Facilities Management Administrator (FMA) Description: An RPA designation program is for property managers and teaches all aspects of operating a commercial building. The FMA designation is for facility managers. Requirements: Mandatory and elective courses. Professional experience is necessary to complete the qualification process. Administering organization: BOMI Education Canada (

SALES AND MARKETING CSP (Certified Sales Professional), CSA (Certified Sales Associate), CSL (Certified Sales Leader) Requirements: College diploma plus 35 hours of recognized professional development in sales aligned to the Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) professional sales competencies; minimum four years of verified experience independently managing client accounts and meeting or exceeding targets. Ongoing requirements: A membership in good standing with CPSA. Administering organization: CPSA Sales Association (

CRSA (Certified Retail Sales Associate), CFLM (Certified Retail First Level Manager), CJRP (Certified Jewellery Retail Professional) Description of CRSA: Helps sales associates become expert in all aspects of retail sales. Participants build solid career foundations and gain industry-specific credential that major retailers recognize countrywide. Requirements for CRSA: Retail sales associate course, multiple-choice exam, in-store evaluation conducted by the corporate research group, 600 hours as retail sales associate. Description of CFLM: Allows first-level managers to build business skills of professionalism, communication, leadership, human resources, operations, marketing, sales, customer service, administration and planning. Requirements for CFLM: First-level manager course, multiple-choice exam, telephone interview by the corporate research group, 1,500 hours or one year on-the-job experience in retail. Description of CJRP: Designed for jewellery retail store managers and consists of 14 online, self-directed e-learning modules. Requirements for CJRP: Complete the program, multiple-choice exam, performance review conducted by We Check, one year of on-the-job experience in jewellery industry. Administering organization: Retail Council of Canada (

SCPS (SMEI Certified Professional Salesperson), CSE (Certified Sales Executive), CME (Certified Marketing Executive), SCPM (SMEI Certified Professional Marketer) Description: SMEI Inc., with support of its local chapter, SMEI Vancouver, offers these four designations. Requirements: Appropriate education and experience. Preparation for certification exams available through

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self-study and other options, including professional courses offered through the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business. Administering organization: Sales and Marketing Executives International Inc. – SMEI Vancouver (smei. org).

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT APICS CSCP (APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional) Description: Provides professionals with the knowledge necessary for understanding and managing integration and co-ordination of end-to-end supply chain activities. System is self-directed but can combine with instructor-led courses for students preferring classrooms. Requirements: A conferred bachelor’s degree or equivalent; or APICS CPIM, APICS CFPIM, APICS CIRM, APICS SCOR-P, APICS CTL, CPM, CPSM or CSM designation; or at least three years of related business experience. Four-hour exam consisting of 175 multiplechoice questions. Ongoing requirements: Must earn a total of 75 professional development points within five years of receiving designation. Administering organization: Association for Supply Chain Management (

APICS CPIM (APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management) Description: Looks in depth at production and inventory activities within internal operations of

companies. Focuses primarily on manufacturing. Provides in-depth view of materials management, master scheduling, production planning, forecasting and quality improvement. Requirements: Passing of five exams on basics of supply chain management, master planning of resources, detailed scheduling and planning, execution and control of operations, and strategic management of resources. APICS certification review courses and study aids help prepare candidates for exams and are available through British Columbia Institute of Technology part-time studies or online. Ongoing requirements: Must earn a total of 75 professional development points within five years of receiving designation. Administering organization: Association for Supply Chain Management (

APICS CLTD (APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution) Description: Covers a comprehensive body of knowledge that sets the global standard for best practices in logistics, transportation and distribution. Requirements: Three years of related business experience or bachelor’s degree or the international equivalent or CPIM, CSCP, CTL, CFPIM, CIRM, SCOR-P, CPM, CSM or CPSM designations. An eight-module program with an exam that reflects critical areas in logistics, transportation and distribution for the roles and responsibilities of logistics managers. The exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions (130 operational and 20 pretest). Administering organization: Association for Supply Chain Management (


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CCLP (CITT-Certified Logistics Professional) Requirements: Candidates who already have a university or college degree or diploma in a business discipline can simply apply for advanced standing toward the CCLP designation. Candidates must have at least five years of experience working in a supply chain or logistics function and successfully complete the Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation’s (CITT) five-course suite of expert-level, specialized logistics courses, including three core courses plus two electives (online options available). Administering organization: CITT (

