2018 | Corporate social responsibility
A guide to British Columbia's philanthropic community Non-profits ¢Foundations ¢ Cultural organizations ¢
“We want philanthropy to really make an impact” – WCPD’s Peter Nicholson on taking a more strategic approach to giving
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contents 2018 | Corporate soCial responsibility
featureS When you learn, teach. When you get, give An educated gift The Foundation (WCPD) philanthropic advisory council
A guide to British ColumBiA's philAnthropiC Community
4–5 6–10 11
¢ ¢
non-profits foundAtions CulturAl orgAnizAtions
sponsored content Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
Vancouver Foundation
PearTree Financial Services
Variety - The Children’s Charity
Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation 2
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
Arthritis Research Canada
BC & Alberta Guide Dogs BC Civil Liberties BC SPCA
BC Wildlife Federation
BCIT Burnaby Campus
20, 32
Science World BC - ASTC Society
Wealth Creation Preservation & Donation Inc
SOS Children’s Village BC
YWCA Vancouver
The Kettle Society
Zajac Ranch for Children
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Tides Canada Foundation
Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
University of Northern BC
Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre BC
Decoda Literacy Foundation
Harbour West Consulting Inc.
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Vancouver
L’Arche Foundation of Greater Vancouver
Lifesaving Society BC & Yukon Branch
“We want philanthropy to really make an impact” – WCpd’s peter niCholson on tAking A more strAtegiC ApproACh to giving
President: Alvin Brouwer Editor-in-Chief, Business in Vancouver, and VP Editorial, Glacier Media:
Kirk LaPointe Design: Randy Pearsall Production: Rob Benac Proofreader: Meg Yamamoto
Director, sales & marketing:
Pia Huynh
Sales Manager: Laura Torrance Advertising sales: Benita Bajwa,
Dean Hargrave, Blair Johnston, Corinne Tkachuk, Chris Wilson Operations Manager: Michelle Myers Administrators: Katherine Butler, Marie Pearsall Research: Anna Liczmanska, Carrie Schmidt Giving Guide 2018 is published by BIV Magazines, a division of BIV Media Group, 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6, 604‑688‑2398, fax 604‑688‑1963, biv.com. Copyright 2018 Business in Vancouver Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without permission of BIV Magazines. The publishers are not re‑ sponsible in whole or in part for any errors or omissions in this publication. ISSN 1205-5662 Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40069240. Registration No.: 8876. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Department: 303 Fifth Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1J6 Email: subscribe@biv.com Cover: Lightspring/Shutterstock; RCPillustration
This publication coincides with the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) National Philanthropy Day which is a global community celebration of a world of generosity and positive social good. Organizations represented in the following pages, and so many others, make our communities better. Fundraisers are enablers of social good in our communities, trusted advisors to Canadian donors and partners to government policy makers in addressing social issues that strengthen Canadian society. Philanthropy is a way for people to connect to their core values, and fundraising is a critical part of the philanthropic process. Thank you to Business in Vancouver and to you for your interest in making our communities better. Regards, David Love, CFRE President, Greater Vancouver Association of Fundraising Professionals
4 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
When you learn,
teach. When you get, give T
he revered poet activist, the late Maya Angelou, c r e d i t e d h e r g r a n dmother with this saying, an influential and universal wisdom that would many times over the decades permeate her body of work in describing and reshaping our humanity and advancing our attitudes about the importance of compassion and benevolence. The elegant simplicity of the statement is why it works. It expresses the physics of pull and push of our life phases and the inherent emotions of acquiring and furnishing in a deeply personal way. Why, though, is this notion of providing back when provided – of turning toward need when one’s needs are mainly met – an uncommon response and not a common instinct?
Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER | 5
Sociologists have grappled with this phenomenon – adults who do not take forward their childhood positives – for generations and remarked on the innate kindness and selflessness of children in stark contrast to our behaviour as adults concerning charitable enterprise. It’s beguiling: why them and not us? Professionals have found several rational reasons as impediments to benevolence as we age: the vast and compelling priorities of one’s family and friends, perceptions that the needs are too big for any person to meaningfully address, cavalier notions that it is possible to simply rise above trauma and distress, or the sense that it is someone else’s responsibility to address, among them. Beyond that is the modern deluge of information that intersects with these impediments and can leave some people desensitized to appeals for assistance. It becomes more difficult in this overwhelming environment of abundant media to tie the act of giving to what experts say is a necessary personal sense of identity and purpose. We do nothing because we don’t feel we can do something. Sure enough, the close-to-home statistics are confounding to anyone who would aspire to be part of a giving society. Canada has seen an increase in high-income earners and families but seemingly a concurrent decline in their level of donation to charities. To reflect on Maya Angelou: as they got, they did not so much give. Based on our tax filing data, official Canadian contributions have declined in the last decade, with 40 per cent of families donating – down from 45 per cent. When inflation is taken into account, this can be interpreted as a $600 million decrease in charitable giving. In British Columbia, the picture is little different from the national numbers, maybe even weaker. The latest data suggests 31 per cent of B.C. families give to charities, down from 34 per cent a half-decade earlier. To be fair – and to be generous to us – there are solid critiques of this data and how it does not necessarily depict the reality. The baseline survey year of 2006 was a time when there was a bit of a day of reckoning in the sector to deal with some sketchy players and practices, so the decade-long comparison might not be fair to the scene. The baseline numbers might have been exaggerated. Online, more informal crowdsourcing has emerged as a significant fundraising method in this decade, too, to garner support without the same formal tracking for tax purposes. Besides, there is the reality that not everyone claims the tax receipt. The 2014 tax data indicates $15 billion in receipts were issued and only about $9 billion were claimed on returns. Our level of giving might well be higher, not lower. And there are other forms of generosity – volunteering, for example – that are growing at healthy rates in our country as people choose to give time rather than money as their personal statements of community commitment and advocacy. Intellectual capability is a priceless resource and at times as needed as finances. Unquestionably, though, the combination of cost-ofliving challenges (think housing) and the relatively low per capita income in the province – and particularly in the Lower Mainland and parts of Vancouver Island
– has served as a friction point in the quest to help. That problem prompts that cliché: charity begins at home (in this case, under one’s own roof). But that also misses the key point: if the economic conditions are hurting you, more than likely there are those in even greater struggle than your own. Even so, based on the official returns, the typical Vancouver tax filer donated about $460 annually in the most recent 2016 tax figures, a small increase of about 2.2 per cent from 2015. There are more charitable organizations than ever, and they are regulated and governed with more sophistication than ever, which we ought to see in three ways. First, there are more competent people than ever willing to organize and administer a focused drive to assist particular elements of the broader poverty and need. Second, in broad outline these organizations are more evidence-based than ever in connecting dollars to the specifics. Third, the larger numbers suggest there is more perceived need. The need is more than perceived, of course. The appearance of prosperity is somewhat illusory in the region, despite the presence of construction cranes, supercars, and luxury-row retail in the community. To wit, five facts among many: 1. Despite apparent affluence in pockets of the region, Metro Vancouver’s household income ranks 15th in the country. 2. Apart from Toronto’s (9.1 per cent), Vancouver has the highest rate (8.7 per cent) of working poor in Canada. 3. Vancouver has the highest percentage (16.5 per cent) of residents living in low-income households. 4. One in five children live in poverty in B.C. 5. I ncome inequality has grown in Metro Vancouver, with the richest one-tenth of families earning 11 times more than the poorest tenth of families – a spread that is broadening. Even in this unmistakable context, this data for the donor can create what science calls “option paralysis,” so much information that the brain cannot choose. Which is the reasoning here at Business in Vancouver behind our first Giving Guide, a simplified local look at the detailed activities and presence of dozens of organizations ready and able to help in our midst. Think of it as a consumer’s guide to generosity, built in the hope that it encourages more giving with vital information to find the best target. We are grateful for the assistance of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, GreaterVancouver chapter, and to the many organizations that have supported this inaugural publication. We trust you will find it instructive – and, ideally, inspiring as you find the ways and means of helping those around you to find a stronger path. Kirk LaPointe is editor-in-chief of Business in Vancouver and vice president, editorial, of Glacier Media.
Canada has seen an increase in high-income earners and families but seemingly a concurrent decline in their level of donation to charities. To reflect on Maya Angelou: as they got, they did not so much give
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educated gift
The Foundation (WCPD) assists high-end donors by taking a more strategic approach to philanthropy, with more than $100 million in giving since 2006
John Anderson partner at Stikeman Elliott
I like the idea of putting money back into the local community, where the government is either not focused or is overlooking
or Elain Evans, the executive director for advancement at Collingwood School, John Anderson is a special donor. Anderson, a partner at Stikeman Elliott, has given generously to this preparatory school in West Vancouver for years. With two boys, now aged 17 and 13, who are “lifers” at Collingwood, the main focus of his charitable giving is the school’s soccer program, a sport that has been a source of passion and balance in his sons’ lives. But what makes Anderson special, Evans says, is not just the size of his gift, but rather his leadership in showing other donors at the school that there is a more efficient way to give: a method known as philanthropic tax planning. And that doesn’t mean handing over a cheque and receiving a standard tax receipt. “John really buckled us up in the front seat for the full experience of using flow-through shares,” explains Evans, who had never worked with the structure before. “He is amazing for leading, and for making the gift, but for us in the advancement office, we are doubly
grateful because he was also generous with his time and he was very open with the process. I believe his gift is inspirational for other families in the school.” By using flow-through shares, instead of a conventional donation and a tax receipt, Anderson says he was able to go from being a modest donor to a philanthropist: a difference maker for the school. His gift to Collingwood more than tripled, going from the low five figures to well into the six figures. Now, he believes it is the only way to give significant donations.
