Growing Up With Shanghai- Huating Lu | 与沪成长- 华亭路

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Growing Up With Shanghai 与沪长城 Huating Lu 华亭路

Recorded and Edited by Terence LLoren Photos by Weina Li Shanghainese Transcription by Jenny Zhang Growing Up With Shanghai- Huating Lu, No. 4, June 2016. Published by BIVOUAC RECORDING. This book (contents, images, and design) is Copyright 2016 Bivouac Recording and may not be reproduced without permission. The audio is released under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA and is free to download and share as long as they are: credited to 'Bivouac Recording', are for non-commercial use, and must be under the same license if used in your work. Bivouac Recording still retains the copyright of these recordings. 'Growing Up WIth Shanghai' is a Bivouac Recording project. 录音师,编辑:罗天瑞 摄影师:李威娜 与 沪 成 长 — 华 亭 路 ,2016 年 6 月 。BIVOUAC RECORDING 出版。本刊物为双月刊。该书版权属于。未 经 许 可 不 得 翻 印 。 该 音 频 在 Creative Commons License BY–NC–ND 下发布。 该音频均可免费下载与分享,但 必须符合以下条件:标明版权属于 ‘Bivouac Recording’ 所有;非商业性用途;不进行任意修改。Bivouac Recording 仍保留此作品的版权。与沪成长是 Bivouac Recording 的一 个项目。在中国上海记录设计。

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1- Chlitina Spa [ 克丽提娜 ] 2- KFC [ 肯德基 ]


About GUWS

“ 与沪成长 ” 是一系列与上海 年轻人一起完成的 “ 声音漫步之 旅 ”。他们生于 80 和 90 年代, 这些语音不仅记载了他们对成长 之地的亲切回忆也从讲述者的角 度对地理地点讲行过去和现在的 对比。同时讲述者会通过本身的 成长经历也反映了过去 30 年里上 海的讲步与发展。这些实地录音 由讲述人操沪语完成同时录音也 捕捉纪录到当日真实的环境声音 供世界各地的听者感同身受。

“Growing Up With Shanghai” is a series of soundwalks with young Shanghainese who were born and raised during the rapid modernization of their city in the 1980s and 1990s. These recordings capture not only their most intimate memories as they grew up, but, when contrasted with the present state of each location, also reveal the progress and growth Shanghai has undergone in the past 30 years. The current sounds of Shanghai, including that of the Shanghainese dialect, create a comprehensive present-day audio document that future generations can experience.

Huating Lu







本书为《与沪成长 — 华亭路》语音 文档的辅助文本。书中记录语音文档 中对话译音,对照英文翻译,地点照 片以及与语音文档相符的路线图。

This book is a supplement to the Growing Up With Shanghai- Huátíng Lù audio track. It contains dialog transcripts and translations, area photographs, and a route map.

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The three transcriptions / translations in this book follow this format on each page with text: Shanghainese transcription (left column); Putonghua translation (center column); English translation (right column). As you walk, feel free to upload your thoughts and images onto the project pages on Facebook or Weibo by scanning the corresponding QR codes on the left.


Huating Lu 录于 2009 年 7 月 12 日上午 11:19。

录于 2009 年 7 月 12 日上午 11:19。

襄阳路市场源于华亭路,位于科技馆 地铁站。现在,华亭路是一条十分安 静的街道,连接长乐路和淮海路。仅 有一些服装店和餐馆能体现其古老的 底蕴。沿着这条街道漫步,Gladys 给 我们讲述了她的一段甜蜜的罗曼史。 他们的首次约 会就在这条街道尽头 的 KFC。 这 家 店 现 在 n 仍 然 还 在 。 我们走到这家 KFC 时,当时他们坐 的那张桌子有人坐着,于是我们坐在 那张桌子的后面。她缓缓地拉开了话 匣子,谈起了她对偶然认识的那个男 人的情感。那时,有谁知道他们的未 来将如何呢?深夜的交谈、KTV 之 后的那个令人难忘的夜晚、分手、和 好,还有这次声音漫步之旅。

襄阳路市场源于华亭路,位于科技馆 地铁站。现在,华亭路是一条十分安 静的街道,连接长乐路和淮海路。仅 有一些服装店和餐馆能体现其古老的 底蕴。沿着这条街道漫步,Gladys 给 我们讲述了她的一段甜蜜的罗曼史。 他们的首次约 会就在这条街道尽头 的 KFC。这家店现在仍然还在。我 们走到这家 KFC 时,当时他们坐的 那张桌子有人坐着,于是我们坐在那 张桌子的后面。她缓缓地拉开了话匣 子,谈起了她对偶然认识的那个男人 的情感。那时,有谁知道他们的未来 将如何呢?深夜的交谈、KTV 之后 的那个令人难忘的夜晚、分手、和 好,还有这次声音漫步之旅。

起点 : 长乐路与华亭路克丽缇娜 Spa。长乐路 681 号

[0:07][Map #1] 箇搭地方现在是老幽 静嗰,箇搭有嗰做面孔嗰地方,是我 嗰一嗰大学同学推荐我嗰,箇辰光伊 是勒永嘉路上班,所以从长乐路到箇 搭是老方便嗰。箇辰光,我大学刚毕 业,面孔上有老多青春痘,所以箇小 姑娘蛮关心我嗰,所以介绍我来箇搭 做面孔。来箇搭做面孔嗰话,我大概 是零五年开始嗰,一直到去年子还勒 3

Recorded July 12, 2009 at 11:19 a.m.

Huátíng Lù is the birthplace of the Xiàngyáng Lù market which is now located at the Science and Technology Center subway station. Nowadays it is a very quiet street connecting Chánglè Lù and Huáihǎi Lù. Some clothing stores and restaurants remain as the only indication of its ancestry. Along this road Pei Hua shares an intimate memory of her past love. Their first meeting was at the KFC at the end of the road which is still there. The table where they sat was occupied when we arrived so we sat at the table behind. Softly she spoke of her feelings about a man whom she met by chance. At that moment, who would have known what 起 点 : 长 乐 路 与 华 亭 路 克 丽 缇 娜 the future would hold for them? The Spa。长乐路 681 号 late night conversations, that memorable night after KTV, the break [0:07][Map #1] 这 里 现 在 是 很 幽 静 up, the make up, and this soundwalk. 的,这里有个做脸的地方,是我的一 个大学同学推荐我的,那时候她是在 Start at: Chlitina Spa at # 681 Chánglè 永嘉路上班,经过长乐路到这里是很 Lù. 方便的。那时候,我大学刚毕业,脸 上有很多青春痘,所以那个小姑娘挺 [0:07] [Map #1] This place is very 关心我的,所以推荐我来这里做脸。 quiet. This is a facial spa and it was 来这里做脸的话,我大概是零五年开 recommended to me by a classmate 始的,一直到去年还在做。在这里 from college. She would pass by this



Huating Lu 做。勒箇搭 [ 美容店 ] 一开始嗰辰光 我就碰到一嗰小姑娘,老好孛相,每 趟 看 到 我 嗰 辰 光 就 像 小 天 使一样 “ 飞 ” 过来,“ 侬来啦 ~ 侬来啦 ~” 箇副样子,一开始我嗰下脖上有 老多老多嗰青春痘,做了第一趟就发 觉 “ 哎!” 好了老多,箇嗰地方还 是老弗错嗰,里厢嗰老师 [ 美容师 ] 侪老客气,每趟看到我侪会关心我: 工作好伐?,屋里向里好伐?,男朋 友谈了好伐?啥辰光结婚等等等等, 所以我老喜欢箇搭。基本上,一开始 嗰辰光我是一嗰礼拜来两趟,因为面 孔上发嗰青春痘老厉害,后来就变成 一嗰礼拜来一趟,最后就变成一嗰月 来两趟。但后来觉着老长辰光弗来箇 搭又蛮想伊拉嗰,就想着要经常来。 因为每趟来聊聊天,人就觉着老放 松,小姑娘每趟畀我讲闲话侪老有意 思,聊些有劲嗰话题。箇辰光我面孔 上嗰痘痘老多,伊拉畀我挑好后我嗰 面孔就像赤豆包一样,所以我一般侪 是夜道六点钟来,蹲上两嗰钟头,到 八点钟嗰时辰光。因为天色暗了 [ 街 上一般 弗 仔 细 看 , 看 弗 见 赤 豆 包 ! ] 所以就回去了。有几趟因为面孔上弄 了嗰(挑痘痘)老厉害,所以乘地铁 嗰辰光侪是低勒头,弗大好意思看别 人,觉着 [ 自己 ] 也老傻,所以好几 趟就直接勒箇搭拉差头嗰回去了。我 觉着也蛮有意思嗰,挑完痘痘乘地铁 5

