Invest in BC 2011

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Business and investment across British Columbia umbia a

Resource frontier British Columbia’s pathways to the future

OUR EDGE: B.C.’s competitive advantages FINEST MINES: From deposits to profits RURAL RULES: Wine, tourism, farming WE COME, WE GO: Investments in transport TTECH EECH TALK: Gaming to clean energy

Published by


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2/24/11 1:20:34 PM

Rio Tinto Alcan is planning to invest over $2.5 billion in Kitimat, British Columbia. It’s an investment that will modernize our aluminium smelter there and provide tremendous opportunities for local and regional businesses. Helping to diversify the northern economy is part of an overall Regional Economic Development strategy for our company. And contributing to BC’s prosperity is something we’ve been proud to do for over half a century. Rio Tinto Alcan. Building the future together.

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2/20/11 12:55:01 PM


Business and investment across British Columbia 2011

Business and investment across British Columbia umbia a

Resource frontier British Columbia’s pathways to the future

OUR EDGE: B.C.’s competitive advantages FINEST MINES: From deposits to profits RURAL RULES: Wine, tourism, farming WE COME, WE GO: Investments in transport TECH TTEC TE E TALK: Gaming to clean energy

Published by




Publisher: Paul Harris Editor-in-chief: Naomi Wittes Reichstein Design director: Randy Pearsall Proofreader: Baila Lazarus Writers: Alison DePalma, Lynsey Franks, Noa Glouberman, Joel McKay, Peter Mitham, Andrew Tzembelicos, Sarah Willard, Grant Wing Production manager: Don Schuetze Production: Carole Readman Sales manager: Joan McGrogan Advertising sales: Lori Borden, Corinne Tkachuk Administrator: Katherine Butler Controller: Marlita Hodgens President, BIV Media Group: Paul Harris Invest in BC is published by BIV Magazines, a division of BIV Media Group, 102 Fourth Avenue East, Vancouver, B.C. VT G, 604-688-2398, fax 604-688-6058, Copyright 2011, BIV Magazines. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system without permission of BIV Magazines. The publishers are not responsible in whole or in part for any errors or omissions in this publication. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO: 40051199. REGISTRATION NO: 8876. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Department: 102 Fourth Avenue East, Vancouver, B.C. VT G E-mail:

Ą Rich opportunities, resilient companies—8 British Columbia invests in province’s economic competitiveness Ą Fine country, wine country—14 Small communities pursue natural opportunities Ą Thinking globally, acting globally—17 Strategic investments and partnerships build province’s transportation network Ą Ground work—20 Top-notch regulatory policy, resource wealth and urban expertise drive investment in mining, forestry, oil and gas Ą Green makers—24 Clean technology looks to the future Ą Oh, tech!—28 British Columbia a hub for briskly growing sector Ą Just rewards—30 Province assists a wide range of entrepreneurs Ą Economic Development Association of B.C. members—94

Economic development regions Ą Mainland/Southwest—31 Ą Ą Ą Ą Ą




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World stage Vancouver Island/Coast—51 Isles of opportunity Cariboo—57 Balanced progress Kootenay—62 Creative diversity Thompson Okanagan—68 Haven of innovation North Coast—74 Seaworthy advantage Northeast—80 Energetic cities Nechako—91 Looking up

EDABC partners Diamond BC Hydro Platinum Colliers International Kwantlen Polytechnic University Legacy Pacific Group of Companies Plutonic Power Vancouver Island University Western Economic Diversification Canada The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver Gold Central 1 Enbridge: Northern Gateway Pipelines Myriad Information Technology Solutions Inc. Vancouver Economic Development Silver Canada Export Centre Community Futures British Columbia Meyers Norris Penny Vancouver Island Economic Developers Association Bronze British Columbia Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Investment Business Development Bank of Canada Coast Hotels Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Super Save Disposal Tag Construction Ltd.

2/24/11 1:19:56 PM

Message from the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Investment

Canada’s Pacific Gateway


elcome to British Columbia, one of the world’s most economically competitive jurisdictions and the unrivalled Pacific gateway to the markets of North America. There are many reasons to choose B.C. We are business-friendly, we welcome foreign investment, and we are recognized for our low corporate tax rates and operating costs. Vancouver has rapidly ascended the Global Financial Centres Index, and our province has earned AAA credit ratings from both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s: testaments both to B.C.’s broad international appeal and to its sound fiscal record. Geographically, B.C. cannot be matched. The year-round, ice-free ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert are the two closest major shipping points between North America and Asia. Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is a growing freight-distribution centre and Canada’s largest Asia-Pacific air hub. These are all cornerstones in an integrated road, rail and

air transportation network that seamlessly and efficiently moves people and goods. With prominent research and educational institutions, B.C. is home to diverse and highgrowth industries, including sustainable and clean energy; film and digital media; oil, gas and mining; agri-food; forestry; biotechnology; and information and communication technology. Our government has all the tools in place to introduce and match investors to B.C.’s companies, industries and regional economic development partners. If you are looking to invest in a dynamic and fiscally secure jurisdiction with a quality of life that is second to none, look no further than British Columbia, Canada’s Pacific Gateway. We look forward to welcoming you. Margaret MacDiarmid Minister of Tourism, Trade and Investment British Columbia



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2/20/11 12:55:12 PM

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2/20/11 12:55:12 PM

Letter from the president, Economic Development Association of British Columbia

A world business leader


elcome to British Columbia! Over a century ago, B.C. was considered one of Canada’s last frontiers, with unrivalled natural landscapes, rugged terrain and an economy founded purely on resource extraction. Today we boast one of the country’s most diversified economies, marked by tremendous growth in technology, advanced manufacturing, tourism, transportation and clean energy. A creative and skilled workforce has emerged, strengthened by this diversity and by B.C.’s rich natural environment, unsurpassed quality of life and strategic gateway location that provides an all-important link between North America and Asia. We showcased our strengths to the world when we hosted the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Our economy continues to expand and is expected to lead the nation in growth

in 2011. Through measures taken at all levels of government, our positive business climate continues to lead the country. B.C. now has one of the lowest levels of corporate income tax rates among the world’s major industrialized economies. We also have Canada’s lowest personal income tax rates for people earning up to $118,000 a year. Cuts in regulatory burdens, the creation of a competitive tax system and some of the North America’s lowest hydroelectric rates together ensure a positive business environment in a location ideal for investment. Here in Invest in BC, the Economic Development Association of British Columbia (EDABC) highlights proudly the economic outlook of the province and the vast opportunities on offer. The magazine is intended to aid you in your investment decisions by providing you with economic snapshots of the province’s regions and communities while showcasing our key economic drivers.

The EDABC is the leading association of economic-development practitioners situated in communities provincewide. They’re the primary sources of investment and economic information for their communities. Contact our members, and they’ll assist you in turning your investment decisions into realities. The world has arrived, and we encourage you to explore the unlimited opportunities that exist in B.C. and become part of Canada’s economic leader. Kevin Poole president Economic Development Association of British Columbia

Letter from the executive director, Economic Development Association of British Columbia

Economic developers in a diversified climate


elcome to Invest in BC. The recent global recession and the ongoing economic recovery have demonstrated how important well-conceived economicdevelopment tools can be. We’ve learned that no business whether small or large can go it alone. British Columbia has clearly demonstrated that this is where economic developers can help. Economic developers bring their own tools and resources; additionally, they build on partnerships to bring together all of the pieces to make things happen. If you are seeking tools for workforce development, recruitment, real estate (from finding it to developing it), energy and utilities, transportation infrastructure, regulation, permitting or any other tools businesses need in order to thrive, an economic developer will work with you to find them. The members of the Economic Development Association of British 6

Columbia (EDABC) are true professionals committed to helping their communities and your business thrive in a growing economy. B.C. remains at the heart of a global economy. From Vancouver to Port Hardy, Prince George to Kamloops, Kelowna to Golden, and Fort St. John to Cranbrook, the province has a diverse economy comprising biotechnology, manufacturing, food-processing, clean energy and tourism. These are just some of what makes B.C. one of the strongest economies in the world. Our government’s commitment to making us one of the most competitive jurisdictions within the G8 has helped to ensure that B.C. has had Canada’s best outlook for future growth and prosperity. In B.C., we like to think that our quality of life is second to none, offering urban, small-town and rural locations. Our recreation is as varied as are the seasons, from

skiing, kayaking and golfing to lying on a sunny beach by one of the many scenic lakes scattered over the province. In the following pages, you will find a valuable competitive resource that includes information on the differing economic regions throughout the province, with contact details for economic developers, consultants, developers and our other partners around B.C. that make up the EDABC. I invite you to call any of our members or our office to learn how you too can be part of Canada’s strongest economy. Dale Wheeldon executive director Economic Development Association of British Columbia

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2/20/11 12:55:20 PM

We see more than jobs. We see careers.

If you want access to the largest pool of accounting professionals in B.C., look no further than Whether you’re an HR professional looking to hire the best accountants or a CGA student looking for a rewarding career, is your hub. Using puts career opportunities in front of qualified professionals to ensure you get what you need. Gain access to the breadth of knowledge and experience that a Certified General Accountant adds. Get connected today. Go to LEADERSHIP

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2/20/11 12:55:23 PM

Rich opportunities, resilient companies British Columbia invests in economic competitiveness

By Peter Mitham onservative cash-flow projections in the wake of the late recession have made many companies pay closer attention to investment decisions. Yet British Columbia remains key to the investment plans of many companies, with a resilient growth of 2.5 per cent in GDP targeted for 2011 and a favourable environment for business formation. The province’s Business Corporations Act facilitates incorporation and tax-planning, for example, especially for foreign companies that either want to do business here or use it as a beachhead for operations in North America. “It drives a lot of economic activity for the province – for us here at the law firm, for one, and the accountants,” says Kareen Zimmer, an associate with McCarthy Tétrault LLP’s business law group, Vancouver. One of the act’s key aspects that encourages companies to



incorporate in B.C., especially foreign firms looking to expand into Canada, is the lack of residency requirements for directors. While the Canada Business Corporations Act requires at least a quarter of a company’s directors to reside in Canada, the B.C. act imposes no such requirements. This allows companies to incorporate here without moving senior talent to the province. They can enter the market, cultivate local managers and, if things work out, promote local talent to take the reins. Whereas Yukon was formerly Canada’s sole jurisdiction without residency requirements, B.C. can now claim a share of the business it would once lose to its northern neighbour. “We used to send a whole bunch of our corporations to be incorporated in the Yukon, particularly for that reason,” Zimmer says. “Now we don’t have to do that any more.” B.C. also offers tax advantages to foreign companies through the formation of Unlimited Liability Corporations (ULCs) and

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2/24/11 10:49:49 AM

B.C. provides incentives to companies prepared to discover its abundant natural resources and mine its intellectual riches

The North Shore Mountains rise over the West End, Vancouver Roxul produces mineral wool insulation in Grand Forks, using a mix of basalt and recycled slag from a former copper smelter

flexibility in regard to share allocation. ULCs – such as Intrawest ULC – are treated like partnerships, such that the losses can be deducted off their United States taxes, Zimmer explains. “It’s very advantageous.” B.C.-incorporated companies have a broader array of share options, including par-value shares, fractional shares and the option for a company to hold its own shares or a subsidiary to hold shares of its parent company. “The B.C. act is very good for that,” Zimmer says. Zimmer cites other advantages to B.C. as well, including the new harmonized sales tax (HST) and TILMA, the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement with Alberta that took full effect on April 1, 2009. The HST is subject to a provincial referendum, but many businesses have cheered it as effecting up to $2 billion in savings and efficiencies. Simpler accounting protocols and direct taxation of Photos: (left) Paul Stone; (right) Tourism Vancouver/Andy Mons

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those using goods are helpful to many sectors. TILMA effectively allows regulated sectors in Alberta and B.C. to act as one. This offers clear benefits in permitting a business operating in B.C. to have an equal footing in Alberta when pursuing opportunities there. If the two provinces are one, why locate in B.C.? It’s more than just the landscape and lifestyle. Many tax incentives are available. The province has been bullish on making the province an international financial centre: an effort that targets businesses providing financial services to the international community. This initiative has been expanded to address several head-office functions, complementing the benefits of incorporating in B.C. “The government has worked hard to make the business and tax environment here competitive on a Canadian basis,” says Lindsay Gordon, president and chief executive officer of HSBC Bank Canada, noting especially the province’s decision to back off plans to impose a minimum tax on financial institutions with paid-up capital of $1 billion or more. Spring 2010 also saw a tax break handed to small businesses, now exempt from the Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation BIV Magazines/



2/20/11 12:55:35 PM

Burrard Inlet, Vancouver

tax of 2.5 per cent on their first $500,000 of income. By 2012, the combination of corporate taxes levied by the provincial and federal governments will total just 25 per cent, the lowest among any of the G7 economies, even as the province targets balancing its own budget by 2013–14. Major infrastructural projects from rapid transit to highway and airport expansions are also creating jobs and opening new opportunities for landowners and entities such as the Tsawwassen First Nation, which has 300 acres of industrial land for development adjacent to the expanding Deltaport container terminal. Close to $200 billion in major projects on the books across the province, a diverse

and talented workforce and various tax credits and incentives support these and smaller initiatives that foster a healthy diversity in B.C.’s economy. (For more on provincial infrastructural improvements, see feature, page 17.) Credits and exemptions are available for software development, manufacturing, research and development, mining, oil and gas, film and television production and new media (including digital animation and games development) as well as clean technology. Many of the credits are known as “entitlements” because they support activities of recognized importance to the province. B.C. provides incentives for companies to discover its abundant natural resources,

Global Ability Made in Canada Madison Centre 700 - 1901 Rosser Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6R6 10

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tailoring regulations to facilitate development occurring without undue environmental sacrifice. It also offers incentives for companies seeking to mine its intellectual riches. Tech companies benefit from credits under the provincial Small Business Venture Capital Act and the federal Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, the latter facilitating research in everything from high tech to agriculture. Vancouver-based Revenue Services Group notes that companies with more than $10 million in annual revenue should review eligibility for SR&ED credits since the HST took effect, because they aren’t allowed to reclaim HST paid on telecommunications, energy, meals and entertainment expenses. Portions of those expenses claimed as part of the SR&ED program are recoverable, however. The key benefit of the tax credits to tech is that they facilitate growth. Combined with B.C. venture capital and the wealth of private angel money available here, companies participating in the province’s venture-capital program add approximately 2.43 jobs a year and see an average boost in annual revenues of $572,000. Credits can enable the growth of a startup to the point at which larger companies take interest. (For more on provincial tax credits and incentives, see page 30.) Companies participating in the province’s venture-capital program between 2001 and 2008 leveraged $256 million in tax credits for at least $2.3 billion in equity investments. The eventual sale of many of these companies underscores the success of local programs in developing ideas. The province gives manifold support to the innovative spirit, earning its reputation as a place to locate and grow enterprise. Ą


Telephone: 604-294-3301 Toll Free: 1-800-263-3313 Photo: Tourism Vancouver/Josef Hanus

2/20/11 12:55:38 PM

Positive economic indicators A look at the numbers shows province’s strength


ritish Columbia’s independent Economic Forecast Council forecasts the province’s GDP to grow 3.3 per cent in 2011, up from Budget 2010, which projected growth at 2.9 per cent. The council’s average annual forecast for 2013–2015 is 2.8 per cent.

Wages awaken In September 2010, B.C.’s mean weekly wage neared $837: Canada’s fourthhighest and above the national average. (Source: BC Stats) In January 2010, B.C.’s average hourly wage was $23.12: more than 2.8 times the minimum wage and 28 per cent over 2001’s average of $17.98. (Source: Statistics Canada)

Paying the builds An unprecedented 956 major construction projects, worth an estimated record of $198 billion, were planned or under way as of September 2010. Proposed projects are up eight per cent. (Source: Ministry of Finance, Major Projects Inventory, September 2010 edition)

Prodigious permits The value of B.C. residential building permits in 2010’s first 10 months totalled $8.56 billion, up by $2.4 billion compared with the first eight months of 2009. (Source: Statistics Canada, Building Permits, October 2010 issue)

The art of starts Construction of single-family housing starts in Vancouver, Surrey and Coquitlam is leading Metro Vancouver to exceed the 10-year average level. In 2010’s first 11 months, 13,502 new units were started in B.C., up by 84 per cent over the pace set in 2009. (Source: CMHC, December 8, 2010)

Going abroad Exports from B.C. hit $2.61 billion in November 2010, up 14 per cent over 2009, same period. Exports to Asia lead, increasing more than 28 per cent over 2009’s pace. (Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian International Merchandise Trade, November 2010)

Pay checks

On cue

From the average of the latest provincial outlooks published by BMO, the Desjardins Group, RBC, Scotiabank and TD, B.C.’s employment growth is forecast to be among Canada’s strongest into 2011. Average annual employment in B.C. reached 2,304,600 jobs in 2010, an increase of 45,200 jobs (or two per cent) compared to the 2009 average. (Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, December 2010)

Spending on television and film production in B.C. topped $1.3 billion during 2009, up by more than $100 million over 2008. B.C. is North America’s third-largest film-and-TV production centre. (Source: BC Film Commission, 2009 Production Statistics package)

What’s in store Seasonally adjusted retail sales in B.C. during the first seven months of 2010 were worth nearly $33 billion, up by more than seven per cent as compared with the same time in 2009. This is the highest increase in all Canadian provinces. (Source: Statistics Canada, Retail Trade, July 2010)

Conference confidence The Conference Board of Canada’s help-wanted index recorded the largest national gain in three years. B.C.’s helpwanted index rose by 6.1 points. (Source: Conference Board of Canada, HelpWanted Index, September 2010)

When the ship comes in 2010’s shipping volumes well exceeded 2009’s. The first eight months saw 78 million tonnes of cargo pass through Port Metro Vancouver and more than 10.7 million tonnes through Prince Rupert. (Sources: Port Metro Vancouver, Cargo Statistics Report, August 2010; and Prince Rupert Port Authority, Monthly Traffic Summary, August 2010)

Money talk Vancouver rose again in the Global Financial Centres Index, ranking 21st (the city’s highest position ever) in the report released in September 2010 and coming in ahead of Dubai, Amsterdam, Montreal, Seoul, Munich and others. (Source: Z/Yen Group, Global Financial Centres Index 8)

Outside the Chinese box

B.C. earns a strong credit rating. Moody’s Investment Service notes that debt reduction over the past few years places B.C. in a stronger position to face economic turmoil. The Dominion Bond Rating Service rates B.C. AA; Standard & Poor, AAA; and Moody’s, AAA.

In 2010, approved-destination status with China took effect. Chinese visitors can now travel to Canada in organized, pre-sold group tours. Businesses can now actively market B.C. and Canadian tourism to China. Earlier, Chinese travellers could obtain exit visas to Canada only if travelling for study, visiting friends and relatives or engaging in business or independent tourism.

Lumber numbers

In for the skill

In 2010’s first seven months, B.C.’s lumber production was up nearly 21 per cent as compared with 2009. Exports of softwood are also up by 29 per cent over 2009 numbers. (Sources: Statistics Canada, Sawmills Service Bulletin, June 2010; and Statistics Canada, International Canadian Merchandise Trade, August 2010)

The B.C. Provincial Nominee Program attracts skilled and business immigrants. In the 2009 fiscal year alone, B.C. drew 2,658 skilled workers and entrepreneurs. (Source: Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development)

Extra credit

Sources: Province of British Columbia, Positive Economic Indicators; Cushman & Wakefield, Vancouver Industrial Report

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british columbia Downtown Smithers

Harbour Centre, Vancouver

Buyers’ purchases by asset type

Sales by property type

$600 $500 $ Millions

Industrial OďŹƒce Retail

$400 $300



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First half 2010





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First half 2010 Graphs: Avison Young

Concrete details Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver: CLSLink offers provincewide commercial-property listings and prices, searchable by city or British Columbian region. National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP), Vancouver chapter: NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, represents developers and owners of commer12

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cial real estate. It offers “communication, networking and business opportunities� and “provides a forum for continuing education and the promotion of effective public policy at all levels of government.� RealNet Canada Inc.: RealNet provides detailed research on commercialproperty transactions and new home projects to help clients make decisions

about investments and developments. Building Owners and Managers Association of British Columbia (BOMA BC): BOMA BC acts as the voice of the commercial-buildings industry and promotes education, professionalism and leadership among its members.

Photos: (left) Tourism BC/JF Bergeron; (right) Tourism BC

2/20/11 12:55:50 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada BC Stats

British Columbia’s real-estate resources

british columbia Ą Ą Ą Ą Ą Ą Ą Ą

People Population 1990 Population 2006 Population 2010

3,322,896 4,263,376 4,551,853

Population: Biggest cities in each region (2009) Mainland/Southwest Thompson Okanagan Vancouver Island/Coast Cariboo Kootenay Northeast North Coast Nechako

Vancouver Kelowna Saanich Prince George Cranbrook Fort St. John Prince Rupert Smithers

642,843 121,306 114,140 75,568 19,123 2,714 12,994 5,408


Immigrant population (2006 census) Immigrant residents

Total gross domestic product (GDP): 2009; $ billion


Finance & insurance; real estate, rental & leasing; & management of companies & enterprises Manufacturing Health care & social assistance Retail trade

Per cent distribution, immigrants, by birthplace China PR United Kingdom India Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region Philippines United States

145,320 137,460 119,265 78,065

3.5% 3.3% 2.9% 1.9%

69,195 56,560

1.7% 1.4%

Language spoken at home (2006 census) English Chinese (all) Punjabi Korean

3,341,285 260,280 184,590 49,130

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$12.3 $10.1 $9.7

Province offers relief to business

700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 lta


British Columbia’s current small-business corporate income tax rate of 2.5 per cent is Canada’s second-lowest. The small-business tax threshold in B.C. has been increased from $400,000 to $500,000, becoming the highest in Canada and saving small businesses $20 million yearly. The B.C. government intends to reduce the small-business corporate income tax rate to zero by April 1, 2012. In 2010, KPMG ranked Vancouver first among 41 major cities in the developed world for tax competitiveness, by comparing total tax burdens faced by companies in such metropolises as Mexico City, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Minneapolis, Montreal, Toronto, Amsterdam, Manchester, Melbourne and Sydney. – Grant Wing Sources: British Columbia Ministry of Finance; KPMG, Competitive Alternatives 2010 Special Report: Focus on Tax BIV Magazines/

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$148.1 $36.5

Getting your tax straight

82.0% 6.4% 4.5% 1.2%

B.C.’s biggest municipalities by population

Sources: Statistics Canada, BC Stats

economic development regions mainland/southwest—31 vancouver island/coast—51 cariboo—57 kootenay—62 thompson okanagan—68 north coast—74 northeast—80 nechako—91



2/24/11 1:15:06 PM

Fine country, wine country Small communities pursue natural opportunities

By Peter Mitham tunning vistas reinforced by the tagline “Super, Natural British Columbia” have formed the basis of one of the province’s most successful promotions. Moreover, the appeal to tourists’ sense of adventure and wonder could go hand in hand with promotion of the province’s natural resources. The parallel between the two is at the heart of a shift taking place across the province as rural communities reinvent themselves, says Nicole Vaugeois, B.C. regional innovation chair in tourism and sustainable rural development, Vancouver Island University. “Rural communities that are having success tend to be the ones that are focused on their amenities: their quality-of-life amenities, those natural and cultural amenities,” Vaugeois says. Many communities are steadily developing economic capacity through tourism and associated initiatives, she explains. Treetop activity parks by Maple Ridge-based WildPlay Ltd., Vernon’s Historic O’Keefe Ranch and orchard-inspired cosmetics offered



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at Merridale Estate Cidery’s spa in Cobble Hill are examples of integral elements by which businesses build rapport with newcomers and familiarity with what their communities have to offer. Beyond providing “jobs and money,” Vaugeois says, tourism provides “exposure to different areas of B.C. that are ripe for investment and new population growth.” A number of resort municipalities such as Whistler, and, more recently, Tofino and Osoyoos, use the landscape to generate jobs without destroying it in the process. While these municipalities are among 13 that enjoy provincial endorsement, similar strategies are in place in smaller communities such as the old Cariboo mining towns of Barkerville, Likely and Wells, the last-named of which bills itself as a four-season destination with a wealth of heritage architecture and spectacular scenery. Wells boasts an arts sector too, and many other communities around the province tout clusters of craftspeople as part of their cachet for visitors. Photo: Pete Snell

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Horse-drawn wagon at the Historic O’Keefe Ranch near Vernon

“Rural communities that are having success tend to be the ones that are focused on their amenities” – Nicole Vaugeois, B.C. regional innovation chair in tourism and sustainable rural development, Vancouver Island University A visual artist herself, Vaugeois belongs to the thriving arts community of Cedar, just south of Nanaimo. The arts are also a significant part of the mix in Chemainus, whose murals have long drawn tourists, and throughout the Cowichan Valley and the Gulf Islands, which pride themselves on a slower pace of life conducive to creativity. It’s that slower pace that also attracts people shifting careers, whether at mid-life or in planning retirement.

Grape deals Often, Vaugeois says, newcomers discover communities as tourists. This is certainly the case with many entrants to the B.C. wine industry, which generates more than $75 million a year in tourism revenues. In 2004, Mick and Pam Luckhurst took over the winery now known as Road 13 after a visit to the Okanagan convinced Mick that winemaking would be a worthwhile change from his high-pressure work as a contractor in Edmonton. A decade earlier, Wayne and Helena Ulrich had launched Cherry Point Estate Wines Photos: (top right) Tourism BC/Tom Ryan; (bottom) Deddeda Stelmer

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Monkido Aerial Course at WildPlay Element Park BIV Magazines/



2/20/11 12:56:10 PM

Paynters Fruit Market in West Kelowna: one of many small-scale businesses contributing to the rural economy

The vineyard at Nk’Mip Cellars, Osoyoos

on Vancouver Island after touring vineyards in the Okanagan. The business they started has changed hands twice, most recently to Xavier Bonilla, an entrepreneur from Colombia who became aware of the opportunity while his children attended university in B.C. The success of ice wine in Asia has raised the profile of B.C. producers, and that of Canada generally, on the world stage. Paradise Ranch Wines Corp. sells ice wine under the Paradise Ranch and Whistler Wines banners. It exports a significant amount of its product, as does Richmond’s Blossom Winery Ltd., which leverages B.C.’s reputation for natural splendour to sell its products. The trade relationship paid off during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games when Blossom’s sister property, Lulu Island Winery, hosted the Chinese Olympic Committee and

China House. The appeal of the B.C. wilds has spurred sales of other products made from nature, such as birch syrup and Christmas wreaths. Quesnel-area Moose Meadows Farm pioneered the market for birch syrup, establishing a niche now also occupied by Sweet Tree Ventures. The two are seeing demand outstrip supply of this precious syrup, which requires twice as much sap to produce as maple syrup. Yet it’s not enough just to make products. Cultivating relationships is also essen-

Rooms of their own Wineries move into hospitality In the Okanagan, wineries are expanding to accommodate the growing number of visitors to the region. The average number of rooms available in the area in a given month has increased from approximately 3,000 for much of the past decade to 3,574 in the first half of 2010. Properties such as the upscale Watermark Beach Resort in Osoyoos have helped boost the numbers, wineries and vineyards are also helping with accommodations of their own, from homey bed-and-breakfasts to full-scale resorts. A prime example of the latter: the 226room Spirit Ridge Vineyard Resort & Spa, adjacent to Nk’Mip Cellars in Osoyoos. 16

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It’s at the large end of a spectrum that also includes the 10-unit guesthouse at Burrowing Owl Estate Winery, with its 1,800-square-foot penthouse and 25-metre lap pool overlooking the desert. Smaller venues include Spiller’s Corner B&B, adjacent to the Spiller Estate fruit winery on the Naramata Bench; cottages at both Lake Breeze Vineyards and Therapy Vineyards (also in Naramata); and the three-room inn at Working Horse Winery in Peachland. Hester Creek Estate Winery in Oliver is planning a small villa for guests, while many wineries have VIP accommodation available for visitors seeking the complete winery experience.

tial. While growing numbers of entrepreneurs use social media to build customers’ awareness, tourism brings people face to face with what communities offer. Moose Meadows co-owner Heloise Dixon-Warren hosts events such as sugarings-off, farm tours, birthday parties and open houses. She notes, “The more times we get people to the farm, the more events that we attend, the better the prospects.” Progressive planning by various levels of government improves the chances of success. While regulations governing agricultural land use have adapted to accommodate wineries, the battles that wineries have had to fight underscore the need for responsive planning. Change doesn’t happen immediately, and Vaugeois maintains that cultivating the right relationships within a community is as important as building rapport with customers. To thrive, a sector depends on being among a cluster of businesses that feed off one another. This has been the case with the wine industry. Establishing a viable market among local residents who become ambassadors for the sector is critical. Ą Photos: (left) Tom Cooper; (right) Vincor International

2/20/11 12:56:17 PM

Thinking globally, acting globally Strategic investments and partnerships build province’s transportation network

By Andrew Tzembelicos niquely positioned in Canada at the commercial crossroads between Asia and North America, B.C. offers a strategic advantage for businesses that serve both global and Pacific Rim markets. It provides duty-free access to the North America Free Trade zone and the United States, the world’s largest market. B.C. has deep expertise in all areas of transportation, from road construction to aerospace maintenance, and an established ship-building industry. An efficient and competitive infrastructure is expanding aggressively through direct governmental investment and public-private partnerships. Its air, sea, rail and road links are all integral to the supply chain.


