Growing Up With Shanghai- Zijin Lu | 与沪成长- 紫金录

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Growing Up With Shanghai 与沪成长 Zijin Lu 紫金路

Henan Nan L


Recorded and Edited by Terence LLoren Photos by Shen Yi Shanghainese Transcription by Jenny Zhang Growing Up With Shanghai­ Zijin Lu, No. 18, September 2019. Published by BIVOUAC RECORDING. This book (contents, images, and design) is Copyright 2019 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission. The audio is released under the Creative Commons License BY­NC­ND and is free to download and share as long as they are: credited to 'Bivouac Recording', are for non­commercial use, and must be under the same license if used in your work. Bivouac Recording still retains the copyright of these recordings. 'Growing Up With Shanghai' is a Bivouac Recording project.

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Lu min Ren

与沪成长—紫金路,2019 年 9 月。BIVOUACRECORDING 出版。本刊物为双月刊。该书版权属于。未经许可不得翻 印 。 该 音 频 在 Creative Commons License BY–NC–ND 下 发布。 该音频均可免费下载与分享,但必须符合以下条件: 标明版权属于‘Bivouac Recording’所有;非商业性用途; 不进行任意修改。Bivouac Recording 仍保留此作品的版权。 与沪成长是 Bivouac Recording 的一个项目。在中国上海记 录设计。


录音师,编辑:罗天瑞 摄影师:沈祎 吴语译音:张依群

Start 起点 河南南路 Zijin Lu


33 Henan Nan Lu (Celia's Old house location) 33 河南南路 (沈皆怡外 婆家)

'an Yan


Sichuan Nan Lu


Lianyi Building 联谊大厦



Fuzhou Lu

Xikou Lu 溪口路

Guangdong Lu

Shanghai Kaifang College 上海开放大学

End 终点


Sichuan Nan Lu


Sichuan Nan Lu Elementary School 四川南路小学


g Lu Don

Jinling Dong Lu

Jiangxi Nan Lu

Shanghai Natural History Location (Old Address) 上海自然博物馆 (旧)


About GUWS

“与沪成长”是一系列与上海年 轻 人一起 完 成 的 “ 声 音 漫 步 之 旅 ” 。 他 们 生 于 80 和 90 年 代 , 这些语音不仅记载了他们对成长 之地的亲切回忆也从讲述者的角 度对地理地点讲行过去和现在的 对比。同时讲述者会通过本身的 成长经历也反映了过去 30 年里上 海的讲步与发展。这些实地录音 由讲述人操沪语完成同时录音也 捕捉纪录到当日真实的环境声音 供世界各地的听者感同身受。

“Growing Up With Shanghai” is a series of soundwalks with young Shanghainese who were born and raised during the rapid modernization of their city in the 1980s and 1990s. These recordings capture not only their most intimate memories as they grew up, but, when contrasted with the present state of each location, also reveal the progress and growth Shanghai has undergone in the past 30 years. The current sounds of Shanghai, including that of the Shanghainese dialect, create a comprehensive present­day audio document that future generations can experience.

Zijin Lu









本书为《与沪成长—紫金路》语音文 档的辅助文本。书中记录语音文档中 对话译音,对照英文翻译,地点照片 以及与语音文档相符的路线图。

This book is a supplement to the Growing Up With Shanghai­ Zijin Lu audio track. It contains dialog transcripts and translations, area photographs, and a route map.

用触屏手机下载音频,请扫描左边的 二维码。如已用触屏手机阅读本文, Please download the audio for this walk 请点击二维码继续阅读全文。 by using your mobile device to scan the QR codes on the left. If you are already *( 手 机 版 使 用 Adobe Acrobat 阅 读 using a mobile device to read this, click 器) the QR codes to follow the links. 本书每页文字顺序:沪语译音(左); * (Use Adobe Acrobat reader for mobile.) 普通话翻译(中);因为翻译(右) The three transcriptions / translations in 如有兴趣与我们互动,请将您对这段 this book follow this format on each 路线上的任何感想,照片通过扫描左 page with text: Shanghainese 边二维码快捷上传到我们的官方微博 transcription (left column); Putonghua 和脸书页。 translation (center column); English translation (right column). As you walk, feel free to upload your thoughts and images onto the project pages on Facebook or Weibo by scanning the corresponding QR codes on the left.


Zijin Lu


紫金路 起点:紫金路人民路路口。


录音时间:2010 年 3 月 19 日 13:57.

录音时间:2010 年 3 月 19 日 13:57.

[0:34] 箇搭是“紫金路”,“人民 [0:34] 这里是“紫金路”,“人民 路”嗰交叉路口,今朝天气老好。我 是沈皆怡,今朝带大家去以前小辰光 生活嗰地方,一嗰老闹忙、老典型上 海人嗰屋里向。

[0:51] 阿拉 望里向走,箇搭是我第二

次,自从离开箇搭以后来了,是从小 学三年级嗰辰光。阿拉离开。基本上 再也呒没回来过。第一次是我带老公, 阿拉谈朋友嗰辰光,我带伊回来看看。 箇已经是第二次了。前头有老多石库 门嗰房子,现在只有一栋可以蹲人嗰, 老荣幸嗰留了下来,其他嗰侪畀拆脱 了。所以我还是可以看到阿拉老早蹲 嘞嗰地方嗰。

[1:50] 就是箇嗰弄堂,门牌号码已经

弗记得了,唯一可以让阿拉认出来嗰, 是因为门口有只垃圾箱,还有倒马桶 嗰地方。 [进入弄堂。向右转然后向左转。]

[2:16] 就是箇搭里向,箇搭 曾经是十 分典型嗰石库门房型,不过现在老多 地方侪畀改脱了—门口装了老多防盗

路”的交叉口,今天天气很好。我是 沈皆怡,我今天带大家去我小时侯生 活的地方,一个很热闹很典型上海人 的家里。

Starting point: Zijin Lu and Renmin Lu Intersection. Recorded: March 19, 2010 at 13:57.

[0:34] We are here at the Zijin Lu and

Renmin Lu intersection. Today the weather is very nice. My name is Shen Jiayi and today I will take you around where I grew up when I was young. A [0:51] 我们往里面走,这里是我第二 bustling and typical Shanghainese 次自从离开这里以后来了,是从小学 neighborhood. 三年级的时候我就离开了。基本上再 也没有回来过。第一次是我带着老公, [0:51] Let’s go inside. This is my 我们谈恋爱的时候,我带他回来看。 second time I have come here since I 这已经是第二次了。前面有很多石库 left. I moved from here when I was in 门的房子,现在只有一栋可以住人的, third grade and I haven’t really been 很荣幸的留了下来,其他的都被拆掉 back since. The first time I came here 了。所以我还是可以看看我以前住的 was with my husband. When we were 地方的。 dating, I brought him here to show him where I grew up. Today is my second [1:50] 就是这个弄堂,门牌号我已经 time here. Before, there were many 不记得了,唯一能让我认出来的,是 Shikumen houses. Now there is only 因为门口有个垃圾箱,还有倒马桶的 one building where people live. All the 地方。 others have been demolished. Let’s see if we can find where I used to live. [进入弄堂。向右转然后向左转。] [1:50] Right here in this Nongtang. I [2:16] 就是这里里面,这里曾经是十 forgot what the door number is. Let me 分典型的石库门房型,但是现在很多 think. The doorway has trash cans and a 地方已经被改掉了—门口装了许多防 place to empty and clean chamber pots. 4

Zijin Lu 门。我记得,老早阿拉应该是蹲嘞箇 搭嗰一栋房子里嗰。现在 门 已经关 脱了,已经看弗见(楼里)了。箇种 楼(石库门)有两层,最高头 有嗰 顶楼,像天井一样可以让人汏浴、汏 衣裳什么嗰。阿拉屋里向 蹲嘞二楼, 挨嗰辰光(阿拉屋里向)是嗰大家庭, 大家侪是蹲嘞一道嗰,阿拉外婆带阿 拉蹲嘞箇搭,阿拉从小,因为阿拉妈 嘞生了阿拉之后就是嘞外地读书,侪 是阿拉外婆拿我带大嗰。箇搭有老多 小囡,阿拉表姐、表哥侪蹲嘞一道。 箇搭老早是老大嗰,现在呢因为人长 大了,现在看来周围好象呒没几条弄 堂。因为小辰光对箇搭 印象太深刻 了,现在嘞做梦有辰光也会梦见箇搭。 因为是蹲嘞二楼,做梦嗰辰光就会梦 见自己走下楼,有人走上楼来寻我。 阿拉从老小嗰辰光就嘞嘞箇搭长大, 我记得阿拉睏嘞床上向也可以掼下来, 睏嘞嘞台子上也可以掼下来。畀阿拉 表哥、表姐一道去读书,一道出去孛 相。还记得箇搭老多事体,放学了嘞 嘞箇搭 窜弄堂孛相。阿拉现在可以 去其他嗰地方看看,箇搭嗰弄堂已经 改造嗰差弗多了,已经弗像老早嗰地 方了。(埃面)弄堂嗰门畀关脱了, 进弗去了,也看弗到。阿拉可以去其 伊嗰地方看看。

盗门。我记得以前我应该是住在这里 的一栋房子里的。现在门已经关掉了, 已经看不见(楼里)了。这种楼(石 库门)有两层,最上面有个顶楼,像 天井一样能让人洗澡、洗衣服什么的。 我们家住在二楼,那个时候(我们家) 是个大家庭,大家都是住在一起的, 我外婆带着我住在这里,我从小因为 我妈在生了我之后就是在外读书,都 是我外婆把我带大的。这里有很多孩 子,我表姐表哥都住在一起。这里以 前是很大的,现在因为人长大了,看 来周围好象没有几条弄堂。因为小时 侯对这里印象太深刻了,现在做梦有 时候也会梦见这里。因为是住在二楼, 做梦的时候就会梦见自己走下楼,有 人走上楼来找我。我从很小的时候就 在这里长大,我记得我睡在床上也能 掉下来,睡在桌子上也能掉下来。和 我表哥表姐一起去读书,一起出去玩。 还记得这里很多事,放学了在这里窜 弄堂玩。我们现在可以去别的地方看 看,这里的弄堂已经改造的差不多了, 已经不像以前的地方了。(那条)弄 堂的门被关掉了,(现在)进不去了, 也看不到。我们可以去其他的地方看 看。

[Go into Nongtang. Make your first right and then first left.]