[ 美容店 ] 一开始的时候我就遇到一 个小姑娘,很好玩,每次看到我的时 候 就 像 小 天 使一样 “ 飞 ” 过 来 , “ 你来啦 ~ 你来啦 ~” 这个样子, 一开始我的下巴上有很多很多的青春 痘,做了第一次就发觉 “ 哎!” 好 了很多,这个地方还是很不错的,里 面的老师 [ 美容师 ] 都很客气,每次 见到我都会关心我:工作怎么样,家 里怎么样,男朋友谈的怎么样,什么 时候结婚等等等等,所以我很喜欢这 里。基本上,一开始的时候我是一个 礼拜来两次,因为脸上发的青春痘很 厉害,后来就变成一个礼拜来一次, 最后就变成一个月来两次。但后来觉 得很长时间不来这里又蛮想她们的, 就想着要经常来。因为每次来聊聊 天,人就觉得很放松,小姑娘每次和 我聊天都很有意思,聊些有趣的话 题。那时候我脸上的痘痘很多,她们 替我挑完后我的脸就像赤豆包一样, 所以我一般都是晚上六点钟来,待上 两个小时,到八点钟的时候。因为天 色暗了 [ 街上一般不仔细看,看不见 赤豆包 ! ] 所以就回家了。有几次因 为脸上被弄的(挑痘痘)很厉害,所 以乘地铁的时候都是低着头,不大好 意思看别人,觉得 [ 自己 ] 也很傻, 所以好几次就直接在这里打的回家 了。我觉得也蛮有意思的,挑完痘痘 乘地铁回家,也是对心理素质的挑

spa on the way to her office on Yǒngjiā Lù [ 永 嘉 路 ]. I had just graduated from college and I had a lot of pimples on my face so my friend recommended that I come to this place. I started coming here for facials since 2005 until last year. When I first came to this spa I ran into this girl who was really interesting. Every time she saw me she ‘flew over’ like a little angel and said, “Come here, come here!” I used to have a ton of pimples on my chin but after the first treatment here I already felt much better. This place is quite nice, the technicians are all very polite, and I feel that they all genuinely care about me. They would ask me about my job, my family, and boyfriend and even if I was planning on getting married, so I really loved coming here. I used to come here twice a week because of my pimple issues. Then it became once a week, then twice a month. I started to realize that if I did not come for a long time I would really miss them, so I would come back often to chat with everyone. I feel really relaxed when I come here. The technicians would talk to me about interesting topics. Sometimes I would have a lot of pimples on my face and after she

华亭路 回去,也是对心理素质嗰挑战,因为 地铁上老多人会像看外星人一样嗰看 侬,因为面孔上老红,又因为油光光 嗰,就老搞笑嗰。 [2:56] [ 开 始 沿 着 华 亭 路 走 ] 箇 条 路 老幽静,一直觉着箇条路蛮灵光嗰, 所以箇搭嗰小姑娘也会介绍老多吃饭 嗰好孛相嗰地方畀我,所以后来畀同 事也会经常到箇附近来,发觉箇搭真 嗰老有老上海嗰味道嗰,老灵嗰。 箇搭就是华亭路了,其实就是襄阳 路 [ 服饰市场 ] 嗰最早嗰,[ 华亭路 ] 两旁侪是商店,卖老好看嗰衣服之类 嗰,大概七八年前畀拆掉了,就变成 襄阳路 [ 服饰市场 ] 了,搬去襄阳路 了。我觉着箇搭还是拆脱了好,因为 实际上箇条路蛮幽静嗰。

[3:46] 有一趟我记得老搞笑,箇是一 趟做完面孔,做得弗错,面孔上反应 小,所以就选择乘地铁回去。正沿着 箇条路走,突然发觉前头有嗰人,穿 勒老奇怪,戴嗰礼帽穿嗰西装,下面 穿嗰睡裤加皮鞋,我想:咦!箇弗是 以前上海最搞笑嗰穿着方式吗?弗晓 得伊为啥要箇么穿,而且走路还老有 台型。我又想:是弗是箇嗰人出来冒 充上海老克勒 1 嗰?弗过伊看起来四 十几岁,老滑稽。

[4:30] 箇 两 旁 边 嗰 小 店 还 是 有 几 间

战,因为地铁上很多人会像看外星人 cleaned me up, I looked like a ‘pizza 一样的看你,因为脸上很红,又因为 face’. So I would come in late, around 6 油光光的,就很搞笑的。 o’clock, and after 2 hours here it would already be dark and safe for me to go [2:56] [ 开 始 沿 着 华 亭 路 走 ] 这 条 路 home without anyone seeing my 很幽静,一直觉得这条路蛮灵光的, pimples. There were a couple of times 所以这里的小姑娘也会介绍很多吃饭 that I looked really bad and on the 的好玩的地方给我,所以后来和同事 subway ride home, I had to keep my 也会经常到这附近来,发觉这里真的 head down because I felt embarrassed 很有老上海的味道的,很灵的。 这 to look other people in the face. I think 里就是华亭路了,其实就是襄阳路 it was also a test for my EQ because a [ 服饰市场 ] 的前身,[ 华亭路 ] 两旁 lot of people on the subway would 都是商店,卖很好看的衣服之类的, stare at me like an alien since my face 大概七八年前被拆掉了,就变成襄阳 was so red and oily. It was so funny. 路 [ 服饰市场 ] 了,搬去襄阳路了。 我觉得这里还是拆掉了好,因为实际 [2:56] [Start walking down Huátíng Lù.] 上这条路蛮幽静的。 This road is very quiet and I always thought this was a cool street. The [3:46] 有一次我记得很搞笑,那是一 technicians from the spa would 次做完脸,做得不错,脸上反映比较 introduce a lot of good places to eat 小,所以就选择乘地铁回家。正沿着 and have fun around here to me. With 这条路走,突然发觉前面有个人,穿 their recommendations I came a lot 得很奇怪,戴着礼帽穿着西装,下面 with my co–workers and found that 穿的睡裤加皮鞋,我想:咦!这不是 this place has a lot of ‘Old Shanghai’ 以前上海最搞笑的穿着方式吗?不知 styles, it is truly amazing. 道他为什么要这么穿,而且走路还很 有台形。我又想:是不是这个人出来 Huátíng Lù was where the Xiàngyáng 冒充上海老克勒 1 的?不过他看起来 Market started. There were shops all 四十几岁,很滑稽。 around here and most of them sell cute clothes. Around 7–8 years ago those [4:30] 这 两 旁 边 的 小 店 还 是 有 几 间 stores were demolished and moved to 6

Huating Lu


华亭路 嗰,卖衣服嗰,比较高端,不过箇种 店基本上 [ 我 ] 弗进去嗰,因为里厢 嗰铜钿实在太贵了,比商店里嗰还贵 交关。箇条路老狭,两旁边还停了老 多车子,也蛮影响人家嗰交通啥嗰。

的,卖衣服的,比较高端,但这种店 基本上 [ 我 ] 不进去的,因为里面的 价格太贵了,比商店里的还贵出许 多。这条路很窄,两旁还停了很多 车,也很影响别人的交通什么的。

Xiàngyáng Lù to form the Xiàngyáng Market. I like this place better demolished because this place is actually quiet and pretty now.

