60 Minute Cities- Xi'an

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60 Minute Cities Xi'an| 西安

Intro / 西安是我生活过的第三座城市,也是

目前定居的城市 /在这里,我认识了很多有趣的人, 也做了些有趣的事/ 16 年的时候,因为对实地录音 的着迷,我买了一台 Sony d100。这样,在我用双 腿去丈量每一个去到的城市的同时,可以去感受并 记录在那个时刻那个气候那个场景下即将存在或存 在过的,不断重复或转瞬即逝的,随机而又必然的 声音 /现在再回过头看我本次选取的录音地点,有 些已经不复存在。人不能二次踏入同一条河流,同 样,人也不能二次听到同样的声音。记录只是手段, 是定格,是捕捉,是放大,亦或失真;但时间轴只 有一个方向,无法 replay // Xi'an is the third city I have lived in and is my present home / I have met many interesting people and done some interesting works here / In 2016, because of my growing interest in field recording, I bought a Sony D100 recorder / While measuring each city I have visited with my own two legs, I can feel and record the sounds that will exist or exist in that scene at that moment and in that climate, constantly repeating or fleeting, random and inevitable / Now when I look back at the locations I have chosen this time, some of them no longer exist. One cannot step into the same river twice, and likewise one cannot hear the same sound twice. Recording is only a means, a freeze frame, a capture, an amplification, or distortion; But the timeline has only one direction and cannot be replayed //

01 /罔极寺 /这个曾经太平公主为了给母后武则天祈福而修建 的皇家寺院,在经历了大炼钢铁、破四旧和城市扩建棚户区改 造后,已缩小到现今的模样。每年大年初一,都会涌入一车车 的人士争烧头柱香,祈求来年升官发财生意兴隆学业有成早生 贵子。我就住在这个寺院的后面,有时候路过时会进去看看各 类善男信女,听听诵经法事,发一会儿呆,然后继续生活。

Wangji Temple / The Taiping princess gave this royal monastary to pray for the good fortune of her mother, Wu Zetian / Through the Great Leap Forward, Destroy the four Olds, city expansion, and the renovation of the shanty town areas, the temple has been reduced to what you see today / Every year on the first day of the Chinese New Year, crowds of people will come to burn incense to pray for the next year to bring good fortune, good business, academic success, and a healthy newborn baby / I live near the back of this temple / Sometimes I will just come inside and see the good men and women, listen to the bible readings, or just stay a while, then continue on with my life //

Ba Xian Palace- Law / I came here several times to record the Ba Xian Palace- Law sounds and every time I missed it because the time was not right / This time I asked a Daoist Monk when the correct time was / At 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. was the times that they did their homework / They will hold events during the birthday of Luzu and the 99th Royal festival in September /You can listen to the differences between the Daoist and Bhuddhist music (With Track #1) //

02 /八仙宫-法事/ 为了录八仙宫的法事的声音,我跑了好几

次,每次都因为时间不对而没碰上。后来找了道士询问,才摸清 楚具体时间。他们在早九点和下午三点都会例行做功课,另外会 在吕祖诞辰或是九月初九九皇盛会时,会举行盛大的道场。大家 可以聆听下道教和佛教(罔极寺)的不同。

03 / 顺城巷-定点录音/ 面向城墙, 记录古代与现代对立而和谐的存在。

Facing the city wall / The recording of the past and present existing in both contrast and harmony //


/ 咖啡店 /我的朋友在朱雀门里的顺 城巷开了一家咖啡店,开完后他就移民去 了加拿大,把店交给另一个合伙人打理/我 时常会一个人或者是带一些朋友来这儿坐 坐,看看书,和朋友闲聊,来消磨一个下 午/青春太美好,无论怎样度过都是虚度/ 以下的一段录音,都来自咖啡豆制作过程 的声音。有一天我在想找一些好玩的不太 常见的声音,就突然蹦出了这个想法。你 也许喝过各式各样大牌的小众的速溶的现 磨的卡布奇诺的猫屎的等等的咖啡,但你 应该不会听过在变成一杯咖啡前的有趣的 声音//