Soaring to new heights B.C.’s airports are seeking to maximize their potential. Case in point: Prince George Airport (YXS) wants to leverage its Canadian Pacific coal train near Radium In 2009, Port Metro Vancouver shipped 14.6 million metric tones of breakbulk, including lumber, wood pulp and steel

Top photo: Canadian Pacific

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geographical place, infrastructural significance and commercial runway, Canada’s third-longest. John Gibson became president and chief executive officer of the Prince George Airport Authority in 2009. He’s excited about making YXS an “intermodal cross-stop facility” where planes travelling from Asia to eastern North America refuel; about developing the airport’s cargo business; and about building its logistical capabilities. For example, a new fuel farm adjacent to the airport will allow YXS to BIV Magazines/



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John Gibson, president and chief executive officer, Prince George Airport Authority: making YXS an “intermodal cross-stop facility” for planes en route from Asia to North America

offer competitive fuel pricing to passenger and cargo carriers. Gibson calls 2010 a year spent “getting in place some of those things we need to move forward on.” Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is a major air-cargo airport and the secondlargest international passenger airport on North America’s West Coast, serving 16.2 million passengers in 2009. YVR put many improvements in place for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, including completion of the Sea Island portion of the Canada Line rapid-transit line; a fivegate expansion of the domestic terminal; the creation of a public observation area; and a new expansion of the international terminal’s west wing. All were part of a $1.4-billion capital program launched in 2005. The airport has a 20-year YVR 2027 Master Plan to “accommodate future passenger needs, meet the aspirations of the communities it serves and achieve its gateway strategy.” The strategy focuses on business with and travel to and from Asia. Also looking ahead is Abbotsford International Airport (YXX), whose slogan is “Fly Global. Think Local.” Aiming to be a full-fledged alternative to YVR for passengers living in the Fraser Valley and B.C.’s east, YXX has a $30-million project in the works to increase aircraft parking and double arrival and departure rates on two runways. 18

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Boundary Bay, Nanaimo and Canadian Rockies International airports are also making improvements. B.C.’s aerospace industry is recognized worldwide for expertise in manufacturing, maintenance and overhaul, and remote sensing and systems technology.

Sea opportunity B.C. is an international maritime centre whose players manage fleets of hundreds of vessels in international commerce. Its ports, ice-free year-round, have lately seen the advent of globally minded leaders. Port Metro Vancouver ranks first in

Fraser Heights section of the South Fraser Perimeter Road

North America for foreign-export shipments and second on the West Coast for total cargo volume. The port handles $75.2 billion in cargo annually, is responsible for 129,500 jobs in Canada (47,700 direct jobs in B.C.) and has 28 major marine cargo terminals. British-born Robin Silvester is Port Metro Vancouver’s president and chief executive officer. For him, “The thing that’s particularly rewarding is that . . . we have an economic impact that’s significant on a national scale.” He really appreciates the favourable financial conditions here, the extremely skilled workforce, the strong links to Asian economies and a cohesiveness regarding a common strategy of “intelligent” investments. Prince Rupert Port Authority has been building on the success of its Fairview Container Terminal. In 2009, the port recorded 12-year-high cargo volumes. Its activities include expanding the terminal to quadruple container volumes; developing Ridley Industrial Park to accommodate a new terminal; and developing logistical services in support of the port’s expansion. The closest North American

Connector vector The South Fraser Perimeter Road A component of the federal government’s Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative and the B.C. government’s Gateway Program, the $1.2-billion South Fraser Perimeter Road will link ports, rail yards and industrial areas. With four lanes and nearly 40 kilometres long, it will connect to highways 1, 15, 17, 91 and 99 and the Golden Ears Bridge. It will improve transportation for local residents and industry, ease congestion and access to the border, the Tsawwassen ferry terminal and B.C.’s Interior. Construction began in 2008. Portions of the road will be opened to traffic by the end of 2012, with completion slated for 2013. The Gateway Program also includes the Port Mann/Highway 1 Project, the North Fraser Perimeter Road Project, and the Pitt River Bridge and Mary Hill Interchange Project. Top photo: David Mah

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Fairview Container Terminal, Port of Prince Rupert Port Metro Vancouver ships both thermal coal and metallurgical coal used in steel production

port to Asia, Prince Rupert is less than 100 hours from Chicago and offers the shortest direct rail route to the large midwestern and eastern consumer markets of the U.S. B.C.’s northern gateway is well situated, according to Dave Bedwell, executive vice-president with Cosco Container Lines Americas. He cites its “benefits to both importers and exporters” who have steered away from routing cargo via the southern West Coast ports. Saying Cosco’s shortened inbound transit time from China to North America has delivered, he comments, “[Combine] that with the positives of Prince Rupert’s productive waterfront labour force and a dedicated on-time railroad service directly into the heartland of the U.S. and Canada, and you have a winner.”

15,000-mile rail network across North America. The city is thus a pivotal hub for a railway operating in six Canadian provinces and 13 American states. CP continues investing in its networks to move goods more efficiently. Activities have included building overpasses to mitigate congestion and traffic incidents when cars come into conflict with trains, as well as passing lanes dedicated to freight trains: part of a $300-million investment in a western network from Saskatchewan to the coast that has included more than 20 completed projects since 2005. CP has also participated in a co-ordinated investment strategy in three trade areas that spokesman Mike LoVecchio describes as “heavily multimodal,” involving transitions among rail, ship and truck: the Roberts Bank, North Shore and South Shore corridors.

All aboard Canada’s transcontinental railways serve ports on the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts. They also link with rail systems in the U.S. and Mexico. Canadian Pacific moves through Vancouver a full 40 per cent of all the goods it carries on its

It’s about partnership To ship goods between communities and around the world, you must work together with others. According to Silvester, LoVecchio and more, in B.C. partnerships are a way of thinking that permeates all

decisions and spending. The result: a co-ordinated investment strategy Silvester describes as “unique in North America.” Partnership has proven instrumental to making the infrastructure more eco-friendly. Port Metro Vancouver and partners have an initiative to enable cruise ships docked at Canada Place to connect to new shore power facilities. Suitably equipped ships can now turn off their auxiliary diesel engines while docked and connect to electric power instead. Used in just a few ports around the world, this $9-million initiative, involving BC Hydro, the Government of Canada, the B.C. Ministry of Transportation, Holland America Line and Princess Cruises along with the port, has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by almost 3,000 tonnes: the equivalent of removing 770 cars from the road for a year. Shaun Stevenson, vice-president, marketing and business development with the Prince Rupert Port Authority, comments, “There really isn’t a jurisdiction in the world that has enjoyed a similar level of partnership between governments, port authorities and other partners.” Or in Mike LoVecchio’s words, “This is the Pacific Gateway. This is where the action is.” Ą


+IVILI [ 1VTM\ 8WZ\ WV \PM 8IKQ K Port Alberni Port Authority 2750 Harbour Road, Port Alberni, BC 250-723-5312

Top left photo: Prince Rupert Port Authority

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2/20/11 12:56:47 PM

Ground work Top-notch regulatory policy, resource wealth and urban expertise drive investment in mining, forestry, oil and gas

By Joel McKay elcome to British Columbia, a global hub for natural resources. Whether in Vancouver, in Prince George or in Fort St. John, Canada’s western-most province has the infrastructure, people and expertise to cash in on world-class resource projects.


Opening the ore A steady stream of placer gold deposits in B.C. helped spur the original rush that led prospectors from the United States to the Klondike. The hard-rock assets still yield results today. B.C. has more than a dozen base-metal and coal mines in production that have generated thousands of well-paying jobs. The province produces and exports significant amounts of copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, molybdenum, coal and industrial minerals each year. Take the New Afton project of Vancouver-based New Gold Inc. Ten kilometres from Kamloops, it’s expected to produce 85,000 ounces of gold, 214,000 ounces of silver and 75 million pounds of copper annually for 12 years, from 2012. The Mining Association of British Columbia has said that projects such as Copper Mountain Mining Corp.’s Copper Mountain project near Princeton, Thompson Creek Metals Co. Inc.’s Mt. Milligan copper-gold project northwest of Prince George and Imperial Metals Corp.’s Red Chris copper-gold project near Dease Lake are part of a new “renaissance” in mining. Together, these projects would 20

represent a total capital investment in excess of $2 billion if built. And there are other opportunities too. “British Columbia is competitive for a combination of many reasons,” explains Gavin Dirom, president and chief executive officer of the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia. “First, there is nothing like exploring in your backyard, and with 850 [mining] companies based in Vancouver, B.C. is for many companies the first place to look for tomorrow’s resources. More importantly, there are underexplored resources within easy reach of well-developed infrastructure. Both urban and rural B.C. have rail, road and port infrastructure that provides excellent access to Asian and other markets.” That’s why there are literally hundreds of exploration companies scouring the province’s landscape for the next bonanza, but they don’t have to do it alone. Thanks to the gold rush, B.C. has more than a century of mining expertise based in Vancouver and supported in communities throughout the province. “Because B.C. hosts 60 per cent of Canadian exploration companies, there are financial houses, law firms, environmental and engineering consultants and other services and suppliers for the industry located in Vancouver,” Dirom says. Vancouver is moreover home to the University of British Columbia, known for producing many of the world-class engineers and geologists who play major roles in Vancouver’s mining sector. “Finally, we have a public geological data-

base that is without parallel in the world. The BC Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Canada and Geoscience BC have collected, compiled and released information that can be used by any exploration program in the province.” The presence of financial houses in Vancouver make it easier for mining companies to secure the resources they need. Catherine McLeod-Seltzer, one of Vancouver’s more successful mining executives and chairwoman of Bear Creek Mining Corp., says the financial resources that support the mining industry stem from the days of the Vancouver Stock Exchange. The exchange was known, among other things, for bank-rolling many early-stage mining projects before becoming part of

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“B.C. is for many companies the first place to look for tomorrow’s resources” – Gavin Dirom, president and chief executive officer, Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia

Catherine McLeod-Seltzer, chairwoman, Bear Creek Mining

Photos: (top) Dominic Schaefer Photography; (bottom) Richard Lam

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what is now the TSX Venture Exchange. “The brokers are here who understand, who will seed-finance good people. The lawyers, the deal-makers: it’s all here,” says McLeod-Seltzer. The province is trying to streamline regulations to encourage more mining. The industry lauded the introduction of the harmonized sales tax (HST) in 2010 because it would save millions in input costs for miners. B.C. also boasts a flowthrough-share tax-credit program that makes the cost of grassroots exploration the second-lowest in Canada. What’s more, the province’s new mine allowance effectively provides a deduction of 133.3 per cent of capital costs for mines that begin or expand production before BIV Magazines/



2/24/11 10:49:12 AM

Eagle Plains Resources’ Yellowjacket Gold Mine, Atlin

January 1, 2016. B.C. is ranked among the best areas in the world for quality of geological databases.

Chasin’ basins B.C. hosts a flourishing shale-gas industry. Indeed, more than half the province’s natural-resource revenue stems from the unconventional gas industry in the northeast, where major finds in the Horn River and Montney basins have attracted some of the largest oil and gas companies worldwide. B.C. is the only jurisdiction in Canada that has been increasing both production and reserves of natural gas. The province’s new net-profit royalty program will encourage development of oil and gas resources that have higher costs and greater technical complexity. Groups such as Encana Corp., Apache Corp. and EOG Resources, Inc. have taken large land positions in the northeast,

The City of Surrey won a Wood Works! BC 2010 Community Leader Award for the Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre

attracting significant investment from Asia to develop the province’s gas resources. In February 2010, Encana and Korea Gas Corp. announced a deal to spend $1.1 billion over the following five years to develop shale-gas assets in B.C. Houston-based oil giants Apache and EOG have recently taken major stakes in the proposed Kitimat LNG terminal, a $3-billion project that would ferry lique-

fied natural gas from B.C. to Asia. In June 2010, Spectra Energy Corp., which owns much of B.C.’s shale-gas plants and pipelines, said it would invest $1.5 billion over three years to upgrade its natural-gas infrastructure in B.C. On top of that, the provincial government has overhauled its oil and gas legislation with the introduction of the Oil and Gas Activities Act, meant to encourage investment and provide more clarity for private landowners caught up in the resource boom. Victoria has given Geoscience BC the task of finding new sources of water in northeast B.C. to support the shale-gas industry. Whether in mining, in oil or in gas, Premier Gordon Campbell believes that B.C.’s wealth and expertise in natural resources and its more favourable regulatory environment will keep its extractive industries humming for years to come. “There’s an enormous window of opportunity,” Campbell says. “If British Columbia can be smart and continue to work with Alberta and Saskatchewan and can be partners with the federal government, I think we’re going to find we have a decade of, frankly, unparallelled opportunities, prosperity and growth in terms of investment and jobs for people.” Ą

Seeing the forest Wood producers adjust focus in changing times In British Columbia, stringent policy and innovative practice reflect the most recent scientific knowledge of sustainable forestry. Ninety-four per cent of B.C.’s land is provincial Crown land. Harvested areas must be reforested with native species. B.C. is the world’s largest supplier of softwood lumber. Advanced technology has enabled the creation of a wide range of associated products, such as cabinets, engineered building and panels and their components, furniture and fixtures, log and timber frame, pre-built housing, millwork and more. With the collapse of the American housing market, forestry has been pursuing various new strategies. Pat Bell, minister of forests, mines and lands, has been shaking hands in Asia, where he hopes to stimulate demand for B.C.’s wood products and reduce B.C.’s reliance on exports to the U.S. According to Bell, exports to China now represent 16.5 per cent of B.C.’s total wood exports. Bell has also spearheaded enactment of the Wood First legislation, requiring all provincially funded buildings to be con22

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structed of wood by default. And the tax regime is improving: “Introduction of the HST is estimated to represent a $140-million-dollar saving to the forest sector on capital expenditures.” Biomass and wood-pellet producers are finding innovative methods of transforming into energy low-grade wood from trees destroyed by the mountain pine beetle. The pellet industry now contributes $185 million annually to B.C.’s economy. “This steady source of demand for lower-grade fibre will allow for the harvest of more beetle-attacked areas than in previous years when the focus was solely on sawlogs,” says Bell. Wood Works! is an initiative of the Canadian Wood Council that promotes the use of wood in construction. The City of Surrey has won a Wood Works! BC 2010 Community Leader Award for the Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre, designed by CEI Architecture Planning Interiors. Open to the public since May 2010, the centre was originally built as the Surrey Games Preparation Centre, used to train volunteers for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Top photo: AME BC

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FULL SPEED AHEAD. Continued focus on operational efficiency, product launches that meet the demands of today’s marketplace, and new leadership are at the core of Catalyst’s renewed strength as a paper manufacturer producing a diverse range of products for the global market. And behind every product we launch and every decision we make, is our constant commitment to environmental sustainability. From where we sit, the future is looking bright. Onward and upward.

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Green makers Clean technology looks to the future By Noa Glouberman ritish Columbia is becoming a leader in the production of clean technologies. In addition to locally made biofuels, wind turbines, electric cars and LED lights that help people around the world reduce their impact on the planet, clean tech is creating jobs and fuelling economic growth in communities across the province. With a strong commitment to climate-action standards, B.C. is North America’s first jurisdiction to have a carbon-price plan allowing for long-term business planning. The province offers a range of leading-edge products and services to help manage the pressures of rapid economic and population growth. B.C. companies are also world leaders in construction and the development of value-added building materials that meet the demands of international markets. The province is an internationally recognized centre of expertise in sustainable development and construction. “B.C.’s green economy contributed roughly $15.3 billion to provincial gross domestic product … [and] was responsible for 166,000 direct and indirect full-time jobs in 2008,” according to the Vancouver-based Globe Foundation, dedicated to finding business-oriented solutions to environmental problems. “The economic and employment impacts of the green economy are distributed widely throughout all of B.C.’s development regions.” B.C. has immense renewable-resource potential, with an estimated $100 billion in investment opportunities, $15 billion in investment-ready projects and 37,000 megawatts of renewable power ready for tapping. The province has significant stores of woody, municipal and agricultural biomass residuals that are being used to create renewable energy. It’s a centre of excellence for renewable and low-carbon fuels technology and an emerging producer of clean fuel. The environmental industry here includes alternative and renewable-energy companies that generate some $2.3 billion in revenue. In the Mainland/Southwest region, alternative-energy, greenbuilding and carbon-finance firms employ more than 75,000 persons, 55 of whom staff Vancouver’s Nexterra Energy Corp. The company develops and manufactures advanced gasification systems that allow its clients to self-generate clean, low-cost heat and power using waste fuels. Nexterra has ranked among Canada’s fastest-growing tech firms. In Burnaby, Lignol Energy Corp.’s 30-plus employees build biorefineries: plants that produce fuel-grade ethanol from biomass cellulose rather than from the fermentation of valuable grains, like corn. Growing demand for its product has helped



Glenn Johnson, CEO of Endurance Wind Power

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Photo: Dominic Schaefer Photography

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Lignol Energy builds biorefineries that produce fuelgrade ethanol from biomass cellulose

Lignol receive millions in funding from the BC Bioenergy Network, Sustainable Development Technology Canada and the United States Department of Energy. The BC Bioenergy Network is working to accelerate the development of bioenergy in the province by investing in high-potential companies and projects and creating effective collaborations among industry, government and academia. Surrey-based Endurance Wind Power, which employs 58, designs, tests, manufactures and markets some of the world’s most advanced wind turbines. Having established a strong North American presence, the firm marked its overseas expansion in August 2010 with an installation on a rural hilltop in Devon County, England. “We’ve installed six additional wind turbines in the U.K. since then and have received orders for 20 more in Europe,” says Glenn Johnson, chief executive officer. “We expect 50 per cent of our revenue to come from [that continent] next year.” Randy Holmquist began building electric cars as a hobby in the early 1990s

Endurance Wind Power designs, manufactures and markets some of the world’s most advanced turbines

in Errington, just outside of Parksville. His pastime has since evolved into Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd., which produces electric trucks, utility and tow vehicles and automobile-conversion kits. Other players in the cluster include Delta-Q Technologies, Rapid Electric Vehicles Inc. and Delaware Power Systems Corp. Carmanah Technologies Corp. engineers some of the most innovative solarLED lighting on the market. This Victoria company reported over $30 million in revenue in 2009 and counts among its

Low-speed electric Might-E Truck by Canadian Electric Vehicles


In partnership with GE Power & Water’s gas-engine division, Nexterra Energy will complete a biomass-fuelled, combined-heatand-power solution for the University of British Columbia, Vancouver

clients the Canadian Coast Guard, the U.S. Armed Forces, NATO and several cities in California, as well as airfields and waterways worldwide. GeoTility Systems Corp. in Kelowna designs, installs and services some of the most energy-efficient and cost-effective geothermal heating-and-cooling systems available. The firm has completed projects for WestJet in Calgary, the Rosewood Hotel Georgia in Vancouver, the South Surrey Recreation Centre and many other public and private buildings. It estimates that its work to date has helped to eliminate 50,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually. Prince George is home to Pacific BioEnergy, producer of wood-pellet biomass fuel for industrial customers. In 2010, GDF Suez signed on to support a $24-million expansion of Pacific

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Powerhouse of renewable energy British Columbia develops a clean future for businesses and residents


cross business sectors and in every corner of the province, companies all need electricity, whether for lighting, for manufacturing or for computing. Yet not all electricity is created equal. That’s why BC Hydro’s Doug Little has heard foreign investors call the province “a renewable nirvana” and a “clean-energy powerhouse” while he has been highlighting British Columbia’s supply of clean power. “In the private sector, many companies are responding to climate change by looking for opportunities to incorporate more sustainable business practices, and that includes seeking out sources of clean power to supply their electricity needs. Businesses with high energy needs may find that the best option is to locate where a superior energy product exists today,” says Little, who is vice-president of business and economic development for the province’s power company. “Unlike other provinces and countries challenged to meet a growing demand for clean electricity, customers in B.C. enjoy the many benefits of clean, reliable, competitively priced

BioEnergy’s wood-pellet-production facilities. GDF Suez also agreed to buy 2.5 million tonnes of carbon-neutral wood pellets for its electrical-generating facilities in Belgium over the next decade, replacing about two million tonnes of coal and reducing net-CO2 emissions by over four million tonnes. (For more on Pacific BioEnergy, see page 58.) Many giants in energy, mining and forestry are committed to greening their operations in B.C.’s north, while area entrepreneurs play their part too.

electricity and will continue to do so into the future. Our rates remain among the lowest in North America, and our power is over 90 per cent clean or renewable.” Little’s group of business and electricity professionals came together in 2010 to identify and facilitate electricity-related business opportunities across B.C., while working with government, industry and communities. They’re the conduits who make the human connections that lead to grid connections. They’re also privy to the range of conservation opportunities available through BC Hydro, including support for industries that want to gain competitive advantage and increase profitability by taking control of their energy use. “British Columbia is building a clean and renewable energy future by investing in our existing hydroelectric system, developing bioenergy and run-of-river and wind power and exploring geothermal, tidal and solar energy,” says Little. “For any business interested in conservation, sustainability and clean-energy supply, there’s no better place to be than B.C.”

Harvest Designs Furniture makes furnishings out of wood from dismantled farm buildings and fences and from trees killed by the mountain pine beetle. “My wife and I had just bought a rundown hostel and, after renovating the building into a guest lodge, we found ourselves without the funds to buy any furniture,” explains principal Damian Jones. “As luck would have it, a rancher friend was tearing down some dilapidated old barns and offered the salvageable wood to me. So I set about making some simple

yet functional furniture for the rooms, and we opened for business.” After guests started inquiring about the beautiful pieces, the Joneses closed the lodge and started devoting their time to producing eco-friendly cabinets, tables and bed frames at their Smithers workshop. “I try and use as much recycled material as possible,” Jones told NorthernBCBusiness. com in February 2010. “The benefit of this is twofold: customers feel good about buying a green product, and I keep my costs down.” Ą

A catalyst for accelerating bioenergy development in British Columbia by:

Join us at the next BC Bioenergy Conference to be held May 11 & 12, 2011 in Vancouver, BC

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2/20/11 12:57:47 PM

Oh, tech! British Columbia a hub for briskly growing sector

By Alison DePalma igh technology is British Columbia’s fastest-growing field, making the province a global hub for digital media, film development, IT and communications – and a magnet for ambitious entrepreneurs and savvy investors. With wireless and mobile tech, video gaming, animation and VFX, web 2.0 and social media, interactive marketing and e-learning combined, the sector encompasses more than 1,300 companies, employs some 22,000 persons and generates revenues on the order of three billion dollars a year. B.C. has North America’s third-largest film and television industry, after New York and Los Angeles, while the province’s video game and digital-media industries are recognized leaders in design, development and animation.

Club Penguin is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing virtual worlds for children: a Kelowna-based startup now part of Disney


Kelowna, he oversees development for all of Disney’s virtual worlds. Another success story: social-media dashboard HootSuite allows users collaboratively to schedule updates to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress and other social networks via web, desktop or mobile platforms. Its initial investors include Blumberg Capital in San Francisco, Social Concepts, Inc. in Redwood City and Hearst Interactive Media in New York. HootSuite is now used by Disney, The Economist and the U.S. Army. Silicon Valley is also helping to launch

a technology support centre to spur the growth of new startups in B.C. Plug and Play Tech Center, the company launching the initiative, signed a memorandum of understanding with the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Economic Development Commission to establish a support centre that provides technology startups with office space, IT resources, mentoring and access to other entrepreneurs and potential investors. Since its founding in 2006, Plug and Play Tech Center has seen the startups under its wing raise more than $700 million in funding.

Electronic Arts, Vancouver, is a pathbreaker in interactive games

Down in the valleys Companies from outside the province – Silicon Valley in particular – have been purchasing and entering into partnerships with B.C.’s tech companies, helping to fuel the sector’s continuing growth. One example: Club Penguin, an Okanagan startup that caught the eye of Walt Disney Company. It’s one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing virtual worlds for children. Lane Merrifield, one of its three co-founders, is executive vice-president of Disney Online Studios, which includes all Disney’s virtual worlds, including Club Penguin. Still based in 28

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Ubisoft Vancouver, noted for video games

1,000,000 units. Arcana will release its first feature film in the fall of 2010. “Vancouver is a film city – an art city – and it’s full of talent. Our success is the result of giving that chance to people,” explains Tyler James Nicol, Arcana’s vicepresident of marketing. Other noted B.C.-based players are Disney Interactive Studios, Digital Domain, Blue Castle Games, Ubisoft Vancouver and Next Level Games Inc.

From informers to transformers A customer in Hourglass Comics in Port Moody reads Clockwork Girl, published by Arcana Studios

“Plug and Play is eager to cultivate the startup ecosystem here that emulates the vibrancy of Silicon Valley,” said Plug and Play Tech Center chief executive officer Saeed Amidi in a recent press release. “[Increasing] the number of early stage ventures and the flow of venture capital and seed money is going to open up all kinds of new opportunities for business.”

Moving stories Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) is one of B.C.’s most successful tech businesses. Established in 1982, it straddles technology and entertainment, employing more than 1,300. Says spokesperson Colin Macrae, “There’s a cross-pollination with film, animation and entertainment in B.C. that is key to growing our operations and maintaining a strong cluster. It’s important for us, and it’s important for the prov-

ince.” International employees are drawn, Macrae says, to the synergy among specialties in B.C. Another factor is strong local talent. EA is a founding partner of the Centre for Digital Media, a multimillion-dollar research and education facility that enables industrial and academic collaboration. Its master’s of digital media program – the first of its kind – helps incubate new ideas in the sector. Since its opening in 2007, the centre has helped to launch nine graduate startups and provided rapid prototyping and R&D services to more than 25 companies and organizations. These have included TaxiCity, a web-based open-data gaming project conducted in conjunction with Microsoft; and D-Sign Touchless Interactive Systems Inc., a startup in interactive advertising technology. Arcana Studio, a 3D animation and graphic-novel company based in Vancouver, prides itself on supporting young, creative people. In just over four years, the company has published more than 150 original comics and books, reaching sales of over

In IT and communications, Plentyoffish Media Inc. has rapidly assumed a position as one of the world’s most popular and active Internet dating venues. Plentyoffish was created by Vancouver’s Markus Frind in 2003, who used it as a means to teach himself the web application framework The site is free to join, generating profit via advertising to the millions of singles who use it. Another success: Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. of Pitt Meadows, a premier manufacturer of high-performance communications network equipment designed for wireless Internet service providers, governments, campuses, enterprises and systems integrators around the globe. Pareto Logic Inc., one of Victoria’s numerous tech companies, develops products such as anti-virus, registrycleaner, child-protection and datarecovery software that empowers users to secure and optimize their own computers. Chief executive officer Elton Pereira won a Pacific Regional Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2010 Award for information technology. Ą BIV Magazines/

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Just rewards Province assists a wide range of entrepreneurs

Compiled by Grant Wing ritish Columbia offers many tax credits and incentives to business.


Mining camp, Treaty Glacier area

Film and Television Tax Credit Refundable tax credits are for eligible corporations that produce eligible film or video productions in B.C. These are for domestic productions with qualifying levels of Canadian content. Credits apply to basic film and television tax, regional tax, distantlocation regional tax, film-training tax and digital-animation or visual-effects tax.

At the mill in Smithers owned by West Fraser Timber

ing-exploration expenses less the amount of any assistance received or receivable.

Foreign Tax Credit A corporation may claim foreign tax credits for taxes paid to another country on foreign non-business income.

British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit A refundable tax credit of 17.5 per cent is available on eligible salary and wages incurred by eligible corporations to develop interactive digital-media products in B.C. after August 31, 2010, and before September 1, 2015.

Oil and Gas Royalties and Freehold Production Tax Several provincial tax credits and exemptions apply to royalties and taxes for oil and natural gas production in B.C.

Political Contribution Tax Credit Businesses may claim contributions made to registered B.C. political parties, registered B.C. constituency associations or registered candidates for election to the Legislative Assembly of B.C.

Logging Tax Credit

Production Services Tax Credit

Corporations that have paid logging tax to B.C. on income earned from logging operations may claim a logging tax credit equal to one-third of the tax paid.