湘菜嗰餐厅,是我畀以前实习嗰公司 老板一道来吃嗰,箇嗰女老板人蛮好 嗰,有一趟阿拉一道出来办事体,勒 常熟路下嗰车,畀一嗰小姑娘谈了工 作、合作嗰事情,觉着我表现蛮好 嗰,所以就请我勒外面吃了顿饭。箇 辰光勒读大学,也弗会勒外头吃饭, 觉着勒外头吃饭也蛮开心嗰,里厢嗰 服务员也蛮好嗰。

湘菜的餐厅,是我和以前实习的公司 老板一起来吃的,这个女老板人挺好 的,有一次我们一起出去办事,在常 熟路下的车,和一个小姑娘谈了工 作、合作的事情,觉得我表现蛮好 的,所以就请我在外面吃了顿饭。那 时候在读大学,不经常在外面吃饭, 觉得在外面吃饭很开心的,里面的服 务员也蛮好的。

pretty good one because I did not have a big reaction – I decided to go home by subway. I was walking along this road and all of a sudden I realized a guy in front of me who was dressed very weird. He was wearing a dress hat with a suit coat, but with pajama pants and dress shoes! I was thinking to myself, “Oh! Wasn’t this how those old comedians used to dress up in Shanghai?” I had no idea why he dressed like that and he actually walked as if he was on stage. I was thinking, “maybe he is impersonating the Shanghai ‘Old Kè Lè’? 1 ” But he looked like he was only in his 40s… It was very ridiculous.

[3:46] I remember I saw something [4:58] 箇搭之前,勒前头路口有爿吃 [4:58] 这里之前,在前面路口有家吃 funny here. After one of my facials – a

[5:41] 箇搭两边嗰店像是美容店等, [5:41] 这里两边的店像是美容店等, 已经调过好几家人家 了,一般侪是 开了一年多了就开弗下去了。倒是长 乐路上我做面孔嗰箇爿店,开了有七 八年了。箇条路走勒就觉着蛮适意, 要是弗是勒做美容嗰辰光,我就会慢 慢嗰走,可以听见周围嗰交关声音, 像是小鸟嗰叫声。两旁嗰房子看上去 是一直有人蹲着嗰,不过呒门牌,也 弗像上海人嗰箇种居民小区嗰样子, 就觉着有些神秘感。下趟会来看一 看。过一歇阿拉就会走到前头嗰一爿 肯德基,讲到箇爿店,因为阿拉还呒 走到,就先讲些以前嗰事体:箇爿

已经换过好几家人家 [ 老板和品牌 ] 了,一般都是开了一年多了就开不下 去了。倒是长乐路上我做脸的这家, 开了有七八年了。这条路走着就觉得 很舒服,如果不是在做美容的日子 里,我就会慢慢的走,能听见周围的 许多声音,像是小鸟的叫声。两旁的 房子看上去是一直有人住着的,但是 没有门牌,也不像上海人的那种居民 小区类的样子,就觉得有些神秘感。 下次自己会来看一看。过一会我们就 会走到前面的一家肯德基,说到这家 店,因为我们还没走到,就先说些之

[4:30] There are a couple of small

stores on both sides of the road. They sell relatively high–end types of clothing. I can’t really afford to go in because the price is just a bit too expensive for me. They are a lot more 8

Huating Lu


KFC 是我畀我之前箇嗰男友第一趟 见面嗰地方。06 年,上海有嗰新兴 嗰网站,叫 “ 易物网 ”,可以拿自 己屋里向里闲置嗰物事畀其其他人交 换别人闲置嗰东西,箇样子大家就弗 用再出钞票买想要嗰物事了。我就觉 着弗错,因为平常自己喜欢经常买物 事,就买了交交关关呒有用嗰物事, 屋里向里嗰 “ 坑子货 ” 就老多,我 一心就想要拿伊处理脱,但侪弗晓得 哪能去处理,后来看到箇嗰网站,就 觉着邪气好。

前的事情:这家餐厅是我和我之前的 那 个 男 友 第一次 见 面 的 地 方 。06 年,上海有个新兴的网站,叫 “ 易 物网 ”,可以把自己家里闲置的东 西和其他人交换别人闲置的东西,这 样大家就不用再出钱买想要的东西 了。我就觉得不错,因为平常自己喜 欢经常买东西,就买了许许多多没有 用的东西,家里的 “ 坑子货 ” 2 就 很多,我一心就想要把它们处理掉, 但都不知道怎么去处理,后来看到这 个网站,就觉得非常好。

06 年嗰辰光,公司讲要组织去川西 旅游 – 啥四姑娘山,海螺沟 … 箇种 地方,我就想嘎好嗰机会,又是国庆 有十几天嗰休假,能好好嗰去旅游邪 气赞。我箇辰光呒去过比较远嗰地方 旅游,像登山鞋、冲锋衣、头灯、帐 篷、登山杖箇些侪呒有,我想要买一 套起码有两三千 , 四五千可能侪弗 够,还可能呒底。就想到了箇嗰网 站,去上网用物事畀别人调一调。但 是我嗰箇些物事侪是小姑娘用嗰,而 有登山用品嗰侪是男小人,结果我寻 啊寻,真嗰寻到一嗰有箇些设备嗰 人,但伊讲侬箇些小姑娘嗰物事我也 呒用,或者我箇搭一嗰帐篷弗错,可 以便宜点卖畀侬,放勒我屋里向又占 地方又呒啥用场,还弗如卖畀侬。箇 样阿拉就勒网上聊了约好,有劲嗰

06 年的时候,公司说要组织去川西 旅游 – 什么四姑娘山,海螺沟 … 我 就想这么好的机会,又是国庆有十几 天的休假,能好好的去旅游非常棒。 但是我那时候没去过比较远的地方旅 游,像登山鞋、冲锋衣、头灯、帐 篷、登山杖这些都没有,我想要买一 套起码有两三千 , 四五千可能都不 够,还可能更没底。就想到了这个网 站,去上面用东西和别人换一下。但 是我的这些东西都是小姑娘用的,而 有登山用品的都是男孩子,结果我找 啊找,真的找到一个有这些设备的 人,但他说你那些小姑娘的东西我也 没用,或者我这里的一个帐篷不错, 可以便宜点卖给你,放在我家又占地 方又闲置着浪费,还不如卖给你。这 样我们就在网上聊了约好,有趣的

expensive than some of the stores in the malls. This road is very narrow and cars are usually parked on both sides of the road. This kind of affects the traffic here.

[4:58] There used to be a Hunan

Restaurant in front here at the intersection [Yanqing Lù [ 延 庆 路 ]]. I have been here once with my boss from my internship. She was a really nice person. One time, during a business outing around Chángshú Lù [ 常 熟 路 ], we met with this other woman and talked about co–operating and a lot of business–related things. She must have felt that I did a good job during the meeting so she invited me out for a meal. I was still in college at the time and did not really go out to restaurants so I welcomed the thought of eating out. It was so much fun to eat at a restaurant and the service there was quite good.