[2:16] Right inside here, are 10 typical

examples of Shikumen houses. But now, a lot of them have been demolished. This Shikumen has two floors, at the very top it has a roof like a kind of patio where people could take a shower or whatever. Our family lived on the second floor. We had a big family living there and we all lived together. We lived with my father’s mother here. After my mother gave birth to me, she left home to go to school. My Father’s mother pretty much raised me. There were a lot of kids here. All of my cousins lived together. This place seemed so big before, now since I am all grown up, I don’t think there were many rows of Nongtangs. I have very deep memories about this place. Even now when I dream, I dream about this place. We lived on the second floor and I would dream that I walked down the stairs and people were coming up the stairs to find me. When was a kid, I grew up here. I remember when I slept [4:40] 不知道这里还看得见(以前 on the bed I would always roll off. If I 的样子)吗?那些老房子都还看得见 slept on the table I would also fall off. I [4:40]弗 晓 得 箇 搭 还 看 得 到 ( 老 早 吗?这里还是有的,不知道能上去 would go and study with my cousin's 5

紫金路 嗰样子)吗?迭些老房子 侪还看得 吗? 见吗?箇搭还是有嗰,弗晓得还好上 去吗? [4:55] 应 该 是 和 以 前一模一样 的 , 以前也是有条弄堂(通道)从这个楼 [4:55] 应该是畀老早一模一样嗰,老 梯走上去,上去之后就是二楼。 早也是有条弄堂(通道)从迭个楼梯 走上去,上去之后就是二楼。 沈皆怡:阿公,你好,我们正好在 做一个节目,我以前是住在这里的, 沈皆怡:阿公,侬好,阿拉正好嘞嘞 现在就回来看看。 做一嗰节目,阿拉老早是蹲嘞箇搭嗰, 阿公:呵呵…呵呵…… 阿公:听不出。 现在呢就回来看看。 阿公:呵呵…呵呵……(哑巴发出嗰 沈皆怡:哦,您听不出啊?哦,好好 好… 声音) 阿公:听弗出。(老模糊) 老房子没有被搬走的还是这个样子。 沈皆怡:哦,您听弗出啊?哦,好好 阿公:呃!!哦!(哑巴) 好… 沈皆怡:阿公,我们是在录一个节目, 老房子呒没畀搬走嗰还是箇嗰样子。 以前也是住在这里隔壁的弄堂里的, 阿公:呃!!哦!(哑巴) 就是隔壁门洞里的,今天正好来看看 沈皆怡:阿公,阿拉是嘞嘞录一嗰节 以前的房子。没有别的事,就是看看。 目,老早也是蹲嘞箇搭隔壁嗰弄堂里 你们以前就是住在这里的是吧? 嗰,就是隔壁门洞里嗰,今朝正好来 老年女性:你们是来看王伟名(音 看看老早嗰房子。呒没别嗰事体,就 译 6:15)? 是看看。伊拉老早就是蹲嘞箇搭嗰是 沈皆怡:不不不不不不不,我外婆王 吧? 雅琴(音译 6:19)以前一直住在这里 老 年 女 性:那 是 来 看 王 伟 名 ( 音 的。 译 6:15)? 老年女性:你外婆? 沈皆怡:弗是,阿拉外婆王雅琴(音 沈皆怡:呃!她以前就住在这里隔壁 译 6:19) ,老早一直蹲嘞箇搭嗰。 的。 老年女性:侬外婆? 老年女性:你外婆是福建人 沈皆怡:呃!伊老早就蹲嘞箇搭隔壁 沈皆怡:不,我外婆也是宁波人,我 嗰。 们以前在这里住了也很长时间了。阿

and would play together with them. I remember a lot of things here. When school was out, we would play in the Nongtang. Let’s go over there and take a look. This place has changed so much it’s not at all what I remember. This Nongtang’s door is closed we can’t go in to take a look. Let’s go to another place to have a look.

[4:40] I don’t know if we can see anything here. Can we go into these houses? There are still some here I wonder if we can go inside.

[4:55] This is pretty much the same as it was before. Before, there was a Nongtang here. You can go up to the second floor from this stairwell. Jiayi: Ayi, hello. We are doing a little program, I used to live here before and I have come back to take a look. Old man: Ah? I can’t hear you. Jiayi: Oh, you can’t hear very well? Ok. The old houses that haven’t been demolished are all like this. Old man: Oh. Jiayi: Ayi, we are recording a little program. I used to live right next to this 6

Zijin Lu 老年女性:侬外婆是福建人 沈皆怡:弗是,阿拉外婆也是宁波人, 阿拉老早嘞嘞箇搭蹲嘞嘞也老长辰光 了。阿姨! 老年女性:箇么就是箇搭隔壁?阿拉 箇搭老早侪是福建人。 沈皆怡:弗是,阿拉弗是福建人。阿 拉是宁波人。侬一直蹲嘞箇搭嗰? 老年女性:阿拉一直蹲嘞嘞了五六十 年了! 沈皆怡:哎!阿拉也蹲嘞箇搭老长辰 光了。 老年女性:侬外婆多少岁?叫王雅琴 啊? 沈皆怡:哎!伊现在嘞,九十几了。 老年女性:伊现在还嘞伐? 沈皆怡:嘞嘞嗰!还嘞嘞嗰。 老年女性:几号?侬记得吗? 沈皆怡:我记得就是箇搭嗰一排里向, 门洞还留着,其它嗰侪呒没了。是吧? 看箇搭店家侪变了。 老年女性:阿拉老早是吴家? 沈皆怡:可能是隔壁?阿拉屋里向老 早也是箇样子,箇搭有楼梯望上是二 楼,再上去有嗰天台嗰。 老年女性:要么就是隔壁。 沈皆怡:可能是隔壁吗?因为(挨间) 门关了,所以阿拉先进来箇搭 看一下。 老年女性:哦…那弗是福建人喽?是 宁波人? 7

姨 老年女性:那就是这里隔壁?我们这 里以前都是福建人。 沈皆怡:不,我们不是福建人。我们 是宁波人。您们一直住在这里的? 老 年 女 性:我 们一直 住 了 五 六 十 年 了! 沈皆怡:哎!我们也住在这里很长时 间了。 老年女性:你外婆多少岁?叫王雅琴 啊? 沈皆怡:哎!她现在九十几了。 老年女性:她现在还在吗? 沈皆怡:在的!还在的。 老年女性:那几号你记得吗? 沈皆怡:我记得就是这里的一排里, 门洞还留着,其他的都没有了。是吧? 我看这里店家都变了。 老年女性:我们以前是吴家? 沈皆怡:那可能是隔壁?我们家以前 也是这样子,这里有楼梯往上是二楼, 再上去有个天台的。 老年女性:要么就是隔壁。 沈皆怡:可能是隔壁吧。因为(那间) 门关了,所以我先进来这里看一下。 老年女性:哦…那你们不是福建人喽? 是宁波人? 沈皆怡:是宁波人。 老年女性:宁波人就不知道了。 沈皆怡:没关系的,我去问一下。 老年女性:你沿着路问下去,这里没

Nongtang. Just right next to this opening here. Today we are looking at the old houses here. Did you used to live here before? Old woman: Are you looking for Wang Fo Ming? Jiayi: No my Mother­in­law is ….. I used to live here. Old woman: Your Mother in law? Jiayi: Yes! My mother in law used to live next door. Old woman: Your Mother­in­law is from Fujian. Jiayi: No, my mother­in­law is from Ningbo. My family have lived here a long time, Ayi. Old woman: Right next door? The people there were from Fujian. Jiayi: No, we were not from Fujian. We were from Ningbo. Have you lived here for a long time? Old woman: We have always lived here for 50­60 years! Jiayi: Wow! My family had also lived here a long time. Old woman: How old is your Mother­ in­law? Is her name….? Jiayi: Oh! She is around 70 years old. Old woman: Is she still alive? Jiayi: Yes! She is still alive. Old woman: Do you remember which



Zijin Lu


紫金路 沈皆怡:是宁波人。 老年女性:宁波人就弗晓得了。 沈皆怡:没关系嗰,阿拉去问一下。 老年女性:侬沿着路问下去,箇搭呒 没几嗰门牌号嗰。 沈皆怡:哦。 老年女性:箇搭是 12 号 沈皆怡:箇搭侪是石库门,阿拉老早 畀大一家蹲嘞一道嗰。 老年女性:哦… 沈皆怡:我小辰光就是嘞嘞箇搭长大 嗰。 老年女性:哦,挨侬去寻寻看。隔 壁一家 再 隔 壁一家 , 沿 着 弄 堂 , 一共 12 家人家。 沈皆怡:一共 12 家是吧?好好,谢 谢。 老年女性:嘿嘿嘿嘿,弗谢弗谢。 ~~~~旧房子,来寻旧房子。 沈皆怡:是嗰呀!箇些旧房子侪畀拆 了。 老年女性:慢慢嗰箇搭也要畀拆脱 嗰。 沈皆怡:也要拆嗰吗? 老年女性:也要拆嗰。 沈皆怡:阿拉看房子一点侪没变,箇 搭嗰楼梯走上去就是二楼对吧? 老年女性:哎哎!是嗰。 沈皆怡:挨下去就是天井… 老年女性:挨面是九号。33 弄 9 号。 沈皆怡:阿拉记得是紫金路 3 弄 2 号。