Refundable tax credits are available to accredited corporations both domestic and foreign that create accredited film or video productions in B.C.

Mineral Tax

Ubisoft Entertainment

Credits, allowances and exceptions are available that apply to the Mineral Tax for grassroots resource exploration.

Mining Exploration Tax Credit Corporations and active members of partnerships conducting grassroots mineral exploration in B.C. may qualify. The credit is calculated as 20 per cent of qualified min30

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Qualifying Environmental Trust Tax Credit A corporation that is a beneficiary of a qualifying environmental trust located in B.C. may be eligible. While fully refundable, the credit must first be applied against total income tax payable.

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit In addition to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) federal tax incentive, B.C. provides a tax credit of 10 per cent to qualifying corporations that carry on SR&ED in B.C.

Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit A corporation investing in shares of a registered venture-capital corporation or eligible business corporation may claim this credit.

Training Tax Credit This credit is for employers and apprentices engaged in eligible apprenticeship programs administered through the British Columbia Industry Training Authority. Sources: British Columbia Ministry of Finance, Canada Revenue Agency Top left photo: AME BC

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mainland/southwest Share of B.C. land area: 3.9%


Celebrating success in province’s most populous region

Ąabbotsford Ąburnaby Ąchilliwack Ącoquitlam Ądelta Ągibsons Ąhope Ąlangley Ąlillooet Ąmaple ridge Ąmission Ąnew westminster Ąnorth vancouver Ąpitt meadows Ąport moody Ąrichmond Ąsechelt Ąsquamish Ąsurrey Ąvancouver Ąwest vancouver Ąwhistler

Photo: Tourism BC

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By Noa Glouberman he 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games shined the spotlight directly on British Columbia. In April 2010, the Conference Board of Canada estimated that the Olympics had injected $600 million into Vancouver’s economy. “This was a great opportunity for us to showcase our airport to travellers from across the globe,” says Dave Kandal, chair, Abbotsford Airport Authority. “Aircraft related to the 2010 Olympics started arriving on February 10. By the time the dust settled on March 3, we had seen more than 500 corporate jets come through.” Aerospace is taking flight across the Mainland/Southwest. Chilliwack Airport is well known to B.C. aviators as an attractive facility for flight-training. Pitt Meadows Regional Airport occupies 646 acres with “300 acres of opportunity for aviation-related business development,” says Glenn Ralph, the airport’s general manager. The chamber of commerce of Richmond, home to the Vancouver International Airport, continues to urge the federal government to “embrace a true open-skies approach to air agreements” that would open a free market to the province’s airline industry. Other modes of transport are also making milestones. Pacific Coast Terminals, the world’s largest bulk-sulphur terminal,


Vancouver’s skyline rises over the Lions Gate Bridge

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The eVaro by Future Vehicle Technologies: a plug-in hybrid designed to produce no emissions for most of its time on the road

celebrated 50 years of operations on its 108-acre site in Port Moody. And Port Metro Vancouver’s largest container terminal, Deltaport, is expanding. (For more on provincial and regional infrastructural developments, see feature, page 17.) In transportation, Future Vehicle Technologies of Maple Ridge recently completed one of the world’s first fully functioning plug-in electric hybrids. The futuristic-looking eVaro is designed to outperform gas-powered vehicles, produce no emissions for 90 per cent of its time on the road and radically change the automotive industry. Agriculture has been experiencing some transition. Graham says that some berry-growers have been switching to organic production (“a multi-year process”). In Pitt Meadows, Pacific Canadian Fruit Packers, Inc. started the Berry Boys to help meet the growing demand for berry-based products in Canada and world-wide. Other agriculturalists have been exploring new uses for farm materials. In Abbotsford, Catalyst Power Inc. is set to turn farmanimal waste into biogas, a source of clean energy, through the natural process of anaerobic digestion. The annual energy potential of organic material like manure and crop residue that’s readily available in the Fraser Valley is estimated to equal that of 400,000 barrels of oil. Delta’s City-Farm Biofuel Ltd. produces 50 million litres of biodiesel, a renewable fuel made from vegetable oil and animal fats, each year. In Burnaby, Ballard Power Systems Inc. develops hydrogen fuel cells, while Day4 Energy Inc. makes solar-electric modules that convert the sun’s radiation into electrical power. A cluster of recycling and waste-technology businesses have grown in North Vancouver around the Metro Vancouver solidwaste transfer station. These include BA Blacktop Ltd., which recycles asphalt and concrete; Newalta, a recycler of used oils; and International Bio Recovery Corp., which develops and distributes an innovative technology for transforming biowaste into fertilizer. Surrey is also working to grow its clean-tech sector. Phase 2 of its Economic Investment Action Plan outlines incentives to spur further development of a local clean-energy hub. Sustainability is much supported in Vancouver, whose greenbuilding industry is booming. “Vancouver’s status as an early 32

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adopter of sustainable design, combined with a policy commitment to green building and sustainable urban planning, provides the city with the opportunity to leverage economic benefits,” reads a report from the Vancouver Economic Development Commission. “Vancouver has an active network of ‘cluster intermediaries’ that works to promote a robust industry … ranging from those associated with the hard costs of construction (cement, steel, wood) to those associated with the soft costs (design, financing and maintenance) to everything in between.” Myriad movies are filmed around the region in cities like Maple Ridge, where more than 700 residents are employed by the film industry and an estimated $10,000 per “shoot day” goes into the local economy. The scripts are similar in Coquitlam, where a dedicated one-stop film office provides convenient services to filmmakers, and in North Vancouver, where the movie industry “contributes about $75 million in direct expenditures annually,” according to a Business Review and Outlook report (2008). Since 1967, ALS Laboratory Group of North Vancouver has provided geochemical analysis to mining. In September 2009, ALS moved into a new custom-built laboratory, the largest and most advanced of its kind in the world. The move represented “a significant long-term investment in B.C. and the mineral exploration industry,” according to a press release. Travel and tourism continue to play lead roles in the region. Kayaking is drawing tourists to North Vancouver. And thanks to special thermal air currents, tourists can soar by glider flyer above the landscape of Hope, taking in the breathtaking splendour below. With a fast-growing population of 143,000, Abbotsford is the Fraser Valley’s largest city. It has a strong labour base in agriculture, manufacturing, retail, health services, construction and aerospace. A special report from BMO Capital Markets Economics cites Abbotsford as one of the country’s top-performing census metropolitan areas for small-business growth. Aerospace is growing there, with Cascade Aerospace Inc. recently winning a major contract from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. for maintenance, engineering, modification and support. Robust commercial expansion is under way in the area, with one of the higher-profile projects being a mall of more than 600,000 square feet on High Street in West Abbotsford. Increasing numbers of residents live in Abbotsford’s densifying urban core at the heart of the rural lands. The municipality enjoys convenient accessibility to the area’s major road, air and rail networks. Having nearly 35,300 residents and growing fast with a high proportion of young families, Mission has a location as advantaRight photo: Tourism Langley

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Sources: Statistics Canada

Vineyards in Langley


geous as it is beautiful, just 15 minutes from the American border and about 70 kilometres from Vancouver. Industry here has historically been resource-based (shake and shingle accounting for much of the activity). Today, forestry and construction are the leading generators of income in the private sector. Growth areas include light industry, retail, service and tourism. More than 60 manufacturing companies make their home there, creating goods ranging from wood products and fireplaces to yachts and soaps. Chilliwack, with a population of approximately 80,000 persons and growing by about two per cent per year, is conveniently located on Highway 1 some 100 kilometres from Vancouver. It has a thriving economy based on agriculture, commerce and industry. Situated within natural surroundings, the community boasts a viable urban core. Low costs of labour, energy, land and overall living make Chilliwack a strategic choice for business location. According to Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation, living costs about 35 per cent less in Chilliwack than in Vancouver, with housing costing as much as 50 per cent less.

Building permits Ă Non-residential

Ă 0–17 Ă 18–64 Ă 65+ Ă all ages

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 2006







Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Professional, scientific & tech services


Other services (excl. public services)




Retail trade Health care & social assistance


Wholesale trade 1.0

Accommodation & food services


Admin. & support waste management Real estate, rental & leasing

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0 ,00

0 14


0 12






2,0 Photo: Touism BC/Tom Ryan


Manufacturing 00

Jan–Oct 2010


Jan–Oct 2009


Billions of dollars

Demographic characteristics

Economic activity Ă Residential


Sources: Statistics Canada

Mildness of climate make the Chilliwack area excellent for agriculture, with tourism and manufacturing being two other main industries. Leading employers include Stream Global Services, Uneeda Wood Products, Masonite International Corp., IMW Industries, Visscher Lumber, Vantage Foods Ltd., Rainbow Greenhouses Inc., major big-box retailers and more. Outdoor recreation is famous in the area, with Chilliwack Lake and Cultus Lake provincial parks. Hiking, biking, camping, fishing and golf abound. While the traditional economic base of Hope lies in forestry, mining and construction, the community has been shifting its economy to embrace a wider variety of sectors. Situated at a major highway junction and offering a good quantity of serviced industrial land, Hope has become a transportation hub for logistics and warehousing and place where technology companies, small-scale manufacturing and arts and crafts have taken root. The city has a grass-strip airport able to serve small aircraft. Other assets include affordability both in housing and in business costs, high quality of life, a lively downtown with mixed residential and commercial developments and attractive shopping.

Thousands of persons

Sechelt Inlet, Sunshine Coast

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Rustic Langley

Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort

Hope has become a destination for its historical-trail system, Fraser River boating and fishing, new arts and culture centre and conference centre, wilderness spas and retreats, hiking, mountainbiking, skiing and snowmobiling, snowshoeing and more. The small community of Harrison is a major year-round tourist favourite with its famed Harrison Hot Springs. Activities in the surrounding mountainous landscape include hiking, boating, skiing, golf and fishing for sturgeon and salmon. It’s the home of the upscale Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa. Located where highways 12, 40 and 99 meet, Lillooet is a commercial hub for the communities of Seton Portage, Goldbridge, Bralorne, Gunn Lake, Tyaughton Lake, Marshall Lake and Pavilion Lake. Climate and terrain combine for viable viticulture and agriculture (producing fruits, vegetables and forage) in addition to recreational opportunities. With its surrounding communities included, Lillooet is estimated to have a population of 5,000, with affordable real estate. 34

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Driving north from Vancouver through North Vancouver along the scenic Sea to Sky Highway leads you through a corridor where outdoor activities are key revenue generators. Whistler Blackcomb is the largest employer at the host city of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. A study conducted by Tourism Whistler in partnership with Tourism British Columbia showed that awareness of Whistler increased in the United Kingdom from 32 to 45 per cent, in Germany from 19 to 42 and in Australia from 48 to 62, as measured before and after the games. Spectacular alpine mountains, lush forests and shimmering lakes make Whistler a centre for world-class skiing, snowmobiling, zip-lining, heli-skiing and alpine trails for year-round exploration. Whistler’s permanent population is estimated at some 10,000, with rapid growth occurring from 1988 to 1998 at an average annual rate of 13 per cent yearly. The resort’s top hotels include the Westin Resort & Spa and the Fairmont Chateau Whistler, repeatedly topping Condé Nast Traveler’s list of North America’s best ski hotels and lodges. Nearby Squamish, population 17,000, has tourism, education and forestry as its chief industries, with agriculture and alternative energy as growth areas for the future. Squamish Terminals, Capilano University and Quest University are among the prominent employers. With the granite Stawamus Chief overlooking Howe Sound, Squamish has become a world-class climbing destination known as “Yosemite North.” Skiing, mountain-biking and fishing are major draws too. In picturesque Sechelt, visitors enjoy what National Geographic lauds as some of the best cold-water diving in the world. The area boasts a variety of golf courses, two provincial and several regional district parks, a major skateboard park, an ice arena and pits for beach volleyball. Three major employers are retail, construction and manufacturing, with logging, fishing and aquaculture being primary industries along with tourism. In Gibsons, the 25-unit Parkland residential subdivision, set to complete by 2011, will be heated by Canada’s first publicly owned geo-exchange system. This development played a large role in Gibsons’ being named the Most Liveable Community in the World with population under 20,000 at the 2009 international Livcom Awards. Ą Photos: (left) Tourism BC/David Gluns; (right) John Gordon

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estled against Southwestern British Columbia’s magnificent mountains and the sandy beaches of Harrison Lake, a short 90 minutes drive east of Vancouver, the Village of Harrison Hot Springs is filled with rich history, natural wonders, incredible economic opportunities, and entrepreneurial spirit. Designated a Resort Municipality by the Province of BC, Harrison Hot Springs is a tourism hotspot for Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley residents looking for a getaway and international visitors alike. It is an exciting time for economic development in our beautiful community. The Village of Harrison Hot Springs is experiencing growth and is making key investments in improving municipal infrastructure and services to enhance the quality of life and aid development. As a worldfamous tourist destination, the Village has year-round visitors exploring Village life and taking advantage of the hot springs, boating, swimming, golfing, hiking, cycling, fishing, festivals, events, various organized tours, and an amazing array of other leisure activities. The municipality is committed towards strengthening and diversifying the economic base, and building a resilient local economy. Here are some reasons for investing in the Village of Harrison Hot Springs: r PQFO BDDFTTJCMF USBOTQBSFOU BOE GSJFOEMZ MPDBM HPWFSONFOU r BSSBZ PG SFDSFBUJPOBM PQQPSUVOJUJFT XJUI B XFMM FTUBCMJTIFE UPVSJTN CBTF r XFMM FTUBCMJTIFE NVOJDJQBM JOGSBTUSVDUVSF UP BDDPNNPEBUF CVTJOFTT BOE residential needs r BíPSEBCJMJUZ PG MBOE MBCPVS FOFSHZ BOE PUIFS CVTJOFTT DPTUT r FBTZ USBOTQPSUBUJPO BDDFTT UP NBSLFUT BOE DVTUPNFST r BWBJMBCJMJUZ PG EFWFMPQNFOU PQQPSUVOJUJFT r XPOEFSGVM MJGFTUZMF BOE DPNNVOJUZ RVBMJUZ PG MJGF

To learn more about investment, development, and business opportunities within the Village of Harrison Hot Springs contact the Community and Economic Development Officer. Our business is helping business to build a prosperous resort community! Contact Andre Isakov, Community and Economic Development Officer, Village of Harrison Hot Springs Tel: 604-796-2171 (ext.233) E-mail: Web:

Harrison Hot Springs


investment opportunities

just up the road Please contact Andre Isakov, Community and Economic Development Officer Tel: 604-796-2171 Fax: 604-796-2192 | | PO Box 160, 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0 BIV Magazines/

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Population: 82,626 Chilliwack offers business a world of advantages Chilliwack is one of the best places to operate a business. Located in southwest British Columbia (B.C.), in a regional market of about 2.5 million people, with easy access to international freightways, Chilliwack is ideally located for industrial, commercial and institutional businesses. Competitive costs, combined with a strong economy and a superb quality of life, make Chilliwack a destination of interest for business investors locally and around the world. Unbeatable quality of life With a mild climate, proximity to the grandeur of B.C.’s great outdoors and its limitless recreational opportunities, and all the amenities of any major urban centre, Chilliwack is one of the world’s most desirable places to live and work. Vibrant economy Enjoying a strong economy and a stable growth rate of 3 per cent, Chilliwack is attracting a multitude of employers. Currently, Chilliwack’s growing economic sectors include: agriculture, aviation and aerospace, education, film, food processing, health care, manufacturing, professional services, real estate, retail/wholesale trade, technology and tourism. Proximty to markets Chilliwack provides easy access to local, regional, national and international markets (American, Asian and European). Located along the Trans Canada Highway and next to local, national and international railways, Chilliwack is only 20 minutes away from a U.S.A. border crossing and Abbotsford’s International Airport, 90 minutes from Vancouver’s International Airport and one hour from the nearest shipping sea port. There is an estimated population of 82,626 within Chilliwack, plus about 274,388 people living within a 30-minute commute. Also there are about 900,000 people within 90 kilometres, and about 2.5 million people within 130 kilometres, including Vancouver.


Low costs Chilliwack is one of the most cost-competitive locations for business in the world. t -PX DPTU PG MJWJOH 7BODPVWFS T DPTU of living is very competitive with major metropolitan centres in the United States. Chilliwack’s living expenses are even lower than Vancouver’s – in some cases, about a third less! t -PX JOEVTUSJBM DPNNFSDJBM BOE SFTJEFOUJBM MBOE DPTUT $IJMMJXBDL T IPVTing costs can be as much as 50 per cent less than Vancouver. Retail space can be as much as 75 per cent less than in downtown Vancouver. Also, Chilliwack’s industrial land prices are significantly lower (30-40 per cent) than neighbouring municipalities located closer to Vancouver. t -PX MBCPVS BOE QSPEVDUJPO DPTUT #.C.’s costs are lower than the U.S.A. and other G-7 countries. For instance, costs for skilled technical and professional workers can be as much as 33 per cent below comparable U.S. centres. Also employer-sponsored benefits, payroll, tax and health insurance rates are all lower than in the U.S. t -PX FOFSHZ DPTUT $BOBEB T DPTU PG FMFDUSJDJUZ BOE OBUVSBM HBT JT lower than that of the U.S.A. and Europe. t *ODFOUJWFT 5IF federal and provincial governments have created tax cuts and incentives that make our community attractive to businesses and investors. Qualified workforce Chilliwack’s first-rate education system, supported by the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), School District #33 and other public and private advanced education opportunities, provide a wealth of qualified local talent. Together, these institutions offer a wide variety of programming, ranging from apprenticeship training to university degrees. Today, Chilliwack has a higher percentage (67.3 per cent) of people with high school, college or trade certificates or diplomas than the B.C. average. Business-friendly government Chilliwack holds a reputation for being the most business-friendly community in British Columbia. Our municipal government is committed to ensuring that a competitive business environment is maintained by working with the business community and designing development policies that lead to success. For more information Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation (CEPCO) is responsible for economic development for the City of Chilliwack. The organization provides various business attraction and retention services, including site selection assistance, business relocation or expansion support, employee attraction and promotion, employee relocation services, immigration assistance and other related services. Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation #201-46093 Yale Road, Chilliwack, BC, Canada V2P 2L8 Toll Free: 1-800-561-8803, Telephone: 1-604-792-7839 Facsimile: 1-604-792-4511, Email:

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Chilliwack )90;0:/ *63<4)0( ‹ *(5(+(

Live. Work. Play. Prosper.

/ 6 4 , 6 - * ( 5 ( + ( , + < * (; 0 6 5 7( 9 2

Chilliwack invites businesses from around the world to join


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2/20/11 12:58:50 PM

City of Langley ... the heart of the region!

Located in the heart of BC’s Lower Mainland, the City of Langley is central to abundant business and employment opportunities. Come and discover our superb quality of life, our low cost of living and doing business, and our progressive strategy for future growth. As you learn more about the City of Langley, you will also discover our heart — a supportive business community and friendly neighbours. We invite you to learn more about what makes the City of Langley...the place to be. Call us today for more information. MAYOR PETER FASSBENDER

CITY OF LANGLEY 20399 Douglas Crescent Langley, BC V3A 4B3 T. 604.514.2800 F. 604.530.4371

“The City of Langley is a great place to open a business. Council and staff are extremely helpful and supportive. They have a can-do attitude and are committed to following through. I would strongly recommend the City of Langley as the place to be ... for business and for living.” ERIC CARLSON, PRESIDENT, ANTHEM PROPERTIES

“We opened our store in Downtown Langley over 14 years ago. The ambiance of Downtown Langley combined with affordable rent was a huge draw. We have since enjoyed incredible growth. We have increased our floor space by 1000% and are enjoying amazing sales growth every year. We wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else. We love Downtown Langley!” SONYA PERKINS, OWNER, FOREVER YOURS LINGERIE

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City of Langley

Population: 26,000 Central location Centrally located in the Lower Mainland, the City of Langley is situated among the province’s top investment towns, according to the Real Estate Investment Network’s (REIN™). Neighbouring Surrey and the Township of Langley, with Abbotsford to the east and Maple Ridge to the north, this area is designated to outperform other areas in the decade to come. Thriving economy According to REIN, the Lower Mainland has proven to be a Canadian leader in economic prosperity. Throughout 2011 and 2012, the region will provide investors with a positive return on investment. In particular, the City of Langley, with traffic counts as high as 52,000 vehicles per day, has one of the most active industrial, commercial and service land bases found in the region. Local business residents enjoy continuous long-term growth and success, leading to abundant employment opportunities and multiple commercial and multi-family residential redevelopment projects. With continuous strong economic growth, the City of Langley has developed a dynamic new vision for the future. (Discover the City of Langley ‘s “Vision for the Future” at Large trade market population As part of Metro Vancouver (population: 2.2 million) and neighbouring the Fraser Valley (population 270,000), the City of Langley enjoys the benefits of a regional annual growth rate from 6.5% to 8.2% respectively. Within a 30-minute commute, more than 520,000 people look to Langley as a major retail shopping destination. Although the City of Langley only has a population of 26,000 within their 10-square kilometer area, they enjoy a solid trading population of 231,000

people (within a 15 – 20 minute commute), providing a total expenditure potential of $3.38 billion. (Retail Trade Area Study, 2009). With a local population that is by comparison more wealthy than Metro Vancouver residents as a whole, this area attracts – and retains – countless successful commercial operations. Low costs Located in eastern Metro Vancouver, Langley enjoys housing costs that are more than three times lower than the City of Vancouver (west) and retail leasing costs as much as 10 times less than downtown Vancouver. A single-family detached home in Langley is $499,387, compared to $1,649,775 in Vancouver (west). Likewise, retail lease space is between $14 and $25/sq.ft. in Langley, whereas Downtown Vancouver retail space can be as high as $220/sq.ft. (December 2010) Superb lifestyle Above all else, the City of Langley is a great place to live, work and play. It is a warm, family-oriented community with the density and all the amenities of a major urban centre, yet with close proximity to the rural countryside and wide, open spaces. With one of the highest standards of living in the world, the people here enjoy abundance and prosperity in a relaxed and friendly community. Amenities The City of Langley enjoys access to a number of amenities and key infrastructure. The city enjoys one of the best shopping areas in the region; 300 acres of parks; popular entertainment facilities like the Cascades Casino and Convention Centre; and a world-class education system, including Kwantlen Polytechnic University and the world-renowned Langley Community Music School. The area also provides convenient access to four U.S.A. border crossings, two international airports (including a local municipal airport), international and regional railways, Canada ‘s largest seaport and a comprehensive highway network. Opportunities As growth expands eastward, the top opportunities in the City of Langley are in retail, commercial and residential development. Contact: Gerald Minchuk, MCIP, Director of Development Services and Economic Development, City of Langley 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B3 Email: Phone: 604-514-2815 BIV Magazines/

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2/24/11 11:32:09 AM

Township of Langley Right place. Right people. Fourth-lowest industrial-to-residential property tax ratio of Lower Mainland communities makes the Township of Langley a cost-effective place to live and do business.


ith the goal of supplying one job for each Langley resident in the labour force, and one of the lowest business bankruptcy rates in Metro Vancouver, the Township of Langley is an ideal place to do business. Retail and commercial businesses have made the Township home to one of the largest retail centres in the Lower Mainland. Similarly, many regional branches of major banking institutions and international legal and accounting firms have relocated here. Supporting 6,900 companies and an expanding population base, the Township of Langley is poised to become an economic powerhouse in British Columbia. New transportation projects reach millions The Golden Ears Bridge opened new markets on the north shore of the Fraser River, complementing existing infrastructure. A new Park and Ride will be completed in 2012 at 202 Street, immediately south of the Trans-Canada Highway, making an easier and more sustainable commute for residents.

“Out of all of western Canada, we chose Gloucester Industrial Estates in Langley for our regional head ofďŹ ces. Proximity to key markets and distribution points was crucial in our decision. Plus the combination of industrial estate with a natural setting provides a great work environment.â€? – Mark Hodge, GM Benjamin Moore, Western Region

Sixth-largest industrial floor space in Metro Vancouver Serviced and unserviced vacant industrial land, with stable and competitive land prices, are available in the Township’s five industrial areas.

nets high yield on 12,970 hectares of land. The Township of Langley produces the most varied agricultural production in Canada.


The good life – no matter what your stage in life Finding the right location is just as important for a business as it is for its employees. The Township promotes healthy and sustainable communities supporting a diverse mix of people while offering a cost of living that’s very affordable.

Education and training facilities able to customize your in-house training Employers seeking to top-up their own skills or further their employees’ qualifications can do so through credit and non-credit courses from the number of specialized education and training facilities in the Township of Langley. More than 525 economic activities fuel the local economy t 3FUBJM t 5PVSJTN t 'JMNJOH t .BOVGBDUVSJOH t )JHI 5FDI BOE NVDI NPSFy Canada’s largest cluster of helicopter companies Langley Regional Airport is a centre of excellence for rotary wing aircraft. Also, it provides daily scheduled fixed-wing service from the airport to downtown Victoria Harbour on Vancouver Island. Agribusiness has the right mix – hobby to high tech Predominately Class 4 land, high-quality soils and innovative farmers,


Under “Business� on there are resources and business links to help you start up, finance, expand and develop products and services locally, nationally or internationally. Learn more by contacting: Gary MacKinnon, Economic Development Manager Township of Langley, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley BC Tel: 604.533.6084 Email: Web:

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Population: 2,500


illooet is home to approximately 2,500 people, and is a service area for approximately 5,000 located 255 kms north of Vancouver and 134 kms north of Whistler on highway 99. Lillooet focuses on progressive principles of smart and sustainable growth. Lillooet’s semi-arid climate boasts more than 300 days of dry sunny conditions with temperatures ranging from high 20s to mid40s in the summer months and averaging only 290 millimetres of rainfall per year. Winter months are also attractive with an average snowfall of just 32 cm and moderate winter temperatures averaging between +5 and –8 degrees.

Potential development The community plan identifies areas for potential industrial and residential development, including 500 hectares at the airport and more than 80 hectares in other locations. More than 1,200 hectares of farmland are available for a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and forage crops, which has attracted a vineyard and budding wine industry. Our growing season is exceptional, and soil and climate reports are available for those interested. Tourism development is a known growth industry with Lillooet positioned at the corner of three highways. Lillooet’s proximity to Vancouver, Whistler and Kamloops makes it an ideal home base for telecommuters and entrepreneurs alike with modestly priced homes and properties. Location The community is located at the junction of Highway 99 North, Highway 12 and Highway 40. It is served by CN Rail’s freight service connecting with other carriers in Prince George to the north and Vancouver to the south, 177 km from the port. The airport is equipped with a paved airstrip for private planes, modern commercial jets and turbo-prop aircraft up to 18,100 kilograms/40,000 pounds. Both Jet A and Aviation fuel (100LL) are available on site.


Lifestyle Residents enjoy a well-rounded lifestyle thanks to a fully operational modern recreation centre with an arena, swimming pool, squash courts, gymnasium and weight room. A curling rink, skateboard park, softball field, mountain biking trails, parks and other amenities also contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The community is home to Thompson Rivers University, a library, hospital, medical clinic and dental clinic. Open for business The doors are open for business in Lillooet. Our community is actively seeking business owners, entrepreneurs and families interested in being a part of a community that offers its residents, tourists and employees an adventurous and cozy lifestyle. Lillooet is friendly and welcoming; awaken and restore your senses in a four-season wonderland. Stop working to live, learn how to thrive; get busy living in Lillooet. For more information, check out our promotional video at Contact Call or visit Jerry Sucharyna – Economic Development Officer PO Box 610, 615 Main Street, Lillooet, BC, V0K 1V0 Phone: 250-256-4289 Fax: 250-256-4288 Email:

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Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge. Right Time. Right Place. aple Ridge is a city whose time has come. No surprise that it consistently gets accolades as a place to live and work. Until now a well-kept secret in the Fraser Valley, today it has good reason to take centre stage, with billions of dollars’ worth of transportation infrastructure, a growing city centre, a community geared toward sustainable growth and a way of living second to none.

facelift downtown and access to new regional markets are key. Moreover, because real estate is so reasonable, a business can afford to purchase commercial space rather than leasing: a great investment opportunity. “It’s the whole package,” says Rea. “What you have access to is pretty phenomenal.” She’s also impressed that it’s a place where the mayor goes out and introduces himself to every new business.

Follow the money Maple Ridge has been designated by the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) as Canada’s number 5 top investment city and (once again) as B.C.’s number 2 top investment town. REIN president Don Campbell is amazed that a city of just over 70,000 could reach such levels: “There are over 800 cities and towns in Canada. To be even mentioned in top 10 is an honour.You know they’re not number 5 out of 10; they’re number 5 out of 800. Even more impressive when you consider the other top five cities start at 700,000 population and go up from there. So to have a city the size of Maple Ridge even mentioned in this report tells you this is a city with a future, not a past. It’s remarkable.” Campbell is clear which economic factors will have an impact on development. “Transportation is going to be a catalyst – the Golden Ears Bridge [and] the Pitt River Bridge, along with the Port Mann; it will be one of the most accessible areas in the region. You’re seeing more major employers coming into the area. It’ll bring residents, business and jobs. “Along with everything else, it’s a beautiful place to live for lifestyle and affordability.”