[5:41] The beauty salon along Huátíng

Lù had changed its name and owner many times. They usually would not be open for more than 1 year before closing. However, the beauty salon I go to on Chánglè Lù has been open for 7–8

华亭路 是,当伊晓得阿拉箇趟要出去旅游之 后当天夜道就畀我打电话,足足有一 嗰小时,我想,怎么箇么奇怪嗰人, 畀弗认识嗰人打箇么长嗰电话。伊就 畀我讲了些旅游嗰事情,劝我讲,侬 既然呒有去过嘎远嗰地方,最好弗要 一下子就去,万一有高原反应,一嗰 小姑娘勒外面会有麻烦,侬箇些男同 事也呒啥经验,到辰光连自己也顾弗 上。我听着也觉着有道理,但是箇里 风景侪蛮好,最后还是决定畀同事们 一道去,所以我们就约好了勒箇爿肯 德基见面了。 箇天也老巧,我勒正大广场买了嗰新 嗰手机,就来畀伊见面了。箇是八月 份嗰天,我嗰眼影、睫毛膏侪化了, 面孔上油光光嗰,头发也一塌糊涂。 想着反正是见一面嗰人,陌生人就无 所谓,所以就箇么嗰来见伊了。呒想 到伊穿着一件老 “ 挺括 ”[ 有烫过 嗰线有衣架子好好撑过嗰 ] 嗰白衬 衫,我从来呒看到穿箇么挺括嗰衬衫 嗰男小人。我接触嗰侪是技术工人, 呒有人穿嗰箇样嗰衬衫,伊箇天还穿 了条黑色嗰西裤,人蛮 “ 登样 ” 5 [ 有气质有男人味 ],人高马大嗰, 第一趟看到 , 我就感觉蛮好 [11:40 之 前呒声音 ]。[ 走进 KFC 坐勒楼梯下 靠左嗰位子上 ] [Map #2]

是,当他知道我们这次要出去旅游之 后当天晚上就给我打电话,足足有一 个小时,我想,怎么这么奇怪的人, 和不认识的人打这么长的电话。他就 给我讲了些旅游的事情,劝我说你既 然没有去过远的地方,最好不要一下 子就去,万一有高原反应,一个小姑 娘在外面会麻烦,再说你们那些男同 事也没什么经验,到时候连自己也顾 不上。我听着也觉得有道理,但是那 里风景那么好,最后还是决定和同事 们一起去,所以我们就约好了在这家 肯德基 3 见面了。

years now. It feels very comfortable walking on this road. If I didn’t come here for a facial treatment, I would walk slowly and try to hear all the sounds on this road. For example, little birds singing.

The houses on both sides of the street look as if someone had always lived there but none of them have a street number at their gates and do not look like residential houses. They are very mysterious looking. I think I will come here again when I am free to really 那天也很巧,我在正大广场 4 买了个 check out if they are residential 新的手机,就来和他见面了。那是八 houses. 月份的天,我的妆都化了,脸上油光 光的,头发也一塌糊涂。想着反正是 [6:35] In a bit, we will walk by a KFC. 见一次面的人,也不用太招呼他,陌 We are not there yet but I would like to 生人就无所谓,所以就这么的来见他 talk about some of the things 了 。 没 想 到 他 穿 着 一 件 很 “ 挺 happened in the past. This KFC is 括 ”[ 有烫过的线有衣架子好好撑过 where I first met my ex–boyfriend. It 的 ] 的白衬衫,我从来没见过穿这么 was in 2006, there was a new and 挺括的衬衫的男孩。我接触的都是技 popular website called ‘Yi Wu Net’ 2. 术工人,没有人穿的这样的衬衫,他 Basically, this site puts you in touch 那 天 还 穿 了 条 黑 色 的 西 裤 , 人 很 with other people and you can “ 登 样 ” 5 [ 有气质有男人味 ],人 exchange or buy stuff that you don’t 高马大的,第一次见 , 我就感觉不错 need with someone else for something [11:40 之 前 没 声 音 ]。[ 走 进 KFC 坐 you do need. That way you don’t pay 在楼梯下靠左的位子上 ] [Map #2] the full retail price and everyone gets what they need for a much cheaper 10

Huating Lu 阿拉就是坐勒箇搭楼下,不过今早箇 我们就是坐在这里楼下,但今天这个 price. I loved this website because I 嗰位子已经畀别人坐了。 位子已经被别人坐了。 have bought so many useless things. I had a lot of ‘Keng Zi Huo’ 3, and I wanted 伊先是勒箇搭喝可乐,然后伊问我要 他先是在那里喝可乐,然后他问我要 to get rid of some of them, but I did not 喝 啥 饮 料 , 我 就 回 了 “ 嗯 , 好 喝 什 么 饮 料 , 我 就 回 了 “ 嗯 , 好 know where or how. So when I found 嗰 ” ,其实我心里也勒担心,箇是 的 ” ,其实我心里也在担心,这是 out about this website, I was really 啥饮料?因为新闻里也报道了一些人 什么饮料?因为新闻里也报道了一些 happy. 喝了弗认得嗰人弗晓得放了啥嗰饮 人喝了陌生人不知道放了什么的饮 料 , 箇 多 糟 糕!我 就 回 答 “ 要 橙 料 , 那 多 糟 糕!我 就 回 答 “ 要 橙 In 2006, my company was organizing a 汁 ”,呒想到伊就拿来了。我看箇 汁 ”,没想到他就拿来了。我看这 hiking trip to the West of Sichuan – to 嗰人也弗坏就喝了,喝了之后呒事也 个人也不坏就喝了,喝了之后没事也 see the ‘4th Girl Mountain, Conch 就放心了。随后两嗰人就坐勒箇搭聊 就放心了。随后两个人就坐在那里聊 Valley, etc…’ 4 I thought to myself, 天,帐篷我也拿到了,付了三百八十 天,帐篷我也拿到了,付了三百八十 “What a wonderful opportunity to go 元,算是向伊买下了,就箇样聊了半 元,算是向他买下了,就这样聊了半 since we will have 10+ days of holiday 嗰小时,因为挨天也蛮热,我也想回 个小时,因为天气热,我也想回家 for the October National Holiday 5. To 去了,其实半嗰小时里畀一嗰陌生人 了,其实半个小时里和一个陌生人也 be able to go on a long trip like that 也呒聊啥,就讲了些旅游嗰事情再客 没聊什么,就说了些旅游的事情再客 would be really awesome.” But I had 套了几句。离开嗰辰光伊送我到了常 套了几句。离开的时候他送我到了地 never been far in the mountains before 熟路地铁站,因为我要乘往火车站方 铁站,因为我要乘往火车站方向的地 and I didn’t have the basic equipment 向嗰地铁,伊是要望徐家汇方向嗰, 铁,而他是要向徐家汇方向的,我们 like hiking shoes, rain jacket, head阿拉最后就勒站台当中再会了。再会 最后就在站台里道别了。道别的时候 light, tent, walking stick, etc… I knew 嗰辰光还握了一记手。阿拉离开肯德 还握了一下手。我们在离开肯德基的 that if I bought the whole set new, it 基嗰辰光伊让我走勒前头,伊勒我背 时候他让我走在前面,他在我背后却 would cost me 3–5,000 RMB or even 后畀我开门,我当时就觉着箇嗰人老 给我开门,我当时就觉得这个人很绅 more. So I thought about using ‘Yi Wu 绅士。06 年嗰辰光,我当时才毕业 士。我当时才毕业两年,身边的男孩 Net’ to get everything I needed for the 两年,身边嗰男小人侪呒啥绅士风度 子都没有什么绅士风度的,都是那种 trip. I noticed that all the things I 嗰,侪是箇种孛相孛相闹闹嗰,就对 玩玩闹闹的,就对他感觉非常好,一 needed for mountain climbing and 伊印象邪气好,一眼看过去就觉着伊 眼看过去就觉得他挺那个的。但是看 camping were usually collections from 挺箇嗰嗰。但是看见伊穿成箇样,又 见他穿成这样,又能下午出来,不知 a guy. It took me a while to finally find 能下半天出来碰头,弗晓得伊嗰来 道他的来历,就没有怎么联系。 someone who had everything I needed. 历,后头就呒有哪能联系。 He told me he didn’t have any women’s 11