有几个门牌号的。 沈皆怡:哦。 老年女性:这里是 12 号 沈皆怡:这里都是石库门,我们以前 很大一家住在一起的。 老年女性:哦… 沈皆怡:我小时侯就是在这里长大 的。 老年女性:哦,那你去找找看。隔 壁一家 再 隔 壁一家 , 沿 着 弄 堂 , 一共 12 家人家。 沈皆怡:一共 12 家是吧?好好,谢 谢。 老年女性:嘿嘿嘿嘿,不谢不谢。 ~~~~旧房子,来找旧房子。 沈皆怡:是的呀!这些旧房子都被拆 了。 老年女性:慢慢的这里也要被拆掉 的。 沈皆怡:也要拆的吗? 老年女性:也要拆的。 沈皆怡:我看着房子一点都没变,这 里的楼梯走上去就是二楼对吧? 老年女性:哎哎!是的。 沈皆怡:再上去就是天井… 老年女性:那里是九号。33 弄 9 号。 沈皆怡:我记得是紫金路 3 弄 2 号。 老年女性:你是说 3 弄吗?3 弄的房 子已经被拆掉了。 沈皆怡:哦~已经被拆掉了。 老 年 女 性:3 弄 是 对 面 , 金 陵 东 路

number? Jiayi: I just remember that it was in this row. The opening is still here, and the other houses don’t have this opening. Is it? I feel that all the houses have changed from what I remember. Old woman: Were you the Wu family? Jiayi: Maybe it was next door? Our house before was just like this. This stair went to the second floor. If you went up to the next level after that there was a patio. Old woman: Maybe it was next door. Jiayi: Yes, maybe it was next door. The door is closed so we just came here to take a look. Old woman: Oh, ok. So your family is not from Fujian? They were from Ningbo, right? Jiayi: Yes, from Ningbo. Old woman: I don’t know any family from Ningbo. Jiayi: That’s ok, we will ask around. Old woman: Go ask around here. There aren’t many houses here. Jiayi: Ok. Old woman: We are number 12. Jiayi: The houses are all Shikumen style here. Our entire family lived together here. Old woman: Oh. 10

Zijin Lu 老年女性:侬是讲 3 弄吗?3 弄嗰房 子已经畀拆脱了。 沈皆怡:哦~已经畀拆脱了。 老 年 女 性:3 弄 是 对 面 , 金 陵 东 路 挨一面。 沈 皆 怡:哦…阿 拉 也 弗 记 得 是 弗 是 3 弄,阿拉挨辰光还老小。 老年女性:3 弄嗰房子拆脱之后造了 给(拆房)工人蹲嘞嘞嗰房子。过马 路… 沈皆怡:就是过马路箇搭是吧? 老年女性:哎哎哎! 沈皆怡:哦~~好好好 老年女性:箇面也拆了,还只剩下箇 点。 沈皆怡:哦,伊拉箇面也是要拆嗰 吧? 老年女性:哎!是嗰侪是要拆嗰。 沈皆怡:哎!箇房子畀老(阿拉蹲嘞 嘞过嗰)是一样嗰。阿拉看嘞老亲切 嗰。 老年女性:呵呵呵呵~~ 沈皆怡:阿拉老小嗰辰光,从读小学 嗰辰光就开始… 老年女性:从小蹲惯了哦!~ 沈皆怡:后头,阿拉就拆迁到浦东去 了呀。 老年女性:哎~~ 沈皆怡:伊拉以后可可以也要拆(拆 迁后搬)到浦东去了。 老年女性:箇么就是 3 弄,箇搭是 33 11

那一边。 沈皆怡:哦…我也不记得是不是 3 弄, 我那时候还很小。 老年女性:3 弄的房子拆掉之后造了 给(拆房)工人住的房子。过马路… 沈皆怡:就是过马路那边是吧? 老年女性:哎哎哎! 沈皆怡:哦~~好好好 老年女性:这边也拆了,还只剩下这 点。 沈皆怡:哦,你们这边也是要拆的 吧? 老年女性:哎!是的都是要拆的。 沈皆怡:哎!这房子和以前(我住过 的)是一样的。我看着很亲切的。 老年女性:呵呵呵呵~~ 沈皆怡:我很小的时候,从读小学的 时候就开始… 老年女性:从小住惯了哦!~ 沈皆怡:之后我们就拆迁到浦东去了 呀。 老年女性:哎~~ 沈皆怡:你们以后可能也要拆(拆迁 后搬)到浦东去了。 老年女性:那就是 3 弄,这里是 33 弄。 沈 皆 怡:哦~我 知 道 了!谢 谢 阿 婆 哦! 老年女性:哦,再见再见。 沈皆怡:谢谢阿婆。

Jiayi: I grew up here. Old woman: Oh. You should go and ask around. Next door and the house next to that in this Nongtang. There are 12 houses total. Jiayi: There are 12 houses? Ah ok. Thank you! Old woman: You’re welcome. Old houses, looking for old houses… Jiayi: Yes! These old houses have all been demolished. Old woman: Sooner or later this place will also be demolished. Jiayi: This place will be demolished? Old woman: Yes, they want to demolish it. Jiayi: When I look at your house it hasn’t changed a bit. This stair goes to the second floor? Old woman: Oh, yes! Jiayi: If you keep going you will get to the roof… Old woman: Over there is number 9. 33 Nong, Number 9. Jiayi: I remember my address was Zijin Lu 3 Nong, Number 2. Old woman: 3 Nong? You lived at 3 Nong? 3 Nong’s houses have been demolished already. Jiayi: Oh. They are already demolished. Old woman: 3 Nong was across from

紫金路 弄。 沈皆怡:哦~阿拉晓得了!谢谢阿婆 哦! 老年女性:哦,再会再会。 沈皆怡:谢谢阿婆。 老早嗰房子畀拆脱了,呒没了……

[9:29]箇就是我老早蹲嘞嗰…听阿婆 讲,阿拉老早蹲嘞嗰房子已经畀拆脱 了。我看到门口有嗰倒马桶嗰地方, 蛮像嗰。阿拉再望挨面去看看。箇搭 就是现在嘞畀改了老狭了。


[9:29] 这 就 是 我 以 前 住 的…听 阿 婆 说,我以前住的房子已经被拆掉了。 我看着门口有个倒马桶的地方,挺像 的。我们再往那里去看看。那里就是 现在被改的很窄了。

[10:00] 这 里 现 在 被 改 的 很 窄 很 小

了。基本上以前要比现在面积再 大一些,弄堂要再多一些,现在已经 只有一条了。但是样子和小时侯差不 多,以前小的时候就经常在这里窜来 [10:00] 箇搭现在改嗰老窄老小了。 窜去的,很开心。还是老样子,基本 基本上老早要比现在嘞面积再大一些, 上,再往里走点看看。 弄 堂 要 再 多一些 , 现 在 嘞 已 经 只 有一条了。不过样子畀小辰光差弗多, [10:56] 前面走不过去,我们再退出 老早小嗰辰光就专门嘞嘞箇搭窜来窜 去。往另一条走。基本上这就是我以 去嗰,孛相老开心。还是老样子,基 前住的地方。以前除了在弄堂里玩就 本上,再望里向走看看。 是在周围,周围的一些楼里兜来逛去。 我们等会就去看下。 [10:56] 前面走弗过去,阿拉再退出 去。望另外一条走。基本上箇就是我 [11:19] 我 们 可 以 再 往 那 边 再 去 老早蹲嘞嗰地方。老早除了嘞弄堂里 看一下。那里还有一排门…… 孛相,就是嘞嘞周围,周围嗰一些楼 里向兜来兜去。阿拉等歇就去看看。 [11:40] 刚刚走过的还是石库门,现 在这里的都变成防盗门的了。你看这 [11:19] 阿 拉 可 以 再 望 挨 面 再 去 里上面的阳台,和刚才楼上是一样的, 看一下。挨面还有一排门…… 在上面可以洗澡、刷牙的。小的时候 就在楼顶上洗澡(笑)。 [11:40] 刚刚走过嗰还是正宗石库门,

here. Over by Jinling Lu. Jiayi: Oh… I don’t remember where 3 Nong was. I was really young back then. Old woman: 3 Nong’s houses have all been demolished. They were worker’s housing. It was across the street. Jiayi: Right across the street? Old woman: Yes! Jiayi: Oh, ok. Old woman: This place will also be demolished. There is only this little bit. Jiayi: This place will also be demolished? Old woman: Yes, this place will be demolished. Jiayi: Ok. This house was the same as the house I lived in before. It is very similar. Old woman: Ok. Jiayi: I have lived here since I was a kid, since I started elementary school… Old woman: Since you were a very little girl! Jiayi: Afterwards we were relocated to Pudong. Old woman: Oh. Jiayi: When your house gets demolished you will probably be moved to Pudong. Old woman: That was 3 Nong. This is 12

Zijin Lu 现在箇搭嗰侪变成防盗门嗰了。侬看 [12:16] 我们再到外面去看一下…… 箇搭上面嗰阳台,畀刚刚楼浪向 是一样嗰,嘞嘞楼顶上可以汏浴、刷 [回去紫金路向北走。] 牙齿嗰。小嗰辰光就嘞嘞楼顶上汏浴 [12:46] 我们经过一个很臭的垃圾箱, ( 笑 )。[12:16] 阿 拉 再 到 外 头 去 现在走到了外面。刚才那为阿婆说我 以前住的弄堂是再前面一条,我现在 看一下…… 也不认识了,说是已经被拆了。随后 往后面走的话就是我们刚才进来的弄 [回去紫金路向北走。] 堂,我记得以前有很多家店,我记得 [12:46] 阿拉经过一嗰老臭嗰垃圾箱, 最清楚的是那里有家店家很长,像带 现在走到了外头。挨位阿婆讲阿拉老 鱼一样长(上海人几十年前经常用来 早蹲嘞嘞嗰弄堂是再前面一条,阿拉 形容长短的一句话)小时侯经常在那 现在也弗认识了,讲是已经畀拆了。 里玩,和表哥表姐一起在那里玩,那 随后望后面走嗰话就是阿拉刚才进来 家商店给我的印象是很深很深的。我 嗰弄堂,我记得老早有老多家店,阿 经常做梦会梦见,因为那家店很长很 拉记得最清爽嗰是箇搭有爿店家老长, 长,卖许多不一样的东西,小时侯觉 像带鱼一样长(上海人几十年前专门 得很新奇。随后,我们再往前看,除 用来形容长短嗰一句话)小辰光专门 却刚才说到的那家店是我经常去玩的 嘞嘞挨面孛相,畀表哥、表姐一道嘞 地方,还有…让我们往前走一点,看 嘞里向孛相,挨爿商店给阿拉嗰印象 看那栋楼还在不在。 是老深老深 嗰。阿拉专门做梦会梦 见,因为挨爿店老长老长,卖老多 [13:47] 就是在那里,本来有一幢楼, 弗一样嗰物事,小时侯觉着老新奇。 现在好象已经没有了。应该已经被拆 随后,阿拉再望前看,除脱刚才讲到 了,很可惜,原来这栋楼是英式的很 嗰挨爿店是阿拉专门去孛相嗰地方, 漂亮的一栋楼。很高,楼层很高,我 还有…让阿拉望前头走一点,看看挨 记得小时侯,里面是阴森森的,一直 是很暗的。楼层很高,有五六层的样 栋楼还嘞嘞弗?嘞嘞。 子。那时候经常和同学小朋友在里面 [13:47] 就 是 嘞 嘞 挨 面 的 , 本 来 玩,有时候做噩梦也会梦见,因为里 有一幢楼,现在好象已经呒没了。应 面很暗很暗,很吓人,(我)兜上兜 13

33 Nong. Jiayi: Ah, ok! Thank you grandma! Old woman: Bye­bye. Jiayi : Thank you Grandma. The houses have all been demolished.