My friend opened a coffee shop in the Zhuquemen's Shuncheng gang / After he opened it he moved to Canada and gave it to his partner to take care of / I often come here alone or with some friends to hang out, read books, and chat for a whole afternoon / Youth is beautiful, there's no difference between passing time and wasting time / I recorded the sounds of the coffee making process / One day I was thinking about finding fun sounds that I don't usually hear and it suddenly occured to me / You probably have tasted all sorts of big brand, small brand, instant, fresh ground, Kopi Luwak, etc. of coffee / But you probably haven't noticed the interesting sound of how a cup of coffee is made //

05 / 小东门古玩市场/古城最不缺的就是古玩市场。 从小东门到东门,各个小摊贩和商铺,真假虚实应有 尽有/如果你不想买什么,可以在路过时逗留下来听 听他们讲每个宝贝的故事,也是极有趣的//

East gate antique city/ The one thing that old down is not lacking are antique shops / From the small east gate to the east gate, there are many street stalls and stores / Fake things, real things, this place has everything you one could ask for / Even if you don't want to buy anything it is still really interesting to walk along the road and hear the people tell the story of each of their objects //

06 / 钟楼/西安的中心,地标,城墙内的

所有建筑都不允许超过它的高度/距我上一次 登上钟楼,已过去 16 年的光景/遗憾的是没 有录到钟声,可能是因为已经不让游人再敲 了//

Clock tower / Xi'an's city center / Within the city walls, all of the buildings cannot be taller than the clock tower / Already 16 years have passed since I have gone up the clock tower / It's too bad I didn't record the sound of it / Maybe it is because they don't allow people to ring it anymore //

07 / 西安电子科技大学/从 01 年开始,我在这所

学校待了 7 年,认识了一帮有趣的人,做了一些有趣 的事情。我很怀念//

Xi'an Electric Science and Technology University / From 2001 I studied 7 years here / I met many interesting people and did many interesting things / I cherish these memories //

08 / 南护城河/护城河的水是死水。南护

城河在经历了改造后,变得不那么浑浊,也 成了一处景点,对游人开放/有很多来这里取 景拍婚纱照的年轻情侣,摆出各种甜蜜的姿 势,就这样日复一日//

City Moat/ The City Moat is dead water/ After its renovation, the water became less cloudy and quite scenic / It is free for visitors to visit and wander / Many couples come here to take wedding photos, doing many cute poses, day after day //

09 / 书院门/书院门在南门内东侧,正对着的是南

门内西侧的湘子门/路的两旁卖的是笔墨纸砚文房四 宝名人字画碑帖拓片,不少传统的手艺在这儿继续经 营,别有一番风景//

Shuyuan Men / Shuyuan Men on the east side of the South Gate, directly facing the west side of Xiangzi Men / On both sides of the road you can buy writing brush and ink, paper, and ink stones­ the 'Four Treasures' needed for writing Chinese calligraphy / There are many traditional arts and crafts stores here. Another kind of scenic flavor //

10 / 604 公交车/604 是唯一一辆停在城墙

门洞下的公交车,应该/也是目前为数不多的 还没切换到空调车的公交车/冬天我有时会选 择它作为出行首选,去端履门,去桥梓口, 去很多我要去的地方//

Bus 604 / 604 is the only bus that stops at the City wall gate, I think / It is also the only bus that has not changed to an air conditioned car. During the winter I sit in the seat closest to the door / I go to Duan Lv Men, Qiaozi Kou, and many places I want to go //

BIO / 秦岭,前硬件测试工程师。喜欢使用合成

器+tabletop guitar+调音台反馈的方式来制造各种频率 声响,探索 drone 的另一种可能。

Zou Ling / Former hardware test engineer / Uses synthesizers, tabletop guitar, and mixer feedback to create a variety of new sounds and explores the unexpected possiblities of drone //

All recordings and images Copyright 2022 秦岭 and are used with permission / Book design and layout Copyright 2019 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission / For more information about the 60 Minute Cities project please visit: http://www.bivouacrecording.com/60­minute­cities/

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