Building for our grandchildren Maple Ridge Mayor Ernie Daykin is just that kind of a mayor – born and raised in the city, with a family history there of more than 100 years. There’s sometimes tension between urban growth and rural feel, but the strength of the council is supported by input from an engaged community. “The question is not if we grow, but how we grow,” says Daykin. People will be able to live, work and go to school where they were born and raised; they won’t have to leave the community. People continue to be drawn to Maple Ridge for its small community, its rural feel and the access it provides to the great outdoors, says Daykin. “If there is a big-box store, it’s going to be the greenest and most eco-friendly LEED-platinum building out there. We will not accept a tilt-up box with a sea of asphalt. “To be recognized as one of the top communities in B.C. or Canada not just for investment but for liveability: we can take that to the bank.”


The whole package Location, growing population, good jobs and accessibility are four reasons that Tammy Rea sees Maple Ridge as a great place to start a business. The area manager for business banking at TD Canada Trust, Rea also cites a helpful city council and staff. “They come to the table with incentives,” says Rea. “It makes my job easier. I can go in to talk to people in city hall to see how we can work together. There is great communication, and having an accessible council tells me they’re interested in helping.” For small businesses, says Rea, the enthusiasm for growth, the


Contact Sandy Blue, Manager Strategic Economic Initiatives District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Phone: 604-467-7319; E-mail: Website:

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New Westminster New Westminster – majestic growth for the Royal City The City of New Westminster has seen a surge of planning and development, and along with it, growth and confidence, over the past few years. Evidence of that growth will be on display more than ever as The Royal City sees a number of projects come to fruition, among them: Westminster Pier Park, a $25 million, 3.8-hectare waterfront park in the heart of downtown; a $500 million expansion to Royal Columbian Hospital, which provides critical care to more than a third of British Columbia’s population; downtown revitalization; and a $35 million signature multi-use civic and convention centre. In many ways, the multi-use civic centre is symbolic of New Westminster’s development. The 92,000-square-foot facility at the corner of Eighth and Columbia streets will stand prominently as a cultural and municipal landmark. And with 130,000 square feet of commercial office space being developed by Uptown Property Group in a tower above the centre, the project has become a marriage of core values on which this historic city was founded – respect for heritage in a setting that embraces the future through trade and commerce. Win-win-win For Mitchell Edgar, Manager of Economic Development for the City of New Westminster, the city’s projects are critical to supporting New West’s strategy to attract more investment and development to the region because they tangibly demonstrate a commitment to sustainable growth. “Our aim is to create a win-win-win situation – for business, for our citizens and for the city as a whole,” says Edgar. “That means investing in efficient infrastructure and approval processes that make it easy for businesses to locate here, grow and thrive. Creating a favourable climate is the best way we can support our business community – and the city.” At the centre of Metro Vancouver Infrastructure has always been important to New Westminster’s success as a centre of trade and commerce. From the early trading days of a century and a half ago, the city’s strategic location has always figured prominently in the decision to live and work here. In the logistics of today’s markets with regional, national and international shipments, centrality plays an even greater role. Situated in the geographic centre of the metropolitan Vancouver region, New West is in close proximity to other centres such as Vancouver, Surrey and Richmond. For businesses in international markets, Vancouver International Airport, port facilities and the U.S. border are all within 30 minutes of the city. Getting in early More and more, companies are recognizing the full value of everything New West has to offer and are looking to “get in early.” TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s transit authority, recently announced the relocation of more than 500 employees to New Westminster, committing to a 20-year lease for its new head office. North American home and building improvement store Lowe’s has just begun construction on a 148,000-square-foot centre, slated for completion in 2012 – its first location in British Columbia – which will also serve as a regional training centre. 46

For both companies, centrality of location and land value were key factors in their decisions. Developing potential New Westminster city officials recognize the importance of creating strategic partnerships with the development community to help realize its vision. Developers such as Uptown Property Group and Wesgroup Properties are committed to capitalizing on New West’s advantages and realizing the potential in the city’s many underdeveloped districts. For example, Uptown Property Group was instrumental in expanding and modernizing Westminster Centre, the city’s premier office and retail facility in the Uptown business district, and is currently developing the 40,000-squarefoot Queen’s Park West office space. In the historic Sapperton neighbourhood, Wesgroup is investing $600 million to develop the mixed-use Brewery District development. “From a developer’s viewpoint, many huge undertakings are happening,” says John Conicella, vice-president of development for Wesgroup, “Because neighbourhood groups and city planners are so wonderful to collaborate with.” Bart Slotman, vice-president of developer Uptown Property Group adds, “New Westminster’s growth is founded in part on two very favourable components: first is its centrality with relation to other municipalities, and second is the level of amenities in the city.” To gear up for its bright future, the City of New Westminster continues to advance its economic development strategies through efforts such as the Asia-Pacific Initiative to reach out to investors in China and Korea, and the Competitiveness Initiative to enhance the city’s readiness to attract business and investment. “New Westminster was founded upon the pioneering spirit of trade and commerce,” says Mayor Wayne Wright. “As we rise to new levels of growth and prosperity, we look forward to committing our talents and resources to supporting our private-sector partners in reaching their goals.” For more information about the City of New Westminster contact: Mitchell Edgar, Manager of Economic Development t: 604-527-4536, Email

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Pitt Meadows

Population: 18,000 Think Pitt Meadows – the natural place to invest Every day we hear that “location is everything.” So if you haven’t made your way to Pitt Meadows yet, now is the time to discover that Pitt Meadows is at the centre of the Lower Mainland. We are fastbecoming the new gateway between Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. Location definitely has its advantages in Pitt Meadows! You can have it all in Pitt Meadows Anchored by the renowned Golden Ears Mountains to the north and the mighty Fraser River to the south, Pitt Meadows provides a myriad of opportunities for investors, developers, entrepreneurs, recreation enthusiasts and families alike all within our community. Pitt Meadows is a sustainable, complete city with all the amenities and conveniences of a growing community. The city enjoys commercial, industrial and residential growth while balancing the protection of the community’s beautiful natural assets. “Residents have strategically chosen to move to Pitt Meadows because of affordable housing choices, unlimited recreation and access to local and regional employment markets,” says Mayor Don MacLean. Connections to markets Pitt Meadows is conveniently located just 45 minutes from downtown Vancouver and Vancouver International Airport, 25 minutes from Abbotsford International Airport and within 30 minutes of three U.S. border crossings. Within the community, you will also find the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport and CP Rail’s Vancouver Intermodal Facility. When the South Fraser Perimeter Road is complete, Delta Port will be within 45 minutes. The city’s designated light-industrial and business park land is within minutes of truck, train and air transportation routes, and both the Golden Ears Bridge and the Pitt River Bridge. The movement of goods to market from Pitt Meadows is quick and efficient. Pitt Meadows is also connected to the Lower Mainland through public transportation and the cycling network. Hop on the West Coast Express at the Pitt Meadows Station and you’ll be in downtown Vancouver in 40 minutes.


Opportunities to start, relocate and grow your business Pitt Meadows is one of the few areas in Metro Vancouver offering 200 acres of contiguous tracks of land for industrial and business park development. This positions Pitt Meadows as a community with unique opportunity. We offer some of the most affordable tax and development rates in the region. In addition, we have over 300 acres of land for development at our airport, and commercial development opportunity on Lougheed Highway. Key business sectors include transportation and aviation, commercial/retail, agriculture and tourism. Emerging sectors include agrifood processing, agritourism, aerospace manufacturing and support industries, clean manufacturing and logistics/distribution. Pitt Meadows has intentionally kept the urban portion of the community small and compact to ensure residents and businesses are able to enjoy the live, work, life balance that we are so proud of providing in Pitt Meadows. Because of our strategic location in the centre of the Lower Mainland, within a 30-minute drive there is an available labour force of approximately 600,000 people and the talent of 10 post-secondary institutions. Current development projects Golden Ears Business Centre – this state-of-the-art light-industrial park is located at the south end of Harris Road and will be able to accommodate up to 1,500,000-square-foot build-to-suit facilities. The park has recently expanded to 95 acres, enabling a successful business centre and providing jobs for many. Osprey Village at Sawyer’s Landing – this visitor-friendly riverside development offers a mix of residential choices, trails, a commercial village and a LEED standard community centre. Solaris at Meadows Gate – this development is located in the city’s town centre on Harris Road and is a multi-phase, mixed-use development that will result in three, 10-storey towers and one four-storey building. The first two mixed-use towers are now open and the fourstorey commercial building is scheduled to open in 2011. Why you need to “Think Pitt Meadows” Pitt Meadows has the perfect balance of urban amenities and community charm. We pride ourselves on being the natural place, because Pitt Meadows is the perfect place to invest, set up your business, raise your family, be part of a great community and enjoy the great outdoors. The Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation is your go-to organization to access the information and resources that you need to make your location and expansion decisions. Think Pitt Meadows for your next investment. We’d be happy to show you around. Please visit our website or give us a call today. Contact: Kate Zanon Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation (PMEDC) 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J4 Tel: 604-465-9481; Email:

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SUNSHINE COAST Discover B.C.’s best-kept secret The Sunshine Coast extends 177 kilometres along the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia) from Howe Sound to Desolation Sound. Powell River, Sechelt and Gibsons are hubs of industry, cultural activities and population centres. Strolling the endless kilometres of windswept seashore or sailing up Princess Louisa Inlet or Desolation Sound Marine Park, visitors find it hard to shake the inescapable feeling that they’re in on a secret the rest of the world has yet to discover. Create – Connect – Discover Meetings matter. Your team matters. This is the year to connect with your team and create new possibilities. The Sunshine Coast is the perfect place to bring your next meeting, retreat or conference. With a wide variety of professional meeting facilities suitable for groups from five to 500 people paired with endless outdoor recreation opportunities, it is no wonder that groups return to this breathtaking region time and again. Close to Vancouver and Vancouver Island, come discover a unique and affordable destination where you can truly inspire and motivate your delegates on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Breakout sessions with a twist There are countless recreation opportunities awaiting your group once your meetings are finished for the day. Nothing brings your team together quite like a day in, on and around our fresh and ocean waters. If you haven’t paddled in Sechelt Inlet or Desolation Sound, you are in for an unforgettable experience. Explore countless beaches; hike in lush rainforests; bike until sunset; rock climb mystical bluffs; discover hidden islands; dive among wrecks, mermaids and octopi; savour the sights and sounds

of coastal wildlife; fish; golf; sail; the possibilities truly are endless. In the winter, explore our back-country paradise on cross-country skis or snowshoes before unwinding in one of our many relaxing spas. Intelligence Services Cluster An important part of our economy is the Intelligence Services Cluster. The Sunshine Coast is home to hundreds of businesses that sell professional and business services around the world. This knowledge-based sector is exactly what you need to support your team’s visit. From diverse marketing and environmental speakers to strategic planning facilitators to event planners, our local professionals provide all the skills necessary to support your conference. Close in proximity – Far from ordinary Getting here is almost always part of an amazing Sunshine Coast experience. Within close proximity of Vancouver and Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast is always ready to welcome your group in premier fashion. Frequent commercial flights and private charters are available from Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the Pacific Northwest directly to several Sunshine Coast communities in just minutes. Fly to airports in Powell River and Sechelt or simply land a float plane next to your resort, hotel or bed and breakfast. BC Ferries connects cars and foot passengers alike from West Vancouver to Gibsons (40 minutes) and Comox to Powell River (80 minutes). Contact: Sunshine Coast Tourism 866-941-3883,



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vancouver island/coast Share of B.C. land area: 9.1%


Diverse terrains and industries in province’s seabound havens Ącampbell river Ącomox Ącourtenay Ącowichan Ąduncan Ąladysmith Ąlake cowichan Ąlangford Ąnanaimo Ąnorth cowichan Ąparksville Ąport alberni Ąport alice Ąport hardy Ąport mcneil Ąpowell river Ąqualicum beach Ąsaanich Ąsooke Ąsidney Ątofino Ąucluelet Ąvictoria

By Lynsey Franks njoying Canada’s mildest climate, Vancouver Island hosts a spectrum of industries driven by independent thinkers. North, central and south are all interconnected. The population reaches upwards of 740,000, and the Vancouver Island Economic Association (VIEA) notes a steady increase of about 1.4 per cent annually over the last five years. Forestry is the largest sector, generating well over 13,000 jobs and economic spin-offs through logging, saw, pulp and paper mills. The Sunshine Coast’s Powell River is an important player. Cori Lynn Germiquet, VIEA president, says that high tech is one of the island’s fastest-growing sectors, especially in Victoria. Sasha Angus, economic development officer with the Greater Victoria Development Agency, says the capital region has one of the world’s strongest economies: “It’s a region of business


Photo: Tourism BC/Marilyn McEwen

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Pacific Rim Park, near Tofino

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vancouver island/coast opportunity with a rapidly growing knowledge-based economy.” In Victoria, advanced tech is the leading economic generator, with annual revenues exceeding $1.95 billion, says Angus. Vancouver Island Technology Park houses wide-ranging entrepreneurial tech businesses. The Innovation and Development Corporation helps the University of Victoria and other island institutions commercialize innovations and pursue partnerships. Angus affirms that the area is at the forefront of the green movement, and indeed, several communities have been pursuing green development. Victoria is the site of Uptown, a highly anticipated mixed-use development in progress through 2013. A project of Morguard Investments Ltd., Uptown will offer 1.3 million square feet of open-air shopping, Class-A office space, stylish restaurants, deluxe amenities and a possible residential component, is slated for completion in 2013. It’s the area’s first mixed-use development designed to LEED neighbourhood gold standards. Constructed with recycled, locally sourced and low-VOC–emitting materials, Uptown boasts green and high-reflectivity roofs, super-efficient

Demographic characteristics

Thousands of persons

Ă 0–17 Ă 18–64 Ă 65+ Ă all ages

1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2006







Full-service marina at Maple Bay, Duncan

heating and cooling systems and rainwater-harvesting systems. Meanwhile, Amrit Manhas, research and information analyst with the City of Nanaimo, says that developers in that area “such as Island Westcoast Developments and InSight Developments are making great efforts to create projects that combine practical application with environmental sensitivity.” Also on the scientific and technological front, Angus points out that as “a port city with a long maritime history, Victoria is … a natural choice for businesses related to marine technology and ocean sciences.” Fishing and aquaculture exist all over the island, including everything from commercial to sport fishing. Employment in the sector grew by 30 per cent from 2001 to 2006, according to VIEA. Wild fisheries include salmon, herring, groundfish and shellfish. Modern aquaculture comes to life in Deep Bay, where a field station is under way that will “bring together industry, academic researchers and government.” The Vancouver Island University Centre for Shellfish

Economic activity

Building permits

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Ă Non-residential

Ă Residential

900 Retail trade




Health care & social assistance Other services (excl. public services) Accommodation & food services

600 500 400 300

Admin. & support waste management


Real estate, rental & leasing


Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting

Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Manufacturing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 52

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Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Professional, scientific & tech services

Photo: Economic Development Cowichan

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vancouver island/coast Both the Cowichan Valley and the Saanich Peninsula have earned renown for their wine-growing. Here you’ll find the annual Cowichan Wine & Culinary Festival, the food-oriented Saanich Fall Fair and wine tours. Moderate conditions attract tourists too. Pristine surroundings, tourism and the arts draw inspired minds. Manhas comments, “Vancouver Island continues to win Best North American Island in Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards.” It’s “an affordable escape to pristine wilderness adventures such as snorkelling with seals, whale and bear-watching and once-in-a-lifetime experiences such as hiking the West Coast Trail.”

Vancouver Island University Centre for Shellfish Research brings “industry, academic researchers and government” together for sustainable aquaculture

Research is working to empower First Nations to thrive and revive coastal communities by means of sustainable harvesting. Agriculture thrives in the Cowichan Valley, nestled between Victoria and Nanaimo. Kathy Lachman, business development officer at Economic Development Cowichan, describes how the area offers ample opportunity to grow everything from potatoes to grapes to kiwis. “We have some of the best agricultural land on Vancouver Island,” she says, adding that climate plays a big role. (The Cowichan area has Canada’s highest average temperature.) “We have freshwater lakes, and we are surrounded by ocean. The Cowichan Green Community promotes local food and has several programs for backyard gardens and edible landscapes.”

Sources: Statistics Canada

Browning Harbour, Pender Island

Mount Washington Alpine Resort

Vancouver Island’s terrain varies from district to district. Connecting Greater Victoria is the Galloping Goose Trail, a 100-kilometre scenic pathway that links the Saanich Peninsula through Victoria all the way to Leechtown, near Sooke. Those who like pampering can choose from among luxury resorts and beach-front spas, says Manhas, while foodies pick the island for the Vancouver Island Culinary Trail and the 100-mile diets. “The island is easily accessible and offers sustainable tourism options including carbon-neutral transportation to and from, on Harbour Air Seaplanes.” Pat Deakin, economic development manager for the City of Port Alberni, observes that visitors from all over the globe venture to the Clayoquot area for surfing, kayaking, hiking, rock-climbing and more. Clean air and an inclination for physical activity combine for what Deakin describes as a healthy, adventurous lifestyle. Backed by the Insular Mountain range, the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada possess a rich cultural heritage. Long Beach, south of Tofino, is a surfers’ paradise. The name of neighbouring Ucluelet translates as “people of the safe harbour” in the language of the indigenous Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka). Today the area is transforming its economy from being resource-based to orient toward tourism and resorts. In the spirit of preservation, Tofino, Ucuelet and the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve host the Pacific Rim Whale Festival

Photos: (top) Vancouver Island University; (centre) Tourism BC/Tony Radoni; (bottom) Tourism BC/Adrian Dorst

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vancouver island/coast

Garry Oaks Vineyard & Winery, Salt Spring Island

every March. This week-long event celebrates the annual return of the Pacific Grey Whale from Mexico and provides an opportunity to educate visitors about marine-life protection. Northward, the Comox Valley celebrates its rich social and natural history through the Comox Valley Heritage Tour


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Parliament, Victoria

and 50 cultural festivals every year. Located just outside of Courtenay in the 250,000-hectare Strathcona Provincial Park sits Mount Washington Alpine Ski Resort, Vancouver Island’s largest downhill-skiing destination, used recreationally year round. The captivating Gulf Islands divide into

the northern and southern islands. With their delicate ecosystems and their art galleries, the islands count naturalists, artists and artisans among their residents. Corporate tourism looks favourably upon the islands, with many areas featuring luxurious facilities both large and small for meetings and conferences. The Victoria Conference Centre with its recent addition of the renovated historic Crystal Gardens, the new Parkside Victoria Resort & Spa also in Victoria, the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo, the Sonora Resort on Sonora Island, the Wickaninnish Inn and April Point Resort & Spa on Quadra Island are just a sampling of the many and varied facilities that have been building up this sector in the region. Scheduled for 2011 are the opening of the Prestige Oceanfront Resort & Convention Centre Sooke and the reconstruction of the historic Oak Bay Beach Hotel, Victoria. Stretching northward to Desolation Sound, the Sunshine Coast encompasses such communities as Powell River, Halfmoon Bay, Lund, Pender Harbour, Texada Island, Savary Island and more. Tourism is a key sector here, with many public beaches located on the enticing coastal landscape and a panoply of outdoor possibilities on offer: swimming, boating, water-skiing, fishing, hiking, golfing, biking and cross-country skiing. Pender Harbour offers a public swimming pool. Powell River has economic strength in the resource-based industries of paper manufacturing and limestone quarrying as well as forestry, tourism and fishing. Ą

Photos: (left) Tourism BC/Andrea Johnson; (right) Tourism BC/James O’Mara

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ith its central Vancouver Island location and critical transportation links, the Comox Valley is a dynamic nucleus of economic sectors and opportunities. Boasting abundant land and natural resources, coupled with a temperate climate and superb quality of life, the Comox Valley is a strategic business investment location. A 30-minute flight from Vancouver will bring you to the Comox Valley which is made up of the distinctive communities of Courtenay, the urban and cultural core of the Comox Valley; Comox, a lively waterfront community, home to Canadian Forces Base 19 Wing Comox and the Comox Valley Airport (YQQ); Cumberland, a former coal mining town with a dynamic main street and a calendar full of festivals; and stunning surrounding rural area. To the east the area encompasses the beautiful Strait of Georgia and to the west, the Strathcona Provincial Park. The Comox Valley is considered the mid-island regional hub boasting harbour-to-harbour float plane service from downtown Vancouver, mainland BC ferry access, a regional hospital, a regional post-secondary college, Mount Washington Alpine Resort and other renowned destination properties. The Comox Valley economy is extensive and thriving. The region has attracted investment in new and expanded resorts and hotels, making it a prime location for further investment in resort and tourism services. With one of the longest growing seasons in Canada, more than 450 farms, a critical mass of lower-cost agricultural land and access to nearly a million-person trading area, the region is attracting vineyards, niche product producers, including cranberries, sprouts, organic fruits and vegetables, and diary and meat processing. The aquaculture industry, with a wholesale value of more than $37 million, has gained a reputation for producing farmed shellfish of phenomenal quality, certified for export to the U.S.A. and other international markets. Contact: Comox Valley Economic Development, John Watson, Executive Director, 1-877-848-2427, 1-250-792-0375,,



he Cowichan Region on Vancouver Island is looking for your business to be part of our sustainable economy. Located between Victoria and Nanaimo, the Cowichan has created a favourable business environment by developing a sustainable economic development strategy and working to create a supportive green economy. The region is home to many green businesses that support a growing sustainable culture. There are a number of great business opportunities with available wood biomass for green energy and agricultural opportunities to support a vibrant and well-established local food movement. In the Cowichan Region, we care about preserving the environment and we attract thousands of tourists annually who have discovered our pristine wilderness, lakes, rivers and ocean shores. Business opportunities for tourism include hotel/resort, wilderness adventure and water sport activities. The region attracts thousands of gourmands every year to sample the bounty this region has to offer. Local cheeses, jams, jellies, spices, salsa, vinegars, wild mushrooms and sea salt are just a few of the foods available. The Cowichan Region is the second largest wine region in British Columbia and is home to 14 wineries as well as the only estate cidery in B.C. With increasing demand for local food and wine, coupled with our ability to attract large numbers of tourists annually, the agritourism sector has ample room to grow. For more information on the Cowichan Region, visit our website at or contact Geoff Millar, Manager, Economic Development Cowichan at 250-746-7880 or email .

Your business belongs in Cowichan Sustainable Economy Check List Sustainability Plan Green Businesses Viable, Supportive Economy Biomass Potential Agricultural Opportunities Healthy, Attractive Environment Innovative Green Culture

Make the sustainable move Economic Development Cowichan 250-746-7880

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2/20/11 12:59:49 PM



t’s an exciting time to live and invest in Nanaimo. The Vancouver Island harbourfront community of 86,000 has recently undergone considerable improvements and is positioning itself for further investment and business growth in the years to come. New waterfront condo projects, a revitalized downtown and an increasingly skilled workforce are just some indications of a burgeoning economy. Nanaimo Airport expansion, cruise ship terminal construction, hospital expansion and upgrade, and Port Place Shopping Centre redevelopment demonstrate the foresight in the community. This vision comes not only from community pride but also from tangible data. The City of Nanaimo’s Economic Development Commission, led by Mayor John Ruttan, has recently completed its Economic Development Strategy Report, identifying target industries which will ensure a growing, diversified and sustainable economy. These industries, including tourism and green industry, were derived from analyzing current industry positioning, various economic data and Nanaimo’s competitive advantages such as labour force, education and technical training, competitive business costs, infrastructure, community vision and land availability. “With the help of our Economic Development Strategy, we are working to establish Nanaimo as a leading investment destination,� says Mayor John Ruttan. “I invite those who are interested to contact our Economic Development Office to learn more about the opportunities available in Nanaimo.�

most desirable, livable, “ One ofsmallthecities in North America

grow here


to learn more call Amrit Manhas Economic Development OfďŹ ce 250 755 4465

Contact Nanaimo Economic Development

GREATER VICTORIA Population: 330,088


he Greater Victoria region is the capital of British Columbia, and the jewel of the southern tip of Vancouver Island. The area has been ranked as the third-best region in the Americas in the 2006 Conde Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards. You’ll know why upon your first visit. Surrounded by water and nestled in the West Coast’s natural beauty, it is charmed with historic heritage. The Greater Victoria region offers one of the mildest climates in Canada, with spring officially ushered in each February when residents count the number of blossoms in their gardens. What truly sets the Greater Victoria region apart is its unique combination of economic opportunity and superior quality of life. Entrepreneurs with ventures of all sizes comprise more than 17,000 businesses in the region. Technology, tourism, marine, health and service industries are all thriving sectors, and the region has become a world leader in environmental services and technologies, with world-class research activities in the field. As the seat of the provincial government, a centre for the Canadian Armed Forces, host to the Vancouver Island Technology Park and home to four post-secondary institutions, the region has a dynamic, young and well-educated workforce. History, innovation, an excellent business climate, and an outstanding quality of life. The Greater Victoria region offers it all. Come find out why we are “a natural place to do business.�

Contact Sasha Angus Economic Development Officer Greater Victoria Development Agency Email: Tel: 250-383-7191 ext. 204








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J_Xi\ f] 9%:% cXe[ Xi\X1 (+%)


Traditional industry combines with new technology in province’s transportation hub Ą100 mile house Ąbarkerville Ąmackenzie Ąmcbride Ąprince george Ąquesnel Ąvalemount Ąwells Ąwilliams lake

By Andrew Tzembelicos he world needs what we’ve got,” says Tim McEwan, president and chief executive officer of Initiatives Prince George, speaking of the Cariboo region. Comprising 14.2 per cent of the province’s total land and once a new frontier, the Cariboo now represents a major hub of economic development for British Columbia. Diversification, synergistic relationships and competitive advantage are as relevant to the Cariboo’s present as to its future. The region includes municipalities such as Barkerville, Quesnel, Valemount and Wells in addition to Prince George. Once wholly dependent on natural resources, the Cariboo continues to pursue mining and forestry today. It has also diversified into many other areas, including power and bioenergy, call centres and adventure tourism, grass-fed beef production and the commercialization of locally grown and processed industrial hemp. Two current success stories are the Mt. Milligan copper-gold

Photo: Randall Pearsall

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River rafting below Rearguard Falls on the Fraser River near Valemount

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cariboo Near 100 Mile House

Cariboo River


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In the Ancient Forest near Prince George

mills in such communities as McBride, Quesnel and Mackenzie. With strong exports to China, the sector has adapted its marketing to fill the gap created by the reduction of housing starts in the United States. An Agriculture Enterprise Development Centre planned for 100 Mile House is moving forward. According to a feasibility study, it could serve as many as 260 farms in the South Cariboo and 900 more in the greater Cariboo-Chilcotin that produce beef, horses and crops including forage and vegetables. The centre will help producers with services including business development, education and marketing, enabling farmers to capitalize better upon opportunities within and outside B.C. The study suggests that the centre “will become the heart of the 100 Mile Diet and link with, and co-ordinate, related initiatives in the rest of the region,” bringing stability to the sector, growing enterprises and increasing consumption of local food and products. A major contributor to the boom is location. For Margaret Graine, economic development officer for the Village of McBride, the area’s promise comes from the “transportation corridor” connecting McBride to the larger community of Prince George and beyond to the world. Prince George Airport possesses Canada’s third-longest commercial runway. While situated in a different

Photos: (top) Tourism BC/Albert Normandin; (centre) Northern BC Tourism; (bottom) Tourism BC

2/20/11 1:00:30 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada

project (under development by Thompson Creek Metals Corp.) and Pacific BioEnergy. Both are creating jobs and growing the region. Mt. Milligan arises from the area’s traditional resource-based culture, while Pacific BioEnergy, active in wood-pellet production, represents a new type of industry for the region: green technology. Indeed, bioenergy overall is an important and growing sector in the area, with heat and power installations such as the community heating systems in Prince George and Quesnel, the biomass-fired projects at the University of Northern British Columbia and at Baldy Hughes and the expansion of bioenergy production at Prince George Pulp & Paper. McEwan maintains that the Cariboo’s success depends upon striking a balance between faithfulness to resource-based industries and continued strengthening of a knowledge-based resource economy connected to the world. Mt. Milligan, Pacific BioEnergy and other successes like the new Terasen Gas call centre in Prince George and a modernization project at the Endako molybdenum mine add economic value and create jobs in a region whose employment is projected to grow by an annual average of 1.8 per cent from 2009 to 2019. (For more on Mt. Milligan and mining, see feature, page 20; for more on Pacific BioEnergy, see page 27.) Also notable is resilience in forestry, with the reopening of

cariboo Fishing at dawn at Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park near Quesnel

region, Prince Rupert with its port is inextricably linked to the Cariboo via an ever-improving road network. The port offers the shortest distance between North America and Asia and the closest ties between Asia and the midwestern U.S.: two of the world’s biggest markets. Both Graine and McEwan cite land availability as a reason to invest and do business in the Cariboo today. “Land is available and affordable,” says Graine, “but not for long.” Other reasons include favourable currency-exchange rates, labour costs and availability, competitive tax rates, and low operating costs, all cited in a 2010 KPMG competitiveness study that ranked Prince George as the most competitive location to do business from