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“The school’s capital campaign about five years ago had been a disappointment for me, since I was not able to make a larger gift. I had heard of flow-through shares, but had never explored it further. A few years later, when I received an email from The Foundation (WCPD), it came at exactly the right time, and I said, ‘Yes, let’s look into this.’ It was great that it turned out that philanthropic tax planning allowed me to give something more meaningful.” Although Anderson and Collingwood started using flow-through shares only recently, the practice, known as philanthropic tax planning, is nothing new. Since 2006, The Foundation (Wealth Creation Preservation & Donation – WCPD) has been educating and assisting Canada’s generous donors to give many times more than they normally would, with donations going towards their charities of choice. Michel Tilsley, a director at The Foundation, states, “Our usual donor’s cost (which includes all fees) to donate a dollar is 15 cents, not the standard 50-cent cost after tax savings. This means most of our donors will donate three times more, or $3, for no additional cost.” Through its philanthropic tax planning strategy, The Foundation (WCPD) has issued more than 4,500 cheques to charities, been included in over 1,600 personal tax return filings and facilitated north of $100 million to charities all across Canada.
But beyond the numbers and cents, The Foundation (WCPD) operates under a simple principle: you and the charity deserve more. “We want philanthropy to really make an impact and create change. We care about the return on investment,” say Peter Nicholson, president and founder of The Foundation (WCPD), who has served in the financial services industry for more than 30 years. “First and foremost, giving back comes from the heart. Tax savings seem low on the totem pole, right? But should it be? Our clients are among the most successful and generous people in society. Most want to know – what is the best and most tax-efficient way to give? And the best way to give is through public flow-through shares with a liquidity provider.” Here’s how it works. Since 1954, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has offered a 100 per cent tax deduction on flow-through shares, which are stock issued by junior mining (and oil/gas) companies in Canada to fund drilling and exploration. There are many compelling reasons why the government offers these tax credits. Although most Canadians don’t think about it, mining plays an integral role in our economy. Remarkably, the minerals sector contributed $72 billion to Canada’s gross domestic product in 2017,
Collingwood School, with more than 1,200 students from junior kindergarten to Grade 12, has embraced philanthropic tax planning as a method to help its donors become major philanthropists | Collingwood School
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HOW IT WORKS Step 1 Buy flow-through shares issued by a Canadian mining company. Every dollar invested in these shares is 100 per cent tax deductible. Step 2 Immediately sell these shares to a pre-arranged buyer (liquidity provider) at a pre-arranged contractual price for cash. This step eliminates any stock market risk to the donor. Step 3 Donate the cash proceeds to your favourite charity. Receive a charitable tax receipt based on the cash value. The result By combining two tax policies (flow-through shares and donations), The Foundation (WCPD) can help reduce your taxes and allow you to give more.
Collingwood is seeking to ramp up its bursary program, making it more accessible to economically diverse students | Collingwood School
with gold, potash, iron ore, nickel and other resources leading the way. Canada attracted about 14 per cent of all global exploration spending last year, making us the world leader in this segment. Meanwhile, we export 60 different mineral commodities to over 100 countries in the world. It comes as no surprise that mining is therefore a major source of employment for Canadians, and the No. 1 employer among Indigenous Peoples. Of course, these minerals we extract from the earth are found in just about everything we use and need in our daily lives, from knives and forks to cars and bicycles. It is even playing a significant role in the green energy revolution. According to a recent World Bank report, The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low-Carbon Future, Canada and the world will need to mine tremendous amounts of minerals to fuel the production of renewable energy technology, such as solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars, if we have any chance of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and meeting our commitments in the 2015 Paris climate agreement. To unlock the tax benefits of these resource flowthrough shares, clients purchase the shares and then immediately sell them at a discount to an institutional buyer, or liquidity provider, for cash. This liquidity provider takes on the stock market risk, not the donors – this is a key benefit. The donors give the cash proceeds of the sale to the charities of their choice and receive another 100 per cent tax deduction for this donation. In effect, donors are supporting Canada’s mining industry and charities by combining two distinct tax policies, so they can reduce tax and give much more to a cause that touches their heart. The Foundation (WCPD) takes care of the entire process, from beginning to end. “I like to think about it as the ability to pay your taxes to your favourite charities,” Nicholson says. “You get to be the prime minister for the day and decide where some of your tax dollars are going.” Some of The Foundation’s clients have their own
private foundations to distribute the funds. In the case of John Anderson, he takes advantage of the public WCPD Foundation, a registered “donor-advised” foundation that easily disburses his cash donations from the cash proceeds of the flow-through sale in an efficient manner
Company Profile
Highway 50 Corp.
Gold mine for all
Using flow-through shares, Highway 50 Gold Corp. is financing what it hopes will be a transformational discovery in southeastern B.C. If you were to fly over it, the Kootenay region in southeastern British Columbia appears unremarkable. Vast tracks of forested, uninhabited land show no signs of human development at all, apart from the occasional country road snaking through the trees. But one land claim, approximately 1,300 hectares in size, could change the lives of thousands of people forever, particularly those living in the city of Cranbrook about 20 kilometres away. Highway 50 Gold Corp., headquartered in Vancouver, has been quietly preparing for what it believes could be a transformational discovery for the area.
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based on his direction. Any time he wants to make a donation to a charity, whether big or small, he contacts an associate at The Foundation (WCPD) to carry out the transaction. There is no deadline or specified time period to disburse all his cash flow-through donations to his favourite charities, and no additional fee for using The Foundation’s services. The client can even give his or her foundation a unique name, like the Johnson Family Foundation, for example, which would then rest under the umbrella of The Foundation (WCPD). “Community building is important to me,” Anderson explains. “The two key things I have given to are Collingwood and United Way. I like the idea of putting money back into the local community, where the government is either not focused or is overlooking. I recently ‘topped-up’ my flow-through purchases and now have some funds in the WCPD Foundation, sitting there, that will allow me to make a number of smaller contributions over the coming year.” W h i le ph i la nth ropic ta x pla n n i ng is a l ready a well-established practice, Anderson says the timing is right for others to begin adopting the strategy. With tax rates exceeding 50 per cent, “a tipping point has been reached,” he adds. It is enough of a motivator for other prospective donors, who might have been sitting on the sidelines, to take a second look. Anderson says that, in some conversations with other donors, there has been a hesitancy to use flow-through shares to give more, mostly borne out of a concern that it
Advanced CRA tax rulings on this exact structure, with flowthrough shares
Collingwood School’s soccer program benefits from parents’ charitable giving | Collingwood School
is somehow risky or overly aggressive. Many donors fail to realize the structure exists only because of long-established government tax policy: in fact, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is encouraging Canadians to take advantage of these tax credits. CRA knows exactly how this structure works. In addition to these economic realities, more people are recognizing that philanthropy is a growing and evolving financial discipline in itself. In other words, philanthropy is another financial and tax savings instrument, albeit with a different purpose. Failing to leverage philanthropic dollars is akin to not maximizing your RRSP.