SCMP (Supply Chain Management Professional) Description: The SCMP designation is the mark of strategic leadership in supply chain management (SCM). An SCMP’s adherence to a code of ethics ensures the highest level of integrity. With procurement, operations, logistics and all areas of SCM playing increasingly important roles in organizations, employers benefit from the SCMP’s unique and distinctive competence. Offered through Supply Chain Management Association – the largest association in Canada for SCM professionals – and taught by distinguished academics and senior practitioners, the SCMP designation program is designed to be taken over 36 months concurrent with full-time employment. In-class and online formats available. Requirements: Business degree or diploma from a public Canadian university, college or technical institution. Other candidates must complete specific business management courses at post-secondary institutions. Successful completion of eight modules

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PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS covering foundations of SCM and six interactive workshops addressing high-level business skills, including SCM; leadership and professionalism; procurement and supply management; negotiation skills; logistics and transportation; communications and relational skills; operations and process management; knowledge management; competitive bidding; contract preparation and contract management; global sourcing; risk management; SCM in the public sector; SCM for services, capital goods and major projects; ethical behaviour and social responsibility. Weeklong session in residence integrates knowledge from the modules and workshops. Program includes a final written examination and a minimum of three years’ progressive SCM experience concurrent with the program. Ongoing requirements: Minimum 30 maintenance credits on a three-year block period. Administering organization: Supply Chain Canada (

P.Log. (Professional Logistician), LS (Logistics Specialist) Description of P.Log.: This internationally recognized

certification for professionals in logistics certifies competence as global supply chain leaders. Depending on where you are in your career and what the company needs to succeed, there are two different options to earn the P.Log. designation: a leadership program or a process management program. Description of LS: For logisticians working in tactical and supervisory careers who are looking for certification to create the foundation for a successful career in logistics. The Logistics Foundation program consists of core modules in the Essential Series, Frontline Logistics and Integrated Logistics Networks. The program will be completely online with the use of a learning management system. Estimated time to complete the program is one to three months. Administering organization: Logistics Institute (

TECHNOLOGY AScT (Applied Science Technologist), CTech (Certified Technician) Description: The Applied Science Technologists and

Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) registers technologists, technicians and technical specialists in applied science and engineering technologies. AScT and CTech are two of numerous credentials available to technology professionals registered with ASTTBC. Requirements for AScT: Diploma of technology in an

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applied science and engineering technology program that meets academic requirements for registration in one of 16 applied science technology disciplines in which ASTTBC currently certifies practitioners. Completion of two years’ experience in field of practice in which certification is sought. Experience must be reasonably current, progressive, accumulated and relevant to an approved discipline and supported by references. Requirements for CTech: Certificate of technology in an applied science and engineering technology program that meets academic requirements for registration in one of 16 applied science technology disciplines in which ASTTBC currently certifies practitioners. Applicant may also demonstrate equivalent outcome competencies to national technology standards. Completion of two years’ experience in field of practice in which certification is sought. Experience must be reasonably current, progressive, accumulated and relevant to an approved discipline and supported by references. Administering organization: ASTTBC (

ISP (Information Systems Professional), ITCP (Information Technology Certified Professional) Description of ISP: Demonstrates knowledge and technical background in IT. Visit Description of ITCP: Directed specifically for senior IT practitioners and academics who want to demonstrate that in addition to possessing IT knowledge, they understand how to use and apply organizational experience effectively to achieve goals and expectations. The ITCP standard has been accredited by the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), and ITCP holders are internationally recognized under the IP3 umbrella. Visit Requirements: Documented evidence of ability to meet or exceed established criteria for academic qualifications and relevant experience. Experience must be in role requiring use of significant level of IT knowledge where high level of independent judgment and responsibility is exercised. Administering organization: CIPS – Canada’s Association of IT Professionals (