华亭路 回到家我妈看到了这个帐篷,问我哪 里来的。我支支吾吾的说是买来的, 妈妈要打开看一下,我不让,要拿回 自己房间。没想到第二天早上我爸爸 妈妈就自说自话的打开了,我回家的 时候我妈就问我哪里买的,我说是商 店里买的,我妈就说这上面有块油 渍,是别人用过的,是店里买的就退 了它。我当时就有点气,心想:这个 人看上去不错,还买饮料帮我拉门, 怎么卖个这么旧的给我。我一看这块 油渍还挺大的,闻闻还有小笼包的味 道,想你这个人怎么自己外出用过了 不想要了就卖给我,我当时心里很 火,就打电话发消息给他,质问他。 正巧他当时在广西旅游,听不清楚, 就发消息,我平时脾气还不错。从来 没用这么强烈的词语,没想到他也是 很强硬的,他就说你把帐号给我,我 把钱退给你,东西你留着。我就说我 不 是 要 “ 坑 ”[ 占 便 宜 ] 你 的 钱 , 要不你广西回来我拿给你看一下,究 竟是怎么样的,你广西回来请我吃 饭!他 当 时 就一口 答 应 “ 哦 , 好 的!” 那这件事就算平息了。

size clothing but he had a tent that I could use. He also mentioned that he could sell it to me for a low price since it was taking too much space at his place anyway. I agreed, and we arranged a time and place to meet. I thought it was very peculiar that when he found out that I needed the things for a long trip, he called me on the phone and talked to me about it for over an hour. I was thinking, “What kind of person would talk to someone they have never met like this?!” He told me a lot of things about traveling and tried to convince me not to go since I had never been so far away before. He said that it was better that I started somewhere close by first to get used to the experience. He said that if I had altitude sickness it would be hard for a girl like me to deal with and also my co–workers might not know how take care of me if that happened. I thought that he did make some sense but I heard that the scenery was so beautiful there so I still decided to go 过了几天,我陪我的同事去 “ 相约 anyway. We finally decided that we 星期六 ” 录节目,是个男同事,我 would meet in KFC on Huátíng Lù 6 for 过了几天,蛮滑稽 ,我陪我嗰同事 就在来福士 [ 商场 ] 里一个人逛逛, the tent. 去 “ 相约星期六 ” 录节目,是嗰男 那天正好下雨,想着等逛完了下午再 同事,我就勒来福士 [ 商场 ] 里一嗰 去东方路录节目,没想到他就打电话 Earlier that day, I went to the ‘Super 回到屋里向阿拉妈看到了箇嗰帐篷, 问我哪里来嗰。我支支吾吾嗰讲是买 来嗰,妈妈要打开看一下,我弗让, 要拿回自己房间。呒想到第二天早上 阿拉爸爸妈妈就自说自话嗰拆开了, 我回屋里向嗰辰光我妈就问我哪里买 嗰,我讲是商店里买嗰,我妈就讲箇 上面有块油渍,是别人用过嗰,是店 里买嗰就退了伊。我当时就有点齁, 心想:箇嗰人看上去蛮好,还买饮料 帮我拉门,哪能卖嗰箇么旧嗰畀我。 我一看箇块油渍还蛮大嗰,闻闻还有 小笼包嗰味道,想侬箇嗰人哪能自己 外出用过了弗想要了就卖畀我,我当 时心里老齁,就打电话发消息畀伊, 质问伊。正巧伊当时勒广西旅游,听 弗清楚,就发消息,我平时脾气还弗 错。从来呒用箇么强硬的语气,呒想 到伊也是老强硬嗰,伊就讲侬拿帐号 畀我,我拿钞票退畀侬,物事侬留 着。我就讲我弗是要 “ 坑 ”[ 占便 宜 ] 侬嗰钱,要么侬广西回来我拿畀 侬看一下看,究竟是哪能会事体嗰, 侬广西回来请我吃饭!伊当时就一口 答应 “ 哦,好嗰!” 箇桩事体就算 平息了。


Huating Lu


华亭路 人逛逛,箇天正好落雨,想着等逛完 了 下午再去东方路录节目,呒 想 到 伊就打电话来了。伊就问我 “ 侬 勒 做 啥 ?我过两天就回来了,回来 请侬吃饭!” 还讲 “ 我勒广西箇搭 旅游嗰辰光却偏偏想道侬了 ” 我就 觉着有点滑稽,一方面也对箇嗰人蛮 有好感嗰,所以等伊回来就一道吃饭 了。箇天我特地穿嗰小西装西裤,提 着嗰电脑包,像嗰工作了好几年嗰女 工程师,箇天约勒徐家汇嗰美罗城里 嗰星巴克,伊已经坐勒箇搭了,旁边 放了根登山杖,我自己买了 杯 咖 啡 就 坐 下 了 。 伊一见 面 就 讲 “ 侬 自 己 买 了 咖 啡 啊 ?我前两天去朋友箇 里,一直觉着弗好意思,就拿了根登 山杖来,算是赔畀侬嗰。” 我心想 箇还算可以。呒想到吃完饭伊提出来 走走,反正决定了打车回去,也随便 走到哪里。于是两嗰人就沿着肇嘉浜 路走,走了一歇,太暗了,我讲想要 回去了,就拦了辆白色嗰锦江出租 车。有劲嗰是伊讲,车牌我已经记下 了,侬会老安全嗰回到屋里向嗰,万 一有啥事 车牌我记牢了。我就想箇 样嗰男小人倒是老细致嗰。 回到屋里向,收到伊嗰短消息,讲自 己晚饭呒吃饱,结果回屋里向勒路边 摊吃嗰柴禾馄饨(用木头生火烧嗰馄 饨)畀烤羊肉。我想箇嗰人老能吃!

来了。他就问我 “ 你在做什么?我 过两天就回来了,回来请你吃饭!” 还说 “ 我在广西这里旅游的时候却 偏偏想起你了 ” 我就觉得有点滑 稽,一方面也对这个人蛮有好感的, 所以等他回来就一起吃饭了。那天我 特地穿的小西装西裤,提着个电脑 包,像个工作了好几年的女工程师, 那天约在徐家汇的美罗城里的星巴 克,他已经坐在那里了,旁边放了根 登山杖,我自己买了杯咖啡就坐下 了。他一见就说 “ 你自己买了咖啡 啊?我前两天去朋友那里,一直觉得 不好意思,就拿了根登山杖来,算是 赔给你的。” 我心想这还算可以。 没想到吃完饭他提出来走走,反正决 定了打车回家,也随便走到哪里。于 是两个人就沿着肇家浜路走,走了一 会,太晚了,我说想要回家了,就拦 了辆白色的锦江出租车。有趣的是他 说,车牌我已经记下了,你会很安全 的回到家的,万一有什么事车牌我记 住了。我就想这样的男孩子倒是很细 致的。 回到家,收到他的短消息,说自己晚 饭没吃饱,结果回家在路边摊吃的柴 禾馄饨(用木头生火烧的馄饨)和烤 羊肉。我想这个人很能吃!结果我就 在网上看他写的帖子,没想到他能吃 一百三十几个小笼和两个肯德基的全

Brand Mall’ 7 to buy a new cell phone and I went straight to meet him after that. It was a hot August day. I had some make–up on but my face was oily from running around and my hair all was messed up, but I knew I was just meeting a stranger so I didn’t really care how I looked. I never thought that he would be wearing an ironed white shirt! It was unusual for me to meet a person wearing such a nice shirt because the people I work with are usually technicians, and they would never wear something nice like that. He also wore nice black suit trousers. He looked quite ‘modern’ [ 登 样 ] 8. He was tall and my first impression of him was pretty good. [Enter KFC and go downstairs sit at the table on the left at the bottom of the stairs.] We sat at a table downstairs. We sat here that time [Pointing to the table behind her] we met but today that seat is taken. He ordered a Coke first and asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted orange juice but I actually had second thoughts about letting him get me a drink. During that time there was 14