[9:29] This is where I used to live

according to what the Grandma said. The house I used to live before is already demolished. I see at this entrance there is a place to empty your chamber pot. It’s very familiar. Let’s go over there and take a look. Over there has been changed. It is so narrow now.

[10:00] This area has been changed. It

is so narrow and small now. Basically, before this area used to be bigger. There used to be more Nongtangs. Now there is only one row. But it still looks like how it did when I was a child. When I was a child, I used to run everywhere in the Nongtangs. It was so fun. It’s basically still the same feeling now. Let’s go in further and have a look.

[10:56] You can’t go through here, let’s

go out and go another way. Basically, this is where I lived before. We would also play around outside of the



Zijin Lu


紫金路 该已经畀拆脱了,老可惜,本来箇栋 楼是英式嗰老漂亮嗰一栋楼。老高, 楼层老高,我记得小辰光,里向是阴 森森嗰,一直是老暗嗰。楼层老高, 有五、六层嗰样子。挨辰光专门畀同 学嘞嘞里面孛相,有辰光做噩梦也会 梦见,因为里向老黯老黯,老吓人, (阿拉)兜上兜下嗰。弗过箇幢楼现 在已经畀拆脱了。变成了一栋老大嗰, 让阿拉去看一看,变成了一栋啥嗰楼 了?

[14:54] 箇搭啥嗰楼?哦~现在已经变 成了…

[15:05] 变成了一爿旅游商店了。本 来箇搭有栋老高、老高嗰楼,也弗晓 得是派啥用场嗰,我也忘记了,可能 是蹲嘞人嗰,也可能是办公嗰,小辰 光弗懂,也弗记得了。反正是记得里 向楼层老高老高嗰,大概有七八层楼 高嗰样子(刚刚才讲了五六层嗰呀… 13:50)。小朋友们一直嘞嘞里向孛 相,印象也是老深老深嗰。阿拉再去 看一看前头。箇搭是我第二嗰地方专 门去孛相嗰,还有一嗰地方就是对面 嗰“自然博物馆”。我专门路过“自 然博物馆”,像阿拉箇嗰年代出生嗰 人,应该侪老熟悉“自然博物馆”, 伊(现在嘞)就嘞嘞对面,阿拉再望 挨面走。

下的。但是这幢楼现在已经被拆掉了。 Nongtangs, running this way and that. 变成了一栋很大的,让我们去看一下, We will see it a bit later. 变成了一栋什么楼了已经。 [11:19] We also go over there and take a [14:54] 这是什么楼?哦~现在已经变 look. There is another row of doors. 成了… [11:40] We just passed some more [15:05] 变成了一间旅游商店了。原 Shikumen. Now the feeling of this place 来这里有栋很高很高的楼,也不知道 has changed so much. Everybody has 是派什么用处的,我也忘记了,可能 metal gates on their doors. Look, on the 是住人的,也可能是办公的,小时侯 roof is a patio and the one we were just 不懂,也不记得了。反正是记得里面 at was the same. On the patio you can 楼层很高很高的,大概有七八层楼高 take a shower, brush your teeth, and so 的样子。小孩子们一直在里面玩,印 on. When we were young we would 象也是很深很深的。我们再去看一下 take a shower on the roof. Ha Ha! 前面。这里是我第二个地方经常去玩 的,还有一个地方就是对面的 “自 [12:16] Let’s go back outside and have a 然博物馆”。我经常路过“自然博物 look. 馆”,像我这个年代出生的人,应该 都很熟悉“自然博物馆”,它(现在) [Go back out to Zijin Lu. Walk north to 就在对面,我们往边边走。 Yan'an Lu.]

[16:10] 这个 “自然博物馆” (在我) [12:46] We just passed a very smelly 很小很小的时候就在,印象最深的就 garbage area. Now we are outside. The 是门口有个很大的恐龙(骨架)。我 Grandma that we just spoke to said that 们等会去看一下现在还在不在。 my Nongtang is just up ahead. This place doesn’t look familiar. She said it [16:37] 这个“自然博物馆”是历史 was demolished. Back there was where 悠久。… we came into the Nongtang. I remember before there were many houses. I [17:00] 大概过不去,现在路都被拦 remember clearly that there was a long 16

Zijin Lu

[16:10] 箇嗰“自然博物馆”(嘞嘞 住了。

阿拉)老小老小嗰辰光就嘞嘞,印象 最深嗰就是门口有嗰老大嗰恐龙(骨 [过 延 安 东 路 往 右 转 。 走 到 延 安 东 架)。阿拉等歇去看一看现在还嘞嘞 路 260 号。] 伐? 穿过马路,我们马上就要到“自然博 [16:37] 箇嗰“自然博物馆”是历史 物馆”了。我小时侯住的房子其实就 悠久嘞… 是在马路对面,很近很近的。从我家 楼顶的阳台就能看见“自然博物馆”, [17:00] 大概过弗去,现在嗰路侪畀 小时候经常在天热的时候到对面乘风 拦牢嘞。 凉,许多的小朋友。让我们来看一下 “自然博物馆”门前的恐龙还在不在。 [过 延 安 东 路 往 右 转 。 走 到 延 安 东 … 路 260 号。] [20:52] 就是这里了,以前就是这里 穿过马路,阿拉马上就要到“自然博 门口,现在有些改掉了。 物馆”了。阿拉小辰光蹲嘞嘞嗰房子, 实际上就是嘞嘞马路对面,老近老近 [21:11] 嗰。从阿拉屋里楼顶嗰阳台上就可以 沈皆怡: 谢谢你,请问一下,以前放 看到“自然博物馆”,小辰光专门嘞 在门口的很大的一个恐龙还在不在? (可能是点头了) 嘞天热嗰辰光到对面乘风凉,老多嗰 路人: 小朋友。让我来看一看“自然博物 沈皆怡: 哦,还在的是吧。在二楼是 吧?我看现在前面都搬走了,一楼现 馆”门口嗰恐龙还嘞嘞弗嘞嘞… 在没有东西了吧? [20:52] 就是箇搭了,以前就是箇搭 路人:本来就是办公室,你要看恐龙 就要去二楼了。 门口,现在有些改脱了。 沈 皆 怡: 就 在 二 楼 是 吧 ? 就 和 以 前一个一样的,很大的是吧? [21:11] 沈皆怡:谢谢侬,请问一下,以前放 路人:对的。 嘞嘞门口嗰,老大嗰一只恐龙还嘞嘞 沈 皆 怡: 本 来 门 口 就 能 看 见 的 , 现 弗嘞嘞? 在一定要上去(才能看见)对吧? 17

row of stores over there, it was just like a ‘Daiyu’ 1. I would play with my cousins over there too. That store is deep in my memories too. It would always be in my dreams because that store is very long. They sold many different things there. When I was a child that place was amazing. Let’s go ahead further and see the stores I just talked about where I used to always play. Let’s also go ahead to have a look.

[13:47] Right over there was a building. Now there I think it is gone. Maybe it was demolished, what a pity. The building was British and was quite tall and beautiful. It was spooky inside. It was always so dark. It had many levels, around 5 or 6 floors. All my friends and I would play inside. I would have nightmares sometimes about that place because it was so dark. It was so scary. I……. Now it is demolished. There is a bigger building here now. Let’s look at what this new building is.

[14:54] What’s this building? Oh, it’s already changed.

[15:05] It’s changed into a tourist shopping mall. Originally there was a

紫金路 路人:嗯 沈皆怡:哦,还嘞嘞是吧?嘞嘞二楼 是吧?阿拉看现在嘞前头侪搬脱了, 一楼现在呒没物事了吧? 路人:本来就是办公室,侬要看恐龙 就要去二楼了。 沈 皆 怡:就 嘞 二 楼 是 吧 ? 就 畀 以 前一只一样嗰,老大嗰是吧? 路人:对嗰。 沈皆怡:本来门口就可以看得出嗰, 现在一定要上去(才可以看到)对 伐? 路人:就嘞嘞箇搭。。。。 沈皆怡:哦~箇嗰侪没变过,白颜色 嗰一只,一直放嘞嗰。 路人:对嗰。

[21:57] 让我来看一下辰光,有空(以 后)带阿拉女儿过来看看。箇搭主要 就是看些恐龙之类嗰,挨辰光印象最 深嗰就是门口本来是放嘞一楼嗰,现 在嘞放到二楼去嗰,本来嘞一楼嗰, 学堂组织来看嗰,小朋友辰光,我记 得老清楚一楼有一嗰老大嗰恐龙,旁 边有些啥已经记弗太清楚了,反正零 零碎碎嗰物事。箇嗰印象最深,就是 有老多小朋友嘞嘞箇搭乘风凉,旁边 放嘞小辰光有嗰零拷嗰饮料,挨辰光 橘子水老少嗰,大家就买零拷嗰,冰 橘子水。我记得阿拉外公嘞嘞迭搭上 班嗰,可以拷老多。阿拉就畀阿拉表

路人:就在那里… 沈 皆 怡: 哦~这 个 就 没 变 过 , 白 色 的一个,一直放着的。 路人:对的。

[21:57] 让 我 来 看一下 时 间 , 有 可 能 (以后)带我女儿过来看看。这里主 要就是看些恐龙之类的,我那时候印 象最深的就是门口本来是放在一楼的, 现在放到二楼去的,本来在一楼的, 学校组织来看的,小孩子的时候,我 记得很清楚一楼有一个很大的恐龙, 旁边有些什么已经记不太清楚了,反 正零零碎碎的东西。对这个印象最深, 就是有许多小朋友在这里乘风凉,旁 边放着小时侯有的零拷(按斤按量称 重贩卖)的饮料,那时候橘子水(橘 子味汽水)很少的(按瓶卖的很少, 因为贵),大家就买零拷的橘子水。 我记得我外公在哪里上班的,能拷很 多。我就和我表哥他们一起去拷,我 想那还是很典型的上海人的生活吧!

tall building here. I don’t know what it is used for. I forgot, but maybe people live there or it’s an office building. I didn’t know when I was a kid and I didn’t really care. I just knew that this place was very tall, maybe about 7 or 8 floors inside. I remember that all the kids played here. Let’s move ahead and look. This is the second place that I would always go to play. There was another place across from the Natural History Museum 2. We always went to the Natural history museum. I think the people of my generation would be very familiar with the Natural history museum. Its right across there. Let’s walk towards it.