TOURISM CTC (Certified Travel Counsellor), CTM (Certified Travel Manager)

tasks required for meeting expectations for employment within the travel industry. Requirements for CTC: Enrolment, passing of knowledge exam, minimum 1,000 hours’ recent and relevant work experience and completion of performance checklist and performance evaluation. Annual membership with the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA). Description of CTM: Certification demonstrates competence in meeting job standards set by travel industry. Requirements for CTM: Enrolment, passing of knowledge exam, completion of performance evaluation (case-study activities) and five years’ related industry experience (minimum three years’ applicable travel trade experience and two years’ proven supervisory or managerial experience). Annual membership with ACTA. Certification steps must be completed within six months of enrolment. Administering organization: ACTA (

WORKPLACE LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE; TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT CTP (Certified Training Practitioner), CTDP (Certified Training and Development Professional) Description: CTP and CTDP are national standards for excellence in workplace learning and performance, stressing the roles of learning and training in today’s organizations. Prerequisites: For CTP, two years’ part-time experience in instruction/facilitation; for CTDP, four years’ full-time work experience in field. Requirements for CTP: Knowledge exam on theories and principles of adult learning and facilitation and instruction. Submission of facilitation video or participation in live skill demonstration. Two references validating skill in facilitation. Requirements for CTDP: Knowledge exam on theory and principles of assessing performance needs, designing training, facilitating training, supporting transfer of learning, and evaluating training. Submission of work project or participation in live skill demonstration in one of three competencies. Two professional references. Administering organization: The Institute for Performance Learning (

Description of CTC: A professional credential based on ability to perform the knowledge and performance

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THE MARKET, MAIN STREET AND THE COMMON GOOD Researching businesses and business models that can be a force for good Dr. Heather Hachigian’s research exists at the intersection of money, the marketplace and the common good — and that intersection is located squarely on Main Street. Hachigian is an assistant professor teaching in the master of global management program and the graduate certificate in corporate social innovation at Royal Roads University. She’s exploring the free-market economy’s role in social progress. “How do we allocate capital in a way that aligns with advancing society, investing in ways that make society more equitable and just, and more inclusive and more environmentally sustainable as well?’” Hachigian asks. T hat shift requires what she calls “long-termism in decision making,” meaning businesses take actions that are conscious of the impacts of climate change and social inequality. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK

With funding from the federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Hachigian and her associates are working in partnership with the City of Victoria, B.C. government and civic governments in other coastal communities to study the impact of incorporating social procurement policies into their agendas. Buying goods and services based on the lowest price is “missing those opportunities to connect the procurement decisions with some of their other policy interests around promoting employment… or solutions to poverty,” she says. “The lowest-price approach has been the dominant one for so long, there’s this big shift that’s needed,” Hachigian says. Her goal is to provide a consistent and transparent measurement framework for making decisions that can be used by a variety of governments and other public-sector buyers, like universities and health authorities. THE SOCIAL NETWORKS

Another of Hachigian’s research projects is developing a toolkit to measure the impact of social ventures: companies that address social and environmental problems. That could include producing and distributing products or services that address needs of low-income communities or individuals, or creating

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public benefits that are often left out of traditional business models. One example she cites is D-Light, which distributes sustainable sources of electricity and lighting to some of the two billion people around the world without reliable access to electricity. Hachigian says being able to measure the outcomes these ventures create is essential to attracting investors who want to see social impact returns along with financial ones. Impact measurement also ensures that ventures and investors are valuing and prioritizing the right things and can help ventures in achieving their social or environmental missions. CANDY FOR THE GREATER GOOD

Hachigian’s project with Scale Collaborative explores the possibilities for keeping a small business alive after the departure of a founder. Main Street businesses “are a critical part of community infrastructure throughout B.C. and being lost at an alarming rate,” and “retiring or tired owners are often unable to find local buyers and face the hard choice of closing or selling at a discount to large, distant buyers.” Coombs Country Candy, founded by Murray Lawlor, a Vancouver Island tourist attraction, ran for 26 years in Port Alberni until 2020, when Lawlor and his wife decided to retire. Lawlor sold the business — and his time-honed candy recipes — to the non-profit organization

Community Futures Alberni-Clayoquot, which runs it as a social enterprise, re-investing some of the profits back into the community. Hachigian says non-profits recognize the value of “Main Street” businesses to their communities and to themselves, including diversification of revenue. Her team has developed an toolkit to guide non-profits considering getting into business, and they’re holding workshops around Vancouver Island to share that information and encourage organizations to purchase suitable businesses “that are core to the community” rather than start social ventures from scratch. “[We’re] not suggesting that non-profits and charities run in and save every business that’s about to close its doors,” Hachigian says, noting a crucial part of her research is developing criteria for identifying businesses suitable for transitioning to social enterprise. “We’re trying to get at those businesses that are core to community … that provide that sense of place and connection.” Central to her work is the hope that “the research helps to surface real examples of business and investment models that meaningfully lead to advancing more inclusive societies.… A model of business of being a force for good.” This profile was written by Richard Dal Monte and submitted by Royal Roads University.