The year CRA introduced flowthrough shares as a 100 per cent tax deduction – three years older than RRSPs
Number of personal tax return filings since 2006, using a flow-through tax receipt and a charity tax receipt
$100M+ And while the company, like any other, is inevitably driven by its bottom line, the directors are keenly aware of the surrounding community’s integral role in the project’s future. “I think it is essential that when you work in a community, you should put as much back into the area as possible,” says Bassam Moubarak, a director with Highway 50 Gold Corp. “If you do find the mine, you will need these people to be stakeholders and buy into the fact this is for the betterment of the community, not a detriment. And in my experience, if done properly, mining companies can work hand in hand with community partners to genuinely improve people’s lives.” Thus far, Highway 50 Gold Corp. has poured $2 million into the project in geological surveys and exploratory drilling. According to Moubarak, every cent of that $2 million has been paid out to local companies and contractors when they are able to provide the service, a company policy that not only maintains a bond with the region, but also just makes longterm business sense. But before the first drill bit can split the soil, many junior mining companies, like Highway 50, need to raise money from shareholders. That’s where flow-through shares come in, a tax policy introduced by the federal government in 1954 – older than RRSPs – to incentivize Canadians to invest in mineral exploration. It is the first cog in a wheel that, when rolling, ultimately helps clients of The Foundation (WCPD) give more to their favourite charities. “We believe we are close to making a discovery, so we
have been using the flow mechanism to raise funding for the company to do that,” Moubarak explains. The government’s policy towards flow-through shares is not accident. There are good reasons for it. While $2 million may have already been spent by Highway 50, it is a drop in the bucket compared with the $72 billion that the mineral sector poured into Canada’s GDP in 2017, according to Natural Resources Canada, and the thousands of jobs this industry produced. In fact, 65 per cent of all public mining companies in the world are located in Canada. The reality that mining is an integral slice of the economy is perhaps not always appreciated by Canadians living and working in the cities. Meanwhile, should Highway 50 make a significant discovery, the company could pay millions, perhaps even billions, to the federal government in taxes. However, right now, this possible future is far more tangible for the city of Cranbrook, and other towns in the area, should a discovery be made. Maybe Highway 50 will discover a mine, or maybe not. Either way, Moubarak says mineral exploration, done properly, should always be a win-win for all Canadians. “We are guests in each community, and you have to give back and make sure you are a good guest,” he says. “If I go to your house, I don’t leave a mess behind. I make my bed. Why should it be any different in these communities? And if there is a major discovery, it would represent a significant improvement in the surrounding areas, in terms of economic benefits and employment opportunities. It would be transformational.”
Amount of charitable giving facilitated by The Foundation (WCPD)
Number of cheques issued by The Foundation (WCPD) to other charities, as directed by clients
Years The Foundation (WCPD) has specialized in philanthropic tax planning
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Peter Nicholson, president and founder of The Foundation (WCPD), specializes in helping clients get the most out of their donations. By combining flow-through shares with a charitable tax receipt, donors can typically give three times more at no additional cost | The Foundation (WCPD)
In the past, the world of philanthropy has often been conservative: you make a donation, you receive a tax receipt. It’s simple. But as the world’s problems grow, and become more complex, philanthropy has grown with them. The term “social impact investing” is now in vogue among the world’s top philanthropists, fundraisers and corporations, with names such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation leading the charge. Colleges and universities across Canada have opened up entire departments for social impact investing, including the University of British Columbia, which is actively researching and developing new strategies. These organizations are bound by the common belief that savvy investments in companies or funds can pay dividends for society and also generate a financial return. Doing good for others, and also for yourself, are not mutually exclusive ideas. This corporate approach to the charitable sector is being felt among professional fundraisers as well. Non-profits and foundations countrywide have become more attuned to the needs of modern-day philanthropy, at a time when the sector has continued to struggle with staff retention and attracting top-quality executives – a problem known as the “leadership gap.” The charitable sector is seeking new ideas to entice the best professionals and pay competitive salaries, while also increasing the amount and size of its donations. According to a 2015 discussion paper by Imagine Canada, the broad charitable and non-profit sector employs around two million people, or 13 per cent of the total workforce. It went on to mention that the total sector accounted for approximately eight per cent of GDP. The charitable sector is an industry in itself, in need of constant improvement and innovation. Fundraising has never been more competitive, especially among the top donors. These non-profits want to stretch each dollar, but more importantly, they strive to listen to their customers.
It is a message that has been received loud and clear at Collingwood School. Only 35 years old, Collingwood is constantly expanding its programs and growing its donor base. There are about 915 families associated with Collingwood, resulting in over 1,200 students ranging from junior kindergarten to Grade 12. For an institution that has not formally engaged in flow-through shares in the past, donors like Anderson, and others, provide a distinct advantage for capital and endowment campaigns. If a family wants to make a gift but feels it can’t reach a certain level, philanthropic tax planning is a tool to help it achieve that larger donation and goal, according to Collingwood’s Evans. In the case of Anderson’s gift, it allows the school to bring in highlevel coaches for the soccer team, it keeps the team active and together for longer, and it even subsidizes expenses for when the team travels for tournaments. These subsidies are linked to a new, significant fundraising push for the school – an endowment campaign so Collingwood can increase the number of bursaries it awards to promising students of economically diverse backgrounds. “We are busy now rolling out a financial aid program so mission-appropriate students, children whose family would not otherwise be able to afford our fees, can attend the school,” Evans explains, adding that a number of students already fit this profile at Collingwood. “We believe in the philosophy that rising tides lift all boats. To allow these kids to dream. So our goal is to greatly increase these opportunities for students here in Vancouver.” Evans envisions that The Foundation (WCPD) and its philanthropic tax planning strategies will play an important role in this endeavour and other fundraising campaigns to come. In fact, Collingwood hopes to use its endowment fund, and the methods used to grow it, as a point of education for its students going forward. “For many of our students that are going to business school, we want to give them a leg up on these types of strategies,” she says. As for a donor like Anderson, it wasn’t so much the graphs, the tax code or the accounting that ultimately moved him. What is even more compelling is the thought, the peace of mind, that you are not just giving your money away, but putting it to work. It is the knowledge that you can give $30,000 instead of $10,000, for example, or $300,000 rather than $100,000. And it feels even better when the charity receives a bigger cheque, straight from the donor, with a specific mandate. “I don’t know if people need education as to the mechanics of philanthropic tax planning as opposed to just more education on the outcome, and that it is not a risky proposition,” he says. “Seeing the spreadsheets that show what happens, and how it works, is not so exciting. What is exciting is being able to give far more to charity. That is easy to understand and resonates with people.” ç To schedule a free consultation with The Foundation (WCPD), you can contact Michel Tilsley, director of financial services, tax planning and philanthropy, at 613-596-3277, or email him at michel.tilsley@wcpd.com. You can also learn more about the company by visiting its website at wcpd.com.
Philanthropic Advisory Council The Philanthropic Advisory Council is the firm’s original body of trusted advisers. Spanning the disciplines of tax, government policy, accounting, natural resources, media and foundational work, this council represents some of Canada’s most experienced business leaders. Members of this council seek to maximize and empower donors and foundations across the country through their unique business acumen and dedication to philanthropic works.
Dr. Peter J. Nicholson Sr. – Chairman of The Foundation WCPD’s Philanthropic Advisory Council. Previously he was the inaugural president of the Council of Canadian Academies (now retired) and was deputy chief of staff for policy in the office of Prime Minister Paul Martin. Other past positions include adviser to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, chief strategy officer for BCE and senior vice-president to the chairman of Scotiabank. He is a member of the Order of Canada, awarded in recognition for his contributions to business.
Mr. Leonard Farber – Senior tax adviser with Norton Rose Fulbright in Ottawa. Previously, Mr. Farber was general director of tax policy responsible for all tax legislation developed by the federal Department of Finance. At Norton Rose Fulbright, Mr. Farber advises clients on tax policy issues, assists in the resolution of tax disputes and provides a valuable resource to members of the firm’s tax practice in connection with tax planning advice.
Mr. David Laidley – Chairman emeritus of Deloitte & Touche LLP (Canada), where he served as a partner from 1975 until his retirement in 2007. He was elected chairman of the firm in 2000 and served in that capacity until 2006. Mr. Laidley was appointed to the board of directors of the Bank of Canada in June 2007 and currently serves on the boards of Nautilus Indemnity Ltd. (where he is chairman), Aviva Canada Inc., ProSep Inc., EMCOR Group Inc., Groupe Aeroplan Inc., the Cole Foundation, the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, the McGill University Health Centre Foundation and the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University.
Ms. Hilary Pearson – President of Philanthropic Foundations Canada, association for 135 of Canada’s top private foundations with a combined total of $23 billion in assets. Ms. Pearson is a member of the Charities Advisory Committee, an advisory committee to the Minister of National Revenue. Ms. Pearson serves on several nonprofit boards, including those of the Stratford Festival of Canada, Imagine Canada and Centraide of Greater Montreal.
Mr. Lawson Hunter – One of Canada’s pre-eminent regulatory and government relations counsels, drawing on a wide range of experience in business, government and private practice. Formerly Canada’s senior civil servant in charge of competition policy and enforcement, Mr. Hunter was primarily responsible for the drafting of the federal Competition Act. From 1993 to 2003 he was a partner of Stikeman Elliott and head of the firm’s competition group. From 2003 to 2008 he served as executive vicepresident and chief corporate officer of Bell Canada and BCE Inc., where he was responsible for overseeing regulatory, governmental relations and corporate affairs. In September 2008, he rejoined the Ottawa office of Stikeman Elliott as counsel and recently assumed the role of head of the competition/antitrust group. Mr. Hunter advises a wide variety of Canadian and multinational corporations on all aspects of federal and regulatory law and policy.
Mr. Elly Alboim – A principal of the Earnscliffe Group and leads its strategic communications practice. He specializes in public policy and was a senior adviser to the Right Hon. Paul Martin throughout his tenure as minister of finance and prime minister. Mr. Alboim has also advised some of Canada’s leading private-sector companies and industry associations, including advice on mergers and acquisitions and managing integrated advocacy campaigns. Mr. Alboim has been an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University since 1980.