[16:10] The natural History Museum

has been around since I was very small. I remember that at the entrance there was a huge dinosaur skeleton. Let’s 那时候我还过着一分钱能买两样东西 have a look to see if it’s still there. 的日子。那时候还有五分钱的“赤豆

棒冰”,前一阵看电视,节目里就提 起过“赤豆棒冰”,就觉得很有感触。 那时候大家过着都差不多的日子,脚 碰脚头碰头(空间,利益等各方面的 稀缺)。从这里再往后看,那些楼基 本上都拆的差不多了。那里墙面上有 海鸥的楼还在。以前站在这里就能看

[16:37] The Natural History Museum has a long history.

[17:00] Maybe we can’t get across. The road is blocked here…

[Cross Yan'an Dong Lu and walk east. 18

Zijin Lu


紫金路 哥伊拉一道去拷,阿拉想挨辰光,老 见我曾经住的地方。现在全都拆了, 典型嗰上海人嗰生活吧?挨辰光阿拉 (连)公交线什么的(也迁移了),还 还过着一分钱可以买两样物事嗰日子。 好还有一栋楼在。看上去还能勾起我 挨辰光还有五分钱嗰“赤豆棒冰”, 小时侯的回忆。那时候我记得我带老 前一腔看电视节目里就提起过“赤豆 公来这里,我们,我带他来我(老房 棒冰”,就觉著老有感触。挨辰光大 子)这里,他带我去他(曾经住过的) 家过著侪差弗多嗰日子,脚碰脚,头 家里:出生的地方,读过的幼儿园, 碰头(空间,利益等各方面嗰稀缺)。 小学什么的,都带我去看。那时候就 从箇搭再望后看,挨些大楼基本上侪 挺有感触的,感觉现在人就开始老了。 拆嗰差弗多了。挨面墙面上有海鸥嗰 要回忆以前小时候的事情了。那我们 大楼还嘞嘞。以前立嘞嘞箇搭就可以 再往前过马路去走。 看到,阿拉曾经蹲嘞嘞嗰地方。现在 侪拆脱了,(连)公交线什么嗰(也 [向东走到江西中路。向南走过延安 搬脱了),还好还有一栋楼嘞嘞。看 东路。] 上去还可以勾起阿拉小辰光嗰回忆。 挨辰光我记得,我带老公来箇搭,我 [24:38] 应该其实是要走对面的,我 带伊来阿拉(老房子)箇搭,伊带我 以前是住在邻马路的地方。我们现在 去伊拉屋里向:伊出生嗰地方;读过 就去我以前读书的地方—“四川南路 嗰幼儿园;小学什么嗰,侪带我去看。 小学”,那时候我记得我从家里出门 挨辰光就蛮有感触嗰,现在感觉人就 就沿着“金陵中路”一直走,走到“四 开始老了。要回忆老早小辰光嗰事情 川南路”就到了。我们现在就回到“金 了。阿拉要么再望前过马路去走。 陵中路”这条路去。 [向东走到江西中路。向南走过延安 [25:34] 我们现在就要过马路去对面 东路。] 看一下。

[24:38] 应该实际上是要走对面条马 [26:20] 这 里 是 “ 延 安 西 路 ” , 还 路嗰,我以前是蹲嘞邻马路嗰地方。 要一直往前走。 阿拉现在嘞我以前读书嗰地方—“四 川南路小学”,挨辰光,我记得阿拉 [27:02] 前面就是“金陵中路”了, 从屋里向出门就沿着“金陵中路”一 我们就去前面看一下,这条路变成什

to #260 Yan'an Lu.] After crossing the road we will be right at the Natural History Museum. My house was right across from here. It was so close that from my roof patio I could see the Natural History Museum. When it was hot outside, we would cross the street to ‘Cheng Feng Liang’ 3. All the kids would be there. Let me see if there is still a dinosaur in front of the door of the museum.

[20:52] It’s right here. Before it was this doorway. Now it has been changed.


Jiayi: Thanks. Excuse me, is the dinosaur in front of the entrance still there? Guard: (Maybe shakes his head ‘yes’.) Jiayi: Oh, It’s still there, huh? On the second floor? I see that they have moved everything out. Does the first floor still have anything to see? Guard: It was originally an office. If you want to see the dinosaur you have to go to the second floor. Jiayi: On the second floor, huh? It must be the same one then. It was very big 20

Zijin Lu 直走,走到“四川南路”就到了。阿 么样子了。“金陵中路”其实也是上 right? 拉现在就回到“金陵中路”箇条路 海比较出名的一条马路,它有江南特 Guard: Yes. 去。 色的“骑楼”(南方特色建筑之一), Jiayi: You could see it from the entrance 就是不论刮风下雨下雪下冰雹,在楼 before. Now, you have to go up the [25:34] 现 在 就 要 过 马 路 去 对 面 下走都不需要撑伞的。去看一下“金 stairs to see it, right? 看一看。 Guard: It’s right up there. 陵东路”。 Jiayi: Oh, it hasn’t changed from before. [26:20] 箇 搭 是 “ 延 安 西 路 ” , 还 [27:40] 我们之前从那里(西)走过 It’s the white one. It has always been 要一直望前走。 来的,我家在那里(北),现在在往 here. 那里走(东)。 Guard: Yes. [27:02] 前头就是“金陵中路”了, 阿拉就去前头看一看,箇条路现在变 [27:58] 我们再体验一下“骑楼”, [21:57] Let me see if I have time, maybe 成啥样子了。“金陵中路”其实也是 基本上这条路的结构都没有变。看这 afterwards I will take my daughter to 上海比较出名嗰一条马路之一,伊有 里还是一块凹进去的地方,这些还是 see the museum. If you come here, you 江南特色嗰“骑楼”(备注:南方特 和以前一样,开着店,只不过店家变 have to see the dinosaur exhibit. From 色建筑之一),就是弗论刮风落雨落 了。以前天天走这条路,叫同学(一 what I remember, the entrance was on 雪落冰雹,嘞楼下走侪弗需要撑伞嗰。 同)去读书,一路上能叫起很多同学。 the first floor but now you have to go to 放学的时候大家也是一路走来。这里 the second floor. When my school 去看一看“金陵东路”。 旁边本来有很多花坛,我记得以前种 would organize trips to see the museum, [27:40] 阿拉前头从挨面(西)走过 着那种白颜色的花,有一点像水仙, I remember clearly that the first floor 来嗰,阿拉屋里向嘞嘞箇面(北), 但当中是没有花芯的水仙花有很大的 had a huge dinosaur. I don’t really 现在嘞望挨面走(东)。 花芯,它是小小的花芯一路上都有白 remember what was beside it. Basically, 色的花。对面好象本来不是这个样子 it was just some ancient artifacts. [27:58] 阿拉再体验一下“骑楼”, 的。马路是很窄的。这里以前老的楼 Another thing I remember there when 基本上箇条马路嗰结构侪呒没变。看 都还在,不知道以前我同学住的楼还 all the kids used to come here to ‘cheng 箇搭还是一块凹进去嗰地方,箇些还 在不在。看看这条路还蛮长的,以前 feng liang’ we would all buy ‘lingkao’ 4 是畀老早一样,开着店,只弗过开著 很小的时候。因为表哥表姐和我都是 Tangerine drink. I remember when my 店家变脱了。老早天天走箇条路,叫 在一个小学读书的,那些比我大两三 grandpa would go to work he could 同学(一同)去读书,一路上可以叫 岁 的 孩 子 都 在一个 学 校 读 书 。 我 “kao” a lot of juice. My Uncle and my 到 老 多 同 学 。 放 学 嗰 辰 光 大 家 也 在一年级他们在两年级三年级读书四 cousin would go together. I think that 是一路上走回来。箇搭旁边本来有老 年级五年级都有的。那时候姨妈他们 was a very Shanghainese thing to do. 21



Zijin Lu


紫金路 多花坛,我记得种著挨种白颜色嗰花, 有一点像水仙,但是当中是呒没花芯 嗰,水仙花有老大嗰花芯,伊是小小 嗰花芯,一路上侪有白色嗰花。对面 好象本来弗是箇嗰样子嗰。马路是老 狭嗰。箇搭老嗰楼侪还嘞,弗晓得以 前阿拉同学蹲嘞嗰楼还嘞弗嘞。看看 箇条路其实还蛮长嗰,以前老小嗰辰 光。因为表哥、表姐畀阿拉侪是 嘞一嗰小学读书嗰,挨些比我大两、 三 岁 嗰 , 侪 嘞一嗰 学 堂 读 书 。 我 嘞一年级读书,伊拉嘞两年级、三年 级读书、四年级、五年级侪有嗰。挨 辰光姨妈侪嘞嘞广州,所有嗰小人侪 托给阿拉姆妈管,所以挨辰光老闹忙, 一间房间里四、五嗰孩子嘞嘞一道, 老闹忙。有辰光读书是畀同学一道, 有辰光就是表哥、表姐带著我去。箇 条马路基本上已经改嗰面目全非,我 也认弗出来了。


好像到快了。前头就是“四川南路”, 阿拉弯进去就可以看见“四川南路小 学”,箇间小学,我自己嘞嘞网上看 了一看,嘞嘞老早有一百多年,小辰 光嘞嘞里面读书也弗觉着,现在可以 去看一下,有嗰老有特色嗰教堂。 一般嘞嘞小学里有嗰教堂是老少嗰(备 注:呒没其它嗰例子嗰吧!)我挨辰 光就觉著教堂里是老神秘嗰,等歇阿