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STUDENTS DRAW ON A PROGRESSIVE HISTORY AT SFU BEEDIE Innovative MBA programs let students draw on a wealth of knowledge

Over the past 40 years, Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Beedie School of Business has emerged as a world-class teaching and learning destination, renowned for its thought-leadership, gender-balanced cohorts and innovative MBAs. We have been redefining success and making bold moves as a school of firsts: the first in Canada to offer an executive MBA (EMBA); the first in the country to offer a management of technology MBA; and the first and only university in North America to offer an Indigenous business leadership executive MBA. SFU Beedie is supported by extensive partnerships with public, private and not-for-profit organizations. We are proud to develop diverse, broadly educated, enterprising and socially responsible leaders eager to make lasting contributions to their communities and organizations. This ethos has made us a destination for inquisitive minds from across the globe seeking new ways of doing business. We have been named in the Top 10 business schools in Canada, the No. 1 innovative university in Canada, third in the world for entrepreneurial spirit and the No. 1 comprehensive university in Canada. All of this has earned us double accreditation, placing us among the world’s 1% of business schools with this distinction. As we celebrate our past as a business school born from SFU’s radical roots, we look forward to continuing to inspire our students to “redefine radical” as the world seeks new ways of doing business and new kinds of leadership. For those wanting to lead change, we encourage you to learn more about SFU Beedie’s Segal Graduate School of Business. FULL-TIME MBA IN DOWNTOWN VANCOUVER

With a small class and tight-knit cohort, the full-time MBA — which includes 12 months of academics and a four-month work term — helps students grow professionally and personally to realize their career potential. On average, 92% of graduates find a job within three months after graduation. EXECUTIVE MBA — CANADA’S FIRST EMBA

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For those who have already accomplished a lot in their careers, the EMBA is the catalyst that will give them the executive-level support and knowledge to unlock their full leadership potential. Students develop the confidence and capabilities to drive business strategy at the senior management level. INDIGENOUS BUSINESS LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE MBA

The Indigenous business leadership executive MBA program is designed by and for Indigenous people to reflect the realities of doing business with Indigenous communities in the modern-day economy. It is the only accredited MBA program in North America addressing Indigenous business, economic development and entrepreneurship. This cohort-based program supports mid-career Indigenous leaders from many Nations in learning business theory, and invites community wisdom and Indigenous worldviews to co-create transformational learning spaces. PART-TIME MBA IN SURREY

Because students don’t have to quit their job to pursue the part-time MBA,

they can bring their learnings to the office and their work challenges to the classroom. Of the 2018 cohort, 48% received promotions within four months of graduation. MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY MBA

Optimized for tech, the management of technology MBA is the first of its kind in Canada and gives students all the cutting-edge business best practices they expect from a top-tier MBA, plus tools and contacts that will help them lead in the technology sector. ALUMNI NETWORK FOR LIFE

Completing a program at SFU Beedie gives alumni lifetime membership into an exceptional group of more than 25,000 leaders, innovators and gamechangers around the world. Many SFU Beedie alumni remain highly engaged with the school, sharing their experience and expertise and giving back to the community. Visit to learn more. This profile was submitted by Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business.