Demographic characteristics

Thousands of persons

Ă 0–17

Ă 18–64

Ă 65+ Ă all ages

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2006





Building permits

Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Ă Non-residential



Bear Lake, Crooked River Provincial Park

among 13 cities included in its Pacific U.S. and Canada category. A recently added jewel in the region’s crown is Prince George’s winning bid to host the 2015 Canada Winter Games, an event that promises to deliver benefits to the entire north. For McEwan, this “huge” win “will do for Prince George and the region what the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games did for Vancouver and Whistler.” Combine all these assets with affordable housing and the network of distinguished educational institutions throughout the region – including UNBC and the College of New Caledonia in Prince George and the Thompson Rivers University campus in Williams Lake – and you’ll find a dynamic, entrepreneurial place to do business that aspires to enjoying what McEwan calls “a northern decade of economic opportunity for the development of all British Columbia.” Ą

Economic activity Ă Residential

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Retail trade Construction Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting Other services (excl. public services) Health care & social assistance Transportation & warehousing Accommodation & food services Professional, scientific & tech services Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Wholesale trade Manufacturing 0

10 Photos: (left) Tourism BC; (right) Tourism BC/JF Bergeron

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2/20/11 1:00:51 PM

DISTRICT OF MACKENZIE Mackenzie…the Sky’s the Limit Mackenzie lies at the southern end of Williston Lake, the largest man-made reservoir in North America, formed by the W.A.C. Bennett Dam on the Peace River. Residents enjoy pristine wilderness, endless recreation opportunities, affordable housing and the benefits of life in a small town. There is truly something for everyone with picturesque lakes for boating and fishing, an abundance of trails for winter and summer activities, and enviable snow conditions for skiers and snowmobilers alike. The District of Mackenzie was incorporated in 1966 after the development of large pulp and lumber manufacturing mills. Today, Mackenzie is home to several large industrial facilities including sawmill complexes, a pulp mill and finger jointing mill. For new business prospects, the municipality boasts low land costs, competitive tax rates and availability of power and water for industrial applications. Further, businesses may qualify for grants through the Northern BC Advantage Program offered by Northern Development Initiative Trust. Forestry Forestry is the backbone of Mackenzie’s economy. With the reopening of the Canfor Mackenzie operation, the Mackenzie Pulp Mill and Conifex Mackenzie, our economy is recovering. New businesses have been formed as a resul,t and there is also interest being generated regarding the utilization of the residual fibre supply that results from this activity. Mining Geologists have discovered deposits of lead, zinc, silver and gold on the west and north sides of Williston Lake that are considered high-potential

sites for mine development. With the increasing amount of exploration in the area, Mackenzie will likely see added investment and business creation in the local economy. Mackenzie has an excellent strategic location to service these developments during exploration and production stages. The road structures, barge and rail services are all capable of providing access to the mineral wealth in the area. Construction has begun at the Thompson Creek Metals Corp. – Mt. Milligan copper-gold project with the anticipated production date being the first quarter of 2013. This mine is located between Mackenzie and Fort St. James, and our region is working hard to position itself as a service supply centre for the mine. The upgrade to the Fort St. JamesMackenzie Connector Road is scheduled for completion by the fall of 2011. This road connects the two communities enabling businesses and workers to access the mine site. More information on the project can be found at Economic diversification The District of Mackenzie continues to work toward diversifying its economy and has identified several initiatives that will help to ensure that we are not entirely dependent on the forest industry. The future The opportunities are truly endless in the District of Mackenzie. The community welcomes you to consider Mackenzie as your future home, place of work and outdoor playground. In Mackenzie, the sky’s the limit. For more information: Phone: 250-997-3221 Email:, Website:

Pytlowany Photography

• Quality infrastructure supporting industry • Surrounded by world class year-round recreation • Community openly welcomes new industries, businesses, residents and visitors Ph: 250.997.3221 60

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2/20/11 1:00:53 PM

Prince George

Population: 88,267 (census agglomeration) Target sectors for investment attraction and trade development: Prince George is a vibrant city serving a region of more than 330,000 people. As a sustainable knowledge-based resource economy connected to the world, we welcome investment, promote growth and host a competitive business climate in the heart of beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Prince George’s competitive business climate is confirmed in the 2010 KPMG Competitive Alternatives study, in which Prince George ranked no. 1 in cost competitiveness out of 13 cities studied in the Pacific Canada/US category. Prince George recently unveiled a City Centre campaign, showcasing the priority to continue to revitalize the core of northern B.C.’s largest city. Momentum is growing as public and private investors turn their focus to Prince George’s City Centre. Many Canadians will see the city’s vibrancy firsthand in 2015 when, on the heels of the province hosting the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Prince George hosts the 2015 Canada Winter Games. Sustainable knowledge-based economy: The University of Northern British Columbia and College of New Caledonia make Prince George a strong and growing centre of research and drive competitive resource-based industries in the region. In co-operation with post-secondary institutions, Prince George organizations are collaborating to advance innovation and entrepreneurship programs in Prince George, advance trades training and create a world-class bioenergy cluster in northern B.C. Sustainable resource economy: There are attractive opportunities for investment and trade in the resource sector in Prince George. Canada’s lumber and pulp and paper industries are centred in Prince George. The largest companies in solid wood include: Canfor, Carrier Lumber, Conifex, Sinclar Mills, Winton Global and West Fraser. In pulp and paper, Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership operates three mills in Prince George and has also invested in co-generation for energy production. With two-thirds of Canada’s fibre resources and now abundant “pine beetle wood,” fibre quantities in northern B.C. are increasing, driving expansion of the forest industry into energy production. Canada’s pellet manufacturing industry is focused in the Prince George region; the largest companies include Pacific Bioenergy,

Premium Renewable Energy and Pinnacle Pellet. In addition to cogeneration, other bioenergy and bioproducts projects are in pilot production. B.C.’s mineral exploration and mining industry is experiencing growth, much of it focused in northern B.C. Prince George is a growing supply and service centre for this industry. There are currently 11 operating mines in northern B.C., 18 proposals in various stages of review with the provincial and federal governments, and 27 mines in the stage of advanced exploration. Copper, gold, molybdenum and zinc are key minerals in abundance. Manufacturing employs more than 4,600 people in Prince George. Fabricated metal products, machinery and transportation equipment are produced in shops that use robotics, CAD/CAM and CNC technologies. Chemical manufacturing and oil refining operations are also found here. Attractive greenfield investment development opportunities exist for manufacturing operations to fuel growth in alternative and low-carbon industry sectors including solar, wind and biomass. An industrial land strategy provides market-ready lands available to meet this demand. Sustainably connected to the world: Situated on the newest, shortest and most uncongested trade routes connecting the AsiaPacific to North America, Prince George is a growing multimodal transportation hub that has seen more than $200 million in private and public investment over the past two years. In Prince George, CN and COSCO (China Ocean Shipping) service forest product export demand to Asia, providing North America’s fastest container service ($20 million). CN Worldwide operates the closest intermodal point to the newest and fastest-growing container port in North America in Prince Rupert, B.C. The Prince George Airport boasts the thirdlongest commercial runway in Canada to service transpacific air cargo markets. This 11,451-foot runway ($36 million investment) and fuelling apron is a cost-effective alternative to Anchorage and has the added advantage of road and rail feeder networks in all directions. The Prince George Global Logistics Park is a new light-industrial park ready for development of on-airport and off-airport warehousing, manufacturing, assembly and packaging operations. The Global Logistics Park (3,000 acres) is the largest tract of air-serviced industrial land to come to market over the past 20 years. The park will build on the economic opportunities provided by the runway expansion and transshipment operations at YXS. Prince George has seen key infrastructure investment over the past four years, including: CN Worldwide Intermodal and Distribution Centre serving forest product export demand to Asia and Europe, providing North America’s fastest container service ($20 million), and highway and road upgrades in Prince George and region to service Prince George as a transportation hub ($200 million +), including the newly announced Boundary Road. For more information contact: Initiatives Prince George 250-564-0282 BIV Magazines/

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Changing the economic landscape

Share of B.C. land area: 6.2% Ącastlegar Ącranbrook Ącreston Ąfernie Ągrand forks Ąinvermere Ąkaslo Ąkimberley Ąnakusp Ąnelson Ąnew denver Ąradium hot springs Ąrossland Ąslocan Ąsparwood Ątrail

By Sarah Willard he Kootenay region is home to four spectacular mountain ranges, tranquil lakes and historic cities and towns. Given the region’s wealth in natural resources, traditional industries like mining, forestry and their processing continue to provide a solid economic base. Global demand for coal (needed both for energy and for steel production) and copper (used in clean-powered vehicles such as electric buses) has pushed prices up. The Kootenay is blessed with large deposits of both, as well as of zinc and other metals and minerals. Many of the coal mines around Sparwood are planning expansions, their reserves forecasted to last for decades. Teck Resources Ltd. operates several mines in the region as well as the world’s largest lead and zinc smelter in Trail, employing 70 researchers in metals and metallurgy. Kelvin Saldern, executive director of the Kootenay Association for Science & Technology (KAST), says that the Kootenays has “a



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very vibrant, dynamic metals industry” with “real leaders.” Innovation is in evidence in the lumber industry too, with the generation of value-added products made from wood salvaged from trees infested with the mountain pine beetle and the designation of increasing numbers of wood-lots (small-scale forest tenures) that can operate successfully in sensitive areas. Logging, wood-product manufacturing and pulp and paper continue to play significant roles. The region’s breathtaking scenery is a natural resource in itself. Since the 1990s, revenue from tourism has been growing at an unprecedented rate. Chris Dadson, chief executive officer of Kootenay Rockies Tourism, foresees “huge opportunity for business” over “many more years to come.” He says, “We had a decade of huge growth: our tourism revenues doubled in the 10 years between 1995 and 2005.” He believes the exposure from the 2010 Winter Olympic Games may prove of further benefit. Photo: Tourism BC/David Gluns

2/20/11 1:01:03 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada

Kootenay Lake

kootenay View of pastures and mountains in the Kootenay Rockies

Some investors have already taken advantage. While land and services remain affordable, the region is seeing development of world-class resorts and related businesses, from the big-ticket ski resorts of Revelstoke, Fernie and Panorama to the vast numbers of golf courses in the Invermere area. Successful back-country adventure outfits like Canadian Mountain Holidays are paving the way for more. Infrastructural developments ranging from airport and hospital expansions to power, road and highway improvements are preparing the region to meet both current and upcoming demands. Tourists aren’t the only people drawn to the area. Terri Macdonald, project manager at Invest Kootenay, describes “the

Demographic characteristics

Thousands of persons

Ă 0–17

Ă 18–64

Ă 65+ Ă all ages

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 2006




Building permits

Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Ă Non-residential




BC Hydro’s new turbine in transit to Revelstoke Dam: a $300-million project with many benefits for the local economy

lifestyle investor” as a person “looking to achieve a healthy workplay balance.” She says, “The Kootenays have the reputation [for] being the place you want to be. It’s a combination of untouched wilderness and proximity to large markets that gives our region a significant competitive advantage.” Saldern agrees: “A lot of highly educated, creative people want to build their lives here. They come with master’s degrees, PhDs and lots of experience, but they are still young, talented and energetic. It’s really changing the landscape of the world we work in.” These factors are amplified by access to support and resources to startups in many sectors.” “Community Futures Development Corp. has two locations within the Kootenays and one location in the Boundary region. We have great mentoring and coaching programs for entrepreneurs in the tech sector, through both our own programs at KAST and one offered by the Columbia Basin Trust,” Saldern says.

Economic activity Ă Residential

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Retail trade Construction Other services (excl. public services) Accommodation & food services Health care & social assistance Professional, scientific & tech services Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting Transportation & warehousing Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Real estate, rental & leasing Manufacturing 0

10 Left photo: Tourism BC/David Gluns

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Lizard Creek Lodge and the village at Fernie Alpine Resot

Cinnamon buns at a bakery in the Kootenay region

Tenacity and self-reliance beat in the heart of every Kootenay community. Yet there’s also an unspoken code of honour upon which the success of any business hinges. “[Economic] development at any cost or to the benefit of only a select few is not an acceptable option, particularly if social and environmental values might be compromised in the process. [It] must be sustainable, and it must contribute to the community’s



ocated in the East Kootenay Region, 10 minutes from an international airport with daily flights to Calgary and Vancouver, the City of Kimberley is an ideal location for investors looking to achieve a harmonious work/life balance. Quality of life is what residents boast most about in Kimberley. Within the city limits, Kimberley offers three championship golf courses, a first-class ski resort, a nature park and trail system that rivals Vancouver’s Stanley Park, mountain biking, fishing and that small-town charm where people still open doors for strangers. A former mining community, Kimberley and its residents are strong, resilient and sustainably focused. Kimberley has established itself as a mountainous recreation destination. However, the opportunities for investment are vast. Boutique-style retail space is available in the Platzl – Kimberley’s City Centre outdoor pedestrian mall, in the village core of the Kimberley Alpine Resort and in Marysville – South Kimberley – located on Hwy 95A.


overall quality of life for its citizens,” says Heather Hornoi, economic development officer for the City of Kimberley. Community support has been behind the development of projects like the Kimberley Conference & Athlete Training Centre, soon to be the largest of its kind in the region, as well as largescale investments in hydroelectric power such as the new turbines being installed at the Revelstoke and Mica dams. Of the Revelstoke installation, Alan Mason, director of community economic development for the City of Revelstoke, says, “This $300-million BC Hydro project has had many benefits for the local economy.” Traditional industries like forestry and mining will remain important to the region, even as newer sectors like energy production, technology and tourism gain momentum. As its economic landscape changes, the Kootenay region has the strong spirit it needs in order to evolve and welcome the future. Ą Development lands are available throughout the community for residential, resort and/or commercial development. Have a great idea for a light-industrial project that respects the values of society, environment and economy? The City of Kimberley will be offering for development 5.6 ha (14ac) of land just off HWY 95A in Marysville in the spring of 2011. In Kimberley, business is just one part of life. Bring your business to Kimberley and really start living! Contacts: Heather Hornoi Economic Development Officer City of Kimberley 250-427-9666

Troy Pollock Manager Planning Services City of Kimberley 250-427-9664

Invest here. Live better.

New opportunities to grow your business are hard to find. That’s why you need Kimberley, B.C. Situated in the thriving East Kootenay region, our highly skilled local labour force, investment friendly business climate, international airport, a brand new conference centre, and unparalleled quality of life means the opportunities are almost as limitless as the view. “We believe investing in Kimberley just makes sense, that’s why we partnered in the construction of the Kimberley Conference and Athlete Training Centre.” – Chad Jensen, President, New Dawn Developments.

Contact us today to find out how we can help.


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Tel: (250) 427-9666 | E-mail: | Photos: (left) BC Heritage; (right) Tourism BC/Dave Heath

2/21/11 7:23:49 PM

REVELSTOKE Population: 8,500



evelstoke is located in southeastern B.C. in the Columbia River Valley, adjacent to two national parks and among some of the most spectacular scenery to be found in British Columbia. Approximately halfway between Vancouver and Calgary on the Trans-Canada Highway and the CPR mainline, Revelstoke’s market area is central to the West Coast, the Okanagan and Kootenay regions, and Alberta. Key sectors of the economy include forestry, transportation and a rapidly expanding tourism industry. The development of a major fourseason resort is underway at Mount Mackenzie, minutes away from the beautifully restored downtown. At over 1,900 metres (6,000 feet), Revelstoke Mountain Resort boasts the longest vertical of any ski resort in North America and the fourth -longest in the world. This project has excellent investment potential. For more information, visit Heli and cat skiing/boarding are well-established winter attractions, and Revelstoke has been rated as the No. 1 snowmobile destination in North America! The summer adventure tourism market is also a growing industry with mountain biking, boating, hiking and backcountry treks, all popular pursuits. Revelstoke has been rated as one of the top seven adventure destinations in the world and as one of the top 10 outdoor adventure communities in North America! Contact Alan Mason Director of Community Economic Development 1-800-487-1493 or



parwood is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, next to the BC Alberta border, in BC’s southeast corner. We are located 30 kms. east of Fernie, 200 kms. southwest of Calgary, and the opposite side of the province from Vancouver. There are five mines in the immediate area that have been supplying some of the world’s best coal for nearly 100 years. Suppliers and trades to the industry are experiencing all time highs. We are surrounded by forests, wildlife, some of the purest water on earth, and an incredible array of things to do, just out the back door. We’ve got world-class skiing just half an hour away, a great little golf course, incredible walking, biking and hiking trails, world-class canoeing and kayaking on the Elk River, and exceptional hunting, fishing and off-road adventuring. Sparwood is looking to increase pride and confidence in its existing


pectacular scenery, excellent recreational opportunities, strong support for business, good access to transportation routes, a rich heritage, and a quality of life second to none! The mountain community of Revelstoke welcomes you as a visitor, a new resident or a new business owner. For more information visit us at or call 1-800-487-1493

Ê}Ài>ÌÊ« >ViÊÌ ÊÛ Ã ÌtÊUÊ ÊÜ `iÀvÕ Ê« >ViÊÌ Ê ÛitÊ UÊ Ê>vv À`>L iÊ« >ViÊÌ Ê` ÊLÕà iÃÃt

community. In addition, it’s looking to demonstrate and share its community pride so that it is tangible and resonates with visitors, attracts new residents, and instills confidence and curiosity in potential new business development. 2011 projects include continued progress on a new golf course and residential development, new hotel with restaurant and a water spray park. Activity in light and heavy industry are thriving due to the prosperity of our surrounding mines. Please contact the District of Sparwood to learn more about our great community and the opportunities that are here. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact District of Sparwood 250.425.6271,,

Sparwood, BC: we’re a hard-working, fun-loving, wilderness Rocky Mountain community. No matter where you’re coming from be sure to stop by, share a smile or stay awhile. We’ve got big smiles. big industry, big trucks, big hearts and big mountains. Consider yourself always invited to share and discover the big story of BC’s other side. 250-425-6271 BIV Magazines/

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2/21/11 7:24:07 PM

Cranbrook “


nspiring!� What more aptly describes it? With the majestic Rockies to our east and the stately Purcell Mountains to our west, Cranbrook is simply‌ Inspiring! But there is much more to us than our spectacular setting. Cranbrook is alive with opportunity for those seeking a vibrant, welcoming and affordable community, and for those trail blazers seeking to create and grow their business.

NCTIG CPF GZRCPFKPI OCTMGV As the largest city and regional service centre for south-eastern British Columbia, Cranbrook offers a range of services and amenities you would expect to find in a much larger centre, while still maintaining the warmth and charm of a smaller rural town. Our regional population is in excess of 70,000 permanent residents with Cranbrook itself accounting for some 20,000 of these. In addition, approximately 30,000 seasonal residents live and enjoy the region, all using Cranbrook as a service centre. Our broader market (within half a day’s drive) includes a significant neighbouring population of 1.7 million (1.2 million in the nearby southern Alberta-Calgary region) and 329,000 in the neighbouring US counties. These surrounding regions play an important role in Cranbrook’s economy and future. The area is also increasingly a location of choice for both domestic and international investors, due to our exceptional setting, climate, value and lifestyle, which simply can’t be found anywhere else.

5VTCVGIKE CUUGVU Cranbrook provides ground transport links to markets across North America with direct access to CP Rail’s and Union Pacific’s rail network, four common carriers, and bonded warehouse services. Quick access to the US for both road and rail is only a short 40 km away through a major point of entry at Kingsgate, ID. In addition, Cranbrook enjoys the benefit of proximity to Calgary (only 415 km to our east) and to Spokane Washington (only 315 km south west of us). In terms of air services, the newly expanded Canadian Rockies International Airport at Cranbrook is rapidly emerging as a growth engine for Cranbrook and the region. It is the 10th busiest airport in the province with over 106,000 passengers in 2008, a 38% increase over 2005. In addition to regular scheduled daily flights to Vancouver and Calgary service expansion to Edmonton and Kelowna are now in development – a great complement to the 70-hectare businessindustrial airport park planned for development starting in 2012. And when it comes to high-speed telecommunications, that isn’t an issue. In addition to services provided by the major telecommunications carriers (TELUS, Shaw Cable, Bell and Rogers Wireless) Cranbrook’s own municipal fibre-optic broad band network will be available in the downtown core and commercial areas of the city by the summer of 2011. Finally, if health care or education services are a deciding factor for you or your employees, we have that covered. Our first-class regional hospital, full complement of medical specialists and wide range of associated health-care facilities are able to respond to your needs. And whether it’s for your children’s education or your own interests,


our K-to-12 school system and post-secondary College of the Rockies – offering both degree and diploma-level studies – will fit the bill.

6JG QRRQTVWPKVKGU Cranbrook is growing and diversifying its economy. Building on its role as a regional service centre, its strategic location to major markets, and access to key distribution networks Cranbrook is well positioned for the future. New investments in strategic infrastructure, such as our municipal broadband network and the airport industrialcommercial park, only enhance the opportunities. t 0QQPSUVOJUJFT JO PVS SFOFXFE OBUVSBM SFTPVSDFT TFDUPS XJUI B GPDVT on: untapped mineral resources; advanced forest products; valueadded agriculture; and, renewable energy. t 0QQPSUVOJUJFT UP CVJME PO PVS TQFDJBMUZ NBOVGBDUVSJOH JO XPPE metal and concrete fabrication; food processing; electronic equipment, textile and other specialty manufacturing. t 0QQPSUVOJUJFT UP CF QBSU PG PVS HSPXJOH TFSWJDFT TFDUPS JO SFUBJM accommodations & hospitality; finance and professional services. t "OE PQQPSUVOJUJFT JO PVS BMM JNQPSUBOU TVQQPSU TFSWJDFT QVCMJD TFSvices such as health and education; commercial services such as heavy equipment fabrication and repair; and our ever growing role in telecommunication, logistics and transport.

NN VJG TKIJV TGCUQPU For motivated and energetic people seeking the ultimate in work/life balance, the timing has never been better. And when your workday is over the fun really begins! Skiing, snowmobiling, golf, hiking, mountain biking, water sports, fishing, nature watching‌ it’s all to be found here. And if it’s a night out you seek, then we have that in abundance as well, whether it’s watching our “Kootenay Iceâ€? of the Western Hockey League, or taking in a performance of the symphony, some live theater, a jazz festival or one of the many headline performers to grace our community such as Holly Cole, Barney Bentall and Nickelback. All of this in one of the most affordable communities in British Columbia. There is so much more waiting for you here in Cranbrook... so check us out. You’ll be glad you did!

%QPVCEV Kevin Weaver, Business & Economic Development Manager City of Cranbrook, 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2M8 Phone: 250-489-0232 or 1-800-728-CRAN Email:,

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2/20/11 1:01:21 PM

Come experience life in Cranbrook. We think you will love it so much you’ll want to stay forever— and we hope you do. With tremendous opportunities for business, community, culture and recreation, Cranbrook offers you the balance, richness of life, and success you have been striving for. Cranbrook ... your life is here. WWW.CRANBROOK.CA | 1-800-728-CRAN

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2/20/11 1:01:23 PM

thompson okanagan HAVEN OF INNOVATION

Education, tech and tourism join resources and agriculture

Share of B.C. land area: 10.2%

Ąbarriere Ącache creek Ąclearwater Ąclinton Ągolden Ąkamloops Ąkelowna Ąlytton Ąoliver Ąosoyoos Ąpeachland Ąpenticton Ąrevelstoke Ąsalmon arm Ąsummerland



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A working day at Coldstream Ranch near Vernon


itional sectors to working well beyond B.C. Spallumcheen-based Rapid Span Structures Ltd., for example, once built bridges for the forest sector but now employs more than 100 supplying road projects as far afield as Hay River, Northwest Territories. Vernon distiller Okanagan Spirits originally launched to make use of local fruit, but its Taboo absinthe sells as far afield as Ontario and has won awards in Europe. Armstrong’s legacy as a dairy town attracts tourists to its farmers market and Village Cheese Co. Diversity keeps the Okanagan barking up the right tree, says Robert Fine, economic development manager for the Regional District of Central Okanagan. “[We] currently have more people in the labour force than during the peak of 2008,” Fine says. Weekly incomes now average $830. Unemployment is heading down “below eight per cent.” Tech companies are leading the growth. Vernon lays claim to fast-growing customer satisfaction surveyor SQM Group: just one of more than 300 tech companies in the Okanagan, which has B.C.’s second-largest concentration of game developers. Meanwhile, a $3-million contract with Germany’s Astaro GmbH & Photo: Picture BC

2/20/11 1:01:26 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada

By Peter Mitham t the heart of British Columbia’s southern Interior, the Thompson Okanagan stretches from Clinton to Osoyoos to Golden, embracing ranches, vineyards and resorts. Within this area is a rich diversity of opportunities as improved transportation and communications have facilitated business growth and creation. “The Kamloops of today is very different from the Kamloops [of] 10 years ago,” says Anita Grover, manager, economic development, with Venture Kamloops. “Our community is no longer heavily resource-based but strongly diversified, with significant gains made in the education, sport tourism and high-tech fields.” Resource companies such as New Gold Inc. and paper manufacturer Domtar Corp. operate alongside web-analytics firm Real-e-live People and software developer Bignition Services Ltd. Schools training the region’s next generation of innovators include Thompson Rivers University and Okanagan College. While Kamloops has attracted the interest of developers, Vernon boasts one of the region’s premier new hotels: Sparkling Hill Resort. Developed by the Swarovski family on an outcropping above the Predator Ridge Golf Resort, it’s emblematic of tourism’s importance in a region long known for forestry and agriculture. Many companies have made the transition from serving trad-

thompson okanagan New Gold takes a shine to Kamloops

Sparkling Hill Resort near Vernon

Co. has boosted employment at Kelowna-based network-traffic monitor Vineyard Networks. “The continued growth of Club Penguin with more than 400 employees and the success of startups like VeriCorder Technology

Demographic characteristics Ă 0–17

Ă 18–64

Ă 65+ Ă all ages

Thousands of persons

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2006




Building permits Ă Non-residential

Millions of dollars



Economic activity Ă Residential


Sources: Statistics Canada


Inc. and Vineyard Networks bodes well for the future,” Fine says, noting, “The ongoing strength of the Okanagan Research & Innovation Centre in Kelowna and Penticton is growing new tech companies and adding jobs to the region.” Penticton is also the epicentre of a thriving wine industry. The province’s largest home-grown winery, Mission Hill Family Estate, calls West Kelowna home, but B.C.’s largest concentration is south of Peachland, where Okanagan Lake bends south. Worth more than $200 million to the province, wine production has gained ground in relation to orcharding and other agricultural endeavours and boosted recreational and tourism opportunities. Throughout the Okanagan and Similkameen, new recreational properties and golf courses have sprouted to host

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees



Retail trade


Health care & social assistance


Other services (excl. public services) Professional, scientific & tech services


Accommodation & food services


Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting


Admin. & support waste management Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Wholesale trade Manufacturing 0

50 Left photo: Peter Mitham

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2/20/11 1:01:37 PM

thompson okanagan

Okanagan Research & Innovation Centre near Penticton is key to the area’s high-tech sector

Roland Kruger of Wild Goose Vineyards in Okanagan Falls receives Pinot Gris during the 2010 vintage

the tide of visitors who flow into the valley each year. The Osoyoos Indian Band has spearheaded several notable projects, including Spirit Ridge Vineyard Resort and Spa. The resort is the hub of a precinct hosting the Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, Nk’Mip Cellars and a golf course with stunning views of the arid South Okanagan. Bellstar Hotels & Resorts, which manages Spirit Ridge, oversees other properties too, including the

band’s latest project, Canyon Desert Resort in Oliver. The shores of Osoyoos Lake also host Watermark Beach Resort, with conference facilities that complement options at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre, the recently renovated Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre in Kelowna and UBC Okanagan, whose campus lies opposite Kelowna International Airport. Ą

OSOYOOS INDIAN BAND DEVELOPMENT CORP Senkulmen Business Park – “A place to work and create” By Chris Scott


he Senkulmen Business Park sets a new standard for land development in the Okanagan. The Osoyoos Indian Band has once again demonstrated its economic leadership under the keen direction of Chief Clarence Louie, CEO of the Osoyoos Indian Band Development Corporation. Over 100 acres of land near the town of Oliver, BC has been developed into Senkulmen Business Park, one of the most well-serviced “green” business parks in the province. With land leases starting as low as $120,000 per fully serviced acre the business park provides over $9 million dollars of infrastructure to its future tenants. The park has been designed by one of Canada’s leading industrial/commercial architectural firms and incorporates Smart Growth Community principles in the design guidelines. Included in the landscape design of the park are walking trails servicing the entire park to allow employees to walk to work from a five-acre residential area to be built within the park. Green principles have been incorporated in the design of the park such as Xeriscape landscaping, solar panels assisting the operation of the very sophisticated $2.5 million waste treatment plant and low-voltage overhead lighting on the main road network. A District Heat system has been designed to provide a geothermal heating opportunity for each business within the park, thereby reducing heating and cooling costs for the buildings by a factor of 30% – 50%.