都在广州,所有的孩子都托给我妈妈 管,包括我在内,所以那时候很热闹, 一间屋子里四五个孩子在一起,很热 闹。有时候读书是和同学一起,有时 候就是表哥表姐带着我去。这里基本 上已经改的面目全非,连我也认不出 来了。

[30:16]这条路走着还是有点距离的。 前面就是“四川南路”,我们(拐) 弯进去就能看见“四川南路小学”, 这间小学我自己在网上看了一下,在 很早很早以前有一百多年,小时侯在 里面读书也不觉得,现在可以去 看一下,有个很有特色的教堂。一般 在小学里有个教堂是很少的。我那时 候就觉得教堂里是很神秘的,等会我 们就去看一下。 [向东走四川南路上右转走到四川南 路 36 号。]

[31:17] 这一路走过来很热闹的,都是

That was the time 1 ‘fen’ could still buy two things. Back then 5 ‘fen’ could get you a red bean popsicle. Back then there were commercials on TV advertising a red bean popsicle. It was very memorable. Back then then it was so cramped­ ‘jiao peng jiao, tou peng tou’ 5. When I look back to my old house from here, it's basically all gone. Over there on the wall, the Seagull building is still there. Before, if you stood here, you could see the place where I lived my whole life. Now its all demolished. The bus line and everything. Its ok, at least there is still one building left. When I look at it, it still brings back my memories. When I brought my husband here to see where I lived, he took me to see his old house where he was born, his kindergarten, elementary school, and so on. It was very meaningful. When looking back on your memories, it feels like one is starting to get old. You start to look back on your memories. Ok let’s cross the street.

商店,所以和同学一起走过也不觉得 时间长,但路是有一段的,现在人长 大了,脚也长了。就是这个学校。现 在正好是在搞体育活动,进不去。这 [Walk east to Jiangxi Nan Lu and walk 个学校也不能称作特色,也就是里面 south, crossing Yan'an Dong Lu.] 有个天主教堂,不知道能不能进去。 [24:38] You should… Actually we [32:37] 不 能 进 去!本 来 还 想 进 去 should walk on the other side. I used to


Zijin Lu 拉就去看一看。 [向东走四川南路上右转走到四川南 路 36 号。]

[31:17] 箇一路走过来老闹忙嗰,侪是

商店,所以畀同学一道走过也弗觉着 辰光长,不过路还是有一段嗰,现在 嘞人长大了,脚也长了,走路也快了。 就是箇嗰学堂,现在正好是嘞嘞搞体 育活动,进弗去。箇搭学堂也弗可以 称作特色,也就是里面有嗰天主教堂, 弗晓得可以弗可以进去?

[32:37] 问问看哦。。。。。。弗好

进去!本来还想进去看一看,啥人晓 得现在是上课辰光,弗好进去。箇间 学堂也弗是老大,以前还是觉著老大 嗰,就是当时觉著操场老大嗰,实际 上现在看来还是老狭小嗰。就一栋教 学楼,楼嗰样子也没啥变化。挨辰光 阿拉从一年级开始读起来,弗晓得哪 能畀选到一嗰游泳班,那么就每天去 游泳,所以现在嘞人长嗰老高,挨嗰 辰光每周一,第四节课,就是吃饭前 嗰最后一节课就会去游泳,游好泳再 回来,别嗰班侪是要读书嗰,阿拉也 弗晓得为什么阿拉箇嗰班级可以箇恁, 大概因为觉著人蛮高嗰。阿拉也弗晓 得,就是去游泳,印象老深,其实箇 搭里向还有老大一块地方,现在嘞看 25

看一下,谁知道现在是上课时间还不 能进去。这间学校也不是很大,当时 还是觉得很大的,就是当时觉得操场 很大的,其实现在看来还是很狭小的。 就一栋教学楼,楼的样子也没什么变 化。那时候我从一年级读起,不知道 怎么被选到一个游泳班,就每天去游 泳,所以现在人长的很高,那个时候 每周一,第四节课,就是吃饭前的最 后一节课就会去游泳,游完泳再回来, 别的班都是要读书的,我也不知道为 什么我们这个班级(可以这样),大 概因为觉得人挺高的。我也不知道, 就是去游泳,印象很深,其实这里面 还有很大一块地方,现在看不见,因 为被教堂挡住了。这个教堂我印象很 深的,那个时候人小,不敢进,很害 怕,从来没有进去过。难得放学了, 想溜进去的时候,看着里面光线很暗, 彩色的玻璃窗看上去挺让人害怕的, 里面也没人,再加上那时候自己觉得 这个教堂很大很大,走不到底的样子, 反正没有一次走到底过。都是在门口 张看一下,被门口的老伯伯挡一下就 走了。以后也再也没进去过。现在看 别人对这个学校的评价还是很高的。 好象也算是个很好的学校。教学 楼一点也没变过样子。哎~真可惜进 不去。进不去看不见就算了。对面本 来是间技校,现在改成光明中学了, 我们再往前去看看。其实我小时侯的

live around the Linma Lu area. Now we are walking to where I used to go to school, the ‘Sichuan Nan Lu’ Elementary School. I remember from my house I would follow Jinling Zhong Lu until I got to ‘Sichuan Nan Lu’ School. We are now going to Jinling Zhong Lu.

[25:34] Now we must cross the road. [26:20] Here is Yan’an Xi (Dong) Lu. Let’s keep going.

[27:02] Up ahead is Jinling Zhong Lu. We are walking there to look. How has this road changed, let me see? Jinling Zhong Lu is one of Shanghai’s famous roads. It has the special kind of building called the ‘Qilou’ 6. No matter if there is wind, rain, or hail if you walk along the first floor of this building you won’t even need an umbrella. Have a look at Jinling Dong Lu. [Turn left on Jinling Dong Lu.]

[27:40] We came from over there (west), then we walked over there where my house was, now we are going this way (east).

紫金路 弗见,因为畀教堂挡嘞嘞。箇嗰教堂 阿拉印象老深嗰,挨嗰辰光人小,弗 敢进,老吓嗰,从来呒没进去过。难 板放学了,门开著嘞,想溜进去嗰辰 光,看里向光线老暗,彩色嗰玻璃窗 看上去蛮让人吓丝丝嗰,里向也呒人, 再加上挨辰光自己觉着箇嗰教堂老大 老大,走弗到底嗰样子,反正呒 没一次走到底过。侪是嘞嘞门口张 望一记,畀门口嗰老伯伯挡一记就走 了。以后也再也呒进去过。现在看人 家对箇嗰学堂嗰评价还是老高嗰。好 象也算是嗰老好嗰学堂。教学楼一点 也呒变过样子。哎~真可惜进弗去。 进弗去,看弗见就算了。对面本来是 间技校,现在嘞改成光明中学了,阿 拉再望前头去看看。其实我小辰光嗰 活动范围也就是从屋里向埃面条路开 始,一直到箇条路,是我整嗰一条活 动范围。小辰光就是嘞挨面孛相,放 学了就到箇块地方孛相。阿拉再望前 头看看。

活动范围也就是从家里那条路开始, 一直到这条路,是我整个的活动范围。 小时侯就是在那里玩放学了就在这块 地方玩。我们再往前走。

[35:24] 这个’联谊大厦’ 倒还在, 去看一下。


[35:49] 再往前走就是“外滩”了 [36:44] 基本上小时候就是从这里过

来三四条马路,再横着过去两条马路, (我的)一个活动范围。 [向北走。]

[37:28] 前面一个“联谊大厦”,也

是印象蛮深的,因为那时候就是在它 门口玩,这栋楼还是这个样子没有变 过。门口有块空的地方,有个斜坡, [35:24] 箇嗰“联谊大厦”倒还嘞 我(小时侯)也经常在斜坡上冲上冲 嘞,去看一看。 下的(玩)。再往前,我小时很小就 开始读什么班了,因为我妈妈送我去 [过四川南路看对面的楼。] 读很多的班,在这里参加过一个“武 术班”,打武术的,就是从这条马路 [35:49] 再 望 前 头 走 就 到 “ 外 滩 ” 穿过去,到了一个街心花园里,我记 了。 得要走很多路,都不记得要走到哪条 路,一个班总共七八个人的样子。现 [36:44] 基本上小辰光就是从箇搭过 在我们可以看见“东方明珠”了。

[27:58] Let me tell you more about the

‘Qilou’. This road basically hasn’t changed much. Over here still has the area that goes in, that was the same as before. There is a little store, but it has changed. I used to walk on this road everyday and call on my friends to go to school. On this road I could call a lot of my friends. After school, everyone would also walk along this road. Here next to us there used to be a lot of raised flower beds. I remember there used to be white flowers growing that kind of looked like daffodils, but in the middle, it didn’t have the stigma. Daffodils have a large center, but these flowers had a small one. All along the road had white flowers. Across the street I don’t think it was like this before. The road is very narrow. All the old buildings from before are still around. I don’t know if my classmate’s building is still there. This road is turned into a long road. Before it was just a small road. My cousins and I were all in the same school because there were all around 2 or 3 years older than me. When I was in first grade, I had cousins in second, third, fourth, and fifth grades. At that time my aunt and mom were in Guangzhou, so my cousins helped to 26