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BECOME A LEADER WITH A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Achieve an MBA with maximum flexibility and choice There are no one-size-fits-all business solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all MBA, either. Take Guylene Shaw. In 2018, she was looking to build on her accounting background and transition to a hands-on career making a difference in people’s lives. With an eye to a future PhD and teaching career, she started her MBA at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) in the thesis stream, focusing her research on the barriers that policy can place on access to cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment for children with neurodiverse disabilities. “I wanted my research to open up other possibilities and have my eye on health sciences. I was looking at the School of Nursing and the research happening in cannabis and pediatrics,” Shaw says. “It was so interesting to connect with parents and hear about their experiences, and it offered a lot of research opportunities with business implications as well.” The TRU MBA is one of the most flexible programs in Canada. It’s designed for working professionals like Shaw — people who want a flexible schedule and the opportunity to specialize through a research project or thesis — as well as recent graduates. The course stream, which offers additional courses in advanced management topics and can be completed in as few as 12 months, is a great option for those looking to launch their careers quickly. And all students can complete the program in class at TRU’s Kamloops campus, online through TRU Open Learning (TRU’s online and distance education division) or through a mix of both. After completing the MBA’s core courses, Shaw ultimately chose to switch from the thesis to the project stream, which she finished in December 2021. Her advisors suggested the move, pointing out that a project would allow her to specialize, but was a more manageable commitment while balancing school with a job and young family. “I took four semesters for my research, so I was really able to be very in-depth and also take summers off with my children,” Shaw says. “But some of my cohorts, I know they chose the TRU MBA because they could finish it in 12 months, so it really is a program that is useful for

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Recently, instructors in TRU’s master in environmental economics and management (MEEM) and master of science in environmental economics and management (MScEEM) have made changes that allow more students to participate in face-to-face learning without leaving their own communities. “This term, we launched a hybrid classroom for all our MEEM and MScEEM 6000-level courses. So if you work in Toronto or Vancouver and can’t relocate to Kamloops, we’re able to give you as close to an in-class experience as we can,” says Joel Wood, associate professor in environmental economics and interim program coordinator. In this hybrid model, TVs and microphones are set up throughout the classroom to allow students to attend via video conferencing and participate in lectures and small breakout groups.

“In my class right now, I have a student who is an online MBA student who takes his courses through Open Learning and is taking my environmental economics course as an elective. As an online MBA student, this allows him to broaden his experience in the program,” Wood says. Wood says they’re currently collecting feedback with an eye to expand their online MEEM and MScEEM enrolments. It’s all part of their goal to attract the best students, whether they learn on or off campus, by providing opportunities to pursue research, networking and mentoring with business professionals and community leaders. To learn more about the TRU MBA, visit or contact mba@tru. ca. To learn more about the MEEM and MScEEM programs, visit or email This profile was submitted by Thompson Rivers University’s School of Business and Economics.

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Finding the ‘why’ behind the ‘how’ of business An MBA and executive MBA with connected cohorts and purpose-driven learning The world needs people who are not only organizational leaders, but also agents of positive change. At Trinity Western University (TWU), MBA and executive MBA (EMBA) candidates are challenged to investigate not only how they do business, but why, through interaction among professionals from various sectors and industries. “With our classmates, we share our learnings and experiences. We all have rich experiences in different industries and businesses. These are the lessons we cannot simply read from a textbook,” says EMBA candidate Sky Tong, who is an area sales manager for a national banking corporation. To meet the needs of working professionals, TWU’s School of Business MBA programs work with candidates to design a personalized program that allows them to achieve their professional development goals, and that accommodates their busy schedules. Depending on the specialization, graduates earn their degree in 12 months to 18 months through full-time studies, or in 21 months to five years using a blended format. The difference of a TWU MBA and EMBA program is the close network of like-minded professionals and small cohort sizes that provide individualized attention. Beyond gaining knowledge, graduates build connections with peers and faculty members that will last a lifetime. When things get tough in life, the TWU graduate is never alone. “There are about six people I still keep in contact with from the program, and we all reach out to each other on various things,” says Grace Chiu, an MBA graduate and now senior manager of regional marketing at a national bank. “Plus, when you make connections with people who aren’t in the same industry, you also gain insights into other industries, which could also lead to other career paths.” Thomas Spraggs, a 2013 MBA graduate who owns a law firm, says that TWU’s MBA “has been the most valuable education” in his academic journey and that “the program provoked reflection on ethical conduct in all aspects of business.” He adds: “These considerations have been personally fulfilling and have provided a renewed appreciation that

business can be both ethical and financially rewarding.” The concept of creating and doing business with purposeful vision is woven into the fabric of the Trinity Western experience. In fact, the TWU School of Business is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, an organization that sets standards in the world of business education with the aim to create a generation of leaders who strive for global prosperity. TWU MBA programs are offered at Langley and Richmond campuses. The program offers three specializations: international business, management of the growing enterprise, and non-profit and charitable organization management. Each specialization is tailored so that students can integrate their personal and professional goals into the courses and apply what they’re learning directly within their professional practice. Trinity Western launched its EMBA program this past fall. Future students can apply now to be in the 2022 cohort of a new class of executive leaders.