Mr. George Anderson – Retired president and CEO of the Forum of Federations since 2005. He served over 30 years in Canada’s federal public service, where his positions included deputy minister of natural resources (2002-05) and deputy minister for intergovernmental affairs in the cabinet office (19962002). He has degrees in political science from Queen’s University and Oxford University and a diploma from the École nationale d’administration in Paris.
Mr. Peter Nicholson Jr. – Founder and president of Wealth Creation, Preservation & Donation (WCPD) Inc. and The Foundation WCPD, Mr. Nicholson has been working in the financial services industry for over 30 years. Since 1995 he has specialized in tax reduction through Canadian tax-assisted investments and philanthropic tax planning. He has qualified since 1993 for the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier association for financial professionals. The prestigious annual MDRT qualification is limited to the top one per cent of financial professionals in the world. In 2004, Mr. Nicholson began investing in and marketing gorgeous real estate in the tax-free country of the Bahamas. He is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, all of which promote philanthropy internationally. However, the accomplishment he is most proud of is that through The Foundation WCPD’s tax reduction strategies, his clients have donated over $100 million to more than 600 charities across Canada since 2006.
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Reshaping Education For A Complex World what we do
oday’s complex challenges — from global demographic shifts to climate change — demand more of us. British Columbia, and the world, must be ready with new professions, new skills, new infrastructure and technology that will grow economies, improve lives and propel communities forward. At the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), we’ve always been relentless in our pursuit of solutions to real-world problems. Here, we educate 50,000 students annually across six schools — business, computing, health sciences, transportation, energy, construction and environment — ensuring they graduate with the skills and experience needed to help solve our most critical challenges, and shape a complex world. Driving BC’s economy forward: “Over the years, I’ve come to realize that BCIT is one of our province’s best kept secrets,” says David Podmore, co-founder and chair, Concert Properties. “Even in our backyard, so many don’t realize what this incredible institution offers its students, and what it contributes to BC’s economy.” BCIT has powered British Columbia’s economy for more than five decades. Our expertise in applied research and practical education, combined with our community and industry partnerships, create a perfect platform for our graduates — who enjoy a 96% employment rate — to set prosperity in motion. As Canada’s innovative polytechnic, we inspire, teach and train students in every sector through more than 360 programs that range from certificates and diplomas to degrees and Master’s degrees. This is where British Columbians come to upskill
and reskill — nearly three quarters of students already have a post-secondary education when they arrive for their first day on campus, and 50% already have a post-secondary degree. Keeping pace with disruption: From virtual reality to automation, simulation to machine learning, new and evolving technologies are disrupting the world and the workplace. It is estimated that up to two thirds of Canadian jobs will be impacted in the next decade, changing what employers need from the workforce, as well as how employees can best meet those needs. Increasingly, employers are struggling to find enough employees with the required expertise in emerging technologies and industries. For employees who will be impacted by workplace transformation, applied education and retraining opportunities pave a path to new careers — but only if those employees can access effective, affordable and practical education options. Since 1964, BCIT’s donors have made it possible for more students to access a BCIT education, supporting student success and enhancing teaching and learning. Today, graduates from BCIT programs in computer science, engineering and engineering technology outnumber those from any other BC post-secondary college, teaching university or institute. Our donors share our belief that an investment in students is an investment in businesses, industries and economies. Reshaping learning through partnership and philanthropic giving: In an increasingly complex world, BCIT is responding to fill the talent gap in key industry sectors by expanding what our graduates learn, and changing how they learn it. We are
working with our community, donors, alumni, and industry partners to help reshape learning through philanthropic giving. We are collaborating with our industry partners to develop specialized programs that meet business-specific needs, empowering students with real-world experiences and solving industry challenges through applied learning. From new custom pathways that allow students and employers to design their own streamlined, effective programs, to entrepreneurial hubs and work-integrated learning, we are transforming teaching and learning, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and giving students the spaces and resources they need to create, test and ready tomorrow’s solutions. At BCIT, students are prepared to meet a world where innovation and entrepreneurship will be as critical to their own success as it is to the province’s. Just as BC’s economy is inextricably linked to the world beyond, BCIT must be too. Our global industry and academic partnerships are enhancing student and faculty knowledge and connection, while international businesses and applied education institutes are interested in sharing in BCIT’s applied education success. At BCIT, we’re ready to solve tomorrow’s challenges by equipping the next generation of creators, doers and innovators to build a stronger future for our province, our country — and our world.
BCIT Foundation 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 604.432.8803 foundation@bcit.ca bcit.ca/foundation
— APPLIED EDUCATION FOR TOMORROW’S SOLUTIONS. The BCIT Foundation empowers students in every sector to develop the skills and experience needed to excel in a changing world. Our donors make access and affordability possible for the next generation of problem solvers and thought leaders. Learn more at bcit.ca/inspire or contact foundation@bcit.ca
— From health sciences to trades and technology, BCIT is embracing virtual and augmented reality to prepare students for future workplaces.
14 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
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Solutions for social good: aligning your giving with your values what we do
“Partnering with Tides Canada has exceeded my expectations to give back in a more strategic, productive, and fulfilling way.” – Mike Robbins, Tides Canada donor
n 2003, ecotourism consultant and philanthropist Mike Robbins was looking to align his giving strategy with his goals to make tourism more sustainable and to empower local communities. His search led him to open a donor advised fund at Tides Canada to support charitable Indigenousled cultural and ecotourism initiatives. Over the years, his partnership with Tides Canada has grown. “Tides Canada has introduced me to initiatives across the country that align with my philanthropic goals. They have connected me with like-minded donors to leverage my funds. And, they reduce the burden of costs and responsibilities of running my own foundation. This means that more of my resources go to on-theground impact,” says Robbins. Why partner with Tides Canada? Today’s
complex environmental and social landscape requires new and innovative approaches to philanthropy. That’s why Tides Canada provides a unique suite of strategy, expertise, and tools that deliver custom solutions for partners to take philanthropy further—whether they are individuals, foundations, or businesses. Over the past 20 years, Tides Canada has grown to become the country’s largest public charitable foundation for social equity and the environment, and houses over 50 projects, ranging from local Vancouver initiatives like the Binners’ Project to national conservation efforts like
the Canadian Freshwater Alliance, on its shared platform. Proven expertise, tools, and services to get from vision to impact including: • Philanthropic advisory services • Donor advised funds • Impact investments • Strategic grantmaking • The Shared Platform With local place-based knowledge on pressing environmental and social issues, diverse networks across the country, and deep community connections, Tides Canada supports its partners by ensuring that relationships between local communities and funders are equitable and mutually beneficial. Tides Canada is your partner for change.
Contact Leanne Burton, Director, Development, Tides Canada leanne.burton@tidescanada.org 1.866.843.3722
Uncommon Solutions. Common Good.
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Welcome to Zajac Ranch for Children what we do “My daughter had fun, wasn’t judged for being different, just felt loved and happy… [It’s] just an all-round amazing camp! Thanks for allowing my daughter to just be herself in a non- judgmental environment and to be proud of who she is.” – Mother of a camper with Down syndrome & ADHD
he breathtaking shores of Stave Lake in Mission, BC, provide an ideal backdrop for our magical summer camps at Zajac Ranch. Every year we welcome children and young adults of mixed abilities, including individuals with chronic, life-threatening and debilitating medical conditions and disabilities. All of our campers get to redefine their limits and explore their potential through participating in fun and empowering activities such as horseback riding, kayaking, rock-climbing, talent shows and crafts. Thanks to fully accessible facilities and our excellent medical service, Zajac Ranch is a favourite among families. Since welcoming our first campers fifteen
years ago, nearly 5,500 children from throughout the province and beyond have enjoyed a camp experience that recognizes and appreciates the unique challenges they face. Our camps are designed to give participants the opportunity to have fun, make new friends, and be part of a camp community that is caring, supportive and inclusive. Summer camp is an enriching experience in the cognitive, physical and social development of participants. Studies have concluded that after attending camp, campers experienced increased self-reliance, independence, and new understandings of their physical potential. “We are so grateful that we discovered Zajac Ranch. This was our son’s 2nd year of summer camp. The Cabin leaders are amazing. I can’t believe the bonds that form in just a week. Leaving camp is the hardest part for our son; he loves his time at camp. Thanks Zajac for giving him a home away from home” – Parent of a camper with autism spectrum disorder
how you can help During the summer months there are multiple opportunities to volunteer your time at Zajac Ranch! You can also give towards supporting our campers financially. Sending a child to camp costs approximately $1,900. Our goal is to someday be able to offer a camp experience to any child, regardless of medical condition or financial situation, free of charge. You can help us achieve this goal through online donations, monthly donations, making a pledge, or getting involved in one of our initiatives and events. Visit www.zajacranch.com to learn more about these opportunities. Every dollar and minute invested in providing life-enhancing experiences to our campers goes a long way in transforming their lives, their families, their communities and ultimately our country and our world.