Huating Lu 结果我就勒网上看伊写嗰帖子,呒想 到伊能吃一百三十几嗰小笼畀两嗰肯 德基嗰全家桶,还能吃嗰烤鸭。我想 箇嗰人老能吃,又会旅游,还会勒空 地上畀朋友搭嗰帐篷徒步旅行,就觉 着箇嗰人真嗰蛮有劲。有天我就畀我 一嗰要好嗰同事讲起伊,结果伊问我 侬是弗是喜欢上伊了,我回答是嗰。 就箇样子一直发发消息,打打电话。 有一趟我到厦门去孛相,打电话畀伊 听海浪嗰声音,伊听了之后讲要我帮 伊带些物事回来。我问是啥,伊讲要 最便宜嗰香烟,一元五角嗰箇种,伊 讲好香烟啥地方侪有卖,本地产嗰土 烟是弗容易买到嗰,我买好了之后伊 就等我回来请我吃火锅之类嗰。讲起 伊嗰公司正勒筹备,我就了解到伊原 来是搞餐饮行业嗰,走高档路线嗰西 餐厅,勒衡山路上新开一间,想招一 嗰做文案嗰女孩子,我就讲干脆寻我 吧!伊讲箇哪能可以,侬是做工程师 嗰,作文案弗太好。箇我就讲我帮侬 勒 BBS 上发下帖子吧?看看有呒有 学生愿意来做。其实帖子我是发嗰, 但是别人家回嗰简历我侪删掉了,去 畀伊讲呒有合适嗰人,于是伊就讲让 我去试试看 。伊一看我做事体就讲 我做幻灯畀表格老熟练,看手势就老 好!我就喜欢做事快嗰人。我就讲阿 拉公司里做嗰比箇复杂嗰多了!经常 做侪是箇样嗰。 15

家桶,还能吃个烤鸭。我想这个人好 能吃,又会旅游,还会在空地上和朋 友搭个帐篷徒步旅行,就觉得这个人 真的挺有趣。每天我就会和我一个要 好的同事说起他,结果她问我你是不 是喜欢上他了,我回答是的。就这样 子一直发发消息,打打电话。有一次 我到厦门去玩,打电话给他听海浪的 声音,他听了之后说要我帮他捎带些 东西回来。我问是什么,他说要最便 宜的香烟,一元五角的那种,他说好 香烟哪里都有卖,本地产的土烟是不 容易买到的,我买好了之后他就等我 回来请我吃火锅之类的。说起他的公 司正在筹备,我就了解到他原来是搞 餐饮行业的,走高档路线的西餐厅, 在衡山路上新开一间,想招一个做文 案的女孩子,我就说干脆找我吧!他 说那怎么行,你是做工程师的,作文 案不太好。那我就说我帮你在 BBS 上发下帖子吧?看看有没有学生愿意 来做。其实帖子我是发的,但别人回 的简历我却都删掉了,去和他说没有 合适的人,于是他就说让我去试试看 。他一看我做事就说我做幻灯和表格 很熟练,看手势就很好!我就喜欢做 事快的人。我就说我们公司里做的比 这复杂的多了!经常做都是这样的。

always news about how people were drugged by strangers who offered a free drink. I made sure he drank his first before I started drinking mine. Then we started talking. He gave me the tent and I paid him 380RMB for it. We talked for about half an hour. It was really hot that day and I wanted to go home. Actually, there was not much we could talk about, so we just talked about traveling and were very polite to each other. When it was time to leave he accompanied me to the subway. I was taking a train north towards the Shanghai Railway Station and he was going south towards Xu Jia Hui so we said goodbye with a handshake on the platform. When we left KFC, he let me walk in front of him but then he ran ahead to open the door for me. I thought that it was very courteous of him. I graduated from college only 2 years before and none of the guys around me were as courteous as him. They usually acted like kids joking about childish things. So I had a very good impression of him and I thought that he was a good guy. But the fact that he was dressed up like that and 所以之后我就给他做做兼职,给他公 was able to take so much time out from 司的员工做做培训材料,蛮开心的, work made me think about what kind

华亭路 所以之后我就畀伊做做兼职,畀伊公 司嗰员工做做培训材料,蛮开心嗰, 老厚嗰培训材料,有几百页!伊自己 订好了发畀员工,也畀了我一份。时 间到了 07 年 1 月,阿拉认得辰光是 06 年 8 月。伊箇趟正好外出办事, 伊打电话畀我让我去伊办事嗰地方等 伊,有东西要畀我,到了之后伊就畀 了我一本影印好嗰员工培训资料畀一 嗰红包,我想着原本就是兼职嗰后来 熟了也弗打算要伊付钞票嗰,结果伊 却畀我一嗰红包。还摸摸我嗰头,像 哥哥一样,讲 “ 侬乖乖嗰上班,我 还会来寻侬 [ 帮忙 ] 嗰 ”。阿拉碰面 嗰地方离我原来嗰大学老近,箇天心 里有点乱,因为老长辰光呒有碰到让 自己心动嗰男小人了,就去箇里转了 一圈,箇天也下着点雨,学校里老安 静,心情老高兴也老纠结。我回到屋 里向打开红包一看,有一千元,虽然 嘴吧上讲着弗要,但是刚毕业嗰小姑 娘能勒外面寻到一份弗错嗰工作又能 有箇么好嗰兼职就觉着老弗错,做嗰 事又有劲,是畀餐饮写培训材料。箇 桩事体之后伊会经常嗰夜道畀我打电 话,因为工作原因,伊一般侪勒两三 点打来,每趟侪讲好些事情,工作上 嗰,啥嗰,每趟侪会有一两嗰小时, 有辰光甚至是五六点,我就弗困觉直 接去上班。就箇样过了一嗰月,呒想 到有一趟打电话嗰辰光伊哭了!是伊

很厚的培训材料,有几百页!他自己 订好了发给员工,也给了我一份。时 间 到 了 07 年 1 月 , 我 们 认 识 是 06 年 8 月。他那次正好外出办事,他打 电话给我让我去他办事的地方等他, 有东西要给我,到了之后他就给了我 一本影印好的员工培训资料和一个红 包,我想着原本就是兼职的后来熟了 也不打算要他付钱的,结果他却给我 一个红包。还摸摸我的头,像哥哥一 样,说 “ 你乖乖的上班,我还会来 找你 [ 帮忙 ] 的 ”。我们碰面的地方 离我原来的大学很近,那天心里有点 乱,因为很久没有遇到让自己心动的 男孩子了,就去那里转了一圈,那天 也下着点雨,学校里很安静,心情很 高兴也很纠结。我回到家打开红包一 看,有一千元,虽然嘴上说着不要, 但是刚毕业的小姑娘能在外面找到一 份不错的工作又能有这么好的兼职就 觉得很不错,做的事又有趣,是给餐 饮写培训材料。这件事之后他会经常 的晚上给我打电话,因为工作原因, 他一般都在两三点打来,每次都说好 些事情,工作上的,什么的,每次都 会有一两个小时,有时候甚至是五六 点,我就不睡觉直接去上班。就这样 过了一个月,没想到有一次打电话的 时候他哭了!是他的妈妈身体不好, 他的心里觉得挺难受的,不能照顾到 妈妈。我就安慰他,妈妈的身体肯定

of work he did. It never crossed my mind to contact him again. After I got home, my mother noticed the tent and she asked me where I got it. I did not want to tell her the whole story and just said that I bought it. She wanted to open it and take a look but I refused and took it to my room. The next morning, when I was at work, my parents opened the tent without my permission. When I got home, my mother questioned me about where I got the tent, I replied that I got it from a store. Then she said that there was an oily stain on the tent and if I really bought it from a store, I should return it. I was kind of mad because even though the guy looked nice and was kind enough to buy me a drink, he still sold me such an old, used thing. The oily stain was quite large and smelled like a steamed pork bun. I called him to question him about it but he was in Guang Xi Province 9 for vacation and the cell phone reception was bad so I sent him an SMS message instead. I am usually very mild tempered but since I was really mad about this I was very stern with him. I did not expect him to be equally as defensive. In the end he 16