Tuition for the 12-to-18-month fulltime MBA with a specialization in international business is $36,225 ($805 per semester hour), plus additional travel costs for the international study trip. The international business specialization has a rolling entry throughout the year, allowing students to begin in any month. Tuition for the 21-month MBA with specialization in managing the growing enterprise or non-profit and charitable organization management is $34,200 ($760 per semester hour). Students can start the program at the beginning of each term, allowing applications to be received year-round. The most common entry point is in August of each year. Scholarships are available. Tuition costs for the EMBA are $45,000. Students can start the EMBA in September of each year. To learn more, email gradadmissions@ or visit This profile was submitted by Trinity Western University’s School of Business.




AN EDUCATION THAT TRANSFORMS CAREERS UBC Sauder’s top-ranking innovative programs equip students to become responsible and effective leaders The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Sauder School of Business empowers students to transform their careers and develop the global perspective required to take on today’s complex business challenges. The school’s graduate programs are focused on developing not only technical and business skills, but also emotional intelligence, a trait sought-after by employers. In 2021, UBC launched the Montalbano Centre for Responsible Leadership to promote responsible leadership as a core value, a skillset and as an emerging field of discipline. UBC Sauder is also home to the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics, which is the only Canadian business school taking a focused and comprehensive approach to business ethics teaching, research and outreach. Woven throughout the core curriculum, students are pushed to consider ethics, social and environmental sustainability as essential components to business strategy. Ranked the No. 30 university in the world for business administration by ARWU Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021, and the No. 1 business program in Canada by Maclean’s University Rankings 2022, UBC Sauder is the only Canadian member of the prestigious Global Network for Advanced Management, a collaboration of 32 top business schools spearheaded by the Yale School of Management. FULL-TIME MBA

The 16-month full-time MBA equips students to strategize like a CEO. Small class sizes and various mentorship programs are designed to support students in developing their personal career goals. UBC Sauder offers five career tracks: technology analytics leadership; finance; product and service management; innovation and entrepreneurship; and a custom track tailored to individual career objectives. An innovative classroom curriculum offers hands-on experiences and opportunities to learn from senior business leaders, as well as courses in ethics and corporate responsibility. PROFESSIONAL MBA

UBC Sauder’s part-time professional MBA propels careers without taking students away from their current place of

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employment. The 24-month program is designed around a full-time work schedule: classes take place every two to three weekends, all exams are online, winter and summer breaks are included and three separate eight-day professional residencies help students deepen their network. Through collaborative coursework and personalized career coaching, students develop an ethical leadership style, deepen their understanding of the inner workings of an organization and cultivate strategic thinking skills. Each year, students have the opportunity to connect virtually with MBA candidates around the world to collaborate on projects. MASTER OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS

The 12-month master in business analytics (MBAN) includes data management, d ata a n a ly t ics a nd deci sion analytics. As part of a global network, MBA candidates from around the world connect virtually to collaborate on projects and gain skills working in a global business setting. Students learn how to make strategically sound recommendations and data-driven business decisions. MBAN candidates acquire the professional skills to complement academic accomplishments. All candidates participate in a four-month internship to consult on an analytical challenge faced by a partner company or non-profit organization. Students can apply for a traditional internship contributing to an analytics project on-site at a partner company in Vancouver. Past industry partners include Telus, Boeing Vancouver and the Fraser Health Authority.


Full-time MBA: ■ Runs from August 2022 to December 2023 ■ Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $51,417 ■ Final application deadline: May 3, 2022 Professional MBA: ■ Starts in January of an academic year; next intake is January 2023 to December 2024 ■ Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $51,417 (UBC may adjust fees at any time with limited notice) ■ Applications for January 2023 entry will be accepted starting in January 17, 2022 Master of business analytics: ■ Runs from August 2022 to August 2023 ■ Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $41,956. ■ Final application deadline: April 12, 2022 Master of management: ■ Runs from August 2022 to May 2023 ■ Cost for Canadian citizens and permanent residents: $31,425 ■ Final application deadline: April 5, 2022 Visit to learn more. This profile was submitted by the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business.