EMBRACE. EMPOWER. EXPERIENCE info@zajac.com 604.739.0444 www.zajacranch.com
“Zajac Ranch has opened up a world for him, a place to belong even just for a short time." Parents of a camper with Autism
be a part of it! Visit zajacranch.com Follow us @zajacranch
get involved 604.739.0444 | info@zajac.com Zajac Foundation - BIV Giving Guide - half horizontal 7.125 x 4.6875”
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Harbour West Consulting Inc. what we do
here are a number of factors that go into developing a strong non-profit organization, and building the right team is the most important. Recruitment requires an investment of time, and the capacity and expertise to successfully identify and attract the best possible candidates. While some organizations choose to rely solely on their board, staff and/or network to fill positions, organizations may also benefit from engaging the services of Harbour West Consulting. Harbour West was recently engaged to support Minerva BC with a senior level hire, and as a result was able to identify a robust pool of candidates with a diversity of experience. “I was initially skeptical of the
value of working with a third party versus internal resources. However, I was totally impressed by the approach, process, and quality of the candidates. I have come to realize the exceptional value of targeted, proactive recruitment. Thank you, Harbour West!” (Tina Strehlke, CEO, Minerva BC). Harbour West, located in North Vancouver on the traditional, unceded lands of the Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Coast Salish First Nations, provides search services that are effective, efficient, seamless and tailored to meet each of our client’s needs. We are dedicated to placing individuals who are committed to the success of their new organization. We provide a range of executive search, recruitment and human resources services driven by transparency, diversity and
accountability. We are confident in our ability to work with your senior leadership, board, donors, and stakeholders to understand the opportunities and challenges facing current and incoming leadership and the personal competencies needed to meet them. Advantages to Working with Harbour West Consulting: Expertise: tailored recruitment strategy and candidate pool to inform hiring decisions Time: guaranteed resources to ensure an efficient and thorough process Investment: critical support and exceptional return-on-investment Let us help.
For more information, contact 604-998-4032 or info@hwest.ca
Harbour West Consulting | A Leadership Recruitment Firm hwest.ca Clear Talent | People Solutions cleartalent.ca 604 998 4032 | info@hwest.ca
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Jewish Community Foundation what we do
hen Bette-Jane Israel’s husband died at a relatively young age, she found herself thinking about the philanthropic work they did, and how she might plan for the future of her own philanthropy. “I started thinking about my own situation. Who will ensure that the institutions I support during my lifetime will continue to thrive after I die?” Israels decided to establish a fund at the Jewish Community Foundation. As the endowment program of Jewish Federation, the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Vancouver is uniquely positioned as the centre of philanthropy and legacy giving for the Jewish community. For nearly 30 years, the Foundation has worked with fund holders and their families to make a lasting impact on the causes that are most important to them, both within and beyond the Jewish community. “The Jewish Community Foundation has a boutique approach to philanthropy,” says
executive director Marcie Flom. “We work closely with fund holders and their families to help them identify their philanthropic priorities, and we develop a customized, personalized plan to maximize their impact.” The Foundation draws on its deep knowledge of the Jewish community to help fund holders address pressing needs. “In addition to helping our fund holders to make smart, informed decisions about their long-term philanthropy, we work closely with them to match their interests to real needs in our community, enabling them to make an immediate and ongoing impact,” Flom says. “One of the great benefits to holding a fund at a community foundation,” she continues, “is that the Foundation handles all of the administration, from giving advice on good granting practices to distributing grants to charitable organizations, which includes ensuring that recipients are using the funds as the donor intends.”
Plan to make a difference. Making a difference begins with a plan. That’s all you need to create a permanent legacy that will make a difference in the community locally, nationally and internationally. Call us today to discuss how you can set up an endowment fund with the Foundation to support community in a way that is meaningful to you.
604.257.5100 | info@jewishcommunityfoundation.com
This enables fund holders to focus their priorities on the impact they want to make and on the ways they may want to involve their children and grandchildren in continuing to make an impact long into the future. With the tremendous transfer of wealth that will take place as baby boomers age, inviting younger generations into the management of their legacy is of concern to many families. The Foundation works with fund holders to engage family members from school-age children to their parents and grandparents in meaningful conversations about shared values and interests, helping them build consensus and make long-term plans for their philanthropy. To schedule a conversation about your philanthropic plan, contact Marcie Flom at mflom@jewishvancouver.com or 604-2575100.
Learn about the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Vancouver at jewishcommunityfoundation.com.
18 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
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Imagine your child growing up alone what we do
It takes a Village to raise a child. Find out more and join our Village. Together we can transform foster care in BC and beyond. One child at a time. www.sosbc.org
oday in BC, foster kids are marginalized, shuffled around, and even die in government care. At 19, they are cut off with no ID and no supports. Few graduate from high school. These kids struggle with trauma, isolation, and a deep sense of hopelessness. These are our kids, our future! Every child deserves stability and a bright future, and the skills to make it happen. None of these are possible for foster kids who are constantly moved to different placements or even enduring physical, sexual, and mental abuse. What if it was YOUR child? SOS Children’s Village BC offers a very different outlook for kids in care. A model proven in 135 countries for 70 years. A loving stable home. Trauma-informed care. Siblings together. Connection and family. Safety and belonging. Support all the way to self-reliant and caring adulthood. Advocacy at every level. A lifelong commitment. It takes a Village to raise a child. Find out more and join our Village. Together we can transform foster care in BC and beyond. One child at a time.
www.sosbc.org (604) 574-2964
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Where Finance Meets Philanthropy what we do
charities and philanthropists.
ntil recently, the world of finance hasn’t aligned with the world of philanthropy to offer donors a legitimate method to increase and accelerate giving. In 2007, PearTree Canada pioneered the gifting format known as Flow Through Share Donations which uniquely provides major gift donors with the opportunity to lower their after-tax cost of giving and ultimately give more. In Canada, if a donor makes a cash gift, their after-tax cost of giving is approximately 50% of the gift amount. By using the PearTree format, these generous donors can expect their after-tax cost to be as low as 5% in BC. Now, over 10 years and well over a $1 billion of financings later, PearTree’s offering is entrenched in successful fundraising efforts across Canada from grassroots organizations to top institutions. Our format has been widely accepted by leading Canadian legal and tax advisors,
A donor may make a gift individually or through their private company. Through PearTree, a donor buys flow through shares and receives their applicable tax credits. Next, the donor immediately gifts the flow through shares to any registered Canadian charity they choose – including private foundations or donor advised funds as PearTree does not direct donors on where to give their money. The charity then sells the shares to an end buyer whom PearTree has arranged, and the charity issues a donation tax receipt for the full amount of the gift. PearTree takes care of the entire same day process, working just like a regular donation. There is no net cost to the charity, and the full amount of the pledged gift is received. The format is consistent with CRA Advance Income Tax Rulings obtained by PearTree. Benefit to Canada’s Resource Sector:
how you can help
The federal government created flow through shares in the 1970’s to encourage investment into the resource sector by offering tax credits to incentivize investment which “flowed” to the first buyer. These shares are issued by earlystage exploration companies and have become an integral funding source in this sector. In 2016 alone, PearTree clients facilitated over $300 million in capital for resource sector exploration and development, providing jobs in northern and aboriginal communities. Working with PearTree means donors can increase their giving and help stimulate growth in Canada’s challenged resource sector and northern communities – the net result is one of wide-reaching and significant benefit.
Learn more at: www.peartreecanada.com or contact Michael Fugman, VP Business Development, Western Canada michael.fugman@peartreecanada.com
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The need for more diversity in STEM education in BC what we do
e live in a time of unprecedented technological change that is rapidly transforming the world. Two-thirds of students entering elementary school will work in jobs that do not even exist today. As the job landscape changes, roughly 80 percent of future jobs will require literacy in STEM (science, engineering, technology and math) skill sets. In the future, STEM education will equip students with the tools needed to adjust to the rapidly changing landscape of work. We need students who embody diversity and multiple points of view in order to foster innovation. Every major Canadian city hosts dozens of organizations that engage children and youth in STEM learning. Yet, many of these organizations operate in isolation. As a result, many Canadian youth, particularly in Indigenous and other underserved communities, do not receive quality STEM
learning. In addition, women hold only 22 percent of Canadian STEM jobs and without mentoring, students—especially girls—often lose interest in science- and math-related fields. One study found that 60 percent of students who are interested in STEM fields when they enter high school change their minds by graduation. To address this pressing need, Science World British Columbia is spearheading an initiative to create a network of cross-sector partners in the government, education, nonprofit and business sectors. This network will connect students with mentors, resources and technology, weaving together formal and informal forms of education to personalize STEM learning in BC. This will directly contribute to the implementation of the Province’s new personalized, flexible, place-based curriculum. “We’re thrilled to help provide equal access to STEM education across all cohorts,” said Scott Sampson, President
and CEO of Science World. “We know that with proper access, support and resources, all students across BC will have the opportunity to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce.” This change to BC’s curriculum allows STEM-interested organizations to do more to support teachers and youth, and to develop a workforce in BC that will satisfy the job requirements of the future. “Helping kids discover their passions and ignite their dreams while tightening the skills gap for the future work economy is an initiative we’re proud to embark on. Our goal is that within five years, every child in British Columbia—regardless of geographic location, ethnic background or family income—will have access to STEM education,” said Sampson.