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The Senkulmen Business Park is located on Highway 97 with access to the U.S. border crossing a mere 30 kilometres away. In addition, two airports can service the business park – Kelowna International Airport, 108 kilometres away or Penticton Regional Airport, which is served by Air Canada and is only 25 minutes from Senkulmen Business Park. The magnificent entrance off Hwy 97 is marked with two giant steel statues holding a large illuminated globe which was inspired by Chief Clarence Louie and built by famous native artist Smoker Marchand. Chief Clarence Louie invites and welcomes you to consider locating your business in the beautiful surroundings of the South Okanagan at Senkulmen Business Park. Contact Senkulmen Business Park

Photos: Peter Mitham

2/20/11 1:01:44 PM

OSOYOOS Osoyoos – Canada’s warmest welcome Long known as a prime tourism and retirement spot, the beautiful Okanagan resort town of Osoyoos is now one of Canada’s most desirable destinations for business meetings, conferences and weddings. No wonder. Osoyoos is exhilarating – a special place with a unique combination of activities and amenities set amid breathtaking scenery. Surrounded by picturesque mountains, a tranquil lake, and lush orchards and vineyards, this friendly town of 5,000 people is located in Canada’s only true desert. With the country’s warmest lake and hottest, driest climate, Osoyoos earns its reputation as “Canada’s Warmest Welcome” year-round! A growing number of luxury resorts have technology-equipped banquet and conference rooms accommodating up to 400 people. These resorts offer such a ‘paradise’ setting for special events, that hundreds of people – including some Hollywood A-listers – flock here each June for the popular Osoyoos Celebrity Wine Festival. Osoyoos truly does “have it all”: Award-winning wineries in gorgeous vineyards. Championship golf on stunning courses. Deeppowder skiing on a high mountaintop. Wakeboarding on beautiful Osoyoos Lake. Learning about First Nations culture at a world-class centre. Experiencing the desert ecology, including live rattlesnake shows! Savouring local culinary creations. Buying fresh fruit right from the orchard. Exploring the hills and mountains by foot, horseback or ATVs. Or relaxing in a pampering spa or on the soft, sandy beach. Osoyoos provides as relaxing a vacation, as active a holiday, or as inspiring a conference or wedding as anyone might want.

Year-round venues with unique desert/cultural/aboriginal experiences. Conference/Wedding Capacity for over 400 guests Pursue the experience at

For information contact: Jo Knight, Executive Director, Destination Osoyoos, 1-888-676-9667,,

SOUTHERN INTERIOR DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE TRUST SIDIT – funding more than a dream From pioneering ancestors to entrepreneurial boomers and future generations, many of us are driven by the ambition to make a difference – not only for ourselves, but to contribute to the well-being and living standards in our community. While most citizens live a comfortable life meeting the day-to-day challenges, there are those among us who go the extra mile to build aspiration into inspiration and achievement. We owe our prosperity and sense of place, in no small part, to the entrepreneurial spirit that permeates throughout the beautiful province of British Columbia. At the Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (SIDIT), we realize that turning dreams into reality is an intensive and resourceconsuming process, not only in time and sweat equity, but in terms of funding. SIDIT was launched in 2006 by the government of British Columbia with a one-time $50 million allocation. We help to grow and diversify the economy of the Southern Interior of British Columbia by supporting economic development initiatives in the following key sectors: agriculture, economic development, energy, forestry, mining, pine beetle recovery, transportation, small business and tourism. These are community-based development initiatives and regionally based commercial ventures that match the objectives of the Trust and demonstrate sustainability. For more information on our strategic focus and how we could potentially make the difference you’ve been looking for, visit www. If you would like to speak to someone about how SIDIT helps entrepreneurs, call CEO Luby Pow at 250-545-6829 or email us at

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2/20/11 1:01:45 PM

LAKE COUNTRY Population: 12,000 Imagine Business. The Okanagan Way Imagine rush hour reduced to an enjoyable bicycle ride to work. Imagine breakfast meetings catered with fruit grown minutes from your office, or meeting clients on one of 40 golf courses within a 30-minute drive. Imagine a five-minute commute to the country’s 10th-largest airport, connecting you direct to business in Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Prince George, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto and seasonal getaways in Las Vegas, Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos and Cancun. This is Business. The Okanagan Way: building the career you want, to sustain a lifestyle you’ll love. The District of Lake Country is one of British Columbia’s best-connected communities, a place where you can truly have it all. Nestled in the scenic Okanagan Valley between Kelowna and Vernon, Lake Country is part of the fast-growing Okanagan region with a population of more than 150,000 – the largest community between Vancouver and Calgary. Intersected by Highway 97 and boasting easy air access by the Kelowna International Airport, Lake Country has become a hub of growth and innovation that involves tourism, agriculture, technology, business and the arts. A place to learn The Okanagan Valley is home to two centres of higher learning – Okanagan College and the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus. Accommodating more than 12,000 students and generating an economic impact upwards of $300 million per year, the Okanagan’s postsecondary institutions are the economic engines driving growth through research, development and job-ready graduates. More than half of Lake Country’s workforce holds a trades certificate, college or university degree.


A place to grow Central Okanagan and the Okanagan Valley continue to undergo significant urban development and currently have more than 568 hectares of development-ready, industrially zoned land available to meet the growing demands of a population expected to reach 250,000 by 2030. In the District of Lake Country, more than ten hectares of commercially zoned land have been serviced and set aside for the development of the community’s commercial and cultural core, a traditional mixed-use commercial and residential neighbourhood. The District of Lake Country is committed to helping business build, work, and invest in the area, and offers businesses tax rates lower than the provincial average. A place to prosper Lake Country isn’t just a place to work – it’s a place to truly live. Residents enjoy hot summers and temperate winters with boundless opportunities for year-round recreation: from water sports to cycling, golfing, skiing, hiking and much more. Within a one-hour drive of three destination ski resorts and enjoying miles of lakefront beaches and parks, Lake Country is an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise. The vibrant, tight-knit community is also rich in culture, offering extraordinary arts and entertainment, as well as acclaimed fine and casual dining. A place to learn, grow and prosper: Lake Country offers limitless opportunity set in unspoiled natural beauty. For more information about business the Okanagan way, please contact: Mark P. Koch, Development Services Manager District of Lake Country Tel 250-766-6674 x220, Fax 250-766-0200

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2/20/11 1:01:46 PM

VERNON Population: 39,000


he City of Vernon is an economic anchor in the North Okanagan, serving a regional population of over 100,000. With a municipal population of approximately 39,000 people, Vernon maintains that small-town feel while offering an abundance of commercial and retail services. Vernon has a diverse economic base, with employment being generated from the traditional resource sectors of forestry and agriculture, as well as from the tourism, administrative, manufacturing and service sectors. Vernon is headquarters to a number of made-inVernon success stories, including Kal Tire, Tolko Industries, Okanagan Spring Brewery and DCT Chambers Trucking. Kal Tire is building its new head office near downtown in 2011. Neighbourhood planning underway for the city centre is expected to bring additional incentives to promote development in and around the city’s historic downtown. Vernon is readily accessible by air, rail and road networks, providing businesses with excellent transportation linkages. The Kelowna International Airport, offering domestic and international connections, is located only 25 minutes from downtown Vernon. Vernon is 443 kilometres from Vancouver and 553 kilometres from Calgary by vehicle, making it a popular family getaway for both summer and winter vacations. Vernon has a strong agricultural history evident today in the farmers markets and many agri-tourism opportunities. Local produce and farm products abound, offering tremendous variety in organic and locally produced foods. Farms throughout the region enhance the agricultural character of the area. Vernon has a well-deserved reputation for its recreational

opportunities, including ready access to Okanagan and Kalamalka Lakes. Predator Ridge Golf Resort continues to bring new housing to the market and expand its greens to provide an amazing golf experience. Numerous other golf courses also offer plenty of opportunities to enjoy the beautiful Okanagan summers. Silver Star Mountain Resort is only 20 minutes from downtown, while nearby Sovereign Lake provides access to cross country skiing. To soothe those aching muscles after a day on the slopes, the new Sparkling Hill Resort offers European spa luxury at affordable Canadian prices. Recent and ongoing investments in public services and amenities will enhance Vernon as a desirable place to locate. The hospital expansion is nearly complete, and a new public library and secondary school are under construction. The City of Vernon has been investing in new green space and improved civic spaces, transit expansion, more sidewalk and trail connections and the creation of cycling infrastructure to enhance the livability of the community. Okanagan College and the University of BC Okanagan provide post-secondary opportunities to both high school graduates and returning students looking to upgrade their skills. With a strong sense of community and beautiful Okanagan location, Vernon offers a great business climate and is a desirable place to live. We invite you to join our success. Contact City of Vernon Kevin Poole, Economic Development Officer Tel 250-550-3249

Contact us today to find out how your company can join in the success.

City of Vernon Economic Development


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2/20/11 1:01:48 PM

north coast

Share of B.C. land area: 12%

Ąhazelton Ąkitimat Ąmasset Ąnew hazelton Ąport clements Ąport edward Ąport simpson Ąprince rupert Ąqueen charlotte city Ąsandspit Ąskidegate

SEAWORTHY ADVANTAGE Coastal British Columbia’s triple threat of transportation, resources and innovation


Ątelegraph creek Ąterrace

By Grant Wing ouglas Inlet. Haida Gwaii. The Great Bear Rainforest. These are unchanging landmarks of British Columbia’s vast and majestic North Coast. Yet take a look at its dynamic communities, and you’ll see that the region’s economy is evolving toward a prosperous future. All North Coast roads lead to Terrace, the region’s serviceand-supply centre. Terrace is poised to assume leadership in the region thanks to its strategic location, plentiful industrial real estate and abundant natural resources, says Mayor David Pernarowski.


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2/20/11 1:01:52 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada

The pipelines of the Enbridge Northern Gateway will be monitored and controlled round the clock from the company’s Edmonton operations centre

north coast

Prince Rupert is positioned to benefit from its port, rail and road transportation advantages

Signs of economic growth there include a revitalised lumber industry with new mills opening and mining exploration moving toward development phase. Recently breaking ground in Terrace, Global Bio-coal Energy Inc. is building the world’s first bio-coal plant. Starting production in 2011, it will turn waste wood into synthetic coal for coal-fired plants. “That particular business is really helping to accomplish one of our goals, which is helping to diversify our forestry industry and find a way to bring some of the low fibre out of our forests

Demographic characteristics Ă 0–17

Ă 18–64

Ă 65+ Ă all ages

Thousands of persons

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 2006




Building permits

Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Ă Non-residential




A carrier at the proposed $3-billion terminal, from which Kitimat LNG would export liquefied natural gas to Asia

and utilize wood that was previously being left behind,” says Pernarowski. “It’s very exciting.” Near Terrace, the region’s manufacturing powerhouse Kitimat waits expectantly as billions of dollars in investment approach. Hoped-for projects include the Kitimat LNG terminal, Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project and Rio Tinto Alcan smelter upgrade. Of these, the Kitimat LNG terminal, whose purpose will be the export of liquefied natural gas, is closest to breaking ground, with all permits and support of First Nations and community in place. The District of Kitimat is ready to provide these and other projects with a good business climate, excellent services and excellent quality of life, says Trafford Hall, Kitimat city manager. Hall says another key investment for the region would be a pulp

Economic activity Ă Residential

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Retail trade Construction Other services (excl. public services) Health care & social assistance Accommodation & food services Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting Transportation & warehousing Professional, scientific & tech services Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Wholesale trade Admin. & support waste management 50

Photo, opposite: CN Rail

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2/20/11 1:01:57 PM

north coast

Prince Rupert occupies a key spot on the corridor between North America and Asia

mill that would use low-quality wood, thereby freeing up highvalue logs for harvesting and export. (For more on advances in resources including updates on Kitimat LNG, see feature, page 20.) Kitimat is promoting itself as a retirement community with low-cost housing and an excellent lifestyle, says Hall. The city is renovating municipal facilities like the pool and library to make them friendly to retirees.

Northwest British Columbia: not always what you’d expect.

Sure, you may know all about our world-class fishing and the black bears that are actually white. But did you know that one of our cities, Kitimat, accounts for a full12% of the total industrial output of the province? Or that the Northwest is home to some of the finest Native carvers in Canada? Or that the region boasts a ski area that is regularly written up in American snowboard magazines? It’s not always what you’d expect Northwest Regional Airport, Terrace-Kitimat is the reliable air transportation gateway to Heavy Industry, Mining, Forestry and Tourism opportunities. Following the installation of the Instrument Landing System, since 2003 landings have improved to 99.6% reliability.

Call 250-635-2659 or visit us at for extra info.


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Bringing groups in the Kitimat– Terrace corridor together to promote industry, Kitimat Terrace Industrial Development Society (KTIDS) is pushing several infrastructural projects for the region’s future needs, says Gerry Martin, president. KTIDS is promoting a break bulk terminal in Kitimat, a key piece of infrastructure for handling imports and exports. Another important infrastructural project is a road and industrial energy development creating a common corridor to improve access to port and industrial land on the west side of the Kitimat River. Rio Tinto Alcan has been showing ongoing commitment to Aboriginal carving, Kitimat with $50 million invested Haida Gwaii in the past year for work on its Kitimat smelter and is supporting local suppliers and contractors, says Martin. In Terrace, KTIDS sees the prospective Northwest Transmission Line and resulting mining activity as factors in its growing role as the region’s distribution-and-service centre. “So there are good things starting to happen and on the horizon, so we’re staying optimistic,” says Martin. The region’s largest city, Prince Rupert, is feeling confident of future business and investment. When the global economy bounces back, Prince Rupert is primed to take advantage of its triad of port, rail and road transportation advantages, says Derek Baker, economic development officer at Prince Rupert & Port Edward Economic Development Corp. Prince Rupert also continues to be a strong draw for tourism, with over 25 cruise ships and 55,000 passengers visiting. It’s Bottom photo: Tourism BC/M. Dorigo

2/20/11 1:02:04 PM

north coast Balance Rock near Skidegate, Haida Gwaii

responding with increased shopping, children’s activities and nightlife options. “We’re not a one-sector town by any stretch of the imagination,” says Baker. Look further afield in the North Coast, and you’ll find additional bright spots of business activity. Located at the head of the Portland Canal on the border between B.C. and Alaska, Stewart is set to take advantage of its resources and new opportunities. It has seen recent upturns in both mining and export of raw logs, says Mayor Angela Brand Danuser. The Port of Stewart is Canada’s northernmost ice-free deep-water port. Stewart offers advantages to industry such as abundant electricity, plenty of land and easily obtained development applications and permits. (For more on B.C.’s ports and other infrastructural developments, see feature, page 17.) Tourism is likewise strong, with the area’s spectacular glaciers and the historic town of Hyder, Alaska, while prodigious winter snowfall attracts snowmobilers and heli-skiers. In the spectacular archipelago of Haida Gwaii, innovators are building sustainable businesses. Of growing influence is the Haida Nation, which is completing agreements with the province to start sustainable forestry operations. Another success story is Haida Gwaii Local Foods Processing Co-op, which processes wild mushrooms and other wild foods sustainably harvested by local people, says Art Lew, general manager of Haida Gwaii Community Futures, which has invested in the business. The co-op sells fresh chanterelles to gourmet-food distributers and has recently perfected a microwave dehydration technology to create a dried product that looks and tastes like fresh mushrooms when reconstituted. Photo: Tourism BC/Tom Ryan

00.1_Invest in BC.indd 77

Another local project: bringing university students to Haida Gwaii to learn ecomanagement in a natural classroom. Eco-tourism, cultural tourism and spectacular recreational fishing show real potential as tourism draws, says Lew. Ą

PORT OF PRINCE RUPERT Welcome to North America’s Leading Edge Prince Rupert isn’t just on Canada’s western edge, we are on North America’s leading edge and anchoring the West Coast’s newest trade corridor with Asia. Consider our competitive edge: shortest transpacific sea-land link; superior, uncongested rail and road links with major North American markets; purpose-built high-velocity terminals; deepest natural harbour; and capacity for growth. The Port of Prince Rupert features over 1,000 acres of prime industrial properties, internationally recognized as one of the top logistics and intermodal locations in North America. Contact us to explore how we can help grow your business. 250.627.8899 | |


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2/20/11 1:02:14 PM

DISTRICT OF KITIMAT Kitimat – Multi-billion dollar projects move forward and diversification takes off Western Canada’s Pacific Inland Coast is an economic growth corridor for Western Canada and British Columbia. Kitimat is Canada’s only international private port and trade location where an investment roster of $12 to $15 billion in manufacturing facilities, energy export and import infrastructure and new marine terminals is very active. Rio Tinto Alcan’s US$2.5 billion dollar aluminum expansion will increase output by 48 percent to 420,000 tonnes per year. With $350 million expended, a further $300 million planned for 2011 and final capital approval expected this year, BC’s aluminum industry is growing. “The modernization of our Kitimat smelter is truly a transformational project, in line with our strategic objective to grow via long-life, large-scale, low-cost assets.” Once completed, “Kitimat will be one of the lowest-cost smelters in the world” says Jacynthe Côté, chief executive of Rio Tinto Alcan. KMLNG’s (formerly named Kitimat LNG) $3 billion natural gas liquefaction plant, marine terminal, and associated $1.3 billion 30-36 inch Pacific Trail Pipeline’s natural gas pipeline are also active. Front end engineering design studies are underway, detailed engineering studies are slated to follow, and pre-construction is expected in 2011. Northern Gateway Pipeline’s $5.5 billon marine terminal, tank farm and pipeline project has formally entered Canada’s National Energy Board review and public engagement activities are formalized and underway. A world-scale brown field site and marine terminal has garnered investment interest and an idle multiproduct break-bulk and bulk material terminal is attracting attention for expanded shipping activity from Canada’s most unique private port. Kitimat is singled out for investment for good reason: cost-savings. Land transport can be as high as five times more on land than water – inland


ports offer significant savings for exporters and importers. Canada’s St. Lawrence Seaway, the United States Mississippi River, China’s Yangtze River and Kitimat’s inland location are assets for global trade. British Columbia’s widest and deepest inland fjord – the Douglas Channel – leads Kitimat’s natural, ice-free and deep sea harbour. Large industrial sites and upland valley sites, serviced by Canadian National Railway, the TransCanada Highway #16 and investors marvel at easy access to the region through the busy Northwest Regional Airport . Additional power-intensive industrial opportunities include steel pipe import and coating facilities to serve six northern pipelines. Copper smelting also makes sense – adding value to copper concentrate from new copper mines within and north of the Kitimat Valley. Northwest BC is noted as being one of the largest copper deposit regions in the world. If you are looking for a strategic investment location, look no further. Dramatic growth is also expected for eco-tourism and retirement attraction, and for good reason. Distanced from regional international shipping lanes, an abundance of BC’s newest and most spectacular marine parks, protected areas and heritage conservancies are found on the Pacific Inland Coast. The region’s moderate coastal temperate climate, magnificent scenery and wildlife, and its natural coastal hot springs – formerly known only to locals – are now attracting mid-market ecotourism operators and western Canadian retirees. Enquiries are welcome, and investment promises new and unique markets. Contact: Diane Hewlett, Manager of Investor Services District of Kitimat / Private Port of Kitimat 270 City Centre, Kitimat, British Columbia V8C 2H7 Tel: 250-632-8921

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he communities of Prince Rupert and Port Edward offer unparallelled value to companies seeking the optimal business location. Our critical mass of business services, overall low operating costs, transportation systems and market access make our communities the most efficient place to do business in B.C. Globally connected Prince Rupert and Port Edward are globally connected with world-class infrastructure. With three modern and highly efficient cargo-shipping terminals, the City of Prince Rupert is recognized as North America’s shortest link to the expanding economies in the Asia Pacific region. All three cargo terminals are directly connected to the North American continent by CN Rail’s network. The innovative terminal design, lack of urban congestion and scheduled train service is contributing to competitive advantages in speed, reliability and cost efficiency for shippers in moving their products between Asia and North America. Room to grow Unlike other major centres, our communities offer plenty of room for growth. Owned by the Prince Rupert Port Authority, Ridley Island and adjacent Porpoise Harbour and South Kaien, Coast and Lelu islands offer more than 400 contiguous hectares (1,000 acres) of waterfront land. The District of Port Edward has approximately 30 hectares of designated industrial land, roughly 12 hectares of which is either undeveloped or underdeveloped. Additional land in an around the town site has been zoned for industrial use but has not yet been developed. Meanwhile, the City of Prince Rupert offers sufficient commercial space, supporting new retail and service establishments, within the downtown shopping centre.

Countless opportunities The City of Prince Rupert and District of Port Edward offer opportunities to investors that will create added capacity to support our growing transportation industry, such as warehousing and cold storage, transloading facilities, ship repair facilities, short-, medium- and long -haul freight trucking, and inspection services. We also offer ample opportunities for individuals interested in retail, tourism, manufacturing and business support industries. Coastal lifestyle Prince Rupert is a welcoming, friendly, safe and affordable place to live and raise a family. Residents lead an enviable lifestyle. Prince Rupert is home to countless recreation opportunities, including outdoor hiking, water excursions, both freshwater and saltwater fishing, camping just minutes from the town centre, many active community clubs and organizations, a vast array of sport opportunities for children and adults and a very active social network with many events throughout the year. The Lester Centre of the Arts provides entertainment from all over the world and showcases local talent. The community is rich in many cultural activities, many church and religions are represented in the area. There are also unique shopping experiences and fine dining, as well as a rich culture dating back 10,000 years, access to world-class health care, and one of the most affordable housing markets in B.C. Together these attributes make Prince Rupert an ideal place to live, work, invest and play. Contact Derek Baker, Economic Development officer 250-627-5138,,

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2/20/11 1:02:16 PM

northeast Ąchetwynd Ądawson creek Ąfort nelson


Clean power, mining, oil and gas drive a need for service and supply businesses in the Northeast

Ąfort st. john

Share of B.C. land area: 22.1%

Ąhudson’s hope Ąpouce coupe Ątaylor Ątumbler ridge



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Vast wilderness makes the Northeast one of Canada’s most pristine areas

Companies such as Western Coal Corp. and Peace River Coal Inc. operate several coal mines near Tumbler Ridge, while major oil and gas producers like Encana Corp. and Apache Corp. are investing billions to develop shale-gas deposits across the region. According to the North Peace Economic Development Commission (NPEDC), some 20,000 natural-gas wells have been drilled in Peace Country already. “This investment of billions of dollars will dramatically impact the future of the North Peace Region in ways that are unimaginable from an economic-development perspective. There simply is no other sector of the economy that will have more impact on the North Peace during the next five years,” says Sandra Lemmon, Photo: Motion Media

2/20/11 1:02:26 PM

Sources: Statistics Canada

By Joel McKay he Northeast is one of North America’s largest barely tapped wildernesses. It’s also home to a bevy of resource industries in need of service and supply. “The world is investing in commodities, and if you’re going to get your commodities you have to go to where they are, so if you want to be in that business you have to come here,” explains Evan Saugstad, mayor of Chetwynd and chairman of the Northern Development Initiative Trust. “Obviously, there’s then a lot of money in our communities, so you have the spinoffs for all of your service sector.” Today, the story in the Northeast is Asia’s insatiable appetite for development and the demand it creates for natural resources, so that commodities such as coal and natural gas are huge driving factors in the Northeast’s economy.

northeast Golfing at Dawson Creek Golf & Country Club Prairie-like landscape combined with agriculture gives some of the Northeast much in common with Alberta

economic development officer at NPEDC. This presents rich opportunities for businesses such as trucking companies to move heavy goods and engineering and geotechnical firms to support high tech. Some companies have even begun exploring for and shipping sand, which is essential to natural-gas fracturing. There also are opportunities for retail development. In Chetwynd, the local 7-Eleven has daily lines out the door because local conveniences are so few. Saugstad says his town definitely needs at least one more full-service gas station. The story is the same in Fort St. John, population 18,000. “Retail opportunities abound here,” says Fort St. John councillor

Demographic characteristics

Thousands of persons

Ă 0–17

Ă 18–64

Ă 65+ Ă all ages

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2006




Building permits

Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Ă Non-residential




Lori Ackerman. “[We] have young families; about 650 babies were born here last year. Ask yourself what a family needs to thrive.” Fort St. John ranked 21st among Canada’s top entrepreneurial cities, according to a report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. “If you have the desire to be a retail entrepreneur, this is your place to be,” Ackerman says. The energy sector is also heating up. Last spring, the provincial government announced plans to move ahead with the Site C hydroelectric dam on the Peace River. If built, this project will produce 4,600 gigawatt hours of electricity per year, enough to power 410,000 residences. Because of the Clean Energy Act, Victoria is emphasizing clean-power projects, and in Peace Country, this means wind. Companies such as Plutonic Power Corp., Finavera Renewables and Aeolis Wind Power Corp. are building multimillion–dollar wind farms from Dawson Creek to Tumbler Ridge. Aside from energy, mining, oil and gas, the Northeast is home to 2,300 forestry workers and produces 90 per cent of the province’s grain, according to the NPEDC. Tourism is growing as well. Chetwynd is a world leader in chainsaw-carving, with regular tournaments and impressive sculptures placed throughout town. Fort St. John has recently opened the Pomeroy Sport Centre,

Economic activity Ă Residential

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Construction Other services (excl. public services) Transportation & warehousing Mining & oil & gas extraction Retail trade Professional, scientific & tech services Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting Health care & social assistance Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Accommodation & food services Admin. & support waste management 0

10 Photos: (left) Motion Media; (right) Tourism BC/Don Pettit Photographics

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2/20/11 1:02:34 PM

northeast NDIT and the Canadian government helped Northwest Wood Preservers get its Platinum Pellets plant in Vanderhoof into production

featuring two NHL-sized ice rinks, an Olympic-sized speed-skating oval and a walking track, among other amenities. Dawson Creek hosts many regional firsts, including B.C.’s first windmill park, owned by AltaGas Ltd. With its 38 windmills, the park feeds into the existing hydro line. The City of Dawson Creek has received many awards for sustainability projects, the most recent being from BC Hydro for sustainability in the workplace. Because of the major gas play south of the municipality, the City of Dawson Creek has just signed an agreement with Shell Canada to build the first effluent water-treatment plant that will recycle water from the city’s water-treatment plant for non-potable industrial use. Shell is contributing $9.7 million to build this plant. The recycled water will be suitable for fracturing, to save the large volumes of water now extracted from Dawson Creek’s



he energy is incredible in Fort St. John! With an abundance of natural resources and the entrepreneurial spirit to take advantage of it all, Fort St. John, The Energetic City, is a powerhouse of opportunity. Why energetic? For a few reasons. Fort St. John is the largest city on the Alaska Highway and the transportation and supply hub for all of Northeast B.C. Fort St. John supports a trading area of more than 62,000 residents in the city and outlying service region. The city is surrounded by a strong agricultural community and a vibrant forestry industry, and is the centre of activity in the Peace, a region that produces 90% of B.C.’s grain, 38% of its hydroelectric power, and has some of the largest gas fields in North America. But there’s more to Fort St. John than business. Fort St. John is a

One of B.C.’s oldest industries, coal-mining is a major economic driver in the Northeast

watershed and adding to the supply of water to other industries. Oil and gas are so significant to the Northeast that many expect for Dawson Creek the kinds of growth rates seen in Grande Prairie and Fort McMurray, Alberta. Many new hotels and retail outlets are expanding east and west. There’s a major increase in residential construction. The new $54-million South Peace Community Multiplex includes the EnCana Events Centre, the Lakota Agriplex and the Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre. Agriculture continues to be a rich mainstay for Dawson Creek. The area is famous for timothy, canola and cattle. A new livestock auction market serves the entire industry of the northeast, the northwest and Alberta. The South Peace Economic Development Commission, representing communities located in the southern part of the Northeast, will soon launch its new website, showcasing opportunities in the region.Ą great place to visit and play and offers a uniquely rich concentration of historical, cultural and recreational resources. Even in the cold of January, you will find the city abuzz with activity as we host the annual High on Ice Festival, where amateur and professional ice carvers create works of art out of ice. As the growth rate of Fort St. John continues to outdo the provincial average, so too does the demand for retail and other businesses that will help fuel the growth. This sustainable growth has resulted in a city that has a friendly small-town feel combined with all accommodations, restaurants, shopping and services of the big city Contact The City of Fort St. John 1-877-785-6037,

One good reason why Fort St. John is a great place to live and work:

Visit us at 82

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Photos: NDIT

2/20/11 1:02:47 PM

DAWSON CREEK Population: 12,000 lthough agriculture founded the South Peace region, Dawson Creek and the surrounding area now have a diverse and flourishing economy, fuelled by the oil and gas industry, forestry, retail services, tourism and renewable energy. Dawson Creek’s central location and well-developed infrastructure have made the city an excellent place to establish and expand a business. Here are just a few reasons why:


Strategic location: Centrally located in the Peace Region and at the junction of four well-maintained highways – Highway 97 south (Hart Highway), Highway 97 north (Alaska Highway), Highway 49 east to Alberta and Highway 2 south to Edmonton – Dawson Creek is easily accessible from every direction, summer and winter. No wonder it has always been known as the area’s transportation hub, or as we like to say, “The Centre of it All.” Investment potential: 2010 residential and commercial assessment values increased by 10.41% and 18.32% respectively for an overall increase of 11.96% to the total base. Non market or new construction increases are 2.3% and 2.5% respectively. Rising assessments indicate a strong investment climate and promote confidence for the future. The average residential assessment for 2010 is $196,888, and the average commercial assessment is $296,898. Now is the time to invest in the City of Dawson Creek! EnCana Events Centre: Dawson Creek is proud to be home to the EnCana Events Centre. With 6,500 seats, it is the region’s newest and largest entertainment facility. With a number of concerts and events lined up, Dawson Creek has truly become the event centre of the Peace! Visit the EnCana Events Centre ( for more information.