Huating Lu 嗰妈妈身体弗好,伊嗰心里觉着挺难 受嗰,弗能照顾到妈妈。我就安慰 伊,妈妈嗰身体肯定会好起来嗰,之 后就会早上也打电话夜道也打电话, 两嗰人就亲密起来了。

[25:30] 箇一天,畀同事去衡山路嗰

一爿墨西哥酒吧泡吧。伊讲起一直要 请我唱歌,弗如就今早去,箇我就答 应了,让伊来箇嗰酒吧找我。穿得像 黑社会,黑色嗰中山装,黑色嗰裤 子,黑色嗰鞋子,黑色嗰包,走进酒 吧嗰辰光我吓一跳,真嗰像黑社会一 样。好像箇嗰酒吧嗰人伊好像侪认 得,箇辰光我也喝了些酒,面孔老 红,伊就畀我嗰同事讲 “ 我拿伊接 走 了!” 就 看 到 我 同 事 勒一边 偷 笑。出门后伊看到我喝了点酒,就拉 着我走,其实我老想拉伊嗰手,阿拉 一直走到高安路附近打了辆车去体育 馆附近嗰麦乐迪唱歌了。等房间嗰辰 光讲了老多闲话,进去唱了发觉伊唱 嗰弗错,箇天我就唱了一首 “ 我是 真嗰爱侬 ”。其中有段歌词 “ 我像 浮萍嗰叶子 ” 伊听了就问我有箇么 无依无靠吗?我就讲箇歌是箇么唱 嗰,我还可以呀。伊就笑了。随后唱 到四五点嗰辰光,伊就拿我送回去 了。勒出租车上蛮吃力嗰,我就困着 了,一歇歇觉着伊拿我拉着靠勒伊身 上,还摸我嗰头发,亲我嗰额头,我 17

会好起来的,之后就会早上也打电话 said, “Just give me your account 晚上也打电话,两个人就亲密起来 number and I will return all your 了。 money, and you can keep the tent.” I told him that I did not want to take [25:30] 那一天,和同事去衡山路的 advantage of him and suggested that 一家墨西哥酒吧泡吧。他说起一直要 after he returned he should check out 请我唱歌,不如就今天去,那我就答 the tent himself and that he should buy 应了,让他来这个酒吧找我。穿得像 me dinner because of this mix–up. He 黑社会,黑色的中山装,黑色的裤 agreed and it was the end of it. 子,黑色的鞋子,黑色的包,走进酒 吧的时候我吓一跳,真的像黑社会一 A few days after that, I was out with a 样。好像这个酒吧的人他都认识,那 male co–worker for a taping of ‘See you 时候我也喝了些酒,脸很红,他就和 Saturday’ [ 相约星期六 ] 10. Before the 我的同事说 “ 我把她接走了!” 就 taping, I went to the mall to walk 看到我同事在一边偷笑。出门后他见 around and kill some time. It was 我喝了点酒,就拉着我走,其实我很 raining that day. Then, out of nowhere, 想拉他的手,我们一直走到高安路附 he called and said that in 2 days he 近打了辆车去体育馆附近的麦乐迪唱 would be back in Shanghai and wanted 歌了。等房间的时候说了很多话,进 to take me out to dinner as promised. 去唱了发觉他唱的不错,那天我就唱 He also said that when he was 了一首 “ 我是真的爱你 ”。其中有 traveling, he thought of me. On the one 段歌词 “ 我像浮萍的叶子 ” 他听了 hand I thought it was a little funny for 就问我有这么无依无靠吗?我就说这 him to talk like that but on the other 歌是这么唱的,我还不错。他就笑 hand I kind of liked him so I agreed to 了。随后唱到四五点的时候,他就把 go out to dinner with him when he 我送回家了。在出租车上挺累的,我 returned. 就睡着了,一会发觉他把我拉着靠在 他身上,还抚我的头发,亲我的额 The day of our dinner, I dressed up in a 头,我之前的男友从来没有这样子, suit dress with my laptop bag. I 很体贴让你感觉被关心,我就装着没 probably looked like a female engineer 醒继续睡,他其实可能意识到我醒 who has been working for a couple of



Huating Lu 之前嗰男朋友从来呒有箇样子,老体 贴让侬感觉畀关心,我就装着呒醒 继续困,伊其实可能意识到我醒着, 因为我勒摸伊嗰肚皮 … 下车后伊就 送我到屋里向门口。我讲弗用送了, 但伊讲 “ 拉也拉了 , 就箇样子么好 了吧![ 做我女朋友了吧 !] ” 后来阿 拉就好 [ 确立恋爱关系 ] 了。

着,因为我在摸他的肚子 … 下车后 他就送我到家门口。我说不用送了, 但他说 “ 拉也拉了 , 就这样子么好 了吧![ 做我女朋友了吧 !] ” 后来我 们就好 [ 确立恋爱关系 ] 了。 之后就一直约会,出去玩。这样子两 月份的情人节会请假来看我,四月份 我们去的动物园玩,后来发觉他的工 作真的很忙,一个月来看我一次,再 后来一个多月也碰不上面,他竟然让 店里的服务员来送东西给我,我想心 意虽然很好,但是看不见人也没什么 意思。后来就吵架,到了八月份就觉 得实在是不能再在一起了,就分手 了。去年我去的美国,有时候还和他 打个电话,他也蛮关心的。每次回来 和他吃个饭,在美国的时候也给他买 葡萄酒等餐饮的书,他也称赞很专业 的。去年我们还来过这个肯德基,现 在也算是好朋友,很好的朋友,心里 遇上什么事也会和对方说。虽然不能 在一起,但是能做很好的朋友还是不 错的。现在一进肯德基就会想起来, 每次经过常熟路的这家就会在门口看 看想想,现在 [ 他 ] 也算心里的一个 小小的秘密。

之后就一直约会,出去孛相。箇样子 两月份嗰情人节会请假来看我,四月 份阿拉去嗰动物园孛相,后来发觉伊 嗰 工 作 真 嗰 老 忙 ,一嗰 月 来 看 我一 趟,再后来一嗰多月也碰弗上头,伊 索性让店里嗰服务员来送物事畀我, 我想心意虽然老好,但是看弗见人也 呒啥意思。后来就吵相骂,到了八月 份就觉着实在是弗能再勒一道了,就 分手了。去年子我去嗰美国,有辰光 还畀伊打嗰电话,伊也蛮关心嗰。每 趟回来辰光畀伊吃嗰饭,勒美国嗰辰 光也畀伊买葡萄酒餐饮嗰书,伊也称 赞老专业嗰。去年阿拉还来过箇嗰肯 德基,就是阿拉刚刚认得嗰地方。现 在也算是好朋友,老好嗰朋友,心里 碰上啥事也会畀对方讲。虽然弗能勒 一道,不过能做老好嗰朋友还是弗错 嗰。现在一进肯德基就会想起来,每 趟经过常熟路嗰箇爿店就会勒门口看 基本上就说完了。 看想想,现在 [ 伊 ] 也算心里嗰一嗰 小小嗰秘密。 19

years. We arranged to meet at the Xujiahui Metro City Starbucks before dinner. When I arrived, he was already sitting there with a walking stick next to him. I bought a cup of coffee and sat down beside him. He saw that I had already bought my coffee and told me that he wanted to buy me the coffee but I said that he didn’t have to. He said he was at his friend’s place and kept thinking about how bad he felt about the tent, so he wanted to give me this walking stick as compensation for my inconvenience. I was happy to receive that; at least he knew that it was his fault and that I wouldn’t forget it. After dinner he suggested we go for a walk. I decided to take a taxi home so I just walked around with him along Zhàojiābāng Lù [ 肇 家 浜 路 ] where we could easily find a cab. After a bit of walking I told him that it was late and that I had to go home. He waved down a white Jin Jiang Taxi for me and said, “I have already memorized the license number of this car, so you will be safe”. He said, “If anything happens to you, I have the license number of this car.” I thought to myself how considerate he was.