Zijin Lu 来大概三、四条马路,再横嘞过去走 [过延安东路。左转往江西中路走。] 两条马路,一嗰活动范围。 [39:25] 这个“四川大楼”也在,印 [向北走。] 象当中,这两栋楼很高很大的,小时 侯记得大概是“国庆”的时候,去外 [37:28] 前头一嗰“联谊大厦”,也 滩观灯,因为那时候有交通管制,所 是印象蛮深嗰,因为挨辰光就是嘞嘞 以都是走路去的,就是从家里开始走, 伊门口孛相,箇栋楼还是箇嗰样子呒 那时候我妈妈住在天山路,我住在外 没变过。门口有老大块空嗰地方,有 婆家,我妈就带着我从这里一直走, 嗰斜坡,我也专门嘞嘞斜坡上冲上冲 走回天山路的家,走了很长一段路。 下嗰(孛相)。再过去呢,我小辰光, 小时侯还在这个门口窜来窜去的玩。 老小就开始读啥班(课外补习班,兴 这几栋楼现在还在,那个时候的外滩 趣班)了,因为阿拉姆妈送我去读老 绝对没有现在这么漂亮。“四川大 多嗰班,嘞嘞箇搭参加过一嗰武术 楼”倒还在,那个时候,让我想一下, 班”,打武术嗰,就是从箇条马路穿 从这里走过去……再往前走了看一下。 过去,到了一嗰街心花园里,我记得 从 那里走过去,有个街心花园,我 要走老多路,侪弗记得要走到哪条路, 不是太记得了,好象穿过去还要走很 一嗰班总共七、八嗰人嗰样子。现在 多路。总是有个老师带着我们过去, 大约有十个不到的小朋友,去打武术, 嘞箇搭可以看到“东方明珠”了。 在街心花园里。 [过延安东路。左转往江西中路走。] [41:02] 这栋楼没拆掉。(小小声的) [39:25] 箇嗰“四川大楼”也嘞嘞, 印象当中,箇两栋楼老高老大嗰,小 [41:22] 朝 前 面 那 条 马 路 去 看一下 , 辰光,记得大概是“国庆”嗰辰光, 前面那条路转弯过去。 去外滩观灯,因为挨辰光有交通管制, 所以侪是走路去嗰,就是从屋里向开 [41:49] 几栋大的楼基本上没有被动 始走,挨辰光阿拉姆妈蹲嘞天山路, 过。没想到我家后面那栋楼被动掉了, 阿拉蹲嘞外婆屋里向(就是‘金陵中 那栋楼很漂亮的。 路’箇 搭 ), 阿 拉 妈 就 带 著 我 从 箇 搭一直走,走回天山路嗰家,走了老 [向江西中路走。] 27

take care of me. When we were all together in a room, we were so loud! There were five of us in one room, so it was crazy. Sometimes my friend’s family would take care of me, sometimes I was with my cousins. This place has basically changed so much I cannot recognize it anymore.

[30:16] This road is a bit far. In front of

us is Sichuan Nan Lu. If we turn up ahead, we will see the Sichuan Nan Lu elementary school. I looked up this school on the internet and it is very old going back 100 years. When I was small studying there it didn’t seem so old. Now let’s see if we can go in. There is a special church inside. There weren’t many schools that had churches in them. Back then, I thought that the church was very magical. Hang on, let me look. [Walk to Sichuan Nan Lu and turn right. Walk to #36 Sichuan Nan Lu.]

[31:17] This road is quite noisy because there are so many stores here. My friends and I before thought that coming here was far away. But when you get older you feel it’s not too far because



Zijin Lu


紫金路 长一段路。小辰光还嘞箇嗰门口窜来 窜去嗰孛相。箇几栋楼倒还嘞嘞,挨 嗰辰光嗰外滩绝对呒没现在箇么漂 亮。“四川大楼”倒还嘞嘞,挨嗰辰 光,让我想一下,从箇搭走过去…… 再望前走了看一下。从挨面走过去, 有嗰街心花园,我弗是太记得了,好 象穿过去还要走老多路。总归有嗰老 师带嘞阿拉过去,大概有十嗰弗到嗰 小朋友,去打武术,嘞嘞街心花园 里。

[42:22] 哎 呀…找 不 到 了 。( 让 我 ) your feet and legs are bigger. There is an 看一下。

[43:34] Maybe we go back?

activity going on now so we cannot go in. There is nothing much to say about this school except for the church. I don’t know if we can even go inside it anyway.


[32:37] You cannot go in! I thought that

[43:08] 找不到了。

we could go in. Who would have known

[43:41] 我们再走回去看看,我之前 there was an activity today? This school

找不到我想找的地方了。已经变的太 多了,想不起来了。那时候那个地方 [41:02] 箇栋楼没拆脱。 就是我们一直去练功的地方。实在记 不得了,离外滩挺近的。再(走回) [41:22] 朝 前 头 马 路 去 看一看 , 到 前 去看一下。 头转弯过去。 [44:07] 怎么走的呢? [41:49] 几栋大嗰楼基本上呒没畀动 过。老可惜,后面挨栋楼畀动脱了, [44:55] 去前面转角处去看一下。 挨栋楼老漂亮嗰。 [45:17] 我们从这里走进去? [向江西中路走。] [45:33] 大概是这个地方,应该是, [42:22] 哎 呀…寻 弗 到 了 。( 让 我 ) 看看又不太像。 看一下。 [四川中路左转向北走。] [43:08] 寻弗到了。 [45:50] 我 记 得 以 前 , 应 该 是 这 么 [43:34] Maybe we go back? 走,以前念完书下课之后就去练功去, 老师和我们说好时间就在这个路口等 [回去四川中路。] 着。我们往前去看一下。那里有个街

isn’t that big but back then it felt like it was. The play area was quite big. Now it seems quite narrow and small. There is one school building and it hasn’t changed at all. Ever since first grade, I don’t know how but I ended up in a class that loved to swim. We would go swimming everyday so that’s why now everyone grew up to be so tall. Every Monday, the class would go swimming before lunch. After swimming we would come back. Other classes just studied during this time. I don’t know how my class could do this, probably because everyone was so tall. I don’t know why we could go swimming. I remember it well. Inside there is a large space but you can’t see it because the church is blocking it. I remember this church because we were so small, we wouldn’t dare go in because we were so 30

Zijin Lu

[43:41] 阿 拉 再 走 回 去 看 看 , 寻 弗 心公园,不知道还在不在? 到,我想寻嗰地方了。已经变嗰忒多 了,想弗起来了。挨辰光,挨嗰地方 就是小辰光一直去练功嗰地方。实在 记弗得了,离外滩蛮近嗰。再(走回) 去看一看。

[44:07] 哪能走法子呢? [44:55] 到前头转角浪向去看一看。 [45:17] 阿拉从箇搭走进去?

[46:45] 这路还是这个样子,这里就 应该凹进去,那里再凸出来,走过去 的。反正我记得那时候从这个路口走 过去要走很长一段路,反正有一群小 朋友一路上吵吵闹闹的也不觉得路很 长。那时候(我)很小,小学三年级 之前,就是一二年级的时候。让我 看一下,现在看起来,应该是在(福 州路)路口。

[47:45] 就是沿着这条路,一直往前 [45:33] 大概是箇嗰地方,应该是, 走,大概有三四条马路。这里两边的 看看又弗忒像。



[48:49] 估计走下去要走到很后面。

[45:50] 我 记 得 以 前 , 应 该 是 箇 么 [49:10] 不知道这个公园还找得到 走,以前读好书,下课以后就去练功 去,老师畀阿拉讲好辰光就嘞嘞箇嗰 路口等著。阿拉望前头看一下。挨面 有嗰街心公园,弗晓得还嘞嘞弗?

[46:45] 箇路还是箇嗰样子,箇搭就 应该凹进去,挨面再凸出来,走过去 嗰。反正我记得挨辰光从箇嗰路口走 过去要走老长一段路,反正有一群小 朋友一路上吵吵闹闹嗰也弗觉著路老 长。挨辰光老小,小学三年级之前, 就是一二年级嗰辰光。让我看一看, 31

scared. I have never been inside. I always wanted to sneak in during school break and see the dark space. The stained­glass windows made me feel scared. There would also be no people inside and on top of that, I thought the church was so big I couldn’t ever bring myself to go inside. That’s all we can see from the gate. The guard here won’t let us in so let’s go. I have never been inside since I left the school. Nowadays I have heard from other people that this school is still considered in very good standing and is a very good school. The school building didn’t change a bit. Ah, it's too bad we couldn’t go in. Oh well, if we can’t go in and can’t see anything, then forget about it. Across the street there used to be a technical school now it is called Guang Ming Middle School. Let’s go there and look. This was the area where I grew up. From my house to here, straight down this road. During the school break, this is the area where I played. Let’s go ahead.

吗?我也记的不清楚了。可能从这里 走还要在那里转个弯。就记得那时候 是在街心公园里面,是个开放式的, 在当时的上海是很多的。老师在哪里 选块地方,大家在那里练,大概半个 小时三刻钟的样子,不是很长时间, 不知道为什么我妈要把我送去那里练 这种功夫什么的。练完也很晚了,放 [35:24] This building is still here let’s 学大致在三四点,练完就是在六点左 take a look. 右,正好回家吃饭。 [Cross Sichuan Nan Lu to buiding [49:52] 大 概 走 过 头 了 ? 再 往 前 directly across.]

紫金路 现在看起来,大概是嘞嘞(福州路) 走一条马路估计就到了。不知道还找 [35:49] If we walk straight ahead, there 路口。 不找的到。想象小时侯住的地方真的 is the Bund. 是不错的,很热闹。 [36:44] Basically, when I was a child, [47:45] 就是沿著箇条路,一直望前 走,大概走三四条马路。箇搭两面嗰 [50:44] 再走下去又太远了。在四川 these 3 or 4 streets (north to south) and these 2 streets (east to west) was they 楼侪呒没变化过,还是老样子。 中路汉口路路口停 area I grew up and played. [48:49] 估 计 走 下 去 要 走 到 老 后 头 [在四川中路汉口路路口停。] [Walk north on Sichuan Nan Lu.] (靠近外滩)。 [50:56] 大概这幢楼已经被…(路人 [49:10] 弗晓得箇嗰公园还寻得到吗? 声音遮住),没了可能就没了。估计 [37:28] Ahead there is the “Lian Yi 我也记嗰弗清楚了。大概从箇搭走, 是没有了。被这幢楼代替了,可能。 Building” 7. This place also has deep 还要嘞嘞挨面转嗰弯。就记得挨辰光 我记得差不多就是走这点路啊!走个 memories for me because we would 是嘞嘞街心公园里面,是嗰开放式嗰, 四五条马路的样子。不应该再往前了, play in front of the doorway. The 嘞嘞当时嗰上海是老多嗰。老师嘞箇 基本上就是这条路了。现在造了新的 building is still the same and hasn’t 搭选块空地方,大家嘞挨面练,大概 楼 了 , 以 前 就 应 该 在 这 个 地 方 。 changed. In front of the entrance there is 半嗰小时三刻钟嗰样子,弗是老长时 有一个挺大的街心公园,具体在公园 an open space and a slope. When I was a 间,弗晓得为啥阿拉姆妈要送我去挨 里做了些什么我记不得了。只记得放 child, I would run up and down the 面练箇种功夫什么嗰。练好也老黯了, 学了之后兴冲冲的跟着老师来着练练 slope. Up ahead is the place where I also 放学大该嘞嘞三四点,练好就是嘞嘞 功什么的,大约半个小时三刻钟再回 had class after school. My mom made 六点左右,正好回屋里吃饭。 家。印象最深的就是来来去去的路上 me take a lot of extra­curricular classes. 发生的事情。具体发生过什么确实记 I took a ‘Wushu’ class where I would [49:52]大 概 走 过 头 了 ? 再 望 前 头 不清了,很早很早很早以前了。是二 practice Wushu. From here if you cross 走一条马路估计就到了。弗晓得还寻 十年前的事情了。基本上今天带大家 the street you would be in a small park. I 弗寻嗰到。想想小辰光蹲嘞嗰地方真 走的路就是我小时侯,从我出生到三 remember I had to walk far but I don’t 嗰是蛮灵嗰,老闹忙。 年级前,大部分活动的地方。从住的 remember where which road it was on. 地方到读书的地方,包括上学放学, One class had about 7 or 8 people. Right [50:44] 再走下去又忒远了。 找同学玩,记得很清楚的那栋楼不见 now, we can see the Pearl Tower from 了,前面就是我的小学,那里就有栋 here. [在四川中路汉口路路口停。] 楼,是他们(小学里的同学)住的地 方,去喊她。她住在二楼,叫她下来, [Cross Yan'an Dong Lu. Turn left.] 32