how you can help Support diversity in STEM education today at scienceworld.ca/giving
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Investing in perpetuity How good intentions grow legs: the power of endowment what we do
hen he established Vancouver Foundation, Whitford VanDusen was already adept at orchestrating charitable giving on a large scale. But he wanted more than to pass money from one hand to another. He wanted to stretch, grow, and deploy every dollar as widely as he could. What model might multiply the charitable impact of donors? Could he serve as more than a gobetween for the good (often ebbing and flowing) intentions of donors? A financially savvy lumber magnate, VanDusen had already been contemplating the idea of a permanent endowment. But when Alice MacKay, a retired Whitford secretary, made a $1,000 VanDusen bequest, the concept was cemented. MacKay had specified that her bequest be invested intact and that the income be used to support women in poverty. This is how the endowment model at Vancouver Foundation was struck: two unlikely visionaries who shared the same goal of sustained giving to the community. In 1944, interest rates hovered at around three percent, leaving the Foundation
Alice MacKay (holding book)
with $30 for charitable action in MacKay’s name. VanDusen contemplated $30 from MacKay’s $1,000. What if that $1,000 were $101,000? And what if that $101,000 continued to grow? VanDusen saw the potential of a base of funding that grows impact by growing itself. He added his own $10,000 to the pot, and challenged a circle of influential peers to do the same. By 1948, Vancouver Foundation held $101,000 in trust. The idea resonated with the community and an ever-increasing number of donors began establishing their legacies at Vancouver Foundation. By 1960, holdings of almost $3 million generated $219,000 in income, which was granted to dozens of charities involved in all aspects of our community. By 1989, Vancouver Foundation’s total assets of $230 million funded 408 charitable efforts. Today, Vancouver
Foundation’s holdings have topped $1.2 billion. More importantly, it distributes upwards of $50 million per year to thousands of charities across the province. This is investing in perpetuity: using financial savvy to give charities the gift of steady income to support their missions. In many cases, the amount of income a fund has generated and shared throughout the community has far surpassed the original capital of the fund itself – The Arthritis Society BC & Yukon Division, which established its first of four funds in 1951 with an initial contribution of $4,000, has received over $2.5 million in distributed income – far exceeding the fund’s current capital value. When charities have a steady stream of income, they can focus on what they do best: a constant and heartfelt contemplation of the people they serve and the ways they can best offer help. Thanks to MacKay’s particular bequest – and VanDusen’s being so inspired by it – generations of caring people have been given the license to envision and build a better community.
Contact Donor Services at 604.688.2204 or info@vancouverfoundation.ca.
Start Your Own Donor Advised Fund A Donor Advised Fund is the most popular way to give at Vancouver Foundation. Similar to a private foundation, a Donor Advised Fund enables individuals and families to establish a charitable endowment fund, receive a donation tax receipt and then recommend grants over time. A named fund can be created with a gift of $10,000 (or $1,000 to start-up), and will be customized to meet your charitable objectives. Grants can be made to any registered Canadian charity and, on a year-to-year basis, you can choose how to offer your support.
Need More Information? Contact Donor Services at 604.688.2204 or info@vancouverfoundation.ca.
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Accelerate health care innovation in BC what we do
olutions to health care’s greatest challenges won’t come from one idea or person. They’ll come from a community of innovators and investors, using their time, talents and financial support to create change system-wide. Liquid skin substitute for treating burns. A gastrointestinal tract probe for early cancer detection. An Emergency Department app to dramatically transform patient-health professional communications. Utilizing Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to greatly improve salvage rates of valuable tissues used in reconstructing complex surgical defects from cancer surgery. These are the four brilliant ideas put forward at VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s inaugural Innovators’ Challenge — an exciting event that helps shape the future of health care. At the 2019 Innovators’ Challenge, three teams will engage in spirited battle for funding to advance their medical device
2018 Innovators’ Challenge finalists: Dr. Haishan Zeng, Dr. Donald Anderson, Dr. Aziz Ghahary, and Dr. Kendall Ho.
breakthroughs, designed to transform health care. This fun and competitive evening will bring together Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and UBC Hospital’s best and brightest physicians and scientists who will pitch their innovative research ideas to more than 300 guests, including Vancouver’s most notable entrepreneurs, investor stakeholders and corporate leaders. “The future of health care is in our hands,” says Barbara Grantham, President and CEO of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation. “And I for one cannot wait to see what we discover on May 14, 2019.” The goal of the Innovators’ Challenge is to raise critical funds that will advance
health technologies and treatments to address health care’s biggest challenges. The criteria will be based on the following questions: will it improve patient outcomes? Could it create savings in the health care system? And does it have commercialization potential?
how you can help With the power of philanthropy, we can spark the greatest push for health care innovation ever seen in BC. “Innovation drives the health care of tomorrow,” says Barbara. “The Innovators’ Challenge gives the brightest medical minds on the leading edge of medical technologies the initial funding and expert guidance needed that translates into meaningful change across the system.” The Innovators’ Challenge takes place on May 14, 2019 at the Imperial Vancouver. Sponsorship opportunities and attendance options are available.
Learn more at vghfoundation.ca/ InnovatorsChallenge.
in association with
Accelerate Health Care Innovation in BC Solutions to health care’s greatest challenges won’t come from one idea or person. They will come from a community of innovators and investors, using their time, talents, and financial support to create change system-wide. Join us at Innovators’ Challenge to be among the first to witness three local medical teams pitch their ground-breaking ideas to revolutionize patient care. You already know that the smartest way to have a major impact is to invest early in the best ideas, and the brightest minds. With the power of philanthropy, you can spark the greatest push for health care innovation ever seen in BC. We can’t do it without you.
Innovators’ Challenge May 14, 2019 Imperial Vancouver Learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how you can attend: vghfoundation.ca/ InnovatorsChallenge
22 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
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The Kettle Society what we do “I had nothing before. Now I have an apartment, a dog, a garden that I take care of, a job. I have a life.” – Jackie, Kettle client
Archery at the 10th Annual Kettle Camping Trip
Your support gives us the resources we need to deliver mental health services to over 5,000 people each year. To make a donation, visit www.thekettle.ca/give 1725 Venables St., Vancouver, V5L 2H3 604-251-2801| www.thekettle.ca | info@thekettle.ca Charitable No. 119240356 RR0001
ackling complex and intractable social issues like homelessness can only be accomplished if we all come together as a community. On the occasion of National Philanthropy Day, please join us in making a difference. For over 40 years, we have helped vulnerable individuals work towards better health and a better life – out of homelessness, untreated mental illness, addictions and poverty. Because of the compassionate support from our community, we provide Vancouver with: • A Mental Health Drop-In that serves hot meals 365 days a year • Over 400 units of supportive housing • Supported employment • Mental Health Outreach and Advocacy services • Homeless Outreach • Arts and culture programs Become part of the solution – help alleviate homelessness and dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness. Consider making a donation by visiting www.thekettle.ca/GIVE or send a cheque to: The Kettle Society, 1725 Venables Street, Vancouver, BC V5L 2H3
Interested in event or corporate sponsorship? Contact Coreen Douglas at 604-307-5611. sponsored content
Thank you for making Literacy Month 2018 a success!
Fostering Literacy, we are here to help! what we do
I Together, we are building a BC where everyone has the literacy skills they need. Champion Partner
Corporate Partners
Rotary Club of Vancouver
Beedie Development Group
Trivia Cup Sponsor
BlueSky Clothing Co.
Marsh Canada
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.
Eckler Consultants + Actuaries
Exclusive Broadcast Media partner
Lawson Lundell LLP
Morneau Shepell
CBC Vancouver
Decoda Literacy Solutions www.decoda.ca
f you, or someone you cared about, needed help with reading, writing or using technology, where would you turn? Decoda Literacy is your “go to” organization for literacy in BC. Based in Vancouver, Decoda Literacy supports a coordinated network of Literacy Outreach Coordinators and practitioners who deliver 1,300 programs in over 400 communities in BC. “Community-based literacy is a non-formal system of learning. As such, programs can take place anywhere – at a literacy centre, the public library, a school or a workplace,” says Margaret Sutherland, Executive Director, Decoda Literacy Solutions. “Decoda serves as the central link to literacy providers in communities across BC,” she adds. “Through this strong connection, Decoda is also able to distribute information, resources, and support literacy practitioners --widely and readily.” The vision: a British Columbia where everyone has the literacy skills they need. “Essentially, literacy is a set of skills we use every day to get things done. These skills include reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and technology. When people struggle with these skills, it has a profound impact on their lives,” says Sutherland. We can’t do this work without you.