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FINDING THE CONFIDENCE TO SUCCEED UNBC’s MBA prepares students for the complex business world

A diverse learning model at the University of Northern British Columbia is providing MBA students the confidence to face their business challenges head-on. “The MBA at UNBC gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone,” says Shane Sienaert, a 2019 MBA graduate and wealth management director for Assante Wealth Management. “I now have the ability to create solutions to issues I might not have thought about before. After finishing the program, I am not intimidated by things I do not know.” UNBC’s MBA reflects the versatile skillset required of today’s business leaders, with the intent of preparing students for the complex business world. It covers a vast range of topics, including business and corporate strategy, managerial economics, accounting, corporate finance, organizational behaviour, marketing, operations management, strategy implementation, financial management and project management. The diverse range of courses gives students the essential knowledge and understanding to navigate the business environment they work in. “The knowledge that you gain you are able to immediately apply in the workforce,” says Andrea Born, an MBA alumna. “It makes you a better person. It makes you a better business person.” Beyond the various topics of study, students also find they benefit from being in a classroom with peers from diverse sectors. In fact, the MBA program places an emphasis on peer-to-peer learning through group work and is devoted to bringing together professionals from an assortment of fields. Graduates consistently state that being in a cohort with peers from different business backgrounds was the greatest advantage to them because they were able to experience new perspectives and acquire skills they would not have learned anywhere else. Being part of a unique cohort challenged them to think differently, try new things and connect what they learned to their own profession. “The MBA will help you in any business to do things smarter,” says Sylvain Godbout, a 2017 MBA graduate. “It is a safe environment to try your argumentative self, to come out of your shell, to do things you are not normally comfortable

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doing.” Students also have the option to conduct a capstone project with support from their instructors. This practical learning opportunity enables them to apply relevant theory to an actual challenge in their own company that they will work to overcome during their degree. With the program offered in Prince George and Vancouver, students have the option to attend courses in either location, and those who travel for work are able to schedule class times around their career. Additionally, though it is a full-time degree, classes meet just one weekend a month, giving students even

more flexibility to balance school with their personal and professional lives. “Being a new father when I started the program there were other individuals that had families, so you really got to share that challenge with your cohort,” says Sienaert. “You could step up and help each other, or just know that sometimes it is tough to have a balance of everything and you are not alone.” To learn more about the UNBC MBA, visit or contact a program representative via email at This profile was submitted by the University of Northern British Columbia.

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BUILDING CAREERS THAT SHAPE A BETTER FUTURE Incorporating sustainability into business learning and leadership Developing a meaningful career isn’t as simple as it used to be. The world is changing, and the future requires a different kind of thinking. “I became interested in the finance sector during the sustainable finance course,” says Daan Arscott, an MBA candidate at the University of Victoria’s (UVic) MBA in sustainable innovation, commenting on a co-op work term in finance that he recently completed. “The emphasis on the finance sector’s role in building a sustainable future resonated with my values to create change with my MBA.” Sustainable innovation is not an add-on in the UVic MBA. One of the first business schools to be fully carbon neutral, with leading researchers in sustainable business and supported by an established Centre for Social and Sustainable Innovation, the Gustavson School of Business has fully integrated these concepts and their real-world application into its offerings. Offered in daytime and weekend program formats, the MBA in sustainable innovation is geared towards established professionals seeking a new way of doing business. Students learn new ways of looking at innovation, management and leadership through a curriculum designed with sustainability at its core. They are part of a community of creative thinkers who share a passion for sustainability and define for themselves what the future of business will look like. DAYTIME PROGRAM STREAM

The daytime MBA takes place over 16 months and is an immersive, full-time experience. It is delivered in a unique block format consisting of three integrated courses taught intensively over a six-week period. The program is four terms, one of which is a co-op work term. Students will collaborate closely with peers from all over the world. Real-world projects, integrated across different business disciplines, develop skills and decision-making. Daytime cohorts are up to 40 students with one intake in September every year. WEEKEND PROGRAM STREAM