Northern Lights College: Post-secondary education is available at the Northern Lights College, which offers a number of trades and apprenticeship programs, as well as many university arts and sciences courses. Tourism: Dawson Creek is recognized as “Mile Zero” of the Alaska Highway, with many attractions highlighting this historic endeavour. If you’re planning a trip up north, be sure to include Dawson Creek on your list of stopping places. For more information on planning your trip to Dawson Creek, please visit Tourism Dawson Creek ( Lifestyle: Dawson Creek is a vibrant community with wonderful opportunities to experience both indoor and outdoor recreational endeavours. Hiking, biking, skiing, curling, swimming or baseball; anyone living an active lifestyle has plenty of activities to choose from. The thriving arts community benefits from an art gallery and a performing arts centre, as well as variety of cultural programs and events. Shopping choices in Dawson Creek include everything from small independently owned retail shops and cafés to larger big-name box stores. With big-city amenities and small town values, Dawson Creek has something for everyone! Economic Development contact: Mayor Mike Bernier PO Box 150, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G4 Phone: 250-784.-3616; Fax: 250-782-3203 Email:, Website:

Photo Credits to PeacePhotographics

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2/20/11 1:02:48 PM

Chetwynd Population: 3,100 Discover the Chetwynd advantage By most accounts 2010 was a good year, and looking forward, 2011 will be as good or better. In 2011, Chetwynd’s population will grow as local industry expands. Conservatively, Chetwynd will see 200 new permanent jobs created. As a result, and for the first time in many years, we will see substantial growth in residential construction. This spring we should see a number of developers, both new and existing, begin building houses. We have the land currently available and new home construction will begin to infill our existing bank of vacant lots. If the current interest expressed in rental housing is any indication, we should also see new apartment construction. We can also expect to see a number of our existing businesses expanding to take advantage of this growth and we will see new ones opening. Some of this expansion will require new construction or our current buildings may simply be purchased as needed. Over the past few months we have had interest from restaurant and retail chains and other companies looking for new office and/or light-industrial space. Downtown will also begin to look different. In 2011 the Chetwynd Motor Inn will be demolished and replaced by another businesses, rather than being left as a vacant lot. A number of other derelict buildings are also scheduled to be demolished. Industrial development will continue to expand. Western Coal has applied to expand the Willow Creek Mine (currently in the Environmental Assessment [EA] process), while Finavera has submitted an application to the EA office for approval to begin construction of four wind-power projects – one on the hill above town, with the other three closer to Tumbler Ridge. Canfor is still evaluating the feasibility of constructing a pellet plant in Chetwynd and should make an announcement soon. Spectra Energy and TransCanada Pipeline have both applied to build new pipelines to serve the expanding shale gas industry. Still in the concept stage are numerous other industrial projects. A number of companies are looking at coal mine and wind farm development, both near Chetwynd and in Tumbler Ridge. A recent announcement that Tim Horton’s is building in Chetwynd is great news and will make approximately 60 more jobs available in Chetwynd. It’s a great start to the beginning of 2011 and we are looking forward to more growth. Housing – apartments and multi-family development – is a need with the potential for increased industrial activity. There are numerous available lots and opportunity for investment for Chetwynd. Come and take time to learn more and to invest in Chetwynd.


For a detailed report on industrial activity, land and investment contact the Chetwynd and Area Economic Development Office for an Economic Impact Assessment report. Phone 250-401-4113, email or visit the website at Contact District of Chetwynd Box 357 Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Email: Phone: 250-401-4113 Fax: 250-401-4101

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2/20/11 1:02:53 PM

Discover the


Business-Friendly Climate ■ diverse economy

■ strong service centre: forestry, oil & gas, coal, wind and ranching

... availability of industrial and light industrial land - a bonus for businesses looking to grow ...

■ near shale, tight, sour & natural gas zones ■ bulk water fill station for residents & industry ■ industrial land, light industrial & commercial spaces available ■ sewer dump facility for commercial / industry ■ centrally located: close to airport, rail & major highways ■ local contract services available

High Quality of Life ■ a four season playground with an abundance of activities for all ages


... Y IS




■ recreation complex: curling rink, skating oval, ice area, skateboard park, sports fields, fitness centre, track, weight room, racquet courts & climbing wall ■ leisure pool: wave pool, sauna, hot tub ■ developed mountain biking, hiking trails ■ home to the annual Chetwynd International Chainsaw Carving Championship



... Chetwynd offers a high quality of life with jobs that pay well and inexpensive housing costs ...

■ ... the most livable small community in BC (Smart Growth BC)


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT T: 250 401 4113 | F: 250 401 4101 | Box 357 | Chetwynd BC V0C 1J0 | Email:

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2/20/11 1:02:54 PM

North Peace Economic Development Commission

City of Fort St. John, District of Hudson’s Hope, District of Taylor and Electoral Areas “B” &”C”


isected by the Peace River, the BC Peace region comprises almost one-quarter of British Columbia’s land area. The people of this region live here because they like it here. Young families make up the largest part of this area’s residents. The North Peace region is not only a great place to start a business or to find a job, it is also a great place to raise a family and live an active lifestyle. The North Peace region’s competitive advantage is its low tax rates, low cost of energy, connectivity to the shortest link between Shanghai and Chicago through the Port of Prince Rupert, low overall business costs (including a regional airport) and low cost of land. From prairie farmland and boreal forest to alpine tundra and rugged Rocky Mountains, the Peace Region produces 90 per cent of the province’s grain and 38 per cent of its hydroelectric power, has some of the largest gas fields in North America with more than 20,000 wells drilled, employs about 2,300 forestry workers and plays host to more than 300,000 tourists each year. The Energy sector is currently driving the economy in the North Peace region. Oil & Gas Inquirer magazine indicated that, “The Montney and Horn River unconventional gas plays are massive prospects that are reshaping Canada’s petroleum sector.” As well, northeast British Columbia has hundreds of years of coal reserves remaining. On April 19, 2010, the B.C. government announced that it would be moving forward with the third stage of the Site C Clean Energy Project (Site C). Site C will contribute to the local and provincial economy by creating an estimated 7,650 direct construction jobs through the construction period, and up to 35,000 direct and indirect jobs through all stages of the project. The agriculture sector includes prairie crops of wheat, barley, canola and forage, 90% of B.C.’s wheat, 95% of B.C.’s canola, 30% of B.C.’s honey production and exceptional quality grass seeds. Livestock production includes traditional beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs and horses, including some of the largest bison herds in the province. The forestry sector’s major tree species include white spruce, trembling aspen, lodgepole pine, black spruce, balsam poplar, tama-


rack, sub alpine fir and paper birch. Located within the Fort St. John area is a pulp mill, sawmill and one of the world’s largest OSB plants. As British Columbia’s energy capital, the City of Fort St. John (www. offers big-city amenities with small-community friendliness. It is the largest city in B.C.’s northeast, with a population approaching 20,000. As the regional hub, it serves a population of 64,000 residents. Opportunities for investors include housing development, food and beverage and retail operations. Eighty kilometres south of Fort St. John, the District of Hudson’s Hope ( places high emphasis on the quality of life, both humanitarian and environmental, making it a safe and inviting family community. With a population of 1,000 residents, opportunities for investors include housing development and outdoor recreation (river rafting, fourwheeling and boating) and tourism operations. With a population of 1,500 residents, the District of Taylor (www. is the fastest-growing community in the Peace River region. Located 18 kilometres southeast of Fort St. John, it is a community that values and nurtures personal endeavor, affordable living and unrivalled amenities for the whole family to enjoy. Opportunities for investors include a mid-size grocery store, small professional building, more motel rooms and a potential for a 48- to 50-room hotel. Peace River Regional District Electoral Area “B” is the largest land area in the North Peace region. With a population of more than 5,000 residents, the area consists of farming communities and more than 1,600 dwellings. The Peace River Regional District Electoral Area “C” is the rural land surrounding both the City of Fort St. John and the District of Taylor. With a population of more than 6,000 residents and over 2,000 dwellings, this area is bordered by the Peace River to the south and the Beatton River to the east. Both rural areas’ industrial bases are strong and diverse – agriculture, forestry and tourism complemented by the oil-and-gas service sector. North Peace economic region is the ancestral home to the Beaver and Athabasca speaking tribes: Blueberry River First Nations, Halfway River First Nation and Doig River First Nation. Local First Nations are fostering cultural awareness and collaboration and seeking partnerships to build capacity in all types of business and services. They are also becoming active investors within the region. The North Peace is abundant with opportunities. The northeast region of British Columbia is the driver of oil and gas extraction, which will continue to stimulate British Columbia’s economy for many years to come. Written by Sandra Lemmon, Regional Economic Development Officer – NPEDC Tel: 250-785-5969, Email:

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2/20/11 1:02:57 PM

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!# % # "" & " ' $! #! ! $! " ! # 9325 - 100th St, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 Tel: L.250.785.5969 Fax: 250.785.5968 Cell: 250.793.0346 Sandra Lemmon, Economic Development Officer 9325 - 100th St, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 Tel: 250.785.5969 Fax: 250.785.5968 Cell: 250.793.0346 00.1_Invest in BC.indd 87

2/20/11 1:02:57 PM

Tumbler Ridge

Population: 3,000


umbler Ridge is not what you think it is – in fact, it’s much more than what you might have heard. It is a community that continues to redefine what opportunity and quality of life are in northern B.C. Over the past decade, the town has been a victim of its own success. Its massive marketing and PR campaign that took place over the course of 2000/01 resulted in the sale of more than 900 houses at rockbottom prices to people from all over the world. Unfortunately, this image of what Tumbler Ridge once was has been etched in the collective memory of most people living outside of the region. It is with this in mind that the community has resolved to let the rest of the province, and the world, know who it really is today. The District of Tumbler Ridge is one of the youngest communities in British Columbia. This town of approximately 3,000 people is idyllically situated in the rolling foothills on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, within the Alaska Highway corridor. Gifted with a diverse topography that has earned the community the moniker, ‘”Waterfall Capital of the North,” Tumbler Ridge sits amidst a wilderness of lakes, rivers and numerous breathtaking falls. The town site itself is reminiscent of a wilderness village resort equipped with all possible recreational amenities, some of which include a multimilliondollar community centre, a network of 47 non-motorized recreational trails, 300 kilometres of snowmobile routes and the most challenging/scenic nine-hole golf course in northern B.C. At first glance, it is readily apparent that this town cannot be compared to any other. In fact, its design was a social experiment of sorts. Not only was Tumbler Ridge created to retain a stable workforce for the Northeast B.C. coal project, it was master-planned in such a way that people would likely choose to live there, regardless of the presence of active coal mining. Underground utilities, expansive pedestrianoriented infrastructure and a centralized commercial core are just a handful of representative samples that reflect Tumbler Ridge’s number 1 selling feature: its quality of life. Many communities boast a superior lifestyle. Tumbler Ridge exemplifies it. The social experiment worked. Not only did this superior lifestyle attract new residents at a time when the town was economically shaky, it continues to draw people in and provides the town with a firm toehold toward reaching its goal of becoming a destination of choice for international travellers. Surrounded by nearly 1,600 square kilometres of provincial parks and wilderness on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, this four-season destination offers unlimited year-round recreational opportunities for all ages, interests and abilities – river boating, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, waterfall bagging, trail running, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobil-


ing, snowshoeing, ice climbing, tobogganing and more. Elevated to global recognition in 2000 by the discovery of dinosaur footprints, Tumbler Ridge is also home to the Peace Regional Palaeontology Research Centre and the Dinosaur Discovery Gallery offering insight and hands-on experiences in dinosaur exploration in one of the world’s finest fossil areas. The only things that seem to be missing at this point are operators and service providers that can enhance the experiences Tumbler Ridge has to offer. In turn, this has highlighted an immense opportunity for new entrepreneurs wishing to enter the tourism industry or those that are established but would like to “spread their wings” in an area that is virtually untapped. Fortunately, service providers that decide to set up shop in Tumbler Ridge at this point will not have to wait for the town to reach its desired visitor destination status before reaping huge benefits. The Northeast coal slopes are buzzing once again with two local mines under expansion, the natural gas industry is growing annually, and the town is 125 kilometres from the nearest shopping centre. It’s a business owner’s dream. This pent-up desire was illustrated in the summer of 2009 when Tumbler Ridge’s first fast-food franchise, Subway™, opened. On its first day it sold out of bread within an hour of opening. Other recent arrivals that stand to benefit in a similar fashion are a 102-room hotel, restaurant and conference centre valued at over $10 millon, an equipment rental outlet, and others all slated to be fully operational in 2011. While Tumbler Ridge’s “traditional” industries continue to thrive, the economic horizon holds the potential for the establishment of new, uncharted development opportunities. With investigative use permits issued for virtually every mountaintop, Tumbler Ridge’s wind resources have proven to be a lucrative prospect for new, multibillion-dollar greenenergy projects being proposed for the area. The final progression of these projects can stand to bring several years of construction-based activity and a core base of employment. Most recently, the District of Tumbler Ridge has been working with a biomass company for the establishment of a wood-pellet manufacturing plant that would create wealth and new employment from beetle-killed forests, while helping to serve the region’s transition to greener sources of energy. Looking ahead, Tumbler Ridge is preparing to accommodate a growing population coming to the community for employment, retirement and a change of pace. Not only are they working to secure more product and services options, there is also an immense desire to increase the amount and diversity of housing within the community. In an era of endless options, the current stock of houses, all of which were built in the early 1980s, offer a limited range that may not suit everyone who wishes to relocate. Tumbler Ridge has an immense amount of affordable, developable land and a foundational base of infrastructure that was originally designed to accommodate up to 10,000 residents. Estate lots, accessible houses for an aging population and multi-family developments all have a place in the community’s range of desired housing options. Let it be known that Tumbler Ridge is redefined. It wishes to be viewed by the outside word as a proud, vibrant, diverse and sustainable community, where life is as spectacular as its natural surroundings. Tumbler Ridge has already proven that it isn’t going anywhere – now it’s working to reinforce that permanency even further. For more information, please contact Kelly Bryan, Community Development Officer at 250-242-4242 ext.236, or visit

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2/20/11 1:03:00 PM

INVEST IN TUMBLER RIDGE Northeastern BC’s most desirable community

The perfect place... A place for people. A place for business. Impressive Opportunities @ @ @ @ @

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Lasting Impressions

2/20/11 1:03:00 PM

NORTHERN ROCKIES REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Population: 6,209 (BC Stats estimate 2010) Regional development in the Northern Rockies: laying the groundwork for success The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM), Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN), Prophet River First Nation (PRFN) and industry and provincial partners are all working diligently to ensure a strong and diverse economy in B.C.’s Northeast region. Consistent capital growth, after record-breaking land tenure sales in the Horn River and Cordova Basins in 2008 and 2009, is a result of promising findings through exploration and the refinement of technologies associated with both upstream and downstream natural gas production. Growth in the economy is similarly reflected in the Northern Rockies’ growth in population – the highest annual percentage in 2009/2010 in the province of B.C., at 3.4%. 2009 saw a historic transition for the Town of Fort Nelson and the Northern Rockies Regional District, as the two combined to form British Columbia’s first regional municipality. With an innovative fixed-ratio tax structure, the NRRM received overwhelming support from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) and Canfor, who saw value in the stability and fairness of the system. Industry, local business and residents all benefit from this simple and predictable tax structure designed to ensure the NRRM’s communities can provide quality services and infrastructure now and in the future. It is likely that the NRRM’s bold leadership has laid the groundwork for other B.C. communities. The Alaska Highway, combined with railhead access and regular scheduled and charter air service at the Northern Rockies Regional Airport, makes Fort Nelson a natural transportation hub and will play the lead role in the continued diversification of its economy. Strategic busi-


ness and capital planning of such methods of transportation in the community (the airport, and Alaska Highway Corridor Study) will ensure that development stays ahead of the curve. Largely in response to the development of the Horn River Basin and the steadfast growth of the service sector, new light-industrial lands are in the process of being developed in Fort Nelson. 250 fully serviced acres are available for public ownership, accessed by an exclusive industrial traffic route off of the Alaska Highway. In addition to continued growth in the local oil and gas service sector and light-industrial development, the Forestry Roundtable meets regularly to explore new options in our changing forest industry. FNFN and the NRRM have agreed to pursue a community forest agreement, working together to establish a future community forest tenure. Tourism in this beautiful area also remains a priority since the worldfamous Alaska Highway serves as Fort Nelson’s main street, and the globally significant 6.4-million-hectare Muskwa-Kechika wilderness lies in the backyard. A recent study saw 224,200 visitors through the area from May to September, spending approximately $47.5 million on local goods and services. Over 200 new businesses of all sizes have established themselves in Fort Nelson since 2009, with a continued expectation of the same growth through 2011 and beyond. Storefronts in retail, service-sector providers, corporate oil and gas drilling, completion and production services, and expansion of the accommodations sector all show the value and measurable potential of the NRRM. Reaching the peak of business success is not a small feat: doing so in the Northern Rockies is well within reach. Contact: Enterprise Northern Rockies Email: Tel: 250-774-2541,

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2/20/11 1:03:05 PM

nechako Share of B.C. land area: 22.2% Ąatlin Ąburns lake Ącassiar Ądease lake Ąfort st. james Ąfraser lake Ągranisle Ąhouston Ąsmithers Ątelkwa Ąvanderhoof

Hiking a glacier in Atlin Provincial Park and Recreation Area


Smaller population, rich resources in province’s most spacious economic development region

Photo: Tourism BC/JF Bergeron

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By Noa Glouberman ocated at the heart of British Columbia and extending northward and westward to the Yukon border, Nechako comprises nearly 206,000 square kilometres of mountains, glacier-fed lakes and rugged coast: habitat for moose, mountain goats, grizzly bears and whales. Small wonder that tourism is a mainstay of the economy here. “The Nechako region is home to many provincial parks – all popular destinations for summer or winter recreation,” according to the WelcomeBC website. “Urban centres tend to be the core of tourism activities in the region, providing starting points for many wilderness adventures.”


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At the mill in Smithers owned by West Fraser Timber


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Early-morning mist over Burns Lake

The Jade West Group extracts approximately 100 tonnes of nephrite jade yearly from its two mine sites east of Dease Lake

Imperial Metals – also operates approximately 100 kilometres south of town.” McRae adds that base-metal prices are at historic highs, “resulting in active mines going full-out and considering expansion/extension plans, and new properties are moving through the development stages toward production.” The story is similar in Smithers, which has evolved into a mining hub thanks to its proximity to properties rich in metals and minerals. The sector has picked up to such an extent that, in March 2010, a news column entitled “Mining Matters” was created through a joint initiative between the Smithers Exploration Group and the Town of Smithers to profile the importance of the industry to the community. This bi-weekly column appears in Interior News and on various relevant websites. The impact that the economic downturn and the mountain pine beetle epidemic have had on forestry and mining in recent years has started to ease, and the future is beginning to look much brighter for both industries in the province’s northwest. “There was a slowdown in the last couple of years, but there is a new optimism now, and businesses are busy again,” confirms Tourism Smithers co-ordinator Gladys Atrill. “The drilling companies have their drills out in the field. The sawmill has worked throughout.” “Hope for the future continues to lie in the region’s incredible Photos: (top) Duane Conlon; (centre) Jade West Group

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Sources: Statistics Canada

Indeed, Nechako’s cluster of communities – Atlin, Burns Lake, Cassiar, Dease Lake, Fort St. James, Fraser Lake, Granisle, Houston, Smithers, Telkwa and Vanderhoof – are hubs for travel and adventure, despite their relatively small collective population of about 40,000. Atlin is often called the “Little Switzerland of the North,” thanks to the multitude of mountaineering opportunities its surrounding glaciers and ice fields present. Fort St. James hosts a series of dog-sled races called the Caledonia Classic each March, attracting mushers from all over North America. World-class salmon fishing on the Morice River near Houston draws fly-fishers from around the globe. Doug McRae, Houston’s economic development officer, says, “The recreation and outdoor-adventure opportunities are numerous and are still relatively undeveloped as an industry at this point. This is a great development opportunity in the area.” Vanderhoof, its name meaning “of the farm” in Dutch, has represented agriculture at its best for over a century, with its plethora of dairy farms and beef, bison and even rhea ranches. According to the District of Vanderhoof’s 2010 Community Profile, extensive agricultural development continues to occur throughout the Nechako Valley, which has become the second-largest forage-producing region in B.C. thanks to an “abundance of favourably priced and available agricultural land and a supportive community.” Much of the region’s economic pie consists of natural resources. “Ten of the 15 largest employers in the community are related in some manner” to forestry and mining, says McRae. “Two of the largest and most modern sawmills in the province are located here: Canadian Forest Products’ Houston operation and Houston Forest Products, which is owned by West Fraser Mills. A large copper/molybdenum mine – the Huckleberry mine owned by

nechako Hockey on Lake Kathlyn west of Smithers

wealth of resources,” says Michael Mehr, a chartered accountant with Edmison Mehr in Smithers. “Proposed mining and related projects [in power] have the potential to generate considerable employment for years to come; copper/gold-mining operations that are in the development phase are expected to generate up to 2,000 jobs in the region over the next five years.” Mehr also comments that “the implementation of the HST” has further bolstered the resource sector, helping the area maintain its “competitive advantage.” He says, “We are certainly working through challenging times, but our region also has many opportunities

Demographic characteristics

Thousands of persons

Ă 0–17 Ă 18–64

Ă 65+

Ă all ages

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2006




Building permits

Sources: Statistics Canada

Millions of dollars

Ă Non-residential




that we are ready to capitalize on.” The Northern Transmission Line, the AltaGas Forrest Kerr hydroelectric project, the Regional Power Long Lake Hydro project and the construction of at least one major mine are all scheduled to start in 2011 in the Highway 37 area. They will represent some 1,500 jobs and $2 billion in investment over the next four years. The Northwest has been in recession for about 10 years, and these and other projects will provide immediate longterm employment for the forseeable future for many residents. The emergence of First Nations entrepreneurs and workers will strengthen the area’s economy. Fort St. James is seeing a resurgence of activity as its recently re-opened sawmill increases production and the nearby Mt. Milligan mining project takes shape. A renewed confidence in the future is palpable among area residents. Fraser Lake is benefitting from the construction of a new $370-million mill at the Endako molybdenum mine: an investment whereby Thompson Creek Metals Co. Inc. and partners hope to double production. (For more on natural resources in B.C.’s north, see feature on page 20.) Along with such large-scale industrial projects, agriculture in the region is being boosted by the consumer trend favouring meats and other food products from local sources. Farmers markets, small meat shops that cut and package governmentinspected meat and small-scale greenhouses all contribute to regional growth in this sector. In addition to its interest in energy, Burns Lake is positioning itself on the global stage with a world-class mountain bike park, matchless cross-country skiing and lake-based tourism. These announcements demonstrate the diversification of the region’s economy from primarily forestry to mining, power generation, agriculture and tourism. Ą

Economic activity Ă Residential

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Top 10 industries by employment — Number of firms with employees

Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting Retail trade Construction Other services (excl. public services) Accommodation & food services Transportation & warehousing Professional, scientific & tech services Health care & social assistance Jan–Oct 2009

Jan–Oct 2010

Manufacturing Admin. & support waste management 50

Photo: Ryan Jensen

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ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICES BULKLEY-NECHAKO Keith Frederink, Manager Community Futures of Stuart-Nechako Box 1078-2750 Burrard Avenue, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 250-567-5219 250-567-5224 Deb Hadwen, Economic Development Officer District of Fort St. James PO Box 640, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 250-996-8233 250-996-2248 Kathie LaForge, Economic Development Officer District of Vanderhoof PO Box 900 160 Connaught Street, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 250-567-4711 250-567-9196 Fiona Lamprecht, Grantwriter District of Vanderhoof 1409 Ejner Road, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A1 250-567-5319 Diane Smith, Economic Development Officer District of Mackenzie Bag 340, Mackenzie, BC V0J C0 250-997-3221 250-997-5186 Allan Stroet, Economic Development Officer Bulkley Valley Economic Development Association 201 – 3842 Third Avenue, PO Box 3243, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 250-917-8989 Corrine Swenson, Regional Strategic Development Analyst Regional District of Bulkley Nechako PO Box 820, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 250-692-3195 Paul Wellington, Chairman Bulkley Valley Economic Development Association 201 – 3842 Third Avenue, PO Box 3243, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 250-917-8989

CARIBOO April Cheng, Economic Development Officer Quesnel Community and Economic Development 339A Reid Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2M5 250-992-3522 250-992-3544


Margaret Graine, Economic Development Officer Village of McBride 100 Robson Centre, McBride, BC V0J 2E0 250-569-7556 Alan Madrigga, Manager, Economic Development City of Williams Lake 450 Mart Street, Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N3 250-392-1764 250-392-440 Tim McEwan, President Initiatives Prince George Suite 201 – 1300 First Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 2Y3 250-649-3204 250-649-3200 Rebecca Reid, Initiatives Development Officer Community Futures of Fraser Fort George 1566 7th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3P4 250-562-9622 Ext. 105 250-613-5622 Kathie Scouten, Vice-President, Economic Development Initiatives Prince George Suite 201 – 1300 First Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 2Y3 250-649-3201 250-649-3200 Cindy Shelford, Economic Development Officer Lakes Economic Development Assoc. 586 Highway 16 – Innovation Place, Box 808, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 250-692-3700 250-692-3701

KOOTENAY Joy Davies, Councillor City of Grand Forks 6446 9th Street, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 250-442-8266 Lisa Erven, Manager Planning & Development Columbia Basin Trust Suite 300 – 445 13th Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G1 250-304-1636 250-365-6670 Sheila Gamble, Executive Director Kootenay Rockies Economic Alliance 110a Slater Rd NW, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5C8 250-347-9902 250-489-4153 Heather Hornoi, Economic Development Officer City of Kimberley 340 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 2E8 250-427-5311 250-427-5252


Suzanne McCrimmon, Manager, Community Economic Development Golden Area Initiatives PO Box 20190, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 250-344-2420 250-344-2420

Wayne Beggs, Manager of Economic Development City of Coquitlam 3000 Guilford Way, Coquitlam, BC V3B 7N2 604-927-3442 604-927-3405

Wendy McCulloch, General Manager Community Futures of Boundary PO Box 2949, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 250-442-2722 250-443-9315

Sandy Blue, Manager, Economic Development District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 604-467-7320 604-467-7335

Sandy Santori, Executive Director Lower Columbia Initiatives #1-1355 Pine Avenue, Trail, BC V1R 4E7 250-364-6461 Kevin Weaver, Economic Development Officer City of Cranbrook 40 – 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5V7 250-489-0232 250-426-7264 Jennifer Wetmore, Community Economic Development Coordinator Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Box 2949, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 250-442-2722 250-442-5311 Paul Wiest, General Manager of Comm. Futures Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership 201-514 Vernon Street, Nelson, BC V1L 4E7 250-352-1933 250-352-5926 Sarah Winton, Community Economic Development Community Futures of Boundary PO Box 2949, Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 250-442-2722 250-443-9315 Brian Woodward, Chief Administrative Officer Village of Canal Flats Box 159, Canal Flats, BC V0B 1B0 250-341-1302 250-349-5460