To learn more, please visit www.decoda.ca
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Lifesaving Society – BC & YK what we do
he Lifesaving Society is Canada’s Drowning Prevention Charity committed to making BC pools and waterways safe. We are volunteer-based, active in BC since 1911 and receive no government funding. We ensure that 100% of donations go to the cause and report back to donors on how their support has helped others. Our only job is to prevent drowning and water-related injury through education and promoting WaterSmart thinking. Most of us in BC enjoy a visit to the beach or pool, so how can we be sure everyone returns home?
how you can help 1. Swim to Survive provides 3 basic skills to help ensure nonswimmers can survive an unexpected fall into deep water. It is available to children, youth and adults with a focus on New Canadians. 2. The Public Access Life-ring (PAL) project has placed 28 units at BC waterfronts to provide a lifesaving aid when an incident occurs. Hundreds more are needed. Help us keep BC waters safe for everyone and bring 42 drownings this summer down to zero next summer. Support a small charity trying to make a big difference in BC!
Contact: Lifesaving Society - BC & Yukon Branch 604.299.5450, @LifesavingBCYK, lifesaving.bc.ca
This summer 42 people drowned in BC.
None were in a lifeguard-supervised location. We trained over 3500 lifeguards last year to keep BC pools and waterfronts safe. You can help prevent drowning in pools and waterfronts not supervised by lifeguards by: 1. Donating $20 allowing someone to participate in Swim to Survive 2. Donating $500 to help fund a Public Access Life-ring to be installed on a BC waterfront Lifesaving Society - BC & Yukon Branch #112-3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5
604.299.5450 | @LifesavingBCYK lifesaving.bc.ca
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How you can make a BIG difference what we do
t Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver, we believe in the power of mentorship. With a positive role model, a child can gain a sense of belonging, a reassurance of their strengths, and more importantly –be inspired to reach their full potential. With an average wait time of 2 to 3 years, there are currently over 100 children across the Lower Mainland waiting to be matched with a mentor. “The positive role modeling that my son is learning, not just being taught, but by experiencing it is just a huge thing. You can’t teach that, you have to experience it.” You can become a champion of life-long friendships by becoming a volunteer or corporate sponsor/partner of our various mentorship programs.
For more information how you can support a child or youth in your local community, please visit BigBrothersVancouver. com or email volunteer@bbgvf.com.
What’s more important than friendship? Join hundreds of volunteers across the Lower Mainland in supporting mentorship in your community. Learn more about corporate partnerships and volunteer opportunities at BigBrothersVancouver.com or call 604-876-2447 Ext 247
Imagine who they can become because of you
24 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
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Make a lasting difference in your lifetime and beyond what we do
hen you make a legacy gift to YWCA Metro Vancouver, you become a member of our Legacy Circle, a group of passionate individuals who are committed to building better futures for women and their children across Metro Vancouver. Since 1897, YWCA Metro Vancouver has worked tirelessly to achieve women’s equality. Support our legacy of changing lives by leaving your own legacy.
Help a single mother and her children tomorrow by making a legacy gift today.
To leave a legacy gift, contact JoAnne Fahr at 604 895 5829 | jfahr@ywcavan.org or Arden Sutherland at 604 895 5859 | ardensutherland@ywcavan.org
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Peace Arch Hospital undergoes $110 million renovation what we do
Since 1988, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation has raised more than $140 million, ensuring our families, friends and neighbours in the White Rock/South Surrey community have access to quality health care, close to home.
604.535.4520 pahfoundation.ca peacearchfoundation
ealth care in White Rock and South Surrey is on track for a tremendous boost with a $110 million investment in Peace Arch Hospital that includes a brand new and expanded ER, five new operating suites (opening in 2021) and a 200-bed residential care with hospice facility that will open in fall of 2019. Peace Arch Hospital Foundation has successfully completed its fundraising campaigns for both the ER and residential care with hospice facility, and, as its next priority, has committed $22 million to build the five new ORs. In addition to funding capital projects and medical equipment, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation is equally committed to supporting projects and programs that help White Rock and South Surrey be the healthiest community possible, embracing a radical concept of health care. The Foundation’s mission is to encourage citizens of all ages and abilities to be healthy and active so they can stay OUT of the hospital, reducing the demand on health care services over the long term. This approach is proactive and preventive rather than reactive and remedial, with a goal to deliver total health care management to their community.
For more information visit pahfoundation.ca or call 604.535.4520.
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BC has the highest number of species at risk in all of Canada what we do
he BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) is British Columbia’s leading conservation organization. We are passionately committed to protecting, enhancing and promoting the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. BCWF facilitates a wide range of wildlife conservation programs and projects each year including but not limited to: • Combating rapid development in the Heart of the Fraser River to protect crucial white sturgeon and salmonid habitat. • Working to protect what’s left of the Thompson and Chilcotin Steelhead by getting them recognized as endangered species. • Funding science to learn how to restore mule deer populations in BC by studying how landscape change and the predator prey community are affecting our current populations. • Leading numerous wetlands activities that result in habitat restoration, enhancement, and conservation projects. Last year, the BCWF restored 9.75 hectares of land. • Working with the BC Government and local communities to get back to an abundant BC. A legacy gift to the BC Wildlife Federation allows you to contribute to a sustainable future through conservation and rehabilitation of BC’s precious fish and wildlife habitats and ecosystems.
Contact us today to leave your conservation legacy: 1-888-881-2293 or visit www.bcwf.bc.ca. sponsored content
Saving Cedric what we do
edric, a two year old brown and white Boxer, was severely malnourished and near death when he was rescued by the BC SPCA and brought to the Vancouver Branch. “He was the most emaciated dog I have ever seen in my 30 years of rescuing animals,” said Jodi Dunlop, Manager of the BC SPCA’s Vancouver Branch. “You could see every single rib and bone protruding”. Dunlop fostered Cedric herself to give him around the clock care, which included feeding him tablespoons of food every few hours so as not to overwhelm his digestive system. Cedric required surgery to remove a lodged foreign object, as well as treatments for pressure sores; his medical care alone cost over $9,000! Cedric slowly regained his health, his sweet boxer temperament shone, and he was adopted into a new loving family. Cedric’s ability to comeback from the edge is testament to his own courage, and the assistance he received from loving BC SPCA supporters. You can become a Forever Guardian to dogs like Cedric by creating a legacy of caring and support through an estate gift. All animals deserve a second chance at their best lives, and you can be there for them - always. To find out more about becoming a Forever Guardian to animals like Cedric, visit www.foreverguardian.ca, or contact:
Yolanda Benoit, Senior Manager, Will & Estate Gifts 1-800-665-1868, ybenoit@spca.bc.ca
Leave a Gift for BC’s Wildlife. Contact us today to leave your conservation legacy! Please visit our website www.bcwf.bc.ca or call 1-888-881-2293
Forever a place in your heart
Forever their loving Guardian Become a Forever Guardian by including a gift in your will to help end animal cruelty and ensure your legacy of love and caring lives on. Visit us today at www.foreverguardian.ca or contact:
Yolanda Benoit ybenoit@spca.bc.ca 1.800.665.1868
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Life doesn’t END when arthritis BEGINS.
Donate to arthritis research. Change lives.
Your gift to Arthritis Research Canada directly supports life-changing research for the 5.6 million Canadians with arthritis.
what we do
CONTACT: Patti Nakatsu Director of Development 604.207.4002 pnakatsu@arthritisresearch.ca arthritisresearch.ca/support-us
eople of ALL ages have arthritis. Consider how you might feel if, at age 35, you struggled to play with your children because of debilitating pain? Now, imagine how your life might change if you had to stop working well before retirement. More than 5.6 million Canadians with arthritis face these difficult realities every day and many of them are nowhere near old age. “At Arthritis Research Canada, we understand that an arthritis diagnosis is life-altering at any age,” said Dr. John Esdaile, the organization’s scientific director. “But it doesn’t have to end a person’s life as they know it.” Arthritis Research Canada is a world leader in arthritis research, currently conducting over 75 studies, aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating arthritis, and improving quality of life for those who have it. This life-saving research is only possible thanks to the generous support of donors. From one-time gifts to monthly and legacy giving, donors help ensure people diagnosed with one or more of the 100 forms of arthritis can continue to thrive.