The weekend MBA takes place over 24 months. The program is tailor-made to be manageable for working professionals. Regular classes — four weekends per

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term, 12 weekends per year — are blended with assignments and online teamwork between weekends. Weekend students are practising professionals; people from backgrounds in large and small business, from startups to multinationals, from private sector to public sector, from for-profit to not-forprofit. What they share is the drive and experience to make a real difference in the world. Weekend cohorts are made up of up to 24 students, with one intake in September every year. PROGRAM FEATURES

Courses are taught in blocks of three courses at a time. Integrated projects put learning from courses into practice through simulations, actual clients, impact investing portfolios and industry analysis. All students also complete a team-based capstone consulting project with a client. Throughout the MBA, students participate actively in a professional development course. They develop their long-range life and career vision, and actively work towards it while in the program. The UVic MBA in sustainable innovation is affordable. The total cost (including tuition, program fees and travel costs for the international project) is approximately

$35,000 for domestic students. UVic’s Gill Graduate School offers two full-time, one-year pre-experience master’s degrees. These graduate programs enable students to further their post-graduate studies right after their undergraduate degree. Like all Gustavson programs, these degrees are cohort-based, and provide students with a rigorous academic program and experiential learning opportunities through a sustainability-focused lens. MASTER OF GLOBAL BUSINESS (MGB)

With a focus on cross-cultural skills and global business knowledge, the MGB program includes an academic component with study modules in three countries and a global internship. MASTER OF MANAGEMENT (MM)

Designed for non-business graduates pursuing careers in diverse organizational settings, the MM program develops collaborative minds, nimble thinkers and creative problem solvers capable of tackling today’s complex societal and organizational issues. For more information, visit gustavson. This profile was submitted by the University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business.

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SETTING STUDENTS UP FOR SUCCESS Redesigned program emphasizes critical thinking, digital literacy and a growth mindset The master in business administration program at Vancouver Island University (VIU) is disrupting the traditional educational model. Recently redesigned, the program draws heavily on active learning and boasts an integrated curriculum, with the goal of ensuring graduates can leverage the challenges of an increasingly complex, digital, interconnected world. The program equips students to act as global citizens by incorporating financial, social and environmental perspectives in organizational and business decisions. In addition to disciplinary knowledge around accounting, finance, management, economics and marketing, the program emphasizes critical thinking, ethical decision-making, technical and digital literacy and the development of a growth mindset. VIU’s faculty of management is defined by six fundamental values: teaching excellence, intimate class sizes, applied focus, faculty-student interaction, an international outlook and an unrelenting drive for academic and employment success. The MBA program begins with an introductory module that builds a strong learning cohort and a common foundation around intercultural and learning literacies. Students are given every opportunity to shine, empowered by career coaching, work-integrated learning, internships and hands-on experiences. AN INTEGRATED LEARNING EXPERIENCE

The MBA learning pathway reflects the increasingly integrated nature of management. A series of intensive modules are designed to build upon each other, incorporating critical elements of the business disciplines. The focus is student engagement with — and application of — knowledge to address the challenges of tomorrow’s business landscape. A two-week break at the end of each semester ensures downtime to support knowledge retention, career exploration and optional field school opportunities. Upon successful completion of coursework, students undertake a four-month internship. Working with an industry mentor, they identify a significant organizational problem that will be used to write an applied business project under faculty supervision.

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T he V I U M BA i s one of t he most technologically integrated programs in Canada, with data analytics embedded in research courses and four dedicated, technology-focused courses. Students explore phenomena such as surveillance capitalism and digital media management, and graduate with specialized expertise on how the digital and technological landscape influences an organization’s entire value chain. DYNAMIC GLOBAL SETTING

Students in VIU’s MBA program experience a dynamic global setting with peers and faculty from all over the world. The diversity of the students and faculty provides a relevant global perspective for today’s business world. VIU faculty

members bring a unique combination of industry-based expertise and international experience into the classroom, providing academic rigour to real-world examples and cases from their own experience. Program graduates are confident leaders with the ability to navigate the complex, integrated nature of demanding careers that require a growth mindset and creative and critical thinking as foundational skillsets. VIU offers an ideal program for the adventurous, the ambitious and those wanting to embrace the digital age. To learn more, visit viu. ca/mba. This profile was submitted by Vancouver Island University.

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