Zijin Lu



[39:25] This building, Sichuan Da Lou’ [50:56]大概箇幢楼已经畀…,没了, 一起去上学,放学回来她会先回家, is still here. I remember these two 大概就呒了。畀箇幢楼代替了,我记 得差弗多就是走箇点路啊!走嗰四、 五条马路嗰样子。弗应该再望前了, 基本上就是箇条路了。现在造了新嗰 楼了,以前就应该嘞嘞箇嗰地方。 有一嗰蛮大嗰街心公园,具体嘞嘞公 园里做了些啥我记弗得了。只记得放 学了之后兴冲冲嗰跟著老师,来箇搭 练练功嗰,大概半嗰小时、三刻钟再 回屋里。印象最深嗰就是来来去去的 路浪向嗰事体。具体发生过啥,确实 记弗清了,以前,是二十年以前嗰事 情了。今朝带大家走嗰路就是我小辰 光,从我出生到读三年级前头,大部 分活动嗰地方。从屋里蹲嘞嗰地方, 到读书嗰地方,包括读书、放学,寻 同学孛相,记得老清楚嗰,箇栋楼弗 见了,前头就是嘞我嗰小学不到的地 方,挨面就有栋楼,是伊拉(小学里 嗰同学)蹲嘞嗰地方,我去叫伊。伊 蹲嘞二楼,叫伊下来,一道去读书, 放学回来伊会先回去,然后再一家家 人家,走回去。要是(阿拉今朝)再 望回走,就是老早放学(阿拉)走嗰 路。小辰光嗰,箇段记忆对我来讲是 老深刻嗰,做梦也一直做到嗰。箇搭 箇种练功倒弗是主要嗰,就像歌曲里 嗰箇些小音符一样嗰。不过对我最主 要嗰还是阿拉嗰外婆,畀老早蹲过 嗰一些地方--“紫金路”嗰一些地方,

然后再一家家的走回去。如果(我们 今天)再往回走,就是以前放学(我) 走的路。小时侯的那段记忆对我来说 是很深刻的,做梦也一直做到的。这 里这种练功倒不是主要的,就像歌曲 里的那些小音符一样的。但是对我最 主要的还是我的外婆和以前住过 的一些地方--“紫金路”的一些地方, 还有上学放学,小学对我来说印象也 很深的。基本上今天就是这样了。 就是这样子。

buildings were very tall and very big. When I was a child, around ‘National Day’ 8 I went to the Bund to see the lights. The traffic was stopped so we could walk on the streets all the way from home. At that time my mom lived on Tianshan Lu and I lived at my grandmother’s on Jinling Lu. My mother and I walked all the way back to Tianshan Lu from here. It was a long walk. When I was a child, I would run around in front of this entrance. These buildings are still here. Before, the Bund was not as pretty. The ‘Sichuan Da Lou’ is still here. Back then, let me think. From here if you walk there…. If you walk ahead, let’s see. If you walk ahead you will reach a small park. I don’t quite remember where it is. I think if you walk straight ahead for a few blocks you should see it. There was a teacher that always walk me other there. There would be about ten of us that practiced Wushu at that park.

[41:02] This building they haven’t demolished yet.

[41:22] Let’s look at that road up ahead. That road that turns.


Zijin Lu


紫金路 还有读书、放学,小学对我来讲印象 也老深嗰。基本上今朝就是箇恁样子 了。 就是箇样子。

[41:49] These buildings here haven’t been touched. I can’t believe the building behind my house was torn down. That building was beautiful. [Walk to Jiangxi Zhong Lu.]

[42:22] Oh well, I can’t find it. Let me see.

[43:08] I can’t find it. [43:34] Maybe we go back. [Turn around and back to Sichuan Zhong Lu.]

[43:41] Let’s go back a bit and have a

look. I can’t find what I was looking for. Things have changed so much I can’t remember where things are anymore. That place over there was where we would exercise. I don’t remember anymore. From the Bund this place is near. Let’s go back a bit more.

[44:07] How do we go now? [44:55] Let’s go see that corner up ahead.

[45:17] Where did we enter here? 36

Zijin Lu

[45:33] I guess it’s here. It should be the place, but it doesn’t look the same.

[Turn left on Sichuan Zhong Lu and walk north.]

[45:50] I remember, it should be this road, after school would come here to exercise. The teacher would give us a time and we would wait at this intersection. Over there is a park. Is it still there?

[46:45] This road is still the same It has an opening that you go in and then you go out where it sticks out. I remember from that intersection to here was a long walk but because we were a group of kids, we played along the way, so it didn’t seem so far away. At that time, I was in grade 1 or 2. Let me see if this is the intersection.

[47:45] Follow this road and walk ahead for about 3 to 4 blocks. These two buildings haven’t changed. They are still the same.

[48:49] I think we need to walk behind here.

[49:10] I don’t know if we can still find 37



Zijin Lu this small park. I also don’t really remember. Maybe you have to walk a bit further and turn up ahead. I remember ‘Jiexin Park’ 9 was a kind of a small public park. Back then Shanghai had many parks like this. The teacher would quickly pick a space to practice. The class wasn’t long. It was about 30­ 45 minutes long. I don’t know why my mother wanted me to go here and learn Gongfu. When class was finished it was also late. School finished at 3 or 4 o’clock. We would finish the Wushu class at around 6 o’clock then go back home to eat.

[49:52] Maybe it’s at the beginning of

this road? If you walked more forward, you would probably see it. I don’t know if it is still there. I think that the place where I grew up is pretty good. It’s very lively.

[50:44] If we keep going it’s too far already.

[Stop at the Sichuan Zhong Lu and Hankou Lu Intersection.]

[50:56] I think this building…. (audio not clear), If its not here, then it’s not here. I think it’s gone. Maybe this 39



Zijin Lu


紫金路 building was built in its place. I only remember walking to this road! It’s about 4 or 5 blocks. I don’t think it’s further down. This should be the place. There is a new building here now. There was a big ‘Jiexin Park’ here. I don’t really remember what we learned in the park. I only remember after school we would follow my teacher here to learn Gongfu for about 30­45 minutes then go home. I mostly remember the walk from school to the park and what fun it was. I don’t know what we did along the way, but I remember it was fun. This was a long, long time ago. About 20 years ago. Today, I took you around the area where I grew up. The story of where I lived when I was born until about 3rd grade. We walked from where I lived to where I went to school, where I went during school, after school, my friend’s house. I remember clearly there used to be a building here. Near my elementary school there was a building that my friend lived. I would call her to come out. She lived on the second floor. I would call her to come down and we would go to school together. After school she would go home first then I would walk back home. If we walked back from here, it would be the same route I would take to walk home. These 42

Zijin Lu are the deepest memories of my childhood. I dream about my childhood memories. The memories of practicing Gongfu are not so important but are like notes to a song of my life. What is important is the area where my grandmother used to live­ the area around Zijin Lu, going to school, and after school. My elementary school is very deep in my memories. That’s about it for today. That’s about it.




Zijin Lu

Footnotes 1) Daiyu (带 鱼) (Largehead Hairtail) is touching head’, describes the cramped a long, skinny fish. Here it is used to describe the long row of stores that make up the streetfront. 2) 260 Yan’an Dong Lu. Old location of Shanghai Natural History Museum. 3) Chengfeng Liang (乘 风 凉), or to ‘relax in a cool place’, describes a Shanghainese past­time when people would sit outside along the street near their homes in the evening during hotter months. This gave the opportunity for people to socialize and relax with their community and general public. 4) ‘Ling Kao’ (零 考) is a Shanghainese term that describes a store that food and drink items can be bought. The items are made in bulk and bought according to weight that is measured by special ladels that have a specific quantity. Sauces, drinks, and rice are some things that can be bought at a ‘Ling Kao’ store. Nowadays, these stores are a rarity. These stores are similar to zero­waste grocery stores outside of China. Shen Jiayi describes how she would buy an orange drink at a ‘Ling Kao’ store when she was a kid. 5) ‘Jiao peng jiao, tou peng tou’ (脚 碰 脚,头碰头), ‘Feet touching feet, head 45

state of her house. 6) ‘Qilou’ (骑 楼) is a term to describe Architecture of a building where the commercial shops of the first floor are set back from the street under the second floor, creating a covered walkway that is protected from rain and sun for the consumers. This design is popular in the warmer climates of Southeast Asia. 7) Lianyi Building (联 谊 大 厦). #100 Yan’an Dong Lu. 8) National Day (国 庆 节) is October 1 every year. It is the day founding of The People’s Republic of China. 9) Jiexin Park (街 心 公 园) is a very small public park along a street that has no gates.



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