Contact: Patti Nakatsu, Director of Development 604.207.4002 pnakatsu@arthritisresearch.ca arthritisresearch.ca/support-us sponsored content
Dogs improve quality of life what we do
Planned Giving gift to BC & Alberta Guide Dogs helps transform someone’s life by providing them with support, safety and independence. That is what our Guide Dogs, Autism Support Dogs and PTSD Dogs do for individuals who are blind/visually impaired, children with profound autism and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Your donation or legacy helps us breed, raise and train these life-changing dogs. Patti and her PTSD Dog Tiaa are one example of this transformation. The RCMP veteran endured despair and depression before being paired with Tiaa. “When I’m a mess, I just sit, turn inward and don’t do anything,” says Patti. “That’s when Tiaa comes along, nudges me and gets me out of it.” PTSD Dogs emotionally tune into their partner and unique triggers. Guide Dogs enable blind/visually impaired individuals to safely navigate their surroundings, giving them independence, confidence and companionship. Autism Support Dogs provide safety and support for children. Our dogs take two years and as much as $35,000 to breed, raise and train. They are provided free to needy recipients, thanks to the generous donations of donors like you.
BC & Alberta Guide Dogs
1-877-940-4504 • info@bcguidedog.com • bcandalbertaguidedogs.com
BIV ad2 final.indd 1
For more information on planned giving, please contact us at 1-877-940-4504, info@bcguidedog or www.bcandalbertaguidedogs.com.
2018-10-15 4:38 PM
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All lives are precious what we do
hether a life is measured in years, months, or even days, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice believes every life is precious and should be lived to the fullest. This holiday season we are honouring the special lives at Canuck Place, like Bronwyn from New Westminster. Bronwyn was introduced to this world in January 2017, fighting for survival with the love of her parents Andrea and Jason, family, and friends. After a challenging four-month start, Bronwyn was diagnosed with life-threatening MIRAGE syndrome, and it became clear that her numerous medical interventions weren’t sufficient in supporting her. The family was introduced to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and through the guidance and care of Canuck Place nurses, doctors, and counsellors, Andrea and Jason redirected their focus on Bronwyn’s comfort and making memories together as a family. Bronwyn passed away in August 2017 surrounded by love. Her family has been part of the Canuck Place family through the counselling program for bereavement support. This holiday season donors can Light a Life at Canuck Place and honour children like Bronwyn with their donation.
All gifts will be matched by Nicola Wealth Management and can be donated at www.canuckplace.org.
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L’Arche and the strength of community what we do
People with and without developmental disabilities sharing life together in our community since 1974.
B e l o ng s
afe and affordable housing is challenge for adults with limited means at the best times, and we all know that these are not the best of times in that regard. Now, consider that reality as faced by adults with developmental disabilities. L’Arche is an intentional community where people with developmental disabilities, along with people who come to assist them, share life together in family-like settings and work environments. L’Arche’s model of living and working together is an example of how a compassionate community celebrates people’s gifts and cares for some of its most vulnerable citizens. L’Arche Greater Vancouver has been in Burnaby for 44 years, we have six homes and two community inclusion programs. There is a growing demand to support more individuals with developmental disabilities and provide different models of support. In response, L’Arche has a plan to expand our capacity, offer an accessible environment for people who require it, and provide affordable housing for those who wish to live in and be part of our unique community. Please contact our office to find out how your support will help open these new doors for people who in our community.
Contact L’Arche Foundation 604.435.9544 Larchevancouver.org office@larchevancouver.org
7401 Sussex Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 3V6
604.435.9544 larchevancouver.org
Trusted content. Integrated solutions. Business in Vancouver is BC’s most significant voice of local business news and information. We write, broadcast and post across seven platforms—print, digital, video, radio, podcasts, magazines and special events—as one of Canada’s leading integrated media companies. For three decades we’ve successfully connected organizations like yours with the business audience and community.
Get Connected | Call: 604-688-2398 or email: ads@biv.com
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Variety BC helps kids thrive what we do
or over 50 years, Variety - the Children’s Charity has been helping kids with special needs throughout BC. The support that Variety provides to families in every corner of the province is the foundation of the organization. Its Variety Kids Can campaign builds on the charity’s goal of stepping in where health care ends. The objective of the campaign is to attract more funding towards Variety’s core grant areas with funds going towards mobility programs, specialized therapies, mental wellness, educational programs and bursaries for learning disabilities along with life-saving medical equipment and supplies. “Our team recognizes that many families living in BC need financial support in order to provide vital equipment and services for their children,” said Cally Wesson, Variety CEO. “Without this assistance, the families we help would struggle to overcome the enormous costs of care that is needed but not covered by the health care system.” Since 2010, Variety has distributed more than $30 million in funding to families and organizations in communities provincewide. Variety’s goal is to always work towards their vision so that every child who has special needs can achieve their full potential.
For additional information on how you can support Variety by becoming a Corporate Partner, contact James Bacon at 604.268.4031 or james.bacon@variety.bc.ca. sponsored content
BCCLA: Fighting for rights and freedoms since 1962 what we do
he BC Civil Liberties Association is Canada’s oldest and most active civil liberties organization. Their mandate is to defend and extend freedom and human rights in Canada. They conduct their work through education, policy reform, advocacy, and strategic litigation. Through the support of generous donors and volunteers, the BCCLA has grown from a club founded at UBC by professors, students and activists to a modern charity based in Vancouver with a national reach. They are a now a group of lawyers and campaign staff, supported by a network of volunteer lawyers across Canada. The BCCLA has a reputation as a scrappy organization that punches well above their weight to deliver human rights victories in Canada. Two recent examples are the Supreme Court case that paved the way for medically assisted dying to become a real choice for suffering Canadians, and the court challenge that struck down the torturous practice of indefinite solitary confinement in federal prisons. Now more than ever, folks need the BCCLA to stand up for freedom and justice and they need your help to make it possible.
If you want to learn more, please visit www.BCCLA.org or contact Mark Hosak at mark@bccla.org and 604-630-9745.
WHAT IS JUSTICE WORTH TO YOU? The BCCLA has been fighting to defend and extend human rights in Canada since 1962. Help us stand up for freedom and justice today. www.bccla.org 604-687-2919 info@bccla.org 306 - 268 Keefer Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1X5
Charitable BN: 888466844RR0001
30 | Giving Guide 2018 published by Business in VANCOUVER
Your legacy can be an investment in CRISIS INTERVENTION and SUICIDE PREVENTION.
2018 | Corporate soCial responsibility
A guide to British ColumBiA's philAnthropiC Community ¢ ¢
non-profits foundAtions CulturAl orgAnizAtions
A gift to the Crisis Centre in your will helps us support 123,000 youth, adults and seniors in their greatest time of need every year.
604 - 872 - 1811 info@crisiscentre.bc.ca www.crisiscentre.bc.ca Registration Number: 10699 3322 RR0001
“We want philanthropy to really make an impact” – WCpd’s peter niCholson on tAking A more strAtegiC ApproACh to giving
To book your
2019 giving guide space Call Marie at 604-608-5158 or email mpearsall@biv.com Space Close: September 26, 2019
Boost your major gift fundraising Learn more about flow through share donations so you can increase and accelerate your major gifts program at a lower after-tax cost for your donors. PearTree offers a unique and proven format and we are proud to support important causes across Canada. To find out more visit www.peartreecanada.com
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Support students like Keanna through UNBC what we do
lumna like Keanna are the reason why supporting the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) is so important. The generosity of donors like you allow students to achieve their dreams leaving a lasting impact and creating opportunities for years to come. Since its founding in 1990, UNBC has emerged as one of Canada’s best small research-intensive universities, with a passion for teaching, discovery, people, and the North. UNBC’s fundraising efforts are organized into three priorities: strengthening research and teaching excellence, inspiring next-generation leaders and creating local solutions with global impact. Through these priorities and the
generous support of our donors, UNBC continues to improve the quality of life in our region, the province, and beyond, by attaining the highest standards of teaching, learning, and research. We serve the region by building partnerships and being innovative, resourceful and responsive to student and community needs. UNBC has once again been ranked among Canada’s best universities by Maclean’s Magazine, placing second in the primarily undergraduate category. The results continue our string of consistency, placing either first or second for five straight years. This is also the second year in a row that UNBC has placed in the top 5% of the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings, among higher-
education institutions around the globe. As always, recognition such as this is due to the dedication displayed by our faculty and staff each day, as well as the ongoing commitment of our donors. You have the ability to directly impact the student experience and academic success of students like Keanna. Because of you, access to knowledge, quality education and a brighter future are within reach.
how you can help Please consider making a contribution that will enhance the lives of today’s UNBC students. You will surely see a positive return on your investment through tomorrow’s next generation of leaders.
Office of University Advancement 1-866-960-5750 | unbc.ca/giving
“Not only have donors made my education possible through scholarships and bursaries, they have also created research and experiential learning opportunities, and allowed me to develop my leadership skills in the classroom and beyond!” – Keanna Woidak, Alumna 2018
Office of University Advancement | 1-866-960-5750 | unbc.ca/giving
I give to my community and with Vancouver Foundation, my giving lasts forever. 75 years ago, a single gift started Vancouver Foundation and that gift is still making a difference in the community today. We can help you create a fund that gives forever. Get started at vancouverfoundation.ca/create or call Kristin at 604.629.5186
To find your local community foundation visit communityfoundations.ca