MAINLAND/SOUTHWEST Bob Andrews, Planning Assistant Township of Langley 20338 – 65th Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 3J1 604-532-7548 604-533-6110 Ken Baerg, Director, Economic Development City of Abbotsford 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7 604-864-5586 604-853-4981

Francis Caouette, Manager Economic Development City of North Vancouver 141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1H9 604-990-4243 604-943-0739 Cameron Chalmers, General Manager, Community Services District of Squamish PO Box 310, Squamish, BC V8B 0A3 604-815-5000 Stacey Crawford, Economic Development Officer District of Mission 34033 Lougheed Highway, Mission, BC V2V 5X8 604-820-3789 604-820-6738 Jeff Dawson, General Manager Community Futures of Howe Sound PO Box 2539, Squamish, BC V8B 0B7 604-892-5467 604-892-5227 Darrell Denton, Business Retention & Expansion Officer District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 604-467-7320 604-467-7335 Mitchell Edgar, Manager of Economic Development City of New Westminster 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9 604-521-3711 604-527-4511 Lori Graham Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J4 604-465-9481 604-465-4986 Shirley Henry, Secretary Treasurer to Pemberton Chamber Pemberton & District Chamber of Commerce PO Box 370, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0 604-894-6477 604-894-5571

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2/24/11 11:52:39 AM

Andre Isakov, Economic Development Officer Village of Harrison Hot Springs PO Box 160, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0 604-796-2171 604-796-2192 John Jansen, President CEPCO 201 – 46093 Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2P 2L8 604-792-7839 604-792-4511 Donna Jones, Economic Development Manager City of Surrey 14245 – 56th Ave, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2 604-591-4289 604-591-4357 Marten Kruysse, Strategic Economic Initiatives District of North Vancouver 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5 604-990-2318 604-984-8664 Janay Legge Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J4 604-465-9481 604-465-1986 Neonila Lilova, Economic Development Manager City of Richmond 6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 ’604-247-4934 604-276-4162 Gary Mackinnon, Economic Development Officer Township of Langley 20338 – 65th Avenue, Langley, BC V2Y 3J1 604-533-6084 604-533-6110

Lorne Owen, General Manager Community Futures of South Fraser 1-31726 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1T9 604-864-5770 604-864-5769

Diane Hewlett, Manager, Economic Development District of Kitimat 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC V8C 2H7 250-632-8900 250-632-4995

Mary Ann Smith, Senior Economic Development Officer City of Surrey 14245 – 56th Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2 604-591-4333 604-594-3055

Shannon McFee, Economic Development Officer District of Stewart PO Box 460, Stewart, BC V0T 1W0 250-636-2251 250-636-2417

Jerry Sucharyna, Economic Development Officer District of Lillooet PO Box 610, Lillooet, BC V0K 1V0 250-256-7422 250-256-4288

Christine Slanz, Executive Director Northwest Science & Innovation Society 3224 Kalum Street, Terrace, BC V8G 2N1 250-638-0950 250-638-0951

Jay Teichroeb, Economic Development Manager City of Abbotsford 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7 604-864-5586 604-853-4981 Alice To, Film & Economic Initiatives Coordinator District of North Vancouver 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5 604-991-2241 604-987-7185 Alexandra Tudose, Administration District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 604-467-7320 604-467-7335 John Tylee, Consultant Director of Policy & Research Vancouver Economic Development Commission 1620-1075 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9 604-632-9668 604-632-9788

Lee Malleau, Director of Business Development Vancouver Economic Development Commission 1620-1075 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9 604-632-9668 604-632-9788

Kate Zanon, Economic Development CEO Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J4 604-465-9481 604-465-4986

Tyler Mattheis, Director of Economic Development Hope Business & Development Society PO Box 37, 345 Raab Street, Hope, BC V0X 1L0 604-869-0930


Mike McGee, Senior Administrator Mount Currie Band PO Box 602, Mt. Currie, BC V0N 2L1 604-894-6115 John McPherson, Business Development Officer Vancouver Economic Development Commission 1620-1075 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9 604-632-9668 604-632-9788 Gerald Minchuk, Director Development Services & Economic Development City of Langley 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B3 604-514-2815 604-514-2322

Derek Baker, Economic Development Officer Prince Rupert & Port Edward Economic Development Corporation 424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L7 250-627-5138 Knut Bjorndal, General Manager Community Futures of Pacific Northwest Suite 200 – 515 33rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L9 250-622-2332 250-622-2334

Michelle Taylor, Economic Development Officer K.T. Industrial Development Society Box 5, Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 250-639-9614 250-639-9669 Evan van Dyk, Economic Development Officer Terrace Economic Development Authority 3224 Kalum Road, Terrace, BC V8G 2N1 250-635-4168 250-635 4152 Andrew Webber, Manager, Development Services Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine 300-4545 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4E1 250-615-6100 250-635-9222

NORTHEAST Lori Ackerman, Executive Director Sci-Tech North 9325-100 Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 250-785-9600 250-785-9649 Jaylene Arnold, Economic Development & Tourism Officer Northern Rockies Regional Municipality 5319 – 50th Avenue South, Bag Service 399, Fort Nelson, BC VOC 1R0 250-774-2541 Ext. 2040 250-774-6794 Fred Banham, Chief Administrative Officer South Peace Economic Development Commission PO Box 810, Stn. Main, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8 250-784-3200 Mike Bernier, Mayor City of Dawson Creek PO Box 150, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G4 250-784-3600 Kelly Bryan, Community Development Officer District of Tumbler Ridge PO Box 100, Tumbler Ridge, BC V0C 2W0 250-242-4242 250-242-3993

Jerry Botti, Manager Community Futures of Nadina PO Box 236, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 250-845-2522 250-845-2528

Ellen Calliou, Economic Development Officer District of Chetwynd PO Box 357, Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 250-401-4103 250-401-4101

Maureen Czirfusz, Economic Development Officer Houston & District Chamber of Commerce PO Box 396, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 250-845-7640 250-845-3682

Sue Kenny, General Manager Community Futures of Peace Liard 904 -102 Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2B7 250-782-8748 250-782-8770

Sandra Lemmon, Economic Development Officer North Peace Economic Development Commission 9325 100th Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 4N4 250-785-5969 250-785-5968 Jack Stevenson, Director of Planning Northern Rockies Regional Municipality 5319 – 50th Avenue South, Bag Service 399, Fort Nelson, BC VOC 1R0 250-774-2541 Ext. 2041 250-774-6794

THOMPSON OKANAGAN Debbie Arnott, General Manager Community Futures of Sun Country PO Box 1480, 203 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft, BC VOK 1A0 250-453-9165 250-453-9500 David Arsenault, Economic Development Officer Penticton Economic Development Services 553 Railway Street, Penticton, BC V2A 8S3 250-493-3323 250-493-3481 Robyn Cyr, EDO/Film Commissioner Columbia Shuswap Regional District Box 978, 781 Marine Park Drive N/E, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P1 250-832-8194 250-832-3375 Karen Dorion, Economic Development Officer Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Box 251, Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1K0 778-515-5520 778-515-5521 Laurel Douglas, Chief Executive Officer Women’s Enterprise Centre Suite 201-1726 Dolphin Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R9 250-868-3454 250-868-2709 Patti Ferguson, Chief Administrative Officer City of Armstrong PO Box 40, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 250-546-3023 250-546-3710 Robert Fine, Director of Economic Development Regional District of Central Okanagan 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4 250-469-6280 250-868-0512 Lana Fitt, Business Development Salmon Arm Economic Development Corp. 20 Hudson Avenue NE, Box 130, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2 250-833-0608 250-933-0609 Jayne Fosbery, Development Officer Westbank First Nation 301-515 Highway 97S, Kelowna, BC V1Z 3J2 250-769-4999 250-769-2430 Heidi Frank, Economic Development Officer Village of Clinton PO Box 309, 1423 Cariboo Highway, Clinton, BC V0K 1K0 250-459-7066 250-459-2227 Corie Griffiths, Economic Officer Regional District of Central Okanagan 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4 250-469-6280 BIV Magazines/

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Leslie Groulx, Economic Development/ Corporate Administrator District of Clearwater Box 157, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 250-674-2257 250-674-2173 Mae Ketter, Economic Development Assistant Community Futures of Nicola Valley PO Box 159, 2099 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 250-378-3923 250-378-3924 Leanne Kruger, Economic Development Coordinator Penticton Economic Development Services 553 Railway Street, Penticton, BC V2A 8S3 250-493-3323 250-492-6119 Sherri-Lynne Madden, Services Coordinator Thompson Nicola Regional District 300 – 465 Victoia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 250-674-3530 250-674-3540 Alan Mason, Director of Community Economic Development City of Revelstoke PO Box 2398, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0 250-837-5345 250-837-4223 Gregg Murray, Business Retention & Expansion Manager Venture Kamloops 297 First Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3J3 250-828-6818 250-828-7184 Jim Newman, Community Development Manager Town of Osoyoos 8707 Main Street, PO Box 3010, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V0 250-495-4614 250-495-0407 Deanne Parise-Brigden, Economic Development Officer Community Futures of Nicola Valley PO Box 159, 2099 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 250-378-3923 250-378-3924 Helen Patterson, Accounting and Economic Development Officer Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust 204-3131 29th Street, Vernon, BC V1T 2S7 250-545-6829 250-545-6896

Dan Sulz, Executive Director Venture Kamloops 297 First Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3J3 250-828-6818 250-828-7184 Wayne Vollrath, Chief Administrative Officer, District of Logan Lake #1 Opal Drive, Box 190, Logan Lake, BC V0K 1W0 250-523-6225 250-523-6678

VANCOUVER ISLAND/COAST Felicity Adams, Director of Development Services Town of Ladysmith PO Box 220, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A2 250-245-6405 250-245-1114 David Anderson, Economic Development Officer Central Coast Regional District PO Box 186, Bella Coola, BC V0T 1C0 250-799-5291 250-799-5750 Sasha Angus, Economic Development Officer Greater Victoria Development Agency 100 – 852 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1H8 250-383-7191 Ext. 204 250-385-3552 Lorrie Bewza, Chief Executive Officer Campbell River EDC Rivercorp Enterprise Centre East 900 Alder Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 2P6 250-830-0411 Ext. 3 250-830-0660 Lisa Brinkman, Planner Town of Ladysmith PO Box 220, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A2 250-245-6415 250-245-1114 Lori Camire, Manager Community Futures of Alberni-Clayoquot 4757 Tebo Avenue, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8A9 250-724-1241 250-724-1028 Murray Clarke, Chief Administrative Officer Town of Sidney 2440 Sidney Avenue, Sidney, BC V8L 1Y7 250-656-1139 250-656-7056 Geoff Crawford, Business Development Manager Comox Valley Economic Development Society 102-2435 Mansfield Drive, Courtenay, BC V9N 2M2 250-334-2427 250-334-2414

Cori Germiquet, President Vancouver Island Economic Alliance 765 Humphrey Road, Parksville, BC V9P 1C8 250-954-0569 Lara Greasley, Manager, Marketing & Communications Comox Valley Economic Development Society 102-2435 Mansfield Drive, Courtenay, BC V9N 2M2 250-334-2427 250-334-2414 Jolynn Green, Executive Director Community Futures Central Island 104 – 5070 Uplands Drive, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N1 250-585-5585 250-585-5584 Marilyn Hutchinson Independent Ladysmith, BC Pam Krompocker, Executive Director Community Futures of Powell River 4717 Marine Ave. 2nd Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 2L2 604-485-7901 604-485-4897 Kathy Lachman, Business Development Officer Cowichan Region Economic Development Commission 135 Third Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1R9 250-746-7880 250-746-7801

CORPORATE Renato Arcos, Proprietor RMA Consulting Services 2781 14th Ave, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 2X6 250-720-2112 250-720-2208 Ron Bagan, Managing Director Colliers International 19th Floor, 200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2R6 604-662 2633 604-661-0849 Mark Betteridge, Chief Executive Officer Discovery Parks 100-887 Great Northern Way, Vancouver, BC V5T 4T5 604-734-6511 604-734-7278 Robert Beynon, Vice President, Development Economics Intervistas Consulting Inc. 550-1200 West 73rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 604-717-1864 604-717-1818

David McCormick, Manager of Property and Community Relations Port Alberni Port Authority 2750 Harbour Road, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7X2 250-723-5312 250-723-1114

Amanda Blair, Economic & Business Development, BC Hydro 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3 604-699-7261

Kerry Mehaffey, Economic Development Officer Lil’Wat Nation Box 602, Mount Currie, BC V0N 2K0 604-894-2333

Frank Bourree, Chief Executive Officer Chemistry Consulting Group Inc. 400-1207 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8Z 1N3 250-382-3303 Ext. 208 250-383-4142

Geoff Millar, Manager of Economic Development Cowichan Region Economic Development Commission 135 Third Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1R9 250-746-7880 Ext. 2 250-746-7801

Keith Britz, Partner Meyers Norris Penny LLP 45780 Yale Road, Suite #1, Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N4 604-792-1915 604-792-6526

Evan Parliament, Chief Administrative Officer Sooke Economic Development Commission 2205 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 1J2 250-642-1634 250-642-0541

Luby Pow, Chief Executive Officer Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust 204-3131 29th Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5A8 250-545-6829 250-545-6896

Kevin Douville, Business Development Manager Community Futures Central Island 104 – 5070 Uplands Drive, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N1 250-585-5585 250-585-5584

Scott Randolph, Manager Powell River Regional Economic Development Society 201 A – 7373 Duncan Street, Powell River, BC V8A 1W6 604-485-0325 604-485-0385

Brian Sims, Executive Director Community Futures of Thompson Country 101-286 St Paul Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6G4 250-314-2999 250-828-6861

Katie Ferland, Economic Development Coordinator City of Nanaimo 455 Wallace St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6 250-755-4465 250-755-4404

Patti Smedley, Community Development Coordinator District of Port Hardy PO Box 68, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0 250-949-6665 250-949-7433


John Watson, Economic Development Officer Comox Valley Economic Development Society #102 – 2435 Mansfield Drive, Courtenay, BC V9N 2M2 250-334-2427 250-334-2414

Amrit Manhas, Research & Information Analyst City of Nanaimo 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6 250-755-4468 250-755-4436

Pat Deakin, Economic Development Manager City of Port Alberni 4850 Argyle Street, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 1V8 250-720-2527 250-723-3402

Kevin Poole, Economic Development Officer City of Vernon 3400 30th Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5E6 250-550-3249 250-545-5309

Carolyn Tatton, Executive Director Mid-Island Science, Technology & Innovation Council 150 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5G6 250-753-8324 250-753-0722

Lyn Brown, VP Corporate Relations & Social Responsibility Catalyst Paper Corporation 5775 Ash Avenue, Powell River, BC V8A 4R3 604-247-4713 Deirdre Campbell, President & Chief Development Officer Tartan Group 206-2186 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 1G3 250-592-3838 250) 381-7714 Eliza Chang, Project Director S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Business & Economic Development #200-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 604-639-5578 604-732-9818

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Liisa Cormode, President L. Cormode & Associates Research Services Suite 207, 33370 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2L8 778-549-5242 604-850-3476 Victor Cumming, Principal/Owner Westcoast CED Consulting Ltd. 7816 Okanagan Landing Road, Vernon, BC V1H 1H2 250-260-4484 250-260-4186 Donna Dixson, Marketing & Communications Consultant Flair Innovations #252 – 33771 George Ferguson Way, Box 8000, Abbotsford, BC V2S 6H1 778-908-5110 Malcolm Earle, Vice President, Industrial Division Colliers International 19th Floor, 200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2R6 604-661-0895 604-661-0849 Gordon Easton, Director, CIRA Colliers International 19th Floor, 200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2R6 604-662-2642 604-661-0849 Chris Fields, Senior Brand Strategist Twist Marketing #215 – 1235 26th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1R7 403-242-4600 403-242-4609 Bruce Flexman, President International Financial Centre 1170 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 604-683-6627 604-683-6646 Tracey Fredrickson, Marketing Consulting Tracey Fredrickson Consulting 103-668 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1S6 250-470-7838 Michael Grant, Construction Manager Tag Construction Ltd. 21869 – 56th Avenue, Unit B, Langley, BC V2Y 2M9 604-534-2685 604-534-8998 David Hall, Partner Economic Planning Group of Canada 765 Sea Drive, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1B1 250-652-6677 Paul Harris, Publisher Business in Vancouver Magazines 102 – 4th Avenue East, Vancouver, BC V5T 1G2 604-608-5156 604-688-6058 Colin Heartwell, Consultant Heartwells, The Suite 402 – 2239 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K 1E9 604-742-1205 Chris Heminsley, Director, Economic Development Programs BC Hydro 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3 604-699-7661

Adrian Kopystynski, Principal GreenCity Planning Services 15 – 3363 Rosemary Heights Cr, Surrey, BC V3S 0X8 604-535-7201 Mackenzie Kyle, Partner Meyers Norris Penny LLP 2300-1055 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V7X 1J1 604-685-8408 604-685-8594 Leslie Lawther, President Cheakamus Consulting Inc. Unit #51 – 1275 Mount Fee Road, Whistler, BC V0N 1B1 604-935-2669 Doug Little, Vice President of Economic and Business Development BC Hydro 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3 604-699-7373 Ian MacPherson, Consultant 10588 – 159 Street, Surrey, BC V4N 3J4 604-582-9448 604-677-5992 Glenn Mair, Director MMK Consulting Suite 480 – 1140 W. Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1 604-484-4622 604-738-2801 Patrick Marshall, Analyst, Strategist and Developer Patrick Nelson Marshall Dunnottar House 4341 Shelbourne Street, Victoria, BC V8N G4 250-595-8676 866-827-1524 David McGuigan, President D.K. McGuigan & Associates Ltd. Box 64, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3P4 250-627-8825 Marleen Morris, President Marleen Morris & Associates 3566 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 1Y7 604-742-0043 604-734-2446

Terry Robertson, Consultant Robertson Enterprise Consulting 5920 Egret Court, Richmond, BC V7E 3W3 604-274-1102 604-274-1735 Stan Rogers, President Legacy Pacific Land Corporation #428, 44550 South Sumas Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 604-824-8733 604-824-4003 Paul Ross, Principal CP Ross Consulting Group Inc. #400 – 11716 100 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5K 2B3 780-760-4641 780-908-1078 Alexandra Ross, President Streamlined Vision Ltd. Suite 408, 1917 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7 604-905-8672 604-894-6722 Blair Salter, Principal Daystar Marketing 66 Diefenbaker Wynd, Delta, BC V4M 3X3 604-943-0739 604-943-0739 Donald SimpsonIndependent 102-45734 Patten Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1S1 604-793-4826 Mary Jane Stenberg, Special Advisor to the President on Strategic Initiatives Kwantlen Polytechnic University 12666 72nd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2M8 604-599-2127 604-599-2235 Randy Sunderman, President Peak Solutions Consulting 666 Braemar Drive, Kamloops, BC V1S 1H9 250-314-1842 250-314-1840

John Murray, Managing Director Economic Growth Solutions Inc. 5377 Monte Bre Court, West Vancouver, BC V7W 3B2 604-913-1170 604-913-1179

Thomas Tam, Program Director S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Business & Economic Development #200-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5 604-639-5588 604-808-6812

Steve Nicol, President Lions Gate Consulting Inc. #207, 2902 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6K 2G8 604-733-5622 604-733-5677

Shelagh Thurlbeck, Director SMT Business Services Inc. 24-51528 Range Road 262, Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1C1 780-418-1884

Joy Playford, Regional Director, Special Markets Business Development Bank of Canada 313 Bernard Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N6 250-470-4802 250-470-4832

Ken Uppal, Senior Relationship Manager Farm Credit Canada 200-1520 McCallum Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 8A3 604-870-2417 604-870-2431

Catherine Proulx, Managing Director Twist Marketing #215 – 1235 26th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1R7 403-242-4600 403-242-4609

Jamie Vann Struth, President Vann Struth Consulting Group Inc. 2395 Lakewood Drive, Vancouver, BC V5N 4T8 604-762-6901

Lloyd Riekman, Director of BC Fraser Valley Farm Credit Canada 200-1520 McCallum Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 8A3 604-870-2703 604-870-2431

Dinah White, Senior Manager Chemistry Consulting Group Inc. 400-1207 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8Z 1N3 250-382-3303 Ext. 203 250-383-4142

GOVERNMENT/INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS Soo-Kyung Ahn, Senior Manager – Korea Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5916 604-660-2251 Jim Anholt, Senior Project Manager Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment BC Trade and Investment Office #730, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 604-775-2275 604-775-2197 David Baleshta, Portfolio Manager Investment Capital Branch PO Box 9800, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9W1 250-952-0614 250-952-0371 Richard Braam, Regional Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development Bag 5000, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 250-847-7797 604-847-7232 Ashleigh Brewer, Director of Member Initiatives Economic Development Association of BC #402 – 44550 South Sumas Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 604-858-7199 604-858-7345 Diana Brooks, Regional Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 101 – 100 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9 250-426-1301 250-426-1253 Myles Bruns, Regional Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development Suite 250 – 455 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6K4 250-371-3931 250-318-5150 Kelly Bryan, Economic Development Intern Northern Development Initiative Trust 301 – 1268 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 250-561-2525 250-561-2563 Cathy Chalupa, Manager, Small Business & Economic Development Western Economic Diversification Suite 600 – 333 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5G9 604-666-1885 604-666-2353 Janet Cho, Manager – North China Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5919 604-660-2251 Tamara Danshin, Regional Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development Room 120A, 10600 – 100th Street, Fort St John, BC V1J 4L6 250-787-3351 250-787-3210 BIV Magazines/

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Dan Dibbelt, Executive Director Northern Alberta Development Council 206 Provincial Building, 9621 96 Ave Postal Bag 900 – 14, Peace River, AB T8S 1T4 780-624-6274 780-624-6184 Marcus Ewert-Johns, Executive Director Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-775-2217 604-775-2197 Jeff Finkle, President & CEO International Economic Development Council 734 15th Street NW / Suite 900, Washington, DC 200 5 202-223-7800 202-223-4745 Sarah Fraser, Executive Director, Community Partnerships Branch Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 2nd Floor, 800 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC V8W 9N7 250-387-5440 250-387-1407 Marcia Freeman, Manager of Business and Marketing CMHC 1661 Duranleau Street, 2nd Floor (Granville Island), Vancouver, BC V6H 3S3 604-666-2529 604-666-7376 Marie Gallant, Manager Director Community Futures Development Association 1056 – 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 604-685-2332 Ext. 225 604-681-6575 Penny Gardiner, Executive Director Economic Developers Association of Canada Suite 200, #7 Inovation Drive, Flamborough, ON L9H 7H9 905-689-8771 905-689-5925 Amardeep Gill, Manager – India Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-775-2133 604-775-2197 Greg Goodwin, Executive Director Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 4/F, 800 Johnson St., PO Box 9853, Victoria, BC V8W 9T5 250-953-3008 250-387-7972 Brodie Guy, Economic Development Manager Northern Development Initiative Trust 301 – 1268 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 250-561-2525 250-561-2563 Leann Hackman-Corty, Executive Director Economic Developers Alberta Suite 127, #406 917-85th Street, SW, Calgary, AB T3H 3Z9 403-214-0224 403-214-0224 Lori HendersonMinistry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 2nd Floor, 800 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC V8W 9N7 250-356-7828


Paul Irwin, Senior Director – North Asia Division Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5906 604-660-2251

Michael Nicholas, Director – India and Southeast Asia Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-775-2144 604-775-2197

Mary Slanina, Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development PO Box 9327, Stn. Prov. Govt. 7th Floor 1810 Blanshard St., Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 250-952-0411 250-952-0646

Arlene Keis, Chief Executive Officer GO2 – The Resource for People in Tourism 450-505 Burrard Street, PO Box 59, Vancouver, BC V7X 1M3 604-633-9787 604-633-9796

Janine North, Chief Executive Officer Northern Development Initiative Trust 301 – 1268 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 250-561-2525 250-561-2563

Brian Krieger, Director – BC Business Services Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment 3585 Gravely Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 5J5 604-660-0220 604-660-3437

Rob O’Brien, Manager – Japan Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5918 604-660-2251

Heather Lalonde, Executive Director Economic Developers Council of Ontario Inc. Box 8030, Cornwall, ON K6H 7H9 613-931-9827 613-931-9828

Kerry Pridmore, Director of Strategic Initiatives Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 2nd Floor, Johnson St PO Box 9853, Victoria, BC V8W 9N7 250-356-7999 250-356-7972

Garth Stiller, Manager, Rural Sustainable Communities Unit Western Economic Diversification Suite 600 – 333 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5G9 604-666-7256 604-666-2353 Tanja Stockmann, Senior Industry Officer Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, 12th Floor, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4 613-944-4782 Verona Thibault, Executive Director Saskatchewan Economic Devlopment Association Box 113, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 306-384-5817 306-384-5818 Michael Track, Manager, Investor Services Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment BC Trade and Investment Office #730, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 604-775-2202 604-775-2197 Ken Veldman, Manager, Business Connections Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment 730-999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6E 3E1 604-660-3549 Leslie Wada, Project Manager Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment BC Trade and Investment Office #730, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 604-775-2275 604-775-2197 Dale Wheeldon, Chief Executive Officer Economic Development Association of BC #402 – 44550 South Sumas Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 604-858-7199 604-858-7345 Philip Yung, Director – Greater China Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5908 604-660-2251 Raymond Zhu, Senior Manager – South China Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5910 604-660-2251

Karen Lam, Project Manager Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment 730-999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2 604-775-2188 604-775-2197 Leslie Lax, Regional Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 200 – 1488 Fourth Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 4Y2 250-565-6685 250-565-4279 Troy Machan, Director – Americas and Europe Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-775-2039 604-775-2070 Glenn Mandziuk, Chief Executive Officer Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association 2280 D Leckie Road, Kelowna, BC V1X 6G6 250-860-5999 250-860-9993 Dean McKinley, Economic Development Manager Northern Development Initiative Trust 301 – 1268 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 250-561-2525 250-561-2563 Cheryl McLay, Regional Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development Suite # 142-2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9 250-751-3217 250-751-3245

Edwina Ramirez, Manager – Southeast Asia & Oceania Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-775-2192 604-775-2070 Dale Richardson, Regional Manager – Northwest Region Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 110 – 1st Ave Suite 220, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1A8 250-624-7499 250-624-7716 Tatiana Robertson, Manager, Community Adjustment Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development PO Box 9837 Stn Prov Govt 2nd Fl, 800 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 9T1 250-356-8883 250-387-1407 Danielle Sabourin, Trade Commissioner Foreign Affairs and International Trade 2000-300 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 6E1 604-666-7633 604-666-0954 Jianye (Jason) Si, Senior Manager – East China Ministry of Tourism, Trade & Investment Suite 288, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5 604-660-5911 604-660-2251

Mark Morrissey, Executive Director Nunavut Economic Developers Association PO Box 1990, Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 867-979-4620 867)222-3620

Sandi Sideroff, Executive Assistant Economic Development Association of BC #402 – 44550 South Sumas Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 604-858-7199 604-858-7345

Niamh Murphy, Program Analyst Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 2nd Floor, Johnson St PO Box 9837, Victoria, BC V8W 9T1 250-356-7334 250-896-3801

Khris Singh, Regional Project Manager Ministry of Regional Economic & Skills Development 201-1, 2435 Mansfield Drive, Courtenay, BC V9N 2M2 250-897-3276 250-331-0220

HONOURABLE MEMBERS Valerie Anne Caskey, Retired Honourable Member EDABC 604-530-8469 Bill Ellwyn, Retired Honourable Member EDABC 865 Gaetjen Street, Parksville, BC V9P 1A6 250-951-0607 Peter Monteith, Chief Administrative Officer City of Chilliwack 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 8A4 604-793-2966 604-793-2285

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Company BC Bioenergy BC Hydro Catalyst CGA of BC Chetwynd Chilliwack City of Langley CMW Insurance Comox Valley Cowichan Valley Cranbrook Dawson Creek Fort Nelson Northern Rockies Fort St. John Greater Victoria Harrison Hot Springs Kimberley Kitimat Lake Country Lillooet Mackenzie Maple Ridge Nanaimo New Westminster North Peace Economic Development Northwest Regional Airport Osoyoos Osoyoos Indian Band Osoyoos Indian Band Pitt Meadows Port Alberni Port Authority Port of Nanaimo Port of Prince Rupert Portrait Homes Prince George / Initiatives Prince George Prince Rupert & Port Edward Revelstoke Rio Tinto Southern Interior Dev. Sparwood Sunshine Coast Township of Langley Tumbler Ridge Vernon

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