After I got home, I got an SMS message from him. He said that he was not full from dinner and he had to eat wood–fired wonton and grilled lamb skewers from the street vendors on the way home. I thought about how he had such a huge appetite. I later found out from his blog that he was able to eat 130 steamed pork buns, 2 buckets of KFC chicken, and a Peking duck in a single sitting. I thought to myself: “This guy eats a lot, knows so much about traveling, and also goes on camping trips with friends around Shanghai. What an interesting person.” I would talk to my co–workers about him and when they asked if I liked him, I answered “Yes!”. From then on, we started texting and calling each other often. Once I was on a trip to Xiamen and he happened to call me while I was at the beach. He heard the sound of the ocean and asked me to bring him something back. Since he collects cigarettes, he wanted cheap local cigarettes, the ones that cost 1.5 yuan per pack. He said that popular cigarettes could be bought anywhere but the local brands could only be bought where they were 20

Huating Lu made. He promised to take me out for a hotpot dinner once I got back. Then he told me about what he does in his company and I found out that he was in the restaurant business. He works for a high profile western restaurant and they were planning on opening a new restaurant on Héngshān Lù. He told me he needed someone to work on administrative paperwork related things. I offered to do the job but he said that I was in the engineering field and I was overqualified to work on this type of stuff. So I suggested posting an ad on BBS job sites to help him look for an assistant. Perhaps there were some students that would like to do part–time work for him. He agreed, so I helped him post the job request. What he didn’t know was that whenever I got a resume from someone, I would delete it and in the end, I told him there was no one suitable for the job. So he finally agreed to give me a try. Whenever he saw me working he would say that my spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations looked very professional. I told him that the work I do at my regular job was a lot more complicated and that was why I could do these so well. From then on I would 21

华亭路 work part–time for him. I would mainly help him with his employee training materials which had hundreds of pages. It was a lot of fun. When the book was finished, he bound the finished product and distributed it to all of his employees. He also gave one to me. It was now January 2007 and we had known each other since August 2006. Shortly after that, he was out on business somewhere in Shanghai and he called me to meet him where he was and that he had something for me. When I got there he gave me a copy of the finished employee training material that I worked on and a red envelope 11. I was thinking that since we had been friends already, I was actually helping him for free. He gave me the red envelope and patted my head like a big brother and said, “If I need you to work for me part–time again I will let you know.” The place where we met was really close to my University. I felt a bit overwhelmed since I had not met anyone I had such strong feelings for in a long time, so I decided to take a walk around the school campus. It was gently raining and quiet. I felt happy 22

Huating Lu and at the same time still occupied. After I got home I opened the red envelope and found out there was 1,000 RMB inside. I kept telling him that I did not want any money for my services and that it was uncommon for someone who recently graduated to have a great full time job and a fun part–time job that paid so well. After our meeting that night, he would call me more often, usually in the evenings because of the nature of his business. He would usually call at 2–3 a.m. in the morning and would tell me so many things about his work, his life, etc… Our telephone conversations would usually last for 1–2 hours and sometimes we would stay up until about 5–6 in the morning. Sometimes I would go straight to work without sleeping. Once he called and started crying because his mother was sick. I tried my best to comfort him and told him that his mother would surely get better. After that, he would call me more often in the morning and at night and we were getting closer and closer.

[25:30] One day I went with some

co–workers to a Mexican bar for fun. He always said that he wanted to go to 23

华亭路 Karaoke with me and he suggested that we should go tonight. I agreed so he came to the bar to look for me. He dressed as if he was a gangster member all in black. He wore a black Chinese top, black pants, black shoes and black bag. When he walked into the bar I was really surprised because he really looked like a gangster and it seemed all people that worked in the bar knew him. I already had a bit to drink and I could feel that my face was burning. He told my co–workers that we were going to Karaoke. As I left, I saw from the corner of my eye that my co–workers were giggling in the corner. After we left he realized that I was a bit drunk so he was holding my hand. Actually, I really wanted to hold his hand too. We walked along Gao An Lù [ 高 安 路 ] and took a taxi from there to Melody Karaoke near the Shanghai Stadium 12. While we were waiting for the room we talked a lot and when we finally got the room and started singing, I found out that he could sing really well. I sang this song called ‘I really do love you’ and part of the lyrics said, “I am like a lonely leaf”. He asked if I truly felt so lonely and I said that it was it. We stayed there 24

Huating Lu


华亭路 until 4 or 5 a.m. and he accompanied me home in a taxi. I was really tired and fell asleep. I felt that he pulled me closer to him and was touching my hair. When he kissed my forehead I felt so special because none of my ex–boyfriends had ever treated me so intimately. I felt really warm and loved. I pretended to be asleep but I was pretty sure he knew I was awake because I was touching his tummy. After we got off the car he walked me to my front door. I told him not to hold my hand. He said, “I would hold your hands forever” and from that moment we were a couple. After that we went out for dates and also for fun. On Valentine’s day he took time off work just to come see me and in April we went to the Zoo together. But, shortly after that, his work got really busy and we were only able to meet once a month. As more time passed, he was so busy that we barely saw each other. Sometimes he would ask the waiters from his work to deliver food and snacks to me. I thought that was sweet of him to do these things but I still felt that something was missing because we 26

Huating Lu never could see each other. We started arguing about not being able to meet and by August 2007, I felt it was time to go our separate ways and broke off our relationship. Last year [2008] I went to the United States for my job. I still called him sometimes and I knenw that he still cared a lot about me. We would always meet up for dinner every time I came back to Shanghai. I would bring back some wine or a restaurant–related magazine for him. He would tell me that these were really professional magazines. Last year we even came back to this KFC. Today, we are still good friends, very close friends. We still tell each other everything in our heart. Even though our relationship didn’t last as long as we both wanted, we still see each other on a regular basis, so it feels as if we never separated. Whenever I pass by this KFC at the Chángshú Lù Subway stop I think about our story. Sometimes I come in to take a look and remember our first meeting together. I guess this is a little secret in my heart. 27


Footnotes 1) Old Shanghainese like to use 老克勒 12) ‘Shanghai Tiyu Chang’ [ 上 海 体 育 1) 上海人喜欢用 ( 老克勒 ) 来形容一 to describe a man who has a house and 场 ] in Chinese. It is located just South a car, and wears suits on the occasion. of the Xu Jia Hui Shopping area. This word was popular in the 20’s. 2) Literately means ‘exchange goods’. 3) This word in Shanghainese means the goods put in the inventory for a long time and nobody wants to buy them. 4) 4th Girl Mountain a.k.a. Si Gu Niang Mountain [ 四 姑 娘 山 ]. Conch Valley a.k.a. Hai Luo Gou [ 海螺沟 ]. 5) The October National Holiday is typically during the first week of October. It is to celebrate the founding of Communism in China. 6) #1298 Huai Hai Lu. 7) A.k.a. ‘Zheng Da Guang Chang’ in Pudong. #168 Lu Jia Zui Lu. 8) In Shanghainese it means a bit less than handsome but still ‘good–looking’ and ‘manly’. 9) Western Canton Province in Southern China. 10) A love and dating themed TV Show. 11) Red Envelopes are usually used to give monetary gifts or bonuses.

种男人有车有房子还偶尔穿西装。这 个说法在 20 年代十分流行。 直 到现在还广被上海人沿用。 2) 上海话 , 意思是放在一边的东西狠 久都没人买。 3) 淮海路 1298 号。 4) 浦东正大广场陆家嘴 16 号。 5) 上海话 , 形容人有气质有男人味。


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